[FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn

Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things over 
with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse details of 
it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  I promise not 
to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on an exotic 
vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of stealing your name 
Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), 
but have switched up your original context just a bit, in the interest of 
creative expression and to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness 
in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate 
events (to also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic 


To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL

From:  Emilina, HR Department

RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my 

Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it has 
come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of weeks 
back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history (in 
summary and paraphrased):

1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an exchange 
between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  Emily had 
written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by Robin, that was 
intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing tweaks). She had followed 
up with a post that included a video of Clash of the Titans and a few more 
teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they moved their exchange off-line.

2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* where 
the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for egging on 
Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and amongst a few other 
put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of sick pleasure in it all, 
deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  

2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but at 
least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and inappropriate 
email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations and suggesting 
she post the email to FFL.

3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no real 
forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been verbally 
assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy and Curtis, 
two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   Within an hour or 
two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for drama, you must forgive 
me), that she had made a terrible error in judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* 
crossed into personal domains.  

4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, where 
it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic was 
directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending back a 
personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want to risk 
the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given the 
malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a semblance of 
ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of the email, no 
matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear 
message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened and basically asking Sal 
not to ever email her again.  

5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) that 
she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of lengthy 

Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although she 
had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have been in 
the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this resulted in 
only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to the larger 
situation of how fucked up Emily was or wasn't for writing that (highly 
acclaimed by a few) heavily plagiarized offending first post:  Emily, Curtis, 
and Judy. (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing to leave on 
vacation to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday and that left just Judy and 
Curtis in the scene.  She had exited stage left to attend to her vacation 
packing.  But, she continued to lurk and she became more and more nonplussed at 
the assumptions Curtis was presenting re: her motivations and intentions.  

Note:  I, Emilina, will sanction Emily appropriately by labeling her as a 
Mistress of the Inadvertent Setup.  

7) Emily determined once again, actress-in-training that she is, that she was 
going to have to go back on record before she left to address the situation 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Whoops, font issues.  Get out your reading glasses.  Sorry.  I'm a hopeless 
case in these matters.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 11:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out


Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things over 
with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse details of 
it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  I promise not 
to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on an exotic 
vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of stealing your name 
Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), 
but have switched up your original context just a bit, in the interest of 
creative expression and to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness 
in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate 
events (to also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic 


To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL

From:  Emilina, HR Department

RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my 

Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it has 
come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of weeks 
back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history (in 
summary and paraphrased):

1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an exchange 
between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  Emily had 
written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by Robin, that was 
intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing tweaks). She had followed 
up with a post that included a video of Clash of the Titans and a few more 
teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they moved their exchange off-line.

2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* where 
the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for egging on 
Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and amongst a few other 
put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of sick pleasure in it all, 
deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  

2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but at 
least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and inappropriate 
email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations and suggesting 
she post the email to FFL.

3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no real 
forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been verbally 
assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy and Curtis, 
two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   Within an hour or 
two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for drama, you must forgive 
me), that she had made a terrible error in judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* 
crossed into personal domains.  

4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, where 
it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic was 
directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending back a 
personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want to risk 
the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given the 
malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a semblance of 
ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of the email, no 
matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear 
message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened and basically asking Sal 
not to ever email her again.  

5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) that 
she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of lengthy 

Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although she 
had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have been in 
the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this resulted in 
only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to the larger 
situation of how fucked up Emily was or wasn't for writing that (highly 
acclaimed by a few) heavily plagiarized offending first post:  Emily, Curtis, 
and Judy. (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing to leave on 
vacation to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday and that left just Judy and 
Curtis in the scene.  She had exited stage left to attend to her vacation 
packing.  But, she continued to lurk and she became more and more nonplussed 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Whoops, numbering issues - see what happens when I, Emilina sends off drafts - 
she is getting so lazy.  No, Emilina is not smoking anything.  Alright, on to 
the GORY DETAILS Memorandum.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Whoops, font issues.  Get out your reading glasses.  Sorry.  I'm a hopeless 
case in these matters.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 11:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out


Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things over 
with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse details of 
it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  I promise not 
to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on an exotic 
vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of stealing your name 
Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), 
but have switched up your original context just a bit, in the interest of 
creative expression and to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness 
in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate 
events (to also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic 


To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL

From:  Emilina, HR Department

RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my 

Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it has 
come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of weeks 
back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history (in 
summary and paraphrased):

1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an exchange 
between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  Emily had 
written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by Robin, that was 
intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing tweaks). She had followed 
up with a post that included a video of Clash of the Titans and a few more 
teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they moved their exchange off-line.

2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* where 
the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for egging on 
Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and amongst a few other 
put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of sick pleasure in it all, 
deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  

2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but at 
least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and inappropriate 
email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations and suggesting 
she post the email to FFL.

3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no real 
forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been verbally 
assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy and Curtis, 
two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   Within an hour or 
two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for drama, you must forgive 
me), that she had made a terrible error in judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* 
crossed into personal domains.  

4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, where 
it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic was 
directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending back a 
personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want to risk 
the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given the 
malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a semblance of 
ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of the email, no 
matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear 
message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened and basically asking Sal 
not to ever email her again.  

5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) that 
she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of lengthy 

Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although she 
had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have been in 
the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this resulted in 
only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to the larger 
situation of how 

[FairfieldLife] Symphonic metal from Scandinavia (Kitee)...

2012-10-05 Thread cardemaister

...in the US of A, right now!




Yuck! Rather boring

[FairfieldLife] Symphonic metal from Scandinavia (Kitee)...

2012-10-05 Thread cardemaister

...in the US of A, right now!




Yuck! Rather boring

[FairfieldLife] Symphonic metal from Scandinavia (Kitee)...

2012-10-05 Thread cardemaister

...in the US of A, right now!




Yuck! Rather boring

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking understanding

2012-10-05 Thread laughinggull108


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@... wrote:

 I would still like to know what the WYMS were. 
 I say this as I prepare to sleep listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the 
 Moon. It doesn't aggravate vata one bit.

[FairfieldLife] Number of the beast!

2012-10-05 Thread cardemaister



[FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking understanding

2012-10-05 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:


Also, a quick search on Google and FFL revealed this from long ago:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@ wrote:
  I would still like to know what the WYMS were. 
  I say this as I prepare to sleep listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the 
  Moon. It doesn't aggravate vata one bit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oh my God and the first time I brought tofu to my sister's house.
 Her five year old Matthew just stood there staring at it. Then 
 totally serious, as only a five year old can be, he asked, Aunt
 Sharon, can I pet it? 

Took one look at tofu and realized it was something other than food... smart 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number of the beast!

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister cardemaister@...



I'm old enough to remember back to when the Apple II was released,
and ushered in the age of the personal computer. At the time, not
everyone was happy about this, and there were some -- primarily
fundamentalist Christians -- who denounced the personal computer
as the work of Satan. They used Apple's very logo as proof of
their claims, the apple being, after all, the thing that Satan used to
tempt Eve and cause the fall of man.



[FairfieldLife] : India: Remove cell towers from schools

2012-10-05 Thread merlin

India: Remove cell towers from schools – Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has came down heavily on the installation of overhead mobile 
towers on schools buildings.
Dismissing a special leave petition filed by Cellular Operator 
Association of India (COAI), the division bench of Justice H L Dattu and 
Justice Chandramauli Prasad upheld the interim order by Rajasthan high 
court asking mobile companies to remove towers installed over schools 
and near hospitals.

Let the children be safe. Radiation does affect them. Let the towers be 
removed, observed Justice Dattu.

India is the only country where schools have overhead mobile towers. This 
can't be permitted,said Justice Prasad.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
No no, you let me know!  Let me know if in your opinion I have less flaws, make 
less mistakes here on FFL after working with John.  What are friends for after 

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ravi


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear Ravi, it means so much to me that you love me in spite of my mistakes 
 and flaws.  Maybe there will be less of those after I've worked with healer 
 John Newton for the next 4 days.  Fingers crossed!  love, Share

I like your optimism. If only life could be that easy. Let me know if it is a 
success because I might have to sign up.
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 2:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann Emily Ravi
 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 Dear Ravi, as far as I can tell, you have never been the target of Robin's 
 fixing mode.  So I don't think you really know what it feels like to have 
 him attribute thoughts and feelings to you that you never even had.  And 
 to have him do that over and over.  Perhaps then you too would be forceful 
 with him.  I don't agree with you that I was brutal.
 Oh Dear Share - No one has any power over me, my feelings or thoughts - even 
 such a notion is totally alien to me. Here's where we have to part - Robin 
 is one of the most honest, truthful, sincere persons I have ever come across 
 my life, he's one of the very few to earn my respect and I totally disagree 
 and your choice of the words psychological rape is just brutal and 
 violent, doesn't represent the reality of who the person Robin is. But this 
 will not stop me from loving you.
 Yet I want to make sure you know I'm not denying your feelings, I wouldn't 
 dare deny it and I'm sorry to hear you feel so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann

2012-10-05 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 No no, you let me know!  Let me know if in your opinion I have less flaws, 
 make less mistakes here on FFL after working with John.  What are friends 
 for after all?

I can tell you are very excited about his workshop. That alone could produce 
wonderful results; you are open and trusting that this man can help you in your 
life. Of course it comes down to helping yourself but others can surely 
motivate that along. I may not be subtle enough to be able to perceive any 
changes after four days so don't rely on me. But if you come out wanting to 
gobble down some burgers, go on a cattle drive or suddenly live in Los Angeles 
and open a bar we'll both know something happened during that course. But only 
you can say if any of those things would be for better or worse. Good luck!
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ravi
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  dear Ravi, it means so much to me that you love me in spite of my mistakes 
  and flaws.  Maybe there will be less of those after I've worked with 
  healer John Newton for the next 4 days.  Fingers crossed!  love, Share
 I like your optimism. If only life could be that easy. Let me know if it is a 
 success because I might have to sign up.
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann Emily Ravi
  On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Dear Ravi, as far as I can tell, you have never been the target of 
  Robin's fixing mode.  So I don't think you really know what it feels 
  like to have him attribute thoughts and feelings to you that you never 
  even had.  And to have him do that over and over.  Perhaps then you 
  too would be forceful with him.  I don't agree with you that I was 
  Oh Dear Share - No one has any power over me, my feelings or thoughts - 
  even such a notion is totally alien to me. Here's where we have to part - 
  Robin is one of the most honest, truthful, sincere persons I have ever 
  come across my life, he's one of the very few to earn my respect and I 
  totally disagree and your choice of the words psychological rape is just 
  brutal and violent, doesn't represent the reality of who the person Robin 
  is. But this will not stop me from loving you.
  Yet I want to make sure you know I'm not denying your feelings, I wouldn't 
  dare deny it and I'm sorry to hear you feel so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread martyboi
refined sugar (is) for (people with) refined consciousness.

Maybe what he meant is that you could eat lots of refined sugar after you 
already had refined consciousness/physiology and were producing soma and all 

(Problem is many (most) people think they are much more evolved than they 
actually arejust a thot.)

Caveat, most of the nutrition ideas we had back in the day, have turned out 
to be false notions. I for one, cannot live on an all carbohydrate veggie 
diet...unless being pasty, jiggly and low energy is acceptable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool!  
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson
I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you find 
it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.

 From: richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
 rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you 
 find it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.
  From: richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
  I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
  no post by Nabby defending anything on 
  this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
 Almost all of these rumors have been proved
 to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
 of us here who still support TM don't even
 read these old rumors anymore. You can check
 the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
 really interested in learning the truth. 
 If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
 TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
 is making a good discussion group look like 
 idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
 TM practice.

MMY has nothing to do with TM practice? Is this
delusion of the year?
 You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
 and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
   What was WYMS?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking understanding

2012-10-05 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
 Also, a quick search on Google and FFL revealed this from long ago:

Great story, but this bit at the end

'Another time, someone had the nerve to actually question Maharishi
about them. This person asked how Maharishi could have these re-
incarnated Nazis around him when he preached world peace and love.
He replied (paraphrased): Would you prefer that I keep them around
me, where I can keep an eye on them, or set them loose on Germany
and the world?'

...is fascinating, it's a typical Marshy statement, laden with hints
of his supposedly deeper knowledge of how the world is operating 
and I'm sure everyone believed it, and why wouldn't they? He was 
lively at the home of all the laws of nature so maybe they *would*
have recreated the third Reich if not for Marshy keeping his eye
on them. Clever, getting everyone to think he was doing even
the whole world a favour as a way of covering up his bad choice for
running his organisation.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@ wrote:
   I would still like to know what the WYMS were. 
   I say this as I prepare to sleep listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of 
   the Moon. It doesn't aggravate vata one bit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808
fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 MMY has nothing to do with TM practice? Is this
 delusion of the year?

No, actually, this is:

http://tinyurl.com/8h8whyz http://tinyurl.com/8h8whyz

At first sight, you'd  think this belongs either in the Truth is
stranger than fiction category or  the There's a sucker born every
minute category, or both. But then  you think back to some of the
things TMers have paid big bucks for...uh...maybe not.

Coral  or rudraksha beads made special by Maharishi holding them.
Gemstones  made more potent by someone meditating on them. Medicines
created by  putting water in a bottle and then having someone pray over
it.  Healings performed just by looking at a photo of the supposed
healer,  or hearing about him/her. I'm sure you can think of many

Given  all of this, is it any more outrageous that some people would pay
the  big bucks for a vodka or whiskey that had been infused with the
essence  of youth and beauty by being poured over something that
symbolizes those  things before bottling? Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: today PS [to Judy]

2012-10-05 Thread anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius anartaxius@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 anartaxius@ wrote:

Judy, I found this message rather enjoyable and interesting.

 I suppose I missed the sarcasm mostly. I sensed it. This essay
 by Robin is a lot less opaque than most of his writing. It is 
 always the suspicion that in the end, Robin will declare that
 he alone is the arbitrator of what the ultimate reality is.
 I assume that's meant to be humorous, since there's zero
 basis for such a suspicion.
 I think the probability is significantly greater than
 zero. We disagree.
 You're welcome to hold whatever opinion you like, even
 if it's foolishly inaccurate, as this one is.

Nice to know you are up on reality, as always, without error.

 I was not asking you to explain what Robin says. I can read
 that, and I can either understand or misunderstand that. What
 I was asking is how you interpret what Robin says.
 I interpret it to mean that it's good to make an effort to
 come as close as we can to understanding what the reality
 is of any particular situation.
 I would say reality would be equal in all situations
 It's not clear what equal could mean here. Reality is
 different in different situations. When it's raining in
 New York City, the reality is that it's raining in New
 York City. When it's sunny in New York City, the reality
 is that it's sunny in New York City.

There is reality in the local sense, and reality in the universal or spiritual 
sense, which as an experience is the same under all conditions. It is not 
experienced as different rain or shine. How to explain this scientifically 
would I think be an interesting exercise. I thought one possible explanation 
might be the one Fred Travis has come up with. This is the phase coherence in 
the brain. I heard that John Hagelin thought that coherence would keep 
increasing with length of practice of meditation. Travis said that he has found 
that it doesn't but that the coherence that does develop becomes persistent. In 
other words there is a persistent signal that continuously cycles through all 
areas of the brain which does not seem to be specific to any one particular 
kind of experience, is an experience of complete generality with no specifics. 
That would seem paradoxically to make the resulting experience seem a local 
affair in the brain, nothing to do with capital R reality at all. Conversely it 
does seem that without a brain, no reality is experienced at all.

There are lots of people have this experience now; it is not as uncommon as it 
used to be.

 and it is not possible to fully understand it
 Think that might be why I said come as close as we can?
 Robin does not believe human beings are simply evolutionary
 accidents; he believes the fact of our individual first-
 personness is evidence that we have been intentionally
 created. If that's the case, what created us would have to
 be more powerful than we are, and obviously necessary for
 us to exist in the first place.

This is a big difference between Robin and me. I tend to think we are like 
evolutionary accidents; that is an effective theory from science. But it does 
not explain everything. I do not think of the world has having a creator and 
having been created. I think of it as an integrated process of existence, 
without beginning, without end (that is the existence part - this experience is 
I think best expressed by Parmenides who remarked that it is not possible to 
think of non-existence, for when we do so, we always are experiencing that 
something, even something without any properties, exists).

 I think that is correct. I think Robin is still adhering
 to some kind of Christian outlook on life, just hiding the
 fact by expressing it covertly, like TM adherents do for
 Hindu practices.
 Robin does not adhere to or believe in any religion, and
 he's been very explicit about what he *does* believe, so
 it's pretty foolish to suggest he's hiding a Christian
 outlook on life or expressing it covertly.
 You don't have to be a Hindu to believe in reincarnation;
 you don't have to be a Christian to believe we're created
 beings. You don't have to be an adherent of any religion
 to hold those beliefs.

It is just I have the sneaking suspicion, that is not the case. I am not alone 
in this suspicion. Lordknows seems to not believe this is the case, that Robin 
has changed from the way he was in any significant way.

 I happen, unlike some on this forum, to think Robin is
 sane, with a very intricate intellect, somewhat devious
 at times.
 You keep saying this, but you've never made a good case
 for any deviousness on his part. As far as I can see,
 your argument is that because you don't understand what
 he's saying, he must be trying to 

[FairfieldLife] Cartoon

2012-10-05 Thread Rick Archer



[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of 
 the more ridiculous rumors that circulated through the 
 TM Movement over the years...

And that it was. However, creative troublemaker that
I am :-), I don't see why we should limit ourselves
to *past* rumors. There are plenty of current ones.

For example, there is the rumor that Maharishi has
been reincarnated in New York City as a Cocker Spaniel.

Some who believe this claim that there is scientific
proof for it. For example, the Cocker Spaniel in ques-
tion has recently emerged from his doghouse and begun
teaching. The dog in question is 4 years old, which
is 32 years old in dog years, the same age that MMY
was when he emerged from his cave and began teaching.
There you have it.

If you need any more evidence than this, the dog was
being taken for a walk the other day and spotted 
Mia Farrow. He tried to hump her leg. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit 
 some of the more ridiculous rumors that circulated 
 through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you 
 find it so offensive - you could take the option 
 of ignoring it.
Why not take your rumors over to TM-Free where they 
belong? You're not making any sense over here - just 
taking up unformatted bandspace. You're way out of 
your league here with the advanced yogis. 

Unless you can help me understand the mechanics of 
consciousness, you're next to useless even as an 
annonymous informant. 

  I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
  no post by Nabby defending anything on 
  this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
 Almost all of these rumors have been proved
 to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
 of us here who still support TM don't even
 read these old rumors anymore. You can check
 the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
 really interested in learning the truth. 
 If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
 TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
 is making a good discussion group look like 
 idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
 TM practice.
 You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
 and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
   What was WYMS?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
 my ass.

But, did you enjoy?

It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!

Emily Reyn:
 Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things 
 over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse 
 details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  I 
 promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on 
 an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of 
 stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like 
 Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your original context just a 
 bit, in the interest of creative expression and to serve up the larger goals 
 of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was 
 a series of unfortunate events (to also steal the title from Lemony 
 Snicket) from turning into an epic fail.   
 To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
 From:  Emilina, HR Department
 RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my 
 Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it 
 has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of 
 weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history 
 (in summary and paraphrased):
 1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
 Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
 exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  Emily 
 had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by Robin, 
 that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing tweaks). She had 
 followed up with a post that included a video of Clash of the Titans and a 
 few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they moved their 
 exchange off-line.
 2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
 where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for 
 egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and amongst 
 a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of sick pleasure 
 in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  
 2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but at 
 least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and inappropriate 
 email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations and suggesting 
 she post the email to FFL.
 3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no real 
 forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been verbally 
 assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy and Curtis, 
 two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   Within an hour 
 or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for drama, you must 
 forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in judgment.  She had, in 
 fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
 4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
 address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, 
 where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic was 
 directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending back 
 a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want to 
 risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given the 
 malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a semblance of 
 ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of the email, no 
 matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear 
 message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened and basically asking 
 Sal not to ever email her again.  
 5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) that 
 she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of lengthy 
 Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although she 
 had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have been 
 in the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this 
 resulted in only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to the 
 larger situation of how fucked up Emily was or wasn't for writing that 
 (highly acclaimed by a few) heavily plagiarized offending first post:  Emily, 
 Curtis, and Judy. (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing to leave 
 on vacation to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday and that left just Judy 
 and Curtis in the scene.  She had exited stage left to attend to her vacation 
 packing.  But, she continued to lurk and she became more and more nonplussed 
 at the assumptions Curtis was presenting re: her motivations and 

[FairfieldLife] Robert Crumb on Genesis, and the creation of it

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
I know that there are some here with an abiding interest
in my former next-door neighbor R.Crumb. I've checked in
here before to suggest to the open-minded spiritually-
minded on this group that his version of Genesis is
not just the first illustrated version in history that
took every word of the original text and illustrated it,
it has been deemed by art critics the best illustrated
version of the book, ever. 

I stumbled upon this interview today, not having seen it
before. I lived in Albania (in joke...you have to read
the article to get it) when he was creating this work,
and can attest to the truth of him disappearing off to
his medieval monk's hole for days at a time to work on
it. Here he talks about why, and talks a great *deal*
about art, and how he creates it. This is an opportunity,
for anyone who considers themselves a graphic artist, to
hear how someone who has been described as the Breughel
of this age does his thing. 

It's a great interview, and just pure Robert. I found
myself laughing out loud many times, as I did when 
hearing him rap in either his house or mine. The line
that cracked me up the most was, I'm finished with the 
Bible. Back to drawing pornography. That's just 
SO Robert.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
  my ass.
 But, did you enjoy?
 It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
 yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!

God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A steamroller which only 
drives over small, delicate, beautiful things.
 Emily Reyn:
  Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things 
  over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse 
  details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  
  I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit 
  on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of 
  stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like 
  Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your original context just a 
  bit, in the interest of creative expression and to serve up the larger 
  goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent 
  what was a series of unfortunate events (to also steal the title from 
  Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail.   
  To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
  From:  Emilina, HR Department
  RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
  my ass. 
  Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it 
  has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of 
  weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history 
  (in summary and paraphrased):
  1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
  Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
  exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
  Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
  Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
  tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash of 
  the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they 
  moved their exchange off-line.
  2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
  where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for 
  egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
  amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
  sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  
  2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but 
  at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
  inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations 
  and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
  3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
  real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
  verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy 
  and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   
  Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for 
  drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
  judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
  4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
  address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, 
  where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic 
  was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending 
  back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want 
  to risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given 
  the malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a 
  semblance of ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of 
  the email, no matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she 
  thought was a clear message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened 
  and basically asking Sal not to ever email her again.  
  5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) 
  that she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of 
  lengthy debates.  
  Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although 
  she had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have 
  been in the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this 
  resulted in only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to 
  the larger situation of how fucked up Emily was or wasn't for writing that 
  (highly acclaimed by a few) heavily plagiarized offending first post:  
  Emily, Curtis, and Judy. (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing 
  to leave on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
It was late Thursday here when I sent it - west coast time.  Of course it's not 
making any sense to you; I can think of many reasons why it wouldn't.  Don't 
read the GORY DETAILS - that really won't make sense - although because it 
shifts style back to comment on specific lines, will probably be more familiar. 

I can only be here sporadically right now, so don't hold your breath.  If 
Curtis has left the room, than so be it.  I'm still going to complete the 

 From: Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out


 Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
 my ass.

But, did you enjoy?

It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!

Emily Reyn:
 Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things 
 over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse 
 details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  I 
 promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on 
 an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of 
 stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like 
 Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your original context just a 
 bit, in the interest of creative expression and to serve up the larger goals 
 of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was 
 a series of unfortunate events (to also steal the title from Lemony 
 Snicket) from turning into an epic fail.   
 To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
 From:  Emilina, HR Department
 RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on my 
 Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it 
 has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of 
 weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history 
 (in summary and paraphrased):
 1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
 Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
 exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  Emily 
 had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by Robin, 
 that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing tweaks). She had 
 followed up with a post that included a video of Clash of the Titans and a 
 few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they moved their 
 exchange off-line.
 2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
 where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for 
 egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and amongst 
 a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of sick pleasure 
 in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  
 2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but at 
 least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and inappropriate 
 email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations and suggesting 
 she post the email to FFL.
 3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no real 
 forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been verbally 
 assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy and Curtis, 
 two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   Within an hour 
 or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for drama, you must 
 forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in judgment.  She had, in 
 fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
 4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
 address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, 
 where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic was 
 directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending back 
 a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want to 
 risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given the 
 malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a semblance of 
 ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of the email, no 
 matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she thought was a clear 
 message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened and basically asking 
 Sal not to ever email her again.  
 5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) that 
 she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of lengthy 
 Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although she 
 had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread curtisdeltablues
Hey Emily,

I'm reading your stuff, thanks for taking the time.  Richard is just being 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 It was late Thursday here when I sent it - west coast time.  Of course it's 
 not making any sense to you; I can think of many reasons why it wouldn't. 
  Don't read the GORY DETAILS - that really won't make sense - although 
 because it shifts style back to comment on specific lines, will probably be 
 more familiar.  
 I can only be here sporadically right now, so don't hold your breath.  If 
 Curtis has left the room, than so be it.  I'm still going to complete the 
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 8:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out
  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
  my ass.
 But, did you enjoy?
 It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
 yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
 Emily Reyn:
  Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things 
  over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse 
  details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow. 
   I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to 
  exit on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the 
  luxury of stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute name; 
  sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your original 
  context just a bit, in the interest of creative expression and to serve up 
  the larger goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I will work hard 
  to prevent what was a series of unfortunate events (to also steal the 
  title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail.   
  To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
  From:  Emilina, HR Department
  RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
  on my ass. 
  Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it 
  has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of 
  weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history 
  (in summary and paraphrased):
  1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
  Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
  exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors. 
   Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
  Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
  tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash of 
  the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they 
  moved their exchange off-line.
  2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
  where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for 
  egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
  amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
  sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  
  2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but 
  at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
  inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations 
  and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
  3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
  real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
  verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy 
  and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   
  Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for 
  drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
  judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
  4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
  address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, 
  where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic 
  was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending 
  back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want 
  to risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given 
  the malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a 
  semblance of ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of 
  the email, no matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she 
  thought was a clear message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened 
  and basically asking Sal not to ever email her again.  
  5) Emily 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Robert Crumb on Genesis, and the creation of it

2012-10-05 Thread marekreavis
I bought Crumb's Genesis for my son a couple of years ago, but read it myself 
before sending it on. It really is a remarkable and emminently readable book, 
and for the first time I really appreciated the story and the tribal culture 
from within which it was generated.

One surprising (to me) thing that kept coming up within the story was how often 
the characters would raise a stone (lingam) and annoint it with oil to 
commemorate some event or victory, etc. 

Thanks for the site referral to his interview; Crumb has been a cultural 
touchstone for many of us since the 60s and I'm always interested in what he's 
done and is doing.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I know that there are some here with an abiding interest
 in my former next-door neighbor R.Crumb. I've checked in
 here before to suggest to the open-minded spiritually-
 minded on this group that his version of Genesis is
 not just the first illustrated version in history that
 took every word of the original text and illustrated it,
 it has been deemed by art critics the best illustrated
 version of the book, ever. 
 I stumbled upon this interview today, not having seen it
 before. I lived in Albania (in joke...you have to read
 the article to get it) when he was creating this work,
 and can attest to the truth of him disappearing off to
 his medieval monk's hole for days at a time to work on
 it. Here he talks about why, and talks a great *deal*
 about art, and how he creates it. This is an opportunity,
 for anyone who considers themselves a graphic artist, to
 hear how someone who has been described as the Breughel
 of this age does his thing. 
 It's a great interview, and just pure Robert. I found
 myself laughing out loud many times, as I did when 
 hearing him rap in either his house or mine. The line
 that cracked me up the most was, I'm finished with the 
 Bible. Back to drawing pornography. That's just 
 SO Robert.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking understanding

2012-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks - I was never aware of the WYMS - thanks for clarifying that for me.

 From: salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking understanding


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
 Also, a quick search on Google and FFL revealed this from long ago:

Great story, but this bit at the end

'Another time, someone had the nerve to actually question Maharishi
about them. This person asked how Maharishi could have these re-
incarnated Nazis around him when he preached world peace and love.
He replied (paraphrased): Would you prefer that I keep them around
me, where I can keep an eye on them, or set them loose on Germany
and the world?'

...is fascinating, it's a typical Marshy statement, laden with hints
of his supposedly deeper knowledge of how the world is operating 
and I'm sure everyone believed it, and why wouldn't they? He was 
lively at the home of all the laws of nature so maybe they *would*
have recreated the third Reich if not for Marshy keeping his eye
on them. Clever, getting everyone to think he was doing even
the whole world a favour as a way of covering up his bad choice for
running his organisation.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@ wrote:
   I would still like to know what the WYMS were. 
   I say this as I prepare to sleep listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of 
   the Moon. It doesn't aggravate vata one bit.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
beautiful things.

A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
they're hating any more.

Will we ever see an apology for this? 

Yeah, right. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
   Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
   my ass.
  But, did you enjoy?
  It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
  yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
 God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
 steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
 beautiful things.
  Emily Reyn:
   Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth 
   things over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the 
   sparse details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will 
   follow.  I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise 
   not to exit on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken 
   the luxury of stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute 
   name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your 
   original context just a bit, in the interest of creative expression and 
   to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I 
   will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate events (to 
   also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail. 
   To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
   From:  Emilina, HR Department
   RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
   on my ass. 
   Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), 
   it has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple 
   of weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following 
   history (in summary and paraphrased):
   1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
   Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
   exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
   Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
   Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
   tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash 
   of the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as 
   they moved their exchange off-line.
   2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
   where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task 
   for egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
   amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
   sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was. 
   2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false 
   (but at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
   inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her 
   allegations and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
   3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
   real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
   verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to 
   Judy and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for 
   review.   Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go 
   in for drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
   judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
   4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have 
   to address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on 
   FFL, where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the 
   topic was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable 
   sending back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She 
   didn't want to risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange 
   with her, given the malevolence of her first private email. However, 
   Emily, having a semblance of ethical standards, decided to respect the 
   private intent of the email, no matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she 
   posted what she thought was a clear message to FFL the next day, 
   explaining what happened and basically asking Sal not to ever email her 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Oct 5, 2012, at 8:32 AM, Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us wrote:

  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
  my ass.
 But, did you enjoy?
 It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
 yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!

Barry - oh come on can't you at least avoid your bullying on Fridays.

 Emily Reyn:
  Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth things 
  over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the sparse 
  details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will follow.  
  I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise not to exit 
  on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken the luxury of 
  stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute name; sounds like 
  Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your original context just a 
  bit, in the interest of creative expression and to serve up the larger 
  goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent 
  what was a series of unfortunate events (to also steal the title from 
  Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail.   
  To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
  From:  Emilina, HR Department
  RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
  my ass. 
  Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), it 
  has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple of 
  weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following history 
  (in summary and paraphrased):
  1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
  Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
  exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
  Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
  Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
  tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash of 
  the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as they 
  moved their exchange off-line.
  2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
  where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task for 
  egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
  amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
  sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was.  
  2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false (but 
  at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
  inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her allegations 
  and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
  3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
  real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
  verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to Judy 
  and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for review.   
  Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go in for 
  drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
  judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
  4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have to 
  address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on FFL, 
  where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the topic 
  was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable sending 
  back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive boundary. She didn't want 
  to risk the possibility that Sal might start up an exchange with her, given 
  the malevolence of her first private email. However, Emily, having a 
  semblance of ethical standards, decided to respect the private intent of 
  the email, no matter how aggrieved she was.  So, she posted what she 
  thought was a clear message to FFL the next day, explaining what happened 
  and basically asking Sal not to ever email her again.  
  5) Emily missed the obvious (thick-headed hun that she is sometimes) 
  that she had sent Sal's email to two lead actors that have a history of 
  lengthy debates.  
  Now, by this time, Emily realized she was in a bit of a pickle.  Although 
  she had moved the topic of Sal's unkindly email to FFL where it should have 
  been in the first place, she had requested that it remain private. Now this 
  resulted in only three people being able discuss it and its relevance to 
  the larger situation of how fucked up Emily was or wasn't for writing that 
  (highly acclaimed by a few) heavily plagiarized offending first post:  
  Emily, Curtis, and Judy. (Sal was nowhere to be found). Emily was preparing 
  to leave on vacation to celebrate her upcoming 50th birthday and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Robert Crumb on Genesis, and the creation of it

2012-10-05 Thread curtisdeltablues
That was a great interview.  I have always thought that making the public more 
aware of what is actually in the Bible outside the selective presentation 
preachers make of it is the best antidote to taking myth as fact and  for 
dismantling the absurd notion that this is fundamentally different from other 
human produced literature. 

For Christians the Old Testament is treated like a crazy uncle, to be humored, 
but basically ignored.  It is too bad the Council of Nicea cut out the more 
outlandish gospels because it is easier to see the winging it reality of his 
history when you read those too.  That PR cut probably helped it spread.

Back to Crumb, you were really fortunate to have had such a long close living 
situation with the guy.  A rare opportunity.  The thought of him listening to 
my CDs is one of my favorite chuckles, and thanks again for making that happen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I know that there are some here with an abiding interest
 in my former next-door neighbor R.Crumb. I've checked in
 here before to suggest to the open-minded spiritually-
 minded on this group that his version of Genesis is
 not just the first illustrated version in history that
 took every word of the original text and illustrated it,
 it has been deemed by art critics the best illustrated
 version of the book, ever. 
 I stumbled upon this interview today, not having seen it
 before. I lived in Albania (in joke...you have to read
 the article to get it) when he was creating this work,
 and can attest to the truth of him disappearing off to
 his medieval monk's hole for days at a time to work on
 it. Here he talks about why, and talks a great *deal*
 about art, and how he creates it. This is an opportunity,
 for anyone who considers themselves a graphic artist, to
 hear how someone who has been described as the Breughel
 of this age does his thing. 
 It's a great interview, and just pure Robert. I found
 myself laughing out loud many times, as I did when 
 hearing him rap in either his house or mine. The line
 that cracked me up the most was, I'm finished with the 
 Bible. Back to drawing pornography. That's just 
 SO Robert.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Ann.  Hey, did you ever do SET seminar with Ali Najafi?  He's coming to 
town and I've heard hundreds got involved in his work back in the day.  
I was away from FF when all that happened.  

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 No no, you let me know!  Let me know if in your opinion I have less flaws, 
 make less mistakes here on FFL after working with John.  What are friends 
 for after all?

I can tell you are very excited about his workshop. That alone could produce 
wonderful results; you are open and trusting that this man can help you in your 
life. Of course it comes down to helping yourself but others can surely 
motivate that along. I may not be subtle enough to be able to perceive any 
changes after four days so don't rely on me. But if you come out wanting to 
gobble down some burgers, go on a cattle drive or suddenly live in Los Angeles 
and open a bar we'll both know something happened during that course. But only 
you can say if any of those things would be for better or worse. Good luck!
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ravi
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  dear Ravi, it means so much to me that you love me in spite of my mistakes 
  and flaws.  Maybe there will be less of those after I've worked with 
  healer John Newton for the next 4 days.  Fingers crossed!  love, Share
 I like your optimism. If only life could be that easy. Let me know if it is a 
 success because I might have to sign up.
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: today PS to Ann Emily Ravi
  On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Dear Ravi, as far as I can tell, you have never been the target of 
  Robin's fixing mode.  So I don't think you really know what it feels 
  like to have him attribute thoughts and feelings to you that you never 
  even had.  And to have him do that over and over.  Perhaps then you 
  too would be forceful with him.  I don't agree with you that I was 
  Oh Dear Share - No one has any power over me, my feelings or thoughts - 
  even such a notion is totally alien to me. Here's where we have to part - 
  Robin is one of the most honest, truthful, sincere persons I have ever 
  come across my life, he's one of the very few to earn my respect and I 
  totally disagree and your choice of the words psychological rape is just 
  brutal and violent, doesn't represent the reality of who the person Robin 
  is. But this will not stop me from loving you.
  Yet I want to make sure you know I'm not denying your feelings, I wouldn't 
  dare deny it and I'm sorry to hear you feel so.


[FairfieldLife] Romney is a Liar

2012-10-05 Thread raunchydog
Figures can lie and liars can figure. Romney told 27 lies in 38 minutes. He 
buried his lies in a flurry of numbers that can't be fact checked on the spot. 
It's not considered good form to call someone a liar in a presidential debate 
but a bald-faced liar should be an exception to the rule. Romney caught Obama 
flatfooted. Obama was prepped to rebut Romney's stump speech bullshit but not 
the fresh load of bullshit he dumped on the American public at the debate. Mr. 
Etch-a-Sketch posed as a Centrist but the debate proved beyond doubt that 
Romney will say and do anything to hide the ugly fact he is in lock-step with 
far right Libertarian fascists dedicated to enriching greedy bastards and 
crushing the poor. Team Romney figured by the time fact checkers got around to 
spanking Romney for lying, people who tuned into politics just for the debate 
will have tuned out again and aren't interested in fact checking. 

Television - The Drug of a Nation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Rather curious, Richard J. Williams quoting Curtis and Barry gets blamed. We 
are getting slack here. This is probably providence punishing Barry for 
rescuing that cat that fell in the canal.

Recently I have had trouble with mice, field mice. Caught two yesterday, and 
released them some distance away. Since I did not kill them, the laws of karma 
will probably visit some disaster upon me as a result, for no good deed goes 
unpunished. That is because for every good, there must be an equal and opposite 
bad, to balance out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Get a cat.  Mine has been on a killing spree recently, 2 large mice, one baby 
mouse, and a baby bird, which he deposits in  my backyard.  Oh oh, he's after 
another mouse now.  Should I rescue it?  The cat is having so much fun.  He 
must have found the nest.  I should put a bell on his neck.  

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Rather curious, Richard J. Williams quoting Curtis and Barry gets blamed. We 
are getting slack here. This is probably providence punishing Barry for 
rescuing that cat that fell in the canal.

Recently I have had trouble with mice, field mice. Caught two yesterday, and 
released them some distance away. Since I did not kill them, the laws of karma 
will probably visit some disaster upon me as a result, for no good deed goes 
unpunished. That is because for every good, there must be an equal and opposite 
bad, to balance out.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
Mice are often depicted at the feet of Lord Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles.  
Perhaps He has a boon for you (-:

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Rather curious, Richard J. Williams quoting Curtis and Barry gets blamed. We 
are getting slack here. This is probably providence punishing Barry for 
rescuing that cat that fell in the canal.

Recently I have had trouble with mice, field mice. Caught two yesterday, and 
released them some distance away. Since I did not kill them, the laws of karma 
will probably visit some disaster upon me as a result, for no good deed goes 
unpunished. That is because for every good, there must be an equal and opposite 
bad, to balance out.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Debate

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
noozguru wrote:  And by 2014 the US might look like war torn Bosnia.

me:  unless the Chinese take over...

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Debate

The banks could write down the bad mortgages but they won't do it.  The 
CEOs of the major banks should be in the hoosegow anyway.  They are 
nothing but crooks. The interest on a mortgage could be 1/2 percent a 
year and the banks would still make money.  But they wouldn't want to do 
that (unless we the people required it for them to maintain their 
franchise) since they could make more money on loans for other things at 
higher interest.  Banks have always been a problem in the history of the 

And we might consider that Obama doesn't want to win the election.  He 
and his administration should have heard the logical progression of 
events from economists who would predict food riots in the US by April 
(regardless of who's elected).  He may not want to be in the White House 
when the shit hits the fan.  And by 2014 the US might look like war torn 

On 10/04/2012 10:53 AM, seekliberation wrote:
 I believe you're right.  Every economics expert i've viewed either on TV, 
 youtube, or some other web page, they all say that 16 Trillion is not 
 recoverable.  From one site, I can't remember which one, we actually passed 
 the 'unrecoverable' point around 8-10 trillion.  Now we're just adding to our 

 If this system does collapse, i'd hate to be in the big cities.  The midwest 
 would be pretty safe though, they usually come together and make things work. 
  The rest of the country could get ugly real fast.


 Honestly they can talk until the cows come home but the damage has been
 done by the bankers to the economy.  It can't be fixed.  It has to
 collapse but the only fair way is it to take out the bankers too.  Maybe
 vigilante groups will form to see that happens.


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Wind in the Bury Patch

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
snipWithout wind, the trees had no feedback from the world around them,
nothing that pushed and tugged at them, *and thus made them stronger*.

Barry, (yes, I'm behind) this whole post was one of your better posts of late, 
I think.  Given the timing of when it showed up, I actually got a lot out of 
the whole thing.  For me, it's too bad you proceeded with a trashy post about 
me (pussywhipped, etc.), which I didn't appreciate at all, but which does not 
change.  (It's all about me.) (That is irony, in case you think I believe 
that.) And later down the road, I must say, re: the whole C exchange...your 
lengthy post on what you really meant or some such thing (the one that Dr. 
Dumbass commented on) didn't succeed in convincing anyone of your altruistic 
nature.   But, this one, was actually kind of enjoyable to read.  As was your 
post on the Baboo.  If I was raising children in your country, I would 
absolutely have one of these.  Great photo.  

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Wind in the Bury Patch

The wind is up. Cool.

We get a lot of wind here in the Netherlands. You don't see those photos
of windmills on the postcards from this place for no reason. But this is
*serious* wind today. Have-to-lean-into-it-to-even-walk wind.
Don't-even-think-about-the-concept-of-hairdo wind.

My kinda wind. When some people feel a wind like this coming on, they
run into their homes and huddle there, as if they hear dangerous siren
voices outside and fear them. The sirens *sing* to me. When I feel a
wind like this coming on, I have to go outside and feel it in my face.
Very little else I have encountered on this rock gets me higher.

So tonight I walked over to my favorite cemetary. It's up on as much of
a hill as one can find in Leiden, maybe 10 meters higher than the
surrounding flatitude. But that slight elevation gives it a decided
advantage when the wind is up. Whereas down on the street the wind
merely tugs and pushes at you, here it grabs you and shakes you the way
a dog does with a rat.

And the thing is, it does this with the trees as well. One of the best
things about this particular bury patch is its treescape. There are
*enormous* trees here, among the largest I've ever seen in
shallow-soiled, mainly-reclaimed-from-the-sea Holland. And yet today,
even the majestic European Beech that is 14 meters in circumference at
its base is shaking in its roots.

Snap! That gets me thinking about something one of my housemates said
over dinner the other night. He got to visit, while it was still in
operation, an ecological experiment that attempted to replicate Earth's
ecosphere inside a gigantic dome. It failed miserably as an
eco-experiment, and had gone out of the funded research business a few
years before my friend visited it. But when he did, one of the hanger-on
ecodiehards still working there told him something very interesting.

The trees -- many of which had been in the ground and thus
well-established and healthy before the dome was built around them --
were dying. They had done all sorts of tests to try to figure out why,
and they could come up with no nutritional or known biological reasons
why. What they finally came up with was that the trees were dying
because there was no wind.

Without wind, the trees had no feedback from the world around them,
nothing that pushed and tugged at them, *and thus made them stronger*.

Snap! I immediately segued in my mind to sitting in a pleasant garden in
L.A., hearing Chinese tonic herb master Ron Teeguarden explain what made
some of the herbs he sold so expensive. They were wild. They were free
range herbs. Within the community that feels that the tonic herbs are
of value -- some millions of them -- the herbs that grow in the wild are
considered to have much more value than the ones that are cultivated by
humans. The theory is that having to fight harder to survive in the wild
makes them stronger. CEOs of Japanese keiretsu who believe in this stuff
are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for one wild gensing
root, so they can brew it up into a tea and drink it before walking into
a multi-billion-dollar merger meeting. They want that extra edge that
only wind-driven ginseng can give them.

Snap! Segue to a night in Santa Fe, on which I was invited to a rather
exclusive tasting of tequilas and single village mescals. The tequilas
were wonderful, but the mescals were beyond extraordinary. Each of them
was, as the name implies, made from agave grown in a single village in
Mexico, sometimes on a single hillside. Their exclusiveness made these
mescals extraordinary.

But then the person presenting this tasting paused, and brought out the
pièce de résistance, a mescal made from completely wild,
uncultivated agave. Tasting it, even immediately following tasting the
extraordinary liquors that had preceded it, was as 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Dead mice or live ones?  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Mice are often depicted at the feet of Lord Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles.  
Perhaps He has a boon for you (-:

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Rather curious, Richard J. Williams quoting Curtis and Barry gets blamed. We 
are getting slack here. This is probably providence punishing Barry for 
rescuing that cat that fell in the canal.

Recently I have had trouble with mice, field mice. Caught two yesterday, and 
released them some distance away. Since I did not kill them, the laws of karma 
will probably visit some disaster upon me as a result, for no good deed goes 
unpunished. That is because for every good, there must be an equal and opposite 
bad, to balance out.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
That was 30 years ago and they still like to tell that story.  What's 
fascinating to me is that now tofu is sold in plain old grocery stores.  I 
remember a time when it could only be found in health food stores.  And more:  
now up to date Boomers know that unfermented tofu is not healthy.  Too much 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oh my God and the first time I brought tofu to my sister's house.
 Her five year old Matthew just stood there staring at it. Then 
 totally serious, as only a five year old can be, he asked, Aunt
 Sharon, can I pet it? 

Took one look at tofu and realized it was something other than food... smart 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-05 Thread jr_esq
Romney has admitted he's wrong about his '47 percent' statement.  You'll have 
to catch his errors so that he can own up to it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 Figures can lie and liars can figure. Romney told 27 lies in 38 minutes. He 
 buried his lies in a flurry of numbers that can't be fact checked on the 
 spot. It's not considered good form to call someone a liar in a presidential 
 debate but a bald-faced liar should be an exception to the rule. Romney 
 caught Obama flatfooted. Obama was prepped to rebut Romney's stump speech 
 bullshit but not the fresh load of bullshit he dumped on the American public 
 at the debate. Mr. Etch-a-Sketch posed as a Centrist but the debate proved 
 beyond doubt that Romney will say and do anything to hide the ugly fact he is 
 in lock-step with far right Libertarian fascists dedicated to enriching 
 greedy bastards and crushing the poor. Team Romney figured by the time fact 
 checkers got around to spanking Romney for lying, people who tuned into 
 politics just for the debate will have tuned out again and aren't interested 
 in fact checking. 
 Television - The Drug of a Nation 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Gluten-free products are also sold, which I am grateful for.  IMO, like any 
industry, the health food industry capitalizes on the profits they can make 
from whatever fear-based idea and solution they have successfully sold to the 
public.   I remember when my mother called me up every week to tell me that 
coffee causes stomach cancer.  I remember when the macrobiotic diet was the 
solution to all.  I remember when EST was in vogue.  I remember when Adele 
Davis was the only bible of health food (she died of cancer). I remember 
when.I remember when.I remember when.

My grandfather lived to be 99.5 years old.  He had a drink every evening during 
cocktail hour and dessert after dinner.  I think life has a lot to do with 
genetics.  I believe in whatever works for you; just don't assume that 
whatever applies to anyone else.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

That was 30 years ago and they still like to tell that story.  What's 
fascinating to me is that now tofu is sold in plain old grocery stores.  I 
remember a time when it could only be found in health food stores.  And more:  
now up to date Boomers know that unfermented tofu is not healthy.  Too much 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oh my God and the first time I brought tofu to my sister's house.
 Her five year old Matthew just stood there staring at it. Then 
 totally serious, as only a five year old can be, he asked, Aunt
 Sharon, can I pet it? 

Took one look at tofu and realized it was something other than food... smart 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
In the poster of Lord Ganesh I have, just one Mouse is by the Lord's foot, 
definitely not under and squashed.  Mouse is holding a morsel in its little 
paws...is that the right word for front appendages of mice?  Anyway, Mouse is 
holding a morsel on which it is also taking a bite.  Chomp!  And on its back is 
a beautiful green and gold brocade little jacket.  Also there is a pretty 
little pink flower by Mouse's back appendage. 

I think Xeno and I should have many many posts discussing whether Lord 
Ganesha's mouse is of the dor or field variety (-:

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Dead mice or live ones?  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Mice are often depicted at the feet of Lord Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles.  
Perhaps He has a boon for you (-:

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Rather curious, Richard J. Williams quoting Curtis and Barry gets blamed. We 
are getting slack here. This is probably providence punishing Barry for 
rescuing that cat that fell in the canal.

Recently I have had trouble with mice, field mice. Caught two yesterday, and 
released them some distance away. Since I did not kill them, the laws of karma 
will probably visit some disaster upon me as a result, for no good deed goes 
unpunished. That is because for every good, there must be an equal and opposite 
bad, to balance out.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Oh, she made a mistake.  Perhaps she hadn't had her morning coffee yet.  How 
many mistakes have you made?  How about you start with the apologiesone to 
me, for example, for characterizing me as pussywhipped, juvenile and 

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
beautiful things.

A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
they're hating any more.

Will we ever see an apology for this? 

Yeah, right. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
   Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
   my ass.
  But, did you enjoy?
  It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
  yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
 God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
 steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
 beautiful things.
  Emily Reyn:
   Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth 
   things over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the 
   sparse details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will 
   follow.  I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise 
   not to exit on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken 
   the luxury of stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute 
   name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your 
   original context just a bit, in the interest of creative expression and 
   to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I 
   will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate events (to 
   also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail. 
   To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
   From:  Emilina, HR Department
   RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
   on my ass. 
   Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), 
   it has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple 
   of weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following 
   history (in summary and paraphrased):
   1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
   Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
   exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
   Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
   Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
   tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash 
   of the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as 
   they moved their exchange off-line.
   2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
   where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task 
   for egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
   amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
   sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was. 
   2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false 
   (but at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
   inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her 
   allegations and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
   3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
   real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
   verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to 
   Judy and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for 
   review.   Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go 
   in for drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
   judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
   4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to have 
   to address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, but on 
   FFL, where it should have been posted in the first place, given that the 
   topic was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not comfortable 
   sending back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name for that 
day could be agreed upon 

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you find 
it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.

 From: richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Whoops, that would be tea, not coffee, right?  Details, details.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

Oh, she made a mistake.  Perhaps she hadn't had her morning coffee yet.  How 
many mistakes have you made?  How about you start with the apologiesone to 
me, for example, for characterizing me as pussywhipped, juvenile and 

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1:  Smoothing things out

God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
beautiful things.

A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
they're hating any more.

Will we ever see an apology for this? 

Yeah, right. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
   Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
   my ass.
  But, did you enjoy?
  It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
  yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
 God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
 steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
 beautiful things.
  Emily Reyn:
   Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth 
   things over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse the 
   sparse details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY DETAILS will 
   follow.  I promise not to write more than three Memorandums.  I promise 
   not to exit on an exotic vacation to anywhere but here.  I have taken 
   the luxury of stealing your name Emilina for this story (such a cute 
   name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but have switched up your 
   original context just a bit, in the interest of creative expression and 
   to serve up the larger goals of coolness and smoothness in my post.  I 
   will work hard to prevent what was a series of unfortunate events (to 
   also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) from turning into an epic fail. 
   To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL
   From:  Emilina, HR Department
   RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
   on my ass. 
   Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), 
   it has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a couple 
   of weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the following 
   history (in summary and paraphrased):
   1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
   Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
   exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
   Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post by 
   Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
   tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of Clash 
   of the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and Curtis as 
   they moved their exchange off-line.
   2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked *Private* 
   where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took her to task 
   for egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's employment at risk, and 
   amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she was taking some kind of 
   sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an unstated word for what that was. 
   2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false 
   (but at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
   inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her 
   allegations and suggesting she post the email to FFL.
   3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with no 
   real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having been 
   verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email to 
   Judy and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for 
   review.   Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina go 
   in for drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible error in 
   judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal domains.  
   4) Emily determined, after additional review, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
I know what you mean.  For example, I recently saw an article about gluten free 
products.  That often they contain some strange kinds of starch, like tapioca 
or potato starch.  Supposedly they aren't good for the gut either.  Oy!  

Maybe best to be breatharian or eater of sunlight (-:

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

Gluten-free products are also sold, which I am grateful for.  IMO, like any 
industry, the health food industry capitalizes on the profits they can make 
from whatever fear-based idea and solution they have successfully sold to the 
public.   I remember when my mother called me up every week to tell me that 
coffee causes stomach cancer.  I remember when the macrobiotic diet was the 
solution to all.  I remember when EST was in vogue.  I remember when Adele 
Davis was the only bible of health food (she died of cancer). I remember 
when.I remember when.I remember when.

My grandfather lived to be 99.5 years old.  He had a drink every evening during 
cocktail hour and dessert after dinner.  I think life has a lot to do with 
genetics.  I believe in whatever works for you; just don't assume that 
whatever applies to anyone else.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

That was 30 years ago and they still like to tell that story.  What's 
fascinating to me is that now tofu is sold in plain old grocery stores.  I 
remember a time when it could only be found in health food stores.  And more:  
now up to date Boomers know that unfermented tofu is not healthy.  Too much 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oh my God and the first time I brought tofu to my sister's house.
 Her five year old Matthew just stood there staring at it. Then 
 totally serious, as only a five year old can be, he asked, Aunt
 Sharon, can I pet it? 

Took one look at tofu and realized it was something other than food... smart 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Debate

2012-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
One of the trailers before Looper the other day was the much delayed 
remake of Red Dawn.   This movie got delayed because the storyline was 
originally about the Chinese invading instead of the Russians as in the 
original version. However they decided not to ruffle China's feathers 
and changed the effects and stuff to be North Korea.  Also MGM had some 
money problems which delayed it.

The real question would be if Israel triggers WWIII then we might indeed 
see China invading but that's quite a operation and I don't think they 
have the gear for it.  Besides they already own the US so the invasion 
would be in the board rooms.

War torn Bosnia would be due to a civil war which is what tore that 
country apart.  If you have Netflix WI check out Angelina Jolie's The 
Land of Blood and Honey which will give you an overview of that 
conflict.  But the only justified civil war in this country would be 
between the people and the plutocrats and we the people vastly outnumber 
the plutocrats.  It would be a slaughter like the Russian revolution 
which was the same kind of conflict.  The plutocrats have overstepped 
their bounds and have it coming though.  That's karma.  And they have 
their puppets who will defend them as we even have some of those fools 
here.  They apparently believe someday the plutocrats will piss down 
money on them. :-D

On 10/05/2012 11:11 AM, Share Long wrote:
 noozguru wrote:  And by 2014 the US might look like war torn Bosnia.

 me:  unless the Chinese take over...

   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 1:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Debate

 The banks could write down the bad mortgages but they won't do it.  The
 CEOs of the major banks should be in the hoosegow anyway.  They are
 nothing but crooks. The interest on a mortgage could be 1/2 percent a
 year and the banks would still make money.  But they wouldn't want to do
 that (unless we the people required it for them to maintain their
 franchise) since they could make more money on loans for other things at
 higher interest.  Banks have always been a problem in the history of the

 And we might consider that Obama doesn't want to win the election.  He
 and his administration should have heard the logical progression of
 events from economists who would predict food riots in the US by April
 (regardless of who's elected).  He may not want to be in the White House
 when the shit hits the fan.  And by 2014 the US might look like war torn

 On 10/04/2012 10:53 AM, seekliberation wrote:
 I believe you're right.  Every economics expert i've viewed either on TV, 
 youtube, or some other web page, they all say that 16 Trillion is not 
 recoverable.  From one site, I can't remember which one, we actually passed 
 the 'unrecoverable' point around 8-10 trillion.  Now we're just adding to 
 our misery.

 If this system does collapse, i'd hate to be in the big cities.  The midwest 
 would be pretty safe though, they usually come together and make things 
 work.  The rest of the country could get ugly real fast.


 Honestly they can talk until the cows come home but the damage has been
 done by the bankers to the economy.  It can't be fixed.  It has to
 collapse but the only fair way is it to take out the bankers too.  Maybe
 vigilante groups will form to see that happens.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Breatharianyes, we must all breathe.  And, take Prozac...duhh.  It'll 
be alright.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

I know what you mean.  For example, I recently saw an article about gluten free 
products.  That often they contain some strange kinds of starch, like tapioca 
or potato starch.  Supposedly they aren't good for the gut either.  Oy!  

Maybe best to be breatharian or eater of sunlight (-:

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

Gluten-free products are also sold, which I am grateful for.  IMO, like any 
industry, the health food industry capitalizes on the profits they can make 
from whatever fear-based idea and solution they have successfully sold to the 
public.   I remember when my mother called me up every week to tell me that 
coffee causes stomach cancer.  I remember when the macrobiotic diet was the 
solution to all.  I remember when EST was in vogue.  I remember when Adele 
Davis was the only bible of health food (she died of cancer). I remember 
when.I remember when.I remember when.

My grandfather lived to be 99.5 years old.  He had a drink every evening during 
cocktail hour and dessert after dinner.  I think life has a lot to do with 
genetics.  I believe in whatever works for you; just don't assume that 
whatever applies to anyone else.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

That was 30 years ago and they still like to tell that story.  What's 
fascinating to me is that now tofu is sold in plain old grocery stores.  I 
remember a time when it could only be found in health food stores.  And more:  
now up to date Boomers know that unfermented tofu is not healthy.  Too much 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oh my God and the first time I brought tofu to my sister's house.
 Her five year old Matthew just stood there staring at it. Then 
 totally serious, as only a five year old can be, he asked, Aunt
 Sharon, can I pet it? 

Took one look at tofu and realized it was something other than food... smart 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Good luck with the we here on FFL.  Plus, I thought you had moved the day to 
Wednesday...even more auspicious, no?  Or was it Friday?  I'm with Judy in that 
I like to see a variety of posts interspersed across the days of every week.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name for that 
day could be agreed upon 

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you find 
it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.

 From: richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Well, I guess I won't be posting here any day of the week now that Richard has 
told me I don't make sense and I am not an advanced yogi - and Buddha told me I 
was doing so well - what do I do now? Buddha would never lie, but Richard who 
is the only one in the world who knows that the TM mantras are actually 
Buddhist in origin must be soo advanced that he could never lie - I dunno 
whut ta do now!

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

Good luck with the we here on FFL.  Plus, I thought you had moved the day to 
Wednesday...even more auspicious, no?  Or was it Friday?  I'm with Judy in that 
I like to see a variety of posts interspersed across the days of every week.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name for that 
day could be agreed upon 

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you find 
it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.

 From: richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 17258

2012-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
It was indeed a brief mention (just the overlay title) and the name of 
the town on the laptop was Centerville.  I wonder if someone familiar 
with TM or who had lived in Fairfield sneaked it in as a joke.  Eric 
Kripke's latest venture is Revolution on NBC on Monday nights.

On 10/04/2012 09:12 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 It's sitting on my DVR.  I had forgotten that they had moved the show
 from Friday to Weds so wondered what was being recorded at 9 PM.  I've
 been a long time fan of the show since they had some actual tantric
 stuff in it though was a little disappointed with their foray into the
 bullshit world of Christian mysticism.

 I was watching The Unknown on DVD with Dominic Monaghan (Lost) which
 is 6 episodes of the Crackle web series.  Web series are certainly a
 trend.  I need to find if Tom Hanks web series had debuted yet.  He saw
 it as a good way to stay away from the demands of studio execs.
 Probably watching it on DVD was preferable as Crackle has commercials
 though tolerable at only 15 seconds each.  It's a Sony owned site and
 they keep trying all kinds of ideas to fit the changing world of
 entertainment and the app is on my Sony BD Player.

 On 10/04/2012 08:32 AM, Steve Montignani wrote:
The season opener of Scifi series Supernatural paid homage to Fairfield,
 Ia.  In their hunt for a  brief mention

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread Share Long
Well I SUGGESTED moving to Wednesday.  Some agreed.  Some didn't.  I guess 
we'll have to wait and see what happens next week.

I like the FFL variety too.  I think Marek was suggesting something other than 
less variety.  

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

Good luck with the we here on FFL.  Plus, I thought you had moved the day to 
Wednesday...even more auspicious, no?  Or was it Friday?  I'm with Judy in that 
I like to see a variety of posts interspersed across the days of every week.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name for that 
day could be agreed upon 

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you find 
it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.

 From: richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor


 I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
 no post by Nabby defending anything on 
 this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

  What was WYMS?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
 Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name for 
 that day could be agreed upon 

How about Show and Tell? In 3rd grade a kid brought a Mexican Jumping Bean to 
school. It twitched and jiggled in his hand. After presenting it for Show and 
Tell he got bored and swallowed it. It was more fascinating to watch the 
distressed look on his face as the bean slowly flopped its way down his gullet. 
You just never know what's going to tickle your fancy. I like surprises 

  From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
 I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
 rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you 
 find it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.
  From: richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
  I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
  no post by Nabby defending anything on 
  this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
 Almost all of these rumors have been proved
 to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
 of us here who still support TM don't even
 read these old rumors anymore. You can check
 the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
 really interested in learning the truth. 
 If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
 TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
 is making a good discussion group look like 
 idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
 TM practice.
 You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
 and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
   What was WYMS?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
 steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
 beautiful things.
 A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
 to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
 figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
 had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
 my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
 of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
 pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
 they're hating any more.
 Will we ever see an apology for this? 
 Yeah, right. 

My post to you reflected what I felt was a response to Emily's response to 
Curtis. I felt you were mocking and insensitive. If I was mistaken and you were 
not addressing Emily's post and instead something else than you have my 
heartfelt apology.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ 
Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
my ass.
   But, did you enjoy?
   It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
   yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
  God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
  steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
  beautiful things.
   Emily Reyn:
Dear Curtis:  I submit this first memorandum in an effort to smooth 
things over with you on this auspicious Thursday.  Feel free to parse 
the sparse details of it at your leisure.  MEMORANDUM TWO - GORY 
DETAILS will follow.  I promise not to write more than three 
Memorandums.  I promise not to exit on an exotic vacation to anywhere 
but here.  I have taken the luxury of stealing your name Emilina for 
this story (such a cute name; sounds like Thumbelina doesn't it?), but 
have switched up your original context just a bit, in the interest of 
creative expression and to serve up the larger goals of coolness and 
smoothness in my post.  I will work hard to prevent what was a series 
of unfortunate events (to also steal the title from Lemony Snicket) 
from turning into an epic fail.   


To: Curtis, gentle reader on FFL

From:  Emilina, HR Department

RE:  HISTORY BEHIND:  Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number 
on my ass. 

Acting as the HR department here at FFL Central Cinema (FFL for short), 
it has come to I, Emilina's attention that there was a situation a 
couple of weeks back that warrants closure. Said situation has the 
following history (in summary and paraphrased):

1)  Emily, a well-nigh saintly actress-in-training, (no relation to me, 
Emilina) received a distressing email regarding her butting in on an 
exchange between Curtis and Robin, two of our most famous lead actors.  
Emily had written a post to Curtis which played off of an ironic post 
by Robin, that was intended as humor (embedded with a few tiny teasing 
tweaks). She had followed up with a post that included a video of 
Clash of the Titans and a few more teasing remarks to both Robin and 
Curtis as they moved their exchange off-line.

2) Subsequent to this, Emily received a personal email  marked 
*Private* where the author, unknown to Emily accept in name only took 
her to task for egging on Robin, potentially putting Curtis's 
employment at risk, and amongst a few other put-downs, implied that she 
was taking some kind of sick pleasure in it all, deferring to an 
unstated word for what that was.  

2) Emily, who values her privacy and who currently acts under a false 
(but at least pronounceable) name reacted emotionally to this rude and 
inappropriate email and replied to Sal, negating several of her 
allegations and suggesting she post the email to FFL.

3) Emily, in a continued state of emotional turmoil, forwarded, (with 
no real forethought whatsoever, feeling the sober reality of having 
been verbally assaulted outside the context of FFL), the unseemly email 
to Judy and Curtis, two people she remembered knew Sal, and asking for 
review.   Within an hour or two, Emily realized in horror (I, Emilina 
go in for drama, you must forgive me), that she had made a terrible 
error in judgment.  She had, in fact, *also* crossed into personal 

4) Emily determined, after additional review, that she was going to 
have to address the email more definitively with Sal, not personally, 
but on FFL, where it should have been posted in the first place, given 
that the topic was directly related to her posts on FFL. Emily was not 
comfortable sending back a personal email to Sal setting a definitive 
boundary. She didn't want to risk 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread obbajeeba
I wish I could grab awareness at what you are saying here. lol

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@... 

  I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
  no post by Nabby defending anything on 
  this thread!  OMFG!  How cool!  
 Almost all of these rumors have been proved
 to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
 of us here who still support TM don't even
 read these old rumors anymore. You can check
 the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
 really interested in learning the truth. 
 If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
 TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
 is making a good discussion group look like 
 idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
 TM practice.
 You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
 and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
   What was WYMS?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread obbajeeba
Tap Yer Tooth on the Microphone Thursdays!


Since Guru is retro for the next few months..
Retro Thursday!  
The day can expel all TM Rumors or at least shine light on silly little 
oddities of various kinds and ex-pats can start our day with the morning of 
Greenwich, the jeweled Surya over morning breakfast tea prepared with hot 
boiling water, and a hookah pipe. Retro-Guruvar hippie antedote for the 
disillusioned mantrabees?
All subjects open to rumor or not! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  but but but...I thought we were supposed to be having Auspicious Day?!  Or 
  Thinking Thursday?  Or something like that?  Wonder if at least a name 
  for that day could be agreed upon 
 How about Show and Tell? In 3rd grade a kid brought a Mexican Jumping Bean 
 to school. It twitched and jiggled in his hand. After presenting it for Show 
 and Tell he got bored and swallowed it. It was more fascinating to watch the 
 distressed look on his face as the bean slowly flopped its way down his 
 gullet. You just never know what's going to tickle your fancy. I like 
 surprises everyday. 
   From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 9:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
  I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit some of the more ridiculous 
  rumors that circulated through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you 
  find it so offensive - you could take the option of ignoring it.
   From: richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 10:21 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
   I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
   no post by Nabby defending anything on 
   this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
  Almost all of these rumors have been proved
  to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
  of us here who still support TM don't even
  read these old rumors anymore. You can check
  the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
  really interested in learning the truth. 
  If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
  TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
  is making a good discussion group look like 
  idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
  TM practice.
  You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
  and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
What was WYMS?

[FairfieldLife] Looper

2012-10-05 Thread turquoiseb
Even though I've been waiting for this because of Joseph-Gordon Levitt,
I hadn't noticed before that it was written and directed by Rian
Johnson, who also did the estimable Brick and The Brothers Bloom,
and who has written for Terriers and Breaking Bad. If I had, I would
have been expecting more.

As it turns out, Loopers snuck up on me. It took me until about the
15-minute mark to think to myself, Self, this movie is actually
GOOD...I wonder who made it, and pause it while I looked it up on the
IMDB. It was a few lines of dialogue that did it. Pure film noir,
dropped into a scifi flick (just as noir had been dropped into a modern
high school setting in Brick), a voiceover saying, This man is from
the future. He was sent back here by the mob to run the Loopers. That's
low-effort, even for Abe, so to pass the time he recruited some real
muscle, the gat men. Now he runs the city. Any other city, that'd be

I liked this movie. I'll have to see it again to be sure, but it may be
the best time travel movie ever made.

Bhairitu, did you get the in joke in the name of the nightclub that Joe
(JG-L) and his buddy go to throughout the movie? It's called La Belle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Looper

2012-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/05/2012 02:04 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Even though I've been waiting for this because of Joseph-Gordon Levitt,
 I hadn't noticed before that it was written and directed by Rian
 Johnson, who also did the estimable Brick and The Brothers Bloom,
 and who has written for Terriers and Breaking Bad. If I had, I would
 have been expecting more.

 As it turns out, Loopers snuck up on me. It took me until about the
 15-minute mark to think to myself, Self, this movie is actually
 GOOD...I wonder who made it, and pause it while I looked it up on the
 IMDB. It was a few lines of dialogue that did it. Pure film noir,
 dropped into a scifi flick (just as noir had been dropped into a modern
 high school setting in Brick), a voiceover saying, This man is from
 the future. He was sent back here by the mob to run the Loopers. That's
 low-effort, even for Abe, so to pass the time he recruited some real
 muscle, the gat men. Now he runs the city. Any other city, that'd be

 I liked this movie. I'll have to see it again to be sure, but it may be
 the best time travel movie ever made.

 Bhairitu, did you get the in joke in the name of the nightclub that Joe
 (JG-L) and his buddy go to throughout the movie? It's called La Belle

I didn't particularly pick up on the nightclub name.  I did keep 
wondering about the coordinates because I new it would pretty far south 
of any point in the US and too far east of the US.  Those coordinates 
put you in the Algerian desert not someplace like was in the film. :-D

I may want to get the movie on BD when it comes out.  It is one of the 
rare ones that does demand some repeat views.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Well I SUGGESTED moving to Wednesday.  Some agreed.  Some

And some didn't like the idea of reserving *any* day
for this special use.

 I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next
 I like the FFL variety too.  I think Marek was suggesting
 something other than less variety.

I don't believe anyone said Marek was suggesting less
variety, do you, Share?

I guess you must have misunderstood. The point is that
the *result* of Marek's suggestion would be less variety
day to day, because if there were a special day every
week designated for creative posts or neat finds,
folks would tend to save them up so they would have
something to contribute on that day. As a consequence,
such posts would no longer be sprinkled as freely
throughout the week as they are now.

One of the things that's so nice about this kind of
forum is the spontaneity. I understand that some folks
find this threatening (it's why we have a posting
limit, by the way). They'd rather have everything all
laid out and planned so they know what to expect.

Once you start designating special days for this and
days for that, however, you really end up with a
different type of forum altogether. Nothing wrong with
it, but it's not what many folks here are interested in.

Say, Share, when are you going to acknowledge all the
mistakes you made in our exchange a few weeks ago? I
mean, you just pointed out my terrible blooper about
who first mentioned the Hatfields and McCoys, you or
Ann, and demanded that I acknowledge it--which I did

I think it's about time you acknowledge yours, don't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Well I SUGGESTED moving to Wednesday.  Some agreed.  Some
 And some didn't like the idea of reserving *any* day
 for this special use.
  I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next
  I like the FFL variety too.  I think Marek was suggesting
  something other than less variety.
 I don't believe anyone said Marek was suggesting less
 variety, do you, Share?
 I guess you must have misunderstood. The point is that
 the *result* of Marek's suggestion would be less variety
 day to day, because if there were a special day every
 week designated for creative posts or neat finds,
 folks would tend to save them up so they would have
 something to contribute on that day. As a consequence,
 such posts would no longer be sprinkled as freely
 throughout the week as they are now.

Judy, you need to re-read Marek's original suggestion because you have 
*completely* misunderstood his intentions. The *result* of Marek's suggestion 
would be less negativity through arguing, correcting, etc. etc. for at least 
one day each week so that some people might actually want to visit and read 
some of the posts on that particular day. Leave it to you to twist it into 
something else. Feel free to contribute something on Wednesdays if you wish, or 
sprinkle it throughout the week. You have my permission. And if you insist on 
misrepresenting Marek's noble suggestion, I just might have to come ot NJ and 
spank you!

 One of the things that's so nice about this kind of
 forum is the spontaneity. I understand that some folks
 find this threatening (it's why we have a posting
 limit, by the way). They'd rather have everything all
 laid out and planned so they know what to expect.
 Once you start designating special days for this and
 days for that, however, you really end up with a
 different type of forum altogether. Nothing wrong with
 it, but it's not what many folks here are interested in.
 Say, Share, when are you going to acknowledge all the
 mistakes you made in our exchange a few weeks ago? I
 mean, you just pointed out my terrible blooper about
 who first mentioned the Hatfields and McCoys, you or
 Ann, and demanded that I acknowledge it--which I did
 I think it's about time you acknowledge yours, don't 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-10-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 29 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 06 00:00:00 2012
694 messages as of (UTC) Fri Oct 05 23:29:07 2012

50 authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
48 Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
46 Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
45 Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
42 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
40 Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
38 awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
30 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
30 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
29 Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
26 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
25 seventhray1 lurkernomore20002...@yahoo.com
20 card cardemais...@yahoo.com
18 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
17 laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
16 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
14 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
11 John jr_...@yahoo.com
10 richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
10 mjackson74 mjackso...@yahoo.com
 9 cardemaister cardemais...@yahoo.com
 9 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 7 marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 7 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 5 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 5 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 5 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 5 doctordumb...@rocketmail.com, UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_ADDRESS@.SYNTAX-ERROR.
 5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 4 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 maskedzebra maskedze...@yahoo.com
 4 jr_esq jr_...@yahoo.com
 4 anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 4 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 3 salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 3 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 3 lordknows888 lordknows...@yahoo.com
 3 jedi_spock jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
 2 stevelf ysoy1...@yahoo.com
 2 j_alexander_stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 2 Ken Wehmann thecatholicimper...@yahoo.com
 2 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 wleed3 wle...@aol.com
 1 pileated56 tru...@gmail.com
 1 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 1 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Yifu Xero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 Steve Montignani stevem...@gmail.com
 1 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 martin.quickman martin.quick...@yahoo.co.uk

Posters: 55
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Well I SUGGESTED moving to Wednesday.  Some agreed.  Some
  And some didn't like the idea of reserving *any* day
  for this special use.
   I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next
   I like the FFL variety too.  I think Marek was suggesting
   something other than less variety.
  I don't believe anyone said Marek was suggesting less
  variety, do you, Share?
  I guess you must have misunderstood. The point is that
  the *result* of Marek's suggestion would be less variety
  day to day, because if there were a special day every
  week designated for creative posts or neat finds,
  folks would tend to save them up so they would have
  something to contribute on that day. As a consequence,
  such posts would no longer be sprinkled as freely
  throughout the week as they are now.
 Judy, you need to re-read Marek's original suggestion because
 you have *completely* misunderstood his intentions.

I don't believe I said anything about his intentions,
other than that he wasn't suggesting less variety.

 The *result* of Marek's suggestion would be less negativity
 through arguing, correcting, etc. etc. for at least one day
 each week so that some people might actually want to visit
 and read some of the posts on that particular day.

It's possible that would be one of the results. I never
said otherwise. Did you read what I wrote?

 Leave it to you to twist it into something else.

I didn't twist anything, gully baby. I identified a
likely result if Marek's suggestion were carried out.

 Feel free to contribute something on Wednesdays if you
 wish, or sprinkle it throughout the week.

Yes, I hope all of us feel free to contribute whenever
we feel like it and don't feel restricted to one special

 You have my permission. And if you insist on misrepresenting
 Marek's noble suggestion,

Well, now you owe me an apology, because I didn't
misrepresent a thing. Do you even know what misrepresent
means? I'd check Mr. Dictionary if I were you.

As far as negativity is concerned, the folks who find
it unpleasant might want to speak out against those
who are primarily responsible for instigating it. 

 I just might have to come ot NJ and spank you!
  One of the things that's so nice about this kind of
  forum is the spontaneity. I understand that some folks
  find this threatening (it's why we have a posting
  limit, by the way). They'd rather have everything all
  laid out and planned so they know what to expect.
  Once you start designating special days for this and
  days for that, however, you really end up with a
  different type of forum altogether. Nothing wrong with
  it, but it's not what many folks here are interested in.
  Say, Share, when are you going to acknowledge all the
  mistakes you made in our exchange a few weeks ago? I
  mean, you just pointed out my terrible blooper about
  who first mentioned the Hatfields and McCoys, you or
  Ann, and demanded that I acknowledge it--which I did
  I think it's about time you acknowledge yours, don't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: today PS [to Judy]

2012-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius anartaxius@ wrote:
 Judy, I found this message rather enjoyable and interesting.
  I suppose I missed the sarcasm mostly. I sensed it. This essay
  by Robin is a lot less opaque than most of his writing. It is 
  always the suspicion that in the end, Robin will declare that
  he alone is the arbitrator of what the ultimate reality is.
  I assume that's meant to be humorous, since there's zero
  basis for such a suspicion.
  I think the probability is significantly greater than
  zero. We disagree.
  You're welcome to hold whatever opinion you like, even
  if it's foolishly inaccurate, as this one is.
 Nice to know you are up on reality, as always, without error.

I don't believe I made that claim, Xeno.

  I was not asking you to explain what Robin says. I can read
  that, and I can either understand or misunderstand that. What
  I was asking is how you interpret what Robin says.
  I interpret it to mean that it's good to make an effort to
  come as close as we can to understanding what the reality
  is of any particular situation.
  I would say reality would be equal in all situations
  It's not clear what equal could mean here. Reality is
  different in different situations. When it's raining in
  New York City, the reality is that it's raining in New
  York City. When it's sunny in New York City, the reality
  is that it's sunny in New York City.
 There is reality in the local sense, and reality in the
 universal or spiritual sense, which as an experience is
 the same under all conditions.

We were talking about Robin's How to Know Reality's Point
of View post, which specifically addressed how to know 
local realities.

  Robin does not believe human beings are simply evolutionary
  accidents; he believes the fact of our individual first-
  personness is evidence that we have been intentionally
  created. If that's the case, what created us would have to
  be more powerful than we are, and obviously necessary for
  us to exist in the first place.
 This is a big difference between Robin and me. I tend to
 think we are like evolutionary accidents; that is an
 effective theory from science. But it does not explain

Right. It cannot account for individual selfhood,
individual first-person consciousness, *the* most
important fact about human beings (and possibly some
other creatures). It's disastrously incomplete in
this regard, and there are as yet no science-based
theories of how consciousness and mind could have
arisen as a result of natural selection.

Of course, that we are created beings is not the
only possible explanation, but at this point in our
understanding of ourselves, no explanation is any
more than a belief.

  I think that is correct. I think Robin is still adhering
  to some kind of Christian outlook on life, just hiding the
  fact by expressing it covertly, like TM adherents do for
  Hindu practices.
  Robin does not adhere to or believe in any religion, and
  he's been very explicit about what he *does* believe, so
  it's pretty foolish to suggest he's hiding a Christian
  outlook on life or expressing it covertly.
  You don't have to be a Hindu to believe in reincarnation;
  you don't have to be a Christian to believe we're created
  beings. You don't have to be an adherent of any religion
  to hold those beliefs.
 It is just I have the sneaking suspicion, that is not the

I'm telling you it is the case. Since your notion that
he is hiding his outlook on life or expressing it
covertly is prima facie factually false, there's no
place for such a suspicion even to take root.

 I am not alone in this suspicion. Lordknows seems to
 not believe this is the case, that Robin has changed
 from the way he was in any significant way.

Well, LordKnows is clearly something of a crackpot on the
evidence of his own posts. He's read Robin's posts
selectively, to say the least, and hasn't even been able
to get the facts about what he has read correct. He's
hardly a reliable source of information, much less

Plus which, you seem to think the way Robin was during
the years LordKnows knew him was Christian, but not even
LordKnows would make that claim. Robin was completely
sold out to MMY's teaching until toward the very end of
his WTS days, when he converted to Catholicism and
ultimately rejected MMY. But he's been explicit that he
went on to reject Catholicism as well, believes it has
no validity in today's world. He believes God has taken
a powder, as it were, is no longer involved with the
world, has left us to our own devices.

There is simply no evidence for the suspicion that
Robin is a closet Christian, and a great deal of
evidence to the contrary.

  I happen, unlike some on this forum, to think Robin is
  sane, with a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memorandum 1: Smoothing things out

2012-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
 steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
 beautiful things.
 A classic. Seeing this flash by in Message View, I had 
 to open the post because I couldn't for the life of me 
 figure out from Message View which recent post of mine 
 had so incensed Ann to cause her to write this. Imagine
 my non-surprise to find that I'd never even been a part
 of the thread to which she is replying. It's gettin'
 pretty bad when the haters can't even tell who it is
 they're hating any more.

Gee, that's almost as appalling a mistake as you
claiming Emily was trying to stir up a fight between
Sal and Curtis (see below).

Perhaps if you weren't a steamroller which drives
over small, delicate, beautiful things, Ann wouldn't
have mistaken Richard's post for one of yours. It's
not exactly as if you haven't been seriously hating
on Ann for some considerable time now. Not to mention
Emily herself (see below) and raunchy and me.

Did you ever stop to think that if you weren't 
consistently and constantly hateful to others, there
would be no reason for them to hate you?

Plus which, you're hardly innocent of ever having
gotten mixed up about who you were talking to. We've
all done it at one time or another.

 Will we ever see an apology for this?

Will we ever see any apologies from you for the huge
proportion of your posts hating on (and usually lying
about) other people? 

 Yeah, right.

And this, of course, is more gratuitous hatefulness
from you, as well as being stupidly wrong. Ann is one
of the fairest people on this forum. Of course she'll
apologize once she realizes what she's done.

From Barry's hateful post about Emily (and me),
addressed to Curtis:
A mature person, sent an email that she didn't
take kindly to, would have replied to the sender
*in email*, telling her to buzz off, and never
said a word about it to anyone else. But Emily,
pussywhipped by Judy and wishing to get on her
good side, sent copies of the email to you and
to Judy. My take is that in so doing she was
trying to get you to criticize one of Judy's
announced enemies, start a fight between you
and Sal, and thus get strokes from Judy for
having done it.

She succeeded only in the latter, having made
an ass of herself in trying to start the fight.

This behavior is so juvenile and pathetic that
I don't understand how anyone could be fascinated
enough by it to continue obsessing about it.

Barry and Curtis, BTW, need to get their stories
straight. Curtis accused Emily of trying to start
a fight between *me* and Sal (although Sal isn't
here), not between Curtis himself and Sal. Sal
supports Curtis. Her email to Emily attacked Emily
for appreciating Robin's parody version of Curtis's
criticisms of Robin. The idiotic notion that Curtis
would turn on Sal for having supported him in her
email to Emily is one more sign of Barry's
deteriorating mental processes--and far more 
telling than a simple mixup about who wrote what

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ 
Alright, I will say it: Emily did a major number on 
my ass.
   But, did you enjoy?
   It's Friday here and you're not even making any sense,
   yesterday - Curtis has already left the room. LoL!
  God Barry, this post of yours just epitomizes you. A 
  steamroller which only drives over small, delicate, 
  beautiful things.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

2012-10-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Maybe that's because of your blood type?  Or, maybe that's why we have teeth - 
to chew meat.  

 From: martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 7:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More on Rumors

refined sugar (is) for (people with) refined consciousness.

Maybe what he meant is that you could eat lots of refined sugar after you 
already had refined consciousness/physiology and were producing soma and all 

(Problem is many (most) people think they are much more evolved than they 
actually arejust a thot.)

Caveat, most of the nutrition ideas we had back in the day, have turned out 
to be false notions. I for one, cannot live on an all carbohydrate veggie 
diet...unless being pasty, jiggly and low energy is acceptable.