Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On 6/26/2013 9:12 PM, Ann wrote:

--- In, Ravi Chivukula 
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Judy,

 Thank you - you are right, because I feel I am the only one here who 
 perhaps intuitively understand Robin's experiences. I myself 

 ruthlessly confronted many while being mystically intoxicated and I know
 from my end I was perfectly innocent, in my heart and lot of these
 confrontations caused tremendous distress to me - because I confronted
 in-spite of myself, and I did apologize to a few who chose to not 
shy away
 from me - many simply cut off contact and in most cases my 
 were accurate, as in I hurt people where they were most vulnerable - 
as in

 using Robinesque language - I methodically attacked, in a state of
 transcendence, their subject reflexes which were a mode of 

 these people had constructed which seemingly insulated them from reality
 and from self-knowledge.

 Yes - I have read both the posts that you have mentioned below in 
the past
 and now again. I cannot entirely understand Robin's experiences and 
I may

 not even agree with his interpretations and conclusions of his UC
 experiences but my comments can be treated as my own interpretation, 

 on my experiences, understanding as of today rather than some objective
 truth and of course my focus was on Robin of today than Robin of the 

 Because clearly my opinion of Robin of the past would always be tainted,
 whereas I have clear personal experiences of Robin, as he is today.

 May be reality was more merciful in my case, showing my 
infallibility and

 invulnerability quite early on. But one thing is hard to disagree - the
 degree of invincibility you feel during a confrontation. I don't have to
 necessarily be highly mystically intoxicated to feel my 
invincibility in a

 potential confrontation with anyone.

 Hope I made sense - clearly I'm not as articulate as Robin, am I :-)

Yes, in your own way you are Ravi.

Dear Ann - thank you, a lot can be said on this topic but I will try my 
best to present a concise summary.

I did not know of your history as others here do. I stumbled onto this 
forum just after you became absent from FFL in January 2012. But your 
explanation above of your experience confronting others is fascinating.

Yes you missed all that drama. A post by Robin would be a good start 
here - but of course it's from a long time back and it doesn't present a 
complete picture of who I am now -

It is certainly fascinating. Robin's analysis was based on my posts on 
FFL, and most of my experiences, that have been more personal and/or 
distressing were outside of FFL. In fact in Dec 2011 I confronted 
someone, outside of FFL, someone who I fell in love with and it was not 
my intention at all, this was so distressing that I personally went 
through lot of pain for several months. In fact I felt used, felt 
manipulated, that I was somehow coerced to confront (by whom, I have no 
answer) - I pretty much spent 7 months in solitude trying to get a grip 
on it and Robin, of course was a great help. Without his guidance it 
would have been so much harder.

Of course, having been present at hundreds of confrontations, 
including a few of my own, around Robin I am pretty familiar with how 
they went; the tracking, the jargon, the methodology (although Robin 
would dispute the word methodology in favour of the spontaneous and 
unrehearsed, original nature of it and he would be correct).

Thank you for that. In my case it is completely spontaneous and somehow 
the knowledge of who, why and how to confront is derived outside of my 
logical, rational, intellectual processes. And of course mine were 
outside of a group, a one-on-one interaction. But I have able to come up 
with a rational understanding of my behavior and a certain methodology 
that was followed. Of course the confrontations were not random and I 
can see that I react very quickly, sharply, powerfully to 
inauthenticity, dishonesty or something inherently false in the person 
I'm targeting. I don't go out looking for it.

And while I would dispute the validity or ultimate truthfulness of 
what was pursued and ultimately revealed in confrontations I would say 
this: I grew as a human being and became much more self aware as a 
result of my wounds, my hurt and my ultimate reemergence on the other 
side of things. So, the confrontations and the falseness of much of it 
did, indeed, create something beautiful - for me - but not for 
everyone. And I think, as I type this, that Robin is still 
transforming into who he is meant to be but it is, perhaps, not 
without further anguish. Rebuilding something always involves the 
destruction of something else.

What is interesting to me, now that I know a little more about your 
intoxication and the form this took, is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
 Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
 delusional fantasies
 I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
 brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
 over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
 paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...

I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
both of them as Class-A Cultists.

It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
they would rather not have been revealed.

Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
that the issue was never about the hitting.

You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
strongly analogous to children who have been abused
by their parents making excuses for those abusive
parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
my arm/whatever. 

This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
possible justifications for a teacher striking his
students. The justifications always seem to be based
on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
what he was actually DOING. 

It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
trying to make it appear to be something else. 

Robin physically struck his students, and can find
ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
of the cult mindset. 

[FairfieldLife] US General Recommends Bolstering Forces in Lebanon and Iraq

2013-06-27 Thread John
Why are we even thinking of these options?  We don't have the money to get 
involved in any more wars period.  The US is broke.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On 6/26/2013 11:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, Ravi Chivukula 
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?

 Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid,
 delusional fantasies

 I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again
 brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well
 over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a
 paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...

I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
both of them as Class-A Cultists.

Ha ha good one - Ravi, a Class-A Cultist. This should be a clue to 
anyone who wants to take your paranoid rant seriously.

It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
they would rather not have been revealed.

Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists
here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
that the issue was never about the hitting.

You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
strongly analogous to children who have been abused
by their parents making excuses for those abusive
parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
my arm/whatever.

This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are
possible justifications for a teacher striking his
students. The justifications always seem to be based
on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
what he was actually DOING.

It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
trying to make it appear to be something else.

Robin physically struck his students, and can find
ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this
topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
of the cult mindset.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On 6/26/2013 11:22 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

On 6/26/2013 11:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, Ravi Chivukula 
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?

 Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid,
 delusional fantasies

 I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again
 brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well
 over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a
 paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...

I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
both of them as Class-A Cultists.

Ha ha good one - Ravi, a Class-A Cultist. This should be a clue to 
anyone who wants to take your paranoid rant seriously.

Ann and I are your worst nightmares come true - in your get-Judy, 
get-Robin campaigns. Perhaps you should move on to other greener pastures?

It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
they would rather not have been revealed.

Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists
here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
that the issue was never about the hitting.

You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
strongly analogous to children who have been abused
by their parents making excuses for those abusive
parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
my arm/whatever.

This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are
possible justifications for a teacher striking his
students. The justifications always seem to be based
on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
what he was actually DOING.

It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
trying to make it appear to be something else.

Robin physically struck his students, and can find
ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this
topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
of the cult mindset.

[FairfieldLife] Have you ever noticed...?

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
That the TM defenders and Crazy People defenders on this
forum have a tendency to treat those who blow the whistle on
lies and impropriety in either the movement they have invested
in or the crazy people they have invested in by treating those
who blow the whistle the same way the US government treats
its whistleblowers?


Shooting the messenger always has the same purpose and intent -- to
divert attention away from the message.

[FairfieldLife] Goddess Kali moved - Kedarnath destroyed the next day

2013-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008
 Flash floods can't sweep away their faith in GodThe
writer has posted comments on this articleBella Jaisinghani\
.cms Bella Jaisinghani, TNN | Jun 23, 2013, 04.56 AM IST   
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D4YkZTexE5n_Qh0dzpUA  READ MORE Uttarakhand pilgrims
|Uttarakhand floods
|Uttarakhand flash floods
[Flash floods canx80;xa0;xa0;x92;xb2;t sweep away their faith in God]  
Devotees blame the disaster on the fact that the statue of Goddess Kali,
Dhari Devi in Kedarnath, guardian deity of Uttarakhand, was removed from
her temple a day before the cloudburst.   RELATED
* Uttarakhand floods: Identifying the dead proving to be a daunting
* Uttarakhand floods may increase vegetable prices\
* Uttarakhand floods: Hapless kin spend anxious moments\
* VHP volunteers rush to help Uttarakhand pilgrims\
* Two pilgrims from Villupuram district die in Uttarakhand floods\
MUMBAI: Much less than shaking people's belief, the Uttarakhand tragedy
has reinforced their faith in the twin forces of Shiva and Shakti.
Believers insist that nothing remains intact in Kedarnath save the
shrine. The shivling remains crowned by offerings of belpatra.

Devotees blame the disaster on the fact that the statue of Goddess Kali,
Dhari Devi in Kedarnath, guardian deity of Uttarakhand, was removed from
her temple a day before the cloudburst. The shrine was being shifted for
a hydel power project that now lies in ruins. A similar attempt in 1882
had resulted in a landslide that had flattened Kedarnath. Spiritual
seeker Mukesh Trivedi from Borivli sounded a note of caution. Mukeshbhai
runs the Shri Sumitradevi Seva Sansthan that works for afforestation in
Rajasthan. He says, Man has abused nature to satisfy greed rather than
need, and now it is payback time. We cannot have unbridled construction
and hydel power projects eating away at the foundation of hill towns
with rocky beds.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Have you ever noticed...?

2013-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 That the TM defenders and Crazy People defenders on this
 forum have a tendency to treat those who blow the whistle on
 lies and impropriety in either the movement they have invested
 in or the crazy people they have invested in by treating those
 who blow the whistle the same way the US government treats
 its whistleblowers?

The world is as you are. If what the Turq see is lies and impropiety, what 
does that tell you about the him ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again brought up this hitting 

Perhaps you find it ridiculous but for the Turq it fits perfectly into his 
lifelong Maharishi-bashing-project since Robin was Maharishi's student AND 
claimed enlightenment as a result. 
You see, if someone even mentiones that TM if effective and eventually leads to 
freedom, the Turq is reminded that he has wasted his life. 
If you need another example of how difficult this is for the Turq just watch 
his reaction of contempt and hatred towards Dr.D who's claim is that TM and the 
grace of the Holy Tradition brought him freedom and enlightenment. That's about 
the most heavy thing anyone can claim for the Turq steeped as he is in a 
fanatical and confused Buddhist idea that he is already enlightened. If these 
claims of Enlightenment as a result of TM were true everything he believes in 
would be redused to nothing and exposed as the delusional superstition it in 
fact is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goddess Kali moved - Kedarnath destroyed the next day

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
As usual, Nabby finds total superstition believable.


* FOKS = Feel OK System

--- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:

  Flash floods can't sweep away their faith in GodThe
 writer has posted comments on this articleBella Jaisinghani
 .cms Bella Jaisinghani, TNN | Jun 23, 2013, 04.56 AM IST
 Devotees blame the disaster on the fact that the statue of Goddess
 Dhari Devi in Kedarnath, guardian deity of Uttarakhand, was removed
 her temple a day before the cloudburst.

 Devotees blame the disaster on the fact that the statue of Goddess
 Dhari Devi in Kedarnath, guardian deity of Uttarakhand, was removed
 her temple a day before the cloudburst. The shrine was being shifted
 a hydel power project that now lies in ruins. A similar attempt in
 had resulted in a landslide that had flattened Kedarnath. Spiritual
 seeker Mukesh Trivedi from Borivli sounded a note of caution.
 runs the Shri Sumitradevi Seva Sansthan that works for afforestation
 Rajasthan. He says, Man has abused nature to satisfy greed rather
 need, and now it is payback time. We cannot have unbridled
 and hydel power projects eating away at the foundation of hill towns
 with rocky beds.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Lawson has never spoken more true words here on FFL, whether or not anyone ever 
levitates has nothing to do with the purpose of the TM-Sidhi program, which is 
to keep a loyal following of starry eyed sycophants who will continue to 
financially support the goons that run the Movement.

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?


--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Yogic flying is all about getting off the ground while performing samyama. IT 
 don't matter how.

It matters if you are selling a *claim* of defeating the laws
of nature and giving people super powers. But if you aren't

 Legend claims that eventually people are able to sit in the air, but whether 
 or not someone floats or ever has or ever will is immaterial

The claimed effect of coherence in collective consciousness will
be massivley enhanced if people float wouldn't it? Sounds like
that would be the whole point.

as far as the purpose of the TM-Sidhis is concerned. IT's all about samyama and 
the physiological effect on the nervous system from doing samyama with specific 
 I'd hold off on speculation on how levitation, floating stage, works until 
 someone has shown levitation, floating stage. Otherwise, you're like John 
 Hagelin, making public statements for the sake of his beloved guru.

Is that irony? I can't tell with you.

 --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:
  Is London penetration depth the reason why YF needs muscle power?
  Near the surface, within a distance called the London penetration depth, 
  the magnetic field is not completely cancelled. Each superconducting 
  material has its own characteristic penetration depth.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Um, can practice the TM-Siddhis program, in the comfort and privacy 
of your own home. Or you can practice it at a TM Center, free of charge. 

As for the actual flying being of no consequence, actually *doing* the 
practice, is the difference between thinking about Hawaii, and actually going 
there. As a result, there is more than enough progress happening, that the 
notion of physically flying becomes a big so what. The flying sutra is the most 
integrated one, for our physiology, but all the others kick ass, as well. No 
point in just focusing on that cherry on top.

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Lawson has never spoken more true words here on FFL, whether or not anyone 
 ever levitates has nothing to do with the purpose of the TM-Sidhi program, 
 which is to keep a loyal following of starry eyed sycophants who will 
 continue to financially support the goons that run the Movement.
  From: salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?
 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Yogic flying is all about getting off the ground while performing samyama. 
  IT don't matter how.
 It matters if you are selling a *claim* of defeating the laws
 of nature and giving people super powers. But if you aren't
  Legend claims that eventually people are able to sit in the air, but 
  whether or not someone floats or ever has or ever will is immaterial
 The claimed effect of coherence in collective consciousness will
 be massivley enhanced if people float wouldn't it? Sounds like
 that would be the whole point.
 as far as the purpose of the TM-Sidhis is concerned. IT's all about samyama 
 and the physiological effect on the nervous system from doing samyama with 
 specific sutras.
  I'd hold off on speculation on how levitation, floating stage, works until 
  someone has shown levitation, floating stage. Otherwise, you're like John 
  Hagelin, making public statements for the sake of his beloved guru.
 Is that irony? I can't tell with you.
  --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:
   Is London penetration depth the reason why YF needs muscle power?
   Near the surface, within a distance called the London penetration depth, 
   the magnetic field is not completely cancelled. Each superconducting 
   material has its own characteristic penetration depth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread sparaig
The irony, for me, is that ever since Robin decided he was perfect 25 years 
ago,  he has never done TM again, or so his words in that message and more 
recently, to me, seem to apply.

Does the term stuck mean anything?


--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  And my respect for Robin is a logical extension of it - 
  he must have thought of himself, carried on from his
  Guru Maharishi, as infallible and invulnerable when he
  became a Guru.
 I'm not sure that's quite how it happened, Ravi. At
 least it isn't according to Robin. He says the sense of
 infallibility and invulnerability were *experiential*,
 not some ideas he picked up from Maharishi. Robin's not
 a moodmaker (TM term meaning, essentially, pretending
 to oneself that one is in an advanced state of
 Did you ever read his account of what happened on the
 mountain? Have a look:
 According to him, that experience *never went away*,
 until he fought it off little by little starting 10
 years later after the group collapsed. It took him 25
 years to get rid of most of it, to get his free will
 back, his sense of individuality back. From what he
 says, it was a titanic, prolonged, agonizing struggle
 that nearly killed him.
 If you're up to it, have a look at this too:
 It's his first response to LordKnows's attack last
 August, and it's a pretty good overall summary of his
 experience during those 10 years.
  Then because of reality's grace he was humbled into
  admitting his fallibility and vulnerability
 The way I read what he's said, he was forced to
 recognize that he *must* be fallible and vulnerable,
 but it took much, much longer for him to
 *experience* himself as such. It wasn't like having
 a profound insight in a therapist's office and then
 seeing everything in one's life differently as a
 result. It wasn't *psychological*, in other words.
  and thereby developing the qualities I mention.
  I think these qualities of Robin are very charming.
 Those qualities were developed at tremendous cost.
  Xeno and Barry - too fucking retarded to understand it.
 Yup. I have to say, though, that I don't think any
 of us--you more than most, but still--can really
 understand what he went through. I know I don't. I 
 have the broad outlines conceptually, but no more
 than that. Hell, as articulate as he is, he can't
 *explain* it much more than that.
 But it's certainly entirely possible to understand
 it better than Barry and Xeno do.
  On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
   Of course then this is the very basis of my arguments against Gurus like
   Amma and Maharishi as well.
   The minute they proclaim themselves as infallible, invulnerable with a
   special insight into reality they can never have the qualities of
   accountability, self-honesty and integrity. And in the absence of that
   their core remains stunted, the character and personality remains stunted.
   On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
   With regard to your last paragraph, yes that is the difference isn't it?
   How much accountability does one shows to all of one's actions, and at a
   deeper level one's thoughts, emotions​. This accountability then 
   to one's self-honesty and ultimately to integrity.
   So my measures of a person are then these 3 qualities - accountability,
   self-honesty and integrity. Who displays these qualities? Clearly each 
   of us are fallible, vulnerable and we make mistakes. So the process of
   acquiring these 3 qualities involves admitting one's fallibility and
   Robin scores exceptionally high on these qualities. Your dear Judy, for
   me - display these qualities as well.
   Barry and Xeno - ZERO, their actions here shows us that they complete
   lack integrity. They are blind to their malicious vindictiveness and
   dishonesty - perhaps because they clearly aren't taking responsibility 
   accountability for their feelings that are causing them to slander Robin
   here - be it jealousy, vindictiveness or any other deeper negative
   emotions. Xeno is more terrible, he acts as if he is some mature, wise,
   compassionate person at least Barry rejoices in his overt sadism.
   Really sad and pathetic behavior on the part of Barry and Xeno.
   On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:52 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend authfriend@
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
 Then folks who had been there and had seen him do this
 started showing up on FFL, and Robin knew that the jig

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread sparaig

--- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Yogic flying is all about getting off the ground while performing samyama. 
  IT don't matter how.
 It matters if you are selling a *claim* of defeating the laws
 of nature and giving people super powers. But if you aren't

Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis as 
concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of nature, not 
defeating them.

MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet were 
stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group practice of the 
TM-Sidhis]. He never talked in terms of defeat.

  Legend claims that eventually people are able to sit in the air, but 
  whether or not someone floats or ever has or ever will is immaterial
 The claimed effect of coherence in collective consciousness will
 be massivley enhanced if people float wouldn't it? Sounds like
 that would be the whole point.

Assuming that were possible, of course. However, the effect allegedly works 
whether or not any person or group of people float or in fact, ever can float.
  as far as the purpose of the TM-Sidhis is concerned. IT's all about samyama 
 and the physiological effect on the nervous system from doing samyama with 
 specific sutras.
  I'd hold off on speculation on how levitation, floating stage, works until 
  someone has shown levitation, floating stage. Otherwise, you're like John 
  Hagelin, making public statements for the sake of his beloved guru.
 Is that irony? I can't tell with you.

Well, John Hagelin convinced himself, just as MMY did, that success in the 
siddhis was just around the corner, and his rhetoric for the past 30 years 
has reflected that.


  --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:
   Is London penetration depth the reason why YF needs muscle power?
   Near the surface, within a distance called the London penetration depth, 
   the magnetic field is not completely cancelled. Each superconducting 
   material has its own characteristic penetration depth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone trying
 slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive behavior.

On the witness stand:

Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never, and
would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your

Why yes, I did state that

And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses came
forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed strike
people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations

Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...

So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never struck
anyone in the course of your confrontations

Yes, but..

No further questions Mr. Carlsen

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread salyavin808

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   Yogic flying is all about getting off the ground while performing 
   samyama. IT don't matter how.
  It matters if you are selling a *claim* of defeating the laws
  of nature and giving people super powers. But if you aren't
 Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis as 
 concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of nature, 
 not defeating them.

It's the same thing Lawson, defeating gravity is the same as 
mastering it, it no longer affects you.

 MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet were 
 stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group practice of 
 the TM-Sidhis]. 

The laws in the vicinity of our planet are stupid? He clearly never
studied physics like he claimed then, for they are the same everywhere.

He never talked in terms of defeat.

   Legend claims that eventually people are able to sit in the air, but 
   whether or not someone floats or ever has or ever will is immaterial
  The claimed effect of coherence in collective consciousness will
  be massivley enhanced if people float wouldn't it? Sounds like
  that would be the whole point.
 Assuming that were possible, of course. However, the effect allegedly works 
 whether or not any person or group of people float or in fact, ever can float.
   as far as the purpose of the TM-Sidhis is concerned. IT's all about 
  samyama and the physiological effect on the nervous system from doing 
  samyama with specific sutras.
   I'd hold off on speculation on how levitation, floating stage, works 
   until someone has shown levitation, floating stage. Otherwise, you're 
   like John Hagelin, making public statements for the sake of his beloved 
  Is that irony? I can't tell with you.
 Well, John Hagelin convinced himself, just as MMY did, that success in the 
 siddhis was just around the corner, and his rhetoric for the past 30 years 
 has reflected that.

I guess he has to say that, if anyone was to assemble the ranks in 
the dome and say that it's all obviously a load of crap it might
affect sales somewhat.

Still, you can always do it for pleasure...

   --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:

Is London penetration depth the reason why YF needs muscle power?


Near the surface, within a distance called the London penetration 
depth, the magnetic field is not completely cancelled. Each 
superconducting material has its own characteristic penetration depth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On 6/26/2013 11:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
   Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid,
   delusional fantasies
   I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again
   brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well
   over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a
   paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
  I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
  agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
  both of them as Class-A Cultists.
 Ha ha good one - Ravi, a Class-A Cultist. This should be a clue to 
 anyone who wants to take your paranoid rant seriously.

if I may join you here, I would have to say, once I stop guffawing, that I am 
(probably) one of the last people you could call a cultist on the planet 
(other than you, perhaps). Now I'll just wipe up that bugger that came flying 
out of my nose as I snorted with laughter a moment ago upon reading Barry's 
  It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
  Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
  only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
  he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
  it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
  rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
  blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
  to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
  they would rather not have been revealed.
  Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
  to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
  as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists
  here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
  and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
  that the issue was never about the hitting.
  You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
  strongly analogous to children who have been abused
  by their parents making excuses for those abusive
  parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
  my arm/whatever.
  This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
  between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
  about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are
  possible justifications for a teacher striking his
  students. The justifications always seem to be based
  on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
  what he was actually DOING.
  It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
  die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
  present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
  trying to make it appear to be something else.
  Robin physically struck his students, and can find
  ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
  repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
  tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this
  topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
  of the cult mindset.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
  Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
  delusional fantasies
  I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
  brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
  over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
  paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
 I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
 agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
 both of them as Class-A Cultists.
 It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
 Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
 only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
 he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
 it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
 rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
 blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
 to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
 they would rather not have been revealed.
 Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
 to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
 as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
 here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
 and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
 that the issue was never about the hitting.
 You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
 strongly analogous to children who have been abused
 by their parents making excuses for those abusive
 parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
 my arm/whatever. 
 This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
 between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
 about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
 possible justifications for a teacher striking his
 students. The justifications always seem to be based
 on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
 what he was actually DOING. 
 It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
 die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
 present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
 trying to make it appear to be something else. 
 Robin physically struck his students, and can find
 ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
 repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
 tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
 topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
 of the cult mindset.

No Barry, think again. This is not about the hitting. What Vaj initially 
brought up before my time here at this forum was not about the hitting. What 
you are bringing up now is not about that either. It is about punishing Robin, 
which is fine if that is what you want to do. But tell it like it is. You and 
Vaj are not interested in getting justice for those who were apparently hit 
in seminars, you are not about ringing the bells of truth so that some wrong 
can be rectified. Vaj is long gone and presumably has taken up tiddly winks or 
badminton rather than remain here at FFL. You, however, are still here and 
think bringing up this boring and irrelevant subject is important. But admit 
what it is you are doing: you got pissed off at Judy and I about two days ago 
and all of a sudden this mouldering subject reappears. You are a desperate 
person. Not one molecule of one human being reading this forum or not reading 
this forum gives a shit about the subject. Nor do they care about your personal 
dislike of either Judy, Robin or myself. Everyone has seen it all before, ad 
nauseum, this ongoing bickering. Surely you have some new French delicacy to 
sample or rare vintage wine to sip, you are in Paris after all. But one thing 
is for sure, and people take note, it doesn't matter if Barry was lying in the 
very bosom of God, he would still find a reason to pick a fight or spit at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On 6/26/2013 9:12 PM, Ann wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Dear Judy,
   Thank you - you are right, because I feel I am the only one here who 
   perhaps intuitively understand Robin's experiences. I myself 
   ruthlessly confronted many while being mystically intoxicated and I know
   from my end I was perfectly innocent, in my heart and lot of these
   confrontations caused tremendous distress to me - because I confronted
   in-spite of myself, and I did apologize to a few who chose to not 
  shy away
   from me - many simply cut off contact and in most cases my 
   were accurate, as in I hurt people where they were most vulnerable - 
  as in
   using Robinesque language - I methodically attacked, in a state of
   transcendence, their subject reflexes which were a mode of 
   these people had constructed which seemingly insulated them from reality
   and from self-knowledge.
   Yes - I have read both the posts that you have mentioned below in 
  the past
   and now again. I cannot entirely understand Robin's experiences and 
  I may
   not even agree with his interpretations and conclusions of his UC
   experiences but my comments can be treated as my own interpretation, 
   on my experiences, understanding as of today rather than some objective
   truth and of course my focus was on Robin of today than Robin of the 
   Because clearly my opinion of Robin of the past would always be tainted,
   whereas I have clear personal experiences of Robin, as he is today.
   May be reality was more merciful in my case, showing my 
  infallibility and
   invulnerability quite early on. But one thing is hard to disagree - the
   degree of invincibility you feel during a confrontation. I don't have to
   necessarily be highly mystically intoxicated to feel my 
  invincibility in a
   potential confrontation with anyone.
   Hope I made sense - clearly I'm not as articulate as Robin, am I :-)
  Yes, in your own way you are Ravi.
 Dear Ann - thank you, a lot can be said on this topic but I will try my 
 best to present a concise summary.
  I did not know of your history as others here do. I stumbled onto this 
  forum just after you became absent from FFL in January 2012. But your 
  explanation above of your experience confronting others is fascinating.
 Yes you missed all that drama. A post by Robin would be a good start 
 here - but of course it's from a long time back and it doesn't present a 
 complete picture of who I am now -
 It is certainly fascinating. Robin's analysis was based on my posts on 
 FFL, and most of my experiences, that have been more personal and/or 
 distressing were outside of FFL. In fact in Dec 2011 I confronted 
 someone, outside of FFL, someone who I fell in love with and it was not 
 my intention at all, this was so distressing that I personally went 
 through lot of pain for several months. In fact I felt used, felt 
 manipulated, that I was somehow coerced to confront (by whom, I have no 
 answer) - I pretty much spent 7 months in solitude trying to get a grip 
 on it and Robin, of course was a great help. Without his guidance it 
 would have been so much harder.
  Of course, having been present at hundreds of confrontations, 
  including a few of my own, around Robin I am pretty familiar with how 
  they went; the tracking, the jargon, the methodology (although Robin 
  would dispute the word methodology in favour of the spontaneous and 
  unrehearsed, original nature of it and he would be correct).
 Thank you for that. In my case it is completely spontaneous and somehow 
 the knowledge of who, why and how to confront is derived outside of my 
 logical, rational, intellectual processes. And of course mine were 
 outside of a group, a one-on-one interaction. But I have able to come up 
 with a rational understanding of my behavior and a certain methodology 
 that was followed. Of course the confrontations were not random and I 
 can see that I react very quickly, sharply, powerfully to 
 inauthenticity, dishonesty or something inherently false in the person 
 I'm targeting. I don't go out looking for it.

  And while I would dispute the validity or ultimate truthfulness of 
  what was pursued and ultimately revealed in confrontations I would say 
  this: I grew as a human being and became much more self aware as a 
  result of my wounds, my hurt and my ultimate reemergence on the other 
  side of things. So, the confrontations and the falseness of much of it 
  did, indeed, create something beautiful - for me - but not for 
  everyone. And I think, as I type this, that Robin is still 
  transforming into who he is meant to be but 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone trying
 slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive behavior.

On the witness stand:

Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never, and
would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your

Why yes, I did state that

And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses came
forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed strike
people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations?

Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...

So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never struck
anyone in the course of your confrontations?

Yes, but..

No further questions Mr. Carlsen

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Same conclusion here.

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 The irony, for me, is that ever since Robin decided he was perfect 25 years 
 ago,  he has never done TM again, or so his words in that message and more 
 recently, to me, seem to apply.
 Does the term stuck mean anything?
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   And my respect for Robin is a logical extension of it - 
   he must have thought of himself, carried on from his
   Guru Maharishi, as infallible and invulnerable when he
   became a Guru.
  I'm not sure that's quite how it happened, Ravi. At
  least it isn't according to Robin. He says the sense of
  infallibility and invulnerability were *experiential*,
  not some ideas he picked up from Maharishi. Robin's not
  a moodmaker (TM term meaning, essentially, pretending
  to oneself that one is in an advanced state of
  Did you ever read his account of what happened on the
  mountain? Have a look:
  According to him, that experience *never went away*,
  until he fought it off little by little starting 10
  years later after the group collapsed. It took him 25
  years to get rid of most of it, to get his free will
  back, his sense of individuality back. From what he
  says, it was a titanic, prolonged, agonizing struggle
  that nearly killed him.
  If you're up to it, have a look at this too:
  It's his first response to LordKnows's attack last
  August, and it's a pretty good overall summary of his
  experience during those 10 years.
   Then because of reality's grace he was humbled into
   admitting his fallibility and vulnerability
  The way I read what he's said, he was forced to
  recognize that he *must* be fallible and vulnerable,
  but it took much, much longer for him to
  *experience* himself as such. It wasn't like having
  a profound insight in a therapist's office and then
  seeing everything in one's life differently as a
  result. It wasn't *psychological*, in other words.
   and thereby developing the qualities I mention.
   I think these qualities of Robin are very charming.
  Those qualities were developed at tremendous cost.
   Xeno and Barry - too fucking retarded to understand it.
  Yup. I have to say, though, that I don't think any
  of us--you more than most, but still--can really
  understand what he went through. I know I don't. I 
  have the broad outlines conceptually, but no more
  than that. Hell, as articulate as he is, he can't
  *explain* it much more than that.
  But it's certainly entirely possible to understand
  it better than Barry and Xeno do.
   On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
Of course then this is the very basis of my arguments against Gurus like
Amma and Maharishi as well.
The minute they proclaim themselves as infallible, invulnerable with a
special insight into reality they can never have the qualities of
accountability, self-honesty and integrity. And in the absence of that
their core remains stunted, the character and personality remains 
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
With regard to your last paragraph, yes that is the difference isn't 
How much accountability does one shows to all of one's actions, and at 
deeper level one's thoughts, emotions​. This accountability then 
to one's self-honesty and ultimately to integrity.
So my measures of a person are then these 3 qualities - accountability,
self-honesty and integrity. Who displays these qualities? Clearly each 
of us are fallible, vulnerable and we make mistakes. So the process of
acquiring these 3 qualities involves admitting one's fallibility and
Robin scores exceptionally high on these qualities. Your dear Judy, for
me - display these qualities as well.
Barry and Xeno - ZERO, their actions here shows us that they complete
lack integrity. They are blind to their malicious vindictiveness and
dishonesty - perhaps because they clearly aren't taking responsibility 
accountability for their feelings that are causing them to slander 
here - be it jealousy, vindictiveness or any other deeper negative
emotions. Xeno is more terrible, he acts as if he is some mature, wise,
compassionate person at least Barry rejoices in his overt sadism.
Really sad and pathetic behavior on the part of Barry and Xeno.
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:52 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
   Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
   delusional fantasies
   I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
   brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
   over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
   paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
  I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
  agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
  both of them as Class-A Cultists.
  It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
  Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
  only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
  he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
  it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
  rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
  blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
  to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
  they would rather not have been revealed.
  Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
  to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
  as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
  here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
  and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
  that the issue was never about the hitting.
  You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
  strongly analogous to children who have been abused
  by their parents making excuses for those abusive
  parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
  my arm/whatever. 
  This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
  between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
  about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
  possible justifications for a teacher striking his
  students. The justifications always seem to be based
  on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
  what he was actually DOING. 
  It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
  die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
  present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
  trying to make it appear to be something else. 
  Robin physically struck his students, and can find
  ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
  repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
  tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
  topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
  of the cult mindset.
 No Barry, think again. This is not about the hitting. 
 What Vaj initially brought up before my time here at 
 this forum was not about the hitting. What you are 
 bringing up now is not about that either. It is about 
 punishing Robin, which is fine if that is what you 
 want to do. But tell it like it is. You and Vaj are 
 not interested in getting justice for those who 
 were apparently hit in seminars, you are not about 
 ringing the bells of truth so that some wrong can 
 be rectified. Vaj is long gone and presumably has 
 taken up tiddly winks or badminton rather than remain 
 here at FFL. You, however, are still here and think 
 bringing up this boring and irrelevant subject is 
 important. But admit what it is you are doing: you 
 got pissed off at Judy and I about two days ago and 
 all of a sudden this mouldering subject reappears. 
 You are a desperate person. Not one molecule of one 
 human being reading this forum or not reading this 
 forum gives a shit about the subject. Nor do they 
 care about your personal dislike of either Judy, 
 Robin or myself. Everyone has seen it all before, 
 ad nauseum, this ongoing bickering. Surely you have 
 some new French delicacy to sample or rare vintage 
 wine to sip, you are in Paris after all. But one 
 thing is for sure, and people take note, it doesn't 
 matter if Barry was lying in the very bosom of God, 
 he would still find a reason to pick a fight or 
 spit at someone.

Lurkers silly enough to read this should bear in 
mind that the above angry, shoot-the-messenger 
rant was written by someone who recently described
herself as something like the last person you could
accuse of being a cultist.

I think she's as classic an example of a cultist as
I've ever encountered anywhere on planet Earth.

We are talking, after all, about a woman who slavishly
followed Robin Carlsen and his Lame Guru Act for a 
number of years, and was *herself* dragged up onto a
stage in front of her peer-cultists and abused as 
being possessed by demons. 

Something like 25 years later, she is *still* lashing
out at anyone who dares to criticize the person who
did this to her. If that's not a cultist, I don't know
what is. 

To her, whether a person posing as a spiritual teacher
physically *struck* their students, and thus felt he
had the *right* to do so, is a boring and irrelevant 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

  So, you don't want to talk about how the black hatter
  hackers work, but you trust the red hatters. LoL!
 You don't  want to talk about it either.  

So, you haven't read the book. Go figure.

Nobody seems to want to talk about it, but I did kind
of expect the program hackers on FFL to tell me what's 
up with the hacking. Some informant you turned out to 

 You just post links to articles. Apparently you don't 
 understand what's in the articles.

You're linked already. Out in California in the Bay Area, 
they are recording your license plate number and VIN 
every time you drive out your driveway. 

They know who you are, who you are friends with, and who 
you text and talk to. Along with your SS number they 
know everything about you - there's no secrets anymore! 

Your license-plate data is instantly sent to the nearest 
intelligence data center. 

According to what I've read, the database will be 
capable of handling over 100 million records inside a 
rather large black ops building with no windows and a 
fence around it with armed guards at the gate, FOREVER. 

The license plate data will be accessible to local and 
state law enforcement across the region in a moment's 
notice and shared with the FBI and the NSA.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg when you consider 
that under Obamacare, all your medical records will be 
digitized and stored and shared in a database, so they 
can see if you've have any medical insurance. Go figure.

At a rapid pace, and mostly hidden from the public, 
police agencies throughout California have been 
collecting millions of records on drivers and feeding 
them to intelligence fusion centers operated by local, 
state and federal law enforcement...

License-plate readers let police collect millions of 
records on drivers'

'Think NSA Spying Is Bad? Here Comes ObamaCare Hub' 

 If you have questions then ask so we can explain
 some of these tings to you.

Thanks. So, who is Edward Snowden?

'We Are Anonymous'
Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the
Global Cyber Insurgency
by P. Olsen
Back Bay Books, 2013

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On 6/26/2013 9:12 PM, Ann wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Dear Judy,
   Thank you - you are right, because I feel I am the only one here who 
   perhaps intuitively understand Robin's experiences. I myself 
   ruthlessly confronted many while being mystically intoxicated and I know
   from my end I was perfectly innocent, in my heart and lot of these
   confrontations caused tremendous distress to me - because I confronted
   in-spite of myself, and I did apologize to a few who chose to not 
  shy away
   from me - many simply cut off contact and in most cases my 
   were accurate, as in I hurt people where they were most vulnerable - 
  as in
   using Robinesque language - I methodically attacked, in a state of
   transcendence, their subject reflexes which were a mode of 
   these people had constructed which seemingly insulated them from reality
   and from self-knowledge.
   Yes - I have read both the posts that you have mentioned below in 
  the past
   and now again. I cannot entirely understand Robin's experiences and 
  I may
   not even agree with his interpretations and conclusions of his UC
   experiences but my comments can be treated as my own interpretation, 
   on my experiences, understanding as of today rather than some objective
   truth and of course my focus was on Robin of today than Robin of the 
   Because clearly my opinion of Robin of the past would always be tainted,
   whereas I have clear personal experiences of Robin, as he is today.
   May be reality was more merciful in my case, showing my 
  infallibility and
   invulnerability quite early on. But one thing is hard to disagree - the
   degree of invincibility you feel during a confrontation. I don't have to
   necessarily be highly mystically intoxicated to feel my 
  invincibility in a
   potential confrontation with anyone.
   Hope I made sense - clearly I'm not as articulate as Robin, am I :-)
  Yes, in your own way you are Ravi.
 Dear Ann - thank you, a lot can be said on this topic but I will try my 
 best to present a concise summary.
  I did not know of your history as others here do. I stumbled onto this 
  forum just after you became absent from FFL in January 2012. But your 
  explanation above of your experience confronting others is fascinating.
 Yes you missed all that drama. A post by Robin would be a good start 
 here - but of course it's from a long time back and it doesn't present a 
 complete picture of who I am now -
 It is certainly fascinating. Robin's analysis was based on my posts on 
 FFL, and most of my experiences, that have been more personal and/or 
 distressing were outside of FFL. In fact in Dec 2011 I confronted 
 someone, outside of FFL, someone who I fell in love with and it was not 
 my intention at all, this was so distressing that I personally went 
 through lot of pain for several months. In fact I felt used, felt 
 manipulated, that I was somehow coerced to confront (by whom, I have no 
 answer) - I pretty much spent 7 months in solitude trying to get a grip 
 on it and Robin, of course was a great help. Without his guidance it 
 would have been so much harder.
  Of course, having been present at hundreds of confrontations, 
  including a few of my own, around Robin I am pretty familiar with how 
  they went; the tracking, the jargon, the methodology (although Robin 
  would dispute the word methodology in favour of the spontaneous and 
  unrehearsed, original nature of it and he would be correct).
 Thank you for that. In my case it is completely spontaneous and somehow 
 the knowledge of who, why and how to confront is derived outside of my 
 logical, rational, intellectual processes. And of course mine were 
 outside of a group, a one-on-one interaction. But I have able to come up 
 with a rational understanding of my behavior and a certain methodology 
 that was followed. Of course the confrontations were not random and I 
 can see that I react very quickly, sharply, powerfully to 
 inauthenticity, dishonesty or something inherently false in the person 
 I'm targeting. I don't go out looking for it.
  And while I would dispute the validity or ultimate truthfulness of 
  what was pursued and ultimately revealed in confrontations I would say 
  this: I grew as a human being and became much more self aware as a 
  result of my wounds, my hurt and my ultimate reemergence on the other 
  side of things. So, the confrontations and the falseness of much of it 
  did, indeed, create something beautiful - for me - but not for 
  everyone. And I think, as I type this, that Robin is still 
  transforming into who he is meant to be but 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
  Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
  delusional fantasies
  I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
  brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
  over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
  paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
 I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
 agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
 both of them as Class-A Cultists.
 It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
 Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
 only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
 he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
 it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
 rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
 blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
 to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
 they would rather not have been revealed.
 Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
 to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
 as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
 here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
 and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
 that the issue was never about the hitting.
 You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
 strongly analogous to children who have been abused
 by their parents making excuses for those abusive
 parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
 my arm/whatever. 
 This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
 between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
 about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
 possible justifications for a teacher striking his
 students. The justifications always seem to be based
 on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
 what he was actually DOING. 
 It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
 die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
 present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
 trying to make it appear to be something else. 
 Robin physically struck his students, and can find
 ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
 repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
 tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
 topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
 of the cult mindset.

No Barry, think again. This is not about the hitting. What Vaj initially 
brought up before my time here at this forum was not about the hitting. What 
you are bringing up now is not about that either. It is about punishing Robin, 
which is fine if that is what you want to do. But tell it like it is. You and 
Vaj are not interested in getting justice for those who were apparently hit 
in seminars, you are not about ringing the bells of truth so that some wrong 
can be rectified. Vaj is long gone and presumably has taken up tiddly winks or 
badminton rather than remain here at FFL. You, however, are still here and 
think bringing up this boring and irrelevant subject is important. But admit 
what it is you are doing: you got pissed off at Judy and I about two days ago 
and all of a sudden this mouldering subject reappears. You are a desperate 
person. Not one molecule of one human being reading this forum or not reading 
this forum gives a shit about the subject. Nor do they care about your personal 
dislike of either Judy, Robin or myself. Everyone has seen it all before, ad 
nauseum, this ongoing bickering. Surely you have some new French delicacy to 
sample or rare vintage wine to sip, you are in Paris after all. But one thing 
is for sure, and people take note, it doesn't matter if Barry was lying in the 
very bosom of God, he would still find a reason to pick a fight or spit at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?

Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
delusional fantasies

I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
   I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
   agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
   both of them as Class-A Cultists.
   It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
   Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
   only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
   he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
   it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
   rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
   blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
   to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
   they would rather not have been revealed.
   Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
   to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
   as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
   here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
   and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
   that the issue was never about the hitting.
   You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
   strongly analogous to children who have been abused
   by their parents making excuses for those abusive
   parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
   my arm/whatever. 
   This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
   between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
   about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
   possible justifications for a teacher striking his
   students. The justifications always seem to be based
   on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
   what he was actually DOING. 
   It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
   die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
   present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
   trying to make it appear to be something else. 
   Robin physically struck his students, and can find
   ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
   repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
   tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
   topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
   of the cult mindset.
  No Barry, think again. This is not about the hitting. 
  What Vaj initially brought up before my time here at 
  this forum was not about the hitting. What you are 
  bringing up now is not about that either. It is about 
  punishing Robin, which is fine if that is what you 
  want to do. But tell it like it is. You and Vaj are 
  not interested in getting justice for those who 
  were apparently hit in seminars, you are not about 
  ringing the bells of truth so that some wrong can 
  be rectified. Vaj is long gone and presumably has 
  taken up tiddly winks or badminton rather than remain 
  here at FFL. You, however, are still here and think 
  bringing up this boring and irrelevant subject is 
  important. But admit what it is you are doing: you 
  got pissed off at Judy and I about two days ago and 
  all of a sudden this mouldering subject reappears. 
  You are a desperate person. Not one molecule of one 
  human being reading this forum or not reading this 
  forum gives a shit about the subject. Nor do they 
  care about your personal dislike of either Judy, 
  Robin or myself. Everyone has seen it all before, 
  ad nauseum, this ongoing bickering. Surely you have 
  some new French delicacy to sample or rare vintage 
  wine to sip, you are in Paris after all. But one 
  thing is for sure, and people take note, it doesn't 
  matter if Barry was lying in the very bosom of God, 
  he would still find a reason to pick a fight or 
  spit at someone.
 Lurkers silly enough to read this should bear in 
 mind that the above angry, shoot-the-messenger 
 rant was written by someone who recently described
 herself as something like the last person you could
 accuse of being a cultist.
 I think she's as classic an example of a cultist as
 I've ever encountered anywhere on planet Earth.
 We are talking, after all, about a woman who slavishly
 followed Robin Carlsen and his Lame Guru Act for a 
 number of years, and was *herself* dragged up onto a
 stage in front of her peer-cultists and abused as 
 being possessed by demons. 
 Something like 25 years later, she is *still* lashing
 out at anyone who dares to criticize the person who
 did this to her. If that's not a cultist, I don't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

2013-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/27/2013 07:34 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 So, you don't want to talk about how the black hatter
 hackers work, but you trust the red hatters. LoL!

 You don't  want to talk about it either.

 So, you haven't read the book. Go figure.

 Nobody seems to want to talk about it, but I did kind
 of expect the program hackers on FFL to tell me what's
 up with the hacking. Some informant you turned out to

 You just post links to articles. Apparently you don't
 understand what's in the articles.

 You're linked already. Out in California in the Bay Area,
 they are recording your license plate number and VIN
 every time you drive out your driveway.

 They know who you are, who you are friends with, and who
 you text and talk to. Along with your SS number they
 know everything about you - there's no secrets anymore!

 Your license-plate data is instantly sent to the nearest
 intelligence data center.

 According to what I've read, the database will be
 capable of handling over 100 million records inside a
 rather large black ops building with no windows and a
 fence around it with armed guards at the gate, FOREVER.

 The license plate data will be accessible to local and
 state law enforcement across the region in a moment's
 notice and shared with the FBI and the NSA.

 And that's just the tip of the iceberg when you consider
 that under Obamacare, all your medical records will be
 digitized and stored and shared in a database, so they
 can see if you've have any medical insurance. Go figure.

 At a rapid pace, and mostly hidden from the public,
 police agencies throughout California have been
 collecting millions of records on drivers and feeding
 them to intelligence fusion centers operated by local,
 state and federal law enforcement...

 License-plate readers let police collect millions of
 records on drivers'

 'Think NSA Spying Is Bad? Here Comes ObamaCare Hub'

 If you have questions then ask so we can explain
 some of these tings to you.

 Thanks. So, who is Edward Snowden?

 'We Are Anonymous'
 Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the
 Global Cyber Insurgency
 by P. Olsen
 Back Bay Books, 2013

Already discussed it yesterday.  Didn't you decode the message or did 
you lose your decoder ring already?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On 6/26/2013 9:12 PM, Ann wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Dear Judy,
   Thank you - you are right, because I feel I am the only one here who 
   perhaps intuitively understand Robin's experiences. I myself 
   ruthlessly confronted many while being mystically intoxicated and I know
   from my end I was perfectly innocent, in my heart and lot of these
   confrontations caused tremendous distress to me - because I confronted
   in-spite of myself, and I did apologize to a few who chose to not 
  shy away
   from me - many simply cut off contact and in most cases my 
   were accurate, as in I hurt people where they were most vulnerable - 
  as in
   using Robinesque language - I methodically attacked, in a state of
   transcendence, their subject reflexes which were a mode of 
   these people had constructed which seemingly insulated them from reality
   and from self-knowledge.
   Yes - I have read both the posts that you have mentioned below in 
  the past
   and now again. I cannot entirely understand Robin's experiences and 
  I may
   not even agree with his interpretations and conclusions of his UC
   experiences but my comments can be treated as my own interpretation, 
   on my experiences, understanding as of today rather than some objective
   truth and of course my focus was on Robin of today than Robin of the 
   Because clearly my opinion of Robin of the past would always be tainted,
   whereas I have clear personal experiences of Robin, as he is today.
   May be reality was more merciful in my case, showing my 
  infallibility and
   invulnerability quite early on. But one thing is hard to disagree - the
   degree of invincibility you feel during a confrontation. I don't have to
   necessarily be highly mystically intoxicated to feel my 
  invincibility in a
   potential confrontation with anyone.
   Hope I made sense - clearly I'm not as articulate as Robin, am I :-)
  Yes, in your own way you are Ravi.
 Dear Ann - thank you, a lot can be said on this topic but I will try my 
 best to present a concise summary.
  I did not know of your history as others here do. I stumbled onto this 
  forum just after you became absent from FFL in January 2012. But your 
  explanation above of your experience confronting others is fascinating.
 Yes you missed all that drama. A post by Robin would be a good start 
 here - but of course it's from a long time back and it doesn't present a 
 complete picture of who I am now -
 It is certainly fascinating. Robin's analysis was based on my posts on 
 FFL, and most of my experiences, that have been more personal and/or 
 distressing were outside of FFL. In fact in Dec 2011 I confronted 
 someone, outside of FFL, someone who I fell in love with and it was not 
 my intention at all, this was so distressing that I personally went 
 through lot of pain for several months. In fact I felt used, felt 
 manipulated, that I was somehow coerced to confront (by whom, I have no 
 answer) - I pretty much spent 7 months in solitude trying to get a grip 
 on it and Robin, of course was a great help. Without his guidance it 
 would have been so much harder.
  Of course, having been present at hundreds of confrontations, 
  including a few of my own, around Robin I am pretty familiar with how 
  they went; the tracking, the jargon, the methodology (although Robin 
  would dispute the word methodology in favour of the spontaneous and 
  unrehearsed, original nature of it and he would be correct).
 Thank you for that. In my case it is completely spontaneous and somehow 
 the knowledge of who, why and how to confront is derived outside of my 
 logical, rational, intellectual processes. And of course mine were 
 outside of a group, a one-on-one interaction. But I have able to come up 
 with a rational understanding of my behavior and a certain methodology 
 that was followed. Of course the confrontations were not random and I 
 can see that I react very quickly, sharply, powerfully to 
 inauthenticity, dishonesty or something inherently false in the person 
 I'm targeting. I don't go out looking for it.
  And while I would dispute the validity or ultimate truthfulness of 
  what was pursued and ultimately revealed in confrontations I would say 
  this: I grew as a human being and became much more self aware as a 
  result of my wounds, my hurt and my ultimate reemergence on the other 
  side of things. So, the confrontations and the falseness of much of it 
  did, indeed, create something beautiful - for me - but not for 
  everyone. And I think, as I type this, that Robin is still 
  transforming into who he is meant to be but 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
You don't get it, Barry. You've been busted. AGAIN.

You told a whopper of a lie in your earlier post
about Robin. It was exposed. The only way you *know
how* to respond to the exposure of yet another of
your lies *is to tell more lies*, as you do here.

It's such a dreary exercise, but you'll be going
through it until the day you die.

With regard to your lies about Robin, what they
indicate is that to you, what Robin *actually did*
didn't seem all that bad. Otherwise you wouldn't
have felt the need to lie about it to make it
sound worse.

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Barry is very careful to obscure the distinction Robin
  was at pains to make between Robin allegedly having
  struck people *onstage during his public seminars*--
  which was what Vaj had accused him of doing, falsely--
  and having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
  in a private residential setting well before there had
  been any seminars (and at which Vaj had not been
  As Robin said (omitted by Barry): I did not deny
  something I knew was true. I denied what I was
  accused of.
 I will respond to this because it is EXACTLY why 
 I referred to Robin's harping on this onstage 
 during his public seminars phrase as a Judy 
 Stein-like nitpick. It's *her* act, the one she

What Barry calls nitpicks are actually *facts*
that challenge how he characterizes things.
Barry is blind to any kind of nuance; he sees
things strictly in black-and-white terms.

It doesn't take a lot of reflection to recognize
the difference between physically smacking people
around up on stage in front of an audience during
a seminar open to the public, and the Zen-roshi-
like smacks in a private setting that Robin
described (which, according to him, happened very
rarely in exceptional circumstances, and to which,
according to him, nobody present objected). He was
accused of the former and denied it.

 Case in point. Recently she claimed YET AGAIN 
 that she had never commented on a film that she
 had not seen.

I'm going to skip this because we've been through
it so many times already. It's a case in point
only of how Barry engages in distortion,
mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
remember how this has gone each time Barry has
brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
and lies about Robin.

 And *now* she says -- doubling down on her defense of
 the crazy person who we now know (and which she 
 *admits* in a followup post -- *repeatedly* struck
 his students, and was trying to equivocate to hide
 that fact -- that what he was avoiding admitting to
 was having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
 in a private residential setting.

Barry, see a doctor. Your mind simply isn't
functioning properly.

First, only Robin can admit that he struck people,
obviously. I can't admit it for him.

Second, *he admitted the Zen-roshi-like business
back in January 2012*. That's what his Open Letter
post was about and what I described in my first post
in response to Barry. My follow-up post yesterday
pointed out that Ann had reported what seems to have
been a hitting incident *during a seminar*. Somehow
Barry has managed to get these two confused. Or he
hopes readers will and is simply lying.

 Isn't it FASCINATING that Judy can completely 
 *ignore* the REASON Robin proposes for having struck 
 these people:
 If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful
 representation of themselves through the malice of this 
 fallen angel that they were in fact defending or upholding 
 the integrity of themelves in resisting the beneficent 
 and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously 
 as it were, or unconsciously colluding with the fallen 
 angel—I might, on occasion shock that person out of 
 such an identification.
 This is INSANITY on such a level that it probably qual-
 ifies for the Most Insane Thing Ever Said On This Forum,
 and Judy Stein *cannot even see it*.

What Robin was describing in that paragraph, obviously,
was *how it seemed to him at the time*, not how he sees
it today. He's said over and over here that he was
deluded back then.

 Her *entire* focus is on doubling down and finding
 nitpicks that can make it look as if she has not been
 WRONG in her assessment of Robin Carlsen, who he was,
 and who he still is.

I have no basis to assess who Robin was 30-some years
ago other than what he's said about himself. He says
he was deluded. I have no reason to doubt his own
assessment. I see no trace of any delusions in what
Robin says today.

 She equivocated and lied in her attempts to defend
 him back then,

I did no such thing and Barry knows it.

 and she's still doing it. Please note
 yet another nitpick and equivocation. She tries in a 
 followup post to make a Big Deal about the fact that
 Ann had not posted yet 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On 6/26/2013 11:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
   Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid,
   delusional fantasies
   I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again
   brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well
   over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a
   paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
  I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
  agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
  both of them as Class-A Cultists.
 Ha ha good one - Ravi, a Class-A Cultist. This should be a clue to 
 anyone who wants to take your paranoid rant seriously.

if I may join you here, I would have to say, once I stop guffawing, that I am 
(probably) one of the last people you could call a cultist on the planet 
(other than you, perhaps). Now I'll just wipe up that bugger that came flying 
out of my nose as I snorted with laughter a moment ago upon reading Barry's 
  It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
  Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
  only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
  he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
  it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
  rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
  blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
  to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
  they would rather not have been revealed.
  Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
  to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
  as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists
  here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
  and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
  that the issue was never about the hitting.
  You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
  strongly analogous to children who have been abused
  by their parents making excuses for those abusive
  parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
  my arm/whatever.
  This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
  between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
  about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are
  possible justifications for a teacher striking his
  students. The justifications always seem to be based
  on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
  what he was actually DOING.
  It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
  die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
  present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
  trying to make it appear to be something else.
  Robin physically struck his students, and can find
  ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
  repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
  tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this
  topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
  of the cult mindset.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

   Most people already think they're the center 
  of universe...
Share Long:
 And being spied on by NSA will only inflate that 
 delusion even more, LOL 

According to what I've read, people who frequent
social networking sites and upload their data and
media want to avoid anonymity - they want their 
own fifteen minutes of fame. Most people who post 
are concerned about leaving a legacy of some sort, 
even if it's a few twitter postings. Go figure.

  I've been looking around had who has jobs and it 
  seems a lot of people are working for the government 
  and military nowadays.  Not my cuppa tea.  As close 
  as I've come to that was a temp worker for EDS.
 If you are young these days, you're screwed; if you're
 older, you're really screwed. WHAT me worry? LoL!
 One of the responses to the revelations about the mass 
 spying on Americans by the NSA and other agencies is I 
 have nothing to hide. What me worry? I tweeted in 
 response If you have nothing to hide, you live a boring 
 Posted by Alex Tabarrok:

   Smile, you're on candid camera. LoL!
   Ethay ildrenchay ofway ethay orncay ingsay:
   Ogastahyay urukay armanikay.
   You are certainly connecting all the dots. LoL!
   So what did I say?
   We are in the best of hands? LoL!
  Nope. Try again.
   Let's see if Willy can connect the dots. ;-)
   An assault on the U.S. Constitution?
   Next, they'll be forcing us to quarter federal
   troops in our own homes!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Well, John Hagelin convinced himself, just as MMY did, that success in the 
siddhis was just around the corner, and his rhetoric for the past 30 years 
has reflected that.

Two very different motivations, though. Maharishi saw it that way, as someone 
living an eternal life, in terms of the inevitability of success, vs. 
correlating it to a specific time-frame. Success may be just around the corner, 
but to Maharishi, it didn't matter that the block that needed to be traversed, 
to reach the corner, was immense. Hagelin, then, was just saying what his boss 

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   Yogic flying is all about getting off the ground while performing 
   samyama. IT don't matter how.
  It matters if you are selling a *claim* of defeating the laws
  of nature and giving people super powers. But if you aren't
 Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis as 
 concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of nature, 
 not defeating them.
 MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet were 
 stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group practice of 
 the TM-Sidhis]. He never talked in terms of defeat.
   Legend claims that eventually people are able to sit in the air, but 
   whether or not someone floats or ever has or ever will is immaterial
  The claimed effect of coherence in collective consciousness will
  be massivley enhanced if people float wouldn't it? Sounds like
  that would be the whole point.
 Assuming that were possible, of course. However, the effect allegedly works 
 whether or not any person or group of people float or in fact, ever can float.
   as far as the purpose of the TM-Sidhis is concerned. IT's all about 
  samyama and the physiological effect on the nervous system from doing 
  samyama with specific sutras.
   I'd hold off on speculation on how levitation, floating stage, works 
   until someone has shown levitation, floating stage. Otherwise, you're 
   like John Hagelin, making public statements for the sake of his beloved 
  Is that irony? I can't tell with you.
 Well, John Hagelin convinced himself, just as MMY did, that success in the 
 siddhis was just around the corner, and his rhetoric for the past 30 years 
 has reflected that.
   --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:

Is London penetration depth the reason why YF needs muscle power?


Near the surface, within a distance called the London penetration 
depth, the magnetic field is not completely cancelled. Each 
superconducting material has its own characteristic penetration depth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
Just for fun, did anyone notice that Judy snipped out
all of the *direct quotes* of hers that proved that
she once commented on a film she had never seen?
That's Judy I Never Lie Stein for you.  :-)

As *she* does so often, let's restore the snipped
parts, shall we? Then lurkers can figure out for them-
selves if perhaps there was something in them she was
trying to hide or obscure. 

 In the throes of her equivocation
 (if not outright lying), she seems to have 
 forgotten that during that incident she titled
 her post Mel Gibson, Christian bigot, based
 solely on an article she had read without seeing
 the movie, and even went further than the writer
 of the article by including this part *in her
 own words* at the end of her post:
 To highlight what the writer tactfully leaves
 implicit, Gibson has slandered the Maya and
 mangled history for the purpose of exalting the
 purported superiority of Christianity.
 ALL of this while commenting on a movie she had
 not seen, and *still* has never seen. Yet in her
 mind *I* am a liar for pointing it out.

What part of this do you think constitutes I've
never commented on a film I've never seen in 
her mind, eh?   :-)  :-)  :-)

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 You don't get it, Barry. You've been busted. AGAIN.
 You told a whopper of a lie in your earlier post
 about Robin. It was exposed. The only way you *know
 how* to respond to the exposure of yet another of
 your lies *is to tell more lies*, as you do here.
 It's such a dreary exercise, but you'll be going
 through it until the day you die.
 With regard to your lies about Robin, what they
 indicate is that to you, what Robin *actually did*
 didn't seem all that bad. Otherwise you wouldn't
 have felt the need to lie about it to make it
 sound worse.
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Barry is very careful to obscure the distinction Robin
   was at pains to make between Robin allegedly having
   struck people *onstage during his public seminars*--
   which was what Vaj had accused him of doing, falsely--
   and having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
   in a private residential setting well before there had
   been any seminars (and at which Vaj had not been
   As Robin said (omitted by Barry): I did not deny
   something I knew was true. I denied what I was
   accused of.
  I will respond to this because it is EXACTLY why 
  I referred to Robin's harping on this onstage 
  during his public seminars phrase as a Judy 
  Stein-like nitpick. It's *her* act, the one she
  uses ALL THE TIME.
 What Barry calls nitpicks are actually *facts*
 that challenge how he characterizes things.
 Barry is blind to any kind of nuance; he sees
 things strictly in black-and-white terms.
 It doesn't take a lot of reflection to recognize
 the difference between physically smacking people
 around up on stage in front of an audience during
 a seminar open to the public, and the Zen-roshi-
 like smacks in a private setting that Robin
 described (which, according to him, happened very
 rarely in exceptional circumstances, and to which,
 according to him, nobody present objected). He was
 accused of the former and denied it.
  Case in point. Recently she claimed YET AGAIN 
  that she had never commented on a film that she
  had not seen.
 I'm going to skip this because we've been through
 it so many times already. It's a case in point
 only of how Barry engages in distortion,
 mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
 remember how this has gone each time Barry has
 brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
 focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
 and lies about Robin.
  And *now* she says -- doubling down on her defense of
  the crazy person who we now know (and which she 
  *admits* in a followup post -- *repeatedly* struck
  his students, and was trying to equivocate to hide
  that fact -- that what he was avoiding admitting to
  was having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
  in a private residential setting.
 Barry, see a doctor. Your mind simply isn't
 functioning properly.
 First, only Robin can admit that he struck people,
 obviously. I can't admit it for him.
 Second, *he admitted the Zen-roshi-like business
 back in January 2012*. That's what his Open Letter
 post was about and what I described in my first post
 in response to Barry. My follow-up post yesterday
 pointed out that Ann had reported what seems to have
 been a hitting incident *during a seminar*. Somehow
 Barry has managed to get these two confused. Or he
 hopes readers will and is simply lying.
  Isn't it FASCINATING that Judy can completely 
  *ignore* the REASON Robin proposes for having struck 
  these people:
  If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful
  representation of themselves through the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar...doesn't 
portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry Mason in Robin's 
corner, he cannot lose.

SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as Dutch 
Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable. After that, the 
prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more pomade into his hair.

--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone trying
  slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive behavior.
 On the witness stand:
 Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never, and
 would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
 Why yes, I did state that
 And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses came
 forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed strike
 people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
 Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
 So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never struck
 anyone in the course of your confrontations
 Yes, but..
 No further questions Mr. Carlsen

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Wasn't there also a mysterious, beautiful woman from Victoria, BC
introduced by Perry Mason that caused a total disarray to the prosecution's
case? Of course Dutch Crunch's sordid past certainly did them no favors.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:38 AM, wrote:


 Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar...doesn't
 portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry Mason in Robin's
 corner, he cannot lose.

 SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as
 Dutch Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable. After
 that, the prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more pomade into
 his hair.

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone trying
   slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive behavior.
  On the witness stand:
  Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never, and
  would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
  Why yes, I did state that
  And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses came
  forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed strike
  people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
  Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
  So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never struck
  anyone in the course of your confrontations
  Yes, but..
  No further questions Mr. Carlsen


[FairfieldLife] Intellectual dishonesty, the definition...redux

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
I suspect, given the posts made recently by Ann, Doc,
Ravi, and Judy supporting Robin in the face of direct 
quotes from him that show him lying repeatedly on this
forum, that it might be time to repost something Xeno 
posted earlier in the week (highlighting mine):

Here is a simple criterion I found on the 'Net:

'Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards 
of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in 
a self-serving fashion. *If one judges others more 
critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest.* 
*If one deflects criticism of a friend or ally simply 
because they are a friend or ally, that is intellectually 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata

2013-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/27/2013 10:03 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

   Most people already think they're the center
 of universe...

 Share Long:
 And being spied on by NSA will only inflate that
 delusion even more, LOL

 According to what I've read, people who frequent
 social networking sites and upload their data and
 media want to avoid anonymity - they want their
 own fifteen minutes of fame. Most people who post
 are concerned about leaving a legacy of some sort,
 even if it's a few twitter postings. Go figure.

Sorry Richard, you are just too boring to be a person of interest.

Re: [FairfieldLife] US General Recommends Bolstering Forces in Lebanon and Iraq

2013-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/26/2013 11:22 PM, John wrote:
 Why are we even thinking of these options?  We don't have the money to get 
 involved in any more wars period.  The US is broke.

The US is broke and wants to commit suicide by starting World War Three.

[FairfieldLife] The ick factor -- an opinion by George Takei

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
Some of you may know or even follow the blog or Facebook
page created by George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek).
There is some question as to whether he writes *all* of
the material or finds *all* of the wonderful graphics 
he forwards, but they are consistently delightful. 

Here, in an opinion piece for the Washington Post, he
gets serious for once. At least as serious as he gets:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Just for fun, did anyone notice that Judy snipped out
 all of the *direct quotes* of hers that proved that
 she once commented on a film she had never seen?

It would be hard not to notice that I snipped 
*everything* you said about it in your post, given that
I noted specifically that I was doing so (see complete
post below). I wrote:

 I'm going to skip this because we've been through
 it so many times already. It's a case in point
 only of how Barry engages in distortion,
 mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
 remember how this has gone each time Barry has
 brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
 focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
 and lies about Robin.

 That's Judy I Never Lie Stein for you.  :-)

That's Barry I Lie Constantly About Judy for you.
Remember what I said, that whenever Barry tries to
engage with his critics, it's *guaranteed* that he
will lose? This whole exchange is yet another
example. Lies Lose, Barry. Automatically.

 As *she* does so often, let's restore the snipped
 parts, shall we? Then lurkers can figure out for them-
 selves if perhaps there was something in them she was
 trying to hide or obscure.

As I pointed out, we've been over this many times.
It's all on the record. I'm happy to refer folks to
the relevant posts if they can't remember how it all
went in the previous iterations. There's no need for
me to say it all *again*. Here I'm only interested in
Barry's lies about Robin (and now in Barry's lies
about my response to those lies). Barry wants to
distract as much attention as possible from those

(snipping the Apocalypto crap again, leaving in
the quote of my post)

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  You don't get it, Barry. You've been busted. AGAIN.
  You told a whopper of a lie in your earlier post
  about Robin. It was exposed. The only way you *know
  how* to respond to the exposure of yet another of
  your lies *is to tell more lies*, as you do here.
  It's such a dreary exercise, but you'll be going
  through it until the day you die.
  With regard to your lies about Robin, what they
  indicate is that to you, what Robin *actually did*
  didn't seem all that bad. Otherwise you wouldn't
  have felt the need to lie about it to make it
  sound worse.
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
Barry is very careful to obscure the distinction Robin
was at pains to make between Robin allegedly having
struck people *onstage during his public seminars*--
which was what Vaj had accused him of doing, falsely--
and having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
in a private residential setting well before there had
been any seminars (and at which Vaj had not been

As Robin said (omitted by Barry): I did not deny
something I knew was true. I denied what I was
accused of.
   I will respond to this because it is EXACTLY why 
   I referred to Robin's harping on this onstage 
   during his public seminars phrase as a Judy 
   Stein-like nitpick. It's *her* act, the one she
   uses ALL THE TIME.
  What Barry calls nitpicks are actually *facts*
  that challenge how he characterizes things.
  Barry is blind to any kind of nuance; he sees
  things strictly in black-and-white terms.
  It doesn't take a lot of reflection to recognize
  the difference between physically smacking people
  around up on stage in front of an audience during
  a seminar open to the public, and the Zen-roshi-
  like smacks in a private setting that Robin
  described (which, according to him, happened very
  rarely in exceptional circumstances, and to which,
  according to him, nobody present objected). He was
  accused of the former and denied it.
   Case in point. Recently she claimed YET AGAIN 
   that she had never commented on a film that she
   had not seen.
  I'm going to skip this because we've been through
  it so many times already. It's a case in point
  only of how Barry engages in distortion,
  mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
  remember how this has gone each time Barry has
  brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
  focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
  and lies about Robin.
   And *now* she says -- doubling down on her defense of
   the crazy person who we now know (and which she 
   *admits* in a followup post -- *repeatedly* struck
   his students, and was trying to equivocate to hide
   that fact -- that what he was avoiding admitting to
   was having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
   in a private residential setting.
  Barry, see a doctor. Your mind simply isn't
  functioning properly.
  First, only Robin can admit that he struck people,
  obviously. I can't admit it for him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US General Recommends Bolstering Forces in Lebanon and Iraq

2013-06-27 Thread salyavin808

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 06/26/2013 11:22 PM, John wrote:
  Why are we even thinking of these options?  We don't have the money to get 
  involved in any more wars period.  The US is broke.
 The US is broke and wants to commit suicide by starting World War Three.

Well, we've had a good run. Let's give the ants a chance...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Wasn't there also a mysterious, beautiful woman from Victoria,
 BC introduced by Perry Mason that caused a total disarray to
 the prosecution's case?

Au contraire, Pierre. It was the slimy reporter who, doing
his best to help out the prosecutor, found himself in deep
shit because he hadn't been paying attention to the defense's
case and got the story badly fouled up.

 Of course Dutch Crunch's sordid past
 certainly did them no favors.
 On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:38 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
  Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar...doesn't
  portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry Mason in Robin's
  corner, he cannot lose.
  SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as
  Dutch Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable. After
  that, the prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more pomade into
  his hair.
  --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone trying
slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive behavior.
   On the witness stand:
   Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never, and
   would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
   Why yes, I did state that
   And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses came
   forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed strike
   people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
   Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
   So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never struck
   anyone in the course of your confrontations
   Yes, but..
   No further questions Mr. Carlsen

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Could you be any more irrational and idiotic Barry baby?
  Here's Ann - someone who was there, not your paranoid, 
  delusional fantasies
  I find it quite ridiculous that Barry has once again 
  brought up this hitting thing. Not only are people well 
  over this subject but it amounts to, in the end, a 
  paltry hill of beans. It never was about the hitting...
 I will respond to this because here Ann (and Ravi,
 agreeing with her) reveal *exactly* why people regard
 both of them as Class-A Cultists.
 It really *was* about the hitting. Vaj said that
 Robin had repeatedly struck his students. Robin not
 only denied this explicitly (I would never do that),
 he repeatedly called Vaj a liar for having suggested
 it. And some people on this forum -- cultists all --
 rallied behind Robin in this, and treated whistle-
 blower Vaj the same way the US government is trying
 to treat people who revealed things about *it* that
 they would rather not have been revealed.
 Then what happens? Backed into a corner, Robin ADMITS
 to having struck his students, and repeatedly, just
 as Vaj said he had. And what do the same cultists 
 here do *then*? They make excuses for his behavior,
 and find ways to shoot the messenger and pretend
 that the issue was never about the hitting.
 You'll have to forgive me if I see this behavior as
 strongly analogous to children who have been abused
 by their parents making excuses for those abusive
 parents. He had his reasons for hitting me/breaking
 my arm/whatever. 
 This is revealing of the inability to differentiate
 between what one THINKS and what one DOES I wrote
 about earlier. In the cultist's mind, there are 
 possible justifications for a teacher striking his
 students. The justifications always seem to be based
 on what the abuser was THINKING at the time, not
 what he was actually DOING. 
 It was ALWAYS about the hitting. It's only the
 die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
 present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
 trying to make it appear to be something else. 
 Robin physically struck his students, and can find
 ways to justify that. His defenders KNOW that he
 repeatedly physically struck his students, and con-
 tinue to find ways to justify that. THAT is why this 
 topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
 of the cult mindset.

No Barry, think again. This is not about the hitting. What Vaj initially 
brought up before my time here at this forum was not about the hitting. What 
you are bringing up now is not about that either. It is about punishing Robin, 
which is fine if that is what you want to do. But tell it like it is. You and 
Vaj are not interested in getting justice for those who were apparently hit 
in seminars, you are not about ringing the bells of truth so that some wrong 
can be rectified. Vaj is long gone and presumably has taken up tiddly winks or 
badminton rather than remain here at FFL. You, however, are still here and 
think bringing up this boring and irrelevant subject is important. But admit 
what it is you are doing: you got pissed off at Judy and I about two days ago 
and all of a sudden this mouldering subject reappears. You are a desperate 
person. Not one molecule of one human being reading this forum or not reading 
this forum gives a shit about the subject. Nor do they care about your personal 
dislike of either Judy, Robin or myself. Everyone has seen it all before, ad 
nauseum, this ongoing bickering. Surely you have some new French delicacy to 
sample or rare vintage wine to sip, you are in Paris after all. But one thing 
is for sure, and people take note, it doesn't matter if Barry was lying in the 
very bosom of God, he would still find a reason to pick a fight or spit at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellectual dishonesty, the definition...redux

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I suspect, given the posts made recently by Ann, Doc,
 Ravi, and Judy supporting Robin in the face of direct 
 quotes from him that show him lying repeatedly on this

Says Barry, hoping desperately nobody has read the
exposure of his own lies about Robin.

, that it might be time to repost something Xeno 
 posted earlier in the week (highlighting mine):
 Here is a simple criterion I found on the 'Net:
 'Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards 
 of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in 
 a self-serving fashion. *If one judges others more 
 critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest.* 
 *If one deflects criticism of a friend or ally simply 
 because they are a friend or ally, that is intellectually 

Well, that certainly exonerates Robin and his defenders
of intellectual dishonesty. Unfortunately it does not
exonerate Barry of his knowingly false accusations about

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goddess Kali moved - Kedarnath destroyed the next day

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

 As usual, Nabby finds total superstition believable.
Never let a tragedy be wasted to make your political 

They could have levitated up out of there before the 
flood, just like your guru Rama Lenz who floated 
above that crowd of people in the golden light-filled 
lecture hall you rented down in L.A. Go figure. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread seventhray27
Well, I think Hamilton Burger could have mounted a better defense than
Robin put up, and of course, that's not saying much.
--- In, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie
jar...doesn't portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry
Mason in Robin's corner, he cannot lose.

 SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as
Dutch Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable.
After that, the prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more
pomade into his hair.

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone
   slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive
  On the witness stand:
  Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never,
  would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
  Why yes, I did state that
  And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses
  forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed
  people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
  Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
  So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never
  anyone in the course of your confrontations
  Yes, but..
  No further questions Mr. Carlsen

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:56 AM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Wasn't there also a mysterious, beautiful woman from Victoria,
  BC introduced by Perry Mason that caused a total disarray to
  the prosecution's case?

 Au contraire, Pierre. It was the slimy reporter who, doing
 his best to help out the prosecutor, found himself in deep
 shit because he hadn't been paying attention to the defense's
 case and got the story badly fouled up.

Right, and I just said Perry Mason by force of habit. The defense attorney
is a woman named Presley Mason - from NJ I believe?

 Of course Dutch Crunch's sordid past
  certainly did them no favors.
  On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:38 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:

   Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie
   portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry Mason in
   corner, he cannot lose.
   SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as
   Dutch Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable.
   that, the prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more pomade
   his hair.
   --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone
 slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive
On the witness stand:
Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never,
would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
Why yes, I did state that
And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses
forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed
people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never
anyone in the course of your confrontations
Yes, but..
No further questions Mr. Carlsen


[FairfieldLife] Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread mjackson74
I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when marshy 
first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big deal, with a lot 
of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was cognizing the lost 
aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic knowledge was going to 
transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers evolution towards enlightenment.

At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and group 
flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was something new 
being offered since we had always been told all we needed was TM and of course 
the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone.

But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to plunge over 
the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of hot milk and ghee 
that was offered every morning, people were agog over the idea that we should 
not take cold foods and especially no cold beverages.

The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a 
clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had to do 
was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a True Marshy 
Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms and gasping as 
though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might lead to instant 
annihilation of everyone present.)

The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some of the 
more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the ayurvedic 
injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for the first half of 
the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle.

This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda didn't believe 
anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of having sex outside 

This particular piece of information was not intended to be common knowledge at 
first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India, supposed experts in 
ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which were for all faculty, staff 
and students. But there was one that was announced to be only for married 
couples. This lecture aroused a great deal of curiosity in the unmarried 
friends of the married couples, who of course gave the juicy details of the 
lecture to their friends practically as soon as it was over.

I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if ayurveda 
thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her period and much more 
importantly, the idea was that HER energy would somehow denigrate the MAN'S 
energy so he should not look at or touch her to save himself from some bad 
vibes. A lot of people were a little ticked off over the idea, mostly women 
were ticked off. The men folk however, governors especially, felt somehow 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

  Most people already think they're the center
of universe...
   And being spied on by NSA will only inflate that
   delusion even more, LOL
  According to what I've read, people who frequent
  social networking sites and upload their data and
  media want to avoid anonymity - they want their
  own fifteen minutes of fame. Most people who post
  are concerned about leaving a legacy of some sort,
  even if it's a few twitter postings. Go figure.
 Sorry Richard, you are just too boring to be a 
 person of interest.

You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you post
your comments. LoL!

'We Are Anonymous'
Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the 
Global Cyber Insurgency
by P. Olsen
Back Bay Books, 2013 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
Utterly fascinating. I missed all of this. The first I ever heard of
Maharishi Ayurveda was when I discovered
alt.meditation.transcendental, after a decade and a half of having no
contact with the TM movement at all.

Loved your writeup of it all. It reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut.

--- In, mjackson74  wrote:

 I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when
marshy first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big
deal, with a lot of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was
cognizing the lost aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic
knowledge was going to transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers
evolution towards enlightenment.

 At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and
group flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was
something new being offered since we had always been told all we needed
was TM and of course the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times
more powerful than TM alone.

 But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to
plunge over the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of
hot milk and ghee that was offered every morning, people were agog over
the idea that we should not take cold foods and especially no cold

 The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a
clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had
to do was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a
True Marshy Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms
and gasping as though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might
lead to instant annihilation of everyone present.)

 The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some
of the more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the
ayurvedic injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for
the first half of the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle.

 This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda
didn't believe anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of
having sex outside marriage.

 This particular piece of information was not intended to be common
knowledge at first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India,
supposed experts in ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which
were for all faculty, staff and students. But there was one that was
announced to be only for married couples. This lecture aroused a great
deal of curiosity in the unmarried friends of the married couples, who
of course gave the juicy details of the lecture to their friends
practically as soon as it was over.

 I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if
ayurveda thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her
period and much more importantly, the idea was that HER energy would
somehow denigrate the MAN'S energy so he should not look at or touch her
to save himself from some bad vibes. A lot of people were a little
ticked off over the idea, mostly women were ticked off. The men folk
however, governors especially, felt somehow vindicated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread sparaig

--- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis as 
  concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of nature, 
  not defeating them.
 It's the same thing Lawson, defeating gravity is the same as 
 mastering it, it no longer affects you.

Affects you differently might be more accurate.

  MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet were 
  stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group practice of 
  the TM-Sidhis]. 
 The laws in the vicinity of our planet are stupid? He clearly never
 studied physics like he claimed then, for they are the same everywhere.

The laws of nature are the devas, in Maharishi-speak. When they aren't dealt 
with appropriately, the behavior of the devas defaults to the laws of physics 
and so on. When they are dealt with appropriately, they can be reasoned with, 
or coaxed, or something, to behave in ways different than their default mode of 

Or something.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellectual dishonesty, the definition...redux

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

So,it's all about Robin, whom you never met, and
whose posts you never read. LoL!


 I suspect, given the posts made recently by Ann, Doc,
 Ravi, and Judy supporting Robin in the face of direct 
 quotes from him that show him lying repeatedly on this
 forum, that it might be time to repost something Xeno 
 posted earlier in the week (highlighting mine):
 Here is a simple criterion I found on the 'Net:
 'Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards 
 of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in 
 a self-serving fashion. *If one judges others more 
 critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest.* 
 *If one deflects criticism of a friend or ally simply 
 because they are a friend or ally, that is intellectually 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

   If you have questions then ask so we can explain
   some of these tings to you.
  Thanks. So, who is Edward Snowden?
 Already discussed it yesterday.  Didn't you decode 
 the message or did you lose your decoder ring 

So, you don't know who Edward Snowden is. So, who is 

  'We Are Anonymous'
  Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, 
  and the  Global Cyber Insurgency
  by P. Olsen
  Back Bay Books, 2013

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

  That metadata includes which version of the
  operating system, browser and Java software
  are being used on millions of devices around
  the world
 Very standard stuff you get back from your web host...

Out in California in the Bay Area, they are recording 
your license plate number and VIN every time you drive 
into town. 

They know who you are, who you are friends with, and 
who you text and talk to. Along with your SS number 
they know everything about you - there's no secrets 

Your license-plate data is instantly sent to the 
nearest intelligence data center. 

According to what I've read, the database will be 
capable of handling over 100 million records inside 
a rather large black ops building with no windows and 
a fence around it with armed guards at the gate, 

The license plate data will be accessible to local 
and state law enforcement across the region in a 
moment's notice and shared with the FBI and the NSA.

At a rapid pace, and mostly hidden from the public, 
police agencies throughout California have been 
collecting millions of records on drivers and feeding 
them to intelligence fusion centers operated by local, 
state and federal law enforcement...

License-plate readers let police collect millions of 
records on drivers'

'Think NSA Spying Is Bad? Here Comes ObamaCare Hub'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-27 Thread salyavin808

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis 
   as concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of 
   nature, not defeating them.
  It's the same thing Lawson, defeating gravity is the same as 
  mastering it, it no longer affects you.
 Affects you differently might be more accurate.
   MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet 
   were stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group 
   practice of the TM-Sidhis]. 
  The laws in the vicinity of our planet are stupid? He clearly never
  studied physics like he claimed then, for they are the same everywhere.
 The laws of nature are the devas, in Maharishi-speak. When they aren't 
 dealt with appropriately, the behavior of the devas defaults to the laws of 
 physics and so on. When they are dealt with appropriately, they can be 
 reasoned with, or coaxed, or something, to behave in ways different than 
 their default mode of conduct.
 Or something.

Or something, yes. I sense we shouldn't be relying on these
guys for our science updates.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellectual dishonesty, the definition...redux

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

 So,it's all about Robin, whom you never met, and
 whose posts you never read. LoL!

Touché, Willy...I'll give you that one. :-)

But my Do Not Read List was so...uh...Yesterday. For
several months now I've just read what I felt like
reading, for as long as it held my interest. More 
like skimming, actually, because few hold my interest
after the first few lines, let alone inspire a 

Suffice it to say that your posts didn't get much 
air time. You may consider this response payoff for
your troll bait if you like.   :-)

  I suspect, given the posts made recently by Ann, Doc,
  Ravi, and Judy supporting Robin in the face of direct 
  quotes from him that show him lying repeatedly on this
  forum, that it might be time to repost something Xeno 
  posted earlier in the week (highlighting mine):
  Here is a simple criterion I found on the 'Net:
  'Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards 
  of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in 
  a self-serving fashion. *If one judges others more 
  critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest.* 
  *If one deflects criticism of a friend or ally simply 
  because they are a friend or ally, that is intellectually 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 The irony, for me, is that ever since Robin decided he was
 perfect 25 years ago,  he has never done TM again, or so
 his words in that message and more recently, to me, seem
 to apply.
 Does the term stuck mean anything?

It describes your view of Robin quite well, actually.
Among other things, that view appears to get in the
way of reading what he's actually written (including
getting the dates wrong). You might just want to
reread the paragraph from my post that you quote
that begins According to him... and compare it to
what you just wrote above. (According to him refers
to his posts on FFL, in case that was a source of
confusion for you.)

No, he never did TM after he realized, around 1986,
that his enlightenment in 1976 (37 years ago) had
been a state that had fostered serious delusions.

For the next 25-plus years, he struggled to *get out*
of that state of enlightenment-cum-delusion.

How it could *possibly* be seen as ironic that he
did not continue the practice that was responsible 
for the state that had resulted in extreme suffering
for himself and many other people is unclear to me.
He wanted nothing more than to be free of that state.
And apparently he's been pretty successful at
getting *unstuck* from it.

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   And my respect for Robin is a logical extension of it - 
   he must have thought of himself, carried on from his
   Guru Maharishi, as infallible and invulnerable when he
   became a Guru.
  I'm not sure that's quite how it happened, Ravi. At
  least it isn't according to Robin. He says the sense of
  infallibility and invulnerability were *experiential*,
  not some ideas he picked up from Maharishi. Robin's not
  a moodmaker (TM term meaning, essentially, pretending
  to oneself that one is in an advanced state of
  Did you ever read his account of what happened on the
  mountain? Have a look:
  According to him, that experience *never went away*,
  until he fought it off little by little starting 10
  years later after the group collapsed. It took him 25
  years to get rid of most of it, to get his free will
  back, his sense of individuality back. From what he
  says, it was a titanic, prolonged, agonizing struggle
  that nearly killed him.
  If you're up to it, have a look at this too:
  It's his first response to LordKnows's attack last
  August, and it's a pretty good overall summary of his
  experience during those 10 years.
   Then because of reality's grace he was humbled into
   admitting his fallibility and vulnerability
  The way I read what he's said, he was forced to
  recognize that he *must* be fallible and vulnerable,
  but it took much, much longer for him to
  *experience* himself as such. It wasn't like having
  a profound insight in a therapist's office and then
  seeing everything in one's life differently as a
  result. It wasn't *psychological*, in other words.
   and thereby developing the qualities I mention.
   I think these qualities of Robin are very charming.
  Those qualities were developed at tremendous cost.
   Xeno and Barry - too fucking retarded to understand it.
  Yup. I have to say, though, that I don't think any
  of us--you more than most, but still--can really
  understand what he went through. I know I don't. I 
  have the broad outlines conceptually, but no more
  than that. Hell, as articulate as he is, he can't
  *explain* it much more than that.
  But it's certainly entirely possible to understand
  it better than Barry and Xeno do.
   On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
Of course then this is the very basis of my arguments against Gurus like
Amma and Maharishi as well.
The minute they proclaim themselves as infallible, invulnerable with a
special insight into reality they can never have the qualities of
accountability, self-honesty and integrity. And in the absence of that
their core remains stunted, the character and personality remains 
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
With regard to your last paragraph, yes that is the difference isn't 
How much accountability does one shows to all of one's actions, and at 
deeper level one's thoughts, emotions​. This accountability then 
to one's self-honesty and ultimately to integrity.
So my measures of a person are then these 3 qualities - accountability,
self-honesty and integrity. Who displays these qualities? Clearly each 
of us are fallible, vulnerable and we 

[FairfieldLife] Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread Michael Jackson
I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when marshy 
first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big deal, with a lot 
of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was cognizing the lost 
aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic knowledge was going to 
transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers evolution towards enlightenment.

At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and group 
flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was something new 
being offered since we had always been told all we needed was TM and of course 
the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone.

But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to plunge over 
the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of hot milk and ghee 
that was offered every morning, people were agog over the idea that we should 
not take cold foods and especially no cold beverages.

The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a 
clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had to do 
was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a True Marshy 
Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms and gasping as 
though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might lead to instant 
annihilation of everyone present.)

The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some of the 
more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the ayurvedic 
injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for the first half of 
the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle. 

This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda didn't believe 
anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of having sex outside 

This particular piece of information was not intended to be common knowledge at 
first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India, supposed experts in 
ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which were for all faculty, staff 
and students. But there was one that was announced to be only for married 
couples. This lecture aroused a great deal of curiosity in the unmarried 
friends of the married couples, who of course gave the juicy details of the 
lecture to their friends practically as soon as it was over.

I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if ayurveda 
thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her period and much more 
importantly, the idea was that HER energy would somehow denigrate the MAN'S 
energy so he should not look at or touch her to save himself from some bad 
vibes. A lot of people were a little ticked off over the idea, mostly women 
were ticked off. The men folk however, governors especially, felt somehow 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The ick factor -- an opinion by George Takei

2013-06-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Some of you may know or even follow the blog or Facebook
 page created by George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek).
 There is some question as to whether he writes *all* of
 the material or finds *all* of the wonderful graphics 
 he forwards, but they are consistently delightful. 
 Here, in an opinion piece for the Washington Post, he
 gets serious for once. At least as serious as he gets:

George Takei voted for Bill Clinton who signed into law
the DOMA. LoL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
Judy, I enjoy making nicknames for people. DanDen is my nickname for Daniel 
Dennett. As for the arrow thingie, I think it's wonderful that it makes me 
smile even if that isn't your intention. There was no reason for me to google 
on DD until someone said he is a scientist. The article said he was a 
philosopher and I took that at face value, not wondering if he was also a 
scientist or a fireman or an organic farmer.

Wouldn't August-August suggest the same age? Maybe we should say May-June or 

 From: authfriend
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy wrote:  Robin and I are the same age (actually I'm two years older than 
 Share quips: methinks this qualifies for a plonk (-:

I guess you've never seen the expression Barry used,
May-December, huh? In that context, Robin and I
would actually be August-August, you see.

Barry knows how old I am. I don't know where he got
the idea Robin was much younger (or much older).
Just another one of the increasing number of bloopers
Barry's been making as he ages.

 But thanks for google arrow thingie re DanDen and all his
 various degrees. Always makes me smile. The arrow thingie
 that is.

DanDen? Who's that?

BTW, the point of the Google arrow thingie is not to
make you smile, it's to suggest that you could do the
same thing by yourself and find out most of the facts
you're interested in knowing. The letters LMGTFY in
the URL stand for Let Me Google That For You.

Meaning, don't be helpless. Stir your stumps, as my
grandmother would have said.

How long have you been on the Web, again?


[FairfieldLife] What's Flyin?

2013-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
Curious about those aircraft flying overhead in your neighborhood? You 
can find out here who is flying.  I haven't tried it during flight time 
in Fairfield yet.  And yes, they DO have apps.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  The irony, for me, is that ever since Robin decided he was
  perfect 25 years ago,  he has never done TM again, or so
  his words in that message and more recently, to me, seem
  to apply.
  Does the term stuck mean anything?
 It describes your view of Robin quite well, actually.
 Among other things, that view appears to get in the
 way of reading what he's actually written (including
 getting the dates wrong). You might just want to
 reread the paragraph from my post that you quote
 that begins According to him... and compare it to
 what you just wrote above. (According to him refers
 to his posts on FFL, in case that was a source of
 confusion for you.)
 No, he never did TM after he realized, around 1986,
 that his enlightenment in 1976 (37 years ago) had
 been a state that had fostered serious delusions.
 For the next 25-plus years, he struggled to *get out*
 of that state of enlightenment-cum-delusion.
 How it could *possibly* be seen as ironic that he
 did not continue the practice that was responsible 
 for the state that had resulted in extreme suffering
 for himself and many other people is unclear to me.
 He wanted nothing more than to be free of that state.
 And apparently he's been pretty successful at
 getting *unstuck* from it.
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
And my respect for Robin is a logical extension of it - 
he must have thought of himself, carried on from his
Guru Maharishi, as infallible and invulnerable when he
became a Guru.
   I'm not sure that's quite how it happened, Ravi. At
   least it isn't according to Robin. He says the sense of
   infallibility and invulnerability were *experiential*,
   not some ideas he picked up from Maharishi. Robin's not
   a moodmaker (TM term meaning, essentially, pretending
   to oneself that one is in an advanced state of
   Did you ever read his account of what happened on the
   mountain? Have a look:
   According to him, that experience *never went away*,
   until he fought it off little by little starting 10
   years later after the group collapsed. It took him 25
   years to get rid of most of it, to get his free will
   back, his sense of individuality back. From what he
   says, it was a titanic, prolonged, agonizing struggle
   that nearly killed him.
   If you're up to it, have a look at this too:
   It's his first response to LordKnows's attack last
   August, and it's a pretty good overall summary of his
   experience during those 10 years.
Then because of reality's grace he was humbled into
admitting his fallibility and vulnerability
   The way I read what he's said, he was forced to
   recognize that he *must* be fallible and vulnerable,
   but it took much, much longer for him to
   *experience* himself as such. It wasn't like having
   a profound insight in a therapist's office and then
   seeing everything in one's life differently as a
   result. It wasn't *psychological*, in other words.
and thereby developing the qualities I mention.

I think these qualities of Robin are very charming.
   Those qualities were developed at tremendous cost.
Xeno and Barry - too fucking retarded to understand it.
   Yup. I have to say, though, that I don't think any
   of us--you more than most, but still--can really
   understand what he went through. I know I don't. I 
   have the broad outlines conceptually, but no more
   than that. Hell, as articulate as he is, he can't
   *explain* it much more than that.
   But it's certainly entirely possible to understand
   it better than Barry and Xeno do.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:

 Of course then this is the very basis of my arguments against Gurus 
 Amma and Maharishi as well.

 The minute they proclaim themselves as infallible, invulnerable with a
 special insight into reality they can never have the qualities of
 accountability, self-honesty and integrity. And in the absence of that
 their core remains stunted, the character and personality remains 

 On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 With regard to your last paragraph, yes that is the difference isn't 

 How much accountability does one shows to all of one's actions, and 
 at a
 deeper level one's thoughts, emotions​. This accountability then 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dr. Oz Water

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
My German obviously comes from my Dad's side. I'm half Irish, a little from 
both sides, and 3/8 English, again from both sides.
I've heard that Swiss can be French or German. Is there also pure Swiss?
Yes, I clicked on CC. Once I found it! 

I'm thinking of seeing White House Down tomorrow. I love political thrillers. 
Am currently reading The Messenger by Daniel Silva. Heavy duty spy story.

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dr. Oz Water

On 06/26/2013 02:03 PM, Share Long wrote:
 noozguru, well I'm one eighth german (Longlocher). Maybe I should listen to 
 the movie over and over (-:

The Lives of Others has been discussed a bit on FFL when it came out. 
It is a story about the Stasi in East Germany during the Cold War era. 
The NSA is America's version of the  Stasi. I was surprised to find the 
full version on YouTube but either Sony Pictures doesn't know its there 
or doesn't care (wants people to see it anyway).   Like I said to Willy 
you can click on the CC (closed caption) dialog to bring up the English 
subtitles.  The film won an Oscar:

I'm 1/2 German, 1/4 Swiss and 1/4 Welsh.  I don't know German and it 
would have been a better language for me to take in high school but all 
those classes were booked up so I took French instead.  Spanish was 
probably booked up too.  German was the easiest to learn hence why it 
was booked up.  French was going to be the international language but 
that didn't happen.  It was fun being it France though for TTC though I 
didn't get to use my French much.  In Biarritz they would just tell you 
to speak English since a lot of Brits came there for vacations.  My 
Swiss grandfather had a helluva German accent. He was from Sils.

 I took a screenwriting class in Film grad school at Univ of Maryland. I think 
 to be good at it, a person really has to have an ear for that way people talk 
 in real life.

Very important.  Nothing like stilted lines to kill one's film.

 I read a little of the Under the Dome synopsis. I was wondering what you 
 liked about it.

It broke away from the hoke we usually get with these kinds of series. 
I liked that it was shot like a 70s sci-fi movie but I mentioned that 
already.  Folks on the TV forums were pleased that it was better than 
past attempts at Stephen King book to TV series.

 Is there one computer language that is the most utilized?

Probably C.  If you know C then you can begin to use some features of 
C++.  Also if you know C then Java isn't that hard either and especially 
if you know some C++.  You don't need complete command of a computer 
language to write programs though.  Some of us write with books in our 
laps though those have been replaced by Google searches which usually 
turn up answers on the Stack Overflow site.

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dr. Oz Water

 On 06/25/2013 08:16 AM, Share Long wrote:
 noozguru, finally found my Dr. Lad book. I'll just let the idea of pitta 
 blocking to simmer on the back burner of my mind, see what understanding 
 arises. As for languages, I took French and Latin in high school and French 
 in college; Sanskrit at MUM; pig Latin on FFL; a little Japanese from 
 watching Sho-gun which even has the learning of Japanese as a subplot. I 
 suggested it to a friend of mine who was going to Japan and she found it 
 useful. A career test once found that I have pretty good skill at learning a 
 new language. I'd sort of like to learn Spanish but not enough to take the 
 time away from other pursuits. Do you know any computer languages and if 
 yes, is it very different learning them?
 If you know some French and Latin then Spanish won't be too difficult.
 But they way they taught languages back in the 1960s was horrible.  My
 French teachers weren't language teachers, they were Frenchophiles.
 IOW, enamored with France and it's culture but used very wooden language
 drills.  Now we know that people learn languages differently and  most
 can learn the children pick up a language.  The Rosetta Stone CDs (I
 have the intro Hindi one) and the eLanguage CDs teach by showing
 pictures so you start associating images with words.  I also found the
 DK book on Hindi to be very good and foolishly bought their Spanish book
 and CD which was not put together that well at all.

 These days we have Spanish TV stations so one can watch shows in Spanish
 and start to pick up vocabulary as well as pronunciation. Plus many DVDs
 are multilingual and make good learning tools.  Here in California
 knowing some Spanish can be quite useful.

 Computer languages are something different.  They are the paint and
 brushes to create a computer program.  You also 

[FairfieldLife] A spiritual horse story for Ann

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
Well, *I* see some spiritual dimensions in it, anyway:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy, I enjoy making nicknames for people. DanDen is my nickname
 for Daniel Dennett.

Oh, I see. Seems rather juvenile to me, frankly.

 As for the arrow thingie, I think it's wonderful that it makes
 me smile even if that isn't your intention. There was no reason
 for me to google on DD until someone said he is a scientist.
 The article said he was a philosopher and I took that at face
 value, not wondering if he was also a scientist or a fireman or
 an organic farmer.

Right. And when someone (me) said he was a scientist,
you could have Googled him *all by yourself* and
verified that he was indeed a scientist.

 Wouldn't August-August suggest the same age? Maybe we should
 say May-June or November-December?

Somebody else explain this to her, please. I've done my
clue-in-the-airhead duty for the week.

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's Flyin?

2013-06-27 Thread Michael Jackson
This thing isn't worth a crap! It doesn't show what alien craft are flying 
overhead nor which ones have crop stomping gear in the undercarriage of the 

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] What's Flyin?

Curious about those aircraft flying overhead in your neighborhood? You 
can find out here who is flying.  I haven't tried it during flight time 
in Fairfield yet.  And yes, they DO have apps.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Damn, that's high praise Barry, I appreciate it.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories

Utterly fascinating. I missed all of this. The first I ever heard of
Maharishi Ayurveda was when I discovered
alt.meditation.transcendental, after a decade and a half of having no
contact with the TM movement at all.

Loved your writeup of it all. It reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut.

--- In, mjackson74  wrote:

 I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when
marshy first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big
deal, with a lot of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was
cognizing the lost aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic
knowledge was going to transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers
evolution towards enlightenment.

 At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and
group flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was
something new being offered since we had always been told all we needed
was TM and of course the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times
more powerful than TM alone.

 But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to
plunge over the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of
hot milk and ghee that was offered every morning, people were agog over
the idea that we should not take cold foods and especially no cold

 The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a
clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had
to do was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a
True Marshy Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms
and gasping as though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might
lead to instant annihilation of everyone present.)

 The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some
of the more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the
ayurvedic injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for
the first half of the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle.

 This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda
didn't believe anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of
having sex outside marriage.

 This particular piece of information was not intended to be common
knowledge at first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India,
supposed experts in ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which
were for all faculty, staff and students. But there was one that was
announced to be only for married couples. This lecture aroused a great
deal of curiosity in the unmarried friends of the married couples, who
of course gave the juicy details of the lecture to their friends
practically as soon as it was over.

 I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if
ayurveda thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her
period and much more importantly, the idea was that HER energy would
somehow denigrate the MAN'S energy so he should not look at or touch her
to save himself from some bad vibes. A lot of people were a little
ticked off over the idea, mostly women were ticked off. The men folk
however, governors especially, felt somehow vindicated.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Have you ever noticed...?

2013-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 That the TM defenders and Crazy People defenders on this
 forum have a tendency to treat those who blow the whistle on
 lies and impropriety in either the movement they have invested
 in or the crazy people they have invested in by treating those
 who blow the whistle the same way the US government treats
 its whistleblowers?

How about how Barry treats those who blow the whistle
on his lies and improprieties? We have some splendid
examples of this from Barry over the past few days.

 Shooting the messenger always has the same purpose and
 intent -- to divert attention away from the message.

Usually those of us who go after Barry's lies and
improprieties detail and rebut those lies and
improprieties before shooting him. Occasionally
they're so pathetically obvious we don't bother.

Barry, in contrast, *almost always* proceeds directly
to shooting those who blow the whistle on his lies and
improprieties, without ever addressing the rebuttals
thereof, thus thoughtfully demonstrating his intention
to divert attention from the message about his chronic
and compulsive dishonesty.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
3 planets in Gemini an air sign, what do you expect?!

As for DanDen, you say juvenile, I say having fun with names.

 From: authfriend
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy, I enjoy making nicknames for people. DanDen is my nickname
 for Daniel Dennett.

Oh, I see. Seems rather juvenile to me, frankly.

 As for the arrow thingie, I think it's wonderful that it makes
 me smile even if that isn't your intention. There was no reason
 for me to google on DD until someone said he is a scientist.
 The article said he was a philosopher and I took that at face
 value, not wondering if he was also a scientist or a fireman or
 an organic farmer.

Right. And when someone (me) said he was a scientist,
you could have Googled him *all by yourself* and
verified that he was indeed a scientist.

 Wouldn't August-August suggest the same age? Maybe we should
 say May-June or November-December?

Somebody else explain this to her, please. I've done my
clue-in-the-airhead duty for the week.


Re: [FairfieldLife] A spiritual horse story for Ann

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
turq, what spiritual dimensions do you see?

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A spiritual horse story for Ann

Well, *I* see some spiritual dimensions in it, anyway:


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 28-Jun-13 00:15:01 UTC

2013-06-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/22/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 06/29/13 00:00:00
488 messages as of (UTC) 06/27/13 21:35:50

43 authfriend 
42 doctordumbass
42 Ravi Chivukula 
39 Ann 
38 Share Long 
36 turquoiseb 
36 Bhairitu 
30 salyavin808 
27 Richard J. Williams 
21 obbajeeba 
21 nablusoss1008 
19 PaliGap 
19 Michael Jackson 
13 card 
10 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
10 Buck 
 8 sparaig 
 8 John 
 7 seventhray27 
 5 Alex Stanley 
 3 Mike Dixon 
 2 srijau
 2 laughinggull108 
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 raunchydog 
 1 mjackson74 
 1 WLeed3
 1 Richard 
 1 Martin A Rosenthal 
 1 Arhata Osho 
Posters: 30
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's Flyin?

2013-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
You need the Premium subscription for that!

On 06/27/2013 01:44 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 This thing isn't worth a crap! It doesn't show what alien craft are flying 
 overhead nor which ones have crop stomping gear in the undercarriage of the 

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] What's Flyin?

 Curious about those aircraft flying overhead in your neighborhood? You
 can find out here who is flying.  I haven't tried it during flight time
 in Fairfield yet.  And yes, they DO have apps.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A culture of PR and Spin, ending with...uh...more PR and Spin

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
Hey Doc, I really like the idea of assuming the identity of the small self for 
convenience sake. Never thought of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A culture of PR and Spin, ending with...uh...more 
PR and Spin

Then, once spiritual liberation is achieved, we can circle back around, without 
boundaries, and re-assume the identity of the small self, for convenience' 
sake. The small self rightly assumes its graceful servitude, its rightful place 
in the universe. 

Prior to that occurring, though, the small self, and its repressed universal 
nature, are pretty much at war; the small self always fighting for longer life, 
better health, more wealth, more power, happiness within, trying to contain all 
of the attributes of its own  universal source, that it simultaneously drives 
away, by falsely believing in only its own story. 

--- In, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Enlightenment, or awakening, is the next obvious step in a human being's 
 development. We are awakened to the reality that boundaries are secondary to 
 unity. Similar to the awareness of a localized self, developed around age two 
 or three, and as natural a progression as that from crawling, to walking.
 So, once we begin to naturally outgrow all that our small self, our localized 
 self, can offer, we instinctively gravitate towards spiritual liberation.
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   I just don't understand people i guess.
   BTW, all you folk who feel a need to seek out the awakened...
   When was the last time you got checked?
  I was having similar thoughts earlier today, on the train
  back to Paris. Buck cites some new gun in town as some-
  one who is supposedly awakened. And why? Because he *says*
  he is, probably. 
  If you look at it rationally, that is the *only* evidence
  we have that an awakened state actually exists -- people
  interpreting their subjective experience in terms of some
  past or present dogma about enlightenment or awakening
  and saying, Yep, I'm there. 
  Yet many people find these *claims* both inspiring, and
  believable. Go figure. 
  Personally, I think that the reason people think this 
  way is to Justify Their Investment In A Lifetime Spent 
  Believing In Woo. To me, it's the *same* phenomenon we
  see in Nabby hoping beyond hope that crop circles are
  the result of Woo, or that a supposedly spinning statue
  is an example of Woo. Any Woo Will Do. 
  It's as if they feel that if they can find even *one*
  example of Woo -- no matter how anecdotal it may be, no
  matter how based on hearsay and subjective claims it 
  may be -- that one example of Woo will justify all the
  time, money, and energy they spent pursuing Woo. 
  TM checking isn't going to do anything to get rid of
  such longings, and such hopes. Neither, it seems, is 
  the presentation of rational thought, or the scientific
  method. The desire for Woo is all-consuming, whatever
  form of Woo it is that the seeker seeks. 
  If they can find even *one* person they can convince 
  themselves is awakened or enlightened, then (they think)
  awakening or enlightenment EXIST, and their lives spent 
  believing that they exist were not a waste. If they can 
  find even one example of what they consider real magic 
  or Woo, then magic and Woo EXIST, and again their lives 
  were not wasted pursuing it. 
  That's the only rationale I can think of for why so
  many New Agey people (in which category I definitely
  class most TMers) think, and act. If you have other 
  explanations, present them.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The ick factor -- an opinion by George Takei

2013-06-27 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  Some of you may know or even follow the blog or Facebook
  page created by George Takei (Sulu from Star Trek).
  There is some question as to whether he writes *all* of
  the material or finds *all* of the wonderful graphics 
  he forwards, but they are consistently delightful. 
  Here, in an opinion piece for the Washington Post, he
  gets serious for once. At least as serious as he gets:
 George Takei voted for Bill Clinton who signed into law
 the DOMA. LoL!

It's time to overturn DOMA By Bill Clinton,March 07, 2013

In 1996, I signed the Defense of Marriage Act. Although that was only 17 years 
ago, it was a very different time. In no state in the union was same-sex 
marriage recognized, much less available as a legal right, but some were moving 
in that direction. Washington, as a result, was swirling with all manner of 
possible responses, some quite draconian. As a bipartisan group of former 
senators stated in their March 1 amicus brief to the Supreme Court, many 
supporters of the bill known as DOMA believed that its passage would defuse a 
movement to enact a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, which would 
have ended the debate for a generation or more. It was under these 
circumstances that DOMA came to my desk, opposed by only 81 of the 535 members 
of Congress.

On March 27, DOMA will come before the Supreme Court, and the justices must 
decide whether it is consistent with the principles of a nation that honors 
freedom, equality and justice above all, and is therefore constitutional. As 
the president who signed the act into law, I have come to believe that DOMA is 
contrary to those principles and, in fact, incompatible with our Constitution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata

2013-06-27 Thread Share Long
Richard, Piaget described a quality appearing in a later stage of life which he 
called Generativity. It's marked by a desire to give to the next generation 
whatever we've found to be useful and or beneficial. At least for Piaget, it is 
human nature. 

 From: Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 12:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Getting the Metadata


   Most people already think they're the center 
  of universe...
Share Long:
 And being spied on by NSA will only inflate that 
 delusion even more, LOL 

According to what I've read, people who frequent
social networking sites and upload their data and
media want to avoid anonymity - they want their 
own fifteen minutes of fame. Most people who post 
are concerned about leaving a legacy of some sort, 
even if it's a few twitter postings. Go figure.

  I've been looking around had who has jobs and it 
  seems a lot of people are working for the government 
  and military nowadays.  Not my cuppa tea.  As close 
  as I've come to that was a temp worker for EDS.
 If you are young these days, you're screwed; if you're
 older, you're really screwed. WHAT me worry? LoL!
 One of the responses to the revelations about the mass 
 spying on Americans by the NSA and other agencies is I 
 have nothing to hide. What me worry? I tweeted in 
 response If you have nothing to hide, you live a boring 
 Posted by Alex Tabarrok:

   Smile, you're on candid camera. LoL!
   Ethay ildrenchay ofway ethay orncay ingsay:
   Ogastahyay urukay armanikay.
   You are certainly connecting all the dots. LoL!
   So what did I say?
   We are in the best of hands? LoL!
  Nope. Try again.
   Let's see if Willy can connect the dots. ;-)
   An assault on the U.S. Constitution?
   Next, they'll be forcing us to quarter federal
   troops in our own homes!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellectual dishonesty, the definition...redux

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
I said he was not a sociopath, asshole. That's it. Thanks.

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I suspect, given the posts made recently by Ann, Doc,
 Ravi, and Judy supporting Robin in the face of direct 
 quotes from him that show him lying repeatedly on this
 forum, that it might be time to repost something Xeno 
 posted earlier in the week (highlighting mine):
 Here is a simple criterion I found on the 'Net:
 'Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards 
 of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in 
 a self-serving fashion. *If one judges others more 
 critically than oneself, that is intellectually dishonest.* 
 *If one deflects criticism of a friend or ally simply 
 because they are a friend or ally, that is intellectually 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread obbajeeba
Sharbare, or Share bear, I think you are alright, even if there is a little 
fluff in the middle.. :)
If you have those cute pajamas with the feet in them...well Share bear would be 
more like it! 

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 3 planets in Gemini an air sign, what do you expect?!
 As for DanDen, you say juvenile, I say having fun with names.
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Judy, I enjoy making nicknames for people. DanDen is my nickname
  for Daniel Dennett.
 Oh, I see. Seems rather juvenile to me, frankly.
  As for the arrow thingie, I think it's wonderful that it makes
  me smile even if that isn't your intention. There was no reason
  for me to google on DD until someone said he is a scientist.
  The article said he was a philosopher and I took that at face
  value, not wondering if he was also a scientist or a fireman or
  an organic farmer.
 Right. And when someone (me) said he was a scientist,
 you could have Googled him *all by yourself* and
 verified that he was indeed a scientist.
  Wouldn't August-August suggest the same age? Maybe we should
  say May-June or November-December?
 Somebody else explain this to her, please. I've done my
 clue-in-the-airhead duty for the week.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Yep - Perry always wins, to Della's delight, while Paul Drake does whatever he 
does, in private.

--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Well, I think Hamilton Burger could have mounted a better defense than
 Robin put up, and of course, that's not saying much.
 --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  Sounds like Robin's been caught with his hand in the cookie
 jar...doesn't portend well... Yet, loyal viewers know, that with Perry
 Mason in Robin's corner, he cannot lose.
  SPOILER ALERT: It turns out a major witness in the case, known only as
 Dutch Crunch, severely perjured himself, and was deemed unreliable.
 After that, the prosecutor moved for dismissal, while slicking more
 pomade into his hair.
  --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
I consider Robin to be my mentor and I will go hard at anyone
slander him, misrepresent, indulge in malicious, vindictive
   On the witness stand:
   Mr. Carlsen, did you state in an unequivocal manner that you never,
   would never, strike someone in the course of conducting your
   Why yes, I did state that
   And were you then forced to retract that statement when witnesses
   forward who could provide first hand accounts that you did indeed
   people on occasion, in the course of your confrontations
   Well yes, I was forced to retract that statement, but...
   So, Mr. Carlsen, you lied when you stated that you have never
   anyone in the course of your confrontations
   Yes, but..
   No further questions Mr. Carlsen

[FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Utterly fascinating. I missed all of this. The first I ever heard of
 Maharishi Ayurveda was when I discovered
 alt.meditation.transcendental, after a decade and a half of having no
 contact with the TM movement at all.
 Loved your writeup of it all. It reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut.
 --- In, mjackson74  wrote:
  I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when
 marshy first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big
 deal, with a lot of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was
 cognizing the lost aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic
 knowledge was going to transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers
 evolution towards enlightenment.
  At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and
 group flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was
 something new being offered since we had always been told all we needed
 was TM and of course the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times
 more powerful than TM alone.
  But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to
 plunge over the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of
 hot milk and ghee that was offered every morning, people were agog over
 the idea that we should not take cold foods and especially no cold
  The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a
 clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had
 to do was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a
 True Marshy Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms
 and gasping as though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might
 lead to instant annihilation of everyone present.)
  The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some
 of the more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the
 ayurvedic injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for
 the first half of the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle.
  This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda
 didn't believe anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of
 having sex outside marriage.
  This particular piece of information was not intended to be common
 knowledge at first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India,
 supposed experts in ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which
 were for all faculty, staff and students. But there was one that was
 announced to be only for married couples. This lecture aroused a great
 deal of curiosity in the unmarried friends of the married couples, who
 of course gave the juicy details of the lecture to their friends
 practically as soon as it was over.
  I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if
 ayurveda thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her
 period and much more importantly, the idea was that HER energy would
 somehow denigrate the MAN'S energy so he should not look at or touch her
 to save himself from some bad vibes. A lot of people were a little
 ticked off over the idea, mostly women were ticked off. The men folk
 however, governors especially, felt somehow vindicated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories

2013-06-27 Thread Ann

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Damn, that's high praise Barry, I appreciate it.

Maybe he meant it read like science fiction.
  From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old Stories
 Utterly fascinating. I missed all of this. The first I ever heard of
 Maharishi Ayurveda was when I discovered
 alt.meditation.transcendental, after a decade and a half of having no
 contact with the TM movement at all.
 Loved your writeup of it all. It reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut.
 --- In, mjackson74  wrote:
  I was thinking this morning of the reaction of the folks at MIU when
 marshy first introduced ayurveda. At MIU anyway, it was a pretty big
 deal, with a lot of build up from the Big Bopper about how marshy was
 cognizing the lost aspects of ayurveda and how this branch of vedic
 knowledge was going to transform human life and accelerate all TM'ers
 evolution towards enlightenment.
  At the time, it was the first thing since the introduction of TMSP and
 group flying. A lot of people were pretty surprised that there was
 something new being offered since we had always been told all we needed
 was TM and of course the greater blessing of TMSP which was 10,000 times
 more powerful than TM alone.
  But it only took a day or two before the lemmings were lining up to
 plunge over the ayurvedic cliff. People crowded around the big tubs of
 hot milk and ghee that was offered every morning, people were agog over
 the idea that we should not take cold foods and especially no cold
  The cooks and bakers were informed that one should only stir food in a
 clockwise direction (I forget why, but if one became bored all one had
 to do was stir in a counter clockwise direction in the presence of a
 True Marshy Ayurveda believer to see them jump around, waving their arms
 and gasping as though the stirrer was creating cosmic havoc that might
 lead to instant annihilation of everyone present.)
  The most interesting thing was to see the reaction of people to some
 of the more ridiculous crap that was presented as truth such as the
 ayurvedic injunction of a man not looking at or touching his wife for
 the first half of the day on the first day of her menstrual cycle.
  This applied only to married couples of course - marshy ayurveda
 didn't believe anyone could violate the laws of nature to the extent of
 having sex outside marriage.
  This particular piece of information was not intended to be common
 knowledge at first. The Movement had brought over some guys from India,
 supposed experts in ayurveda, who were giving lectures, most of which
 were for all faculty, staff and students. But there was one that was
 announced to be only for married couples. This lecture aroused a great
 deal of curiosity in the unmarried friends of the married couples, who
 of course gave the juicy details of the lecture to their friends
 practically as soon as it was over.
  I never heard the rational behind the injunction but it sounded as if
 ayurveda thought a woman's energy was compromised when she has her
 period and much more importantly, the idea was that HER energy would
 somehow denigrate the MAN'S energy so he should not look at or touch her
 to save himself from some bad vibes. A lot of people were a little
 ticked off over the idea, mostly women were ticked off. The men folk
 however, governors especially, felt somehow vindicated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A culture of PR and Spin, ending with...uh...more PR and Spin

2013-06-27 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, complete humility and surrender, though, always. It still remains the only 
vehicle that we can realize our lifetime karma, within. No matter how universal 
and cosmic the identity becomes, the individual is the source of expression, 
and learning. A very strange set of rules, and yet, I cannot help but follow 

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Hey Doc, I really like the idea of assuming the identity of the small self 
 for convenience sake. Never thought of it that way but it makes a lot of 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:38 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A culture of PR and Spin, ending 
 with...uh...more PR and Spin
 Then, once spiritual liberation is achieved, we can circle back around, 
 without boundaries, and re-assume the identity of the small self, for 
 convenience' sake. The small self rightly assumes its graceful servitude, its 
 rightful place in the universe. 
 Prior to that occurring, though, the small self, and its repressed universal 
 nature, are pretty much at war; the small self always fighting for longer 
 life, better health, more wealth, more power, happiness within, trying to 
 contain all of the attributes of its own  universal source, that it 
 simultaneously drives away, by falsely believing in only its own story. 
 --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Enlightenment, or awakening, is the next obvious step in a human being's 
  development. We are awakened to the reality that boundaries are secondary 
  to unity. Similar to the awareness of a localized self, developed around 
  age two or three, and as natural a progression as that from crawling, to 
  So, once we begin to naturally outgrow all that our small self, our 
  localized self, can offer, we instinctively gravitate towards spiritual 
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
I just don't understand people i guess.

BTW, all you folk who feel a need to seek out the awakened...

When was the last time you got checked?
   I was having similar thoughts earlier today, on the train
   back to Paris. Buck cites some new gun in town as some-
   one who is supposedly awakened. And why? Because he *says*
   he is, probably. 
   If you look at it rationally, that is the *only* evidence
   we have that an awakened state actually exists -- people
   interpreting their subjective experience in terms of some
   past or present dogma about enlightenment or awakening
   and saying, Yep, I'm there. 
   Yet many people find these *claims* both inspiring, and
   believable. Go figure. 
   Personally, I think that the reason people think this 
   way is to Justify Their Investment In A Lifetime Spent 
   Believing In Woo. To me, it's the *same* phenomenon we
   see in Nabby hoping beyond hope that crop circles are
   the result of Woo, or that a supposedly spinning statue
   is an example of Woo. Any Woo Will Do. 
   It's as if they feel that if they can find even *one*
   example of Woo -- no matter how anecdotal it may be, no
   matter how based on hearsay and subjective claims it 
   may be -- that one example of Woo will justify all the
   time, money, and energy they spent pursuing Woo. 
   TM checking isn't going to do anything to get rid of
   such longings, and such hopes. Neither, it seems, is 
   the presentation of rational thought, or the scientific
   method. The desire for Woo is all-consuming, whatever
   form of Woo it is that the seeker seeks. 
   If they can find even *one* person they can convince 
   themselves is awakened or enlightened, then (they think)
   awakening or enlightenment EXIST, and their lives spent 
   believing that they exist were not a waste. If they can 
   find even one example of what they consider real magic 
   or Woo, then magic and Woo EXIST, and again their lives 
   were not wasted pursuing it. 
   That's the only rationale I can think of for why so
   many New Agey people (in which category I definitely
   class most TMers) think, and act. If you have other 
   explanations, present them.

[FairfieldLife] Das State has its eyes on Bhairitu

2013-06-27 Thread emptybill\

The local and state police are watching you too - not just the NSA.

Blame it on Bush - as usual.

[FairfieldLife] For those of you who dote on science: Foot Orgasm Syndrome

2013-06-27 Thread turquoiseb
This appears to be a real study listed on PubMed. And people think
science is boring.

Foot Orgasm Syndrome: A Case Report in a Woman.

Spontaneous orgasm triggered from inside the foot has so far not been
reported in medical literature.

In general, people are attracted to nice legs and feet. The foot is  an
erotic symbol, variably appreciated by different people [1]. Erotic 
thoughts and feelings about feet may become intentionally accentuated by
fashion and the wearing of shoes with high heels, providing a position 
of the foot that resembles its position during (female) orgasm when feet
and toes may automatically go into plantar flexion resulting in arching 
of the foot and curling of the toes [1, 2]. … In society, special 
attention is paid to the physical relation between foot and pleasant or 
even sexual feelings by different forms of foot massage. Currently, the 
association of feet with sexual attraction and eroticism has been 
explained in terms of psychology and sociology [1]. However, an 
underlying neurobiological theory of a possible foot–genital 
relationship has so far not been formulated.

The study aims to report orgasmic feelings in the left foot of a woman.

A woman presented with complaints of undesired orgasmic sensations 
originating in her left foot. In-depth interview, physical examination, 
sensory testing, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI-scan), electromyography
(EMG), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and blockade 
of the left S1 dorsal root ganglion were performed.

The main outcomes are description of this clinical syndrome, results of
TENS application, and S1 dorsal root ganglion blockade.

Subtle attenuation of sensory amplitudes of the left suralis, and the 
left medial and lateral plantar nerve tracts was found at EMG. MRI-scan 
disclosed no foot abnormalities. TENS at the left metatarso-phalangeal 
joint-III of the left foot elicited an instant orgasmic sensation that 
radiated from plantar toward the vagina. TENS applied to the left side 
of the vagina elicited an orgasm that radiated to the left foot. 
Diagnostic blockade of the left S1 dorsal root ganglion with
0.8 mL  bupivacaine 0.25 mg attenuated the frequency and
intensity of orgasmic  sensation in the left foot with 50% and 80%,
respectively. Additional  therapeutic blockade of the same ganglion with
0.8 mL bupivacaine  0.50 mg combined with pulsed
radiofrequency treatment resulted in a  complete disappearance of the
foot-induced orgasmic sensations.

Foot orgasm syndrome (FOS) is descibed in a woman. Blockade of the left 
S1 dorsal root ganglion alleviated FOS. It is hypothesized that FOS, 
occurring 1.5 years after an intensive care emergency, was caused by 
partial nerve regeneration (axonotmesis), after which afferent (C-fiber)
information from a small reinnervated skin area of the left foot and 
afferent somatic and autonomous (visceral) information from the vagina 
on at least S1 spinal level is misinterpreted by the brain as being 
solely information originating from the vagina.

Bonus quote from the full text:

Compared with a vaginally/clitorally induced  orgasm, this left
foot-induced orgasm had the following characteristics:  (i) the
spontaneously induced foot orgasms occurred in the absence of  any
sexual desire or sexual arousal; (ii) the vaginally/clitorally  induced
foot orgasms occurred during sexual desire and sexual arousal;  (iii)
the occurrence of (spontaneous) foot orgasm is very sudden without  any
preorgasmic built up or latency time as compared with a normal  orgasm
experience; (iv) the duration is extremely short, around 5–6 
seconds, with a rather abrupt end, uncharacteristic for female orgasm in
general; (v) the foot-induced orgasm is perceived unilaterally in the 
body; (vi) the orgasmic sensations are mainly felt in the left foot, 
back under the knee and vagina; (vii) there is a daily frequency of 
about five to six times a day; (viii) although we have not checked or 
examined it, Mrs A. reported that the foot-induced orgasms are often 
accompanied by vaginal lubrication and loss of urine.