[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 21-Feb-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808
So anyway, about re-introducing the post limit. Is next week OK?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 02/22/14 00:00:00
 705 messages as of (UTC) 02/21/14 00:11:05
 86 salyavin808 
 75 authfriend
 69 Richard J. Williams 
 60 awoelflebater
 45 Michael Jackson 
 43 nablusoss1008 
 36 dhamiltony2k5
 35 doctordumbass
 33 Share Long 
 29 anartaxius
 24 steve.sundur
 23 Pundit Sir 
 22 Bhairitu 
 21 TurquoiseBee 
 17 jedi_spock
 15 jr_esq
 12 s3raphita
 11 turquoiseb
 8 emptybill
 6 jchwelch
 6 j_alexander_stanley
 6 cardemaister
 5 emilymaenot
 4 noozguru
 3 Mike Dixon 
 2 yifuxero
 2 LEnglish5
 1 lol_you_got_it 
 1 karuna54321
 1 emptyliar 
 1 Rick Archer 
 1 Paulo Barbosa 
 1 Jason 
 1 Duveyoung 
 Posters: 34
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 21-Feb-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 02/22/14 00:00:00
 705 messages as of (UTC) 02/21/14 00:11:05
 86 salyavin808 
 75 authfriend
 69 Richard J. Williams 
 60 awoelflebater
 45 Michael Jackson 
 43 nablusoss1008 
 36 dhamiltony2k5
 35 doctordumbass
 33 Share Long 
 29 anartaxius
 24 steve.sundur
 23 Pundit Sir 
 22 Bhairitu 
 21 TurquoiseBee 
 17 jedi_spock
 15 jr_esq
 12 s3raphita
 11 turquoiseb
 8 emptybill
 6 jchwelch
 6 j_alexander_stanley
 6 cardemaister
 5 emilymaenot
 4 noozguru
 3 Mike Dixon 
 2 yifuxero
 2 LEnglish5
 1 lol_you_got_it 
 1 karuna54321
 1 emptyliar 
 1 Rick Archer 
 1 Paulo Barbosa 
 1 Jason 
 1 Duveyoung 
 Posters: 34
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread emilymaenot
I will check out the documentary.  Thanks.  I don't have a FB page, but have 
insisted my younger daughter give me her password (which she changes as often 
as I ask for it) and I check intermittently, but mostly, I give her her privacy 
online. I found the Frontline piece informative and fascinating as it 
highlighted real generational differences in mindset and relationship to media, 
or its evolution to "social media", including completely different takes on the 
concepts of identity and privacy that I didn't quite understand up until now, 
as I am admittedly not up to speed.  It helped me understand my teen.  Yes, a 
goldmine of data for market and product research.  Facebook is trying to 
acquire "WhatsApp" now.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I find it VERY common, that in order to post to almost any media site (except 
Yahoo News articles - yay), a Facebook "membership" is required. 
People get pissed off, whenever the specter of a National ID card, is raised, 
yet, that is what "Tracebook" IS. The genius of what Facebook has achieved, is 
that it tracks millions of users, worldwide, who happily over-share too much 
about their lives, *voluntarily*. What a goldmine! And it dovetails with 
probably the most unfortunate aspect of social media; the, "everyone is a 
celebrity", meme - 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You mean the generation that is screwed up because they were raised being told 
that "everyone wins?"  Here's a BBC documentary in three parts called "Century 
of the Self" which explains the mindset.
 Those who have their own web sites and blogs don't need Facebutt. :-D 
 On 02/20/2014 06:03 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Clearly, you aren't part of "Generation 'Like'".  Did you see the Frontline 
show on this?  I think the reality is more likely that the unemployed who don't 
"update" (smile) their social media skills are the ones losing out.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 I don't have time for all this social networking crap.  I get 20 somethings 
from Google+ and LinkedIn telling me what to do for social networking like I 
care.  No wonder we have some many unemployed in the US, they spend all their 
time social networking! :-D 
 On 02/20/2014 01:17 PM, Share Long wrote:
   noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY 
Facebook page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of people I 
had friended in the past before I knew what that meant. Anyway, I know some 
people love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider web of whatever! Instead, 
give me a troll ridden forum any day! (-:
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on Huffington 
Post.  I had an account there for years to comment though I didn't post 
comments very often.  So the last time I tried to post a comment they wanted to 
verify it with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb woman, doesn't understand that not 
all of use want to be on Facebutt.  Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine 
liberal who espouses liberal views for the money but probably vote conservative 
in a heartbeat if it suits their pocketbook.
 On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
 (to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard of Oz)
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   On02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

   On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 There's a difference? Go figure.

 I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly goof-offs 
posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything started.  There will be 
a few that will try to troll a comment section but most are off to another 
article to post snarky comments.  Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and 
to the point and that wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford 
claims not to read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).
 Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see if their 
"troll" worked.
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-fille

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread doctordumbass
I find it VERY common, that in order to post to almost any media site (except 
Yahoo News articles - yay), a Facebook "membership" is required. 
People get pissed off, whenever the specter of a National ID card, is raised, 
yet, that is what "Tracebook" IS. The genius of what Facebook has achieved, is 
that it tracks millions of users, worldwide, who happily over-share too much 
about their lives, *voluntarily*. What a goldmine! And it dovetails with 
probably the most unfortunate aspect of social media; the, "everyone is a 
celebrity", meme - 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You mean the generation that is screwed up because they were raised being told 
that "everyone wins?"  Here's a BBC documentary in three parts called "Century 
of the Self" which explains the mindset.
 Those who have their own web sites and blogs don't need Facebutt. :-D 
 On 02/20/2014 06:03 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Clearly, you aren't part of "Generation 'Like'".  Did you see the Frontline 
show on this?  I think the reality is more likely that the unemployed who don't 
"update" (smile) their social media skills are the ones losing out.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 I don't have time for all this social networking crap.  I get 20 somethings 
from Google+ and LinkedIn telling me what to do for social networking like I 
care.  No wonder we have some many unemployed in the US, they spend all their 
time social networking! :-D 
 On 02/20/2014 01:17 PM, Share Long wrote:
   noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY 
Facebook page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of people I 
had friended in the past before I knew what that meant. Anyway, I know some 
people love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider web of whatever! Instead, 
give me a troll ridden forum any day! (-:
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on Huffington 
Post.  I had an account there for years to comment though I didn't post 
comments very often.  So the last time I tried to post a comment they wanted to 
verify it with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb woman, doesn't understand that not 
all of use want to be on Facebutt.  Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine 
liberal who espouses liberal views for the money but probably vote conservative 
in a heartbeat if it suits their pocketbook.
 On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
 (to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard of Oz)
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   On02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

   On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 There's a difference? Go figure.

 I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly goof-offs 
posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything started.  There will be 
a few that will try to troll a comment section but most are off to another 
article to post snarky comments.  Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and 
to the point and that wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford 
claims not to read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).
 Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see if their 
"troll" worked.
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it."







Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
You mean the generation that is screwed up because they were raised 
being told that "everyone wins?" Here's a BBC documentary in three parts 
called "Century of the Self" which explains the mindset.


Those who have their own web sites and blogs don't need Facebutt. :-D

On 02/20/2014 06:03 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Clearly, you aren't part of "Generation 'Like'".  Did you see the 
Frontline show on this?  I think the reality is more likely that the 
unemployed who don't "update" (smile) their social media skills are 
the ones losing out.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

I don't have time for all this social networking crap.  I get 20 
somethings from Google+ and LinkedIn telling me what to do for social 
networking like I care.  No wonder we have some many unemployed in the 
US, they spend all their time social networking! :-D

On 02/20/2014 01:17 PM, Share Long wrote:

noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY 
Facebook page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of 
people I had friended in the past before I knew what that meant. 
Anyway, I know some people love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider 
web of whatever! Instead, give me a troll ridden forum any day! (-:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu  
Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on 
Huffington Post.  I had an account there for years to comment though I 
didn't post comments very often.  So the last time I tried to post a 
comment they wanted to verify it with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb 
woman, doesn't understand that not all of use want to be on Facebutt.  
Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine liberal who espouses liberal 
views for the money but probably vote conservative in a heartbeat if 
it suits their pocketbook.

On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
(to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard 
of Oz)

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  

On02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or
> groups.
There's a difference? Go figure.

I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls". It's mainly 
goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything 
started. There will be a few that will try to troll a comment section 
but most are off to another article to post snarky comments. 
Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and to the point and that 
wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford claims not to 
read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see 
if their "troll" worked.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL?
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly 

to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more
they enjoy corrupting it."


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Is TM a Cult?

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
not anymore

On Fri, 2/21/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Is TM a Cult?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 21, 2014, 3:23 AM
   On 2/20/2014 9:01 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > Thank you dad, for offering to orchestrate my thinking
 for me - "as is 
 > our tradition" of mind control.
 So, the TMO is in control of your mind?

Re: [FairfieldLife] To Buck

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 9:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina 
> Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas 
> brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and 
> all the lying and manipulation that they and other small medium and 
> large managers in the TMO have done.
So, what do these people have to do with your meditation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Is TM a Cult?

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 9:01 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Thank you dad, for offering to orchestrate my thinking for me - "as is 
> our tradition" of mind control.
So, the TMO is in control of your mind?

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 5:21 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> If you want an employment opportunity then zig when everyone else is 
> zagging. 
It's all a matter of positioning and placement.

If you want an employment opportunity you've got to position yourself 
where there are opportunities and place yourself where you can meet 
people. For example, if Rita wanted to go back into doing AutoCad, she 
would enroll in a course at a community college and learn 3-D AutoCad - 
then she would move to Charlotte NC or to the Research Triangle, 
somewhere they do manufacturing and electronics. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] To Buck

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Okay Buddy, you are laying it on the line here:

"Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. 
Evidently moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good 
upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in 
writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes 
from bad upbringing and does not have so much of anything to do with whether 
some one meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue. Evidently. That's 
what I see, they are just being bad people for their poor upbringings and 
sometimes they are even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on the 
part of some but not the normative of most folks. Just really bad upbringing."

The whole point to many of my posts here is that TM does not work as you claim 
it works. The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM all these years is that TM IMPROVES 
EVERYTHING! That is the claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM, 
improving your life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a better 
person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing so hard to get TM 
to the AT RISK populations, especially the young ones??? To, among other 
things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!

So if bad upbringing can't be negated or improved by regular practice of TM, 
what good is the practice? You have hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck. 
You seem to be saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM won't change the 
behavior that bad upbringing creates.

Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina Wilson, 
Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan 
Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and 
manipulation that they and other small medium and large managers in the TMO 
have done.

Are you saying that all the above named individuals had bad upbringing? You are 
making excuses for why TM obviously seems to work in reverse for people who run 
the Movement. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Is TM a Cult?

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Thank you dad, for offering to orchestrate my thinking for me - "as is our 
tradition" of mind control.

On Fri, 2/21/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Is TM a Cult?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 21, 2014, 1:59 AM
 writes:  Against
 Son, I still feel you are suffering from wrong thinking
 around the
 TM movement.  There are a lot of good people yet in TM doing
 quite a
 lot of good things for people.  The transcendental
 experience is so innate that TM is a long ways from over and
 there is
 actually great hope in that.  It is very much Natural Law as
 It just
 comes up again and again.  It is essentially natural.  There
 is great
 hope in that.  There is a physics of negative and positive
 everything but what does being a pessimist give you? 
 histories are a luxury, I don't have time for them. 
 This is
 find fault. Find a remedy." - Henry
 is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God
 Unified Field], which is why we call it the
 -Bil Keane
 may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I
 hope someday
 you'll join us. And the world will live as
 -John Lennon, and -Buck in the Dome
 Dear FFL I recently thought to
 share this with you;   So, I
 have been in meetings in this last week with both Drs. John
 and Bevan Morris:  Instruction of new TM meditators is way
 up and
 growing consistently despite any bad past.  As we were long
 ago told,
 '. .the past is a lesser state
 of evolution',
 this seems could be true.  We are productively moving
 forward.  TM in
 nature now as a corporate organizational movement sect
 incorporating meditation, modern science and vedic science
 and now in its
 post-charismatic founder phase is moving manifestly forward
 again in good order.It
 is going well again.  Will you come with us and
 move forward with us?  So, are you with us or are you against us in
 Are you with us or are you against us moving forward?  It is
 time to
 move forward or at the least be 'silent' and get out
 of the way if
 you can't actively be helpful.  There is a great need
 for teachers of
 meditation right now in many places.  The news is quite good
 TM and spiritual regeneration using meditation, modern
 science and
 vedic science together in the world.Yours in Revolution, -U.S. Buck in the Dome
 One can conceive
 of gradients in spectrum of cults and sects.
 Paired data-points on Cartesian axis:  Like on one scale
 have it run
 from a low end of  immoral-sociopathic-NPDisordered then to
 transformative moral  and spiritual at the top of that
 scale.  That
 could work for sorting individuals or movement
 organizations.  On the
 other, 2nd axis have a scale of types of teachers or their
 organizations that run from just authors or lecturers, to
 swamis, gurus, sat gurus, jagad gurus, saints and avatars at
 the top
 end.  X-Y axis.  Draw it and then place your person
 organization cult
 or sect vs the type of teacher or saint.  .  as a dot placed
 on the
 graph.  Knapp for instance, being in the news again here on
 FFL may
 appear to be down at the low of each scale on the graph. 
 placement can change according to time and event horizon
 too.  Even
 can work to plot dynamic life-cycle of someone's
 spiritual teaching
 or organization through time.  Play with it.   
 DoctorDA writes: As far as the long time
 habit, and progression, of expanding
 one's awareness, through meditation, it has nothing to
 do with
 achieving signposts, or escaping this world, or acting like
 either an
 asshole or a saint. It is simply a means of discovering the
 range of human experience, and integrating it. No robes or
 exploitation, required.
 Graphing Data-pairs,  Charismatics and
 As Charisma:
  "Weber, in an oft quoted passage, defined charisma as a certain quality of an 
 personality, by virtue of which [s/]he is set apart from ordinary [people] and 
treated as
 endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional 
powers or
 qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but 
are regarded as
 of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual 
concerned is
 treated as a leader." 1
 Okay, no
 charismatic leader no cult.  It is just an
 organization.  So by more
 scholarly definition evidently your feelings around the TM
 is that TM never quite rose up to be a cult, but was/is a
 sect.   No
 charismatic leader, no cult.  It evidently was a
 movement that you were part of,-Buck
 See FFL Post 370565 for a
 discussion of the context of charisma, cu

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread emilymaenot

 Clearly, you aren't part of "Generation 'Like'".  Did you see the Frontline 
show on this?  I think the reality is more likely that the unemployed who don't 
"update" (smile) their social media skills are the ones losing out.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I don't have time for all this social networking crap.  I get 20 somethings 
from Google+ and LinkedIn telling me what to do for social networking like I 
care.  No wonder we have some many unemployed in the US, they spend all their 
time social networking! :-D 
 On 02/20/2014 01:17 PM, Share Long wrote:
   noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY 
Facebook page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of people I 
had friended in the past before I knew what that meant. Anyway, I know some 
people love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider web of whatever! Instead, 
give me a troll ridden forum any day! (-:
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on Huffington Post.  
I had an account there for years to comment though I didn't post comments very 
often.  So the last time I tried to post a comment they wanted to verify it 
with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb woman, doesn't understand that not all of use 
want to be on Facebutt.  Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine liberal who 
espouses liberal views for the money but probably vote conservative in a 
heartbeat if it suits their pocketbook.
 On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
 (to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard of Oz)
 On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 On02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

   On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 There's a difference? Go figure.

 I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly goof-offs 
posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything started.  There will be 
a few that will try to troll a comment section but most are off to another 
article to post snarky comments.  Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and 
to the point and that wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford 
claims not to read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).
 Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see if their 
"troll" worked.
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it."






Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
you are so full of shit Buck - I would not be saying these things if Marshy and 
his sycophants had not been liars and if the TMO had delivered on it promises - 
as all cult followers do you are blaming anyone and everyone EXCEPT the ones 
who deserve to be blamed

On Fri, 2/21/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, February 21, 2014, 12:57 AM
   RW, Essentially yes.  Well, that sentence
 you quote of me was about more
 the bad behavior of some in the long history of the TM
 movement as it
 was about MJ coincidentally.  But yes, what we are seeing
 here is a
 distinction between meditating, and bad up-brings and
 Evidently social behavior may be different or separate from
 someone is a meditator or not.  Meditating as the sadhana of
 character is different from some published papers reporting
 around TM and some “improved
 moral reasoning” and some manifest behavior.  So it is
 quite likely
 that MJ is right and is also essentially predisposed the way
 he is
 persisting as he does 'against TM', separate from or
 whether he was a meditator or not.  
 Now, more fundamentally interesting is that virtuous
 otherwise has spiritually much more to do with ones total
 effectiveness as a meditator or spiritual practitioner
 overall.  Virtue vs. sin in spirituality is
 quite evidently a different system more specifically related
 to the
 subtle system of the whole human body-mind complex of
 the subtle bodies of character and soul/Atman.  Behavior
 that lacks
 virtue [is without transformative shakti] is related more to
 flaw as being unable to receive love as in a lack of
 mastering of
 taking in the flowing shakti vector of love of the Unified
 Field and giving its transmission.  In character that comes
 dropping in to the heart of the matter spiritually and
 deciding on a
 soul level to take it as a condition of congruence between
 character and soul.  Reclaiming character this way is the
 Sadhana of
 the light body.  The integrity of virtue is the virtue
 of integrity. 
 Core spiritual values matter most in the refinement. 
 Fortunately the
 heart likes of be effective but also has the capacity to
 itself with compassion.  The development of the lite-body is
 sadhana of this buoyancy and the depth of character is
 fueled by
 buoyancy of core values of virtue and that matters most. 
 Seize the
 day, life is for the living while you have it.
 That is my experience with it,
  bad behavior that MJ in writing here
 for instance is so upset about in 
  the TM community movement comes from bad upbringing
 and does not have 
  so much of anything to do with whether some one
 you're thinking MJ would be the same kind of guy even if
 he had 
 never tried TM?
 Very likely.
 mjackson74 writes:Okay Buddy, you are laying it on
 the line here:"Obviously we are born in to this wold with
 nature and then there is nurture. Evidently moral behavior
 is something developed and cultured in good upbringing. My
 feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that
 MJ in writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM
 community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not
 have so much of anything to do with whether some one
 meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue.
 Evidently. That's what I see, they are just being bad
 people for their poor upbringings and sometimes they are
 even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on the
 part of some but not the normative of most folks. Just
 really bad upbringing."
 The whole point to many of my
 posts here is that TM does not work as you claim it works.
 The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM all these years is that TM
 IMPROVES EVERYTHING! That is the claim made for it.
 That's the whole point to doing TM, improving your life.
 If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a better
 person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing
 so hard to get TM to the AT RISK populations, especially the
 young ones??? To, among other things, counteract BAD
 So if bad upbringing can't be negated or
 improved by regular practice of TM, what good is the
 practice? You have hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck.
 You seem to be saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM
 won't change the behavior that bad upbringing
 Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris,
 Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson,
 Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan Humphries,
 Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying
 and manipulation that they and other small medium and large
 managers in the TMO have done. 
 Are you saying
 that all the above name

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread Mike Dixon
So... let me guess. You have a solution. Make the countries with the most 
medals pay for the training of the athletes from the countries with the fewest 
medals. Athletic affirmative action.

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:18 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  

That's precisely the point.  The skills necessary to win the medals take time 
and money to develop.  Athletes from the third world who are talented are 
simply winnowed out by economic factors.

However, I am impressed by those runners from Kenya and Ethiopia for excelling 
in their sport despite of the poverty in their country.  They may have 
financial backers, like Nike and other corporate sponsors, who live outside 
their country and are motivated by product advertisements.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/20/2014 4:46 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Some people just want to move on...

If you're going through hell, keep going. 

Winston Churchill 

Read more at 
If you're going through hell, keep going. 

Winston Churchill 

Read more at 

If you're going through hell, keep going. 

Winston Churchill 

Read more at 

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
RW, Essentially yes. Well, that sentence you quote of me was about more the bad 
behavior of some in the long history of the TM movement as it was about MJ 
coincidentally. But yes, what we are seeing here is a distinction between 
meditating, and bad up-brings and behavior. Evidently social behavior may be 
different or separate from whether someone is a meditator or not. Meditating as 
the sadhana of character is different from some published papers reporting 
around TM and some “improved moral reasoning” and some manifest behavior. So it 
is quite likely that MJ is right and is also essentially predisposed the way he 
is persisting as he does 'against TM', separate from or regardless whether he 
was a meditator or not. 

 Now, more fundamentally interesting is that virtuous behavior otherwise has 
spiritually much more to do with ones total effectiveness as a meditator or 
spiritual practitioner overall. Virtue vs. sin in spirituality is quite 
evidently a different system more specifically related to the subtle system of 
the whole human body-mind complex of consciousness, the subtle bodies of 
character and soul/Atman. Behavior that lacks virtue [is without transformative 
shakti] is related more to character flaw as being unable to receive love as in 
a lack of mastering of taking in the flowing shakti vector of love of the 
Unified Field and giving its transmission. In character that comes in dropping 
in to the heart of the matter spiritually and deciding on a soul level to take 
it as a condition of congruence between the character and soul. Reclaiming 
character this way is the Sadhana of the light body.  The integrity of virtue 
is the virtue of integrity. Core spiritual values matter most in the 
refinement. Fortunately the heart likes of be effective but also has the 
capacity to forgive itself with compassion. The development of the lite-body is 
the sadhana of this buoyancy and the depth of character is fueled by buoyancy 
of core values of virtue and that matters most. Seize the day, life is for the 
living while you have it.
 That is my experience with it,

  bad behavior that MJ in writing here for instance is so upset about in 
 the TM community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not have 
 so much of anything to do with whether some one meditates

So, you're thinking MJ would be the same kind of guy even if he had 
never tried TM?


 Yep. Very likely.

mjackson74 writes: Okay Buddy, you are laying it on the line here: "Obviously 
we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. Evidently 
moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good upbringing. My 
feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in writing here 
for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes from bad 
upbringing and does not have so much of anything to do with whether some one 
meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue. Evidently. That's what I 
see, they are just being bad people for their poor upbringings and sometimes 
they are even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on the part of 
some but not the normative of most folks. Just really bad upbringing."

The whole point to many of my posts here is that TM does not work as you claim 
it works. The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM all these years is that TM IMPROVES 
EVERYTHING! That is the claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM, 
improving your life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a better 
person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing so hard to get TM 
to the AT RISK populations, especially the young ones??? To, among other 
things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!

So if bad upbringing can't be negated or improved by regular practice of TM, 
what good is the practice? You have hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck. 
You seem to be saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM won't change the 
behavior that bad upbringing creates.

 Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina Wilson, 
Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan 
Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and 
manipulation that they and other small medium and large managers in the TMO 
have done. 

Are you saying that all the above named individuals had bad upbringing? You are 
making excuses for why TM obviously seems to work in reverse for people who run 
the Movement.

 Buck Writes:
 Meditating, “improved moral reasoning”, and moral behavior. Three different 
things evidently and possibly intertwined.

 Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. 
Evidently moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good 
upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in 
writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes 
from bad upbringing and does not have so much 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Uh... Obama?

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:20 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  

Where did you get this quotation from MMY?  If this is true, who is the person 
that is coming soon?     

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hackers

2014-02-20 Thread Pundit Sir
We are in the best of hands.

"Vice Adm. Michael Rogers, who is now President Barack Obama's choice to
replace Gen. Keith Alexander as both NSA director and commander of the US
Cyber Command, led the US Fleet Cyber Command when the attack came to

'Iranians hacked Navy network for four months?'

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> The  Target Corp. data breach that has hurt its sales and has made many
> consumers skittish about using their cards has been traced to a Russian
> teenager who authored the malware used in the security breach, according to
> a cyber-intelligence firm.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> IntelCrawler said BlackPOS first infected retailers' systems in Australia,
> Canada and the U.S.  It said the malware -- which first carried the name of
> "Kaptoxa," or potato in Russian slang, before being renamed -- has been sold
> to cyber-criminals in Eastern Europe and other countries, including owners
> of underground credit-card shops.
> 'A nearly 17-year-old is reportedly author of malware that led to Target's
> data breach'
> http://blogs.marketwatch.com/malware-that-led-to-targets-data-breach/
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 11:36 AM,  wrote:
>> *There were "five and dime" stores back when prices for the stuff they
>> sold were that low. By the time I was shopping in Woolworth's and
>> Newberry's in the '50s, "five and dime" was already way out of date due to
>> inflation, although the term was still used by the older generation. And
>> they had departments and regular stock that they ordered, unlike most of
>> today's dollar stores. (Woolworth's had a terrific "notions" department,
>> for instance--thread and needles and pins and yarn and
>> hooks-and-eyes--including drawers and drawers full of Simplicity patterns
>> for home sewers.)*
>> *I doubt dollar stores have ever made more of a profit than
>> five-and-dimes. In most cases the dollar stores' goods are not "costlier"
>> (and many of the stores, around here at least, are quite small, much
>> smaller than the old five-and-dimes). I don't think you're taking inflation
>> into account; the dollar stores' business model is very different than that
>> of the five-and-dimes.*
>> There used to be "five and dime" stores too.  Dollar stores probably
>> arise out of the fact that bigger stores wanted to devote their precious
>> shelf space to costlier hence more profitable items.  It appears that
>> Dollar Tree eliminates vendors coming in to stock the shelves so a Dollar
>> Tree truck just delivers all the inventory.  The companies who set up deals
>> with Dollar Tree probably just send their truckload(s) to a central
>> warehouse. This obviously eliminates a lot of cost.
>> There also appear to be jobbers who supply the independent dollar stores
>> in much the same way.  Difference is that some of these stores will have
>> additional items priced at more than a dollar.  We just lost the nearby
>> independent that just stocked dry goods not food like Dollar Tree.  There
>> was something said about the town council having something to do with
>> pushing them out while a steak house went in to the location. More taxes
>> from a steak house than a dollar store.
>>  On 01/16/2014 07:47 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> Ann, I think dollar stores began with the idea that everything in the
>> store cost one dollar. That idea has not been realized. Instead I think
>> it's proved itself to be a clever marketing device to get people to come
>> into the store and shop, thinking they're saving money.
>>   On Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:18 AM, 
>> "awoelflebater@..."
>>   wrote:
>> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  
>> wrote:
>> Richard, I love the Dollar General in FF. The manager is really
>> nice. We also have Family Dollar. But my favorite is Dollar Tree which we
>> don't have in FF but there is one in Annapolis and I shop there when I'm
>> visiting my family. These dollar stores are a new development in my life
>> and I have NO idea what's going on with that!
>>  It always makes me laugh that these types of cheapo stores are called
>> "Dollar" stores because any store that handles US or Canadian currency are
>> technically "dollar" stores.
>>On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 9:57 AM, Richard J. Williams
>>   wrote:
>>  On 1/15/2014 9:24 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> > Richard, here's my debit card adventure, a card which I NEVER use.
>> > Except I had to in order to purchase gifts cards from the grocery
>> > store here. They wouldn't let me use my credit card! That didn't seem
>> > right to me but I went along with it bec

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread authfriend
Whoever thought Barry was reformable??  

 Om no don't get me wrong; just the sociopathic turn-coat enemies combatant 
haters be the terrorists.  And you know we learned recently here about the 
malevolent-narcissist that the sociopathic ones are not really reformable. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread jr_esq

 Where did you get this quotation from MMY?  If this is true, who is the person 
that is coming soon?   

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Feb-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-02-20 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/22/14 00:00:00
705 messages as of (UTC) 02/21/14 00:11:05

 86 salyavin808 
 75 authfriend
 69 Richard J. Williams 
 60 awoelflebater
 45 Michael Jackson 
 43 nablusoss1008 
 36 dhamiltony2k5
 35 doctordumbass
 33 Share Long 
 29 anartaxius
 24 steve.sundur
 23 Pundit Sir 
 22 Bhairitu 
 21 TurquoiseBee 
 17 jedi_spock
 15 jr_esq
 12 s3raphita
 11 turquoiseb
  8 emptybill
  6 jchwelch
  6 j_alexander_stanley
  6 cardemaister
  5 emilymaenot
  4 noozguru
  3 Mike Dixon 
  2 yifuxero
  2 LEnglish5
  1 lol_you_got_it 
  1 karuna54321
  1 emptyliar 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Paulo Barbosa 
  1 Jason 
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] RE: This will happen in the US also because the Workers of America are also Fed Up !

2014-02-20 Thread jr_esq

 I don't personally know what the conditions are like in the Ukraine.  But the 
apparent frustrations have exploded into a mass protest which coincides with 
the malefic conjunctions of planets in Libra at this time.  It may be nature's 
way of purging the old assumptions that are not true anymore.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Okay Buddy, you are laying it on the line here:

"Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. 
Evidently moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good 
upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in 
writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes 
from bad upbringing and does not have so much of anything to do with whether 
some one meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue. Evidently.  That's 
what I see, they are just being bad people for their poor upbringings and 
sometimes they are even immoral.  Okay, that can be really bad at times on the 
part of some but not the normative of most folks.  Just really bad upbringing."

The whole point to many of my posts here is that TM does not work as you claim 
it works. The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM all these years is that TM IMPROVES 
EVERYTHING! That is the claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM, 
improving your life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a better 
person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing so hard to get TM 
to the AT RISK populations, especially the young ones??? To, among other 
things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!

So if bad upbringing can't be negated or improved by regular practice of TM, 
what good is the practice? You have hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck. 
You seem to be saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM won't change the 
behavior that bad upbringing creates.

Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina Wilson, 
Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan 
Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and 
manipulation that they and other small medium and large managers in the TMO 
have done. 

Are you saying that all  the above named individuals had bad upbringing? You 
are making excuses for why TM obviously seems to work in reverse for people who 
run the Movement. 

On Thu, 2/20/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 8:54 PM
   Meditating, “improved moral reasoning”, and
 moral behavior. 
 Three different things evidently and possibly
   Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and
 then there
 is nurture. Evidently moral behavior is something developed
 cultured in good upbringing.  My feeling in watching is that
 a lot of
 the bad behavior that MJ in writing here for instance is so
 upset about in the
 TM community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not
 have so
 much of anything to do with whether some one meditates. 
 It's mostly
 bad manners without virtue.  Evidently.  That's
 what I see, they are just being bad people for their poor
 upbringings and sometimes they are even immoral.  Okay,
 that can be really bad at times on the part of some but not
 the normative of most folks.  Just really bad
 upbringing..  For instance, here is two
 minutes on improving behavior as
 learned. ..
 Some sensitive caring in thoughtful upbringing, in 2
 -Buck in the Dome
 Maharishi's was
 revolutionary and comprehensive thinking about
 global peace, like "Elise M. Boulding (July 6,
 1920 – June 24,
 2010). Boulding offers Building a Global Civic Culture:
 Education for
 an Interdependent as a holistic first step towards solving
 international conflicts. She envisions a “global civic
 as not simply made of nation states but as a global
 community of
 human beings. The book enforces the idea of thinking
 globally on a
 microcosmic level to facilitate solving problems in a
 international order. Boulding believed that a civic world
 order could
 become a reality, while acknowledging the strife that exists
 "Building a Global Civic Culture" is geared toward
 addressing the world’s problems and offering ideas for
 solutions.To create peace,
 Boulding believes that we must all become
 teachers and develop new learning communities. Everyone, old
 young, will teach. Age groups will teach each other from
 respective generations. How we perceive events unique to our
 generation shapes the lens through which we each see later
 events. We
 need to know what the world looks like to young and old
 Boulding believes all will be teachers.In order to do
 this, we must learn to think outside of the box.
 Humans are intuitive, creative animals with
 reasoning abilities. We as human animals can grasp complex
 from partial sets of facts. Boulding states that for most of
 education has been tied to the maxim “stick to the facts,
 no need
 for imaginative thinking.” We are taught in school that
 and intuition are virtues of the daydream

[FairfieldLife] A Tribute to Nelson Mandela

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
A tribute to Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013 Benjamin Creme writes: I would like to 
remind readers of the extraordinary part played by Maitreya, the World Teacher, 
in the events leading to the release from prison of Nelson Mandela in 1990 
after 27 years incarceration (as reported in Share International, Jan/Feb 
2008). In September 1988 Share International announced, in the magazine and in 
a news release to world media, that we had received information from Maitreya 
that Nelson Mandela “would be released soon”.
 When President de Klerk first became president of South Africa, Maitreya 
entered Mandela’s prison and asked him to write to the President requesting a 
meeting. Mandela laughed and said: “I cannot even get a meeting with the prison 
governor, let alone the President of the Republic”. Maitreya said: “Yes I know. 
But write the letter anyway and I will do the rest.” Mandela duly wrote to de 
Klerk on the day of his inauguration in August 1989. Maitreya approached the 
President while he was at prayer, and put in his mind that the time had come to 
end apartheid in South Africa. The President was a religious man, a sincere 
Christian, and took it to heart. He ‘talked to God’, asking what he should do 
and received the answer: ‘the time has come to end apartheid’. In December 1989 
Mandela and de Klerk met and on 2 February 1990 de Klerk dramatically announced 
in Parliament the dismantling of apartheid and the unconditional release of 
Mandela from prison. There had been contacts with the former President, P.W. 
Botha, before and after his stroke in 1989 but the crucial instigating factor 
for Mandela’s release was this intervention by Maitreya.
 People have asked me over the years why Mandela never spoke of this event. 
Personally, I am not at all surprised. Had he done so no one from the media 
would have believed him (any more than they believe me about Maitreya’s 
return). I have no doubt that Mandela thought that he had been visited in 
prison by Jesus Christ. Had he made this known he would have been laughed at 
and probably discredited; the Christ is generally believed to be a disembodied 
entity sitting in ‘heaven’, whereas Maitreya is a physical, knowable and 
accessible person. Nevertheless my information is that Mandela wrote an account 
of this meeting and left copies to trusted friends.
 Mandela has been heralded as an extraordinary being who, after incarceration 
for 27 years came out of prison not longing for revenge but speaking of 
forgiveness, reconciliation and love. This has made him respected throughout 
the world. I have no doubt that this policy of rapprochement and reconciliation 
was inspired in him by Maitreya. Let us hope that Mandela’s example will 
inspire other world leaders to take a similar approach of forgiveness and 
 A tribute to Mandela by Roelof Frederik ‘Pik’ Botha, former foreign minister 
in P.W. Botha’s government, concludes with a fitting plea to the world to 
honour Mandela’s legacy:
 “His death is irreversible, his legacy, undying. All of us, the government, 
the voters, civil society, the churches, are faced with an inescapable 
challenge: are we going to honor and sustain his legacy or deviate from it? 
Indeed, leaders across the globe ought to reflect on his legacy – particularly 
while they have the option to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations 
instead of violence; abolish all nuclear devices or retain them to destroy our 
planet; take the quantum leap required to avert the lethal consequences of 
climate change and the depletion of the planet’s natural resources or enjoy our 
daily greed to such an extent that it forbids us to preserve our planet for our 
children to survive.”
 Q. Please can you give the ray-structure and point of evolution of Nelson 
Mandela (1918-2013), former President of South Africa?
 A. Soul: 2; Personality: 4 (6); Mental: 3 (7); Astral: 4 (6); Physical: 7 (7). 
Point of Evolution: 2.
 Q. Did Nelson Mandela meet Maitreya more than once?
 A. No.
 Q. Was Nelson Mandela’s forgiveness and his desire for reconciliation, which 
was so much part of his political ethos, inspired by Maitreya?
 A. Yes. Maitreya told him at the meeting that he should forgive and forget the 
ills of the past: that there had to be reconciling, forbearing and a need to 
halt all disruptive action of the ANC.
 Apart from the quality of the man, it was the direct inspiration of Maitreya 
that made reconciliation a cardinal point in his approach to the white minority 
government. Maitreya assured him that this was the only way to a peaceful 
future in South Africa.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
The only way for a developing nation to exell in sports is by raising the 
collective consciousness of the nation. Everything else is in vain.  Let them 
participate in the collective practice of TM and become The New Light.  No 
underdeveloped nation can proclaim; I'm The Lion of The World, it's but vanity. 

 Maharishi on the Second Coming: "Nairobi will be the new Jerusalem"

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
If you want an employment opportunity then zig when everyone else is 
zagging.  So if everyone else is social networking your might want to 
try something different to stand out.  I call LinkedIn "Desperation Row" 
because that's what it looks like.  If everyone is in a panic to find a 
job then the world is dysfunctional and needs a revision.

On 02/20/2014 02:56 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/20/2014 3:26 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> No wonder we have some many unemployed in the US, they spend all their
> time social networking!
Maybe they are trying to network an employment opportunity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread jr_esq

 That's precisely the point.  The skills necessary to win the medals take time 
and money to develop.  Athletes from the third world who are talented are 
simply winnowed out by economic factors.

 However, I am impressed by those runners from Kenya and Ethiopia for excelling 
in their sport despite of the poverty in their country.  They may have 
financial backers, like Nike and other corporate sponsors, who live outside 
their country and are motivated by product advertisements.

[FairfieldLife] This will happen in the US also because the Workers of America are also Fed Up !

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
 Protest In Kiev Revolution! Live webcast.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om no don't get me wrong; just the sociopathic turn-coat enemies combatant 
haters be the terrorists.  And you know we learned recently here about the 
malevolent-narcissist that the sociopathic ones are not really reformable.  
That is quite pitiable.  I am quite sympathetic towards the quitters though. 
Everyone who has gotten out of regular practice of transcending for whatever 
reasons are certainly reformable if they would just take the quiet time to Be 
so. It only will take some initiative and self-discipline to do so. There are 
meditating programs to help fallen away meditators come back to the 
transcendental meditative experience again. If for no other reason than the 
science on meditation is accruing all the time and it only gets all the more 
compelling. Make haste. Like the prodigal child come home, you will not be 
refused. The Unified Field is ultimately compassionate that way. 
 The Unified Field is great.
 The Unified Field is good,
 and we thank It 
 for our food.
 Om, -Buck


mjackson74 writes:
 So Buck, you equate all of us who stopped doing TM as terrorists now? Or have 
I misunderstood your post here?
 Yep, Om those cranky negative people. That's a good descriptive article link 
you post below here of culture and how we all get along or don't including the 
sociopath. I could empathize with our president drawing up drone lists of 
turn-coats as enemies combatant out there in the world actively planning 
terrorism to subvert our larger constitutional way of life. Like some turn-coat 
in a form of even a MJ here trying his level best to subvert some things so 
good because he does not like some things. It is a tough nut to crack.
 -Buck in the Dome

 Bhairitu wrote:

 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 > RJW writes:  There's a difference? Go figure. 
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it."
http://blog.sfgate.com/morford/2014/02/18/how-to-eat-an-internet-troll/ . O 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
The country of the Winter Olympics with most Gold Medals of all times is Norway 
in the history of IOC. When you study countries versus giving GNP of aid to 
other countries you find the same country on the top of that list. The other 
three on the list of most giving nations pr GNP are  Denmark, Sweden, Holland, 
all social-democratic  countries. 
 Like the Americans says: Go Figure !

 High Five to other Brothers in Ukraine ! Let this revolution find a peaceful 
end and may their determination spread to their American brothers who are bound 
down by capitalism and living in fear !

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 3:26 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> No wonder we have some many unemployed in the US, they spend all their 
> time social networking!
Maybe they are trying to network an employment opportunity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
Hey that's an impressive list of souls who wants to improve, thanks for sharing 
! Some people just want to move on...

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808

 Babble. LOL.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You're missing the point and the more you babble about this the more it seems 
you're simply stuck.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

 You are raising an important question, how can we as a world become more as 
one ? We can start by giving. 
 Now start by looking at the "socialist" systems of the world (seen with 
American glasses) you will find that they are giving GNP-wise  infinitely  more 
than the pure capitalistic countries in the world, the top countries are the 
Scandinavian Social Kingdoms. Although the Americans are way back on the list 
with contributions to the welfare of the world today they invented the word; 
The Marshal Plan. The Masters have a plan with America, in fact They 
MasterPlanned it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808

When one has a good theory that fits all the available evidence one does tend 
to stick with it. If some new information comes to light the idea will get 
revised. But as it is it looks like refuelling aircraft because we know what 
they look like.

 It may also look like an alien invasion but they seemed to have typically and 
annoyingly forgotten to land, which is weird as they must have been travelling 
for an awfully long time just to skip through a planet's atmosphere without 
stopping to stretch their legs/tentacles/pseudopodia, unless we really scared 
them off!
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You're missing the point and the more you babble about this the more it seems 
you're simply stuck.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 2:54 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
> bad behavior that MJ in writing here for instance is so upset about in 
> the TM community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not have 
> so much of anything to do with whether some one meditates
So, you're thinking MJ would be the same kind of guy even if he had 
never tried TM?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Quote of the Day,

2014-02-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
“Expansion of happiness is the purpose of life, and evolution is the process by 
which it is fulfilled. Life begins in a natural way, it evolves, and happiness 
expands. The expansion of happiness carries with it the growth of intelligence, 
power, creativity and everything that may be said to be of significance in 
life.” -The Science of Being and Art of Living -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [1963]


 There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in 
different places and ages hath had different names. It is, however, pure and 
proceeds from God (the Unified Field). It is deep and inward, confined to no 
forms of religion nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect 
sincerity. In whomsoever this takes root and grows, of what nation soever, they 
become brethren.
 -John Woolman, Quaker

 “Today, with the discovery that within every brain physiology are tremendous 
powers, the world today is different than the world of yesterday. All those 
powers that are administering the individual life are those powers which 
together are administering the whole universe. That higher power can be 
enlivened in the brains of people in every nation, and this will free the life 
of every country from suffering, problems, and failures. Just free it and free 
it and free it. For this, we have Maharishi Open University. It will open the 
treasures of bliss, happiness, and energy that are there inside of everyone.” 
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, July 9, 1998, Guru Purnima 
 Nablusoss1008 writes:
 "“The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we 
are for what we could become” - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -

 "we"  as individuals and we the peoples, humanity. When humanity collectively 
(more or less)  are willing to sacrifice our past for what we can become, then 
we stand at an important threshold; The Rising Sun of The Age of Enlightenment. 
This is what Masters are urging and inspiring us to become; a true humanity, 
brothers. All the Saints, the messengers of Godhead throughout recorded history 
gave voice to the same thing. Buddha, Maharishi, Jesus, Mohammad - same thing, 
same message.  .


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 1:37 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> trading on celebrity notoriety don't mean a thing.
When you compare the list of celebrity endorsements with the list of FFL 
informants who didn't get it, the list is pretty impressive. Of course, 
none of these celebrities can hold a candle to all your accomplishments!


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
I don't have time for all this social networking crap.  I get 20 
somethings from Google+ and LinkedIn telling me what to do for social 
networking like I care.  No wonder we have some many unemployed in the 
US, they spend all their time social networking! :-D

On 02/20/2014 01:17 PM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY 
Facebook page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of 
people I had friended in the past before I knew what that meant. 
Anyway, I know some people love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider 
web of whatever! Instead, give me a troll ridden forum any day! (-:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu 
Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on 
Huffington Post.  I had an account there for years to comment though I 
didn't post comments very often.  So the last time I tried to post a 
comment they wanted to verify it with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb 
woman, doesn't understand that not all of use want to be on Facebutt.  
Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine liberal who espouses liberal 
views for the money but probably vote conservative in a heartbeat if 
it suits their pocketbook.

On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
(to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard 
of Oz)

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu 

On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or
> groups.
There's a difference? Go figure.

I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls". It's mainly 
goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything 
started. There will be a few that will try to troll a comment section 
but most are off to another article to post snarky comments. 
Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and to the point and that 
wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford claims not to 
read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see 
if their "troll" worked.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL?
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly 

to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more
they enjoy corrupting it."


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Share Long
noozguru, I have recently been horrified by what was appearing on MY Facebook 
page and was not put there by me! So I unfriended a lot of people I had 
friended in the past before I knew what that meant. Anyway, I know some people 
love FB but I think it's a gigantic spider web of whatever! Instead, give me a 
troll ridden forum any day! (-:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:14 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on Huffington Post.  
I had an account there for years to comment though I didn't post comments very 
often.  So the last time I tried to post a comment they wanted to verify it 
with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb woman, doesn't understand that not all of use 
want to be on Facebutt.  Arianna, like Bill Maher, is a limousine liberal who 
espouses liberal views for the money but probably vote conservative in a 
heartbeat if it suits their pocketbook.

On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

>Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
>(to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from
  The Wizard of Oz)
>On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  
>On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>> The article is more about
  comment trolls than trolling on
  forums or 
>>> groups. 
>>There's a difference? Go figure.
>I wouldn't even call what he is talking
about "trolls".  It's mainly goof-offs
posting snarky comments and not trying
to get anything started.  There will be
a few that will try to troll a comment
section but most are off to another
article to post snarky comments. 
Sometimes the snarky comments are funny
and to the point and that wouldn't be
trolling either.  And of course Morford
claims not to read the comments section
as his solution (bet he does sometimes).
>Sure, we get snarky posts here but then
they will stick around to see if their
"troll" worked.
>>> Mark maybe doesn't
  hangout in any groups or
>>The description of a "troll"
  posted by the two Barry's and
  Judy don't 
>>seem to match the one
  described in the report. Why
  do you suppose they 
>>would be so insecure that they
  would post fibs about trolls
  on FFL? 
>>Where is Dr Pete when we need
  him? Go figure.
>>"Sociopathic, sadistic,
  narcissistic, cruel by nature,
  highly unpleasant 
>>to be around. They love to
  cause pain. They delight in
  ruining the 
>>beautiful. The more pure and
  integrity-filled something is,
  the more 
>>they enjoy corrupting it."

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Superior athleticism requires a lot of training, which requires a lot of *free* 
time, which requires financial backing. The one exception I can think of is, if 
you have to run for your life to get away from the lions that want to eat you! 
Ethiopian and Kenyans make excellent long distance runners!

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:37 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  
If you look at the current medal count winners, the top ten countries are 
considered to be from the well developed nations in the world.  Most of the 
third world countries who are participating in the games more likely are not 
going to win any medals, gold or otherwise.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Empathy versus cruelty

2014-02-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Meditating, “improved moral reasoning”, and moral behavior. Three different 
things evidently and possibly intertwined.
 Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. 
Evidently moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good 
upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in 
writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes 
from bad upbringing and does not have so much of anything to do with whether 
some one meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue. Evidently.  That's 
what I see, they are just being bad people for their poor upbringings and 
sometimes they are even immoral.  Okay, that can be really bad at times on the 
part of some but not the normative of most folks.  Just really bad upbringing.
 For instance, here is two minutes on improving behavior as learned. ..

 Some sensitive caring in thoughtful upbringing, in 2 minutes:
 -Buck in the Dome

 Maharishi's was revolutionary and comprehensive thinking about global peace, 
like "Elise M. Boulding (July 6, 1920 – June 24, 2010). Boulding offers 
Building a Global Civic Culture: Education for an Interdependent as a holistic 
first step towards solving international conflicts. She envisions a “global 
civic culture” as not simply made of nation states but as a global community of 
human beings. The book enforces the idea of thinking globally on a microcosmic 
level to facilitate solving problems in a peaceful international order. 
Boulding believed that a civic world order could become a reality, while 
acknowledging the strife that exists now. "Building a Global Civic Culture" is 
geared toward addressing the world’s problems and offering ideas for solutions.
 To create peace, Boulding believes that we must all become teachers and 
develop new learning communities. Everyone, old and young, will teach. Age 
groups will teach each other from their respective generations. How we perceive 
events unique to our generation shapes the lens through which we each see later 
events. We need to know what the world looks like to young and old alike. 
Boulding believes all will be teachers.
 In order to do this, we must learn to think outside of the box. Humans are 
intuitive, creative animals with cognitive-analytic reasoning abilities. We as 
human animals can grasp complex wholes from partial sets of facts. Boulding 
states that for most of us, education has been tied to the maxim “stick to the 
facts, no need for imaginative thinking.” We are taught in school that 
imagination and intuition are virtues of the daydreamer, not the true student. 
To the contrary, Boulding states we need to harness both intuition and 
imagination to solve world crises. Ultimately this book encourages us to become 
both teachers and problem solvers and includes exercises to lead the way.

 Elise M. Boulding was a Quaker sociologist [many credentials], and author 
credited as a major contributor to creating the academic discipline of Peace 
and Conflict Studies. Her holistic, multidimensional approach to peace research 
sets her apart as an important scholar and activist in multiple fields. Her 
written works span several decades and range from discussion of family as a 
foundation for peace, to Quaker spirituality to reinventing the international 
“global culture”.

 Evidently as practicing and experience meditators we are not alone in our 
experience around this.  There are other mystics who see this too.
 -Buck in the Dome

 S3raphita , I feel you are being quite saintly in taking notice of the 
circumstance. Yep, it is just another sign of bad upbringing and the failure of 
our schools and society.  Including fault of all those collectively standing 
around smirking who without initiative themselves or had the opportunity in 
their own lives to pursue the proper upbringing of virtue of spiritual life 
themselves and all those who who may know better will themselves not going out 
even on a limb to help anyone other than themselves in their own material world 
of widget worth. 
  I sense saintly virtue in you that you would even notice the collective 
failure in this incident in this poor unlucky youth. The shoplifter is just 
another index showing the lack in our meissner-like collective transmission of 
collective consciousness of virtue in life. You are a teacher of the absolute 
wisdom in life are you not? A transmitter of spiritual virtue? It makes sense 
that you are sensitive to what was in that public scene. It is now the age of 
science and it is neigh time they put quiet-time meditation in to the training 
of all our children in their schools, if their families can not provide it for 
their own children

[FairfieldLife] The Olympic Games are for the Rich

2014-02-20 Thread jr_esq
If you look at the current medal count winners, the top ten countries are 
considered to be from the well developed nations in the world.  Most of the 
third world countries who are participating in the games more likely are not 
going to win any medals, gold or otherwise. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
So Buck, you equate all of us who stopped doing TM as terrorists now? Or have I 
misunderstood your post here?

On Thu, 2/20/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by 
Mark Morford
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 8:24 PM
   Yep, Om those cranky negative people. That's
 a good descriptive
 article link you post of culture and how we all get along or
 don't including the
 sociopath.  I could empathize with our president drawing up
 lists of turn-coats as enemies combatant out there in the
 actively planning terrorism to subvert our larger
 constitutional way
 of life.  Like some turn-coat in a form of even a MJ here
 his level best to subvert some things so good because he
 does not
 like some things.  It is a tough nut to crack.  
 -Buck in the Dome
 Bhairitu wrote:
  > The article is more about comment
 trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 >RJW writes:  There's a
 difference? Go figure.
  > Mark maybe
 doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll"
 posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you
 suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls
 on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature,
 highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in
 ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is,
 the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it."

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yep, Om those cranky negative people. That's a good descriptive article link 
you post of culture and how we all get along or don't including the sociopath. 
I could empathize with our president drawing up drone lists of turn-coats as 
enemies combatant out there in the world actively planning terrorism to subvert 
our larger constitutional way of life. Like some turn-coat in a form of even a 
MJ here trying his level best to subvert some things so good because he does 
not like some things. It is a tough nut to crack. 
 -Buck in the Dome

 Bhairitu wrote:

 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 > RJW writes:  There's a difference? Go figure. 
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it."

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 1:31 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> "I wish Cotton was a monkey!"
Basic TM practice seems pretty simple to most people and they seem to 
get good results from it.  All you have to do is sit quietly, close your 
eyes and think the mantra a few times twice a day. Why do you suppose 
you have so much trouble with it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
You're missing the point and the more you babble about this the more it seems 
you're simply stuck.

[FairfieldLife] Climate Change Could Spread Sexually Transmitted Food Poison

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 1:01 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Are the Dixie Chicks TMers?
Mary Gauthier.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
trading on celebrity notoriety don't mean a thing. For every Jerry Seinfeld 
there is a Robin Carlsen or a Andy Rhymer or someone who tried or did, commit 

On Thu, 2/20/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 7:26 PM
   It seems DL works exclusively with TM'ers these
 days. And I agree with him, why waste time with people stuck
 in the past, emotions or rationalizations, it's too

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Nabby and Buck both think that if you rub the lamp hard enough and keep 
repeating "I wish Cotton was a monkey!" long enough, Cotton will actually turn 
into a monkey.

On Thu, 2/20/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 6:41 PM
   OK, think about it another way; suppose you had a
 large airforce and wanted to move a squadron of planes to
 another country or continent, what method would you use, DHL? 
 No, you'd fly them there, and as it might be
 further than their usual range you'd send a tanker plane
 along with them to make sure they don't fall out of the
 sky. It's not unreasonable that these planes might be
 seen moving slowly and majestically against the night sky
 every now and again is it?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 posted some pictures of a few planes lining up for refueling
 in broad daylight. In itself quite an impressive operation
 but it is far from explaining more than 23 lights in a
 formation in total darkness which I personally don't
 believe any AirForce are able to do. Everyone
 should look at this video for themselves and make their own
 opinion. End of "discussion" for my 

[FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
It seems DL works exclusively with TM'ers these days. And I agree with him, why 
waste time with people stuck in the past, emotions or rationalizations, it's 
too boring.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
Arianna Huffington decided she hated "anonymous" comments on Huffington 
Post.  I had an account there for years to comment though I didn't post 
comments very often.  So the last time I tried to post a comment they 
wanted to verify it with my "Facebook" account.  Dumb woman, doesn't 
understand that not all of use want to be on Facebutt.  Arianna, like 
Bill Maher, is a limousine liberal who espouses liberal views for the 
money but probably vote conservative in a heartbeat if it suits their 

On 02/20/2014 10:17 AM, Share Long wrote:

Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
(to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard of Oz)

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu 

On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or
> groups.
There's a difference? Go figure.

I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly 
goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything 
started.  There will be a few that will try to troll a comment section 
but most are off to another article to post snarky comments. Sometimes 
the snarky comments are funny and to the point and that wouldn't be 
trolling either.  And of course Morford claims not to read the 
comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see 
if their "troll" worked.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL?
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant
to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more
they enjoy corrupting it."


[FairfieldLife] RE: A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread jr_esq

 Are the Dixie Chicks TMers?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808
OK, think about it another way; suppose you had a large airforce and wanted to 
move a squadron of planes to another country or continent, what method would 
you use, DHL?  

 No, you'd fly them there, and as it might be further than their usual range 
you'd send a tanker plane along with them to make sure they don't fall out of 
the sky. It's not unreasonable that these planes might be seen moving slowly 
and majestically against the night sky every now and again is it?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You've posted some pictures of a few planes lining up for refueling in broad 
daylight. In itself quite an impressive operation but it is far from explaining 
more than 23 lights in a formation in total darkness which I personally don't 
believe any AirForce are able to do. Everyone should look at this video for 
themselves and make their own opinion. End of "discussion" for my part.

[FairfieldLife] A Night of Harmony honoring Rick Rubin

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
February 27 at Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
You've posted some pictures of a few planes lining up for refueling in broad 
daylight. In itself quite an impressive operation but it is far from explaining 
more than 23 lights in a formation in total darkness which I personally don't 
believe any AirForce are able to do. Everyone should look at this video for 
themselves and make their own opinion. End of "discussion" for my part.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Share Long
Trolls and snarks and goof offs, oh no!
(to the tune of *lions and tigers and bears, oh no* from The Wizard of Oz)

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu  
On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

>On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> The article is more about comment trolls than
  trolling on forums or 
>> groups. 
>There's a difference? Go figure.
I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly
goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything
started.  There will be a few that will try to troll a comment
section but most are off to another article to post snarky
comments.  Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and to the point
and that wouldn't be trolling either.  And of course Morford claims
not to read the comments section as his solution (bet he does

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to
see if their "troll" worked.

>> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
>The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and
  Judy don't 
>seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you
  suppose they 
>would be so insecure that they would post fibs about
  trolls on FFL? 
>Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
>"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature,
  highly unpleasant 
>to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in
  ruining the 
>beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something
  is, the more 
>they enjoy corrupting it."

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 9:55 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> So when you produce actual proof
What we are looking for is not proof of the ME - we want to see proof 
that you're better off without the basic TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quote of the day:

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/17/2014 4:49 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
“A comfortable and regulated life is needed for fastest pace of 
evolution.” - */Maharishi Mahesh Yogi/* 

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you 
plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Bhairitu

On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or
> groups.
There's a difference? Go figure.

I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls".  It's mainly 
goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything 
started.  There will be a few that will try to troll a comment section 
but most are off to another article to post snarky comments.  Sometimes 
the snarky comments are funny and to the point and that wouldn't be 
trolling either.  And of course Morford claims not to read the comments 
section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see if 
their "troll" worked.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL?
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant
to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more
they enjoy corrupting it."


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/20/2014 8:35 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
*It's sad and is pitiful to read your entrenched negativity and the 
way you work it.*

Maybe it's time for MJ to read the troll report posted by Rick.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
I like many others around am willing to be convinced, but it will take more to 
convince me than "Marshy says..." or believing it cuz King Tony, Bevan or some 
all like Neal Patterson says it. There is no scientific validity to ANY of the 
so-called studies done on the so-called Maharishi Effect. 

I am not an idiot. If it were actually possible to create world peace in the 
Domes I would be living in Fairfield. You can't even create peace at the 
University itself, let alone Fairfield or Jefferson County. 

If such a thing as the Marshy Effect existed, it would have to be most powerful 
at the epicenter and it is not. I remember very well the infighting at MIU, the 
discourtesy and disparagement for example that would pass back and forth 
between the Israelis and the Palestinians. 

I remember the townie pervert who was sneaking into the girls dorm and exposing 
himself to them in their bathroom whilst smoking a cigar then running away (and 
the lame and ineffective attempts by the so-called MIU security people to try 
to catch him - took them weeks  - of course that may have been because that 
jackass James Bedinger was in charge of security by then)

So when you produce actual proof, more than "Marshy says" and a study by some 
Movement sycophant so-called scientist, then I will come do program in the 

On Thu, 2/20/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 2:35 PM
   Well, seems that you
 left the meditating movement a long time ago.  Kind of
 sad now that you dropped out back when you did.  Obviously
 you have
 not been in the Dome lately listening to the collective
 of meditators there nor reading the recent scientific
 Papers, Volume VII on the physiology of illumination.  It is
 kind of
 like you are stuck in dark ages of something like a
 ignorant vibe of ole South Carolina that won't die. 
 It's sad and is
 pitiful to read your entrenched negativity and the way you
 work it. 
 It is like watching old news-real  Youtube clips of
 trying their best using every means to re-assert their old
 power.-Buck in the
 mjackson74 writes:
 I see all of you in the Domes, rubbing that
 lamp and saying "I wish Cotton was a
 I was at a lecture surveying the science around spirituality
 last nite and quite evidently you are hundreds of papers
 behind in
 the accruing science around this. Yes, South Carolina has
 never been
 particularly strong in science education.  May the Unified
 Field help
 you see the light too,-Buck
 Saying it
 over and over doesn't make it so. That's about as
 useful as wishing Cotton was a monkey.
 1985-5,600 experts in
 the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field from 48
 countries and
 all 50 states of the United States gathered in
 Washington, D.C.,
 from July 9-17, 1985, for the World Assembly on Vedic
 Science.  They
 collectively practiced the Maharishi Technology of the
 Unified Field
 to create a powerful upsurge of coherence in world
 consciousness, the
 foundation for permanent world peace.
 Inspired by the
 'Global Taste of Utopia', Maharishi begins to
 establish the
 irreversibility of the  'Global Maharishi Effect'
 for maintaining
 coherence in world consciousness for all time through the
 power of
 pure knowledge, which is endowed with the infinite
 organizing power
 of Natural Law.
 Maharishi Formulates his
 Unified Field-Based Integrated Systems of Education, Health,
 Government, Economics, Defense, Rehabilitation, and
 which will perpetuate the forthcoming Unified Field-based
 Civilization -Samhita-Based Civilization-  Vedic
 A wave of inspiration
 throughout the world to create groups of 7,000 'Yogic
 -experts in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field-
 in each
  7,000 'Yogic
 Flyers' – experts in the Maharishi Technology fo the
 Unified Field-
 gather at the Maharishi International University (MIU),
 Iowa, U.S.A., to create the first Global Maharishi Effect
 the world -a strong influence of harmony and positivity in
 consciousness, described by the MIU family as the 'FIRST
 UTOPIA'.  During this three-week period of this
 '7,000' World Peace
 Assembly”, the rise of positive trends throughout the
 world are
 well documented by scientific research, and by the world
 1981,  Maharishi conducts
 the First International Vedic Studies Course in New Delhi
 and with
 the quiet performance of the international assembly of 3,000
 Governors of the Age of Enlightenment practicing his Vedic
 -”Yogic Flying” - calms down the growing violent

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/20/2014 9:02 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
*Poor Buck, caught in his head, full of cotton wool and dreams of 
being a preacher. Preach away but your seeds of supplication are 
falling on rocky ground. No one cares, no one's listening. You might 
want to go find a more receptive audience somewhere else. You can't 
change the minds of these heathens here at FFL.*

Maybe you should have read the troll report posted by Rick. Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rustic Farmhouse Style Maharishi Vastu Home

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/19/2014 9:59 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

You'll sleep better if you aren't next to a rail line

In my system, Yaqui Vastu, a house or home is only ideal if it is paid 
for. Anyone will sleep better and have a better outlook on life and less 
stress if they don't have a big mortage to worry about. Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to eat an Internet troll - Notes & Errata by Mark Morford

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
> groups. 
There's a difference? Go figure.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
they enjoy corrupting it."


[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK ADR?

2014-02-20 Thread cardemaister

Pre-market last  $ 7.34 ...

My advice is: don't buy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread salyavin808

 I'm sure any air force could do it. What's the alternative explanation given 
that the refuelling idea ticks all the boxes and is known to have been 
responsible for a great many UFO sightings?

 If we knew what direction they were headed we might be able to work out where 
they came from and where they were going. Guantanamo? Ascension? Turkey? US 
have bases everywhere.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If the American military claimed they were re-fueling 14 aircrafts 
simultaneously in the dead of the night above Columbia it would cause quite a 
stir. Do any South-American air-force have this capability, do the Russians ?  
That's all nonsense and you know it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: UFO Giant Over Colombia filmed 19. February 2014

2014-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008
If the American military claimed they were re-fueling 14 aircrafts 
simultaneously in the dead of the night above Columbia it would cause quite a 
stir. Do any South-American air-force have this capability, do the Russians ?  
That's all nonsense and you know it.