Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
For the record, Steve, I have no interest in "bringing down" the TM 
organization, for the simple reason that it doesn't need my help. It seems 
intent on bringing itself down. I need only watch, and comment from the 
sidelines from time to time in a fashion that brings out the long-established 
cult tendencies of those who are watching their world -- and their belief 
system -- crumble about them.

For example, as I pointed out yesterday, in all of this kerfuffle about 
Shuvender Sem's book, did *anyone* who still seems to feel an allegiance to the 
TMO deal with the *real* question raised by his actions in murdering someone 
right at "Ground Zero" of the supposed "Maharishi Effect?" Did *anyone* try to 
explain that, and make a case for the ME anyway? They did not. Instead they 
badrapped the people bringing the subject up again. I would suggest that the 
*intent* of this tactic is to try to *silence* those bringing up subjects that 
to *them* are uncomfortable, because they challenge the very things they 
believe in. I honestly don't think that some of these people are even 
consciously aware that that's what they're doing -- they just do it out of rote 
habit, because that's how they've seen everyone else in the TMO deal with 
criticism for so long and because they themselves have been doing it for so 

At the same time, and something you might want to look out for, too, another 
common tactic when dealing with a critic who has a history of bringing up these 
"uncomfortable" topics is to "challenge their motivations" for doing so, 
implying that there is something WRONG with them for doing it. This is Ann's 
primary tactic, and seemingly one of yours as well. I'm not trying to convince 
you to stop doing it, because on one level I think you (not Ann) are actually 
concerned that Michael is overfocusing on this pissant meditation organization 
that's going to fold in a few years anyway, and are trying to steer him towards 
more balance. But I am trying to clue you in to the fact that this is another 
well-known and well-studied cult tactic as well, and a hidden attempt to 
"silence the critic" or "shoot the messenger." After all, if you can convince 
people that this person is "unbalanced," then people are going to stop 
listening to the things they say, and treat
 them as less credibile. And, of course, you don't have to deal with the 
criticisms themselves. It's a copout...a form of taking the "low road."

Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 From: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

Well, let's look at it this way.  Barry is on record that part of his interest 
here is to examine the mindset of true believers, or those he believes to be 
such.  I can understand that.  
But it also works both ways.  I find it interesting to examine what drives some 
of the detractors.  And it helps me understand myself better.  

I try to figure out what would make a person invest so much time and attention 
in trying to bring down an organization.  I mean there are many places to 
invest one's attention.  Why so much in this endeavor?

What makes a person not move on?  

There are things I would have done differently in life, but I've always 
understood, that I need to keep going forward. As trite as it sounds, it is 
spiritual understanding that motivates me. You get a little, and then you want 

So, it just strikes me as odd to see someone so preoccupied with past events. 

---In,  wrote :

Ah, thanks for clarifying. Thanks also for reaching out with your TM enhanced 
awareness and assessing my state of emotional development. It is true that I 
was emotionally arrested at age 10, but just 2 weeks of TM allowed me to catch 
up and I actually got enlightened after 6 months of TM. I am here on FFL 
because Cosmic Intelligence wants me to challenge you and Buck and a few others 
to test your enlightenment and hep you along the path. 

As to MUM, here is a grand assessment from a student from a school review web 

The school is particularly scared of being sued, which is due in large part to 
a murder that occured in the cafeteria in 2004/5. This is why they changed the 
name from Maharishi International University to MUM... This has alot to do with 
why they are so scared of students who seem externally dissatisfied or angry 
about things. There are other problems, the roads are not well maintained (my 
car hit a pothole that popped the tire), the dorm

[FairfieldLife] One for those who were actually impressed by George Bush's paintings

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee

George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google - ANIMAL

   George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google ...
George W. Bush's solo art show "The Art of Leadership: A President's Personal 
Diplomacy" has just opened at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum  
View on www.animalnewyork... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 The trouble with TM I think, is all the BS you get taught about it. Maybe it's 
different now but in my day TM was seen as the cure for everything, the simple 
mechanics of stress release (claimed) on the charts seemed to imply that it was 
just a matter of time before the deep relaxation cured you of all and any 
problems you have accrued in life. 

 It doesn't work like that of course, if anything seems too good to be true 
then it very probably is. The problem is that a lot of people associate the 
flashy early experiences with progress and assume that the stress release 
process is working when it isn't doing much at all after a while. But they 
stick at it, just one more course.

 This is why, I think, you meet so many people who are stuck with long term 
mental health issues that could be sorted out much easier with other methods. 
In fact, some of these people think there's nothing wrong with them because 
they are doing TM. 

 An honest appraisal is needed so people with deep issues can find the best 
thing rather than getting sucked into something that may not help all that 
much. And you don't get enough objectivity from TM articles, but people go for 
a simple solution that's also nice to do. But it's not my first recommendation 
for a lot of things. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse with 
stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, might be 
beneficial to at least some people. 

 I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in most 
people but it does this by altering how the brain, and consequently the mind, 
actually works. I can't see that as being helpful during a psychotic episode. 
Probably make it worse in the same way that hallucinogenic drugs would.

 I also wouldn't recommend it for serious depression for the same reason. But 
maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the non-psychotic 
part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if practised gingerly. It didn't 
help the two TMers I knew who were psychotic, they got worse the more they did 
it. I wouldn't even try it instead of drugs, it's a job for the professionals. 


 But the TM organization isn't equipped to handle those details, and MMY's 
attitude towards psychiatrists made it difficult to develop the proper 
professional relationship. 

 Norman Rosenthal could never have been a prominent TMer back in the day, given 
Maharishi's attitude.



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 MUM, the TMO, and the TM movement had two main areas of culpability with 
respect to this man and the incident:

 1) there's a pervasive attitude that TM cures all ills and that all forms of 
medication can be reduced by doing TM (the MUM homepage even had a banner 
proclaiming it during the incident);

 2) there's a circle the wagons attitude to try and protect the organization, 
the technique and the mystique that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's attitudes towards 
ever aspect of life can't possibly be wrong in even the tiniest iota.



 Those two things together brought about this tragedy:

 The kid grew to believe that he could go off his meds without telling anyone 
because he believed that TM was all he needed because that was what everyone 
else around him believed as well. 

 No-one was willing to alert anyone in authority that he was showing signs of 
instability, and when his actions became so extreme that there was no way to 
deny that something was seriously wrong, the Powers that Be still chose to try 
to deny that they needed to turn to outside help.


 The result was a murder, and two simultaneous lawsuits that nearly bankrupt 
MUM -one from the family of the murder victim, and one from the family of the 
murderer. Only now are they recovering from the financial fallout, from what I 
can tell.

 It's a shocking story from every angle. I hope some sort of lesson got learned 
at MUM. Obviously the TMO still keeps up it's pretence of perfection but 
everyone should have learned something about mental health and the limits of 
meditating. It isn't going to fix things like this and is likely to make them 
worse. I've seen it myself a couple of times. No one got hurt, the sufferers 
just got sent into the care of the health service. 





 A similar story lies behind the recent violence at the pundit compound.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It's probably worth noting that the blurb Michael posted here is *NOT* from 
Sem himself, and the title of the book is *NOT* "The Maharishi Murderer." The 
blurb was written by a part-timer at the book PR agency Sem or the publisher 
hired to stir up interest in the book, SEND2PRESS. 

 Yes, well spotted. I saw only the

[FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: salyavin808 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer


The trouble with TM I think, is all the BS you get taught about it. Maybe it's 
different now but in my day TM was seen as the cure for everything, the simple 
mechanics of stress release (claimed) on the charts seemed to imply that it was 
just a matter of time before the deep relaxation cured you of all and any 
problems you have accrued in life. 

This is really the crux of the issue. It's the combination of three myths that 
have been taught to TMers consistently since they were instructed. The first is 
"TM is 100% life-supporting and has no possible negative side effects," and the 
second is "TM is all you will solve all problems you could possibly 
have," and the third is "Something good is happening," delivered as a rote 
response to anything that seems to contradict the first two.

The issue with Shuvender Sem, as even Lawson admitted yesterday, is that *no 
one noticed he was crazy*. But the REASON no one noticed is that he was just 
one more crazy person in a closed environment full of other crazy people. 
Anyone who has ever spent any time in one of these closed all-TM-all-the-time 
environments knows what I'm talking about -- almost everyone around you is a 
mass of neuroses and weirdness, with a few touches of psychosis "on the side." 
And all of this is written off as "Something good is happening," and "just 

What else, after all, accounts for people considering *obviously* crazy people 
like Robin Carlsen not only "normal," but exemplary, and as "role models" to be 
envied and followed? What else accounts for people admiring and envying the 
many people who Rick interviews, many of whom normal people on the street would 
consider at the least spaced out and dissociative, and at worst poster children 
for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

Closed TM environments are a ZOO of craziness, characterized by almost everyone 
in them thinking that they're "normal," or even "more evolved" than other 
people. OF COURSE no one noticed that Shuvender Sem was off his meds and off 
the wall. 


It doesn't work like that of course, if anything seems too good to be true then 
it very probably is. The problem is that a lot of people associate the flashy 
early experiences with progress and assume that the stress release process is 
working when it isn't doing much at all after a while. But they stick at it, 
just one more course.

This is why, I think, you meet so many people who are stuck with long term 
mental health issues that could be sorted out much easier with other methods. 
In fact, some of these people think there's nothing wrong with them because 
they are doing TM. 

An honest appraisal is needed so people with deep issues can find the best 
thing rather than getting sucked into something that may not help all that 
much. And you don't get enough objectivity from TM articles, but people go for 
a simple solution that's also nice to do. But it's not my first recommendation 
for a lot of things. 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse with 
stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, might be 
beneficial to at least some people. 

I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in most people 
but it does this by altering how the brain, and consequently the mind, actually 
works. I can't see that as being helpful during a psychotic episode. Probably 
make it worse in the same way that hallucinogenic drugs would.

I also wouldn't recommend it for serious depression for the same reason. But 
maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the non-psychotic 
part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if practised gingerly. It didn't 
help the two TMers I knew who were psychotic, they got worse the more they did 
it. I wouldn't even try it instead of drugs, it's a job for the professionals. 

But the TM organization isn't equipped to handle those details, and MMY's 
attitude towards psychiatrists made it difficult to develop the proper 
professional relationship.

Norman Rosenthal could never have been a prominent TMer back in the day, given 
Maharishi's attitude.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

MUM, the TMO, and the TM movement had two main areas of culpability with 
respect to this man and the incident:

1) there's a pervasive attitude that TM cures all ills and that all forms of 
medication can be reduced by doing TM (the MUM homepage even had a banner 
proclaiming it during the incident);

2) there's a circle the wagons attitude to try and protect the organization, 
the technique and the mystique that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's attitudes towards 
ever aspect o

[FairfieldLife] Russian astrologer and the Third!

2014-04-09 Thread cardemaister

Scroll down a bit for English!

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808
A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a helping hand 
for those at the top, who want to stay there 

 Which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't sadistically harassing those at the 
bottom, and cutting any entitlement even people in work have to have just to 
make ends meet to pay for it all. Oligarchs R us.


---In,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: TurquoiseBee 

To: ""  
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

From: salyavin808 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer


The trouble with TM I think, is all the BS you get taught about it. Maybe it's 
different now but in my day TM was seen as the cure for everything, the simple 
mechanics of stress release (claimed) on the charts seemed to imply that it was 
just a matter of time before the deep relaxation cured you of all and any 
problems you have accrued in life. 

This is really the crux of the issue. It's the combination of three myths that 
have been taught to TMers consistently since they were instructed. The first is 
"TM is 100% life-supporting and has no possible negative side effects," and the 
second is "TM is all you will solve all problems you could possibly 
have," and the third is "Something good is happening," delivered as a rote 
response to anything that seems to contradict the first two.

The issue with Shuvender Sem, as even Lawson admitted yesterday, is that *no 
one noticed he was crazy*. But the REASON no one noticed is that he was just 
one more crazy person in a closed environment full of other crazy people. 
Anyone who has ever spent any time in one of these closed all-TM-all-the-time 
environments knows what I'm talking about -- almost everyone around you is a 
mass of neuroses and weirdness, with a few touches of psychosis "on the side." 
And all of this is written off as "Something good is happening," and "just 

What else, after all, accounts for people considering *obviously* crazy people 
like Robin Carlsen
 not only "normal," but exemplary, and as "role models" to be envied and 
followed? What else accounts for people admiring and envying the many people 
who Rick interviews, many of whom normal people on the street would consider at 
the least spaced out and dissociative, and at worst poster children for 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

Closed TM environments are a ZOO of craziness, characterized by almost everyone 
in them thinking that they're "normal," or even "more evolved" than other 
people. OF COURSE no one noticed that Shuvender Sem was off his meds and off 
the wall. 

Just to follow up and explain a bit more, since I have the time this sunny 
morning, I am not trying to make a case that *all* TMers are crazier than most 
people. I'm sure there are many of them who just practiced TM and stayed the 
fuck away from the TMO and any of its closed environments who are pretty normal.

It's the ones who gravitated to the "closed environments," the "echo chambers" 
in which they rarely speak to anyone who isn't a fellow TMer, who just as 
rarely even see them, and who spend hours a day "doing program" and listening 
to hours upon hours of indoctrination tapes telling them what and how to think 
who are abnormal. And the main reason is that they spend all of their time 
doing all of these abnormal things *while being told that they're SUPERIOR and 
'more highly evolved* than the people they never interact with. They really 
come to believe that the abnormalities they see around them on a daily basis 
ARE normal. 

They really believe, for example, that everyone probably spends as much money 
on nostrums and healers as they do, and that they spend as much time thinking 
about and worrying about their own health as the TMers around them in these 
closed environments do. They really believe that no one would think badly of 
them for hiding out during full eclipses and being afraid to enter buildings 
from the "wrong" direction. They really believe that bouncing on their butts in 
an obvious placebo reaction to thinking English-language phrases about flying 
means that they're going to really fly someday. And every day they see no one 
around them but people who seem to believe the same crazy things. 

Also, on another level, look at the people within the closed TM environments 
who have been presented to them over the years as "role models," people to be 
revered and respected and who they should endeavor to be like. People like the 
hideously obese, probably close-to-three-hundred-pound whale who gives lectures 
about "perfect health" without realizing the irony. People like the guy who 
wears robes and a crown and is referred to as their "king" and who was 
presented to them by Maharishi for years as the very personification of 
celibate wonderfulness, but who all along had a secret wife and family that 
even his best friends never knew about. People like the guy who chain-smokes 
and chain-gulps coffee and who makes movies that celebrate women being degraded 
talking about how TM is going to cure young people of their ills and mental 
problems and better prepare them to grow up to be solid citizens. 

This is a veritable *incubator* of cognitive

[FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

 10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
salyavin, what I'm wondering is how many FFL guys are gonna be carrying a 
tampon in their pocket the next time they go on a hike?! 

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:27 AM, salyavin808  

Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 I'm sure as hell going to add a box to my bunker while I wait for the end of 

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, what I'm wondering is how many FFL guys are gonna be carrying a 
tampon in their pocket the next time they go on a hike?! 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:27 AM, salyavin808  

 Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

 10 Survival Tips Using Tampons



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Bumper sticker of the day: Real Men Carry Tampons (-:

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:44 AM, salyavin808  

I'm sure as hell going to add a box to my bunker while I wait for the end of 

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, what I'm wondering is how many FFL guys are gonna be carrying a 
tampon in their pocket the next time they go on a hike?! 

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:27 AM, salyavin808  


Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 3:32 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
> One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him
Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax, unlike 
Mike Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state taxes. Go figure. 
Stupid idiot - you're not supposed to use someone's name in the subject 
line. Only a newbie or a nerd would do something like that. Send in the 

[FairfieldLife] Last Man Standing?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
The federal government sends in armed troops to remove cattle from a 
ranch in Nevada and arrests the owner's son. Now we have "First 
Amendment" areas established in Nevada - where people can protest, 
otherwise you will be arrested by the government and put in jail - to 
protect a TURTLE. Go figure.

"Environmentalists are praising the government’s forceful actions, which 
are being taken to protect the “desert tortoise."

Ruby Ridge:

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 4:54 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a 
helping hand for those at the top, who want to stay there

So, what does Mike Dixon have to do with U.K. finances? In the U.S., 
most individuals that are wealthy get that way through capital gains 
from stock investments in corporations. In any given year, there are 
probably only .01% of the really wealthy whose portfolio increases. Many 
U.S. citizens have pensions that are invested in large corporations - 
501k plans - which constitute their life savings and retirement funds.

In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to invest 
or spend.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 7:01 AM, wrote:

the university has had issues with maintenance and the physical plant 
since the time I was a student there.  The universities where I live, 
and whom I deal with on a daily basis with my business have their same 
issues along these lines, that are addressed as money and budget allows.

Most every college or university has issues with maintenance. According 
to my sources most of mold has been eliminated at MUM. So, I wonder why 
MJ is still talking about issues that were resolved years ago? Go figure.

do you think that MUM simply ignores the issues?  sure I think they 
would be better served to allocate more funds on improving these 
conditions, than grandiose building projects, but I've observed that 
issues like mold do get addressed, albeit not as quickly as people 
would like.

my point is that you are invested to an inordinate degree in the 
failure of the TMO.  that is your prerogative of course, but I can't 
help but wonder how a person arrives at such a place.

You arrive at a place like that when you have a cult mentality and mind 
set and you can't get over it, even after years. Lot's of people get 
some cult-exit counseling or professional help. It looks like MJ and 
Barry think FFL is going to help them with their demons, so they may be 
more stressed than we think. They are supposed to be un-stressing and 
working and getting better, but go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Gosh, Barry, hate to break it to ya, but people DID notice that Sem was acting 
crazy for some time before he cracked. And OF COURSE everyone at MUM was 
terribly upset by the murder.


 You really need to get your fantasies under control. It isn't the fact that 
you talk about Sem that makes it appear you're on a vendetta, it's because of 
your malicious and dishonest attacks on the TMers on FFL and at MUM.



 So OF COURSE no one noticed that Shuvender Sem was having a schizophrenic 
break...he was just another crazy fish in the fishbowl. And OF COURSE no one 
thinks too hard about him murdering someone at the very epicenter of the  ME 
Invincible Woo Woo that is supposed to make such things possible. That just 
produces too much cognitive dissonance to ponder, or to even think about. 
Better to fall back on the old standards, and continue to portray anyone who 
*does* think about such things and even  talk about them publicly as 
misfits or people with a vendetta. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: One for those who were actually impressed by George Bush's paintings

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Oh, that's funny. Not that Bush based his portraits on photos, but that Barry 
thinks this will embarrass those who like the portraits. In fact, of course, 
many professional portraitists do this (it even says so in the article, which 
Barry obviously didn't bother to read). 




 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google - ANIMAL
 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google ... 
George W. Bush's solo art show "The Art of Leadership: A President's Personal 
Diplomacy" has just opened at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

 View on www.animalnewyork...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
And what do you suggest, O Burbling Font of Anticult Wisdom, for those who 
don't believe in the ME and have always thought the TMO sucked dead dogs? Since 
it would make no sense for us to try to make a case for either, is it OK for us 
to criticize the critics when their criticisms are deliberately dishonest and 



 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 3:57 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
almost everyone around you is a mass of neuroses and weirdness, with a 
few touches of psychosis "on the side."

The yogic flying demonstrations at MUM pale in comparison to the 
demonstrations by Rama when he was up on stage levitating in front of a 
large crowd of followers. At those lectures, Rama would sometimes rise 
up and levitate and then fill the whole room with golden light, and do 
lots of other fancy magical stuff. This must have been very impressive - 
if you were easily suggestible, drugged, in a trance-induction state or 
under mass hypnosis.

Compared to the average Rama crowd, the students at MUM look like 
paradigms of sanity! One wonders where Barry fits into all of this - 
weird, neurotic, or psychotic, or all of the above? Barry does seem to 
have a brain problem from being in and out of cults for most of his 
adult life and who wouldn't? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Michael Jackson
you don't have an answer for it because it just doesn't exist. It is a matter 
of plain common sense. If the Marshy Effect exists it is logical to expect the 
effect would be strongest at its epicenter. Doesn't exist, period. 

On Wed, 4/9/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
 Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 12:22 PM
 wrote :
 For the record, Steve, I have no interest in
 "bringing down" the TM organization, for the
 simple reason that it doesn't need my help. It seems
 intent on bringing itself down. I need only watch, and
 comment from the sidelines from time to time in a fashion
 that brings out the long-established cult tendencies of
 those who are watching their world -- and their belief
 system -- crumble about
 yes, that is my understanding.  it appears to
 me you have a pretty active life apart from anything going
 on here or with the
 For example, as I pointed out yesterday, in all
 of this kerfuffle about Shuvender Sem's book, did
 *anyone* who still seems to feel an allegiance to the TMO
 deal with the *real* question raised by his actions in
 murdering someone right at "Ground Zero" of the
 supposed "Maharishi Effect?" Did *anyone* try to
 explain that, and make a case for the ME anyway? They did
 not. Instead they badrapped the people bringing the subject
 up again. I would suggest that the *intent* of this tactic
 is to try to *silence* those bringing up subjects that to
 *them* are uncomfortable, because they challenge the very
 things they believe in. I honestly don't think that some
 of these people are even consciously aware that that's
 what they're doing -- they just do
 it out of rote habit, because that's how they've
 seen everyone else in the TMO deal with criticism for so
 long and because they themselves have been doing it for so
 At the same time, and something you might want
 to look out for, too, another common tactic when dealing
 with a critic who has a history of bringing up these
 "uncomfortable" topics is to "challenge their
 motivations" for doing so,
 implying that there is something WRONG with them for doing
 it. This is Ann's primary tactic, and seemingly one of
 yours as well. I'm not trying to convince you to stop
 doing it, because on one level I think you (not Ann) are
 actually concerned that Michael is overfocusing on this
 pissant meditation organization that's going to fold in
 a few years anyway, and are trying to steer him towards more
 balance. But I am trying to clue you in to the fact that
 this is another well-known and well-studied cult tactic as
 well, and a hidden attempt to "silence the critic"
 or "shoot the messenger." After all, if you can
 convince people that this person is "unbalanced,"
 then people are going to stop listening to the things they
 say, and treat them as less credibile. And, of course, you
 don't have to deal with the criticisms themselves.
 It's a copout...a form of taking the "low
 I understand what you are saying here.  I think
 Michael has been a pretty on target critic of the
 organization in many ways.  But there are also times
 when I think his portrayals are so one sided and
  skewed that I feel motivated to challenge
 I also think he
 plays that same card frequently of "labeling" and
 "shooting the messenger" when the facts go against
 the case he may be making on any given
 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if
 all these people who still feel strongly about the TMO and
 still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may be -- a
 real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for
 either, rather than trying to either demonize the critics or
 portray them as crazy? Wouldn't that display a little
 more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just
 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and
 Michael focus on, i.e. the ME and why it doesn't it seem
 to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I
 don't have an answer for
 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to
 be a misconception of the part of Michael, at least, that
 the ME is capable of having such a transforming effect on
 the environment that conflicts will become non existent.
  It is in areas like this where I think he sometimes
 has a problem separating fantasy from reality, hence my
 comment along those
 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other
 problems in FF, no
 Wednesday, April 9, 2014 3:54 AM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
  Well, let's look at it
 this way.  Barry is on record that part of his interest
 here is to examine the mindset of true believers, or those
 he believes to be 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
I don't believe Barry knew Robin when he was crazy 25-35 years ago, so he isn't 
in a position to say that he was "obviously" crazy. In any case, by the time 
Robin appeared on FFL, he'd long since recovered (and become an enemy of TM, 
which you'd think Barry would approve of).
 What else, after all, accounts for people considering *obviously* crazy people 
like Robin Carlsen not only "normal," but exemplary, and as "role models" to be 
envied and followed? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread LEnglish5

 There's no reason to expect that something that allows deeper-than-normal 
levels of restful mindwandering would be bad for most conditions other than 
Relaxation-Induced Anxiety without more data.

 In the case of schizophrenia, the potential use of TM to reverse the abnormal 
EEG patterns isn't as obvious (to me) as tit is for something like autism 
spectrum disorder, where TM's effects are literally the reverse of the pattern 
commonly associated with ASD. Likewise, TM practice and ADHD have obvious 
inverse relationships.

 With schizophrenia, it's a mixed bag.




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse with 
stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, might be 
beneficial to at least some people. 

 I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in most 
people but it does this by altering how the brain, and consequently the mind, 
actually works. I can't see that as being helpful during a psychotic episode. 
Probably make it worse in the same way that hallucinogenic drugs would.

 I also wouldn't recommend it for serious depression for the same reason. But 
maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the non-psychotic 
part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if practised gingerly. It didn't 
help the two TMers I knew who were psychotic, they got worse the more they did 
it. I wouldn't even try it instead of drugs, it's a job for the professionals. 


 But the TM organization isn't equipped to handle those details, and MMY's 
attitude towards psychiatrists made it difficult to develop the proper 
professional relationship. 

 Norman Rosenthal could never have been a prominent TMer back in the day, given 
Maharishi's attitude.



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 MUM, the TMO, and the TM movement had two main areas of culpability with 
respect to this man and the incident:

 1) there's a pervasive attitude that TM cures all ills and that all forms of 
medication can be reduced by doing TM (the MUM homepage even had a banner 
proclaiming it during the incident);

 2) there's a circle the wagons attitude to try and protect the organization, 
the technique and the mystique that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's attitudes towards 
ever aspect of life can't possibly be wrong in even the tiniest iota.



 Those two things together brought about this tragedy:

 The kid grew to believe that he could go off his meds without telling anyone 
because he believed that TM was all he needed because that was what everyone 
else around him believed as well. 

 No-one was willing to alert anyone in authority that he was showing signs of 
instability, and when his actions became so extreme that there was no way to 
deny that something was seriously wrong, the Powers that Be still chose to try 
to deny that they needed to turn to outside help.


 The result was a murder, and two simultaneous lawsuits that nearly bankrupt 
MUM -one from the family of the murder victim, and one from the family of the 
murderer. Only now are they recovering from the financial fallout, from what I 
can tell.

 It's a shocking story from every angle. I hope some sort of lesson got learned 
at MUM. Obviously the TMO still keeps up it's pretence of perfection but 
everyone should have learned something about mental health and the limits of 
meditating. It isn't going to fix things like this and is likely to make them 
worse. I've seen it myself a couple of times. No one got hurt, the sufferers 
just got sent into the care of the health service. 





 A similar story lies behind the recent violence at the pundit compound.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It's probably worth noting that the blurb Michael posted here is *NOT* from 
Sem himself, and the title of the book is *NOT* "The Maharishi Murderer." The 
blurb was written by a part-timer at the book PR agency Sem or the publisher 
hired to stir up interest in the book, SEND2PRESS. 

 Yes, well spotted. I saw only the sensational aspect through my bleary morning 

On the other hand, "the Maharishi Murderer" *IS* exactly what he was. What 
makes such PR excess possible are the extravagant (and clearly untrue) claims 
made by MUM about what an "ideal society" it represents, and how violence and 
crime simply can't exist inside the awesome Field Of Woo generated by the 
domes. When you've made claims like that and then had them proved untrue, *of 
course* you pretend the event never happened in your campus newspapers. Many of 
the people on campus (and the TBs here) are still busy pretending it never 
happened in their own minds. 

 I think the excess of hyperbole in the TMO is always going to be a probl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Bumper sticker of the day: Real Men Carry Tampons (-:

 Let's hope in their hand.
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:44 AM, salyavin808  

 I'm sure as hell going to add a box to my bunker while I wait for the end of 

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, what I'm wondering is how many FFL guys are gonna be carrying a 
tampon in their pocket the next time they go on a hike?! 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:27 AM, salyavin808  

 Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

 10 Survival Tips Using Tampons





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi "Murderer"

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
As far as I'm concerned the Turq was in one cult only. The cult of the Buddhist 
Rama, a confused individual who later killed himself by drowning wearing a 
dog-collar around his neck.

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for those who were actually impressed by George Bush's paintings

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Oh, that's funny. Not that Bush based his portraits on photos, but that Barry 
thinks this will embarrass those who like the portraits. In fact, of course, 
many professional portraitists do this (it even says so in the article, which 
Barry obviously didn't bother to read). 


 Maybe I'm missing something but did Bawwy think Georgie painted these from 
memory, or, less likely still, from a private sitting with the subjects?



 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google - ANIMAL
 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google ... 
George W. Bush's solo art show "The Art of Leadership: A President's Personal 
Diplomacy" has just opened at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

 View on www.animalnewyork...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
There are endless topics over at I thought this place could need a few 
new topics as most here seems tired of the Turq bringing forward the same old 
issues he has been going on and on about for years. He is insulting the readers 
of FFL by imagining that they are as traumatized by dementia as he seems to be.

---In,  wrote :

 Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

 10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for those who were actually impressed by George Bush's paintings

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Oh, that's funny. Not that Bush based his portraits on photos, but that Barry 
thinks this will embarrass those who like the portraits. In fact, of course, 
many professional portraitists do this (it even says so in the article, which 
Barry obviously didn't bother to read). 


 Funny, did Bawwy think George painted these from memory, or even more 
unlikely, as a result of a private sitting with each one of them?



 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google - ANIMAL
 George W. Bush Sourced All His Paintings From Google ... 
George W. Bush's solo art show "The Art of Leadership: A President's Personal 
Diplomacy" has just opened at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

 View on www.animalnewyork...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

 The trouble with TM I think, is all the BS you get taught about it. Maybe it's 
different now but in my day TM was seen as the cure for everything, the simple 
mechanics of stress release (claimed) on the charts seemed to imply that it was 
just a matter of time before the deep relaxation cured you of all and any 
problems you have accrued in life. 
This is really the crux of the issue. It's the combination of three myths that 
have been taught to TMers consistently since they were instructed. The first is 
"TM is 100% life-supporting and has no possible negative side effects," and the 
second is "TM is all you will solve all problems you could possibly 
have," and the third is "Something good is happening," delivered as a rote 
response to anything that seems to contradict the first two.

The issue with Shuvender Sem, as even Lawson admitted yesterday, is that *no 
one noticed he was crazy*. But the REASON no one noticed is that he was just 
one more crazy person in a closed environment full of other crazy people. 
Anyone who has ever spent any time in one of these closed all-TM-all-the-time 
environments knows what I'm talking about -- almost everyone around you is a 
mass of neuroses and weirdness, with a few touches of psychosis "on the side." 
And all of this is written off as "Something good is happening," and "just 

What else, after all, accounts for people considering *obviously* crazy people 
like Robin Carlsen not only "normal," but exemplary, and as "role models" to be 
envied and followed? What else accounts for people admiring and envying the 
many people who Rick interviews, many of whom normal people on the street would 
consider at the least spaced out and dissociative, and at worst poster children 
for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

 This argument doesn't follow. No one who thought Robin was interesting or more 
evolved or had something to teach or those who watch the BATGAP interviews are 
closeted away in some closed environment created by TM. Anyone who ascertained 
Robin was worth listening to or that the BATGAP interviews are worth a few 
hours of time to watch are their own free agents wandering around the streets 
at this moment - not rounding their heads off under the influence of TM's deep 
dark unnatural influence, Bawwy.

Closed TM environments are a ZOO of craziness, characterized by almost everyone 
in them thinking that they're "normal," or even "more evolved" than other 
people. OF COURSE no one noticed that Shuvender Sem was off his meds and off 
the wall. 

 You are sure about this with regard to Shuvender? Better check your factoids 
before you blow any more hot air around here. (Now, on the other hand, being 
closeted and confined to FFL with Bawwy in residence is enough to make anyone 
reach for their anti-depressants and/or Clozapine.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008

 For the same reason he and the Turq keep bringing up "news" that are decades 
old; they have nothing new to come up with. And running out of "issues" they 
will simply start all over nagging on the same old, same old. They seem 
determined not to move in to the new age and will die old and bitter.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 7:01 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 the university has had issues with maintenance and the physical plant since 
the time I was a student there.  The universities where I live, and whom I deal 
with on a daily basis with my business have their same issues along these 
lines, that are addressed as money and budget allows.
 Most every college or university has issues with maintenance. According to my 
sources most of mold has been eliminated at MUM. So, I wonder why MJ is still 
talking about issues that were resolved years ago? Go figure.
 do you think that MUM simply ignores the issues?  sure I think they would be 
better served to allocate more funds on improving these conditions, than 
grandiose building projects, but I've observed that issues like mold do get 
addressed, albeit not as quickly as people would like.

 my point is that you are invested to an inordinate degree in the failure of 
the TMO.  that is your prerogative of course, but I can't help but wonder how a 
person arrives at such a place.
 You arrive at a place like that when you have a cult mentality and mind set 
and you can't get over it, even after years. Lot's of people get some cult-exit 
counseling or professional help. It looks like MJ and Barry think FFL is going 
to help them with their demons, so they may be more stressed than we think. 
They are supposed to be un-stressing and working and getting better, but go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 From: TurquoiseBee 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer
   From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer


 The trouble with TM I think, is all the BS you get taught about it. Maybe it's 
different now but in my day TM was seen as the cure for everything, the simple 
mechanics of stress release (claimed) on the charts seemed to imply that it was 
just a matter of time before the deep relaxation cured you of all and any 
problems you have accrued in life. 
This is really the crux of the issue. It's the combination of three myths that 
have been taught to TMers consistently since they were instructed. The first is 
"TM is 100% life-supporting and has no possible negative side effects," and the 
second is "TM is all you will solve all problems you could possibly 
have," and the third is "Something good is happening," delivered as a rote 
response to anything that seems to contradict the first two.

The issue with Shuvender Sem, as even Lawson admitted yesterday, is that *no 
one noticed he was crazy*. But the REASON no one noticed is that he was just 
one more crazy person in a closed environment full of other crazy people. 
Anyone who has ever spent any time in one of these closed all-TM-all-the-time 
environments knows what I'm talking about -- almost everyone around you is a 
mass of neuroses and weirdness, with a few touches of psychosis "on the side." 
And all of this is written off as "Something good is happening," and "just 

What else, after all, accounts for people considering *obviously* crazy people 
like Robin Carlsen not only "normal," but exemplary, and as "role models" to be 
envied and followed? What else accounts for people admiring and envying the 
many people who Rick interviews, many of whom normal people on the street would 
consider at the least spaced out and dissociative, and at worst poster children 
for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

Closed TM environments are a ZOO of craziness, characterized by almost everyone 
in them thinking that they're "normal," or even "more evolved" than other 
people. OF COURSE no one noticed that Shuvender Sem was off his meds and off 
the wall. 


Just to follow up and explain a bit more, since I have the time this sunny 
morning, I am not trying to make a case that *all* TMers are crazier than most 
people. I'm sure there are many of them who just practiced TM and stayed the 
fuck away from the TMO and any of its closed environments who are pretty normal.

It's the ones who gravitated to the "closed environments," the "echo chambers" 
in which they rarely speak to anyone who isn't a fellow TMer, who just as 
rarely even see them, and who spend hours a day "doing program" and listening 
to hours upon hours of indoctrination tapes telling them what and how to think 
who are abnormal. And the main reason is that they spend all of their time 
doing all of these abnormal things *while being told that they're SUPERIOR and 
'more highly evolved* than the people they never interact with. They really 
come to believe that the abnormalities they see around them on a daily basis 
ARE normal. 

 I can't be bothered to read your post further than this, but one comment about 
your paragraph above would be what came first - the proverbial chicken or the 
egg? Those who felt it necessary to immerse oneself in courses like Mother 
Divine or whatever the male equivalent of that was (Father Almighty, maybe?) 
were probably needing a few screws tightened to start with. I mean, what would 
possibly compel someone with balance in their heads or their lives to spend 
that much time cloistered away meditating and listening to Rig Veda or engaging 
other such riveting activities?

They really believe, for example, that everyone probably spends as much money 
on nostrums and healers as they do, and that they spend as much time thinking 
about and worrying about their own health as the TMers around them in these 
closed environments do. They really believe that no one would think badly of 
them for hiding out during full eclipses and being afraid to enter buildings 
from the "wrong" direction. They really believe that bouncing on their butts in 
an obvious placebo reaction to thinking English-language phrases about flying 
means that they're going to really fly someday. And every day they see no one 
around them but people who seem to believe the same crazy things. 

Also, on another level, look at the people within the closed TM environments 
who have been presented to them over the years as "role models," people to be 
revered and respected and who they should endeavor to be like. People like the 
hideously obese, probably close-to-three-hundred-pound whale who give

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 3:32 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 > One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him
 Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax, unlike Mike 
Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state taxes. Go figure. Stupid 
idiot - you're not supposed to use someone's name in the subject line. Only a 
newbie or a nerd would do something like that. Send in the clowns!

 But Bawwy pays more than his fair share of Dutch liquor taxes.That should 
count for something.
 Excerpt from Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy:
 Excise duties are levied on all alcoholic beverages. Like Value Added Tax, 
excise duties are included in the price the consumer pays. The tax is remitted 
to the Tax Administration by the manufacturers in the Netherlands, by traders 
and also by importers of excisable goods (for example, importers of American 

For beer, the excise duty is progressive and is levied according to categories 
expressed in degrees Plato. The excise duties on wine are different between 
sparkling and non-sparkling (still wines) and are progressive in relation to 
ranges of alcohol content by volume. There is a special excise duty for 
products that are in between (for example port, sherry and vermouth). 
For spirits, the excise duty is levied as a set amount per hectolitre of pure 

In September 2013 Cabinet agreed on a rise in almost all taxes on alcohol as of 
2014 (+5,75%).

Now the excise duty per glass is:
Glass of pilsner beer (250 cc) 9,5 eurocent
Glass of still wine (100 cc) 8,8 eurocent
Glass of gin (35 cc) 20,6 eurocent





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Useful Tips

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Nablusoss for reference to the website which looks useful. I admit I 
was a little concerned that you were unstressing on women as a result of the 9 
Days of Mother Divine (-:

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8:27 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote :

Bumper sticker of the day: Real Men Carry Tampons (-:

Let's hope in their hand.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:44 AM, salyavin808  


I'm sure as hell going to add a box to my bunker while I wait for the end of 

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, what I'm wondering is how many FFL guys are gonna be carrying a 
tampon in their pocket the next time they go on a hike?! 

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:27 AM, salyavin808  


Erm, what sort of search terms are you using to find us this stuff Nabby?

---In,  wrote :

10 Survival Tips Using Tampons

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 And what do you suggest, O Burbling Font of Anticult Wisdom, for those who 
don't believe in the ME and have always thought the TMO sucked dead dogs? Since 
it would make no sense for us to try to make a case for either, is it OK for us 
to criticize the critics when their criticisms are deliberately dishonest and 

 May I just say that this had me bursting out in honest to goodness spontaneous 
laughter just now? Carry on, I just had to comment there...



 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
From: "" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Richard, I don't agree with the idea that everyone in America has equal 
opportunity for anything. It's an ideal which we haven't reached yet imo. Do 
you really think that a black male born in the ghetto has equal opportunities 
with a white male born to a wealthy family?!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:05 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/9/2014 4:54 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a helping hand 
for those at the top, who want to stay there
So, what does Mike Dixon have to do with U.K. finances? In the U.S.,
most individuals that are wealthy get that way through capital gains
from stock investments in corporations. In any given year, there are
probably only .01% of the really wealthy whose portfolio increases.
Many U.S. citizens have pensions that are invested in large
corporations - 501k plans - which constitute their life savings and
retirement funds. 

In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to
invest or spend.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
You're wasting your time. This poor fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what 
real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending 
whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only 
real Saint he, however briefly, met.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has forgotten 
what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending 
whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only 
real Saint he, however briefly, met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008

 "Anyway, we're all just evolving here."
 How can you be so sure about that ? :-)

---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Because I agree with the ideas that the universe is always expanding, life is 
always progressing and sometimes we're just going around a big, fat iceberg!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:51 AM, nablusoss1008  

"Anyway, we're all just evolving here."
How can you be so sure about that ? :-)

---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  

Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation
or they do not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or 
the ME works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say 
that both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
BTW, for Steve:

From: "" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

I find myself wondering whether you (and Ann, since this dumb idea seems to 
have come from her) missed all those Maharishi lectures in which he said *very 
explicitly* that TM and ME would have such an effect on the environment that if 
enough people did them conflicts would become impossible. That was the whole 
*basis* of his "Age Of Enlightement" and "Dawning of Sat Yuga" talks. Duh.

Maharishi and the TMO *did* claim -- in many, many talks and press releases and 
sales spiels pitching "Invincibility" -- that sufficient numbers of TM/ME 
practitioners would generate such a field of positivity and invincibility 
around them that no crime would be *possible* within it. So what happened *on 
the campus of MUM* -- well within the boundaries of this of this all-powerful 
field of Woo, and with surely "sufficient numbers" given the percentage of 
students, teachers, people on courses, and others on campus practicing both TM 
and the ME -- that made Maharishi's predictions and proclamations go blooey, 
and ended in a murder?

Seems to me you can't have it both ways. To claim publicly that the ME *will* 
solve all problems by creating a field of Woo...uh...I mean 
powerful that crime cannot exist, and then to say, "Oooopsie...we didn't really 
mean *all* crime when we said 'all crime'"  Sounds to me as if someone was 
practicing the "fingers crossed" mudra. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 2:19 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
For the record, Steve, I have no interest in "bringing down" the TM 
organization, for the simple reason that it doesn't need my help. It 
seems intent on bringing itself down. I need only watch, and comment 
from the sidelines from time to time in a fashion that brings out the 
long-established cult tendencies of those who are watching their world 
-- and their belief system -- crumble about them.

For the record, Barry probably knows less about what's going on with the 
TMO than I do, and I'm living down the highway a few miles from the 
Maharishi Golden Dome at Radiance. Apparently he gets almost all his 
news about the comings and goings of TMers from this FFL list. In fact, 
if there was any TMO news, we'd probably be the first to know about it. 
Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: nablusoss1008 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has forgotten 
what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending 
whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only 
real Saint he, however briefly, met.

On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing the Send 
key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a row.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 2:19 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still 
feel strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is 
-- or even may be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a 
case for either, rather than trying to either demonize the critics or 
portray them as crazy? Wouldn't that display a little more...dare I 
say it?...creative intelligence? Just sayin'...

We are still waiting for Barry to deal with the suicide of his guru, The 
Zen Master Rama, who killed himself. If what Barry says is true, one can 
imgine the hell he must be going through the last ten or fifteen years: 
kicked out of two cults, two of his gurus dead, the movement he helped 
start, all gone to hell - everything Barry tried to accomplish he failed 
at - he sucked as a spiritual teacher - brain-washed for twenty years in 
a trance-induction state by charlatan cult leaders. Half of his adult 
life wasted in and out of cults - and he still can't fly like Rama. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse 
with stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, 
might be beneficial to at least some people.

I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in 
most people but it does this by altering how the brain, and 
consequently the mind, actually works.

TM is based on thinking - so following your logic, if I think, I would 
be altering how my brain and consequently, my mind, actually works.

Can someone put up the definition of "TM" so we can see what exactly we 
are doing when we meditate, and so we can isolate any thoughts that 
might alter our brain and our mind? Or, define TM in such a way as to 
bring our attention to what happens when we are not thinking, and how 
this would be of any good. Any help in learning this logic would be 
greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Mike Dixon
I'd have to call into question the figures provided that Barry provides. While 
my retirement income is a bit higher, I really wished I only paid $235.81 a 
year for medicare! It's closer to *that* per month when counting my medicare 
advantage program which is only about $65. a month extra over medicare. Must be 
some smoke and mirrors going on here. I would assume *government subsidies* 
would include corporate tax incentives or breaks. But then I don't hire 
employees who intern pay taxes on their earned income.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:55 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 3:32 AM, TurquoiseBee

> One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him
Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax,
unlike Mike Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state
taxes. Go figure. Stupid idiot - you're not supposed to use
someone's name in the subject line. Only a newbie or a nerd would
do something like that. Send in the clowns!

But Bawwy pays more than his fair share of Dutch liquor taxes.That should count 
for something.
Excerpt from Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy:
Excise duties are levied on all alcoholic beverages. Like Value Added Tax, 
excise duties are included in the price the consumer pays. The tax is remitted 
to the Tax Administration by the manufacturers in the Netherlands, by traders 
and also by importers of excisable goods (for example, importers of American 

For beer, the excise duty is progressive and is levied according to categories 
expressed in degrees Plato. The excise duties on wine are different between 
sparkling and non-sparkling (still wines) and are progressive in relation to 
ranges of alcohol content by volume. There is a special excise duty for 
products that are in between (for example port, sherry and vermouth). 
For spirits, the excise duty is levied as a set amount per hectolitre of pure 

In September 2013 Cabinet agreed on a rise in almost all taxes on alcohol as of 
2014 (+5,75%).

Now the excise duty per glass is:
Glass of pilsner beer (250 cc)  9,5 eurocent
Glass of still wine (100 cc)8,8 eurocent
Glass of gin (35 cc) 20,6 eurocent


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 BTW, for Steve:

 From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 What I was actually saying was that anyone with a bit of balance and sense 
would realize that what MMY claimed would happen based on the existence of this 
supposed ME is not likely to be possible. It is the old adage: If it sounds too 
good to be true... . So untwist your knickers and fingers (Bawwy). My point was 
simply don't believe everything you hear and if you did believe it all lock, 
stock and barrel, then you only have your own gullibility to blame and the 
common aftermath of bitterness and blame toward those who "misled" you. Steve, 
you are not bitter and angry about your time in the Movement so this indicates 
to me that perhaps you either didn't believe it all at face value or you simply 
can let go easier than others.


I find myself wondering whether you (and Ann, since this dumb idea seems to 
have come from her) missed all those Maharishi lectures in which he said *very 
explicitly* that TM and ME would have such an effect on the environment that if 
enough people did them conflicts would become impossible. That was the whole 
*basis* of his "Age Of Enlightement" and "Dawning of Sat Yuga" talks. Duh.

Maharishi and the TMO *did* claim -- in many, many talks and press releases and 
sales spiels pitching "Invincibility" -- that sufficient numbers of TM/ME 
practitioners would generate such a field of positivity and invincibility 
around them that no crime would be *possible* within it. So what happened *on 
the campus of MUM* -- well within the boundaries of this of this all-powerful 
field of Woo, and with surely "sufficient numbers" given the percentage of 
students, teachers, people on courses, and others on campus practicing both TM 
and the ME -- that made Maharishi's predictions and proclamations go blooey, 
and ended in a murder?

Seems to me you can't have it both ways. To claim publicly that the ME *will* 
solve all problems by creating a field of Woo...uh...I mean 
powerful that crime cannot exist, and then to say, "Oooopsie...we didn't really 
mean *all* crime when we said 'all crime'"  Sounds to me as if someone was 
practicing the "fingers crossed" mudra. :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the 
non-psychotic part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if 
practised gingerly. 

Meditation is defined as simply "to think things over." Based on this 
definition, anyone who thinks can meditate. So, following your logic, a 
person with depression shouldn't think, unless they do so "gingerly"? What!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has 
forgotten what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man 
spending whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the 
only real Saint he, however briefly, met.


On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing the Send 
key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a row.  :-)

 Not true, you keep hitting the "send" key and all your posts sound the same. 
At least Nabby doesn't keep writing the same damn thing over and over and over 
and over.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse with 
stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, might be 
beneficial to at least some people. 

 I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in most 
people but it does this by altering how the brain, and consequently the mind, 
actually works.
 TM is based on thinking - so following your logic, if I think, I would be 
altering how my brain and consequently, my mind, actually works. 
 Can someone put up the definition of "TM" so we can see what exactly we are 
doing when we meditate, and so we can isolate any thoughts that might alter our 
brain and our mind? Or, define TM in such a way as to bring our attention to 
what happens when we are not thinking, and how this would be of any good. Any 
help in learning this logic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the non-psychotic 
part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if practised gingerly. >
 Meditation is defined as simply "to think things over." Based on this 
definition, anyone who thinks can meditate. So, following your logic, a person 
with depression shouldn't think, unless they do so "gingerly"? What!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/8/2014 9:21 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Being enlightened, I have no past present or future. It is all 
> happening right now.
You have no past or future because the past is gone and the future isn't 
here yet. So,the "now" is passed the instant you hit those keys. So, 
really you have nothing and nothing is happening, except inside your 
brain which sees patterns and puts them into a present you would 
recognize. You would know this if you were enlightened. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Also, as I pointed out to Barry recently, "shooting the messenger" refers to a 
messenger who is not himself or herself responsible for the bad-news message. 
Obviously that's not the case with the "messages" Barry is being criticized 
for. In the case of Sem, for example, we've known the "bad news" ever since the 
murder occurred. The criticism directed at Barry has to do with his extreme 
negative--and maliciously dishonest--spin on that old news, much of it directed 
at the TMers here (plus his idiotic notion that Sem's book was going to make a 
huge splash and "a new round of publicity is going to begin exposing the 
Maharishi Effect" as ineffective). 


 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-vastu at MUM

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/8/2014 8:58 PM, wrote:
> Ya know what other building was full of mold? That leaky, dilapidated, 
> piece of shit, old chapel.
I've been meaning to thank Alex and Petra for helping on this project. 
It's been years since I visited the MUM campus, but judging from the 
Google Earth, I am very impressed with the physical campus thses days. 
It's just awesome what they have been able to accomplish. It sure looks 
like the TMO is alive and well from where I'm sitting. Keep up the good 
work! Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/8/2014 9:40 PM, wrote:
> YOu really SOUND  enlightened.
Thanks, Robby - I was born enlightened. It's not complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Mike Dixon
Share, the government can insure *legal opportunity*via our laws. It can't 
insure *circumstantial opportunity*which is based on our karma. The one 
intelligent thing I remember Jimmy Carter saying was "life isn't fair", at 
least as how we define *fair*, all things being equal. The government can 
provide equal opportunity, it can't promise equal outcome nor should it.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:48 AM, Share Long  wrote:
Richard, I don't agree with the idea that everyone in America has equal 
opportunity for anything. It's an ideal which we haven't reached yet imo. Do 
you really think that a black male born in the ghetto has equal opportunities 
with a white male born to a wealthy family?!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:05 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/9/2014 4:54 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a helping hand 
for those at the top, who want to stay there
So, what does Mike Dixon have to do with U.K. finances? In the U.S.,
most individuals that are wealthy get that way through capital gains
from stock investments in corporations. In any given year, there are
probably only .01% of the really wealthy whose portfolio increases.
Many U.S. citizens have pensions that are invested in large
corporations - 501k plans - which constitute their life savings and
retirement funds. 

In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to
invest or spend.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/8/2014 11:16 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> as much as anyone else around here (except Richard, he's so above the 
> rest of us - that's why no one can understand most of what he posts - 
> his enlightened mind is light years ahead of all of us
You might consider taking a course in logic or philosophy at a community 
college. Or, if that's too complicated, take a course in Microcomputer 
Hardware Repair. You might someday even become a computer operator. At 
the rate you're going now, it might take ten years or more working with 
Yahoo Neo to get up to speed. Are you still using the Netscaper? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 7:26 AM, wrote:
And what do you suggest, O Burbling Font of Anticult Wisdom, for those 
who don't believe in the ME and have always thought the TMO sucked 
dead dogs? Since it would make no sense for us to try to make a case 
for either, is it OK for /us/ to criticize the critics when their 
criticisms are deliberately dishonest and malicious?

You are asking for way too much of Barry. We are still waiting for a 
case to be made that Barry actually saw Rama levitate hundreds of times. 
While Lenz may have been a demon and a charlatan, what does that make 
Barry for posting claims like that - the King of Woo Woo? Go figure.

Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still 
feel strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is 
-- or even may be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a 
case for either, rather than trying to either demonize the critics or 
portray them as crazy? Wouldn't that display a little more...dare I 
say it?...creative intelligence? Just sayin'...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Bhairitu

On 04/09/2014 05:05 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/9/2014 4:54 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a 
helping hand for those at the top, who want to stay there

So, what does Mike Dixon have to do with U.K. finances? In the U.S., 
most individuals that are wealthy get that way through capital gains 
from stock investments in corporations. In any given year, there are 
probably only .01% of the really wealthy whose portfolio increases. 
Many U.S. citizens have pensions that are invested in large 
corporations - 501k plans - which constitute their life savings and 
retirement funds.

In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to invest 
or spend.

Really?  For kicks why don't you go out and apply for some tech jobs 
(since you apparently have a background in tech) and see what happens at 
your age.  You'd think entrepreneurs would be chomping at the big to 
grab people who actually have REAL experience.

America is fucked.  Americans are fucked by the big corporations.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/9/2014 9:41 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Richard, I don't agree with the idea that everyone in America has 
> equal opportunity for anything. It's an ideal which we haven't reached 
> yet imo. Do you really think that a black male born in the ghetto has 
> equal opportunities with a white male born to a wealthy family?!
Everyone in the U.S. that is a citizen has the same rights as any other 
citizen - we are all equal under the law, Share. And, we have equal 
opportunity for economic success, regardless of birth circumstances. In 
America, nobody can tell you how much money you are going to earn and 
what you are going to spend it on or not, other than federal and state 

So, there are some things to consider:

1. Finish high school and get some college courses.
2. Don't get married until you have finished school.
3. Don't have any offspring until you can afford it.
4. If you do get married, have a five year space between siblings.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
Bingo :-)

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has 
forgotten what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man 
spending whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the 
only real Saint he, however briefly, met.


On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing the Send 
key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a row.  :-)

 Not true, you keep hitting the "send" key and all your posts sound the same. 
At least Nabby doesn't keep writing the same damn thing over and over and over 
and over.

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Bhairitu
That $235 is probably the average contribution paid through taxes for 
Medicare.  Randi Rhodes has been a big supporter of Obamacare though 
apparently maybe not so much anymore because I heard her last week 
complaining about what her 80+ year old mother is expected to pay for 
supplemental coverage.  The insurance companies expect her retired 
mother to come up with around $15,000 to $20,000 a year for supplemental.

You are lucky you have good retirement income.  Many folks worked hard 
all their lives and still wound up with a poor retirement income.  We 
have worse robber barons now more than ever.  While they arrest someone 
for wearing a political t-shirt people like Jamie Dimon, a mass murderer 
runs free.

America the land of the slaves and the rich masters.  Time for another 
revolution if you could get people out from in front of their TVs.  Of 
course then your local police force, which looks like they are equipped 
for duty in Falujah will slaughter everyone.

On 04/09/2014 08:18 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
I'd have to call into question the figures provided that Barry 
provides. While my retirement income is a bit higher, I really wished 
I only paid $235.81 a year for medicare! It's closer to *that* per 
month when counting my medicare advantage program which is only about 
$65. a month extra over medicare. Must be some smoke and mirrors going 
on here. I would assume *government subsidies* would include corporate 
tax incentives or breaks. But then I don't hire employees who intern 
pay taxes on their earned income.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:55 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 3:32 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

> One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax, unlike 
Mike Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state taxes. Go 
figure. Stupid idiot - you're not supposed to use someone's name in 
the subject line. Only a newbie or a nerd would do something like 
that. Send in the clowns!

But Bawwy pays more than his fair share of Dutch liquor taxes.That 
should count for something.

Excerpt from Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy:
Excise duties are levied on all alcoholic beverages. Like Value Added 
Tax, excise duties are included in the price the consumer pays. The 
tax is remitted to the Tax Administration by the manufacturers in the 
Netherlands, by traders and also by importers of excisable goods (for 
example, importers of American brandy).

For beer, the excise duty is progressive and is levied according to 
categories expressed in degrees Plato. The excise duties on wine are 
different between sparkling and non-sparkling (still wines) and are 
progressive in relation to ranges of alcohol content by volume. There 
is a special excise duty for products that are in between (for example 
port, sherry and vermouth).
For spirits, the excise duty is levied as a set amount per hectolitre 
of pure alcohol.

In September 2013 Cabinet agreed on a rise in almost all taxes on 
alcohol as of 2014 (+5,75%).

Now the excise duty per glass is:
Glass of pilsner beer (250 cc) 9,5 eurocent
Glass of still wine (100 cc) 8,8 eurocent
Glass of gin (35 cc) 20,6 eurocent

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/9/2014 10:55 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to 
>> invest or spend.
> Really?  For kicks why don't you go out and apply for some tech jobs 
> (since you apparently have a background in tech) and see what happens 
> at your age.  You'd think entrepreneurs would be chomping at the big 
> to grab people who actually have REAL experience.
In order to get a tech job, you have to reference some experience at 
tech - that means in the past five years you have to be able to show a 
prospective employer that you can do the work for a company and that you 
were on the payroll. You can't get a job if your resume has a five or 
ten year blank on it where you list your previous employers - sorry, 
self-employed doesn't make the grade anymore. And, most people fresh out 
of school don't have a work record to begin with, so they can't get hired.

What it takes is a plan - in high school take math and science courses. 
Then, get some college tech courses under your belt. Apprentice yourself 
to a large and stable company - work up through the ranks and stick with 
it and establish a record of good work. You are not going to get a 
good-paying, long-term job with benefits working on computers or coding 
at home in your spare room.

In our case, since we have fulfilled all of the above, so we could get a 
job almost anywhere in computer tech field if we wanted to, even at our 
age. If it has a screen and a keyboard, we can work it and we can fix 
it. Call us if you hire and promote based on who has the best ideas.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 9:56 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
So what happened *on the campus of MUM* -- well within the boundaries 
of this of this all-powerful field of Woo, and with surely "sufficient 
numbers" given the percentage of students, teachers, people on 
courses, and others on campus practicing both TM and the ME -- that 
made Maharishi's predictions and proclamations go blooey, and ended in 
a murder?

Never pass up a tragedy in order to win a religious debate.

But, the ME is just a theory, not an already accomplished fact. But, 
logic will tell you that peaceful people promote a peaceful environment 
and society. MMY wasn't the first person to put forth this theory. 
Since, you're writing science reports, you shouldn't have any problem 
looking this up. Unless, you're scared and this is just another post all 
about Judy. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 10:01 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has 
forgotten what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter 
old man spending whatever remains of his life-energy desperately 
trying to denounce the only real Saint he, however briefly, met.

On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing 
the Send key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a 
row. :-)

Just quit, Barry. It's that simple. Let's see, how many times have you 
posted about the TMO and the ME? Has it been ten or twenty years now of 
posting negative comments aimed at Judy? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 10:25 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


It looks like the answer is in - we can't even agree on the definition 
of what meditation is. Go figure.

Let's rephrase my request:

We all think and have thoughts and everyone meditates on something every 
day. But, how could a thought alter a person's physiological system? If 
anyone could demonstrate this ability, it would be compared to 
Copernicus' scientific discoveries. If we could change at will the 
physical or biological system, just by thinking certain thoughts, we 
could use that technique to make people well and free from disease.

So, can anybody cite a scientific reference to a person ever being able 
to alter their physiological system by just thinking certain thoughts? 
Rama levitation events and the Indian rope trick don't count.

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become
worse with stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper
supervision, might be beneficial to at least some people.

I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels
in most people but it does this by altering how the brain, and
consequently the mind, actually works.

TM is based on thinking - so following your logic, if I think, I
would be altering how my brain and consequently, my mind, actually

Can someone put up the definition of "TM" so we can see what
exactly we are doing when we meditate, and so we can isolate any
thoughts that might alter our brain and our mind? Or, define TM in
such a way as to bring our attention to what happens when we are
not thinking, and how this would be of any good. Any help in
learning this logic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 10:25 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 It looks like the answer is in - we can't even agree on the definition of what 
meditation is. Go figure.
 Let's rephrase my request:
 We all think and have thoughts and everyone meditates on something every day. 
But, how could a thought alter a person's physiological system? If anyone could 
demonstrate this ability, it would be compared to Copernicus' scientific 
discoveries. If we could change at will the physical or biological system, just 
by thinking certain thoughts, we could use that technique to make people well 
and free from disease. 
 So, can anybody cite a scientific reference to a person ever being able to 
alter their physiological system by just thinking certain thoughts? Rama 
levitation events and the Indian rope trick don't count.
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Well, a lot of evidence suggests that schizophrenia can become worse with 
stress, so even in schizophrenics, TM, under proper supervision, might be 
beneficial to at least some people. 

 I don't buy it. Sure, TM might be good at lowering stress levels in most 
people but it does this by altering how the brain, and consequently the mind, 
actually works.
 TM is based on thinking - so following your logic, if I think, I would be 
altering how my brain and consequently, my mind, actually works. 
 Can someone put up the definition of "TM" so we can see what exactly we are 
doing when we meditate, and so we can isolate any thoughts that might alter our 
brain and our mind? Or, define TM in such a way as to bring our attention to 
what happens when we are not thinking, and how this would be of any good. Any 
help in learning this logic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 10:25 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


It looks like you lost your train of thought.

So, what exactly, is "TM?"

According to MMY, "TM is the passing of the cognitive attention from one 
level of consciousness to another, sutler level of consciousness. This 
passing back and forth between the gross and finer levels of 
consciousness is what makes possible the opportunity for transcending."

Everyone meditates a few times a day and pauses once or twice to take 
stock of their own mental contents. And, we are all transcending, all 
the time, even without a technique. So, what do you think is so special 
about TM meditation that would cause a person to go blind or grow hair 
on their palms?

Why can't you answer this simple question?

In fact, you're talking about nothing - TM is just an acronym made up by 
Jerry Jarvis in order to facilitate communication. In reality, there's 
no TM - it's just thinking things over - that's what people do when they 
meditate. Meditation is just what intelligent people do. It's not 

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 1:03 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

maybe there are times during the day in depression or during the
non-psychotic part of schizophrenia that it might be useful if
practised gingerly. 

Meditation is defined as simply "to think things over." Based on
this definition, anyone who thinks can meditate. So, following
your logic, a person with depression shouldn't think, unless they
do so "gingerly"? What!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet 
forum. I just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades.

Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to 
the dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 10:21 AM, wrote:
*Not true, you keep hitting the "send" key and all your posts sound 
the same. At least Nabby doesn't keepwriting the same damn thing over 
and over and over and over.*

If I had the time, Ann, I would go back into the archives of Google 
Groups and copy some of Barry's messages to see if they are still the 
same messages he sends these days to FFL. Does anyone want to wager that 
they are the same damn thing over and over? How much would anyone be 
willing to wager? Let me know - if I might be able to win some bucks, I 
might make time to do it. I have a PayPal account.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
He's probably payed by his Buddhist Overlords to continue the anti-TMO campaign 
as long as he has breath. How much does he get every time he posts an old post 
from a new angel ? Can't be much considering the Dolly Lama has blown his money 
from Nobel long time ago on first-class airline tickets visiting his Hollywood 
friends. Soon he is going to Europe where few Governments officially wants to 
meet him since he's considered a clown who has given up Tibet and sought 
permanent protection from the Indians.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 10:01 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

 You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has forgotten 
what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending 
whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only 
real Saint he, however briefly, met.

 On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing the Send 
key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a row.  :-) >
 Just quit, Barry. It's that simple. Let's see, how many times have you posted 
about the TMO and the ME? Has it been ten or twenty years now of posting 
negative comments aimed at Judy? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of shooting 
the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the messenger in 
reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  

Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation
or they do not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or 
the ME works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say 
that both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/9/2014 8:55 AM, wrote:
Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax, unlike 
Mike Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state taxes. Go 
figure. Stupid idiot - you're not supposed to use someone's name in 
the subject line. Only a newbie or a nerd would do something like 
that. Send in the clowns!

But Bawwy pays more than his fair share of Dutch liquor taxes.That 
should count for something.

Most people don't move to Amsterdam just to drink liquor, so I wonder 
how much the pot tax is over there?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008
Read Judy's response or my post again :-)

---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the 
messenger in reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Hmmm, I agree that life isn't fair, Mike and that the govt. can't and shouldn't 
provide equal outcome. BUT...I think more could be done in the area of equal 
opportunity to ensure that it's practiced and not only recorded in some book.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:36 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
Share, the government can insure *legal opportunity*via our laws. It can't 
insure *circumstantial opportunity*which is based on our karma. The one 
intelligent thing I remember Jimmy Carter saying was "life isn't fair", at 
least as how we define *fair*, all things being equal. The government can 
provide equal opportunity, it can't promise equal outcome nor should it.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:48 AM, Share Long  wrote:
Richard, I don't agree with the idea that everyone in America has equal 
opportunity for anything. It's an ideal which we haven't reached yet imo. Do 
you really think that a black male born in the ghetto has equal opportunities 
with a white male born to a wealthy family?!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:05 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/9/2014 4:54 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

A similar figure in England. I think they call it "wealthfare" a helping hand 
for those at the top, who want to stay there
So, what does Mike Dixon have to do with U.K. finances? In the U.S.,
most individuals that are wealthy get that way through capital gains
from stock investments in corporations. In any given year, there are
probably only .01% of the really wealthy whose portfolio increases.
Many U.S. citizens have pensions that are invested in large
corporations - 501k plans - which constitute their life savings and
retirement funds. 

In the U.S., everyone has an equal opportunity to make money to
invest or spend.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Won't help. She's determined to pander to Barry by supporting his "shooting the 
messenger" notion, even though he's misusing the term. 



 Read Judy's response or my post again :-) 

 Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the 
messenger in reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Mike Dixon and those who think like him

2014-04-09 Thread Mike Dixon
 #5 Stay out of trouble with the law. Many employers don't like hiring felons.
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:57 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/9/2014 8:55 AM, wrote:
Apparently, Barry pays zero U.S. income, property or sales tax, unlike Mike 
Dixon who probably pays all his federal and state taxes. Go figure. Stupid 
idiot - you're not supposed to use someone's name in the subject line. Only a 
newbie or a nerd would do something like that. Send in the clowns! 
>But Bawwy pays more than his fair share of Dutch liquor taxes.That should 
>count for something. 
Most people don't move to Amsterdam just to drink liquor, so I
wonder how much the pot tax is over there? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Wrong, Judy. What I did was disagree with turq about the efficacy of TM and ME. 
Maybe that's pandering in your book. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:07 PM, "" 
Won't help. She's determined to pander to Barry by supporting his "shooting the 
messenger" notion, even though he's misusing the term.

Read Judy's response or my post again :-)

Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of shooting 
the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the messenger in 
reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  

Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation
or they do not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or 
the ME works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say 
that both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the
environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in areas like this 
where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy from reality, hence 
my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Please read what I wrote again, Share, and see if you're capable of coming up 
with a response that doesn't avoid the point I was making. 

 I doubt it, but we'll see.




 Wrong, Judy. What I did was disagree with turq about the efficacy of TM and 
ME. Maybe that's pandering in your book. Go figure! 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:07 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Won't help. She's determined to pander to Barry by supporting his "shooting 
the messenger" notion, even though he's misusing the term.



 Read Judy's response or my post again :-) 

 Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the 
messenger in reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I was letting you know that I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger, which is what Ann's post suggested.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:58 AM, nablusoss1008  
Read Judy's response or my post again :-)

---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of shooting 
the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the messenger in 
reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  

Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation
or they do not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or 
the ME works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say 
that both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the
environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in areas like this 
where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy from reality, hence 
my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread nablusoss1008

 The Turq's probably payed by his Buddhist Overlords to continue the anti-TMO 
campaign as long as he has breath. How much does he get every time he re-posts 
an old post with a new angel ? Can't be much considering the Dolly Lama has 
blown most of his money from Nobel long time ago on first-class airline tickets 
visiting his Hollywood friends. Soon he is going to Europe where few 
Governments officially wants to meet him since he's considered a clown who has 
given up Tibet and sought permanent protection from the Indians.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 10:01 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

 You're wasting your time. This poor Turq-fellow is a quitter and has forgotten 
what real meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending 
whatever remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only 
real Saint he, however briefly, met.

 On the other hand, this "quitter" seem to know when to quit pressing the Send 
key, so as not to seen the same inane post three times in a row.  :-) >
 Just quit, Barry. It's that simple. Let's see, how many times have you posted 
about the TMO and the ME? Has it been ten or twenty years now of posting 
negative comments aimed at Judy? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
See what I mean, Nabs? If Barry says criticizing him is "shooting the 
messenger," then it's shooting the messenger in Share's mind, no matter what 
the phrase actually means. 


 Nablusoss, I was letting you know that I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger, which is what Ann's post suggested. 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:58 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Read Judy's response or my post again :-)


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the 
messenger in reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that?

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
Judy, of course you left out the part where I disagreed with turq so that you 
could make your point about my alleged pandering. This is one of your oft used 
strategies when you want to win win win no matter what.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:22 PM, "" 
Please read what I wrote again, Share, and see if you're capable of coming up 
with a response that doesn't avoid the point I was making.

I doubt it, but we'll see.

Wrong, Judy. What I did was disagree with turq about the efficacy of TM and ME. 
Maybe that's pandering in your book. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:07 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:

Won't help. She's determined to pander to Barry by supporting his "shooting the 
messenger" notion, even though he's misusing the term.

Read Judy's response or my post again :-)

Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of shooting 
the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the messenger in 
reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or
developing, which is the unloaded word I prefer. Everybody's got a mix of 
health and abnormality in their system. Make good use of the best and leave the 
rest. Cowabunga!

Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  

Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.

---In,  wrote :

turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation
or they do not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or 
the ME works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say 
that both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

From: "steve.sundur@..." 

Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Unstressing or Demons?

---In,  wrote :


Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a
case for either, rather than trying to either demonize the critics or portray 
them as crazy? Wouldn't that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative 
intelligence? Just sayin'...

That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for

I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the
environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in areas like this 
where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy from reality, hence 
my comment along those lines.

But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

 LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

 Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
salyavin, usually I find you pretty fair minded in your posts. But not so much 
this time. What about the at least 2 other people who have been posting for 
decades? They get a pass from you about that? Only Richard is guilty?!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:42 PM, salyavin808  

LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin?

I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything from 
meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that?

Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and never 
gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know that some 
words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, but instead 
you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd want to go 
along and argue the toss about nothing.

But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808

What's the point
of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a trillion
things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet
forum. I just don't get why anyone would bother, and for
>>>Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you
come to the dance party? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] MUM REview

2014-04-09 Thread Michael Jackson
I loved this review so much I just had to post it - I hope I get to meet the 
poster one day so I can shake their hand.

Been here for 60 days came from India. They cashed my check and for now I am 
stuck here. Hope to get out soon and go home. Wanted to come to America to meet 
Americans. But here you only see people who talk about maharishi like he’s some 
kind of god. That guy did some real mind games on these folks. I just nod my 
head pretending I like what they say because that keeps them happy and besides 
sense they already cashed my check nothing I can do right now. Writing this 
while everyone is meditating…for the 4th time today. Every day its “have you 
meditated?”; “how was your mediation?”;”when are you going to mediate again?”, 
“hey, we’re going to go meditate, want to come”. “No thank you, but a flight 
back to India/anywhere would be nice”. I got to get out and start a life. This 
place makes the tiny village I came from seem like a meeting of the Algonquin 
round table.

Someone just knocked on my door to ask me to type quieter so I don’t disturbed 
their meditation. I need a baseball bat.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

Assuming you aren't joking: It's not about length of time spent posting, it's 
about the Chinese water torture of Tricky dicky's endless repetition. Yes, I 
should ignore it but I can't help getting sucked in. Won't happen again.

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, usually I find you pretty fair minded in your posts. But not so much 
this time. What about the at least 2 other people who have been posting for 
decades? They get a pass from you about that? Only Richard is guilty?!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:42 PM, salyavin808  

 LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

 Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.



[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM REview

2014-04-09 Thread salyavin808

Huh? Someone went to MUM and they don't meditate! Didn't they read the 
brochure? I thought it would have been made clear that doing TM was the main 
bit of the course. 

---In,  wrote :

 I loved this review so much I just had to post it - I hope I get to meet the 
poster one day so I can shake their hand.
 Been here for 60 days came from India. They cashed my check and for now I am 
stuck here. Hope to get out soon and go home. Wanted to come to America to meet 
Americans. But here you only see people who talk about maharishi like he’s some 
kind of god. That guy did some real mind games on these folks. I just nod my 
head pretending I like what they say because that keeps them happy and besides 
sense they already cashed my check nothing I can do right now. Writing this 
while everyone is meditating…for the 4th time today. Every day its “have you 
meditated?”; “how was your mediation?”;”when are you going to mediate again?”, 
“hey, we’re going to go meditate, want to come”. “No thank you, but a flight 
back to India/anywhere would be nice”. I got to get out and start a life. This 
place makes the tiny village I came from seem like a meeting of the Algonquin 
round table.
 Someone just knocked on my door to ask me to type quieter so I don’t disturbed 
their meditation. I need a baseball bat.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread Share Long
salyavin, I think Judy and turq also repeat themselves. True, not as much as 
Richard does. But I think he has redeeming qualities too, as do they. I guess 
it's just a matter of the fact that we all get triggered by different stuff.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:59 PM, salyavin808  

Assuming you aren't joking: It's not about length of time spent posting, it's 
about the Chinese water torture of Tricky dicky's endless repetition. Yes, I 
should ignore it but I can't help getting sucked in. Won't happen again.

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, usually I find you pretty fair minded in your posts. But not so much 
this time. What about the at least 2 other people who have been posting for 
decades? They get a pass from you about that? Only Richard is guilty?!

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:42 PM, salyavin808  


LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin?

I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything from 
meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that?

Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and never 
gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know that some 
words - or the way
they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, but instead you just want to 
"dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd want to go along and argue 
the toss about nothing.

But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure

---In,  wrote :

On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808

What's the point
of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a trillion
things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet
forum. I just don't get why anyone would bother, and for
Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you
come to the dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
As predicted. You lose. 

 What do you think would happen if you were actually straightforward for once, 
Share? Would you melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West?

 What are you so afraid of?

---In,  wrote :

 Judy, of course you left out the part where I disagreed with turq so that you 
could make your point about my alleged pandering. This is one of your oft used 
strategies when you want to win win win no matter what.


 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:22 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Please read what I wrote again, Share, and see if you're capable of coming 
up with a response that doesn't avoid the point I was making.

 I doubt it, but we'll see.




 Wrong, Judy. What I did was disagree with turq about the efficacy of TM and 
ME. Maybe that's pandering in your book. Go figure! 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:07 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Won't help. She's determined to pander to Barry by supporting his "shooting 
the messenger" notion, even though he's misusing the term.



 Read Judy's response or my post again :-) 

 Nablusoss, just for the record, I didn't think you were accusing me of 
shooting the messenger. I did think it was sort of funny that you shot the 
messenger in reply to my non shooting post. Go figure!
 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:12 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In,  wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In,  wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
Not a chance. 

 The other day Share asked him a couple of perfectly reasonable questions about 
something he'd written. He quoted the two questions, and underneath each of 
them typed in a paragraph that had nothing whatsoever to do with what she'd 
asked him. Hard to believe.

 The only time I mess with him is when he's told a potentiallly destructive 
lie, and then it's just a matter of my stating the facts to counter the lie. 
There's never any "listening" on his part, just more trolling. It isn't 
possible to have a rational conversation with him.


 LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

 Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
(guffaw) And Share claims she doesn't pander... 



 salyavin, usually I find you pretty fair minded in your posts. But not so much 
this time. What about the at least 2 other people who have been posting for 
decades? They get a pass from you about that? Only Richard is guilty?! 

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:42 PM, salyavin808  

 LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

 Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Murderer

2014-04-09 Thread authfriend
"Not as much as Richard does..." 

 Understatement of the decade.

 "Richard has redeeming qualities..."

 Pander, pander, pander.


 salyavin, I think Judy and turq also repeat themselves. True, not as much as 
Richard does. But I think he has redeeming qualities too, as do they. I guess 
it's just a matter of the fact that we all get triggered by different stuff.


 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:59 PM, salyavin808  

Assuming you aren't joking: It's not about length of time spent posting, it's 
about the Chinese water torture of Tricky dicky's endless repetition. Yes, I 
should ignore it but I can't help getting sucked in. Won't happen again.

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, usually I find you pretty fair minded in your posts. But not so much 
this time. What about the at least 2 other people who have been posting for 
decades? They get a pass from you about that? Only Richard is guilty?!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:42 PM, salyavin808  

 LOL, I don't know, I just get sucked in against all my better judgement. Maybe 
deep down I think he'll listen but after all these years maybe not. As he 
himself says, thoughts can't affect his mind...

---In,  wrote :

 Why the hell do you bother, Salyavin? 



 I was actually hoping you'd come out and say that you'd never got anything 
from meditating and was asking a genuine question. Or maybe you just did that? 

 Anyways, that'd be funny if you'd been doing it wrong your whole life and 
never gotten anything - explain a lot too. But I guess you actually do know 
that some words - or the way they are used - hold wonders for the human mind, 
but instead you just want to "dance" about it and ask obtuse questions like I'd 
want to go along and argue the toss about nothing.

 But you've managed to waste another 5 minutes of my one and only precious life 
so I guess that's your mission accomplished. Trolls, go figure
---In,  wrote :

 On 4/9/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 What's the point of you? What do you get out of this, I can think of a 
trillion things I'd rather be doing than talking crap on an internet forum. I 
just don't get why anyone would bother, and for decades. >
 Why don't you just STFU? If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the 
dance party? Go figure.





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