Re: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
And there is yet another heavenly body (like Mars) inhabited entirely by 

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...
     Oh well, fun while it lasted. At the very least there's another bit of 
cool tech out there that future alien explorers can find and wonder over after 
the human race has gone...'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my data? I 
might take a nap'
||||   'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my dat...  
The Philae lander on the distant comet 67P has run out of power despite 
attempts by scientists to rotate the craft into a better position to charge its 
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



Re: [FairfieldLife] So Amazing

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Beautiful...and I think I saw turq and Maya in one of the photos (-:

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 9:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] So Amazing


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: Non-biological Intelligence)

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/14/2014 8:12 PM, steve.sundur wrote:

Pure fiction on your part, Barry.  This is an invented narrative that 
unfortunately you use to demean people.

You harp on this, missing the fact, that most, if not everyone else 
here, also allow whatever experiences they might have to come and go 
without much ado.

People should be given leeway to discuss experiences without the 
politically correct policeman to sanction them for feeling that their 
experiences may indicate some progress on the spiritual path.

/Old Uncle Tantra doesn't even miss the sex magic when it goes away. Go 


---In,  wrote :

What I think he's freaking out about is that when they fade, I don't 
miss them. That fucks with his mind, since he's spent his entire life 
chasing something I don't even miss when it goes away.  :-)

*From:* "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Friday, November 14, 2014 8:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: 
Non-biological Intelligence)

Turq did practise TM for a number of years. If what you say is true, 
TM was a total failure. This seems to be a problem with spiritual 
techniques in general, that most of the time they fail, if we go by 
our view of the persons practising them, and even according what these 
persons they say to us about their experiences. Success is rare.

---In,  wrote :

Yes, preliminary. The thing about experiences, even intermittent 
witnessing, is that some people collect these experiences, while 
remaining unchanged, themselves. Driven by egoic fear. It is like 
being a tourist of higher-consciousness experiences. I did listen to a 
bit of the Sat Shree interview and he says a veil, separating him from 
the rest of the universe, was torn open, with no possibility of being 
repaired. To live Being, silence, and bliss, is a far different thing, 
than collecting, "I saw this", and, "this happened once", and, "for 
awhile, this other thing happened". Enlightenment is not an aggregate, 
a museum, or even, a mausoleum, of experiences - that's how religions 
get born, in the graveyards of memories, of higher consciousness.

Experiences, as seen in the mind, continually shrink - very 
unsatisfying, whereas enlightenment constantly, effortlessly taps that 
font of creativity and expansion [pure awareness], renewing itself, so 
the mind, when it does act, has no need to rely on stale and shrinking 
memories - it can go anywhere it chooses, or just rest empty, in pure 
awareness. Once everything is available, there is no longer a need to 
collect experiences of any variety, no matter how tantalizing their 
memory may be.

---In,  wrote :

The Turq hasn't had any spiritual experiences in his whole life. 
Forty-five years ago he experienced a few days of witnessing in 
Fiuggji, but that's only a preliminary experience. Yet he likes 
to brag about it even today, decades later. Later he had some 
hallucinations about his Buddhist-guru, the Lenz-guy who killed 
himself while wearing a dog-collar around his neck, levitating. And 
that's it. The fact is that the Turq-fellow never had any spiritual 
experiences at all.

Yet he judge others, what a phony.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
The Turq's is hallucinating about people stalking him. Probably makes him feel 

---In,  wrote :

 On 11/14/2014 8:36 PM, steve.sundur wrote:
   Barry, your greatness is unparalleled.

 Barry is one of the greatest cases of cognitive dissonance that I have ever 
seen on discussion group:
 He believes his Facebook friends are stalking him, yet he sent them an invite. 
Everyone stalked him over here, but he sent a message challenging us to a 
debate. We hate him because we are so JELLOS of his temporary subjective, 
enlightenment experiences. You need to understand, Steve, that here is a guy 
that spent decades reading wisdom books and chasing after the enlightenment 
experience; donating tens of thousands of dollars just to witness magic tricks 
performed on a stage. Yet, he still can't perform a single magic trick, he 
isn't enlightened, he can't fly or levitate himself, or even PROVE a single 
spiritual experience.
 For all his effort, his spiritual quest was a total loss according to Xeno. 
Barry got nothing, nada, bupkis. He got the T-shirt but he didn't even get a 
spiritual name and had to make up one - Uncle Tantra - when he wrote his own 
wisdom book.
 After he got kicked out of the cult, in an act of lonely desperation he went 
on social media to try and teach others how to act enlightened, but instead he 
was humiliated and got the shit beat out him for ten years by The Corrector. 
 We need to help this guy but he doesn't seem to want any help from his 
friends. Go figure. 

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 This story from the Puranas is the very reason for my Do Not Read List. 
 My stalkers are free to pick up any of my qualities that they wish to by 
focusing so intently on their hatred for me, while by ignoring them and not 
even reading what they write I pick up nothing from them. Win-win.  :-)


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 8:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Thanks Michael and Barry. The funniest kicker to the story is that according 
to the Puranas, a demon can gain enlightenment by a steady opposition to 
Krishna. So the only thing that will happen from this circle jerk is that we 
gain Maharishi's "purity" and Buck gains our "impurity."
 Not a bad deal huh?!

 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 One of the bests post I have ever seen on FFL - thanks Curtis. Very 
interesting to read Marshy's pontifications in context.

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   C: Since Buck decided to take a swipe at me well I have been off the board, 
I will take a moment to make my own case: that Buck comically misunderstands 
the meaning of Maharishi's message as usual and idiotically thinks it might 
serve as a weapon against people who think differently than he does. The 
hysterical perversion of the intention of Maharishi's words being used as a 
justification of his doing EXACTLY what Maharishi is warning against is too 
good to miss. Plus it gives me a chance to comment on Maharishi's style of self 
promotions as a special guy that seems to have worked so well on Buck. My 
comments will be interspersed with Maharishi's below
 Don't Speak Ill, Remain Pure, 1964
 Everyone has to discharge one's duty towards himself and towards spreading of 
this meditation in whatever capacity one can. And never undermine any other's 
attempt or desires in whatever humble way it may be.
 C: The context is his teachers who were bitching about each other. Maharishi 
wants them to get back to work pitching his product and STFU about their 
personality problems with each other. 
 One thing of very great importance: that now when you have been meditating for 
some time, purity has grown in life quite a lot. As the mind gains more and 
more of the Being, mind becomes more and more pure.
 C: Again setting the context, this applies to those who are of a level of 
purity where this kind of magical effect takes place. He is not making a broad 
statement about all people and is not addressing this to non meditators. By 
applying it to Barry and Michael and me, Buck is saying that our consciousness 
is as pure as his so this should be a problem for us too. In Maharish's system, 
like that of the Laws of Manu, there are

[FairfieldLife] Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
On 13 November 2014 New York Post reported: The success of programmes for 
veterans and other at-risk groups has inspired a congressional leader to 
organize meditation sessions for people working in Washington, DC at the US 
Congress. Rep Tim Ryan began the meditation sessions, which he calls, 'Quiet 
Time Caucus' two years ago and the New York Post is calling the sessions 
'wildly popular' with members of Congress and staffers.
 It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates 
the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring 
fulfilment to the field of government.  
 Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress
 Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress
 Meditation sessions have become a wildly popular pastime in Congress ahead of 
votes, although the practice is far more common among Democrats than Repub...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: Non-biological Intelligence)

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/14/2014 4:34 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Not so sure about that. According to the Turq himself he was involved 
because it presented plenty of opportunities to pick up broads. 
Doesn't sound as if he was into meditation much.

/The question is, did he enjoy? There must be a better way to pick up 
broads than to go on a monk retreat. He said they wouldn't even let him 
buy an ice cream cone. He seems to be better suited to a householder 
life in Amsterdam./


---In,  wrote :

Turq did practise TM for a number of years. If what you say is true, 
TM was a total failure. This seems to be a problem with spiritual 
techniques in general, that most of the time they fail, if we go by 
our view of the persons practising them, and even according what these 
persons they say to us about their experiences. Success is rare.

---In,  wrote :

Yes, preliminary. The thing about experiences, even intermittent 
witnessing, is that some people collect these experiences, while 
remaining unchanged, themselves. Driven by egoic fear. It is like 
being a tourist of higher-consciousness experiences. I did listen to a 
bit of the Sat Shree interview and he says a veil, separating him from 
the rest of the universe, was torn open, with no possibility of being 
repaired. To live Being, silence, and bliss, is a far different thing, 
than collecting, "I saw this", and, "this happened once", and, "for 
awhile, this other thing happened". Enlightenment is not an aggregate, 
a museum, or even, a mausoleum, of experiences - that's how religions 
get born, in the graveyards of memories, of higher consciousness.

Experiences, as seen in the mind, continually shrink - very 
unsatisfying, whereas enlightenment constantly, effortlessly taps that 
font of creativity and expansion [pure awareness], renewing itself, so 
the mind, when it does act, has no need to rely on stale and shrinking 
memories - it can go anywhere it chooses, or just rest empty, in pure 
awareness. Once everything is available, there is no longer a need to 
collect experiences of any variety, no matter how tantalizing their 
memory may be.

---In,  wrote :

The Turq hasn't had any spiritual experiences in his whole life. 
Forty-five years ago he experienced a few days of witnessing in 
Fiuggji, but that's only a preliminary experience. Yet he likes 
to brag about it even today, decades later. Later he had some 
hallucinations about his Buddhist-guru, the Lenz-guy who killed 
himself while wearing a dog-collar around his neck, levitating. And 
that's it. The fact is that the Turq-fellow never had any spiritual 
experiences at all.

Yet he judge others, what a phony.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: Non-biological Intelligence)

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

I really hate to be the person to have to explain this to you, JR, but 
the Bhagavad-Gita, the Old Testament, and the New Testament are all 
FICTION. You don't "win" philosophical discussions by invoking them, 
any more than if you had invoked the Harry Potter books.

/Thanks for the heads up - I always thought your wisdom book was fiction./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/15/2014 2:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/And there is yet another heavenly body (like Mars) inhabited 
entirely by robots. /*

/Sounds like you're thinking of the Tibetan Bardo, but can you cite any 
PROOF? We'll wait./


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:41 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

Oh well, fun while it lasted. At the very least there's another bit of 
cool tech out there that future alien explorers can find and wonder 
over after the human race has gone...
'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my data? I might take a nap' 


'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my dat... 

The Philae lander on the distant comet 67P has run out of power 
despite attempts by scientists to rotate the craft into a better 
position to charge its batte...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Absolutely perfect The meditation thieves and hucksters hosting meditation 
sessions for the political thieves and hucksters - birds of a feather...

  From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:13 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress
     On 13 November 2014 New York Post reported: The success of programmes for 
veterans and other at-risk groups has inspired a congressional leader to 
organize meditation sessions for people working in Washington, DC at the US 
Congress. Rep Tim Ryan began the meditation sessions, which he calls, 'Quiet 
Time Caucus' two years ago and the New York Post is calling the sessions 
'wildly popular' with members of Congress and staffers.
 It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates 
the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring 
fulfilment to the field of government.  Meditation sessions a hit in 
dysfunctional Congress 
||||   Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress  
Meditation sessions have become a wildly popular pastime in Congress ahead of 
votes, although the practice is far more common among Democrats than Repub...   
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



Re: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Oh come on Sal! Be realistic. You know good and well that robotic device had 
some bad stuff in its jyotish chart, not to mention the fact that comet must 
surely be some sort of information gathering device for some extraterrestrial 
goomers who deliberately sabotaged the lander so they wouldn't get outed - you 
know until they are ready to be revealed on the day Maitreya comes back? 

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 2:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...
     Oh well, fun while it lasted. At the very least there's another bit of 
cool tech out there that future alien explorers can find and wonder over after 
the human race has gone...

'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my data? I might take a nap'
||||   'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my dat...  
The Philae lander on the distant comet 67P has run out of power despite 
attempts by scientists to rotate the craft into a better position to charge its 
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/15/2014 7:09 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

The Turq's is hallucinating about people stalking him. Probably makes 
him feel special.

/Maybe Turq really believes people on Facebook are stalking him - if so, 
his friends list on Facebook might be his enemies list. Go figure.

This paranoid condition is probably due to being kicked out of his cult 
and then being battered by The Corrector for so long. The question is, 
after all these years can he be helped?

The unstressing is so profound with this guy and the rejection was 
apparently so painful, that he can't to this day even talk about it.

It's almost like he is writing a confession, when you understand what he 
doesn't say about his subjective experiences tells us more than what he 
does say./


---In,  wrote :

On 11/14/2014 8:36 PM, steve.sundur wrote:


Barry, your greatness is unparalleled.

Barry is one of the greatest cases of cognitive dissonance that I
have ever seen on discussion group:

  * /He believes his Facebook friends are stalking him, yet he
sent them an invite. /
  * /Everyone stalked him over here, but he sent a message
challenging us to a debate./
  * /We hate him because we are so JELLOS of his temporary
subjective, enlightenment experiences./

You need to understand, Steve, that here is a guy that spent
decades reading wisdom books and chasing after the enlightenment
experience; donating tens of thousands of dollars just to witness
magic tricks performed on a stage. Yet, he still can't perform a
single magic trick, he isn't enlightened, he can't fly or levitate
himself, or even PROVE a single spiritual experience.

For all his effort, his spiritual quest was a total loss according
to Xeno. Barry got nothing, nada, /bupkis. /He got the T-shirt but
he didn't even get a spiritual name and had to make up one -
/Uncle Tantra/ - when he wrote his own wisdom book.

After he got kicked out of the cult, in an act of lonely
desperation he went on social media to try and teach others how to
act enlightened, but instead he was humiliated and got the shit
beat out him for ten years by /The Corrector./

We need to help this guy but he doesn't seem to want any help from
his friends. Go figure.


 wrote :

This story from the Puranas is the very reason for my Do Not Read

My stalkers are free to pick up any of my qualities that they
wish to by focusing so intently on their hatred for me, while by
ignoring them and not even reading what they write I pick up
nothing from them. Win-win.  :-)

*From:* "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Friday, November 14, 2014 8:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill
of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about
that Good

Thanks Michael and Barry. The funniest kicker to the story is
that according to the Puranas, a demon can gain enlightenment by
a steady opposition to Krishna. So the only thing that will
happen from this circle jerk is that we gain Maharishi's "purity"
and Buck gains our "impurity."

Not a bad deal huh?!

 wrote :

One of the bests post I have ever seen on FFL - thanks Curtis.
Very interesting to read Marshy's pontifications in context.

*From:* "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Friday, November 14, 2014 2:13 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill
of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about
that Good

C: Since Buck decided to take a swipe at me well I have been off
the board, I will take a moment to make my own case: that Buck
comically misunderstands the meaning of Maharishi's message as
usual and idiotically thinks it might serve as a weapon against
people who think differently than he does. The hysterical
perversion of the intention of Maharishi's words being used as a
justification of his doing EXACTLY what Maharishi is warning
against is too good to miss. Plus it gives me a chance to comment
on Maharishi's style of self promotions as a special guy that
seems to have worked so well on Buck. My comments will be
interspersed with Maharishi's below

Don't Speak Ill, Remain Pure,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/15/2014 7:28 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
Absolutely perfect The meditation thieves and hucksters hosting 
meditation sessions for the political thieves and hucksters - birds of 
a feather...

/You are supposed to VOTE if you want to post your conservative 
political opinions on a liberal discussion group.

*2014 South Carolina Senate Election Results*

*From:* nablusoss1008 
*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:13 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional 

On 13 November 2014 New York Post reported: The success of programmes 
for veterans and other at-risk groups has inspired a congressional 
leader to organize meditation sessions for people working in 
Washington, DC at the US Congress. Rep Tim Ryan began the meditation 
sessions, which he calls, 'Quiet Time Caucus' two years ago and the 
New York Post is calling the sessions 'wildly popular' with members of 
Congress and staffers.
It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which 
indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has 
designed to bring fulfilment to the field of government.
Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress 


Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress 

Meditation sessions have become a wildly popular pastime in Congress 
ahead of votes, although the practice is far more common among 
Democrats than Repub...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 11/15/2014 7:32 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Oh come on Sal! Be realistic. You know good and well that robotic 
device had some bad stuff in its jyotish chart, not to mention the 
fact that comet must surely be some sort of information gathering 
device for some extraterrestrial goomers who deliberately sabotaged 
the lander so they wouldn't get outed - you know until they are ready 
to be revealed on the day Maitreya comes back?

/Prejudice is a judgment toward people or a person or group based on 
their religion, race, place of birth, nationality, gender, social class, 
age, disability, sexuality, language, or other personal characteristics. /

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Saturday, November 15, 2014 2:41 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

Oh well, fun while it lasted. At the very least there's another bit of 
cool tech out there that future alien explorers can find and wonder 
over after the human race has gone...

'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my data? I might take a nap' 


'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my dat... 

The Philae lander on the distant comet 67P has run out of power 
despite attempts by scientists to rotate the craft into a better 
position to charge its batte...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: So Amazing

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Pretty cool idea! 

---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good [1 Attachment]

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 11/14/2014 8:36 PM, steve.sundur wrote:
   Barry, your greatness is unparalleled.

 Barry is one of the greatest cases of cognitive dissonance that I have ever 
seen on discussion group:
 He believes his Facebook friends are stalking him, yet he sent them an invite. 
Everyone stalked him over here, but he sent a message challenging us to a 
debate. We hate him because we are so JELLOS of his temporary subjective, 
enlightenment experiences. You need to understand, Steve, that here is a guy 
that spent decades reading wisdom books and chasing after the enlightenment 
experience; donating tens of thousands of dollars just to witness magic tricks 
performed on a stage. Yet, he still can't perform a single magic trick, he 
isn't enlightened, he can't fly or levitate himself, or even PROVE a single 
spiritual experience.
 For all his effort, his spiritual quest was a total loss according to Xeno. 
Barry got nothing, nada, bupkis. He got the T-shirt but he didn't even get a 
spiritual name and had to make up one - Uncle Tantra - when he wrote his own 
wisdom book.
 After he got kicked out of the cult, in an act of lonely desperation he went 
on social media to try and teach others how to act enlightened, but instead he 
was humiliated and got the shit beat out him for ten years by The Corrector. 
 We need to help this guy but he doesn't seem to want any help from his 
friends. Go figure. 

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 This story from the Puranas is the very reason for my Do Not Read List. 
 My stalkers are free to pick up any of my qualities that they wish to by 
focusing so intently on their hatred for me, while by ignoring them and not 
even reading what they write I pick up nothing from them. Win-win.  :-)


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 8:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Thanks Michael and Barry. The funniest kicker to the story is that according 
to the Puranas, a demon can gain enlightenment by a steady opposition to 
Krishna. So the only thing that will happen from this circle jerk is that we 
gain Maharishi's "purity" and Buck gains our "impurity."
 Not a bad deal huh?!

 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 One of the bests post I have ever seen on FFL - thanks Curtis. Very 
interesting to read Marshy's pontifications in context.

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   C: Since Buck decided to take a swipe at me well I have been off the board, 
I will take a moment to make my own case: that Buck comically misunderstands 
the meaning of Maharishi's message as usual and idiotically thinks it might 
serve as a weapon against people who think differently than he does. The 
hysterical perversion of the intention of Maharishi's words being used as a 
justification of his doing EXACTLY what Maharishi is warning against is too 
good to miss. Plus it gives me a chance to comment on Maharishi's style of self 
promotions as a special guy that seems to have worked so well on Buck. My 
comments will be interspersed with Maharishi's below
 Don't Speak Ill, Remain Pure, 1964
 Everyone has to discharge one's duty towards himself and towards spreading of 
this meditation in whatever capacity one can. And never undermine any other's 
attempt or desires in whatever humble way it may be.
 C: The context is his teachers who were bitching about each other. Maharishi 
wants them to get back to work pitching his product and STFU about their 
personality problems with each other. 
 One thing of very great importance: that now when you have been meditating for 
some time, purity has grown in life quite a lot. As the mind gains more and 
more of the Being, mind becomes more and more pure.
 C: Again setting the context, this applies to those who are of a level of 
purity where this kind of magical effect takes place. He is not making a broad 
statement about all people and is not addressing this to non meditators. By 
applying it to Barry and Michael and me, Buck is saying that our consciousness 
is as pure as his so this should be a problem for us too. In Maharish's system, 
like that of the Laws of Manu, there are different instructions for behavior 
for each level of consciousness. He is not instructing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]










[FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I will chalk it up to Dharma, but thanks anyway. :-)

---In,  wrote :










[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread srijau
I have has some experiences like this but with a close genetic relative.

[FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect

2014-11-15 Thread srijau
Cambodia over a 20 year period
 Education News: Top Stories 
 Education News: Top Stories 
Inspiring Education News From Around the World
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Soup for the Psycho Soul

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm so thinking this is the final explanation. 

Those foolish human robots murdered by ISIS needed to hug their mass graves 
with their dying breaths. It was a teaching lesson we can all feel consoled at 
just by hearing about it. The plume upon the head of the revenue collecting 
Desai sure fits him well.

After all, we don't really need no stinkun free-will ... it's so hard to square 
the circle of karma anyway - who needs it? Like robots whipped by the guna-s, 
we don't even need meaning - we supply it ourselves. 

What little gods we are!

Panache Desai: everyone shows up the way we psychically need them to show up in 
our life...

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Cool - does it ever happen out of meditation?

---In,  wrote :

 I have has some experiences like this but with a close genetic relative.

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wow, Ann - What a beautiful explanation of riding a horse! Probably everyone 
who has ever done so, can relate to what you have written - I sometimes try to 
imagine my paternal grandfather's experience, who relied on true 'horsepower' 
for much of his life, and didn't see a car until he was almost fifty years old. 
A world of horses.  
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I will chalk it up to Dharma, but thanks anyway. :-)

 Thank God there is still a touch of sanity here at FFL. I just keep waiting 
for something interesting to happen but the days keep rolling by and Steve and 
Richard are doing all the heavy lifting. But you, in one small graphic, pretty 
much take the cake.

---In,  wrote :










Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Netherlands: the crime of questioning

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/14/2014 9:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The Soviets (remember them?) excelled in just this type of 
psychological suppression. The "State" existed to liberate us from our 
misery at the hands of the bloated lackeys of capitalism, Anyone 
challenging this was obviously mentally and emotionally disturbed 
beyond any self-control. To remedy this, the Soviets devised 
psychiatric gulags to house and confine the "disturbed" and "protect" 
them from the harshness of civilian life among their "comrades".

Just like "then", questioning has now become the crime that reveals a 
comrade's mental disturbance. The Low-Landers have seen the light and 
it is Red.

Bari2 will be pleased that the commissars have finally pounded their 
fists upon the gilded walls and Bari1 will proclaim it final justice 
delivered to the legacy of styoopid and greedy 'smearicans.

I say let the muslims have it all. Like Charles Lindbergh, I say give 
Europe to the highest takers. Rock back and forth as you recite the 
Quran motherfuckers and recall how you were repressed by the Crusaders.

After we nuke Mecca you all can all toke on the hash in your hookahs 
and praise "Allah ... The Merciful, The Compassionate".

You'll feel so much better about everything.

/Apparently a few FFL informants are opposed Wilder's goal of a 
five-year moratorium on the immigration of non-Western foreigners who 
intend to stay in the Netherlands. /


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soup for the Psycho Soul

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
empty, stay with the breath, see what happens...

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soup for the Psycho Soul
    I'm so thinking this is the final explanation. 

Those foolish human robots murdered by ISIS needed to hug their mass graves 
with their dying breaths. It was a teaching lesson we can all feel consoled at 
just by hearing about it. The plume upon the head of the revenue collecting 
Desai sure fits him well.

After all, we don't really need no stinkun free-will ... it's so hard to square 
the circle of karma anyway - who needs it? Like robots whipped by the guna-s, 
we don't even need meaning - we supply it ourselves. 

What little gods we are!

Panache Desai: everyone shows up the way we psychically need them to show up in 
our life...  #yiv2022976001 #yiv2022976001 -- #yiv2022976001ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
10px;}#yiv2022976001 #yiv2022976001ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
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#yiv2022976001ygrp-mlmsg table {fon

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: Non-biological Intelligence)

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, sometimes, and this is one of those times, it's just how you say 
something that cracks me up. Yay!

  From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Intelligent Biology (was Re: 
Non-biological Intelligence)
 On 11/14/2014 4:34 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
    Not so sure about that. According to the Turq himself he was involved 
because it presented plenty of opportunities to pick up broads. Doesn't sound 
as if he was into meditation much.
 The question is, did he enjoy? There must be a better way to pick up broads 
than to go on a monk retreat. He said they wouldn't even let him buy an ice 
cream cone. He seems to be better suited to a householder life in Amsterdam.

 ---In,  wrote :
 Turq did practise TM for a number of years. If what you say is true, TM was a 
total failure. This seems to be a problem with spiritual  techniques in 
general, that most of the time they fail, if we go by our view of the persons 
practising them, and even according what these persons they say to us about 
their experiences. Success is rare.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Yes, preliminary. The thing about experiences, even intermittent witnessing, 
is that some people collect these experiences, while remaining unchanged, 
themselves. Driven by egoic fear. It is like being a tourist of 
higher-consciousness experiences. I did  listen to a bit of the Sat Shree 
interview and he says a veil, separating him from the rest of the universe, was 
torn open, with no possibility of being repaired. To live Being, silence, and 
bliss, is a far different thing, than collecting, "I saw  this", and, "this 
happened once", and, "for awhile, this other thing happened". Enlightenment is 
not an aggregate, a museum, or even, a mausoleum, of experiences - that's how 
religions get born, in the graveyards of memories, of higher consciousness.  
  Experiences, as seen in the mind, continually shrink - very unsatisfying, 
whereas enlightenment constantly, effortlessly taps that font of creativity and 
expansion [pure awareness], renewing itself, so the mind, when it does act, has 
no need to rely on stale and shrinking memories - it can go anywhere it 
chooses, or just rest empty, in pure awareness. Once everything is available, 
there is no longer a need to collect experiences of any variety, no matter how 
tantalizing their memory may be.   
 ---In,  wrote :
  The Turq hasn't had any spiritual experiences in his whole life. Forty-five 
years ago he experienced a few days of  witnessing in Fiuggji, but that's only 
a preliminary experience. Yet he likes to brag about it even today, decades 
later. Later he had some hallucinations about his Buddhist-guru, the Lenz-guy 
who  killed himself while wearing a dog-collar around his neck, levitating. And 
that's it. The fact is that the Turq-fellow never had any spiritual experiences 
at all. Yet he judge others, what a phony.

  #yiv0959531482 #yiv0959531482 -- #yiv0959531482ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0959531482 
#yiv0959531482ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0959531482 
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{margin:0;}#yiv0959531482 #yiv0959531482ygrp-mkp .yiv0959531482ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0959531482 #yiv0959531482ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0959531482ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0959531482 
#yiv0959531482ygrp-sponsor #yiv0959531482ygrp-lc #yiv0959531482hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0959531482ygrp-sponsor #yiv0959531482ygrp-lc .yiv0959531482ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv0959531482 #yiv0959531482activity span 
.yiv0959531482underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0959531482 
0;width:400px;}#yiv0959531482 .yiv0959531482attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0959531482 .yiv0959531482attach 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
BTW, Buck, because you seem to be trying to position yourself as THE expert on 
who exactly is "entertaining negativity" and who is not, can I ask you for a 
"final ruling" on something?
OK, here's the scenario:-- There's this Internet forum, on which people 
exchange ideas.-- There's a poster on this forum whose ideas seem to make some 
of the other posters angry. 
-- The angry posters have chosen to vent their anger by writing posts 
badmouthing the person whose ideas make them angry. 
-- Some of these angry posters have been doing this for YEARS, directing dozens 
of these venomous putdown posts at the person they're angry at every month.-- 
The angry posters never seem to be able to address any of the actual *ideas* 
that have made them so angry; instead they just try to smear the person who 
wrote them personally. 
-- The poster they've been stalking, having noticed the trends, some time ago 
wrote off the angry posters and developed macros that automatically move 
anything they wrote directly to a Trash folder. He did this so that not only 
would he never have to respond to their venom, he wouldn't even have to read it 
in the first place. -- Faced with this development, the angry posters have been 
stalking him even more than they did before.
Now, for the Expert Buck ruling:-- Since you seem to be the self-appointed 
expert on "entertaining negativity," which of the people in this scenario do 
you think are the ones guilty of it, and thus damnable in your view?-- Is it 
the person who doesn't even READ the posts made by the people stalking him, or 
the people who can't stop reading his presumably negative posts, and can't stop 
stalking him?
Please give us your ruling soon, so the Laws Of Nature will know which of these 
people to send the drones to kill.  :-)

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
    Well,really there is a much larger communal 
discussion going on here aboutdealing with negativity. As such I am not going 
to entertain yourparticular negativity around this any further. For to go any 
furthermight well necessitate having to denounce you in addition to 
dredgingyour negativity further...
I'm not sure about the hierarchy of all of this, Buck. Is "denouncing" me worse 
than sending drones to kill me, which you advocated not long ago? Curious minds 
want to know. Anyway, I sure am glad to hear there was no  "anger" involved 
with that. 

 and I feel that should not be spirituallyuseful for either of us right now, 
according to the teaching. Instead I shall sit in yoga with your energetic 
resolution of youranger issues. Iwish you well, -Buck     

turquoiseb wrote  Son,...

How old are you, "Buck?" I'll bet I'm older than you are. a transcendentalist I well know the reality of my inner experiencewith 
this and for that I am quite a satisfied customer of thetranscending meditation 

I have no problem with this, and am in fact happy for you that your "inner 
experience" has been good for you. What I object to is your assumption that 
YOUR "inner experience" means diddleysquat to anyone else or is good for them. 
Or even that it should. 

I know and can certainly trust in the clarity of thatreality by the science of 
my experience, thank you for asking. 

"That reality" isn't one. It's only your "inner experience." 


Get it?

I amnot going to get down in to your mud to wrestle with you point bypoint 
about George Bush, life is too short for that. However there is in deeda 
discerning and practical spiritual aspect of caution to whatMaharishi is 
getting at with his negativity talk around spiritualpractice. I find it wise to 
take that to heart. Jai Guru Dev,-Buck
Sorry, but I can't "take to heart" the possibility that anyone who still tries 
to end rants by invoking the thoughtstopper "Jai Guru Dev" could possibly be 

turquoiseb wrote :
Two words: "Scorpion nation." Five more: "George Bush is a rakshasa." 

Saner persons than you would have looked at this and realized long ago that in 
Maharishi they were dealing with at best a hypocrite and atworst an insane 
person. Yet you still seem to consider him some sort of expert. Can you explain 
to us why you think this? Could it possibly be that the memories of him you're 
trying to hard to protect do not have and have never had anything to do with 

Soevidently spiritually speaking what Maharishi is saying here is thatif one 
entertains a negativity then one commits a negativity on thesubtle. One may 
even take on the energetics in the subtle.Negativity in form then it seems is 
like an entity lodging in thesystem spiritually. Like a stress snag, an entity, 
like some wouldcall a thought-form, energetically stuck in the fabric of the 
subtlesystem. There is proly some truth to that. -Buck

DearFFL, Culturallythis particular post below attempting to

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Fleetwood, another wonderful experience: I was sitting near an open door of the 
Dome. Suddenly there was a bird song. The sound of that song was inside me. And 
so was my body!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
     This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM 
with my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread wgm4u
Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word. Hear, see and speak no evil is 
just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on the positive side of life, IMHO. If you 
entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak evil it pollutes your own soul, why 
gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' your own soul. It doesn't mean we 
don't see things for what they are, we just don't indulge in them in the same 
manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope this helps you understand MMY 

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise 
as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16 King James

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

 No big prompting needed to get me to talk about animals so I will def get back 
to you on this. But, I am literally out the door to go ride in a clinic with a 
really good coach who has flown in for the weekend. I will report back after my 
ride... Want to hear more about your animal experiences as well. Later.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Watching the film of this show now. Wonderful, for those who haven't seen it. 
Performed live onstage in London, July 2014, with all surviving Pythons 
performing. Thus the subtitle, "One Down, Five To Go."  The first performance 
sold out in 45 minutes. Fortunately, there were 10 performances in total, and 
the last was filmed.
Monty Python Live (Mostly) - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

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| Monty Python Live (Mostly) - Always Look On The Bright ... |
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| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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  From: wgm4u 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
    Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word. Hear, see and speak no evil 
is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on the positive side of life, IMHO. If 
you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak evil it pollutes your own soul, why 
gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' your own soul. It doesn't mean we 
don't see things for what they are, we just don't indulge in them in the same 
manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope this helps you understand MMY 

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise 
as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16 King James


[FairfieldLife] nano sculptures

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Each of these sculptures is the width of a human hair, tall.

Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Love the birdies! There is an aggressive little hummingbird around, and I 
really want to get a picture of him or her, in the light, to show off its 
emerald feathers. 

 A few hours ago, I was sitting outside, and the doe and her two fawns, one 
buck, one doe, were eating grass only about ten feet away. They were not 
startled, and we looked back and forth at one another. Then they slipped down 
the hill a little ways - I followed up to the fence, watched them and saw them 
energetically with my eyes closed also. Looked deeply into deer mom's eyes, and 
shared our common Being. Then did some mirroring of her head gestures, and 
gazed at the fawns too. Went on back and forth for fifteen minutes, between the 
four of us. It is amazing to look into a wild animal's eyes. They are pure 
reflections of their world,  and the lessons learned. It seemed as if the doe 
could read my emotions, though she was also distracted by the neighborhood 
waking up, and ensuring the safety of her fawns.  
---In,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, another wonderful experience: I was sitting near an open door of 
the Dome. Suddenly there was a bird song. The sound of that song was inside me. 
And so was my body!

 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I meant to add that yes, everything is inside us - the bridging of the 
subjective and objective. Once the mind stops thinking about where it is, 
everything is comprehended from its source, fully and completely.  
---In,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, another wonderful experience: I was sitting near an open door of 
the Dome. Suddenly there was a bird song. The sound of that song was inside me. 
And so was my body!

 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

Re: [FairfieldLife] Over and out...

2014-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Where's the Eveready Bunny when you need him?

On 11/14/2014 11:41 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

Oh well, fun while it lasted. At the very least there's another bit of 
cool tech out there that future alien explorers can find and wonder 
over after the human race has gone...

'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my data? I might take a nap' 


'I'm feeling a bit tired, did you get all my dat... 

The Philae lander on the distant comet 67P has run out of power 
despite attempts by scientists to rotate the craft into a better 
position to charge its batte...

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by "entertaining" evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by "speaking evil." 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore "evil." This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people who don't play along with the 
assumptions of the movement. In the movement people like me are demonized as 
being "evil" when we speak up about our POV. It is a cult move to protect the 
beliefs. But this principle gets very tricky when you deal outside the closed 
belief system of a cult mindset. 

Do you remember the Age of Enlightenment News we used to read to course 
participants, stripped of any "negative" news? Is it entertaining negativity to 
know about schools being de-funded and  fighting back against the politicians 
who are doing it? Should we just not see this evil, or hear about it?  Screwing 
kids out of their chance out of a good education is evil in my book, but should 
I ignore it? What about child abuse? It is by any standard evil right? Should 
we not see or hear about it, should we not speak out against it and fight it 
where we can?

And what about if we believe in our hearts that a philosophy is flawed and does 
harm through irrational beliefs? Is it wrong to notice that people who are 
killing the last of our tigers and rhinos on the planet because they believe in 
THEIR hearts that these animal's body parts have magical properties? Should we 
see this evil and confront it on the level of education against this irrational 
belief? Or should we see no evil?

And what if after 15 years studying Maharishi's teaching and experiencing his 
programs I came to the conclusion that there are faults in his assumptions 
about what these states of mind mean. What if I sincerely believed that my 
experience in the group was a valuable insight about the teaching from the 
perspective of an insider. What if I felt that my POV was as valuable as anyone 
else's who promote Maharishi's teaching. Am I being "evil" for expressing my 
opinion on an open forum?

 WGM4U: Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye 
therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16 King James

C: I like poetry as much as the next literature fan. But in a world of wolves, 
sheep and doves get eaten. I would rather be a human who knows all about the 
habits of wolves so I can steer clear of them or if necessary, deal with them. 
Sheep and doves are both dumb as rocks. They are terrible metaphors for how 
people should live in the world.

But hey, I appreciate your extending the conversation, I really do. We don't 
agree about this it seems, or at least are seeing it in completely different 
ways. If your way suits you, more power to you. I am just grateful for an 
opportunity to write about how I feel about it and for that, I thank you.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread wgm4u
right on, the 'bright side', not the 'dark' side! "Don't go to the negative 
side of life", MMY/paraphrased

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think this clip sums up both our views perfectly:

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python's Life of Brian 
 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python... Subscribe to the Official Monty 
Python Channel here - Always Look on the 
Bright Side of Life, taken from Life of Br...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 right on, the 'bright side', not the 'dark' side! "Don't go to the negative 
side of life", MMY/paraphrased

[FairfieldLife] Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Duveyoung
If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs 
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The government doesn't want us to know that we are a fertilizer farm for the 
aliens. As soon as our planet ripens with organic matter and the pollution we 
generate they will come and harvest the top mile of our topsoil and take it 
home to spread on the gardens of the richest alien assholes on their planet who 
can afford the luxury of human being enhanced topsoil for their vanity gardens. 

One of the biggest alien assholes will win a ribbon for best in show for the 
weird flower that they like there because he could afford the most "earth soil" 
for his garden. But in a twist of fate, the human enhanced topsoil will pollute 
their planet and eventually kill them all. This will not be stopped by the 
alien overlords because they take money from the rich alien assholes and 
protect them.

His alien son cheats at alien school but no one calls him out because the 
father contributes so much alien money to the alien school.

As below, so above! 

---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] The Leo personality

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ultrascan shot of baby Leo (born five months ago under that star sign) shows 
him smiling in the womb. 

 Is this the happiest baby ever? 
 Is this the happiest baby ever? The scan of Leo 
Hargreaves, from Lancashire, taken at 31 weeks into his mother's pregnancy, 
revealed he had a huge grin on his face. His parents say ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect

2014-11-15 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
You know, when you've sunk as low as Pol Pot could take Cambodia, there's no 
where to go but *up*. The world has put a lot of attention and resources into 
rebuilding Cambodia. Can we reallly say it's because a handful of people 
practiced TM/Sidhi program? It's these kind of claims, by the TMO, that just 
turns me off and make me want to vomit. Get 10% of the world meditating, 
regularly, twice a day and show me world peace for a generation, then I'll 
believe. I'm not saying that TM isn't good for you, I'm just saying that I take 
anything from the TMO with a grain of salt maybe a bag.
  From: "" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    Cambodia over a 20 year periodEducation News: Top Stories
||||   Education News: Top Stories  Inspiring Education 
News From Around the World||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

  #yiv8809550345 #yiv8809550345 -- #yiv8809550345ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv8809550345 #y

[FairfieldLife] The Interconnectedness of Self

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
What a crock of shit. The idea that TM taught in Cambodia has turned their 
country around. Might as well say that eating Cambodian food is the reason all 
this grand stuff happened. This is the kind of self aggrandizing bullshit that 
shows the Movement for what it is - liars who grasp at any straw to shore up 
their ridiculous image.

  From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    You know, when you've sunk as low as Pol Pot could take Cambodia, there's 
no where to go but *up*. The world has put a lot of attention and resources 
into rebuilding Cambodia. Can we reallly say it's because a handful of people 
practiced TM/Sidhi program? It's these kind of claims, by the TMO, that just 
turns me off and make me want to vomit. Get 10% of the world meditating, 
regularly, twice a day and show me world peace for a generation, then I'll 
believe. I'm not saying that TM isn't good for you, I'm just saying that I take 
anything from the TMO with a grain of salt maybe a bag.
  From: "" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    Cambodia over a 20 year periodEducation News: Top Stories
||||   Education News: Top Stories  Inspiring Education 
News From Around the World||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


 #yiv4463475834 #yiv4463475834 -- #yiv4463475834ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4463475834 
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{width:400px;}#yiv4463475834 div.yiv4463475834file-title a, #yiv4463475834 
div.yiv4463475834file-title a:active, #yiv4463475834 
div.yiv4463475834file-title a:hover, #yiv4463475834 div.yiv4463475834file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4463475834 div.yiv4463475834photo-title a, 
#yiv4463475834 div.yiv4463475834photo-title a:active, #yiv4463475834 
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div#yiv4463475834ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4463475834ygrp-msg p a 
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{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv4463475834 o {font-size:0;}#yiv4463475834 
#yiv4463475834photos div {float:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Perhaps you can help me with this.  Or possibly Barry. (-:

 According to Barry, Maharishi is just a con man, with no experiences, no 
enlightenment. Never had it, never will.

 And yet Barry is saying that he had "experiences" while on various courses, 
attributable to, I presume his practice of TM.

 And those experiences, we are told, have continued in an intermittent fashion 
to this very day.

 So, the only take away I can draw from this, is that Barry is more 
enlightened, has more genuine experiences of higher consciousness than 

 And of course, this goes double for MIchael, who has checked off every box for 
experiences of higher states of consciousness.

 Now, we have heard from MIchael, in a lengthy dissertation of why those 
experiences were false, nada, bumpkis, attributable to strictly the power of 

 But Barry seems to give credence to the genuineness of those experiences, even 
if he says he pays them no mind.

 I'm starting to get really confused here.

 Help me Rhonda!


---In,  wrote :

 On 11/14/2014 8:36 PM, steve.sundur wrote:
   Barry, your greatness is unparalleled.

 Barry is one of the greatest cases of cognitive dissonance that I have ever 
seen on discussion group:
 He believes his Facebook friends are stalking him, yet he sent them an invite. 
Everyone stalked him over here, but he sent a message challenging us to a 
debate. We hate him because we are so JELLOS of his temporary subjective, 
enlightenment experiences. You need to understand, Steve, that here is a guy 
that spent decades reading wisdom books and chasing after the enlightenment 
experience; donating tens of thousands of dollars just to witness magic tricks 
performed on a stage. Yet, he still can't perform a single magic trick, he 
isn't enlightened, he can't fly or levitate himself, or even PROVE a single 
spiritual experience.
 For all his effort, his spiritual quest was a total loss according to Xeno. 
Barry got nothing, nada, bupkis. He got the T-shirt but he didn't even get a 
spiritual name and had to make up one - Uncle Tantra - when he wrote his own 
wisdom book.
 After he got kicked out of the cult, in an act of lonely desperation he went 
on social media to try and teach others how to act enlightened, but instead he 
was humiliated and got the shit beat out him for ten years by The Corrector. 
 We need to help this guy but he doesn't seem to want any help from his 
friends. Go figure. 

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 This story from the Puranas is the very reason for my Do Not Read List. 
 My stalkers are free to pick up any of my qualities that they wish to by 
focusing so intently on their hatred for me, while by ignoring them and not 
even reading what they write I pick up nothing from them. Win-win.  :-)


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 8:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Thanks Michael and Barry. The funniest kicker to the story is that according 
to the Puranas, a demon can gain enlightenment by a steady opposition to 
Krishna. So the only thing that will happen from this circle jerk is that we 
gain Maharishi's "purity" and Buck gains our "impurity."
 Not a bad deal huh?!

 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 One of the bests post I have ever seen on FFL - thanks Curtis. Very 
interesting to read Marshy's pontifications in context.

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   C: Since Buck decided to take a swipe at me well I have been off the board, 
I will take a moment to make my own case: that Buck comically misunderstands 
the meaning of Maharishi's message as usual and idiotically thinks it might 
serve as a weapon against people who think differently than he does. The 
hysterical perversion of the intention of Maharishi's words being used as a 
justification of his doing EXACTLY what Maharishi is warning against is too 
good to miss. Plus it gives me a chance to comment on Maharishi's style of self 
promotions as a special guy that seems to have worked so well on Buck. My 
comments will be interspersed with Maharishi's below
 Don't Speak Ill, Remain Pure, 1964
 Everyone has to discharge one's duty towards himself and towards spreading of 
this med

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Not very convincing - he saw things he couldn't explain and decided they were 
ET's. Nothing to write home about. If indeed we are being visited, why don't 
they come shake hands? For the governments to hide the info, they would have to 
be in contact with the ET's and the ET's would have to be in collusion with 
them, otherwise what would stop them from making contact with whoever they 
wanted to? Nope, not convinced.

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 1:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
     If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
||||   Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs  Mercury 9 
and Gemini 5 astronaut Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and 
experiences. Okay, since somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|



[FairfieldLife] Muslims Discovered America?

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The president of Turkey says so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect

2014-11-15 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
It's an act of despiration to be accepted as relevant and it's quite 
embarrassing. No wonder so many people quit TM and move on their lives.
  From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    What a crock of shit. The idea that TM taught in Cambodia has turned their 
country around. Might as well say that eating Cambodian food is the reason all 
this grand stuff happened. This is the kind of self aggrandizing bullshit that 
shows the Movement for what it is - liars who grasp at any straw to shore up 
their ridiculous image.


 From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    You know, when you've sunk as low as Pol Pot could take Cambodia, there's 
no where to go but *up*. The world has put a lot of attention and resources 
into rebuilding Cambodia. Can we reallly say it's because a handful of people 
practiced TM/Sidhi program? It's these kind of claims, by the TMO, that just 
turns me off and make me want to vomit. Get 10% of the world meditating, 
regularly, twice a day and show me world peace for a generation, then I'll 
believe. I'm not saying that TM isn't good for you, I'm just saying that I take 
anything from the TMO with a grain of salt maybe a bag.
  From: "" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] the Maharishi Effect
    Cambodia over a 20 year periodEducation News: Top Stories
||||   Education News: Top Stories  Inspiring Education 
News From Around the World||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Muslims Discovered America?

2014-11-15 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
And that's why Ben Franklin wanted the national bird to be a Turkey .
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:46 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Muslims Discovered America?
     The president of Turkey says so.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus F'n Christ, 

 For a moment I thought you acknowledge that you play some role in the toxic 
exchanges that often take place here.

 Fortunately, you didn't.

 That, would have been a game changer, fersure!

---In,  wrote :

 BTW, Buck, because you seem to be trying to position yourself as THE expert on 
who exactly is "entertaining negativity" and who is not, can I ask you for a 
"final ruling" on something?

 OK, here's the scenario:
 -- There's this Internet forum, on which people exchange ideas.
 -- There's a poster on this forum whose ideas seem to make some of the other 
posters angry. 

 -- The angry posters have chosen to vent their anger by writing posts 
badmouthing the person whose ideas make them angry. 

 -- Some of these angry posters have been doing this for YEARS, directing 
dozens of these venomous putdown posts at the person they're angry at every 
 -- The angry posters never seem to be able to address any of the actual 
*ideas* that have made them so angry; instead they just try to smear the person 
who wrote them personally. 

 -- The poster they've been stalking, having noticed the trends, some time ago 
wrote off the angry posters and developed macros that automatically move 
anything they wrote directly to a Trash folder. He did this so that not only 
would he never have to respond to their venom, he wouldn't even have to read it 
in the first place. 
 -- Faced with this development, the angry posters have been stalking him even 
more than they did before.

 Now, for the Expert Buck ruling:
 -- Since you seem to be the self-appointed expert on "entertaining 
negativity," which of the people in this scenario do you think are the ones 
guilty of it, and thus damnable in your view?
 -- Is it the person who doesn't even READ the posts made by the people 
stalking him, or the people who can't stop reading his presumably negative 
posts, and can't stop stalking him?

 Please give us your ruling soon, so the Laws Of Nature will know which of 
these people to send the drones to kill.  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]"
Well, really there is a much larger communal discussion going on here about 
dealing with negativity. As such I am not going to entertain your particular 
negativity around this any further. For to go any further might well 
necessitate having to denounce you in addition to dredging your negativity 

 I'm not sure about the hierarchy of all of this, Buck. Is "denouncing" me 
worse than sending drones to kill me, which you advocated not long ago? Curious 
minds want to know. Anyway, I sure am glad to hear there was no  "anger" 
involved with that. 


 and I feel that should not be spiritually useful for either of us right now, 
according to the teaching. Instead I shall sit in yoga with your energetic 
resolution of your anger issues. 
 I wish you well, 

turquoiseb wroteSon,... 

 How old are you, "Buck?" I'll bet I'm older than you are. a transcendentalist I well know the reality of my inner experience with 
this and for that I am quite a satisfied customer of the transcending 
meditation experience. 


 I have no problem with this, and am in fact happy for you that your "inner 
experience" has been good for you. What I object to is your assumption that 
YOUR "inner experience" means diddleysquat to anyone else or is good for them. 
Or even that it should. 


 I know and can certainly trust in the clarity of that reality by the science 
of my experience, thank you for asking. 


 "That reality" isn't one. It's only your "inner experience." 



 Get it?


 I am not going to get down in to your mud to wrestle with you point by point 
about George Bush, life is too short for that. However there is in deed a 
discerning and practical spiritual aspect of caution to what Maharishi is 
getting at with his negativity talk around spiritual practice. I find it wise 
to take that to heart. Jai Guru Dev, -Buck

 Sorry, but I can't "take to heart" the possibility that anyone who still tries 
to end rants by invoking the thoughtstopper "Jai Guru Dev" could possibly be 




 turquoiseb wrote :
 Two words: "Scorpion nation." Five more: "George Bush is a rakshasa." 



 Saner persons than you would have looked at this and realized long ago that in 
Maharishi they were dealing with at best a hypocrite and at worst an insane 
person. Yet you still seem to consider him some sort of expert. Can you explain 
to us why you think this? Could it possibly be that the memories of him you're 
trying to hard to protect do not have and have never had anything to do with 


 So evidently spiritually speaking what Maharishi is saying here is that if one 
entertains a negativity then one commits a negativity on the su

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter 
 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO ... Buzz Aldrin talks about the 'UFO' 
which the Apollo 11 crew saw on their way to the moon.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Astronauts And UFOs. (Neil Armstrong, Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell All 
Witnessed UFOs.) 
 Astronauts And UFOs. (Neil Armstrong, Gordon Cooper... Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Gordon 
Cooper and Edgar Mitchell all witnessed UFOs during their NASA missions and say 
Aliens exist.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
NASA Astronaut - Gordon Cooper 1st Man In Space Admits Aliens are Real.flv 
 NASA Astronaut - Gordon Cooper 1st Man In Space... Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr., also 
known as Gordon Cooper, (March 6, 1927 -- October 4, 2004) was an engineer and 
American astronaut. Cooper was one of...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
  2013 MUST SEE! Apollo Astronaut SHOCKED By UFO Flying Over Moon Surface - 
 2013 MUST SEE! Apollo Astronaut SHOCKED By U... Two astronauts of Apollo 17 collect 
rock and soil samples and suddenly one of them gets really excited as he spots 
"something weird" flying over his head
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aleins 
 Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & A... At an undisclosed location, with 
Richard Dolans. My gut feeling is this guy is telling the truth, I mean it 
REALLY seems like he isn't making this up. I mean...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think it's just a double standard, aka, blind spot. 

---In,  wrote :

 The Turq's is hallucinating about people stalking him. Probably makes him feel 

---In,  wrote :

 On 11/14/2014 8:36 PM, steve.sundur wrote:
   Barry, your greatness is unparalleled.

 Barry is one of the greatest cases of cognitive dissonance that I have ever 
seen on discussion group:
 He believes his Facebook friends are stalking him, yet he sent them an invite. 
Everyone stalked him over here, but he sent a message challenging us to a 
debate. We hate him because we are so JELLOS of his temporary subjective, 
enlightenment experiences. You need to understand, Steve, that here is a guy 
that spent decades reading wisdom books and chasing after the enlightenment 
experience; donating tens of thousands of dollars just to witness magic tricks 
performed on a stage. Yet, he still can't perform a single magic trick, he 
isn't enlightened, he can't fly or levitate himself, or even PROVE a single 
spiritual experience.
 For all his effort, his spiritual quest was a total loss according to Xeno. 
Barry got nothing, nada, bupkis. He got the T-shirt but he didn't even get a 
spiritual name and had to make up one - Uncle Tantra - when he wrote his own 
wisdom book.
 After he got kicked out of the cult, in an act of lonely desperation he went 
on social media to try and teach others how to act enlightened, but instead he 
was humiliated and got the shit beat out him for ten years by The Corrector. 
 We need to help this guy but he doesn't seem to want any help from his 
friends. Go figure. 

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 This story from the Puranas is the very reason for my Do Not Read List. 
 My stalkers are free to pick up any of my qualities that they wish to by 
focusing so intently on their hatred for me, while by ignoring them and not 
even reading what they write I pick up nothing from them. Win-win.  :-)


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 8:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   Thanks Michael and Barry. The funniest kicker to the story is that according 
to the Puranas, a demon can gain enlightenment by a steady opposition to 
Krishna. So the only thing that will happen from this circle jerk is that we 
gain Maharishi's "purity" and Buck gains our "impurity."
 Not a bad deal huh?!

 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 One of the bests post I have ever seen on FFL - thanks Curtis. Very 
interesting to read Marshy's pontifications in context.

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + 
Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good
   C: Since Buck decided to take a swipe at me well I have been off the board, 
I will take a moment to make my own case: that Buck comically misunderstands 
the meaning of Maharishi's message as usual and idiotically thinks it might 
serve as a weapon against people who think differently than he does. The 
hysterical perversion of the intention of Maharishi's words being used as a 
justification of his doing EXACTLY what Maharishi is warning against is too 
good to miss. Plus it gives me a chance to comment on Maharishi's style of self 
promotions as a special guy that seems to have worked so well on Buck. My 
comments will be interspersed with Maharishi's below
 Don't Speak Ill, Remain Pure, 1964
 Everyone has to discharge one's duty towards himself and towards spreading of 
this meditation in whatever capacity one can. And never undermine any other's 
attempt or desires in whatever humble way it may be.
 C: The context is his teachers who were bitching about each other. Maharishi 
wants them to get back to work pitching his product and STFU about their 
personality problems with each other. 
 One thing of very great importance: that now when you have been meditating for 
some time, purity has grown in life quite a lot. As the mind gains more and 
more of the Being, mind becomes more and more pure.
 C: Again setting the context, this applies to those who are of a level of 
purity where this kind of magical effect takes place. He is not making a broad 
statement about all people and is not addressing this to non meditators. By 
applying it to Barry and Michael and me, Buck is saying that our consciousness 
is as pure as his

[FairfieldLife] Re: nano sculptures

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wowzer.  Sort of makes up for the comet chaser running out of juice.

---In,  wrote :

 Each of these sculptures is the width of a human hair, tall.

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey, thanks Curtis. 

 Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.

 I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for 
me, that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey Curtis, 

 I know this is a bit of sensitive topic, but ya know, it does make a 
difference when disagreeing with someone, to end as you did, as opposed to 
referring to someone as a "gullible idiot".

 And no, I don't think it does anything to put a (-: after "gullible idiot" or 
similar term.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by "entertaining" evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by "speaking evil." 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore "evil." This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people who don't play along with the 
assumptions of the movement. In the movement people like me are demonized as 
being "evil" when we speak up about our POV. It is a cult move to protect the 
beliefs. But this principle gets very tricky when you deal outside the closed 
belief system of a cult mindset. 

Do you remember the Age of Enlightenment News we used to read to course 
participants, stripped of any "negative" news? Is it entertaining negativity to 
know about schools being de-funded and  fighting back against the politicians 
who are doing it? Should we just not see this evil, or hear about it?  Screwing 
kids out of their chance out of a good education is evil in my book, but should 
I ignore it? What about child abuse? It is by any standard evil right? Should 
we not see or hear about it, should we not speak out against it and fight it 
where we can?

And what about if we believe in our hearts that a philosophy is flawed and does 
harm through irrational beliefs? Is it wrong to notice that people who are 
killing the last of our tigers and rhinos on the planet because they believe in 
THEIR hearts that these animal's body parts have magical properties? Should we 
see this evil and confront it on the level of education against this irrational 
belief? Or should we see no evil?

And what if after 15 years studying Maharishi's teaching and experiencing his 
programs I came to the conclusion that there are faults in his assumptions 
about what these states of mind mean. What if I sincerely believed that my 
experience in the group was a valuable insight about the teaching from the 
perspective of an insider. What if I felt that my POV was as valuable as anyone 
else's who promote Maharishi's teaching. Am I being "evil" for expressing my 
opinion on an open forum?

 WGM4U: Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye 
therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16 King James

C: I like poetry as much as the next literature fan. But in a world of wolves, 
sheep and doves get eaten. I would rather be a human who knows all about the 
habits of wolves so I can steer clear of them or if necessary, deal with them. 
Sheep and doves are both dumb as rocks. They are terrible metaphors for how 
people should live in the world.

But hey, I appreciate your extending the conversation, I really do. We don't 
agree about this it seems, or at least are seeing it in completely different 
ways. If your way suits you, more power to you. I am just grateful for an 
opportunity to write about how I feel about it and for that, I thank you.


[FairfieldLife] Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aliens

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
This is the fellow who was sent by President Eisenhover to find out what was 
going on in area51 and who reported back to him in Washington:
 Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aleins 
 Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & A... At an undisclosed location, with 
Richard Dolans. My gut feeling is this guy is telling the truth, I mean it 
REALLY seems like he isn't making this up. I mean...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal, I don't know if I've ever met anyone who is more always, "one step away 
from being the happiest person on earth". 

 Listen, try being happy with who you are, and where you are at present.

 Everything's gonna work out.

 I promise.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.
So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of the 
rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and then 
found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to claim to 
have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.

On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?
Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.

Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round the 
world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. Same 
if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and disseminated. 
Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life would change. 

I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it is, 
that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Easy boy,  Opinions, just opinions.  Take a few deep breaths, or pet the 
doggie, or as my daughter tells me sometimes, "baby sloths, baby sloths" 

 No need to bring up the usual litany of "what's wrong with the world"



---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

 So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of 
the rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and 
then found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to 
claim to have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)


 If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


 On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?

 Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we 
knew that UFOs are real.


 Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round 
the world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. 
Same if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and 
disseminated. Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life 
would change. 


 I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  



[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD 
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily Kos:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.


 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
/The conscious mind is merely the PR department of our brain that tries 
to make everything look good.

According to what I've read, on average a person makes 100,00 decisions 
in a single day. We have no control over about 90% of these, and for the 
most part, we don't even realize that we're making them.

That's because our subconscious mind operates in secret. It determines 
who we fall in love with, which cars we buy - and which mistakes we 
make. 90% of what we do happens subconsciously.

Our mind would be blown to bits if we had to do everything with the 
conscious mind. Apparently the human mind can only process four or five 
units of information simultaneously. /


On 11/14/2014 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a 
difference between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY 
SPEAKING.  This to me is major.  To pursue this line of exploration 
could yield some clear proofs that awareness is ooga-booga that 
none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere WITHOUT ANY 

"Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be 
controlled for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the 
table differs by degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one 
might have before asking someone to marry one, all were, presumably, 
based upon the same mechanisms.

Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent. 
 For instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase 
next to the bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and 
same deal for tons of other examples which folks will disavow as "my 
purposeful act."  And what of all the autonomic processes?  Are they 
too our actions?

Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, 
no matter how subtle, is the primal error. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 11/15/2014 2:48 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
*/And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily 

The people that voted have spoken. /"It's the economy, Stupid.//" /- 
Bill Clinton

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Repbulicans' long-term plan for America, revealed

2014-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Leave's out  "buy American assets for pennies on the dollar."  Kos is 
apparently not liberal enough or not too smart about economics.  Randi 
Rhodes (now retired) used point that out all the time and I've been 
saying it for years. Maybe it sounds "too conspiratorial."

On 11/15/2014 12:48 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/And it only takes up the top right corner of this cartoon from Daily 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I haven't had time to look at this but also have heard Buzz Aldrin knows 
some things too:

Over 50 years later they're still fallowing the Brookings Report 
protocol  for this.

On 11/15/2014 10:25 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs 
every person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now 
if we knew that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would 
be bereft of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz 
everyone's so inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW 

Every person in every way:  changed.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs 


Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs 

Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO 
sightings and experiences. Okay, since somebody is questioning about 
UFO footage and Yo...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 Hey Curtis, 

 I know this is a bit of sensitive topic, but ya know, it does make a 
difference when disagreeing with someone, to end as you did, as opposed to 
referring to someone as a "gullible idiot".

 And no, I don't think it does anything to put a (-: after "gullible idiot" or 
similar term.

C: Hey Steve,

It really isn't a sensitive topic for me since I don't use the term, "gullible 
idiot" with or without the emoticon. If I had to guess it would be that anyone 
using that term is less interested in an interaction or discussion with the 
person than I am. I like to ride my discussions closer to the line of where 
exactly I am disagreeing with someone and where we are drawing our lines. It 
takes rapport and some time, so I make sure that I make a meta comment on 
valuing the discussion, if I actually do. It is honest for me. For others, 
maybe not so much. I don't expect or usually get the same in return around 
here, except with you and a few others. Anything you want to chat about? I 
would welcome some Steve time.


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by "entertaining" evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by "speaking evil." 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore "evil." This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people who don't play along with the 
assumptions of the movement. In the movement people like me are demonized as 
being "evil" when we speak up about our POV. It is a cult move to protect the 
beliefs. But this principle gets very tricky when you deal outside the closed 
belief system of a cult mindset. 

Do you remember the Age of Enlightenment News we used to read to course 
participants, stripped of any "negative" news? Is it entertaining negativity to 
know about schools being de-funded and  fighting back against the politicians 
who are doing it? Should we just not see this evil, or hear about it?  Screwing 
kids out of their chance out of a good education is evil in my book, but should 
I ignore it? What about child abuse? It is by any standard evil right? Should 
we not see or hear about it, should we not speak out against it and fight it 
where we can?

And what about if we believe in our hearts that a philosophy is flawed and does 
harm through irrational beliefs? Is it wrong to notice that people who are 
killing the last of our tigers and rhinos on the planet because they believe in 
THEIR hearts that these animal's body parts have magical properties? Should we 
see this evil and confront it on the level of education against this irrational 
belief? Or should we see no evil?

And what if after 15 years studying Maharishi's teaching and experiencing his 
programs I came to the conclusion that there are faults in his assumptions 
about what these states of mind mean. What if I sincerely believed that my 
experience in the group was a valuable insight about the teaching from the 
perspective of an insider. What if I felt that my POV was as valuable as anyone 
else's who promote Maharishi's teaching. Am I being "evil" for expressing my 
opinion on an open forum?

 WGM4U: Behold, I

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. But at that point, I'm more like turq. It 
doesn't really impact my life one way or the other. Either way, what is the 
action step? (-:

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In,  wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)
It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.
But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 
But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 
I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.

Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
|  |
|  | |  | Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar 
Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an American pilot, retired Captain in the United States 
Navy and NASA astronaut. As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ... |  |
| View on   |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

---In,  wrote :

I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it is, 
that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer"
Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.
Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.
Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 
A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone 

Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
OMG, Fleetwood, are we having parallel lives?! This morning coming home from 
the Dome, suddenly a deer crossing B St. And it was a buck, full atlers and 
everything! Then about 30 minutes later I went back to campus, again on B St. 
and crossing in almost the same spot, a doe and her fawn. 

Now it's snowing. And sticking! Shovel season coming early this year!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
    Love the birdies! There is an aggressive little hummingbird around, and I 
really want to get a picture of him or her, in the light, to show off its 
emerald feathers.
A few hours ago, I was sitting outside, and the doe and her two fawns, one 
buck, one doe, were eating grass only about ten feet away. They were not 
startled, and we looked back and forth at one another. Then they slipped down 
the hill a little ways - I followed up to the fence, watched them and saw them 
energetically with my eyes closed also. Looked deeply into deer mom's eyes, and 
shared our common Being. Then did some mirroring of her head gestures, and 
gazed at the fawns too. Went on back and forth for fifteen minutes, between the 
four of us. It is amazing to look into a wild animal's eyes. They are pure 
reflections of their world,  and the lessons learned. It seemed as if the doe 
could read my emotions, though she was also distracted by the neighborhood 
waking up, and ensuring the safety of her fawns. 
---In,  wrote :

Fleetwood, another wonderful experience: I was sitting near an open door of the 
Dome. Suddenly there was a bird song. The sound of that song was inside me. And 
so was my body!

  From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

  #yiv8913703151 #yiv8913703151 -- #yiv8913703151ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :

 Hey, thanks Curtis. 

 Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.

 I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for 
me, that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 


---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I read recently that every stimuli that we perceive gets translated 
into electrical impulses that travel to the brain. First those impulses hit the 
limbic portion of the brain. And secondly it hits the prefrontal cortex. That 
means simply that before we ever have a rational thought about any input, we 
have an emotional response, often unconscious.And it is the emotional responses 
that override the rational ones every time.

  From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of 
 The conscious mind is merely the PR department of our brain that tries to 
make everything look good. 
 According to what I've read, on average a person makes 100,00 decisions in a 
single day. We have no control over about 90% of these, and for the most part, 
we don't even realize that we're making them. 
 That's because our subconscious mind operates in secret. It determines who we 
fall in love with, which cars we buy - and which mistakes we make. 90% of what 
we do happens subconsciously. 
 Our mind would be blown to bits if we had to do everything with the conscious 
mind. Apparently the human mind can only process four or five units of 
information simultaneously. 
 On 11/14/2014 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a difference 
between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY SPEAKING.  This to me is 
major.  To pursue this line of exploration could yield some clear proofs that 
awareness is ooga-booga that none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere 
 "Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be controlled 
for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the table differs by 
degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one might have before asking 
someone to marry one, all were, presumably, based upon the same mechanisms.  
 Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent.  For 
instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase next to the 
bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and same deal for tons of 
other examples which folks will disavow as "my purposeful act."  And what of 
all the autonomic processes?  Are they too our actions?
 Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, no matter 
how subtle, is the primal error. 
  #yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712 -- #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu I agree with you but am tempted to play devil's advocate anyway: how 
do you feel about the obscene amounts of money earned by people in the 
entertainment industry, your beloved movies and TV?

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 There is a problem between the lowest paid and the highest paid gap that 
society is beginning to realize.  People who only 10 years ago could enjoy some 
simple creature comforts find they can no longer afford them.  They find 
themselves being resentful towards people who still can.  If this continues to 
build up then we will indeed have a problem.
 History shows you curb the rich by taxing their earnings so they stop trying 
to accumulate so wealth and hence influence.  For everyone multi-million dollar 
a year CEO there are a 1000 people or more who could easily replace him or her. 
 No need to pay anyone that much.  As Andy Kaufman mind have said about these 
days, "you've been had!"
 On 11/09/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Bhairitu, thinking about my family some more: rich people want to be hyper 
rich and they think Republicans will help them achieve that. I think that's the 
big mistake they make. 
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
      The vote was reactionary.  California had a very low turnout because 
people were so disillusioned.  Those who voted Republican thinking they would 
fix things will learn differently over the  next couple of years.
 On 11/08/2014 07:12 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:
     Right, but in terms of the number of votes that were needed to bring  the 
Republicans back into power, we're talking about more than a handful of 
billionaires. It's all the millionaires down the street who voted the 
Republicans  into power.
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
      I'm not talking small business rich.  When we say "rich" these  days 
we want to dispense with the clumsiness  of saying "super rich" or "uber  rich" 
etc.  Intelligent people know what  we mean when we say "the rich" and that we  
don't mean the millionaire down  the street.
 On 11/08/2014 06:36 PM, Share  Long [FairfieldLife] 
    Bhairitu, my Dad and stepMom grew  up in the Depression. My Dad started 
working for his Dad when  he was 16, didn't even finish high  school. When I 
was little, we  were lucky if we got 5 cents for a  popcicle. What I'm saying 
is  that I think the extravagance  came later and I think people who grew up in 
the Depression and then  worked hard, feel like they deserve "the good life" 
now. Where I  see people a little spoiled are my  sister's kids. They're in  
their early forties and late thirties,  grew up really comfortable,  wearing 
expensive sneakers,  driving expensive cars from age 16, etc. Heck, we wore 
Keds and  I learned to drive in a VW. 
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 8,  2014 7:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife]  Re: More American Stupidity
      Capitalism is like candy and the rich  like spoiled kids.  They just 
want more and more  candy.  Hence they get fat and cranky and  want their way 
all the time.  What we need to do is take  away their candy from them and let  
them dry out.  Otherwise they become a  complete drag on society.
 Free enterprise is  not a bad idea about capitalism run  amok is very 
dangerous.  Sometimes you just have to  shut things down and spank the  
 On 11/08/2014 04:46 PM,  Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
     Wayback, I've read Klein online  and found her to be a compelling  writer. 
But when I think  about my Dad and stepMom, staunch  Republicans, I bet they 
never  even heard of Silent Spring or Rachel  Carson. Even though my Dad's a 
nature lover. Mostly what they know  is being small and successful  business 
owners. They're gonna  choose capitalism over climate  every time. My guess is 
most  Republicans will simply label Klein a  liberal and not pay much  
attention to what she has to report.  From: 
 Sent: Saturday, November 8,  2014 5:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More  American Stupidity
    An important new book just came  out about capitalism and climate  
change:  This Changes Everything:  Capitalism vs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Agreed - as I said earlier if the UFO folks are real and the guv'ment is hiding 
the truth, they could only be doing it if the ET's are cooperating - otherwise 
the ET's would just zooom around and see and meet whomever they pleased. Thus 
if real, the ET's are such shits they are pandering to the crappy governments 
we have here on earth so who wants to schmooze with them?

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.
So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of the 
rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and then 
found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to claim to 
have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.

On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?
Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.

Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round the 
world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. Same 
if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and disseminated. 
Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life would change. 

I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  

 #yiv2669191207 #yiv2669191207 -- #yiv2669191207ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2669191207 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
"our cat, who is afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not 
particularly sociable to anyone in the family"
Your cat is obviously the smartest dude in your neighborhood. Everyone else 
should pay close attention to how this cat comports himself.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding
--In,  wrote :

Hey, thanks Curtis.
Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.
I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for me, 
that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 

---In,  wrote :

I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").
I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and finding 
the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. Couple 
that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can start to 
appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its own free 
will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that body and 
communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, the 
horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of the 
horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in order 
to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible through 
space. It really is all that!  #yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083 -- 
#yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 
0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp #yiv2594609083hd 
0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp #yiv2594609083ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2594609083ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#y

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called "disclosure". We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 

 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs


---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.


 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yaho

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ah, salyavin, deep human needs indeed! What do you think is the deepest one? To 
understand? To survive? Or is it about us at all? I remember a post of yours a 
while back. Something about our being mere vehicles for the bacteria to evolve. 
I bet I'm remembering it inaccurately. Anyway, I can't resist saying that when 
you say "enjoy the ride" I think of Maharishi saying "enjoy."  (-:

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In,  wrote :

Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 
We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.
But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one way 
or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:

I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called "disclosure". We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 
But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In,  wrote :

Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)
It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.
But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 
But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 
I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.

Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
|  |
|  | |  | Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar 
Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an American pilot, retired Captain in the United States 
Navy and NASA astronaut. As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ... |  |
| View on   |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

---In,  wrote :

I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it is, 
that he does

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
always a tell when one feels they need to go on and on about something they are 
not comfortable with as if they are trying to convince themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Harvard did a study several years ago determining that studios were 
throwing away money on paying A-list actors so much.  The studios didn't 
listen.  You probably aren't paying attention but this has been one  of 
the worst years in the history of Hollywood.  People aren't just going 
to their movies anymore and they're not watching their TV shows either.  
The golden goose has stopped laying it's eggs.

Then I've been reading a little bit of the Taylor Swift kerfuffle over 
streaming. Sorry Taylor, times have changed and it's going to be very 
hard to stand out in a very open market created by democratization of 
the arts.  The barriers have been removed as they have for film.

On 11/15/2014 01:40 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Bhairitu I agree with you but am tempted to play devil's advocate 
anyway: how do you feel about the obscene amounts of money earned by 
people in the entertainment industry, your beloved movies and TV?

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:44 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

There is a problem between the lowest paid and the highest paid gap 
that society is beginning to realize.  People who only 10 years ago 
could enjoy some simple creature comforts find they can no longer 
afford them.  They find themselves being resentful towards people who 
still can.  If this continues to build up then we will indeed have a 

History shows you curb the rich by taxing their earnings so they stop 
trying to accumulate so wealth and hence influence.  For everyone 
multi-million dollar a year CEO there are a 1000 people or more who 
could easily replace him or her.  No need to pay anyone that much.  As 
Andy Kaufman mind have said about these days, "you've been had!"

On 11/09/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, thinking about my family some more: rich people want to be 
hyper rich and they think Republicans will help them achieve that. I 
think that's the big mistake they make.

*From:* "Bhairitu 

*Sent:* Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:21 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

The vote was reactionary. California had a very low turnout because 
people were so disillusioned. Those who voted Republican thinking 
they would fix things will learn differently over the next couple of 

On 11/08/2014 07:12 PM, Share Long 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Right, but in terms of the number of votes that were needed to bring 
the Republicans back into power, we're talking about more than a 
handful of billionaires. It's all the millionaires down the street 
who voted the Republicans into power.

*From:* "Bhairitu 

*Sent:* Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

I'm not talking small business rich.  When we say "rich" these days 
we want to dispense with the clumsiness of saying "super rich" or 
"uber rich" etc. Intelligent people know what we mean when we say 
"the rich" and that we don't mean the millionaire down the street.

On 11/08/2014 06:36 PM, Share Long 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, my Dad and stepMom grew up in the Depression. My Dad 
started working for his Dad when he was 16, didn't even finish high 
school. When I was little, we were lucky if we got 5 cents for a 
popcicle. What I'm saying is that I think the extravagance came 
later and I think people who grew up in the Depression and then 
worked hard, feel like they deserve "the good life" now. Where I 
see people a little spoiled are my sister's kids. They're in their 
early forties and late thirties, grew up really comfortable, 
wearing expensive sneakers, driving expensive cars from age 16, 
etc. Heck, we wore Keds and I learned to drive in a VW.

*From:* "Bhairitu 

*Sent:* Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:21 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Amer

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Well, it's fairly reasonable to go to a movie here in small towns. But when I 
visit my family in the big bad city, I'm horrified at the cost of going to the 
movies. No wonder people stay home. And at home they can chat and put their 
feet up, etc. 

Thinking about it, I think movie theaters have lost out by staying in the 
middle so to speak. They should dude themselves up so that it's a big deal to 
go out to a movie.
As for TV, again I'm spoiled as I watch dvds of TV series I like. Borrowed from 
the public library. ZERO commercials!

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 Harvard did a study several years ago determining that studios were 
throwing away money on paying A-list actors so much.  The studios didn't 
listen.  You probably aren't paying attention but this has been one  of the 
worst years in the history of Hollywood.  People aren't just going to their 
movies anymore and they're not watching their TV shows either.  The golden 
goose has stopped laying it's eggs.
 Then I've been reading a little bit of the Taylor Swift kerfuffle over 
streaming. Sorry Taylor, times have changed and it's going to be very hard to 
stand out in a very open market created by democratization of the arts.  The 
barriers have been removed as they have for film.
 On 11/15/2014 01:40 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Bhairitu I agree with you but am tempted to play devil's advocate anyway: 
how do you feel about the obscene amounts of money earned by people in the 
entertainment industry, your beloved movies and TV?
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
      There is a problem between the lowest paid and the highest paid gap 
that society is beginning to realize.  People who only 10 years ago could enjoy 
some simple creature comforts find they can no  longer afford them.  They find 
themselves being resentful towards people who still can.  If this continues to 
build up then we will indeed have a problem.
 History shows you curb the rich by taxing their earnings so they stop trying 
to accumulate so wealth and hence influence.  For everyone multi-million dollar 
a year CEO there are a 1000 people or more who could easily replace  him or 
her.  No need to pay anyone that much.  As Andy Kaufman mind have said about 
these days, "you've been had!"
 On 11/09/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    Bhairitu, thinking about my family some more: rich people want to be hyper  
rich and they think Republicans will help them achieve that. I think that's the 
big mistake they make. 
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
      The vote was reactionary.  California had a very low turnout  because 
people were so disillusioned.  Those who voted Republican  thinking they would 
fix things will learn  differently over the next couple  of years.
 On 11/08/2014 07:12 PM, Share  Long [FairfieldLife] 
     Right, but in terms of the number of votes that  were needed to bring the  
Republicans back into power, we're  talking about more than a handful of 
billionaires. It's all the  millionaires down the street who  voted the 
Republicans  into power.
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 8,  2014 8:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife]  Re: More American Stupidity
      I'm not talking small business rich.  When we say "rich" these days 
we  want to dispense with the clumsiness of saying "super rich"  or "uber rich" 
etc.  Intelligent people know  what we mean when we say "the rich" and  that we 
don't mean the  millionaire down the street.
 On 11/08/2014 06:36 PM,  Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
    Bhairitu, my Dad and stepMom grew  up in the Depression. My Dad started 
working for his Dad when  he was 16, didn't even finish high  school. When I 
was little, we  were lucky if we got 5 cents for a  popcicle. What I'm saying 
is  that I think the extravagance  came later and I think people  who grew up 
in the Depression and then  worked hard, feel like they deserve "the good life" 
now. Where I  see people a little spoiled are my sister's kids. They're in  
their early forties and late thirties,  grew up really comfortable,  wearing 
expensive sneakers,  driving expensive cars from age 16, etc. Heck, we wore 
Keds and  I learned to drive in a VW. 
  From: "Bhairi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of Others + Finding Something Good in Others and Talking about that Good

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
thanks for the invite Curtis.  I'm just finally chillin a little from a busy 

 nothing really on my mind.

 I know we had that piece earlier about the brain picking up data before it 
seems we consciously act on it, and the implications of that for free will vs. 

 And it was then pointed out, that this might only be for trivial matters.

 right now, my brain just needs a rest. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 Hey Curtis, 

 I know this is a bit of sensitive topic, but ya know, it does make a 
difference when disagreeing with someone, to end as you did, as opposed to 
referring to someone as a "gullible idiot".

 And no, I don't think it does anything to put a (-: after "gullible idiot" or 
similar term.

C: Hey Steve,

It really isn't a sensitive topic for me since I don't use the term, "gullible 
idiot" with or without the emoticon. If I had to guess it would be that anyone 
using that term is less interested in an interaction or discussion with the 
person than I am. I like to ride my discussions closer to the line of where 
exactly I am disagreeing with someone and where we are drawing our lines. It 
takes rapport and some time, so I make sure that I make a meta comment on 
valuing the discussion, if I actually do. It is honest for me. For others, 
maybe not so much. I don't expect or usually get the same in return around 
here, except with you and a few others. Anything you want to chat about? I 
would welcome some Steve time.


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
  WGM4U: Curtis-wiki is useful, but not the final word.

C: I only went there for the quote, I already knew what the phrase meant and 
used to own the gag statue.

 WGM4U: Hear, see and speak no evil is just a catch-all phrase meaning stay on 
the positive side of life, IMHO. If you entertain evil, indulge in evil, speak 
evil it pollutes your own soul, why gossip? You take on that evil, it 'soils' 
your own soul. It doesn't mean we don't see things for what they are, we just 
don't indulge in them in the same manner. MMY was saying the same thing, I hope 
this helps you understand MMY better.

C: I believe that Maharishi's purpose was much more specific than telling us to 
be good boys and girls and don't be bad boys and girls. I am not sure what you 
mean by "entertaining" evil? Serving it drinks?  After a few bourbons evil 
always gets grab-assy. I guess indulging in evil is doing evil things which is 
kind of obvious. Of course the people likely to hear and heed such a warning 
are not likely to be evil doers in the first place. The value of it is kinda 
thin practically speaking. And I am not sure what you mean by "speaking evil." 
Buck is using it to mean anyone who states his disagreement with  Maharishi's 
teaching, so I am not sure what standard is being invoked here. I think it is 
nicer to not be a dick to people, but that is more my preference from my 
upbringing than anything else.  The reason people gossip is to check their 
social values allignement with other people in their tribe. It has a value 
which is why it is so popular. But it doesn't have anything to do with my 
discussions here. I am not gossiping about Maharishi when I present my POV on 
him and his teaching. 

What the phrase see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil implies is to put your 
head in the sand and ignore "evil." This is Maharishi's teaching about how to 
deal with people like me who disagree with his philosophy. Buck is violating 
Maharishi's rule about ignoring people who don't play along with the 
assumptions of the movement. In the movement people like me are demonized as 
being "evil" when we speak up about our POV. It is a cult move to protect the 
beliefs. But this principle gets very tricky when you deal outside the closed 
belief system of a cult mindset. 

Do you remember the Age of Enlightenment News we used to read to course 
participants, stripped of any "negative" news? Is it entertaining negativity to 
know about schools being de-funded and  fighting back against the politicians 
who are doing it? Should we just not see this evil, or hear about it?  Screwing 
kids out of their chance out of a good education is evil in my book, but should 
I ignore it? What about child abuse? It is by any standard evil right? Should 
we not see or hear about it, should we not speak out against it and fight it 
where we can?

And what about if we believe in our hearts that a philosophy is flawed and does 
harm through irrational beliefs? Is it wrong to notice that people who are 
killing the last of our tigers and rhinos on the planet because they believe in 
THEIR hearts that these animal's body parts have magical properties? Should we 
see this evil and confront it on the level of education against this irrational 
belief? Or should we see no evil?

And what if after 15 years studying Maharishi's

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely harsh judgements on the Crop Circles.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called "disclosure". We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 

 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs


---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.


 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :
 always a tell when one feels they need to go on and on about something they 
are not comfortable with as if they are trying to convince themselves.

C: I'm confused. Is the "tell" about the people who keep talking about UFOs as 
if they know what unidentified flying objects are, or the people who point out 
that "unidentified" means just that?

Can we apply this tell to Maharishi?  He was by far the most repetitive person 
I ever encountered about the benefit claims of TM. Just wouldn't shut up about 
it for a second, Do you think that secretly he was trying to convince himself? 
Interesting theory isn't it?

Or maybe the tell is being selectively applied to reinforce preconceptions.  

---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think it does change things.  Perhaps it is not going to change anything 
immediately, but I think it will be a game changer as the reality of it starts 
to sink in.

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. But at that point, I'm more like turq. It 
doesn't really impact my life one way or the other. Either way, what is the 
action step? (-:


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs


---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. The evolving myth of abduction and what they are supposedly doing here 
are the legends of our time, a new religion, encapsulating our fears about 
technology and promising us freedom from our destructive ways, yet always 
remaining remarkably evidence free. There's always a new vision to add to the 
mythos but conveniently never any hard evidence to help decide one way or the 
other. And the longer that scenario goes on the more convinced any casual 
observer should be that we are kidding ourselves, because deep down we like 
ghost stories and that's really what they are. Something scary always just out 
of reach. Techno ghost stories for the nuclear age.


 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyon

[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Sal is adjusting his speak every day now. Watch out, one of these days he'll 
even retract his extremely silly judgements on the Crop Circles.

---In,  wrote :

 always a tell when one feels they need to go on and on about something they 
are not comfortable with as if they are trying to convince themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plugs any gaps, popular culture is rife with imagery that 
came before the sightings. I can't trust myself let alone anyone else!

 I would like to see this film they took though but, I don't suppose we ever 
will. That's the way it's always been with UFO's, you get an incredible story 
that turns out to be something else or not to have any supporting evidence for 
whatever reason, and so much of it is easily explained away. I wish it were 
otherwise. I wish it were true. I want to believe!

 But it'd be a most curious coincidence if a journalist's artistic license in 
describing saucers actually coincided with real saucers appearing from another 
world. What are the chances of that?



Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
 Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut 
Gordon Cooper talks about his UFO sightings and experiences. Okay, since 
somebody is questioning about UFO footage and Yo...

 View on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I can understand Salyavin's or anyone else's interest in the subject as -- as 
he said -- folklore, or just modern-day ghost stories to pass the time around 
the campfire, but it really doesn't do anything for me. 

As I said earlier, aliens landing isn't going to affect me one way or another 
unless 1) they land in force and nuke the planet (that'll affect me), or 2) 
have some nifty technology that trickles down to affect me. But other than 
that, what's the big thrill? 

It's not as if I'm going to go ask any of these little green men to explain the 
"secrets of the universe" to me. I don't do that with little pink human men 
(because I don't think any of them know any secrets), and I'm not about to do 
it with Space Brothers. That's more along Nabby's line...he gushes over anyone 
who tells him he knows more than he does, so he'd do the same thing if the 
being saying it was a puddle of slime from Neptune. :-)

For me, it would be the same issue if God suddenly announced Himself and made 
Himself obvious. I'd go "Ho-hum" and go about my life. What's to change? I 
*ALREADY* live according to my principles; I'm certainly not going to change 
any of them because of something some God might say. And I'm certainly not 
going to praise or revere a being I consider a sadistic thug (what else can you 
possibly call the being who thought up Ebola?). So I'd just live my life
  From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    Agreed - as I said earlier if the UFO folks are real and the guv'ment is 
hiding the truth, they could only be doing it if the ET's are cooperating - 
otherwise the ET's would just zooom around and see and meet whomever they 
pleased. Thus if real, the ET's are such shits they are pandering to the crappy 
governments we have here on earth so who wants to schmooze with them?


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.
So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of the 
rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and then 
found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to claim to 
have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.

On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?
Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.

Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round the 
world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. Same 
if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and disseminated. 
Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life would change. 

I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  


 #yiv0297269059 #yiv0297269059 -- #yiv0297269059ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0297269059 #yiv0297269059actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0297269059 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Ah, Salyavin, deep human needs indeed! What do you think is the deepest one? 
 To understand? To survive? Or is it about us at all? 

 Must be to understand. Once all the basics are fulfilled anyway. Our brains 
seem designed to generate explanations about where we are what's going on, it's 
endless. Would love to know when it started, the ability to create explanatory 
knowledge is what sets us apart from our chimp cousins but as things like that 
don't fossilise it's difficult to say when it might have happened. All we have 
to go on is cave paintings or marks on sticks but they could be part of a long 
evolution of self awareness. 

 I wonder what it was like to be only half self-aware? Impossible to know as 
the bit that does the imagining is the bit that wasn't there yetThere's a 
concept to ponder!

 I remember a post of yours a while back. Something about our being mere 
vehicles for the bacteria to evolve. I bet I'm remembering it inaccurately. 
Anyway, I can't resist saying that when you say "enjoy the ride" I think of 
Maharishi saying "enjoy."  (-:


 Yes, we are all descended from bacteria and the only reason we are here at all 
is because DNA is imperfect at copying itself and keeps making mistakes that 
change the outcomes of the copying and increasing complexity. Not as exciting a 
creation myth as some of the others people have come up with but they wouldn't 
be able to come up with them if it hadn't happened. Aha!

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I love your last paragraph: folklore in action; techno ghost stories 
for the nuclear age. As for me, I believe there is life somewhere else in the 
vast universe. And I think they are more highly advanced than us and maybe here 
with us. And I think it's great. 

 We can believe what we like. I have no opinion on intelligent life elsewhere, 
we don't know the variables that allow for it to develop. We could be unique or 
the universe could be teeming or maybe there's just one or two per galaxy over 
it's entire history. But the chances of there being other humanoids visiting 
Earth at the just same time as we've understood where we are cosmically? It 
beggars belief. Alien craft is the least likely explanation for UFO's. But I 
hope it's true.

 But at that point, I'm more like turq. It doesn't really impact my life one 
way or the other. Either way, what is the action step? (-:


 I don't know, just enjoy the ride, the evolving myth. We are apparently on the 
brink of something called "disclosure". We've been here before a few times as I 
recall, it never amounts to much but it's fun watching the TB's get excited 
that their favourite daydream is to be officially confirmed. 

 But it won't be, the UFO's won't land and Maitreya won't appear. It's the way 
of things. The connection between the two is that people want there to be more, 
want there to be a reason and for there to be salvation from a higher power, 
whether it's alien or spiritual. We're talking deep human needs here.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs


---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 It's an interesting point Nabs. The thing is one can only get scientific about 
something if it is available to study, UFO's are so fleeting and ephemeral that 
there really isn't anything to study other than hearsay or suspiciously absent 
film taken by higher powers to keep the whole thing secret.

 But a great many people have studied what they can about UFO sightings, and 
done it with as much rigour as you can with such a paucity of hard evidence. 
I'm not sure there is an encounter that hasn't got a better explanation that 
doesn't involve us being visited by beings from another world. And I don't just 
mean explaining things away, to be convincing you have to show that something 
more realistic happened, more credible and using explanations we already 
understand and are known to happen in certain circumstances. Even testing soil 
damage and skin burns for alternative causes. People are being scientific about 

 But here's the thing you overlook in your quip, I've been interested in UFO's 
for as long as I remember, I've a got a shelf full of the classic books on the 
subject. Even the true believer stuff from "serious" researchers like Timothy 
Good and the abductionists like Bud Hopkins. I bet I know all the great 
encounters by heart - Cortile, Ramirez, Roswell, Pascagoula, Ilkley Moor, 

 I love it but I don't take it at face value. To me, UFO's are folklore in 
action. Th

[FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's cool Curtis. 

 Yes, of course the cat likes my wife who is the provider of food.

 And I will sometimes insist on petting it, and then it can't resist the 
scratching under the chin, and will even start purring, but then it forgets 
that episode in a matter of minutes.

 I just feel cheated, because they are always a few minutes when I want to sit 
and watch some TV with a kitty on my lap, but he's chillin in some other corner 
of the house.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :

 Hey, thanks Curtis. 

 Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.

 I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for 
me, that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 


---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I see, Michael. 

---In,  wrote :

 "our cat, who is afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not 
particularly sociable to anyone in the family"

 Your cat is obviously the smartest dude in your neighborhood. Everyone else 
should pay close attention to how this cat comports himself.


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

 --In,  wrote :

 Hey, thanks Curtis. 

 Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.

 I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for 
me, that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 


---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Disney just reported record profits, much of it due to the success of their 
movie division.

---In,  wrote :

 Harvard did a study several years ago determining that studios were throwing 
away money on paying A-list actors so much.  The studios didn't listen.  You 
probably aren't paying attention but this has been one  of the worst years in 
the history of Hollywood.  People aren't just going to their movies anymore and 
they're not watching their TV shows either.  The golden goose has stopped 
laying it's eggs.
 Then I've been reading a little bit of the Taylor Swift kerfuffle over 
streaming. Sorry Taylor, times have changed and it's going to be very hard to 
stand out in a very open market created by democratization of the arts.  The 
barriers have been removed as they have for film.
 On 11/15/2014 01:40 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Bhairitu I agree with you but am tempted to play devil's advocate anyway: 
how do you feel about the obscene amounts of money earned by people in the 
entertainment industry, your beloved movies and TV?
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 There is a problem between the lowest paid and the highest paid gap that 
society is beginning to realize.  People who only 10 years ago could enjoy some 
simple creature comforts find they can no longer afford them.  They find 
themselves being resentful towards people who still can.  If this continues to 
build up then we will indeed have a problem.
 History shows you curb the rich by taxing their earnings so they stop trying 
to accumulate so wealth and hence influence.  For everyone multi-million dollar 
a year CEO there are a 1000 people or more who could easily replace him or her. 
 No need to pay anyone that much.  As Andy Kaufman mind have said about these 
days, "you've been had!"
 On 11/09/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   Bhairitu, thinking about my family some more: rich people want to be hyper 
rich and they think Republicans will help them achieve that. I think that's the 
big mistake they make. 
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 The vote was reactionary.  California had a very low turnout because people 
were so disillusioned.  Those who voted Republican thinking they would fix 
things will learn differently over the next couple of years.
 On 11/08/2014 07:12 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   Right, but in terms of the number of votes that were needed to bring the 
Republicans back into power, we're talking about more than a handful of 
billionaires. It's all the millionaires down the street who voted the 
Republicans into power.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 I'm not talking small business rich.  When we say "rich" these days we want to 
dispense with the clumsiness of saying "super rich" or "uber rich" etc.  
Intelligent people know what we mean when we say "the rich" and that we don't 
mean the millionaire down the street.
 On 11/08/2014 06:36 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 


   Bhairitu,my Dad and stepMom grew up in the Depression. My Dad started 
working for his Dad when he was 16, didn't even finish high school. When I was 
little, we were lucky if we got 5 cents for a popcicle. What I'm saying is that 
I think the extravagance came later and I think people who grew up in the 
Depression and then worked hard, feel like they deserve "the good life" now. 
Where I see people a little spoiled are my sister's kids. They're in their 
early forties and late thirties, grew up really comfortable, wearing expensive 
sneakers, driving expensive cars from age 16, etc. Heck, we wore Keds and I 
learned to drive in a VW. 
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... 
 Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity
 Capitalismis like candy and the rich like spoiled kids.  They just want more 
and more candy.  Hence th

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sorry, damned computer sent this before I was finished. More below, in this 

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    I can understand Salyavin's or anyone else's interest in the subject as -- 
as he said -- folklore, or just modern-day ghost stories to pass the time 
around the campfire, but it really doesn't do anything for me. 

As I said earlier, aliens landing isn't going to affect me one way or another 
unless 1) they land in force and nuke the planet (that'd affect me), or 2) have 
some nifty technology that trickles down to affect me. But other than that, 
what's the big thrill? 

It's not as if I'm going to go ask any of these little green men to explain the 
"secrets of the universe" to me. I don't do that with little pink human men 
(because I don't think any of them know any secrets), and I'm not about to do 
it with Space Brothers. That's more along Nabby's line...he gushes over anyone 
who tells him he knows more than he does, so he would do the same thing if the 
being talking to him was a puddle of slime from Neptune. :-)

For me, it would be the same issue if God suddenly announced Himself and made 
Himself obvious. I'd go "Ho-hum" and go on about my life. What's to change? I 
*ALREADY* live according to my principles; I'm certainly not going to change 
any of them because of something some God might say. And I'm certainly not 
going to praise or revere a being I consider a sadistic thug (what else can you 
possibly call the being who thought up Ebola?). So I'd just live my life pretty 
much the way I live it now, with no change one way or another. 

In general, I think that people use the idea of aliens to distract themselves 
from the here and now, and put themselves into "What if" mode. That's almost by 
definition a state of unreality, something to put off dealing with "What is."  


 From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    Agreed - as I said earlier if the UFO folks are real and the guv'ment is 
hiding the truth, they could only be doing it if the ET's are cooperating - 
otherwise the ET's would just zooom around and see and meet whomever they 
pleased. Thus if real, the ET's are such shits they are pandering to the crappy 
governments we have here on earth so who wants to schmooze with them?


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.
So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of the 
rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and then 
found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to claim to 
have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.

On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?
Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.

Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round the 
world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. Same 
if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and disseminated. 
Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life would change. 

I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  



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Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nice! They are some of the most beautiful animals, imo.

---In,  wrote :

 OMG, Fleetwood, are we having parallel lives?! This morning coming home from 
the Dome, suddenly a deer crossing B St. And it was a buck, full atlers and 
everything! Then about 30 minutes later I went back to campus, again on B St. 
and crossing in almost the same spot, a doe and her fawn. 


 Now it's snowing. And sticking! Shovel season coming early this year!


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
   Love the birdies! There is an aggressive little hummingbird around, and I 
really want to get a picture of him or her, in the light, to show off its 
emerald feathers.

 A few hours ago, I was sitting outside, and the doe and her two fawns, one 
buck, one doe, were eating grass only about ten feet away. They were not 
startled, and we looked back and forth at one another. Then they slipped down 
the hill a little ways - I followed up to the fence, watched them and saw them 
energetically with my eyes closed also. Looked deeply into deer mom's eyes, and 
shared our common Being. Then did some mirroring of her head gestures, and 
gazed at the fawns too. Went on back and forth for fifteen minutes, between the 
four of us. It is amazing to look into a wild animal's eyes. They are pure 
reflections of their world,  and the lessons learned. It seemed as if the doe 
could read my emotions, though she was also distracted by the neighborhood 
waking up, and ensuring the safety of her fawns.  
---In,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, another wonderful experience: I was sitting near an open door of 
the Dome. Suddenly there was a bird song. The sound of that song was inside me. 
And so was my body!

 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind melding
 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").



[FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm not sure Curtis. 

 In this case the "tell" as I felt it, was sal elaborating on why et's can be 
real, and objecting to the term "flying saucers".  I found his tone a tad 

 On the other hand, I didn't really read his piece carefully.  

 I was going by my initial impression, which was also influenced by the tone of 
his usual screeds.

 As for Maharishi, he was selling something he believed in.


 Did he over promise, oversell?

 Maybe so.


 I am sure I have them like most others.

 What is another tell?

 How one's life is going according to everyday standards.

 That is the metric perhaps to which I pay the most attention.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 always a tell when one feels they need to go on and on about something they 
are not comfortable with as if they are trying to convince themselves.

C: I'm confused. Is the "tell" about the people who keep talking about UFOs as 
if they know what unidentified flying objects are, or the people who point out 
that "unidentified" means just that?

Can we apply this tell to Maharishi?  He was by far the most repetitive person 
I ever encountered about the benefit claims of TM. Just wouldn't shut up about 
it for a second, Do you think that secretly he was trying to convince himself? 
Interesting theory isn't it?

Or maybe the tell is being selectively applied to reinforce preconceptions.  

---In,  wrote :

 Sal doesn't like UFO's because they aren't scientific :-)

 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD
 Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 ... Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. is an 
American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut. 
As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I didn't really read what sal has written below, but I think the gist of it 
is, that he doesn't like the person who coined the word "flying saucer" 

 Is that what his dissertation is about this time?

---In,  wrote :

 There is not one astronaut who has NOT reported seeing UFO's, sometimes huge 
and in large nubers, back to NASA and/or their families.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we knew 
that UFOs are real.


And that's why it might be kept a secret -- the concept "money" would be bereft 
of allure.

If you say that it would NOT be "all that much of a big deal, cuz everyone's so 
inured already by Hollywood films," then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT 

Every person in every way:  changed.

 Agreed. Luckily I don;t suppose it will come to that. Which is a shame as I'd 
be the happiest person on Earth if it turned out that UFO's were alien 
spacecraft, but the truth of sightings always turns out to be more mundane.

 Take the name "flying saucers", everyone sees saucer shaped craft but the name 
is a mistake from the first encounter anyone had. Kenneth Arnold (an 
experienced pilot) saw a squadron of highly reflective crescent shaped aircraft 
flying at great speed in a V formation over the Rocky mountains in 1947. He 
described them as flying like a saucer would if skipped across water. 

 A journalist made up the name flying saucer and after that everyone saw saucer 
shaped craft when they saw something mysterious in the sky. The power of 
suggestion. Sadly there's no such thing as a reliable witness and any one can 
be fooled, Arnold most likely saw a flock of pelicans and mistook them for 
unknown aircraft and miscalculated their distance from him. We all make 
mistakes but the influence his mistake had is immeasurable. 

 Because we people are so unreliable, if I had to bet I would say that Cooper 
saw some atmospheric effect from flying at supersonic speed that no one had 
noticed before and mistook it for real craft moving above him. 

 And early radar was hopelessly unreliable, the UK air defence system in the 
cold war was always telling us that giant UFOs were crossing the north sea but 
when planes were scrambled to look it turned out to have been temperature 
inversions confusing the equipment. When these anomalies were understood and 
ironed out UFO reports stopped coming in. It's the way it goes, people see 
stuff and imagination plu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Because people still take their kids to movies.  Go look up Warner 
Brothers as they are laying people off.  This is how bad things already 
were at the start of summer:

On 11/15/2014 02:38 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Disney just reported record profits, much of it due to the success of 
their movie division.

---In,  wrote :

Harvard did a study several years ago determining that studios were 
throwing away money on paying A-list actors so much.  The studios 
didn't listen.  You probably aren't paying attention but this has been 
one  of the worst years in the history of Hollywood.  People aren't 
just going to their movies anymore and they're not watching their TV 
shows either.  The golden goose has stopped laying it's eggs.

Then I've been reading a little bit of the Taylor Swift kerfuffle over 
streaming. Sorry Taylor, times have changed and it's going to be very 
hard to stand out in a very open market created by democratization of 
the arts.  The barriers have been removed as they have for film.

On 11/15/2014 01:40 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu I agree with you but am tempted to play devil's advocate
anyway: how do you feel about the obscene amounts of money earned
by people in the entertainment industry, your beloved movies and TV?

*From:* "Bhairitu noozguru@... 


*Sent:* Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:44 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

There is a problem between the lowest paid and the highest paid
gap that society is beginning to realize.  People who only 10
years ago could enjoy some simple creature comforts find they can
no longer afford them.  They find themselves being resentful
towards people who still can.  If this continues to build up then
we will indeed have a problem.

History shows you curb the rich by taxing their earnings so they
stop trying to accumulate so wealth and hence influence.  For
everyone multi-million dollar a year CEO there are a 1000 people
or more who could easily replace him or her.  No need to pay
anyone that much.  As Andy Kaufman mind have said about these
days, "you've been had!"

On 11/09/2014 04:23 AM, Share Long sharelong60@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, thinking about my family some more: rich people want to
be hyper rich and they think Republicans will help them achieve
that. I think that's the big mistake they make.

*From:* "Bhairitu noozguru@... 


*Sent:* Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:21 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

The vote was reactionary. California had a very low turnout
because people were so disillusioned. Those who voted Republican
thinking they would fix things will learn differently over the
next couple of years.

On 11/08/2014 07:12 PM, Share Long sharelong60@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Right, but in terms of the number of votes that were needed to
bring the Republicans back into power, we're talking about more
than a handful of billionaires. It's all the millionaires down
the street who voted the Republicans into power.

*From:* "Bhairitu noozguru@... 


*Sent:* Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

I'm not talking small business rich.  When we say "rich" these
days we want to dispense with the clumsiness of saying "super
rich" or "uber rich" etc. Intelligent people know what we mean
when we say "the rich" and that we don't mean the millionaire
down the street.

On 11/08/2014 06:36 PM, Share Long sharelong60@...

Bhairitu,my Dad and stepMom grew up in the Depression. My Dad
started working for his Dad when he was 16, didn't even finish
high school. When I was little, we were lucky if we got 5 cents
for a popcicle. What I'm saying is that I think the
extravagance came later and I think people who grew up in the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, what a list of all things you're "not going to do" 

 does it ever end?

---In,  wrote :

 Sorry, damned computer sent this before I was finished. More below, in this 

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 I can understand Salyavin's or anyone else's interest in the subject as -- as 
he said -- folklore, or just modern-day ghost stories to pass the time around 
the campfire, but it really doesn't do anything for me. 


 As I said earlier, aliens landing isn't going to affect me one way or another 
unless 1) they land in force and nuke the planet (that'd affect me), or 2) have 
some nifty technology that trickles down to affect me. But other than that, 
what's the big thrill? 


 It's not as if I'm going to go ask any of these little green men to explain 
the "secrets of the universe" to me. I don't do that with little pink human men 
(because I don't think any of them know any secrets), and I'm not about to do 
it with Space Brothers. That's more along Nabby's line...he gushes over anyone 
who tells him he knows more than he does, so he would do the same thing if the 
being talking to him was a puddle of slime from Neptune. :-)


 For me, it would be the same issue if God suddenly announced Himself and made 
Himself obvious. I'd go "Ho-hum" and go on about my life. What's to change? I 
*ALREADY* live according to my principles; I'm certainly not going to change 
any of them because of something some God might say. And I'm certainly not 
going to praise or revere a being I consider a sadistic thug (what else can you 
possibly call the being who thought up Ebola?). So I'd just live my life pretty 
much the way I live it now, with no change one way or another. 


In general, I think that people use the idea of aliens to distract themselves 
from the here and now, and put themselves into "What if" mode. That's almost by 
definition a state of unreality, something to put off dealing with "What is."  



 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 Agreed - as I said earlier if the UFO folks are real and the guv'ment is 
hiding the truth, they could only be doing it if the ET's are cooperating - 
otherwise the ET's would just zooom around and see and meet whomever they 
pleased. Thus if real, the ET's are such shits they are pandering to the crappy 
governments we have here on earth so who wants to schmooze with them?


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Okay, let's put it on the table: UFOs
 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 If Gordon is not crazy, then the American government is purposefully, 
mindfully, ABSOLUTELY evil.

 So you're concerned that the guy who was angry for having been taken out of 
the rotation for future NASA missions because he wouldn't train for them and 
then found that the only way he could get any media attention at all was to 
claim to have seen UFOs might have a credibility problem? Go figure. :-)


 If there are aliens visiting us and we're not being told -- it robs every 
person on Earth.


 On the other hand, if all of this is just self-serving bullshit by people like 
Gordo who went little crazy trying regain the attention they had for a short 
time as astronauts, then why should a government add to the craziness by 
dealing with their claims?

 Neither you, nor I, nor anyone ever could possibly be who we are now if we 
knew that UFOs are real.


 Bullshit. I can honestly say that if irrevocable proof was published 'round 
the world of the existence of aliens, it would not change my life in any way. 
Same if irrevocable proof of the existence of God could be found and 
disseminated. Neither "event" would affect me in any way. NOTHING in my life 
would change. 


 I don't really understand why you think either would affect you. Seriously. 
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE if it turned out that aliens existed?  I 
ask because I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about my 
life, given proof of *either* aliens, or God.  






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