Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. He 
also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he is 
a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw. 
---In,  wrote :

 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
 Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 

 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP debate: 
'Ladies, look at this face'
 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat...
 Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix on 
Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 







[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 A440 or A4, which has a frequency of 440 Hz, is the musical note A above middle C and serves as a general tuning standard 
for musical pitch
 Prior to the standardization on 440 Hz, many countries and organizations 
followed the Austrian's 1885 
recommendation of 435 Hz, which had also been the French standard since the 
1860s.[1] The 
American music industry reached an informal standard of 440 Hz in 1926, and 
some began using it in instrument manufacturing. In 1936 the American Standards 
Association that 
the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz.[2] This standard 
was taken up by theInternational Organization for Standardization in 
1955 (reaffirmed by them in 1975) as ISO 16.[3] Although not 
universally accepted, since then it has served as the audio frequency reference for the calibration of 
acoustic equipment and the tuning of pianos, violins, and other musical 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Friend of my daughters was playing our plano. she looked up at me and said this 
piano is flat, it's tuned to 436 instead of 440. It just so happened that the 
piano had been tuned to 436 intentionally a few hours before she sat down to 
play it.

[FairfieldLife] Swedes and om!

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Perhaps om is one of the reasons why Swedes are so successful in many areas of 

 In Swedish, om has many different grammatical functions, e.g. as a conjunction 
(if) and
 preposition: around, about, etc.

 om - Wiktionary

 om - Wiktionary See also: 
Appendix:Variations of "om" Contents 1 English 1.1 Alternative forms 1.2 
Etymology 1.3 Pronunciation 1.4 Noun 1.4.1 Derived terms 1.4.2 Translations 1.5 
Anagrams 2 Aromanian 2.1 Etymology 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Those Who Might Think Otherwise

2015-09-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
So sweet. I can hear the violins playing. Anne , there was an article in The 
Daily Mail, I think yesterday, in which they said that a while back, ISIS 
promised a massive refugee scenario of over 500,000, would invade Europe and 
their people would be mixed in with the refugees. So far, the majority of the 
refugees have been young military aged men, not women, children and old people. 
They're not just coming from Syria but mainly Libya and North Africa where Al 
Qaeda is also very strong. They are overwhelming Europe's borders with no 
controls. There is no way to know who is entering a country. There are videos 
of them on Greek islands rioting and yelling Allahu Akbar. European citizens 
are starting to have second thoughts about this and starting to call out their 
leaders and politicians. There is going to be big trouble in the near future. 
This isn't about people being racist, stingy or selfish, it's about safety and 
security. It's one thing to have a heart but you can't be stupid about it!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 8:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Those Who Might Think Otherwise

  #yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392 -- #yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2469315392 
#yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2469315392 
#yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp #yiv2469315392hd 
0;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp #yiv2469315392ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp .yiv2469315392ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp .yiv2469315392ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392ygrp-mkp .yiv2469315392ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2469315392ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2469315392 
#yiv2469315392ygrp-sponsor #yiv2469315392ygrp-lc #yiv2469315392hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2469315392ygrp-sponsor #yiv2469315392ygrp-lc .yiv2469315392ad 
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{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2469315392 
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#yiv2469315392activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2469315392 #yiv2469315392activity span 
.yiv2469315392underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2469315392 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2469315392 .yiv2469315392attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 .yiv2469315392attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2469315392 .yiv2469315392attach label 
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4px;}#yiv2469315392 .yiv2469315392bold 
.yiv2469315392bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 dd.yiv2469315392last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2469315392 dd.yiv2469315392last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2469315392 
dd.yiv2469315392last p span.yiv2469315392yshortcuts 
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div.yiv2469315392file-title a:hover, #yiv2469315392 div.yiv2469315392file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 div.yiv2469315392photo-title a, 
#yiv2469315392 div.yiv2469315392photo-title a:active, #yiv2469315392 
div.yiv2469315392photo-title a:hover, #yiv2469315392 
div.yiv2469315392photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2469315392 
div#yiv2469315392ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2469315392ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv2469315392green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv2469315392 .yiv2469315392MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv2469315392 o {font-size:0;}#yiv2469315392 
#yiv2469315392photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv2469315392 
#yiv2469315392photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv2469315392photos div label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Did you notice that today is the day of the Shemitah?  Perhaps, MD is getting 
anxious what the day will bring and perhaps how the stock market will perform 

---In,  wrote :

 Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken or have you caught something from Rob 
Carlson.  This is a "wall of words".  You don't normally do this.
 On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billi! on. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.
 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:olliesedwuz@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
   Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. 
He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he 
is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
   Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish 

[FairfieldLife] It's Culling Time for the GOP

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Several candidates have now been identified who are more likely to drop out of 
the race, as Rick Perry has done a few days ago.  Some of them are Pataki, 
Jindal, Santorum, and Graham.  Can you think of anybody else?

 With Rick Perry Out, the Culling of the GOP Herd Begins—Here’s Who’s Next 
 With Rick Perry Out, the Culling of the GOP Herd B... Now 
there are sixteen, for which we give hearty thanks to former Texas Governor 
Rick Perry. Next Wednesday, contenders for the Republican nomination will 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, I was awakened by a funny noise around 2:30 AM.  I thought someone 
or a gang of squirrels were rummaging around outside my window.  Then 
the sound increased and I realized it was something I hadn't heard in 
awhile: rain.

On 09/13/2015 09:30 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Did you notice that today is the day of the Shemitah?  Perhaps, MD is 
getting anxious what the day will bring and perhaps how the stock 
market will perform tomorrow.

---In,  wrote :

Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken or have you caught something from 
Rob Carlson.  This is a "wall of words".  You don't normally do this.

On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone
strikes has accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the
middle- east and Africa now in greater numbers than ever before,
causing more war, terror and destruction than ever. I just saw in
The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a refugee
situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their
people into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of
these refugees are not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the
ones that were *upset* about an internet video and killed the
ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago while Obama and
Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found
him, and the SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the
op and take the credit. Had he not, what do you think public
reaction would have been when it was discovered that he failed to
do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of heat for not taking
Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in Kenya
and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please!
That's all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense
shield, Putin invades Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in
Syria while selling missile defense systems to Iran so they can't
be attacked while building their nuclear war heads and
Intercontinental missile systems. Putin has absolutely no respect
or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China
seizes islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a
poorer nation, 1 trillion dollar deficits every year since he has
been in office and nothing to show for it. The highest deficit
Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others averaging about 250
billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 billi!
on. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion
to over 18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by
over 50% over all presidents before him combined! Reagan left
office with the strongest economy in the world, at the time, and
the most powerful military ever seen, peace and the Soviet Union
disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin wall and Iron
curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.

*From:* "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]"


*Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his
predecessor did. He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of
playing golf. This story that he is a wimp has no basis. Reagan
sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us about not
negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war
was the only way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe
country due to the actions of the Bush clan, and I don't want
anyone like that (or Reagan) in office again. Trump has zero
chance, btw.

 wrote :

I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator
after 8 years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world
to forgive us. We've seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats
almost guaranteed that Reagan would start WW3 but ended up with a
nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and brought about the
demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages in
Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took
office, it would be like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I think you just realized why Trump is *winning* at this point. He is the polar 
opposite of Obama. He comes off as a bully, but the kind of bully you want on 
your side.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 10:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fiorina Fights Back

---In,  wrote :

Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 
I have no idea what Americans want but I listened to Mr Trump's speech 
broadcast from Boone Iowa today. It is the first time I have made myself listen 
to more than two minutes of what the man has to say and only because I was 
driving and didn't allow myself to turn it off. I had some interesting 
realizations listening to the guy. He is narcissistic or pretending to be 
narcissistic to the point which is beyond belief. He certainly talks the talk 
of the brash, seemingly ballsy, fearless epitome of big business masculinity. 
It was a study in some sort of caricature of how men deal with others who stand 
in their way and how they find the means to sweep those impediments aside with 
a sort of 'no bullshit' ease of speech and down to earth language and manner. 
It was fascinating; so much so that I found myself almost ready to vote for the 
guy. No kidding, he has this 'take no prisoners' kind of way about him that 
tries to make you believe that if he was in charge everything would be taken 
care of in some way which is quintessentially American and good. Fascinating.
Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP debate: 
'Ladies, look at this face'

|  |
|  | |  | Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat... 
Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix on 
Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO 
clever... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093 -- #yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3943379093 
#yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3943379093 
#yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp #yiv3943379093hd 
0;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp #yiv3943379093ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp .yiv3943379093ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp .yiv3943379093ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093ygrp-mkp .yiv3943379093ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3943379093ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3943379093 
#yiv3943379093ygrp-sponsor #yiv3943379093ygrp-lc #yiv3943379093hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3943379093ygrp-sponsor #yiv3943379093ygrp-lc .yiv3943379093ad 
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{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv3943379093 
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#yiv3943379093activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv3943379093 #yiv3943379093activity span 
.yiv3943379093underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv3943379093 
0;width:400px;}#yiv3943379093 .yiv3943379093attach div a 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv3943379093 .yiv3943379093attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv3943379093 .yiv3943379093attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv3943379093 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv3943379093 .yiv3943379093bold 
.yiv3943379093bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv3943379093 dd.yiv3943379093last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv3943379093 dd.yiv3943379093last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv3943379093 
dd.yiv3943379093last p span.yiv3943379093yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv3943379093 div.yiv3943379093attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv3943379093 div.yiv3943379093attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv3943379093 div.yiv3943379093file-title a, #yiv3943379093 
div.yiv3943379093file-title a:active, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
So, I take it you are *not* an Obama supporter? lol. I think he has done a 
decent job overall, inheriting a crashed economy that is still struggling to 
recover, and a destabilized globe. He also doesn't have any dirty little 
secrets, and hasn't committed any big gaffes, which is refreshing. I know 
people cite 'Benghazi' all the time, but compared to the sludge standards for 
politicians in office, he comes off as clean. No new invasions would be a great 
start for the next administration. Do you have a pick for the Republican 
---In,  wrote :
 Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billion. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
   Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. 
He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he 
is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw.
---In,  wrote :

 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
 Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 

 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I saw through the guy before he was elected. Promised the world whatever it 
wanted to hear, while rarely ever being specific about anything. Fifty people 
could hear the same speech and come away with fifty different ideas of what he 
said.I think he's done far more harm than good. The economy should have 
recovered far more and much faster. Instead we have 93 million out of the work 
force, highest black unemployment in decades, 50+ million on food stamps, 
racial tension like we haven't seen since the sixties.Must I go on?  Doesn't 
have any dirty secrets? Oh Please! Try googling *Obama scandals* and read them 
for yourself. I don't want to spend the next couple of weeks typing them out 
and explaining them to you. You don't hear much about them in the media because 
they have too much invested in him. He's their man and they protect him by 
smoothing over anything that comes up and saying *there's* nothing there. It's 
their meme that if you criticize him, it's only out of racism. No, there 
haven't been any *new* invasions, just the one that continues into our own 
country. Do I have a pick for the republicans? No, not at this point. There are 
some that  I wouldn't bother  to vote for if they were nominated... even if the 
Democrats nominated Joseph Stalin. Trump can be fun to listen to, but that's 
about it. Bush would be no different than Hillary, except with an *R* instead 
of a *D*. Lindsy Graham is a pussy. I pretty much don't care for anything that 
is considered Republican establishment. I find Cruz interesting but he caters 
to evangelical crowds a little more than I like and Republican establishment 
would be just as much of a thorn in his side as democrats, if he were elected. 
I suppose if I could clone a few of them I might come up with something.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 10:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
    So, I take it you are *not* an Obama supporter? lol. I think he has done a 
decent job overall, inheriting a crashed economy that is still struggling to 
recover, and a destabilized globe. He also doesn't have any dirty little 
secrets, and hasn't committed any big gaffes, which is refreshing. I know 
people cite 'Benghazi' all the time, but compared to the sludge standards for 
politicians in office, he comes off as clean. No new invasions would be a great 
start for the next administration. Do you have a pick for the Republican 
---In,  wrote :
Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billion. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Read Sinclair Lewis's "It Can't Happen Here."

On 09/12/2015 08:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's 
face.  IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and 
wars for the country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart, 
 this tendency is due to the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 
10th house.  Is this what Americans want?

I have no idea what Americans want but I listened to Mr Trump's speech 
broadcast from Boone Iowa today. It is the first time I have made 
myself listen to more than two minutes of what the man has to say and 
only because I was driving and didn't allow myself to turn it off. I 
had some interesting realizations listening to the guy. He is 
narcissistic or pretending to be narcissistic to the point which is 
beyond belief. He certainly talks the talk of the brash, seemingly 
ballsy, fearless epitome of big business masculinity. It was a study 
in some sort of caricature of how men deal with others who stand in 
their way and how they find the means to sweep those impediments aside 
with a sort of 'no bullshit' ease of speech and down to earth language 
and manner. It was fascinating; so much so that I found myself almost 
ready to vote for the guy. No kidding, he has this 'take no prisoners' 
kind of way about him that tries to make you believe that if he was in 
charge everything would be taken care of in some way which is 
quintessentially American and good. Fascinating.

Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud! heats up before GOP 
debate: 'Ladies, look at this face' 


Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat... 

Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in 
Phoenix on Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former 
Hewlett-Packard CEO clever...

! View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I'm fine with the Shemitah.I just hope it doesn't affect the Texans today. 
Speaking of which, my game is about to start! 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 11:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
Did you notice that today is the day of the Shemitah?  Perhaps, MD is getting 
anxious what the day will bring and perhaps how the stock market will perform 

---In,  wrote :

Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken orhave you caught something from Rob 
Carlson.  This is a "wall ofwords".  You don't normally do this.

On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  Would you care to explain whatlaunching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? AlQaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa nowin 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war,terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The DailyMail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugeesituation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltratetheir people 
into Europe and the States. Missionaccomplished! Many of these refugees are not 
just Syrianbut also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset*about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libyaon 9/11, a few years ago while 
Obama and Hillary were in agun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben Laden, 
ohc'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him,and the SEALS 
killed him. All Obama did was sign off onthe op and take the credit. Had he 
not, what do you thinkpublic reaction would have been when it was 
discoveredthat he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormousamount of heat 
for not taking Ben Laden after Sudanoffered him up after the bombings in Kenya 
and Tanzanialong before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That'sall he 
does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defenseshield, Putin invades Georgia 
and Ukraine and is buildingbases in Syria while selling missile defense systems 
toIran so they can't be attacked while building theirnuclear war heads and 
Intercontinental missile systems. Putin has absolutely no respect or fear of 
Obama or his*power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes islandsfrom the 
Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorernation, 1 trillion dollar 
deficits every year since he hasbeen in office and nothing to show for it.  The 
highestdeficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the othersaveraging about 250 
billion or less a year, prior to the 1time bail out of 700 billi! on. Obama has 
taken ournational debt from less than 12 trillion to over 18trillion. One 
president increasing the national debt byover 50% over all presidents before 
him combined!Reagan left office with the strongest economy in theworld, at 
the time, and the most powerful military everseen, peace and the Soviet Union 
disintegrating, communismretreating, and the Berlin wall and Iron curtain about 
tocollapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on the vergeof Armageddon, if it 
doesn't happen before then.
  From:"olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

 Obamahas launched ten times as many dronestrikes as his predecessor did. He 
alsofound and killed Bin Laden, instead ofplaying golf. This story that he is 
awimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms toour enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
aboutnot negotiating with terrorists. There'syour wimp, and hypocrite. I would 
be OKwith another leader who didn't thinkstarting a war was the only way to 
showUS might. We are a poorer and less safecountry due to the actions of the 
Bushclan, and I don't want anyone like that(or Reagan) in office again. Trump 
haszero chance, btw.
---In, wrote :

I'mnot sure he's the guy but wecertainly need a tough negotiatorafter 8 years 
of a wuss bowing andscraping and begging the world toforgive us. We've seen how 
thatworks. As I remember, Democratsalmost guaranteed that Reaganwould start WW3 
but ended up witha nuclear treaty that reduced thethreat and brought about 
thedemise of the USSR. He also sawthe release of the hostages inIran. If you'll 
recall he toldIran that the moment he tookoffice, it would be like day 1 ofthe 
hostage situation all overagain. They didn't want to FWH.  From: "jr_esq@... 
Sent:Saturday, September 12, 20153:54 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] FiorinaFights Back

 Trump hasstarted afirestorm thistime byinsulting CarlyFiorina's face. IMO, if 
he's inthe White House,he'll only causeriots and warsfor the country.As we 
havediscussed abouthis jyotishchart,  thistendency is dueto theconjunction 
ofRahu and the Sunin the 10thhouse.   Is this what 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread feste37
Agree 100%. Mike's characterization of Obama is unconnected to reality. 

---In,  wrote :

 Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. He 
also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he is 
a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw. 
---In,  wrote :

 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
 Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 

 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP debate: 
'Ladies, look at this face'
 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat...
 Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix on 
Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 







[FairfieldLife] Brave New Films

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Check it out:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billion. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
    Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. 
He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he 
is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw.
---In,  wrote :

I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH. 
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
 Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 
Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP debate: 
'Ladies, look at this face'

|  |
|  | |  | Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat... 
Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix on 
Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO 
clever... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv7576041429 #yiv7576041429 -- #yiv7576041429ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7576041429 
#yiv7576041429ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7576041429 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken or have you caught something from Rob 
Carlson.  This is a "wall of words".  You don't normally do this.

On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes 
has accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and 
Africa now in greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, 
terror and destruction than ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an 
article saying that ISIS promised a  refugee situation of 500,000 in 
which they would use to infiltrate their people into Europe and the 
States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are not just 
Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years 
ago while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with 
Syria. Killed Ben Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for 
years, found him, and the SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off 
on the op and take the credit. Had he not, what do you think public 
reaction would have been when it was discovered that he failed to do 
so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of heat for not taking Ben 
Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in Kenya and 
Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin 
invades Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while 
selling missile defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked 
while building their nuclear war heads and Intercontinental missile 
systems. Putin has absolutely no respect or fear of Obama or his 
*power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes islands from the 
Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 trillion 
dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the 
others averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time 
bail out of 700 billi! on. Obama has taken our national debt from less 
than 12 trillion to over 18 trillion. One president increasing the 
national debt by over 50% over all presidents before him combined! 
Reagan left office with the strongest economy in the world, at the 
time, and the most powerful military ever seen, peace and the Soviet 
Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin wall and 
Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor 
did. He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This 
story that he is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, 
Iran, while lying to us about not negotiating with terrorists. There's 
your wimp, and hypocrite. I would be OK with another leader who didn't 
think starting a war was the only way to show US might. We are a 
poorer and less safe country due to the actions of the Bush clan, and 
I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office again. Trump has 
zero chance, btw.

---In,  wrote :

I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator 
after 8 years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to 
forgive us. We've seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost 
guaranteed that Reagan would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear 
treaty that reduced the threat and brought about the demise of the 
USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages in Iran. If you'll 
recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would be like 
day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's 
face.  IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and 
wars for the country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart, 
 this tendency is due to the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 
10th house.  Is this what Americans want?

Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP 
debate: 'Ladies, look at this face' 


[FairfieldLife] For Those Who Might Think Otherwise

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I had a friend while in college who proved to me that he had perfect pitch.  
While he was on the other room, I played on the piano several notes one at a 
time.  And he named all of the notes that I played.  I was impressed.

 He was our guitar player at the time.  But he majored in Engineering at UC 
Berkeley, and did not stay in music as a professional career.

 I myself am self-taught in playing the piano.  There is much to know about the 
subject.  There's a guy on YouTube who is an excellent teacher for playing 
jazz.  He's got a video on how to use the various scales and modes while 
playing during solos and improvisations.  I'm practicing some of his concepts 
now and it's improved my playing as well.

---In,  wrote :

 Friend of my daughters was playing our plano. she looked up at me and said 
this piano is flat, it's tuned to 436 instead of 440. It just so happened that 
the piano had been tuned to 436 intentionally a few hours before she sat down 
to play it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This girl was 13 at the time. She did not major in piano but trombone and now 
plays for symphonies. Her father was a conductor. She said that her biggest 
problem was when playing with symphonies it would drive her nuts when the 
symphony would tune sharp of the standardized tuning of 440 because to her ear 
440 was normal. When she was young and would hang out with my daughter,  she 
would identify the pitches of all the different sounds like printers 
transformer noise etc. Got to be a joke after awhile.

[FairfieldLife] Did Columbus Discover America?

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This article proposes that there were 10 civilizations that could have 
discovered America before Columbus got here in 1492.   One of these 
civilizations includes the Polynesians.

 10 Civilizations That Might Have Beaten Columbus To America - Listverse
 10 Civilizations That Might Have Beaten Columbus T...
 In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue---and then he discovered America. 
That’s the story we all grew up with, but it's now common knowledge that the 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, we need more rain to balance out the drought pattern we've had in 
California for a few years now.  That reminds me that I should have my roof 
fixed to eliminate the water leaks I'm getting at one of my rooms.

---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, I was awakened by a funny noise around 2:30 AM.  I thought someone or a 
gang of squirrels were rummaging around outside my window.  Then the sound 
increased and I realized it was something I hadn't heard in awhile: rain.
 On 09/13/2015 09:30 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Did you notice that today is the day of the Shemitah?  Perhaps, MD is getting 
anxious what the day will bring and perhaps how the stock market will perform 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken or have you caught something from Rob 
Carlson.  This is a "wall of words".  You don't normally do this.
 On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billi! on. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.
 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
   Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. 
He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he 
is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw.
 ---In,  mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
wrote :
 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If 

[FairfieldLife] New French Law Passed

2015-09-13 Thread email4you [FairfieldLife]
New French Law Passed: All New Rooftops Must Be Covered With Plants Or Solar 

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| New French Law Passed: All New Rooftops Must Be Cover...Do you live in 
France? If you're getting a new house, you might have to follow this 
incredible, sustainable law. A new law that was passed that mandates |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I've never quite understood perfect pitch because musical tunings have 
evolved arbitrarily unless some frequency just seemed "right" to some 
people.  I worked with a pianist who claimed to have perfect pitch and 
would bring a tuning kit to gigs to fix and instrument he had to play 
on.  I need to look up if there is some physiological theory on why some 
people develop "perfect pitch."

On 09/13/2015 11:42 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


It's unusual that a girl would study the trombone as the instrument of 
choice.  I'm thinking that girls usually play the violin, viola or 
cello.  But it obviously paid off for her since she's playing for 
symphonies now.

To a gifted musician, the world itself is a symphony of music.  One of 
Greek philosophers coined the term "music of the spheres" to describe 
the function of the various planets in the zodiac.  IMO, the "music" 
refers to the wave functions for each of the planets which affect our 
brains and physiology.

---In,  wrote :

This girl was 13 at the time. She did not major in piano but trombone 
and now plays for symphonies. Her father was a conductor. She said 
that her biggest problem was when playing with symphonies it would 
drive her nuts when the symphony would tune sharp of the standardized 
tuning of 440 because to her ear 440 was normal. When she was young 
and would hang out with my daughter, she would identify the pitches of 
all the different sounds like printers transformer noise etc. Got to 
be a joke after awhile.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 It's unusual that a girl would study the trombone as the instrument of choice. 
 I'm thinking that girls usually play the violin, viola or cello.  But it 
obviously paid off for her since she's playing for symphonies now.

 To a gifted musician, the world itself is a symphony of music.  One of Greek 
philosophers coined the term "music of the spheres" to describe the function of 
the various planets in the zodiac.  IMO, the "music" refers to the wave 
functions for each of the planets which affect our brains and physiology.

---In,  wrote :

 This girl was 13 at the time. She did not major in piano but trombone and now 
plays for symphonies. Her father was a conductor. She said that her biggest 
problem was when playing with symphonies it would drive her nuts when the 
symphony would tune sharp of the standardized tuning of 440 because to her ear 
440 was normal. When she was young and would hang out with my daughter, she 
would identify the pitches of all the different sounds like printers 
transformer noise etc. Got to be a joke after awhile.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 14-Sep-15 00:15:08 UTC

2015-09-13 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
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End Date (UTC): 09/19/15 00:00:00
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 11 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  8 Bhairitu noozguru
  4 olliesedwuz
  4 hepa7
  2 ultrarishi 
  2 s3raphita
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The one detail I think Mike continually overlooks is that the invasion of Iraq 
has had the exact opposite effect of what was intended, not to mention that the 
regime in Iraq is now allied with Iran. 

 And part of the irony is that the effect it has had, is the effect that was 
exactly predicted by George W. Bush and Norman Swarzkoph, which is why they 
stopped the joint force incursion at the outskirts of Baghdad.

---In,  wrote :

 So, I take it you are *not* an Obama supporter? lol. I think he has done a 
decent job overall, inheriting a crashed economy that is still struggling to 
recover, and a destabilized globe. He also doesn't have any dirty little 
secrets, and hasn't committed any big gaffes, which is refreshing. I know 
people cite 'Benghazi' all the time, but compared to the sludge standards for 
politicians in office, he comes off as clean. No new invasions would be a great 
start for the next administration. Do you have a pick for the Republican 
---In,  wrote :
 Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone strikes has 
accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the middle- east and Africa now in 
greater numbers than ever before, causing more war, terror and destruction than 
ever. I just saw in The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a  
refugee situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their people 
into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of these refugees are 
not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the ones that were *upset* about an 
internet video and killed the ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago 
while Obama and Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben 
Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found him, and the 
SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the op and take the credit. Had 
he not, what do you think public reaction would have been when it was 
discovered that he failed to do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of 
heat for not taking Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in 
Kenya and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please! That's 
all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense shield, Putin invades 
Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in Syria while selling missile 
defense systems to Iran so they can't be attacked while building their nuclear 
war heads and Intercontinental missile systems.  Putin has absolutely no 
respect or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China seizes 
islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a poorer nation, 1 
trillion dollar deficits every year since he has been in office and nothing to 
show for it.  The highest deficit Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others 
averaging about 250 billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 
billion. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion to over 
18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by over 50% over all 
presidents before him combined! Reagan left office with the strongest 
economy in the world, at the time, and the most powerful military ever seen, 
peace and the Soviet Union disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin 
wall and Iron curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on 
the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back
   Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his predecessor did. 
He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of playing golf. This story that he 
is a wimp has no basis. Reagan sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us 
about not negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I 
would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war was the only 
way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe country due to the actions 
of the Bush clan, and I don't want anyone like that (or Reagan) in office 
again. Trump has zero chance, btw.
---In,  wrote :

 I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator after 8 
years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world to forgive us. We've 
seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats almost guaranteed that Reagan 
would start WW3 but ended up with a nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and 
brought about the demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages 
in Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took office, it would 
be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over again. They didn't want to FWH.
 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fiorina Fights Back

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, it brings to mind a couple things, I think. 

 One, is that there is a lot right, with America.

 And the fact that it, America, is the favorite target for everything negative, 
indicates just how powerful it is.

 Our First Amendment, is a pretty good place to start with the positives.

 And, being the reserve currency for the world, doesn't hurt either.

 It surprised me to see The Donald gain so much traction.

 I thought he was finished after the first debate.

 But how mistaken I was. 

 Evidently he is expressing a lot of frustration that is bottled up in a 
segment of the population.  

 I don't really follow his campaign, but I am enjoying, very much, from a 
distance, the effect he and Bernie are having on the whole process.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly Fiorina's face.  
IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause riots and wars for the 
country. As we have discussed about his jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to 
the conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house.   Is this what Americans 

 I have no idea what Americans want but I listened to Mr Trump's speech 
broadcast from Boone Iowa today. It is the first time I have made myself listen 
to more than two minutes of what the man has to say and only because I was 
driving and didn't allow myself to turn it off. I had some interesting 
realizations listening to the guy. He is narcissistic or pretending to be 
narcissistic to the point which is beyond belief. He certainly talks the talk 
of the brash, seemingly ballsy, fearless epitome of big business masculinity. 
It was a study in some sort of caricature of how men deal with others who stand 
in their way and how they find the means to sweep those impediments aside with 
a sort of 'no bullshit' ease of speech and down to earth language and manner. 
It was fascinating; so much so that I found myself almost ready to vote for the 
guy. No kidding, he has this 'take no prisoners' kind of way about him that 
tries to make you believe that if he was in charge everything would be taken 
care of in some way which is quintessentially American and good. Fascinating.

 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before GOP debate: 
'Ladies, look at this face'
 Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat...
 Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix on 
Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Has the Department of Homeland Security been notified?

---In,  wrote :

 Friend of my daughters was playing our plano. she looked up at me and said 
this piano is flat, it's tuned to 436 instead of 440. It just so happened that 
the piano had been tuned to 436 intentionally a few hours before she sat down 
to play it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Swedes and om!

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Um, maybe it's because, um, they, um have a hard, um, time articulating. 

 Have you considered that possibility?

---In,  wrote :


 Perhaps om is one of the reasons why Swedes are so successful in many areas of 

 In Swedish, om has many different grammatical functions, e.g. as a conjunction 
(if) and
 preposition: around, about, etc.

 om - Wiktionary

 om - Wiktionary See also: 
Appendix:Variations of "om" Contents 1 English 1.1 Alternative forms 1.2 
Etymology 1.3 Pronunciation 1.4 Noun 1.4.1 Derived terms 1.4.2 Translations 1.5 
Anagrams 2 Aromanian 2.1 Etymology

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 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect pitch, anybody??

2015-09-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My son who plays bass professionally has relative pitch which means he can 
determine a secondary note from hearing in his head an E note.  The note is 
always E so he has to work his way up or down the scale to figure out the 
secondary note.This is probably developed. 

Perfect pitch on the other hand seems to be a talent your born with because 
it's uncanny how Matar can tell you the pitch-note and frequency, sharp ,flat 
or natural immediately with no calculation.