[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. 
 Good stuff! Thanks for finding this! 

Yes truly wonderful find. There are several incidents like this from India 
where he spoke with Her, particularily in the South at Rameshwaram and 
Kanyakumari. Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received 
the Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.
Jai Guru Dev

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
  with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
  Maharishi Speaks with
  Mother Divine
  No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
 take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
 are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
 Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
 is Maharishi... 

With followers like Curtis it's not surpising Maharishi was on the verge of 
giving up and retire to the Himalayas several times. Having to deal with, 
excuse my wording, idiots like Curtis withing his own organization must have 
been very taxing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of 
 what it means.  

Excellent. People have all *sorts* of experiences. And
to them (us) they're very real at the time. It's in the
interpretation of what these experiences mean that
the rubber often fails to meet the road.

 It is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions 
 our ability to distinguish inner and outer mental experience 
 gets confused. That is my take on the sincere ones. 

Mine, too.

 I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less sincere 
 in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  

I have compassion for Mr. Roberts. Imagine trying to 
be a Fundamentalist Christian preacher while having
the first name of Oral. Guy's had an uphill battle.

 It is just funny how convenient they both came out to be 
 for their own desires. 

A trend I have noticed as well.

 I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting 
 a dramatic conversation he had with himself in the context 
 of a temple using Mother Divine as an artistic literary device.  

I don't remember who said it first, but a quote I always
liked was I know that I am God because every time I 
talk to him I find that I am talking to myself.

 That would be my best guess. He was reporting his thoughts 
 in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to punch 
 the story up a bit.  

One could make the case that the Ramayana did exactly
the same thing, expanding on a simple soap opera story
about adultery and rage and turning it into some kind
of high, spiritual epic.

 He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed that 
 Vasishtha came onto him last night! It lead to a perspective 
 about the Vedas.  


 I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light 
 as he projected to us.  

I have my doubts that Maharishi ever saw himself, period.
I think his brain was racing so fast and that he was so
enamored with it that he never had a chance to self-reflect.

 Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic 
 devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for 
 real real guy.  YMMV

Device. But yeah. He was a storyteller, telling tall
tales to the children. Who ate it up like gumdrops.

 But my guess is that there are way more people who actually 
 experience something dramatic than people who are outright 
 lying through their teeth. I've had ones like it so I 
 understand how compelling they are.

I would agree. On the whole, the people I like and prefer
to hang with are the ones who have such experiences and 
then work on figuring out WTF they might have been with 
some measure of humility, and humor. Those who claim to 
know what such experiences were and what they meant, 
not so much.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received the Siddhis 
from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.

You are just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you Nabbie?

S since we know from his own admission that Maharishi was experimenting 
trial and error on those first 6 month courses, was it because she was a bad 
teacher or was he a bad student?  I'm imagining the HDHD Maharishi sitting 
close to Her (note the capital to indicate maximum woo woo) and just when she 
leans in to describe the details of sunyama, his head whips around and he says 
squirrel, squirrel! And so the teaching was lost.  Or perhaps knowing 
Maharishi as we do now he might have just been staring at her headlights. (In 
his defense they are supernaturally perky for her age and She swears that she 
has had not work done. Coughsbotox  Did that joke get through? I am trying to 
figure out how to write out the coughing sound that ends in the word botox in 
the cough-talking style of Jon Stewart.)  

BTW I was chatting with one of my favorite space brothers the other day playing 
chess actually (like our earth brothers he learned it in lock up) and he was 
indicating that She learned a thing or two during her Mahayuga cycles 
concerning some practices that involved the erotic possibilities that come from 
having 6 arms.  If you have any inside dope on this please email me privately.  
I've got an idea that revolves around 3 Filipino hookers and a roll of duct 
tape that I want to run by you. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
  I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. 
  Good stuff! Thanks for finding this! 
 Yes truly wonderful find. There are several incidents like this from India 
 where he spoke with Her, particularily in the South at Rameshwaram and 
 Kanyakumari. Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi 
 received the Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you 
 Jai Guru Dev
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
   with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
   Maharishi Speaks with
   Mother Divine
   No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
 Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
 I want to run by you.

So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
activities again. Where do you think this will 
put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
Nabby: Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received the 
Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.
Curtis: You are just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you Nabbie?
 S since we know from his own admission that Maharishi was experimenting 
 trial and error on those first 6 month courses, 

This is actually true, from what I heard from people on staff around MMY at 
that time.  He also experimented with the medical treatments at the time for 
course participants.  MMY had not yet promoted Ayurveda, and I recall he had 
brought in a few different types of doctors to get their ideas and try them out 
on us on those early 6 month courses.  I think one chiropractor's name was Dr. 
Bloodworth, and we all had a good laugh over that one. I know one dr suggested 
eating the wild dandelion leaves that grew by the roadside in Switzerland - 
eating several plants per walk. I think this experimental phase lasted a few 
years (1976-78?), then Ayurveda was the thing by the late 1980's. Can't recall 
when jyotish entered the scene, but before MMY claimed it as a good thing, it 
was totally OTP (off the program) and could get you banned if they found out 
you were seeing an astrologer.  Then, that position got reversed completely if 
you saw a Maharishi jyotishi.

was it because she was a bad teacher or was he a bad student?  I'm imagining 
the HDHD Maharishi sitting close to Her (note the capital to indicate maximum 
woo woo) and just when she leans in to describe the details of sunyama, his 
head whips around and he says squirrel, squirrel! And so the teaching was 
lost.  Or perhaps knowing Maharishi as we do now he might have just been 
staring at her headlights. (In his defense they are supernaturally perky for 
her age and She swears that she has had not work done. Coughsbotox  Did that 
joke get through? I am trying to figure out how to write out the coughing 
sound that ends in the word botox in the cough-talking style of Jon Stewart.)  
 BTW I was chatting with one of my favorite space brothers the other day 
 playing chess actually (like our earth brothers he learned it in lock up) and 
 he was indicating that She learned a thing or two during her Mahayuga cycles 
 concerning some practices that involved the erotic possibilities that come 
 from having 6 arms.  If you have any inside dope on this please email me 
 privately.  I've got an idea that revolves around 3 Filipino hookers and a 
 roll of duct tape that I want to run by you. 

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a

with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 

Maharishi Speaks with

Mother Divine

No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@... 

  ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
  Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
  I want to run by you.
 So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
 activities again. Where do you think this will 
 put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
 need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
 Go figure.

Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just imagine 
having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard rocks of 
ignorgance and negativity ! 

That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell you 
something about the man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 
   ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
   Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
   I want to run by you.
  So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
  activities again. Where do you think this will 
  put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
  need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
  Go figure.
 Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
 reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
 imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard 
 rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
 That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
 you something about the man.

This is good Nabby.  I like Curtis's ideas, but this made me laugh. Your choice 
of words (hard rocks of ignorance and negativity) are amazing.  And you are 
correct in that those who served Maharishi were young and not perfect, but boy 
did we try to help him  out - devoting years of  our lives, living on little if 
any income.  It was service to a Master.  And that is the huge point you 
overlook.  People devoted to Maharishi in those years were certainly not 
negative and no more ignorant than any other 25 year old. But they grew up and 
some grew away and thought things thru for themselves. It does not make them 
negative or ignorant, just grown up. Nothing wrong in that at all - I think 
life has room for that since - if you buy into spiritual ideas - not everyone 
is a bhakti.  Also, Maharishi's organization changed and shifted a lot over 
time, making it difficult for people to stay in it.   And sadly, the 
corruption made many people distrust the spiritual good things within the 
teaching.To me, that is a big deal.  More than money and other possible 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 

...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
I want to run by you.
   So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
   activities again. Where do you think this will 
   put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
   need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
   Go figure.
  Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
  reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
  imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such 
  hard rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
  That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
  you something about the man.
 This is good Nabby.  I like Curtis's ideas, but this made me laugh. Your 
 choice of words (hard rocks of ignorance and negativity) are amazing.  And 
 you are correct in that those who served Maharishi were young and not 
 perfect, but boy did we try to help him  out - devoting years of  our lives, 
 living on little if any income.  It was service to a Master.  And that is the 
 huge point you overlook.

I did not overlook this, I was part of it. Still is to some degree.

 People devoted to Maharishi in those years were certainly not negative and no 
more ignorant than any other 25 year old.

I know. There was very little negativity around. The bitter and vile souls like 
Curtis you would find in the field only. But also there, huge amounts of very 
progressive and bright people.

 But they grew up and some grew away and thought things thru for themselves. It 
does not make them negative or ignorant, just grown up. Nothing wrong in that 
at all - I think life has room for that since - if you buy into spiritual ideas 
- not everyone is a bhakti.  Also, Maharishi's organization changed and shifted 
a lot over time, making it difficult for people to stay in it.

That's right. Many were too inflexible to follow. The Movement belongs to 
those who move

Many also had burned a considerate amount of karma during those years of 
service and was happy with that. 
Nothing wrong with taking a break from Tapas, even for the rest of the 
lifetime, ofcourse. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
Vile, you say?  I guess you are aligned with the British revisionism when 
translating the Vedic literature then huh?  The Vedic literature itself is not 
puritanical and uncomfortable with human sexuality. Quite the contrary, it 
celebrates it and uses it as a consistent metaphor. Have you not read the 
Lingum Purna which even in stuffy translation reads like a porno novel on 

And have you ever seen the murals on those Indian temples in the South that 
Maharishi was so eager to visit?  And even if you go for Krishna in the water 
with multiple Gopis sporting like elephants as metaphors for consciousness 
details, the images they picked makes Girls Gone Wild look like a librarian's 
convention. (But when they take off their glasses and shake their hair loose 
after the Cyber Dewie Decimal System lecture, look out!)

Seriously Nabbie you are in serious denial about the metaphoric choices in your 
own tradition.  What do you think comes after, the frog desires water, the 
physician desires disease in the uncensored version of the Rig Veda?  Can you 
really be that clueless?

And I am vile! No, neither the Vedas nor I are vile for using sexual image 
metaphors.  Don't you think they knew how to interest humans on this planet at 
least as well as the guy who sells cars on TV or do you think the chick on the 
hood of the car in the bikini is just holding the hood down?  And why exactly 
are you still reading my posts?  At this point I'm gunna have to draw my own 

Was I the guy who wrote it into the Mahabharata that 5 brothers shared one 
wife?  Tell me that isn't right out of a Japanese Bukkake flick. But I am the 
vile one for pointing it out.

Do you know what a lingum and a yoni are?  Are you so hopelessly naive that you 
don't get what pouring milk over a lingum so it flows into the yoni is all 
about.  They chose this image and there is nothing vile about it.

Maharishi was the king of a none for you, all for me attitude about sex.  He 
postured as a prude while living a life of a rockstar with ALL the perky perks. 
 He was a Republican (build a bigger bomb) hypocrite about sex.  I hope at 
least you are also a hypocrite in this area and didn't buy into the BS, cuz if 
you did, you really wasted your youth.

One of the things I would need to see in any spiritual system that claims to 
explain all of life's secrets is a comfort and natural connection with our full 
humanness above the pathetic puritanical shaming that demonstrates that you 
aren't even comfortable with your own body let alone have secrets about the 
universe.  You don't help your cause at all with this denial laden, prudish 

But I will concede one point Nabbie, Duct taping 3 Filipino hookers together to 
simulate the Vedic options available with the Divine one is a bit vile.

You really need to use stage gaffer tape so it is easier to remove.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 
   ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
   Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
   I want to run by you.
  So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
  activities again. Where do you think this will 
  put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
  need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
  Go figure.
 Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
 reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
 imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard 
 rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
 That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
 you something about the man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread futur.musik
Yes, we can always speculate in such a way that it fulfills our desires too. I 
personally do not share my experiences because I want to convince others of 
their validity. 

I mention it for those few souls who are dedicated to their liberation, and to 
know such things are possible. There might be a person or two out there who 
wishes for a personal relationship with a saint or god or goddess, and such a 
thing is possible. 

It is possible to meet souls in the astral world who love unconditionally and 
completely, forgive us for everything they see in us, and establish a dynamic 
and real, long lasting relationship that grows and changes much as an earthly 
one does.

I can appreciate your desire to know such phenomena as a bridge between science 
and spirituality, and wish you complete success in your inquiry.

PS The reason Maharishi's experience rings true for me, is the nature of the 
relationship he has with Mother Divine. A conversation and a relationship, vs. 
the robertson guy who claims a 900 foot Jesus and something out of science 
fiction. Once you are having these experiences at will, it is easy to spot the 
fakers from those describing a real experience.

I look forward to continuing this discussion in a week if you like, or with 
anyone else who enjoys the subject of direct celestial communication. This is 
51 for me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  It 
 is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
 distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my take 
 on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less 
 sincere in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny how 
 convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 
 I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
 conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother 
 Divine as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He was 
 reporting his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to 
 punch the story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed 
 that Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a perspective about the 
 Vedas.  I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light as he 
 projected to us.  Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic 
 devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for real real guy.  YMMV
 But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
 something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
 I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
  Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this 
  to take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However 
  there are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or 
  not. Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* 
  because it is Maharishi... 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
   n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus 
   who told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the 
   hospital would be a success.
   So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a

with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 

Maharishi Speaks with

Mother Divine

No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Yes, we can always speculate in such a way that it fulfills our desires too. 
 I personally do not share my experiences because I want to convince others of 
 their validity. 
 I mention it for those few souls who are dedicated to their liberation, and 
 to know such things are possible. There might be a person or two out there 
 who wishes for a personal relationship with a saint or god or goddess, and 
 such a thing is possible. 
 It is possible to meet souls in the astral world who love unconditionally and 
 completely, forgive us for everything they see in us, and establish a dynamic 
 and real, long lasting relationship that grows and changes much as an earthly 
 one does.
 I can appreciate your desire to know such phenomena as a bridge between 
 science and spirituality, and wish you complete success in your inquiry.
 PS The reason Maharishi's experience rings true for me, is the nature of the 
 relationship he has with Mother Divine. A conversation and a relationship, 
 vs. the robertson guy who claims a 900 foot Jesus and something out of 
 science fiction. Once you are having these experiences at will, it is easy to 
 spot the fakers from those describing a real experience.

Thans for answering your earlier question on this.  I was wondering what rang 
true for you.
 I look forward to continuing this discussion in a week if you like, or with 
 anyone else who enjoys the subject of direct celestial communication. This is 
 51 for me.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  
  It is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
  distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my 
  take on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less 
  sincere in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny 
  how convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 
  I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
  conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother 
  Divine as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He 
  was reporting his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic 
  license to punch the story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when 
  he claimed that Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a 
  perspective about the Vedas.  I have my doubts that he saw himself in as 
  mystical a light as he projected to us.  Judith's book makes me believe he 
  was more of a poetic devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for 
  real real guy.  YMMV
  But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
  something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
  I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
   Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake 
   this to take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. 
   However there are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its 
   validity, or not. Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess 
   why? No, *not* because it is Maharishi... 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:

n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus 
who told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and 
the hospital would be a success.

So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. Good 
stuff! Thanks for finding this! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:

n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the hospital 
would be a success.

So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like that!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
is Maharishi... 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
 n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
 told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the hospital 
 would be a success.
 So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like that!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
  with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
  Maharishi Speaks with
  Mother Divine
  No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  It 
is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my take 
on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less sincere 
in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny how 
convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 

I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother Divine 
as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He was reporting 
his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to punch the 
story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed that 
Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a perspective about the Vedas.  
I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light as he projected to 
us.  Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic devise guy than a 
I just talked to Mother Divine for real real guy.  YMMV

But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
 take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
 are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
 Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
 is Maharishi... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
  n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
  told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the 
  hospital would be a success.
  So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
   with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
   Maharishi Speaks with
   Mother Divine
   No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'