Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-22 Thread Emily Reyn
Yep.  Ann, this was a marvelous statement on your part.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

Awesome dear Ann, I have to say I enjoyed Judy's analysis too - it was really 
beautiful, like you say clear intellectual poetry - how she picked King Baby 
Barry apart.

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 9:35 PM, awoelflebater wrote:

Logic and analysis can be beautiful, crystalline and pure. When it is thus, 
there is a kind of gorgeousness manifest, a cleansing akin to what happens to 
the air after a thunderstorm accompanied by a downpour. It is what is often 
missing when communication is muddied with circuitous argument, 
shoot-from-the-hip assertion and downright ill-intentioned accusation. 

When I read this just now it struck me that Judy was cleaning something up, 
setting things to rights. That is what clear thinking can do. It is not 
motivated by self-serving subjectivity but by the need, the desire to get it 
right, to make it clean.

Don't mind me, maybe it is just the chocolate sunday (that I am eating at this 
moment) talking. But it sure feels true right now.

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Taking you at your word in this rant
 Robin's post to raunchy was in no way a rant.
  and in others, about your willingness to see yourself from
  points of view other than your own, I'm curious as to how
  you'll react to a few unrequested observations:
 The problem with these unrequested observations is that
 they don't appear to have much of anything to do with the
 post Barry claims generated them, or with Robin's FFL
 posts generally (which Barry doesn't read).
 Robin has dealt with the conceptual errors in Barry's
 post; let's do a little fisking of Barry's illogic and
 factual errors for the record:
  1. As many have pointed out, how does this letter to Raunchy
  *not* fit into the category of trolling for TMers in hopes
  of still attracting adoration, if not actual followers? Who
  else would CARE about what you felt and continue to feel for 
 This is just a silly failure of logic, given the membership
 of this forum. It would mean the only people Robin could
 write to about his feelings for Maharishi without its fitting
 the category of trolling for TMers would be Emily and Ravi.
 Plus which, of course, everybody can read all the posts
 How about Marek and raunchy, who both expressed very positive
 feelings for Maharishi--were they trolling for TMers? Lots
 of people have done that here. Chop-logic.
  2. Also as many have pointed out, for all your claims of
  challenging past assumptions, there seems to be one that
  you have never challenged, and continue to assert (again,
  only to TMers,
 Wrong. He's asserted it to Emily, to Ravi, and to many of
 the former TMers here. But then Barry doesn't read Robin's
 posts, so how would he know this?
  the only group for which this claim would have any caveat or 
  meaning) -- that you were once in Unity Consciousness as
  defined by MMY. Have you *ever* entertained the notion that
  you were just experiencing a bout of psychosis that you
  *interpreted* as a state that would be pleasing to the guy
  you had a man-crush on (Maharishi)?
 For ten years? And has Barry ever read Robin's account of
 the dawning of his Unity Consciousness at Arosa?
  3. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that all of
  the flashy experiences you attribute to having in Maharishi's
  presence are simply the result *OF* having a rather severe
  man-crush on him? This is a question that anyone reading that
  you have spent the last 25 years of your life living with a
  guy who seems to have a similar man-crush on you might ask.
  Just sayin'...
 It would be very difficult to find anything in what Robin
 wrote to indicate that his friend has a man-crush on him.
 And even if that were the case, what would that have to do
 with the speculation that Robin's flashy experiences in
 MMY's presence were generated by a man-crush? That's not
 even bad logic; it's a complete non sequitur.
  4. Have you ever pondered the *extraordinary* ramifications
  of stating that my perception of a matter concerning myself
  was incorrect happened for the *first* time in your life at
  a rather advanced age?
 Ooopsie, that isn't quite what Robin wrote:
 The real turning point, however, raunchy, came when my best
 friend (although he was not at this time) demonstrated to me
 that my perception of a matter concerning myself was
 incorrect, and that his perception of me was the objective
 one. I had never experienced anything like this in my life:
 someone proving they knew me better than I knew myself

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-21 Thread Michael Jackson
I was around Bevan enough to know that if that son of a bitch is a Master, I'd 
rather go live on Mars.

 From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 He attained a First Class at Cambridge [that means a lot more than you know]. 
 He lived in Maharishi's ashram in Rishikesh. He knew Maharishi probably as 
 well as anyone. He is a very smart and thoughtful person--he was once a 
 child, he had a loving mother. He knows from inside what Maharishi is all 
 about. He has made an irrevocable decision to bear it out to the end, as a 
 true apostle of Maharishi and all his Teachings.

Maharishi have made, and is continuing to make, a remarkable number of people 
eligible for Masterhood. Bevan being one of better known of these blessed souls.

It is said the the Lord Buddha made 500 people enlightened. I think we will do 
Maharishi, River Rhine, Germany 1982


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-20 Thread Share Long
lamb to the slaughter

Jason, time to round up all those fierce warriors of yours...

 From: Jason
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


 But that does not mean that you are wrong. You may very 
well have diagnosed me perfectly--but I doubt it.

Robin, it's these kind of statements that worry me.  You 
sometimes imply that you 'were' enlightened and sometimes 
you imply that you were passing yourself as enlightened.

Sometimes the contradictions come in the same sentence or 

I seriously doubt if it's possible for anyone to get 
enlightened by this love for another man, even if it 
happens to be Maharishi.

---  Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Barry,
 I think, contrary to what I would have expected, you have raised some 
 significant points here. I am not sure how I would go about answering you. I 
 have had, up until reading your post today, a certain way of seeing myself 
 and the world. Perhaps in some sense, that has been altered by reading--three 
 times now--your post. I don't think, though, it is fair to expect me to 
 respond in full--I mean immediately. There is a lot to digest here--not to 
 mention allow myself to even think might be true. I just don't believe you 
 have a right to criticize me like this. Why should I accept the judgment of 
 someone who has never met me? You have never been friendly towards me; why 
 should I believe you have anything to tell me, Barry? If any of what you have 
 said here is actually true, it is only unconsciously so; I did not set 
 out--as far as I know--to get a following. But that does not mean that you 
 are wrong. You may very well have diagnosed me perfectly--but I doubt
 it. Thanks anyway, Barry; but I really don't see how I can do anything more 
than just say: I will think hard about all that you have said to me, but it 
will be very hard to accept that it is true.
 Please give my best to Curtis.
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  For some reason, possibly the result of reading about compassion and
  deciding to subject myself to one of your rants *out* of compassion, I
  actually read the post below. Taking you at your word in this rant and
  in others, about your willingness to see yourself from points of view
  other than your own, I'm curious as to how you'll react to a few
  unrequested observations:
  1. As many have pointed out, how does this letter to Raunchy *not* fit
  into the category of trolling for TMers in hopes of still attracting
  adoration, if not actual followers? Who else would CARE about what you
  felt and continue to feel for Maharishi?
  2. Also as many have pointed out, for all your claims of challenging
  past assumptions, there seems to be one that you have never challenged,
  and continue to assert (again, only to TMers, the only group for which
  this claim would have any caveat or meaning) -- that you were once in
  Unity Consciousness as defined by MMY. Have you *ever* entertained the
  notion that you were just experiencing a bout of psychosis that you
  *interpreted* as a state that would be pleasing to the guy you had a
  man-crush on (Maharishi)?
  3. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that all of the flashy
  experiences you attribute to having in Maharishi's presence are simply
  the result *OF* having a rather severe man-crush on him? This is a
  question that anyone reading that you have spent the last 25 years of
  your life living with a guy who seems to have a similar man-crush on you
  might ask. Just sayin'...
  4. Have you ever pondered the *extraordinary* ramifications of stating
  that my perception of a matter concerning myself was incorrect
  happened for the *first* time in your life at a rather advanced age?
  That statement is pretty much a self-diagnosis of a person whose entire
  life to that point had been spent under the influence of Narcissistic
  Personality Disorder. I would assert that no one *not* suffering from
  NPD could have possibly reached such an age without encountering a few
  things about himself or herself that they'd been incorrect about.
  5. Have you ever considered the possibility that one of the reasons you
  still claim to hold Maharishi to be so important and so powerful is that
  you're still trying to butter up the only possible audience for your
  narcissistic ramblings about yourself and your borrowed philosophy --
  TMers or former TMers?
  6. Have you ever considered the possibility that you *projected* onto
  him all of the experiences you claim came *from* Maharishi, and that one
  of the reasons you did this is just to avoid dealing with the
  possibility that you had an enormous man-crush on him? You admit that
  the love you felt for him was the highest love you'd ever experienced

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-20 Thread Emily Reyn
Ha ha ha.  That's pretty funny actually.  

 From: authfriend
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

--- In, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
  But that does not mean that you are wrong. You may very 
 well have diagnosed me perfectly--but I doubt it.
 Robin, it's these kind of statements that worry me.  You 
 sometimes imply that you 'were' enlightened and sometimes 
 you imply that you were passing yourself as enlightened.
 Sometimes the contradictions come in the same sentence or 

Hey, Jason--and anyone else who finds themselves occasionally
befuddled by Robin's irony--here's a surefire way to tell
whether he's using irony:

If he says or implies that he might not have been enlightened,
was never enlightened, or was only pretending to be enlightened,
he's being ironic.

Oh, and if he says or implies that he's *still* enlightened,
he's also being ironic.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-20 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:57 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
  Ha ha ha. That's pretty funny actually.

 So simple when you know the secret code. ;-)

 Glad to see you back, Emily, missed you a whole lot.

I long suffered being with a person who had no understanding of irony,
sarcasm, playfulness. IMHO - It just shows a lack of intelligence and
emotional maturity, living in a highly fantasized world - Barry, Jason,
Steve, Xeno, et al - too many idiots on this list.

  From: authfriend authfriend@...

  Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:48 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
  --- In, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
But that does not mean that you are wrong. You may very
   well have diagnosed me perfectly--but I doubt it.
   Robin, it's these kind of statements that worry me. You
   sometimes imply that you 'were' enlightened and sometimes
   you imply that you were passing yourself as enlightened.
   Sometimes the contradictions come in the same sentence or
  Hey, Jason--and anyone else who finds themselves occasionally
  befuddled by Robin's irony--here's a surefire way to tell
  whether he's using irony:
  If he says or implies that he might not have been enlightened,
  was never enlightened, or was only pretending to be enlightened,
  he's being ironic.
  Oh, and if he says or implies that he's *still* enlightened,
  he's also being ironic.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-20 Thread Emily Reyn
My sense of humor has actually returned and expanded since spending time on 
FFL.  In part, I think because of the fact that the internet provides a buffer 
and allows for more objective review or subjective perception without the other 
person in the room to influence the space.  It allows for all kinds of creative 
interpretation.  And, because there is actually an amazing amount of funny and 
perceptive stuff here for the reverent and the irreverent alike.  I've thought 
a lot about what Curtis said to me re: it seeming like FFL is here to amuse 
me (paraphrased).  I hate to be brutally honest, but in fact, I did start 
laughing again after a good several years of being *very serious* and I must 
say, life is nicer this way.  I laugh mostly in the context of life or 
predicaments or the human condition though and not in a mean, shaming or 
school-yard way.  Sometimes it takes me awhile, but I don't sweat the small 
stuff nearly as much as I used

Miss you Curtis.  In your absence, I will be posting a list of your motivations 
for departure shortly.  Alright, bad joke.  We're cool.  I'm going to try that 
recipe for eggplant; the fact that it has pecorino in it is intriguing.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:57 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Ha ha ha. That's pretty funny actually.

So simple when you know the secret code. ;-)

Glad to see you back, Emily, missed you a whole lot.

I long suffered being with a person who had no understanding of irony, sarcasm, 
playfulness. IMHO - It just shows a lack of intelligence and emotional 
maturity, living in a highly fantasized world - Barry, Jason, Steve, Xeno, et 
al - too many idiots on this list.


  From: authfriend authfriend@...

 Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


 --- In, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
   But that does not mean that you are wrong. You may very 
  well have diagnosed me perfectly--but I doubt it.
  Robin, it's these kind of statements that worry me.  You 
  sometimes imply that you 'were' enlightened and sometimes 
  you imply that you were passing yourself as enlightened.
  Sometimes the contradictions come in the same sentence or 
 Hey, Jason--and anyone else who finds themselves occasionally
 befuddled by Robin's irony--here's a surefire way to tell
 whether he's using irony:
 If he says or implies that he might not have been enlightened,
 was never enlightened, or was only pretending to be enlightened,
 he's being ironic.
 Oh, and if he says or implies that he's *still* enlightened,
 he's also being ironic.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-20 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Awesome dear Ann, I have to say I enjoyed Judy's analysis too - it was
really beautiful, like you say clear intellectual poetry - how she picked
King Baby Barry apart.

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 9:35 PM, awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 Logic and analysis can be beautiful, crystalline and pure. When it is
 thus, there is a kind of gorgeousness manifest, a cleansing akin to what
 happens to the air after a thunderstorm accompanied by a downpour. It is
 what is often missing when communication is muddied with circuitous
 argument, shoot-from-the-hip assertion and downright ill-intentioned

 When I read this just now it struck me that Judy was cleaning something
 up, setting things to rights. That is what clear thinking can do. It is not
 motivated by self-serving subjectivity but by the need, the desire to get
 it right, to make it clean.

 Don't mind me, maybe it is just the chocolate sunday (that I am eating at
 this moment) talking. But it sure feels true right now.

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Taking you at your word in this rant
  Robin's post to raunchy was in no way a rant.
   and in others, about your willingness to see yourself from
   points of view other than your own, I'm curious as to how
   you'll react to a few unrequested observations:
  The problem with these unrequested observations is that
  they don't appear to have much of anything to do with the
  post Barry claims generated them, or with Robin's FFL
  posts generally (which Barry doesn't read).
  Robin has dealt with the conceptual errors in Barry's
  post; let's do a little fisking of Barry's illogic and
  factual errors for the record:
   1. As many have pointed out, how does this letter to Raunchy
   *not* fit into the category of trolling for TMers in hopes
   of still attracting adoration, if not actual followers? Who
   else would CARE about what you felt and continue to feel for
  This is just a silly failure of logic, given the membership
  of this forum. It would mean the only people Robin could
  write to about his feelings for Maharishi without its fitting
  the category of trolling for TMers would be Emily and Ravi.
  Plus which, of course, everybody can read all the posts
  How about Marek and raunchy, who both expressed very positive
  feelings for Maharishi--were they trolling for TMers? Lots
  of people have done that here. Chop-logic.
   2. Also as many have pointed out, for all your claims of
   challenging past assumptions, there seems to be one that
   you have never challenged, and continue to assert (again,
   only to TMers,
  Wrong. He's asserted it to Emily, to Ravi, and to many of
  the former TMers here. But then Barry doesn't read Robin's
  posts, so how would he know this?
   the only group for which this claim would have any caveat or
   meaning) -- that you were once in Unity Consciousness as
   defined by MMY. Have you *ever* entertained the notion that
   you were just experiencing a bout of psychosis that you
   *interpreted* as a state that would be pleasing to the guy
   you had a man-crush on (Maharishi)?
  For ten years? And has Barry ever read Robin's account of
  the dawning of his Unity Consciousness at Arosa?
   3. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that all of
   the flashy experiences you attribute to having in Maharishi's
   presence are simply the result *OF* having a rather severe
   man-crush on him? This is a question that anyone reading that
   you have spent the last 25 years of your life living with a
   guy who seems to have a similar man-crush on you might ask.
   Just sayin'...
  It would be very difficult to find anything in what Robin
  wrote to indicate that his friend has a man-crush on him.
  And even if that were the case, what would that have to do
  with the speculation that Robin's flashy experiences in
  MMY's presence were generated by a man-crush? That's not
  even bad logic; it's a complete non sequitur.
   4. Have you ever pondered the *extraordinary* ramifications
   of stating that my perception of a matter concerning myself
   was incorrect happened for the *first* time in your life at
   a rather advanced age?
  Ooopsie, that isn't quite what Robin wrote:
  The real turning point, however, raunchy, came when my best
  friend (although he was not at this time) demonstrated to me
  that my perception of a matter concerning myself was
  incorrect, and that his perception of me was the objective
  one. I had never experienced anything like this in my life:
  someone proving they knew me better than I knew myself.
   That statement is pretty much a self-diagnosis of a person
   whose entire life to that point had been spent under the
   influence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I would assert
   that no one *not* suffering from NPD could 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-19 Thread Share Long
FWIW, I sense that a lot of souls chose to incarnate during this extraordinary 
time when it would be RELATIVELY easy to become realized, whatever the heck 
that means!  These souls chose to incarnate and get on a spiritual path even 
though they knew that they would have huge karmic debts to repay in the 
process.  For myself it is a huge karmic debt I have to repay concerning 
abandonment.  Others have other debts and compassion, or what the Buddhists 
call lovingkindness, seems to be the perfect universal solvent for this 
extraordinary time and these brave souls.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 3:51 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

Running my own text through the Synopsizer I and others have often
wished you would employ :-), I think I can come up with a much more
concise view of my thesis:

It seems to me that another way of viewing the Robin Carlsen Story is as
the multi-decade reaction of one man to having been rejected by the guy
he had a man-crush on. IMO that description characterizes your
adventures and misadventures as well as any other.

I'm not saying that it's the *only* way to view your story, or the
correct way. I'm just stating that it's a valid way of viewing it, and
far more Occam's Razor-like than your own.

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Dear Robin,

 For some reason, possibly the result of reading about compassion and
 deciding to subject myself to one of your rants *out* of compassion, I
 actually read the post below. Taking you at your word in this rant and
 in others, about your willingness to see yourself from points of view
 other than your own, I'm curious as to how you'll react to a few
 unrequested observations:

 1. As many have pointed out, how does this letter to Raunchy *not* fit
 into the category of trolling for TMers in hopes of still attracting
 adoration, if not actual followers? Who else would CARE about what you
 felt and continue to feel for Maharishi?

 2. Also as many have pointed out, for all your claims of challenging
 past assumptions, there seems to be one that you have never
 and continue to assert (again, only to TMers, the only group for which
 this claim would have any caveat or meaning) -- that you were once in
 Unity Consciousness as defined by MMY. Have you *ever* entertained the
 notion that you were just experiencing a bout of psychosis that you
 *interpreted* as a state that would be pleasing to the guy you had a
 man-crush on (Maharishi)?

 3. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that all of the
 experiences you attribute to having in Maharishi's presence are simply
 the result *OF* having a rather severe man-crush on him? This is a
 question that anyone reading that you have spent the last 25 years of
 your life living with a guy who seems to have a similar man-crush on
 might ask. Just sayin'...

 4. Have you ever pondered the *extraordinary* ramifications of stating
 that my perception of a matter concerning myself was incorrect
 happened for the *first* time in your life at a rather advanced age?
 That statement is pretty much a self-diagnosis of a person whose
 life to that point had been spent under the influence of Narcissistic
 Personality Disorder. I would assert that no one *not* suffering from
 NPD could have possibly reached such an age without encountering a few
 things about himself or herself that they'd been incorrect about.

 5. Have you ever considered the possibility that one of the reasons
 still claim to hold Maharishi to be so important and so powerful is
 you're still trying to butter up the only possible audience for your
 narcissistic ramblings about yourself and your borrowed philosophy --
 TMers or former TMers?

 6. Have you ever considered the possibility that you *projected* onto
 him all of the experiences you claim came *from* Maharishi, and that
 of the reasons you did this is just to avoid dealing with the
 possibility that you had an enormous man-crush on him? You admit that
 the love you felt for him was the highest love you'd ever
 but don't seem to deal with the ramifications of that. What's up with
 that? Are you saying that your love for him was higher than your
 for your wife? Adoring a holy man to that degree is OK, but adoring
 just another man isn't?

 I'm penning these questions NOT because I'm seeking to discuss or
 them with you. Don't embarrass yourself by pretending that I've
 into one of your confrontations and must do battle with you. That
 isn't going to happen, so don't get your hopes up. :-)

 I'm just passing them along to see if you are capable of realizing
 there are other ways of seeing you and your story than the ways you
 it...and, dare I say it...want to see it. My original impression of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-19 Thread Michael Jackson
The ego
is what it is, it functions the way it functions. Among other things, as a
created being, the ego has a vested interest in its own survival, in not
looking at itself for the temporary energy pattern it is, but rather as a very
pleasing Being unto itself. The ego functions by its own logic, and nothing
else. Its logic allows it to do what it pleases to remain as it is, to 
the basic energy patterns that make up the form of that particular ego.

The ego will use any means to continue its existence and perpetuate its own
energy pattern. It will use even legitimate spiritual energy and knowledge,
swooping into the energy and knowledge and using it for its own egoic ends. 

Maharishi who had a firm grounding in Vedic knowledge began at a certain point
to use the dissemination of the knowledge to fuel his own egoic agenda, which I
and others have described in other posts.

I think
you are asking me if I am willing to concede that he had a Good Ego that did
Good for the world and the answer is no I do not. He did among other gurus from
the east serve to introduce more awareness of meditation into the West. 

Most of
the people who did or do TM believe he was the major influence in introducing
meditation to the West, but that is because their opinions are biased by having
followed him to some degree themselves. Followers of Yogananda would give him
the credit, Muktananda devotees give Muktananda the credit and so on. 

So Maharishi
had an influence in society, and many did consciously experience some degree of
Pure Awareness as a result of TM practice. So did those who did and do other

The TM Movement often touts the number of people who have been
initiated into TM. But many have stopped doing TM for many reasons. The TM
landscape is littered with basket cases, people whose lives and ability to
function and do well in the world were short circuited by practice of TM and by
associating with the Movement itself. That in my opinion is one of the things
that has to be addressed in any honest discussion of the Movement and its
effect on the world.

As to
the assertion that the Maharishi Effect and Yogic Flying is going to do all
this great stuff, look its been 60 years, with about 36 of those years having
groups of people practicing the flying sutra together. How long do you wait? 

the Movement were gonna create world peace it would have done so by now.
Relationship of body and akasha – lightness of cotton fibre is not gonna create
world peace no matter how much we might want to believe so.

To sum
up, some people did get good things from their private practice of TM and
continue to do so. Few people ever get any good out of messing with the

But I do realize that no one is gonna change their mind about their
concept of Maharishi and his effect. The deal is that all of us identify
ourselves to some extent with what we do, what we wear, social status, bank
account etc. 

on the spiritual path like to disparage doctors, lawyers and socialites for
doing so while we are busily identifying ourselves with our spiritual practice
or guru. 

There is no difference between someone who identifies themselves as
the object of perception as a doctor who makes a ton of money and a spiritual
meditator who is saving the world by doing TM or whatever their chosen method
of spiritual practice may be. It is still being object referral rather than
self-referral, identifying ourselves with the Self.

So some
good and some not so good has come out of M being on the planet and doing his
thing. Lots of people have not been able to believe that he could have the
energy he had and still manipulate and mis-use people for his own egoic ends. I
do. One can have tremendous power and energy and still be in ego and mis-use
the power. Maharishi did.

If you don’t
believe it, just look at the Movement. It is his Movement, his creation. Look
at the way the Movement and its leaders have always behaved. That is his
creation. Many have for years created in their minds a separation between M and
the Movement. It isn’t logical to do so. 

When people create something the
energy of the creator goes into it and perpetuates it. If you believe that he
was this pristine icon of do-gooder-ness and the Movement people just screwed
everything up on their own, then he would have to have been completely
oblivious to what was going on around him and would have to have been an
incompetent manager and he most certainly was neither.

 From: Buck
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 11:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 In response to what is quoted here from Robin, in my opinion the problem was 
 always that with someone with the tremendous energy of Maharishi (and by 
 energy I mean the palpable energy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-19 Thread Share Long
I'm just saying that anyone can look at any behavior and talk about it with 
different language.  A religious person might use the language of religion and 
talk about sin.  A psychologist might use the language of psychology and talk 
about neuroses, etc.  A neuroscientist might talk about behavior in terms of 
brain chemistry.

Like that, I'm talking about behavior from the perspective of karma.  Or what 
goes around comes around.  In reference to the behavior of a lot of people I 
know, including several I only know via FFL, it seems that a lot of people on 
spiritual paths have some heavy duty karmic debts to deal with in this 
lifetime.  I'd put myself and Robin and Barry in this category, in their case 
simply by the life events they've reported here.

Lots of people I know, even some who have been told that they're in UC, have 
discovered that being realized is not what they thought it would be.  I think 
even famous teachers like Adyashanti talk about this.  I'm taking them all at 
their word. 

I started TM because Maharishi said we would fulfill all our desires.  Not so 
spiritual.  Now I'd say I'm more focused on emotional healing.  Again, not so 
spiritual as a lot of people I know.  And like most, I have my moments of pride 
and my moments of humbleness.      

 From: oxcart49
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 8:49 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 FWIW, I sense that a lot of souls chose to incarnate during this 
 extraordinary time when it would be RELATIVELY easy to become realized, 
 whatever the heck that means!  These souls chose to incarnate and get on a 
 spiritual path even though they knew that they would have huge karmic debts 
 to repay in the process.  For myself it is a huge karmic debt I have to 
 repay concerning abandonment.  Others have other debts and compassion, or 
 what the Buddhists call lovingkindness, seems to be the perfect universal 
 solvent for this extraordinary time and these brave souls.

I am lost here. What are you actually referring to Share? Pardon me, but this 
does not appear to address anything that was written below. Please clarify.

And you used the word realized followed by whatever the heck that means. 
Excuse me again but how could you pretend you don't have some inkling of what 
to be realized means after so many years of study, practice and continued 
pursuing of spiritual goals? Or are you just being modest?
  From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 3:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
 Running my own text through the Synopsizer I and others have often
 wished you would employ :-), I think I can come up with a much more
 concise view of my thesis:
 It seems to me that another way of viewing the Robin Carlsen Story is as
 the multi-decade reaction of one man to having been rejected by the guy
 he had a man-crush on. IMO that description characterizes your
 adventures and misadventures as well as any other.
 I'm not saying that it's the *only* way to view your story, or the
 correct way. I'm just stating that it's a valid way of viewing it, and
 far more Occam's Razor-like than your own.
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  For some reason, possibly the result of reading about compassion and
  deciding to subject myself to one of your rants *out* of compassion, I
  actually read the post below. Taking you at your word in this rant and
  in others, about your willingness to see yourself from points of view
  other than your own, I'm curious as to how you'll react to a few
  unrequested observations:
  1. As many have pointed out, how does this letter to Raunchy *not* fit
  into the category of trolling for TMers in hopes of still attracting
  adoration, if not actual followers? Who else would CARE about what you
  felt and continue to feel for Maharishi?
  2. Also as many have pointed out, for all your claims of challenging
  past assumptions, there seems to be one that you have never
  and continue to assert (again, only to TMers, the only group for which
  this claim would have any caveat or meaning) -- that you were once in
  Unity Consciousness as defined by MMY. Have you *ever* entertained the
  notion that you were just experiencing a bout of psychosis that you
  *interpreted* as a state that would be pleasing to the guy you had a
  man-crush on (Maharishi)?
  3. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that all of the
  experiences you attribute to having in Maharishi's presence are simply
  the result *OF* having a rather severe man-crush on him? This is a
  question that anyone reading that you

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-18 Thread Share Long
Excellent point.  Except that Bhairitu asked me about non TM people.  I don't 
fall into that category.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Yourself maybe?

Excellent point, and exactly the same one I was hoping
to make in the passage of mine that Alex quoted from
a while back, which was originally about the phenomenon
of darshan or transmission:

There are some traditions that explain this phenomenon
in terms of recognition. You sit in the presence of
someone who is firing on more cylinders than you are.
They are higher, or in a more advanced state of con-
sciousness. More aspects of their being have woken up.
And in that person's presence, you find that similar
aspects of YOUR being wake up.

Many have been taught that such waking ups pretty
much have to come from outside of ourselves, and that
they are transmitted or given to us by teachers or
holy people or whatever. Seems to me that this belief
ignores the evidence of history (most of the enlight-
ened beings we've been told about came to their 
realizations while *on their own*, not as the result
of anyone doing anything to them) and the basic idea
of who is responsible for us realizing our own
enlightenment (us). 

While I understand this idea and its prevalence (what
*other* belief is going to spring up in a tradition in
which one had to pay for every step of the process, and
receive it from someone who gives it?), I think it's
not the healthiest way to look at the process of spiritual
development. Feeling that one needs a teacher or a 
darshan-giver or someone to transmit realization to 
them is IMO one of the most common ways that people put
off the process of realization. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
 I really love what Alex says about WD gazing.  AND for me it felt too top 
 down when it was teachers and mentors being the gazers and everyone else 
 being the gazees.  It felt more right to me when everyone gazed with 
 everyone else.  Probably my authority issues involved.  Lots of people 
 liked the gazing a lot.
 I also know of shaktipat given by touch and have experienced it here in FF.
 Besides TM, long list and the word impressed is not at all the right word:
 I am forever grateful to the lineage of Kundalini Care in Knoxville, 
 especially the 2 living exponents Shivarpita and Swamiji; I'm grateful to 
 Ammachi and Mother Meera and Kurnamayi; I love Kwan Yin and Krishna Das' guru 
 but have only seen pictures of them; I have huge respect for David Deida and 
 John Douglas and John Newton and his teacher Howard Wills; I go deep with the 
 writing of Adyashanti and Francis Lucille; and with the inquiry of Lester 
 Levenson and Byron Katie;  I love gazing with Braco and doing Spring Forest 
 Qigong with Master Chunyi Lin.
 I've probably forgotten somebody (-:
  From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
 In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
 do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
 first taught meditation?
 What non-TM people have you been impressed by?
 On 10/16/2012 02:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
  Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used 
  a few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others. 
   Now everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably 
  not the best to describe its benefits.
  How is shaktipat given in your tradition?
  guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?
  Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he 
  seems brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very 
  human life with a wife and children and a medical practice.
From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
  What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra
  guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these
  people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.
  There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned
  tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-18 Thread Share Long
I've also been in the presence of people who have what I call voice.  That is 
their voice transmits shaktipat.  

Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel:  perfect casting for Holy Smoke IMO.

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

Yes there is more than one way of giving shaktipat.  My teacher knows a 
remote technique too but hasn't taught me it.   If you can find the 
movie Holy Smoke by Jane Campion (it's up on YouTube in parts  and 
available streaming on Amazon) the opening has a scene with Kate Winslet 
getting shaktipat.  Campion seems to have some knowledge of TM because 
she has a group checking session in the movie Sweetie which is 
available on Hulu, VUDU and iTunes.

On 10/17/2012 04:35 AM, Share Long wrote:
 Setting the record straight:  the comment about shaktipat by touch was made 
 by Bhairitu.

   From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


 Bhairitu wrote:

 In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions
 do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he
 first taught meditation?
 Maharishi did that to the end, mainly by sight.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-18 Thread Michael Jackson
In response to what is quoted here from Robin, in my opinion the problem was 
always that with someone with the tremendous energy of Maharishi (and by energy 
I mean the palpable energy field around him that some people could feel) 
coupled with his oratory abilities and his drive and knowledge, but PRIMARILY 
because of the energy around him, no one ever stopped to consider that a person 
can have that kind of energy and charisma and STILL have ego.

Think of your own ego, and imagine the energy you felt around M funneled 
through your ego and guided and co-opted by that ego - that is what we had with 
Maharishi - tremendous Divine Energy funneled through a big ego. 

I still say if you believe he was enlightened in the way enlightenment is 
described in the Vedas, then much of what he did personally and nothing of what 
the Movement did makes any sense. If you realize he was using his power and 
energy to have a hell of an ego trip, replete with lots of babes, oodles of 
money and the oft repeated experience of manipulating people AND getting to set 
himself up as the Big Cheese then everything he did and everything the Movement 
did and continues to do makes total sense.

 From: khazana108
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 I have decided that Maharishi was more seductive and entrancing and 
 enthralling than the most beautiful woman in the world--the spiritual 
 substituting here for the erotic. And yet for all that, I believe Maharishi 
 was a lie. But I would be maybe 40% of the person I am now had I not known 
 and devoted myself to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and his Teachings. And he 
 allowed us to have the opportunity to initiate someone into TM: no one but an 
 initiator in the early seventies can know what that was like. No one since 
 Saint Peter has known what the experience was like to be around Maharishi. 
 Christ took Peter away from his fishing; Maharishi took us away from 
 psychedelics. It is a story that has hardly begun to be told.

Oh well...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-17 Thread Share Long
Setting the record straight:  the comment about shaktipat by touch was made by 

 From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


Bhairitu wrote:

 In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
 do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
 first taught meditation?

Maharishi did that to the end, mainly by sight.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-17 Thread Share Long
Thanks, makes me chuckle even with second viewing (-:

 From: oxcart49
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
 few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  
 Now everyone gazes with everyone.

  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not the best to describe its benefits.
 How is shaktipat given in your tradition?  
 guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?
 Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he 
 seems brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very 
 human life with a wife and children and a medical practice.  
  From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
 What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra 
 guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these 
 people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India. 
 There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned 
 tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping 
 someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who 
 decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.
 It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up 
 on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent 
 trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic 
 I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?
 On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
  laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, 
  I wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they 
  don't like people coming late to avoid the gazing...
  WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll 
  always be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another 
  theory of consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I 
  do think the whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others 
  Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:
From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@...
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
  may or may not be helpful to some people.
  Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.
  I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
  I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
  FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here 
  with Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
  connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
  connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin 
  to get through his books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with 
  ideas; it was all about the gazing.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-17 Thread Bhairitu
Yes there is more than one way of giving shaktipat.  My teacher knows a 
remote technique too but hasn't taught me it.   If you can find the 
movie Holy Smoke by Jane Campion (it's up on YouTube in parts  and 
available streaming on Amazon) the opening has a scene with Kate Winslet 
getting shaktipat.  Campion seems to have some knowledge of TM because 
she has a group checking session in the movie Sweetie which is 
available on Hulu, VUDU and iTunes.

On 10/17/2012 04:35 AM, Share Long wrote:
 Setting the record straight:  the comment about shaktipat by touch was made 
 by Bhairitu.

   From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 Bhairitu wrote:

 In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions
 do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he
 first taught meditation?
 Maharishi did that to the end, mainly by sight.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Share Long
laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, I 
wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they don't 
like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always be 
grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:  

 From: Alex Stanley
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


--- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people. 

Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone. 

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly

I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the FF 
library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here with 
Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a connection 
with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always connected better 
with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to get through his 
books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with ideas; it was all about 
the gazing.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra 
guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these 
people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.  
There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned 
tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping 
someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who 
decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up 
on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent 
trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic 

I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, I 
 wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they don't 
 like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

   From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
 FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here with 
 Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
 connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
 connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to 
 get through his books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with 
 ideas; it was all about the gazing.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Share Long
Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  Now 
everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not the 
best to describe its benefits.

How is shaktipat given in your tradition?  

guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?

Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he seems 
brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very human life 
with a wife and children and a medical practice.  

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra 
guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these 
people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India. 
There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned 
tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping 
someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who 
decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up 
on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent 
trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic 

I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, I 
 wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they don't 
 like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

   From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits


 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
 FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here with 
 Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
 connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
 connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to 
 get through his books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with 
 ideas; it was all about the gazing.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
first taught meditation?

What non-TM people have you been impressed by?

On 10/16/2012 02:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
 few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  
 Now everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not 
 the best to describe its benefits.

 How is shaktipat given in your tradition?

 guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?

 Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he seems 
 brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very human 
 life with a wife and children and a medical practice.

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra
 guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these
 people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.
 There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned
 tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping
 someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who
 decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

 It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up
 on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent
 trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic

 I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

 On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, 
 I wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they 
 don't like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
 FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here 
 with Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
 connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
 connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to 
 get through his books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with 
 ideas; it was all about the gazing.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Share Long
I really love what Alex says about WD gazing.  AND for me it felt too top down 
when it was teachers and mentors being the gazers and everyone else being the 
gazees.  It felt more right to me when everyone gazed with everyone else.  
Probably my authority issues involved.  Lots of people liked the gazing a lot.

I also know of shaktipat given by touch and have experienced it here in FF.

Besides TM, long list and the word impressed is not at all the right word:

I am forever grateful to the lineage of Kundalini Care in Knoxville, especially 
the 2 living exponents Shivarpita and Swamiji; I'm grateful to Ammachi and 
Mother Meera and Kurnamayi; I love Kwan Yin and Krishna Das' guru but have only 
seen pictures of them; I have huge respect for David Deida and John Douglas and 
John Newton and his teacher Howard Wills; I go deep with the writing of 
Adyashanti and Francis Lucille; and with the inquiry of Lester Levenson and 
Byron Katie;  I love gazing with Braco and doing Spring Forest Qigong with 
Master Chunyi Lin.

I've probably forgotten somebody (-:

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
first taught meditation?

What non-TM people have you been impressed by?

On 10/16/2012 02:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
 few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  
 Now everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not 
 the best to describe its benefits.

 How is shaktipat given in your tradition?

 guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?

 Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he seems 
 brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very human 
 life with a wife and children and a medical practice.

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra
 guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these
 people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.
 There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned
 tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping
 someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who
 decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

 It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up
 on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent
 trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic

 I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

 On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, 
 I wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they 
 don't like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
 FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here 
 with Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
 connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
 connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to 
 get through his books. For me, the WD experience had nothing to do with 
 ideas; it was all about the gazing.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Michael Jackson
Yourself maybe?

 From: Share Long
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

I really love what Alex says about WD gazing.  AND for me it felt too top down 
when it was teachers and mentors being the gazers and everyone else being the 
gazees.  It felt more right to me when everyone gazed with everyone else.  
Probably my authority issues involved.  Lots of people liked the gazing a lot.

I also know of shaktipat given by touch and have experienced it here in FF.

Besides TM, long list and the word impressed is not at all the right word:

I am forever grateful to the lineage of Kundalini Care in Knoxville, especially 
the 2 living exponents Shivarpita and Swamiji; I'm grateful to Ammachi and 
Mother Meera and Kurnamayi; I love Kwan Yin and Krishna Das' guru but have only 
seen pictures of them; I have huge respect for David Deida and John Douglas and 
John Newton and his teacher Howard Wills; I go deep with the writing of 
Adyashanti and Francis Lucille; and with the inquiry of Lester Levenson and 
Byron Katie;  I love gazing with Braco and doing Spring Forest Qigong with 
Master Chunyi Lin.

I've probably forgotten somebody (-:

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
first taught meditation?

What non-TM people have you been impressed by?

On 10/16/2012 02:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
 few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  
 Now everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not 
 the best to describe its benefits.

 How is shaktipat given in your tradition?

 guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?

 Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he seems 
 brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very human 
 life with a wife and children and a medical practice.

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra
 guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these
 people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.
 There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned
 tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping
 someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who
 decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

 It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up
 on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent
 trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic

 I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

 On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, 
 I wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they 
 don't like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the 
 FF library, about 10 years ago. But, on his next trip to FF, he was here 
 with Pascal Salesses, a WD teacher who had just moved to FF, and I felt a 
 connection with her. I'm grateful that Saniel started WD, but I've always 
 connected better with some of the other teachers. And, I can't even begin to 
 get through his

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

2012-10-16 Thread Share Long
Whoa!  Thank you.  That was definitely a mini mahavakhya (-:

 From: Michael Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

Yourself maybe?

 From: Share Long
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

I really love what Alex says about WD gazing.  AND for me it felt too top down 
when it was teachers and mentors being the gazers and everyone else being the 
gazees.  It felt more right to me when everyone gazed with everyone else.  
Probably my authority issues involved.  Lots of people liked the gazing a lot.

I also know of shaktipat given by touch and have experienced it here in FF.

Besides TM, long list and the word impressed is not at all the right word:

I am forever grateful to the lineage of Kundalini Care in Knoxville, especially 
the 2 living exponents Shivarpita and Swamiji; I'm grateful to Ammachi and 
Mother Meera and Kurnamayi; I love Kwan Yin and Krishna Das' guru but have only 
seen pictures of them; I have huge respect for David Deida and John Douglas and 
John Newton and his teacher Howard Wills; I go deep with the writing of 
Adyashanti and Francis Lucille; and with the inquiry of Lester Levenson and 
Byron Katie;  I love gazing with Braco and doing Spring Forest Qigong with 
Master Chunyi Lin.

I've probably forgotten somebody (-:

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

In my tradition shaktipat is given by touch.  A lot of other traditions 
do it this way.  Did you know that Maharishi also gave shaktipat when he 
first taught meditation?

What non-TM people have you been impressed by?

On 10/16/2012 02:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Silently making eye contact and I do remember the word shakitpat being used a 
 few times.  In the beginning only teachers and mentors gazed with others.  
 Now everyone gazes with everyone.  Since I didn't like it, I'm probably not 
 the best to describe its benefits.

 How is shaktipat given in your tradition?

 guy at the gas station=Buddha At the Gas Pump?

 Impressed?  Most recently I have been impressed by Dr. Nader because he seems 
 brilliant AND compassionate AND down to earth.  He is leading a very human 
 life with a wife and children and a medical practice.

   From: Bhairitu
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 What is the gazing?  I've been taught to give shaktipat by my tantra
 guru but it doesn't involve any gazing.  Sometimes I wonder if these
 people had any authentic teacher or just some charlatan from India.
 There are probably more than a few Indians in the US who have learned
 tantra and some are astrologers and others are quiet maybe helping
 someone if they ask.  And then there is the guy at the gas station who
 decided to call himself a Swami for some extra money.

 It's a good thing to spend a few months testing a teacher and boning up
 on the field through books such as Dr. Robert Svoboda's excellent
 trilogy (on what it is like to be a westerner learning from an authentic

 I would also be interested in what kind of things impress people?

 On 10/16/2012 10:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
 laughing because different strokes, etc.  I rarely liked the gazing.  OTOH, 
 I wasn't comfortable attending and NOT participating in gazing.  And they 
 don't like people coming late to avoid the gazing...

 WDM gave me a steady spiritual family when I first left campus.  I'll always 
 be grateful for that.  Even so, I was never looking for another theory of 
 consciounsess, etc. so I didn't mind their lack of that.  And I do think the 
 whole mutuality angle is an important one that very few others discuss.

 Didn't go last night but am busting with curiosity about it (-:

From: Alex Stanley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saniel Bonder in Fairfield visits

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which
 may or may not be helpful to some people.
 Waking Down is a small, niche path that is certainly not for everyone.

 I have heard him twice, and can't say I have been overwhelmingly
 I wasn't at all impressed the first time I went to see him and Linda at the