Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-21 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Thursday 19 April 2007 18:57, Stefano Lenzi wrote:
> Where can find an example of your approach or can you give me more
> detail on how to implement it?

Mathieu kind of explained it, but it roughly goes;

In the "main bundle", i.e. the one that wraps the 3rd party bundle, you create 
a service tracker which looks for some form of "Resource Loading Service" of 
the type you specify. For instance;

 public interface ResourceLoader
 Class loadClass( String name );
 InputStream loadResource( String name );

and the activator in the main bundle links together the classloading need in 
the 3rd party lib with the registered ResourceLoaders. If the 3rd party lib 
is friendly enough to have delegation hooks for the creation process(es), 
then it is straight forward, otherwise don't let the bundle load the 3rd 
party lib directly, and instead create a separate classloader with the bundle 
classloader as the parent, and if the parent fails then your classloader 
delegates via the above mechanism.

Hope that is clear enough...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer

I  live here;
I  work here;
I relax here;

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-20 Thread Stuart McCulloch

On 20/04/07, VALLEE Mathieu RD-TECH-GRE

I agree with Giovanni that this could be useful to many people. and therefore 
worth investigating. Some time ago, I was also interested in using Jade from 
OSGi bundles. I don't think my solution can be integrated as is in Jade, but I 
describe shortly in case you are interested.

Here is what I did :
1. I defined 2 interfaces :
public interface AgentFactory {
public Agent createAgent();
public interface GenericAgentFactory {
public void createAgent(String name, String className);

2. for each of the agents classes I wanted to use, I created a bundle which:
- contains the code of the agent
- registers an "AgentFactory" service, with a property "agent-type={the agent class 
- when the "createAgent()" method is called, the service returns a new instance 
of the agent.

I'm doing something similar in my demo of Guice (IoC) on OSGi.

IMHO using services to delegate construction to bundles outside of
the core bundle is the way to go (much like the 'whiteboard' pattern).

3. I created a Jade-Core bundle, which :
- creates a new Jade container (using 
Runtime.instance().createAgentContainer()) when it starts
- registers a "GenericAgentFactory" service.
- when the "createAgent(String name, String className)" is called, the service 
does the following:
1. lookup the "AgentFactory" service with property 
2. call the createAgent() method on this "AgentFactory" factory.
3. load the agent in the container (using acceptNewAgent(String name, 
Agent agent) in ContainerController)

4. When I want to create an agent from a normal (i.e. non Jade) OSGi bundle, I 
do the following
- discover the "GenericAgentFactory" service
- call the "createAgent(String name, String className)" method

The main issue is that if you want agents to create other agents, you have to use the 
"GenericAgentFactory" service inside OSGi (you can not directly ask the AMS to create an 
agent because it will not find the class). Another issue in my implementation is that I did not 
packaged Jade itself as a bundle, but I added it directly to the OSGi platform classpath. This 
enables every "Jade" bundle to access Jade classes without explicitly importing all the 
required packages. This is not good OSGi practice, but this was quicker for me since there are 
quite a lot of packages in Jade and I did not want to bother with defining all the packages I 
needed. Maybe a properly defined Jade bundle and using DynamicImport-package would be a better 

Another option is to use a custom classloader to bridge the class hiearchies.

For example: in the core bundle, you create a classloader whose parent is
the bundle classloader, but also has an extra member for the client bundle
classloader (discovered by calling getClassLoader on the instance or class
provided by the client).

Then override the findClass method to delegate any framework classes
to the parent loader, and other classes to the client loader - for example:

public class MyFrameworkClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
 private ClassLoader clientLoader;

 public MyFrameworkClassLoader(Class clientClazz) {
   clientLoader = clientClazz.getClassLoader();

 protected Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
   if (null == clientLoader || name.startsWith("my.framework.package.")) {
 return super.findClass(name);
   } else {
 return clientLoader.loadClass(name);

You can use this loader for any code that needs visibility to both framework
and client bundles - most frameworks let you provide classloaders for just
this purpose (for example CGLIB, which is used by Guice).

Hope this helps :)

The main advantages are:
- My agents can use OSGi services (which was what I was interested in)
- I can start agents at anytime and from other bundles, not only when the agent 
bundle itself starts
- when developping, I can update an agent, as follows:
1. modify the code of the agent
2. recompile and update the corresponding bundle on the OSGI platform
3. reload the agent in Jade, without restarting anything else.

I didn't investigate too much how I could integrate better with Jade, but at 
the time I also noticed that Jade has some kind of dynamic import system, which 
enables loading jar files at runtime. I don't remember exactly how this was 
done, but maybe it could interesting to enrich this fonctionnality with an OSGi 



> -Message d'origine-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de
> Caire Giovanni
> Envoyé : mercredi 18 avril 2007 09:48
> À : Stefano Lenzi;;

RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-20 Thread VALLEE Mathieu RD-TECH-GRE
I agree with Giovanni that this could be useful to many people. and therefore 
worth investigating. Some time ago, I was also interested in using Jade from 
OSGi bundles. I don't think my solution can be integrated as is in Jade, but I 
describe shortly in case you are interested.

Here is what I did : 
1. I defined 2 interfaces :
public interface AgentFactory {
public Agent createAgent();
public interface GenericAgentFactory {
public void createAgent(String name, String className); 

2. for each of the agents classes I wanted to use, I created a bundle which:
- contains the code of the agent
- registers an "AgentFactory" service, with a property "agent-type={the agent 
class name}"
- when the "createAgent()" method is called, the service returns a new instance 
of the agent.

3. I created a Jade-Core bundle, which :
- creates a new Jade container (using 
Runtime.instance().createAgentContainer()) when it starts
- registers a "GenericAgentFactory" service.
- when the "createAgent(String name, String className)" is called, the service 
does the following:
1. lookup the "AgentFactory" service with property 
2. call the createAgent() method on this "AgentFactory" factory. 
3. load the agent in the container (using acceptNewAgent(String name, 
Agent agent) in ContainerController)

4. When I want to create an agent from a normal (i.e. non Jade) OSGi bundle, I 
do the following
- discover the "GenericAgentFactory" service
- call the "createAgent(String name, String className)" method 

The main issue is that if you want agents to create other agents, you have to 
use the "GenericAgentFactory" service inside OSGi (you can not directly ask the 
AMS to create an agent because it will not find the class). Another issue in my 
implementation is that I did not packaged Jade itself as a bundle, but I added 
it directly to the OSGi platform classpath. This enables every "Jade" bundle to 
access Jade classes without explicitly importing all the required packages. 
This is not good OSGi practice, but this was quicker for me since there are 
quite a lot of packages in Jade and I did not want to bother with defining all 
the packages I needed. Maybe a properly defined Jade bundle and using 
DynamicImport-package would be a better solution.

The main advantages are:
- My agents can use OSGi services (which was what I was interested in)
- I can start agents at anytime and from other bundles, not only when the agent 
bundle itself starts
- when developping, I can update an agent, as follows:
1. modify the code of the agent
2. recompile and update the corresponding bundle on the OSGI platform 
3. reload the agent in Jade, without restarting anything else.

I didn't investigate too much how I could integrate better with Jade, but at 
the time I also noticed that Jade has some kind of dynamic import system, which 
enables loading jar files at runtime. I don't remember exactly how this was 
done, but maybe it could interesting to enrich this fonctionnality with an OSGi 



> -Message d'origine-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de 
> Caire Giovanni
> Envoyé : mercredi 18 avril 2007 09:48
> À : Stefano Lenzi;; 
> Objet : RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part
> Hi,
> If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be 
> to declare the DynamicImport-package manifest header in the 
> bundle that contains the JADE-Core and specify * as its value.
> This should allow the JADE-Core bundle to load classes from 
> all exported packages.
> Let me know if this works. In case it does :-), would you be 
> interested in making your work available to the community. I 
> think it could be useful for many people.
> Bye
> Giovanni 
> -Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Stefano Lenzi
> Sent: martedì 17 aprile 2007 18.55
> Subject: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part
> Hi All,
>   I had a chance to clarify my idea and to do more tests. 
> Here is what I got and I hope that you can help me to find a solution.
>   GOAL: The Goal is to run JADE over OSGi so that agents 
> can be installed as bundle and executed when the bundle starts.
>   APPROCH: I have created a JADE-Core bundle that 
> contains all the library used by JADE(e.g.: core, toosl and 
> MTPs). Then I have created a JADE-Example bundle that 
> contains all the example that came with JADE and it also 
> contains a Bundl

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Stefano Lenzi

Caire Giovanni wrote:


Just to avoid misunderstandings, there is no class-loading problem to fix in 
JADE: being a framework and not a library, JADE loads application code (agents 
code) on its own.
You want to avoid misunderstandings with me or with the community that 
may think that JADE as some trouble?

Having said so, a possible work-around to your point is to modify the 
BundleActivator of the examples bundle in order to use the acceptNewAgent() 
method (instead of the createNewAgent() one) of the ContainerController 
interface. In this way the Agent instance is created within the BundleActivator 
and therefore the agent code is loaded by the examples bundle.

I'll have a try and I'll let you know :)
BTW, You know that I'm starting AGENTs by Boot class, don't you?

Let me know and bye,


RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Caire Giovanni

Just to avoid misunderstandings, there is no class-loading problem to fix in 
JADE: being a framework and not a library, JADE loads application code (agents 
code) on its own.
Having said so, a possible work-around to your point is to modify the 
BundleActivator of the examples bundle in order to use the acceptNewAgent() 
method (instead of the createNewAgent() one) of the ContainerController 
interface. In this way the Agent instance is created within the BundleActivator 
and therefore the agent code is loaded by the examples bundle.

Let me know and bye,


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stefano Lenzi
Sent: giovedì 19 aprile 2007 12.42
Subject: Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

Caire Giovanni wrote:
> Hi,
> If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be to declare the 
> DynamicImport-package manifest header in the bundle that contains the 
> JADE-Core and specify * as its value.
> This should allow the JADE-Core bundle to load classes from all exported 
> packages.
> Let me know if this works. In case it does :-), would you be interested in 
> making your work available to the community. I think it could be useful for 
> many people.
> Bye
> Giovanni 
I haven't test DynamicImport yet. But I'm pretty sure that it will work. 
BTW, I'll prefer to find a way to patch the JADE in order to fix the 
Classloading issue.
IMHO DynamicImport should be used only when your are using external 
library that you can't modify, because it breaks the automatic OSGi 
dependency resolution system.

jade-develop mailing list


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may contain confidential information. If you have received the message in 
error, be informed that any use of the content hereof is prohibited. Please 
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questions, please contact us by replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Thursday 19 April 2007 18:42, Stefano Lenzi wrote:
> IMHO DynamicImport should be used only when your are using external
> library that you can't modify, because it breaks the automatic OSGi
> dependency resolution system.

Exactly... The only reference to "Classloader" I can find in the JADE APIs is 
one constructor in the jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehavior.

"Factory" only turn up DFKBFactory, and I don't know if that is relevant to 
the problems.


Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Stefano Lenzi

Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Wednesday 18 April 2007 15:47, Caire Giovanni wrote:

 could be to declare the DynamicImport-package manifest header

This may be the only solution, but ultimately it depends on what the Jade code 
actually does and what kind of hooks are available.

For instance; many libraries that relies on classloading from text or similar 
input allows you to provide the classloader or factories for the construction 
of the objects. If that exists in Jade, you should not use the DynamicImport 
at all, and instead have the Core's factory delegate back to the extension 
bundle, typically via a service.
Where can find an example of your approach or can you give me more 
detail on how to implement it?

It looks like what I'm looking for :)


Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Stefano Lenzi

Nikos Spanoudakis wrote:


I had experienced the same problem. Initially I had the same approach:
Create a core bundle and then another bundle (application bundle) with
my agents that would dynamically import the JADE packages. Then, from
the application bundle I used the JADE Runtime class in order to
instantiate my agents. There was a problem there with a class not found
exception (like Stefano) and I think it is based on the fact that the
core JADE bundle does not import the packages of the application bundle
and therefore cannot instantiate the agents. 
That's exactly the issue that I'm having, but in order to work JADE-Core 
should not import the agent classes, because is the example bundle that 
contains the agent classes and it should own all the needed classes

This is a big problem

because if the core bundle also imports the application bundle libraries
then one cannot be installed before the other on the OSGi framework.
Therefore, you need to include the JADE jars in the application bundle
(as we did in our paper) - work with one bundle.

Your approach may cause trouble when you have to update JADE Framework 
to newer release :S
But it handle perfectly a scenario where there is only a bundle that 
interact whit the JADE World (let's call it JADE Base Driver) and it 
imports Agent as service on the OSGi World and exports special service 
as Agent in the JADE World.
The anyway the above scenario may cause trouble to implement agent 
mobility for agent that are indeed exported OSGi Service

Finally, I would like to inspect and implement a scenario where JADE 
Agent are developed on top of an OSGi Framework.

Thank you,

Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-19 Thread Stefano Lenzi

Caire Giovanni wrote:


If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be to declare the 
DynamicImport-package manifest header in the bundle that contains the JADE-Core 
and specify * as its value.
This should allow the JADE-Core bundle to load classes from all exported 
Let me know if this works. In case it does :-), would you be interested in 
making your work available to the community. I think it could be useful for 
many people.


I haven't test DynamicImport yet. But I'm pretty sure that it will work. 
BTW, I'll prefer to find a way to patch the JADE in order to fix the 
Classloading issue.
IMHO DynamicImport should be used only when your are using external 
library that you can't modify, because it breaks the automatic OSGi 
dependency resolution system.

Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-18 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Wednesday 18 April 2007 15:47, Caire Giovanni wrote:
>  could be to declare the DynamicImport-package manifest header

This may be the only solution, but ultimately it depends on what the Jade code 
actually does and what kind of hooks are available.

For instance; many libraries that relies on classloading from text or similar 
input allows you to provide the classloader or factories for the construction 
of the objects. If that exists in Jade, you should not use the DynamicImport 
at all, and instead have the Core's factory delegate back to the extension 
bundle, typically via a service.


Re: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-18 Thread Richard S. Hall

Caire Giovanni wrote:

If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be to declare the 
DynamicImport-package manifest header in the bundle that contains the JADE-Core 
and specify * as its value.
This should allow the JADE-Core bundle to load classes from all exported 
Let me know if this works. In case it does :-), would you be interested in 
making your work available to the community. I think it could be useful for 
many people.

I would suggest an approach similar to this too, but this ultimately 
won't solve the issue in every case. In particular, if you end up with 
multiple versions of the same package, then the core can only 
dynamically import over version of the application classes. But as long 
as there is only one version this should work...

-> richard



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stefano Lenzi
Sent: martedì 17 aprile 2007 18.55
Subject: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

Hi All,
	I had a chance to clarify my idea and to do more tests. Here is what I 
got and I hope that you can help me to find a solution.

	GOAL: The Goal is to run JADE over OSGi so that agents can be installed 
as bundle and executed when the bundle starts.

	APPROCH: I have created a JADE-Core bundle that contains all the 
library used by JADE(e.g.: core, toosl and MTPs). Then I have created a 
JADE-Example bundle that contains all the example that came with JADE 
and it also contains a BundleActivator that during the start method 
executes the setup of the JADE Platform and launches all the agent 
required by the example.

	THE PROBLEM: During the start up of the JADE Platform I get the Class 
Not Found error message that states:

"GRAVE: Cannot create agent Buyer-Alpha: Class 
examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent for agent ( agent-identifier :name 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1099/JADE ) not found [nested 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: *** Class 
'examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent' was not found because bundle 12 
does not import 'examples.bookTrading' even though bundle 13 does export 
it. Additionally, the class is also available from the system class 
loader. There are two fixes: 1) Add an import for 'examples.bookTrading' 
to bundle 12; imports are necessary for each class directly touched by 
bundle code or indirectly touched, such as super classes if their 
methods are used. 2) Add package 'examples.bookTrading' to the 
'org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation' property; a library or VM bug can 
cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach 
is preferable for preserving modularity. ***]"

	DEPLOY AND RUNTIME INFORMATION: As you already know I have 2 bundles: 
JADE-Core and JADE-Examples. The former contains the Boot class that is 
the class in charge of the startup of the JADE platform, the latter 
contains some of the Agent that I want to run on the JADE Platform.
JADE-Examples imports all the packages exported by JADE-Core, thus the 
Boot class. But during the JADE Platform startup (made by Boot and other 
classes) the method Class.loadForName() is invoked and it returns the 
the above error.


Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

P.S.: Sorry for the long post... If you want I can give you more details...
P.P.S.: It's my first Class Loading headache :S
P.P.P.S.: As you can see I have cross posted the message to Felix and JADE
jade-develop mailing list


This message and its attachments are addressed solely to the persons above and 
may contain confidential information. If you have received the message in 
error, be informed that any use of the content hereof is prohibited. Please 
return it immediately to the sender and delete the message. Should you have any 
questions, please contact us by replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you


RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-18 Thread Nikos Spanoudakis

I had experienced the same problem. Initially I had the same approach:
Create a core bundle and then another bundle (application bundle) with
my agents that would dynamically import the JADE packages. Then, from
the application bundle I used the JADE Runtime class in order to
instantiate my agents. There was a problem there with a class not found
exception (like Stefano) and I think it is based on the fact that the
core JADE bundle does not import the packages of the application bundle
and therefore cannot instantiate the agents. This is a big problem
because if the core bundle also imports the application bundle libraries
then one cannot be installed before the other on the OSGi framework.
Therefore, you need to include the JADE jars in the application bundle
(as we did in our paper) - work with one bundle.

Thank you,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caire
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:48 AM
To: Stefano Lenzi;;
Subject: RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part


If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be to declare
the DynamicImport-package manifest header in the bundle that contains
the JADE-Core and specify * as its value. This should allow the
JADE-Core bundle to load classes from all exported packages. Let me know
if this works. In case it does :-), would you be interested in making
your work available to the community. I think it could be useful for
many people.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stefano
Sent: martedì 17 aprile 2007 18.55
Subject: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

Hi All,
I had a chance to clarify my idea and to do more tests. Here is
what I 
got and I hope that you can help me to find a solution.

GOAL: The Goal is to run JADE over OSGi so that agents can be
as bundle and executed when the bundle starts.

APPROCH: I have created a JADE-Core bundle that contains all the

library used by JADE(e.g.: core, toosl and MTPs). Then I have created a 
JADE-Example bundle that contains all the example that came with JADE 
and it also contains a BundleActivator that during the start method 
executes the setup of the JADE Platform and launches all the agent 
required by the example.

THE PROBLEM: During the start up of the JADE Platform I get the
Not Found error message that states:

"GRAVE: Cannot create agent Buyer-Alpha: Class 
examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent for agent ( agent-identifier :name 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1099/JADE ) not found [nested 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: *** Class 
'examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent' was not found because bundle 12 
does not import 'examples.bookTrading' even though bundle 13 does export

it. Additionally, the class is also available from the system class 
loader. There are two fixes: 1) Add an import for 'examples.bookTrading'

to bundle 12; imports are necessary for each class directly touched by 
bundle code or indirectly touched, such as super classes if their 
methods are used. 2) Add package 'examples.bookTrading' to the 
'org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation' property; a library or VM bug can 
cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach

is preferable for preserving modularity. ***]"

DEPLOY AND RUNTIME INFORMATION: As you already know I have 2
JADE-Core and JADE-Examples. The former contains the Boot class that is 
the class in charge of the startup of the JADE platform, the latter 
contains some of the Agent that I want to run on the JADE Platform.
JADE-Examples imports all the packages exported by JADE-Core, thus the 
Boot class. But during the JADE Platform startup (made by Boot and other

classes) the method Class.loadForName() is invoked and it returns the 
the above error.


Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

P.S.: Sorry for the long post... If you want I can give you more
P.P.S.: It's my first Class Loading headache :S
P.P.P.S.: As you can see I have cross posted the message to Felix and
JADE ___
jade-develop mailing list
jade-develop mailing list

RE: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-18 Thread Caire Giovanni

If I understoot the problem correctly, the solution could be to declare the 
DynamicImport-package manifest header in the bundle that contains the JADE-Core 
and specify * as its value.
This should allow the JADE-Core bundle to load classes from all exported 
Let me know if this works. In case it does :-), would you be interested in 
making your work available to the community. I think it could be useful for 
many people.



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stefano Lenzi
Sent: martedì 17 aprile 2007 18.55
Subject: [jade-develop] Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

Hi All,
I had a chance to clarify my idea and to do more tests. Here is what I 
got and I hope that you can help me to find a solution.

GOAL: The Goal is to run JADE over OSGi so that agents can be installed 
as bundle and executed when the bundle starts.

APPROCH: I have created a JADE-Core bundle that contains all the 
library used by JADE(e.g.: core, toosl and MTPs). Then I have created a 
JADE-Example bundle that contains all the example that came with JADE 
and it also contains a BundleActivator that during the start method 
executes the setup of the JADE Platform and launches all the agent 
required by the example.

THE PROBLEM: During the start up of the JADE Platform I get the Class 
Not Found error message that states:

"GRAVE: Cannot create agent Buyer-Alpha: Class 
examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent for agent ( agent-identifier :name 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1099/JADE ) not found [nested 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: *** Class 
'examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent' was not found because bundle 12 
does not import 'examples.bookTrading' even though bundle 13 does export 
it. Additionally, the class is also available from the system class 
loader. There are two fixes: 1) Add an import for 'examples.bookTrading' 
to bundle 12; imports are necessary for each class directly touched by 
bundle code or indirectly touched, such as super classes if their 
methods are used. 2) Add package 'examples.bookTrading' to the 
'org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation' property; a library or VM bug can 
cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach 
is preferable for preserving modularity. ***]"

DEPLOY AND RUNTIME INFORMATION: As you already know I have 2 bundles: 
JADE-Core and JADE-Examples. The former contains the Boot class that is 
the class in charge of the startup of the JADE platform, the latter 
contains some of the Agent that I want to run on the JADE Platform.
JADE-Examples imports all the packages exported by JADE-Core, thus the 
Boot class. But during the JADE Platform startup (made by Boot and other 
classes) the method Class.loadForName() is invoked and it returns the 
the above error.


Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

P.S.: Sorry for the long post... If you want I can give you more details...
P.P.S.: It's my first Class Loading headache :S
P.P.P.S.: As you can see I have cross posted the message to Felix and JADE
jade-develop mailing list


This message and its attachments are addressed solely to the persons above and 
may contain confidential information. If you have received the message in 
error, be informed that any use of the content hereof is prohibited. Please 
return it immediately to the sender and delete the message. Should you have any 
questions, please contact us by replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you

Felix/OSGi and JADE Second Part

2007-04-17 Thread Stefano Lenzi

Hi All,
	I had a chance to clarify my idea and to do more tests. Here is what I 
got and I hope that you can help me to find a solution.

	GOAL: The Goal is to run JADE over OSGi so that agents can be installed 
as bundle and executed when the bundle starts.

	APPROCH: I have created a JADE-Core bundle that contains all the 
library used by JADE(e.g.: core, toosl and MTPs). Then I have created a 
JADE-Example bundle that contains all the example that came with JADE 
and it also contains a BundleActivator that during the start method 
executes the setup of the JADE Platform and launches all the agent 
required by the example.

	THE PROBLEM: During the start up of the JADE Platform I get the Class 
Not Found error message that states:

"GRAVE: Cannot create agent Buyer-Alpha: Class 
examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent for agent ( agent-identifier :name 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1099/JADE ) not found [nested 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: *** Class 
'examples.bookTrading.BookBuyerAgent' was not found because bundle 12 
does not import 'examples.bookTrading' even though bundle 13 does export 
it. Additionally, the class is also available from the system class 
loader. There are two fixes: 1) Add an import for 'examples.bookTrading' 
to bundle 12; imports are necessary for each class directly touched by 
bundle code or indirectly touched, such as super classes if their 
methods are used. 2) Add package 'examples.bookTrading' to the 
'org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation' property; a library or VM bug can 
cause classes to be loaded by the wrong class loader. The first approach 
is preferable for preserving modularity. ***]"

	DEPLOY AND RUNTIME INFORMATION: As you already know I have 2 bundles: 
JADE-Core and JADE-Examples. The former contains the Boot class that is 
the class in charge of the startup of the JADE platform, the latter 
contains some of the Agent that I want to run on the JADE Platform.
JADE-Examples imports all the packages exported by JADE-Core, thus the 
Boot class. But during the JADE Platform startup (made by Boot and other 
classes) the method Class.loadForName() is invoked and it returns the 
the above error.


Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

P.S.: Sorry for the long post... If you want I can give you more details...
P.P.S.: It's my first Class Loading headache :S
P.P.P.S.: As you can see I have cross posted the message to Felix and JADE