Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-25 Thread Sandra

Hi Belinda,

Due to his Kidney readings being Ok my vet seems to think that  the epogen 
or Aranesp, will not help in this case, also remember he is FELV positive. 
at the beginning his kidneys where not so good on the readings , but we 
believe this was due to his bad mouth infecting the kidneys or that's what I 
the other thing is that even though I have taken a report down to my vet to 
read (she is German and did know all about interferon, and is also treating 
3 other cats,) Her impression was a disinterest, due to  some one who she 
knows has done some studies on it,(  so she really sort of blew it out.

She said as the Kidneys were working then it was not worth using it, also 
she mentioned the cost. and ontop of this I would have to get it my self, 
which on my past inquires I did meet a lot of stone walls.

But if you know that it is worth a try please advise me of any other person 
who have treated there cats when the Kidneys are OK. I wish to thank you on 
your response. and I am open to all comments. thanks.

I will let you know the blood results when I get them.

take care to you both Sandra


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Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all commentsplease regardin...

2006-02-25 Thread Sandra

Thank you
will try again, also I now have a web
site which was given to me.for the l-lysine, I forgot to say that he is
FELV but his Kidneys are OK. He is also on the immuno-regulin or know over
here as interferon (Virbagen Omega) feline version with less side affects, He
has been on it for 12 days day, every other day I give him a injection

thank you for your comments, more are

kindest regards
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Cat with FeLV to be euthanized

2006-02-25 Thread Amy Wilkins
I'm writing about yet another cat in Rochester, NY
that has been diagnosed with leukemia.  The woman
contacted me a few months ago to see if I could find a
home but there was no reason she shouldn't keep the
cat.  I explained to her that this is not a death
sentence and that she shouldn't get rid of the cat
just because of the leukemia.  I told her why the cat
needed to stay inside and what sort of care the cat

When she wrote me yesterday, she informed me that the
cat has been living outdoors because they don't want
to clean litter boxes and that they don't touch the
cat because of the leukemia.  On top of that, she is
pregnant now and wants to euthanize the cat because
she has read babies should not be around leuk positive
cats.  I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a household of
them and have done extensive research.  My
understanding is that the leukemia is not the problem.
 It is just that they are susceptible to lots of
illness so they are higher risk than healthy cats.  My
husband and I have discussed it and I haven't changed
anything about the way I interact with my leuk
positives.  I can't, however, take in any more as I
have been out of work and confined to bed for 7 weeks.
 On top of that, my husband is having to do all the
cat litter pans and take care of all the reptiles. 
There is no way I can introduce another cat at this
point but I feel awful for this cat.  

This is what I know about the cat from her.  His name
is Shadow.  He's about 1 1/2 years old.  He's grey,
has his current rabies shot, and received flea
treatment within the last few weeks.  He enjoys
sitting by the fire and playing.  He is quite active
and has a very social personality.  He is fine with
dogs, not sure how he is with cats (since he is the
only cat).  He appears to be symptom free other than
the occasional loose stool.  

If anybody can help this cat, please let me know. 
This woman is seriously planning to euthanize the cat
she is afraid to even touch it.  My vet called and
told me about her to see if I could help if she can
convince her to surrender the cat.  The woman is
willing to let the cat go to a new home but is only
willing to keep the cat another week or two.  I will
arrange transport if anybody is able to take this cat
in.  I will also get the cat to my vet to make sure he
is up-to-date and in good shape - worm free, etc.

Amy Weygandt
Woof Wagon

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Re: 2 more babies to add to the CLS

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Susan. That is so sad. Especially about Mr. Kitty. :( I know we're supposed to love everyone. But I seriously question how someone who does not love animals can love people..Not meant to start a debate or anything. I feel the same way about people who hunt and eat meat. I guess everyone has their own 'threshold' of love or sad.  tSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  He paid a very dear price, indeed. I think the couple of months he spent caged at the vet, so traumatized that he was considered feral, damaged his health to the point that it shortened his life.Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   It seems to me that Mr. Kitty paid a very dear price to give his owner an opportunity to see just how bad his judgement in women must be! I do hope they both somehow benefit from his sacrifice. They must define "love" in a very different way then we do. Thank you again for being there to ease Mr. Kitty's distress and confirming that some humans are trustworthy.NinaSusan Loesch wrote: Thanks, Nina. These old fellas are just very special, aren't they.  We all were thinking that by now Mr. Kitty's owner - they guy who got  married - must be paying for giving Mr. Kitty up -- by living with a  very controlling wife! We all think he deserves it. I've got to  wonder how much you love someone when you don't love the animals that  they love.

Re: Smokey / immuno-regulan

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
Susan,I only used it with one cat and that's when she was trying to throw a very bad uri and herpes. Both eyes were swollen, and she had to be put on viroptic for that as well.I pulled her through and she was good for at least 6 more years. When I did lose her it was to another uri.If you are willing to go through the protocol I would say do it. I also had to do it iv at the vet's office. Unfortunately CC was semi- feral when I got her. She had calmed down. But after going through all the vet visits, etc... to get her well that first time, she was mostly feral. If she had not been I would have kept up the immunoregulin.tonyaSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 I've been going to ask the same question - if anyone has experience with this. I have a little 14mo old feleuk+ baby, Daisy, who is not only a joy to me but to all my kids at school. I want to go the extra mile with her from the beginning - there would be so many more people than just me to be heartbroken at her death.I have just gotten immuno-regulan for monthly doses for a 10 yr old feleuk girl, Calico, who just came into our rescue group. She has been maintained on monthly shots for 7-8 years so we are going to keep it up. Daisy gets daily interferon but she still has trouble throwing URI's - and she is underweight. I just have the gut feeling that she isn't going to be a really long-term survivor. I have been thinking about adding the immunoregulan to what she gets. All my info says that it has to be IV. Found a protocol - don't remember exactly but you start off with daily shots andwork
 upto monthy. Is that what everyone uses? Does anyone have experience with any better rusults using both that and interferon? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:It helped Ginger get over a bad URI last spring, and Patches get over pneumonia a few years ago.  MichelleIn a message dated 2/15/2006 10:54:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Anybody else have experience with immuno-regulan?   

Re: Smokey Update

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
Susan,I have heard of people using it sub -q. If the cat is cooperative though I would go iv. That is a more proven protocol.tSusan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Wow, it would be great to find out that I can give the IR subQ.cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   The vet fixed the shots for me and gave me enough for2 weeks. She doesn't call it immuno-regulin but Ican't think of the name of it but when I mentionedimmuno-regulin she said that it was the same thing. Ican look tonight and tell you tomorrow. She didn'tsay anything about IV.Cindy--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:  Are you giving these shots IV or sub-q? One person said she gave them sub-q,  but the bottle says it has to be IV... Michelle  In a message dated 2/17/2006 9:59:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  He has had 2 shots now and she is letting me give him the rest at home. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Smokey Update

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
was it acemannan?cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The vet fixed the shots for me and gave me enough for2 weeks. She doesn't call it immuno-regulin but Ican't think of the name of it but when I mentionedimmuno-regulin she said that it was the same thing. Ican look tonight and tell you tomorrow. She didn'tsay anything about IV.Cindy--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Are you giving these shots IV or sub-q? One person said she gave them sub-q,  but the bottle says it has to be IV... Michelle  In a message dated 2/17/2006 9:59:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  He has had 2 shots now and she is letting me give him the rest at home.
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Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all commentsplease regardin...

2006-02-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Immuno-regulin is NOT the same thing as interferon omega (Virbagen Omega). 
They are completely different medicines, not in any way related. I recommend 
trying the Immuno-regulin. There are articles about it on this group's web page. 
It is an IV shot. You can order it without prescription from Revival Animal 
Health online. Probably from somewhere in Spain also. It is also called EqStim 
and is used on horses.


In a message dated 2/25/2006 4:04:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thank you
  will try again, also I now have a web 
  site which was given to me.for the l-lysine, I forgot to say that he is 
  FELV but his Kidneys are OK. He is also on the immuno-regulin or know 
  over here as interferon (Virbagen Omega) feline version with less side 
  affects, He has been on it for 12 days day, every other day I give him a 
  injection .

Re: Foster Home urgently needed for FeLV cat

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
I cannot take in another cat at this time, unfortunately. Plus I am in Georgia. But please widely crosspost this situation. Most of us on this list have felv positive cats that live with our felv negative cats.Many people are now willing to mix cats because the vaccine may not be 100% effective, but we most of us have not had problems with mixing adult cats.You are limiting your chances by looking for homes with no negative cats when there ARE people who have negative cats that WILL take a positive if they are educated about felv.Good luck with Jorge. He deserves to live, and I hope someone will take him.Tad??? LOL!!tonyaMississauga Animal Rescue Service [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I run Mississauga Animal Rescue, in Mississauga, Ont, Canada and today picked up an injured male cat. "Jorge" issix years old (DSH grey) and aside from testing positive for Leukemia is scheduled to have his hind right leg amputated due to a very serious injury that went untreated for some time and has now turned to gangrene. The leg cannot be saved and he will require a few weeks hospitalization to get back to health. All this we are willing to take care of, but the dilemma now is where to house him. Mississauga Animal Rescue is willing to cover all his expenses (veterinary and otherwise) for the duration of his life, but we need to find a safe, caring, nurturing home without uninfected cats. We do not have any space available in our present network of foster homes, as everyone is already overloaded with cats and cannot risk infecting other cats. The vaccine for FeLV
 is effective, but nothing can give 100% guarantee that other cats won't also become infected. If anyone has a space in their home and heart to welcome Jorge we would love to hear from you.Thank you for your time,  Cindy

Re: Smokey / immuno-regulan

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
I don't recall dosage as it was YEARS ago, but 1 mL sounds right. My cat had no adverse reactions that I know of, but she was very sick already at the time we started the treatments, so I may not have known.Her worst adverse reaction was fear from going to the vet. :(tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:1 ml, but Ginger got a high fever for about an hour afterwards from that dose. Patches did fine on it. You can do .5 ml instead. With a kitten, I would think the dose would need to be less.  MichelleIn a message dated 2/23/2006 4:08:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 Michelle - what dosage did you use to treat a URI with IR? Particularly if you can do it subQ that is something I really need to try.

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-25 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Sandra,
   My Bailey is FeLV+ and is anemic, his kidney's are perfect in fact 
all of his organs are in great shape.

His anemia is due directly to the FeLV virus replicating in the bone 
marrow, and preventing the bone marrow from producing the red cells.  He 
is diagnosed with myeloid dysplastic anemia which we found by doing the 
bone marrow aspirate.  Bailey's HCT was 19% when we got his bloodwork 
results on January 3rd, we started the epogen on January 6th and his HCT 
went down to 15% in a few weeks, but was at 23% when we last checked it 
on Feburary 5th, this is a direct result from using the epogen, Bailey's 
HCT was continually going down, and I am positive without the epogen he 
wouldn not be alive today.  Epogen can take up to 3 weeks to start 
working and in the meantime the HCT can and in many cases does go lower 
as it did with Bailey.  You need to get your vet to try the epogen or 
get it yourself, it isn't that expensive atleast here in the US.  The 
vial I got was about $300.00 but should last me 4 months.

Please if you haven't already done so join the anemia group they are an 
excellent resource for this and can help with the dose strength if you 
do decide to try the epogen.  My vet uses a larger strength than most 
vets do, but it is the same dose wise.  Most vets perscribe the 2000IU 
strength which I think averages 3 or 5 doses, cost averages between $28 
to $32 dollars, mine was the 1IU strength X2 which was 300.00 
(although the pharmacy made a mistake and it wil cost me $330.00 for my 
next vial), they gave it to me at their misquoted price this last time.

Honestly if his kidney's are fine and he has been checked for internal 
bleeding and for hemobart (even if he tested negative for the hemobart 
he may still have it, it is VERY tricky to find and if it were me I 
would put him on doxycycline for 21 days just to be on the safe side) 
then I would do the bone marrow aspirate to find out exactly what is 
causing the anemia, there are so many things that can cause it.  I get 
the very distinct feeling your vet doesn't want to bother with Tabbs 
because he is positive and if it were me I'd be looking hard for another 

Bailey was 5 months old when I found him and tested FeLV+ then, so he 
has been positive most of his life, he is 10 years old now.  He has been 
healthy up until last year when we had teeth problems and now this 
anemia so we have been pretty lucky.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Prayers for Jake

2006-02-25 Thread Marissa
I just took Jake into the vet because he has been acting not himself lately. Lethargic, not eating as much, not as active, etc. And I also saw him eating his littler. I had a feeling he was going to be anemic and I am sad to say I was right. I have no expereince whatsoever to this so I am all new. The doctor did a Hematocrit and it came back with 10, which he said was in the really bad range. He said that it has probably been happening really slowly so his body has been able to adjust. I guess normally cats in that range are in dire straits. Jake isn't at all, he is just weak. Anyway, he gave him a b12 shot, iron shot and something to stimulate the bone marrow. But he said the prognosis isn't great at this point. He said there is the option of hospitalizing him and doing a whole host of test, Xrays and a transfusion, but I really don't want to put him through that at this point, especially since he is FELV+.

I am devastatedI have only had Jake for 5 months (he is about 2.5) and I just love him. I started crying when the vet told me all this. I hope he turns around from this and since you are all experts on these issues I am eager to see if anyone has any suggestions or information to share..

Marissa and Jake

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-25 Thread Belinda Sauro

 Bloodwork will tell you alot, is his anemia regenerative or non 
regenerative, what are his kidney values, does he have hemobartonella, a 
full CBC would tell you all of that?  Once you know those answers then 
you can figure out what comes next.  With his count that low though you 
may want to consider a transfusion until you have the bloodwork info.  
Did you do a full CBC?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Prayers for Jake

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
Marissa,I am so sorry. I haven't dealt with the anemia myself yet, but a lot of list members have. It's really a decision you have to make for yourself if you want to treat it aggressively or not. A lot depends on Jake and what you feel his quality of life is/will be with the treatment.I am so sorry for this bad news. You and Jake will both be in my thoughts and prayers.tonyaMarissa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I just took Jake into the vet because he has been acting "not himself" lately. Lethargic, not eating as much, not as active, etc. And I also saw him eating his littler. I had a feeling he was going to be anemic and I am sad to say I was right. I have no expereince whatsoever to this so I
 am all new. The doctor did a Hematocrit and it came back with 10, which he said was in the really bad range. He said that it has probably been happening really slowly so his body has been able to adjust. I guess normally cats in that range are in dire straits. Jake isn't at all, he is just weak. Anyway, he gave him a b12 shot, iron shot and something to stimulate the bone marrow. But he said the prognosis isn't great at this point. He said there is the option of hospitalizing him and doing a whole host of test, Xrays and a transfusion, but I really don't want to put him through that at this point, especially since he is FELV+. I am devastatedI have only had Jake for 5 months (he is about 2.5) and I just love him. I started crying when the vet told me all this. I hope he turns around from this and since you are all experts on these issues I am eager to see if anyone has any suggestions or
 information to share..   Marissa and Jake

Re: Kitty with sudden rear leg problems - Please add Pixie to the CLS

2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
Amy,I'm so sorry for your loss. I remember someone else's cat having difficulty with his legs, but I don't recall who it was. Hopefully they can answer some of your questions. Pixie will wait for you at the bridge.tonyaAmy Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi all. I haven't been too active on the board latelybut wanted to ask around and see if anybody has had asimilar experience. I have (had) 6 leuk or FIVpositive kitties and have had several of them foryears now. So far I have lost them all a differentway it seems. Lymphoma or anemia normally plays arole but this weekend I had a cat that just completelylost the use of her back legs suddenly. I firstnoticed when I saw her come out of her litter boxdragging her legs. It looked
 like she may have had aseizure or a stroke but I couldn't tell. I watchedher for a bit to see if she would regain use of herlegs but she didn't. She started to walk a bit butwas very wobbly and would fall. I took her toemergency and had a full work up and they saidpossibly a spinal injury, a disk problem, an infectionlike meningitis or something, a blood clot(thrombosis) or a tumor pressing on her spine. Theygave me pain meds and muscle relaxants and told me ifit progressed at all, it was bad news. If itresponded to the medication, it was probably just aminor spinal cord trauma. By today, things were muchworse and she could barely move. I took her to myregular vet where we ruled out everything except atumor on the spine. All the lymphoma I have had withleuk positive kitties has been extremely malignant anddespite trying chemo, I have always lost the battlewith lympho. It was heart breaking to see herdragging
 herself around when all she wanted to do wasplay. I had to isolate her from the other cats andshe was miserable in a room by herself. She couldn'tunderstand why her legs wouldn't let her run and play.My vet, who has never steered me wrong, agreed themost humane thing to do was to let her go while shestill had some dignity. I'm heartbroken as I alwaysam when I lose one but was wondering if anybody hasever had one of their cats experience anythingsimilar. It came on so suddenly and with such forceand I never cease to be amazed by how brutal thisdisease can be. I know Pixie is at peace now but would appreciate hearing if anybody else hasexperienced anything similar. Amy WeygandtWoof Wagonwww.woofwagon.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2006-02-25 Thread catatonya
How is Pekoe?tonya  

Re: Kitty with sudden rear leg problems - Please add Pixie to theCLS

2006-02-25 Thread Del H. Daniels

My sympathies to you with Pixie's 
loss. You did the right thing for her to ease her suffering and send her 
to healthy land at the Bridge. Bless her heart, such a tragedy for one so 
young. I have lost three cats with a saddle clot; whether it was that or 
something else, the heart aches as deep.
Hugs, Del

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:42 
  Subject: Re: Kitty with sudden rear leg 
  problems - Please add Pixie to theCLS
  I'm so sorry for your loss. I remember someone else's cat having 
  difficulty with his legs, but I don't recall who it was. Hopefully they 
  can answer some of your questions. Pixie will wait for you at the 
  tonyaAmy Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
all. I haven't been too active on the board latelybut wanted to ask 
around and see if anybody has had asimilar experience. I have (had) 6 
leuk or FIVpositive kitties and have had several of them foryears 
now. So far I have lost them all a differentway it seems. Lymphoma or 
anemia normally plays arole but this weekend I had a cat that just 
completelylost the use of her back legs suddenly. I firstnoticed 
when I saw her come out of her litter boxdragging her legs. It looked 
like she may have had aseizure or a stroke but I couldn't tell. I 
watchedher for a bit to see if she would regain use of herlegs but 
she didn't. She started to walk a bit butwas very wobbly and would fall. 
I took her toemergency and had a full work up and they saidpossibly 
a spinal injury, a disk problem, an infectionlike meningitis or 
something, a blood clot(thrombosis) or a tumor pressing on her spine. 
Theygave me pain meds and muscle relaxants and told me ifit 
progressed at all, it was bad news. If itresponded to the medication, it 
was probably just aminor spinal cord trauma. By today, things were 
muchworse and she could barely move. I took her to myregular vet 
where we ruled out everything except atumor on the spine. All the 
lymphoma I have had withleuk positive kitties has been extremely 
malignant anddespite trying chemo, I have always lost the battlewith 
lympho. It was heart breaking to see herdragging herself around when all 
she wanted to do wasplay. I had to isolate her from the other cats 
andshe was miserable in a room by herself. She couldn'tunderstand 
why her legs wouldn't let her run and play.My vet, who has never steered 
me wrong, agreed themost humane thing to do was to let her go while 
shestill had some dignity. I'm heartbroken as I alwaysam when I lose 
one but was wondering if anybody hasever had one of their cats 
experience anythingsimilar. It came on so suddenly and with such 
forceand I never cease to be amazed by how brutal thisdisease can 
be. I know Pixie is at peace now but would appreciate hearing if anybody 
else hasexperienced anything similar. Amy 
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Re: Prayers for Jake

2006-02-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Dexamethasone, Epogen, Immuno-regulin, doxicycline, and a 
transfusion. Some cats on the list have gone almost that low, though not 
sure that low, and bounced back from combinations of these.