Re: A little more on Spencer

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

LOL!  That little Stinker!  I love it when mine are eating their 
canned food & one reaches out a paw & snatches the dish right out from 
under the nose of another.  They crack me up!
In a message dated 10/2/2006 8:15:31 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
He was 
  reaching his paw into her cage to scoop out some of her dry food!  


Re: Angel Peanut

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

Thank you, Cindy.
In a message dated 10/2/2006 9:07:52 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I am so 
  sorry to hear about your precious Peanut and Iam sorry you had to make 
  that decision.  You are in 


Re: Angel Peanut

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

Thank means a lot to me.
In a message dated 10/2/2006 10:14:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  I am so sorry to hear about Peanut.  


Re: OT: Crackers wins the Oct 2006 Cute Kitty Contest!

2006-10-03 Thread Gina WN
Thank you!  I was silently thinking "pick Cracker, pick Crackers!"  And was so happy when my husband did.     Gina  Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Gina,Love your website!! Yaa Crackers, such a cute photo.-- Belindahappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kittieshttp://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]http://bmk.bemikitties.comVisit my Tigger Tales site!        
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: OT: Why is this list so nice?

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

You are so right about this list.  That's a great idea to start your 
own wishes to you & keep us posted on how things are 
In a message dated 10/2/2006 10:16:50 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I am 
  starting my own rescue because I just couldn't take all the arguing and 
  fighting any more


Re: Hello Everyone, a not so brief update

2006-10-03 Thread Gina WN
The way you look at things is a real inspiration to me Nina.  I am so glad that Spence has you in his life and he obviously brings so much joy to yours.  Every moment you have with him is a cherished gift.      Gina  Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thank you Gina. It's the strangest thing with Spencer... Everytime I think he's down for the count, (beginning with his disappearing act that horrible day), he bounces back. Having accepted his fate when I thought he'd crawled away to die has given me a strange sort of peace about him. It's like all the time we've spent together since starting his dex shots are gravy. I'm so grateful for this time together, prepared for his passing, and yet somehow I'm still remaining optimistic that this is all just a big
 mistake and he's going to rebound and be with me a very long time. Maybe all that spiritual work with the Serenity prayer is finally paying off! The last few nights he's been sleeping in my bed, something he never did before. It's such a pleasure to reach down and pet his skinny body next to mine. What a marvel this guy is! Yesterday he spent the entire day loose in the bedroom with my PTSD kitty, Matilda. I can't believe he's making such a difference in the lives around him while his time is seemingly winding down. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.NinaGina WN wrote:> Nina,> > I'm glad to hear from you. Thoughts and prayers are with Spence and you.> > GinaVisit my Tigger Tales site! 
		Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

Re: OT: Why is this list so nice?

2006-10-03 Thread Gina WN
I like the layout of your site.  What kind of cat graphic do you have in mind.  I would like to help you find one if you would like.     Gina  Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Belinda,     I am planning to open an account on Petfinder.  Right now all the kitties I have belong to another rescue group (the one I won't be working with any more).  I am filing my incorporation papers with the state this week.  Then I will start working on my 501(c)3.  I have an initial website up, though I need to get a cat graphic to replace the flower graphic.  Feel free to have a look, though all my links do not work yet. 
    I was really talking about how to keep the list for the rescue group positive though.  Most other animal lists I am on have a lot of fighting.     Thanks!     Kelley        On 10/2/06, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      Hi Kelley,  My suggestion would be to open a Petfinder account for a website,they are world renown and it is fairly easy to get a site and it is free.  Here is the page that posts their requirements for a website, I'dbe happy to help: is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kittieshttp://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites] Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life! Visit my Tigger Tales site!        
		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

I am so sorry to hear about Julie losing her precious kitty Gutt.  My 
prayers go out to her & to Gutt.  He is in great company at the 

Re: Samantha/Good News

2006-10-03 Thread Gina WN
How old is Sammy again?  My Buddy was FIV+ and had dental issues.  He was 16 years old the last time he had his teeth cleaned and a few teeth pulled.  He went through the anesthesia just fine.  He was in really good health despite the FIV though.     What does your "gut" say about putting Sammy through anesthesia?     :) Gina        SamilukeMon, 02 Oct 2006 00:43:05
 -0700  Thanks, Kayte...she ate this morning & tonite, too.  Yay Sammy!  I think it's time for another dental for her, but I'm always nervous about anesthesia at her age. Visit my Tigger Tales site!        
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.

Re: OT: Crackers wins the Oct 2006 Cute Kitty Contest!

2006-10-03 Thread Gina WN
Thank you!  By the way, Tigger and Taylor turned 14 years old Sunday. :)  I can't believe it was that long ago that I found them in a wall and hand reared them.  It makes me want to cry with happiness for all the wonderful years we've had together, and I hope to be blessed with more time.     Gina  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Congrats to Kayte & Crackers!!  I just wanted to reach into the picture & rub that tummy!  I enjoyed the pics of your furkids, too, Gina. You have some adorable babies!     Yvonne     In a message dated 10/2/2006 1:22:07 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 writes:Hi Everyone,     I wanted to let you know that Kayte's darling cat Crackers won the October 2006 Cute Kitty Contest at my Tigger Tales site.  I had my husband judge so it would be unbiased.  (He doesn't know whose kitties are whose!)  :)  You can see Crackers' winning picture at Tigger Tales.     Gina Visit my Tigger Tales site!        
		Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

Re: Hello Everyone, a not so brief update

2006-10-03 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, just my opinion but I would not cut back on the dex amounts.  I 
do not think that Spencer has a long time. There are always miracles, but large 
cell lymphoma on only steroids does not usually go that long-- six months I have 
heard of on the dex/depo combo shots, but that is really an outside bet.  
How long has it been now since he got sick?
It could be providence, but I think it is the dex that is helping, and the 
extra dex that made him do better. How much did you up it by? I really would not 
cut back that much. He might crash.  I cut back some on pred with my 
Josephine when she had lymphoma (no chemo) and she really crashed.
Maybe you could give him the extra every other day and the .4 every other 
day. Is that what you were saying you are doing?
More prayers,
In a message dated 10/2/2006 8:16:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Michelle,I'm sorry that your sleep habits are as bad as mine, but it's 
  kind of comforting knowing that you're up in the wee hours with me.  
  Thank you so much for keeping me and Spence in your thoughts.  I 
  did up the dosage a little for a while, (thanks to your reassuring post about 
  it being all right to do so).  Last night I actually cut the dose because 
  Spencer seems to be doing so well and I'd like to see if I can start weaning 
  him off.  He hadn't eaten but a few bites of kibble in days and then last 
  night he scarfed a small bowl of wet food!  I don't want to go to an eod 
  protocol just yet, so I'm going to try to half his dose eod and see how he 
  reacts.  I can't tell if it's Divine providence or the steroid shots that 
  are keeping him around.  This guy is so amazing.  He's back to 
  occasionally jumping on counters and following me outside for time in the 
  yard.  It's that same old roller coaster we always go through, but I 
  can't shake the hope that somehow he's going to recover.  With that hope 
  in mind I don't want to cause complications with long term steroid use.  
  I was going through some IBD archive posts and remembered how IBD kitties are 
  sometimes kept on Pred for months and months without complications from side 
  effects.  When I first put Gypsy on Pred, it was suggested that we try 
  Dex instead.  Do you know if the reactions are the same?How is 
  your Lucy doing?  I've been looking for updates, but I'm so far behind on 
  the list that I doubt I'll be able to catch up.Keep those prayers 


Re: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread wendy

Tell your daughter prayers are going out for her;
she's going through a tough time.  I'm sorry she lost
her beloved Gutt.  When it rains, it pours...


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Belinda,
> Can you add my daughter's kitty "Gutt"  to the
> Candlelight Services?
> My daughter's name is Julie. Gutt was 8-9 yrs old.
> He was an  awesome Maine 
> Coon mix I adored him ever since he was a  baby.
> I had noticed that he was acting strange and losing
> weight. He  was losing 
> control of his hind legs. Also, loose bowels and the
> fact that his  zest for 
> life was gone he was crying. I had also noticed this
> for the last few  days was 
> hoping he had just a bad tummy. This was so  sudden.
> My gut feeling was he had a mass growing and thought
> it was a  tumor.
> He lost 3 pounds in the since last month. (She
> weighed him  every month)
> I told her he needed to go to the Vet A.S.A.P. so
> she called  was able to get 
> in to see one of my favorite Vets this  evening.
> Sadly to say he had a huge mass the size of a
> baseball growing  in stomach. 
> My daughter decided to let him go to  the "Rainbow
> Bridge" because she didn't 
> have the  money to pay for added expenses due to her
> divorce and being a single 
> parent. 
> She told me that she wanted him to go peacefully and
> his  quality of life is 
> what mattered not quantity. She wasn't thinking
> about herself  only about him 
> she didn't want him to suffer. 
> She didn't want him to endure all the medical
> treatments with  his chances 
> being slim of survival. I'm proud of her for making
> that decision  even though 
> it was hard on her.
> My husband and I would have helped her in this
> matter. 
> She didn't want him to suffer. 
> Julie loved him with all her heart.
> So she brought him home and we buried him next to
> "Sam" that I  lost back in 
> March. My husband dugged the hole for him. This man
> had recent  shoulder 
> surgery but it didn't matter. He loved Gutt as 
> well.
> We read the Rainbow Bridge and a prayer to him. Laid
> him to  rest.
> We all hugged and cried in each other arms.
> This was about an hour and a half ago.
> My husband also said that he was going to build a
> special fence  around the 
> area we have for all the future furangels that pass
> on to the  Rainbow Bridge. 
> Yes, we have a Pet Cemetery on our new property. 
> Which is under a beautiful maple tree.
> Thanks for hearing me out... :(
> Terrie Mohr-Forker
> Donations accepted at:
> _ ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _
> ( 
> _ 
> ( 
> _ ( 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT: Why is this list so nice?

2006-10-03 Thread wendy
I think the horrible grief we all have felt fighting
for our FeLV babies, and losing many of them, binds us
together in ways that the rescue groups may not
experience.  The grief humbles us and enables us to
care gently for one another through identification. 
You may not be able to reproduce that in a different
scenario.  On another note, you could require anyone
posting on your site to read a "rescue bill of rights"
or the like where you lay out that everyone will be
respectful of one another regardless of their beliefs.
 It might help.


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Belinda,
> I am planning to open an account on Petfinder. 
> Right now all the kitties I
> have belong to another rescue group (the one I won't
> be working with any
> more).  I am filing my incorporation papers with the
> state this week.  Then
> I will start working on my 501(c)3.  I have an
> initial website up, though I
> need to get a cat graphic to replace the flower
> graphic.  Feel free to have
> a look, though all my links do not work yet.
> I was really talking about how to keep the list for
> the rescue group
> positive though.  Most other animal lists I am on
> have a lot of fighting.
> Thanks!
> Kelley
> On 10/2/06, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Hi Kelley,
> >   My suggestion would be to open a Petfinder
> account for a website,
> > they are world renown and it is fairly easy to get
> a site and it is
> > free.  Here is the page that posts their
> requirements for a website, I'd
> > be happy to help:
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Belinda
> > happiness is being owned by cats ...
> >
> > Be-Mi-Kitties
> >
> >
> > Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> >
> >
> > FeLV Candlelight Service
> >
> >
> > [affordable hosting & web design]
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a
> kitty life!

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Angel Peanut

2006-10-03 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about little Peanut.  She was so
lucky to have you loving her until she passed.  


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I just wanted to thank everyone for their good
> wishes & prayers.   
> Unfortunately, the antibiotics & fluids did not get
> any response.  They  tried to 
> syringe feed Peanut at the vet & she wasn't even
> swallowing.   At that point, they 
> decided it was more likely to be cancer (lymphoma)
> that  was causing the 
> problem & not hepatitis. They did not feel that
> there  was any chance to turn things 
> around.   I brought her home  overnight & held her,
> talked to her & prayed, 
> prayed, prayed for either  a miracle or the strength
> to let her go.  I really 
> thought she would  pass at home, but by 5:00 on
> Friday, she was still with us & 
> seemed to  be getting into quite a bit of pain
> and/or discomfort, so we 
> decided to  make the trip to the vet to help her to
> the Bridge.  It was so hard &  
> it just seems so wrong that we only got 2 and half
> months with her.  She's  a 
> beautiful calico girl with the most gorgeous emerald
> green eyes.  I will  miss 
> her climbing up my pant legs whenever I was doing
> anything that involved  
> food...she had so much personality.  I just hope to
> God that I did the  right 
> thing.  Belinda, can you please add Peanut to the
> Bridge list?   Thank you all 
> for being there.
> Yvonne & Angel Peanut

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread Barb Moermond
Terri, I'm so sorry.  GLOW to light Gutt's path and ease your hearts...[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Belinda, Can you add my daughter's kitty "Gutt"  to the Candlelight Services? My daughter's name is Julie. Gutt was 8-9 yrs old. He was an  awesome Maine Coon mix I adored him ever since he was a  baby.   I had noticed that he was acting strange and losing weight. He  was losing control of his hind legs. Also, loose bowels and the fact that his  zest for life
 was gone he was crying. I had also noticed this for the last few  days was hoping he had just a bad tummy. This was so  sudden.  My gut feeling was he had a mass growing and thought it was a  tumor. He lost 3 pounds in the since last month. (She weighed him  every month) I told her he needed to go to the Vet A.S.A.P. so she called  was able to get in to see one of my favorite Vets this  evening.   Sadly to say he had a huge mass the size of a baseball growing  in stomach. My daughter decided to let him go to  the "Rainbow Bridge" because she didn't have the  money to pay for added expenses due to her divorce and being a single parent.   She told me that she wanted him to go peacefully and his 
 quality of life is what mattered not quantity. She wasn't thinking about herself  only about him she didn't want him to suffer.  She didn't want him to endure all the medical treatments with  his chances being slim of survival. I'm proud of her for making that decision  even though it was hard on her.   My husband and I would have helped her in this matter.   She didn't want him to suffer.  Julie loved him with all her heart. So she brought him home and we buried him next to "Sam" that I  lost back in March. My husband dugged the hole for him. This man had recent  shoulder surgery but it didn't matter. He loved Gutt as  well.   We read the Rainbow Bridge and a prayer
 to him. Laid him to  rest. We all hugged and cried in each other arms. This was about an hour and a half ago. My husband also said that he was going to build a special fence  around the area we have for all the future furangels that pass on to the  Rainbow Bridge.  Yes, we have a Pet Cemetery on our new property.   Which is under a beautiful maple tree.   Thanks for hearing me out...     :(   Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  & COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at: the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
		Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: Felv and Feline Interferon

2006-10-03 Thread Gary Murphy

Hi Nina,
Glad to have you back online, you were missed!  Haven't had enough caffeine today, what is a "GSD"?  Glad to here he did well, I think Moxy will too, she's a little tuffie and absolutely lives up to her name.  I've been sleeping with her on the floor every few nights when my old middle-aged joints can stand it, playing with her in the evening and allowing her supervised visits with her brothers during their quiet time.  Otherwise, she has free run of the spare bedroom, we took all the furniture out and put it in the frontroom so there would be nothing to jump on and no need for a cage.  Still, she's anxious to be free again.  Another week and she can start coming out a bit, though we'll have to lock up our adult kitty, Blue, while Moxy is out.  Blue is fascinated with the kittens but is just not getting the "play nice" thing.  She was chasing them all over the house, cornering them, hissing, and slapping the poor dears.  Or laying in wait on tall pieces of furniture for them to come walking by unawares, when she would drop straight down on them like a leopard from a tree.  She doesn't bite, she thinks it is all a great game, but she's scaring the  out of the babies, so I've had to start locking her up during the day for their sanity.  I bought some feliway spray to try, but the only difference I can see is that she doesn't hiss at them anymore and she has an absolute look of joy on her face as she does a flying superman leap into the room, hoping to land on one :oP.
Thanks for the info. on the feline interferon, I can't afford it at this point, but will bring it up with my vet at Will's next visit for blood work (and maybe neutering, though this scares me).  I don't want to offend her, but I'm going to ask if she will refer him to an internest after the surgery, as her knowledge of this treatment is limited.  The only reason I knew to push her to start him on the alpha int. was because of all the wonderful information from you folks on this site.  Perhaps the FDA packet and the hard numbers from that study I found will be enough to convince her (or the internest) to try the omega.
Thanks again, and best wishes for Spencer's good days to continue through October.

Re: Felv and Feline Interferon

2006-10-03 Thread Leslie
Beth, your description of Blue is hilarious.  I love it.
-From: "Gary Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: Felv and Feline InterferonHi Nina,   Glad to have you back online, you were missed!  Haven't had enough caffeine today, what is a "GSD"?  Glad to here he did well, I think Moxy will too, she's a little tuffie and absolutely lives up to her name.  I've been sleeping with her on the floor every few nights when my old middle-aged joints can stand it, playing with her in the evening and allowing her supervised visits with her brothers during their quiet time.  Otherwise, she has free run of the spare bedroom, we took all the furniture out and put it in the frontroom so there would be nothing to jump on and no need for a cage.  Still, she's anxious to be free again.  Another week and she can start coming out a bit, though we'll have to lock up our adult kitty, Blue, while Moxy is out.  Blue is fascinated with the kittens but is just not getting the "play nice" thing.  She was chasing them all over the house, cornering them, hissing, and slapping the poor dears.  Or laying in wait on tall pieces of furniture for them to come walking by unawares, when she would drop straight down on them like a leopard from a tree.  She doesn't bite, she thinks it is all a great game, but she's scaring the  out of the babies, so I've had to start locking her up during the day for their sanity.  I bought some feliway spray to try, but the only difference I can see is that she doesn't hiss at them anymore and she has an absolute look of joy on her face as she does a flying superman leap into the room, hoping to land on one :oP.
   Thanks for the info. on the feline interferon, I can't afford it at this point, but will bring it up with my vet at Will's next visit for blood work (and maybe neutering, though this scares me).  I don't want to offend her, but I'm going to ask if she will refer him to an internest after the surgery, as her knowledge of this treatment is limited.  The only reason I knew to push her to start him on the alpha int. was because of all the wonderful information from you folks on this site.  Perhaps the FDA packet and the hard numbers from that study I found will be enough to convince her (or the internest) to try the omega.
   Thanks again, and best wishes for Spencer's good days to continue through October.   Beth 

Beatrix and Satchmo update

2006-10-03 Thread Leslie
So good to have you back.  I've been thinking a lot of you and Spencer while you weren't able to write.  I'm so glad that you've won this time with him (we're winning, we're winning!) - each battle is a war, you have every reason to celebrate and hope.  (I do agree with Michelle, though, keep on with the Dex - deal with the next turn when it comes, we're not approaching "long term" yet.)

I know that you and yours will make the best decision about the pups and have the wisdom to be okay with whatever that turns out to be.  You ballast the crew, so acknowledging the benefit that the young ones gave your sheperd, and then how the peace will be good too, is just as acceptable as deciding that the universe tends toward chaos anyway (that's the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, so I have proof on this one!) so why fight it?

Anyway, the Great Cat Meet went down so smoothly and the roly poly cats have not stopped yet.  Funny because Satch is three times bigger than her, so she just launches herself at him in whatever manner she can.  The best is when they are at stand off (you know, both a foot apart, one paw raised, ready and waiting for the next flurry of action) and she jumps into him, wrapping all four paws around him as she's so small, and off they go.  He takes the high road in their gallomping trans-apartment travails and she goes under things as he's too big to take her route and she's too small to make the leaps he pulls off.

I wish that I knew how to get pictures to you guys, because they are really too cute.  She's like a younger sibling, following him everywhere, to the scratching post, into the litterbox, when he drinks water, she drinks water, etc.  The only thing that she won't let him do is sleep.  But he is much calmer now than he was, less clingy (though still cuddly), it's nice to see him get all of his energy out and happy.
About Satch's cough, the vet determined it to be asthma instigated by the URI, so we're treating for that and it's going well.  Anyone with tips about asthmatic cats, please pipe in!

From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Those who don't use Interferon
So, Leslie,Tell us do!  How did the introductions go??Hideyo, what side effects are you talking about with interferon use?  Iknow you mentioned that before, but I hadn't heard any other mention of
it.  Every vet I've talked to has either been for it's use, or at leastbeen convinced that it wasn't harmful in any way.I've always used human interferon when my cats become symptomatic.Because of the resistance factor, I thought it was better, (just in case
it does help boost their immune response), to use it when they need itmost.  Gloria could be right in using it continuously.  Who the hellknows?  The unpredictability of this disease keeps us guessing andrelying on instinct and faith to do our best to combat it.

Re: OT Why is this group so nice

2006-10-03 Thread Kelley Saveika
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in rescue who think that "this is the way it is and we don't want to hear any differently."
The group I was working with recently took in some FELV+ kittens.  I tried to refer them here (which was probably a bad idea because when I mentioned that some people mix + and - cats they had a fit and called yall irresponsible and a whole bunch of other stuff), but they wouldn't come.  I gave them some more current information on FELV but they do not want to hear it.  

There is a section in the corporate bylaws (supposedly - I've never seen them myself) that mandates the following:
"It is sprea through any bodily fluids, saliva, feces, urine - therefore water bowls, food bowls, bedding, litter boxes and litter, toys, anything!If we get one (FELV+) for an overnight we use totally disposable pads, beds,
dishes, litter boxes and toys. Then everything is bagged and put out to trash.The cages or carriers are bleach washed and mediphene wiped down."This group also does not allow mixing of FIV+ and - cats, and will not adopt an FIV+ cat to a person with FIV- cats in the house.

One of many reasons I am leaving.

Wow Nina that is terrible Re:
My mentor in rescue dropped me out of her life cold when she learned that the litter of bottle babies I rescued had felv and I refused to euthanise them upon diagnosis.  My mouth still gapes open when I think about the irony of her being disappointed in me!

Sometimes I think people come into our lives for a reason for a short time then they are just destined to leave it. You are a Great person I am glad you refused to euthanise and bottle fed and listened to your heart. As for anyone thinking anything bad about this group my mouth gapes open! This group saved me from a nervous breakdown. When crackers was diagnosed Felv Pos, I had no clue what it was what to expect. Even at a time when you all where dealing with your sick babies you all help me! I have gained all my knowledge from this group! Starting with Belinda who told me about this and her Bailey. (Her story is my inspiration)  You are all the BEST!! Hope all kitties are good!

kayte and Crackers! -- Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life! 

[Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread Belinda

 Original Message 


  I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!

  Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:55:06 -0400

  Christine Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



I am in desperate need of help.
We have two cats - only one of which has been tested positive for both
My husband doesn't want to put the uninfected cat at risk and is
encouraging me to have the infected cat put down. (besides being of no
desire to "deal" with it at all ) I can't live with that decision. My
vet is holding the infected cat until 4 or so today until I give them
our decision...I hope to instead of being responsible for his early
end, to be on my way to your facility...please call me, Christine back
ASAP at 989-5600-5906
Thank You!

Christine :) 

today's hot entertainment gossip  

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: timing on FeLV+ test

2006-10-03 Thread catatonya
Are you saying Oreo got it from Ellie, but now he doesn't have it any more??     tKathi Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks, Tonya. This has given me something to think about. I haven't had the other ones tested again and I don't think I will. My vet said if she was in my situation she would retest only if I brought them in for an illness on down the road. If Ellie tests negative on the IFA on October 13, I'll mix her with the others. If she doesn't, I may still integrate her. Is that taking a big risk with the 1-year-olds, though? As I said, Oreo, who's 1, became infected by Ellie and I know if I mix the two again, they'll have a great deal of one-on-one contact. Oreo and Connie have a lot of contact now and if Oreo contracts it again, does that put Connie at risk?
 Sorry so many questions. I'm just a nervous mother and FeLV is so new to me.I would miss Ellie so if I found her another home and would always be worried if she was happy or not and taken care of. I just am concerned that if she has health issues in the future, I can't financially handle the big vet bills. Perhaps someone else who's better off financially could give her a happy home, too. But the odds of finding someone who is better off financially are small, I know. So, it's just wait and see, like everything else in life. I try not to panic anymore.This is the best site. I've learned more from all of you than I have from my vet. I wonder if she knows she shouldn't have tested Ellie with the IFA so soon after the ELISSA. I don't see that vet any longer.Kathi>From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject:
 Re: timing on FeLV+ test>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:49:35 -0700 (PDT)>>If I were in your situation I would mix. BUT I would not be second >guessing myself if one of the others happens to turn up positive down the >line. Unless you've had your other cats recently tested they couled be >positive right now. Cats can harbor the virus for years. So in my opinion >I would mix if all my other cats' leukemia shots were up to date.>> After 10 years of no one catching felv from my positives I've stopped >vaccinating for it every year.>> tonya>>Kathi Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> Althea, 13>Tabitha, 11>Bear, 5>Oreo, 1>Connie, 1>>> >From: catatonya> >Reply-To:> >To:> >Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test> >Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006
 19:31:42 -0700 (PDT)> >> >How old are the other 5?> >> >Kathi Clark wrote: Are you all saying that if my> >5 kitties have been vaccinated and boostered> >for FeLV (July 2006) that Ellie, my FeLV+ kitty, can join them now I> >have her separated and planned to keep her separated from the others >until> >I> >get the results of her IFA on October 13. October 13 will be 120 days >from> >the first positive IFA; she tested positive on the ELISSA a month before> >that. Even if she's still positive after the second IFA, is it okay to> >integrate her with the others? I have one kitty who would wrestle and >hiss> >and spit playfully with her because he already has. Oreo tested positive >on> >the ELISSA after contact with Ellie but tested negative on his IFA a >month> >later. I now know that the vet
 retested him too soon but I'm too scared >to> >have him retested with another IFA. I couldn't bear to know that my boy, >my> >favorite, is still infected. I'd rather not know. Right after the >negative> >IFA, I added Oreo to the bunch. Ellie, on the other hand, is a different> >story. I need to know what to do before I integrate her. She's SO very> >lonely in a bedroom all by herself. I just would feel like a horrible> >mother if any of my others came down with FeLV and it was because of >Ellie.> >Please tell me what to do. I want the best for everyone -- me, my negs >and> >my one positive!> >> >Kathi> >> >

Re: [Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread Susan Hoffman
If that 4 pm deadline and Michigan area code are for real, it's already too late.  It is now almost 8 pm on the east coast.     Assuming the cat has not already been pts, I would suggest vaccinating the FeLV- cat and encourage the people to learn more about FIV and FeLV.  But this may all be a moot point by now.Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Original Message  Subject:   I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!Date:   Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:55:06 -0400From:   Christine Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Hello,  I am in desperate need of help.We have two cats - only one of which has been tested positive for both FIV AND  FeLV.  My husband doesn't want to put the uninfected cat at risk and is encouraging me to have the infected cat put down. (besides being of no desire to "deal" with it at all ) I can't live with that decision. My vet is holding the infected cat until 4 or so today until I give them our decision...I hope to instead of being responsible for his early end, to be on my way to your facility...please call me, Christine back ASAP at 989-5600-5906     Thank You! 
   Christine :) Get today's hot entertainment gossip -- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties  http://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens  http://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]  http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: OT Why is this group so nice

2006-10-03 Thread catatonya
Unfortunately it does boil down to who we just pick to rescue.  I'm trying to decide right now whether to take in another positive.  My decision is the life or death decision for this cat.  I just found a dog, and I know I have no business even considering bringing in another cat.  It makes me mad that I am the one that has to make these kinds of decisions almost daily. well daily, really, because people won't just spay and neuter their animals.      I don't know where you live, but I know where the best cat vet in Atlanta is.     tIoana-Dina Rican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Isn't this ironic how the destiny of those hopeless animals is chosen by humans?  And how these decisions are taken?  Then why does the "rescue" word
 exist if "we" just pick and choose who do we save?  I don't know on which part of the planet you are because since I've been here in Atlanta I met only people that abandoned their pets, vets willing to put down pets just because they carry a virus, and I am just stunned by the actions of people towards animals.  I think too that this group is the best, helps me keep my sanity, and gives me a hope that good people are still around.  Good for you you didn't put down the babies.  I would have done the same thing.  I worked with a rescue group too and they made me put down a feral cat that had half of his body flat, probably a car run him over.  They said the cat had no chance of getting better, the vet could not even look at him.  Still I suffered a lot.  After some months they came with the same idea about another cat that I rescued and I refused.  She passed away two months ago after two years of being rescued .  
  Ioana  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Wow Nina that is terrible Re:     My mentor in rescue dropped me out of her life cold when she learned that the litter of bottle babies I rescued had felv and I refused to euthanise them upon diagnosis.  My mouth still gapes open when I think about the irony of her being disappointed in me!     Sometimes I think people come into our lives for a reason for a short time then they are just destined to leave it. You are a Great person I am glad you refused to euthanise and bottle fed and listened to your heart. As for anyone thinking anything bad about this group my mouth gapes open! This group saved me from a nervous
 breakdown. When crackers was diagnosed Felv Pos, I had no clue what it was what to expect. Even at a time when you all where dealing with your sick babies you all help me! I have gained all my knowledge from this group! Starting with Belinda who told me about this and her Bailey. (Her story is my inspiration)  You are all the BEST!! Hope all kitties are good!  kayte and Crackers!  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread catatonya
Terrie,     I'm so sorry for all your daughter has gone through.  Please give her my condolences.     I hope you are doing ok after your own surgery.     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Belinda,  Can you add my daughter's kitty "Gutt" to the Candlelight Services?  My daughter's name is Julie. Gutt was 8-9 yrs old. He was an awesome Maine Coon mix I adored him ever since he was a baby.     I had noticed that he was acting strange and losing weight. He was losing
 control of his hind legs. Also, loose bowels and the fact that his zest for life was gone he was crying. I had also noticed this for the last few days was hoping he had just a bad tummy. This was so sudden.   My gut feeling was he had a mass growing and thought it was a tumor.  He lost 3 pounds in the since last month. (She weighed him every month)  I told her he needed to go to the Vet A.S.A.P. so she called was able to get in to see one of my favorite Vets this evening.     Sadly to say he had a huge mass the size of a baseball growing in stomach. My daughter decided to let him go to the "Rainbow Bridge" because she didn't have the money to pay for added expenses due to her divorce and being a single parent.  
 She told me that she wanted him to go peacefully and his quality of life is what mattered not quantity. She wasn't thinking about herself only about him she didn't want him to suffer.   She didn't want him to endure all the medical treatments with his chances being slim of survival. I'm proud of her for making that decision even though it was hard on her.     My husband and I would have helped her in this matter.   She didn't want him to suffer.   Julie loved him with all her heart.  So she brought him home and we buried him next to "Sam" that I lost back in March. My husband dugged the hole for him. This man had recent shoulder surgery but it didn't matter. He loved Gutt as well. 
    We read the Rainbow Bridge and a prayer to him. Laid him to rest.  We all hugged and cried in each other arms.  This was about an hour and a half ago.  My husband also said that he was going to build a special fence around the area we have for all the future furangels that pass on to the Rainbow Bridge.   Yes, we have a Pet Cemetery on our new property.   Which is under a beautiful maple tree.     Thanks for hearing me out...    :(     Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE
 & COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at:

Re: [Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread Belinda
  That email was sent this morning but I didn't get it in my mail box 
until right when I sent it, I was horrified that it probably was too 
late already.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: [Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread kelly

At 07:06 PM 10/3/2006, you wrote:

Please pass on my  dismay at waiting until it was too late...and our 
dismay at the ignorance and seeming lack of concern on this persons 
end. It is always hard when we seemed to be faced with a "Take this 
cat or it will die ultimatum" I feel so sad for the poor cat, but I 
do not have any sympathy for the owner. It also saddens me that some 
women are at the mercy of their husbands last word. Have they no voice?

Kelly Lane

  That email was sent this morning but I didn't get it in my mail 
box until right when I sent it, I was horrified that it probably 
was too late already.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

No virus found in this incoming message.
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Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.12/461 - Release Date: 10/2/2006

Re: Re: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread Watsdadillyo

I am sooo sorry about your daughters lost! may her heart heal soon. it 
brought me back almost two weeks ago I dugged my sisters  5 month baby 
Minnion buriel hole. My mom ,sis and me stood and well all said something we 
loved and shared memories of Minnion and then I burried her. Although its a sad 
situation it is beautiful when we can say good bye and embrace each other when 
our hearts are hurting soo much. May all great memories warm your familys 
much love and condolences
Kayte and Crackers

Re: [Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread Susan Hoffman
perhaps we should find out, just in casekelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  At 07:06 PM 10/3/2006, you wrote:BelindaPlease pass on my dismay at waiting until it was too late...and our dismay at the ignorance and seeming lack of concern on this persons end. It is always hard when we seemed to be faced with a "Take this cat or it will die ultimatum" I feel so sad for the poor cat, but I do not have any sympathy for the owner. It also saddens me that some women are at the mercy of their husbands last word. Have they no voice?Kelly Lane> That email was sent this morning but I didn't get it in my mail > box until right when I sent it, I was horrified that it probably > was too late already.>>-->>Belinda>happiness is being owned by cats
 ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties>>>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candlelight Service>>> [affordable hosting & web design]>>>>>BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]>>-->No virus found in this incoming message.>Checked by AVG Free Edition.>Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.12/461 - Release Date: 10/2/2006


2006-10-03 Thread Sherry DeHaan
You accidently put Sheilas name with Dodgers on the CLS.Sorry to bother you.Thank you for having a place for us to remember our sweet babies.  Sherry 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.

OT: Photo contest Terrie's Siamese

2006-10-03 Thread TatorBunz

Please Vote for my Siameses...Tazzy, Vinnie, Ling, and 
Sam and Ling are no longer with me. They await for me at the 
This is a huge contest...we finally made it in. Please 

  Good morning and thank you for your recent photo 
  submission. Your cat's picture has been posted to the Cat Connection website 
  for the October 2006 photo contest. 
  Please tell your friends and family to vote for their favorite photo! 
  Remember, only one vote per person. If there is a problem with the 
  picture, name or voting, please let us know ASAP so we can correct the 
  problem. You can follow this link to the contest:
  Good luck!-Maggie, 
  Abby & ShadowThe Cat Connection Shop Cats 
  Cat Connection14233 Inwood 
  RdDallas, TX 75244972-386-6369866-386-6369 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 5:02 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Photo 
  Terrie Mohr-ForkerRescued 
  Siamese (Tazzy, Ling, Vinnie, and Sam)Ages from 2 yrs-16 yrs.They all 
  love each other. Where you find one you will find 

& COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at:

Fwd: Daughter's Kitty...CLS

2006-10-03 Thread TatorBunz

& COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at:
--- Begin Message ---

Tell all of your friends that I said thank you! :o) It means alot! Their 
prayers along with my friends' prayers got me thru work today without 
--- End Message ---

Re: OT: Photo contest Terrie's Siamese

2006-10-03 Thread Belinda
  Just voted, hope you win!!!  Will get your daughters kitty Gutt on 
the service tomorrow.  Please give her my condolences on her loss.  
Cancer is a horrible disease and kitties are so good at hiding illness 
that many times it's just to late to do anything.  Her baby is watching 
over her and she will always keep him close in her heart and memories.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: OT: Photo contest Terrie's Siamese

2006-10-03 Thread Belinda
PS.  Is that one vote per person for the duration of the contest or per 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: OT: Photo contest Terrie's Siamese

2006-10-03 Thread TatorBunz

One Vote per Person for One Cat time 
Good Question!
In a message dated 10/3/2006 8:33:44 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
PS.  Is that one vote per person for the duration of the contest 
  or per day??

& COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at:

Re: Samantha/Good News

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

I actually think she would probably be ok.  She has had dental issues 
since she picked me at the humane society in 1990, & has pretty much had 
dentals done 1-2 times per year & she's never had a problem with the 
anesthesia.  She had some sort of episode a little over a year 
husband saw it & what he described sounded like a seizure, but we can never 
be sure what happened.  We took her to the e-vet at the time & they 
suspected it was her heart, since her labs indicated enlargement.  She had 
an ECG, tho, about a week later & it showed no mechanical defect.  She 
has had her teeth cleaned once since then & they just used the gas, not the 
injectable & she came thru it (Maya, a black & white 6 year old just 
minimized my screen while I'm typing...stinker!) just fine.  I'm 
just always a bit nervy about my furkids right after I've lost one.  
She's been fine the last couple days, but I think it's time for another 
Yvonne :)
n a message dated 10/3/2006 7:18:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  How old is Sammy again?  My Buddy was FIV+ and 
  had dental issues.  He was 16 years old the last time he had his teeth 
  cleaned and a few teeth pulled.  He went through the anesthesia just 
  fine.  He was in really good health despite the FIV though.
  What does your "gut" say about putting Sammy 
  through anesthesia?
  :) Gina


Re: OT: Crackers wins the Oct 2006 Cute Kitty Contest!

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

Happy Birthday to Tigger & Taylor!!

In a message dated 10/3/2006 7:18:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Thank you!  By the way, Tigger and Taylor turned 14 years 
  old Sunday. :)  I can't believe it was that long ago that I found 
  them in a wall and hand reared them.  It makes me want to cry with 
  happiness for all the wonderful years we've had together, and I hope to be 
  blessed with more time.


Re: Angel Peanut

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

Thank you, Wendy.  I think I got my sign from Peanut today.  I 
had been missing a favorite CD for several months & had looked for it 
countless times & never found it.  I really wanted to listen to it 
today, & I kind of thought, "OK Peanut, find my CD for me."  Well, 
later this evening, leaving the grocery store, I pulled another CD out of my 
case in the car & out pops this missing CD!  I can't tell you how many 
times I had looked in this case & pulled every CD out 1 by 1!  I hope I 
don't sound nuts, but I really believe she did it!
In a message dated 10/3/2006 10:40:46 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Yvonne,I'm so sorry to hear about little Peanut.  She was 
  solucky to have you loving her until she passed.  


Re: OT: Photo contest Terrie's Siamese

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

Done!  Your kitties are beautiful!

Re: [Fwd: I need a fiv felv home today or Dodger will die. Please HELP!!]

2006-10-03 Thread Samiluke

I husband would never act like that!  And if he did, I'd 
certainly have something to say about it.  Good grief, I will never 
understand how people can be like this.  I'm keeping this kitty in my 
prayers.  I hope a miracle came thru for him.
In a message dated 10/3/2006 9:20:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
It also 
  saddens me that some women are at the mercy of their husbands last word. 
  Have they no voice?Kelly Lane