Heart Murmur

2006-01-31 Thread veggiepugs
Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I am 
now treating, and the dr said to me 
"He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more 
risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am 
hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must 
stink. Actually, I said, he is very good 
with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important 
than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he 
tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for 
me not to put him under!!!" Am I 
wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for 
more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, 
now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they didn't catch this OR the 
fact that they told me today that he 
has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his 
mouth and listened to his heart so what the 
heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram. Said the murmur and the 
eye infection AND the gingivitis 
could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing 
well, any words of advice/guidance? I 
have to start brushing his teeth too.

Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home
Since the vet has discover a heart murmur, a
echocardiogram is necessary to determine what is
causing it.  Depending on what is causing the heart
murmur and how minor or major the cause is, will
determine if they can do surgery and what type of
anesthesia the cat can get.  The echocardiogram is
only necessary if your cat needs surgery of any type! 
Most vets will strongly suggest the echocardiogram if
you considering surgery.  At the same time, the vets
will tell you if you do the surgery without the
echocardiogram, they cannot be responsibly if any
complications happen during or after the surgery. 
Some anesthesia can cause further health complications
(temporary or permanent) after surgery depending on
what is causing the heart murmur.

In the past year, my own personal cat and a rescue dog
that I was taking care of had heart murmurs.  This is
the information that I gathered from my experiences
with them.

I would wait until Wowie gets over his eye infection
before considering any type of surgery.  Since I do
rescue, I am never sure if a cat is going to come up
positive for FIV or FeLV when they go in to be spayed
or neutered.  My biggest concern when taking them in
is that they are not sick from anything like a URI. 
An eye infection would make me hold off doing any type
of surgery.  The few cats that have come up FeLV+ and
got spayed or neutered, did not get sick afterwards.  
Two of them were females and spaying is more stressful
because they have to open up the females' bodies. 
Males have it so much easily because the reproduction
parts are outside of the body.  I take my cats and
dogs to a low cost spay and neutered facility.  They
test the cats prior to surgery for FIV and FeLV.  Then
they do the spays or neuters right afterwards.  Also,
They are on a time schedule and they do males first. 
It is so much easier to neutered males and it only
takes three minutes to neutered the males.

My apologies in advance if I missed something.  I am a
new member of only about a week.  So they could be
something I missed like how long you had Wowie and his
previous illnesses.

Good luck!  

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Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread PEC2851

Did vet say what "grade" the heart murmur is???
Many animal\s, and people NORMALLY have a heart murmur of some degree, and, 
often, cause no problems.
I was diagnosed with a heart murmur at age 2... My parents panicked, scared 
I;d die or develop coronary related problems.
Well, I am 50 now, have had MANY, MANY surgeries, and I am probably 
healthier than the average human.
My little dog Dukie, was diagnosed w/ a Grade 4 at 6 mos.  I DID have 
him neutered, as he got older, he had dentals, and he lived to be 19 1/2 years 
old!! and...it wasn;t his heart that was his demise, but his kidneys.
Neutering a cat, even Felv=, is ALWAYS bebeficial...it prevents further 
relted problems down the road,
As for anesthesia, it is a risk. BUT!!!  DO NOT ALLOW VET TO USE 
INJECTABLE agents like telazol, ketamine, xylazine and that white  stuff, 
begins with "P".
Insist on pre-sx IV valium, and use of isoflourane, (gas). with 
incubation.  INSIST that Brooklyn is hooked up & administered IV fluids 
DURING surgery, and for the next 24 hours POST-surgery.  This will "Flush" 
out the anesthesia.  They can also administer yohombine (sp?), or another 
drug to "reverse" the anesthesu=ia, and bring him out of it quicker
You MUST be an informed guardian
Also, it is common with many felv and FIV cats to have gingivitis..It can 
be treated VERY successfully with antirobe(clindamycin), some cats may have to 
be on it long term , but it DOES work!!  Ask him to try that 
What are you treating his eyes with?  Ointment? Drops? With or without 
Has allergies or "dry" eye" been ruled out?
Too many Weird things here that are bothering me about your vet
Did he say Brooklyn needs an echocardiogram??  Unless his murmur is a 
very HIGH grade, and THAT you would notice, I just don't understand...
I would DEFINITELY see another Felv+ friendly) vet ASAP for some 
Sure, all this could be secondary to the virus, but then why do so many 
HEALTHY cats also have these problems?? I'm a bit miffed...your vet seems to br 
sending you "negative" reports...
Rebecca, please try the antirobe.
Find out what grade the murmur is? And, is the eye Infected:, as with 
colored discharge, or just clear & teary looking?
And, definitely, neutering, or any surgery, using the guidelines I 
suggested (MALL my vets do this), will make Brooklyn a happier & healthier 
cat in the long run...
Please update

Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread Nina

I understand why you would be concerned with this vet report.  It seems 
like you've gotten a bunch of "bad news" from this visit.  Please don't 
panic.  Let's take this stuff one at a time.  In order of scariness...  
The heart murmur...  Patti is right, (I agree with her whole post), you 
need to know what grade the heart murmur is.  Gracie had a heart murmur 
too.  It never gave her a moments trouble.  My beloved Siberian Husky, 
Vixen, was diagnosed with a heart murmur when she was a pup, again, it 
never gave her any problems.  Vixen lived to be 11 and she succumbed to 
a brain tumor, her passing had nothing to do with her heart.  I have 
heard good things about supplementing with Co-Q10 for heart 
murmurs/problems.  Check it out.  One thing I have heard about Co-Q10 is 
that it shouldn't be stopped abruptly, maybe you could do some research 
on that and let us know what you find out.  I would find a different vet 
and talk to them about your concerns in getting Wow neutered.  The 
stress of an intact Tom, (those coursing hormones do make their lives 
more stressful!), might be worth it to you to have him neutered, even if 
he's "indoor only".  A female in heat, anywhere in the vicinity will 
cause him to become an "outdoor" cat in nothing flat.  All of my 
animals, including my felv cats were spay/neutered, everyone did fine.  
You may have read some of my posts about Starman.  He's tested FIV+ and 
has had lung congestion and runny eyes since he showed up.  I couldn't 
even attempt to acclimate him to the household while he had his "pom 
poms", because he was just too hostile to my other cats, (not to mention 
his excitability causing him stress and making it harder to tame up).  I 
finally brought him in yesterday and while I was nervous about it all 
day, he came through his operation just fine.  Lastly, the 
gingivitis...  Most of our felv kitties show signs of one degree or 
another of gingivitis.  Grace and Jazz had red lined gums most of their 
lives.  I didn't brush their teeth, but I did clean Grace's teeth gently 
by dipping a Qtip in an oral rinse and running it along her gum lines.  
Keeping their teeth clean helps to keep it under control.  If I were 
you, I'd look for a board certified Internist that is felv friendly, 
meaning they don't automatically write off treating a felv + cat just 
because of their status.  Your Wowie is doing fine, you're on top of 
things and he's happy and content.  Take a deep breath and find someone 
that isn't going to scare the crap out of you when they discover your 
kitty is displaying typical felv + symptoms.  What supps do you have 
Brooklyn on now?


veggiepugs wrote:

Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I am now treating, and the dr said to me 
"He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am 
hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must stink. Actually, I said, he is very good 
with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he 
tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for me not to put him under!!!" Am I 
wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, 
now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they didn't catch this OR the fact that they told me today that he 
has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his mouth and listened to his heart so what the 
heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram. Said the murmur and the eye infection AND the gingivitis 
could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing well, any words of advice/guidance? I 
have to start brushing his teeth too.



Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread Gloria Lane
I know you meant INTUBATION- I've discovered that Persians (and other flat nosed kitties) need to be intubated.  My lovely Persian kitten was not intubated and if she had been would be here today.  I think it's a good idea for any flat-faced cat, or animal with weakness that might need that extra help with breathing when anesthetized.Thanks for the summary - that's helpful to me.GloriaOn Feb 1, 2006, at 2:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Insist on pre-sx IV valium, and use of isoflourane, (gas). with incubation

Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread tamara stickler
Heart murmurs can develop at any stage of life, but, should be seriously monitored and treated if it continues to get worse.  My Quintapus was diagnosed with a heart murmur only after he had a bit of a heart attack at age 2.  I took him to a cariologist and it turned out he had cardiomyopathy (hardening of the heart).  Dr. gave him meds and an estimate of approx. 3 yrs. of life left.  Quintie just died last March at the ripe age of 12.  With medication and proper monitoring heart murmurs can be controled.     As for the neuturing...if Wowie doesn't go outside at all (nor try to get out), and all your other animals are fixedits strickly your decision. You know your cat best.  Don't let someone else bully you into making a decision you aren't comfortable with...because if something should (not that it will) go wrong, you'll have difficulty forgiving yourself.       FYI, Quint did have
 dentals during his life which require "putting him out" and he did fine, even with the heart murmur and renal failure.  (It was a blood clot that finally did him in.)veggiepugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I am now treating, and the dr said to me "He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must stink. Actually, I said, he is very good with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for me not to put him under!!!" Am I wrong not to neuter him? He's
 strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they didn't catch this OR the fact that they told me today that he has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his mouth and listened to his heart so what the heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram. Said the murmur and the eye infection AND the gingivitis could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing well, any words of advice/guidance? I have to start brushing his teeth too.ThanksRebecca
		Bring words and photos together (easily) with 
PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread Susan Loesch
All this about heart murmurs has come at a good time for me.  I have a 15-year-old kitty, feleuk negative, who I took to the vet because he looked, for lack of a better description, like he was pregnant and ready to pop.  The vet diagnosed a heart murmur - I didn't know enough to ask many questions, but have learned more here.  He is on .5mg Lasix twice a day.  For the first couple of days he seemed smaller but after that, for the last two weeks, he has looked large again.  I really took him in fearing FIP, but a tap of the fluid showed clear.  My vet said it had to be a right heart problem rather than left (I think I have that straight) because if it were left heart he would be having trouble breathing.  I don't know how to judge how uncomfortable he is at this point.  He eats, cuddles up with me at night and purrs - no difference in behavior, just appearance.  Guess I need to talk to the vet again about the fact that he doesn't seem
 to be staying "down" in size.  I understand that the fluid was produced by his body to put pressure on his heart to keep it beating ok - I think that is right - I am totally new to heart problems.  And that if the fluid were, say, drained off all at once, then he'd really have a problem.       Any suggestions or input on how to proceed or things I need to ask.  Thanks, all.tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Heart murmurs can develop at any stage of life, but, should be seriously monitored and treated if it continues to get worse.  My Quintapus was diagnosed with a heart murmur only after he had a bit of a heart attack at age 2.  I took him to a cariologist and it turned out he had cardiomyopathy (hardening of the heart).  Dr. gave him meds and an estimate of approx. 3
 yrs. of life left.  Quintie just died last March at the ripe age of 12.  With medication and proper monitoring heart murmurs can be controled.     As for the neuturing...if Wowie doesn't go outside at all (nor try to get out), and all your other animals are fixedits strickly your decision. You know your cat best.  Don't let someone else bully you into making a decision you aren't comfortable with...because if something should (not that it will) go wrong, you'll have difficulty forgiving yourself.       FYI, Quint did have dentals during his life which require "putting him out" and he did fine, even with the heart murmur and renal failure.  (It was a blood clot that finally did him in.)veggiepugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the
 vet today for his eye infection, which I am now treating, and the dr said to me "He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must stink. Actually, I said, he is very good with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for me not to put him under!!!" Am I wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they didn't catch this OR the fact that they told me today that he has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his mouth and listened to his heart so what the heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram.
 Said the murmur and the eye infection AND the gingivitis could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing well, any words of advice/guidance? I have to start brushing his teeth too.ThanksRebecca  Bring words and photos together (easily) withPhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Heart Murmur

2006-02-01 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Rebecca – did you find out the grade
level of his hear murmur – My Hannibal has a low grade heart murmur –
level 2 – but I needed to have my vet pull his tooth (he couldn’t
eat and was miserable) and he was anesthetized – and everything went ok –


I agree with Tamara, it’s strictly
your decision.  I have one FeLk kitty, Ginger, I have not spayed yet because of
the same concern.  She is very fragile, and want to make sure when I spay her,
I will run a blood work for her total body function, and make sure that she is
not too anemic (which she has been) and all her organ is working fine.  I did
have my the other Felk kitty, Tsubomi spayed recently… mainly I thought
she was pregnant,, but she is much stronger than Ginger too, she is completely
healthy, her HCT was over 40 and I am very grateful of her strength.


Rebecca, you really don’t need to
decide whether you should neuter him or not right now.. it’s probably
more questions of “when” – you can take your time and think
about it,, and when you do it, make sure that he is in the perfect condition
and make sure to run a blood work and and see if his heart murmur has gone down
or vice versa – and ask your vet not to use anything but ISO gas anesthesia
and no injectables at all – you would be amazed difference between
recovery when you only use ISO gas.. and also injectable sedatives can cause
more complications.. so I never use any injectable at all – and ask them
to monitor his heart rate all the time, and have them give him fluid during
surgery.. and ask your vet to do a surgery on his first and if he lets you
wait, wait during the surgery, and as soon as he wakes up from anesthesia,
bring him home so that he won’t have to be stressed in a cage at the vet…..again
if and when you decide to neuter him..I by no means encouraging you to do so
right now.


Usually, vets are usually more optimistic
when coming to neutering (since it’s very quick procedure), so if your
vet is concerned, if I were you, I would probably wait for a few months to see
how he does --- I lost my Suzi right after the spaying surgery.. all I know is
that it was never losing her life, and that’s probably why I am so
hesitant to do a surgery for my Ginger I knew I would have eventually done
when Suzi was a bit older or stronger.. but I did not wait – so I am
regretting it and will regret for the rest of my life.


You sound like such a good mommy, Rebecca
--- it’s not like he is pregnant (duhh..).. so really, there is no reason
to rush.. dr. addie in University
 of Glasgow advised to me
once, with any immune compromised animals, you will want to postpone neutering/spaying
as long as possible.. not only due to a risk of anesthesia, stress can trigger
the very illness that they may not showing any symptoms for and sometimes, we
and other vets underestimate their emotional stress due to a surgery.. 




On Behalf Of tamara stickler
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006
7:27 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Heart Murmur


Heart murmurs can develop at any stage of life, but, should be
seriously monitored and treated if it continues to get worse.  My
Quintapus was diagnosed with a heart murmur only after he had a bit of a heart
attack at age 2.  I took him to a cariologist and it turned out he had cardiomyopathy
(hardening of the heart).  Dr. gave him meds and an estimate of approx. 3
yrs. of life left.  Quintie just died last March at the ripe age of
12.  With medication and proper monitoring heart murmurs can be controled.


As for the neuturing...if Wowie doesn't go outside at all (nor try to
get out), and all your other animals are fixedits strickly your decision.
You know your cat best.  Don't let someone else bully you into making a
decision you aren't comfortable with...because if something should (not that it
will) go wrong, you'll have difficulty forgiving yourself.  


FYI, Quint did have dentals during his life which require "putting
him out" and he did fine, even with the heart murmur and renal
failure.  (It was a blood clot that finally did him in.)


Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I
am now treating, and the dr said to me 
"He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was
at more risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am 
hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must
stink. Actually, I said, he is very good 
with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important
than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he 
tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE
of a reason for me not to put him under!!!" Am I 
wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for
more illness? Or am I playin

Re: Heart Murmur

2006-02-02 Thread catatonya
I wish I had some advice for you.  I'm sure others have given you some by now though.  I don't know.  I would want him neutered.  It shouldn't take much sedation at all for a neuter.  It's not 'major' surgery like a spay.  As far as the heart murmur your vet should be able to tell you how 'bad' it is.  I had a male older cat that needed a dental and my vet suggested he see a specialist for an ultrasound before surgery.  I took him for the ultrasound and I think it was only around a hundred dollars. (I think.  It's been a while.)  It was totally non invasive and non stressful for him as well.  (And this is a cat who won't even take a pill!)  The vet said the murmur was nothing serious enough to worry about and he's had 2 dentals since.  He is NOT felv positive, but he does have high blood pressure which is not treated because he won't take his medicine.  He's also a senior.     Hope
 this helps some.  tveggiepugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well I took Wowie (Brooklyn) to the vet today for his eye infection, which I am now treating, and the dr said to me "He's not neutered!!" I said well, last I was here, I was told he was at more risk under anesthesia being FeLV+ so I am hesitant. Asked me if he was an indoor cat I said yes, he said his urine must stink. Actually, I said, he is very good with the litterbox and I keep it clean so, no. Like as if that's more important than his risks under anesthesia. THEN he tells me, "He has a heart murmur". So i say out loud "Even MORE of a reason for me not to put him under!!!" Am I wrong not to neuter him? He's strictly indoor. Am I putting him at risk for more illness? Or am I playing it safe? So, now he has a heart murmur and I'm wondering why they
 didn't catch this OR the fact that they told me today that he has gingivitis, at his last visit a month and a half ago. They looked in his mouth and listened to his heart so what the heck? Dr says I need to have him get an echocardiogram. Said the murmur and the eye infection AND the gingivitis could be secondary to felv. I'm worried. But wowie is still happy and doing well, any words of advice/guidance? I have to start brushing his teeth too.ThanksRebecca

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur

2011-12-04 Thread Kat Parker
*There are varying degrees of heart murmurs in cats.  They are measures in
fractions of 6.  For instance, a 2 out of 6, or 2/6,  is not as serious a a
4/6.  We had a cat who was diagnosed with a murmur, and we did not have the
money to get further testing done on him at that time because he was fresh
off the street, A stray that just followed me inside one day after I had
fed him.  lol  He looked awful, mainly because he had been living as a
stray with a bad flea allergy.  What a fantastic cat he proved to be!
Well, all was ell for about 6 months, then he started fainting (syncope),
and we were told to get the echo done.  We did, at a specialist here in San
Diego, with the help of some awesome MySpace friends and a chip in, and it
was learned then that he had cardiomyopathy with pulmonary edema and aortic
stenosis.  His lungs were so full of liquid and his heart had the all too
common cardiomyopathy cats get.  I was told by the specialty hospital vet
that it often happens that these disorders, heart murmur and
cardiomyopathy, go hand in hand (but not in every case).  Zoh's heart
murmur was a 4/6, which is significant.  They put Zoh on 3 meds which he
took for the rest of his life, every day.  Furosemide (lasix) for the fluid
in the lungs, Atenolol, a blood pressure med, and one more bp mes, I cannot
remember the name of,  but he got better.  I was told cats with
cardiomyopathy rarely live long, and Zoh lived 2 more years till he
succumbed to a heart attack and died in my arms, in my room.
I am hoping this info of my experience with heart murmurs might give you
something to talk about to your vet.  I would def ask what the meds are,
what class, and why he is prescribing them, as well as get a definite
diagnosis/prognosis in his professional opinion.  It sounds like he did not
give you enough info.  And, I would say the echocardiogram is very
important to get, even if it is a bit pricey and you might have to go a
little distance to find a place to get it done.  most vets do not have one
in their office, although if your cat is breathing hard, ask for a chest
xray, for starters.  (Not as expensive, either.  lol)Good luck.

Love and Katnip,
  ~Kat~ =^,,^=

**"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."**
*"Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY

-- Forwarded message --
> From: czadna sacarawicz 
> To: feline leukemia list 
> Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 20:56:47 +
> Subject: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool
>  There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
> leavings.
> I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
> Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said
> re:  need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was
> said re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants
> work-up.  In what circumstances would you put on meds?
> Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
> treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
> blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found
> no coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.
> feed canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because
> SPCA accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main
> part of small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.
> a fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
> finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
> Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
> went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
> their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
> thank you.
> czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie &
> Harold & James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea
> - all on SPCA waiting list)
> m
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur

2011-12-05 Thread GRAS
Animals (and people) with any heart problems need CoQ10 desperately! Between
30 mg and 50 mg daily!  One of our cats has cardiomyopathy and renal
failure…she was diagnosed 1 ½ yrs. ago.  She’s on a few drugs and sub-q
fluids and I also supplement her with CoQ10 – she’s doing really well.  We
don’t know how long she’s had the problem…she’s about 12 yrs. old now.


From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kat Parker
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 10:28 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur


There are varying degrees of heart murmurs in cats.  They are measures in
fractions of 6.  For instance, a 2 out of 6, or 2/6,  is not as serious a a
4/6.  We had a cat who was diagnosed with a murmur, and we did not have the
money to get further testing done on him at that time because he was fresh
off the street, A stray that just followed me inside one day after I had fed
him.  lol  He looked awful, mainly because he had been living as a stray
with a bad flea allergy.  What a fantastic cat he proved to be!  Well, all
was ell for about 6 months, then he started fainting (syncope), and we were
told to get the echo done.  We did, at a specialist here in San Diego, with
the help of some awesome MySpace friends and a chip in, and it was learned
then that he had cardiomyopathy with pulmonary edema and aortic stenosis.
His lungs were so full of liquid and his heart had the all too common
cardiomyopathy cats get.  I was told by the specialty hospital vet that it
often happens that these disorders, heart murmur and cardiomyopathy, go hand
in hand (but not in every case).  Zoh's heart murmur was a 4/6, which is
significant.  They put Zoh on 3 meds which he took for the rest of his life,
every day.  Furosemide (lasix) for the fluid in the lungs, Atenolol, a blood
pressure med, and one more bp mes, I cannot remember the name of,  but he
got better.  I was told cats with cardiomyopathy rarely live long, and Zoh
lived 2 more years till he succumbed to a heart attack and died in my arms,
in my room.  
I am hoping this info of my experience with heart murmurs might give you
something to talk about to your vet.  I would def ask what the meds are,
what class, and why he is prescribing them, as well as get a definite
diagnosis/prognosis in his professional opinion.  It sounds like he did not
give you enough info.  And, I would say the echocardiogram is very important
to get, even if it is a bit pricey and you might have to go a little
distance to find a place to get it done.  most vets do not have one in their
office, although if your cat is breathing hard, ask for a chest xray, for
starters.  (Not as expensive, either.  lol)Good luck.

Love and Katnip,
  ~Kat~ =^,,^=

"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."   

"Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY


-- Forwarded message --
From: czadna sacarawicz 
To: feline leukemia list 
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 20:56:47 +
Subject: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said re:
need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was said
re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants work-up.
In what circumstances would you put on meds?
Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no
coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed
canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA
accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of
small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a
fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
thank you.
czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie & Harold
& James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea - all on
SPCA waiting list)




Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur

2011-12-05 Thread czadna sacarawicz

Thank you family!!!
I typed a long note yesterday and aborted it.  Yes, I was not happy with being 
advised what med to put both Pookashay & Meaow on without any explanations.  
The state facility is a great idea.  I ordered the GNC vegetarian formula CoQ 
10 on Saturday.  Natalie, You are really high on it.
This note is primarily about Meaow and his bloody diarrhea. I am going to 
digress.  He tore up the back of my hand last night when he got by me through 
the bedroom door into the main part of the apartment.  I have been leaving him 
out of the cage thinking that would be less stressful.  He attacked an older fe 
leukemia + female.  He has now attacked all the females of my home circle.  I 
am on antibiotics for the 4th time due to him since the beginning of October.  
Yes, I remember well last summer's discussion about who controls the doors.  He 
is back in the cage.  He crunched down on her tail so she can no longer lift 
her tail. I intervened without protection.
Sunday morning there was a 1/3" gob of clotting blood on the bathroom floor.  I 
had put him in there while I cleaned the bedroom cages.  Part of this morning's 
bowel movement was hard & formed & the remainder was formed and contained a lot 
more liquid.  I bought some Paul Newman canned & will feed that exclusviely 
tonight.  have not tried yogurt.  last night fed cooked beef liver and milk and 
cooked sweet potato, . . .
quit the variety?
He is on a waiting list for the local SPCA.  I have identified him as a biter 
to them. 
he is a sweetie as I have said before who wants to claim me.  I am attached to 
him but no way can it be.
thanks for listening.  ideas?
I go back to the vet on Saturday.  will tell her about your comments.
thank you.
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 09:14:32 -0500
From: g...@optonline.net
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur

Animals (and people) with any heart problems need CoQ10 desperately! Between 30 
mg and 50 mg daily!  One of our cats has cardiomyopathy and renal failure…she 
was diagnosed 1 ½ yrs. ago.  She’s on a few drugs and sub-q fluids and I also 
supplement her with CoQ10 – she’s doing really well.  We don’t know how long 
she’s had the problem…she’s about 12 yrs. old now.
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org 
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kat Parker
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 10:28 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur
There are varying degrees of heart murmurs in cats.  They are measures in 
fractions of 6.  For instance, a 2 out of 6, or 2/6,  is not as serious a a 
4/6.  We had a cat who was diagnosed with a murmur, and we did not have the 
money to get further testing done on him at that time because he was fresh off 
the street, A stray that just followed me inside one day after I had fed him.  
lol  He looked awful, mainly because he had been living as a stray with a bad 
flea allergy.  What a fantastic cat he proved to be!  Well, all was ell for 
about 6 months, then he started fainting (syncope), and we were told to get the 
echo done.  We did, at a specialist here in San Diego, with the help of some 
awesome MySpace friends and a chip in, and it was learned then that he had 
cardiomyopathy with pulmonary edema and aortic stenosis.  His lungs were so 
full of liquid and his heart had the all too common cardiomyopathy cats get.  I 
was told by the specialty hospital vet that it often happens that these 
disorders, heart murmur and cardiomyopathy, go hand in hand (but not in every 
case).  Zoh's heart murmur was a 4/6, which is significant.  They put Zoh on 3 
meds which he took for the rest of his life, every day.  Furosemide (lasix) for 
the fluid in the lungs, Atenolol, a blood pressure med, and one more bp mes, I 
cannot remember the name of,  but he got better.  I was told cats with 
cardiomyopathy rarely live long, and Zoh lived 2 more years till he succumbed 
to a heart attack and died in my arms, in my room.  
I am hoping this info of my experience with heart murmurs might give you 
something to talk about to your vet.  I would def ask what the meds are, what 
class, and why he is prescribing them, as well as get a definite 
diagnosis/prognosis in his professional opinion.  It sounds like he did not 
give you enough info.  And, I would say the echocardiogram is very important to 
get, even if it is a bit pricey and you might have to go a little distance to 
find a place to get it done.  most vets do not have one in their office, 
although if your cat is breathing hard, ask for a chest xray, for starters.  
(Not as expensive, either.  lol)Good luck.

Love and Katnip,
  ~Kat~ =^,,^=

"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."   

"Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY cat!"


-- Forwarded message --
From: czadna sacarawicz 

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur

2011-12-06 Thread dlgegg
Sounds like Meaow wants to be the ONLY cat in the house.  Annie was that way in 
the beginning, but no serious biting, just hissing and slappig.  She has 
settled down now.  So has Nitnoy who only slaps and hisses, especially Harley 
since he thinks his life's mission is to harrass the others to death, plus he 
is just going on 2 years and has more energy than anyone else.  Sometimes he 
acts like he was a feral, and he has been indoor all his life.  Guess the wild 
ancestors genes came out in him.

 czadna sacarawicz  wrote: 
> Thank you family!!!
> I typed a long note yesterday and aborted it.  Yes, I was not happy with 
> being advised what med to put both Pookashay & Meaow on without any 
> explanations.  The state facility is a great idea.  I ordered the GNC 
> vegetarian formula CoQ 10 on Saturday.  Natalie, You are really high on it.
> This note is primarily about Meaow and his bloody diarrhea. I am going to 
> digress.  He tore up the back of my hand last night when he got by me through 
> the bedroom door into the main part of the apartment.  I have been leaving 
> him out of the cage thinking that would be less stressful.  He attacked an 
> older fe leukemia + female.  He has now attacked all the females of my home 
> circle.  I am on antibiotics for the 4th time due to him since the beginning 
> of October.  Yes, I remember well last summer's discussion about who controls 
> the doors.  He is back in the cage.  He crunched down on her tail so she can 
> no longer lift her tail. I intervened without protection.
> Sunday morning there was a 1/3" gob of clotting blood on the bathroom floor.  
> I had put him in there while I cleaned the bedroom cages.  Part of this 
> morning's bowel movement was hard & formed & the remainder was formed and 
> contained a lot more liquid.  I bought some Paul Newman canned & will feed 
> that exclusviely tonight.  have not tried yogurt.  last night fed cooked beef 
> liver and milk and cooked sweet potato, . . .
> quit the variety?
> He is on a waiting list for the local SPCA.  I have identified him as a biter 
> to them. 
> he is a sweetie as I have said before who wants to claim me.  I am attached 
> to him but no way can it be.
> thanks for listening.  ideas?
> I go back to the vet on Saturday.  will tell her about your comments.
> thank you.
> cz
> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 09:14:32 -0500
> From: g...@optonline.net
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur
> Animals (and people) with any heart problems need CoQ10 desperately! Between 
> 30 mg and 50 mg daily!  One of our cats has cardiomyopathy and renal 
> failure…she was diagnosed 1 ½ yrs. ago.  She’s on a few drugs and sub-q 
> fluids and I also supplement her with CoQ10 – she’s doing really well.  We 
> don’t know how long she’s had the problem…she’s about 12 yrs. old now.
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org 
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kat Parker
> Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 10:28 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur
> There are varying degrees of heart murmurs in cats.  They are measures in 
> fractions of 6.  For instance, a 2 out of 6, or 2/6,  is not as serious a a 
> 4/6.  We had a cat who was diagnosed with a murmur, and we did not have the 
> money to get further testing done on him at that time because he was fresh 
> off the street, A stray that just followed me inside one day after I had fed 
> him.  lol  He looked awful, mainly because he had been living as a stray with 
> a bad flea allergy.  What a fantastic cat he proved to be!  Well, all was ell 
> for about 6 months, then he started fainting (syncope), and we were told to 
> get the echo done.  We did, at a specialist here in San Diego, with the help 
> of some awesome MySpace friends and a chip in, and it was learned then that 
> he had cardiomyopathy with pulmonary edema and aortic stenosis.  His lungs 
> were so full of liquid and his heart had the all too common cardiomyopathy 
> cats get.  I was told by the specialty hospital vet that it often happens 
> that these disorders, heart murmur and cardiomyopathy, go hand in hand (but 
> not in every case).  Zoh's heart murmur was a 4/6, which is significant.  
> They put Zoh on 3 meds which he took for the rest of his life, every day.  
> Furosemide (lasix) for the fluid in the lungs, Atenolol, a blood pressure 
> med, and one more bp mes, I cannot remember the name of,  but he got better.  
> I was told cats with cardiomyopathy rarely live long, and Zoh lived 2 more 
> years till he succumbed to a heart at

Cricket and heart murmur

2006-05-03 Thread wendy

My Cricket had a heart murmur when he was ill with
anemia as well.  Other than the anemia, I don't think
that there were any other health problems going on
when the heart murmur was diagnosed (other than
dehydration/lack of food).  Is your Cricket anemic?  I
don't think that doctors freak out on heart murmurs. 
Apparently, a lot of kitties have them in conjunction
with other health problems, and can live a long time
with them.  My Julie has hyperthyroidism and also has
a heart murmur, which I am told will most likely go
away when we get her thyroid meds regulated.  You
might check for that, but it sounds like your Cricket
might be too young to have that, although it has
happened in younger cats.  Hope this helps and keep us


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Cricket and heart murmur

2006-05-03 Thread Dudes

Hi Wendy:
Good to hear from you.  I also thought that perhaps there should be blood 
drawn to get a baseline cbc to be able to watch for a trend, and I'm glad 
you suggested it.  Will keep everyone posted.

- Original Message - 
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: Cricket and heart murmur


My Cricket had a heart murmur when he was ill with
anemia as well.  Other than the anemia, I don't think
that there were any other health problems going on
when the heart murmur was diagnosed (other than
dehydration/lack of food).  Is your Cricket anemic?  I
don't think that doctors freak out on heart murmurs.
Apparently, a lot of kitties have them in conjunction
with other health problems, and can live a long time
with them.  My Julie has hyperthyroidism and also has
a heart murmur, which I am told will most likely go
away when we get her thyroid meds regulated.  You
might check for that, but it sounds like your Cricket
might be too young to have that, although it has
happened in younger cats.  Hope this helps and keep us


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-27 Thread czadna sacarawicz

There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings & 
I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said re:  
need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was said re:  
murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants work-up.  In what 
circumstances would you put on meds?
Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had 
treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh blood 
in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no coccidia 
or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed canned food.  
he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA accepted him for 
their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of small apartment.   
comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a fighter & biter who is also 
very sweet.
finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last 
Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.  went 
to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is their cat 
thank you.
czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie & Harold & 
James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea - all on SPCA 
waiting list)

m ___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-27 Thread Beth
Heart murmurs can get worse with time. They might not require meds at first but 
may later. Usually they have you go for an echocardiogram. My cat was on 5 
pills per day. I believe there is a Yahoo group for cats with this condition. 
They may be more helpful than this list.

czadna sacarawicz  wrote:

>There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings & 
>I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
>Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said re:  
>need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was said re: 
> murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants work-up.  In what 
>circumstances would you put on meds?
>Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had 
>treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh blood 
>in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no 
>coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed 
>canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA 
>accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of 
>small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a fighter 
>& biter who is also very sweet.
>finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last 
>Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.  went 
>to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is their 
>cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
>thank you.
>czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie & Harold & 
>James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea - all on 
>SPCA waiting list)
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-27 Thread Kelley Saveika
Beth is right, there is a great Yahoo group for cats with heart murmurs.
The url is http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline-heart/
You really do need to have an echo done by a feline cardiologist.  They can
usually be found at the ag college in your state.
Now, as far as the heart meds interacting with the leukemia meds, I don't
know - you might have to have both vets talk.

Anyway, that group was immensely helpful to me when my MIssy was diagnosed
with a heart murmur.

Good luck,

Kelley and Missy

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Beth  wrote:

> Heart murmurs can get worse with time. They might not require meds at
> first but may later. Usually they have you go for an echocardiogram. My cat
> was on 5 pills per day. I believe there is a Yahoo group for cats with this
> condition. They may be more helpful than this list.
> Beth
> czadna sacarawicz  wrote:
> >
> >There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
> leavings.
> >
> >I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
> >
> >Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said
> re:  need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was
> said re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants
> work-up.  In what circumstances would you put on meds?
> >
> >Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
> treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
> blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found
> no coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.
> feed canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because
> SPCA accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main
> part of small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.
>  a fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
> >
> >finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
> Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
>  went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
> their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
> >
> >thank you.
> >
> >czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie &
> Harold & James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea
> - all on SPCA waiting list)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >m
> >___
> >Felvtalk mailing list
> >Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!



Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!

Please help Trooper!


"And it is the most divisive incivility to tell true animal lovers they
can’t complain about it, that they can’t fight for the animals, that they
should sit down and shut up and allow the killing to continue."

- Nathan Winograd
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-28 Thread czadna sacarawicz

Beth & Kelley,
thank you.
have looked at the site.
now have a direction.
Bless us all.


From: moonv...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:26:22 -0600
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

Beth is right, there is a great Yahoo group for cats with heart murmurs.  The 
url is http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline-heart/
You really do need to have an echo done by a feline cardiologist.  They can 
usually be found at the ag college in your state.
Now, as far as the heart meds interacting with the leukemia meds, I don't know 
- you might have to have both vets talk.

Anyway, that group was immensely helpful to me when my MIssy was diagnosed with 
a heart murmur.

Good luck,

Kelley and Missy

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Beth  wrote:

Heart murmurs can get worse with time. They might not require meds at first but 
may later. Usually they have you go for an echocardiogram. My cat was on 5 
pills per day. I believe there is a Yahoo group for cats with this condition. 
They may be more helpful than this list.

czadna sacarawicz  wrote:

>There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings & 
>I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
>Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said re:  
>need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was said re: 
> murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants work-up.  In what 
>circumstances would you put on meds?
>Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had 
>treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh blood 
>in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no 
>coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed 
>canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA 
>accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of 
>small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a fighter 
>& biter who is also very sweet.
>finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last 
>Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.  went 
>to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is their 
>cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
>thank you.
>czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie & Harold & 
>James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea - all on 
>SPCA waiting list)
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!



Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!
Please help Trooper!

"And it is the most divisive incivility to tell true animal lovers they can’t 
complain about it, that they can’t fight for the animals, that they should sit 
down and shut up and allow the killing to continue."

- Nathan Winograd

___ Felvtalk mailing list 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-28 Thread GRAS
The best thing you can do for your cat, before you even see a specialist, is
to immediately get some CoQ10, GNC Vegetarian type (it comes in powder form
in a capsule instead of oil in a gel cap). Get the 100 mg, and mix one half
of it daily into food – tasteless.

I have used it on a cat that has a heart and kidney problem for the past 1 ½
years – she is doing extremely well.  All FIV/FeLV and older cats get it as
well. This does not interfere with FeLV, in fact, helps.

Any really good doctor should recommend CoQ10 for any heart problem, as well
as gum and tooth diseases.

For blood in stool – has it been analyzed?  If it’s fresh blood, something
is the matter at the very end or it could be a case of just a very irritated
bowel.  How about trying to put some probiotics or acidophilus in to food
and see what happens?



From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of czadna sacarawicz
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 5:07 PM
To: feline leukemia list
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool


Beth & Kelley,
thank you.
have looked at the site.
now have a direction.
Bless us all.



From: moonv...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:26:22 -0600
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

Beth is right, there is a great Yahoo group for cats with heart murmurs.
The url is http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline-heart/
You really do need to have an echo done by a feline cardiologist.  They can
usually be found at the ag college in your state.
Now, as far as the heart meds interacting with the leukemia meds, I don't
know - you might have to have both vets talk.

Anyway, that group was immensely helpful to me when my MIssy was diagnosed
with a heart murmur.

Good luck,

Kelley and Missy

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Beth  wrote:

Heart murmurs can get worse with time. They might not require meds at first
but may later. Usually they have you go for an echocardiogram. My cat was on
5 pills per day. I believe there is a Yahoo group for cats with this
condition. They may be more helpful than this list.

czadna sacarawicz  wrote:

>There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
>I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
>Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said
re:  need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was
said re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants
work-up.  In what circumstances would you put on meds?
>Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no
coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed
canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA
accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of
small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a
fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
>finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
>thank you.
>czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie &
Harold & James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea -
all on SPCA waiting list)

>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


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"And it is the most divisive incivility to tell true animal lovers they
can’t complain about it, that they can’t fight for the animals, that they
should sit down and shut up and allow the killing to continue."


- Nathan Winograd

___ Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool

2011-11-28 Thread dlgegg
I have been using prebiotics for Casey wo has a problem with diahrrea.  So far, 
it seems to be working because I don't find any looses stools in any of the 
Hadn't thought about that for urinary prblems.  Homey has reoccuring problems 
with crystals in her urin.  whenever I fid small clumps, I head for the 
cranberry supplement.  It comes in a tube and I smear it on her paws and face 
so she will lick it off.  She will not take meds in any form.  That too is 
working.  Will get some of the CoQ10 for both of them.  Like you said won't 
hurt them.  Thanks for that tip.

 GRAS  wrote: 
> The best thing you can do for your cat, before you even see a specialist, is
> to immediately get some CoQ10, GNC Vegetarian type (it comes in powder form
> in a capsule instead of oil in a gel cap). Get the 100 mg, and mix one half
> of it daily into food – tasteless.
> I have used it on a cat that has a heart and kidney problem for the past 1 ½
> years – she is doing extremely well.  All FIV/FeLV and older cats get it as
> well. This does not interfere with FeLV, in fact, helps.
> Any really good doctor should recommend CoQ10 for any heart problem, as well
> as gum and tooth diseases.
> For blood in stool – has it been analyzed?  If it’s fresh blood, something
> is the matter at the very end or it could be a case of just a very irritated
> bowel.  How about trying to put some probiotics or acidophilus in to food
> and see what happens?
> Natalie
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of czadna sacarawicz
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 5:07 PM
> To: feline leukemia list
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool
> Beth & Kelley,
> thank you.
> have looked at the site.
> now have a direction.
> Bless us all.
> cz
> m
>   _  
> From: moonv...@gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:26:22 -0600
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool
> Czadna,
> Beth is right, there is a great Yahoo group for cats with heart murmurs.
> The url is http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline-heart/
> You really do need to have an echo done by a feline cardiologist.  They can
> usually be found at the ag college in your state.
> Now, as far as the heart meds interacting with the leukemia meds, I don't
> know - you might have to have both vets talk.
> Anyway, that group was immensely helpful to me when my MIssy was diagnosed
> with a heart murmur.
> Good luck,
> Kelley and Missy
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Beth  wrote:
> Heart murmurs can get worse with time. They might not require meds at first
> but may later. Usually they have you go for an echocardiogram. My cat was on
> 5 pills per day. I believe there is a Yahoo group for cats with this
> condition. They may be more helpful than this list.
> Beth
> czadna sacarawicz  wrote:
> >
> >There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
> leavings.
> >
> >I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
> >
> >Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said
> re:  need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was
> said re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants
> work-up.  In what circumstances would you put on meds?
> >
> >Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
> treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
> blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found no
> coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.   feed
> canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because SPCA
> accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main part of
> small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.  a
> fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
> >
> >finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
> Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
> went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
> their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
> >
> >thank you.
> >
> >czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie &
> Harold & James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea -
> all on SPCA waiting list)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >m

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 5 // on heart murmur

2011-12-05 Thread Ana Gutierrez
Dear Czadna,

Heart murmur can be, as they have already told you, a consequence of a
cardiomyopathy. But it can also be because the kitty is anemic (no
cardiomyopathy)... So, please don't panic and take your kitty to a
cardiologist first.. Do not administer any heart drug without a
cardiologist opinion first. For a diagnose the vet needs an echocardiogram,
xrays and electrocardiogram studies.

If you choose to administer CoQ10 as someone suggested, please take into
account that you have to administer this drug forever, because it aids the
heart muscle to work, and it cannot be stopped afterwards.

My advice would be to visit a cardiologist and to join the Feline Heart
mailing list: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/feline-heart/

Best wishes to you and your kitty,
Felvtalk mailing list