Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-05 Thread catatonya
Had you ever had Crackers tested previously?  Was he vaccinated?  I think it's highly unlikely Crackers got leukemia from Pokemon.  Was Pokeman ever tested?       I don't think you should blame yourself for bringing Pokemon in, and I doubt that is how Crackers got felv.     If Crackers does have felv he sounds very healthy and could live a very long life.  You'll get lots of good advice from this list.       tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   About last Oct. we found Pokemon at our local park. She had a pink collor on and was so tame and lovable. But she was skinny. I thought I was doing an excellent thing
 bringing her home and my son 4 and niece 9 wouldn't have it any other way. She seemed to gain weight when she got here. She was small so i thought she was still a kitten about 4-5 months. Well a few weeks ago Pokemon started "coughing" she got into the basement and had insulation on her nose. So when the coughing was still going on but not as bad I thought she must have sniffed some insulation. Last Monday her breathing semed like a deep hard breathing and she was always so skinny i didn't notice a weight lost. I went down into the basment i live in a triplex...i found rat poisoning in a corner on a shelf. I rushed her to my local animal hospital and they told me that she needed emergency we drove to unniversity of penn animal emergency hospital. They took her right in. I was thinking oh no rat poisoning..we dont even have mice here. Well finally after getting half assed answers and them saying it could be this or that...she told me that Pokemon had an abundancy
 of fluided in her lungs and finally was told that she had lyphomia and that they estimated Pokemon to be between 5-7 yrs old based on teeth and kidney size. To do the full tests and amit her to the ICU unit would be between $6000-$8000 estimate and we needed to put $1300 down. And they were so kind to let us have 5 mins to decide. Also the dr. said that this lyphomia could have been from Feline Aids or Feline Luekemia and that Cracks may have been affected. Now my mind was shot. I decided to euthanize her when they said she was so sick that they also believed she had this for awhile and was little hope. Ok on to Crackers. On the way home from putting Pokemon to sleep I immediately called my vet to get Crackers tested for FIV AND The luekemia. That was Tuesday and today is Saturday. Last nite Friday cracker had his appointment the dr said looks like he will be negative for both but we still have about 2 mins. Well he said oh we do have a positive. As my heart dropped he got
 his book and said feline luekemia. The dot that registared was a little very lite blue dot. I told him to send out the other ultra violet test. They should be back Sun morning and with the holiday if not sun then Mon. He said Crackers looked very Healthy and strong. I asked him over and over being in shock if there were false positives and he said that the test didn't have any. Here is a little of Crackers history: he is my big baby 18.6 lbs..he has NEVER been sick colds nothing and he only had diareahha 1 day when he was a yr old. He is very loving and happy..has never been outside except when he would run out and i was right after him. That he grew out of. He has a hearty appetite. I leave out food and fresh water 24-7 for him. He lives a very stress free life and is a LOVER boy he loves to purr and be rubbed. I am willing to do anything in the world for him and i will. I am open to all and all suggestions. And all I can remember is that the 1st month pokemon
 came they would fight and he did have a bite mark that bleed..he is all white. So i know he suffered a deep wound puncture for her. What kills me is how dense I was. I based Pokemon like a book by its cover. She was beautiful and so sweet I NEVER realized i should of had her tested and never brought her near my baby. I will never be able to forgive myself for Cracker being a positive Feline Leukemia. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-04 Thread wendy

My name is Wendy.  I've been on this site for about 10
months now and have learned so much.  My FeLV+ passed
away, but it was so late when I found this group,
there wasn't enough time to save him.  I think that
Crackers has a much better chance.  

I'm sorry to hear about Pokemon.  I find, however,
that things happen for a reason, and you did the right
thing by loving Pokemon.  You didn't know about the
risks of taking her in, so please don't beat yourself
up.  So many of us here have exposed our kitties by
unknowingly taking in an FeLV+ before we were educated
on FeLV.  I exposed three others by taking in Cricket,
my FeLV+.  They are all negative.  

Everyone has posted great info. so far for you.  One
thing I didn't see was how old Crackers was.  That is
important.  If he is older, then it is harder for him
to contract FeLV, as Chris said.  Or rather, easier
for him to throw it off if exposed.  From our
experiences here, adults almost never contract FeLV. 
It's the kittens that contract it permanently.  So I
wouldn't worry too much until you test and retest. 
The only thing that might be a problem is that Pokemon
and Crackers were fighting and the veterinary
community doesn't know enough about this virus to know
if indirect exposure (sharing water bowls, grooming)
versus direct exposure (introducing the virus directly
to the bloodstream) plays a part in throwing off this
virus.  It could.  In the meantime, I would change
Cracker's diet, as Phaewryn pointed out.  I feed mine
Innova.  You can't get the good stuff at a grocery or
discount store, nor can you get it at Petsmart or
Petco (although you can buy Eukanueba there, but it's
not good food either, imo.)  Also, vitamin C and
L-lyine (without propyline glycol) are good immune
supplements.  The other big thing is to keep Crackers
stress-free.  I would also find another vet.  One that
does not feel euthanasia is the only option with FeLV+
kitties.  One that is educated.  You can figure this
out by calling different vets in the area and speaking
with them directly about their philosophy on treating
FeLV+'s.  You'll get a good feel for a vet this way. 
Your vet was wrong about the test not having any false

Try not to freak out too much.  We all love our
furbabies dearly here, and you have found a good place
to be while dealing with this.  It's a great source of
support.  If you'd like, I can email you a sick and
regular care kitty manual that I compiled.  I can't
attach it to these postings, but I can send it to you
directly if you'd like.  It's got a lot of info. in
it.  Please keep us posted on your kitty's diagnosis,

Dallas, Tx

P.S.  I think $6000-8000 for treatment for Pokemon is
RIDICULOUS  Just ludicrous!!!  And I don't
necessarily agree with their diagnosis and what they
said should be done.  I wouldn't go there again if you
can avoid it.

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Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-03 Thread Watsdadillyo

thank you for the list...i am writing them down and going out to get the 
best for my baby...did anyone ever have a problem with a cat switching diets? 
like not liking a new food? in that case can i wean him off of meow mix 
by...mixing the new with old at first? any cat loves to eat 
18.6lbs but is set in his house food...or any homemade mushy 

RE: my baby crackers

2006-09-03 Thread Chris

The thing about food is that some of this
food can be pretty pricey…  You sort of have to balance
things.  Keep in mind that they don’t eat quite as much of the
better quality food as some of the cheaper brand…  I order Wellness
online from The Hungry Puppy in NJ & even though there’s shipping
charge, it still comes out cheaper than other places.  One can goes a long
way even with all 5 of them…  They tend to eat smaller portions.


However, not everybody can do that so you
shouldn’t feel that you have to spend a fortune on food.  You can
always mix foods with home made sort of---boiled chicken or boiled any meat cut
up in little pieces.  All my cats like one veg or another & they love
eggs & cheese.  There’s a brand called Figaro and once in a
while I throw in a can as its just tuna & veggies.  Basically, I try
to give them a balanced diet, to stay away from stuff that fills them but doesn’t
give them nutrition, and to vary things a bit just so they don’t get into
a ‘I don’t like that cat food anymore’ mood!  


That’s just my way of doing it-




-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006
4:30 PM
Subject: Re: my baby crackers


Where do you buy your cat food? If it's the grocery
store, that's the first problem you have to solve. You need to get a phone
book, and look up a pet supply store in your area. Once you find one, go to the
store, and pick up a bag of cat food, flip it over, and read the ingredients
(don't even bother reading anything that's sold in a grocery store, it's all
crap). If it doesn't have MEAT as the first (and preferably the first two)
ingredients, put it back on the shelf and move on to the next food down. Do this
until you find one that DOES have MEAT as the first ingredient. At the same
time, you can also look for corn in the ingredients, and try to avoid those
too. What you can afford will ultimately tell you how far you can go in buying
the best food you can. I personally recommend California Natural or Innova (or
Healthwise, for budget-minded people). But there are other good brands too.
Others will make brand suggestions, I'm sure. OR, just search our archives,
this has been discussed many times in the past on this list. A few other good
brands: Chicken Soup, Felidae, Natural Balance, Newman's Own, Pinnacle, Premium
Edge Kitten,
Wellness, Wysong Archetype Diet, (Eukanuba is an
acceptable food is nothing better can be found locally, better than what's sold
in grocery stores). Some brands carry several products in their lines. Some are
better than others, for example, Premium Edge CAT food is not good, but their
KITTEN food is. Wysong's feline diet is not good, but their archetype diet is
good. Etc.. Other brands will have good first 2 or three ingredients, but if
you keep reading it just gets crazy as you go down the list of ingredients, for
example, MANY otherwise good premium cat foods (with meat as the first 2
ingredients and no corn) add garlic, blueberries, and all kinds of other crazy
nonsense to their foods. I don't recommend those, simply because they are MORE
likely to cause allergies, and garlic is not safe to feed cats at all, I
recently learned on this list. Not sure why otherwise good cat foods add
something so dangerous to their products, lack of education, I suppose.
Anyways, point is, read carefully. There should be NO onion, garlic, or corn,
and preferably not a lot of fruit and veggies, as cats are carnivores. Also,
herbs add to the chances of allergic reactions too. The more ingredients, the
more you're playing with fire as far as allergies go. That's why I prefer the
California Natural chicken and rice, VERY basic ingredients!



Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for
cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

The Sofa Poem:

Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency
Assistance Program: 
Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's
Friend, and LOTS more!
It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a
sick cat in need!

RE: my baby crackers

2006-09-03 Thread Chris

Its tough to find a vet
who has a realistic attitude about FELV.  My first vet, who was wonderful,
was upfront with me when my Tucson tested pos.  He told me that he had very little experience
with FELV.  I found a second vet who coincidentally is the vet for a local
rescuer who takes in FELV cats and he’s been great.  Never batted an
eyelash when I talked to him about mixing; never treated Tucson any differently. 
She has a tendency to develop low white blood count & he gives her
immuno-regulin when that happens.  Outside or that, we do nothing special.


I changed all their food—they were
all indoor cats & a couple of them, including Tucson, got to be real
porkos!  I give them Wellness wet food and eliminated most of the dry
food.  There are different foods out there and I know people will give you
ideas.  Since switching, one of my cats has lost weight and Tucson, well she’s lost a
bit but its tough with the ‘feline vacumn cleaner’!




-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: re: my baby crackers


looked at my acts food the first 2 things are corn and corn gluten...any
suggestions for a better food..he also eats whiskers wet packets...i am waiting
for this vet to call me he said he would...i am a wreck and i am going to find
a new vet..hopefully there is one around..the vet did the test that checks for
FIV/feline the last min a tiny blue dot appearred very faint...he
got his book and said it was luekemia...i was so excited that he said looks
like its gonna be a total SHOCK...he said i can send out the other test
and i said YES!! he said i will personally call u the results should be in sun
but with the holiday...blah blah blahi am waiting and praying..also i
noticed on the elisa test that the blood was splattered all messy on it...he
said that the confirmation blue came up and that the test was done right...i am
new to this board thanks to belinda she hooked me up...i never knew of so many diseases
cats could have and i appreciate how much valuable info i have received so far

re: my baby crackers

2006-09-03 Thread Watsdadillyo

i looked at my acts food the first 2 things are corn and corn gluten...any 
suggestions for a better food..he also eats whiskers wet packets...i am waiting 
for this vet to call me he said he would...i am a wreck and i am going to find a 
new vet..hopefully there is one around..the vet did the test that checks for 
FIV/feline the last min a tiny blue dot appearred very faint...he 
got his book and said it was luekemia...i was so excited that he said looks like 
its gonna be a total SHOCK...he said i can send out the other test and i 
said YES!! he said i will personally call u the results should be in sun but 
with the holiday...blah blah blahi am waiting and praying..also i noticed on 
the elisa test that the blood was splattered all messy on it...he said that the 
confirmation blue came up and that the test was done right...i am new to this 
board thanks to belinda she hooked me up...i never knew of so many diseases cats 
could have and i appreciate how much valuable info i have received so far THANK 

Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-02 Thread felv

Well, first off, find a vet that isn't so uneducated. The in house ELISA 
test has a very high rates of inaccurate results. Next, take another look at the 
food you are feeding, read the ingredients, it should have meat as the first 
ingredient, preferably the first two ingredients, and there should be NO corn in 
it at all. Good nutrition is the best thing you can do. Next, once you find a 
better vet, make sure they run a second IFA, because if your first vet did such 
a poor job running the ELISA, he could have messed up the sample being sent 
off for the IFA you had done through his office (good bedside manner 
dictates that you DON'T say "Oh it looks like he might be ok" TWO minutes before 
the test is complete, just to say "Oh, nevermind, he's infected" That's HORRIBLE 
bedside manner, it's just terrible)! Then, wait 3 months, and retest again. In 
the meantime, read about all the possible treatments on our main website, and 
consider trying one, or more, of them, in a hope that he can "throw" the virus. 
That does happen, cats can test positive, and then later become negative, if 
they mount an effective immune response to the initial infection. You also might 
consider a vitamin C supplement, to boost his immune system, and a good 
multi-vitamin supplement in general.
Now, about your not testing prior to adding another cat, well, mistakes 
happen, All you can do is learn from it, and try to do better next time. Don't 
blame yourself for things you didn't know, and can't change now, that's 
pointless, and doesn't help anyone. Besides, FELV is not like FIV, it's not as 
contagious, it depends really very much on a cat's immune system, unlike FIV, 
which is almost always spread by a bite wound. Was Crackers ever tested in the 
past, before you adopted Pokemon? He might have had it all along. You didn't 
specifically say he tested positive for FELV, you said they did a combo test and 
he came up positive (and the doctor only knew that by looking in a book?), so I 
assume since this is a FELV group, he has felv, but does he have FIV too? I 
worry also, because if the vet had to look up how to read a combo test in a 
book, how many of these tests has he actually run? How OLD is the batch of test 
kits he is using? Has he been using the same pack of kits for the past 5 years? 
Are they expired? How could he possibly know ANYTHING about FELV if he doesn't 
even know HOW to run the test without reading the book? Scary, all put 
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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re: my baby crackers

2006-09-02 Thread Watsdadillyo

thank you all so much who have posted so far your advice is keeping my 
family in excellent spirits THANK YOU so much and bless all your furry 

Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-02 Thread kelly

At 09:48 AM 9/2/2006, you wrote:

In addition to the IFA  test. Any test should be repeated in 2 months 
or so. Some cats have a transient positive after exposure and then 
are able to completely clear the virus because of a good immune system..

I am eagerly awaiting my 8 weeks on this new juvenile I am caring for,

RE: my baby crackers

2006-09-02 Thread Chris

First off, its very hard for a healthy
adult cat to ‘catch’ FELV.  There are two tests—one is an
in-house test, Elissa.  Then there’s an IFA, blood sent out to lab.  Be
sure the vet specifically says he did IFA.  Now having said all of this,
believe me there are tens of thousands of cats who test pos for FELV and nobody
ever knows it.  My own didn’t test + until she was 4—I had her
since she was a kitten and she’s never been outside.  False + are not
uncommon and further testing & retesting is in order…




Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006
1:11 PM
Subject: Re: my baby crackers


I am sorry for your terrible experience, but it is
absolutely not true that there are no false positives.  I had a false
positive on a kitten just a few months ago.  The first thing I would do is
to find a different vet.   


There are people here who will be able to give you
more and better information, but I can tell you there are absolutely false

Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life!

Re: my baby crackers

2006-09-02 Thread Kelley Saveika
I am sorry for your terrible experience, but it is absolutely not true that there are no false positives.  I had a false positive on a kitten just a few months ago.  The first thing I would do is to find a different vet.   

There are people here who will be able to give you more and better information, but I can tell you there are absolutely false positives.-- Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life!