Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-26 Thread Marylyn
I know there are people on this board that don't like Odo Ban but I swear by 
the stuff.  You may want to consider it.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gina WN 
  Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 1:52 AM
  Subject: Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee



  Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are 
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs. Excuse me while I 
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
> Something just dawned on me. You know how Nordie's has those little 
> containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes? I used 
> to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee. 
> People in check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was 
> in my basket--and there was none! Maybe little sachets of ground 
> coffee in our pockets would work. !?
> Taylor Scobie Humphrey
> On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:
>> I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration 
>> effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats. My 
>> sniffer isn't what it used to be either. Perhaps it's a blessing in 
>> disguise, but it does little for our social lives. I've had people 
>> in check out lines ask me about my pets. I'll quick sniff at my 
>> clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat hair and 
>> not problem odors. I have little chance of getting away with a 
>> spontaneous murder. I carry way too much traceable dna with me 
>> wherever I go.
>> N
>> Kelley Saveika wrote:
>>> At least you can smell it. I can't smell it anymore:(

  Visit my Tigger Tales site!

  Got a little couch potato? 
  Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-25 Thread Gina WN

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are 
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs. Excuse me while I 
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
> Something just dawned on me. You know how Nordie's has those little 
> containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes? I used 
> to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee. 
> People in check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was 
> in my basket--and there was none! Maybe little sachets of ground 
> coffee in our pockets would work. !?
> Taylor Scobie Humphrey
> On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:
>> I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration 
>> effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats. My 
>> sniffer isn't what it used to be either. Perhaps it's a blessing in 
>> disguise, but it does little for our social lives. I've had people 
>> in check out lines ask me about my pets. I'll quick sniff at my 
>> clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat hair and 
>> not problem odors. I have little chance of getting away with a 
>> spontaneous murder. I carry way too much traceable dna with me 
>> wherever I go.
>> N
>> Kelley Saveika wrote:
>>> At least you can smell it. I can't smell it anymore:(

  Visit my Tigger Tales site!

Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-24 Thread Sally Davis

You Win


On 5/22/07, Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My Sunset had a great way of letting me know she was displeased when I
was gone one time. She peed in the toaster oven & I had no idea until I
put in an English muffin. Godawful smell!  That toaster oven was history
& the one that replaced it always had its door shut when not in use.
Didn't stop her from peeing on top tho, but I was wise to her by then.

The take the cake story tho is a kitty named Fluffy (yes, really!) who
belonged to friends of mine who adored her (had to!). She had a thinig
about pooping in odd places & she was deadly accurate in getting her
leavings exactly where she wanted them to be. Her piece de resistance
was the well of the windshield wipers on their car!  Totally
undiscovered until they backed out of the garage into a rainstorm.
Turned on the wipers & oh m'god instant liquid poop smeared all over the

You can't beat that!


Sally Davis wrote:
> My Spike was banned from the old trailer for a couple years after
> peeing on the stove top. Yeah that bakes the smell as well. It was
> horrible. Not that I cooked that much. I finally had to build a new
> house on the same land due to hurricane Isabel. The cats all lived
> outside while we stayed in a motel. She was still not allowed in the
> house. She has since redeemed herself and stays in my room, But if she
> ever pulls a stunt like that she will be outside kitty again.  The
> heat vent is another spot she hit in the trailer.
> I am not sure how you can get rid of the odor though.
> Sally
> On 5/21/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where
> urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well,
> someone
> has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm
> assuming
> they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the
> opening of
> the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know
> is that
> I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I
> it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer
> not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the
> dryer must
> be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any
> suggestions?  Do
> I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?
> Nina

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-23 Thread Beth Noren

I love having 5, though our ordinance is for 3.  Silly, because we are
allowed up to
3 dogs as well, which would make six total.  Guess I'll just count the "play
kitties as dogs...


On 5/22/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i always liked five.. tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would fit in
> nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are tuxies).  Connie's not
> going for it though.  I think it's a great idea.  I remember reading
> somewhere that the perfect number for cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6
> cats.  I'm perfectly happy to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but
> she's hesitant for some reason :-) .
> N
> Susan Hoffman wrote:
> Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.
> I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can lease one
> of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires.  I could fill the
> hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.
> My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table
> yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her very
> expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a rescue
> kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet,
> sweet boy that cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
> asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the
> third time he's done his inappropriate urinating in the last couple of
> months.  The first time was in one of those cardboard scratching boxes on
> the floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and
> now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
> out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken Sam to the vet
> for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as can be.  She's added
> additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help for a little while and he uses
> them most of the time.  The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy
> is older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You
> may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare when he went missing
> for 3 days and ended up being locked in the attached garage the entire
> time).  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the dynamic between
> the two cats, (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
> Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested
> keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if he
> appreciates the alone time, and a litter box that is not contaminated with
> Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at least when she's not home, but
> she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
> that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the problems would
> stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote country.  I
> suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but
> she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any
> suggestions?
> N


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Those little kitties DO have to much time on their hands!  Too bad we  
can't teach them to read!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 22, 2007, at 8:35 PM, Pam Norman wrote:

My Sunset had a great way of letting me know she was displeased  
when I was gone one time. She peed in the toaster oven & I had no  
idea until I put in an English muffin. Godawful smell!  That  
toaster oven was history & the one that replaced it always had its  
door shut when not in use. Didn't stop her from peeing on top tho,  
but I was wise to her by then.

The take the cake story tho is a kitty named Fluffy (yes, really!)  
who belonged to friends of mine who adored her (had to!). She had a  
thinig about pooping in odd places & she was deadly accurate in  
getting her leavings exactly where she wanted them to be. Her piece  
de resistance was the well of the windshield wipers on their car!   
Totally undiscovered until they backed out of the garage into a  
rainstorm.  Turned on the wipers & oh m'god instant liquid poop  
smeared all over the windshields!!!

You can't beat that!


Sally Davis wrote:
My Spike was banned from the old trailer for a couple years after  
peeing on the stove top. Yeah that bakes the smell as well. It was  
horrible. Not that I cooked that much. I finally had to build a  
new house on the same land due to hurricane Isabel. The cats all  
lived outside while we stayed in a motel. She was still not  
allowed in the house. She has since redeemed herself and stays in  
my room, But if she ever pulls a stunt like that she will be  
outside kitty again.  The heat vent is another spot she hit in the  

 I am not sure how you can get rid of the odor though.
 On 5/21/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out  
where the

urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well,
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the
opening of
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know
is that
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time  
I think
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer  

not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the
dryer must
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any
suggestions?  Do
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Susan Hoffman
Just make sure it's a bossy little girl cat.  Maybe a calico or tortie or 
Siamese.  She'll make 'em shape up.

Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well, it might just keep them all so 
distracted that Sammy wouldn't 
think to search out the purse!


MaryChristine wrote:
> only this group would think that adding more cats could solve a cat 
> problem!
> On 5/22/07, *Susan Hoffman* > > wrote:
> Throw in a third cat? That will alter the dynamic.
> */Nina >/* wrote:
> I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can
> lease one of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on
> fires. I could fill the hold with anti-stink and have them
> dump it on my house.
> My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her
> table yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted
> and peed in her very expensive, (well previously expensive)
> purse. Of course this is a rescue kitty that I begged her to
> adopt from me. She loves Sammy, he's a sweet, sweet boy that
> cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
> asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas. 
> This is the third time he's done his inappropriate urinating
> in the last couple of months. The first time was in one of
> those cardboard scratching boxes on the floor, the second was
> in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and now the purse
> that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
> out this purse and rub and nurse on it). She's already taken
> Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as
> can be. She's added additional litter boxes. That seemed to
> help for a little while and he uses them most of the time. 
> The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy is older
> and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic. 
> (You may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare
> when he went missing for 3 days and ended up being locked in
> the attached garage the entire time). I'm pretty sure this
> has something to do with the dynamic between the two cats,
> (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
> Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing. 
> I suggested keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple
> of days to see if he appreciates the alone time, and a litter
> box that is not contaminated with Tux smells. I thought she
> could try that at least when she's not home, but she doesn't
> want to segregate Sam. Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
> that never used litter in the house. I'm wondering if the
> problems would stop if he had access to the outside, but
> Connie lives in coyote country. I suggested a trip to Home
> Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but she thinks
> that's extreme. Ha! She don't know extreme! Anyone have any
> suggestions?
> N
> MaryChristine wrote:
>> we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY
>> too much time on their paws to sit around and figure these
>> things out.
>> and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of
>> the dryer, as well. i just pour the anti-stink straight
>> on the floor there sigh.
>> On 5/21/07, *Nina* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > wrote:
>> Thanks for the sympathy. The dryer is such an ingenuous
>> touch. How
>> clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know
>> which of my clan
>> is the culprit). Not only does the dryer "bake in" the
>> fragrance, but
>> it is then carried about all over the house, (not to
>> mention everywhere
>> I might travel). It's so darn efficient of them! All
>> the fabric throws
>> covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .
>> Nina
>> elizabeth trent wrote:
>> > Oh no! Nina, you have all my sympathy. "Ode de kitty
>> toilette" is
>> > definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for
>> warm weather.
>> > Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'? That helps
>> me a lot
>> > with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house. I saw
>> some a CVS last
>> > week. You can order it online too. I am so sorry!
>> >
>> > elizabeth
>> -- 
>> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
>> MaryChristine
>> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
>> ICQ: 289856892 
> -- 
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Pam Norman
My Sunset had a great way of letting me know she was displeased when I 
was gone one time. She peed in the toaster oven & I had no idea until I 
put in an English muffin. Godawful smell!  That toaster oven was history 
& the one that replaced it always had its door shut when not in use. 
Didn't stop her from peeing on top tho, but I was wise to her by then.

The take the cake story tho is a kitty named Fluffy (yes, really!) who 
belonged to friends of mine who adored her (had to!). She had a thinig 
about pooping in odd places & she was deadly accurate in getting her 
leavings exactly where she wanted them to be. Her piece de resistance 
was the well of the windshield wipers on their car!  Totally 
undiscovered until they backed out of the garage into a rainstorm.  
Turned on the wipers & oh m'god instant liquid poop smeared all over the 

You can't beat that!


Sally Davis wrote:
My Spike was banned from the old trailer for a couple years after 
peeing on the stove top. Yeah that bakes the smell as well. It was 
horrible. Not that I cooked that much. I finally had to build a new 
house on the same land due to hurricane Isabel. The cats all lived 
outside while we stayed in a motel. She was still not allowed in the 
house. She has since redeemed herself and stays in my room, But if she 
ever pulls a stunt like that she will be outside kitty again.  The 
heat vent is another spot she hit in the trailer.
I am not sure how you can get rid of the odor though.
On 5/21/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well,
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the
opening of
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know
is that
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I think
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling
not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the
dryer must
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any
suggestions?  Do
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Sally Davis

My Spike was banned from the old trailer for a couple years after peeing on
the stove top. Yeah that bakes the smell as well. It was horrible. Not that
I cooked that much. I finally had to build a new house on the same land due
to hurricane Isabel. The cats all lived outside while we stayed in a motel.
She was still not allowed in the house. She has since redeemed herself and
stays in my room, But if she ever pulls a stunt like that she will be
outside kitty again.  The heat vent is another spot she hit in the trailer.

I am not sure how you can get rid of the odor though.


On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, someone
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm assuming
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the opening of
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know is that
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I think
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling
not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

How about night watchmen?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 22, 2007, at 10:32 AM, MaryChristine wrote:

we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY too  
much time on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the  
dryer, as well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the  
floor there sigh.

On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention  
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric  

covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS  

> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Pam Norman
Hey, I've got 10!  It seems to be my number!  It's a little bit nuts at 
dinner time. But no pee problems. Yet.


Nina wrote:
Yea, I remember 5 fondly.  I also remember thinking how crazy it was 
to have so many cats.  I guess there's crazy and then there's CRAZY.


MaryChristine wrote:

i always liked five.. tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 > wrote:

Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would
fit in nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are
tuxies).  Connie's not going for it though.  I think it's a great
idea.  I remember reading somewhere that the perfect number for
cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6 cats.  I'm perfectly happy
to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but she's hesitant
for some reason :-) .

Susan Hoffman wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Pam Norman
Well, it might just keep them all so distracted that Sammy wouldn't 
think to search out the purse!


MaryChristine wrote:
only this group would think that adding more cats could solve a cat 

On 5/22/07, *Susan Hoffman* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

*/Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >/* wrote:

I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can
lease one of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on
fires.  I could fill the hold with anti-stink and have them
dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her
table yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted
and peed in her very expensive, (well previously expensive)
purse.  Of course this is a rescue kitty that I begged her to
adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet, sweet boy that
cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas. 
This is the third time he's done his inappropriate urinating

in the last couple of months.  The first time was in one of
those cardboard scratching boxes on the floor, the second was
in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and now the purse
that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken
Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as
can be.  She's added additional litter boxes.  That seemed to
help for a little while and he uses them most of the time. 
The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy is older
and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic. 
(You may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare

when he went missing for 3 days and ended up being locked in
the attached garage the entire time).  I'm pretty sure this
has something to do with the dynamic between the two cats,
(Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing. 
I suggested keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple

of days to see if he appreciates the alone time, and a litter
box that is not contaminated with Tux smells.  I thought she
could try that at least when she's not home, but she doesn't
want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the
problems would stop if he had access to the outside, but
Connie lives in coyote country.  I suggested a trip to Home
Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but she thinks
that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any

MaryChristine wrote:

we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY
too much time on their paws to sit around and figure these
things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of
the dryer, as well. i just pour the anti-stink straight
on the floor there sigh.

On 5/21/07, *Nina* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous
touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know
which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the
fragrance, but
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to
mention everywhere
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All
the fabric throws
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty
toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for
warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps
me a lot
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw
some a CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Susan Loesch
I truly believe you are right -- and they get together like that!!

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  well, they get bored, after all. 
"let's see, where HAVEN'T we peed yet what HAVEN'T we broken? think i can 
spray the ceiling if we all stretch out on the cat-tree just right and you two 
prop me up?" 

  On 5/22/07, Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  How funny you should 
mention a jobMy Big Footsie used to pee at home a lot.  When I 
started bringing him to school with me as my "Head Library Cat" it totally 
stopped.  Not only did he not once ever even wiggle his tail at a wall here at 
school, the peeing stopped at home, also.   He just needed a job to be happy!   

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:   we really have to get these cats of 
ours jobs--they have WAY too much time on their paws to sit around and figure 
these things out. 

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as 
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh. 

  On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Thanks for the sympathy.  The 
dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but 
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot 
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors! 
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Kelley Saveika

My vet says once you get over 3, it isn't optimal.

I have so many I won't tell him how many I have.  He's told me that my
cats are stressed from overcrowding and I'm not being fair to them,
and I tend to agree with him.

Fortunately I have one going to his forever home Saturday.  A senior yet.

On 5/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yea, I remember 5 fondly.  I also remember thinking how crazy it was to have
so many cats.  I guess there's crazy and then there's CRAZY.

MaryChristine wrote:
i always liked five.. tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would fit in
nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are tuxies).  Connie's not
going for it though.  I think it's a great idea.  I remember reading
somewhere that the perfect number for cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6
cats.  I'm perfectly happy to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but
she's hesitant for some reason :-) .
> N
> Susan Hoffman wrote:
> Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Nina
Yea, I remember 5 fondly.  I also remember thinking how crazy it was to 
have so many cats.  I guess there's crazy and then there's CRAZY.


MaryChristine wrote:

i always liked five.. tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> wrote:

Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would
fit in nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are
tuxies).  Connie's not going for it though.  I think it's a great
idea.  I remember reading somewhere that the perfect number for
cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6 cats.  I'm perfectly happy
to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but she's hesitant for
some reason :-) .

Susan Hoffman wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread MaryChristine

i always liked five.. tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would fit in
nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are tuxies).  Connie's not
going for it though.  I think it's a great idea.  I remember reading
somewhere that the perfect number for cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6
cats.  I'm perfectly happy to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but
she's hesitant for some reason :-) .

Susan Hoffman wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.


I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can lease one
of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires.  I could fill the
hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table
yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her very
expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a rescue
kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet,
sweet boy that cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the
third time he's done his inappropriate urinating in the last couple of
months.  The first time was in one of those cardboard scratching boxes on
the floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and
now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken Sam to the vet
for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as can be.  She's added
additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help for a little while and he uses
them most of the time.  The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy
is older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You
may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare when he went missing
for 3 days and ended up being locked in the attached garage the entire
time).  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the dynamic between
the two cats, (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested
keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if he
appreciates the alone time, and a litter box that is not contaminated with
Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at least when she's not home, but
she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the problems would
stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote country.  I
suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but
she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Nina
Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would fit in 
nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are tuxies).  Connie's 
not going for it though.  I think it's a great idea.  I remember reading 
somewhere that the perfect number for cat dynamics is something like 5 
or 6 cats.  I'm perfectly happy to accommodate her with meeting that 
quota, but she's hesitant for some reason :-) .


Susan Hoffman wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

*/Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can
lease one of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires. 
I could fill the hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my


My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table
yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in
her very expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course
this is a rescue kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She
loves Sammy, he's a sweet, sweet boy that cuddles under the covers
with her at night, but she's been asking me what to do about this
and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the third time he's done
his inappropriate urinating in the last couple of months.  The
first time was in one of those cardboard scratching boxes on the
floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while he was visiting,
and now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been
known to seek out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's
already taken Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's
healthy as can be.  She's added additional litter boxes.  That
seemed to help for a little while and he uses them most of the
time.  The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy is
older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too
energetic.  (You may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a
scare when he went missing for 3 days and ended up being locked in
the attached garage the entire time).  I'm pretty sure this has
something to do with the dynamic between the two cats, (Sam is
Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son Justin), or at
least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested
keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if
he appreciates the alone time, and a litter box that is not
contaminated with Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at
least when she's not home, but she doesn't want to segregate Sam. 
Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat that never used litter in the

house.  I'm wondering if the problems would stop if he had access
to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote country.  I suggested a
trip to Home Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but
she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone
have any suggestions?

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread MaryChristine

well, they get bored, after all. "let's see, where HAVEN'T we peed
yet what HAVEN'T we broken? think i can spray the ceiling if we all
stretch out on the cat-tree just right and you two prop me up?"

On 5/22/07, Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How funny you should mention a jobMy Big Footsie used to pee
at home a lot.  When I started bringing him to school with me as my "Head
Library Cat" it totally stopped.  Not only did he not once ever even wiggle
his tail at a wall here at school, the peeing stopped at home, also.   He
just needed a job to be happy!

*MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY too much time
on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh.

On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
> clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
> is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but
> it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
> I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
> covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .
> Nina
> elizabeth trent wrote:
> > Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> > definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> > Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot
> > with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> > week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> >
> > elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread MaryChristine

only this group would think that adding more cats could solve a cat problem!

On 5/22/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

*Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can lease one
of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires.  I could fill the
hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table
yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her very
expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a rescue
kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet,
sweet boy that cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the
third time he's done his inappropriate urinating in the last couple of
months.  The first time was in one of those cardboard scratching boxes on
the floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and
now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken Sam to the vet
for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as can be.  She's added
additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help for a little while and he uses
them most of the time.  The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy
is older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You
may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare when he went missing
for 3 days and ended up being locked in the attached garage the entire
time).  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the dynamic between
the two cats, (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested
keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if he
appreciates the alone time, and a litter box that is not contaminated with
Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at least when she's not home, but
she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the problems would
stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote country.  I
suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but
she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any

MaryChristine wrote:

we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY too much time
on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh.

On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
> clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
> is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but
> it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
> I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
> covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .
> Nina
> elizabeth trent wrote:
> > Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> > definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> > Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot
> > with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> > week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> >
> > elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Susan Hoffman
Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I'm thinking of contacting the fire department 
to see if I can lease one of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on 
fires.  I could fill the hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table yesterday 
and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her very expensive, 
(well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a rescue kitty that I 
begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet, sweet boy that 
cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been asking me what to do 
about this and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the third time he's done his 
inappropriate urinating in the last couple of months.  The first time was in 
one of those cardboard scratching boxes on the floor, the second was in my 
dad's backpack while he was visiting, and now the purse that Tux treats like 
his mother, (Tux has been known to seek out this purse and rub and nurse on 
it).  She's already taken Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's 
healthy as can be.  She's added additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help 
for a little while and he uses them most of the time.  The two
 cats get along for the most part, but Sammy is older and they do sometimes 
scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You may remember Tux as the kitty 
that gave us all a scare when he went missing for 3 days and ended up being 
locked in the attached garage the entire time).  I'm pretty sure this has 
something to do with the dynamic between the two cats, (Sam is Connie's cat and 
Tux is more bonded to her son Justin), or at least some sort of 
territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested keeping Sam confined to her bedroom 
for a couple of days to see if he appreciates the alone time, and a litter box 
that is not contaminated with Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at 
least when she's not home, but she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to 
be an indoor/outdoor cat that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if 
the problems would stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in 
coyote country.  I suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached
 outdoor habitat, but she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  
Anyone have any suggestions?

MaryChristine wrote:   we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have 
WAY too much time on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as 
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh. 

  On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Thanks for the sympathy.  The 
dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but 
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot 
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee - and still more pee

2007-05-22 Thread Nina
I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can lease one 
of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires.  I could fill the 
hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table 
yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her 
very expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a 
rescue kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's 
a sweet, sweet boy that cuddles under the covers with her at night, but 
she's been asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of 
ideas.  This is the third time he's done his inappropriate urinating in 
the last couple of months.  The first time was in one of those cardboard 
scratching boxes on the floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while 
he was visiting, and now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux 
has been known to seek out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's 
already taken Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy 
as can be.  She's added additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help 
for a little while and he uses them most of the time.  The two cats get 
along for the most part, but Sammy is older and they do sometimes 
scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You may remember Tux as the 
kitty that gave us all a scare when he went missing for 3 days and ended 
up being locked in the attached garage the entire time).  I'm pretty 
sure this has something to do with the dynamic between the two cats, 
(Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son Justin), or at 
least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested keeping Sam 
confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if he appreciates 
the alone time, and a litter box that is not contaminated with Tux 
smells.  I thought she could try that at least when she's not home, but 
she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat 
that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the problems 
would stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote 
country.  I suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached 
outdoor habitat, but she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know 
extreme!  Anyone have any suggestions?


MaryChristine wrote:
we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY too much 
time on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, 
as well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor 
there sigh.

On 5/21/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance,
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a
CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread Susan Loesch
How funny you should mention a jobMy Big Footsie used to pee at 
home a lot.  When I started bringing him to school with me as my "Head Library 
Cat" it totally stopped.  Not only did he not once ever even wiggle his tail at 
a wall here at school, the peeing stopped at home, also.   He just needed a job 
to be happy!

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  we really have to get these cats of 
ours jobs--they have WAY too much time on their paws to sit around and figure 
these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as 
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh. 

  On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks for the sympathy.  The 
dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but 
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot 
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-22 Thread MaryChristine

we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY too much time
on their paws to sit around and figure these things out.

and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of the dryer, as
well. i just pour the anti-stink straight on the floor there sigh.

On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

elizabeth trent wrote:
> Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
> definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.
> Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot
> with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last
> week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
> elizabeth


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Excellent!  That reminds me--there is some kind of coffee bean that  
costs an arm and a leg because it has run through the digestive  
system of some small animal.  Personally, I can think of a better  
marinade than that.  Honestly, make it a rarity and people will buy  

Maybe you could use your dryer to roast and sell rare cat pee coffee  
beans--just needs a better name for marketing purposes!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 5:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe you can order some raw coffee beans and home roast them on  
high heat in the dryer, LOL!

One thing though... I wouldn't advise doing a load of whites or  
light colors in the dryer immediately after a load of coffee beans.


From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me while I
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

OH that is too funny LOL  Sorry NinaI couldn't help laughing :0)



 Maybe you can order some raw coffee beans and home roast them on high
heat in the dryer, LOL!

One thing though... I wouldn't advise doing a load of whites or light
colors in the dryer immediately after a load of coffee beans.


From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me while I
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe you can order some raw coffee beans and home roast them on high heat
in the dryer, LOL!

One thing though... I wouldn't advise doing a load of whites or light colors
in the dryer immediately after a load of coffee beans.


>From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me while I
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
You can also take your used coffee grounds and put them around the  
bases of your hydrangeas to give the soil the acidity that they  
need.  Good for the color.

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Nina wrote:

From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds  
are used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me  
while I go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
Something just dawned on me.  You know how Nordie's has those  
little containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing  
perfumes?  I used to manage a coffee store and I always smelled  
like fresh coffee.  People in  check-out lines would ask me what  
the wonderful coffee was in my basket--and there was none!  Maybe  
little sachets of ground coffee in our pockets would work.  !?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:

I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on  
deterioration effects of the olfactory senses from living with  
too many cats.  My sniffer isn't what it used to be either.   
Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise, but it does little for our  
social lives.  I've had people in check out lines ask me about my  
pets.  I'll quick sniff at my clothing but so far it's been more  
the tell tale dog and cat hair and not problem odors.  I have  
little chance of getting away with a spontaneous murder.  I carry  
way too much traceable dna with me wherever I go.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
From watching crime dramas on tv, I've learned that coffee grounds are 
used to disguise the scent from drug sniffing dogs.  Excuse me while I 
go throw a pound of coffee in my dryer :-) .

Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
Something just dawned on me.  You know how Nordie's has those little 
containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes?  I used 
to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee.  
People in  check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was 
in my basket--and there was none!  Maybe little sachets of ground 
coffee in our pockets would work.  !?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:

I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration 
effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats.  My 
sniffer isn't what it used to be either.  Perhaps it's a blessing in 
disguise, but it does little for our social lives.  I've had people 
in check out lines ask me about my pets.  I'll quick sniff at my 
clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat hair and 
not problem odors.  I have little chance of getting away with a 
spontaneous murder.  I carry way too much traceable dna with me 
wherever I go.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

What a great idea!

On 5/21/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Something just dawned on me.  You know how Nordie's has those little
containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes?  I used
to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee.
People in  check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was
in my basket--and there was none!  Maybe little sachets of ground
coffee in our pockets would work.  !?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:

> I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration
> effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats.  My
> sniffer isn't what it used to be either.  Perhaps it's a blessing
> in disguise, but it does little for our social lives.  I've had
> people in check out lines ask me about my pets.  I'll quick sniff
> at my clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat
> hair and not problem odors.  I have little chance of getting away
> with a spontaneous murder.  I carry way too much traceable dna with
> me wherever I go.
> N
> Kelley Saveika wrote:
>> At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Something just dawned on me.  You know how Nordie's has those little  
containers of coffee beans to sniff between testing perfumes?  I used  
to manage a coffee store and I always smelled like fresh coffee.   
People in  check-out lines would ask me what the wonderful coffee was  
in my basket--and there was none!  Maybe little sachets of ground  
coffee in our pockets would work.  !?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Nina wrote:

I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration  
effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats.  My  
sniffer isn't what it used to be either.  Perhaps it's a blessing  
in disguise, but it does little for our social lives.  I've had  
people in check out lines ask me about my pets.  I'll quick sniff  
at my clothing but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat  
hair and not problem odors.  I have little chance of getting away  
with a spontaneous murder.  I carry way too much traceable dna with  
me wherever I go.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Absolutely amazing!  Anyone who said that animals aren't smarter than  
people is surely an idiot--or not an animal person!  Charlie is  
currently our stealth pee-er--or pooper!  He's so intent on being the  
number one (AND number two) cat!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 21, 2007, at 11:38 AM, Nina wrote:

Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.   
How clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of  
my clan is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the  
fragrance, but it is then carried about all over the house, (not to  
mention everywhere I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of  
them!  All the fabric throws covering the furniture are now pre- 
marked :-) .


elizabeth trent wrote:
Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette"  
is definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm  
weather.  Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps  
me a lot with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw  
some a CVS last week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!


Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
I wonder if there have been any studies conducted on deterioration 
effects of the olfactory senses from living with too many cats.  My 
sniffer isn't what it used to be either.  Perhaps it's a blessing in 
disguise, but it does little for our social lives.  I've had people in 
check out lines ask me about my pets.  I'll quick sniff at my clothing 
but so far it's been more the tell tale dog and cat hair and not problem 
odors.  I have little chance of getting away with a spontaneous murder.  
I carry way too much traceable dna with me wherever I go.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Kelley Saveika

At least you can smell it.  I can't smell it anymore:(

On 5/21/07, Wolf, Leah R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many years ago our cat peed in my son's basket of fresh laundry just before
we left for vacation.  We didn't realize what had happened until we were on
the plane and I became aware of a powerful odor on Andrew's person, which
turned out to be the clothes he had retrieved from the basket and was
wearing.  We had to change planes, so we made a beeline for a gift shop in
search of clean clothes to wear for the rest of the flight.  As soon as we
checked into the hotel at our destination, I bagged up everything in his
suitcase and took it to the front desk to be laundered.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

My sister's cat peed in my dad's napsack the night before he was to board a
plane with it.  Ah the delights of being owned by cats.

At least at Best Friends you were among compatriots who would understand.  I
bet if you had taken a look around you, you would have caught several others
in the group sneaking a sniff at their own t-shirts!

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> My cats peed in my purse once.  Sigh.  I had to buy another purse.
> On 5/21/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 08:45 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:
>> I was at BEST FRIENDS last week for the workshop, Sitting in one of
>> the dog areas listening to a talk on detecting stress in dogs
>> etc,,Well as I leaned forward I got that strange familar
>> whiffI kept hoping it was coming for elsewhere,, No
>> chanceMy shirt had that familiar yellow patch that i did not see
>> as i got dressed in the hotel that morning, A trip to the bathroom
>> and a wet shirt for the next few hours I always carry spare shoes
>> and clothes in my car,,, Kelly

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Gandalf!

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Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

RE: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Wolf, Leah R.
Many years ago our cat peed in my son's basket of fresh laundry just before
we left for vacation.  We didn't realize what had happened until we were on
the plane and I became aware of a powerful odor on Andrew's person, which
turned out to be the clothes he had retrieved from the basket and was
wearing.  We had to change planes, so we made a beeline for a gift shop in
search of clean clothes to wear for the rest of the flight.  As soon as we
checked into the hotel at our destination, I bagged up everything in his
suitcase and took it to the front desk to be laundered.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

My sister's cat peed in my dad's napsack the night before he was to board a
plane with it.  Ah the delights of being owned by cats.

At least at Best Friends you were among compatriots who would understand.  I
bet if you had taken a look around you, you would have caught several others
in the group sneaking a sniff at their own t-shirts!

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> My cats peed in my purse once.  Sigh.  I had to buy another purse.
> On 5/21/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 08:45 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:
>> I was at BEST FRIENDS last week for the workshop, Sitting in one of 
>> the dog areas listening to a talk on detecting stress in dogs 
>> etc,,Well as I leaned forward I got that strange familar 
>> whiffI kept hoping it was coming for elsewhere,, No 
>> chanceMy shirt had that familiar yellow patch that i did not see 
>> as i got dressed in the hotel that morning, A trip to the bathroom 
>> and a wet shirt for the next few hours I always carry spare shoes 
>> and clothes in my car,,, Kelly

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous touch.  How 
clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know which of my clan 
is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the fragrance, but 
it is then carried about all over the house, (not to mention everywhere 
I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All the fabric throws 
covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .


elizabeth trent wrote:
Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is 
definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.  
Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot 
with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last 
week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
My sister's cat peed in my dad's napsack the night before he was to 
board a plane with it.  Ah the delights of being owned by cats.

At least at Best Friends you were among compatriots who would 
understand.  I bet if you had taken a look around you, you would have 
caught several others in the group sneaking a sniff at their own t-shirts!

Kelley Saveika wrote:

My cats peed in my purse once.  Sigh.  I had to buy another purse.

On 5/21/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 08:45 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

I was at BEST FRIENDS last week for the workshop, Sitting in one of
the dog areas listening to a talk on detecting stress in dogs
etc,,Well as I leaned forward I got that strange familar
whiffI kept hoping it was coming for elsewhere,, No
chanceMy shirt had that familiar yellow patch that i did not see
as i got dressed in the hotel that morning,
A trip to the bathroom and a wet shirt for the next few hours
I always carry spare shoes and clothes in my car,,,

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty toilette" is
definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for warm weather.  Have you
tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps me a lot with Shakiti (aka -
magic marker) in the house.  I saw some a CVS last week.  You can order it
online too.  I am so sorry!


On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, someone
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm assuming
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the opening of
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know is that
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I think
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling
not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Kelley Saveika

My cats peed in my purse once.  Sigh.  I had to buy another purse.

On 5/21/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 08:45 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

I was at BEST FRIENDS last week for the workshop, Sitting in one of
the dog areas listening to a talk on detecting stress in dogs
etc,,Well as I leaned forward I got that strange familar
whiffI kept hoping it was coming for elsewhere,, No
chanceMy shirt had that familiar yellow patch that i did not see
as i got dressed in the hotel that morning,
A trip to the bathroom and a wet shirt for the next few hours
I always carry spare shoes and clothes in my car,,,

>I'm thinking of draping my whole house in wet vinegar towels!  I'll
>pull the dryer out and scrub the floors and try the wet towel
>trick.  I keep thinking of the little perfumed sachets my mother
>used to keep in her lingerie drawer, far far cry from that!
>Kelly L wrote:
>>At 08:31 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:
>>Don't laugh , but last week i purchased a fire place screen to i
>>could put it to the wall heaters to protect them from the same thing.
>>Have you considered putting some wet and vinegar soaked towels in
>>the dryier and running it for a while??
>>>I bet its on the floor under the dryer...
>>>Nina wrote:
Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where
the urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you
do).  Well, someone has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did 
I'm assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices
around the opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the
air filter.  All I know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and
scrubbed some more.  Every time I think it's safe to dry a load
of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling not springtime
fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must be
thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any
suggestions?  Do I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?

>>>No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>>>269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM
>>>No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>>>269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Gandalf!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Kelly L

At 08:45 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

I was at BEST FRIENDS last week for the workshop, Sitting in one of 
the dog areas listening to a talk on detecting stress in dogs 
etc,,Well as I leaned forward I got that strange familar 
whiffI kept hoping it was coming for elsewhere,, No 
chanceMy shirt had that familiar yellow patch that i did not see 
as i got dressed in the hotel that morning,

A trip to the bathroom and a wet shirt for the next few hours
I always carry spare shoes and clothes in my car,,,

I'm thinking of draping my whole house in wet vinegar towels!  I'll 
pull the dryer out and scrub the floors and try the wet towel 
trick.  I keep thinking of the little perfumed sachets my mother 
used to keep in her lingerie drawer, far far cry from that!


Kelly L wrote:

At 08:31 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

Don't laugh , but last week i purchased a fire place screen to i 
could put it to the wall heaters to protect them from the same thing.
Have you considered putting some wet and vinegar soaked towels in 
the dryier and running it for a while??


I bet its on the floor under the dryer...

Nina wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where 
the urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you 
do).  Well, someone has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.
I'm assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices 
around the opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the 
air filter.  All I know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and 
scrubbed some more.  Every time I think it's safe to dry a load 
of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling not springtime 
fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must be 
thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any 
suggestions?  Do I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Kelley Saveika

I don't even try anymore - well, I do, but clearly it is ineffective.
They actually moved me at work so that I have a 2 seat buffer between
me and the next closest person in any direction.  *sigh*.   I have two
cats on behavior meds for inappropriate urination and it helps to a
point, but only to a point.

On 5/21/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm thinking of draping my whole house in wet vinegar towels!  I'll pull
the dryer out and scrub the floors and try the wet towel trick.  I keep
thinking of the little perfumed sachets my mother used to keep in her
lingerie drawer, far far cry from that!

Kelly L wrote:
> At 08:31 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:
> Don't laugh , but last week i purchased a fire place screen to i could
> put it to the wall heaters to protect them from the same thing.
> Have you considered putting some wet and vinegar soaked towels in the
> dryier and running it for a while??
> Kelly
>> I bet its on the floor under the dryer...
>> Tad
>> Nina wrote:
>>> Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where
>>> the urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well,
>>> someone has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.
>>> I'm assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices
>>> around the opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the air
>>> filter.  All I know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed
>>> some more.  Every time I think it's safe to dry a load of clothes
>>> they come out of the dryer smelling not springtime fresh, but of
>>> fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must be thrilled, everything
>>> smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do I have to get a new
>>> dryer and house it behind chain link?
>>> Nina
>> --
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>> 269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM
>> --
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:
>> 269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Gandalf!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
I'm thinking of draping my whole house in wet vinegar towels!  I'll pull 
the dryer out and scrub the floors and try the wet towel trick.  I keep 
thinking of the little perfumed sachets my mother used to keep in her 
lingerie drawer, far far cry from that!


Kelly L wrote:

At 08:31 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

Don't laugh , but last week i purchased a fire place screen to i could 
put it to the wall heaters to protect them from the same thing.
Have you considered putting some wet and vinegar soaked towels in the 
dryier and running it for a while??


I bet its on the floor under the dryer...

Nina wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where 
the urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, 
someone has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  
I'm assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices 
around the opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the air 
filter.  All I know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed 
some more.  Every time I think it's safe to dry a load of clothes 
they come out of the dryer smelling not springtime fresh, but of 
fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must be thrilled, everything 
smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do I have to get a new 
dryer and house it behind chain link?


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Kelly L

At 08:31 AM 5/21/2007, you wrote:

Don't laugh , but last week i purchased a fire place screen to i 
could put it to the wall heaters to protect them from the same thing.
Have you considered putting some wet and vinegar soaked towels in the 
dryier and running it for a while??


I bet its on the floor under the dryer...

Nina wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where 
the urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, 
someone has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did 
it.  I'm assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices 
around the opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the air 
filter.  All I know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed 
some more.  Every time I think it's safe to dry a load of clothes 
they come out of the dryer smelling not springtime fresh, but of 
fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must be thrilled, everything 
smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do I have to get a 
new dryer and house it behind chain link?


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 
269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/2007 7:54 AM

Re: ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Tad Burnett

I bet its on the floor under the dryer...

Nina wrote:

Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the 
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, someone 
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm 
assuming they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the 
opening of the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I 
know is that I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every 
time I think it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the 
dryer smelling not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever 
marked the dryer must be thrilled, everything smells of their scent 
now.  Any suggestions?  Do I have to get a new dryer and house it 
behind chain link?


ot - Ever ubiquitous pee

2007-05-21 Thread Nina
Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where the 
urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well, someone 
has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm assuming 
they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the opening of 
the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know is that 
I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I think 
it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer smelling 
not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the dryer must 
be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any suggestions?  Do 
I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?
