[Finale] Complete FINALE 2008 re-install

2008-07-02 Thread Henry E. Howey
Much of my work involves transcribing manuscripts and evolving "modern"
editions with updated instrumentations. The result has been a "freeze" of
FINALE to the point of needing a re-start to get out of FINALE. I've lost
months of valuable time due to this.

I've been writing to the list about these recently. MAKEMUSIC support has
been helpful, though the most recent correction has involved a "clean"
re-install of FINALE. The process is not for the timid and requires nearly
an hour to complete.

I know that I run a complex setup, and I stress the app terribly. I
suspect VISTA is also part of the problem. One result of my experience may
be new install procedures. For the re-install I had to use the Device
Manager to disable all but a few apps in my account.

I hope this info is usefull to the list. I suspect we may have more such
issues as our hardware and software evolve.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WinFin 2008a Rests in Voice 2

2008-06-18 Thread Henry E. Howey
After various pastes between staves, I am findind rests appearing in bars
where the Voice 2 has never been used.

These artifacts can be painstakingly removed, but they are seemingly
something peculiar to 2008. I'm sure there's an obscure button I need to
uncheck. I remain distrustful of the :filters" in the EDIT menu;-(

BTW, MAKEMUSIC Support "fixed" the crashing after pastes by deleting the
"finale.ini" file.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WinFin2008a paste and crash

2008-06-14 Thread Henry E. Howey
While FINALE Support was able to fix a problem with Human Playback on old
files a while back, I still find a problem with pasting from newer (2003
and up) files to 2008a. The bug seems to lie in a new widow that asks if I
want to ADD a missing font to the font list. If I do the insertions in
tiny bites, FINALE doesn't crash. Somehow, the larger the paste, the more
likely the crash.

Another annoying (minor) development is the crash on loading after such an
event. The error code will change from time to time, but it is new to me.

I'm using VISTA (I know;-(, but there are 4 GB of RAM. I have not yet
received the SP1 download, though I've been using VISTA for more than a
year now.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Human Playback Crashes

2008-05-01 Thread Henry E. Howey
Finale support and I went around on this.

It's the MEASURE-ATTACHED items, especially any fermatas.

1. Mass Edit Tool-Edit-Select All-Clear Selected Items-Measure-Attached Items

 This should do it.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WinFin 2008a CT17 and CT16 errors

2008-03-25 Thread Henry E. Howey
I'm using VISTA, and these errors will appear, repeaetedly, then FINALE
will operate normally.

Any suggestions WHY these errors appear. BTW, "17" is the more common of
the two;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Strange REBAR behavior WinFin 2008a

2008-03-15 Thread Henry E. Howey
I use SHARPEYE a lot for my work in editions. One of my techniques is to
use the REBAR command to return measures to "empty" after converted by
MUSICXML. The odd behavior is the removal of all dotted notes to their
replacement by their components -  a dotted 8th-16th becomes an 8th tied
to a 16th and a 16th.

This very inconvenient. Any solutions?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] LOST windows

2008-02-22 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have a 2-monitor setup that I use for a lot of work. (My main machine is
a laptop.) It is a pivot monitor being run by nVidia drivers;-)

For lomger than I care to remember the "system margins" window is in a
space between the monitors;-) In short, I have not seen it in 3 months. I
have a workaround, but I don't like it. Has anyone figured out a way to
force a wandering window back to the main screen? Also, even when I have
only the laptop, the window is "lost."

Is there a default file i can trash to SAFELY reset this window.

I have a laptop GPS program that has a "reset windows" command.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: OSX backup software suggestions?

2008-02-04 Thread Henry E. Howey
Check out CMS software. You'll need an external HD (usb best) equal
minimally equal to your machine's HD. It does a COMPLETE mirror of your HD
and can rebuild your old HD completely, including any hidden partitions
necessary for your machine to work. The recovery disk uses a LINUX system
to replace your screwed-up HD completely.

There is an incremental backup capability as well, though I always opt for
the complete backup.

Oh, it's for MAC or PC;-)


Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] 2008a Human Playback Error WinFin

2008-01-17 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have written to Finale Support about this twice now. Old files and data
copied from old files will cause Human Playback to freeze FINALE dead in
its tracks. The usual stopping point is at 38-40%.

This a major problem for those of us who need to update old files;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WINFIN 2008a problems and VISTA

2008-01-04 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have been noticing some lackings in 2008a. I wonder if others have noted

1. It is no longer possible to change NOTEHEAD size. Any attempt changes
the entire note;-( I have written to SUPPORT twice on this, and the
requests have been "lost."

2. HUMAN PLAYBACK locks up easily around 38-40% of setup. There is no
option except to crash FINALE with TASK MANAGER. It is not universal, but
it seems to improve if a new file is set up and data is re-copied.

3. Grace notes at the beginning or end of a measure are almost impossible
to PASTE between scores. Even PASTing them internally can be fraught with
difficulty and frustration.

4. The lack of a "dedicated" MIDI designation in the SYSTEM seems to
require many "Reload MIDI Driver" resets in a FINALE session.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] The dotted-eighth-sixteenth as a triplet

2007-12-22 Thread Henry E. Howey
I think (hope) most folks here know about the persistence of the
combination of triplets and dotted-eighth-sixteenth as a triple "feel" in
Bach and other Baroque composers. I have, however, been aware of a longer
application of this "swing" well into the 19th century.

I suffered weeks of desperation until I could play the solos in the last
movement of SCHEHEREZADE to my teacher's satisfaction. Even the DAVID
CONCERTINO has caused hours of anguish;-)

Anyhow, I wonder if Robert Piechaud could devise a plugin for us to apply
when we need it in certain spots?

It's just a thought;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Desktop versus laptop survey

2007-12-12 Thread Henry E. Howey
I think we need a list survey of laptop versus desktop usage.

I, for example, have both, but my laptop is my real machine upon which I
do 60-70% of my work.

If my observation of an observed group of undergraduate students is
accurate, they are closer to 90% in laptop usage.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Dotted rhythms GONE

2007-12-12 Thread Henry E. Howey
I cannot seem to find the setting, but WinFINALE 2008 (and 2008a) have
taken upon itself the respomsibility to remove all dotted rhythms and
replace them with their subordinate constituents. This occurs diring ALL
Insets and MANY Pastes.

I cannot see any rational reason for this as any kind of a default setting;-(

Along with the assumption that we all use full keyboards, I find this an
upsetting and annoying development.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] VISTA, WinFin2008 & EDIROL

2007-11-10 Thread Henry E. Howey
I see that there is no sub-heading for MIDI in VISTA, though the Device
Manager lists my EDIROL PCR-1 as a midi source.

The problem is that all works fine for a while, but eventually I have no
keyboard recognized in Speedy Entry, and 2008 tells me there is no midi

Restarts help, but the loss always returns in less than 30 minutes.

There are lots of folks to blame here, but I was wondering if non-PCR-1
users were experiencing the same. BTW, you must be on VISTA.

The best thing about VISTA has been the ability to handle GPO playback
without balking.

Also, the REALLY DUMB Control-1 (etc.) fiasco has not been mentioned here
yet. There was a similar left-right-habd screw-up a few years ago. I had
hoped they had learned;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] A Sibelius List Now?

2007-10-15 Thread Henry E. Howey
I should say up front that I own Sibelius and have for almost ten years.

My main work involves editions of old music that I need to update into
newer versions and ensembles.  A FINALE file is too valuable a resource to
allow any but close associates to have.

I have always objected to SIBELIUS' rigidity.

Now, does the community want me to set yo a SIBELIUS list that has the
same regs as the FINALE list? I am sure we have been a thorn (albeit
hopeful) in the side of MAKEMUSIC. AVID deserves no less.

Let me hear from you offlist;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] VISTA

2007-10-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
I decided to go ahead and move to VISTA, though not without many
headaches. FINALEs before 2007 have issues with a great deal of VISTA, not
to mention GPO and related apps.

I called (by mistake) FINSUPPORT to reset my licenses. In the course of
the discussion I noted a bit of "?" that I had not experienced before. I
say "?" because the tone in the voice was quite annoyed when I questioned
some of the "improvements" in 2008.

What have you people been saying to them?


Also, I like the "toys" that come with VISTA. There is an "activity"
monitor, and FINALE's big moves seem to peg the first X86 chip while the
second and the RAM are untouched. I haven't tried the "fast" flashdrive
for dumping certain routines. I'm not even sure that FINALE will be able
to access it.

I have always found two monitors a great help in my editing of
manuscripts. I now have a 22" wide monitor that I can pivot. It really
helps. Sadly, to have a pivot monitor from DELL, one must buy a $120 stand
that clips to one's worktable;-( I did have a real huge pivot monitor
several years ago. It tool a lot of software and misery, and space. This
one is nicer and about $800 cheaper with the swivel device;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Converting SIBELIUS to FINALE

2007-09-22 Thread Henry E. Howey
According to michael Good, SIBELIUS provides less information than does
FINALE; thus some of the problems;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Full GPO and the KONTAKT2 Update

2007-08-30 Thread Henry E. Howey
I just discovered that the GPO update to use the KONTAKT2 controls will
erase all of your KONTAKT(1) libraries and render the use of 2006 GPO

This is highly irresponsible of Garritan, I believe. While I admire Gary's
product, this latest discovery saddens me.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Scanning printed music into Finale

2007-08-27 Thread Henry E. Howey
As part of the Music XML 2.0 that Michael Good has been doing, Herve
Bitteur has been developing a Java-based music scanning program that seems
quite good, even in alpha mode.

I love SHARPEYE, which is for PC only. I also have the NEURATRON app
PHOTOSCORE, which is (in version 5) far friendlier. It wants to work
better with SIBELIUS, though. It has a MAC version. I have not tried it

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] From your friendly list owner

2007-08-08 Thread Henry E. Howey
My Friends,

I believe I do not have to remind you that email communication requires a
level of decorum that would make a 16th-century Japanese court seem bedlam
in comparison.

The idea of the list is that it is open, helpful, and polite. Good manners
(more often) demand that one ignores bad manners on the part of others.

In light of that, I ask all of you to confine your (very justified) ire to
the likes of MAKEMUSIC and to treat each other as the all-too-failing
human beings we are.

I try to have as few rules as possible; however, I must insist that any
topic related to the recent bad behavior end;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Goodbye Finale

2007-08-04 Thread Henry E. Howey
Whatever ease of use Sibelius may offer, its lack of power will never make
me a convert. Also, I really need SMARTMUSIC, and it only works with

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] 2008 on the way

2007-07-02 Thread Henry E. Howey
I just checked the MAKEMUSIC website, and I have a tracking number for my
order for 2008.

As a nearly 20-year user of FINALE, I cannot say my anticpation is free of

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Instrument/Ensemble List errors

2007-06-08 Thread Henry E. Howey
As far as the setup goes, these are text files in the VST and COMPONENTS
folders. Correcting the errors and adding instruments needs to be
addressed as a plugin, a suggestion I made several weeks ago.

BTW, the sopranino sax description is really messed up as well, e.g., it's
got a bass clef;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Wrapping keys in 2007

2007-06-03 Thread Henry E. Howey
I just used RECORDARE's DOLET to go back to 2006 with a file where I had a
long, multi-keyed file that I wanted to transpose up a ninth. The check to
continue the transposition throughout the file was absolutely inoperable.
This is a major bug.

Also, The hidden staff that was the basis of an ossia would not respond to
any manipulation to make it look the same as the actual music. In fact,
the OSSIA TOOL in 2007 could not be massaged to do what it has always done
in 2006.

I do a lot of this sort of manipulation, and this is the first time I've
worked extensively in 2007. The disabling of this tool is inexcusable.

Thank god for Michael Good.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list


2007-05-30 Thread Henry E. Howey
I'm sure I've been very culpable in all of this; however, NI has some very
serious problems with their "service" center. It is NI's licensing
mechanism that seems the buggy item.

Also, there is a new, serial-numbered installation that will put GPO and
JABB into the KONTAKT2 player. I suggest that everyone treat this
"upgrade" with particular care. Between them (one each for GPO and JABB)
and the Service Center there seems to be the recipe for major screwups and
loss of your access to your expensive VSTs.

Also, the latest patch for KONTAKT2 (full version) may have implications
that might throw you into the maw known as tech support.

Just trying to prepare some of you for future fun;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Languages

2007-05-27 Thread Henry E. Howey
I wonder how much of the "language fear" is sheer ignorance. I learned
Spanish at age 11. As a result, several other languages were later not
such a problem. I tend to feel guilty when I'm in a country with a
"minority" language that I don't know it.

Since ignorance has been the basis of so much power in the world, I don't
think that any of us should be surprised when we see it.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] How about a Plugin

2007-05-06 Thread Henry E. Howey
that will allow the INSTRUMENT list in FINALE to be edited from within
FINALE. I need to add the possibility of non-English names to instruments
and to incorporate the names/characteristics of rare or disused
intruments. Also, non-standard instrument transpositions in the setup
would be nice.

I can do ALL of the above and keep various templates active. I have even
figured how to make the parets do the same. All in all, I can do it
manually. I just wish it could be smoother;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] ACROBAT's missing notes

2007-04-16 Thread Henry E. Howey
I just sent a set of parts out in ACROBAT, and several pitches (seen on
the screen) are not printing. I'm using NOVEMBER font.

HAs anyone a solution?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Member removed

2007-04-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
Dear List,

The "member" who put the Chinese movie link on the list has been removed.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] ILLUSTRATOR and FINALE fonts

2007-03-11 Thread Henry E. Howey
I may need to export EPS or postscript into ILLUSTRATOR to achieve certain
editorial conventions.

I cannot select stems in beamed eighth notes as an Item to adjust in
ILLUSTRATOR. I can select noteheads, the beams themselves, and flags on
various note values.

I hope someone else has tried and succeeded;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WinFin Productivity 5.0 Font Problems

2007-01-30 Thread Henry E. Howey
Now that Bill Duncan is gone, I am trying some of his templates and XP
will not load several important TRUTYPE fonts, describing them as

Has anyone a solution to suggest?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Wandering Rests

2007-01-26 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have been using SHARPEYE for scanning music, and it's great. The problem
is that I often transpose the key for my use/ The problem is that the half
and whole rests are all over the staff.

I know about the "*" (shift-8) for removing this. Is there not a plugin
that could do this important but tedious tactic. TGTOOLS or some one
should have it'-)
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Mozart

2007-01-19 Thread Henry E. Howey

Due to the length and perambulation regarding this header/topic, I ask you
to start newer titles to clarify and re-direct our discussions.

This request is a codicil to the request that FINALEDIGEST not be used as
a subject header.

Also, please refer to this note offlist only;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] From your friendly listowner

2007-01-17 Thread Henry E. Howey

As an American academic I must once again prove to people who administer
my activities that I remain a worthy recipient for their largesse.

To that end I solicit your input OFFLIST as to the worth of this list to
your activities as musicians.

Thank you;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] for A. S. Weinstangel

2006-12-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
Dear colleagues;

I have inherited a computer with tons of music software on it. Included
are: CUBASIS VST 4, CUBASE SX v. 2.01, Sony SOUND FORGE 7.0 and Adobe
AUDITION 1.5.  I am not familiar with any of these, and after hours of
googeling  am still not able to figure out the differences and usefulness
for my forthcoming home recording projects. These include adding vocals
and instrumentals to some Finale-played samples of my works.

If you have any experience with some all or of the above programs, could
you please provide me with advice and suggestions (off the List, if
preferable). TIA.




Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT history

2006-11-26 Thread Henry E. Howey
My Friends,

As one who has been in the college teaching business for too long, I would
like to offer a reason for the lack of foreign language excperience these
days. Simply, during the Vietnam War, the language requirement was for
many a ticket to the rice paddies. Thus, it was dropped universally.
Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, the requirement seemed silly
to people who have never fulfilled it.

While it is not necessarily a sign of a poor education, it does diminish
every person thus infected.

I have found that knowing other languages in our society is like being
sighted in a blind world.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] MACFIN 2006d

2006-11-04 Thread Henry E. Howey

A MAC-using friend of mine seems to have lost contact with ALL of his

I have not loaded FINALE on a MAC in a while, but there semms no CUSTOM
load for the fonts.

Any suggestions?

He has a 2006b disk, but has upgraded to 2006d on a non-intel MAC;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Hellp

2006-10-16 Thread Henry E. Howey
I was sure I did know how to do this, but am hopelessly stuck now. I am
trying to set up the Drum Set staff playback. WinXP, Fin?05.

Could someone, please, tell me what am I doing wrong:

Channel 10, patch 1. STAFF TOOL --- click handle --- NOTATION STYLE
?Percussion? ---Select ---Create --- highlight MIDI Pitch 35, slide handle
to 1st space (F), checkmark ?HIGHLIGHTED NOTE?, PLAYBACK NOTE defaulted to
35 [and then the same process for MIDI pitches 38, 42, 45, 47, 48, 56, 77]
--- Done --- Select --- OK.

I am still getting the same rubbish playback with the whistle instead of
snare drum, etc.

My prospective soloist needs to hear the piece ASAP. Please, help!



Finale mailing list

[Finale] I believe that Johannes

2006-10-16 Thread Henry E. Howey
suggested using a 1.414 spacing under the "widths" to achieve a more
"engraved" look to scores and parts;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Attachments

2006-10-12 Thread Henry E. Howey
I am trying to set the rules so that NO attachments are allowed.


Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Welcome Gary Garritan

2006-10-09 Thread Henry E. Howey
Gary Garritan is in the process of joining the list. He was caught in one
of the security loops last week, but he should be here soon.

Along with Michael Goode (RECORDARE, Tobias Giesen (TGTOOLS), and Robert
Patterson (Patterson Tools), he will be in good company.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Wandering notes in PDF

2006-09-29 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have a full version of ACROBAT 7. The end product is unusable as notes
on ledger lines are misaligned. Anyone have a solution?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Another solution to no sound on handclapping

2006-09-17 Thread Henry E. Howey
Change the handclaps to Layer 4 with the MASS MOVER, then in DOCUMENT
OPTIONS/LAYERS, set Layer 4 so that it will not play;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FREEZE thawed

2006-09-03 Thread Henry E. Howey
$150 worth of software (PCDOCPRO, SUITCASE) later, I can tell you the
solution to the problem.

My university restructured the network, including the printer queus. As a
result, it took several days, phonecalls, and visits to my office and our
queued printers to cooperate. One was so far gone it could not even be

In short, I had to remove any and all external printers (including an
internal one produced in WORD). The ACROBAT and CLICKBOOK printers were
never touched.

It was never fonts (though I did clean out 70+ I never use). Somehow
FINALE (and other applications) reach out to the printers when the fonts
are to be chosen.

Problem solved, but I never expected this solution;-(

It's still WINDOZE.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Font problems 2

2006-09-03 Thread Henry E. Howey
I should mention that when I go to TaskManager, There are 2 "Not
Responding" occurrences of FINALE;-(

I'm trying the font route now, but having little luck;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FINWIN 2006 Strange Freezes

2006-09-02 Thread Henry E. Howey
My XP SP2 machine is going berserk and freezing if I try to print or
change the musicfont for ANY file.

This also seems true of 2003, 2005, and 2007.

Any ideas?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Bounces and AOL

2006-08-13 Thread Henry E. Howey
Friends, we are currently within a week of the new Fall Semester. I will
review these concerns with the tech who has charge of the maillists run
from our server. Normally bounces occur when a listmember's mailbox has
been allowed to overflow from inattention. Fairly quickly our listserv
cancels the offending site and bars them from re-enroling without my

There was expressed to me (offlist) concern about a vulnerability in the
archives. The archives are available only to list members, so I will also
inquire how they might appear in a search engine.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Golden Age and other lost fonts

2006-07-30 Thread Henry E. Howey
Actually, there are several other fonts designed by individuals that have
been lost. My great favorite was CYBERSCORE that I preferred to JAZZFONT.

I tried to find an updating font utility, but this is beyond the scope of
my expertise or energy;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Lunga (2)

2006-07-16 Thread Henry E. Howey
Yep, the FUGHETTA has it, BUT it is based on Petrucci (ugh;-)

Also,Blake Hodgetts seems an absent landlord as I sent him some money from
PAYPAL months ago, to no avail. FINALE (as far as i know has no way to
assign 16-quarters as a value;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] LUNGA anyone? ;-)

2006-07-15 Thread Henry E. Howey
I'm still transcribing early music and, though I will likely "update the
"white" to "black" notation, I would LOVE to have a LUNGA for final measures.

Anyone else?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Trombones

2006-06-23 Thread Henry E. Howey
Frankly, too much of this talk concerns me as I (a trombonist) do not feel
as confused by my instrument as some think one should be.

1. The only modern contrabass trombone I've EVER heard of is in BB-flat,
though some today add an F trigger. Both of these are an octave lower than
the tenor-bass instrument used today, regardless of its boresize.

2. The alto-tenor-bass grouping in the Beethoven Fifth was drawn from the
choral and theatrical practice already well-established in Austria and
Germany. The Sixth was premiered also with the Fifth and calls for only an
alto and a tenor, a theatrical setting.

3. Ken's dissertation is quite interesting; however, as a dissertation, it
must be considered (still) as a "student" work. There's a new history out
that promises to be quite good.

4. I play and teach alto trombone as its timbre is the main reason to use
it. No one has ever really needed it for range.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Posting Address

2006-06-12 Thread Henry E. Howey
Dear List,

This is the correct posting address:


Go to the below address for full information:


Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] GPO assist link is down

2006-06-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
I just went to the GPO website, and it is down. MM may still have it?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] From your friendly listowner

2006-05-31 Thread Henry E. Howey
Dear Friends,

I believe some recent exchanges have once again illustrated one of the
great problems to be found in emails. Bereft of facial clues and body
language, even the slightest irregularities of communication have impact
beyond the intent of the sender.

In the interest of good order and collegial exchange, I beg you consider
these concepts and moderate your exchanges accordingly;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] List "Timing out"

2006-05-12 Thread Henry E. Howey
The answer may be here at SHSU. It's exam time, and all those students
trying to find out if missing all of those Friday classes (Thursday is the
big party night here) has caused them to not pass;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Augenmusik

2006-02-17 Thread Henry E. Howey
I believe most orchestral players consider more than three f's or p's to
reside here. I once had the great pleasure of the company of the first
trombone in the Vienna Philharmonic who was an actual Viennese. To call
him phlegmatic was excessive. Mahler's dynamics were surely necessary to
rouse such as he to a respectable forte;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

Sent from SamMail at Sam Houston State University
See How Success Unfolds
Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: Scanner Slowdown PC

2006-01-15 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have an older comport CANON scanner that has suddenly slowed to an
absolute crawl.

This is very odd as it was very rapid as short as a couple of weeks ago.

Any ideas?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] RTFM and GPO

2006-01-06 Thread Henry E. Howey
First, thanks for the reminder about the add-on manual for GPO. It was
very helpful; however, there are some useful procedures I would like to
suggest for updating old files AND the percussion map idiosyncaties;-)

1.  I am involved in the production of a collection of scores that have
approximately the same instrumentation. In order to speed up the
transfers, I have made a FINALE TEMPLATE (FTM) that incorporates the GPO
instruments that I need. I do know of minor instrumentation adjustments
that might occur as the pieces were written over a 13-year period in which
there were slight changes in the instrumentation. To facilitate the
updates I do the following:

a. The template is grouped by each GROUP or section to a different GPO
module: Clarinets to GPO1, Cornets and flugelhorns to GPO2, Horns and
Genis (alto horn) to GPO3, Mezzo-soprano trumpets to GPO4, low brass to
GPO5, and percussion to GPO6.
b. In this manner I need to add or subtract or adjust only a small part of
the score instead of the whole thing. Of course I need both the MIDI GPO
setup and the INSTRUMENT LIST to complete the process.
c. BTW, I find it's best to prepare the entire template to the point of
setting the initial key to correspond to the INSERT.
d. When I do the INSERT, the COPY takes under a minute and the INSERT is
all but instantaneous.

2. The non-pitched percussion setup in this procedure is quite peculiar.
When I complete the INSERT into the template there is no sound until I
painstakingly CUT and replace every single percussion note. Again, I do
not re-enter the notes except to CLEAR (on MAC)them and re-insert the,
with the ENTER key. Then they play GREAT!

Again, I would like to remind list members that email is a peculiar mode
of contact. Without facial expressions and tone of voice, we must all
speak in modulated tones so as to not be perceived as harsh or
confrontational. Smiley faces [ ;-) ] also help a lot;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Solved!

2006-01-04 Thread Henry E. Howey
The WAVE-only setting was the result of using the GPO settings in the
selected file. If I open an old file with the artificial instruments, MP3
is possible;-)

Also, using GHPO Studio will cause a note that the GPO dll is unavailable.
GPO Stuido will play the file; however, there can be a substantial time
lag before it works;-(

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Sibelius 4 and other oddities

2006-01-04 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have begun to peruse Sibelius 4 this week before classes.

Since my FINALE class for the Musicology School in Cremona will include a
brief history of computer music notation, I was wondering if anyone might
have some odd bits of experiences to share with me, particularly regarding
OTHER music notation software?

I have used various programs over the years but wonder that my generally
positive opinions regarding FINALE are the result of its excellence or
merely my own obtuseness. I find most of FINALE to be intuitive, and that
which is not is not too hard to figure out. Also, the SIBELIUS manual has
to be one of the most opaque I've seen in quite a while.

A few years back, a grad student at Michigan described FINALE as
"meta-manuscript." I thought this was an excellent characterization.

In short, FINALE has (thanks to prodding by SIBELIUS in particular) begun
to evolve into what many critics felt was its greatest weakness, its
attempt to "be all things."

Thanks to you, my fellow listmembers, we may have also contributed to this

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] No MP3

2006-01-01 Thread Henry E. Howey
I keep intending to call MM help. shortly after loading or updating 2006,
I no longer have MP3 as a sound option in the PC version.

Has anyone elte experienced this?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] GPO 2

2006-01-01 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have loaded the now GPO; however, I have not figured out how to get it
to work with 2005 or 2006.

Also, there is no help file.

A further concern is that on a 1.7 GHZ ladtop withe 2 gigs of RAM it is
very slow to load.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FINPC 2006-2005-2003 MIDI connection?

2005-12-24 Thread Henry E. Howey
I had reset the balances in the STUDIO view in 2006 to audition some inner
brass parts in a score I was editing. I now have found that those same
MIDI bacances are STILL set in 2005! It seems to be the same in 2003.
(2004 still seems the buggiest version of all, thus its absence)

Can anyone offer a solution?


Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

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   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Fixed

2005-11-26 Thread Henry E. Howey
A re-install got the MP3 capability back. I have no idea why it did not
work at all.

I am still getting what Michael Goode (of RECORDARE) thinks is a hardware
problem. Since his DOLET 3.02, I no longer have his great plugin in place.
Also I get an error message from XP that does not allow itself to be
passed on to Microsoft.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Finale 2006 PC

2005-11-26 Thread Henry E. Howey
Friends, I need to know if anyone else has no MP3 capability. I will try a
reload, but I cannot understand why.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] No MP3????? in 2006

2005-11-24 Thread Henry E. Howey
My friend's 600M does them, but not mine

It's them same on my kickass desktop.

Any suggestions?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] System numbers?

2005-10-10 Thread Henry E. Howey
Seem to have disappeared since I "updated" the default files.

As anyone else seen this?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] MacFin 2004 Lab Problems

2005-10-05 Thread Henry E. Howey
I am ashamed to say, but our MacLab has some weird things going on.

1. Some MIDI keyboards are either absent or inoperative from the MIDI
controller box.

2. All of the menus exceptthe plug-ins work.

Both of these are intermittent and unpredictable. We will be going to 2006
soon, but I need the lab now;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list


2005-09-24 Thread Henry E. Howey
We seem to have power and computing at the university. The FINALE List
comes through;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Pitchwheel and meantone

2005-09-11 Thread Henry E. Howey
Has anyone else on the list examined the NOVEMBER quarter-tone set-up?

I know how to express the adjustments in cents or percentages (the same
thing said twice;-)

MYIARD's HARMONY ASSISTANT has a set of commands that allow this. How
might one convert the pitchwheel's 16,000+ amonts to something that I
could use?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] The Old GreyMail,

2005-09-10 Thread Henry E. Howey
has been removed at the request of your friendly list owner.

Please let me know if problems persist.

Also, issues regarding the archives will be examined shortly. Please
contact me offlist for any specfic issues here.

The hubbub of the new semester is receeding;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Greymail

2005-09-02 Thread Henry E. Howey
This has been reported to the admin here. The new semester is slowing the
usual great response I get. Also, we are close to the fallout from

Notwithstanding ("nonostante" for our Italian members), the holiday
weekend, I hope to have a fix soon.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] WinFin 2006 Freeze

2005-08-27 Thread Henry E. Howey
It's not a full-fledged freeze (no need for TASK MANAGER); however, with a
big brass band score having run in playback, FINALE will not scroll even
though all of the menus work. I have a gig of RAM; so that is a
possibility. GPO is running in FINALE only. my few attempts to record this
big score with full GPO running have been absolute failures.

Should I consider this a reportable bug or just part of a too-old computer?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FINE-ally

2005-08-27 Thread Henry E. Howey
I hope the too-long problems are gone. Thanks to your patience and Aaron
Sherber's excellent guidance.

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Thanks

2005-08-27 Thread Henry E. Howey
to Aaron Sherber.

I hope the fix he has so kindly suggested will do the job. This list is
almost 15 years old, and we're in the third or fourth v ersion of the
server software.

Also, all of you have my email. When a problem arises, please ALSO drop me
a note as well;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Quotes and Digests

2005-08-11 Thread Henry E. Howey
I haven't done a total lately; however, I believe the DIGEST option is a
70/30 prefernce of listmembers.

As for quoting, I believe cogent, concise quotes will be read more avidly
than full-blown rehashes of conversations.


Your frindly listowner

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Euphonium Players on FINALE list

2005-08-03 Thread Henry E. Howey
Alas, your friendly list owner is one also;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Fin2006 and GPO

2005-07-30 Thread Henry E. Howey
My Dear Listfriends,

As one who (wisely?) sprang for GPO prior to MakeMusic's (MM)  2006
announcement, I would like to add my two cents to what I've read so far.

1. GPO is a lovely set of sounds with really terrible documentation. I
know how the percussion works now, I simply cannot imagine how to combine
playback and a modicum of notation for performance.

2. The lack of documentation seems to occur as it springs from the NATIVE
INSTRUMENTS and KONTAKT world. If you think MM is hyper about protection
with lame setups, try NI;-)

3. As yet no one seems to be able to access 128 voices.

4. If we're confused, just imagine how it's going to be for the rest of
the world.

5. I have ordered KONTAKT in the deal with 2006 regidtration. I hope I may
be able to report that this acquisition will enable me to prepare some
materials to find a way outof this mess for us;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list


2005-06-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
I love Garritan, but has anyone found a way to suppress the application of
any MIDI channel 10 to percussion instruments? My MP3's are great except
for the substution of the 10th channel (in any version) is made a
percussion channel.

I'd love a solution,-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Horn Mutes

2005-06-07 Thread Henry E. Howey
A great trick for VERY LOW muted horn passages is to use a fibre bass
trombone mute. There is a Dallas mute maker [TRUMCOR] who still has these
plus, I beleieve, a cup mute,-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Garritan Upgrade

2005-05-20 Thread Henry E. Howey
Thanks for the help. There is still no good percussion system;-( Perhaps I
need how to see GPO work in OVERTURE to figure it out?

I also downloaded the X-files, but I cannot get this to appear in GPO. I
have looked through the manual for a loading command to no avail. Any

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

[Finale] GPO Peculiarity

2005-05-18 Thread Henry E. Howey
Your friendly listowner has done something silly.  I have just acquired
GPO and have two peculiar problems:

1. I cannot get the last note to end without stopping GPO.
2. The percussion notation between FINALE and GPO leaves me stunned;-(
3. NATIVE INSTRUMENTS seems really slow in answering tech questions.

Answers offlist may be appropriate;-)

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List
Finale mailing list

{Spam} [Finale] Super-Mini USB Controller

2004-07-28 Thread Henry E. Howey
I saw this with the FINALE troup that goes around to conventions.  It's a
super small MIDI keyboard that is about half the width of a standard
105-key computer keyboard. It's black around what look like an octave-plus
set of full-size piano keys.

I do a lot of traveling, and this looks to be a perfect space solution for

Has anyone else seen this?

Your friendly list owner;-)

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   Sam Houston State University
   "Where education is up-close and personal."
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