[Finale] Sea-Bay-Lee-Us

2009-12-11 Thread richard.bartkus
I have a need to learn Sibelius for a collaboration project in which everyone 
else is using that product.  I really do not have the liquidity right to go 
full pop for the competitive upgrade and I recall someone on this list 
suggesting somewhere that it could be had for less (a legal copy, of course).  
If so, please email me off list 


Richard Bartkus
Mission Viejo, California
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] F___ you

2007-08-07 Thread richard.bartkus
I would like to second what Raymond has said without restating it.

My observation from years of "lurking" on this list that we all can get very 
frustrated with the abjectly non-intuitive way that FINALE does things.  Then 
when you sincerely need help, some less evolved being responds with postings 
that are empirical evidence to that fact, it can get downright infuriating.

Richard Bartkus  

 Raymond Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Gee, Will.  Please don't act like that, and don't go away.  The rest of 
> us were all on your side, but it was time to drop it.  We put up with 
> David, because he does have a lot to contribute, even if he acts like a 
> David Fenton fairly regularly.  Such is the variety of the human 
> condition.   In a half a week it could all be forgotten.This is not 
> a list for personal grudges, or many of us could be still waging them.
> Raymond  Horton
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale 2007 RAM issues

2006-08-14 Thread richard.bartkus
> On Sun, 2006-08-13 at 17:41 -0400, James Gilbert wrote:
> Why should a notation software program require sooo much RAM in the first 
> place?

True, if all we expected of FINALE was purely notation; no conversions, no 
links from parts to the score, etc.  then it could run in less memory.  Every 
time some fuctionality is added, additional run-time memory is required for the 
additional lines of code in the application.  

I believe that Finale NotePad runs with much lower RAM requirements, if memory 
is a greater issue than enhancements.

If your complaint is that they do not make it clear before you purchase, then I 
agree, but then 90% of business software on the market today falls short in the 
disclosure of performance requirements.  But that's just my humble opinion..

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Traffic

2006-01-24 Thread richard.bartkus
Everybody went to Sibelius and forgot to tell you 

Actually, a friend of mine suggested that I take another look at Sibelius v4.  
I don't know that I want to start that thread all over again, but


Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Product Proliferation--a Contest

2005-11-03 Thread richard.bartkus
How about "Finale Rap"

The default template will automatically ressurect some random worn out groove 
from the 80's.  The "Rap Generator" plug-in will start with the fundamental 
"Square Dance Caller" lead line, replacing evry fourth word with the obligatory 

Whaddayathink ?

> From: dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/11/03 Thu PM 05:17:11 EST
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Product Proliferation--a Contest
> Williams, Jim wrote:
> > Finale Friends...
> >  
> > We now have...
> >  
> > *Finale
> > *Print Music
> > *Finale Guitar
> > *Finale Songwriter
> >  
> > WHAT'S NEXT??? Submit your entries to the group...now's your chance to 
> > dream (ha,ha)!!  WHAT'S NEXT?
> >  
> Finale Dirge Composer -- automatically generates music to be played at 
> funeral services for over-bloated software.
> Finale Jingle Composer -- "Give us a product and we'll auto-compose a 
> jingle for you" (comes with new expanded Rhyming Dictionary(tm) which 
> includes words like "cheeseburger" and "Corvette.")
> Finale A La Carte -- you get to choose whether to include GPO or not, 
> you decide which plug-ins you want to pay for (already paid for TGTools? 
> No need to pay twice, we simply won't ship the lite version to you) Wish 
> that silly EPS export wasn't taunting you Windows users from the 
> Graphics menu?  We'll take it out for you!  Upgrade prices range from 
> $39.95 on up, your choice.
> -- 
> David H. Bailey
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Scary bug! My last...

2005-10-19 Thread richard.bartkus

I personally do not think that your posts have cluttered the list; the topics 
intrigue me as I have not encountered the serious problem you have described.  
I am on Finale 2006 at least 1 to 2 hrs a day and have been almost every day 
since I upgraded last summer (late August or maybe September).  Thus I am 
curious, partially because that's my nature and also because I don't want it to 
happen to me.  

Personally I have little if any need for GPO, so I don't use that playback 
feature, nor do I bother with playback to an external MIDI device.  I use very 
few of the plug-ins at all.  I hate to admit that I do most of my work at 
Starbucks with headphones playing through the internal system audio. Not very 
romantic, but it is convenient.

I do my best to stay dispassionate in my posts, as I don't believe that it 
helps anyone.  Besides, I can learn alot if I keep an honest open mind to ideas 
that are not inside my "Box".  

Keep on posting !!!


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Scary bug!

2005-10-18 Thread richard.bartkus
Yes, that is absolutely correct.  The technicians are not conjurers or 
magicians.  If they cannot reproduce it, how can they correct the problem?

Again, this is just to give perspective, not to argue whether someone's claim 
is valid or not.  If a bug in Finale actually lost work, that's serious.  What 
the non-developer should know is that in Windows and prob'ly in Mac operating 
systems, they use common system modules for processes that are shared by 
different end user applications.

For example, there is one module (Mac OS or Windows OS) that adds, deletes and 
catalogs files on your disk.  Each application developer is given protocols to 
call these modules and parameters to pass specific data to them, but the OS 
module actually does the work.  As for functions such as playback, in the 
windows world, the application uses a wrapper but the actual work of sending 
the playback through the correct buffers/ports etc. is performed by Quicktime 
or Windows Media player or whatever product is registered to handle files of 
that type.  

This is why it is difficult to determine if the problem is Finale or the OS or 
perhaps if you have some other background process running, it could also cause 
problems as well.  This is especially true when the OS' in either system appear 
to "hang".  It's usually a conflict in these background processes trying to get 
to the same resource and ending up in a deadly embrace.  

For example, many many many years ago (~1989) I had a Mac Plus running MOTU 
Composer and Performer.  I also had a modem connected.  When I sequenced 
through Performer to my Kurzweil and someone called on that line everything 
would hang and I would have to re-boot.  Was it MOTU's fault ?  I really don't 
know 'cause I never pursued that path to resolve the problem.  I merely 
disconnected the modem everytime I was doing anything with Composer or 

This is not a defense of MM Finale, it very well could be their problem.  But 
knowing how to recreate the problem and what other things are happening at the 
time the problem occurs could help Mac or Finale Techs fix the problem for you 
and averyone else.


> From: Noel Stoutenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/10/18 Tue PM 06:04:22 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Scary bug!
> Friends:
> Reading Chuck's comment, I can't figure out how from
> >  they have not encountered this and  cannot reproduce it
> Chuck predicates
> > (and are therefor unconcerned about fixing it -  they can't find it)
> Seems reasonable enough to me, no matter how much one wants to find a 
> problem, if one cannot do so, one cannot address it. 
> This raises in my mind, exactly what those who make bug reports include 
> in those reports.  I'd guess the chances that a bug report is going to 
> be taken seriously improves the more information one includes: and that 
> it would be helpful to MacSupport or WinSupport, besides knowing what 
> platform one is running, also to know how much memory is available, what 
> notation files are open, and what other processes might be running, and 
> what utilities might be running, and it would probably be helpful to 
> have include with the bug report a copy of any notation files being 
> edited when the problem was found. 
> ns
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Scary bug!

2005-10-18 Thread richard.bartkus

I agree; this is more than a mere bug, and you should get your money back and 
more if Finale caused you to lose intellectual property.  We have protections 
here in the US as well, it just requires going through the legal system.

Pardon me if this has already been asked but what platform are you on ?  Win or 
Mac ?

And you said that it deleted an existing file on disk or you lost all the 
changes in memory not yet committed to a file ?

Just curious


PS - These questions are sincere and not an attempt to make a point.

> From: Javier Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/10/18 Tue PM 04:39:10 EDT
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Scary bug!
> Dear folks,
> As a customer and as an adviser for music schools I have put more money in
> Coda/MakeMusic pocket than in other software company. Many, many licenses...
> I have been a defender of Finale over Sibelius in uncountable occasions.
> Boy, I even bought SmartMusic with my last upgrade!
> I simply don´t want my work to disappear. I can not conceive that a program
> erases what you are inputting. This is not a bug. It is like selling you a
> toaster that does not toast. You simply return it and get the money back.
> Fortunately we consumers in Europe have protection against this problems.
> I am going to ask for a total refund of the cost of the upgrade or a similar
> compensation.
> I´ll post here my claim to MakeMusic so you all can see my reasons.
> Believe me, I love the new features in Finale 2006, like the invaluable
> split measure plug-in but I can not be a beta tester without knowing it.
> Javier Ruiz
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Scary bug!

2005-10-18 Thread richard.bartkus
First, let me say that I too get very frustrated with the bugs in each new 
version, and I would encourage MM to be more diligent in vetting such problems 
before that release the product.  However, there should be a bit of slack 

First, the costs in software application development are in the R&D.  Microsoft 
WORD is marketable to almost anyone, but a software for engraving music ?  I 
won't even venture a guess at much smaller it is.  Then they must share that 
very small market with Sibelius, Mosaic etc.  The costs of R&D are recovered 
from the units sold. Anyone care to research how many units of MS Word are 
purchased each year compared to MM Finale ?  

Next, consider this analogy:  In addition to merely providing manuscript that 
is free of "clams" you must also ensure that the principal parts can be 
performed on any instrument by players of various levels of competence.  I 
could drag this analogy out further, but hopefully you get the point.  

MM provides a product that, in other profession, would command upwards of 3,000 
US Dollars.  For what they provide and the price they market it at, I can give 
them the benefit to get some bugs worked out.  

My day job is a Database Admninistrator, but I have an active avocation in 
music and perform and write regularly.  I have had my moments with Finale where 
my frustrations had me seriously considering going back to pen and paper (Is 
Alpheus still around ?  or Pacific ?) maybe vellum even.  So don't get me wrong 
I can get angry with the best y'all regarding the bugs.  

I always keep two versions on my machine.  Anything critical, I use the stable 
previous release (2005b) and when it's not quite as critical I will use 2006 
and then save my work.. often !  Sometimes with different file names if 
it'sw that important.  Is it a pain to do that ?  Sure it is, but it's a price 
I will gladly incur for the advantages the product provides.

I understand your frustrations, and I am not discounting your issues with MM, 
just providing another, rather humble, point of view to the list.  And I don't 
mind hearing complaints that I differ with, but I have little patience for 
thoise that chose to whine.  

Richard Bartkus
Mission Viejo, California

PS - The software that I use to design databases cost $3,700 US dollars for one 
copy.  If I wanted a personal copy, I was told they could discount it for to 
$3,325 . In my opinion this product does not have to handle as complex 
logic as required for music engraving products such as Finale or Sibelius etc.  

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Moving System to New Page

2005-09-28 Thread richard.bartkus
Select the Page Layout icon
then select the stave and Page Layout should give the option to Insert a hard 
page break

I hope that's the answer to what you were asking.


> From: "Jacki B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/09/28 Wed PM 12:42:38 EDT
> To: 
> Subject: [Finale] Moving System to New Page
> Hi, Everyone - Is there some easy way to force a system at the bottom of a
> page onto the next page?  I'm adjusting the distance between systems on page
> 2 but then it keeps scooting another system onto the bottom of page 1 -
> which then runs into my copyright notice at the bottom, etc.!  How can I do
> this and force that system to stay on page 2?!
> Thanks!
> Jacki
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Multi-Meas Rests

2005-08-25 Thread richard.bartkus
Okay, I think that I must be having brain-fade here.

I have extracted a part from a score with multi-measure rests.  All except one 
have compressed and I cannot figure out 1) Why and 2) How to make it compress.

Other extracted parts compressed the same measures fine.

I have done the following with no positive results:

1 - Used the TEXT Tool and Multi-measure CREATE 

2 - Used the simple entry eraser to make sure there wasn't 
some glitch note that did not display

3 - Placed literal whole measure rests in each measure

Every time I extract after each of these changes, the result is the same;  7 
individual measures with rests.

Any suggestions ?

Richard Bartkus

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Sibelius v4

2005-07-08 Thread richard.bartkus
Thank you.  The XML files ported over well.  Not perfect, but reasonably well.  
Just have to tweek some things here and there, such as octaves etc, but it's 

I still need to do more writing in it to see if it's worth the bother to change.

Is there a Sibelius list somewhere 


> From: dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/08 Fri PM 06:32:53 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Sibelius v4
> Richard Bartkus wrote:
> > Okay, my interest was piqued, so I downloaded it and gave it a brief try.
> > 
> > Initial look and feel was impressive.  However, I have a significant
> > investment already in FINALE formatted files.  I tried to import a couple
> > files and was not successful.  Even after exporting to ETF first and then
> > importing.  
> > 
> > I do like the options/templates etc.  but if I have to reinput all my FINALE
> > files, it's going to take some more convincing before I make the move.
> > 
> > Just my initial and humble opinion on the subject 
> > 
> Try exporting them as MusicXML and then import into Sibelius as MusicXML.
> To do this efficiently you may need to invest in the Dolet plugins for 
> both Sibelius and Finale (Michael Goode is better equipped to advise you 
> on this).
> On the other hand, if your files still work fine in Finale, there's no 
> need to convert them -- keep Finale on your machine and also install 
> Sibelius.
> But if you want all your Finale files converted, you're right that it 
> will be a major bother.
> -- 
> David H. Bailey
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Hey! What's wrong with Creston's 12/12?

2005-07-07 Thread richard.bartkus
Owain Sutton wrote:
>> Thank you Owain for your response.
>> If I understand your correction of "will" to "can" correctly, you 
>> agree that it can return an uncertain result.  Okay, I can accept that.
> Yep - and so can any notation ;)

And I can agree with that statement as well, it's just more likely 
mis-interpreted with an obfuscated meter.


PS - When I performed briefly for Don Ellis, in the early 70's, we played some 
very odd meters, but I do not recall 12/12.  I do recall 24/8 ("The Great 

While I respect the opposing point of view, I am not convinced that 12/12 is 

PPS - If the use of an uncommon and confusing meter is an attempt to stretch 
artistically, I admire that.  If however, it is merely someone's ego to write 
something that very few can perform, I think it is a sad waste of perfectly 
good manuscript (paper or software file)

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Hey! What's wrong with Creston's 12/12?

2005-07-07 Thread richard.bartkus
Thank you Owain for your response.

If I understand your correction of "will" to "can" correctly, you agree that it 
can return an uncertain result.  Okay, I can accept that. 


> From: Owain Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/07 Thu PM 04:17:50 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Hey! What's wrong with Creston's 12/12?
> > A sincere thank you for the resposes to my question.
> > 
> > My humble opinion still stands, that using an esoteric meter such as 
> > /12 will return an uncertain performance.  
> > 
> *Can* result in it, not *will* result.
> > PS - What is the notation for a twelth note ?  If an 8th is a single flag 
> > and a 16th is double flag, is a 12th note a flag and a half ?   
> It's still quaver notation - http://www.owainsutton.co.uk/images/x-10.jpg
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Hey! What's wrong with Creston's 12/12?

2005-07-07 Thread richard.bartkus
A sincere thank you for the resposes to my question.

My humble opinion still stands, that using an esoteric meter such as 
/12 will return an uncertain performance.  


PS - What is the notation for a twelth note ?  If an 8th is a single flag and a 
16th is double flag, is a 12th note a flag and a half ?   

PPS - These are sincere questions, not sarcasm as they might seem in the 
printed word.  

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Hey! What's wrong with Creston's 12/12?

2005-07-07 Thread richard.bartkus
Putting the mechanics aside for a moment, could someone please explain what you 
can do with 12/12 that you CANNOT do using standard meters, or combinations 
thereof ?

There must be a good cause to write something that most accomplished musicians 
may have difficulty sight reading because of some obscure meter.

Richard Bartkus

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] half rests in 6/4? - back to the original question, please!

2005-06-30 Thread richard.bartkus
> On Jun 29, 2005, at 9:14 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:
>> Subdominant (used to mean the 4th of the scale, or the chord built
>> on it. Now means ANY chord that can lead to a dominant

If this is true, then do you call the 7th a sub-tonic ?

Call me aa A-retentive tradionalist, but I believe that by changing the meaning 
of the term obfuscates it's meaning and makes subsequent discussions between 
musicians/composers/arrangers much more difficult than it already is.

If someone says to me "sub-dominant" within a music discussion, I will take 
that to mean the pitch just BELOW the Dominant or the 4th pitch in the scale.   

Richard Bartkus

PS - Does a sub-dominatrix lead to a dominatrix, or is that anyone who is 
submissive to a dominantrix ? 

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] Plug-ins and Vintage.

2005-06-27 Thread richard.bartkus
Unless it is explicitly permitted in the language of the legal mumbo-jumbo page 
that we all scroll past in the  install process so that we can click on "I 
Agree" without reading, then you cannot.

However, if my memory serves me correctly, the last time I installed Finale 
2005 on my machine, I had 30 or 60 days to register or printing and save 
functions stopped working.  

Richard Bartkus

> From: Andrew Stiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/06/27 Mon AM 11:15:13 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Plug-ins and Vintage.
> On Jun 27, 2005, at 7:14 AM, dhbailey wrote:
> > Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> >
> >> Isn't this just plain illegal? Since I assume you only once bought 
> >> Finale full, and then bought upgrades, you still only have one serial 
> >> number. Although you are obviously permitted to run as many different 
> >> versions of Finale as you own, I doubt very much that you can give 
> >> away an early version of Finale without a separate serial number.
> >> Johannes
> >
> > Sharing it with another Finale user who ALSO has a legally purchased 
> > license wouldn't be illegal.  That person has paid for and is 
> > legitimately allowed to use Finale, too.
> >
> > Besides, the offer was for someone who was interested in having the 
> > earlier version for historical interest.  I doubt anybody on this list 
> > is actually interested in beginning to work with such an earlier 
> > version.
> >
> > But the legality of one licensed owner sharing the original disks from 
> > an earlier version with another licensed owner shouldn't be an issue.
> >
> > Now if Andrew were to give them to someone who isn't already a user, 
> > THAT would be illegal, but it's also something I'm sure Andrew 
> > wouldn't even consider doing.
> >
> Boy do I have mixed feelings on this. First of all, for what it may be 
> worth, way back when I upgraded from 2.0.1 to 2.5, I asked Coda whether 
> I could give my copy of 2.0.1 to a charitable organization, and they 
> said sure.
> However, regardless of that anecdote I must say that to me the 
> (hypothetical) value of a piece of software as an antique is totally 
> unrelated to its original value as a productive item. If one of the 
> folks on this list, for example, were to take their original Finale 1.0 
> diskette, stick it in liquid nitrogen to preserve it, and later sell it 
> to a museum, I would regard that as, quite literally, none of 
> MakeMusic's business, regardless of what the law might say.
> If a (once again hypothetical) collector of antique software who had 
> not previously owned any version of Finale, wanted to add my copy of 
> FinMac 2.6.3 to their collection, I would donate it without a second's 
> thought.
> I have no idea what the law says on these matters. Morally, I have no 
> question on this issue at all. None.
> Now, if the gift shoppe at the Smithsonian Collection of Historical 
> Software were to start selling decorative pages of Finale 1.0-generated 
> music, with those quaint, arched slurs, that *might* be a different 
> matter. Maybe.
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
> http://home.netcom.com/~kallisti/
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale 2006

2005-06-23 Thread richard.bartkus
The only purpose I have for playback is note checking.  The mixer, GPO 
functionality etc. is a nice to have but not worth much to me as a tool;  only 
as a toy (an expensive toy - LOL).  But, I also realize that MM needs to have 
enough revenue to support R&D, and that means they have to appeal to more than 
this trombone player, arranger, copyist, pizza delivery boy and Sr Database 
Administrator (smile)

Richard Bartkus

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Hyperscribe and portable keyboard

2005-05-02 Thread richard.bartkus
Please accept my apology up front if this has been discussed recently.  I 
searched the archives but didn't see anything that looked close enough to the 

I am considering getting a small keyboard for Hyperscribe entry on my laptop 
(Dell 700m) and would like to know if anyone has an opinion.  

Richard Bartkus

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] 2005 to 2003a

2005-04-18 Thread richard.bartkus
Your reprimand is noted.


> From: Noel Stoutenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/04/18 Mon PM 06:45:51 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] 2005 to 2003a
> Richard wrote, in part asking:
> >That leads me to ask why Make Music doe not provide an upgrade path online 
> >where we could download the software.  Or do they already provide that and I 
> >just could not find it on the site ?
> >  
> >
> To which I would note that they do provide online downloads for 
> maintenance releases (i.e., 2005a to 2005b).  I suspect the main reason 
> they do not provide on-line releases for major upgrades (2003 or 2004 to 
> 2005) is because of the size of the downloads required.  Whereas for the 
> maintenance upgrades, the file sizes are on the order of 10 to 20 MB, 
> for the full version, besides the full version of the software, the 
> upgrade needs a new set of libraries (including plug-ins), template 
> files, user manual, and Adobe acrobat reader.  Assuming the MAC and WIN 
> versions are roughly the same size, since they both fit on a CD-ROM, 
> let's assume they are 350 MB each.  Even on high-speed access, this is 
> probably a matter of hours, and for those of us who are sufficiently 
> comfortable with dialup that we either have chosen not to, or have not 
> chosen to, upgrade to high speed, well, in my case (and the case of 
> anyone else using a 56 kbit download speed) I estimate the download time 
> required would be on the order of seventy hours for the full download.  
> Now, if there are 10,000 users of Finale using dial-up, that's 700,000 
> hours needed for the download.  Since there are 8760 hours in a year, 
> that's about 90 modem-years worth of download time required, and you 
> still haven't accounted for the 37 users of Finale who still don't have 
> internet access at any speed.
> ns
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] 2005 to 2003a

2005-04-18 Thread richard.bartkus
It worked okay for the notes but I lost the expressions etc.

Ended up that I used the un-edited parts that I marked manually and spoke to 
the players about.  Fortunately it was a simple enough error (extra measure in 
the horn parts) and the performance went well.

My upgrade to 2005 should be on my doorstep when I get home .  That leads 
me to ask why Make Music doe not provide an upgrade path online where we could 
download the software.  Or do they already provide that and I just could not 
find it on the site ?

Richard Bartkus

> From: Allen Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/04/18 Mon AM 10:39:16 EDT
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [Finale] 2005 to 2003a
> I'm with Noel. Do this at your own risk. I know people get it to work OK
> going back one version, but as you increase the distance between versions,
> the odds do not stack up in your favor.
> Make sure you keep backups of everything...
> -A
> On 4/15/05 8:41 PM, "Noel Stoutenburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> saith:
> > If I may clarify, where Richard Yates wrote:
> > 
> >> 3. Open the 2004 file in Notepad and copy the first 30 lines.
> >> 4. Open the 2005 file in Notepad and replace the first 30 lines with the
> >> copied ones.
> >>  
> >> 
> > The "Notepad" he refers to here, is _NOT_ Finale Notepad, but the text
> > editor, "Notepad" shipped with Windows.  It is possible that a score may
> > be too big to be opened with Windows Notepad, in which case any
> > wordprocessor which will save text as a simple ASCI file will suffice.
> > I have used the technique Richard specifies with Wordperfect, though not
> > frequently, and I do not recommend it.
> > 
> > ns
> > ___
> > Finale mailing list
> > Finale@shsu.edu
> > http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

[Finale] 2005 to 2003a

2005-04-15 Thread richard.bartkus
Okay, I think that I jinxed myself by questioning upgrading 

I was just sent score and parts files created in Finale 2005.  Apparently there 
is a format issue, so I cannot read the files in 2003.  I downloaded Notepad 
2005 and that will allow me to print parts (we are performing the piece this 
Sunday to a stadium crowd).   So I have gotten past the initial emergency, 
however, in the future is there a methodology available for me to revert back 
to 2003 format ?


Richard Bartkus

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: oh god...

2005-04-15 Thread richard.bartkus
> "There are some people, I suspect, who would feel 
> obscurely  cheated if, when they finally arrived in 
> heaven,  they found everybody else there as well.  
> Heaven would not be heaven unless those who reached it 
> could peer over the celestial parapets and watch other 
> unfortunates roasting below."
> Karen Armstrong
> Dean M. Estabrook
I agree that some of the mis-guided believers would, but not myself nor any of 
the believers I personally know.  I would be thrilled to see everyone there.  
Not sure how I would feel about seeing the child molester and killer of 
Samantha Runnion, but I suspect that I will not be thinking of, or judging, 
anyone or anything when I get there.  That's what I believe.

Richard Bartkus
Active Church Musician (Saddleback Valley Community Church)
Purpose Driven Performer/Arranger
Disneyland contracted performer (7+ years)
Sr Database Administrator 

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Finale 2003: is it worth upgrading ?

2005-04-12 Thread richard.bartkus
As I am committing myself to learn this product, is it worth upgrading to the 
current version, or should I stay on 2003a and wait for the next version ? 

Thanks in advance,


Finale mailing list

[Finale] Push and slash

2005-04-12 Thread richard.bartkus
Maybe I am just dense, but I cannot figure out how to notate a "push" when 
charting chords/changes for guitar/keyboards using slash notation.

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] ot; the "launching pad"

2005-04-11 Thread richard.bartkus
Agreed.  It is my humble opinion that it has gotten it's due and we should move 

> From: Darcy James Argue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/04/11 Mon PM 05:49:12 EDT
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [Finale] ot; the "launching pad"
> On 11 Apr 2005, at 5:17 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > PS - I don't care if he belived that only crosseyed franciscan monks 
> > with eleven toes made the best composers
> Well, neither do I, when it comes to his music, but being a good 
> composer doesn't mean you're necessarily a good judge of what makes a 
> good composer.
> Come now, in the quoted comment, Brahms was full of shit, and since 
> Raymond Horton nonetheless quoted him approvingly, David was quite 
> right to call him out on that.
> If Brahms had said "No Jew has ever been or will be a great composer" 
> or "No African has ever been or will be a great composer" or "No woman 
> has ever been or will be a great composer" I would sincerely hope that 
> it would be relatively uncontroversial to point out that he was 
> completely full of shit.
> - Darcy
> -
> Brooklyn, NY
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> Finale@shsu.edu
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: Re: [Finale] ot; the "launching pad"

2005-04-11 Thread richard.bartkus
Could we PLEASE get back to discussions about "Hyphens" and importing files 
from Encore ?

Personally I don't care what Brahms is full of; peanut butter and jelly would 
be fine.  I joined this list to mitigate my desire to drop kick my laptop 
because I can't figure out how to change the number of measures on a stave 
easily.   I need to get further along the learning curve so that I can be 
productive with this product.  

I presume that there must be other lists/venues for the "I hate this" or "I 
hate that" discussions of philosphy.  


Richard Bartkus
Mission Viejo, Ca

PS - I don't care if he belived that only crosseyed franciscan monks with 
eleven toes made the best composers, I love the Brahms Violin Concerto in D 
Minor. Especially the Issac Stern version with Phil.

Finale mailing list