Re: [Firebird-devel] Ability to use non-local protocol to create DB which alias is declared as self-security

2022-08-10 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 09. 08. 22 v 17:02 Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel napsal(a):

*Pavel & Pavel!*

I understand you have some problems with testing system due to unablity 
to create self-security database remotely. But I do not understand how 
could as solution be suggested not to check credetioals at all, i.e. let 
everyone create databases. That's like let everyone atach to server and 
enter SYSDBA password when security database failed to proper initialize 
at install phaze for some reason. We used to fight for FB security for 
many years (almost twenty) and it's very strange for me to here such 
suggestions. We added special privilege for create database in order to 
avoid creation of databases by regular users. And after it suggestion to 
let do it everyone - at least for some databases...

I did not suggested to do not authenticate user! My question was why 
user has to be authenticated AGAINST YET TO BE CREATED database. It 
simply doesn't make sense at all for me. I would expect that for create 
database, the user would be authenticated in the same way as for 
attachment to service manager. The reason is that user does not need to 
have any prior valid attachment to call create database, so credentials 
passed for create database should be used to verify that such database 
could be created for that user, but not the database specification 
itself! It should be used for connection to created database, but not 
for creation. It's IMHO illogical that setting for not yet created 
database are used to do that (which fails when created db is 
self-security) instead default security database. The creation of 
self-security db via local (i.e. bypass of authentication check) is IMHO 
a hackish workaround that beats the purpose of security, because 
self-security databases could NOT be ever created in insecure way.

I can think about letting user, authenticated in default security 
database with appr.privileges, create self-security databases remotely. 
But definitely not what was suggested.

Yes, that was suggested, just probably wrongly worded. I though that 
when referencing that right to create database should be checked in the 
same way as attachment to service manager (which does not use some 
database reference passed by user to decide which security db to use) 
instead database that does not exists yet is quite clear.

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Ability to use non-local protocol to create DB which alias is declared as self-security

2022-08-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 09. 08. 22 v 6:33 Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel napsal(a):

Why this restriction exists ?

Because login / password to be validated in the database that does not 
exist yet. Therefore password check fails and you can't attach to 
server. Without connection to server it's hard to create something on it ;)

I really don't understand WHY it's necessary to authenticate user 
against some database for *create database*. It's definitely not 
necessary to provide any kind of database reference to attach to service 

I understand that create database also works as connect (i.e. returns 
attachment to database), so it will use the same credentials for such 
connection to created database in normal way, but to authenticate the 
right to invoke the database creation itself, no database should be 
needed (like it's not needed for attachment to service manager).

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Status of 3.0.10

2022-04-13 Thread Pavel Cisar


because 3.0.9 has significant regression (#7137 - we've got multiple 
reports from large affected and unhappy users), I'd like ask what are 
the prospect to release v3.0.10 soon.

BTW, it would also address contracted collation performance issues that 
we hoped would be addressed by 3.0.9, but as 3.0.9 release was rushed 
ahead of schedule, this was deferred to 3.0.10.

Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] New development re. "contracted" collations and new QA

2022-01-03 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

I'd like inform you about new developments regarding:

a) performance issues with partial key lookup with "contracted" collations.

We've got sponsor to implement Adriano's solution using 3.0.8 code as 
primary target. The development and testing should happen in next three 
months. If everything will go well, the pull request with verified 
solution would be ready for review in early April (or end of March). We 
hope that it would be accepted for merge into 3+ branches.

b) New QA based on pytest

We have finished conversion of the whole tests suite from fbtest to new 
system (incl. changes in fbt-respository up to 31th December). About two 
hundred of tests still wait for reimplementation or decission about 
their fate (mostly those that depend on changes to firebird 
configuration or external tool like encryption plugin etc.), but the 
majority of test suite is functional and robust. This means that phase 
one is finished and we entered phase two - the real transition to new QA 
system. For some time, both QA systems could / would be operated in 
parallel, with a target to fully deprecate the old system for testing FB 
3, 4 and 5 this summer (or sooner if possible). At this point, 
development or update of tests in old system is possible but discouraged 
to streamline and speed up the transition.

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] UDR for reading server configuration for Firebird QA

2021-12-10 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

our test suite contains many tests that depend on specific server 
configuration settings (mostly related to security, encryption, pools, 
timeouts, transactions etc.). As these configuration requirements may 
contradict each other, it's not possible to create single firebird.conf 
that would satisfy all tests. While the number of such tests is small, 
it's not marginal either. Now such tests fail (in best case) when 
requirement is not met, which spoils the QA run results when whole suite 
is run, or they have to be explicitly excluded which further complicates 
the management of QA runs.

As it's hard for us to automatically change the firebird.conf and 
restart the server quickly and reliably on all platforms, we couldn't 
run each test with its own engine configuration specification. It would 
also complicate automated testing on our build systems. So, instead this 
I'd like add the ability to check tested engine configuration to our QA 
tool set (pytest plugin), so tests could be automatically skipped if 
their requirement is not satisfied.

On FB v4+ it's easy, thanks to RDB$CONFIG pseudo-table. However, on v3 
it's not that simple. I thought that I could use 
iMaster.get_config_manager() -> iConfigManager.get_firebird_conf() -> 
iFirebirdConf for that, but it does not work from client side (reads 
client config, so it works only with embedded). To make it work for 
remote access, we would need UDR that (according to Vlad) should be able 
to query master interface and get current config. We don't need anything 
complicated, just one function that would get configuration option name 
(string) and returns it's value (NULL or string [VARCHAR?]).

But here we run into two problems:

1) Although it should be simple UDR, it's out of my area of expertise 
and I'm not able to create it myself.

2) It should be part of Firebird 3 build process and stored in 
/plugins/udr like udrcpp_example is, so it could be used by QA.

Alternatively, we can simply skip such checks for v3 and skip these 
tests unless some env variable would have certain value, which could be 
also workable solution (although less convenient). In fact, if v5 would 
be really released next year (rendering v3 obsolete), it could be the 
simplest solution.

What is your opinion? Which route we should go?

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Plans for 4.0.1

2021-12-01 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

would be 4.0.1 released in December, January or later?


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: RFC: Fix for issue 6915

2021-11-05 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 05. 11. 21 v 12:54 Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel napsal(a):

Pavel - how this SHOULD be in firebird from big clients POV?
STARTING WITH "HROC" should return only HROCENI or HROCH too?

They prefer that "C" should NOT match "CH" (which is also how Oracle and 
SQLServer do it).

Fact is, that if the pattern ends with "C", it's ment as "C" and not 
"CH". If user wants to look for "CH", it's defined explicitly as such, 
i.e. trailing "C" is never "unfinished CH".


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: RFC: Fix for issue 6915

2021-11-05 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 04. 11. 21 v 16:56 Karol Bieniaszewski napsal(a):

„The main reason why this "removal of trailing partial contraction" was

done is to achieve behavior "consistent" with search/evaluation in other

software (like text editors etc.), so (for example) STARTING WITH "C" or

LIKE "C%" will return rows starting with "C" or "CH".

This behavior itself is questionable (but more about that later)


I try to understand the issue but meybe simpler description is required.

When i use WIN1250 collate PXW_PLK (my Polish language)

Then engine threat all „ch” as single letter in the index?

And i cannot find looking by only „c” without „h” with index lookup?

If yes how engine decide that this is „ch” or  „c” and „h” in words?

This is one from dark, messy corners of IT like time zones...

First and foremost, Polish language AFAIK does not define "CH" as 
separate letter (or use any other contractions), so this issue does not 
affect PXW_PLK (or other Polish collations) at all.

Collations are primarily used to define order. Contractions and 
expansions are special rules that allow to treat groups as units or 
units as groups for ordering purposes.

For example, Czech "CH" letter is ordered between "H" and "I". 
Unfortunately, it's not defined as single letter in most character sets. 
Although there are charsets like KOI-8 CS2 that have it, it's not 
defined in ones that are really used (i.e. pushed by dominant players 
like Windows OS). Czech IT settled on use of WIN1250 or ISO-8859-2 that 
does not define "CH" as single letter, so proper order of "CH" depends 
on collation "contraction" rule.

Collation is used to produce "sortkeys", which is basically 
transformation of given key to binary sequence that could be compared 
directly (bytewise) with other sortkeys. In RDBMS, the sortkey is used 
for all sort operations, and for index keys (as they also rely on 
comparison as it's binary tree). The same apply for comparison 
predicates (i.e. col >= value etc.).

The problem is, that when you look up for partial key that ends with a 
character that is start of contraction, you enter somewhat gray territory.

For example: The key "HROCH" (Czech word for hippopotamus) could have 
sortkey: 13+27+23+14 (each letter replaced with byte representing it's 
order place in alphabet, which is simplification for this showcase, i.e. 
13=H 27=R 23=O 14=CH)

If you would look for STARTING WITH "HROC" (or LIKE "HROC%"), you have a 
partial key that would transform to sortkey: 13+27+23+4 (4=C) which will 
not match "HROCH", but match "HROCENI" (roaring). This is actually 
correct from Czech language POV, but not from IT POV when you work on 
character level of characters defined in charset.

Firebird currently "solves" that by removing the trailing partial 
contraction from sortkey, i.e. it will return sortkey for "HRO" instead 
for "HROC", so keys like "HROCH" or "HROCENI" are matched. Sure, it may 
match also keys like "HROB" (grave), but these are latter eliminated 
from result set by final expression evaluation. Remember, that index 
lookup just collect candidates that are then read and verified by 
expression evaluation (necessary step due to MGA).

As you can see, this approach leads to excess I/O. The scale of 
additional I/O depends on your data, and is highly influenced by 
character set - UNICODE/UTF8 requires more storage space, which means 
that the same number of rows could occupy much more data pages (in some 
cases significantly more).

However, the Czech language defines only one contraction (CH), but there 
are other languages that have many such as Hungarian.

Btw, if you are interested in collations, take a look at

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] RFC: Fix for issue 6915

2021-11-04 Thread Pavel Cisar

Mama mia, here we go again.

I have no intention to get sucked even deeper into this endless 
discussion. I'm fighting covid right now and really don't feel fit for 
it. In fact, I personally don't care HOW this will be fixed, as long as 
it WOULD be fixed in some timely manner, which is obviously and sadly 
not going to happen.

If it would be on me, the best fix would be fixing physical storage 
inefficiency for UTF8 data. The "contraction" problem is in Firebird for 
long time, and it wasn't real performance killer until everyone keeps 
with NARROW charsets (proven by tests). It's the UTF8 storage 
inefficiency that blows this out of proportions (also proven by tests). 
Everyone knows that this is the real problem that hurts the performance 
in general, and there was a push from users to solve that for many 
years. There was even new RLE code from ElectLabs to solve it, and 
although it was not accepted - as far as I remember - a solution was 
promised by project. Six years later, we still got nothing (I and see no 
such thing on v5.0 roadmap so go figure).

Now this failed promise bitten us back as another unhappy Firebird user 
(one from big Czech software houses that uses Firebird from day one) 
that needs to switch hundreds of databases of its big international 
customers from codepages to UTF8 in Q1/2 next year got stuck as 
extensive testing revealed serious performance issues after switch to 
UTF8 ("contraction" issue is just the biggest performance loss spike, so 
they bring it to our attention). They are even willing to pay to get it 
solved, but as months pass, it's more and more obvious that they will 
eventually end as dead in the water (no solution in due time). Guess 
what? As they are under pressure themselves to do the switch, they will 
have to start move away from Firebird for important big projects (no 
kidding). They will certainly keep it for low end as it makes sense, but 

Maybe I'm just getting old and worn by mounting waste of time and 
effort, but it appears like the project is slowly but surely losing its 
drive and spirit over years, as it more and more feels that we're 
running to stand still.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] RFC: Fix for issue 6915

2021-11-02 Thread Pavel Cisar
CONSISTENT with how MS SQLServer and Oracle handle these cases (which we 
verified). This fact was highlighted by asked users (that often build 
applications supporting multiple RDBMS) as another reason (beside that 
it's how it has to work in first place) why this solution should be the 
preferred one.

IF we will implement this solution, we will introduce configuration 
option to switch between new and old behavior. If this will be done in 
point releases, it should be *disabled* (old way) by default and enabled 
explicitly via config option. v5 may have this enabled unconditionally.

2. Solution (proposed by Adriano):

Replace the trailing partial contraction removal code with code that 
would make multiple lookups for all parts of
possible contraction, for example STARTING WITH "C" will perform lookup 
for "C" and "CH".

Experiments show that this should also solve the performance problem, 
while keeping the current behavior. However, the current behavior is not 
exactly what asked affected users want.

Here is the opinion from Dmitry Yemanov:

I'm not really happy with comparing only to Oracle/MSSQL. MySQL seems to 
be in the opposite camp and agrees on 'ch' like 'c%' is true in their 
utf_czech_ci collation. PostgreSQL is somewhat difficult to compare 
against, as AFAIR it still relies on the system locales and does not 
have any built-in collations.

And regardless, I give more priority to the "natural language" argument 
than to the "compatibility" one. However, it's good when they match each 

For me two things are obvious:

1) Regular comparisons (as well as sorting) must use all collation 
rules, including contractions

2) There should be no difference (except performance) between indexed 
and non-indexed access

But the rest is really complicated for me. We had INTL support for kinda 
everything, but SIMILAR was implemented later and uses a different 
rules. Maybe in the ideal world it could also take collations into 
account, but we're surely not in position to do that ourselves, and 
given that no other DBMS seem to have collation-aware SIMILAR, let's 
just consider it a fact we live with.

LIKE and STARTING WITH are in the middle between comparisons/sorts and 
SIMILAR though. If we treat LIKE being a close friend for SIMILAR and 
STARTING WITH being a shorthand for LIKE, we may end with both ignoring 
the collation rules. If we treat STARTING WITH as a custom shorthand for 
greater-or-less comparisons, then it should be collation-aware. For me, 
the former thinking is more logical. But STARTING WITH is non-standard 
so we are free to implement it the way which is more useful for customers.

What is really questionable to me is whether it's OK to divorce STARTING 
from LIKE re. collations, given that internally they are closely related 
(LIKE may be backed by STARTING). Is it possible that internal STARTING 
(which thinks that 'ch' does not start with 'c') would break the 
user-specified LIKE which expects the opposite behaviour?

If both STARTING and LIKE would respect contractions, then the only 
problem remaining (*) is LIKE vs SIMILAR mismatch, but personally I 
consider it a lesser evil (see above).

(*) I see SUBSTRING/REPLACE/CHAR_LENGTH as different class citizens, 
thus intentionally ignore their inconsistency with LIKE/STARTING.

As for Adriano's suggestion with multiple lookups, I don't see it as a 
problem. It looks hackery at the first glance, but it solves the 
original performance issue and I suppose it could even be improved (with 
more efforts, of course) to use a single scan for multiple matches. But 
it makes STARTING to consider 'ch' like 'c%' is true what AFAIU our 
customers don't really want and this is the problem.


As you can see, we were not able to reach final decision which approach 
should be used as either solution does not have majority or 
authoritative support. It's very unfortunate, as this issue is critical 
for (at least) one major Firebird user, so we need to select one and 
implement it as soon as possible. Hence we'd like ask you for your 
feedback about proposed solutions, so we could break this stalemate.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Partitioning (was: Tablespaces proposal)

2021-10-13 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 12. 10. 21 v 15:21 Dimitry Sibiryakov napsal(a):


   Backup of separate partition is something nobody asked for so far. At 
least I cannot remember a ticket for gbak accepting filter condition 
inside of a table, only filter for whole tables and (since it is already 
implemented)... is anybody aware of it?..

Actually, it may make a lot of sense. Imagine that partitioning is used 
to separate historic records to partitions by years (for example). As 
historic data are not changed, the current year is (new records), so it 
may make sense to backup only the "active" partitions. In light of that, 
it may be a nice feature if partition would have an "updated" flag, and 
gbak an option to backup only changed partitions.


   How backup of single partition is supposed to be restored or 
otherwise used?

For gbak it does not really matter, as it restores what is found in 
backup file (he can't recognize that it's not complete source database). 
So user would get "partial" database which might be useful. For example 
it could be a way to move archive data, i.e. backup historic partitions 
and restore them to historic database for some analytics.

It may also open an opportunity to create in-place restore for gbak. It 
would restore to existing database, replacing partitions found there 
with content of partitions found in backup file (would require unique 
partition ID).

Certainly, using selective partition backup/restore must be paired with 
proper database design and partitioning to make it work properly, but 
it's certainly a nice tool for handling long-living databases and 
historic data management.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-6499) Regression: gstat with switch -t executed via services fails with "found unknown switch" error

2021-02-26 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Regression: gstat with switch -t executed via services fails with "found 
unknown switch" error

 Key: CORE-6499
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0 RC 1, 3.0.7
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Found via firebird-driver that uses new OO API. When gstat is executed via 
services, the -t  switch is passed via SPB tag COMMAND_LINE (105) 
followed by string containing '-t tablename'. This works just fine with 
firebird 3.0.5, 3.0.6 and 4.0 Beta 2, but fails on 3.0.7 and 4.0 RC1 with 
"found unknown switch" error message.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 09. 07. 20 v 17:32 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

I prefer to base implementations on standard + competitors + common sense.

So far from the standard pieces, Firebird follow standard.

From the extensions pieces, Firebird follow competitor who implement

same extensions, trying to be less weird than it.

I have no problem to accept that (evolution of FB engine is not my 
responsibility) although I have my personal reservations to such 
approach. Standards are important but are often questionable and are 
subject of change as any other thing (saw many come and go or change 
significantly over my life). Competitors is a hard choice as one never 
becomes a leader by acting as follower, and one can blindly follow into 
the pit. I'd always pick common sense (i.e. real needs + simplicity + 
least surprise) as top rated value (that often leads to most elegant 
"actually used" solutions that may eventually become a standard by 
landslide and not by committee).

For time being I'll do my best to mount round tubes on square holes.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 09. 07. 20 v 16:39 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

Storage apart, it still requires conversions to TIMESTAMP, comparations,
etc work, so a base date is anyway required.

Conversion to TIMESTAMP without providing the exact date explicitly is 
meaningless (as anomalies are numerous and result is not generally 
predictable) and shouldn't be supported. If TIME WITH TZ is a wall 
clock, then conversion to TIMESTAMP means that TIME is simply added to / 
joined with the date part. I.e. if I want value 12:30 in region A (taken 
from TIME WITH TZ) as timestamp for date 2021-06-31, then I mean it, no 
time recalculations should be done and the result should be 2021-06-31 
12:30:00. I can't imagine what other return value would be good for.

IF TIME WITH TZ is a wall clock, then comparisons between two TIME WITH 
TZ is like comparing two TIME WITHOUT TZ. Which makes sense and could be 
useful, other variants IMHO does not make sense.

Then about storage, it of course make sense to store the UTC rebased
value, as it's a -TZ type and it would make lot of sense to do it for
offset-based TIME-TZ, so it should use the same storage semantics for
region-based ones.

From simple math point of view, it would make sense for offset-base TZ 
as it would allow you to compare whether some time is before another 
between timerzones. But practically doesn't, because comparison of two 
times in UTC without date don't get meaningful values for wraps at day 
boundaries (which is a lot of values). Using some deliberate date for 
recalculation doesn't fix the problem, unless you actually convert them 
to TIMESTAMPs for comparison itself. So doing the recalculation to UTC 
at storage actually does not allow you to convert it back to correct 
TIMESTAMP on comparison as the value is already skewed at day boundary.

As this "usefulness" is limited only to simple offset-based timezones, 
it's IMHO not worth the effort as it would only cause confusion and 
problems in real world use when things (zones) get messed up in data. If 
one wants such comparisons, then TIMESTAMP (even casted to) should be used.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 09. 07. 20 v 15:54 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

If OS is configured with deprecated time zone, it will return deprecated
time zone name.

I don't have my system configured to use deprecated time zone name. My 
/etc/localtime is a symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Prague

BTW, OpenSUSE (I use Tumbleweed) presents only named regions on setup to 
choose from.

Europe/Prague is there in Linux.

Yes, I know :) Please note that "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Prague" is a 
file that contains data about timezone region 'Europe/Prague'. If you'll 
inspect the content, I'll find that it refers to CET and CEST, and has 
no reference to 'Europe/Prague'. That's because some regions are aliases 
and hence symlinks to other files, hence it's not possible to get region 
name from the file content. You can't even use the filename, because 
it's not always applicable, for example local timezone is content of 
/etc/localtime which is a symlink.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 09. 07. 20 v 13:47 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

Again, it's not correct, it's just consistent/invariant across calendar.

Please explain exactly which aspects are not correct according to you. 
If the goal is to produce a consistent value at a named zone, this is 
the only way to do it in a dateless type.

The central point of our dispute is that TIME WITH TZ is pointless for 
calculation, so any recalculation you do on storage/retrieval just puts 
mud into waters even more.

The TIME WITH TZ is just a wall clock at given region (24h cycle) + 
information of origin where (region) the wall clock was sampled. You 
can't compare times from two regions neither from the same region that 
has DST or other time-shifts, as the result is meaningless. Imagine you 
store time 20:35 in region that is UTC+02:00 and then you compare it to 
time 23:35 in region that is UTC+08:00. What meaningful information you 
will get? How conversion to UTC will help you to get any meaningful 
information out of it?

The only meaningful information stored TIME WITH TZ is the association 
between wall clock and it's origin in single column. So, it should be 
stored as is (the actual value when it was sampled). When I sample 12:30 
then it's 12:30 where I'm and it doesn't matter whether DST is in effect 
or not. The recalculation to UTC requires use of fixed date, so you 
actually remove the only one meaningful information - exact time + 
origin info, because you change the time I want to store, adding nothing 
useful. If I would need comparisons and calculations that make sense, 
I'd use TIMESTAMP and not TIME.

The rule I described was for a *TIME WITH TIME ZONE*, not for a 
*TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE*, so, given the limitations of *TIME WITH TIME 
ZONE*, the rebasing is necessary. I don't rebase to a different date 
when handling *TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE* values.

I see, I was mislead by fact that you rebase the date in datetime object 
as well.

What I do is exactly what needs to be done to be able to consistently 
reconstruct a value, so instead what you claim without base that I 
consider it acceptable to have inconsistent data, that consistency is 
the cornerstone of what and why I do this (and to be honest, I kind of 
resent your implication that what I'm doing is shoddy work).

The problem is that you look at it too technically from Firebird & 
driver POV, so you see your solution as correct one - because 
technically it is correct at this level. But from app. developer POV 
it's plain wrong, because what is stored is not what is read back under 
all conditions. App devs. don't care about Firebird's and driver's 
difficulties and methods, it's just a black box storage. Data can change 
format, but not meaning, and output time that differs from input one is 
not what one would expect or wants.

The only difference is that when retrieving a ZonedDateTime (which is 
the only datetime type in Java that preserves named zones), I rebase to 
the current-date, to have similar behaviour as what Firebird does when 
ZonedDateTime, it does the same as what happens when casting a TIMESTAMP 

Again, you perfectly and correctly replicated the Firebird's (IMHO) 
senseless behavior of comparing apples to oranges.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Obviously the problem is in impedance mismatch between ICU and other 
systems that use IANA timezone database (notably POSIX, can't speak for 
Windows). This is then moved to programming languages that typically use 
OS services to handle timezone information, and not ICU (which is just a 
library on host system).

On POSIX/Linux, these data use separate time(zone) names for DST (as far 
as I can tell, I did not checked all of them). Historically, the time 
zones were hour-shifts from GMT, and regions/countries picked one (or 
more) to use depending on geo-location. These "picks" get names, so 
we've got Central European Time (GMT+1) etc. Some are retained till 
today, some were deliberately added or removed from systems (that's how 
we got "Arab Standard Time" and "Arabic Standard Time" (both UTC+3) and 
"Arabian Standard Time" (UTC+4) in Windows. The DST in some regions 
complicated it event more as it's a seasonal time shift to another time 
zone, but people will not use the "adjacent" timezone name so "summer" 
time was invented and we've got CEST and the likes. But DST is not the 
only one time shift in effect, it's just the most prevalent one. The DST 
made a lot of confusion among people and especially SW developers. Some 
retain a view / assumption that DST shift is applied to timezone as it's 
actually a shift in local time at usually uses some timezone, while 
others see it as temporary switch to another (adjacent) timezone (hence 
the different names) because the timezone can't "travel" because it's 
defined as fixed offset from GMT.

Eventually we've got named regions that effectively pair shifts and 
switches in time zone (which is still a slice of global 24h defined by 
offset from UTC - former GMT) to particular region on Earth. This should 
fix the mess caused by DST confusion. And it eventually fix that, IF 
people will cease to use timezone names and use regions that "observe" 
timezones that are offsets from UTC. Timezone names like CET or CST6CDT 
are DEPRECATED (check that on wikipedia). Canonical names for timezones 
are those in "Etc/" for example "/Etc/GMT+2". The "funny" thing is that 
offset in GMT name is actually inverted offset from UTC, so Etc/GMT+2 is 
actually UTC-02:00.

So, we still have a mess at our hands until transition will be 
completed. For example on Linux (and other POSIX) the timezone info for 
region still refers to timezones through old names like CET/CEST etc. 
when you ask for timezone in effect for specific timestamp for the 
region. On Windows it's even worse (see "arabian nights" example 
mentioned earlier). Now imagine the situation of poor developer who 
relies on prog. language library that typically uses host system 
facilities to deal with timezones. He gets what he gets.

I solved the problem in Python driver by augmenting the tzinfo object 
with required (region) metadata, and it will work on POSIX if only 
regions would be used (which includes direct use of timezones in Etc/* 
range). The solution for Windows is still work in progress, hope I'll 
find a solution there as well.


Dne 08. 07. 20 v 15:32 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

We will need to decide if we maintain things as is, will drop support
from regions in TIME-TZ or will drop TIME-TZ completely.

I personally think TIME-TZ with regions are a valid thing (albeit weird
depending on the operations) because it fills a gap where one creates a
TIME and a additional region column. TIME-TZ with offsets only (no
regions) does not have the weird things by definition, but weird things
will happen when converting from timestamps.

The problem is that Firebird recalculates the time to UTC for storage, 
which means that some fixed date is needed for recalculation for 
regions, which may screw up the data. I would rather store the time as 
is than in UTC, so it will be actually a WALL CLOCK time + region info. 
The math / comparison of TIME WITH TZ between two regions is meaningless 
anyway, unless you consider it as wall clock times.

I see two ways that time zones are handled:

1) Time zone name changes if the date is in DST or not
2) The one Firebird use, where time zone name does not change

ICU does not seems to work in the 1 way. I also think not all software
work like that, nor exists DST time zone names for every country/time zone.

Certainly not all, but it's also not a marginal number. Globally, think 
50:50 and you wouldn't be wrong by much.

Do every software you use changes CET to CEST depending on the date?
Windows? Linux? The browser?

Anything that uses POSIX timezone database present on all POSIX systems 
(for example on linux it's in /usr/share/zoneinfo).

What will happen if in Python you try to create a date not in DST using
the CEST time zone? Or the contrary, a date in DST using CET?

The problem is that I'll not create a date in CET/CEST, but in 
'Europe/Prague' region. However, when I'll ask for timezone name needed 
by iUtil.en

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 08. 07. 20 v 21:13 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

On 08-07-2020 20:16, Pavel Cisar wrote:
As I said, CET is a zone that has a DST rule, that means that - for 
example - on 2020-01-01, 12:30 CET is 11:30 UTC, while at 2020-06-02,

 12:30 CET (== 12:30 CEST) is 10:30 UTC.

CET is NOT a zone with DTS rule, CET (Central European Time) is 1 hour 
ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is in use 
during standard time in: Europe, Africa. Some places observe daylight 
saving time/summer time during the summer, and therefore use CEST 
(Central European Summer Time) in the summer. So, timezones like 
'Europe/Prague' HAVE DST rules where they switch between CET and CEST.

For example Algeria and Tunisia have CET the whole year as they don't 
switch to CEST.

And that is yet another reason not to use the short time zone ids, 
because they are ambiguous, the ICU time zone database does apply DST 
rules to CET:

How ICU can apply DTS rules on CET? CET has NO DTS rules, only named 
zones (countries) can. CET is simply time that is UTC+01:00, period. So 
if ICU (and through it Firebird) defines DTS for CET, it's plain wrong. 
If it wouled be true and CET would have DTS rules, Algeria and Tunisia 
couldn't have it for WHOLE YEAR!

However, the impression that CET has DTS rules could happen when library 
or system does use the same name for DTS shifts, i.e. uses only CET and 
does not recognize CET/CEST. In such case the UTC offset may differ 
while the name is the same. Other systems use different names to signal 
that offset differs (because DTS is actually a seasonal shift to another 
timezone). Both approaches (single name, different offset + distinct 
names for offsets) are widely used and acceptable. The single name + 
different offset approach is actually NEWER than multi-name and is still 
not the dominant or most significant. For example the POSIX systems 
(i.e. Linux) today use the multiname approach (and they also use the 
IANA timezone database).

Please, read some documentation about the problem in general, not only 
documentation for libraries you (or Firebird) use to get unbiased view. 
And yes, it's a mess, but we don't live in ideal world.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-09 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 08. 07. 20 v 20:51 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

Says who? Why 2020-01-01 and not other date? Because Firebird uses it
does not make it right, it just make it consistent with Firebird. Also
mind that DTS is just one from possible time shifts for timezone.

Yes, Firebird says so. Firebird and client applications need such a rule 
because otherwise it is impossible to derive a consistent value for a 
TIME WITH TIME ZONE value of a named zone.

Certainly, which is the point why TIME WITH TIMEZONE is pointless. It's 
inconsistent in dependency on time zone. The consistency between client 
and Firebird does not make it more consistent in behavior as data type.

In the previous situation (before snapshot, a value stored 
as '20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam' would depend on the date it was saved: if 
it was saved on 2020-02-01, it would be saved as '19:58:00 UTC' + zone 
id of Europe/Amsterdam. If it was saved on 2020-06-02, it would be saved 
as '18:58:00 UTC' + zone id of Europe/Amsterdam.

Which actually could be desired behavior in some circumstances.

Similarly, conversion to string (or for example, conversion within 
client application) would then yield three possible different values: 
'19:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam', '20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam' or '21:58:00 
Europe/Amsterdam' depending on the date of retrieval.

Three, not two? What additional transition do you have in Amsterdam?

With a single, constant date to derive TIME WITH TIME ZONE values for a 
named zone, a consistent rule is established to be able to derive to 
correct time within the zone (that is '20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam').

Again, it's not correct, it's just consistent/invariant accross calendar.

If you don't want that, then don't save named zones in TIME WITH TIME 
ZONE (hard to do, because of CURRENT_TIME), or always use TIMESTAMP WITH 
TIME ZONE, so the rules are implicitly derived from the date included in 
the timestamp.

Certainly. Hope you see why TIME WITH TIMEZONE is pointless.

Similar when storing to ZonedDateTime value

1. rebase the date to 2020-01-01 2. derive UTC time 3. store

So, for '2020-07-08 20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam':

Step 1: change date to 2020-01-01: '2020-01-01 20:58:00
Europe/Amsterdam' Step 2: derive UTC time: '19:58:00 UTC' Step 3:
store '19:58:00 UTC' + id of Europe/Amsterdam

And you think that it's always the right value? I passed your example 
trough dateutil library (Python 3.8):

 >from dateutil import tz
 >import datetime as dt
 >ts = dt.datetime(2020,7,8,20,58,0,tzinfo=tz.gettz('Europe/Amsterdam'))
2020-07-08 20:58:00+02:00
2020-07-08 18:58:00+00:00

It seems that right UTC time should be 18:58:00 and not 19:58:00

No, because the date is rebased onto 2020-01-01, and on 2020-01-01, the 
UTC time for 20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam *is* 19:59:00 UTC. This ensures 
that the time within the zone is preserved and can be consistently 
reconstructed (see also above).

What was sort off reasonable for TIME WITH TZ where date is not present, 
is definitely NOT acceptable for TIMESTAMP. The date is set there, so 
how you can dare to rebase it? I even gave you example from widely used 
library (could bring you more if one is not enough) that returns 
different results. You can certainly figure out yourself what disaster 
will happen in real world if application and Firebird (drivers included) 
will use different math and rules? And the worst is that such "anomaly" 
happens just for some time zones.

It's also not true that without rebase it could not be correctly 
reconstructed from UTC. What you do means that data stored may not came 
back as the same. If you consider this as acceptable, then we have 
certainly different metrics for acceptance of data storage. For me it's 
a cornerstone, and a reason why it gives me headache that I can't store 
named timezone to get it back on retrieval (i.e. 'Europe/Amsterdam' will 
be stored and thus retrieved as CET or CEST) because such information is 
not available at driver level (because it's not available in Python in 
general). I need to figure out a way how developers can pass this 
information to the driver when needed.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-08 Thread Pavel Cisar


I use iUtil

Dne 08. 07. 20 v 17:44 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

The thing is, TIME WITH TIME ZONE for named time zone should be 
considered at 2020-01-01, so the relevant DST rule for that date is

in effect.

Says who? Why 2020-01-01 and not other date? Because Firebird uses it
does not make it right, it just make it consistent with Firebird. Also
mind that DTS is just one from possible time shifts for timezone.

Sure, this can cause weirdness (especially if you have to convert a 
CURRENT_TIME named zone to an offset zone value), but it is


"Weirdness" is just a fancy name for wrong results.

But you can make the necessary mapping in the driver when you need to
 derive the zone id by defining a mapping from CEST -> CET -> id

I use new FB4 iUtil encode/decode methods to convert data from/to
buffer. These methods use string timezone names (or '+-HH:MM' offsets). 
On the other end I have Python datetime.time or datetime.datetime 
objects with tzinfo. For input parameters, I can't get the name or 
utcoffset out of datetime.time tzinfo for some timezones. I could get it 
only through some date, and if I just pick some like 2020-01-01, it will 
just screw up some time values. For datetime.datetime I have no problems 
getting the timezone name except that some names are not recognized by 
Firebird. If I would create name mapping, it would only crew up these 
values, so simple name mapping will not cut it (mind that 12:30 CET != 
12:30 CEST).

The main problem is that tzinfo I get on input as part of datetime/time 
values does not necessarily use region for timezone name, and there is 
no way at the driver level to guess it. For example for tzinfo created 
for 'Europe/Prague' I get either 'CET' or 'CEST', and the same apply for 
'Europe/Amsterdam' (but the DST switch date could differ between these 
regions). I can use utcoffset instead timezone name (conditionally when 
error is returned by iUtil function or unconditionally), but this will 
lead to lost information (offset instead zone id in database). And if 
done conditionally there is no way how to report such coercion back to 
the application.

For Jaybird I have defined a mapping between Firebird time zone ids
and the Java supported zone ids (which are basically the IANA tzdb
zone names, so the mapping is - almost - 100%, with a few I had to
manually remap to an equivalent zone name).

All this stuff is based on standard system data definitions and
routines in standard libraries. I don't make up Python datetime
objects with timezone from thin air nor I fabricate them myself. If
any Python programmer will use standard way to get datetime with
zoneinfo from local system and pass it to the driver for storage in
database, I must handle it as is. I can't do any translations
(especially not just for some cases) in the driver. Mind that 12:30
in CET and CEST are different times in UTC, and 12:30 in
'Europe/Prague' could be also different UTC depending on the date.
In current state of affairs it means that for Python app. developer
some timezones could be stored in the database and some doesn't. It
has to be user's responsibility to provide ones that could be

I think I'm missing something and not understanding exactly what
you're stuck on.

As I said, CET is a zone that has a DST rule, that means that - for 
example - on 2020-01-01, 12:30 CET is 11:30 UTC, while at 2020-06-02,

 12:30 CET (== 12:30 CEST) is 10:30 UTC.

CET is NOT a zone with DTS rule, CET (Central European Time) is 1 hour 
ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is in use 
during standard time in: Europe, Africa. Some places observe daylight 
saving time/summer time during the summer, and therefore use CEST 
(Central European Summer Time) in the summer. So, timezones like 
'Europe/Prague' HAVE DST rules where they switch between CET and CEST.

For example Algeria and Tunisia have CET the whole year as they don't 
switch to CEST.


Firebird 'fixes' some of that confusion by basing such conversions at

Which is basically wrong if it does.

Similar when storing to ZonedDateTime value

1. rebase the date to 2020-01-01 2. derive UTC time 3. store

So, for '2020-07-08 20:58:00 Europe/Amsterdam':

Step 1: change date to 2020-01-01: '2020-01-01 20:58:00
Europe/Amsterdam' Step 2: derive UTC time: '19:58:00 UTC' Step 3:
store '19:58:00 UTC' + id of Europe/Amsterdam

And you think that it's always the right value? I passed your example 
trough dateutil library (Python 3.8):

>from dateutil import tz
>import datetime as dt
>ts = dt.datetime(2020,7,8,20,58,0,tzinfo=tz.gettz('Europe/Amsterdam'))
2020-07-08 20:58:00+02:00
2020-07-08 18:58:00+00:00

It seems that right UTC time should be 18:58:00 and not 19:58:00

For the record:
datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 8, 20, 58, 

Re: [Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-08 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 08. 07. 20 v 15:32 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

TIME WITH TIMEZONE is pointless. It sort off works for "naive" TZ
that does not have things like summer time and other time shifts
based on date. The pytz library does not even allow you to create
time with such tz. The dateutil does, but the usability is near
zero, because you can't get offset, tz name etc from it (so also
the calculations are crewed).

It is not clear to me what problem you are having here.

The problem is how this is handled in Python standard library. It does
define only abstract base class for timezone handling
There are two implementations: packages dateutil and pytz. The pytz does
not support tzinfo for time objects at all, only for datetime
(timestamp). dateutil supports time with tzinfo, but it's practical
usability is limited to simple timezones with no timeshifts etc. I can't
even handle some of them in driver as it's not possible to get timezone
info like name or utcoffset without date part for these complex ones.

Then use 2020-01-01 as the date, because that is the date that

> Firebird itself uses for basing TIME WITH TIME ZONE derivation for
> named zones.

This was the first thing I did but then rejected the idea. It allows me 
to store the TIME WITH TIMEZONE for such cases at the price that the 
value is crewed for DST. I'd rather reject the value than store wrong one.


B. Storing into database.

If a certain zone doesn't exist, you need to provide a mapping to the
 appropriate zones you want to use. For example, CET *is* CEST. That
is: CET has a summertime rule, so the name CET is equivalent to CEST
on dates in summer time (CEST is just a dumb alias for CET during

However, it is highly recommend to stop using those short form zone 
identifiers as they are ambiguous. It is better to use the long form

 identifiers like Europe/Prague.

And where I should get such mapping? Create and maintain it myself as
part of Firebird driver? This stuff is handled by dateutil Python
library that gets the data from system (on POSIX from description files,
on Windows from registry or API). For example on Linux (POSIX), the
'Europe/Prague' timezone actually maps to file
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Prague that contains data about this timezone
that dateutil parses and uses. In fact the 'Europe/Prague' name is not
part of this data so dateutil don't know it and can't return it, and
such timezone name is just used to find the file on filesystem when
tzinfo object is created. I also can't force dateutil to return CET
instead CEST as timezone name if the time falls to summer time. And
dateutil follows specification in POSIX zoneinfo file to get the name.

All this stuff is based on standard system data definitions and routines
in standard libraries. I don't make up Python datetime objects with
timezone from thin air nor I fabricate them myself. If any Python
programmer will use standard way to get datetime with zoneinfo from
local system and pass it to the driver for storage in database, I must
handle it as is. I can't do any translations (especially not just for
some cases) in the driver. Mind that 12:30 in CET and CEST are different
times in UTC, and 12:30 in 'Europe/Prague' could be also different UTC
depending on the date. In current state of affairs it means that for
Python app. developer some timezones could be stored in the database and
some doesn't. It has to be user's responsibility to provide ones that
could be stored.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Crazy about time/timestamp with timezone

2020-07-08 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement support for FB 4 TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE in 
new Python driver, and I'm constantly hitting a stone wall with it.

The TZ support in standard datetime Python module is nice, smart and 
flexible, but builtin support does not supports complex TZ with time 
shifts, only simple offset ones (standard support for these is in PEP 
stage, and may appear in Python 3.10 or later). The complex ones are 
supported via two libraries: dateutil and pytz. The dateutil is the 
preferred one.

A. Reading from database

TIME WITH TIMEZONE is pointless. It sort off works for "naive" TZ that 
does not have things like summer time and other time shifts based on 
date. The pytz library does not even allow you to create time with such 
tz. The dateutil does, but the usability is near zero, because you can't 
get offset, tz name etc from it (so also the calculations are crewed).


B. Storing into database.

TIME WITH TIMEZONE is impossible to store as I can't convert it 
successfully with iUtil.encodeTimeTz() because I can't get the TZ name 
or utcoffset for timezones like CET/CEST out of time value to pass it to 
this function. Yes, it's that convoluted, because the tzinfo object 
wants to decide the return value according to DST (or other execptions) 
and it needs date for that. If it can't, it returns None.

TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE is also busted, as Firebird does not know CEST 
timezone, only CET, and I can't twist/cast/whatever the python library 
to return CET when it's summer time. I could circumvent that with 
utcoffset instead zone name, but that would mean lost information (store 
offset instead time zone ID).

And Europe/Prague (= CET or CEST depending on DST) is probably just an 
example when things get busted in other TZs. So far it's impossible to 
add TZ support into Firebird driver for Python that would work for all 
TZ in all cases.

The data types will be supported, but reliability and usability will 
depend on actual TZ used.

As I can't see how these problems could be solved at Firebird side 
(except missing TZ names like CEST), this rant is just for your 
information as the state of TZ support in it will have impact on our QA 


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-18 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 18. 06. 20 v 14:27 Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):

Depending on the context, other usable terms to replace master could be


Oh dear! Master is a "title" linked to top authority and professionalism 
in specific area (context) - like Master of ... Arts etc, it's not 
necessarily linked to power, or God forbid the slavery. Equivalent 
word/term/title exists in all languages. Hence using such term in any 
context to refer to top authority in given area is simple, clear, and 
easily translated to other languages (which is the primary reason why 
it's so popular).

And for slave:

"Slave" was an unfortunate choice as it has only one "hard" meaning in 
english. For non-native english speakers, it's natural to translate 
"slave" to word equivalent to "subordinate" in their native language, 
hence they mostly don't see it offensive as native english speakers, and 
for many the "slave" word may be pronounced more easily than 
"subordinate" or other replacement.

But this cleansing crusade has nothing to do with masters and slaves, 
neither with common good. It's just frustration of people weaponized 
and redirected to wrong target, as eradicating words from our vocabulary 
achieves nothing positive for our societies. It will only shift us 
toward '84 where Hate is Love, Peace is War etc. Slaves and slavery is 
deeply part of our lives, we are slaves of our habits, many work 
conditions are pure slavery, parents can enslave their children 
physically and emotionally etc. and eradicating the word will not change 
that. In fact, as human mind needs words and images to operate, loosing 
words can (over few generations) effectively cripple our capacity to 
think about affected topics, which in turn will limit our capacity to 
solve linked problems.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-18 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 18. 06. 20 v 0:15 Leyne, Sean napsal(a):

18.06.2020 00:00, Leyne, Sean wrote:

"they" is also accepted as a singular, although it seems ungrammatical.

Ok, thanks.

BTW, when you start your search-and-replace work, don't forget to find
substitutions for "owner", "invalid", "dependency" and "creator". First and 
offend ex-slaves, second - disabled people, last - religious ones.

How does this type of BS comment help the discussion?

It only shows that you don't care about what others think about you or the 

If you don't care about the terms, then you can simply be quiet, let the people 
who do care, discuss and work on the changes.

You should understand that while certain terms may offend certain 
people, vigorous actions that are clear Overton Windows shifting the 
society toward one controlled by minority of One Truth Owners may offend 
certain people as well. If you would be raised in Europe (especially 
central or eastern) in last century (or another place ruled by One Truth 
Owners), you would not be so surprised.

You should also understand that changing terms is not the issue on 
itself. The problem is *why* we should do it. If the reason is primarily 
to follow others to keep their acceptance and not get eventually 
punished or excommunicated, then as classic wrote: "something is rotten 
in the state of Denmark".

So, if you want to change certain terms to more precise ones in sake of 
clarity, be my guest. But there shall be no place in open source for 
pushing agenda of particular group interests unrelated to product 
itself. Open source shall be for all without any discrimination over any 
topic (and "positive" discrimination is still discrimination).

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-17 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 17. 06. 20 v 18:52 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

You like or not, the market will do things and specifically about
replication, the terms where being changed already and will advance.

There is no dispute that terminology evolves and if there are terms that 
are more accurate than accustomed ones, it's better to use them for sake 
of clarity. That's for example the case of "replica" instead "slave" in 
replication context. But master/slave is still the best method to 
explain or refer to controller/controlled principle that is accurate in 
all languages and does not need a thousand words, and master is still 
best term to describe anything with top authority in any context. 
Exterminating terms from all contexts just because someone sees it as 
offensive due to incidental reference to something that is currently 
perceived as disturbing by someone is a slippery slope that ends in 


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-17 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 17. 06. 20 v 17:09 Leyne, Sean napsal(a):

Time to perform a simple search and replace!?!!

If the terms being discussed were "commie", "chink", "pollack", "spik" "" 
would they be any less problematic?

More argument fallacies? C'mon! I'm sure you can do better.

Would we be arguing that "we don't have time"?

"we don't have time" was just polite formulation.

So far you do not explained why is absolutely necessary to do such 
change, you just insist. Or is there any "else" in it? I hope not.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-17 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 17. 06. 20 v 2:57 Leyne, Sean napsal(a):

If much larger projects than ours can make these changes, I don't see why we 
shouldn't be doing the same.

When I was a kid and came up with such classic "Bandwagon Fallacy", my 
mother asked me "If others would go and jump off the cliff, does it mean 
you should do the same?".

Removing the "master/slave" terms from IT vocabulary will not magically 
liberate the HW and SW from being slaves (btw, when we extended the 
human rights to machines?), neither it will help to remove human slavery 
from our lives. Removing terms always only hides the problem under the 
surface so it can live long and prosper there undisturbed (which is 
probably the point of those who fuel this "movement" with money and 
media coverage).

It also has well documented trajectory. It always starts with common 
good that justifies first small, then bigger and then total changes, and 
 ends with pitchforks and bonfires for those who don't follow. As we 
already seen people "burned" out from their lives and jobs for any 
overstepping, and advanced to tore-down the statues phase, the change of 
words is just a prelude for burning books.

Those who can't learn from history are doomed to repeat the lesson 
through direct experience.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] ODP: Modern C++: constexpr

2020-06-16 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 16. 06. 20 v 21:13 Leyne, Sean napsal(a):

we may have black list instead white list like now.

As always better is to have both black + white.

Even better would be "Allow" or "Allowed" and "Deny" or "Denied" terminology.


P.S.The same applies to the terms "master/slave" which should be "Primary/Replica" or 
"Primary/Secondary" or "Source/Destination".

Certainly! And when we'll be at that, we should also use strictly 
gender-neutral terms everywhere and replace the red color with rainbow 
in our logo!

Hail to the correctness, take no prisoners!


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 4, iUtil and new interface in general

2020-06-15 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 15. 06. 20 v 16:20 Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel napsal(a):

On 2020-06-11 19:56, Pavel Cisar wrote:


Dne 11. 06. 20 v 16:38 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

2. Strange things with iUtil in FB 4.

a) Why methods getDecFloat16, getDecFloat34 and getInt128 require
iStatus parameter? I expected that these methods should be "safe" like
iMaster.getUtilInterface() and thus should not require iStatus.

Methods that appear in non first version of an interface should have the
status parameter as even if never return an error, it may be missing on
a previous interface, which is an error. More below.

Hmm, guess that it would make sense to have mandatory iStatus as first 
parameter in each method (regardless it's use to report errors), in 
any method added after initial 3.0 release. So there is in fact an 
error in IDecFloat16/34 interfaces that should be fixed before final, 
as BCD methods does not have it.

Pay attention - not "each method added after FB3", but "each method that 
appear in non first version of an interface". I.e. DecFloat16/34 
interfaces are OK.

I really don't understand the rationale behind these strange rules. What 
I see is pure inconsistency as there are methods that have iStatus 
although they don't need it for anything, and methods that doesn't have 
it because they don't need it for anything. Could anyone explain what 
splitting these by fact it's first version of an interface or upgraded 
one is good for? It should have really strong technical reason to have 
such confusing rule. For interface consumer, presence of iStatus was 
clear indication that method may fail, and absence that it never fails. 
It was true for FB 3.0. Now it's not true anymore and I'd like 
understand why.

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 4, iUtil and new interface in general

2020-06-12 Thread Pavel Cisar


I don't want to bound it at all :) Quite the opposite, it would be nice 
if statement prepare would NOT require active transaction at all. It 
would allow full decoupling of prepare from execution context in 
connectivity layer.

I know that engine needs it for some reason (metadata?), but guess that 
engine could use fully internal transaction for that.


Dne 12. 06. 20 v 9:05 Vlad Khorsun napsal(a):

12.06.2020 9:52, Pavel Cisar wrote:

2. The statement prepare requires active transaction although it's not 
bound to one.

   The same as ISC API. And this is fully correct. Why do you want to 
bound prepared

request to the preparing transaction ?


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 4, iUtil and new interface in general

2020-06-11 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 11. 06. 20 v 19:00 Dimitry Sibiryakov napsal(a):
> 11.06.2020 18:56, Pavel Cisar wrote:
>> It would be a little bit unfortunate if we will end with 50+ method
>> iUtil interface in FB 6, thought.
>I hope that before that time someone come with "very new API" that
> will be a little better designed so this "new API" will get status
> "deprecated".

Well, that's a harsh statement :) If you have objections, you should 
provide a list with reasons why it's bad.

I can't judge the whole new API as I used only the client part, but what 
I used from it so far was ok. Certainly, there are things I miss, but 
those are mostly inherited from old API that were not fixed by new one.

1. There is no way how to get precision of NUMERIC/DECIMAL data items. 
One has to query system tables, which is not always possible.

2. The statement prepare requires active transaction although it's not 
bound to one.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 4, iUtil and new interface in general

2020-06-11 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 11. 06. 20 v 16:38 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

2. Strange things with iUtil in FB 4.

a) Why methods getDecFloat16, getDecFloat34 and getInt128 require
iStatus parameter? I expected that these methods should be "safe" like
iMaster.getUtilInterface() and thus should not require iStatus.

Methods that appear in non first version of an interface should have the
status parameter as even if never return an error, it may be missing on
a previous interface, which is an error. More below.

Hmm, guess that it would make sense to have mandatory iStatus as first 
parameter in each method (regardless it's use to report errors), in any 
method added after initial 3.0 release. So there is in fact an error in 
IDecFloat16/34 interfaces that should be fixed before final, as BCD 
methods does not have it.

b) Is it possible to extract time/timestamp related methods from iUtil
out to separate iTimezone interface like it was done for defloat/i128
? The iUtil is a "sink" interface prone to change, which over time
would make it [a] "crowded" and [b] subject of version escalation.

If we consider whole set of functions, including ones in stable
versions, what is different here is the decfloat, not the date/time
functions. And the non-tz version are in released version already.

iUtil was "don't fit anywhere, so it goes here" mash-up interface at the 
beginning. It's unfortunate it's future was not better thought out, but 
we could live with the "few" methods we've got in it with initial 
version. However, the "Util" name means that method list will only grow 
(it would certainly not happen if it would be named iLegacy). Just in FB 
4 it would grow by 16 methods (to 29 in total) if it would follow the 
flat approach. Thankfully decfloat/i128 have their own interfaces that 
could grow *independently* from iUtil. It would be nice if we would have 
the same for datetime. Pity that it was not done initially with 4 
decode/encode date/time functions, as it would become handy when 
timezone functions were added. Anyway, it would be nice if FB 4 will 
grow iUtil only by 4 new methods instead 9 as it is now, by moving 
tz-related ones in separate interface as well (and maybe *duplicating* 
the 4 ones from iUtil as well for convenience? or the without-tz type 
will be deprecated eventually?).

It would be a little bit unfortunate if we will end with 50+ method 
iUtil interface in FB 6, thought. You may think that huge interfaces 
does not matter, and you will be certainly right that there is no real 
*technical* disadvantage. But they are really inconvenient for 
developers to use, i.e. to memorize and navigate the documentation and 
code completion, especially if they are "mash-up" ones like iUtil.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] FB 4, iUtil and new interface in general

2020-06-11 Thread Pavel Cisar


The Firebird 4 is the first version that has "evolved" interfaces. This 
bring to table some important questions...

1. What is the official policy for evolution of interfaces? Will their 
version change every time they change, even if the change replaces 
"development" version like beta etc. ?

I noticed that iUtil interface in FB 4 beta 2 has version 4, where 
version in FB 3.0.5 is (base) version 2. Where is the version 3? It gets 
"lost in updates" over development of FB 4 (3.0->4.0 alpha). This 
creates "mysterious" gap in versions between stable releases that we 
should IMHO avoid.

On the other hand there is a precedent when interface was changed in 
backward incompatible way during development (and without version 
change). I'm ok with this as long as such changes would be properly 
announced in firebird-devel.

So, I really wonder what is the official policy one can rely upon? If 
there is one, I missed the lesson when it was given. In case there is 
not one set in stone, I'd like propose next for "development" versions:

If completely new interface is introduced, or interface that was part of 
stable release is changed, it will follow standard rules for versioning. 
This version will be "stable" over whole development cycle (i.e. it will 
be the final version for stable release), despite latter changes to it. 
This is supposed to be "dev" interface version and subject of change 
anyway, so there should be no trouble for its "users" if all changes to 
it will be properly documented at well known place and changes announced 
in firebird-devel.

2. Strange things with iUtil in FB 4.

a) Why methods getDecFloat16, getDecFloat34 and getInt128 require 
iStatus parameter? I expected that these methods should be "safe" like 
iMaster.getUtilInterface() and thus should not require iStatus.

b) Is it possible to extract time/timestamp related methods from iUtil 
out to separate iTimezone interface like it was done for defloat/i128 ? 
The iUtil is a "sink" interface prone to change, which over time would 
make it [a] "crowded" and [b] subject of version escalation.

3. Interface definitions in IDL file and inconsistent way for "versioning".

a) The version is derived from number of base interfaces (inheritance 
chain). This is completely fine approach that makes sense. In generated 
files it uses inheritance to construct the interface.

b) It uses "version:" tag inside interface definition to mark interface 
extensions. In generated file it has the same name and inheritance chain 
but different version and number of methods. And this is IMHO not fine.

I can understand that method [b] allows stable "leaf" interface name and 
keep the inheritance chain minimal over time, but it has dire 
consequences as the interface becomes opaque. Imagine that you have an 
application that can work with different versions of Firebird, that may 
use different interface versions. You have to use the API file for most 
recent one, but when connected to older versions, you have to use just 
the "safe" part of returned interface. Sure you have to inspect the 
VERSION stored with interface, but then what? How you can tell from 
opaque interface which methods are safe for which version? You can't, 
you have to know beforehand from documentation, and any mistake is fatal 
at RUN TIME. This problem will build up with each FB release with new 
interfaces. And this lead us to part 4.

4. Status of cloop-generated interface files for C++ and Pascal. If new 
interface-based API is the way to go now, I suppose that these files are 
the official standard base for end users to access the new API from 
these languages, right? So their quality really matters (cloop bugs aside).

I couldn't judge the C++ version, but I still understand Pascal a 
little, and it's clear that generated code is strictly paired with 
Firebird version for which is generated (due to their definition 
mentioned in point 3). If it will be used to access older FB version 
that returns older version of the interface (legal requirement), then 
safe use of the interface is completely up on developer. I.e. if it will 
call a method that is not in older version, it will crash and burn the 
application (in best case) without proper error handling, as the 
generated code doesn't handle this problem at all and lets the code 
crash and burn. From consumer's POV, this is IMHO not acceptable, so 
they would need either a better version or "real" interface library 
provided by someone else that solves this problem (it should at least 
raise an exception on illegal use).

This is not a problem for languages like Python, Java and .NET that 
don't use these files at all, but C++ & Pascal are still important 
languages and we should offer some better solution. At least it should 
be discussed with those who use them (for example MWA Software, 
developer of ibx4lazarus?).

A side note about interfaces and versioning in new Python driver for 
It provid

Re: [Firebird-devel] Bug in cloop

2020-06-10 Thread Pavel Cisar


As these files are generated and should be used as is, you can safely 
use variant a)

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Bug in cloop

2020-06-10 Thread Pavel Cisar


The Firebird.pas file generated by cloop contained wrong interface 
VERSIONs. While this issue was fixed in interface definitions (by Alex 
if I'm not mistaken), interface implementations still contains obviously 
wrong version numbers.

Example from Firebird 4 Beta 2 Firebird.pas file:

IXpbBuilderImpl_vTable := XpbBuilderVTable.create;
IXpbBuilderImpl_vTable.version := 21;
IXpbBuilderImpl_vTable.dispose := @IXpbBuilderImpl_disposeDispatcher;


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] New API and scrollable cursors

2020-04-27 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 27. 04. 20 v 18:09 Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):

27.04.2020 17:34, Pavel Cisar wrote:

The remote protocol support was simply forgotten because nobody asked 
for that for years. Mea culpa, I was too busy with the replication 
stuff. Obviously, not so many people use the new API... and even less 
people use new features introduced there.

Well, users would use new API if connectivity package they use would use 
it. AFAIK only IBX2 provided new API layer as an option till now. 
Obviously Firebird & FreePascal/Delphi developers did not bother to 
change from old to new layer, did not use v3 or scroll in it, or used 
scrollable cursors in embedded-only applications. Unfortunately, Python 
is not a language of choice for embedded - it's mostly server 
development. One from main points I started to work on new driver was to 
help transition from old to new API, and to allow our QA to work with 
features available only trough it. I don't know if it's possible to 
provide such feature (even with embedded-only) in wire-protocol-based 
connectivity packages like JayBird or .NET Provider, but I guess if it 
would be doable, their maintainers would eventually implement it.

Ok, shit happens, so what we will do now? Leave it to Firebird 5 that is 
who knows how many years in future, or would we try to provide it 
sooner? Personally, I think that remote scrollable cursors are just an 
improvement that could be introduced in any version, including 
maintenance ones, and are worth to be provided anytime sooner than in v5.0.

Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] New API and scrollable cursors

2020-04-27 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 27. 04. 20 v 15:31 Dmitry Sibiryakov napsal(a):

27.04.2020 15:23, Pavel Cisar wrote:
Or is the impression that this feature is not actually implemented 
really true?

   Yes it is true though should work in embedded mode.

Well, I can confirm that IT WORKS *ONLY* in embedded mode.

Could someone points me to any piece of documentation, Jira entry or 
even public e-mail that reveals such constraint to mere mortals using 
Firebird engine? Because I feel like a complete idiot now, and I want to 
know if it's because I can't read or because I'm too trusting (I can't 
find such constraint in FB 3.0.0-3.0.5 Release Notes or any piece of 
documentation in FB 3 distribution).

Also, Alex confirmed that this is still not implemented in FB v4 trunk. 
Because I'm probably not the only one disappointed by this discovery, I 
really can't wait to hear an explanation and future prospects.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] New API and scrollable cursors

2020-04-27 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

I have problem with scrollable cursor. With simple statement like 
"select * from country" (employee.fdb) and flag 
IStatement::CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE passed to IStatement.open_cursor(), 
any call to fetch[First|Prior|Last|Absolute|Relative] and is_bof() fails 
with error "feature is not supported". This error is internally 
registered as "wish_list", and digging in sources revealed that 
implementation of all these methods in /src/remote/client/interface.cpp 
unconditionally raise such exception.

I'm really puzzled what is going on here. Did I do something wrong and 
there are some additional requirements for DSQL scrollable cursors other 
than scrollable flag? Or is the impression that this feature is not 
actually implemented really true?

BTW, I work with FB 3.0.4 from OpenSuSE Tumbleweed

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 3 & 4, new API and the ARRAY type

2020-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 22. 04. 20 v 14:02 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes napsal(a):

It's perfectly possible to call fb_get_database_handle and
fb_get_transaction_handle to go from new API to legacy API.

Wonderful! But it's a shame that these functions and their existence is 
kept as well hidden secret, because they are NOT documented anywhere. 
Also, the Firebird.pas file does not import them at all (neither it 
provides Helper class/interface like Interface.h does for C/C++ 
developers, but one can live without this particular one).

PLEASE, could this be fixed in 3.0.6/4.0 Documentation + Release Notes?

BTW, the new API is really poorly documented, especially from the 
old->new API porting perspective. The examples + Using_OO_API.html are 
all nice, but they cover only basic aspects of new API usage and many 
not so frequently needed or typical are left untouched.

Thankfully this really saved the day, and the new Python driver now has 
support for ARRAY type, although as crude hack.

best regards

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 3 & 4, new API and the ARRAY type

2020-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 22. 04. 20 v 13:57 Jiří Činčura napsal(a):

Although I don't disagree with what you said Pavel, I would support
deprecation of arrays in FB4 (in fact I would support removal of
arrays in FB4 and late-to-the-party deprecation in FB3, but that ship
has probably sailed). I wouldn't bother closing the gap.

Deprecation should be announced at least one version in advance (which 
is the proper routine everyone is used to). Because feature set for FB4 
was defined & announced long time ago, and we are close to final release 
this year, I think it's too late to announce removal of ARRAYs from FB4 
now. Although it would likely do no harm, it would be a bad signal to 
the public to be so much "unpredictable". Don't want to be in the same 
bandwagon with Microsoft.

I have no problem with removal from FB 5.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] FB 3 & 4, new API and the ARRAY type

2020-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

I'm writing new Python driver built using new FB3 API (mainly to get 
support for new features not available through old API). I was surprised 
that ARRAY type support in new API is incomplete and thus it's not 
possible to handle this data type in drivers/applications. Specifically, 
the API provides getSlice & putSlice methods on IAttachment, but there 
isn't any equivalent for very important isc_array_lookup_bounds function 
(isc_array_lookup_desc and isc_array_set_desc are also missing, but they 
are not important for driver developers).

Alex explained to me, that array support is not functional in new API, 
because core developers are considering to deprecate & remove ARRAY type 
support from future Firebird versions. And because the final decision 
was not made yet, the arrays support in new API get stuck in incomplete 

Personally, I have no problem with deprecation of the ARRAY type, as 
this type is mostly not used (if at all) by Firebird users. Also, I 
understand the reasoning for missing methods that would pollute the 
interfaces with methods that would become eventually obsolete. However, 
I'm really stunned how this issue was handled.

While it's ok to provide only new API for new features (like scrollable 
cursors), the NEW API SHOULD support all old Firebird features present 
in given version and available through old API. And ARRAY type is such a 
feature. Although it's probably not used much by Firebird users, it's 
still used in example EMPLOYEE database that's used a lot in books, 
articles etc., and support for it is available to end users via some 
drivers (like FDB Python driver) for many years. So it's definitely 
POSSIBLE, that users will run into situations when lack of ARRAY support 
will be at least awkward (missing output), if not straight fatal.

Argument that one could always use old API to access ARRAYs will not 
stand, because some new features are not available through it, and they 
could not be used together. Users should NOT be forced to choose between 
two API's with distinct features, at least one should be the superset 
(preferably the new one).

Also, if ARRAY type should be ever removed from Firebird, it should be 
done via proper deprecation process (that also includes creation of new 
example database without it). Hence I consider the lack of (at least) 
isc_array_lookup_bounds equivalent in new API as a serious BUG, that 
should be fixed in Firebird 3 & 4. As driver developer I would really 
appreciate if it would be fixed for 3.0.6 due in June.

While ARRAY support is the pressing matter here, there are other old API 
functions that does not have new API replacements (for example 
isc_blob_lookup_desc, and many others). I think that it's the good time 
to compare old and new API's, and create a document that will contain 
table listing the Old API functions with their New API counterparts, or 
explanation why it was decided to not provide such equivalent in new 
API. Such document should be first discussed here (so we could decide 
whether to fix more new API bugs asap), and then become a part of 
Firebird documentation set (as driver developer, I was really surprised 
that such document does not exists yet, as it's invaluable for porting 
from old to new API).

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-6101) Conversion error on CASE using computed column

2019-07-16 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Conversion error on CASE using computed column

 Key: CORE-6101
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 3.0.4
 Environment: Firebird-
Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Here is reproducible test:

create table test_table_01 (
id int,
get_temp_i computed by ((cast (64 as int))),
fld2 int
insert into test_table_01 (id, fld2) values (1, 1);

select * from test_01;


select get_temp_i+1 from test_01;


  case get_temp_i
when (get_temp_i = 1) then 1
else  2
  end as case_result
from test_table_01;


Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22018
conversion error from string "64"

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-6095) Extend trace record for COMMIT/ROLLBACK RETAINING to allow cjaing of transaction ids

2019-07-04 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Extend trace record for COMMIT/ROLLBACK RETAINING to allow cjaing of 
transaction ids

 Key: CORE-6095
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Improvement
Affects Versions: 4.0 Beta 1, 3.0.4, 2.5.8
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

After commit\rollback retaining transaction has a new number (but only when 
there are any changes to the database). This significantly complicates analysis 
of trace reports, as it's not easy to link events to the transaction context  
as transaction may change identity.

It would be nice if trace entry for COMMIT/ROLLBACK RETAINING events would 
include both: original (or previous) transaction ID and new transaction ID, so 
trace log parsers could properly link events to transactions and retaining 
transactions into a chain.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-6075) Trace configuration is not validated on session start

2019-06-03 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Trace configuration is not validated on session start

 Key: CORE-6075
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 3.0.4
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Critical

The trace configuration that is part of "start trace" API call is not 
parsed/validated on input. The configuration is parsed when other attachment 
will have something to trace and detect new trace session. At this point it's 
too late to report it correctly to the user. As this is not even logged in 
firebird.log, the final result is that all configuration errors are swallowed 
and trace produces no output.

Making an error (typo, missing parenthesis or other) in configuration is easy.  
User can even mistakenly send (correct because previously tested and working) 
configuration in Firebird 2.5 format to the Firebird 3.0. As engine just 
happily starts the trace session that does not report anything wrong at any 
time and just produces nothing, it could easily lead to deep frustration in 
search for cause of the problem. The issue is that configuration is NOT 
validated on input (start trace session request). Engine should validate it and 
refuse to start the trace session with good error description where the problem 

This was verified on 3.0.4, but almost certainly affects all versions since 2.5 
up to 4.0 beta 1.

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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-6074) Trace configuration sensitive to format

2019-06-03 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Trace configuration sensitive to format

 Key: CORE-6074
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 3.0.4
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Minor

This configuration is considered as wrong (silently does nothing):

database {
  enabled = true
  log_connections = true

while this one works fine:

  enabled = true
  log_connections = true

It's possible that configuration parser is sensitive to other "cosmetic" 
divergences from canonical format.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Replication: declarative control

2019-02-21 Thread Pavel Cisar


Dne 21. 02. 19 v 11:15 Dimitry Sibiryakov napsal(a):

21.02.2019 10:46, Pavel Cisar wrote:
It's tempting, but I see potential for problems. If we would allow 
multiple sets & filters at master node, there is no need to have them 
at replica. And if replica would have different definitions than 
master, then it's not possible to replace master with replica in 
recovery scenario.

   Yes, if you limit usage of replica to standby/backup. But imagine 
kind of sharding when some tables are replicated in one database and 
others - to different one.

It's not about the use case (sharding etc.) but about distribution of 
filters. We could have them either at master or at replica. If they 
would be at master, there is IMHO no much point to have them also at 
replica. Having master sets copied over to replica would allow easy 
standby solutions that could be harder to have if these would not be the 
same at both sides. Supporting filters at replica is IMHO only interim 
solution for sharding while multiple sets and filters are not supported 
at master. So I'd rather have all such multiple sets and filters at 
master (copied over to replicas) where they could be more easily managed 
than having different ones scattered all around. That way we could have 
both, sharding and standby in one shot and much trouble.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Replication: declarative control

2019-02-21 Thread Pavel Cisar


Generally, I like the DDL approach more than using the configuration 
file. Additional benefit to ones listed is possibility to create various 
front-ends for replication configuration / integration of such 
functionality into existing Firebird management tools.

Comments to specific question inline...

Dne 21. 02. 19 v 9:14 Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):

One thing I'm worried about is whether it's enough to have a single 
global replication set or maybe it's useful to have many independent 
replication sets. How they can be used, for example:

It would be nice to has such feature in future.

1) Two slightly different global replications sets are defined, only one 
of them is active at a time, but we can switch between them (e.g. via 
enable/disable commands)

Hmm, can see an use case for it that would solve some problem and not 
cause trouble at the same time. I sense a great potential for users to 
shoot themselves to foot.

2) Different tables (separated by some rule) are included into different 
replication sets which are all active together, their intersection is 
used by the CDC publisher. This may be useful if these replication sets 
has some declarative customizations (see below).

This would be certainly valuable.

3) Different replication sets are declared as intended for different CDC 
plugins. This implies that multiple CDC plugins may be configured 
independently. In this cases the CDC publisher checks the source (table) 
against the target (plugin) before sending the changes.

This is certainly interesting. I can imagine a business case for a CDC 
plugin that does data stream processing instead persistence to some kind 
of replica.

Second, IMHO declaring tables as "publishable" via CREATE|ALTER TABLE is 
too restrictive. I'd rather manage the replication set using some global 
commands, be it ALTER DATABASE or something different, allowing to 
include/exclude all tables at once, or comma-separated list of tables, 
or maybe tables by mask (regexp?). Of course, both SQL solutions 
(database level and table level) may co-exist.

Agreed. However, would be database and table level definitions 
independent, or would we translate database level to batch of table 
ones? First would allow independent revocation but would complicate 

Finally, if we consider the replication set being a filter, it may be 
also useful to limit the published change set to some particular 
operations (INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE) or even some particular rows (WHERE 
filter). I doubt this is useful for replication per se, but this may 
allow something similar to "change views" in InterBase, currently with a 
CDC plugin acting as a client, but perhaps it could be extended later to 
interact with the real client application.

This would be certainly interesting. It would allow data sharding and 
all sorts of various interesting "utilizations" of replication plumbing 
for other things than just replication itself.

And one partially related question from another angle: does it make 
sense to implement also replica-side declarative filtering? I mean the 
case where changes for all tables are journaled but for some reason only 
some tables should be applied to replica - e.g. two independent replicas 
with different filters but replicated from the same master journal (to 
avoid double journaling). If this feature is desirable, then how should 
the master-side filter (replication set) co-exist with the replica-side 

It's tempting, but I see potential for problems. If we would allow 
multiple sets & filters at master node, there is no need to have them at 
replica. And if replica would have different definitions than master, 
then it's not possible to replace master with replica in recovery 
scenario. It could be an interim solution for absence of multiple sets & 
filters on master, but it would be hard to deprecate them once we 
implement such master solution.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] What is the cause for isc_login_changed errror?

2019-02-13 Thread Pavel Cisar

Sorry, can you explain better. I wonder what configuration caused an error.

Wrong order of authentication methods for client and server, along with 
WireCrypt parameters. We would detect that earlier if some sneaky weasel 
would not play with the config behind our back.


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] What is the cause for isc_login_changed errror?

2019-02-13 Thread Pavel Cisar


problem solved, it was a configuration issue after all. Sorry for false 


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] What is the cause for isc_login_changed errror?

2019-02-13 Thread Pavel Cisar


> login name and for what plugins is it present in user's list.

Could you please explain this sentence? What plugins and user's list do 
you mean here?


Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] What is the cause for isc_login_changed errror?

2019-02-13 Thread Pavel Cisar

Hi all,

could anyone explain me what may cause the isc_login_changed error in FB 
3 for non-sysdba users? (login works ok for sysdba) It's raised in 
server.cpp: ServerAuth->accept()

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Introducing Firebird Butler

2019-01-31 Thread Pavel Cisar
We are pleased to announce a significant extension of the Firebird 
project to a whole new area. Starting in February 2019, alongside the 
core (Fierbird database system) and database drivers, a completely new 
division called Firebird Butler is integrated into the project. The 
purpose of the Butler division is to develop and provide solutions to 
various Firebird-related challenges faced by Firebird administrators and 
application developers that, for practical reasons, are not addressed by 
the core Firebird distribution.

The primary aim of Firebird Butler is to create a development platform 
and develop a set of basic solutions to manage Firebird installations of 
any size, structure and complexity.  The emphasis is on large corporate 
installations but the scope and ambitions of the Firebird Butler project 
are much broader:  we would like to initiate development of an entire 
open source ecosystem of projects and other products, including 
commercial ones, in various languages. Projects could encompass not just 
the planned new services, but alternative implementations of the 
standard services as well. Moreover, the Firebird Butler Development 
Platform should become a solid foundation for development of any 
applications that use Service Oriented Architecture and messaging.

For a closer look at the project goals and strategies, please read the 
"Introduction to Firebird Butler" at

Although the project is only in the early stages of development, we 
encourage you to take a close look at what we have and where we are 
going. The project is completely open, and we will welcome anyone, 
individuals or organizations, who is interested in the objectives and 
strategy of the project and wishes to participate in its development, in 
a common or entirely private capacity, or to become its sponsor.

Firebird Butler also presents a great opportunity for developers with 
experience in Python, Java, FreePascal, Delphi, C# or other languages to 
get involved in Firebird project activities.

The Firebird Project Team

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance - 2.5 vs 3.0 vs 4.0

2019-01-21 Thread Pavel Cisar


I think that there is enough evidence (provided from various sources, 
incl. this comparison) that 2.5 is still "significantly" (i.e. not in 
range that should be ignored) faster than 3.0. If 4.0 is even worse than 
3.0, it's another indicator that profiling is needed to identify the 
problem spots.

Gabor, do you think that you can create profiling logs from your tests 

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] User-defined aggregate functions

2018-10-01 Thread Pavel Cisar


Aggregate UDF's are nice, but I think it's a mistake to think about them 
only in classic COUNT(), AVG(), SUM() etc. context. Why we don't look at 
them in more general way?

Aggregates loop over input set and produce single value. Right now we do 
UDF-like aggregates inside PSQL SP using FOR SELECT loops or CURSORs. 
Moving the cursor definition up from SP/Func body to the caller would 
not only extend the flexibility of this aggregating procedures, but 
would allows seamless integration into GROUP BY and other contexts 
suitable for aggregation tasks.

If we would introduce new parameter type -> the cursor, it would be 
perfect fit for enhanced FOR loop that could accept the cursor variable 
instead literal SQL statement. No need for SUSPEND, the UDF execution 
would be self-contained and with single invocation within given context. 
The input parameter could be provided by engine (as part of group by or 
other processing) or other UDF (we can already create cursors in PSQL 
using DECLARE CURSOR, and if we would extend it to allow creation of 
unassigned cursor variable and the possibility to store the EXECUTE 
STATEMENT handle into such CURSOR variable, it could be even more 
powerful). That way it could be easily comprehended general feature with 
simple rules and methods of invocation that could be used in various 
contexts and for various purposes.

Aggregates could produce various single-value outputs, for example 
frequency distributions using an array, percent represented by string 
(number of # in fixed count of chars, as literal string etc.), they 
could produce hashes, JSON packets, URI path names etc.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5812) Extending varchar domain leaves old smaller size in PSQL BLR

2018-05-03 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Extending varchar domain leaves old smaller size in PSQL BLR

 Key: CORE-5812
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 2.5.8
 Environment: First detected on this env:
WI-V2.5.7.27050 Firebird 2.5 classic
windows 10
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Consistently reproducible test case:

create domain dmn varchar(1);
create table tbl(fld dmn);

set term ^;
create procedure sp
returns (fld dmn)
as begin
  for select case when 1=1 then fld else 'x' end from tbl into :fld
  do begin
set term ;^

alter domain dmn type varchar(2);

insert into tbl (fld) values ('12');

set term ^;
alter procedure sp
returns (fld dmn)
as begin
  select fld from tbl into :fld; /* select field uses new domain type 
varchar(2) */
set term ;^

select * from sp; /*no exception*/

set term ^;
alter procedure sp
returns (fld dmn)
as begin
  select case when 1=1 then fld else 'x' end from tbl into :fld;  /* case when 
fld still uses old domain type varchar(1) in BLR */
set term ;^

select * from sp; /*string truncation*/


select * from sp; /*still string truncation*/

set term ^;
alter procedure sp
returns (fld dmn)
as begin
  select case when 1=1 then fld else 'x' end from tbl into :fld;  /* after 
reconnect 'case when fld' starts to use new domain type varchar(2) in BLR */
set term ;^

select * from sp; /*no more exception*/

drop procedure sp;
drop table tbl;
drop domain dmn;

--- Initial comment from Vlad Khorsun:

The issue is related with metadata caching (it was obvious). There is no cache 
of domains, but there is cache of relations and cached relations
(of course) have fields with data types. When domain definition changed, 
relations in cache are not invalidated. Thus, SQL parser uses old data
type (not domain based, just raw data type) when handle procedure text. In 
particular, it CAST result of CASE expression to the VARCHAR(1) data
type. You may see in generated BLR something like

blr_cast, blr_varying2, 0,0, 1,0,

Later, when engine executed query, it knows real data type for the relation
field (VARCHAR(2)) but should CAST it to the VARCHAR(1) - here it raised
"string right truncation" error.

So far i see no quick way to fix it, sorry

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5731) 'type of column' error message improvements

2018-01-31 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
'type of column' error message improvements

 Key: CORE-5731
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Improvement
Affects Versions: 2.5.8, 3.0.2
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

after misspelling table in 'type of column' declaration
error message begins with 'column does not exists',
thus developers start looking for problems in wrong place (columns),
and it may take a while to spot real error (table), e.g.:

set term ^ ;
create or alter procedure test_err
  declare variable var type of column tbl.fld;
   select fld from tbl into :var;
set term ; ^

/*column FLD does not exist in table/view TBL*/

would it be possible to improve error messages
and make it work like in 'select' statements (table has priority over columns):

select fld from tbl;

/*-Table unknown

select fld from rdb$database;

/*-Column unknown

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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5617) Limit for Event table size

2017-09-19 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Limit for Event table size

 Key: CORE-5617
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.5.8, 3.0.3, 4.0 Beta 1
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Event table can grow without limits. This may lead to crash or server may hang, 
especially when badly written application registers interest to events in 
uncontrolled way (quick loop etc.). Engine should prevent this situation by 
imposing a hard limit to event table size, preferably as configurable value.

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engaging tech sites,!
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5406) Wrong comparison of value with control character

2016-11-25 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Wrong comparison of value with control character

 Key: CORE-5406
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 2.5.6
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

When column contains trailing control character  (#13) then result of 
comparison depends on the presence of index on this column.

Script to reproduce:

PK integer primary key,
C1 CHAR(10),

INSERT INTO T (PK, C1, C2) VALUES (1,'C1#','C1#');
INSERT INTO T (PK, C1, C2) VALUES (2,'C2#','C2#');
 VALUES (3,'C2#' || ascii_char(13),
 'C2#' || ascii_char(13));
 VALUES (4,'C1#' || ascii_char(13),
 'C1#' || ascii_char(13));


SELECT a.*,char_length(c1),char_length(c2) FROM T a;


 == == = =
  1 C1#  C1#
  2 C2#  C2#
  3 C2#  C2#
  4 C1#  C1#

SELECT a.*,char_length(c1),char_length(c2) FROM T a WHERE C1 <= 'C1#';

 == == = =
  1 C1#   C1#   
 10 3 
  4 C1#   C1#   
 10 4 

SELECT a.*,char_length(c1),char_length(c2) FROM T a WHERE C2 <= 'C1#';

 == == = =
  1 C1#   C1#   
 10 3 
  4 C1#   C1#   
 10 4 



SELECT a.*,char_length(c1),char_length(c2) FROM T a WHERE C1 <= 'C1#';

 == == = =
  1 C1#   C1#   
 10 3 

SELECT a.*,char_length(c1),char_length(c2) FROM T a WHERE C2 <= 'C1#';

 == == = =
  1 C1#   C1#   
 10 3 

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5354) Incorrect line number is shown in call stack

2016-09-22 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Incorrect line number is shown in call stack

 Key: CORE-5354
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 2.5.6
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Sample code below demonstrates incorrect line number in call stack.

Commenting out 'first 5' in another 'select' statement above
(in the code block which is not even executed)
fixes the line number shown in call stack.

(removing works the same as commenting out)

Some stored procedures are quite big and it would be really helpful
to know correct line number in case of similar errors.

set term ^;
create or alter procedure tmp_sp
returns (i integer )
  declare variable j integer;
  if (1=2) then begin
for select first 5 RDB$TYPE from RDB$TYPES into :j /* not executed, comment 
out `first 5` to get correct line number in call stack */
do begin
  /* ... */
  else if (1=1) then begin
Select RDB$TYPE from RDB$TYPES into :j; /* line 13, multiple rows exception 
happens here */
/* ... */
  end else if (2=3) then begin
/* ... */
end /* line 20, call stack shows this line when `first 5` is used above */
set term ;^

select * from tmp_sp; /* should raise multiple rows exception at line 13, not 
20 */
/*multiple rows in singleton select
-At procedure 'TMP_SP' line: 20, col: 1*/

drop procedure tmp_sp;

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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] RFC: Timeouts

2016-08-18 Thread Pavel Cisar

that's very neat idea. +1

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 18.8.2016 v 12:04 liviuslivius napsal(a):
> If i can start general discussion..
> do you really use such feature in real systems?
> I saw this in MSSQL environment and what was advice of DBA when someone reach 
> timeout?
> Increase timeout settings...
> Kiling statement or transaction is not good as a general solution
> It must be customized for situations.
> I suppose better feature will be "timeout messaging" - something like
> and inside it we have access to MON$ tables and we can cancel statement, 
> transaction if we need.
> Inside we can check e.g. individual context variables which eovercome some 
> default settings.
> We can post event and some admin client application can take some action
> i suppose you can run into more samples
> P.S.
> What about statements executing query to external database by EXECUTE 
> regards,
> Karol Bieniaszewski
> --
> Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] How an RDB$ index can be rebuilt in 3.0 ?

2016-05-19 Thread Pavel Cisar

An RDB$INDEX_* is typically an automatically created one for constraint. 
So you have to identify the constraint, drop it and then recreate it.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 18.5.2016 v 21:03 Pavel Zotov napsal(a):
> This question arised while discussion of CORE-5242. Vlad recommended me to ask
> this here:
> ===
> SQL> select rdb$index_name from rdb$indices where
> rdb$relation_name='RDB$DEPENDENCIES';
> ===
> Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
> unsuccessful metadata update
> ===
> So, how can some RDB$-index be repaired in 3.0 if this annoyance will occur ?
> --
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> Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird Conference 2016

2016-05-06 Thread Pavel Cisar

Yes, it's planned and we're working on it. So far we have a place and 
date: Prague, Barcelo hotel, 7th-8th October 2016. Stay tuned, the 
official announcement with all details should come later in May or early 
in June.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 6.5.2016 v 10:00 marius adrian popa napsal(a):
> Hello ,
> Do we know the location or date for Firebird Conference this year ?

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Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5201) Return result code 1 when restore fails on activating and creating deferred user index

2016-04-20 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Return result code 1 when restore fails on activating and creating deferred 
user index

 Key: CORE-5201
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: GBAK
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

When restore fails to activate (and recreate) deferred index (typically due to 
insufficient temporary disk space), gbak returns FAIL result code (1) only when 
failed index is related to referential constraint. Failed user index is 
reported only to stderr (log if captured) but gbak returns result code 0. When 
restore is managed by script(s), it's not possible to easily detect this 
situation, and it's possible that database could be used with inactive index in 

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Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Physical replication using NBACKUP

2016-03-24 Thread Pavel Cisar

May I suggest to add isc_info_* code to query the backup GUID via 
isc_database_info()? Parsing gstat output for it is very awful. New 
nbackup switches and options should be also handled by services API.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Transform Data into Opportunity.
Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
Click to learn more.
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] GitHub

2016-03-14 Thread Pavel Cisar

For qa we only need these projects: (qa tools) (formerly fbt-repository - 
this is repository with tests and other data used by qa tools)

"benchmark" is very old and probably outdated. I need to check it 
someday if it's worth to carry on and can stay in svn for now.
"qmtest" is deprecated and should not be moved.

best regards

Dne 13.3.2016 v 21:16 Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):
> 13.03.2016 19:10, Egor Pugin wrote:
>> As I understand 'qa' in svn is a directory, not a project. Github does
>> not support hierarchical structure. In 'qa' dir there are some repos:
>> 'benchmark', 'fbtest', 'fbt-repository' etc.
>> So, you'll have:
>> (fine)
>> (fine)
>> (bad, 'repository' is
> I think they need to share a common prefix:
> etc
> or
> etc
> As for benchmarks, maybe they deserve a "root namespace" repo:
> Dmitry
> --
> Transform Data into Opportunity.
> Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
> Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
> Click to learn more.
> Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

Transform Data into Opportunity.
Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
Click to learn more.
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-5078) "Invalid BLOB ID" error

2016-01-20 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
"Invalid BLOB ID" error

 Key: CORE-5078
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.5.5, 2.5.4, 2.5.3 Update 1, 2.5.3, 2.5.2
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

After we switched couple columns from big varchar to blob one customer
reported 'Invalid BLOB ID' error. Unfortunately we were not able to
notice any pattern to explain what could be causing it thus we were not
able to create test case from scratch. Luckily we were able to strip
client DB down to one simplified SP (and three tables) where it happens
every time for us on 64 bit classic firebird 2.5.5 on windows
(32 bit 2.5.2/3/4/5 fb works fine, 64 bit 2.5.2/3/4/5 on windows and
2.5.3 on linux also generates error here). DB backup file is attached,
executing 'select * from do_changeTxStatus;' causes the error. SP code
and results we get follow below. SP code is made by combining multiple other
SPs and triggers, and then stripped down as much as possible, so the
code may not make any sense, it's just to demonstrate the error

set term ^;
create or alter procedure do_changeTxStatus
returns (info varchar(20), UPDCNT INTEGER, trans integer, subs integer,
MsgType integer, notifyParams integer)
  declare variable tmpmessage blob;
  for select trans, subs
from trans
order by trans -- or 'subs desc' generates error, 'trans desc' or 'subs' -- 
no error
into :trans, :subs
  do begin
for select distinct MsgType --removing distinct eliminates error
from NotifyParams p
where sscTableKey = :Subs
into :MsgType
  do begin
  info='assigning blob';
  tmpmessage='1606=222=333'; -- eliminating temp variable 
eliminates error
  for select p.notifyParams
 from NotifyParams p
 where p.sscTableKey = :Subs
 into :notifyParams
   do begin
info='inserting blob';
insert into PendingSC (pendingSc, Priority, CommandBlob)
  values (GEN_ID(GENID_PENDINGSC, 1), 500, :tmpMessage);
set term ;^

select * from do_changeTxStatus;


assigning blob  0  1361557 1449 2525   

inserting blob  1  1361557 1449 2525
assigning blob  1  1361558 7955 2525
inserting blob  2  1361558 7955 2525
assigning blob  2  1361563 6707 2525
inserting blob  3  1361563 6707 2525
assigning blob  3  1361564 1502 2524
inserting blob  4  1361564 1502 2524
inserting blob  5  1361564 1502 2524
inserting blob  6  1361564 1502 2524
inserting blob  7  1361564 1502 2524
assigning blob  7  1361564 1502 2525
inserting blob  8  1361564 1502 2525
inserting blob  9  1361564 1502 2525
inserting blob 10  1361564 1502 2525
inserting blob 11  1361564 1502 2525
assigning blob 11  1361566 7021 2525
inserting blob 12  1361566 7021 2525
assigning blob 12  1361569 6614 2525
inserting blob 13  1361569 6614 2525
assigning blob 13  1361570 8303 2525
inserting blob 14  1361570 8303 2525
assigning blob 14  1361572 7917 2525
inserting blob 15  1361572 7917 2525
assigning blob 15  1361573 7523 2525
inserting blob 16  1361573 7523 2525
assigning blob   

[Firebird-devel] Literals in CASE expression

2016-01-05 Thread Pavel Cisar
Hi all,

We have an annoying little problem. The visible manifestation is that 
literals in CASE expressions could be padded with spaces.

Here is simplified example:

set term ^;
create procedure tmp_sp(pParam integer)
returns (selectionIf varchar(40), selectionCase varchar(40))
   declare variable color varchar(10);
   if (pParam=1) then color='red';
   else if (pParam=2) then color='yellow';
   selectionIf='You have selected '||:color||' bag';

   color=case :pParam when 1 then 'red' when 2 then 'yellow' end;
   selectionCase='You have selected '||:color||' bag';
set term ;^

select * from tmp_sp(1);

You have selected red bag   You have selected redbag

drop procedure tmp_sp;


Padding with spaces is not a bug! Spaces are there because string 
literals are CHARs, NOT VARCHARs. This is required by SQL standard.

Relevant except from SQL standard:

5 Lexical elements

Syntax Rules
15) The declared type of a  is fixed-length
character string. The length of a  is the
number of s that it contains.


6 Scalar expressions

Syntax Rules
7) The declared type of a  is determined by applying
Subclause 9.3, ‘‘Data types of results of aggregations’’, to the declared
types of all s in the .

9 Additional common rules

9.3 Data types of results of aggregations
Syntax Rules
3) Case:
a) If any of the data types in DTS is character string, then:
iii) Case:
1) If any of the data types in DTS is character large object string,
then the result data type is character large object string with
maximum length in characters equal to the maximum of the lengths in
characters and maximum lengths in characters of the data types in DTS.

2) If any of the data types in DTS is variable-length character string,
then the result data type is variable-length character string with
maximum length in characters equal to the maximum of the lengths in
characters and maximum lengths in characters of the data types in DTS.

3) Otherwise, the result data type is fixed-length character string with
length in characters equal to the maximum of the lengths in characters
of the data types in DTS.

To sum it up, standard dictates that literals are CHARs, aggregated 
values has length of longest one and because CHARs are padded with 
spaces to declared length, we have such stupid output in CASE. Sure, it 
could be easily "fixed" with CAST or TRIM, but it's extremely annoying 
to do so. And if there is any real world case when CHAR is the right 
type for literals and VARCHAR the wrong one, I can't see it and would be 
glad to be enlightened by someone else.

You may ask why I'm raising this issue here when Firebird's policy is to 
follow SQL standard whenever possible (even with stupid requirements), 
so annoying or not, we have to live with it. BUT... other databases are 
not so strict here, break the stupid standard requirement and use 
VARCHAR instead CHAR, for example:

MS SQLServer 2012:

SELECT 'a'+case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' end+'b' 

a1 b
(1 row(s) affected)

mySQL 5.6:

select concat('a', case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' 
end, 'b') from tmp;
| concat('a', case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' end, 'b') |
|  a1 b |

oracle (not sure which version, provided by

SELECT 'a'||case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' end||'b' 
FROM world
a1 b

PostgreSQL (not sure which version, provided by

select concat('a', case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' 
end, 'b') from   world
a1 b

db2 (not sure which version, provided by

SELECT 'a'||case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' end||'b' 
FROM world
a1 b

So Firebird stands out from the flock here with:

SELECT 'a'||case 1 when 1 then '1 ' when 2 then '222' end||'b' 
FROM rdb$database;
a1  b


So Firebird behavior is even more annoying when you (have to or was used 
to) work with other databases.

My question is: Could we sacrifice the standard compliance a little bit 
by using VARCHAR instead CHAR (length rules remain the same!) as others 
do? Because following the standard here really doesn't work in our favor 
in this particular case.

My personal vote is for relaxing the rules and use VARCHAR. What is your 

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-4691) Wrong database location resolution when DatabaseAccess restriced to specified directories

2015-02-12 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Wrong database location resolution when DatabaseAccess restriced to specified 

 Key: CORE-4691
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: GSTAT
Affects Versions: 2.5.3 Update 1, 2.5.3, 2.5.2 Update 1, 2.5.2, 2.5.1, 2.5.0
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

gstat (without user/pwd parameters, just -h header scan) doesn't open database 
in CWD when db filename is specified without full path and filename is located 
in directory listed in DatabaseAccess spec.


srv:/ssd # /opt/firebird/bin/gstat -h mydb.fdb
Database "/sata/mydb.fdb"

when specifying path it opens correct file:
srv:/ssd # /opt/firebird/bin/gstat -h /ssd/mydb.fdb
Database "/ssd/mydb.fdb"

DatabaseAccess = Restrict /data/db;/data/db2;/sata;/ssd;/ramfs

gstat tries to resolve the given filename via aliases.conf in order to support 
aliases. In 2.5 it was intended that ResolveDatabaseAlias() routine was 
modified to transform relative paths via DatabaseAccess. But it should have 
been done only for the engine, not for utilities that also use 

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-4642) Can't connect to database without path from CWD when DatabaseAccess is restricted

2014-12-19 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Can't connect to database without path from CWD when DatabaseAccess is 

 Key: CORE-4642
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.5.3 Update 1, 2.5.3
 Environment: Firebird Classic, local/embedded access on Linux

Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Minor

When DatabaseAccess configuration option is set to Restrict, an attempt to 
connect to database file located in CWD without path fails if database is not 
located in restricted directory-root but in subdirectory

DatabaseAccess = Restrict /home/data

/home/data/db # /opt/firebird/bin/isql database.fdb -user sysdba -pas masterkey

Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
I/O error during "open" operation for file "database.fdb"
-Error while trying to open file
-No such file or directory

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 daily build and test broken

2014-11-24 Thread Pavel Cisar

I'd gladly look into it, but I can't test it. It works for 2.5.3 and I 
can't install latest 3.0 as there is no 64-bit Linux build, and Alpha 2 
doesn't work on my openSUSE 13.1 (problem with icu).

best regards

Dne 24.11.2014 v 10:13 Philippe Makowski napsal(a):
> The bug is in Python fdb driver
> If I launch test suite with fdb at svn rev 59844
> then, no crash
> Pavel your latest changes in fdb lead to regression, FDB v1.4.2 (actual
> trunk) crash during Firebird test suite
> --
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-4578) INPUT file not properly closed

2014-10-15 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
INPUT file not properly closed

 Key: CORE-4578
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: ISQL
Affects Versions: 2.5.3
 Environment: Windows XP
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

This is regression from previous versions.

File used as input for isql commands can't be deleted before isql session ends.

Users executing isql scripts that use temporary command input files (typically 
created as isql output stored in file) can't delete those in the same script.

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[Firebird-devel] FB 3.0 New API missing in alpha1?

2013-07-05 Thread Pavel Cisar
Hi all,

I can't find Provider.h in Alpha1 Linux package. It's intentional (new 
API not ready for testing) or not (packaging error)?

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3.0 Alpha 1 issues

2013-07-04 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 3.7.2013 20:30, Alex Peshkov napsal(a):
> 03.07.2013 19:04, Pavel Cisar пишет:
>> Hi,
>> Well, I have discovered that 3.0 Linux installation script doesn't
>> install FB as server
> ???
> May be default connection is embedded?

Yes, it's embedded. I'm ok with it if i would know, but there is no 
information about it in release notes or in any doc. file included. It 
was also disappointing that init.d control script was not installed, and 
if it's even part of installation, I didn't found it. But what the hell, 
it' alpha :)


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3.0 Alpha 1 issues

2013-07-03 Thread Pavel Cisar

Well, I have discovered that 3.0 Linux installation script doesn't 
install FB as server, so without host specification it works as embedded 
(that was new for me), so all reported issues were for embedded (Linux 
64-bit). Now I have report also for server. Note, that all reported 
issues are regressions.

Dne 1.7.2013 15:33, Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):
> 01.07.2013 17:14, Pavel Cisar wrote:
>> 1. cursor.rowcount (isc_dsql_sql_info with isc_info_sql_records) returns
>> 1 instead expected 6
>> cur.execute('select * from project')
>> self.assertEqual(cur.rowcount,0)
>> cur.fetchone()
>> self.assertEqual(cur.rowcount,6)  <--
> Correct for embedded connections (no record prefetch), incorrect for
> remote connections (including localhost).

Confirmed, test adapted.

>> mon$remote_address, mon$remote_pid, mon$remote_process.
> Correct for embedded connections (no network layer involved), incorrect
> for remote connections (including localhost).

Confirmed, test adapted.

>> 3. Unexpected RDB$VALID_BLR = True on stored procedure in database
>> restored by v3.0
> Why is it unexpected?

Sorry, my bad. True is of course correct. I was misguided because FB < 
3.0 returns NONE.

>> 4. Can't get list of users via services API. Returns:
>> Unable to perform the requested Service API action:
>> - SQLCODE: -901
>> - unrecognized service parameter block
>> - All services except for getting server log require switches'
>> -901
>> 335544562
>> BTW, Flamerobin fails with the same error on attempt to get list of
>> users from server.

Also fails with localhost. I suppose it's a bug.

>> 5. Call to isc_service_query with isc_info_svc_running raises error:
>> Services/isc_service_query:
>> - SQLCODE: -901
>> - invalid service handle'
>> -901
>> 335544559
>> Service handle is valid. This call fails ONLY before some actions are
>> requested (via isc_service_start),
>> for example isc_action_svc_get_ib_log. Once any service is started,
>> isc_service_query starts to work properly.
> Sounds like a bug.

Indeed. Result from localhost could give you a hint, as it fails with 
other error:

- SQLCODE: -902
- Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database 
administrator to set up a Firebird login.
- No auth of running service

6. Working with limbo transactions (real ones, test using DT carefully 
crafted, works in FB < 3.0) causes problems, needs further investigations.
Asking for limbo id succeeds for first database, but fails when asking 
for second ones.
ids2 = svc.get_limbo_transaction_ids(self.db2) ->
Exception: OperationalError: ('Unable to perform the requested Service 
API action:\n- SQLCODE: -902\n- Your user name and password are not 
defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.\n- 
Client error - database name does not match', -902, 335544472)

7. With localhost (embedded is fine), tests test_restore and 
test_nrestore fail with:

Unable to perform the requested Service API action:
- SQLCODE: -902
- Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database 
administrator to set up a Firebird login.
- Client error - database name does not match

best regards
Pavel Cisar

This email is sponsored by Windows:

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[Firebird-devel] Firebird 3.0 Alpha 1 issues

2013-07-01 Thread Pavel Cisar

Next issues were discovered via FDB test suite. Tested on 64-bit Linux, 
default configuration (i.e. vanila install from tar.gz).

1. cursor.rowcount (isc_dsql_sql_info with isc_info_sql_records) returns 
1 instead expected 6

cur.execute('select * from project')
self.assertEqual(cur.rowcount,6)  <--

mon$remote_address, mon$remote_pid, mon$remote_process.

3. Unexpected RDB$VALID_BLR = True on stored procedure in database 
restored by v3.0

4. Can't get list of users via services API. Returns:

Unable to perform the requested Service API action:
- SQLCODE: -901
- unrecognized service parameter block
- All services except for getting server log require switches'


BTW, Flamerobin fails with the same error on attempt to get list of 
users from server.

5. Call to isc_service_query with isc_info_svc_running raises error:

- SQLCODE: -901
- invalid service handle'


Service handle is valid. This call fails ONLY before some actions are 
requested (via isc_service_start),
for example isc_action_svc_get_ib_log. Once any service is started, 
isc_service_query starts to work properly.

Other isc_service_query items except isc_info_svc_running work fine, for 
example query for isc_info_svc_server_version.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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Re: [Firebird-devel] RFC: human-readable DBKEY

2013-04-04 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 5.4.2013 08:04, Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):
> All,
> I'd like to propose some ways to convert DBKEY into a human-readable
> form but still be able to quickly (without a full table scan) access the
> record via its human-readable DBKEY.
> Primarily, it could be used to report a unique id of the offending
> record in error messages allowing users to easily locate that record.
> But it could be used for other purposes as well.
> So far I can think of two solutions:
> 1) Add two symmetric built-in functions: DBKEY_TO_CHAR and
> CHAR_TO_DBKEY. The former one would return the predefined hex-encoded
> textual representation of the DBKEY while the latter one would perform
> the opposite transformation. So one would need to SELECT
> DBKEY_TO_CHAR(RDB$DB_KEY) ... (or just copy'n'paste from the error
> message) and then SELECT ... WHERE RDB$DB_KEY = CHAR_TO_DBKEY(?).
> 2) Add pseudo-column RDB$RECORD_NUMBER which would return rpb_number as
> BIGINT (can be easily converted from/to text). Modify the engine so that
> search for RDB$RECORD_NUMBER would work similar to the searching for
> RDB$DB_KEY i.e. use a fast positioned table access.
> Opinions? Any other suggestions?

I like 1) more.


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird new release is needed

2013-03-18 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 15.3.2013 14:08, Alex Peshkoff napsal(a):
> Pavel, why do you think we need QA after with the single one-line patch?
> IMO check for installability (avoid network errors) is enough.
> The main reason for releasing that versions is avoiding QA and long
> release notes cycle. (yes, we need new release notes but with singe line
> change do not need a lot of versions after reviews in the lists).

Depends on how strong the QA should be. In rigid QA terms, you can't be 
sure it's ok until you test it, period. Even if you will not change any 
source line, new build is new "beast" (as something may go wrong in 
build process, or packaging or whatever). Regardless your expectations, 
you can't be sure. That's the point of QA approval stamp - users can be 
sure (to certain degree set by QA process) that this particular binary 
is ok, nothing more and nothing less.

So, if we'll test only packaging and installation, people could be sure 
that it could be unpacked and installed, nothing more and nothing less. 
I agree that all could expect with high level of certainty that it will 
be generally ok as the previous build, and this might be ok for 99.99% 
of users, but if I'd be admin of FB installation in bank for example, 
I'd not trust it as previous build, as it was not "fully" QA'ed.

Anyway, I'm ok with "soft" QA on this one IF it would be announced as such.


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird new release is needed

2013-03-15 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 15.3.2013 12:53, Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):
> All,
> I see only two choices good enough for considering:
> a) Release and (suffixed with "Security Update
> 1"), don't mark it as a separate release but replace the binaries with
> the new version (like we did for the "bad" builds in the past).
> The question here is whether we need to publish the fixed v2.0.7 as
> well. It's discontinued but present on our website home page.
> b) Defer the security patch till 2.1.6 and 2.5.3 but try releasing them
> earlier than scheduled originally. IMO, this is easier to do with v2.5.3
> which is currently scheduled for Q2 and already has enough bugfixes than
> for v2.1.6 that is expected to appear in late summer and still counts
> only 11 bugfixes.

 From QA perspective there is small difference between both. As we will 
have to run full QA on both versions at the same time (so expect it will 
take twice as much time as normally when we have only one at hand). 
However, B) means we will not run another round for 2.5.3 shortly after 
this one. If there are not enough fixes to roll out 2.1.6, then how 
about mixed scenario (2.5.3 + 2.1.5 with suffix)?


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[Firebird-devel] Fwd: SourceForge Repo Clone Complete

2012-12-16 Thread Pavel Cisar

 Původní zpráva 
Předmět:SourceForge Repo Clone Complete
Datum:  Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:20:34 +
Přeposláno - Komu:

Your cloned repository code in project firebird is now ready for use.

Old repository url:

New repository checkout command: svn checkout --username=pcisar
svn+ssh:// firebird-code

You and any other developers should do a fresh checkout using the new
repository location.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Upgrade of Firebird project to new Allura platform

2012-12-16 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 16.12.2012 10:50, Alex Peshkoff napsal(a):
> On 12/16/12 13:43, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>> On 12/16/12 12:53, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>>> On 15-12-2012 12:46, Pavel Cisar wrote:
>>>> Mark,
>>>> Core upgrade is already finished, now it migrates code repositories
>>>> (don't know how long it will take as ours are huge). Project developers
>>>> should get an automatic e-mail when it's done. I'll forward it here too
>>>> for others.
>>> Is there any indication of progress? Because it has already taken 22
>>> hours... That is a bit long in my book.
>> Appears a bit strange - but old repository still works for me.
> Ahh - understood. It's RO now. And status is still  importing...
> Pavel, is not it time to ask SF for support? I understand that our repo
> is big, but at least it's 2012 now, and servers are fast.

I have created support ticket for that.


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Upgrade of Firebird project to new Allura platform

2012-12-15 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 15.12.2012 12:50, Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):
> Yes, I just received an e-mail that the migration was done and that it
> now started on the repositories. I guess that will take a while.
> That e-mail says "That means that you and any other developers should do
> a fresh checkout using the new repository location when it is ready".
> With Subversion you can switch (relocate) your repository to a new
> location, any idea why they say you need a fresh checkout?

Generic e-mail, SF supports multiple versioning systems where some 
doesn't support this feature.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Upgrade of Firebird project to new Allura platform

2012-12-15 Thread Pavel Cisar

Core upgrade is already finished, now it migrates code repositories 
(don't know how long it will take as ours are huge). Project developers 
should get an automatic e-mail when it's done. I'll forward it here too 
for others.


Dne 15.12.2012 12:30, Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):
> At what time do you start (or if you already started: finish)?

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[Firebird-devel] Upgrade of Firebird project to new Allura platform

2012-12-12 Thread Pavel Cisar
Hi all,

On (this) Saturday 15th we will upgrade the Firebird project on 
SourceForge to new SourceForge platform. The project facilities (notably 
source repositories) would be temporarily unavailable. There is nothing 
special about the upgrade, but URLs to our source code repositories will 

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Database dialect and BIGINT in metadata

2012-10-31 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 31.10.2012 12:26, Alex Peshkoff napsal(a):
> On 10/31/12 15:03, Pavel Cisar wrote:
> Let me answer. As a minimum - shared pages cache and i.e. better SMP
> support.

But only if you need both of them at the same time, individually they're 
provided by pre-3.0 versions. Anyway, this is just potential benefit, I 
was asking what this application *really* need that only 3.0 can provide 
in situation that it works "just fine" for last twelve years :)


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Database dialect and BIGINT in metadata

2012-10-31 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 31.10.2012 11:40, Dimitry Sibiryakov napsal(a):
> 31.10.2012 11:36, Pavel Cisar wrote:
>> So negative impact would be to very small fraction of FB users, while
>> positive impact would affect the rest.
> Could you tell more about this "positive impact"?..

For example:

1. Cleaner code - less potential for bugs.
2. Resources spent on backward compatibility could be spent on something 
3. New interfaces could be simpler without dialects (if they're not 
D3-only already). Less hassles with old APIs as dialect would be 
(optional) ignored.


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Database dialect and BIGINT in metadata

2012-10-31 Thread Pavel Cisar

Dne 31.10.2012 11:46, Lester Caine napsal(a):
> Pavel Cisar wrote:
>> b) If we will announce the removal of dialect 1 support now, users of
>> dialect 1 planning to switch to FB 3.0 will have at least 1.5 years to
>> adapt their applications (for early adoption) and about 5-7 years as
>> final deadline (when support of last FB version having dialect 1 would
>> be discontinued by*project*). IMHO plenty of time.
> One would think so - but I'm still running systems first installed in the late
> 90's ;) They work just fine still and the customers will not let me change 
> them.
> The current schemas are still compatible with the data from the last century.

But the important question here is whether you plan to switch these 
systems to run on FB 3.0 or not? If you plan to do that and they're 
actually "untouchable", what benefit you expect from the transition to 
FB 3.0?


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Database dialect and BIGINT in metadata

2012-10-31 Thread Pavel Cisar

Well, if removing dialect 1 in FB 3.0 is NOT out of question, I'm 
strongly for its removal (not just deprecation) in 3.0. While some may 
object that it's:

a) violation of our deprecation policy.
b) not advance enough notification to give users time to adapt.

I would like point out that:

a) There is no "project manifest" or "development contract" at our 
website that would codify such deprecation policy. It's just convenient 
routine we decided to follow. So we're not bound to follow it to the 
letter, as there is no such letter and never was.

b) If we will announce the removal of dialect 1 support now, users of 
dialect 1 planning to switch to FB 3.0 will have at least 1.5 years to 
adapt their applications (for early adoption) and about 5-7 years as 
final deadline (when support of last FB version having dialect 1 would 
be discontinued by *project*). IMHO plenty of time.

We should also take into account the impact factor of such move:

a) It's mostly about pre-IB 6.0 applications that were not adapted to 
dialect 3 since then. How many such apps do you think it's still out 
there? Up to 0.01% ?

b) All new applications since IB 6.0 / FB 1.0 are dialect 3 
applications, with very very few exception (if there are any at all).

So negative impact would be to very small fraction of FB users, while 
positive impact would affect the rest.

Over all 12 years of FB development it became clear that *remaining* 
dialect 1 users simply can't switch at all (old legacy app, they 
certainly switch with new app. versions), so giving them another 2 years 
inserting deprecation version before removal will not help them in any 
significant way.

So in my opinion it's ok to announce the removal of dialect 1 in 3.0 
NOW, and do it. Especially when 3.0 is (and was) presented for long time 
as Firebird "reborn" version (new ODS, new API, new architecture etc.) 
and a potential deal-breaker for legacy stuff.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 31.10.2012 10:02, Dmitry Yemanov napsal(a):
> Sorry, I had intended to write:
> "That said, I'm NOT against the idea in general"
> as it should obviously be wiped out sooner rather than later. But this
> is exactly the case when my personal humble opinion conflicts with the
> management one. But let's hear other opinions as well, I'm not a
> dictator ;-)

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3942) Restore from gbak backup using service doesn't report an error

2012-10-02 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Restore from gbak backup using service doesn't report an error

 Key: CORE-3942
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: GBAK
Affects Versions: 2.5.1
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

When database exists and isc_spb_res_create instead isc_spb_res_replace is 
specified, restore using service doesn't report any error, just silently does 

Although not confirmed, could it be a general issue with error reporting from 
gbak service?

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Conversion of CVS to Subversion

2012-07-16 Thread Pavel Cisar

I did the conversion of main Firebird modules to SVN.

Dne 14.7.2012 17:19, Mark Rotteveel napsal(a):
> Now that Jaybird 2.2 is released we want to migrate the CVS client-java
> module to Subversion. Is there any documentation on how this was done
> for firebird?

Nope. As it was one-way, do-once process, there was no point to document 
it. However, I've used cvs2svn (see 
and it wasn't so hard although it took a lot of time. But it took so 
long because the data volume was huge, so every test run took several 
hours. I also did thorough routine tests, as there was no margin for 
error (it was no replace but merge, as SVN was already used for other 
code) and I had to find optimal compromise between history detail (there 
was no point to migrate some ALPHA, BETA or even RC tags) and data 
volume, make changes in structure (CVS is flat while SVN isn't) etc. So 
it took about a month to prepare it, but final execution was over 
weekend. As Jaybird is small code base with not so huge history of 
changes like core engine, it should be much much easier for you. Also 
the cvs2svn evolved a lot since then.

The cvs2svn creates a dump file that could be imported into svn (at 
least it was the way it works back then) via SourceForge shell service. 
Just make shure the import ADDs, not REPLACE the old repository :) It's 
also good to take full svn backup (not chekout) before merge.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3882) Bopen doesn't use BPB to set BLOB type to isc_bpb_type_stream

2012-06-29 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Bopen doesn't use BPB to set BLOB type to isc_bpb_type_stream

 Key: CORE-3882
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: API / Client Library
Affects Versions: 2.1.5, 2.0.7, 2.5.1, 3.0 Initial
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Stream BLOBs are those ones that were *created* with isc_bpb_type_stream in 
Blob Parameter Block. API function Bopen specifically designed to make work 
with stream BLOBs more easy doesn't use BPB at all, so it in fact doesn't 
create/work with stream BLOBs. As a direct consequence of this bug API function 
isc_seek_blob (that works only on true stream BLOBs) will fail with error when 
one uses Bopen/BLOB_put/BLOB_get API family.. 

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3867) Outdated error message

2012-06-13 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Outdated error message

 Key: CORE-3867
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.0.7, 2.5.1, 2.1.4, 2.5.0, 2.0.6, 2.1.3, 2.1.2, 2.0.5, 
2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.1.5
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Minor

Error message for unsupported feature (335544378): ARRAY comparison erroneously 
state that: "BLOB and array data types are not supported for compare 
operation". BLOB comparison is supported at least since 2.1. 

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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (PYFB-12) Support for Trace Service

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Support for Trace Service

 Key: PYFB-12
 Project: Firebird driver for Python
  Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Assignee: Pavel Cisar

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (PYFB-11) Support for Firebird ARRAY datatype

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Support for Firebird ARRAY datatype

 Key: PYFB-11
 Project: Firebird driver for Python
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Assignee: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Minor

Should be interface-compatible to KInterbasDB's implementation.

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (PYFB-8) Support for Firebird EVENTS

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Support for Firebird EVENTS

 Key: PYFB-8
 Project: Firebird driver for Python
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Assignee: Pavel Cisar

Should be interface-compatible to KInterbasDB's implementation..

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new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (PYFB-9) Support for streamed BLOBs

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Support for streamed BLOBs

 Key: PYFB-9
 Project: Firebird driver for Python
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Assignee: Pavel Cisar

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new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (PYFB-10) Support for distributed transactions.

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Support for distributed transactions.

 Key: PYFB-10
 Project: Firebird driver for Python
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Assignee: Pavel Cisar

Should be interface-compatible to KInterbasDB's implementation.

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new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
Intel AppUpSM program developer opportunity.
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Re: [Firebird-devel] File system cache vs. Firebird page cache?

2011-06-10 Thread Pavel Cisar
Dne 10.6.2011 10:41, Thomas Steinmaurer napsal(a):
> Hello,
> has anybody run or has evidence on what type of caching should be 
> preferred in a high-load environment via the MaxFileSystemCache 
> firebird.conf parameter?
> Basically, I'm investigating different things on how to get the best ouf 
> of Firebird via configuration stuff (firebird.conf, page buffers, page 
> size ...)
> Target environment: 2.1 Classic, 2.5 Classic/SuperClassic on Windows.

MaxFileSystemCache is intended for use with SuperServer, where really
big FB cache on top of file system cache could be counter productive.
Classic and SuperClassic work with very small FB cache (to conserve
memory and lower IPC traffic to synchronize them between FB

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3451) Query with SP doesn't accept explicit plan

2011-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Query with SP doesn't accept explicit plan

 Key: CORE-3451
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 2.5.0
Reporter: Pavel Cisar
Priority: Minor

Test query for CORE-3450 doesn't accept explicit execution plan.

select t2.fld1
  from tmp_tbl2 t2
  join tmp_tbl1 t1 on t1.fld1=t2.fld1
  join tmp_sp1 on tmp_sp1.fld1=t1.fld2
  join tmp_tbl3 t3 on t3.fld1=t1.fld3
  where t2.fld2=2
return error:
Engine Code: 335544569
Engine Message :
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Invalid command
there is no alias or table named TMP_SP1 at this scope level

The explicit plan is exactly the one returned for the query.

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demonstrated beyond question. Learn why your peers are replacing JEE 
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3450) Inefficient optimization (regression)

2011-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Inefficient optimization (regression)

 Key: CORE-3450
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.5.0
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Test case:

/* INIT */
create table tmp_tbl1 (fld1 integer, fld2 integer, fld3 integer);
create index tmp_tbl1_fld1 on tmp_tbl1(fld1);
create index tmp_tbl1_fld2 on tmp_tbl1(fld2);

create table tmp_tbl2 (fld1 integer, fld2 integer);
create index tmp_tbl2_fld1 on tmp_tbl2(fld1);
create index tmp_tbl2_fld2 on tmp_tbl2(fld2);

create table tmp_tbl3 (fld1 integer);
create index tmp_tbl3_fld1 on tmp_tbl3(fld1);

set term ^;

create or alter procedure tmp_sp1
returns (fld1 integer)
as begin
end ^

create or alter procedure tmp_sp2
  declare variable I integer;
  while (i<1) do begin
insert into tmp_tbl1 values (:i, 1, 3);
  while (i<10) do begin
insert into tmp_tbl2 values (:i, 2);
  insert into tmp_tbl3 values (3);
end ^

set term ;^


execute procedure tmp_sp2; 


-- Test:

select t2.fld1
  from tmp_tbl2 t2
  join tmp_tbl1 t1 on t1.fld1=t2.fld1
  join tmp_sp1 p1 on p1.fld1=t1.fld2
  join tmp_tbl3 t3 on t3.fld1=t1.fld3
  where t2.fld2=2;

FB 1.5:

Reads = 0
Writes 0
Fetches = 366 

FB 2.5:
(TMP_TBL2_FLD1), T3 INDEX (TMP_TBL3_FLD1)) < different plan 

Reads = 0
Writes 0
Fetches = 40094 <- causes significant performance degradation when executed 
many times under load

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demonstrated beyond question. Learn why your peers are replacing JEE 
containers with lightweight application servers - and what you can gain 
from the move.
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[Firebird-devel] [FB-Tracker] Created: (CORE-3449) Wrong or missing IS NULL optimization (regression)

2011-04-22 Thread Pavel Cisar (JIRA)
Wrong or missing IS NULL optimization (regression)

 Key: CORE-3449
 Project: Firebird Core
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Engine
Affects Versions: 2.5.0
Reporter: Pavel Cisar

Test case:
/* prepare */
create table tmp_tbl1 (fld1 integer, fld2 integer, fld3 integer);
create index tmp_tbl1_fld123 on tmp_tbl1(fld1, fld2, fld3);
create index tmp_tbl1_fld2 on tmp_tbl1(fld2);
set term ^;
create or alter procedure tmp_sp1
  declare variable I integer;
  while (i<1) do begin
insert into tmp_tbl1 values (1, :i, 2);
set term ;^
execute procedure tmp_sp1;

/* test */
select count(*) from tmp_tbl1 where fld1=1 and fld2 is null;


Current memory = 53311040
Delta memory = 16164
Max memory = 53467732
Elapsed time= 0.01 sec
Buffers = 6000
Reads = 0
Writes 0
Fetches = 55

PLAN (TMP_TBL1 INDEX (TMP_TBL1_FLD123)) <<<<< different plan

Current memory = 53597056
Delta memory = 21576
Max memory = 53936000
Elapsed time= 0.01 sec
Buffers = 6000
Reads = 0
Writes 0
Fetches = 20022 <<<<<<< causes significant performance degradation when 
executed many times under load

Under v2.5  FLD2 IS NULL predicate is either not optimized using index or is 
handled wrongly. Note that there are no rows with NULL value in FLD2, so there 
shouldn't be so much fetches. The number of fetches indicate that only  fld1=1 
condition is handled via index (there is only 1 value in all 10k rows).

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Fulfilling the Lean Software Promise
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demonstrated beyond question. Learn why your peers are replacing JEE 
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