
1999-09-13 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,

 Well, I made it home from Libby. What a great time. Met lots of people
from the list, but spent most of my time in the arena taking pictures. Major
thanks to Betsy Bauer for her help with keeping track of everything, and to
Diana for giving Betsy a few needed breaks. Thanks also to Ed and Sharon for
volunteering to help, but Betsy was a glutton for punishment, I think. : ).
Now I get to sort through all the photos and get them sent out to all of you
that have some coming. I will also be posting some of them on my web site.
I'll let you all know when I get that done so you can take a look.

The show was great. One of the highlights was seeing Woodlands Dustin,
Konggard, and MVF Erlend together in a halter class. Didn't envy the judge
on that class! I case you haven't heard yet, Dusty won!

Ceacy and Konggard did a very informative clicker training clinic. Gave
me the incentive to get busy with my boys. The Drill Team was a blast, wait
till you see the photos. Gayle and Dusty did their reining demo both
Saturday and Sunday, exciting, as usual. I love watching that horse work.
Catherine Lassesen had fun with her new team (and the obstacle course, too)
: ) Actually, I think everyone had lots of fun. By the way, Brian and were missed!

There's LOTS more to share, but I'll leave it to others that were there.
I have got to get some sleep! Sure is good to be home!

Laurie Pittman

Re: Libby show '99

1999-09-13 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

good idea elaine!  I'd buy one.  denise d.

thank you

1999-09-13 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to thank Catherine Lassesen of Hestehaven Fjords in Days Creek,
Oregon for her outstanding hospitality during our recent visit to her and
her husband's farm.  We were on vacation, going through the area  and she
was very cordial and spent several hours with us.  She is  a great
representative for the fjord horse breed  She showed us all her new
babes and their moms.  What a great set-up she has there.  Thank you again,
Catherine.Denise Delgado

a question---  What is Jack Benny in regards to Turlock?

Re: Libby show '99

1999-09-13 Thread OLSENELAIN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any chance of a Fjord Flag being available for sale? I know they sell a lot 
of different horse flags.  It sure would look great at the entrance of my 

Elaine Olsen

Libby... Yahooo!

1999-09-13 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey... Great meeting all the List Faces at Libby. The dinner was fantastic
and the show was fun Boy did we work hard for our ribbons... Not as many
Blues as Beth, Gayle and her gang and Toby... but you cannot deny that I did
not have fun... WOW... what a time. The stick horse drill team was the
highlight Never knew I could jog so long! (Had to take the horse that I
trained home.)  Second time ever doing Obs. course Heck... not as easy
as it looks Sorry if my big mouth offended anyone. I just like to have
fun and I do speak my mind. But then if you met me there... you know...BOY
DO YOU KNOW!!! (giggle)  Sue Giargiari did a wonderful job handling our VERY
GREEN DRAFT TEAM in the team log skid and draft hitch class. I was
impressed. I have held these girls and they are strong Heck... Don't
mess with Sue... she is strong!!! :-)
This weekend is a Fjord Demo in Salem, OR and Next weekend is the Turlock
Show... Be brave... come out and play in Turlock!!!
Catherine Lassesen (Dead tired and barely walking...)
HESTEHAVEN - The Horse Garden

Re: re; turlock show

1999-09-13 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thank you karen mccarthy!!  denise

Re: Libby show '99

1999-09-13 Thread James Rollins
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Rollins)

Just a note to thank those who helped out in the promotional booth at
the show this year:  Barbara Neufeld, Marge Johnson, Sally Webber,
Denise Hoopes, Patty Peterson, Phyllis Hogue, Lois Berge, and anyone I
may have missed!  I appreciated your willingness to "do the booth" and
greet people. We sold a lot of products this year.  I hope people enjoy
some of the new items! If you have an idea for an item you would like to
see please let me know so I can work on getting it made before next
year's show.  Also, many thanks to Dennis Johnson for adding on a
storage area to the booth and for hauling it to the show and back.  That
made two trips to Libby and back for him! 
Respectfully, Kathy Rollins, retired promo chair (sort of...)
ps.  Many thanks also to Sue G. from N.H. for handling the sale of some
of our products back east to our fjord friends there:)  

safety for Carolyn

1999-09-13 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We've repeatedly tried to e-mail Carolyn privately but it always returns
and we did want to add our best regards for her safety! (I always seem to
have trouble discerning ones from L's in an e-mail address)
>>Hi Carolyn,
>>we did pray for you last night and we're thinking of you and your family
>>and animals today, hoping that all's well! The Lord Bless you all and spare
>>your farm!
>>be sure and tell the List how it goes! we're all anxious to hear I'm sure,
>>Ruthie and Gene Bushnell, NW MT

Re: Topic police

1999-09-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well said, Gail

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Topic police

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>So now we have topic police?  I loved the duck story.  I would hate to miss
>out on such because a newcomer didn't find what he wanted instantly.
>don't let impatient and critical people stop you from sharing.  And, of
>course, the fjord stuff is best, but life is a banquet not a one-course
>Gail in Albuquerque

Re: Hurricane Floyd

1999-09-13 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carolyn, Just returned from Libby and listened to the news of the
approaching storm.  terrifying but hopefully may veer north and miss you.
Praying here.

My first trip to the Libby show and could only make Saturday.  Wore my tee
shirt and met lots of great people.  Wish I could have been there Friday
night for the feast.  I love Dusty and Gayle put on a show with him that
knocked the socks off my niece who is trying to figure out how she can level
her hill side and get a herd of Fjords.  The show had such variety that it
kept ones interest.  There were greys there and Erlend (sp) is a beauty.  It
seemed to me the judge tended toward the draftier babies and boy!!! were
there some big fjords.  One fellow got bucked off just so people could
realize that fjords are not too perfect..  The weather was superb and the
hornets overly friendly.  The costume class was hilarious with lady Godiva
riding bareback, a froglady with swim flippers and "seaweed" around the
horse, and a funny theme of " I got up too late" where the fjord was wearing
a shower cap over the ears.  Meantime downtown the smell of Lefse and funnel
cake lured one to the booths.  The town goes all out for this day
celebrating the arrival of the Nordics many years ago.  A great time.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Another Show

1999-09-13 Thread Wild Flower Fjord Farm
This message is from: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi there,

We just got back yet again from another horse show on september
11th.  We brought 3 fjords to the show and won all the classes.  Simon
yet again won the hunter over fences and jumper classes.  Won the
elimination round in the jumper division and some of our students showed
Hanna and Lady in the games.  Everyone could not get over those
wonderful fjord horses.  Just an update from Northern Ontario.  We have
yet another horse show this weekend coming.  Congratulations to all who
did really good in the show ring this year.  I hope that one day we can
see more and more fjords in t he show ring to come.!!  Here in Timmins
and around I usually am the only fjord in the horse show!!  Hope
everyone is exposing them to the public because they really make an
impression on everyone!!

Good luck!

Wild Flower Fjord Farm

My Brag

1999-09-13 Thread WhipsNSpur
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, with everyone writing in about their accomplishments, I figured I would 
add Baldur's to the list.

We weren't able to go to Woodstock, lack of funds and no trailer to get up 
there decided that.  But the same weekend there was an open show in Oneco, CT 
that we went to as an experiment.  Baldur has shown very little and has been 
off the farm only once in 2 years.  We competed in the Evergreen division 
(2'3" fences).  I think he caught a bit of stage fright during our first 
jumping round...we WALKED over all the jumps.  The 2nd round was much better. 
 We only walked over 1 jump, the rest we managed to muster a canter for.  He 
was perfect in the flat class, but of course we weren't even looked at.  All 
in all he was a good boy.  He was relaxed as long as we weren't in the ring.  
He was not bothered by the park horses or the carriage horses, while the rest 
of the tall horses in our ring went bonkers at the sight of them.

This past weekend we went to a fair.  I figured it was as good a test as any 
to see how he would behave in a high stress situation.  He was the STAR of 
the show!  We were Adult Eq champion and Pony Champion.  The judge loved him. 
 The spectators were in love with him...I was so pleased that he behaved.  My 
student was Walk/Trot reserve champ on him also.  He was quiet and relaxed in 
everything we did. 

So there's my brag.  I hope I can make it to Woodstock next year, but till 
then I plan on doing to little show circuts and exposing him to everything I 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #190

1999-09-13 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome Back" Siskia" 
It has been sooo long sense we heard from you . Will hope you are back
on track & join once again with your great comments ,good humor &
intresting tales. How have your horses been,thru this summer? Is it getting
to look like fall there?Get on your horse , send us a story, WE have missed
you. Tillie

>Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 13:04:06 +0200
>From: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: zeno
>This message is from: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>dearest friends,
>How I've wished to write again for a long time! and planned such a long

Re: wood eating

1999-09-13 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Anybody have any experience to pass along dealing with wood eating? 

We use metal edging on all the board edges which are accessible to horses.
It works good and your barn will still look nice and be safe after years of


Re: Hurricane Floyd

1999-09-13 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carolyn Dumong wrote:
> Hi List!  I'm sure most of you are aware of the major hurricane Floyd

Our thoughts are certainly with you from up here!

I'm curious - do you keep the horses in the barn when hurricanes are coming?
If not, where's the safest place for them?


Re: zeno

1999-09-13 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

saskia schoofs wrote:
> What would you do?

Welcome back Saskia - we've missed you. Sorry to hear about the hard year, I
hope things look up.

It's probably not a good idea to ask a bunch of Fjord-addicts what we'd do
:-) But, I'd say probably your most important factors are whether you have
enough room for everyone to run. And yes it would be easier if Sybren was
gelded but that would depend on him to a degree. If you can get them both
gelded and you have space for them all, then no problems.

Good luck whatever you decide,

ADS Villa Louis Carriage Classic

1999-09-13 Thread Tish Pasqual
This message is from: "Tish Pasqual" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I volunteered (and became primary timekeeper for the whole weekend) at this 
event, and am happy to report that the three Fjords that were entered did 
fantastically.  I don't have names at this point in time, but will provide as 
soon as I can.  (I was busy the whole weekend with a stop watch)  There was a 
handsome pair of geldings who were driven tandem, and a lovely Gjest mare who 
was put to an exquisite village cart (tub cart) that really caught the judges' 
eye!  Turnout on that one was so good that it won third place for best of show 
concourse d'elegance!  The tandem was also beautifully turned out.

As a side note, the mare has a long mane, and it looked beautiful.  I took 
several pictures and will post if I can figure out how.

I'm off for a driving lesson with my boy, who is still at the trainers for 
"being driven" lessons.

Tish and Elphineas in Minneapolis

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #190

1999-09-13 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi List!  I'm sure most of you are aware of the major hurricane Floyd
> which is predicted to be a major hit on Florida (at least at this point
> in time).  It doesn't look good.
Hi Carolyn...I can't even imagine how scary that isour prayers are
definitely with you. Take care and the best of luckI will now listen
extra carefully to the weather reports from the States.

Welcome back Saskiago with your heart. (if you can afford it)
 The veterinarian doing the pulse and respiration checks said heavily
> muscled horses take longer to cool down. He held her back for a 20 minute
> rest mid-trail, which accounted for most of the loss in score.
Barbara, remember that Fjords are cold-bloods and keep their heat longer to
warm their organs, this is definitely a consideration when doing events like
that. We have a mare in our 4-in-hand- who does not like to sweat (maybe a
girl thing) but she is always hard to cool after a marathon and is always
our first consideration at P&R stops. She is a more drafty type compared to
Sambar, Stein and Sakama who sweat profusely after the first km and have no
problem ridding themselves of excess heat. Right now our horses are starting
to get their winter fur already and with another marathon this weekend , we
even considered a partial clip but decided against it with winter so close.
We will just do what we can. Our four are in great shape for what we are
able to do in a short season and we will just have to go with that.

Like Nancy, our thoughts were in Libby this weekend. Our nightly phone calls
from Aaren and our students kept us abreast of how the show went. The new
star of the show was Beth Beimer who came away with the versatility award
and racked up many 1st place standings.way to go girl.
We were thrilled that so many of our driving students from the summer came
away with 1st and 2nd place ribbons. Beth Beimer, Woody Hoopes, Kathy
Rollins and Don Torgenrud...ya done did us proud and I'm looking forward
to the Brag Alerts this weekwe'll give you a day or two to unload and
rest up.

We, on the other hand , are  packing the trailer for the last time this year
to head for the Victoria Horse Trials on Thurs. This is a CDE that has
become quite popular here on the west coast and attracts many very competent
drivers in the Pacific North West. The four-in-hand are primed and ready to
gowe will probably be the only ones driving a four but that's
will show the Fjords in grand style. Kathy and Errol Koshman will also
compete this year and Sue Billings usually drives her Fjord Tekla a good
representation of Fjords. With any luck we will get Anton hooked on the
sport in years to come...
Have a nice week everyone.

Re: wood eating

1999-09-13 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anybody have any experience to pass along dealing with wood eating?  Reba 
Louise has decided to eat her small wood horseport and ate a plank and tore 
her nose on a nail -- didn't go through but took stiches.  I've sprayed it 
(the barn, not the nose) with red pepper spray and am trying to decide what 
to do next.  She's not locked up or bored, just naughty.
Gail in Albuquerque

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #190

1999-09-13 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't imagine what it must be like to have a storm coming and be afraid for 
your horses.  If positive energy can help, I am sending my bit.   Gail in 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #190

1999-09-13 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh Carolyn .. what an ordeal!  We will all be thinking of you and your
fjords with concern I'm sure -- have to say, never having experienced a
hurricane up here, in Ontario, (we have ice storms)  I have tended to focus
on the human tragedy (my normal tendency is to put animals first! don't know
why this dimension never hit me before?) and your message really hit home.
What is a hurricane collar?  What can you do to prepare the barn, etc. and
what dread you must feel as you wait for it.   Please let us know you and
the herd are all fine.