Re: Steve's costs

1999-12-21 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good idea Jean.

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Re[2]: List!!!Hold on!!!

1999-12-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Tuesday, December 21, 1999, you wrote:

> This may sound selfish but why should we pay money just to have
> occasional conversation free of advertising?

  Cheer up! You can continue to have your occasional conversations
  without paying.


  Digest subscribers get off scot free, since they don't know anything
  about this yet. Thank you all who pledged. I'll send you notes in
  the morning. I know we weren't going to have any premiums, but I've
  got a great piece of freeware that I've found really helpful in the
  past and I'm going to include a copy to each of our contributers.
  Thanks for making this quick and easy. I will publish all these
  people's names next year so everyone will know whose turn it isn't.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  If  I be once on horse-back, I alight very unwillingly;
  for it is the seat I like best. --Michel Eyquem de Montaigne(1533-1592)

Re: Skunk remedy

1999-12-21 Thread whfjords
This message is from: "whfjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Steve you wrote:
>   Here's a skunk remedy I know works. One of
>   the old-timers grabbed handsful of marijuana leaves, which grows
>   wild along every fence-row around here, and rubbed the hounds with
>   them. A couple more good rubdowns with the wild pot, and the dogs
>   were acceptable company on the ride home, with only a pleasant resin
>   odor. I realize that everyone doesn't have the abundance of wild
>   marijuana we do here, but if you've got it, it works!
Maybe this would pay for the list?? LOL 

parasites cross-species?

1999-12-21 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Got a question for those of you whose "barnyard" includes non-equines.
What problems do equines have with parasites/diseases from other

Here's the deal.  We're strongly considering purchasing property in
Oregon and moving there this spring or summer.  There are currently no
horse facilities on the place, and it will take time (after we move
in) to build them.  In the meantime, there are 2 potential temporary
equine areas---one is a large cattle pasture, with leaky fencing (and
spring grass that's probably too rich for equines---donkey and 3
Fjords); the other is smaller and tightly fenced, but currently
overstocked with sheep, goats, a llama, and who knows what else.  I
don't know enough about these other critters to assess their health,
but the density of critters brings to mind "Murphy".  What are the
potential problems, and what might I do to lessen any risks?  (One
neighbor mentioned that, while they don't have ticks, there are
occasional problems with lice in the area.)

Thanks in advance

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

Re: Steve's costs

1999-12-21 Thread Carl & Sarah Nagel
This message is from: "Carl & Sarah Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I second that motion 

Sarah Nagel

-Original Message-
From: Jean Gayle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: fjords <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 6:58 PM
Subject: Steve's costs

>This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I have suggested to Steve that if he gets more than the present cost he
>should keep whatever covers his past expenses.  Just a suggestion.  Jean
>Jean Gayle
>Aberdeen, WA
>[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
>Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
>Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re:List!!!Hold on!!!

1999-12-21 Thread Breyer1213
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Would you please try out Their services are hassle free and are 
no charge. I have been using their services on my own model-horse list for 
about a year and the are great to work with. This may sound selfish but why 
should we pay money just to have occasional conversation free of advertising?
Erika Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An Equine Poem

1999-12-21 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Let Me Teach You
> >  -A touching Equine Poem >>
> > When you are tense, let me teach you to relax.
> > When you are short-tempered, let me teach you to be patient.
> > When you are short-sighted, let me teach you to see.
> > When you are quick to react, let me teach you to be thoughtful.
> > When you are angry, let me teach you to be serene.
> > When you feel superior, let me teach you to be respectful.
> > When you are self-absorbed, let me teach you to think of greater
> > things.
> > When you are arrogant, let me teach you humility.
> > When you are lonely, let me be your companion.
> > When you are tired, let me carry the load.
> > When you need to learn, let me teach you.
> > After all, I am your horse.
> >
> > And now, the REAL story
> >
> > When you are tense, let me teach you that there are lions in the
> > woods, and we need to leave NOW.
> > When you are short tempered, let me teach you how to slog around
> > the pasture for an hour before you can catch me.
> > When you are short-sighted, let me teach you to figure out where,
> > exactly, in 40 acres I am hiding.
> > When you are quick to react, let me teach you that herbivores
> > kick MUCH faster than omnivores.
> > When you are angry, let me teach you how well I can stand on my
> > hind feet, because I don't FEEL like cantering on my right lead
> > today, that's why.
> > When you are worried, let me entertain you with my mystery
> > lameness, GI complaint, and skin disease.
> > When you feel superior, let me teach you that, mostly, you are
> > the maid service.
> > When you are self-absorbed, let me teach you to PAY ATTENTION.  I
> > TOLD you about those lions in the woods.
> > When you are arrogant, let me teach you what 1200 lbs of
> > YAHOO-let's-go event horse can do when suitably inspired.
> > When you are lonely, let me be your companion. Let's do lunch.
> > Also, breakfast and dinner.
> > When you are tired, don't forget the 600 lbs of grain that needs
> > to be unloaded.
> > When you are feeling financially secure, let me teach you the
> > meaning of "Veterinary Services, additional".
> > When you need to learn, hang around, bud.  I'll learn ya.
> >
> >

Re: Steve's costs

1999-12-21 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree -- any extra $$ goes to Steve.

Linda in MN

Someone looking for a fjord.

1999-12-21 Thread Wild Flower Fjord Farm
This message is from: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi there;

I received a message the other day from this lady.  I have placed her
message in this letter.  If there is anyone who has a fjord to suit this
ladyplease let me know and I could give you her address and number!!

Hi there,
I believe a colleague of mine, Linda Sousa from Bermuda, met you at the
Winter Fairn and you discussed the
use of fjord ponies for therapeutic riding programs.
I was wondering if you could give us any more information on them, such
as how much a mature pony (not
show material) would cost.
We need a reliable, sound,  good natured pony that has done some work
and is used to the crazy things us
humans do! Preferably in the age range of 8 -14 yrs old.
We are a registered charity and run a full time riding program. We have
a limited budget for the purchase of
ponies and obviously have to pay the costs of shipping down to Bermuda
If you could let us know if you are aware or have anything that would
suit, I would be very grateful.
Thank you
Louise Cooke
for the Bermuda Riding for the Disabled.
It would be very helpful if you could put us in contact with some
breeders. Breeders in the North East of the
US or Southern part of Ontario would be best.
At present we can't ship anything down to Bermuda, but in the Spring we
would be able to.
The Bermuda Riding for the Disabled's full address is:
Equestrian Centre,
WindReach Village,

Let me know as soon as possible!!

Thank you everyone!!

E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Renee Lafleur
Wild Flower Fjord Farm
Timmins, Ontario

We  would also like to congradulate the Legault family for the purchasse
of one of our fjord fillies. Wild Flower Shania.  Congradulation we are
sure she went to a wonderful home.
She is a full sister to Lilly (Rogstad  family fjord) They are identical
like identical twins.

Steve's costs

1999-12-21 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have suggested to Steve that if he gets more than the present cost he
should keep whatever covers his past expenses.  Just a suggestion.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Pledge Total

1999-12-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 The pledge total already stands at $57. I'll send a thank-you note to
 each person who pledges telling them where to send the money.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  People may talk of first love--but give me the flush, and triumph,
  and glorious sweat of a first ride. --George Borrow(1803-1881)

cost of list

1999-12-21 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So Steve where do we send the money and I think you have worked out a really
good deal.  Many thanks for all the hours of enjoyment this list gives.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Thanks Steve

1999-12-21 Thread David Stewart, Registrar
This message is from: "David Stewart, Registrar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Fjord Horse List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 21 December 1999 23:07
Subject: New Home for List


As a foreign member, I for one, would be more than happy to go to an
exchange bank and get a couple of dollars and send it to you.  The amount
required each year isn't a huge sum, and I have no doubt that you will get
the monies without difficulty.   I would like to take this opportunity to
add my personal "thanks" to you for doing such a splendid job.  The list
gives everyone an insight into the world of Fjord horses (including, on
occasions, other topics of interest), and is an open forum that is much
appreciated world wide.   You deserve praise indeed for ALL your hard work!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Millennium.

David Stewart
Registrar, Fjord Horse Registry of Scotland

>This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>It seems that the consensus opinion on the list's fate was to leave it
>up to my judgment. O.K. Here's what I've come up with. I've found us a
>new home with what appears to be a Mom & Pop ISP. That means that they
>will probably not be tempted to dump us to the consolidation schemes
>of the likes of Topica as our current provider did. They have been in
>the business since 1988, still running the BBS they started then as
>well as providing Internet access. I've been corresponding by email
>with "Mom" and get a real good feeling about the operation.
>The list will be free of advertising, and it will have 10Mb of disk
>space for archives. The cost for this is going to be $100 per year.
>I've been footing the bill for the list so far, since with
>interlocking discounts from my Web site which is also hosted by
>Esosoft, it's been only about $40 per year. However, since the cost
>will more that double, I'm going to ask everyone to chip in. When you
>figure that as of ten minutes ago we have 322 active subscribers, you
>can see that if everyone paid an equal share it would be only about 32
>cents each. Since the idea of everyone sending that amount would only
>be a hassle, especially for our foreign members, I'm going to propose
>that we follow the model that Teressa Kandianis suggested last night
>when she wrote:
>> What about establishing a goal for annual costs for the lists and
>> have an on line fundraising - little administration - just keep
>> asking for donations until the goal is reached. And do it just once
>> a year. No point in having premiums etc - and people could let their
>> names be known and issue challenges or contribute anonymously or not
>> contribute at all. From what Steve said on last night's chat, the
>> total amount is about $1 per current list member. So the total
>> amount shouldn't be hard to raise amongst us all. And people could
>> abide by the honor system - in that, once pledged they would have to
>> send money without being billed. Does this sound feasible?
>Something like a PBS or NPR fund drive. People can send pledges
>directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll keep the list apprised of
>how we're doing on meeting the goal. At the end I'll publish the names
>of all who contributed unless they ask to remain anonymous. I think
>this should work, I only wish it didn't come at such an already costly
>time of year.
>As far as the mechanics of the switch-over, I've already started the
>ball rolling on getting the new list set up. When it's in place, I'll
>mass subscribe everyone who's on the current list, and send a message
>to that effect. I just got the word that Esosoft has pulled the plug
>on the old list. They will forward mail to Topica for a short time, so
>use the old list address until it gets bounced. Sorry we have to go
>through this but it can't be avoided.
>Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
>  There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
>--Robert Smith Surtees(1803-1864)

Re: New Home for List

1999-12-21 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: "linda hickam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

P-L-E-A-S-E!! Steve do not apologize for anything!! You are doing all
the work{and always have been}by all the messages you can see EVERYBODY is
more than grateful!THANKYOUhave a merry one!!!..
>From: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Fjord Horse List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: New Home for List
>Date: Tue, Dec 21, 1999, 7:07 PM

>This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>It seems that the consensus opinion on the list's fate was to leave it
>up to my judgment. O.K. Here's what I've come up with. I've found us a
>new home with what appears to be a Mom & Pop ISP. That means that they
>will probably not be tempted to dump us to the consolidation schemes
>of the likes of Topica as our current provider did. They have been in
>the business since 1988, still running the BBS they started then as
>well as providing Internet access. I've been corresponding by email
>with "Mom" and get a real good feeling about the operation.
>The list will be free of advertising, and it will have 10Mb of disk
>space for archives. The cost for this is going to be $100 per year.
>I've been footing the bill for the list so far, since with
>interlocking discounts from my Web site which is also hosted by
>Esosoft, it's been only about $40 per year. However, since the cost
>will more that double, I'm going to ask everyone to chip in. When you
>figure that as of ten minutes ago we have 322 active subscribers, you
>can see that if everyone paid an equal share it would be only about 32
>cents each. Since the idea of everyone sending that amount would only
>be a hassle, especially for our foreign members, I'm going to propose
>that we follow the model that Teressa Kandianis suggested last night
>when she wrote:
>> What about establishing a goal for annual costs for the lists and
>> have an on line fundraising - little administration - just keep
>> asking for donations until the goal is reached. And do it just once
>> a year. No point in having premiums etc - and people could let their
>> names be known and issue challenges or contribute anonymously or not
>> contribute at all. From what Steve said on last night's chat, the
>> total amount is about $1 per current list member. So the total
>> amount shouldn't be hard to raise amongst us all. And people could
>> abide by the honor system - in that, once pledged they would have to
>> send money without being billed. Does this sound feasible?
>Something like a PBS or NPR fund drive. People can send pledges
>directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll keep the list apprised of
>how we're doing on meeting the goal. At the end I'll publish the names
>of all who contributed unless they ask to remain anonymous. I think
>this should work, I only wish it didn't come at such an already costly
>time of year.
>As far as the mechanics of the switch-over, I've already started the
>ball rolling on getting the new list set up. When it's in place, I'll
>mass subscribe everyone who's on the current list, and send a message
>to that effect. I just got the word that Esosoft has pulled the plug
>on the old list. They will forward mail to Topica for a short time, so
>use the old list address until it gets bounced. Sorry we have to go
>through this but it can't be avoided.
>Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
>  There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
>--Robert Smith Surtees(1803-1864)

Thank You Secret Santa up North!!

1999-12-21 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh  my secret santa gift arrived today  and It is wonderful,  Thank you Jean 
Ernest.  Wow,  I was gonna save it and open it Christmas,  but,  I 
COULDNT WAIT!! What a wonderful idea,  a pair of small binoculars (good 
ones too)and a case, for use on the trails that I ride,  I didnt have any at 
all.!  and i love the other goodies too,  The Fjord pin, and driving 
calendar and cup.

Can you be my secret Santa next year,  You did great!!

Or better yet, do you give lessons to HUBBY's

Oh and whoever is Secret Santa to our Daughter Mandy, need to post her a 
clue,  shes driving me nuts., (especially now)

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Montana

New Home for List

1999-12-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It seems that the consensus opinion on the list's fate was to leave it
up to my judgment. O.K. Here's what I've come up with. I've found us a
new home with what appears to be a Mom & Pop ISP. That means that they
will probably not be tempted to dump us to the consolidation schemes
of the likes of Topica as our current provider did. They have been in
the business since 1988, still running the BBS they started then as
well as providing Internet access. I've been corresponding by email
with "Mom" and get a real good feeling about the operation.

The list will be free of advertising, and it will have 10Mb of disk
space for archives. The cost for this is going to be $100 per year.
I've been footing the bill for the list so far, since with
interlocking discounts from my Web site which is also hosted by
Esosoft, it's been only about $40 per year. However, since the cost
will more that double, I'm going to ask everyone to chip in. When you
figure that as of ten minutes ago we have 322 active subscribers, you
can see that if everyone paid an equal share it would be only about 32
cents each. Since the idea of everyone sending that amount would only
be a hassle, especially for our foreign members, I'm going to propose
that we follow the model that Teressa Kandianis suggested last night
when she wrote:

> What about establishing a goal for annual costs for the lists and
> have an on line fundraising - little administration - just keep
> asking for donations until the goal is reached. And do it just once
> a year. No point in having premiums etc - and people could let their
> names be known and issue challenges or contribute anonymously or not
> contribute at all. From what Steve said on last night's chat, the
> total amount is about $1 per current list member. So the total
> amount shouldn't be hard to raise amongst us all. And people could
> abide by the honor system - in that, once pledged they would have to
> send money without being billed. Does this sound feasible?

Something like a PBS or NPR fund drive. People can send pledges
directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll keep the list apprised of
how we're doing on meeting the goal. At the end I'll publish the names
of all who contributed unless they ask to remain anonymous. I think
this should work, I only wish it didn't come at such an already costly
time of year.

As far as the mechanics of the switch-over, I've already started the
ball rolling on getting the new list set up. When it's in place, I'll
mass subscribe everyone who's on the current list, and send a message
to that effect. I just got the word that Esosoft has pulled the plug
on the old list. They will forward mail to Topica for a short time, so
use the old list address until it gets bounced. Sorry we have to go
through this but it can't be avoided.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
--Robert Smith Surtees(1803-1864)

Clues for Patty Peterson, Catherine Lassesnsen

1999-12-21 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Patty PETERSON I know who you are secret Santa too !  I figured it out!!! by
your clues.
Now.. Have you figured out who your secret Santa is? Because your gift should
arrive by Thursday or Friday at the latest  AND  NO MORE LURKING!!  Santa
needs to get to know you, after all, we could see each other at a horse show
near you,  you know
Your Secret Santa,  Just a wee bit south of you

To Catherine Lassesen:
You are not forgotten Catherine. I'm just running a bit behind!  But
I'm sure you'll think it's worth the wait when you get your gift. :)

Forwarded by your FH-L SS Elf,
Cynthia Madden,


1999-12-21 Thread griet vandenbroucke
This message is from: "griet vandenbroucke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List

I wish you all  a merry Christmas and a Fjordy-new

May all your wishes come true and let's go for another year of weegie-fun

griet vandenbroucke

Steve already sent us the digest

1999-12-21 Thread Sini Seppala
This message is from: Sini Seppala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

..just wanted to let you know in case somebody was going to do the same. Thank
you anyway & warm regards,
Sini. home page

Re: Thank you Santa Steve!!

1999-12-21 Thread Mike May

This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 07:54 AM 12/21/99 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: Evers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I got my gift from my secret Santa ( Steve) today.  It's a beautiful
painted wood carving of a Fjord!  Thanks so much Steve, I love it; it's
right up there on the TV with my Breyer Fjord and my pewter Fjord from
Disney World!!

And I assume you now know what Pferd means too!


1999-12-21 Thread Fred & Lori Osmond
This message is from: "Fred & Lori Osmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

Steve, I think we should give the list a try with the ads and if we
don't like it, switch to a paid one?!!!???

To the Larsons: Thank you very much for that message about the children
in heaven always wanting a pony.  We know ours is very old and going
someday soon, so that will help us greatly!!!

God Bless you all!!!


Thank you Santa Steve!!

1999-12-21 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I got my gift from my secret Santa ( Steve) today.  It's a beautiful
painted wood carving of a Fjord!  Thanks so much Steve, I love it; it's
right up there on the TV with my Breyer Fjord and my pewter Fjord from
Disney World!!


Bud, Tillie & Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
"Speak yer mind, but ride a fast horse."

Re: BJ story, religious views

1999-12-21 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I find it
> hard to believe animals
> do not have a soul, or spirit, or whatever we choose
> to call it (I need to
> believe there is a better place for them also, after
> they've lived here on
> this earth)how about anyone else?


I think sometimes our "religions" limit God(or
whatever you want to call him) too much.  Why they try
to define the undefineable, limit the limitless, etc.,
is beyond me.  Why would he give life to a thing and
not give it a spirit?  It makes no sense.  I assume he
loves, and is proud of, ALL things he has made - so
why would he give a spirit/soul to only one of those
creations?  And why would he provide a "heaven" for
only humans?  I was taught that all things - human,
animal, plant, etc. - were created by the Creator to
work together for the good of this world.  ALL are due
honor and respect.  So why would they not have some
sort of spirit?  I think we humans - who think we know
so much - really know very little about the world
around us.  We try to limit and define it too much.

Now people will KNOW I am certifiably nuts!!



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

Re: BJ story, religious views

1999-12-21 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ingrid, I agree. And after all, why wouldn't they be there? "returned to
the manufacturer," so to speak. (and what marvelous products they are!!)

When our oldest son was little and a small-spirited sunday-school teacher
was trying to convince his class that animals didn't go to Heaven he piped
up and said, "oh yes they do! it says that a HORSE drawn chariot came for
Elijah!" Which was the end of that subject. Ruthie

>> I'm not sure how many religious views there
>> are which "allow" animals to enter heaven .. but it certainly has to be an
>> element for me, or it just won't measure up!

Silver Saddle WINNER

1999-12-21 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Silver Saddle Drawing sadly did not raise enough money to make a profit.
But the group did pay all expenses (saddle & advertising) and
learned allot. They are still in need of SAFETY equipment and donations of
horse equipment.
Please is you have old tack in good repair, old helmets that are ASTM
approved, or
extra Holiday Cash... Donations are being accepted. Email me and I will get
you the details.
Catherine Lassesen
P.S. There are a few people that said "put my name on a ticket" that has not
sent in their $. Please do so now. I will not mention names... unless I do
not hear from you... You know who you are... Thanks!

BJ story, religious views

1999-12-21 Thread Ingrid Ivic
This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm not sure how many religious views there
> are which "allow" animals to enter heaven .. but it certainly has to be an
> element for me, or it just won't measure up!
Hello Cheryl...very well put post. When I read the part about religious views
on animals, it made me think about something that had happend to us recently.
My daughter attends a private girls school, where a theology class is
mandatory for make this short, her teacher expressly told all the
students that animals do not have souls and wouldn't ever be considered to
enter heaven. My daughter objected and was in tears because just two days
before, our little Yorkie had passed away. I find it hard to believe animals
do not have a soul, or spirit, or whatever we choose to call it (I need to
believe there is a better place for them also, after they've lived here on
this earth)how about anyone else?
BTW...I have been supplying our vet with illustrated sheets printed 
with the
rainbow bridge poem (for years) to give to his grieving clients. Some have
even framed it. All appreciate it, as it has nice sentiments.   =o)  Ingrid in 

Re: Beautiful Joe - Skip if you don't like sentimental stories ..

1999-12-21 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: "linda hickam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh my gosh..thankyou for reminding me "Beautiful Joe".There's alot of
childhood memories I lost.
When I was 16, my 16.3hh horse fell on top of me and was cast against the
indoor ring wall.I was in a coma for 3 weeks.That was almost 30 years ago
and believe me I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer.
Being reminded of things that I did when I was a kid is really

>From: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re:  Beautiful Joe -  Skip if you don't like sentimental stories ..
>Date: Tue, Dec 21, 1999, 1:20 AM

>This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reading the Rainbow Bridge reminded me of perhaps the most important book I
>read, as a child, which I realized in my forties was probably the most
>formative influence on my life .. Some of you may have read "Beautiful Joe",
>a story written by  Marshall Saunders (a woman!) who was the daughter of the
>Premier of Nova Scotia (Are you listening BDF?) .. it was a dog story,
>written in 1934 (although I'm not sure there wasn't an earlier edition)
>about a puppy horribly mutilated by a milkman, who also abused his horses
>(see -- it is relevant!) , but was rescued by "Miss Laura", and taken to
>live in a household full of animals of all kinds who were treated with all
>the  love and respect any pet could wish for ... Like Black Beauty,
>Beautiful Joe was a pivotal book and is credited with providing the impetus
>for establishment of the humane society in Canada .. It's dedicated, in
>fact, to the American society .. It sold 7 million copies by 1949, and that
>was a record, I gather, for the era.  There really was a dog who provided
>the inspiration for the story  -- a revelation to me, and he lived through
>many of the experiences described in the town of Meaford in Ontario, not far
>from Georgian Bay.   I found his grave, which is maintained in a park near
>the house in which he lived, to this day, a couple of years ago on the way
>to Tobermory and Manitoulin Island.
>The point of all this is that there was a SEQUEL to BJ, "Beautiful Joe's
>Paradise",  which I always wonder how many others read .. It began with a
>child crying over his dog who had died, and refusing to part with the body
>and falling asleep, cradling his pet.. in his dream? an "airship" arrives,
>with animals steering it who are charged with taking the "real" body of the
>dog, containing his soul, away from his young master, and replacing it with
>a facsimile.   The boy refuses to release his beloved pet and begs to
>accompany him on his journey, just for a short time to make sure he's
>alright.  So he does, and encounters an island somewhere in the  heavens,
>which is populated by animals of all types, some good, some reformed, some
>who "slip" now and then, into meanness, but all of the domesticated animals
>are waiting the "arrival", some day, of the owners they worshipped.
>Beautiful Joe, who learned so much compassion through suffering in his own
>life, is "President" and exerts a gentle rule, smoothing over minor disputes
>and helping others to grow in spirit (so they are ultimately worthy of
>joining their owners in human heaven).  The animals have a sort of telegraph
>system (birdsong) which keeps tabs on events in their humans' lives and when
>one of their owners dies, a more beautiful, glowing airship arrives on the
>island to transport the dog/cat, whatever, to whatever place constitutes
>human heaven.   A lot of resonance, in terms of the Rainbow Bridge. I cried
>It didn't hit me, till I was reminded of the story, as an adult, with
>teenagers, that many of my most deeply held feelings and views about life
>and mortality had been shaped by that book, given to me at the age of 7, by
>my mother .. I'm sure she would have been aghast at the picture of "heaven"
>that I absorbed and internalized, not at all consistent with the church of
>england views that she held.  I'm not sure how many religious views there
>are which "allow" animals to enter heaven .. but it certainly has to be an
>element for me, or it just won't measure up!
>Once I had "remembered" the book, I set about finding a copy and after a
>year or two, succeeded.  Sad to report that it doesn't translate all that
>well, either into the 90s or into adulthood.  But it sure sustained me
>through a lot of partings from pets of all kinds.  And probably still does,
>although I'm not sure how far I can push it!

Missing Digest

1999-12-21 Thread Sini Seppala
This message is from: Sini Seppala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all! Would somebody care to forward the digest no 311 as something
happened and it disappeared while we were trying to check the post.
Thank you so much
have a beautiful day all
Sini in Finland.
home page at

Re: Take a look!!!

1999-12-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Monday, December 20, 1999, you wrote:

> Steve. I found this while searching.Maybe you could use it.
> We all have to help so we can stay together right!!!

  On reading the fine print there it appears that with our current
  message volume and subscriber base it would only cost about $110 per
  month to move the list there. I may be reading that wrong, so I've
  sent an inquiry to their sales office.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  The horse has so docile a nature, that he would always rather do right
  than wrong, if he can only be taught to distinguish one from the other.
 --George Melville(1821-1878)