Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #35

2000-02-01 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: Knutsen Fjord Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List -

Sraah - I actually had a jar of stallion urine in the refrigerator to take
in to the vet. But I calmed down and watched and did the temp, etc. and
finally took the jar outside and emptied it. Good thing we didn't have
company visiting who would open the fridge and ask pertinent questions

I find it VERY hard to read about foals being produced for meat. I can't
imagine it.

Fred, I haven't seen pictures of your baby yet. I'll have to go back to my
deleted Digests and find the address. Sounds adorable. Today we let Sonny [8
mos] out loose around the place for the first time. We expected him to
cavort and carry on like he does in the pastures, but he was just quietly
curious and snooped everywhere, then hung out next to his sister's paddock
while Doug and I talked with yet another neighbor who stopped by because
he's seen the Fjords and was interested. I love it. Can't wait for our June

Silent, Dr Brian? Honestly! Cheers, Peg Knutsen,
[more new pics soon]

Re: horror

2000-02-01 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm, It is really sad.  It may be a fact of life, but.
We once adopted a kitten from our next door neighbors.  The father had
gone to a Chinese business associates (?) house, and seen these four
bedraggled kittens.  He had asked about them, and they said they were
going to eat them.  Well, the neighbor rescued them.  Unfortunately, the
poor kitten was full of worms and beyond anti-social, so as we could not
treat him for fear of personal injuries (we're talking a face attacker,
here) and he was so sick, we had to put him down.  It is so sad what
happens to some animals.  Still, the other three were okay, and went to
a farm where they lived happily ever after.
Fjord related note: Silly stubborn Fj won't bow anymore!  Oh well, he
just  has a selective memory. Back to square one! (however, he is really
cute when he shakes his head for no, and is doing great on yawn on command)

Kathy's comments about mules

2000-02-01 Thread joel harman
This message is from: joel harman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stated very eloquently but I doubt you will change many minds here. Mine
doesn't need changing. I have a great respect for mules. Wish I was smart
enough to work them.

Just curious where is your part of the country?

The draft horse show in Sandpoint ID will not allow fjords there because
pound for pound they outpull the big boys.

When I'm allowed to go to draft horse shows I just tell all the teamsters I
may have to use 3 where they only use 2 but my 3 still eat less than their

Once they see the fjords pull I'm accepted. I enjoy talking to the teamsters
cause lots of them are older than dirt  have alot to teach me which I am
interested in learning.

That is what keeps me going back to the Pendleton Round Up Parade year after
year. After the parade all the teamsters sit around  tell lies.  It is also
exciting to be in a parade with  about 500 other horses being ridden as well
as driven. There are some well maintained old buggys  carriages owned by
the Round Up association that are used in the parade. They  feed your horses
 pay you to pull one of their vehicles.

Not that anybody cares but I would much rather see discussions about equine
related issues than baby pictures. Not everyone agrees. But that is what
makes the world interesting - isn't it?

Thanks again for the comments on crossbreeding without editorial comment.


Joel Harman

Re: Fred's new foal

2000-02-01 Thread DBLDAYFARM
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Just uploaded two pictures of the new foal. 

Absolutely adorable. The close up photo looks like it should win some 
contests!  Better get to entering !!
Check out our website
 A HREF=;DoubleDay Farm 
Miniature  Paint Horses/A 


2000-02-01 Thread saskia schoofs
This message is from: saskia schoofs [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

My farrier, who is a Fjord-breeder, had an accident a week ago and this
Sunday I went to help his wife moving two Fjord-mares from a pasture about
15 miles (20 kilometers) away from them to a pasture next to the wife's job,
which would make her life easier. We could only move one Fjord at once
because of the small trailer, and because Nadine (the farriers wife) was
afraid the horse that had to stay behind would panic, I stayed with this
horse, Kelly, while Nadine and a man from their village, who is a
horse-seller (he buys horses anywhere and sells them anywhere) brought
Karin to the new place.
Kelly and I had a great time, becoming friends, but then the trailer came
back and the man came to me and said: Nadine told me you have a Fjord
stallion, won't you sell him to me?. I said no, and that I was going to
geld him at the end of this month, as soon as the weather allows it. Then he
said it was very bad to geld a horse in the spring and that it was better to
wait for the fall. I said that was impossible, because of my mare I didn't
want to get pregnant again after foaling. But the man had the solution
ready: well, until fall your stallion can stay at my place!
I asked why and he said that that way he could breed him to his two
(Fjord-)mares. Naively, I said that Sybren is not registered as a breeding
stallion, but that was no problem, as he just breeds his mares to eat the
foals after six months! When I was firm about not bringing Sybren to him, he
was very sad, because he could use a different (non-Fjord)-stallion for the
purpose, but out of experience he knew that a 100% Fjord-foal was best for
I know we Europeans all eat horses (except for the English :-)), but still,
I was shocked and sad, especially when I heard the two mares were pregnant
now of two meat-foals (full Fjords). I wanted to buy them immediately but
shall have to win the national lotery tomorrow first. O!!!
I really can't imagine how someone can do this!

Saskia, who sometimes feels as if she would eat Sybren and Zeno too, but
just because I love them so much and they are so sweet


2000-02-01 Thread Marion Bijster
This message is from: Marion Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this summer the Dutch fjordstudbook has a jubilee and two days
festivities because they exist 45 years

The programme is not yet final

It can contain the following things:

Friday august 4:

Long distance contest for riders on horseback and horses and carriages
through the national park De Hoge Veluwe

Also open for riders without contesting

Possibility for a show in pulling trees out of the forest and a contest

Show and contest for horses brought in the ring by hand

Open for horses 2 year and older, mares and geldings to seek out the
best horse in uniformity and quality

Judges: possible all members and a judge from each country that
contributes with horses

Further: names of judges

Simutaniously in the ring to the side is a show in dressage

which means that they try to get as many fjord horses to show what they
can do

But this part of the program is not yet definitive.

The shows will be both on Friday and Saturday

Saturday: coaches with one horse or more and a contest in beauty

That means that the clothes have to match the coach, or the time that
they represent

The same with ridden horses and at the hand

Oldies (people ?)

Demonstrations from the different parts of our country (short)

Individual demonstrations

This is the program so far

What precisely will be hold and when is not yet known, but surely will
be in some time


By the way: Hansje is doing wonderful !

I rode her yesterday for a full hour for the first time, with a lot of
stepping in between, and she did very well.

I even tried a little canter and she did it !

Re: mules

2000-02-01 Thread Jen Timm
This message is from: Jen Timm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oops!  I forgot I had two URLs down there...  Here's the direct link to
the Zefjord:

(she's supposed to be a yearling filly!)



 Most excellent! I did not get to the ze-Fjord picture successfully, and WHAT
 is that annoying bar at the top I have to click off each time? But I did
 bookmark the page about Jansky and radio astronomy as a definite return and
 totally explore site. Merek

 Jennifer E. Timm  
That is the exploration that awaits you!  Not mapping stars and 
 studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of 
  --Q to Picard in ST:TNG's All Good Things

Messsgae store?

2000-02-01 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is there an old message storage area on this server, and how do I reach it 
to see past messages? Merek 

Re: mules

2000-02-01 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/31/00 11:10:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 This message is from: Jen Timm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There's a saying that mule people have (and this applies to the model
 equine variety as well) - mules can do anything a horse or pony can do,
 only better!
 Not just simply a cheaper alternative :)
 Back into lurker mode
 P.S.  If anyone wants to see a model equine ze-fjord please see my
 gallery - link is below...  Just to give you an idea of what one might
 look like :)
Most excellent! I did not get to the ze-Fjord picture successfully, and WHAT 
is that annoying bar at the top I have to click off each time? But I did 
bookmark the page about Jansky and radio astronomy as a definite return and 
totally explore site. Merek