2004-08-19 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: Frederick J. Pack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I were able to vote:

Leave the LOGO ALONE


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus 2004.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington 98396 

Re: LOGO - REPLY from committee chairman

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Catherine,

The current Logo shows the team of Fjords as harness horses. It was the
thought of the BOD that we should have a logo that does not select one
particular sport. The Fjord is versatile and that the logo should reflect
just that... the uniqueness of the horse.

I do not see our logo as a team of harness horses.  When I see our logo, I 
see two distinctive and irreplaceable Norwegian Fjord Horses, working as a team 
in unison, wearing a harness of Norwegian heritage.  The fact of the Fjord 
being such an old breed speaks for itself in regard to versatility.  We have 
numerous opportunities to display photos and artwork depicting this.  
I cannot even imagine how much more unique we can get then with the logo we 
are using presently and have successfully used for the last 25 years.

I agree with Ruthie on this one, that is, if I read her post correctly.  :)  
The logo is like our standard, our flag, our family crest.  This is not 
something that just gets changed at the whim of a few BOD members.  This is 
something that requires serious thought and also, entire membership approval.  

The Norwegian Fjord IS unique.  The logo says it all.

You as members of NFHR do vote on the Bylaws and on your BOD members. You as
members are asked to jump in and run of the BOD and to help create the
future of NFHR.  Your voice is thru your BOD members.  Talk to them, run for
the BOD, volunteer for a committee.

Indeed, we do vote on the bylaws and the BOD members.  However, we do not, or 
at least I do not, expect said BOD members to make such monumental decisions 
without membership discussion and approval.  Furthermore, nor have I heard the 
BOD members ask US what we wish.and after all, it is common knowledge the 
BOD members are acting as our representatives, correct?  

If each and every vote of the BOD had to go to the membership, we would not
get one thing done. 

This has, as usual, gotten out of hand.  None of us have asked to have the 
membership vote on every single item.  Some of us are disturbed that a 
fundamental part of the registry, the logo, is being potentially replaced 
without our 
input.  Simple as that.

As for running for the BODI am surprised we do not use a nomination 
system, personally.  I do not know about other members, but trying to vote for 
best possible director is next to impossible.  We are given small blurbs about 
the person's apparent philosophies, and this is it.  Not all of us know every 
person who is a member, so how can we adequately vote for BOD members that 
are there to serve the purpose that is best for the Norwegian Fjord versus 
personal goals or some type of hidden agenda?



Re: Dangers of Rough Clay Pastures?

2004-08-19 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gail-

Yes, I would say clay is extremely dangerous for several reasons. When newly 
wet, it's an ice skating rink; horses and people take one step and slide 
several feet. When soaked, it's knee-high shoe-eating glue. In these 
horses can pivot and pull something in their leg, slip and fall, or slip and 
their leg stuck in something, causing laceration when they struggle free. 
Horses can also be cornered by more aggressive horses because they don't have 
traction to get away. All of these things I have seen myself. When dry, clay 
turns super hard (think clay pots) including all the divots made by hooves when 
was wet; very easy to trip and fall. Then there's the clay beads that 
collect in hairy Fjord fetlocks, a nightmare ending in shaved fetlocks. You 
even want to see a horse after it rolls in clay!

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: Katie Kandi

2004-08-19 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/2004 8:15:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL 
I was wrong...  a few days ago I posted a question in which I referred to
our Fjord Katie as being nearly 16 hands.  We just remeasured her, and she's
scarcely over 15.  She's still a pretty big girl, though, for a Fjord. 

** Funny you should say this. Fjords look bigger than they are because of 
their bulk. People often ask me if Rafael is 16 hands and he's not even 15!

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: Color tid-bits

2004-08-19 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/18/2004 8:32:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
I'll add to this one since you brought it up. The word grulla is not just a 
horse color. It is actually the Spanish word for a crane - you know, the 
long necked grey bird. Or in this case, a horse the color of a crane.

** Interesting! That goes along with gato, cat-colored, the name of one of 
famous Long Rider Tschiffelly's criollos. For Mexicans, a cat was a mountain 
lion, so gato was buckskin or dun colored. 

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

LOGO - REPLY from committee chairman

2004-08-19 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: Catherine lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone

The promotions committee was given the tasks to look into the possibility of
a new logo due to the fact that we have joined up with the Association, we
are coming on our 25th anniversary and that the original logo is a very
unclear hard piece of art work that needs to be reworked.

The logo (new or old) will need to have work on it. The committee is in its
final stages in bringing to the BOD a piece of art work that is a nice
piece. This piece of art will be considered for the logo.

The current Logo shows the team of Fjords as harness horses. It was the
thought of the BOD that we should have a logo that does not select one
particular sport. The Fjord is versatile and that the logo should reflect
just that... the uniqueness of the horse.

You as members of NFHR do vote on the Bylaws and on your BOD members. You as
members are asked to jump in and run of the BOD and to help create the
future of NFHR.  Your voice is thru your BOD members.  Talk to them, run for
the BOD, volunteer for a committee.

I challenge all of you that have a view on the LOGO to run for a position on
the BOD and help run the organization.  

If each and every vote of the BOD had to go to the membership, we would not
get one thing done. Change can hurt, but change sometimes is better in the
long run.  Your BOD is trying HARD to become PROFESSIONAL and trying hard to

YOU TO SUBMIT your resume and the reasons why you want to run for the BOD to
Roger Cabic at [EMAIL PROTECTED] you may also cc any of the current BOD members
as a back up.  The deadline is coming up soon

So get OFF your chat lists and get to your computers and get your resume for

Thank you,

These are my personal views not those of the BOD.

Catherine Lassesen
BOD Member and Chairman of Promotions

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Linda Lottie
This message is from: Linda Lottie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark..has the BOD looked into bumper stickers?  I would love a snazzy
bumper sticker for my truck...All Things Fjord has looked into
bumperstickers but the cost is pretty steep for a business as small as
ours.  I would be happy to pay for a couple
bumperstickers..especially if they are fun and fjordy:)

Linda Lottie

From: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: To: Subject:
Re: NFHR Logo Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 08:05:59 -0500  This message is
from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Hello Everyone,  I was
one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR logo.  I
believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and didn't
reflect the true versatility of our breed.  We didn't come up with this
idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been operating in
secrecy.  While I agree that the NFHR is a democracy, it operates just
like our government, you elect officials to make the day to day
decisions.  Not have a poll for every one of them.  I would hope that
you would trust us to do the right thing both with the logo and with all
the other issues that come up daily.  My idea concerning the logo was
to only change the Fjords to one Fjord and leave the rest as is.  It's
been mentioned to have our 25 years included as well (1981 -2006).  This
would still be immediately recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same
time not indicate that the Fjord is only a draft horse.  Nothing has
been decided yet and I'm sure the BOD members that are on this list have
read your concerns.  Yours,  Mark McGinley Mariposa Farm  Ruth
Bushnell wrote:  This message is from: Ruth Bushnell
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord
Herald, the new logo has now been mentioned in both the Spring and
Summer issue. SueI JUST LOOKED at the spring issue,
because I am one who missed it, and I think because the item was
linked with the  mention of websites I never made the connection that
it was  T  H  E  logo! (the sacred logo!)  Definitely think this
should be well mulled over before anything is done about it... does
the Queen update her logo!? do countries change their flags!? come
on I'm sure when the minor registry merged with the NFHR they
would have expected to assume their identity!  changing a well
established logo to somehow accommodate a recent minor acquisition,
if indeed this is the case,  is unheard of!  I think Karen's idea
about polling is a good one... or we could start a membership
petition for the preservation of T H E present logo... Libby might be
a place to begin.  I am more than a little concerned about special
NFHR committees which apparently are instructed to operate
secretively under the leadership of their BOD designated persons...
(secrecy in a corporation is taboo, both legally and morally)
addition there is yet another entity promised in the same Herald,
TEAM FJORD, which will help with the work and financial
resources. I can't believe that BOD selective diversification of
leadership of our membership is going to avail us any good thing
other than schism! Let's keep our cards on the table for everyone to
see!  folks, wake up!! keep your eyes on the business of YOUR
membership. Please note: a corporation is first and foremost a
democracy and change is supposed to come from the bottom up, not the
top down, but it's up to YOU as individuals to keep it that way. 
Ruthie, nw mt (count me against logo change Karen

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: Ruth Bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I was trying to make the point that if we
 become so focused on the refined type of Fjord, we will forget the actual
heritage of the Fjord and unless I am mistaken, that is the whole point of
creating this registry; to preserve the Norwegian Fjord. Lynda

THAT'S WHAT what I always thought... I looked for the mission statement of
the incorporated bylaws just now and couldn't find it, saw the bylaws but
not the mission...? Mike, could you please tell me where, or what, they are?
(also... has anyone else found the List archives or are they no longer

Ruthie  (yes, I referred to committees, not the BOD Mark

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread jgayle
This message is from: jgayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bit of paranoia going on here re the logo.  Why not have several different
logos that depict the various uses of the Fjord and each person can choose
their own.  The NFHR could choose their own with our input also.

The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 46-49
Send $20 to:
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


As I clarified yesterday or the day before, I was joking when I suggested 
that the logo be changed.  I was trying to make the point that if we become so 
focused on the refined type of Fjord, we will forget the actual heritage of the 
Fjord and unless I am mistaken, that is the whole point of creating this 
registry; to preserve the Norwegian Fjord.


In a message dated 8/19/2004 1:27:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Gee Lynda, only a couple days ago you were saying you thought we ought to
CHANGE the logo, you didn't like the one showing collars: 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #192

2004-08-19 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/04 12:12:26 PM,

 don't believe we are being subject to the whims of fashion.  If
 you get a chance to see how we all dress on the BOD you'll be comforted
 in that fact!

particularly true if you saw the costume class at blue earth :):):)

laurie (dorothy) and oz
central minnesota

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On  19 Aug 2004 Linda wrote:

I do not believe the logo represents the Fjord as only a draft horse.  It 
displays the heritage of the Norwegian Fjord.  All the other various
material, including the website, can nicely show the versatility of the
 As for adding the 25th anniversary slogan to the logowhat would you do 
next year?  Logos should remain the same, not change yearly.  


Gee Lynda, only a couple days ago you were saying you thought we ought to
CHANGE the logo, you didn't like the one showing collars: 

Tue, 17 Aug 2004
 I also have a question concerning the NFHR logoare we ever going to 
change this to depict a Fjord that is being ridden or driven in breast
harness to 
keep up with the more current trend?  It seems sort of outdated as Fjords
being bred and used more for riding and light driving, versus draft or heavy 
work.  The logo depicts two Fjords in collars and it is not often we see
being used for light work, unless for specific show purposes.

So now you want to keep it?

Jean in Fairbanks, ALaska

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Modellen

2004-08-19 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I still have the video that Judy and Erik Utheim made showing Fjords from
all over Europe, as well as a lot of footage of Modellin when they first
got him. It also shows him on that competitive trail ride with April.  I
was impressed.  Of course I had just purchased the white dun mare Stella
from the Unraus.  It seems at that time white duns were not so popular and
there were not many around.  
Somehow the white duns seem to be of the lighter bodied, longer legged type. 

Jean in very smoky Fairbanks, Alaska, dense smoke over much of Alaska, from
big fires all around the Interior. A record year for fires, heat and lack
of rain!  85 to 90 today! (normal is 65)

I have some history with Modellen.  It went back to when Judy and Erik
Utheim owned him.  Erik imported him and worked extensively with them when
he lived in Maine.  

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In case I have not actually told Karen my thoughts...NO to changing the logo! 


Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Mark,

I was one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR 
logo.  I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed.

I think the brochure and other educational material can cover the various 
disciplines the Fjord is capable of.  There is no way a logo can reflect the 
versatility of the Fjord, THAT would be busy!

  We didn't come up 
with this idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been 
operating in secrecy.

I believe the issue of secrecy has to do with the committees.  Can you 
clarify this?

  While I agree that the NFHR is a democracy, it 
operates just like our government, you elect officials to make the day 
to day decisions.  Not have a poll for every one of them.  I would hope 
that you would trust us to do the right thing both with the logo and 
with all the other issues that come up daily.

Not necessarily.  Indeed, both the NFHR and government have elected 
officials.  However, in the case of the government, these elected officials are 
supposed to listen to and work within the wishes of those people who are in 
region.  I am not seeing this happening with the NFHR.

As for the logo, this is NOT a day to day decision.  This is a fundamental 
landmark of our registry so therefore, this should be presented to the 
membership as a whole.  

My idea concerning the logo was to only change the Fjords to one Fjord 
and leave the rest as is.  It's been mentioned to have our 25 years 
included as well (1981 -2006).  This would still be immediately 
recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same time not indicate that the 
Fjord is only a draft horse.  Nothing has been decided yet and I'm sure 
the BOD members that are on this list have read your concerns.

I do not believe the logo represents the Fjord as only a draft horse.  It 
displays the heritage of the Norwegian Fjord.  All the other various 
material, including the website, can nicely show the versatility of the Fjord. 
 As for adding the 25th anniversary slogan to the logowhat would you do 
next year?  Logos should remain the same, not change yearly.  


Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI Sue,

Well, I did briefly read both, although reread them again last night.  I 
completely misunderstood the website/logo thing!  I did not realize it was THE 


In a message dated 8/19/2004 7:16:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord Herald, the new logo has now been 
mentioned in both the Spring and Summer issue. 

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Mike,

Thank you!


I will forward your concerns over the change to the BOD though.


2004-08-19 Thread David McWethy
This message is from: David  McWethy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All of these posts titled Modellen, and no mention of the guy himself!  So
I will do it.

I have some history with Modellen.  It went back to when Judy and Erik
Utheim owned him.  Erik imported him and worked extensively with them when
he lived in Maine.  He did a lot of driving and fitness work, and Modellen
was ridden in competitive distance rides by a woman named April.  I first
saw him at a show jumping event in Conway NH, where several Fjords did a
demo.  Erik said, Here, do you want to drive him?  Erik didn't know my
driving abilities at all, but apparently trusted this big white stallion to
take me out in a public place.  It went fine.

Time passed and the Utheims divorced.  Judy got Modellen, but didn't have a
place for him at some point.  We knew her better by then, and she asked if
we would like to keep him for a while.  I had just started doing competiti
distance drives.  Realizing that he still had some fitness, drove well, and
was the light bodied, long legged type that I thought would do well, I said
yes, and he came to us.  I spent a few months doing slow fitness work and
then started doing events.  Looking back, I can't believe I put so much time
and energy into it.  I drove 5-7 miles for two years, regardless of weather
or winter, mostly four days a week.  If the temps were below 10 degrees, I
would pass, but otherwise we drove.

We also did hundreds of miles of events.  I found that like Fjords in
general, on warm days I had a disadvantage of large body type, where cooling
was the ONLY issue.  On cold, or rainy days I was uncomfortable, but he did
well or won.  He was the first Fjord to do the Vermont 100 mile (may still
be true), and the first stallion of any breed.  He completed twice.  (This
event is a 40-40-20 mile over three days)

Another competition I enjoy remembering is the time I entered him in a 25
mile competitive ride, and a friend rode him.  She was a former veteran of
competing and training others for hunt competition.  She didn't walk well,
from injuries and her short stature and way overweight body, but when she
rode it was beautiful.  She had never done a distance competition, and
relied on my coaching before the event - where to be when, what pace, all
the little details.  When it was over, competing with many veterans of the
sport, she came in 2nd out of 47!  She was a great rider and he was a great

One thing that was fun at the events at GMHA in Vermont was that Modellen
had a fan club.  There were people whose names I couldn't remember who would
want to come over and spend time with him, or help, or groom.  Other
competitors were fond of him.  I never had a horse who so inspired other
people.  He was handsome and he was kind.

I competed him for two years, and then left on my cross country venture.  He
stayed with us another year, and then went to Deb Coggiola in New York, who
I'm happy to say, continued to breed him.

Modellen remains one of my favorite Fjords, and favorite horses.


Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/2004 8:04:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I don't believe we are being subject to the whims of fashion.  If you get a 
chance to see how we all dress on the BOD you'll be comforted in that fact!

Aw Mark, are you saying the jeans and T-shirt look is not high fashion? LOL


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: Fjords in IBHA / Fjords in Colorado

2004-08-19 Thread ChampionPonies
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't forget about me just because I'm in the mountains!

Jamie  the Fjords Torden, Heidi, and soon, their baby brother Brecken (yay!)
In the Mountains SW of Denver, CO

Katie Kandi

2004-08-19 Thread Brad Kelly Baird
This message is from: Brad  Kelly Baird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was wrong...  a few days ago I posted a question in which I referred to
our Fjord Katie as being nearly 16 hands.  We just remeasured her, and she's
scarcely over 15.  She's still a pretty big girl, though, for a Fjord.  We
chose this year to breed her to a beautifully balanced stallion of more
modest proportions, but had been encouraged to breed her to a large, refined
stallion, since she already had so much of that 'refined' character.  My
hope is that we'll end up with a beautiful foal, but of a size that fits
more closely within the guidelines of the breed.  I've got pictures of them
on our website, at
Brad Baird, Wisconsin

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Mariposa Farm

This message is from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Brigid,

Thanks for your input.  I think what I'm looking for in a logo is 
something that is more recognizable at a glance that shows a classic 
Fjord.  I agree our logo is nice when the image is large enough to see 
it's detail but with it's many uses the size is often so small the 
picture gets lost and there is no brand recognition  (Do you have one 
of the NFHR pins?).  A logo is something that catches the eye and 
conveys a message almost subliminally, not artwork. 

I too don't want an Arab headed, pretty, cartoon Fjord as the image 
and I don't believe we are being subject to the whims of fashion.  If 
you get a chance to see how we all dress on the BOD you'll be comforted 
in that fact!



This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/2004 6:11:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed. 

** I personally love the logo, and think it should stay. If you've been to an 
expo lately, you'll see that every breed is now touted as versatile and 
shown doing everything from jumping to reining. If we want our breed to stand 
out, we need to show what it is best known for, and that is work ethic. At its 
heart the Fjord is a brukshest, a useful horse, not a pretty creature subject to 
the whims of fashion. 

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: Eating Pine Needles

2004-08-19 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/18/2004 10:07:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
my Fjords like to eat pine needles off of trees like giraffes...

It's certainly not and unusual occurrence. Ours like to brows on the tips of 
both the pines and the spruces here, especially when they are still very young 
 soft in the spring. Don't know why, and as you stated it's not because they 
don't have anything else to eat...


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Mariposa Farm

This message is from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We didn't come up 
with this idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been 
operating in secrecy. 

In the Spring Herald under Presidents Message it says on Page 5, 'Develope a 
new logo now that the unification of the 2 major Fjord organizations is 
complete'. I would interprete that as changing the logo because of the merger.

Yes it reads that way but we had talked about changing the logo before 
the merger was completed.  As far as I know no logo ideas talked about 
included the merger in their theme.

My idea concerning the logo was to only change the Fjords to one Fjord 
and leave the rest as is.  It's been mentioned to have our 25 years 
included as well (1981 -2006).  This would still be immediately 
recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same time not indicate that the 
Fjord is only a draft horse.  

I think this is a great idea.

Thanks Sue


Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/04 7:11:36 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
I was one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR 
logo.  I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed.
I agree with changing the logo, many, none fjord, people think our fjords are 
only driving/draft horses and the current logo reflect that fallacy.
  We didn't come up 
with this idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been 
operating in secrecy. 
In the Spring Herald under Presidents Message it says on Page 5, 'Develope a 
new logo now that the unification of the 2 major Fjord organizations is 
complete'. I would interprete that as changing the logo because of the merger.

My idea concerning the logo was to only change the Fjords to one Fjord 
and leave the rest as is.  It's been mentioned to have our 25 years 
included as well (1981 -2006).  This would still be immediately 
recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same time not indicate that the 
Fjord is only a draft horse.  

I think this is a great idea.

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/2004 6:11:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed. 

** I personally love the logo, and think it should stay. If you've been to an 
expo lately, you'll see that every breed is now touted as versatile and 
shown doing everything from jumping to reining. If we want our breed to stand 
out, we need to show what it is best known for, and that is work ethic. At its 
heart the Fjord is a brukshest, a useful horse, not a pretty creature subject 
the whims of fashion. 

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/19/04 8:17:16 AM Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
In a message dated 8/19/04 7:11:36 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
I was one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR 
logo.  I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed.
I agree with changing the logo, many, none fjord, people think our fjords are 
only driving/draft horses and the current logo reflect that fallacy.
  We didn't come up 
with this idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been 
operating in secrecy. 
In the Spring Herald under Presidents Message it says on Page 5, 'Develope a 
new logo now that the unification of the 2 major Fjord organizations is 
complete'. I would interprete that as changing the logo because of the merger.

My idea concerning the logo was to only change the Fjords to one Fjord 
and leave the rest as is.  It's been mentioned to have our 25 years 
included as well (1981 -2006).  This would still be immediately 
recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same time not indicate that the 
Fjord is only a draft horse.  

I think this is a great idea.

How come when I separate my answer from the message it all runs together when 
it goes through to the list. What am I doing or not doing??

re: Fjords in IBHA / Fjords in Colorado

2004-08-19 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Karen -
...We fjord owners in the greater Denver area are all pretty much in touch  
with each other.  I try to at least know where all the fjords are located  in 
my area (Elbert/Douglas counties)...
I'd like to hear more about Fjords in the metro  area!! :-)Have been 
looking, but only  know of a very few.  Then again, I just don't know where to 
look, aside  from NWSS  RMHE, and of course on CoHorseLovers (CO's largest 
eList for  horse owners).
I'm in Aurora - one Fjord gelding Loki, just turned 17 yrs old and brought  
him home this past June.  In training, but hope to be ready for trail  riding 
by end of this summer.  That's what I do,  with enthusiasm! - trail riding - 
about 2-3 times a month.   I host rides for CoWeekdayRiders and am just this 
year become a member in a  couple of local (east metro) riding clubs (PTR, 
CCHA).  Until Loki's  ready, am riding my 24 yr old Standardbred, Duchesse.  
Loki's NFHR certif.  came in from the seller a week ago (I just finished Loki's 
payments) - so  this coming week, I'll be able to mail it in with membership 
 name  transfer fee's to NFHR.  Spoke with Mike on the phone this week.
The Fjord folks I know of around here are    Cheryl in  Elizabeth with 
her handsome herd of Fjords (we've emailed and visited in  person - she helped 
me saddle size Loki at her place - thanks again,  Cheryl!  ;-)  Have 
emailed with you too, I  believe (forgive me - if I'm mis remembering, am very 
today) and I think  we talked briefly at the last NWSS (if you're Boomba's 
person, you  were understandably busy getting ready to perform, then.):-)   
   Wasn't  that you that has Boomba?  Other than that, I have heard of and 
seen  at the NWSS performing, the StarFire Farms folks' Fjords - but can't 
remember  anyone else in Colorado with Fjords.  Know they *must* be out there,  
just have not heard of them,  personally.   :-)
...Sandy and Beth at Starfire have for the past few years hosted a Fjord  
Fun Day at their farm, but there's been no requirement to have bought a fjord  
from them...I'm hoping they have 
another Fun Day this year because I've been  working with Fair Dinkum on 
tricks, and he's ready to go public!  It's a  real thrill to see all the 
together, too...
I spoke with Beth on the phone earlier this summer - asking if she knew of  a 
Fjord group that trail rides.  She explained to me (am trying to remember  
the conversation right) that there is not really a Fjord group in Colorado -  
that the Fjords I see performing at NWSS etc are StarFire Farm's and Fjords 
 came from there (I think Boomba is the only one not a StarFire Fjord - but I 
 could be completely wrong on that - I'm not savvy with the StarFire  info.)  
Beth mentioned that they'd thought of putting together  such a thing - a 
local Fjord riding group - but they were very busy and it has  not gone beyond 
that point.  She suggested I could give it a go -- and I'd  be willing to try 
organized a Fjord trail riding get-together group!  My  big problem is that I 
know of so few Fjord owners in Colorado.  Not that  they are not here - just 
that I have no idea whom they are (beyond Cheryl,  yourself, and the StarFire 
folks - of them, know only of Beth and Sandy and only  then by name, not 
personally.)A Fjord trail riding group is  not much fun with just one 
  ;-)  If there are other Fjord owners interested in  a causual trail 
riding group --- I'd still be willing to carry the ball.   Or - if my info on 
that from Beth is old news / has changed since we talked  last, and there is 
now such a trail riding group, then I am *very* interested in  hearing more 
about such a group, as I would like to participate!   
As for showing and competing - I enjoy watching that, but am not into  
performing like that.  Just trail riding - my idea of a perfect  ride.   
Can you tell me about Beth's/StarFire's Fjord Fun Days ?  That sounds  like a 
great way for Loki  I to get to meet other Fjords/owners from around  here!  
If non StarFire Fjords are allowed to come and have fun - I would  *really* 
like to participate!   Is it just showing / formal  competition?  Or more light 
enjoyment / for-fun games, for the non  competition / non show folks (like 
simple trail riders such as myself?)
You mentioned Fair Dinkum learning tricks - that's neat!  Loki's  trainer 
(Emmy in Bennett, CO) is also teaching him tricks.  Something I'd  like Loki to 
learn - as someday, he'll join me in my day job, as the rest of  my herd 
does.  His first job is to be my trail partner (# 1 !) and later  on, he'll be 
traveling the central Colorado area as the rest of my little herd  does -- in 
pony ride business.  The name is misleading, as even  15.2 h Duchesse (the 
Standardbred) does pony rides, quite often, too.   Tonight, we are servicing 
church social in 

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Mariposa Farm

This message is from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone,

I was one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR 
logo.  I believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and 
didn't reflect the true versatility of our breed.  We didn't come up 
with this idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been 
operating in secrecy.  While I agree that the NFHR is a democracy, it 
operates just like our government, you elect officials to make the day 
to day decisions.  Not have a poll for every one of them.  I would hope 
that you would trust us to do the right thing both with the logo and 
with all the other issues that come up daily.

My idea concerning the logo was to only change the Fjords to one Fjord 
and leave the rest as is.  It's been mentioned to have our 25 years 
included as well (1981 -2006).  This would still be immediately 
recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same time not indicate that the 
Fjord is only a draft horse.  Nothing has been decided yet and I'm sure 
the BOD members that are on this list have read your concerns.


Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm

Ruth Bushnell wrote:

This message is from: Ruth Bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord Herald, the new logo has now been
mentioned in both the Spring and Summer issue.

I JUST LOOKED at the spring issue, because I am one who missed it, and I
think because the item was linked with the  mention of websites I never made
the connection that it was  T  H  E  logo! (the sacred logo!)

Definitely think this should be well mulled over before anything is done
about it... does the Queen update her logo!? do countries change their
flags!? come on I'm sure when the minor registry merged with the NFHR
they would have expected to assume their identity!

changing a well established logo to somehow accommodate a recent minor
acquisition, if indeed this is the case,  is unheard of!

I think Karen's idea about polling is a good one... or we could start a
membership petition for the preservation of T H E present logo... Libby
might be a place to begin.

I am more than a little concerned about special NFHR committees which
apparently are instructed to operate secretively under the leadership of
their BOD designated persons... (secrecy in a corporation is taboo, both
legally and morally) addition there is yet another entity promised in
the same Herald, TEAM FJORD, which will help with the work and financial
resources. I can't believe that BOD selective diversification of leadership
of our membership is going to avail us any good thing other than schism!
Let's keep our cards on the table for everyone to see!

folks, wake up!! keep your eyes on the business of YOUR membership. Please
note: a corporation is first and foremost a democracy and change is supposed
to come from the bottom up, not the top down, but it's up to YOU as
individuals to keep it that way.

Ruthie, nw mt (count me against logo change Karen

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: Ruth Bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord Herald, the new logo has now been
 mentioned in both the Spring and Summer issue.

I JUST LOOKED at the spring issue, because I am one who missed it, and I
think because the item was linked with the  mention of websites I never made
the connection that it was  T  H  E  logo! (the sacred logo!)

Definitely think this should be well mulled over before anything is done
about it... does the Queen update her logo!? do countries change their
flags!? come on I'm sure when the minor registry merged with the NFHR
they would have expected to assume their identity!

changing a well established logo to somehow accommodate a recent minor
acquisition, if indeed this is the case,  is unheard of!

I think Karen's idea about polling is a good one... or we could start a
membership petition for the preservation of T H E present logo... Libby
might be a place to begin.

I am more than a little concerned about special NFHR committees which
apparently are instructed to operate secretively under the leadership of
their BOD designated persons... (secrecy in a corporation is taboo, both
legally and morally) addition there is yet another entity promised in
the same Herald, TEAM FJORD, which will help with the work and financial
resources. I can't believe that BOD selective diversification of leadership
of our membership is going to avail us any good thing other than schism!
Let's keep our cards on the table for everyone to see!

folks, wake up!! keep your eyes on the business of YOUR membership. Please
note: a corporation is first and foremost a democracy and change is supposed
to come from the bottom up, not the top down, but it's up to YOU as
individuals to keep it that way.

Ruthie, nw mt (count me against logo change Karen

form and function

2004-08-19 Thread Norsk Wood Works
This message is from: Norsk Wood Works [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from Phillip Odden

I welcome the discussion regarding body form in our fjords with regards to
use. Since our horses are very dear to us, it is understandable people can be
very passionate defending their style of fjord. The fact is that different
fjord body styles exist.

I avoid the term 'type' because 'fjord type' is what makes horses within each
of these groups a fjord. We must always be searching for horses with good and
true fjord type. In our evaluation system the score for fjord type is doubled
because we think fjord type is so important to promote.

The photo of Rosendalsborken represents fjord type, never mind the body style.
Factors considered in judging fjord type would be;  head, expression (eye),
shape of neck, depth/width, Masculine / Feminine, substance of bone, harmony /
balance, proportions, and extensive primitive markings. This from Fjord Horse
International, The official Handbook for Fjord Horse Judges.

Since we have three body styles in fjords any individual within these broad
catagories can be a good example of fjord type or a poor example. My point is
that with a choice of  recognised body styles you might just as well have a
fjord that best suits your desired use.

Over and over people are asking where and how they can find a saddle to fit
their fjord horse. A fjord should have defined withers. This is suggested in
our breed standards. Mutton withers is a fault. If you come to my farm you
will see that most of my fjords have defined withers because I look for and
breed  fjords with defined withers. I am certainly looking for good Fjord Type
as well but disposition and character is upper-most in my desired fjord

I agree with Pat Holland. If you like drafty fjords then that is what you
ought to have. If you think a lighter fjord will function better for what you
desire in a horse, then fjords also come in lighter models. Think about your
function first, then choose the form of fjord you think will fit the function.
If we always look for good  FJORD TYPE in these different body forms, as well
as good conformation, we will be improving our breed and meeting the needs of
the buyers.

If you need help in recognising these qualities in your fjord then take them
them to an evaluation or buy fjords that have been evaluated and have been
scored in these different areas. The NFHR is committed to preserving the
different body styles.

 Birgit Mortensen from Denmark indicated in  #184 that the Danes have been
breeding lighter to medium fjords with good movement for over 30 years. They
started their evaluation program in 1931 for stallions and performance tests
for stallions in 1971. Americans are not influencing the fjord body style in
Europe. European fjord breeders know what they want and have been moving in
that direction for a good long while.

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord Herald, the new logo has now been 
mentioned in both the Spring and Summer issue. It seems strange that this 
come up now when it has been in print for months. Remember the NFHR unified 
the NFA they probably had a logo they really liked it seems only fair, to me, 
that a new logo should be produced. 
Just my Humble Opinion (well maybe not so humble) :-)

Fwd: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From the Fjord List

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Why was a change to the logo not voted on by the membership at large?  This
is a symbol of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry so therefore, is associated
with all of its members.  This a highly important decision that should be
discussed and voted on by all members, not just the BOD.


No the BOD has voted to look into changing the Logo.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Re: NFHR Logo

2004-08-19 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Like I said in my last reply - The BOD voted to LOOK into changing the 
Logo.  I didn't say they changed it.  It is still being looked into.  No 
decisions have been made yet.

I will forward your concerns over the change to the BOD though.



At 09:02 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Why was a change to the logo not voted on by the membership at large?  This
is a symbol of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry so therefore, is associated
with all of its members.  This a highly important decision that should be
discussed and voted on by all members, not just the BOD.


No the BOD has voted to look into changing the Logo.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497