
2005-12-22 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


This is a bit melancholy at this time of year, but I saw this horse poem 
posted on another list and thought it was quite touching.  I will be keeping 
it stashed away somewhere with the Rainbow Bridge.  No author was 

Where to Bury a Horse

If you bury him in this spot, the secret of which you must already have,

he will come to you when you call; come to you over the far, dim pastures of 

And though you ride other living horses through life,

they shall not shy at him, nor resent his coming,

For he is yours, and he belongs there.

People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his 

who hear no nicker pitched too fine for insensitive ears.

People who may never really love a horse.

Smile at them then, for you shall know something that is hidden from them

and which is well worth knowing . . .

The one place to bury a horse is in the heart of his master.

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Free horse tying video

2005-08-02 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


Wow, I have gone from being a serious lurker to posting three times in 24 

I discovered that Clinton Anderson is offering a free horse tying video on 
his website (though you have to agree to be on their mailing list).  Thought 
I'd let the list know in case anyone is interested

Learn the knots, training techniques and aids that make tying your horse 
safe and easy every time. Clinton will show you how! Runtime: 55 minutes. A 
$29.99 Value, Yours FREE! Offer good July 1 - Aug 15, 2005.



hiding meds and Keratex Hoof Hardener

2005-08-02 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


Thanks to all for the suggestions for hiding meds.  Today's update from the 
Barn Manager was favorable (though I was not there to witness it and am 
therefore a little suspicious that it worked as well as she says).

Instead of bringing Trina in to a stall to feed the meds, she brought it out 
to the paddock mixed with some sweet feed.  Apparently, when the other two 
horses that share her paddock came over to investigate, she said MINE! and 
ate it up quickly.  Horsey competition, I guess.  I'm not  confident this 
will work everytime, but will keep my fingers crossed.

I did want to try the syringe route (mixing the powder with yogurt or 
applesauce or something) but for some unknown reason the Barn Manager 
doesn't want to do that.  After the molasses experiment failure, she keeps 
saying Trina is a dry girl, let's feed it dry.  Since I am not able to be 
there consistently to administer the meds, I feel I have to let her try what 
she wants.  But it is surely frustrating!  And I'm hoping the hot hot 
weather stays away so Trina can get lots of exercise to work off all this 
extra chow.

Another note/question...my farrier (who had been equally baffled by Trina's 
Swiss cheese feet) suggested that I switch from applying a hoof dressing 
(oil) to a hoof hardener.  I've been using Keratex Hoof Hardener for about 2 
weeks now, and I do think I see an improvement.  Reading the instructions 
and advertising for this product makes it seem like it should be up on the 
Space Shuttle (increases molecular bonds between hoof horn molecules!) but 
the nail holes in her feet are staying quite tight and while there are a few 
shelly and chipping spots still, at 4 weeks out since her last shoeing they 
are in much better shape than previous intervals.  Anyone else had any 
experience with Keratex?  It's not cheap but perhaps worth it.

Keep on wishing me luck,
Lynn and Trina

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Need tasty treat for hiding Lyme disease medicine

2005-08-01 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


My fjord recently was diagnosed w/ Lyme disease, fortunately her only 
symptom has been shelly feet (an astute horsewoman suggested I have a Lyme 
titer drawn after I mentioned that she couldn't keep shoes on for more than 
4-5 weeks).  All 4 hooves just suddenly went terrible, chipping, etc., 
though I do feed a hoof supplement and apply hoof conditioners.  Sure 
enough, the test came back strongly positive, 1 to 5000.

I need suggestions on ways to hide the tetracycline powder in some tasty 
treat so Trina will eat it.  She is being very stubborn and is convinced we 
are trying to poison her.  I have tried mixing it with:

grain and molassess
grain and honey
dengie and sweet feed

The dengie and dengie/sweet feed combination works for a few mouthfuls, but 
then she must get a taste of the antibiotic and turns up her nose.

The entire process is further complicated in that Trina is normally turned 
out 24/7 with 2 other horses, so must be brought into a stall to be 
medicated.  Leaving her cooped up hoping she'll get bored and eat the stuff 
is a bit taxing, and could take hours.  She needs the medication twice a day 
for a month, so it would be nice to find something she will scarf down! I'm 
thinking of pouring a can of beer in the feedtub next!

Lynn Towill and picky porky pony Trina
Plymouth, CT

RE: Fjord teeth

2005-07-09 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


I have another fjord tooth question...

I noticed today that my 7 year old mare has erupted a canine tooth (just 
one, on the offside jaw).  I know that mares do, rarely, develop canine 
teeth, but am wondering if it occurs more commonly in fjords than other 
breeds or perhaps in specific bloodlines.

On a different subject, I posted a while back asking about the Cashel fly 
masks...I did buy one and as several people warned me...it will NOT stay on 
the horse.  Anytime she rolls or lies down, it pops right off.  My solution 
was to take my old mask (Absorbine? The one thats mesh all over, with ears) 
and cut a hole in it to allow the forelock to come through.  It's unraveling 
a bit, but stays on and works quite well.

-Lynn in CT

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

Cashel fly masks

2005-06-06 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


A woman at the barn where I board my fjord has an interesting fly mask for 
her horse, made by Cashel.  It has an extra hole at the top so the forelock 
can come through and be outside the mask.  This seems like a great thing to 
me as cramming Trina's thick forelock under her current mask is tricky, I 
always feel like the hair will poke her in the eyes, and she gets pretty 
sweaty under there on hot days.

Anyone w/ a fjord have any experience with these masks?  I think I will 
order one in the regular length (they come regular or extra long for nose 
protection) and see how it goes...

Lynn Towill
Plymouth, CT

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

RE: Clinton Anderson methods/rope halters

2005-01-08 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


Thanks to everyone for your responses on the list and privately about CA's 
methods.  All the glowing reviews and experiences have me quite excited to 
give it a go.  Unfortunately, the glaze of ice over the ground has kept me 
away from the barn this weekend, and, horror of horrors, my quiet evening at 
home tonight watching Tivo'd horse TV was shot down when we lost power a few 
hours ago (my laptop has 1 hour of battery life left, so at least I can 
browse the web while I tend the wood stove!).

My favorite CA line...heart attacks are free...let your horse have one!

Thanks again,
Lynn and Trina in icy Connecticut

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

German fjord calendars, Fjord Fan Shop

2004-10-08 Thread LYNN BINKOWSKI


By any chance is anyone ordering anything from the Fjord-Fan-Shop in 
Germany?  I got one of the fancy calendars they sell  a few years ago and it 
was really beautiful.  I went to their website 
(http://www.fjord-fan-shop.de) and saw they have a new one for 2005, for 
19.90 Euros.  I don't speak German, and am hesitant to try to translate the 
webpages to complete an overseas order.  Does anyone else plan to order any 
holiday goodies from here?  Perhaps a few people could get together to place 
a combined order.  Any volunteers?

-Lynn and fuzzy Trina, in CT

van Bon book/mounted games

2003-01-22 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

Folks talking about van Bon's book reminded me of a photo in the book
that has always intrigued me.  On page 149 there is a photo of a group
of riders on fjords playing some sort of game with a HUGE ball...the
ball comes up to the fjords' chests in diameter!  Does anyone know what
this is all about?  Do the riders kick the ball?  Or do the fjords!?
Looks like a lot of fun...

-Lynn and Trina in FREEZING CT

fjord photo

2001-05-14 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

A friend of mine is a website developer and she recently designed a site
for www.equinephotographers.net.  If you go to the gallery page, on page
4 there is an awesome photo of 2 fjords.  Anyone know who's they are?
There is a fjord photo on the first page too, I think it is the one of
Joel Harmon's  fjords plowing.

Morgen (my friend) has also created a neat breeding journal with lots of
photos of her TB mare that foaled in March.  If any listers on foal
watch are interested in an exasperating story with a happy ending, the
link is:

There are some goofy pictures of me on the foal watch site too, but
please be kind...it was really cold and I just had to wear my nice warm
earmuff hat! G


BTW, if you want to see some really cool Flash animation, check out a
new page that she is developing for her own site:
I keep telling her to put a fjord photo in there!

Re:age database and I'm a Happy Santee!

2001-01-25 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

Well, I'll chime in that I'm a roaring 20!  Will be 29 this year.  Owner
of Trina, 2,5, who was very naughty today, but as soon as I put her back
in her paddock she stood by the fence with a soulful look as if to say
Hey, what'd I do?  Come play some more!

My Santa gift arrived today!  I was so excited!  All the way from
Canada, a beautiful leather purse with an embroidered fjord head on it,
a horseshoe change purse, and some nifty looking horsie treats (which
Trina will get her teething teeth on when she behaves a little better!).
No wonder my Santa wanted to know if I was a he-Lynn or a she-Lynn.
Again, thank you thank you thank you, I absolutely love it, it was well
worth the wait!:)

--Lynn Binkowski

Horse toys

2001-01-13 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

The list is quiet on weekends, so I thought I'd post about some fun,
inexpensive toys that I have given my fjord to play with.

First, a rope dog toy, the kind with the knots on the end.  Get a decent
sized one.  The horses like to hold it by the stringy ends and wave it
around.  Sometimes they end up bonking themselves in the face, but they
don't seem fazed.  I also used one of these toys to clicker train one
horse to pick up the toy and put it in a bucket.
I've found that a cheap hula hoop is another fun horse toy, though I'd
recommend supervision at first to make sure your horse won't panic if
they somhow get two legs through and think they're trapped.  Trina LOVES
to pick up the hula hoop in her teeth, and shake it all around (it has
some kind of noisemakers inside that make it rattle).  I've seen her
trotting around the paddock carrying it, and on occasion she's actually
flipped it up and around her neck. (This could also potentially freak
out a horse who isn't
used to it, so be careful.)  I tried to teach Trina to fetch the hoop
and drop it over a traffic cone, but I don't think her depth perception
is all that great. G

My most recent fun toy find is a water cooler water jug (the kind that I
always make a mess with at work when I have to flip it upside down onto
the cooler!!).  These things aren't actually cheap (I think they have a
deposit of something like $20 each), but you might be able to convince a
water cooler service guy  to donate one to you.  Fortunately, I ended
up finding one that someone left by a dumptster to be thrown away.
These things are sturdy and almost indestructble!  They roll around
really nicely, and are tough for a horse to get their teeth around.  I
put a few horse treats inside mine, and I think Trina is starting to get
the idea that if she bats it around enough, a treat might fall out.

Anyway, just a few ideasI know the stall balls and boat buoys I've
gotten in the past haven't retained the horses interest for long.  But
these toys seem pretty successful!

Have fun playing with your fjords!

Re: To Lynn Binkowski, from Secret Santa

2001-01-06 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

I'm a Ms.!  And silly Trina, my fjord,  is fondly nicknamed The Miss.

Thanks, Santa, I'll be checking my mailbox!
-Ms. Lynn   :)

Re: Secret Santa messages

2000-12-11 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

To the Head Elf,
I'm not sure whether I am supposed to reply on the list or privately to
your message to me, but here's the answer to my Santa's question

Alas, I have only one fjordie, and no homestead to call my own (at least
not YET) so I have no farm name.  When I do, I'l have to think of
something really COOL to call it though!  My SO has a fir tree farm,
so..someday, maybe we'll both have a firry fjord farm!  (Really,
dear, it's you I love, not your 60 acres of land!)  

If my Secret Santa could help out with any arrangements of the
matrimonial kind, I'd leave some extra cookies and carrots by the
fireplace. G 

Also, Head Elf, could you please contact me ASAP on another matter!
I've been trying to contact you off the list but haven't heard back from

Thank you! and thanks, Santa
Lynn and Trina in CT

Re: Video Co-op

2000-12-06 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

I have the following videos to share:

1. Between the Shafts (beginner  driving video)
2. A tape of many Horsetales episodes taped  from Animal Planet

and two movies:
3. The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit
4. The Horsemasters (not the greatest quality, but my favorite
movie as a kid!)

Re: sharing videos

2000-12-04 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

I think the video sharing idea is great!  I have a few I would be
willing to loan out.  I wonder if we could compile a master list of who
has what, and then arrange for some loaning ettiquite (return after 1-2
weeks, be kind-rewind, etc).   This is why the list is so great...if
only we could all pile on the couch under a blanket and chat while we
watch the videos. :)

And speaking of videos...did the Libby video ever get mass-produced for
public consumption?  (I think Sandy North had videoed the show, and PNF
was going to market???) Seems like it would be a great Xmas wish list

-Lynn in CT, and Trina, whose tail was so full of leaves today that it
looked like a tree, and I HAD to brush it! (fortunately she LOVES having
her tail brushed)

thanks for trailer info

2000-09-20 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

Thanks to everyone for your comments on how to pick a safe, serviceable
horse trailer.  The information was very helpful, and I think I will be
buying the wonderful book several people mentioned.  Gotta love
--Lynn in CT

Horse trailer buying info

2000-09-16 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

I'm looking for information on how to buy a horse trailer (what features
are important, how to make sure a used trailer is in good condition,
etc.).  I've seen two different books online that I'm considering, and
am wondering if anyone on the list has a horse trailer resource book
that they like, or if there is a good website somewhere with
trailer-buying how-tos?

Thanks...Lynn in CT

Fingerlakes show pictures

2000-08-14 Thread Lynn Binkowski
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lynn Binkowski)

I just posted some pictures from the NY Fingerlakes show to my
photopoint album.  Some of the pictures are a little fuzzy, but hey,
they're better than nothing!  Just pretend it's winter and the fjords
are fuzzy! G  The show was great and next year I hope to be too busy
showing my own fjord to take any pictures!

Here's the address:

Re: the Rein-Aid...I was the one who posted the original message.  I've
decided to try to make my own, but will only use them in the arena just
in case the brakes aren't there anymore!  Thanks for the feedback!

Wet and drippy in CT,
Lynn and Trina

P.S.  I think I just sent a blank message to the list...oops...sorry!