re; fjords and heat

2006-05-30 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

here in minnesota we do have our share of heat, and aside from the horribly 
hot trailer ride to blue earth last year, i don't think i have seen oz too 
bothered by it. he was pretty hot when we got there last year, and for the 
time i put a fan on his stall. he was leery for about 30 seconds, until he 
realized it was blowing on him. then he loved it. and his roommate at the time, 
kristin lee's new guy yaeger, taught him to push on the front of the fan until 
the fins made noise and the fan stopped. then they laughed. both of them did 
that all the time they were at blue earth. dopey fjords LOL. i can pretty 
much say he didn't seem to bothered by it at home, since, of course, there was 

laurie, who spent last saturday's hot hot day video taping a friend at the 
kandi klassic showhi linda!! and heike!!!

Re: Fjords and heat....Memorial Day.

2006-05-30 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both my beloved Braveheart and Clementine the lawn mower seem to much 
prefer the cooler temps.  On Memorial Day, when it was so hot, Clementine 
actually gave up grass consumption in the pasture and came into the barn the 
where it's much cooler to hang out.  I can identify...on Memorial Day I went to 
see The DaVinci Code.  Of course, I like Tom Hanks but I really like him in an 
air-conditioned theater.

Kay, who's staying in the shade
and Braveheart, who's loyally pulling his buggy but muttering under his breath
and Clementine, who thinks she should have gone with me to the movies. 

Re: Fjords and heat

2006-05-29 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Great pictures!  My Fjords definitely get lazy when it is warm and peppier 
when cold.  It has warmed up to the 70's here during the day, but the other 
night the temperature dropped to near freezing. after a warm day. About 
4:00 am  I was awakened by the sound of hooves thundering around the 
corral, my Aussie dog, barking madly at the window.  I got up to see my 
four fjords racing around, even 31 ;year old Bjarne., bucking 
and  cavorting around in the coolness.  The day before they had been 
mostly;  aying around in the 70 degree "heat".

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, sunny and 75 degrees, 21 hours daylight.

12At 06:32 PM 5/29/2006 -0400, you wrote:

Re: Fjords and heat

2006-05-29 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I bought Joe last July - in large part because of his easy going, kicked  
back, slowed down approach to life.  Imagine my amazement when sometime in  
November he morphed from the placid pony into the prancing pony with a whole  
more get and up go than I could have imagined!!  Through the winter  and 
spring he was trotting, galloping, and quite lively.  So yes, he  definitely 
prefers the cool weather and shows it.  Now that we have hit the  90's again, 
he is 
once again looking at me with that "you have got to be  kidding" look.  
Today we clipped him to help him cope with the heat -  I swear, if I  get any 
more infatuated with this pony I am gonna have to get rid of my husband  and 
just move into the barn permanently
Kate and Joe (well, you know, basically the best pony  ever)

Fjords and heat....Memorial Day.

2006-05-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering if any of the rest of you have noticed this.  Olaf much
prefers the cooler/cold weather.  When it gets warmer/hot, he looks at me like
I am crazy if I think he is going to 'go' anywhere very fast--except for food.
I was wondering if others see this especially in areas where there is
definately seasons and severe temp. changes.

I also know Olaf can 'bamboozle' me with the look of 'gee, it is just TOO hot
today to go for a trail ride, how about a nice walk instead.'  Oh and by walk
I mean we take a nice stroll along the path so he can grab a mouthful of soft
green grass every now and then and maybe cool his 'toes' in a shallow
river--he LOVES water.

I know conditioning is important, I just notice every spring and summer when
the temps go up, that Olaf seems to react to it  and just seems to prefer the
cooler temps.

Everyone have a wonderful Memorial Day and take a moment to remember those who
have given us the freedom we enjoy.

Jeanne Zuker
82F at 11am in MI

Re: Fjords and Heat

2004-06-05 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Myriam,

My family drove through France in late August, early September of 1988, and I 
know how hot it can get, even in "normal" years!

It gets pretty hot here in Oregon on occasion also.  My fjords don't 
particularly care for it, but get by.  I have stalls that are well-ventilated 
and I 
try to keep them cool.  If you can hook up a misting system, that really helps 
sometimes, where you attach the mister to a hose.  But it can also make your 
barn feel a bit swampy.  I don't usually like fans in barns, as a friend of 
had her barn burn down (coincidentally at the same time I was driving through 
France) when her fans caught fire.  But they do make some fans that are safe 
for barns.  

I know that the horses will get used to the heat if it last for some time, 
but two-three day heat waves are the pits for animals and humans alike!

I remember driving through Toulouse and it was enchanting. 

Northern Holiday Horses 

Fjords and heat

2004-06-02 Thread Myriam/Ptite_marmotte
This message is from: =?iso-8859-1?q?Myriam/Ptite=5Fmarmotte?= <[EMAIL 

Hi Fjords friends,

Thank you very much for your nice emails of welcome.

I have a little problem with my fjord horse,
Fuego,perhaps you have the same problem with some of
your horses..

Last summer was very hot in France, we have been on 40
degrees and my horse can t stand it.
he has looked like feeling sick,he didn t want to go
out of his box,he has had a little of fever.
I was passing my days by washing him to make him less

I m afraid that next summer would be as hot as last..
Is there anything which can make him to be better
during  heat?

all fjord horses can t stand heat?

I love my horse and I m very anxious for him because I
don t know if I could be with him all the times during
next summer (because of my studies).

At last(less important), I m searching about
photographies of fjord ancestors on the net (Hakon
Jaarl, Njal..)because I m doing a work about origin of
fjord horses.

Thanks you.


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Re: fjords and heat

2002-08-18 Thread bolinsj

This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks everyone for your feedback on sweating Fjords, both through the 
list and off.  Sounds like maybe Fjords just sweat less or show the 
sweat less.  We rode today - a pretty good ride for us, we were out 
longer than usual because there was a breeze.  Still hot but better than 
usual.  The Fjords both came back 'sticky'; we came back looking like we 
had showered with our clothes on.  :-))  They were both happy and alert 
and show no sign of distress either during or after the ride.  They did 
like the cool water wash up afterwards.  
It seems like when I drive, Kilar sweats a lot more.  Maybe because of 
the black harness rubbing everywhere?  I always need to sponge him off 
after a drive, but rarely after a ride.  We mostly just 'walk out' 
rather than do a lot of trotting when we ride.  When we drive it is just 
the opposite.  
We'll keep an eye on them.  They do get electrolytes in an 'electrolyte 
block' free choice.  Like a salt block but with more in it.  Kilar likes 
his a lot.  He also likes Frida's.  Frida just noses it around a little.

thanks again,
Martie in MD - still HOT but the breezes make it almost bearable.  Now 
WHERE is that rain!!!

Debby Stai wrote:

Martie, I saw your post abut your fjords not sweating.  I have 2 fjords,
they don't sweat near as much as the QH, the TB or the Arab and one of
them sweats more than the other.  I also have a pony that has the
condition where he does not sweat, I can't think of the medical term.
He suffered terrbile enough last summer, which was a far worse summer

Re: Fjords and heat?

2002-08-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/17/2002 10:03:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Question - it has been VERY hot here in MD.  High 90s and lots of 
> humidity.  My Fjords are not sweating at all, not even when I work them. 
> They get a little damp under the saddle and around the ears, but do not 
> sweat.  Is this unusual?  They do not appear uncomfortable but it just 
> seems unuasual that they are not sweating in such heat

It was 101 here last week.  None of my horses were sweating.  But I let them 
out at 5:00 a.m. and brought them in and hosed them off by 11:00 a.m.  Still 
I checked on them every couple of  hours and they were fine.  I hosed down 
the aisleway of our barn.  

I know there is a health problem (too early in the morning, can't remember 
the name) and it can be serious if a horse (or human) cannot sweat.  If you 
have any doubts, call your vet immediately.  If they look happy though, I 
wouldn't sweat it.  


Fjords and heat?

2002-08-18 Thread bolinsj

This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Question - it has been VERY hot here in MD.  High 90s and lots of 
humidity.  My Fjords are not sweating at all, not even when I work them. 
They get a little damp under the saddle and around the ears, but do not 
sweat.  Is this unusual?  They do not appear uncomfortable but it just 
seems unuasual that they are not sweating in such heat.  Should I be 
having them checked out?  The other horses/pony are wet all the time, 
just standing around.  They do not appear dehydrated and are drinking 
well.  They also are eating a lot of salt lately.  They spend most of 
their time in the run-in shed under the fly sprayers since there is no 
grass left because of the drought.

Martie in MD