Re: [Flashcoders] reparent child to halt scroll

2008-03-21 Thread Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle)

noone have the time to look at this one?

On 20 Mar 2008, at 15:25, Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote:

hi guys

i'm a bit stuck with a project i'm working on. I have a timeline  
which all runs off a scrollbar similar to the one in the kirupa  
forum ( -  
amended to go horizontal and us Tweener to act a bit more smoothly)

at the moment, i have 2 sprites, 1 scrolls with the scrollbar and 1  
on the scrolling sprite i have several panels and the start of some  
ticks plus a mask for the non-scrolling textfield which is on the  
other sprite

everything works as it should with this, however - i'd like to push  
it a bit further so that the title (mainTitle) scrolls with the  
rest of the panels but when it hits the left hand side, it  
reparents to the non-scrolling sprite and stays there
you can see an example of this at 
british/launch_tl_british.shtml - which i think is a really elegant  
solution to the problem of overlong panels, designed to take  
several points of interest

i've tried having everything on the scrollable sprite and  moving  
the title backwards using a SliderEvent (custom event for the  
scrollbar) but the globalToLocal() method just gets really jumpy  
and doesn't seem to put the titles in the right place or return  
them correctly

this is my class:

//package imports
import flash.display.Sprite;

//scrollbar imports
import com.caurina.transitions.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import com.receptacle.utils.*;

internal class TimelineArea extends Sprite
// class variable declarations
private var cp:CommonProperties;
private var taTitleBarY;
private var taPanelY:uint;
private var taPanelHeight:uint
private var scrollableBase:Sprite;
private var scrollbar:Scrollbar
private var stage_width:uint;
private var stage_height:uint;

private var panelY:uint;
private var panelColour:uint;
private var taTitleBarHeight:uint;
private var nonScrollableBase:Sprite;
private var commonGrey:uint;
private var subheadingFont:String;
private var headingFont:String;

// constructor
public function TimelineArea():void

private function setVars()
scrollbar = new Scrollbar();
cp = new CommonProperties();
stage_width  = cp.stage_width;
stage_height = cp.stage_height;
taTitleBarHeight = cp.taTitleBarHeight;
taTitleBarY  = cp.taTitleBarY;
taPanelY = cp.taPanelY;
taPanelHeight= cp.taPanelHeight;
commonGrey   = cp.tickColour;
headingFont  = cp.headingFont;
subheadingFont   = cp.subheadingFont;

scrollbar.x = 16;
scrollbar.y = 550-cp.titleBarHeight;

scrollableBase = new Sprite();
nonScrollableBase = new Sprite();
scrollableBase.y = 0;


private function addPanels():void
trace ("Background panels added");

			createPanel(0, 1000, 0xB6, "Prehistory", "c. 1.7 million -  
4000 B.C.E.");
			createPanel(1000, 2000, 0xB65B00, "Early Civilisations", "c. 1.7  
million - 4000 B.C.E.");
			createPanel(3000, 2000, 0x123456, "Sumfink Else", "c. 1.7  
million - 4000 B.C.E.");


		private function createPanel(panelX:Number, panelWidth:int,  
panelColour:uint, pTitle:String, date:String):void

			// SimpleRectangle class (rColour:uint, rOutlineColour:uint,  
rX:Number, rY:Number, rWidth:uint, rHeight:uint)
			var mainTitlePanel:SimpleRectangle = new SimpleRectangle 
(0xFF, panelColour, panelX, 0, panelWidth, taTitleBarHeight);


[Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Matt S.
so this is a very odd problem, but I'm tweening an extremely large
vector file (about 4000x4000px), using the Fuse tween classes. Its
basically your standard "slide across the surface of a massive object
from point to point" effect, nothing fancy. But I'm having a bear of a
time getting it to animate smoothly. In particular, as it eases into
and out of tweens, I'm getting a weird jittering of the MC, so that it
stutters to a stop, like a car with bad brakes. The tweens themselves
are nothin fancy (see below). It seems like the problem started when I
added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.

is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?




function slideToPos(){
var xPos = posArray[active][0];
var yPos = posArray[active][1]; 
var rPos = posArray[active][2]; 



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Sidney de Koning

Hi Matt,

Like the analogies :)
What tweening engine are you using?
If its your engine, there is a good speed comparison here:

If so, just change to a different engine, not every car is build to  
move boulders ;)


On Mar 21, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Matt S. wrote:

so this is a very odd problem, but I'm tweening an extremely large
vector file (about 4000x4000px), using the Fuse tween classes. Its
basically your standard "slide across the surface of a massive object
from point to point" effect, nothing fancy. But I'm having a bear of a
time getting it to animate smoothly. In particular, as it eases into
and out of tweens, I'm getting a weird jittering of the MC, so that it
stutters to a stop, like a car with bad brakes. The tweens themselves
are nothin fancy (see below). It seems like the problem started when I
added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.

is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?




function slideToPos(){
var xPos = posArray[active][0];
var yPos = posArray[active][1]; 
var rPos = posArray[active][2]; 


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Jon Bradley

On Mar 21, 2008, at 9:57 AM, Matt S. wrote:

 It seems like the problem started when I
added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.

is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?

There's a bug in Flash on certain operating system configs. I just  
don't know what it is.

I've yet to find an appropriate solution for this myself. The issue  
is related to the rotation.

I've actually resorted to using Combustion to do some of my animation  
work because of it.

I too would 'love' to know if anyone has found the core issue or a  
work around.



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Matt S.
So as far as you know its caused by the combination of large file +
rotation? Hmm, perhaps I'll try breaking it up into smaller MC's and
then place those in a larger mc...


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Jon Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Mar 21, 2008, at 9:57 AM, Matt S. wrote:
>  >  It seems like the problem started when I
>  > added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.
>  >
>  > is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
>  > this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?
>  There's a bug in Flash on certain operating system configs. I just
>  don't know what it is.
>  I've yet to find an appropriate solution for this myself. The issue
>  is related to the rotation.
>  I've actually resorted to using Combustion to do some of my animation
>  work because of it.
>  I too would 'love' to know if anyone has found the core issue or a
>  work around.
>  thanks!
>  jon
>  ___
>  Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Zeh Fernando
That's a myth. If he's tweening one or two things the tweening engine 
makes absolutely no difference. The only differences in terms of speed 
between tweening engines is how each of they handle a massive number of 
property updates on a massive number of objects. So there's absolutely 
no problem using Fuse on that case, the problem's somewhere else. A 
bottleneck problem isn't solved with a larger bottle.

All I can say about the problem is that it seems to be related to 
rendering so yeah, you'll have to look into what you're doing. Use 
cacheAsBitmap WHERE appropriate (not in the whole movieclip - it's too 
big for that), use scrollRect when possible.

Remember, complex vector rendering is EXPENSIVE. So 4000px x 4000px is 
nearly suicidal.


Sidney de Koning wrote:

Hi Matt,

Like the analogies :)
What tweening engine are you using?
If its your engine, there is a good speed comparison here:

If so, just change to a different engine, not every car is build to move 
boulders ;)


On Mar 21, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Matt S. wrote:

so this is a very odd problem, but I'm tweening an extremely large
vector file (about 4000x4000px), using the Fuse tween classes. Its
basically your standard "slide across the surface of a massive object
from point to point" effect, nothing fancy. But I'm having a bear of a
time getting it to animate smoothly. In particular, as it eases into
and out of tweens, I'm getting a weird jittering of the MC, so that it
stutters to a stop, like a car with bad brakes. The tweens themselves
are nothin fancy (see below). It seems like the problem started when I
added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.

is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?




function slideToPos(){
var xPos = posArray[active][0];
var yPos = posArray[active][1];   
var rPos = posArray[active][2];   




Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Matt S.
thanks Sidney! That's a useful comparison tool. :)


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Sidney de Koning
> Hi Matt,
>  Like the analogies :)
>  What tweening engine are you using?
>  If its your engine, there is a good speed comparison here: 
>  If so, just change to a different engine, not every car is build to
>  move boulders ;)
>  Sid
>  On Mar 21, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Matt S. wrote:
>  > Hi,
>  > so this is a very odd problem, but I'm tweening an extremely large
>  > vector file (about 4000x4000px), using the Fuse tween classes. Its
>  > basically your standard "slide across the surface of a massive object
>  > from point to point" effect, nothing fancy. But I'm having a bear of a
>  > time getting it to animate smoothly. In particular, as it eases into
>  > and out of tweens, I'm getting a weird jittering of the MC, so that it
>  > stutters to a stop, like a car with bad brakes. The tweens themselves
>  > are nothin fancy (see below). It seems like the problem started when I
>  > added _rotation to the the mix. The file is vector, imported from AI.
>  >
>  > is anyone familiar with this problem? Any recommendations for handling
>  > this sort of basic (or so I thought) effect?
>  >
>  > thanks,
>  >
>  > .m
>  >
>  >
>  > -
>  >
>  > function slideToPos(){
>  >   var xPos = posArray[active][0];
>  >   var yPos = posArray[active][1];
>  >   var rPos = posArray[active][2];
>  >   active++;
>  >
>  >   mainpanel_mc.tween("_x",xPos,2,"easeInOutSine");
>  >   mainpanel_mc.tween("_y",yPos,2.5,"easeInOutSine");
>  >   mainpanel_mc.tween("_rotation",rPos,
>  > 2.5,"easeInOutSine",null,"slideToPos2()");
>  >
>  > }
>  > ___
>  > Flashcoders mailing list
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  ___
>  Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-21 Thread Merrill, Jason
Fuse is really really bad IMO for tweening when performance (like with
your complex vector graphic) is a concern.  I dropped it because it
became unusable for me in high stress situations.  My current
tweener-of-the-month I like is TweenLite.  

Also, Flash does have a hard time, tweening aside, when very very
complex vector graphics are used.  We designed a very complex
photo-realistic assets representing the inside of an ATM machine, which
took us several days to build, and had performance issues that were
unrelated to any code (we tested it in fresh .flas with no code) - and
these graphics were done with only Flash drawing tools.  We used a ton
of gradients to achieve photo-realistic rendering, but it came with a
price.  The main problem we had was sometimes the Flash player (8 at the
time) would not load the graphic, sometimes it would - completely
random.  We finally got it working fine, but learned there are limits to
what the browser/player/memory can render.  Possible it was related to
the video card too, to be fair.  Anyway, something to keep in mind.  

Jason Merrill
Bank of America  
GT&O and Risk L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
eTools & Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies? 
Check out our internal  GT&O Innovative Learning Blog & subscribe.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Andrew Sinning
Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body 
parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an 
alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at 
the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts 
within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite 
movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween 
class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't 
alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of 
any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the 
individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect I 
would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Glen Pike
I think that's what happens in Flash too (including older versions of 
Flash...) with timeline tweens, etc...

If your character is over a solid background, you could tween the Tint 
rather than the alpha.  Again, in AS2, this less resource hungry than 
alpha tweens, so a nice workaround.

Andrew Sinning wrote:
Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body 
parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an 
alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at 
the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts 
within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite 
movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween 
class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't 
alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of 
any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the 
individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect 
I would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?

Flashcoders mailing list


Glen Pike
01736 759321 
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Andrei Thomaz
wow, I've already had to deal with this problem... I solved it using some
blend mode (I don't remember which one). Try different blend modes to the
movieclip containing the body parts, and see if some of them solves your

good luck,

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think that's what happens in Flash too (including older versions of
> Flash...) with timeline tweens, etc...
> If your character is over a solid background, you could tween the Tint
> rather than the alpha.  Again, in AS2, this less resource hungry than
> alpha tweens, so a nice workaround.
> Andrew Sinning wrote:
> > Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body
> > parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an
> > alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at
> > the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts
> > within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite
> > movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween
> > class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't
> > alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of
> > any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the
> > individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect
> > I would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Glen Pike
> 01736 759321
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Andrei Thomaz
I forgot to say: the desired effect, in my case, was a silhouette. That was
what gave the possibility of using one of the blend modes supported by
Flash. If you need to keep all the colors of your characters, I guess this
solution won't work for you.


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Andrei Thomaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> wow, I've already had to deal with this problem... I solved it using some
> blend mode (I don't remember which one). Try different blend modes to the
> movieclip containing the body parts, and see if some of them solves your
> problem.
> good luck,
> andrei
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I think that's what happens in Flash too (including older versions of
> > Flash...) with timeline tweens, etc...
> >
> > If your character is over a solid background, you could tween the Tint
> > rather than the alpha.  Again, in AS2, this less resource hungry than
> > alpha tweens, so a nice workaround.
> >
> >
> >
> > Andrew Sinning wrote:
> > > Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body
> > > parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an
> > > alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at
> > > the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts
> > > within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite
> > > movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween
> > > class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't
> > > alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of
> > > any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the
> > > individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect
> > > I would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > > ___
> > > Flashcoders mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Glen Pike
> > 01736 759321
> > 
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Writing Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Omar Fouad
oh yeah I Realized it.

THanks for the huge help guys. this list rocks!

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Merrill, Jason <

> >>which is an __
> typo, I meant to add the word, extension
> "which is an extension (not directly,but further down the chain) of
> EventDispatcher"
> Jason Merrill
> Bank of America
> GT&O and Risk L&LD Solutions Design & Development
> eTools & Multimedia
> Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community
> Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
> ideas and technologies?
> Check out our internal  GT&O Innovative Learning Blog & subscribe.
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list

Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions

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information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied,
disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an
intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any
attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Zeh Fernando
Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body 
parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an 
alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at 
the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts 
within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite 
movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween 
class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't 
alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of 
any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the 
individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect I 
would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?

This is the usual behavior. It's unrelated to player version, 
actionscript version, or fading/tweening code used. Alphas of children 
containers are simply multiplied by the alpha value of the parent container.

If you don't want that "x-ray" effect, set blendMode of the container to 
"layer". That forces precomposition of the container content before the 
alpha is applied so it'll fade as a whole. That's the correct solution 
for that problem.

Using 'empty' filters (say, a blur with a radius of 0) has the same 
effect. Using cacheAsBitmap *usually* has the same effect too, but it is 
erratic - depending on changes done to children content, it may force 
redrawing and you'd lose the flattened transparencies.

With all those solutions, if you use different blendModes on the 
container children you'll lose them.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Andrew Sinning
Funny thing is that even turning on cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween 
doesn't help.  I guess I'll just have to do it faster and hope nobody 
notices.  Huh!?

Andrew Sinning wrote:
Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body 
parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an 
alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts at 
the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts 
within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite 
movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween 
class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but shouldn't 
alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I can't think of 
any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to apply to the 
individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I wanted that effect 
I would set the alphas of the individual parts, right?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Andrew Sinning
Thanks Zeh.  Your solution should have been SO easy for me to implement, 
but it seems that setting this using AS right before doing the tween 
doesn't work.  I had to change it in the IDE.  But it works great!  Thanks!

Zeh Fernando wrote:
Our artist made an animated character by over-lapping different body 
parts.  Strange thing, when I fade out the character using an 
alpha-tween of the outer-most clip, I can see the overlapping parts 
at the joints.  It's like the alpha is affecting the individual parts 
within the movieClip rather than being applied to the composite 
movieClip.  This is in AS2, and I just use the mx.transitions Tween 
class.  I guess to cacheAsBitmap before doing the tween, but 
shouldn't alpha be applied to a composited clip by definition?  I 
can't think of any reason why you would ever want an alpha effect to 
apply to the individual parts within a movie clip.  I mean, if I 
wanted that effect I would set the alphas of the individual parts, 

This is the usual behavior. It's unrelated to player version, 
actionscript version, or fading/tweening code used. Alphas of children 
containers are simply multiplied by the alpha value of the parent 

If you don't want that "x-ray" effect, set blendMode of the container 
to "layer". That forces precomposition of the container content before 
the alpha is applied so it'll fade as a whole. That's the correct 
solution for that problem.

Using 'empty' filters (say, a blur with a radius of 0) has the same 
effect. Using cacheAsBitmap *usually* has the same effect too, but it 
is erratic - depending on changes done to children content, it may 
force redrawing and you'd lose the flattened transparencies.

With all those solutions, if you use different blendModes on the 
container children you'll lose them.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shupe
It's also important to clarify something Zeh mentioned when he used the
phrases "container children" and "precomposition." (Zeh said it well, but
I've seen lots of folks not quite get this idea the first time they hear
about it, so this is just a bit of overkill.)

The Layer blend mode will not work if applied to a lone, childless movie
clip on the stage. Instead, it works on a movie clip within which the
children are overlapping.

For example, if your character is in the root timeline, it's not possible to
apply Layer to all the body parts and correct the problem. If the character
is in a movie clip (as it likely is/should probably be), you apply Layer to
the parent clip, not the body parts within.

The default tool behavior for applying the alpha is to go into the parent
and apply it to all the children. This yields the result you're seeing.
Layer was introduced with Flash 8 to prevent that. It precomposes everything
in the clip so the alpha is applied to one thing as a whole.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] strange effects when tweening alpha

2008-03-21 Thread Glen Pike

I just tried the "layer" thing too - thanks for that useful snippet...


Glen Pike
01736 759321 
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] referencing external CSS file

2008-03-21 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Hi list...

I have an AS2 project with 10 classes with TextFormats instanced
throughout.  Can anyone recommend a best practice to keep all of these
TFs in one place and just have them referenced when needed?  I was
thinking of making a class just to return different TFs.  Is there a way
to load a CSS file - not glued to a specific TextField - so that all
classes can reference the styles within it?  Also, if I can load a
global external CSS file, can I apply styles to instanced V2 components
from it?

- Michael M.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Omar Fouad

I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.

The class obviously extends MovieClip;

Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel and
It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.

Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?

Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions

This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended
recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential
information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied,
disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an
intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any
attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Glen Pike

I would maybe use Composition to do this.

Have RegistrationPanel contain an instance of APanel and call on it:



Omar Fouad wrote:


I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.

The class obviously extends MovieClip;

Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel and
It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.

Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?



Glen Pike
01736 759321 
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Mark Winterhalder
>  Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
>  APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?

You can have RegistrationPanel extend APanel.

You need to inherit from MovieClip, but you don't have to do it
directly. APanel extends MovieClip, so when RegistrationPanel extends
APanel, it will also extend MovieClip. Like a dog is a mammal, and a
mammal is an animal, so a dog is an animal, too.


On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Omar Fouad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> List,
>  I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.
>  The class obviously extends MovieClip;
>  Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel and
>  It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.
>  Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
>  APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?
>  --
>  Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions
>  This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended
>  recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential
>  information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied,
>  disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an
>  intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any
>  attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.
>  ___
>  Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Steven Sacks

Do you want to inherit some or all?

If you want to inherit all, have RegistrationPanel extend APanel.

If you want to inherit some, have RegistrationPanel instantiate APanel 
and have proxy methods to just the ones you want.


Omar Fouad wrote:


I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.

The class obviously extends MovieClip;

Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel and
It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.

Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Omar Fouad
Nope look at this.

package amlak.ui
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class RegistrationPanel extends APanel {

public function RegistrationPanel(){



5000: The class 'amlak.ui.RegistrationPanel' must subclass '
flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that

I thought that RegistrationPanel would inherit also MovieClip since APanal
does. But same Error.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Do you want to inherit some or all?
> If you want to inherit all, have RegistrationPanel extend APanel.
> If you want to inherit some, have RegistrationPanel instantiate APanel
> and have proxy methods to just the ones you want.
> -Steven
> Omar Fouad wrote:
> > List,
> >
> > I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.
> >
> > The class obviously extends MovieClip;
> >
> > Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel
> and
> > It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.
> >
> > Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours
> from
> > APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?
> >
> >
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list

Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions

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information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied,
disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an
intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any
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Flashcoders mailing list