Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2008-03-16 Thread Rich Shupe

This thread became a Flash IDE versus FlexBuilder/other tool discussion but,
back to your original question, you can still code, and find resources to
help, AS3 in Flash.

I recently co-wrote a book with this in mind, for Flash users wanting to
learn AS3. It's definitely aimed at beginners, though.

Here's a tinyurl link to Amazon:


On 3/4/07 12:32 AM, "Micky Hulse" wrote:

> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version of
> Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the Flash
> application? Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex
> Builder? Or, is Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for
> compiling the new AS3 code?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-07 Thread Micky Hulse

Dave Watts wrote:

I unsubscribed the address that was causing the bounces. Sorry for the

Ah, no prob. :)

Thanks for all of your hard work.

Sorry if I spammed the list with my funk-ily formatted emails. Hehe.

Btw, thanks to everyone for all of the help, I really appreciate it.


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RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-07 Thread Dave Watts
> NOTE: Not sure why bounced emails... The error was:
> "I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not 
> be be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below."

I unsubscribed the address that was causing the bounces. Sorry for the

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
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Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Micky Hulse
Note: Grrr, this is the one thing I hate about Thunderbird and text-only 
emails hard to reply/copy/paste quoted emails and retain the nice 

> Kalani Bright wrote:
>> As far as Flex goes verything can be done in Flash.
>> If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex.

Sounds like solid advice. :)

>> Flex is somewhat the equivalent of visual studio .net's ide.  Drag and
>> drop
>> ..
>> not flash + code.  But yes it is faster.

If I were into that type of development, I am sure it would be great. 
But for me, I mainly do small things... I think I will install Flex 
Builder though... A specific coding app for AS3 sounds like a good idea.

>> But I use Flex Builder 2 in conjuction with Flash and avoid Flex
>> altogether.

Sounds like the direction I will head.

Excellent! you all rock. Thanks for help everyone. :)


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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Micky Hulse

Note: Sorry about the funky formatting.

> Muzak wrote:
>> Hi Micky, see inline reply.

Hi Muzak, ditto. :)

>>> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and
>>> found myself pondering this:
>>> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
>> That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
>> If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.

Ah, yes... I am definitely not a guru -- mostly use flash to enhance 
non-crucial aspects of websites and/or for adverts/videos/small 
animations -- basic stuff. But, AS3 looks like a step in right 
direction, and I am excited to start learning the ins-and-outs... I am 
hoping I can figure-out some small 1-man projects that will get me 
learning the new version of code.

>>> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version
>>> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the
>>> Flash application?
>> I think the above answer applies here as well.

Sounds good/makes sense. :)

>>> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is
>>> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling the
>>> new AS3 code?
>> Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead of
>> the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
>> AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3
>> alpha preview (

Ahhh, I see. Thanks for clarification. :)

Gonna install Flex Builder tonight (assume it is free)... Looking 
forward to coding inside of it.

>>> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage
>>> programatically (for something like a website header), should I just
>>> make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is
>>> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted movies?
>> I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.

Ah, seems like the consensus... Although, I hope I can find a 
way/project that will get me started on learning the new syntax.

>>> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
>> What kind of links/articles are you looking for?

Looks like a great list of links! Thanks for sharing.

>> As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)

Hehe, I can see that now. Lol. ;)

>> Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has become
>> more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all kinds of
>> backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted to) but
>> found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to other tools
>> available for other languages.

I can see that. As a noob myself, I can think of a few dislikes when it 
comes to using Flash for coding.

>> So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but
>> (finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of
>> things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already
>> comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse (

Never used Eclipse, but I think I have heard good things. I like the 
thought of having two apps -- one for coding, other for graphics.

>> older articles explaining Flex + AS3

Excellent! I am glad I asked the list -- you guys/gals have been very 
helpful -- many many thanks to you all. :D

>> I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
>> "We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wait, Come Back!"

LOL! Nice one. Heheh.

Cheers Muzak, I greatly appreciate your time.
- Micky

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Micky Hulse

NOTE: Not sure why bounced emails... The error was:
"I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below."

Re-sending email(s)... sorry in advance if fomatting is screwy. :(

> Stan Vassilev wrote:
>> Well the future is AS3. AS3 is coming in the next version of the Flash
>> Authoring app as well.

Ah, yep. I am excited to get to know AS3 better -- Hehe, I felt like I 
was just getting to know AS2!!!

>> When should you make the switch? Well, if you are working on a project
>> ..
>> -> Flex Builder 2 is your app.

Ah, I see. I am definitely not a power-user... mostly for small 
animations and such -- I love coding, but my head is more into the 
graphic-end of things. But man, I do love the challenge and fulfillment 
of coding things... in whatever language it may be.

>> If you're working on a project that is interactive multimedia
>> ..
>> for a feature only available in AS3.

Sounds good. :)

Many thanks for your guidance, I really appreciate all of your help and 

Have a great day/night Stan!

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Micky Hulse
NOTE: All my replies to the list bounced yesterday... so I am 
re-sending... Sorry in advance if below email is not formatted well. 
Kinda frustrated that my emails bounced -- Time wasted. :(

Hi Kalani, many thanks for your help! Your reply has greatly helped me. :)

> Kalani Bright wrote:
>> I always thought the flash as editor is horrible.  I've always used
>> external
>> ..
>> to the class files built in Flex Builder).  It's more of a balanced

Ahh, makes perfect sense. So far, I really like the direction AS3 took 
things. I am excited to learn more and figure-out a good coding 
workflow... Hehe, so many coding languages, so little time (not to 
mention room in my head!)

>> approached to coding, graphics, and animation then going all out code
>> or all
>> ..
>> the other which work together.

Sounds good to me. :)

I plan on downloading/installing Flex Builder tonight.

>> For things like animating a website header...why would you want to
>> animate
>> that programmatically?  It would only make sense to code something
>> which was
>> going to be used more than once or for something that wouldn't be
>> possible

Ah, I mention website header because I am working on a header for my 
portfolio site... currently all coded in AS2 -- I am doing a lot of 
sequential loading of clips, and action-scripted tweening... also, I try 
to write as much AS as possible whenever I get the chance -- for 
learning purposes.

>> just using normal flash.  As far as the differences of AS2 and AS3 and
>> Flash
>> ..
>> they perform any cross scripting.

Makes perfect sense to me. :)

>> Of course you are going to get lots of opinions which way is the right
>> way
>> to do things, and they are all going to be different.  These are mine.

I like your thinking -- many thanks Kalani, I greatly appreciate the 
reply. It has cleared-up a lot of confusion I have been having.

Have a great day/night.

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Micky Hulse

Hey all.

Thanks for all the great replies... Thanks for all the help. :)

Unfortunately, it looks like all my replies to your emails have bounced 
from the chattyfig address... not sure why. I will try to re-organize my 
responses and send again -- hopefully they go through this time!


To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
The issue at hand is that there is really a lack of information out
there to educate Flash developers on what the benefits and differences
are of using Flex.  You pretty much have to take the plunge and learn it
to educate yourself on why you should be using it in the first place.

This is, IMO, Adobe's burden, however, it should be noted that a lot of
Flex developers come not from Flash, but from arenas like Java, .NET,
VB, etc. and they needed no prodding as Flex fulfills a need many of
them have been looking for.

To say that Flex is only as good as the components it comes with is not
a fair statement.  You can, should and do write your own components with
Flex.  You don't have to only use the components Flex comes with if you
don't want to (much the same as Flash in this regard).

If you come from Flash, you will find the Design view woefully
inadequate compared to what you're used to with the timeline.  There's
no visual z-indexing or folders, etc.  However, without breaking any
NDAs, I'll casually mention that Adobe is working on making Flex Builder
more attractive to designers.  ;)

The best thing I've heard comparing Flex vs. Flash (and it's still not
really sufficient) is that there are applications that are much easier
to write in Flex than in Flash and vice-versa, and knowing which to use
and how to use them will help you choose the right implementation for
your client.  At the same time, pretty much every Flash developer I know
that took the plunge to Flex no longer does any Flash (if they can help
it) and swears by Flex.

So, in conclusion, you have to take the time to learn Flex to understand
Flex, but in doing so you may never come back to Flash.  I'm still in
the early stages of learning Flex, so I can't speak to why those who
emigrate never return.
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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Alain Rousseau
The thing is, are you a graphic designer or a programmer? 

If the first, i'd recommend you stick with Flash, otherwise it's up to you
to choose.
Not all Flash websites are RIA, but they are tending to be so more and more.
hence the need of a team : Designers ->Flash ,  Programmers -> Flex or FLash

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Seth
Sent: 5 mars 2007 13:26
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

>> If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex. 
I would disagree with this entirely. Flex frees up an artist to focus on the
areas they want to work with. If you're a UI artist, sure, avoid flex.

Telling an artist to avoid flex in flash development would be like telling a
video game developer to avoid directx.

Not all sites use that many flex components, but they're a good tool when


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kalani
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I don't know about FDT or what that was based on.
I know Adobe purchased a company which produced Eclipse related plugins such
as JSEclipse.
Which probably is how they got Flex Builder built so fast.

As far as Flex goes verything can be done in Flash.
If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex. 
Flex is somewhat the equivalent of visual studio .net's ide.  Drag and drop
components onto the stage.
It's a boring sort of deal...more interesting than other technologies...but
not flash + code.  But yes it is faster.

But I use Flex Builder 2 in conjuction with Flash and avoid Flex altogether.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Omar Fouad
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I think what you can do in flex can be done in flash, flex is

Is this right??

On 3/4/07, Chris RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.
> but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as 
> robust as FDT?
> Chris
> On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:
> > Hi Micky, see inline reply.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and 
> >> found myself pondering this:
> >>
> >> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
> >
> > That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
> > If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.
> >
> >> Third paragraph states:
> >>
> >> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 
> >> and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
> >>
> >> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version 
> >> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the 
> >> Flash application?
> >
> > I think the above answer applies here as well.
> >
> >> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is 
> >> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling 
> >> the new AS3 code?
> >
> > Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead 
> > of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
> > AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3 
> > alpha preview (
> >
> >> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage 
> >> programatically (for something like a website header), should I 
> >> just make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), 
> >> or is
> >> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted 
> >> movies?
> >
> > I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.
> >
> >> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
> >
> > What kind of links/articles are you looking for?
> >
> >
> >
> >

RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Seth Caldwell

>> If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex. 
I would disagree with this entirely. Flex frees up an artist to focus on the
areas they want to work with. If you're a UI artist, sure, avoid flex.

Telling an artist to avoid flex in flash development would be like telling a
video game developer to avoid directx.

Not all sites use that many flex components, but they're a good tool when


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kalani
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I don't know about FDT or what that was based on.
I know Adobe purchased a company which produced Eclipse related plugins such
as JSEclipse.
Which probably is how they got Flex Builder built so fast.

As far as Flex goes verything can be done in Flash.
If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex. 
Flex is somewhat the equivalent of visual studio .net's ide.  Drag and drop
components onto the stage.
It's a boring sort of deal...more interesting than other technologies...but
not flash + code.  But yes it is faster.

But I use Flex Builder 2 in conjuction with Flash and avoid Flex altogether.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Omar Fouad
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I think what you can do in flex can be done in flash, flex is

Is this right??

On 3/4/07, Chris RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.
> but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as 
> robust as FDT?
> Chris
> On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:
> > Hi Micky, see inline reply.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and 
> >> found myself pondering this:
> >>
> >> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
> >
> > That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
> > If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.
> >
> >> Third paragraph states:
> >>
> >> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 
> >> and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
> >>
> >> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version 
> >> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the 
> >> Flash application?
> >
> > I think the above answer applies here as well.
> >
> >> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is 
> >> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling 
> >> the new AS3 code?
> >
> > Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead 
> > of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
> > AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3 
> > alpha preview (
> >
> >> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage 
> >> programatically (for something like a website header), should I 
> >> just make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), 
> >> or is
> >> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted 
> >> movies?
> >
> > I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.
> >
> >> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
> >
> > What kind of links/articles are you looking for?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)
> >
> > Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has 
> > become more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all 
> > kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted 
> > to) but found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to other 
> > tools available for other languages.
> >

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-05 Thread Omar Fouad

allright thanks

On 3/4/07, Kalani Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know about FDT or what that was based on.
I know Adobe purchased a company which produced Eclipse related plugins
as JSEclipse.
Which probably is how they got Flex Builder built so fast.

As far as Flex goes verything can be done in Flash.
If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex.
Flex is somewhat the equivalent of visual studio .net's ide.  Drag and
components onto the stage.
It's a boring sort of deal...more interesting than other
not flash + code.  But yes it is faster.

But I use Flex Builder 2 in conjuction with Flash and avoid Flex

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Omar Fouad
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I think what you can do in flex can be done in flash, flex is

Is this right??

On 3/4/07, Chris RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.
> but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as
> robust as FDT?
> Chris
> On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:
> > Hi Micky, see inline reply.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and
> >> found myself pondering this:
> >>
> >> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
> >
> > That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
> > If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.
> >
> >> Third paragraph states:
> >>
> >> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2
> >> and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
> >>
> >> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version
> >> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the
> >> Flash application?
> >
> > I think the above answer applies here as well.
> >
> >> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is
> >> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling
> >> the new AS3 code?
> >
> > Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead
> > of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
> > AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3
> > alpha preview (
> >
> >> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage
> >> programatically (for something like a website header), should I
> >> just make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue),
> >> or is
> >> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted
> >> movies?
> >
> > I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.
> >
> >> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
> >
> > What kind of links/articles are you looking for?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)
> >
> > Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has
> > become more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all
> > kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted
> > to) but found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to other
> > tools available for other languages.
> > So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but
> > (finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of
> > things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already
> > comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse
> > (
> >
> > older articles explaining Flex + AS3
> >
> >
> >
> > I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
> > &quo

RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread Kalani Bright

I don't know about FDT or what that was based on.
I know Adobe purchased a company which produced Eclipse related plugins such
as JSEclipse.
Which probably is how they got Flex Builder built so fast.

As far as Flex goes verything can be done in Flash.
If you have an ounce of artist in you please avoid Flex. 
Flex is somewhat the equivalent of visual studio .net's ide.  Drag and drop
components onto the stage.
It's a boring sort of deal...more interesting than other technologies...but
not flash + code.  But yes it is faster.

But I use Flex Builder 2 in conjuction with Flash and avoid Flex altogether.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Omar Fouad
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

I think what you can do in flex can be done in flash, flex is

Is this right??

On 3/4/07, Chris RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.
> but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as 
> robust as FDT?
> Chris
> On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:
> > Hi Micky, see inline reply.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and 
> >> found myself pondering this:
> >>
> >> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
> >
> > That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
> > If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.
> >
> >> Third paragraph states:
> >>
> >> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 
> >> and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
> >>
> >> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version 
> >> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the 
> >> Flash application?
> >
> > I think the above answer applies here as well.
> >
> >> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is 
> >> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling 
> >> the new AS3 code?
> >
> > Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead 
> > of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
> > AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3 
> > alpha preview (
> >
> >> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage 
> >> programatically (for something like a website header), should I 
> >> just make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), 
> >> or is
> >> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted 
> >> movies?
> >
> > I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.
> >
> >> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
> >
> > What kind of links/articles are you looking for?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)
> >
> > Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has 
> > become more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all 
> > kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted 
> > to) but found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to other 
> > tools available for other languages.
> > So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but
> > (finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of 
> > things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already 
> > comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse
> > (
> >
> > older articles explaining Flex + AS3 
> >
> >
> >
> > I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
> > "We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wai

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread Omar Fouad

I think what you can do in flex can be done in flash, flex is

Is this right??

On 3/4/07, Chris RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.
but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as
robust as FDT?


On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:

> Hi Micky, see inline reply.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
> Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?
>> Hi all,
>> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and
>> found myself pondering this:
>> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
> That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
> If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.
>> Third paragraph states:
>> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2
>> and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
>> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next
>> version of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via
>> the Flash application?
> I think the above answer applies here as well.
>> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or,
>> is Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for
>> compiling the new AS3 code?
> Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead
> of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
> AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3
> alpha preview (
>> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage
>> programatically (for something like a website header), should I
>> just make
>> the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is
>> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted
>> movies?
> I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.
>> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
> What kind of links/articles are you looking for?
> As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)
> Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has
> become more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all
> kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or
> wanted to) but found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to
> other tools available for other languages.
> So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but
> (finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of
> things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already
> comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse
> (
> older articles explaining Flex + AS3
> I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
> "We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wait, Come Back!"
> regards,
> Muzak
> ___
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> Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
> Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Omar Fouad - Digital Emotions...

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful
nor conceited It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is
not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins...but delights
in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope... and to
endure... whatever comes.
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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread Chris RM
I didn't know Flex Builder was based off Eclipse. I haven't used F.B.  
but how does it differ from the FDT plug-in for Eclipse? Is it as  
robust as FDT?


On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Muzak wrote:

Hi Micky, see inline reply.

- Original Message -
From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

Hi all,

I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and  
found myself pondering this:

Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.

Third paragraph states:

"This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2  
and have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "

What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next  
version of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via

the Flash application?

I think the above answer applies here as well.

Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or,  
is Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for

compiling the new AS3 code?

Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead  
of the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3  
alpha preview (

If I only want to animate some objects around the stage  
programatically (for something like a website header), should I  
just make
the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is  
AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted


I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.

Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?

What kind of links/articles are you looking for?

As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)

Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has  
become more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all
kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or  
wanted to) but found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to

other tools available for other languages.
So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but  
(finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of
things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already  
comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse


older articles explaining Flex + AS3

I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
"We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wait, Come Back!"


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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread T. Michael Keesey

On 3/3/07, Micky Hulse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and found
myself pondering this:

Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

If you are using Flex, then yes. If you are using Flash, then probably
not. They have only released an alpha version of Flash 9, and it's
basically just Flash 8 with the ability to compile AS3.

Now is a good time to become acquainted with AS3, though, either
through Flex Builder 2 or the Flash 9 alpha (or both).
Mike Keesey
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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread Muzak
Hi Micky, see inline reply.

- Original Message - 
From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:32 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

> Hi all,
> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and found myself 
> pondering this:
> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.

> Third paragraph states:
> "This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 and have 
> successfully installed it on your computer. ... "
> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version of Flash 
> until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via 
> the Flash application?

I think the above answer applies here as well.

> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is Flex 
> Builder just one out of many/few code editors for 
> compiling the new AS3 code?

Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead of the 
Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3 alpha preview 

> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage programatically (for 
> something like a website header), should I just make 
> the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is AS2 still an 
> acceptable way of producing small action-scripted 
> movies?

I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.

> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?

What kind of links/articles are you looking for?

As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)

Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has become more and 
more powerful and more and more programmers with all 
kinds of backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted to) but 
found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to 
other tools available for other languages.
So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but (finally) gives 
those that are more into the programming side of 
things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already comfortable 
with, since it's based on Eclipse 

older articles explaining Flex + AS3

I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
"We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wait, Come Back!"


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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-04 Thread Stan Vassilev
Well the future is AS3. AS3 is coming in the next version of the Flash 
Authoring app as well.
When should you make the switch? Well, if you are working on a project that 
you can define as "application" (heavy usage of GUI controls like buttons, 
tabs etc), less or no stress on design and multimedia interfaces, and the 
project is large, and requires fast script execution -> Flex Builder 2 is 
your app.

If you're working on a project that is interactive multimedia experience, 
such as movie sites, game sites, cartoon sites, animated brochures, ads, 
banners, then AS2 is more than capable, and you can migrate naturally when 
the Authoring is available and you have the need for a feature only 
available in AS3.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

- Original Message - 
From: "Micky Hulse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:32 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

Hi all,

I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and found 
myself pondering this:

Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

Third paragraph states:

"This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 and 
have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "

What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version of 
Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the Flash 
application? Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? 
Or, is Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling 
the new AS3 code?

If I only want to animate some objects around the stage programatically 
(for something like a website header), should I just make the switch to 
AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is AS2 still an acceptable 
way of producing small action-scripted movies?

Sorry if my thinking and/or questions are noobish... Hehe, I am just 
trying to put the pieces together.

Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?

Please advise. :)


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RE: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-03 Thread Kalani Bright

I always thought the flash as editor is horrible.  I've always used external
tools such as PrimalScript to code my apps and now I use Flex Builder 2.  I
use the apps in conjuction with each other and I still put create items
visually in flash and have items in movieclips (defined as classes...pointed
to the class files built in Flex Builder).  It's more of a balanced
approached to coding, graphics, and animation then going all out code or all
out graphics.   (And I don't use Flex, don't believe in it.)  I love the
code hinting, instantly accessible help, and auto creation of some of the
things when you create a file or override a superclasse's methods.  It's so
nice having things similiar to whats available for other serious languages
finally, and having a full IDE for coding and another for animation and all
the other which work together.

For things like animating a website header...why would you want to animate
that programmatically?  It would only make sense to code something which was
going to be used more than once or for something that wouldn't be possible
just using normal flash.  As far as the differences of AS2 and AS3 and Flash
don't concern yourself with them.  However I think everyone serious about
Flash should be starting to learn AS3.  It's going to take over development
over the next couple of years...better to learn the new stuff then the older
stuff especially since AS3 and AS2 are not compatible within the same FLA if
they perform any cross scripting.

Of course you are going to get lots of opinions which way is the right way
to do things, and they are all going to be different.  These are mine.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Micky Hulse
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 9:32 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

Hi all,

I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and found
myself pondering this:

Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

Third paragraph states:

"This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 and have
successfully installed it on your computer. ... "

What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version of Flash
until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the Flash application?
Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is Flex
Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling the new AS3

If I only want to animate some objects around the stage programatically (for
something like a website header), should I just make the switch to
  AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is AS2 still an acceptable
way of producing small action-scripted movies?

Sorry if my thinking and/or questions are noobish... Hehe, I am just trying
to put the pieces together.

Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?

Please advise. :)


  Wishlist: <>
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  BCC?: <>
My: <>
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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

[Flashcoders] AS3... when to start?

2007-03-03 Thread Micky Hulse

Hi all,

I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and found 
myself pondering this:

Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?

Third paragraph states:

"This book assumes that you have obtained a copy of Flex Builder 2 and 
have successfully installed it on your computer. ... "

What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version of 
Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the Flash 
application? Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex 
Builder? Or, is Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for 
compiling the new AS3 code?

If I only want to animate some objects around the stage programatically 
(for something like a website header), should I just make the switch to 
 AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is AS2 still an 
acceptable way of producing small action-scripted movies?

Sorry if my thinking and/or questions are noobish... Hehe, I am just 
trying to put the pieces together.

Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?

Please advise. :)


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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training