Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-11 Thread Jim Kremens
Hi Mike,
 Can you elaborate on how the Command pattern can be used instead of MVC?
 Jim Kremens

 On 11/9/05, Mike Britton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You'll quickly get into framework-building, something that can delay your
 project. Why not use an existing open source framework like ARP?

 I've gone the route of employing MVC in every aspect of my architectures,
 then I discovered the command pattern, which ARP uses.

 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-11 Thread Mike Britton
The Command pattern is a true design pattern, while MVC is an architectural
pattern. It's difficult to explain how one could be used in place of the
other because the Command pattern can be used inside an MVC
design/architecture. Similarly, MVC can be used inside a Command.

I believe Brent's original question dealt with using MVC triads throughout
an application design. I felt he was on the right track understanding the
need to separate model from view, but could benefit from using the Command
pattern to encapsulate actions. It would lessen the complexity (and thus
improve the scalability) of his application.

It's for this reason I suggested ARP. ARP has a good implementation of the
Command pattern. Rather than redesign his own framework, Brent could benefit
from using one that has a good community around it.


Command Pattern

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-11 Thread Rich Rodecker
 Design patterns are just a way of doing things... I once posted on my blog
after reading the Head First Design Patterns book (which I think is a
must-read for people getting into DP's) that you might know how to play some
notes on a guitar (this is would liken to creating some variables), and you
may know how to build some chords( classes ) but if you play certain notes
and chords a certain way then you might be playing the blues (a design

MVC is a design pattern made of other design patterns. if you get to know
those first, you'll understand mvc better.

there's a fine line to walk between knowing that you CAN use design patterns
in your design, and that you MUST (usually people think this because someone
else is doing it). Don't worry about forcing them into your work yet...but
look for spots where they might be appropriate and try to work them in (by
this i mean, dont worry about starting off saying, i am going to build this
using the  pattern).

Defintely look into's a framework that uses a bunch of design
patterns to show you a good way to develop a flash app. ( Don't be worried
by the word framework either -- you might even think of it as a reusable
application template).

On 11/9/05, Brent Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I get the idea, relax about MVC... but not too much ;).
 Starting out with MVC is kind of like having ten different maps that all
 get to the same place by different paths. Because of my own specific
 application needs, certain implementations (or maps) will be much better
 than others and figuring out which one to use is mind-boggling. Even
 worse, doing it with Flash is like having an extra mountain range (or
 something) smack dab in the middle.

 Taking Mikes suggestion I'm looking into ARP more. It looks pretty good
 but its kind-of a learning curve. I think the framework will help
 filter out some of the options.

 Anywhoo, thanks for your guys' help! I'm sure I'll feel better about
 this whole thing once I start actually making some progress ;).


 Message: 21
 Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:58:14 +
 From: Johan Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

  I've tried building the view completely by the
  controller with AS createEmptyMovieClip and such but was wasting too
  much time not being able to see anything at design time.

 I've stayed away from that too. This approach is advantageous when
 you're working with designers who wants to have full access to your
 views during design time.

 I chose not to pass event objects but rather fire a generic onUpdate()
 event on each listener. Inside oController.onUpdate() I request the
 info I need from the composited oModel and pass that info along to the
 composited view_mc. This allowed me to have different views listening
 to the model and each requesting only the info they needed instead of
 getting all-or-nothing. When my model's data changed, it all changed
 but all of it's listening views didn't need all of the data.

 I like that idea too. It's close to Moock's MVC with Observer Pattern
 passing only the needed data is really cool.

 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-09 Thread Mike Britton
You'll quickly get into framework-building, something that can delay your
project. Why not use an existing open source framework like ARP?

I've gone the route of employing MVC in every aspect of my architectures,
then I discovered the command pattern, which ARP uses.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Small
On 11/9/05, Brent Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is where I really start to pull my hair out because there are so
 many options.  I think the above would work, but I'm not really sure if
 that's using MVC correctly.

Hey man, that's what happens to everyone. Don't sweat it. Seriously,
design patterns are sort of your road map. It's not important
EXACTLY how you get there, and if it's easier for you to walk around
something, then walk around something, don't force yourself to walk
OVER something just because the map says that's the direction you need
to go in. In other words, just start off doing what makes sense to
YOU. What makes YOU comfortable. Trust me, you'll go back and revise
your code a hundred times, maybe more, and the next project you work
on will change because you'll take lessons from the previous one. The
most important thing about design patterns and frameworks is just that
you USE them. There is no real right way or wrong way. There are
ALWAYS places that someone would step in and say, oh, I'd do it this
way...not that way...and all you can do is just take it in, see if
it's appropriate and applicable to your project or workflow and
implement it or not.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, just the fact that you're USING a
design pattern or framework is a great start. You're already doing the
most important thing right. The rest will just come to you...
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-09 Thread Jeff Small
On 11/9/05, Johan Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey man, that's what happens to everyone. Don't sweat it. Seriously,
  design patterns are sort of your road map. It's not important
  EXACTLY how you get there, and if it's easier for you to walk around
  something, then walk around something, don't force yourself to walk
  OVER something just because the map says that's the direction you need
  to go in.

 Jeff, this is really a great analogy and I agree to a certain extent but...

 In other words, just start off doing what makes sense to
  YOU. What makes YOU comfortable.

 I have to disagree here. This is only OK if you are 100% sure you're
 the only person who'll ever work on a project. I guess it's cool to
 mess around with MVC implementations on your personal projects as an
 exercise - to get a feel for it.

 I've been involved in various commercial projects lately where we've
 used various types of home-cooked MVC frameworks and experience
 tells me that if you want your project to be maintainable, stay away
 from the do-what-you-like type of MVC implementations.

Well, to be fair, and I should've been a little clear. In my analogy
that would've sort of been like telling him he could just make up his
own map as he went along. I think following the standards and coding
practices of a framework are the most important things about them. I
agree 100% with what you typed. You'll get no argument from

I should've been a little clearer. Once you've got the map, walk and
traverse at a pace and level that you're most comfortable with, I
think. I know some people that are absolutely fanatical that
EVERYTHING be MVC to the bone, and some people that realize that some
web applications tend to be less complex than people make them, and
probably don't need an extensive level of adherence to MVC principles.
It always seems like it's the latter that are most laid back and most
at ease with their programming, in my experience. I can, and I'm sure
you can too, empathize with people who are a little nervous or
skittish about how best to jump into something like a framework. It
takes a certain level of self confidence to sort of step in and take
on structured programming and not kill yourself worrying over whether
or not you're executing EVERYTHING in a perfect MVC world. I think
that's the stress on people who first pick up a framework. It's not
really much more than a couple of kind words and a few, don't worry,
we've all been there...jump ins can't

I certainly don't recommend reinventing the wheel and trying to take
on both adopting a framework AND inventing one at the same time. I
think the best part of frameworks, and if I'm not mistaken, the
purpose of them, is to promote code reuse, and I certainly wouldn't
try to invent something that the kind folks who have worked on the MVC
framework have worked tirelessly on.

My two Scheckles.

 True, there's no right or wrong way when applying MVC. But I'll have
 to agree with Mike about using something like ARP or Cairngorm. Both
 of these are well-documented with full UML diagrams. This way, if you
 get stuck you have a community to go to for help.

 Sorry, I didn't mean to start an MVC war or anything like that - I'll
 leave that to the SmallTalk and Java gurus who have been at it since
 early nineties ;-)

 Just my 2 pence.


 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-09 Thread Johan Lopes
 I've tried building the view completely by the
 controller with AS createEmptyMovieClip and such but was wasting too
 much time not being able to see anything at design time.

I've stayed away from that too. This approach is advantageous when
you're working with designers who wants to have full access to your
views during design time.

I chose not to pass event objects but rather fire a generic onUpdate()
event on each listener.  Inside oController.onUpdate() I request the
info I need from the composited oModel and pass that info along to the
composited view_mc.  This allowed me to have different views listening
to the model and each requesting only the info they needed instead of
getting all-or-nothing.  When my model's data changed, it all changed
but all of it's listening views didn't need all of the data.

I like that idea too. It's close to Moock's MVC with Observer Pattern
passing only the needed data is really cool.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash

2005-11-09 Thread Brent Gore
I think I get the idea, relax about MVC... but not too much ;).
Starting out with MVC is kind of like having ten different maps that all
get to the same place by different paths.  Because of my own specific
application needs, certain implementations (or maps) will be much better
than others and figuring out which one to use is mind-boggling.  Even
worse, doing it with Flash is like having an extra mountain range (or
something) smack dab in the middle.

Taking Mikes suggestion I'm looking into ARP more.  It looks pretty good
but its kind-of a learning curve.  I think the framework will help
filter out some of the options.  

Anywhoo, thanks for your guys' help!  I'm sure I'll feel better about
this whole thing once I start actually making some progress ;).


Message: 21
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:58:14 +
From: Johan Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 I've tried building the view completely by the
 controller with AS createEmptyMovieClip and such but was wasting too
 much time not being able to see anything at design time.

I've stayed away from that too. This approach is advantageous when
you're working with designers who wants to have full access to your
views during design time.

I chose not to pass event objects but rather fire a generic onUpdate()
event on each listener.  Inside oController.onUpdate() I request the
info I need from the composited oModel and pass that info along to the
composited view_mc.  This allowed me to have different views listening
to the model and each requesting only the info they needed instead of
getting all-or-nothing.  When my model's data changed, it all changed
but all of it's listening views didn't need all of the data.

I like that idea too. It's close to Moock's MVC with Observer Pattern
passing only the needed data is really cool.

Flashcoders mailing list