[flexcoders] Wondering about buttons..

2009-11-03 Thread tchredeemed
I have always wondered what the best way to do this was:

I need to create a reusable button, but this button will sometimes have an 
arrow on the right side, an 'x' on the right side, or nothing on the right 
side. There might be the possibility to have these on the left side too.

I have attempted this before, but I have never really come up with an elegant 
solution. Just wondering what the best/cleanest way to do this would be?


[flexcoders] Performance Question

2009-06-03 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, Our users have a group of Individuals (com.gladhandle.IndividualVO) 
and in one part of the application they can search the individuals.

However, one of our milestones is that they are able to search and the results 
are refreshed on keyup of a textinput.

Seeing as this could and would cause problems with the application if I hit the 
back end with an AMF call every key up, I was considering loading all of their 
individuals at startup.

The majority of our users will have relatively small number of individuals (50 
to 100 or so).  Some will have a lot (500 to 1000) and VERY FEW will have more 
than that.

Which path would be better, searching and filtering by making an AMF call which 
would make a subsequent database call and roundtrip the information back to me, 
or take the initial hit to load them all at startup?


[flexcoders] Re: Custom Alert - When I add more than one, the only one I can close is the top

2009-05-14 Thread tchredeemed

[flexcoders] Custom Alert - When I add more than one, the only one I can close is the top.

2009-05-13 Thread tchredeemed
This is what my code looks like:


private static var _alertUI:GHAlertUI = new GHAlertUI();
public static const CUSTOM_EVENT:String = GHAlertEvent;

public function GHAlert(){

public static function show( message:String, title:String=null, 
buttons:Array=null, closeHandler:Function=null ):void {
_alertUI = GHAlertUI( PopUpManager.createPopUp( Application.application as 
DisplayObject, GHAlertUI, true ) );
PopUpManager.centerPopUp( _alertUI );

if( closeHandler != null ) _alertUI.addEventListener( CUSTOM_EVENT, 
closeHandler );

var button:GHAlertButton;

if( !buttons || buttons.length == 0 ){
button = new GHAlertButton();
button.labelText = 'OK';
button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler );
_alertUI.buttons.addChild( button );

else {
for( var i:int=0; ibuttons.length;i++){
button = new GHAlertButton();
button.labelText = buttons[i].toString().toUpperCase();
button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler );
_alertUI.buttons.addChildAt( button, 0 );


private static function buttonClickHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void {
_alertUI.dispatchEvent( new GHAlertEvent( CUSTOM_EVENT, 
event.currentTarget.labelText ) );
PopUpManager.removePopUp( _alertUI );


So basically if I do GHAlert.show() it works fine, however, if I do 
GHAlert.show() twice, the only one that works is the top, so if I close the 
top the buttons don't work on the bottom, almost like the events aren't firing.

Thanks for any help!

[flexcoders] flex 4 gumbo and setStyle()

2009-04-27 Thread tchredeemed
For some reason, when using flex 4, setStyle() is not working.

Is this method deprecated in gumbo?

The code I am using

mx:Button label=test id=testButton borderColor=0x00 
click=testButton.setStyle('borderColor', 0xff); /

It does not work for some reason, but it worked fine in flex 3.

Any help would be appreciated!

[flexcoders] Re: flex 4 gumbo and setStyle()

2009-04-27 Thread tchredeemed
actually, it seems setStyle( 'backgroundColor', value ); works fine.

I am not sure what does and doesn't work, but how else would I set the border 
color from actionscript in flex gumbo?

[flexcoders] Shared Virtual Objects in multiple flex applications

2009-04-15 Thread tchredeemed
I have multiple applications, and they all have to use SOME of the virtual 
objects I have created as they all need to update our database through rubyamf 
in one way or another.

I was wondering what the best way to create classes / etc that multiple 
projects can use. What would be the best way to do this?

[flexcoders] Horizontal and Vertical gradients?

2009-03-23 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, I have an arrow that I draw graphically, it has a vertical gradient 
from the top to the bottom.

I want it to fade in from left to right, so I was wanting to put a horizontal 
gradient on it too...

I am not sure if it is possible to do this, or if this can be done a different 

Here is the arrow: http://www.andrewthorp.com/green-arrow.png

I could just do an inner drop shadow - but the background behind the arrows is 
changing, so a black drop shadow would look pretty weird...


[flexcoders] Re: Flex error (URLRequest) using Ruby on Rails

2009-03-19 Thread tchredeemed
still looking for a clue!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apth...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  Basically, I have an action upload_attachment in a controller handle_data
  In flex I call navigateToURL( new URLRequest( 
  serverURL+'handle_data/upload_attachment/?profile_id=46' ) );
  This seems to work fine in the following browsers:
  IE, safari
  It does not work in:
  Firefox( mac and pc), google chrome
  I am not sure why, but if I watch the production.log files from rails, 
  firefox/chrome are never actually requesting this action, and giving me a 
  2038 Error, but IE/safari do request the action, and work fine.
  Why I think it might be a rails problem:
  This error does not occur if I boot the server up via localhost, but when I 
  move the app to a different server with SSL installed, it does not work.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[flexcoders] Re: Flex error (URLRequest) using Ruby on Rails

2009-03-19 Thread tchredeemed
Hm, I am not sure that does the trick..

I have researched the problem and it seems that firefox does not send session 
information and that is what is causing the error...

Anyone know any workarounds? Mind you I am using ruby on rails for the back 

Please help, I am drowning here!


[flexcoders] Re: Flex error (URLRequest) using Ruby on Rails

2009-03-18 Thread tchredeemed

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apth...@... wrote:

 Basically, I have an action upload_attachment in a controller handle_data
 In flex I call navigateToURL( new URLRequest( 
 serverURL+'handle_data/upload_attachment/?profile_id=46' ) );
 This seems to work fine in the following browsers:
 IE, safari
 It does not work in:
 Firefox( mac and pc), google chrome
 I am not sure why, but if I watch the production.log files from rails, 
 firefox/chrome are never actually requesting this action, and giving me a 
 2038 Error, but IE/safari do request the action, and work fine.
 Why I think it might be a rails problem:
 This error does not occur if I boot the server up via localhost, but when I 
 move the app to a different server with SSL installed, it does not work.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[flexcoders] Flex error (URLRequest) using Ruby on Rails

2009-03-17 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, I have an action upload_attachment in a controller handle_data

In flex I call navigateToURL( new URLRequest( 
serverURL+'handle_data/upload_attachment/?profile_id=46' ) );

This seems to work fine in the following browsers:

IE, safari

It does not work in:

Firefox( mac and pc), google chrome

I am not sure why, but if I watch the production.log files from rails, 
firefox/chrome are never actually requesting this action, and giving me a 2038 
Error, but IE/safari do request the action, and work fine.

Why I think it might be a rails problem:

This error does not occur if I boot the server up via localhost, but when I 
move the app to a different server with SSL installed, it does not work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[flexcoders] How to do images inside of a textarea using htmlText?

2009-03-10 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, I was wondering how I would just put an image inside of the textarea 
like it was a piece of text...


Functional Equivalent of:

Dear [First Name],
Begin typing your message here.

Instead of the text [First Name], I want the image placed there... any ideas?


[flexcoders] Architecture / Design question...

2009-03-09 Thread tchredeemed
I have a situation in which I am currently using a very ugly set up to get the 
job done, but I want to change this (will explain) and I am looking for some 

The process is this.

A user gets to  a piece of our app and they are presented with some options.  
The options are very different depending on which route they take to get there.

For instance, they might see a checkbox about saving a piece of their file as a 

They might see a set of radio buttons to order different quantities (in this 
case the price can change depending on which radio button is selected [the 
price is on the same screen]).

They might see a mailing address or an email address, depending on the medium 
of the item they are purchasing.

Basically, the options vary greatly, so I currently have a different custom 
component depending on which they are using.

I want to be able to use one component and have different options on that 
component, but I am not sure of an efficient way to do it.

I know this is random and probably not easily answered without a specific 
understanding of the system, but I thought I would ask :)

[flexcoders] Re: file.upload() works fine on mac os x, does not work on a PC

2009-03-05 Thread tchredeemed

is it a headers issue?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, sunild99 sunilbd...@... wrote:

 Are you doing this w/an account that does not have the local admin 
 privilege on the Windows workstation? Or does it work when you use HTTP?
 Just a guess,
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  I tried this in all browsers on my mac (firefox, safari, camino), and it 
  uploaded fine.
  I tried this on all browsers on my pc (firefox, ie6, ie7), and it did not.
  file.upload( new URLRequest( 
  _appGlobals.serverURL+data/attachment/?order_id=+_appGlobals.order.id ) );
  serverURL = https://www.oursite.com/
  order_id is set
  for some reason, it is faulting!  any ideas why?

[flexcoders] file.upload() works fine on mac os x, does not work on a PC

2009-03-04 Thread tchredeemed
I tried this in all browsers on my mac (firefox, safari, camino), and it 
uploaded fine.

I tried this on all browsers on my pc (firefox, ie6, ie7), and it did not.

file.upload( new URLRequest( 
_appGlobals.serverURL+data/attachment/?order_id=+_appGlobals.order.id ) );

serverURL = https://www.oursite.com/

order_id is set

for some reason, it is faulting!  any ideas why?

[flexcoders] Re: file.upload() works fine on mac os x, does not work on a PC

2009-03-04 Thread tchredeemed
I am uploading using Rails (Ruby on rails)

PC is getting a 406 Not Acceptable error.

any help would be awesome!

[flexcoders] Re: file.upload() works fine on mac os x, does not work on a PC

2009-03-04 Thread tchredeemed
Anyone else run into this problem?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apth...@... wrote:

 I am uploading using Rails (Ruby on rails)
 PC is getting a 406 Not Acceptable error.
 any help would be awesome!

[flexcoders] Does this work / Does this have problems?

2009-02-19 Thread tchredeemed
I have a custom component named RemovableText, it looks like this

buttons:RemoveButton /
mx:Text /

The HBox is the root of the RemovableText.

When I create and add a removable text, I am doing this:

var text:RemovableText = new RemovableText();
text.name = 'removableText';
text.addEventListener( GHEvent.REMOVE_BUTTON_CLICKED,
removeButtonClickHandler );

// Parsestyles is my function that gets me the textformat for the
current block
var tf:TextFormat = parseStyles(tag);
text.setStyle( 'fontFamily', tf.font );
text.setStyle( 'fontSize', tf.size );
... etc ...


My question is this,

If I set styles on the root (RemovableText), will all of the styles be
set for the mx:Text / child of the Component?

Is this a safe way to do it?


[flexcoders] [Inspectable]

2009-02-19 Thread tchredeemed
Can someone tell me when I would want to use certain parts of
Inspectable and what they do for me?

The only one I have really found useful is 'enumeration'...

For instance, what is the difference between

public var arrowDirection:String = 'right';


public var arrowDirection:String = 'right';

What benefit do you get from the rest of them as well?

Thanks for any help!

[flexcoders] problem with services-config.xml in multiple work environments..

2009-02-17 Thread tchredeemed

We develop on localhost:3000, we test on http://dev.oursite.com, and
we go live on https://www.oursite.com.

I need 3 different environments, one for each environment.

Right now I have to recompile the SWF everytime I want to create it
for a new environment.

Obviously, when we have multiple people using it on localhost, I have
to create these swf's too often.

I was hoping there is a way that I can set up services-config.xml to
point to the right url...

I would almost like to set up a daisy chain or something, it tries
www, if it can't get that, it tries dev, if it cant get that, it tries

Any help would really be greatly appreciated...

[flexcoders] Re: problem with services-config.xml in multiple work environments..

2009-02-17 Thread tchredeemed
Yeah, I can do that, no big deal, it doesn't really fix the issue
because I have to use SecureAMFendpoint when its live and AMFEndpoint
when it is not.

I dont have an SSL Cert on localhost, but we have SSL on www.

I like the way you think though!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Anthony DeBonis anth...@... wrote:

 What is the service type?  If you talking AMF be sure to use 
 {server.name}  and not hard code the name... this is the default for 
 most of the services in the config... did you have to change yours?
 Example - 
 channel-definition id=my-amf 
 mf class=flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint/
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  We develop on localhost:3000, we test on http://dev.oursite.com, and
  we go live on https://www.oursite.com.
  I need 3 different environments, one for each environment.
  Right now I have to recompile the SWF everytime I want to create it
  for a new environment.
  Obviously, when we have multiple people using it on localhost, I 
  to create these swf's too often.
  I was hoping there is a way that I can set up services-config.xml to
  point to the right url...
  I would almost like to set up a daisy chain or something, it tries
  www, if it can't get that, it tries dev, if it cant get that, it 
  Any help would really be greatly appreciated...

[flexcoders] Re: ColorPicker - without the picker!

2009-02-06 Thread tchredeemed
Yes! That is exactly what I am looking for!

[flexcoders] Re: ColorPicker - without the picker!

2009-02-06 Thread tchredeemed
Yeah, I was under the impression he was waiting to see if that's what
I was looking for...

Hopefully he won't mind sharing his code :)

[flexcoders] Re: ColorPicker - without the picker!

2009-02-06 Thread tchredeemed

That is a picture of what I am looking for...

Somehow where I can get the swatch panel without going through the
click on the top piece.

Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Re: ColorPicker - without the picker!

2009-02-06 Thread tchredeemed
I'd rather just know how to implement that SwatchPanel component if
that is possible... :)

[flexcoders] ColorPicker - without the picker!

2009-02-05 Thread tchredeemed
I was wondering if I could build a flex app that has the SwatchPanel
by default, instead of having to click on the icon to have it drop down.


[flexcoders] mx:Text maxWidth

2009-02-04 Thread tchredeemed

When I set the maxWidth on a text, it does not force to a new line
(like when you explicitly set the width). Is there any way to set it
so that it will force it to a new line if it exceeds the maxWidth,
without having to reserve the space using width?

[flexcoders] Re: services-config.xml question

2009-02-04 Thread tchredeemed

[flexcoders] Re: mx:Text maxWidth

2009-02-04 Thread tchredeemed
What I want it to do is to allow it to grow to the maxWidth, and wrap
the text if it hits the max, right now it just cuts off the text after
the maxWidth...

halp! :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apth...@... wrote:

 When I set the maxWidth on a text, it does not force to a new line
 (like when you explicitly set the width). Is there any way to set it
 so that it will force it to a new line if it exceeds the maxWidth,
 without having to reserve the space using width?

[flexcoders] Re: services-config.xml question

2009-02-03 Thread tchredeemed
I am not sure that really solves the problem... as I still have to
type the server in.

Anyone know any better solutions?

[flexcoders] FileReference.upload

2009-01-30 Thread tchredeemed
Hello, I am using RubyAMF to save information to the database.

The FileReference.upload method is causing some issues because
logically I would like to pass the File information with other
information rather than just using upload().

That being said, is there any way to convert FileReference data to
Base64, I am assuming all file types are able to be encoded in base64,
is that correct?

Any help would be appreciated!

If not base64, any other way to do it would be great, just need some
way that I dont have to use FileRef.upload!


[flexcoders] Re: FileReference.upload

2009-01-30 Thread tchredeemed
Type was not found: File.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hoff timh...@... wrote:

 One way is to use File instead of FileReference.  You can get the
 ByteArray that way and pass that to your service.  the only caveat is
 that you won't be able to track the upload progress; unless you do
 something custom with your service.
 private var fileToUpload:File;
 private var pptFiles:FileFilter = new FileFilter(PowerPoint Files
 (*.ppt), *.ppt);
 private var fileTypes:Array = new Array(pptFiles);
 public function browseFiles():void
   fileToUpload = new File();
   fileToUpload.addEventListener( Event.SELECT, uploadFile );
   fileToUpload.browseForOpen(Open, fileTypes);
 public function uploadFile( event:Event ):void
   fileToUpload = event.target as File;
   var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
   var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
   stream.open(fileToUpload, FileMode.READ);
   stream.readBytes(fileData, 0, stream.bytesAvailable);
   // fileData will now contain the ByteArray for the file to upload.
  //  You can use mx.utils.Base64Encoder.encodeBytes();, or send the
 data as is.}
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  Hello, I am using RubyAMF to save information to the database.
  The FileReference.upload method is causing some issues because
  logically I would like to pass the File information with other
  information rather than just using upload().
  That being said, is there any way to convert FileReference data to
  Base64, I am assuming all file types are able to be encoded in base64,
  is that correct?
  Any help would be appreciated!
  If not base64, any other way to do it would be great, just need some
  way that I dont have to use FileRef.upload!

[flexcoders] Re: FileReference.upload

2009-01-30 Thread tchredeemed
I don't have flash.filesystem

when I do import flash.fi the only thing is filters..

hmm!! :)

[flexcoders] flex color pickers

2009-01-29 Thread tchredeemed
does anyone know of any flex color pickers (kinda like photoshop color
selection tool) that I can shamelessly rip off (open source, obviously


[flexcoders] Re: flex color pickers

2009-01-29 Thread tchredeemed
Actually, I need one that is much more open then that... a 'millions
of colors' color picker..!

[flexcoders] Re: flex color pickers

2009-01-29 Thread tchredeemed
anyone know??

[flexcoders] Requesting images says its non secure?

2009-01-23 Thread tchredeemed
I was wondering if anyone could help me here..

We have a site that is SSL encrypted, and I embed a flex app inside
the html of it.

When I launch the app, it gives a popup (only in IE) saying a secure
site is requesting non secure information.  However, the only images I
request are requested by the url: https://www.oursite.com/files/.  

When I look at it in firebug, all requests are sent over https.

Anyone know why this might be happening?

/files/ is a symbolic link to http://files.gladhandle.com, which is
not secure.  However, in HTML, the popup is gone when we go to the
symbolic link, it is still there in the flash.

[flexcoders] services-config.xml question

2009-01-22 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, right now my setup looks like this:

!-- SECURE --
!-- channel-definition id=rubyamf
class=mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel --
channel-definition id=rubyamf class=mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel

!-- WWW --
!-- endpoint uri=https://www.gladhandle.com/rubyamf/gateway;
class=flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint/ --
!-- endpoint uri=http://www.gladhandle.com:3000/rubyamf/gateway;
class=flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint/ --

!-- LOCAL --
endpoint uri=http://localhost:3000/rubyamf/gateway;


Obviously, that is not the best way.  I have to recompile this with
the correct channel-definition/endpoint uncommented depending on if I
am running it locally (development), off our dev server (testing), or
on www (live).

What would be a better way to approach this?

[flexcoders] Re: Font's not loading in IE?

2009-01-21 Thread tchredeemed
Yes, I am sure.

Or atleast... I thought I was sure... I converted all fonts to
truetype and tested it, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly in
some places.

Is there any reason it would not display correctly on windows but it
would display correctly on a mac?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rob Kunkle r...@... wrote:

 Are you sure your application is using fonts that are embedded in the  
 application, and not drawing on fonts from the client system?
 On Jan 20, 2009, at 7:32 PM, tchredeemed wrote:
  I have noticed that when I embed my fonts they load fine in Mac -
  However, on a Windows machine -
  IE 6/7
  Google Chrome
  The fonts do not load correctly.
  Anyone know why this happens? Even in some places, the fonts look
  fine, however in a lot of places they won't seem to load correctly...
  Odd behavior, not sure what the cause is...

[flexcoders] Re: Font's not loading in IE?

2009-01-21 Thread tchredeemed
I am actually embedding them like this:

I have a module BickhamPro.mxml:

on creationComplete I call creationCompleteHandler();

[Embed(source='assets/Bickham Script Pro.ttf', fontFamily='Bickham
Script Pro', fontName='Bickham Script Pro', fontWeight=normal,
fontStyle=normal, mimeType=application/x-font-truetype)] 
private static var _bickhamScriptPro:Class;

private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
Font.registerFont( _bickhamScriptPro );

When the app is loaded, I load the module into a moduleLoader and add
it as a child to the main application.

This seems to work on a mac but not on a pc... I do not believe that
everyone who has tested this has the fonts installed, I could be wrong.

Do you see anything wrong with the code or should I explore each
computer for the fonts?

[flexcoders] Font's not loading in IE?

2009-01-20 Thread tchredeemed
I have noticed that when I embed my fonts they load fine in Mac -


However, on a Windows machine -

IE 6/7
Google Chrome

The fonts do not load correctly.

Anyone know why this happens?  Even in some places, the fonts look
fine, however in a lot of places they won't seem to load correctly...

Odd behavior, not sure what the cause is...

[flexcoders] Memory leaks?

2009-01-16 Thread tchredeemed
When I load different modules, I notice a large decrease in performance.

The thing is, there are only 2 modules that get loaded, and the user
can go back and forth.

startup = module 1
click link to get to module 2
click 'back' button to get back to module 1
click link to get ot module 2
click 'back' to get to module 1


I am actually loading the module everytime it is being clicked,
instead of caching it, should I be caching it?

Is there a better way to load the modules, rather than like this:

private function loadModule( url:String ):void {
moduleLoader.url = url;


mx:ModuleLoader id=moduleLoader top=43 left=0 visible=false /

lemme know!

[flexcoders] Re: Memory leaks?

2009-01-16 Thread tchredeemed
does the module loading itself really effect performance?

[flexcoders] Peculiar Image Behavior!

2009-01-07 Thread tchredeemed
I have noticed a peculiar problem with some images being rendered in

This image:

is being rendered like this:

I can navigate to the folder the image is in, and I assure you, it looks
like the first.  This only happens to some images, not all, in fact its
the small minority that it does happen to.

Has anyone ever had these issues before?

[flexcoders] Re: Peculiar Image Behavior!

2009-01-07 Thread tchredeemed
It is a JPG, it loads fine in HTML, and it is being loaded into flex
as the source of an Image Object...

Eeep! :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, oneworld95 oneworl...@... wrote:

 What's the image type? Does it load correctly if you create a simple
 HTML page with an img tag pointing to it? How is it being loaded
 into Flex (@Embed or just setting the source of an Image object)?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  I have noticed a peculiar problem with some images being rendered in
  This image:
  is being rendered like this:
  I can navigate to the folder the image is in, and I assure you, it
  like the first.  This only happens to some images, not all, in
fact its
  the small minority that it does happen to.
  Has anyone ever had these issues before?

[flexcoders] Re: Peculiar Image Behavior!

2009-01-07 Thread tchredeemed
I saved it out as Baseline(standard) just to be sure, same problem.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jim Hayes j...@... wrote:

 It almost looks as if it could be one of the early stages of one of
 those progressive type jpegs (they load in stages on a web page),
 possibly there's something about it that flex does not quite understand.
 I forget how you check for this, but it may be worth you finding out and
 having a look?
 -Original Message-
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
 Behalf Of tchredeemed
 Sent: 07 January 2009 16:18
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Peculiar Image Behavior!
 It is a JPG, it loads fine in HTML, and it is being loaded into flex
 as the source of an Image Object...
 Eeep! :)
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 , oneworld95 oneworld95@ wrote:
  What's the image type? Does it load correctly if you create a simple
  HTML page with an img tag pointing to it? How is it being loaded
  into Flex (@Embed or just setting the source of an Image object)?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
   I have noticed a peculiar problem with some images being rendered in
   This image:
   is being rendered like this:
   I can navigate to the folder the image is in, and I assure you, it
   like the first. This only happens to some images, not all, in
 fact its
   the small minority that it does happen to.
   Has anyone ever had these issues before?
 This communication is from Primal Pictures Ltd., a company
registered in England and Wales with registration No. 02622298 and
registered office: 4th Floor, Tennyson House, 159-165 Great Portland
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 This e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. It may be read,
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 This email has been scanned for Primal Pictures by the MessageLabs
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[flexcoders] Re: Resizing Images.

2009-01-01 Thread tchredeemed

[flexcoders] Re: Resizing Images.

2009-01-01 Thread tchredeemed
To see what I am talking about...

look at - http://www.andrewthorp.com/flexsmoothing/

[flexcoders] Resizing Images.

2008-12-31 Thread tchredeemed

Our application needs the ability to take a logo (which gets uploaded
in a different interface via rails) and resize it dynamically
depending on which item they are purchasing.

As of right now, I am using a Loader and when Event.COMPLETE is
dispatched, I catch it, create a new width/height, call
myMatrix.scale(newW,HewH), than bitmapFill on a UIComponent using the
bitmapData and my matrix.

Everything works, in that it does resize the image, but they quality
is not very good, some of them are decent looking, and others do not
handle aliasing well at all.

Smoothing is set to true when I do the bitmapFill.

Is there a better way to do this? Should I be creating a new image
with the data rather than resizing the data dynamically?

Halp! :(


[flexcoders] Re: Resizing Images.

2008-12-31 Thread tchredeemed
Has anyone done this?

[flexcoders] uploading a file with ruby

2008-12-17 Thread tchredeemed
Anyone done this?

This is how I try to do it:

fileReference.upload( new URLRequest(
http://localhost:3000/files/upload; ) );

however, I get

Error #2038 File I/O error

Anyone know why I am getting this error? can you not post to the

Is there something else I have to do?

[flexcoders] Re: Embedding fonts dynamically...

2008-12-04 Thread tchredeemed
Will this allow me to actually embed fonts dynamically? or to just use
fonts that I have already embedded?

[flexcoders] Re: Embedding fonts dynamically...

2008-12-04 Thread tchredeemed
I am concerned about the filesize if we embed all files.

I think what Alex said might work, we could embed the font into a
module, and only load a module as we need the font.

[flexcoders] Flex TextArea Limited by number of lines.

2008-12-03 Thread tchredeemed
Has anyone ever done this? Seen any tutorials on this? It seems that a
good amount of people would want something like this.

I keep running into issues with it, and it is very frustrating!

[flexcoders] Embedding fonts dynamically...

2008-12-03 Thread tchredeemed
Is there any way to do this?

Basically, I only need some fonts and it will change depending on the

[flexcoders] Re: Embedding fonts dynamically...

2008-12-03 Thread tchredeemed
How would I do that?

Also, do you know of any way to tell if the user has a font already,
and I will only embed it if they need it (don't want to load a font
that  they already have...)

[flexcoders] Re: TextFormat being reset?

2008-11-18 Thread tchredeemed
Anyone?? :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have created my own CanvasStack (to replace the viewstack) because
 viewstacks and models do not mix.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 creationComplete=initApp() height=100%
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
 import com.gladhandle.AppGlobals;
 import com.gladhandle.handles.greeting_card.gcassets.Editor;
 private var _selectedIndex:int;
 public var dataProvider:Array;
 private function initApp():void {
 _selectedIndex = 0;
 addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
 public function set selectedIndex( selectedIndex:int ):void {
 if( selectedIndex  0 || selectedIndex  dataProvider.length ) {
 throw new Error( selectedIndex out of range );
 _selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
 dispatchEvent( new Event( changeSelectedIndex, false ) );
 this.addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
 public function get selectedIndex():int {
 return _selectedIndex;
 This dataprovider is populated with custom components as well.
 When I change the selected index, it removes all the children (but
 they still exist in the dataprovider, so 'session' data should be
 saved), but when I navigate back to an index I have already visited,
 everything is still there, EXCEPT for the format of the text, it for
 some reason, is reset back to the original text, even though I have
 setTextFormat() and set the defaultTextFormat on the TextField.
 Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Re: TextFormat being reset?

2008-11-18 Thread tchredeemed
I created a new Text class that extended Text.

I then change the textField.defaultTextFormat and call

It works when I set it on creationComplete, but then when I remove and
add the editor again (which cntains the new Text), it takes all the
textFormat styles off.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Keith Reinfeld

 What TextField?
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of tchredeemed
 Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:17 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: TextFormat being reset?
 Anyone?? :)
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 tchredeemed apthorp@ wrote:
  I have created my own CanvasStack (to replace the viewstack) because
  viewstacks and models do not mix.
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe. http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
  creationComplete=initApp() height=100%
  horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
  import com.gladhandle.AppGlobals;
  import com.gladhandle.handles.greeting_card.gcassets.Editor;
  private var _selectedIndex:int;
  public var dataProvider:Array;
  private function initApp():void {
  _selectedIndex = 0;
  addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
  public function set selectedIndex( selectedIndex:int ):void {
  if( selectedIndex  0 || selectedIndex  dataProvider.length ) {
  throw new Error( selectedIndex out of range );
  _selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
  dispatchEvent( new Event( changeSelectedIndex, false ) );
  this.addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
  public function get selectedIndex():int {
  return _selectedIndex;
  This dataprovider is populated with custom components as well.
  When I change the selected index, it removes all the children (but
  they still exist in the dataprovider, so 'session' data should be
  saved), but when I navigate back to an index I have already visited,
  everything is still there, EXCEPT for the format of the text, it for
  some reason, is reset back to the original text, even though I have
  setTextFormat() and set the defaultTextFormat on the TextField.
  Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Dynamic Tags (more of an SQL question, but concerns parsing data in Flex)

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, when I query a database, if I get back a row that has
contactType='contactInformation', I have to display all of the piece
of contactInformation I have for a given user...


Full Name
Job Title




Here is the problem, I want to be able to dynamically change different
pieces of the information (normally Full Name could be a little bit
bigger + bold, and the website could be a different color)

I can't just pull each piece out of the database separately, because
some users could have 15 phone numbers, others might not have an
address, etc...

The table looks like this:


Any ideas on what I can add to the table to tell myself what styles to
put on different pieces?

[flexcoders] TextField

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
How do you add a TextField to the screen?

I tried using the same example from the dynamic help, but nothing is

package assets {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;   

public class RMText extends Sprite {
private var label:TextField;
private var labelText:String = Hello world and welcome to the show.;

public function RMText() {

public function setLabel(str:String):void {
label.text = str;

private function configureLabel():void {
label = new TextField();
label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
label.background = true;
label.border = true;

var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.align = 'left';
format.font = Verdana;
format.color = 0xFF;
format.size = 10;
format.underline = true;

label.defaultTextFormat = format;

This does not seem to do anything... For some reason when I add this
to the screen I cannot see anything, but I am not sure why, as I
copied it directly from dynamic help...

Any ideas? (UITextField causes the same issue)...

[flexcoders] Regular Expressions?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
If I have these two dynamic tags:

name color=ff size=20 /address color=ff size=16 /

How can I use a Regular Expression, or some other way, to first only
get everything between name and /, than to parse each field for the

[flexcoders] Re: Regular Expressions?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
Ok, I have figured out a way to get the tags... now I have one problem...

I get the name properties, like this:

var ptrn:RegExp = /name(.?*)\//;

Now, is it possible to use a variable in there for name?

Something like this:

var field:String = 'name';
var ptrn:RegExp = /field(.?*)\//;


[flexcoders] Re: Regular Expressions?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
one problem:

It comes back like this:

name color=ff size=16 /address color=00 size=20
align=left /phone ... etc /

So, how would I separate them by the node that I am currently working

[flexcoders] Re: Regular Expressions?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
I do have this working, however... but I am facing 1 problem:

var ptrn:RegExp = new RegExp(+tag+(.*?)\/);

tag can be 'name', 'address', 'phone', etc...

What I am having the problem with, is it is returning everything
before and after the match too..

so for the previous example (name color=ff size=16 /address
color=00 size=20 /), it works like this:

tag = 'name'; // color=ff size=16 address color=00
size=20 /

tag = 'address'; // name color=ff size=16 / color=00

So, what I need to do is not return anything before the tag or
after the /...

[flexcoders] Re: Regular Expressions?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
Well basically, I will get a string with multiple pieces

name ... /
address ... /
phone ... /


Basically, I need to say

var string:XML = currentpiece (name ... /, address ... /, etc)..

So how can I (like how I pass tag in for the regexp) separate the
address / tag or whatever, depending on which node (address, name,
phone, etc) I am working with?

[flexcoders] TextFormat being reset?

2008-11-17 Thread tchredeemed
I have created my own CanvasStack (to replace the viewstack) because
viewstacks and models do not mix.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
creationComplete=initApp() height=100%
horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off


import com.gladhandle.AppGlobals;
import com.gladhandle.handles.greeting_card.gcassets.Editor;

private var _selectedIndex:int;
public var dataProvider:Array;
private function initApp():void {
_selectedIndex = 0;
addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );

public function set selectedIndex( selectedIndex:int ):void {
if( selectedIndex  0 || selectedIndex  dataProvider.length ) {
throw new Error( selectedIndex out of range );
_selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
dispatchEvent( new Event( changeSelectedIndex, false ) );
this.addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );

public function get selectedIndex():int {
return _selectedIndex;



This dataprovider is populated with custom components as well.

When I change the selected index, it removes all the children (but
they still exist in the dataprovider, so 'session' data should be
saved), but when I navigate back to an index I have already visited,
everything is still there, EXCEPT for the format of the text, it for
some reason, is reset back to the original text, even though I have
setTextFormat() and set the defaultTextFormat on the TextField.

Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
This is my code:

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
  this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
  this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
  this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
  storedInput = this.text;
  var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
  if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
  if( limitHit ){ 
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;   

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
  if( limitHit ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



If I just keep entering down and typing stuff in, it works and stops
me from typing more... the problem is when I try to go back and edit
what I have typed, the limit has been hit (10 lines)... I am not sure
how to allow deleting or editing as long as it still does not go
longer than allowed...

Any ideas? ( I tried what you said Alex, but I couldn't get it to work
properly )

[flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var textLength:int = 0;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
storedInput = this.text;
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
textLength = tf.length; 
if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



This does work if I want to go back and change a letter to a different
letter, but I guess another problem I am having is that I want to be
able to keep typing as long as I do not go further than the line limit...

For instance, let's say I hit my limit, but I hit it like this:


I should be able to go up in the first couple lines and keep typing,
because it won't push the bottom line out any further...

[flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
Yes, it would, and I think I just figured out how to do it...

A few changes and I have come up with this:

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var allowMore:Boolean = true;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
addEventListener(flash.events.TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT,textInputHandler );


override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if( textField.numLines == MAX_LINES  event.keyCode == 13 )
allowMore = false;

else {
if( textField.numLines  MAX_LINES )
allowMore = false;
allowMore = true;


override protected function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if( !allowMore  text.charAt(text.length-1) == '\r' ){
text = text.substr(0,text.length-1);


private function textInputHandler( event:TextEvent ):void {
if( !allowMore )


Do you see any problems with this?

[flexcoders] textArea's that are limited by the amount of lines

2008-11-07 Thread tchredeemed
Basically, I created a custom component that extends TextArea, and I
created a getter that returns the super.textField.

Right now, I am doing this:

private var savedText:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

savedText = textArea.text;
var tf:TextField = TextField( (event.currentTarget as
LimitedTextInput).textField );
if( tf.numLines  14 )
limitHit = true; 

if( limitHit ){
textArea.text = savedText;
limitHit = false;

if( limitHit ){
textArea.text = savedText;
limitHit = false;

the problem is, if I hit the limit, I cannot go back and edit the
text, because limitHit is true and I need to know how to say If it is
deleting or changing text that can fit, allow it

Am I even doing this the correct way?

[flexcoders] mouseOver and mouseOut

2008-11-05 Thread tchredeemed


mx:Text text=test /
mx:Canvas id=moCanvas width=10 height=10 visible=false
backgroundColor=0x00 /


Obviously simplified, basically I am interested in finding out why the
mouseOut event is triggered when I mouse over different parts of the HBox.

For instance, when I mouseOver the text, it shows the moCanvas, when I
mouse off the text but stay in the HBox it hides the moCanvas...

Any ideas?

[flexcoders] HTTPStatusEvent is always 0

2008-11-05 Thread tchredeemed
Hi, I am using Firefox, and I have found (as I am sure most of you
know) that the httpStatus Event on a SWFLoader is always 0, because
Firefox does not pass the httpStatus to the flash player...

No big deal, as long as there is SOME way to tell if an image loaded
succesfully in flex?

I can tell if it loads using the complete event, but I cannot tell if
it errors, as far as I know, has anyone found any workarounds for this?


[flexcoders] HistoryManager

2008-11-05 Thread tchredeemed
Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.managers::History Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.managers.IHistoryManager.

what would be causing this error?

I am not explicitly referencing the HistoryManager in my app at all...

wierd! :)

[flexcoders] Re: HistoryManager

2008-11-05 Thread tchredeemed
2 Things.

1 - I misspelled weird!

2 - I use a ViewStack in one of my modules, and it only happens when I
navigate away from said module to a new module!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.managers::History Manager
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.managers.IHistoryManager.
 what would be causing this error?
 I am not explicitly referencing the HistoryManager in my app at all...
 wierd! :)

[flexcoders] SWFLoader problems!

2008-11-04 Thread tchredeemed
I have a .swf that I load into my flex app...

like this:

private var swfLoaderAnimation:Class;

mx:SWFLoader id=loader source={swfLoaderAnimation}
horizontalCenter=0 verticalCenter=0 /


The problem(s):

1- Sometimes this swfloader is bigger than the actual swf, and if i
scaleX and scaleY to 0.5, it is the appropriate size.  Other times,
however, it is the correct size, and scaling it makes it far too
small...  This even happens on the same custom component sometimes :(

2- I do not believe that flex actually knows how tall/wide this swf
is, because the horizontalCenter and verticalCenter seem to center the
top left pixel of the swf instead of the entire swf... if I put it
inside of a hbox with a border, and center that, it shows that the swf
runs off the bottom/right edges of the hbox...

Any help? Thanks :)

[flexcoders] textArea.setFocus();

2008-10-29 Thread tchredeemed
When I launch my application, if I do this:


Should it not put the cursor into the textArea and have the 10th
through 20th characters selected?

So that by default, if I put that in creationComplete, and they just
start typing when the app loads, it starts to replace the 10th through
20th characters with what they type?

As of right now, I do not see a cursor when I run.

Any ideas?!

[flexcoders] Re: textArea.setFocus();

2008-10-29 Thread tchredeemed
Thanks guys, now I guess my problem is how to give the application
focus without clicking on it?

parentApplication.systemManager.activate() ?

Not sure exactly where to go  :)

[flexcoders] Measuring a vbox after I add children to it

2008-10-24 Thread tchredeemed
I add children, and only Text or Spacer, to a vbox.

After I have added them, I want to get the height of the vbox.

However, when I call vbox.height, it gives me 0.

If I call the measure() method, same problem, measuredHeight, same

Any ideas?

[flexcoders] Re: Measuring a vbox after I add children to it

2008-10-24 Thread tchredeemed
grrr! same problem!
Let me give an example of what I am doing!
Keep in mind I am typing this very fast, and it most likely will have
spelling mistakes, but it should give you an idea!

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?


  private function creationCompleteHandler():void {


  private function drawStripe():void {
   var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
   g.drawRect( 0, 0, 5, height );



[flexcoders] Re: Measuring a vbox after I add children to it

2008-10-24 Thread tchredeemed
one problem..

the children do not get added until I request for them to, via an
eventListener that does not get dispatched until much after the
creationComplete event...

this is probably the problem :(

[flexcoders] Remove border from Button

2008-10-24 Thread tchredeemed
I cant figure out how to remove the border from a button!


Any help!?

[flexcoders] need a flash developer / location of flash developers

2008-10-23 Thread tchredeemed
Please help..!

I need a flash developer or someone who can point me to their secret

[flexcoders] Re: need a flash developer / location of flash developers

2008-10-23 Thread tchredeemed
nope, i mean flash

[flexcoders] Flash Loader needed ... indeterminate

2008-10-22 Thread tchredeemed
I have an image, and I need someone to turn this image into a flash swf
for me...

I could try to describe it, but I figured it would be best to show a
picture of it. and that is located here:


I wanted to know if anyone could help me, I am willing to pay...  If
this is not a good place to ask for something like this, I would greatly
appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction!

[flexcoders] Re: Flash Loader needed ... indeterminate

2008-10-22 Thread tchredeemed

Basically that white bead just spins around the circle and never
stops... essentially it shows up on top of each piece of the circle..
you all get it.

[flexcoders] drawing via actionscript

2008-10-22 Thread tchredeemed
public class MyClass {
public function MyClass(){
var drawingComponent:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
// draw on the drawingComponent;

If I have that, and I do (in my flex) new MyClass() and add it to the
mxml, it doesn't show up with what I draw on drawingComponent.

How do I add the drawingComponent to the class, so that it will show up?

[flexcoders] I just ran software update on Mac OS X, now FB cannot locate the debugger

2008-10-21 Thread tchredeemed
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin

Flex Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Flash
Player.  You might need to install the debugger version of Flash
Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder.

Do you want to try to debug with the current version?

I got this error before, and I had to create a new project and copy
all of the files 1 at a time. I do not want to do that again.

I just ran Software Update, and I am not sure what updates occured,
but I believe Firefox might have.

I really want to fix this issue, and know a good way to fix it that
does not involve me copying code for 1 hour+.

Please someone help me!

[flexcoders] Re: I just ran software update on Mac OS X, now FB cannot locate the debugger

2008-10-21 Thread tchredeemed

1) I went into Flex Builder and installed the flash player that comes
in Flex Builder 3/Player/mac

After I did this, the project would compile and run without giving me
any errors, but it never updated (for instance, I changed the
background color, and it would 'compile and run', but the background
color never changed, i did it with multiple different variables, but
it was as if it was not actually updating the swf)

2) I decided to just do what you said, so I ran the uninstall flash player

3) I installed Flash Player 10, and I am getting that error, as well
as a new error that says 


The SWF application file does not contain required debugging
Information.  You might need to edit your project settings or recreate
your project.

It is so frustrating.

[flexcoders] Re: I just ran software update on Mac OS X, now FB cannot locate the debugger

2008-10-21 Thread tchredeemed
For instance

trace('testing'); in the creationCompleteHandler() does not trace

likewise, if I delete all function calls out of the
creationCompleteHandler, it still calls them...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) I went into Flex Builder and installed the flash player that comes
 in Flex Builder 3/Player/mac
 After I did this, the project would compile and run without giving me
 any errors, but it never updated (for instance, I changed the
 background color, and it would 'compile and run', but the background
 color never changed, i did it with multiple different variables, but
 it was as if it was not actually updating the swf)
 2) I decided to just do what you said, so I ran the uninstall flash
 3) I installed Flash Player 10, and I am getting that error, as well
 as a new error that says 
 The SWF application file does not contain required debugging
 Information.  You might need to edit your project settings or recreate
 your project.
 It is so frustrating.

[flexcoders] Re: I just ran software update on Mac OS X, now FB cannot locate the debugger

2008-10-21 Thread tchredeemed

it actually runs MyApp.swf?debug=true

isnt it supposed to be MyApp-debug.swf ?

[flexcoders] floodFill and threshold methods with bitmapData

2008-10-12 Thread tchredeemed
Ok, so I am working with bitmapData, using embedded jpgs.

I need to be able to dynamically replace certain areas with a given
branded color.

I have got it where it will replace the majority, but it leaves a
bunch of pixels around the edges when I use floodFill.  I think this
is where threshold comes in, but I cannot figure out how to use it.

Any ideas?

Am I using the correct method(s)?

Is this possible?

[flexcoders] Masking Images?

2008-10-10 Thread tchredeemed
If I have a bunch of images that need to be color-coded for a given
color, how would I do this?

Let's say I have a grid with 8 images, and all 8 of them have portions
that need to have a 'branded color,' but the branded color is
different depending on the user, and the images are different
depending on the current setup.

In other words, 100% dynamic masking?

[flexcoders] Re: Masking Images?

2008-10-10 Thread tchredeemed
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I have a bunch of images that need to be color-coded for a given
 color, how would I do this?
 Let's say I have a grid with 8 images, and all 8 of them have portions
 that need to have a 'branded color,' but the branded color is
 different depending on the user, and the images are different
 depending on the current setup.
 In other words, 100% dynamic masking?

Now that I think about it, a mask might not be what I need.

Should I just do a color replace? replace all pixels of the color x to
the color y?

How would I do that? Is that efficient?

[flexcoders] transform()

2008-10-10 Thread tchredeemed
Hey, I need some help understanding the bitmapdata.transform() method.

the bitmapdata has this color 0x00ffe4 and I need to replace that
with 0xff.

How would I go about doing this?

[flexcoders] Re: transform() -- WHOOPS I MEANT THRESHOLD! :)

2008-10-10 Thread tchredeemed
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tchredeemed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, I need some help understanding the bitmapdata.transform() method.
 the bitmapdata has this color 0x00ffe4 and I need to replace that
 with 0xff.
 How would I go about doing this?

I am sorry, I meant threshold, not transform!

[flexcoders] Best way to deliver data via Rails

2008-10-09 Thread tchredeemed
I know its not through HTTPServices..

We were using SabreAMF when we were using PHP for the data... but we
have changed to RoR, does anyone know what the best way to get data is?

[flexcoders] Embedded Flex

2008-10-06 Thread tchredeemed
Is it easy to embed a flex application inside of an HTML page instead
of the app being standalone?

Any tutorials?

Any help?

[flexcoders] resizable textArea

2008-09-24 Thread tchredeemed
just wondering if anyone has done this, or if there is any
documentation anywhere for it.

I can catch the enter keydown, and increase height, but the delete
doesn't work exactly the same.  only if they are deleting a line
should the box get smaller, any ideas?

[flexcoders] Gradient that is vertical and horizontal!

2008-09-23 Thread tchredeemed
Heres the problem, I need to draw a gradient that goes from 0 opacity
black to 100% opacity black from left to right.

However, this also needs to fade out the further down you go.

The gradient is 10 pixels wide, and about 400 pixels tall.

So its essentially a horizontal gradient that fades as it goes down...

any ideas?

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