[Flexradio] OT Test

2013-05-09 Thread Gary Robertson

Having a problem receiving messages. This is just a test.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] FlexControl Problem

2013-02-14 Thread Gary Robertson

I have recently started experiencing a problem with my FlexControl knob.

Until recently, when turning the knob to change frequency, it operated 
in a smooth and very satisfactory manner. However, in the last couple of 
days, the knob's movement has become very jerky no matter how slow or 
fast you turn the knob. It even occasionally backs up in frequency a 
little as you try to go forward.

I haven't changed anything in the hardware or software for a long time, 
although I did download and install the latest version of DDUtil today 
to see if that would help the problem. It didn't help. The knob's jerky 
action exists whether it is controlled either by DDUtil or by PowerSDR. 
I verified that PowerSDR's Auto Detect is not selected when I control 
the knob solely via DDUtil and that the Enable box is unchecked in 
DDUtil when I try to solely control the knob via PowerSDR.

I am using a Flex-3000 with PowerSDR 2.5.3, and DDUTil

Any suggestions to correct the FlexControl's jerky action would be 
appreciated. I suspect that it may be a USB problem - it is on COM20.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Transmit Equalizer Settings for Heil Pro Set Elite Headphones

2012-10-05 Thread Gary Robertson
I am looking for suggested transmit equalizer settings for my Heil Pro 
Elite Headphones. I am using a Flex-3000 running PowerSDR 2.4.4, DDUtil along with K9DUR's Voice Keyer. I use Audicity to prepare my 
recorded .wav files for use in Voice Keyer.

My current transmit filter settings are 200 low to 2900 high. My 
transmit equalizer settings are 32, 63, 125 = 0dB; 250, 500, 1K = +3dB; 
2K, 4K = +6dB; 8k = +9dB;  and 16k = +12db. These settings produce 
somewhat acceptable transmit audio for DX. However, they seem too bland 
and compressed for general rag chew situations.

The Heil Pro Set Elite headphones produce a flat response so that each 
user can tailor the audio transmit sound to their liking using the Flex 
equalizer function. I know that transmit equalizer settings are very, 
very subjective, dependent upon each individual's unique voice 
characteristics and subject to whether you are going for ragchew or 
penetrating DX. I know that you can set up a unique transmit profile for 
many different situations.

Assessing the "sound" of my voice using the MONITOR function is 
difficult for me given the inherent echo that occurs. Does anyone have a 
better suggestion for easily assessing how they actually sound when they 
transmit other than recording my voice in PowerSDR and playing back the 
resulting .wav file? I always transmit into a dummy load in these 

If anyone is using a Heil Pro Elite Headphone with their Flex radio, I 
would love to know what transmit equalizer settings that you are using 
for both ragchew and DX situations. Also, what transmit filter settings 
are you using for both ragchew and DX?

Your settings will likely become starting points for further 
experimentation on my part.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Using Keyboard & Mouse With PowerSDR

2012-04-22 Thread Gary Robertson
Background - Using a Flex-3000, PowerSDR 2.3.5, Flexcontrol, DDUtil, N3FJP Logging Program, Bobmeter, and a Neal provided computer. 
Everything is working well with no problems.

My primary issue is about maintaining "focus" with the mouse and 
keyboard over two monitors. I have two computer monitors - one used 
solely by PowerSDR and the other that shows my logging program, a 
minimized DDUtil screen, Bobmeter, Flex Audio mixer, and the Powermaster 
computer screen.

Typically, I leave the mouse cursor, and therefore focus, hovering over 
the N3FJP logging screen so that I can easily enter call data as I work 
a station. I use Flexcontrol to control PowerSDR. This works well but 
with some limitations. As currently configured, I can't use Flexcontrol 
to change bands or engage the "Tune" button to allow my Palstar AT-Auto 
tuner to automatically tune the system for the band/frequency in use. I 
know that you can use keyboard commands to change bands (M&N) but the 
mouse cursor must be on the PowerSDR screen to use such keyboard 
commands. This defeats my desire to leave the mouse cursor over the 
logging program on the "other" monitor.

I can't find any keyboard or Flexcontrol command to engage the Tune 
button in PowerSDR.

Currently, PowerSDR configured Flexcontrol when I installed the 2.3.5 
version. I see that the DDUtil program supporting Flexcontrol 
allows a button to control band changes.

Two questions for the experts on this reflector -

1. What must I do to have DDUtil control the Flexcontrol instead of 
PowerSDR? If I tell DDUtil to select port 20 (used by Flexcontrol), it 
tells me that that port is already in use (I assume by PowerSDR). Using 
DDUtil to control the Flexcontrol would at least allow me to change 
bands from the Flexcontrol.

2. Is there any way to engage the Tune button in PowerSDR without 
actually moving my mouse over to the PowerSDR dedicated monitor and 
losing focus on the monitor used by my logging program? Do any of the 
Macros supported by the DDUtil supported Flexcontrol device actively 
affect the Tune button?

Sorry for the rambling nature of my questions. Hopefully someone can help.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Ignore - K9DUR Voice Keyer Configuration Problem

2011-12-07 Thread Gary Robertson
Ignore my previous message about problems getting Voice Keyer to work 
with my Flex-3000. Once I checked the VAC button in PowerSDR, everything 
started working properly.

Sorry for the wasted bandwidth.

Gary Robertson - W5SAT

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] K9DUR Voice Keyer Configuration Problem

2011-12-07 Thread Gary Robertson
I am having trouble getting K9DUR's Voice Keyer program to work properly 
with my Flex-3000 (PowerSDR 2.2.3). Using DDUtil and VSP manager.

I have successfully recorded a WAV file using my Flex-3000 microphone 
and modified it according to instructions, using Audicity. I was able to 
successfully import this WAV file into Voice Keyer and can hear it 
through my computer's headphone output when I click the test button in 
Voice Keyer's Setup Profiles box.

In Voice Keyer's Hardware Setup box, I selected Virtual Cable 2 to send 
messages to the radio (Virtual Cable 2 is my input to the Flex-3000), 
Primary Sound Driver is designated to monitor messages, PTT Serial Port 
is set to COM5 with DTR and RTS both checked. The radio's PTT is enabled 
and setup correctly.

When I click the configured message box in Voice Keyer, the Flex-3000 
WILL key up properly. However, the radio is obviously NOT getting the 
message from Voice Keyer since there is NO modulation, therefore NO 
watts going out. I can hear the message however through the computer's 
headphone jack. In Voice Keyer's Hardware Setup, I switched to Virtual 
Cable 1 instead of Virtual Cable 2 with NO success.

Obviously, I have something configured wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Solution for My Flex-3000 Transmit Problem

2011-08-20 Thread Gary Robertson
With a quick reply from Neal, I discovered that there is absolutely 
nothing wrong with my Flex-3000's transmit capabilities.

He very kindly reminded me that you actually have to say something into 
the microphone to get any output on SSB. I would like to blame my 
stupidity on the 104 degree temperature in Austin today, but that would 
be just an excuse for my tired old brain.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Flex-3000 Transmit Problems

2011-08-20 Thread Gary Robertson
I have a Flex-3000 on an Windows 7 computer supplied by Neal running 
PowerSDR 2.1.2. I am using a PowerMaster meter to measure power output 
and SWR.

On receive everything works fine, but transmit is a problem. When I 
click TUNE, I get an indication on the PowerMaster of about 15 watts out 
with an SWR of 1.02. This is what would be expected from my settings in 
PowerSDR. However, if I click the MOX button, I show 0 watts out and no 
indication of SWR. My PowerSDR screen does show the transmit modulation 
when either TUNE or MOX is engaged.

Since I get a correct power and SWR reading when TUNE is engaged, I 
assume that my PowerMaster meter is working correctly. No doubt, I have 
something hooked up incorrectly or have entered an improper setting in 
PowerSDR. In the Mixer, I do have the Mic Input button checked and the 
bar raised to the highest level.

Any suggestions for help in correcting my "no transmit" power situation 
would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Macbook Pro Firewire Interface Question

2011-05-17 Thread Gary Robertson
I have a Flex-3000 that I want to occasionally interface with a 13" 
Macbook Pro via this laptop's firewire port. Normally, my Flex-3000 is 
hooked to my desktop computer via a firewire cable. However, my current 
firewire cable will not work with my Macbook Pro. It appears that the 
Macbook Pro requires a 4 pin firewire cable interface.

For those of you who use a Macbook Pro to operate their Flex-3000, what 
do I need to successfully hook a firewire cable between the laptop and 
radio? Is there a special Macbook Pro interface or is there a firewire 
cable available that will plug into both the Flex-3000 and the Macbook 
Pro? Where can I acquire the needed interface or special firewire cable?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Turning Flex-3000 Off/On Remotely

2011-03-30 Thread Gary Robertson
I want to turn my Flex-3000 off and on remotely while I am traveling. To 
accomplish this, I hope to plug my Alinco 330MV power supply into an 
internet controlled power switch like the Digital Loggers Inc, (DLI) Web 
Power Switch III.

My Flex-3000 and Palstar AT-Auto are powered directly from the 
Alinco-330MV power supply. While away, I plan to leave the switch on the 
Flex-3000 pushed in and the switch on the Palstar AT-Auto selected to 
the on position. When I turn the Alinco-330MV power supply ON from a  
remote location via the internet controlled DLI Web Power Switch, the 
Flex-3000 and Palstar tuner will power on. When I turn the  the 
Alinco-330MV OFF via the internet controlled DLI Web Power Switch, the 
Flex-3000 and Palstar tuner will turn off.

My question is this - can I SAFELY power up and power down my Flex-3000 
in this manner? Also, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can 
connect or disconnect my outdoor antenna from my system via an internet 
connection should it appear that electrical storms may occur at my home 

I access my home station remotely via Teamviewer and Skype from a 13" 
Macbook Pro. I am using PowerSDR 2.0.22 on my Flex-3000 on a dual core 
Windows 7 computer provided by Neal. Everything works great!

Thanks for the advice.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Settings for Remote Operations

2011-03-12 Thread Gary Robertson
With help from fellow flexers, especially Jim (GI1CET), I finally 
managed to get my remote laptop to remotely see and manipulate my main 
SDR computer and Flex-3000 at home. I thought I would share some of the 
settings I used in PowerSDR 2.0.20, on my Windows 7 dual core computer 
at home, and on my Apple 13" Macbook Pro running Windows 7 via bootcamp. 
Settings are also given that apply to the latest versions of Teamviewer 
and Skype.

PowerSDR 2.0.20 Audio/VAC - Buffer size 512; Sample size 48000; Input - 
Virtual Cable 2; Output - Virtual Cable 1

Home Windows 7 Computer - Control Panel/Sound  -  Playback is enabled 
for Virtual Audio Cable 2 (green checkmart); Recording is enabled for 
Virtual Audio cable 1 (green checkmark); confirm that these two cables 
are individually assigned a sample size of 48000 by Windows 7

Teamviewer is installed and properly setup on the Home Windows 7 
computer and also on the remote laptop. Teamviewer is free and uses a 
wizard to lead you through the setup process. Other software is 
available that will allow you to see and manipulate your home desktop 
from a remote computer or iPad or iPhone, including Logmein. While 
Teamviewer has its own audio capabilities, Skype seems to work better in 
my environment.

Skype must be installed on both the home computer and the remote 
computer. It also uses a wizard for setup and is free.

Skype on the home computer - Audio Settings - Microphone = Virtual Audio 
Cable 1; Speakers = Virtual Audio Cable 2. Tell Skype to start when you 
start Windows, automatically answer a call but only from your remote 
computer, and automatically adjust your microphone and speaker settings.

Skype on the remote laptop - Audio Settings - Microphone = Microphone; 
Speakers = Speakers. Tell Skype to start when you start Windows and 
automatically adjust your microphone and speaker settings.

IMPORTANT - to get the audio stream started from PowerSDR to your remote 
laptop via Skype you MUST click on the VAC button on the bottom right 
part of the PowerSDR screen (right under RX EQ and TX EQ). I find that 
this works best after you have started Teamviewer and Skype. Just click 
on the VAC button from the remote computer. I did not have to uncheck 
the Auto Enable button in the PowerSDR Audio/VAC section to make 
everything work properly.

This configuration worked for me but, as they say, your mileage may 
vary. I would be glad to TRY and help anyone struggling with getting a 
remote operation up and running. Don't ask me about remotely turning on 
and off my power supply, Flex-3000, computer, and Palstar tuner. I know 
this is possible but haven't taken that step just yet. Currently, I'll 
leave all of these devices turned on if I am out of town and have a 
"trained" neighbor come over and turn them off if a thunderstorm is on 
the way.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Problems Getting Skype to Work

2011-03-11 Thread Gary Robertson
I am attempting to setup my Flex-3000 for remote operation using 
Teamviewer and Skype. I have Teamviewer working OK except that it seems 
to have quite a bit of latency at times when using Wifi. If anyone has 
suggestions for decreasing this latency when using Teamviewer, I would 
appreciate the help.

My real problem is Skype. I can't seem to get any audio out of my main 
SDR computer and into my remote laptop via Skype. I haven't worried 
about getting "transmit" audio into the SDR computer just yet.

In PowerSDR 2.0.20 on my main SDR computer, I have virtual cable 1 
selected as "input" and virtual cable 2 as "output". Fldigi works fine 
with these settings. In Skype that is installed on my main SDR computer, 
I have the microphone setup using virtual cable 1 and the speakers setup 
using virtual cable 2. In Skype that is installed on my remote laptop, I 
have the microphone using the laptop's Cirrus Logic microphone and the 
speakers using the Cirrus Logic speakers. The Skype on my laptop dials 
up Skype on my main SDR computer just fine but I hear no audio coming 
out of my laptop speakers when I have PowerSDR up and running through 
Teamviewer. Obviously I am doing something wrong.

My main SDR computer is running PowerSDR 2.0.20 on a new windows 7 unit 
built by Neal. My laptop is a Macbook running windows 7. I do operate my 
Flex-1500 on this laptop but I changed my sound settings on the laptop 
from the two VAC cables to the standard microphone and speaker devices 
in the laptop while trying to use Skype.

Any suggestions would be appreciated to get me going with Skype for my 
remote operations. The section in Flex's Knowledge base was not too 
helpful since it illustrated an old version of Skype.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Video - Running Flex-5000 Remotely on iPad

2011-03-10 Thread Gary Robertson
For all of you interested in running your Flex remotely, I thought you 
might find the following youtube video of interest.

Gary Robertson


FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Remote Operation - Software Needed

2011-03-07 Thread Gary Robertson
I hope to setup my Flex-3000 and base station computer (provided by 
Neal) so that I can operate it from a remote site using my Apple MacBook 
Pro (running Windows 7) and WiFi. I have great internet access at my 
home station site. I am using PowerSDR 2.0.19.

I have seen some discussions about using UltraVNC, GotoMyPC, and LogMeIn 
to facilitate remote operation from the laptop to my base station 
desktop. I would appreciate any suggestions from fellow Flexers as to 
which of these software packages are better for this task, especially as 
it relates to latency issues and delays in using PowerSDR from my remote 
laptop via WiFi. I know that GoToMyPC has a monthly cost and the others 
are free.

I plan on using Skype for the remote audio requirements but would 
appreciate any suggestions for alternatives. I look forward to the great 
insight of Flexers on this issue.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] PowerSDR Wishlist Item

2011-02-28 Thread Gary Robertson
I wish you could turn on and off your external speakers and headphones 
directly from the PowerSDR screen rather than having to click on the 
Mixer and using its controls. I primarily use my speakers to listen to 
activity on the bands. When I decide to transmit, I have to click on the 
Mixer so that I can turn off the speakers and turn on my headphones. I 
can easily adjust the volume using the slider on the left side of the 
MultiRX/Swap controls at the bottom center of the PowerSDR screen. While 
easy enough, these steps take precious time when I am trying to quickly 
respond to that rare DX station. I leave the Mixer open but minimized on 
my screen to reduce this time, but I wish there was another way to 
accomplish this task.

I wish there were two additional buttons on the PowerSDR screen - one to 
turn on and off the speakers and and second button to turn on and off 
the headphones. They could be located near the MultiRX/Swap controls at 
the bottom center of the PowerSDR screen. Then, it would be simple and 
quick to control your speakers, headphones, and volume directly from the 
main PowerSDR screen without having to engage the Mixer. I know that 
some Hams already feel that the PowerSDR screen is already populated 
with too many buttons and controls. However, adding these two buttons is 
definitely on my wish list .

A minor complaint - when I click on the headphone's check box in the 
Mixer, it takes way too long for sound to appear in my headphones. Do I 
have something not configured correctly or is this just the way that 
PowerSDR works?

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] PowerSDR 2.0.19 Success Story

2011-02-19 Thread Gary Robertson
Loaded 2.0.19 today for my Flex-3000 and PC provided by Neal. Easy 
install and a complete success! Love the improvements to the NR and ANF.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Unusual Behavior on 12 Meters

2011-02-18 Thread Gary Robertson
I have a Flex-3000, using a new computer (windows7) supplied by Neal. I 
operate with an off-center fed dipole up at 40'.

This morning while operating USB on 12 meters, I encountered a problem 
that I have not seen before. While in the middle of a normal QSO at 
24.950, I suddenly got an error message up on the screen telling me that 
I was operating out-of-band. The radio's VFO changed to 65.000 Mhz and 
the band selector changed to GEN. I could no longer transmit. I was 
running about 600 watts out of a Tokyo Hy-Power amp at the time with an 
SWR of less that 1.3 to 1. This out-of-band error occurred on several 
occasions, but only on 12 meters.

When I changed to barefoot, I no longer encountered the problem, which 
makes me wonder if it is RF related. I have never seen this error occur 
in the past on any band, with or without the amp running power.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Apple Macbook Pro - High DPCs

2011-01-16 Thread Gary Robertson
I am using an Apple Macbook Pro with my Flex-1500. It is using bootcamp 
to run Windows 7 professional. I am experiencing high DPCs (2400 to 
4000us) that is causing audio static and dropouts.

Do any other Hams using an Apple Macbook Pro to operate their Flex radio 
have any suggestions as to which device drivers to disable or which 
services to turn off so that I can get my DPCs down to a more acceptable 

Any help would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Audio Problems with Flex-1500

2011-01-16 Thread Gary Robertson
On my Flex-1500, I just upgraded to PowerSDR 2.0.16 from 2.0.8. I am 
using a new Apple Macbook Pro with bookcamp to run Windows 7 
professional. I am getting considerable static across all ham bands and 
the audio on received signals is somewhat distorted. At time, PowerSDR 
freezes for a moment and frequently there are short audio dropouts. I 
have tried MME and Windows WDM-KS in the audio VAC section with no 
difference in audio performance.

For several months I used PowerSDR 2.0.8 with this computer and the 
Flex-1500 with absolutely no problems. Only recently did I start to 
notice similar audio problems (mostly static and PowerSDR freezes) while 
using PowerSDR 2.0.8. That is the reason I upgraded to PowerSDR 2.0.16. 
However, the problems only seem worse under 2.0.16.

I am sure that this Apple Macbook Prop has plenty of power to support 
the Flex-1500 and PowerSDR 2.0.16.

Do I have something configured wrong in PowerSDR 2.0.16 or am I having 
hardware problems with the Flex-1500?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Problems with Receive Equalizer

2010-11-26 Thread Gary Robertson

Flex-3000 on an XP computer running 2.0.16

When I open the Equalizer under 2.0.16, click enabled, select the 10 
band equalizer, move the various settings to my desired levels, and then 
close the equalizer, everything works just fine (my screen show RX EQ 
selected) until I close PowerSDR. However, when I open PowerSDR for the 
next operating session, all of my previous settings in the equalizer 
have been lost and I have to go through the above routine to get 
everything back in order. Everything thing else seems to be working well 
under 2.0.16.

This didn't seem to happen when I was using 1.18.5 - all of my equalizer 
settings were maintained when I shut down PowerSDR from session to 
operating listening session.

Is this a bug with 2.0.16 or am I doing something incorrectly with the 
equalizer screen?

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Unusual Signal on Panadaptor

2010-11-15 Thread Gary Robertson
After upgrading to 2.0.16 with no problems, I have noticed a strange 
signal spike on my panadaptor, especially when I am looking at the 
spectrum using the panafall capability. On 17, 15, and 10 meters, there 
is a signal spike exactly aligned with the red "Zero Line'. This spike 
is visible on both the panadaptor and panafall screens. I don't see this 
spike on 80, 40 or 20 meters, nor is it visible on 12 meters. There 
seems to be no noise associated with this signal spike that I can discern.

As I am viewing 15 meters right now, this signal spike seems to be 
constant and ranges from about 130dbm up to 100dbm. It is similar on 17 
and 10 meters. Other than a visible oddity, it doesn't seem to affect 
that operation of the Flex-3000. Is anyone else experiencing this 
behavior? Anyone have a cure for the problem?

I didn't notice this issue under 1.18.5

Flex-3000, Windows XP, 2.0.16

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] PowerSDR 2.0.16 Upgrade Success

2010-11-11 Thread Gary Robertson
Today I successfully upgraded my Flex-3000 to 2.0.16 from 1.18.5. Went 
smoothly on my old P4, 3.0 MHz XP computer. In particular, I love the 
skins and the improved noise reduction capabilities. Excellent software, 
excellent radio, excellent staff, excellent support!

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Flex-1500 Audio Dropouts

2010-09-15 Thread Gary Robertson
 Got my new Flex-1500 up and running. Everything seems to be working 
very well EXCEPT that I am experiencing periodic audio dropouts. By that 
I mean that the audio disappears for a split second and then reappears - 
there seems to be a little pop sound when the audio disappears. This 
occurs on an irregular basis but seems to happen at least every second 
or so, regardless of band used. I suspect that the problem lies with 
buffer sizes but don't know for sure - I am using the default 
Audio/Primary settings of 1024. I have changed this setting up and down 
- going to 2048 seems to reduce the audio dropouts a little, going to 
lower settings seems to make it worse.

I am using PowerSDR 2.0.8 on my Flex-1500. My computer is a new 13" 
MacBook Pro running bootcamp and Windows 7 64bit. My CPU usage ranges 
from the high 30% range to the low 40% range.

Suggestions to eliminate the audio dropouts or at least diminish them 
would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] VSP Manager Download Website

2010-09-14 Thread Gary Robertson
 Hi - I can't seem to find a good website from which to download VSP 
Manager. Any help would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson
Flex-1500 and Flex-3000

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

[Flexradio] Transmit Profiles

2010-05-22 Thread Gary Robertson

A simple question.

Over time I have created separate transmit profiles in PowerSDR 1.18.5 
to control a number of variables for each band such as the amount of 
drive that I use with my amplifier. As a result, my list of Transmit 
Profiles does not follow any particular order, just the order in which 
each was created. For example, the first profile listed in the box may 
be one for Amp-40 and the next one down the list may be Amp-10, with the 
next profile called Digital, etc. These are the names that I invented 
when I created a particular profile.

So that I can quickly find the Transmit Profile I am interested in 
using, I would like to rearrange the Transmit Profile list so that it 
appears in a better understood order rather than the random way that it 
was created. It may be in alphabetic or numeric order or in some other 
order that makes sense to my brain.

Without success, I have searched the knowledge base looking for some way 
to re-order the Transmit Profiles from within PowerSDR. Any suggestions 
as to how I can accomplish what seems to be a relatively easy task? Do I 
need to submit an enhancement request to accomplish this wish?

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/

[Flexradio] Confusion about VSP Manager & DDutil

2010-05-06 Thread Gary Robertson
*My configuration. I am running a Flex-3000 with PowerSDR 1.18*.5, 
firewire driver, firmware, and the*** latest versions 
of VSP Manager, DDUtil, BobMeter, and N3FJP's Amateur Contact Logger.*

I have two physical ports (COM1 and COM3) that exist in my computer (XP 
with SP3). Using the passive listen function in DDUtil, COM1 feeds 
frequency data to my Palstar AT-Auto Tuner and works well. COM3 
interfaces to my PowerMaster SWR/Watt Meter and also works well.

Using VSP Manager, I created four (4) virtual COM ports - COM4/COM5; 
COM6/COM7; COM8/COM9; and COM10/COM11. In PowerSDR's Cat Control panel, 
I put the CAT control port on COM4 and enabled it. I put the PTT control 
as COM10 and enabled it and set the ID as PowerSDR. IN DDUtil, I set 
Radio CAT on COM5, RCP1 on COM6, and passive listen on COM1.

Here is my problem - all of my external applications that need to read 
data from the radio can only use COM5 to do so. This includes DDUtil, 
BobMeter, and N3FJP's Logging program. If one of these applications is 
open and using COM5, I can't use either of the other two applications - 
I get an error message that says COM5 is in use.

I know that DDUtil is supposed to address this issue and let numerous 
application run concurrently using the RCP1 CAT function in combination 
with the RCPs screen. However, despite trying numerous combinations of 
RCP1 CAT and the RCPs screen, I can't make it work. I have read all the 
info. about RCP settings, i.e., IF and Dis and tried various settings on 
these - again nothing works. I did check enable next to the COM setting.

If RCP1 CAT is set to COM6 and I enter COM7 in either RCP2 or RCP3 or 
RCP4 and enable it, it immediately start changing the frequency, mode, 
etc. of my radio until I uncheck the enable box.

I am feeling dumb. I want to run at least two of my applications at the 
same time, i.e., my logging program that reads the frquency and band 
from my radio and BobsMeter. It would also be nice to have DDUtil up and 
running at the same time as these other two application.

Any help would be appreciated.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/

[Flexradio] BobMeter COM Setup Problems

2010-05-05 Thread Gary Robertson
I downloaded BobMeter to use with my Flex-3000. However, when I try to 
open BobMeterFlex application, I get an error message that says it is 
impossible to open serial port COM11. At that point, my screen is frozen 
and I can't do anything but hit Ctrl/Alt/Delete and close BobMeter. 
There is no way that I can get into BobMeter's setup button and change 
the COM settings to match my PowerSDR CAT Control settings. Would 
appreciate suggestions as to what I need to do to get past this problem.

Gary Robertson

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/

[Flexradio] Preventing Overdrive on Tokyo Hy-Power Amplifier

2009-09-21 Thread Gary Robertson
My ham shack consists of a Flex-3000, a Tokyo Hy-Power HL-1.2Kfx 
Amplifier, Palstar AT-Auto tuner, G5RV dipole, Heil Pro-Set "IC" Headset 
(using recommended cabling), and a Dell PC running XP. I am using 
PowerSDR 1.18.2.

The vast majority of the time, everything works great, including my use 
of the Tokyo Hy-Power amplifier. However, every once in awhile, I trip 
the overdrive protection circuit on the amplifier, causing it to go into 
standby mode. This overdrive tripping situation seems to happen most 
frequently when I unintentionally raise my voice during transmit to 
"emphasize" something to someone who is having difficulty hearing me. 
While I appreciate the amp's overdrive protection, I don't think that 
tripping it, even occasionally, is a good practice.

When using the Tokyo amplifier, I reduce my drive setting to about 20 
(depending on the band) and reduce my Mic Gain to 5. Based on past 
comments on the Flex reflector, I have changed the ALC setting under the 
DSP tab to 1 for Attack, 15 for Decay, and 500 for Hang. All of these 
changes give me about 450 to 500 watts out on the Amplifier. When 
viewing the ALC reading on transmit, it seldom exceeds 0. STILL, I am 
occasionally tripping the Tokyo Hy-Power Amplifier's overdrive 
protection circuits.

Any suggestions?? Has anyone using a Tokyo Hy-Power amplifier had 
success with other drive, Mic Gain, or ALC settings? Should I change 
some other settings on my Flex-3000? Thanks beforehand for your help and 

Gary Robertson - N5UTM

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/
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[Flexradio] Flex 40 Meter Net

2009-09-02 Thread Gary Robertson
Without success, I have listened on 7.192 for the last couple of Tuesday 
at 7PM central time for the Flex-Radio Net. Have even searched for the 
Net from about 7.175 to 7.210, again without success. Has the Net 
operated or am I just deaf??

Would love to join in the Net discussions since I am a fairly new owner 
of a Flex-3000. Any help finding the right frequency, dates, and times 
of the Net would be appreciated. Is the 20 meter Net still operational 
on 14.329 on Sundays?

N5UTM - Gary - Flex-3000 - 1.18.2

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/
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