Re: [Flightgear-devel] SimGear warning cleanup patch

2002-02-25 Thread Erik Hofman

Petru Paler wrote:
 It's basically a couple unused variables, an explicit cast, some unused
 functions removed or commented out, and a whole bunch of pragmas

About the pragmas:
Are you sure thay don'r mean anything on other platforms?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ATC

2002-02-25 Thread D Luff

Now that 0.7.9 is released I've got round to looking at the subject of 
ATC again.  This is probably going to be a long post so make sure 
you've all had your coffee :-)

I basically hacked the ATIS support into Flightgear, on the grounds 
that is was the simplest possible part of ATC to implement, and 
could be done by that kind of thuggery.  As the ATC gets extended 
though this approach won't be good enough, so after some thought 
I've come up with a proposed ATC architecture within Flightgear.  
I'm not an experienced programmer as far as architecture goes 
though (this is the only large scale C++ code that I contribute to) 
so I'd like to throw it out to the rest of you for consideration.

At the moment I've modelled the comm/ATIS interaction on how the 
nav/VOR adf/ADF works in FGRadioStack.  The 
FGRadioStack::Search() function searches for valid stations and 
flags hits.  The FGRadioStack::Update() function processes the 
results of valid hits, updating the vor/adf/ils needles, and managing 
and updating the atis transmission.  This works fine for vor/nav/adf 
etc since the pilot is only concerned with his/her own instruments, 
and it is a fairly well bounded problem.  It's going to fall down with 
ATC since potentially the system must display messages from/to 
other aircraft, and the problem is much larger in scope and will 
thoroughly mess up radiostack.cxx.  Hence I propose that all 
FGRadioStack does is to either just supply the selected comm 
frequencies to an ATC manager, or possibly do the station lookup 
in the Search() function and then flags hits to relevant stations to 
the ATC manager.  The latter has the advantage that any work 
done by the navaid people to better model the limits of reception 
may be used by the comm stuff.  The former has the advantage 
that the ATC manager will probably have to have the capability to 
do station/frequency lookups anyway for the AI traffic.

For the ATC itself, I propose that the overall ATC is handled by one 
global FGATCMgr.  This will accept input from several sources; the 
radiostack of the current aircraft (as discussed above), the position 
of the current aircraft, the AI traffic module, and an input module to 
parse input from the user of the current airplane.  It will output to 
one global FGATCDisplay module (as the hack does at the 
moment) for rendering of the ATC output, either to screen or voice 
or both, and also directly to the AI traffic module.  It will maintain 
instances of FGATIS, FGTower, FGEnRoute, FGGround etc as 
needed, possibly more than one instance of each if required.  
These sub-modules will do the actual work of generating the 
transmission contents.

Its possible that it might be necessary to write an FGFlightPlan 
module as well - can someone tell me whether real life ATC 
actually knows whats in a flightplan after its been filed or is it 
simply a case of the pilot just requests what's on his/her flightplan?

ATC potentially requires large amounts of data - airways, sid/stars, 
frequencies for all the types of ATC, etc etc.  For now I will carry on 
with the STL map approach that the airport data and atis uses, 
but try to compartmentalise the reading of the data such that it will 
be easy to just change the data access functions if we want to 
move to a database or whatever in the future.

None of this is going to appear very quickly (unless someone else 
is already working on it or planning to!) since I am very time 
pressed, but I will start implementing this, so get comments on the 
architecture in now if you think I'm going wrong please.  If anyone 
else is working on aspects of ATC/AI traffic modelling please give 
me a shout since I've no desire to duplicate work.  I'm sure 
someone mentioned on this list once that they were working on 
canned voice ATC, or was I imagining it?  Due to the natural 
physical splitting of ATC into ground/tower/approach/departure etc 
in real life its also a prime candidate for a collaborative approach if 
anyone who wants to contribute to Flightgear but doesn't know 
where to get started fancies pitching in...

Cheers - Dave


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] plane banks to left side

2002-02-25 Thread Martin Dressler

On Sat 23. February 2002 04:12, you wrote:
  Please start with some yasim aircraft and apply parking break.
  Look at skid ball. I thought that it should be in the middle of tube,
  when sitting on runway. but it isn't.

 Is your runway flat ?

I started on KSFO.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

Martin van Beilen writes:

  Working from a single thread is obviously the easiest solution,
  where possible. However, in the case of our property system,
  potentially any part of the code may want to access those
  properties. We'd have to assign one thread as the property
  manager, and do all property access via the/an inter-thread
  messaging system. Not very nice, IMHO.

I think it would be better for the main thread to read the information
from the property manager and then pass it to an object that the other
thread can access.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  Threading is *really* scarey in a program of this magnitude.  Even
  the current threaded tile manager is a big time bomb waiting to
  happen.  We are getting away with doing stuff that's not guaranteed
  to work.  We've taken a lot of steps to try to minimize the
  potential problems, but as the scenery and modeling gets more
  complex this problem is only going to get worse.

Threading is relatively safe if each thread is forced to play in a
sandbox.  A subsystem running in a separate thread must *not* touch
any other subsystem (including the property manager), and must send
and receive all information through a single, tightly-controlled
interface.  That implies that a subsystem in a separate thread should
not even include other FlightGear header files, much less access
FGGlobals, FGInterface, the property manager, or anything else

The best candidates for separate threads are processes that have
relatively little input or output but require a lot of computation.
For example, if some day we have an incredibly sophisticated weather
simulator that actually models air currents over different terrain
types, we might actually let it do its computations in a low-priority
background thread and report back every minute or so.  I don't think
that threads are a panacea for whatever ails us.  Another good
candidate for a separate thread would be auto-generated,
smoothly-transitioning terrain textures.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  The effect is happening because the aircraft isn't consuming fuel.  If
  you take off at full tanks, you never get any lighter.  A real
  aircraft would have burned off a big chunk of its fuel store in the
  climb, and would have an easier time of it.  As a workaround, try
  starting /sim/fuelfraction at 0.5 or so, to simulate an
  early-to-mid-flight cruise condition.  It should climb much better.
  Fuel consumption in YASim will get done RSN, I promise.

That's a good point.  I remember reading an article where the author
sat in an A340 cockpit on a London-Vancouver flight; it wasn't until
around Greenland that the plane had burned enough fuel that it could
climb to full cruising altitude.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Problem report on release 0.7.9

2002-02-25 Thread Martin Dressler

On Sat 23. February 2002 01:06, you wrote:
 The flightgear side really only knows the current ground elevation for
 a specific lon/lat.  FlightGear has no way to know the dimensions of a
 specific aircraft or the relative placement of the gear.  It would
 seem like the best thing FlightGear can do is provide the elevation of
 the ground for the starting lon/lat, and then it should be up to the
 FDM to do the rest.

BTW How you can get altitude of specific lat,lon position, please?

What about scheme, when FDM or other SubSystem store lat,lon position 
structures on some heap and after frame render get it back with filled 

 The FDM passes back the location of the aircraft's CG, and this
 combined with knowledge of the aircraft orientation and pilot view
 offset relative to the CG allows FlightGear to properly render the

 I don't know the details of how it works know, but it seems like the
 FDM would need to find a suitable starting point for the CG given the
 information FlightGear can provide (which is the ground elevation.)

 This is a tricky area though so if there's something I'm missing feel
 free to point it out. :-)



  Martin Dressler


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Problem report on release 0.7.9

2002-02-25 Thread Tony Peden

--- Martin Dressler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat 23. February 2002 01:06, you wrote:
  The flightgear side really only knows the current
 ground elevation for
  a specific lon/lat.  FlightGear has no way to know
 the dimensions of a
  specific aircraft or the relative placement of the
 gear.  It would
  seem like the best thing FlightGear can do is
 provide the elevation of
  the ground for the starting lon/lat, and then it
 should be up to the
  FDM to do the rest.
 BTW How you can get altitude of specific lat,lon
 position, please?
 What about scheme, when FDM or other SubSystem store
 lat,lon position 
 structures on some heap and after frame render get
 it back with filled 

The scheme used to pass the data back and forth is not
the problem.  It's farther upstream than that.

  The FDM passes back the location of the aircraft's
 CG, and this
  combined with knowledge of the aircraft
 orientation and pilot view
  offset relative to the CG allows FlightGear to
 properly render the
  I don't know the details of how it works know, but
 it seems like the
  FDM would need to find a suitable starting point
 for the CG given the
  information FlightGear can provide (which is the
 ground elevation.)
  This is a tricky area though so if there's
 something I'm missing feel
  free to point it out. :-)
   Martin Dressler
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Temperature and air pressure

2002-02-25 Thread Martin Dressler

On Fri 22. February 2002 23:41, you wrote:
 I've added two new properties tied to the FGEnvironment class (you'll
 see these only if you compile with --with-new-environment):


 I'm sticking with sea-level-equivalent values for now, because I know
 that the FDM people are pretty possessive of their atmosphere models.
 Later I might add properties and methods for the values at current
 altitude as well.

 I'd very much like to figure out how to hook these up to the FDMs, so
 that we can have sluggish climb behaviour on hot, muggy days, etc.

 We might also need a relative-humidity property.  What units should we
 use?  Do the FDMs care about humidity?

 All the best,


Is Humidity important? Why not report just air density and viscosity. 
IMHO viscosity is importanat for count of Reynolds number.
Maybe Re don't play big role in currents FDMs but is really important for 
RC modeling.
OT: What are necessary values for FDM.
air pressure
air density
wind vector
gravitation vector,
Forgot I something?


  Martin Dressler


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Tower view

2002-02-25 Thread Martin Dressler

 Someone needs to rewrite the viewer code to allow viewpoints to be added
 at runtime; then, we can define a tower position for specific airports
 and allow you to switch to the nearest tower.  And as usual, I don't
 have the time (much less the programming prowess) to take on such a

I have in my mind this Idea, which doesn't need locations of Towers.
Maybe it is from Flight Unlimited II. 
When you switch to tower view( or better ground view) your view point 
initialize at some specified (in cofig file) distance before and left of 
aircraft at specified altitude above ground. And stay here until you switch 
to another view mode.
I look for one moth that I write it, but I still can't get enough time to do 


  Martin Dressler


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  Textures: any threading that involves portions of opengl needs to be
  handled very delicately.

No, I wouldn't touch OpenGL.  I'm talking about generating textures
in-memory; they would then be passed off to the main thread for use by
OpenGL.  We're a long way from that, though, so there's no need to

  Anyway, in the back of my head, someday, I want to try to develop a
  case against the threaded tile pager and maybe figure out a way to to
  partial per frame model loading and unloading ... not that I don't
  desparately wish we could do it, it's just that I'm not sure we can do
  it reliably in the face of all the things the tile loader will need to
  do in the long term ... (?)

What you need to do is isolate the tile manager completely, so that it
has (almost) no dependencies on the rest of the program, except for
one structure for data exchange.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Curtis L. Olson

David Megginson writes:
   Anyway, in the back of my head, someday, I want to try to develop a
   case against the threaded tile pager and maybe figure out a way to to
   partial per frame model loading and unloading ... not that I don't
   desparately wish we could do it, it's just that I'm not sure we can do
   it reliably in the face of all the things the tile loader will need to
   do in the long term ... (?)
 What you need to do is isolate the tile manager completely, so that it
 has (almost) no dependencies on the rest of the program, except for
 one structure for data exchange.

I don't think the solution can be that trivially simple.  The render
thread has opengl/scene graph dependencies.  The tile pager has
opengl/scene graph dependencies.  That in itself forces you to do a
*lot* of horsing around.

For instance, you can't directly call a plib model loader in the tile
paging thread because that could involve creating textures (which
would involve opengl calls) and you'd open yourself up for strange
crashes and wierd visual anomalies.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread D Luff

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 David Megginson writes:

  What you need to do is isolate the tile manager completely, so that it
  has (almost) no dependencies on the rest of the program, except for
  one structure for data exchange.
 I don't think the solution can be that trivially simple.  The render
 thread has opengl/scene graph dependencies.  The tile pager has
 opengl/scene graph dependencies.  That in itself forces you to do a
 *lot* of horsing around.
 For instance, you can't directly call a plib model loader in the tile
 paging thread because that could involve creating textures (which
 would involve opengl calls) and you'd open yourself up for strange
 crashes and wierd visual anomalies.

Surely it is possible to do a byte by byte copy of the tile from disk 
to memory in a separate thread, without *any* Opengl/ssg/plib 
dependency, such that the main thread need only access memory 
and not disk?

Cheers - Dave


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Curtis L. Olson

D Luff writes:
 Surely it is possible to do a byte by byte copy of the tile from disk 
 to memory in a separate thread, without *any* Opengl/ssg/plib 
 dependency, such that the main thread need only access memory 
 and not disk?

Surely it is possible, but if your goal is to push all time consuming
portions of the tile paging process out into a separate thread to
avoid rendering pauses, then this doesn't buy you as much as you
might hope.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ATC

2002-02-25 Thread D Luff

On 25 Feb 2002, at 11:00, D Luff wrote:

 thoroughly mess up radiostack.cxx.  Hence I propose that all 
 FGRadioStack does is to either just supply the selected comm 
 frequencies to an ATC manager, or possibly do the station lookup 
 in the Search() function and then flags hits to relevant stations to 
 the ATC manager.  The latter has the advantage that any work 
 done by the navaid people to better model the limits of reception 
 may be used by the comm stuff.  The former has the advantage 
 that the ATC manager will probably have to have the capability to 
 do station/frequency lookups anyway for the AI traffic.

In fact, after looking at it, I think I'll just get the comm frequencies 
directly into the ATC manager with the bind method and rip all of 
the comm stuff out of radiostack.

Any objections?

Also, am I right in thinking that the global ATC manager and ATC 
display manager should both be derived from FGSubsystem and 
declared in FGGlobals in order to fit in properly with the future 
direction of FlightGear?

Cheers - Dave


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread D Luff

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 D Luff writes:
  Surely it is possible to do a byte by byte copy of the tile from disk 
  to memory in a separate thread, without *any* Opengl/ssg/plib 
  dependency, such that the main thread need only access memory 
  and not disk?
 Surely it is possible, but if your goal is to push all time consuming
 portions of the tile paging process out into a separate thread to
 avoid rendering pauses, then this doesn't buy you as much as you
 might hope.

Fair enough.  I was under the impression that it was the disk 
access taking the time. 

Cheers - Dave


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Curtis L. Olson

D Luff writes:
 Fair enough.  I was under the impression that it was the disk 
 access taking the time. 

Registering new textures with opengl can take a noticable amount of
time (especially when they are large.)  Freeing memory (and any
associated garbage collection) can actually be a *big* hit at times.
It actually is a very complicated problem to do tile paging properly
in a separate thread.  What we have now mostly works but has grown
pretty ugly in response to some of the practical difficulties with
doing this well.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ATC

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

D Luff writes:

  Also, am I right in thinking that the global ATC manager and ATC 
  display manager should both be derived from FGSubsystem and 
  declared in FGGlobals in order to fit in properly with the future 
  direction of FlightGear?

Yes, that would be a good idea.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Temperature and air pressure

2002-02-25 Thread Christian Mayer

Martin Dressler wrote:
 Is Humidity important? Why not report just air density and viscosity.
 IMHO viscosity is importanat for count of Reynolds number.
 Maybe Re don't play big role in currents FDMs but is really important for
 RC modeling.
 OT: What are necessary values for FDM.
 air pressure
 air density
 wind vector
 gravitation vector,
 Forgot I something?

If you want to provide data you need it first. And there are no weather
reports that give me viscosity AFAIK.

So any weather system can only provide data that it has and that it can
derivate (e.g. denisty from pressure and temperature).
If you want viscosity and it's possible to derivate, that's fine.

But to 'publish' that data it's important how expensive it's to compute
(and to publish) and how many subsystems need it. So it *might* be
better if that data isn't provided and the (yet-to-come) ModelSim FDM
calculates it itself.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.-- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Christian Mayer

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
 D Luff writes:
  Fair enough.  I was under the impression that it was the disk
  access taking the time.
 Registering new textures with opengl can take a noticable amount of
 time (especially when they are large.)  Freeing memory (and any
 associated garbage collection) can actually be a *big* hit at times.
 It actually is a very complicated problem to do tile paging properly
 in a separate thread.  What we have now mostly works but has grown
 pretty ugly in response to some of the practical difficulties with
 doing this well.

Well, I don't know the current threading code (well, it won't run under
MSVC anyway AFAIK). But I'm under the impression that on my compiles the
disk access is quite a problem (noticeable 'jumps' for each tile).

That's no surprise. Current disks have an access time of 10 ms. If we
need - say - 10 files we'll have 100 ms. (unrealistical guess as there's
caching, etc., but that's w/o the work that's done as soon as the files
are loaded).

100 ms is 1/10 s and that's very noticeable.

Just reading the data in an extra thread into a buffer and doing the
rest in the main thread should help a bit.
To avoid memory (re)allocation we can recycle that buffer.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.-- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-25 Thread Jim Wilson

David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Andy Ross writes:
   The effect is happening because the aircraft isn't consuming fuel.  If
   you take off at full tanks, you never get any lighter.  A real
   aircraft would have burned off a big chunk of its fuel store in the
   climb, and would have an easier time of it.  As a workaround, try
   starting /sim/fuelfraction at 0.5 or so, to simulate an
   early-to-mid-flight cruise condition.  It should climb much better.
   Fuel consumption in YASim will get done RSN, I promise.
 That's a good point.  I remember reading an article where the author
 sat in an A340 cockpit on a London-Vancouver flight; it wasn't until
 around Greenland that the plane had burned enough fuel that it could
 climb to full cruising altitude.

Yes agreed.  And probably with a 747-400 it is only those longer flights like
London-Vancouver that get filled to the brim with fuel.

Andy, is the aircraft otherwise considered filled to capacity
(passenger/cargo) in the fdm?



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] UIUC Paper Publication (FlightGear References)

2002-02-25 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Bipen Sehgal, Robert Deters, and Michael Selig recently published a
paper on their smart icing system research, specifically describing
their Icing Encounter Flight Simulator. [1]

You can view this paper in PDF format here:

It is a very nice paper, it speaks highly of the FlightGear project,
and it show cases one category of use that FlightGear is well suited

I have linked to it from the FlightGear page describing the UIUC smart
icing project:

[1] My wife just got done taking a cake decorating class so I have
thoughts of rose petals, vines, and leaves, etc. when I see the name
of the UIUC sim.  :-)


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] 3D Model Configuration Changes

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

I've just made some changes to how 3D models are configured.  The
following properties are no longer used:


Instead, if the /sim/model/path property points to a file ending with
.xml, the FGAircraftModel class reads a property file at that
location to get information about the 3D model.  Initially, the
following properties are recognized:

  /path The path to the model, relative to the XML
file (not FG_ROOT).
  /offsets/heading-deg  The heading rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/pitch-degThe pitch rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/roll-deg The roll rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/x-m  The x-axis transformation, in meters.
  /offsets/y-m  The y-axis transformation, in meters.
  /offsets/z-m  The z-axis transformation, in meters.

Here's an example for my C172 model:

  ?xml version=1.0?


This uses the file in the same directory as the 3D model,
rotates the model 270 degrees around the z-axis (the heading rotates
around z=0), and lowers it 1 meter along the z-axis.

Very, very soon, the file will also contain information on animating
parts of the model (propellers, ailerons, flaps, etc.) based on
property values.  This will work with *any* 3D format that allows
objects inside the 3D model to be named (including ssg, VRML, AC3D,
and, I think, MDL formats).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] C 172 panel

2002-02-25 Thread Sergio Roth


I´ve found this panel and it seem to be very cool. 
What do you think ?

All the best.

Sergio Roth

Re: [Flightgear-devel] C 172 panel

2002-02-25 Thread Jim Wilson

Sergio Roth [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I´ve found this panel and it seem to be very cool. What do you think ?

Yes, I saw that one not too long ago.  Very nice vinyl texture.  And the metal
panel area itself is pretty darn near perfect, lots of nice touches including
just exactly the right shine.  It looks like it'd be an expensive one
performance wise.  Yeah that sure is a cool panel.  It's not a c172r, but
given enough effort something like that could be done.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D Model Configuration Changes

2002-02-25 Thread Jim Wilson

David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Instead, if the /sim/model/path property points to a file ending with
 .xml, the FGAircraftModel class reads a property file at that
 location to get information about the 3D model.  Initially, the
 following properties are recognized:
   /path The path to the model, relative to the XML
 file (not FG_ROOT).
   /offsets/heading-deg  The heading rotation for the model, in degrees.
   /offsets/pitch-degThe pitch rotation for the model, in degrees.
   /offsets/roll-deg The roll rotation for the model, in degrees.
   /offsets/x-m  The x-axis transformation, in meters.
   /offsets/y-m  The y-axis transformation, in meters.
   /offsets/z-m  The z-axis transformation, in meters.

Great improvement!  One thing I noticed as soon as the c172 model went in was 
that the offsets affected every model that didn't have offsets defined in the 
aircraft-set.xml file, simply because they were included in the c172-set.xml
file that always gets processed by default, even if another aircraft is
selected.  Does this address that issue?  If I switch to a different model in
my command line will the offsets for the default model go away?

Another question that came to mind (and I apologize in advance if it's a
stupid one!):  Is it possible to eliminate the requirement of offset values
with models built for the base package can we convert all
the vertices in the *.ac files so that it isn't necessary to use them?



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-25 Thread Andy Ross

Jim Wilson wrote:
  Yes agreed.  And probably with a 747-400 it is only those longer
  flights like London-Vancouver that get filled to the brim with fuel.
  Andy, is the aircraft otherwise considered filled to capacity
  (passenger/cargo) in the fdm?

Um... I'm not sure.  :)

The configured empty weight is 400k lbs, but I didn't record where I
got that number.  I'd assume that this is really the empty weight, not
including payload.  YASim has a weight tag that can be used to
provide software control over payload via the properties system, which
would obviously be the right way to do this.  I guess I'll assume that
I did the right thing...

The issue of flat-rating the engines has been nagging me, too.  I
strongly suspect this is at least part of the effect; does anyone have
numbers that would support this?  Implementing this would be really
easy; analagous to the way the turbocharger waste gate gets handled in
the piston engine model.  It would also be a spiffy way of handling
the supersonic over-speed behavior the engine model has at high speeds
(the mach compression of the intake air is modelled, but the losses
due to intake geometry are not).


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Andy Ross

Martin van Beilen wrote:
  Actually it is fairly easy to make the property manager Thread
  Safetm. All regular r/w locking can happen on a per-node basis, and
  can be encapsulated transparently. The property manager seems like an
  ideal candidate for IPC messaging, so if we want, it can be done.

This is the Great Myth of multithreading.  Threadsafe components are
not sufficient to protect against threadsafety violations.  The only
way to avoid deadlocks and race conditions is for the whole
architecture to support them from top to bottom.

Making the property manager threadsafe isn't the issue; sure it can be
done.  The problem is that *using* the property manager (or anything)
from multiple threads leaves you open to race conditions that occur
due to unsynchronized changes to the property values.

For those with Java experience, consider the Vector class.  It's
threadsafe, right?  Right.  Now enumerate over it in one thread while
modifying it in another.  Is *that* threadsafe? :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-25 Thread Arnt Karlsen

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 08:33:03 -0500, 
David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Andy Ross writes:
   The effect is happening because the aircraft isn't consuming fuel. 
   If you take off at full tanks, you never get any lighter.  A real
   aircraft would have burned off a big chunk of its fuel store in the
   climb, and would have an easier time of it.  As a workaround, try
   starting /sim/fuelfraction at 0.5 or so, to simulate an
   early-to-mid-flight cruise condition.  It should climb much better.
   Fuel consumption in YASim will get done RSN, I promise.
 That's a good point.  I remember reading an article where the author
 sat in an A340 cockpit on a London-Vancouver flight; it wasn't until
 around Greenland that the plane had burned enough fuel that it could
 climb to full cruising altitude.

..another point you guys may be aware of, is that some jets
(military only?) tank _cold_ (40-50 Centigrades below zero) 
fuel, this allows burning off fuel as it expands on heating 
up to tank temperature, so these jets arrive at mission 
target altitude with still full tanks. 

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)

  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] C 172 panel

2002-02-25 Thread David Findlay

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 05:57, you wrote:

 I´ve found this panel and it seem to be very cool. What do you think ?

Now that's what we need, but with the yoke removed so all the switches below 
are accessable. Thanks,

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] KFLog

2002-02-25 Thread David Findlay

Hash: SHA1

Check out that for a flight logging program. If only it had flight planning 

Anyone know if we could hook it up to FlightGear? Thanks,

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] KFLog

2002-02-25 Thread Curtis L. Olson

David Findlay writes:
 Hash: SHA1
 Check out that for a flight logging program. If only it had flight planning 
 Anyone know if we could hook it up to FlightGear? Thanks,

Interesting, someone should download this and report back. :-)
FlightGear can output nmea strings so it seems like there shouldn't be
too much work needed to get the two packages talking to each other.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Base Package Check Failed......????

2002-02-25 Thread Jeff

Hi  Help

Base package check failed.. Found version [none]
Please upgrade to version 0.7.9

The above is what happens when I try to run ./fgfs (from the terminal).

I am using Mandrake 8.0.

Installed SimGear-0.0.17 (tar version)

Installed FlightGear-0.7.9 @ --prefix=/usr/local/FlightGear (tar version)

Un-Tarred fgfs-base-0.7.9 @ usr/local/FlightGear. It looks like it's there to 
me. Version file claims to be 0.7.9. Out of desperation I un-tarred the base 
package into the below directories:

All installations seemed to install happally.

I also did a few re-builds, removed config.cache and did the distclean 
thingy, but same problem.


Jeff Davis

P.S. Did not have fg0.7.8 installed on this hard drive, new install, but did 
try to install a RPM package for fg0.7.9 but the SimGear RPM was not right so 
I am giving the tar versions a try.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Erik Hofman

Andy Ross wrote:
 Curtis L. Olson wrote:
   Threading is *really* scarey in a program of this magnitude.
   I'd be adverse to adding additional threading especially if it
   involves something like the property manager.
   There might be specific isolated instances where we can do it
   reliably, but there is way too much that can bite us if we try to do
   much threading.
 Amen.  The only purpose to doing threading in a C/C++ environment is
 SMP scalability (in Java, you have to use them for I/O multiplexing
 too; I consider this a bug, but at least there you have language

Well, the main reason for using multi-threading in a single CPU 
environment is to use the CPU cycles when a program (or thread) is in an 
IO lock ...

BTW. There are thread schedulers which work in a single address space, 
pth is one example:

This would remove the need for locking (expept for OpenGL I gueass).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Erik Hofman

Erik Hofman wrote:
 This would remove the need for locking (expept for OpenGL I gueass).

guess, guess, guess.

(I'm improving).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ANN: animating 3D models

2002-02-25 Thread David Megginson

I've just added the first, small support for animating 3D models.  The
spinning propeller for the C172 had been hard-coded into the C++, but
now, it's defined in a property file; the propellers on the DC-3 also

The only type of animation supported right now is spin tied to an
rpm property, but I'll be adding rotations, shifts, etc. soon so that
we can move control surfaces and even retract gear.  I'm interested in
suggestions for blinking lights.

I'm surprised that this is much easier than I had thought.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Martin van Beilen

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 12:55:07PM -0800, Andy Ross wrote:

 Martin van Beilen wrote:
   Actually it is fairly easy to make the property manager Thread
   Safetm. All regular r/w locking can happen on a per-node basis, and
   can be encapsulated transparently.

 Making the property manager threadsafe isn't the issue; sure it can be
 done.  The problem is that *using* the property manager (or anything)
 from multiple threads leaves you open to race conditions that occur
 due to unsynchronized changes to the property values.

Hmmm.. I think we have different definitions of threadsafe.

 For those with Java experience, consider the Vector class.  It's
 threadsafe, right?

No, it's not. Imagine what happens when one thread is reading it
while another thread is writing to it. :-)

 Right.  Now enumerate over it in one thread while
 modifying it in another.  Is *that* threadsafe? :)

Now what did I just say? Pay attention please. ;-)

A solution is to subclass a MutexVector that provides transparent
locking on member access. Since there is only one mutex involved,
deadlocks cannot occur. It is now Thread Safetm for all r/w

Of course, this breaks when deleting the vector. Which is what my
earlier post was about. Not that it matters, since we're not
doing multithreading on properties in the first place. :-)

- --
Regards,  I RADIS, do you?

PGP:  FE87448B  DDF8 677C 9244 D119 4FE0  AE3A 37CF 3458 FE87 448B

From: Martin van Beilen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, Feb 25, 
2002 at 12:55:07PM -0800
X-S-Issue: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2002/02/26 00:24:34 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New subsystem: FGEnvironment

2002-02-25 Thread Andy Ross

Martin van Beilen wrote:
  Andy Ross wrote:
   For those with Java experience, consider the Vector class.  It's
   threadsafe, right?
  No, it's not. Imagine what happens when one thread is reading it
  while another thread is writing to it. :-)
   Right.  Now enumerate over it in one thread while
   modifying it in another.  Is *that* threadsafe? :)
  Now what did I just say? Pay attention please. ;-)

You missed my point.  First, the Vector class *is* threadsafe; check
all the methods, they're synchronized.  There is no way, in Java, to
corrupt the state of a Vector object by modifying it in multiple
threads.  Each thread is guaranteed to see a consistent object; there
is no way to add two elements at the same index, for example, or to
remove an item more than once.  The library designers got this part
right.  Your suggestion about how to add threadsafety to the property
system would achieve the same level of functionality.

My point was that this buys you *nothing*.  You can still write all
the race conditions you want by assuming that the object won't be
modified from another thread.  See my post about the nuclear bomb
safety lock; even a perfectly threadsafe property system is
susceptible to race conditions.

The point, again: *all* multithreaded code is susceptible to race
conditions and deadlocks.  There is *no* way around this.  The only
way to avoid them is to be very, very careful with your design.  You
cannot rely on libraries to save you.  You cannot rely on simple
techniques to save you.  You have only your mind, your experience, and
the minds and experience of the yahoo threading cowboys working on the
rest of the project to rely on.  Now, are you getting the point? :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-25 Thread Arnt Karlsen

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 16:17:29 -0500, 
David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Arnt Karlsen writes:
   ..another point you guys may be aware of, is that some jets
   (military only?) tank _cold_ (40-50 Centigrades below zero) 
   fuel, this allows burning off fuel as it expands on heating 
   up to tank temperature, so these jets arrive at mission 
   target altitude with still full tanks. 
 You wouldn't want to do that with civil jets -- imagine a 747's wing
 tanks exploding because it got stuck in an hour-long line for takeoff
 and the fuel heated up too soon.

..well, I'm only 99% sure about military only.  ;-)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)

  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Landing gear vibrations: some questions

2002-02-25 Thread Arnt Karlsen

  ..on Sat, 23 Feb 2002 15:42:11 +0100, Lorenzo Scaldaferro
 in newsgroup: rec.aviation.simulators:

  ..first, I need to apologize for showing bad form in responding by
  separate emails too, and for posting this onto the 
  developers mailing list.  See below for justification:

   i'm an italian mechanical engineer student and i'm writing a thesis
   about landing gear vibration problems. I'm gonna finish it but i
   still have some doubts and i hope you can help me to clarify.
   1. I know how shimmy dampers work but i don't know if they are
always   used on planes or if they are not, and
 i'd like to understand what makes deciding that use, after
   simulations, or always with planes with a certain
 weight or operational speed.
   2. I found a publication about landing gear dynamics called:
 Landing  gear integration in aircraft conceptual
 design, by Sonny T. Chai and William H. Mason, it's described
 how to
   proceed to design gear and choose wheels,
 dampers, etc. but nothing is written about considering
 vibrations during design, so i'd like to know why. 3. I saw
 there is an intense use of F.E.A. for shimmy, brakes
vibrations and gear vibrations in general, but i
 also think i understood that the problem is not fully
 understand. So
   what kind of future considerations can we
 do? Are modern airplanes problem free? What are the new
   to resolve the problem? Because from what
 i found the way to proceed is use Moreland and Pacejka
 theories,  made simulations and FEA, test the gear (just
 in two words) but from what i understand is in use that you
can   really discover if the plane has shimmy or so
 and sometimes we prefer to maintain a light shimmy if we
 discover it
   after production and there's not an easy
 way to resolve.
   I know my questions could result stupid but every discussion,
   document, link or else would be very appreciate.

  ..if you, Lorenzo, understand, as I believe, what you have read, you
 may be able to provide a valuable set of eyes and opinions on the

   Thanks a lot, Lorenzo

  ..FlightGear 3 different flight dynamics models all share a landing
 gear problem, if you care to DL the FlightGear source code, you may be
 able to add another set of engineering eyes.  Warning, DL is some 27

  ..FlightGear runs on linux, unix, MacOS, and the Microsoft wintendo
  os'es.  It is networking capable, on limited hardware, you can farm
  out flight dynamics number crunching to another box on your lan, or,
 you may have a multi pilot environment, and fly several planes.  There
 is also a glass cockpit project, and a moving map project going on,
 these can plug into Flightgear over a lan, internet, or a cluster of
 boxes.   (No games yet, only the wee beginnings of bomb drop code,
games can  of course be written on this code base.  ;-) ) source code such as Linux, FlightGear and some Unix'es, is
  _potentially_ FAA Certifiable, just like AN bolts, because anyone,
such  as any FAA inspector, may legally inspect and reverse-engineer the
 code, in_excactly_ the same way they torture AN hardware thru failure.

  ..closed source software licenses, such as Microsoft's, usually makes
  reverse engineering such as FAA type inspections, a criminal
offence,  this consequently makes such software un-certifiable for
aviation use,  where-ever airworthiness is a requirement.

  ..(and, no, I'm not going to waste anyones time on an os flame war.
;-)  ), FlightGear is still _far_ from airworthy.  ;-) 
  But it _is_ moving in a direction that I like a _lot_. :-)

  [arnt@lana FlightGear]$ ls -GAFl /usr/local/lib/FlightGear/Aircraft 
  total 104
  -r--r--r--1 1000  590 Feb  8 13:22 747-uiuc-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000 1587 Feb  9 04:25 747-yasim-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000  897 Dec 24 13:44 a4-yasim-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000  692 Feb  8 13:22 beech99-uiuc-set.xml
  drwxr-sr-x3 1000 4096 Feb 16 19:05 c172/
  -r--r--r--1 1000 1523 Feb  9 04:25 c172-ifr-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000 1703 Feb  9 04:25 c172-larcsim-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000 1815 Feb 13 21:03 c172-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000  670 Feb  8 13:22 c172-uiuc-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000 1599 Feb  9 04:25 c172-yasim-set.xml
  drwxr-sr-x3 1000 4096 Feb 16 19:05 c182/
  -r--r--r--1 1000 2433 Feb 13 21:03 c182-set.xml
  drwxr-sr-x2 1000 4096 Feb 16 19:05 c310/
  -r--r--r--1 1000 2482 Feb 13 21:03 c310-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000  702 Feb  8 13:22 c310-uiuc-set.xml
  -r--r--r--1 1000  978 Dec 24 13:44 c310-yasim-set.xml
  drwxr-sr-x3 1000 4096 Feb 16 19:05 dc3/
  -r--r--r--1 1000   

Re: [Flightgear-devel] KFLog

2002-02-25 Thread David Findlay

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 08:26, you wrote:
 David Findlay writes:
  Hash: SHA1
  Check out that for a flight logging program. If only it had flight
  planning features
  Anyone know if we could hook it up to FlightGear? Thanks,

 Interesting, someone should download this and report back. :-)
 FlightGear can output nmea strings so it seems like there shouldn't be
 too much work needed to get the two packages talking to each other.

I've downloaded it, so I'll have a bit of a play with it now. Thanks,

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ATC

2002-02-25 Thread Alex Perry

  Its possible that it might be necessary to write an FGFlightPlan 
  module as well - can someone tell me whether real life ATC 
  actually knows whats in a flightplan after its been filed or is it 
  simply a case of the pilot just requests what's on his/her flightplan?
 ..this depends on regulations,
 ..flight plans may be files on forms, some time ahead of departure,
 someplaces, and sometimes, filing over radio after takeoff is

It also varies by country.  The rules are only (mostly) standardized for
ICAO international IFR flight plans.  All other kinds differ everywhere.
Depending on the situation, sometimes ATC does know your flightplan
and sometimes they don't.  It's basically as simple as that (for FGFS).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Broken Code

2002-02-25 Thread John Wojnaroski


On Jan 19 the FGEngInterface and FGGearInterface were removed from the
flight.hxx source. It broke a lot of code in the opengc interface as well as
internal logic to modulate the display symbols.

I have made requests to this group for help in fixing what was broken by
this change. I don't mind fixing things even if I didn't break them, (I've
managed to get some of it working again with help from Curtis ) but I DO
MIND spending my time searching for something that may or may not exist when
a simple yes, no, or look here would help especially when queries go
unanswered. Seems common courtesy would dictate for that person to at least
acknowledge the post and respond to the request. And the proper thing to do
is either provide a fix or guidance on how to restore the functionality lost
in the change.

It's not a big deal and world peace doesn't hang in the balance, but it is
frustrating and there are a few who want to use the displays and we owe it
to them to keep the projects in sync and running.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] (Newbee) Problems compiling MetaKit

2002-02-25 Thread Hoyt A. Fleming

I am attempting to compile (version 2.4.2-32) MetaKit, which is
included in (version 0.0.17) Simgear.  (I am utilizing cygwin to create
binaries on a PC.)  The ../unix/configure command appears to work fine.
However, the make command creates the following error message:

g++ -c -O2 -I../unix/../include -I/usr/include ../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp
In file included from ../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:22:
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:3: syntax error before `*'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:4: syntax error before `*'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h: In function `int MyInitStubs(Tcl_Interp *)':
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:15: syntax error before `*'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:20: `struct MyInitStubs(Tcl_Interp
*)::HeadOfInterp' ha
s no member named `stubTable'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:20: `struct MyInitStubs(Tcl_Interp
*)::HeadOfInterp' ha
s no member named `stubTable'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:20: `TCL_STUB_MAGIC' undeclared (first use this
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:20: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:20: for each function it appears in.)
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:26: `tclStubsPtr' undeclared (first use this
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:26: `struct MyInitStubs(Tcl_Interp
*)::HeadOfInterp' ha
s no member named `stubTable'
../unix/../tcl/stubtcl.h:34: `tclPlatStubsPtr' undeclared (first use this
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp: In function `struct Tcl_Obj * GetAsObj(const
f , const c4_Property , Tcl_Obj * = 0)':
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:347: implicit declaration of function `int
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp: In function `int SetAsObj(Tcl_Interp *, const
ef , const c4_Property , Tcl_Obj *)':
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:401: implicit declaration of function `int
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:401: initialization to `const t4_byte *' from
`int' la
cks a cast
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp: In method `bool TclSelector::MatchOneString(int,
t char *, const c4_String )':
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:1261: implicit declaration of function `int
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:1261: warning: cannot pass objects of type `const
tring' through `...'
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp: In method `void TclSelector::ExactKeyProps(const
owRef )':
../unix/../tcl/mk4tcl.cpp:1324: conversion to `char *' from `const char *'
rds qualifiers
make: *** [mk4tcl.o] Error 1

Hoyt A. Fleming@HOYT'S_DESKTOP /usr/local/source/simgear/metakit/builds

Does anyone know what I need to do to avoid the TCL errors?  Thank you in
advance (from a FlightGear newbee) for your help.  

Hoyt Fleming

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