[Flightgear-devel] Douglas DC-3 Dakota

2002-03-12 Thread Danie Heath

Hi all

E-mailed you guys a few weeks ago about my willingness to help.

I work part-time at the South African Air Force Museum, and, seeing as we 
operate two DC-3's, I can get you any information you need.   Tell me what 
you need, and I can get it.

The only problem is : I only work there over weekends (you know, sort of a 
relief crew for the fulltime staff), so I can only get the info on a 
Saturday.  So if you can email it to me before 0700GMT, I can get the info 
for you, otherwise you'll have to wait a week.

Hope I can help.

Danie Heath
Web Integrator
RisC Com cc
+27 12 654-5100
083 412 6904

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RedHat 7.2 Enigma and Flightgear

2002-03-12 Thread Danie Heath

Hi all

So my pc is back online after it passed away recently :-) but now I have a 
different problem (don't worry, it's not the Metakit compiling problem again.)

Here's a short summary of my system : 
AMD 1000 MHz
Leadtek NVIDIA Geforce 2 MX64
OS : Redhat 7.2 Enigma

Ok, so I tested my system on Linux before compiling Flightgear (to sort out 
the display card issues).   I tried to play TUX Racer (opengl game that comes 
with Redhat), and got framerates of about 1 frame/second.  I went to NVIDIA's 
website, downloaded and installed the correct drivers, and now I don't know 
what the frame rates are anymore (easily above 30 frames/second).

Now that's a clear indication that my display card is working mighty fine, as 
well as OpenGL and all that fancy stuff, so I compiled Flightgear.  
Everything went well without any problems (quite impressed guys, you do 
excellent developing). When at last I tried to run Flightgear :

./fgfs --fg-root=/usr/local/FlightGear

it gave me the following :

GLUT : Fatal Error in fgfs : could not open display :

Can anyone please help me ?

Danie Heath
Web Integrator
RisC Com cc
+27 12 654-5100
083 412 6904

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:
>For a quickie example, look at the places in the code that read the
>view_offset and view_tilt stuff.  These are the values that represent
>the direction of the pilot's head, and as such should be used only by
>the core view code to decide on a view direction for the 3D

Exactly !

>But because of the way things grew, they are also read by
>places like the panel (my fault), ADA FDM (no idea there), lighting
>code (!), and main loop.  These places don't care about the difference
>between the pilot's head and aircraft frame -- they just want to know
>the ultimate direction of the view.  Well, except for the panel, which
>rightfully should just draw in the aircraft frame and not worry about
>view direction at all -- my current code essentially does things
>backwards, because those values could be read from the FGViewer object
>and set via properties, while the mouse quat couldn't.

Well the Mouse code certainly could but let's leave that alone
as I REALLY don't want the Mouse reading properties :-)

Anyway FWIW
The way I envisoned this was that the Mouse Quat well actually
the matrix currently called GuiQuat_mat[4][4] in gui_local.cxx would 
be promoted into the view class or some other logical spot to hold the 
mouse contribution to the 'eye rotation matrix'  
in fact I think there is/was a comment to that effect in both 
gui_local.cxx and viewer_rph.cxx

Also realize that we have been WELL AWARE of the fact that the 
VIEW CODE needs restructuring and have been holding off as 
what was there was at least temporarily 'good enough'.

Good enough to get you and many others hooked on FGFS :-)

Also realize that a few of us have been thinking about how this
thing works for quite sometime and rather then submitting massive
code changes and exerting our personal whims have been instead 
'guiding' and 'coaxing' those along who 'wanted' to actually write code 
so that they understood how it worked and/or so that others could 'feel' 
involved :-)



Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-12 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:
>While I'm thinking about it, can someone with knowlege please let me
>know that I've got the right facts for the following coordinate systems:

>  What I'm fuzzier on is where
>the origin is when the scenery tiles are drawn (it has to be local, as
>floats don't have sufficient precision).  I can probably figure it out
>from reading the code, but yell if there are nasty subtleties here.

Reread my post from yesterday about how the VIEW is created

and see -
void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
// calculate our current position in cartesian space
scenery.set_center( scenery.get_next_center() );

int FGTileMgr::update( double lon, double lat ) {

if ( tile_cache.exists( current_bucket ) ) {
current_tile = tile_cache.get_tile( current_bucket );
scenery.set_next_center( current_tile->center );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_WARN, "Tile not found (Ok if
initializing)" );
scenery.set_next_center( Point3D(0.0) );

void FGTileMgr::prep_ssg_nodes()

void FGTileEntry::prep_ssg_node( const Point3D& p, float vis) {

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-12 Thread Andy Ross

While I'm thinking about it, can someone with knowlege please let me
know that I've got the right facts for the following coordinate

Model coordinates (that is, the reference frame of the local aircraft,
into which the model and panel geometry will be drawn):
   Origin = nose of the aircraft (?)
   X = backwards
   Y = up
   Z = left

World coordinates (global cartesian coordinates fixed to the earth,
into which the scenery is drawn):
   Origin = center of the earth
   X = out through lat=0, lon=0
   Y = out through lat=0, lon=90E
   Z = out the north pole
I got these off of Curt's very nice coordinates document, so I'm
fairly confident that this one is right.  What I'm fuzzier on is where
the origin is when the scenery tiles are drawn (it has to be local, as
floats don't have sufficient precision).  I can probably figure it out
from reading the code, but yell if there are nasty subtleties here.

Plib coordinates (the screen-space coordinates that are used in lieu
of OpenGL coordinates as the destination for the viewing orientation):
  Origin = eye position (duh)
  X = forward
  Y = left
  Z = up
This, by way of needless trivia, is same convention YASim uses for
aircraft geometry.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Norman Vine

Jim Wilson writes:

> I could really use some help visualizing
> the matrices.  Which elements are which axis (in Plib)?

x is 1st
y is 2nd
z is 3rd < up >

where  x cross y equals z

same as OpenGL xcept there Y is up

> And what does the  fourth row/col represent?

fourth column is scaling almost allways 0
4th row is translation

so instead of doing

 sgMat4 sgTRANS;
 sgMakeTransMat4( sgTRANS, pilot_view->get_view_pos() );

and then later
sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgTRANS )

you can almost always just do this instead

Another thing to keep in mind is that the rotation matrix
is the upper 3x3 block of the 4x4 matrix and that the inverse
of a 'pure rotation' is just it's transpose

ie if v' = Av then v = -Av'
where ' = 'primed'  and  - = 'Inverse'

See sgTransposeNegateMat4() is sg.cxx

Another optimization trick is tht something like
  sgVec3 ownship_up;
  sgSetVec3( ownship_up, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  sgMat4 sgROT;
  sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT, -90.0, ownship_up );

is going to turn into something like
  sgMat ownship;
  ownship[0][0] = 0 ;
  ownship[0][1] = -1 ;
  ownship[0][2] = 0 ;
  ownship[0][3] = 0 ;

  ownship[1][0] = 1 ;
  ownship[1][1] = 0 ;
  ownship[1][2] = 0 ;
  ownship[1][3] = 0 ;

  ownship[2][0] = 0 ;
  ownship[2][1] = 0 ;
  ownship[2][2] = 1 ;
  ownship[2][3] = 0 ;

  ownship[3][0] = 0 ;
  ownship[3][1] = 0 ;
  ownship[3][2] = 0 ;
  ownship[3][3] = 0 ;

because the sin and cosine terms are going to be
one of  0, 1, -1

This in turn can be used to 'tweak' a series of Matrix Multiplies
in that most of the terms either just dissapear or merely change sign

For example
using this technique on the model annimation matrix stuff removed
around a hundred assignments  and/or fpu ops per moving part :-)

Same kind of trick can be seen in tileentry.cxx  -- WorldPosition()

>Also if someone could help me understand how the quats relate to
>or compare to matrixes.  Guess I'm not quite sure how as Norman said, using
>quats would have helped here

quats wouldn't necessarily help you here BUT THEY help earlier in the
pipeline creating the 'eye rotation' matrix from it's various contributors
joystick mouse keyboard ect

FWIW untested but should work

void HeadingPitchToMat(sgMat4 dst, const float heading, const float pitch )
  sgQuat q;

  float cp = (float) cos(pitch*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/SG_TWO);
  float sp = (float) sin(pitch*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/SG_TWO);
  float ch = (float) cos(heading*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/SG_TWO);
  float sh = (float) sin(heading*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/SG_TWO);

  q[SG_W] = 0;
  q[SG_X] = ch - (sp * sh);
  q[SG_Y] = sp * ch
  q[SG_Z] = cp * sh;

  SGfloat two_xx = q[SG_X] * (q[SG_X] + q[SG_X]) ;
  SGfloat two_xy = q[SG_X] * (q[SG_Y] + q[SG_Y]) ;
  SGfloat two_xz = q[SG_X] * (q[SG_Z] + q[SG_Z]) ;
  SGfloat two_yy = q[SG_Y] * (q[SG_Y] + q[SG_Y]) ;
  SGfloat two_yz = q[SG_Y] * (q[SG_Z] + q[SG_Z]) ;
  SGfloat two_zz = q[SG_Z] * (q[SG_Z] + q[SG_Z]) ;

  sgSetVec4 ( dst[0], SG_ONE-(two_yy+two_zz), two_xy, two_xz, SG_ZERO ) ;
  sgSetVec4 ( dst[1], two_xy, SG_ONE-(two_xx+two_zz), two_yz, SG_ZERO ) ;
  sgSetVec4 ( dst[2], two_xz, two_yz, SG_ONE-(two_xx+two_yy), SG_ZERO ) ;
  sgSetVec4 ( dst[3], SG_ZERO, SG_ZERO, SG_ZERO, SG_ONE ) ;



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Andy Ross

Norman Vine wrote:
 > David Megginson wrote:
 > > Thanks -- the internal cockpit view seems much better.  Now the ball's
 > > in Andy's court to patch up the virtual panel code (and de-quat the
 > > mouse code), and we're flying!
 > exactly the kind of response that led me to coin the phrase
 > "MAYDAY MAYDAY  FlightGear has been hijacked"

Whoa there, boys. :)

First, to be fair, the issue isn't the dequating of anything.  For the
record, quaternions are a perfectly useful and reasonable
representation of orientations and rotations and are the appropriate
choice for many applications.  They are not magic bullets, however,
and perfectly useful and reasonable applications have been and will be
written without either quaternions or the bugs and unintended
interactions (gimble lock being the only big one) that you get from
naive application of euler-space representations.  End of story?

What I need/plan to do, (once over the motivational humps -- it's a
pretty daunting task) is take the responsibility for orientation
management *out* of the mouse code, and the model code, and the main
loop, and put it somewhere safe, where it can be modified sanely (that
is, with rotate/pitch/heading eulers) by a front end interface and
read sanely (as a matrix) by back end clients.  Right now, the
difference between "model orientation" and "viewpoint orientation" is
terribly muddled, and mixed in with things like "local orientation"
(the FDM term -- the view code calls is "UP", I think) that aren't
very useful to anyone.

For a quickie example, look at the places in the code that read the
view_offset and view_tilt stuff.  These are the values that represent
the direction of the pilot's head, and as such should be used only by
the core view code to decide on a view direction for the 3D
projection.  But because of the way things grew, they are also read by
places like the panel (my fault), ADA FDM (no idea there), lighting
code (!), and main loop.  These places don't care about the difference
between the pilot's head and aircraft frame -- they just want to know
the ultimate direction of the view.  Well, except for the panel, which
rightfully should just draw in the aircraft frame and not worry about
view direction at all -- my current code essentially does things
backwards, because those values could be read from the FGViewer object
and set via properties, while the mouse quat couldn't.

I know there are egos at stake, and I'm certain that I (or David, or
Curt, or Jim Wilson, or...) won't make the same choices that Norman
would have.  And I'm equally certain that some working code is going
to get chopped out simply because I don't understand it as well as I
would my own.  But the plain truth is that we have a pretty severe
code growth situation here, and there aren't any "simple" solutions.
If we pick Norms solution (which would work perfectly well), we still
have to take a machete to the rest of the code to extricate the euler


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Jon Berndt

> It's still a little weird with a steep roll angle.  Found an article on
> quarternions.  It seems that they can be used to solve the problem of the
> rotation being off center.  Not sure yet how to apply it to this problem.
> Maybe if we can feed it an axis that appears a little behind the
> origin, apply the euler pitch, and convert it to a rotation matrix it'll
> move more realistically:

This might be helpful from the JSBSim site:



Jon Berndt
JSBSim Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson  writes:

>(and de-quat the mouse code)

exactly the kind of response that led me to coin the phrase 

"MAYDAY MAYDAY  FlightGear has been hijacked"

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread Jim Wilson

David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Jim Wilson writes:
>  > This seems to pretty much correct the problem.  Part of the problem
>  > is that rotations are occuring at the firewall (model origin) which
>  > seems a little un-natural inside the cockpit.  The rest of the
>  > problem is I am just learning how this stuff works (I know I've
>  > been saying this for a couple months now...but hey I'm slow :-)).
> Thanks -- the internal cockpit view seems much better.  Now the ball's
> in Andy's court to patch up the virtual panel code (and de-quat the
> mouse code), and we're flying!

It's still a little weird with a steep roll angle.  Found an article on
quarternions.  It seems that they can be used to solve the problem of the
rotation being off center.  Not sure yet how to apply it to this problem. 
Maybe if we can feed it an axis that appears a little behind the origin, apply
the euler pitch, and convert it to a rotation matrix it'll move more




Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > This seems to pretty much correct the problem.  Part of the problem
 > is that rotations are occuring at the firewall (model origin) which
 > seems a little un-natural inside the cockpit.  The rest of the
 > problem is I am just learning how this stuff works (I know I've
 > been saying this for a couple months now...but hey I'm slow :-)).

Thanks -- the internal cockpit view seems much better.  Now the ball's
in Andy's court to patch up the virtual panel code (and de-quat the
mouse code), and we're flying!

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread Erik Hofman

David Megginson wrote:
> Jon S Berndt writes:
>  > I like this new capability. I ought to be able to plot the 
>  > logged data out of the box with my simplot program. As for 
>  > some other formats, I wonder if someone might provide a 
>  > couple of perl scripts to do conversions rather than place 
>  > that burden on FlightGear.
> It's easy enough to make the delimiter user-selectable; beyond that, I
> agree that we shouldn't make the logger complicated.  In particular,
> I'm not escaping any delimiters that appear in property values, to
> avoid too much processing overhead (and because I'm lazy).

Wasn't the default to just place the string value inside quotes ("")?
That way comma's doen't matter.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread Melchior FRANZ

* David Megginson -- Tuesday 12 March 2002 19:42:
> Apologies -- I'll shrink that.  I *think* it's in range for a signed
> 64-bit integer, but I'm too lazy to check.

Why not -1? Isn't that a sufficiently invalid number of seconds since
program start?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] How can JSBSim start in the air with a stable manner?

2002-03-12 Thread Jon S Berndt

>aerodynamics/Flight control(and so on) are not so easy to 
>me. One of the so many problems is that 
>How can I initialize the airplane in the air in a stable 
>manner when JSBSim running in standalone mode?
>It seems that FGTrim can accomplish that. But I do NOT 
>know how to use it!


I am forwarding a copy of this email to Tony Peden. Hw 
wrote the Trim code, so perhaps he can describe how best 
to use it. We do have documentation on the JSBSim web 
site. Go to jsbsim.sf.net and select the "Documentation" 
or "Docs" link. There you will find several links to 
helpful information. Once you read through these, please 
contact Tony for more help on trimming.

As for trimming in standalone mode, this is not quite 
implemented, yet. I want to do this, but this particular 
capability is not quite ready, yet.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

 > I like this new capability. I ought to be able to plot the 
 > logged data out of the box with my simplot program. As for 
 > some other formats, I wonder if someone might provide a 
 > couple of perl scripts to do conversions rather than place 
 > that burden on FlightGear.

It's easy enough to make the delimiter user-selectable; beyond that, I
agree that we shouldn't make the logger complicated.  In particular,
I'm not escaping any delimiters that appear in property values, to
avoid too much processing overhead (and because I'm lazy).

JSBSim and YASim may choose to expose more of their internals though
the property tree now, so that they can be logged (especially YASim,
which doesn't already have its own logging feature).  I think that the
internals should be partitioned by FDM, since each FDM does things its
own way; for example, JSBSim could use


and YASim could use


as roots, then use whatever properties and formats they want; for
example, JSBSim might expose coefficients, while YASim has none to
expose.  No negotiation require -- do your own things, guys.  Perhaps
later we might think of common properties for very common stuff like
forces and moments.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread Jim Wilson

David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> FlightGear now has the ability to produce multiple logs, each
> recording the value of user-selected properties at a user-defined
> interval.  Details are available in docs-mini/README.logging;  Here's
> a simple example that logs the rudder and aileron positions to
> steering.csv every second or so:
> Rudder
> /controls/rudder
> Ailerons
> /controls/aileron
> Here's some sample output:
>   Time,Rudder,Ailerons
>   6522,0.00,0.00
>   7668,-0.00,0.00
>   8702,-0.00,0.00
>   9705,-0.00,0.00
>   10784,-0.00,0.00
>   11792,-0.00,0.00
>   12808,-0.00,-0.21
>   13826,-0.00,-0.344000
>   14881,-0.00,-0.066000
>   15901,-0.00,-0.806000
>   16943,-0.00,-0.936000
>   17965,-0.00,-0.534000
>   19013,-0.00,-0.294000
>   20044,-0.00,0.27
>   21090,-0.00,-1.00
>   22097,-0.00,-0.168000


Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

D Luff writes:

 > Cygwin compile of latest CVS fails in logger.cxx, complaining that 
 > an integer constant is out of range in line 101:
 > last_time_ms(-99L)

Apologies -- I'll shrink that.  I *think* it's in range for a signed
64-bit integer, but I'm too lazy to check.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread Melchior FRANZ

* Melchior FRANZ -- Tuesday 12 March 2002 19:34:
> * D Luff -- Tuesday 12 March 2002 18:08:
> > last_time_ms(-99L)
> Yeah, that's a little bit too much for a "long".

At least for a 32 bit long.  :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread Melchior FRANZ

* D Luff -- Tuesday 12 March 2002 18:08:
> Cygwin compile of latest CVS fails in logger.cxx, complaining that 
> an integer constant is out of range in line 101:
> last_time_ms(-99L)

Yeah, that's a little bit too much for a "long". Shouldn't "-1" be
the obvious choice for the initial last_time_ms?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] black and white flightgear

2002-03-12 Thread Christian Mayer

"Curtis L. Olson" wrote:
> Roman Grigoriev writes:
> > Guys
> > could you please advice me how to make flightgear in black and white pallete
> > maybe framebuffer operation helps me?
> > if someone covert or render black&white image in OGL please help me
> There might be a clever solution I don't know about, but a brute force
> start would be to convert all the textures used by the program to a
> grey scale pallete ... 

IMHO that's the best solution.

If you need additional noise over it you can place a glQuad with a noise
texture over the whole screen.


PS: If you try to generate an infra red view it's *much* more
complicated than that. But for a normal vision "bomb camera" it should
be fine.

The idea is to die young as late as possible.-- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread D Luff

Cygwin compile of latest CVS fails in logger.cxx, complaining that 
an integer constant is out of range in line 101:


Cheers - Dave


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] How can JSBSim start in the air with a stable manner?

2002-03-12 Thread Dirty Bear

I have learned JSBSim for quite a long time. The aerodynamics/Flight control(and so 
on) are not so easy to me. One of the so many problems is that 
How can I initialize the airplane in the air in a stable manner when JSBSim running in 
standalone mode?
It seems that FGTrim can accomplish that. But I do NOT know how to use it! 
I found that you have discussed this problem in last year.
But I seems that no result about the discussion.
I have read some of the JSBSim source, but still do not know how to solve the problem.
Could you give me some idea about that?
Thanks for your patience!
Dirty Bear

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread Alex Perry

For the people who don't use the CSV format, it would be handy to have
a tag that switches over to TSV format.  Gnuplot and Octave, for example
are much happier with tab separation - I don't have to mention the commas.

> FlightGear now has the ability to produce multiple logs, each
> recording the value of user-selected properties at a user-defined
> interval.  Details are available in docs-mini/README.logging;  Here's
> a simple example that logs the rudder and aileron positions to
> steering.csv every second or so:
> Rudder
> /controls/rudder
> Ailerons
> /controls/aileron
> Here's some sample output:
>   Time,Rudder,Ailerons
>   6522,0.00,0.00
>   7668,-0.00,0.00
>   8702,-0.00,0.00
>   9705,-0.00,0.00
>   10784,-0.00,0.00
>   11792,-0.00,0.00
>   12808,-0.00,-0.21
>   13826,-0.00,-0.344000
>   14881,-0.00,-0.066000
>   15901,-0.00,-0.806000
>   16943,-0.00,-0.936000
>   17965,-0.00,-0.534000
>   19013,-0.00,-0.294000
>   20044,-0.00,0.27
>   21090,-0.00,-1.00
>   22097,-0.00,-0.168000
> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> http://mail.flightgear.org/mailman/listinfo/flightgear-devel

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

FlightGear now has the ability to produce multiple logs, each
recording the value of user-selected properties at a user-defined
interval.  Details are available in docs-mini/README.logging;  Here's
a simple example that logs the rudder and aileron positions to
steering.csv every second or so:


Here's some sample output:


All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] black and white flightgear

2002-03-12 Thread Jon S Berndt

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:48:53 +0300
  "Roman Grigoriev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>this is not suitable for me
>in addition I need to aply noise on this black and white 

Intriguing. Can you tell us what this is about? I have a 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] black and white flightgear

2002-03-12 Thread Roman Grigoriev

could you please advice me how to make flightgear in black and white pallete
maybe framebuffer operation helps me?
if someone covert or render black&white image in OGL please help me

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgReshape

2002-03-12 Thread Martin Dressler

On Tue 12. March 2002 14:27, you wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Martin Dressler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 12 March 2002 12:48 pm
> > Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgReshape
> >
> > On Mon 11. March 2002 09:12, you wrote:
> > > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Dressler) [2002.03.11 01:51]:
> > > > I find that we call fgReshape function in each
> >
> > RenderFrame, and it is
> >
> > > > IMHO needless. When you remove fgReshape from fgRenderFrame all
> > > > resizing works, you only can't change resolution via
> >
> > property manager.
> >
> > > > But do we need it?
> > > > Do you have some objection, before I send a patch.
> > >
> > > I can't really answer you question, but it was added to main.cxx in
> > > revision 1.40 with a comment about external views.  When you take it
> > > out, does it break the external views?
> >
> > No :-)
> >
> > As I sad, you only can't change resolution via window
> > property manager.
> > But do we need it?
> Does changing resolution equate to changing the window size? If so,
> could we trap a window resize and call fgReshape only in that case?
> Richard
Yes, you are right. 
It is done automagicaly by glut. when you register fgReshape as reshape 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rationalizing view

2002-03-12 Thread Martin Dressler

On Mon 11. March 2002 18:21, you wrote:
> Martin Dressler writes:
>  > There are some diferents how the viewer is initialized and from
>  > where it take new position.  Your viewpoint could be static or
>  > change position or (and) up vector in some dependency on FDM or
>  > maybe time.
> Right, but none of that's the viewer's concern.  As long as something
> (probably the view manager) tells each viewer every frame what the

> location(s), orientation(s), and offset(s) are, the viewer doesn't
> have to know anything else -- it can calculate all of its matrices and
> vectors from that.

Hmm I'm more conservative on it. 
Yeah you are right about viewer class. It should take two points (to define 
point and vector) or point and
vector (camera pos and view dir.) and calculate all of its matrices and 
vectors from that. 
I suggest initializing and updating of this pair in some class inherited from
viewer class or move viewer class to some new class and make it property of 
Let viewer manager only to  build field of this views and swap between them. 
Sorry, My English isn't so good to say it correct. IMHO we both thing about 
the same and I only suggest keep viewmgr class as simple as possible and do 
all  work in specialized classes inherited from some fgview class. 
fgview class needn't to be the same what we call viewer here. 

>  > IMHO the view also should control if panel, hud or virtual cockpit
>  > is used.  and if it preserve state if you switch to another view
>  > and then return back.
> I disagree -- the view code gets *very* hard to understand very
> easily.  If that information is tracked, it should be tracked
> externally (the view manager, again?) and not in the viewer code
> itself.

Yes, give this information to some fgview class, cause it belong there.

> The viewer code has to do some very complicated matrix and vector
> math, and if we have any hope of being able to maintain the code in
> the future, we need to keep it as simple as possible.  The best
> arrangement I can think of is isolating all of the actual view
> transformation code in the viewer class, and all of the
> FlightGear-related stuff in the view manager class.  That way, person
> A who knows nothing about matrix math can design new views, etc., and
> person B who knows little about the rest of FlightGear, properties,
> etc. can optimize the matrix math, etc.

Maybe I agree with you but only view manager is something other for me :)
> All the best,
> David


  Martin Dressler


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] fgReshape

2002-03-12 Thread Richard Bytheway

> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Dressler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 March 2002 12:48 pm
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgReshape
> On Mon 11. March 2002 09:12, you wrote:
> > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Dressler) [2002.03.11 01:51]:
> > > I find that we call fgReshape function in each 
> RenderFrame, and it is
> > > IMHO needless. When you remove fgReshape from fgRenderFrame all
> > > resizing works, you only can't change resolution via 
> property manager.
> > > But do we need it?
> > > Do you have some objection, before I send a patch.
> >
> > I can't really answer you question, but it was added to main.cxx in
> > revision 1.40 with a comment about external views.  When you take it
> > out, does it break the external views?
> No :-)
> As I sad, you only can't change resolution via window 
> property manager.
> But do we need it?
Does changing resolution equate to changing the window size? If so,
could we trap a window resize and call fgReshape only in that case?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgReshape

2002-03-12 Thread Martin Dressler

On Mon 11. March 2002 09:12, you wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Dressler) [2002.03.11 01:51]:
> > I find that we call fgReshape function in each RenderFrame, and it is
> > IMHO needless. When you remove fgReshape from fgRenderFrame all
> > resizing works, you only can't change resolution via property manager.
> > But do we need it?
> > Do you have some objection, before I send a patch.
> I can't really answer you question, but it was added to main.cxx in
> revision 1.40 with a comment about external views.  When you take it
> out, does it break the external views?

No :-)

As I sad, you only can't change resolution via window property manager.
But do we need it?


  Martin Dressler


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Build Failure with Newest fg_sound.?xx

2002-03-12 Thread Erik Hofman

Jonathan Polley wrote:
> Changing the data structure to read:
> static const struct {
> char * name;
> double (*fn)(double);
> } __fg_snd_fn[] = {
> caused everything to work properly.  I know that this is not the proper C+
> + solution, but it worked for me.

This seems appropriate. I'll include this fix in an update I'll sent 
later today.


Flightgear-devel mailing list