Re: FLUXLIST: edition

2006-05-01 Thread Kathy Forer

On May 1, 2006, at 10:11 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

Apart from those, you can really get "personal"
using something like "Nicecast":

With them (and probably others that are PC friendly),
anyone can narrowcast from their desktop. If I want to hear
ForeRadio, then you send out your narrowcast address
and anyone can listen to what you're listening to or "sending out".
It's how I did the "rodcast" with the Fluxus/Dada sounds.

Democratic radio for all!


I like my radio station name, thank you!

9didit didtt dit got to got those LPs onto digital one day...


ForeRadio to follow, follow follow

Re: FLUXLIST: edition

2006-05-01 Thread Kathy Forer

On May 1, 2006, at 7:24 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

If we really don't have a central repository of all recorded music  

available to us, then I've long wished for everyone to have their own
personal radio station - which is possible now. Even if you only have
a dial-up connection of Crispin Webb quality, you can still  
broadcast -
well, actually "narrowcast" - right from your desktop and other's  
can tune in
if they share your taste in music...'cause there's always people  
who have things

that both the listener AND the 'caster don't have and can share.
Whether it's corporate rock or ambient field recordings,
it's always out there coming IN

The concept isn't quite as personal as yours, -- it's a commercial  
service customizing a feed to your taste, not an individually  
produced station, -- and some  are lacking in variety and depth, but  
there are a few pretty darn good custom radio stations out there now.  
Some even allow you to "share" your profile with others.

Re: FLUXLIST: edition

2006-04-28 Thread Kathy Forer

On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:50 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

No, I want to move UP from 1 TB. Something like this:

There's bigger too - 2.5TB but you get into large RAID arrays.

Ahh, then you need to go to molecular, protein or holographic memory.
How about 10 GB per cubic centimeter in a sugar cube?

Sounds like you could use one of Bowie's 'Man Who Fell To Earth'  
metal spheres.

The Biggest Disk Extreme is nice, nuh?

Re: FLUXLIST: edition

2006-04-28 Thread Kathy Forer

On Apr 28, 2006, at 7:04 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

Need a solo 29 minute work?
OK, let me play the part of the Metzgermeister
and just slice some off for you.

Would you like that wrapped?

How about 3/4 of a terabyte?

Fwd: Fwd redux: FLUXLIST: FW: A bit about nothing

2006-04-24 Thread Kathy Forer

My public apologies to Roy for not asking where he's been on Fluxlist  
in a long while, since last June my librarian friend tells me. I  
missed his voice from "down under."

I had really liked his post with the link to the 22 mile sign and  
wanted to repost for all to see. Alas the old link was broken.

Here's to more of the same old nothing in lieu of nothing else.  
Distractedly yours, Kathy

Re: Fwd redux: FLUXLIST: FW: A bit about nothing

2006-04-23 Thread Kathy Forer

22miles by Ray Norman

Fwd redux: FLUXLIST: FW: A bit about nothing

2006-04-23 Thread Kathy Forer

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ray Noman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 9, 2004 11:54:34 AM EDT
Subject: FLUXLIST: FW: A bit about nothing

Well I’ve been playing with nothing and getting nowhere much as one  
might expect.

If you go here  its probably  
worth clicking on everything ... then again maybe not!

involuntary relocation: 

Ray _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server’s up)

Fwd: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some .......

2006-04-23 Thread Kathy Forer

nice photos!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ray Noman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 2, 2004 5:27:37 AM EDT
To: , Bron Fionnachd-Fein  

Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some ...

OMG ... Went to DOGPILE – and I was under the illusion that there  
was only Google so I’m learning something – and found this:

“We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the  
nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely  
a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a  
first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The  
nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to,  
or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not  
having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion,  
outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which  
the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is  
absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility -- boundless  
possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless  
freedom.”  Charles S. Peirce, "Logic of Events" (1898)

Then I did a random Google image search and found these:



All of which kind of suggests that there is quite a bit to nothing  
and it also seems that’s been know for some time. So I think DA’s  
explanation – 42 – is more comprehendible albeit that all this is  
quite interesting.

Ray _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server’s up)

BTW ... I did get the JPEG!

On 2/5/04 5:22 PM, "michael leigh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--Ooops! It seems one cannot send jpegs or even html
via the Fluxlist so you did not get to see the diagram
of "nothing" which seems very fitting under the
circumstances - sending "nothing" and finding out
"nothing" never arrived!
 But if you are keen to see a diagram of "nothing" I
suggest you go to DOGPILE and type in "nothing" and
several thousand images of "nothing" pop up - one of
which is the diagram of "nothing" in a discourse about
the beginning of the universe. All the best, Michael

- Ray Noman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I think
this is all quite  ZENzing if not FLUXUS and
> I1m contemplating using
> that scientific drawing/diagram for a logo for
> something Zz.
> BUT, I also think that in the end this discourse
> about nothingness, or
> somethingness, or whatever, well maybe Douglas Adams
> probably had an (the?)
> answer which I struggle to recall . Was it ‘421
> or is it now another
> number like ‘01 or ‘11 or a whole string of 0s & 1s?
> Somethingness is just
> so hard to avoid, and as for nothingness, well it is
> equally difficult to
> embrace.
> Then again, when I didn1t go to the meeting it was
> quite OK doing nothing
> rather than something instead. Quite silly really!
> Ray _from  way out on the edge
> eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server1s up)

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: FLUXLIST: Physical stuff

2006-04-22 Thread Kathy Forer
It's tough enough, we excavate this Stuff -- "something out of
nothing," that's good -- with great difficulty or ease, but then
sometimes go beyond integrity to make capricious judgments or use the
work for other purposes, rejecting it, repudiating its truth or

But the cycle starts anew and work is made from those salted ashes.
Ashes but anew the work starts and from those is made salted cycle.

By the willful arrogance of self-destruction, we privatize what had
been made possibly too obvious, apparent and available. We eat our
children, empowering us in ways powerful and dangerous.

But you can also redress absence and failure without disowning or
contradicting, by acknowledging and confirming the small possible
rather than nullifying.

   He drew a circle that shut me out --
   Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
   But love and I had the wit to win:
   We drew a circle that took him in.
-- Edwin Markham

Re: FLUXLIST: Physical stuff

2006-04-22 Thread Kathy Forer

On Apr 22, 2006, at 1:28 PM, Allan Revich wrote:

I remember when I was 20 or 21 I took a whole series, maybe more  
that a
dozen paintings, each 4 feet by four feet, and burned them in the  

fireplace. It felt good and I have never regretted it.

There felt something vengeful about my act. Maybe spiteful. Confused  
and angry. There was catharsis, but then it was as though it had  
never happened, what was the point? Attention directed away from the  
stuff to the stuff-maker, objects annulled, repudiated, renounced (in  
Cecil's act) formally and publicly. But immediate regret, I had been  
attached to said objects made when I was all of ten, but special,  
hadn't really wanted to destroy them, just to no longer consider them  
as important.

I made these same time, but they didn't get swept away. I'm glad they  
It could be that I've pursued only archaeology since that first  
regret, or it could be that's the basis of what I do, make, destroy,  
extract narrative, recreate.

Re: FLUXLIST: Physical stuff

2006-04-22 Thread Kathy Forer
Thanks Ann. Enough courage to retell the story years later but nerve  
to destroy the stuff of dreams then just to to gain attention. Also  
newfound awareness to recognize that even the most planned events  
take on another life when enacted and impulse takes over.

Hasn't photography created the idea of image for which the live  
happening is no longer necessary? Record takes precedence over  
occurrence, and participants become players in sets, "dramatis  

I recall one artist generating her entire work from bread and then  
other mold hosts.

On Apr 22, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Ann Klefstad wrote:

Great story, Kathy! I love the sense of the drama of that age, you  
you're sort of discovering the scale at which you want to live, and  
at that
age the desired scale is pretty big, and one's abilities are really  
not up
to it. You discover how much courage you have--   a lot, I think,  
in your


I have smashed work, stuffed it in dumpsters, abandoned it (once  
that the closet it was stuffed in on my departure from san  
francisco had
leaked for a few years (I was gone a long time) because the  
building had
been abandoned. The work was largely ruined but a few drawings had  

beautiful molds. So I took them back.

Do medical students frame the cadavers on which they practice? I  
think it's

good to dispose of things when they're no longer alive.

Re: FLUXLIST: Physical stuff

2006-04-22 Thread Kathy Forer

On Apr 22, 2006, at 8:02 AM, Melissa McCarthy wrote:

Has anyone on the list ever done anything wildly destructive and/or  
cathartic with old work, then used the remains to create something  
new? (I'm thinking of an art bonfire in a metal trashcan in my own  
case, an idea I've toyed with for a while, and this may be the  

When I was of a certain age, too young to mention, I had my first boy- 
girl party (that young) and when no one was paying enough attention  
to me I irrationally went over to fireplace and oh so casually lent  
elbow against mantel and swept away my younger precious work. At  
least two lions modeled after the Public Library lions -- my poor  
memory doesn't clue me in to what else -- were lost.

The scary thing is I think it was pre-meditated. I recall practicing  
sweeping my elbow against the mantel. It was some kind of hail mary  
commitment to my own private world.

Instant regret and it obviously did nothing but embarrass me. I spent  
the night contemplating sitting on our thirteenth floor ledge but was  
scared. I thought if I could sit there, legs hanging down, I'd show  
myself how brave I was. So I sat on the radiator inside with legs out  
the open window, inching out until it seemed ridiculous.

I've ruined work by working on it too much, taking it where it in  
contradictory nullifying directions. I've also neglected the stuff,  
which is tantamount to destroying it slowly. I've also been  
preemptive and recycled some long-worked clay too soon. I keep every  
scrap now and someone will have to cope with it when I'm gone.  
Luckily there's a creek nearby, for now, and it would make good  

My teacher spoke of how he once threw his early work out over a  
bridge. It was inspirational, perhaps I'll start with a few known duds.

Some ceramic artists recycle work into mosaic. Taking a hammer to  
work is a badge of honor, of cool-headed appraisal and judgment, good  
choices and priorities. Not very fluxus.

FLUXLIST: tomorrow, nothing

2006-04-20 Thread Kathy Forer

"I have nothing, I want nothing, I am nothing"

-- de sade, zen, theosophy or prayer?

FLUXLIST: building frankenstein

2006-04-18 Thread Kathy Forer

for the geek amongst us


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Qiki

2006-04-06 Thread Kathy Forer
On Apr 6, 2006, at 9:27 AM, Allan Revich wrote:Hey that’s great! Now all we need is the password again to start contributing… only if the password is put on the list it won’t be long until the spammers have it again too.Do the spammers bother with the list?I finally added one last night after cleaning up that stuff for hours --The pw is the name of the badgerThe upload pw is changed and is now the name of the butlerBoth use Initial Caps

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Qiki

2006-04-05 Thread Kathy Forer
On Apr 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Allan Revich wrote:It’s too bad the wiki has disappeared. It was a great tool (and great fun) for collaborative story writing. Did anybody save any of the wonderful work that was already written there? just repealed as much of what "Nick" posted that I could find. Phentermine and entermine and oversize convoluted raunchy-sex-site-linksall posted from various IPs making it hard to block. Apparently needs password protectionSee Once the Badger (Boy) in Nomad Slasher, "Man Bites Dog," a 42-page book made of fur, teeth, skin and bones

FLUXLIST: singing bridges

2006-04-01 Thread Kathy Forer

  "Singing bridges" is a sonic sculpture, playing the cables of
  stay-cabled and suspension bridges as musical instruments.
  To create this work I will amplify and record the sound of bridge
  cables around the world. Listening in to the secret voice of
  bridges as the inaudible vibrations in the cables are
  translated into sound.

FLUXLIST: ArtCal - Maya Stendhal - Fluxus: To George With Love, From the Personal Collection of Jonas Mekas

2006-03-03 Thread Kathy Forer

Fluxus: To George With Love, From the Personal Collection of Jonas Mekas
Maya Stendhal
545 West 20th Street
Feb. 16 - Mar. 31, 2006
Opening: Mar. 11, 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Re: FLUXLIST: Nte & Forer at Flying Visit Symposium

2005-12-20 Thread Kathy Forer

It was wonderful meeting Sol, seeing an old friend I'd never met.

It was a sudden unexpected visit, though nothing bad associated with  
sudden and unexpected, just serendipity (Friday morning call: "Do you  
have a passport? I have extra ticket to London for Tuesday." Okay!).  
I loved London like someone coming to NYC for the first time might,  
an absolute wonder, though I've visited before it hadn't been the  
same without Sol and my other friends and family.

Order from all the spaghetti, that's me. Discern structure then  
abandon (to random interference & noise amid general entropy) then  
place in some kind of relational framework.

I don't know about Alan and his beard thing, he'll have to explain that.

Sol, I hope to see you when you're here, NYC, after the transit  
strike. We'll take more pictures. Have a good holiday!


Re: FLUXLIST: a meop for Jack A. Withers Smote

2005-11-27 Thread Kathy Forer
in the fold of an anticlineon a sloe-eyed shoeOn Nov 27, 2005, at 5:20 PM, suse wrote:Where is 'a fluxus danced on a slow shoe' show going to be held? From: johnson alexis"a fluxus danced on a slow shoe" Is this not the stuff dreams are made of?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:here's one for sharkboy- tell him he can email me anytime(done in the Bennettey/Shakespeareeish sonnet form)Damp not yet the the living coals!Heat once again my heart in thee!Intellectual, thou scourge of souls,Dog incline your ear to me!The king's ransom, the price I payFor one night with youTwenty toes and the hayA fluxus danced on a slow shoebyMadawgYahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Re: FLUXLIST: a meop for Jack A. Withers Smote

2005-11-27 Thread Kathy Forer
on a sloe-eyed shoeOn Nov 27, 2005, at 5:20 PM, suse wrote:Where is 'a fluxus danced on a slow shoe' show going to be held? From: johnson alexis"a fluxus danced on a slow shoe" Is this not the stuff dreams are made of?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:here's one for sharkboy- tell him he can email me anytime(done in the Bennettey/Shakespeareeish sonnet form)Damp not yet the the living coals!Heat once again my heart in thee!Intellectual, thou scourge of souls,Dog incline your ear to me!The king's ransom, the price I payFor one night with youTwenty toes and the hayA fluxus danced on a slow shoebyMadawgYahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Toy Noise

2005-10-03 Thread Kathy Forer

It would be nice to be able to choose the sounds yourself, but here it 
is as given, toy sounds for fluxlist toy lovers.

FLUXLIST: Print Story: Paris' Pompidou Defies Dadaism Prediction

2005-10-03 Thread Kathy Forer

Paris' Pompidou Defies Dadaism Prediction

By JOELLE DIDERICH, Associated Press Writer
Mon Oct 3, 1:38 PM ET

German-born artist Max Ernst once quipped that it was impossible to 
stage an exhibition on Dadaism, saying it was like trying to capture 
the violence of an explosion by presenting the shrapnel.

The early 20th-century avant-garde art movement was born out of the 
despair many artists felt over the deaths of millions of soldiers in 
World War I. As they rejected the society they considered responsible 
for the slaughter, these poets, painters and photographers lashed out 
at establishment values with absurdist slogans and provocative images.

In a bid to capture the explosive energy of the era, France's Pompidou 
Center has staged a sprawling dada retrospective which it billed as the 
largest in 40 years.

"Max Ernst said that a dada exhibition was impossible, so you are no 
doubt going to see a failure, but a slightly surprising failure," 
curator Laurent Le Bon joked Monday at the unveiling of the exhibition, 
which opens Wednesday and runs through Jan. 9, 2006.

It groups more than 1,000 works by 50 artists, ranging from luminaries 
like Jean Arp, Francis Picabia, Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray to 
lesser-known figures, including the many women who contributed to the 

Visitors amble through a maze of rooms set out in a checkerboard 
pattern, a recurring theme in dada paintings and collages.

Exhibits range from the porcelain urinal that Duchamp famously elevated 
to the rank of art — thereby laying the foundation of conceptual art — 
to Picabia's target paintings, which prefigure those of American pop 
artist Jasper Johns.

Fans of Man Ray's modernist photographic experiments will find a number 
of his so-called rayographs, stark black-and-white prints obtained by 
placing objects directly on photographic paper and exposing them to 

"When you look at these dadaist works of art, there is an explosive 
quality to each of them which in the end is contrary to a surrealist or 
cubist work of art," Le Bon told The Associated Press in an interview. 
"I think that within dada there is the idea that there is no separation 
between art and life."

Each of the movement's artists was prolific across a wide variety of 
disciplines, so that Man Ray was also turning out sculptures while 
Ernst wrote poems alongside his main activity, painting.

"As a result, as there are roughly 100 artists," Le Bon said. "To show 
only one work per artist would have been a bit of a shame. We could 
have shown only masterpieces and that would have made 50 masterpieces, 
but that's not the spirit of dada."

Instead, the Pompidou is also showcasing hundreds of pamphlets, 
manuscripts and letters signed by the leading writers of the era — 
among them Andre Breton, Guillaume Apollinaire and Paul Eluard. The 
movement valued the written word as much as it did images.

The exhibition was put together with the help of the National Gallery 
in Washington, D.C., and New York's Museum of Modern Art, which will 
display a condensed version of the exhibition next year from Feb. 
19-May 14 and June 18-Sept. 11, respectively.

Re: FLUXLIST: also(l)(r)an. another fffo filmette

2005-08-07 Thread Kathy Forer

On Aug 7, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Carol Starr wrote:

hi kathy,

i downloaded it to my desktop (i have a mac) but cannot play it. any  

No idea. Try reinstalling Windows media Player for Mac. You're on OS X,  
so get it here 

Check and reset all tabs in preferences if needed. Maybe you have the  
wrong speed or wrong transport. Maybe it just needs to be reset. Is it  
taking too much RAM? Is something else hogging resources? The problem  
is usually the sound not playing, not the other way around.

Good luck and hello!

Re: FLUXLIST: also(l)(r)an. another fffo filmette

2005-08-06 Thread Kathy Forer

I'm using a Mac (I have Windows Media Player). I was able to see and 
hear Sol's movie just fine, but your offerings have only had sound 
(intriguing sounds, but only sounds, no visual). I am assuming that 
there are visuals with it, so ... any ideas what's up?

They worked fine on this Mac here. Try saving it to your desktop, then 
opening it. Nice.

My formerly stray indoor/outdoor cat really responded to the 
soundtracks, jumping up, going to the windows, looking all over for 
elephants and fowl. I don't know why she doesn't see the screen, 
apparently some cats and dogs do, probably not as interesting as a bug, 
just a flat moving thing, no dimension.


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: fluxlist convention

2005-08-04 Thread Kathy Forer

meeting time, noontime, the time of the jackal, the time of our lives.

dinner time, tea time, mint julep time.

In the meantime, here, now.


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: fluxlist convention

2005-07-31 Thread Kathy Forer

sunday in a black chador

monday in a red hood

tuesday in a blue turmoil

wednesday in torn whig

thursday in a white thong

friday in a red fez

saturday in a yellow jumper

(it was an elegant weekend)

FLUXLIST: Berzelius 1824 Specific Gravity 2.33

2004-12-17 Thread Kathy Forer
silicon enhanced . . .
mind-meld with my computer
our modems exchange
-- ushi

FLUXLIST: selection artwork: Diebold Variations

2004-12-01 Thread Kathy Forer

Re: FLUXLIST: Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 18:52:42 +0100

2004-11-29 Thread Kathy Forer
All work and no play:
or more appropriately,

On Nov 22, 2004, at 3:34 AM, michael leigh wrote:
 -Thanks for this Bloggy blog Kathy but found it
extremely dull selection. better off going to-

Re: FLUXLIST: Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 18:52:42 +0100

2004-11-21 Thread Kathy Forer
I don't have any dialogue to add just now... but someone just sent a 
link to bloggy, which includes a list of cultural blogs, 
, also general, politics, tech and 

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Oh God, I know I shouldn't eat thee...

2004-11-19 Thread Kathy Forer
Begin forwarded message:
i know several people who have studied reiki .. one told me that she 
was told to place oranges in two sealed containers and send healing 
energy only to one. she did this at home (here) and sent energy to one 
of two jars at her sister's (there)... in both locales the two jars 
were kept next to each other so conditions were the same.

at the end of a year (?) the jars without the healing energy contained 
rotted withered lumps and the jars that recieived the 'attention' 
contained whole oranges

i hypothesize that the cheese sandwich in its container ... was prayed 
to and sent healing love fairly often  energy is energy ... no 
matter what belief system one chooses to 'hang it' on.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: The Lady in the Cheese

2004-11-18 Thread Kathy Forer

Re: FLUXLIST: A.1.Mail Art Archive at bloggerheads with FFFOh Dear

2004-10-15 Thread Kathy Forer
On Oct 14, 2004, at 10:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
supposedly if you take the name of your first pet dog and the street 
you grew up on you come up with a great stripper's name. In my case it 
is Kiki Riverside.  Madawg
Oliver 81?
Sounds more like a hacker than a stripper.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: [Politics] how to save the rainforest

2004-10-11 Thread Kathy Forer
Another from another list:
Begin forwarded message:
There is no shortage of naked activists willing to carry on the legacy 
of Lady Godiva. Nude and partially nude protesters shocked this year's 
Republican National Convention, from ACT UP supporters clad only in 
painted slogans to Axis of Eve members in "Expose Bush" panties. The 
California-based ensemble calling itself Baring Witness holds protests 
in which naked women (and sometimes men) arrange themselves to form 
words like "PEACE" and "VOTE." Activist Dona Nieto holds impromptu 
strip poetry readings for logging crews, in the hopes of distracting 
them from the task of chopping down old-growth redwoods. And everybody 
knows the folks at PETA would rather go naked than wear fur.

But the award for Scandalous Naked Activists of the Year, if there 
were one, would have to go to the Norwegian nonprofit organization 
Fuck for Forest.


2004-10-09 Thread Kathy Forer

Re: FLUXLIST: damn the fffo tractor

2004-10-06 Thread Kathy Forer
Now D A V E
I was thinking of this:

so who's ambidustrental? fun name.!

On Oct 6, 2004, at 9:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is Ambindustrental?


Tell me who Dave is first!


Re: FLUXLIST: damn the fffo tractor

2004-10-05 Thread Kathy Forer
Hey Dave, this is really terrific! I love this sort of stuff.
When I was growing up New Years Eve was never a big shindig as it was 
the anniversary of a death in the family. It wasn't overly mournful or 
sad, there was champagne, it just didn't flow. I grew used to the 
solemnity and never really missed out on the big shindigs. At some 
point I discovered Peter Bocahan's Short Cuts on a local radio station 
and was transported, even saying a rare no to alternatives with only a 
few exceptions, or somehow getting my tape player to work in my lieu. 
Anyhow has /shortcuts and lots of other voice 
and sound montage. enjoy!

I liked Boing2 better than the one in progress, the wip sounds reminds 
me too much of synthesizer stuff which I don't like. Is that fair to 
say, or should I say I like everything and it's all great How do 
you do something like this, or that?

What is Ambindustrental?

Re: FLUXLIST: big round table downtown

2004-10-05 Thread Kathy Forer
Whenever you're in town! (though I'm in self-imposed exile right now, 
and loving it..., I still come in weekly.)

On Sep 27, 2004, at 11:26 PM, aliceklar wrote:
hey, space cadet aliceklar missed this one!!! would
love to hang sometime with some peking duck and koh

FLUXLIST: scabbardmaker

2004-10-03 Thread Kathy Forer

FLUXLIST: Sporkopolis

2004-10-03 Thread Kathy Forer
Trash Cans, Postal Boxes, monkeys, elephants
A virtual warehouse for images, thoughts, and miscellaneous projects

Re: FLUXLIST: fffo web bah rats phooey!

2004-10-02 Thread Kathy Forer
On Oct 2, 2004, at 12:22 PM, Alan Bowman wrote:  this for me works fine, the
direct link to secretfluxus doesn't (?)  it even works on win 98 using 
and 6
This works completely and looks terrific. I especially appreciated my 
"6 dimensional plan # 1" but will come back as there's so much here and 
it's late as usual, but even so...

i installed webdeveloper but don't understand a thing!
webdeveloper is useful if you're writing your own code.
ehost is pop-up hall
for those not equipped
I missed that hall, having Firefox and Safari :-)
and the fffo site is too big for the usual 25mb
webspace limit.  with supereva i got unlimited space - but it doesn't 

bah bah bah rats and phooey!
it's got all very confusing - i liked it when i had to type in the 
html on a
unix machine - it encourages you to keep it simple!
I like bbedit, and making the html look pretty. It's like geometry or 
algebra, where the form of the answer was half the problem.

any suggestions or in fact a simple explaination of whats going wrong?
It looks like you fixed superdada despite the bizarre javascript and 
frameset that supereva adds to your pages. They really muck with your 
stuff. Maybe you need to spend 60 on a site somewhere. That's not very 
socialista but I have no other suggestions, the free non-popup, 
non-frameset non-javascript interfering places I used to know are no 

Your site is good for now ...except... the NEW STUFF swimmer head links 
on the left come out as html text that doesn't render. Love the 

A lot to smile about!

Re: FLUXLIST: heellipp!

2004-10-01 Thread Kathy Forer
I'm getting pagina non trovato, being redirected to 
. Safari Mac redirects to the 
error page but Firefox Mac won't even read the html, huh? You see: SPAZIO WEB - Errore Mac IE does the same. works. is 
very very slow and only sort of works. That must be the one you 
mean  tag put in by seems to be the culprit 
as it's not done right at all, generating many syntax errors.

Install for 
Firefox and try some html validation. You'll see some other things that 
are unpleasant and have little to do with your pages themselves.

Too bad is no longer free. But it's cheap. Ditto a 
few other places. works and looks good. Can you move 
everything there?


Re: FLUXLIST: i forget, but hey...

2004-09-30 Thread Kathy Forer
On Sep 30, 2004, at 7:03 PM, brian wrote:
didn't i send you your disc with the IF stuff on it?
if not, then it will go out post haste,
In the meantime, there's The Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacree 
Adventure  with a file called 
arlo.taf -- I like Arlo. Unfortunately for PC only. Old style Zork.

along with the
   college app. dated 1991.
Did you go somewhere else in spite of your arrogant resistance in fully 
complying with an unacceptable application deadline?

Re: FLUXLIST: i forget, but hey...

2004-09-30 Thread Kathy Forer
What's IF game? (Infocom?)
The images in the Hitchhikers game look really different than what I 
had imagined and I went through the WHOLE THING! 1989 or so (last 
computer game I ever played though)

On Sep 30, 2004, at 5:48 PM, brian wrote:
i forget if this was the group that sent the Hitchhiker's
  Guide post, but hey...
(a long beautiful poem)
if you are a fan, and played the IF game as well, then check this
it's the next step to bringing IF to the masses in a pill
 they can swallow, or a babelfish, if they still do
 that  swallowing babelfish  sort of thing.

Re: FLUXLIST: damn fffo

2004-09-30 Thread Kathy Forer
twinkie defense?
They went out of business this week

Re: FLUXLIST: Putting data files on disc -MAC

2004-09-28 Thread Kathy Forer
"Actually" all you need to do is drag & drop copy the handbook onto the 
round cd-looking disk icon that pops up when you put in a blank disk in 
the finder, then when you go to eject the disk the trash icon will turn 
into a burn icon like the one in iTunes or iPhoto. It's just like 
copying to a floppy except for the burn at the end.

You don't really need Disk Utility or Toast unless you are burning 
system disks or something, perhaps, like a Director movie, maybe, or 
DVD Studio for DVDs. The Finder level takes care of most things. 
Finder=that place where all your files are, the directory. For details, 

What all I'm good for, harrumph.
On Sep 27, 2004, at 6:30 PM, mIEKAL aND wrote:
You need to use DiskCopy which is in the utility folder inside the 
applications folder.  Or a lot of people use Toast Titanium, which is 
not free.  There is probably other shareware out there.  mIEKAL

On Monday, September 27, 2004, at 02:49 PM, michael leigh wrote:
 Need some help here.
Trying to burn some data. Actually its hazel who wants
to do it for COLLEGE. the student handbook.
She needs to put it onto a CD-R. and was shown how
apparently but when it came to do it on our mac at
home the box she expected to pop up didnt!
We can burn music files to disc via itunes and image
files via the iphoto thingy but where's the idata
Any guidance greatfully  received .

Re: FLUXLIST: sticker post question

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Forer
On Sep 27, 2004, at 11:25 PM, brian wrote:
Kathy, could you please explain for those that
   are thick as a brick what the steps mean?
Another cross-list transplant (I need to get into the studio more. But 
e-mail keeps me company while I workwork).

   Step 1: Collect underpants.
   Step 2: ...
   Step 3: Profit!
I asked the same question, but went to and found it 
was a South Park episode. (South Park for puddle-crossed folk without 
TV is a clever, foul mouthed Comedy Central kind of Simpsons, or 
something like that.)

See for explanation 
of the three steps.

Why did I use that in response to your request? You're collecting 
underpants and won't say why or what for and we'll eventually see the 
results. Not a pure transcription, as we'll eventually, potentially ken 
step 2, but it was evoked by your request.


Re: FLUXLIST: sticker post

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Forer
It has been requested that I repost the mass media sticker post a third 
time, but exactly the same as the first time.

Sounds like:
   Step 1: Collect underpants.
   Step 2: ...
   Step 3: Profit!
to me.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Stickers

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Forer
Now this seems incestuous, forwarding email from one list to another, 
but this one is timely. Urban stickers.

Begin forwarded message:
Download, Peel and Stick, and All the World's a Gallery
web ref ->
Correction Appended
TWO years ago, a sticker depicting Che Guevara as a "Star Wars"-style 
storm trooper began cropping
up around Los Angeles, pasted to the backs of mailboxes and street 
signs. Inspired partly by the
popular duotone Che portrait marketed on T-shirts and posters, the 
image seemed an amalgam of two
of the most iconic images of the last half-century.

The sticker's creators, Derek Fridman and Heather Alexander, who run 
the site,
initially intended the character, called Chetrooper, as "a commentary 
about how trendy/pop the
whole Che concept was," Mr. Fridman said by e-mail. "So many people 
were wearing his image on a
T-shirt without really knowing who he was and what he did." They posted 
it on the Web for
downloading and passed the stickers out at clubs.

Using military colors, they went on to create a multi-hued Chetrooper 
series styled after Andy
Warhol's silk-screen "Marilyn" paintings. Soon they were receiving 
e-mail messages from people in
Japan and Australia who had spotted Chetrooper on telephone poles in 
Kyoto or Melbourne. A
phenomenon was born. "Once we started pasting and sticking the image," 
Mr. Fridman said, "it took
on a life of its own."

Inspired by graffiti, posters and the communal culture of the Web, 
stickers are gaining wide
attention as an artistic phenomenon, academics and practitioners say. 
Hand-drawn, stenciled or
screen-printed, the images float on the Internet, available for 
downloading, printing and pasting
in ways that the creators could only have imagined. And as they make 
their way around the globe,
from one e-mail in-box to the next, one cultural context to another, 
their meaning tends to morph.

Now that broadband users can send large graphics files in an instant, 
stickers are a very
fast-moving medium. A sticker can be created Monday morning in New 
York, e-mailed to a stranger in
Paris and affixed to the back of a trash receptacle on the 
Champs-Élysées in the early afternoon.

"It works particularly well in walking cities," said Alice Twemlow, who 
organizes shows about
visual culture as program director at the American Institute of Graphic 
Arts. "Walking brings
intimate encounters with the stickers that could not be experienced 
while driving. There is also
an immediacy with which people can respond."

Scott Rettberg, a scholar in new media, attributes the resurgence of 
stickers to low-cost inkjet
printers and "the ubiquity of the global network." "Cheap printers give 
artists the ability to
mass-produce work intended for public consumption," he said, "and 
stickers are easier to place
than traditional graffiti."

Many sticker artists cite the mainstreaming of skateboard culture as a 
turning point in their
movement. "Kids want to have cool high-quality stickers, especially 
more subversive ones from
underground artists," said Zarathustra James, who runs the sticker site "They'll
actually fistfight for free stickers at skate demos."

Initially skateboarders used them to decorate the bottoms of their 
skate decks, but eventually
they made their way onto more visible urban signposts. "If there is a 
graffiti tag or sticker or
stencil on that electrical box/pole/sign, it looks more aesthetically 
pleasing than the plain
box," Mr. James said by e-mail. "And it makes you think."

Because the stickers are exposed to the elements as well as to 
sanitation crews, Web sites have
sprung up with the goal of simply documenting a transient art form. In 
2002, Marc and Sara
Schiller of Manhattan founded, a site 
dedicated to street art.

"There was a real great need for artists who are putting art on the 
street to connect with each
other," Ms. Schiller said. "The site offers everyone the ability to 
cross continents, ages,

Many sticker artists trace the origins of the current movement to 
Shepard Fairey, who created a
sticker of Andre the Giant, the professional wrestling star, in the 
early 1990's and posted it at
the Web site Soon he was shipping the stickers to 
people all over the world.
What began as a prank to market something that had no meaning led many 
people to rethink the
potential of such images.

Colby Woodland, who exhibits street art at, describes 
stickering as a form of "visual
narcotics." But whereas "the media's bombardment of images is intended 
to make you feel and act a
certain way," he said, "stickering can confront the viewer in 
situations when they least expect
it." Most of his stickers are subversive in that they seek to create an 
awareness of the dulling
effect that the conventional mass media 

Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe

2004-09-26 Thread Kathy Forer
On Sep 26, 2004, at 4:55 PM, michael leigh wrote:
 --You have to imagine it being uttered by Norman
- Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What does "-Cor!" mean?
_Of course
_Central Office of Record
_Change Order Request
_Certificate of Recognition
_Committee of Regions
(Historic Images from The Pears of New York compiled
by U. P. Hedrick)
On Sep 26, 2004, at 3:57 PM, michael leigh wrote:
-- Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
New York Town :)
On Sep 26, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Roger Stevens wrote:
A Chinese meal sounds good
What town is that? Remind me.
It's a blog!
Buy a book
Visit The Poetry Zone

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kathy Forer
Sent: 26 September 2004 18:38
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe
Dear Fluxlisters,
I have refrained from posting anything or
responding to follow-ups
(Michael, I never saw the Dracula movie, but the
review was an
interesting read), awaiting something original
even just fun to say.
I have no words now that will do, but I come
across various things I
think you'd find of interest, so I will continue
to forward these bits
to the list and please pardon me for not being
more socially
forthcoming. Until, at least, you come to my
and we have chinese
food around a big round table downtown. Yours on
the fringes, Kathy
Begin forwarded message:
Vintage street humor:

It's another blog!


Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more

It's another blog!
Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

Re: FLUXLIST: big round table downtown

2004-09-26 Thread Kathy Forer
It wasn't that long ago. I'd love to do it again. This time we'll let 
Alan talk.

On Sep 26, 2004, at 4:42 PM, Alan Bowman wrote:
isn't there a photo of this somewhere?
forthcoming. Until, at least, you come to my town and we have chinese
food around a big round table downtown. Yours on the fringes, Kathy

Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe

2004-09-26 Thread Kathy Forer
What does "-Cor!" mean?
_Of course
_Central Office of Record
_Change Order Request
_Certificate of Recognition
_Committee of Regions
(Historic Images from The Pears of New York compiled by U. P. Hedrick)
On Sep 26, 2004, at 3:57 PM, michael leigh wrote:
-- Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
New York Town :)
On Sep 26, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Roger Stevens wrote:
A Chinese meal sounds good
What town is that? Remind me.
It's a blog!
Buy a book
Visit The Poetry Zone

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kathy Forer
Sent: 26 September 2004 18:38
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe
Dear Fluxlisters,
I have refrained from posting anything or
responding to follow-ups
(Michael, I never saw the Dracula movie, but the
review was an
interesting read), awaiting something original or
even just fun to say.
I have no words now that will do, but I come
across various things I
think you'd find of interest, so I will continue
to forward these bits
to the list and please pardon me for not being
more socially
forthcoming. Until, at least, you come to my town
and we have chinese
food around a big round table downtown. Yours on
the fringes, Kathy
Begin forwarded message:
Vintage street humor:

It's another blog!
Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe

2004-09-26 Thread Kathy Forer
New York Town :)
On Sep 26, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Roger Stevens wrote:
A Chinese meal sounds good
What town is that? Remind me.
It's a blog!
Buy a book
Visit The Poetry Zone

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kathy Forer
Sent: 26 September 2004 18:38
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe
Dear Fluxlisters,
I have refrained from posting anything or responding to follow-ups
(Michael, I never saw the Dracula movie, but the review was an
interesting read), awaiting something original or even just fun to say.
I have no words now that will do, but I come across various things I
think you'd find of interest, so I will continue to forward these bits
to the list and please pardon me for not being more socially
forthcoming. Until, at least, you come to my town and we have chinese
food around a big round table downtown. Yours on the fringes, Kathy
Begin forwarded message:
Vintage street humor:

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Coyle & Sharpe

2004-09-26 Thread Kathy Forer
Dear Fluxlisters,
I have refrained from posting anything or responding to follow-ups 
(Michael, I never saw the Dracula movie, but the review was an 
interesting read), awaiting something original or even just fun to say. 
I have no words now that will do, but I come across various things I 
think you'd find of interest, so I will continue to forward these bits 
to the list and please pardon me for not being more socially 
forthcoming. Until, at least, you come to my town and we have chinese 
food around a big round table downtown. Yours on the fringes, Kathy

Begin forwarded message:
Vintage street humor:

FLUXLIST: Ahoy! badgers and bilge rats

2004-09-14 Thread Kathy Forer
“Van Helsing” and “Control Room.”
Issue of 2004-05-24
  So there you are, trotting along in your horse-drawn
  carriage in the year 1888. It is a pleasant scene, although
  you might have chosen not to find your left-hand wheels
  spinning vainly over the brink of a ravine. The fact that
  the carriage itself has exploded into flames could also be
  thought disagreeable. And, while polite society would
  applaud the presence of a beautiful young woman inside the
  carriage, eyebrows would be raised at the gentleman
  accompanying her, who seems to have been bolted and stitched
  together from portions of other gentlemen. Oh, and there is
  one other matter: some form of wolverine, as large as a
  shire horse but rather less placid, has leaped onto the rear
  of the carriage and is making a concerted effort to join the

Re: FLUXLIST: re: FFFO site

2004-09-08 Thread Kathy Forer
On Sep 6, 2004, at 8:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
ps Kathy (for I think 'twas thee) do you still want me to host stuff  
on the web for you?
ps Alan
1) It's someone else.
2) supereva provides you with a ridiculous framed interface of which I  
was critical. Perhaps you're thinking of that.
3) That's very sweet, I'd like a host like you.
4) If I had one, a site I would give you to host.
5) You must have a bazillion sites already.

twee, Kathy

Subject:Re: FLUXLIST: freeformfreakout org dot web dot net etc
Date:   May 22, 2004 1:32:11 PM EDT
On May 22, 2004, at 9:22 AM, Alan Bowman wrote:
the pages are just some old things that we never got around to  
finishing... check links at bottom. sb
Pointless? Depends.html is a too funky name for html. My browser  
decided it didn't exist. Good as a title, not as html name.

javascript odd. In Safari OS X quicktime player opens in same window,  
displacing faces, which work properly. It needs to be invisible. Maybe  
this: IE only  
wilson.quicktimejavascript.html clicking on images to get sounds works  
only in Mozilla browsers.

You could do a browser sniffer and redirect people or you could use  
Flash which would be much much easier. Because you can't really click  
on, or as you're doing, mouseover, images to get sound that works in  
all browsers.

Terrific site though. I love your moving poems. Your web site has come  
a long waay baby.

I've spend far too much time trying to work this out, I must be  
avoiding something. I think there's a next of newborn birds outside,  
they just started squawking up a storm! More Later,

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: new directors arrive at the FFFO

2004-08-16 Thread Kathy Forer
Congratulations dear papa!
(You're so nice, I just had to say that twice.)
the freeformfreakout organisation 'really weeny, but if i may say so,
extremely wonderful division'
is proud to announce the somewhat premature, but never-the-less 
arrival of its new vice-vice directors:

Daniel Tommaso and Joseph Luca, who were born at (around) 11:30 a.m.
central european time, 13/08/04.

FLUXLIST: Entering the Unknown...

2004-08-16 Thread Kathy Forer

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: new directors arrive at the FFFO

2004-08-16 Thread Kathy Forer
Congratulations dear papa!
the freeformfreakout organisation 'really weeny, but if i may say so,
extremely wonderful division'
is proud to announce the somewhat premature, but never-the-less 
arrival of its new vice-vice directors:

Daniel Tommaso and Joseph Luca, who were born at (around) 11:30 a.m.
central european time, 13/08/04.

Re: FLUXLIST: where is everyone?

2004-08-09 Thread Kathy Forer
TO mind my p's and q's and look for my k's
SAW no light
HEARD no sound
SAID not a word
I returned home
WAS golden

FLUXLIST: PhotoStamps: Learn-More

2004-08-05 Thread Kathy Forer
For commerce-consuming stamp-users, snapfish has teamed up with to come up with personalized stamps. Pretty neat.

Now, if only there was a reliable, easy-to-use service that turned an 
email into a mailed letter (without the printer and post office). 
Better yet, an object into a package.

Lazy bones, still struggling with turning the ephemeral into the 
material and back again.

Re: FLUXLIST: Paper Gauze digital grid

2004-07-30 Thread Kathy Forer

But what are lossy attachments?
little teeny tiny ones. they blur. they laugh. they make you cry.
They're what you make when you've lost an attachment.

Re: FLUXLIST: Paper Gauze digital grid

2004-07-27 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jul 27, 2004, at 4:12 AM, Roger Stevens wrote:
Does this mean we can now send attachments to the Fluxlist?
Only if you slept late or not enough. And it helps if the attachments 
are lossy and small.

FLUXLIST: Paper Gauze digital grid

2004-07-26 Thread Kathy Forer
Back then, when, Patricia sent me her folio of stamps and I placed them 
with some valued vintage cartoons by my dad and now I can't find 
either. I know they're here somewhere but there's all this too much 
other stuff instead.

Last Seen...
I saw a container ship today that looked like stacked books. It was 
bobbing next to, on one side then the other, a passenger ship that 
looked like a admiral's stripes layer cake. On a sea where objects kept 
getting bigger and closer and changing place. And then we'd passed it 
and look at the next thing. But our boat were never far from shore, so 
there was always something other than the horizon, though that was the 
most defining thing visible, even when it was masked by highlands. 
Would the sea that met up against the highland then be the horizon or 
sea level?

FLUXLIST: Petaluminous -- It's a word

2004-07-25 Thread Kathy Forer
...and a booklet dedicated to a brave and generous spirit. Thank you 
madawg for sending it to me. It took ages to open the envelope, not 
tearing it. Then twice that long to figure out to heed Joe Henry, "for 
the woman it is cut." Well worth the wait.

Shall I forward it on to anyone else?
I've yet to contribute -- darnit, missing folios, stamps, envelopes, I 
can almost visualize them but can't locate them


Re: FLUXLIST: A Tale of Two Tooth-Brushing Methods

2004-07-18 Thread Kathy Forer
Unless there's competition for the mirror/sink, I usually stand in one 
place, recalling occasionally what my dance teacher used to say about 
standing at the sink and holding in your stomach muscles. I will floss 
looking hard at the barely redeemable, poor things in my mouth, then go 
on to brush, staring full face for seven seconds then wander, looking 
or staring down at the sink or counter or around behind in the mirror.

Of course, it would be easier to say I removed my teeth while standing 
and polished them while walking around, but that wouldn't be true.

On Jul 13, 2004, at 1:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
when you brush your teeth do you stand in one place or do you walk 

Re: FLUXLIST: A fascinmating test

2004-07-18 Thread Kathy Forer
one for spelling. Six for typology.
On Jul 18, 2004, at 8:42 AM, michael leigh wrote:

Re: FLUXLIST: A boiled 'I' and a jellied 'we'

2004-07-12 Thread Kathy Forer
Dear No Name Man,
I me changed my mine mind. Your voice(s) did sound like a royal we, 
, therein 
the dissonance. You are now an I, and your we is striving toward more 
multifarious differentiation, but youse haven't always been so.

Without wax,
On Jul 12, 2004, at 2:30 PM, secret fluxus wrote:
Dear Kathy,
To answer Suse's letter, I wrote as an 'I' describing a 'we'. The 'we' 
is hardly royal. It's not even editorial I was more or less speaking 
of the eight of us, but writing as one who describes the thoughts and 
sentiments of eight.

Call me a lummox with the flummox.
On top of that, I am growing to like my non-de-plume nom-de-plume so 
much that I may keep it after the others grow names.

The Man Without a Name

Re: FLUXLIST: Boiled and jellied: I and We

2004-07-12 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jul 12, 2004, at 11:32 AM, secret fluxus wrote:
We are boiled, jellied oatmeal indeed. We nevertheless hope that there 
is more substance to us than flummery.
This is what is confusing. You write with a singular voice, mostly not 
a royal 'We', yet are theoretically eight autonomous individuals. It 
also lends a sense of deception, intended or not.

On Jul 11, 2004, at 8:14 AM, secret fluxus wrote:
We have decided to use artist names, the artist equivalent of an 
author’s nom de plume. In this way, we can each develop a personality 
and style that suits us while remaining anonymous to anyone outside 
the group. This may not be an entirely satisfactory solution, but we 
think it will allow us some new approaches.

Re: FLUXLIST: Princess Petal booklet

2004-07-10 Thread Kathy Forer
Princess Lodestone: A Princess of Mars; A Princess of naughty carrots; 
A woman regarded as having the status or qualities of a piece of 
magnetic iron ore possessing polarity like a magnetic needle.

I'd like to see the booklet and can forward it to someone else if there 
aren't enough extra. And will send something, a drawing.
Kathy Forer
505 Locust Point Road
Locust, NJ 07760

On Jul 10, 2004, at 8:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
okay- I have finished printing the Petal pages. I have about five 
copies left for anyone who didnt participate. Send me your snail mail 
address. Dawg

Re: FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

2004-07-04 Thread Kathy Forer
Alas, the video is just the stub, a taste of six sugared art. Perhaps 
you'll find a complete video on usenet. Though why is beyond me. Then I 
ought to have recorded it for you, my apologies, the weather was 
delightful and I was getting the last daylight. And my VCR and I aren't 
really very friendly lately.


Re: FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

2004-07-04 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jul 4, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Ray Noman wrote:
That’s OK for you folks at the centre of things but out here the TKAS: 
42S (Thomas Kinkaid Appreciation Society: 42 degrees South) there’s no 
way we’ll get that unless someone can send a bootleg video to the poor 
souls who’ll be missing this. We’ll just see what we can do but thanks 
for the alert.
I didn't watch it... but '60 minutes' is pretty good about archiving 
and presenting their shows:


FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

2004-07-04 Thread Kathy Forer
For your Thomas Kincaid fans:
[CC] 60 mins. • 7/4/04 7:00 PM  [EDT]
Morley Safer profiles artist Thomas Kinkade; Mike Wallace investigates 
controversial eminent-domain policies; Ed Bradley reports on a drug 
sting in Tulia, Texas.

Re: FLUXLIST: Things to bring on a sailing trip

2004-07-03 Thread Kathy Forer
fresh water
On Jul 3, 2004, at 1:51 PM, michael leigh wrote:
--A boat?
- Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Foul weather gear (pants and jacket)
Wool sweater (wool insulates even when wet)
Wool cap
Sun hat with neck strap (so it won't blow off)
Deck shoes
Short pants
Extra shirts
Clean socks
Clean underwear
Toilet paper
Scotch whiskey
Bottled water
Sleeping bag
Waterproof travel bag

Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: FLUXLIST: Fwd: Website of Interest: The LinkSquare Project

2004-07-02 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jul 2, 2004, at 10:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/2/04 6:42:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 very cool --I stole a bunch of stuff!
Trickle down theory.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Website of Interest: The LinkSquare Project

2004-07-02 Thread Kathy Forer
I'm on this most incredible 'other' list, -- two-timing y'all.
I brought back another little something to share the joy.
This is terrific.

Re: FLUXLIST: the wonderful laughter of madawg

2004-06-30 Thread Kathy Forer
Oh dear me, wrong thread entirely! Please excuse me, madawg, for 
playing cards in earshot of your laughter.

On Jul 1, 2004, at 12:21 AM, someone wrote:
Someone can have my Jack of spades if we're running short. Or even if 
not, I'll trade for the eight of hearts.

Just how is this sound project asposed to work?

Re: FLUXLIST: the wonderful laughter of madawg

2004-06-30 Thread Kathy Forer
Someone can have my Jack of spades if we're running short. Or even if 
not, I'll trade for the eight of hearts.

Just how is this sound project asposed to work?

Re: FLUXLIST: request for help

2004-06-28 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jun 28, 2004, at 11:59 AM, Alan Bowman wrote:
thanks for the advice kathy!
i just don't get why I get an html file when i try to right click and
download the mp3s (the midis seem ok).  is it anything to to with the 
that no matter what page i'm on i alwasy see the same url?
You're most welcome. is a framed site. You could try an absolute url and see if 
that works any better. The directories may be different than what they 
(fix that %20)

The text says 'Indiana' is hosted offsite, but the link points to the 
same site

Re: FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - update

2004-06-27 Thread Kathy Forer
Okay. I can do the Jacks, spades and hearts please. Seven of diamonds 
though if I've lost all face.

But I don't quite understand what we'll be doing if it's a standard 
deck of cards. Why not just buy "Bicycle."

A queen is always necessary. The mother ruling figure, she is meant to 
ensure continuation of the line. But no independent girl-chillds. 
Except maybe Joan of Arc, but she had to dress up like a boy then die.

On Jun 27, 2004, at 9:04 PM, brian wrote:
kathy, i really wish i could include the princesses, but this is a 
52 card deck.

maybe candaces' card game could benefit from them, but as they are not
included in the
standard 52 card deck that you can buy almost anywhere in the world, 
hold no
relevance for the project.

i did enjoy the story about the cards though.  i would also blame a
patriarchal lean to have the Princess eliminated, but that might be 
the gun/reactionary/slant of facts to suit reaction, as what about the
Queen?  i'm busy reading a book called Whores In History.  relies much 
the patriarchal arguement, but with a substantial fact finding and 
into how the male dominated system was actively squashing the original
matriarchal rule.

don't know where that came from, but...
if you would care to participate in the deck of cards, then let me 


Re: FLUXLIST: request for help

2004-06-27 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jun 27, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Alan Bowman wrote:
re: the previous mail
i can get it to work (to download the mp3 to HD) using netscape but 
not IE
also You.html says it's load but i can't see anything!  are they using 
weird script of transfering my files around?  i've seen a link ti one 
of my
pages from the supereva site which has a completely different URL!
It may be something as simple as changing the url from
Here the full piece here
Here the full piece here
as my Safari Browser reads it just fine. IE is very literal about 
&20's, or spaces, and only correctly reads actual spaces, but most 
servers or something translate the spaces to the ascii, or %20, so 
that's why IE breaks.

my head really hurts!
you think so?
Music sounds nice.
Very weird about supereva not allowing direct links to mp3 files. You 
might try an Embed tag. 
(quicktime embed)

Re: FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - update

2004-06-26 Thread Kathy Forer

 would the jills replace the jacks or would there be both jacks and 
Both jacks and jills.
  Another highly significant difference between the Tarot and
  ordinary playing cards is the fact that a Tarot deck consist
  of 56 cards, and the ordinary playing deck only 52.  What is
  missing are four cards (one of each suit) representing the
  “Princess” of the royal family.  There are, for example, a
  King, Queen, and Jack in each playing card deck, but no
  “Jill”.  This deletion is likely the result of a patriarchal
  -- probably church initiated -- influence, wherein the
  female supposedly has no value other than being a mother.
  The Aces, which were uncommonly important in the Tarot’s
  Minor Arcana, and which represented beginnings, otherwise
  inexplicably became more important that the royalty of the
  King, Queen, and Jack.  The idea of the “1” card being so
  important is in any other view, nonsensical.  And, of
  course, there is the missing 14th card of the Minor Arcana
  in the modern playing deck.  For the Tarot had a Princess, a
  Jill, as part of the royal family.  But as the patriarchy
  claimed more and more power for itself, she disappeared into
  the night -- in the manner that the “navy” of the (war)
  chess set, became the “bishop”.  
More info here, at site curated by David Galt, my original Jill 

Re: FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - update

2004-06-26 Thread Kathy Forer

FLUXLIST: It' sback

2004-06-26 Thread Kathy Forer
I still like my php version at better, 
though there's some good stuff on this one, I'm mad at swiki for being 
so unreliable and forcing me to make my own, though it was great 
software to work with and to learn.


Re: FLUXLIST: Getting the Fear

2004-06-26 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jun 26, 2004, at 3:05 AM, michael leigh wrote:
A few Scottish football teams etched onto my brain
after listening to the "results" as my Dad asked for
complete hush as he did the "football pools" coupon
over many years of childhood. He won £20 back in 1958
but nothing  else ever. He must have spent hundreds of
pounds over the years betting this way as millions of
working class people did in the u.k.- there chance to
win the BIG money price. The national Lottery has
taken over now ofcourse.
I hope you weren't from Yorkshire and had a falcon named Kes.

FLUXLIST: Fwd: Hi, I found this cool page! Maybe worth to look at Fluxlist.RecentChanges

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer

No HTML? Visit the page :
Hi, I found this cool page! Maybe worth to look at herer

Re: FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - update

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer
sound of clearing throat...
I do believe I said Jill of hearts and spades. I'm not up for any 
knaves, even or especially those two.

Actually I was looking to uh repurpose existing Jills I once made for a 
game maven. With his permission, I'll get the rules from him.

On Jun 25, 2004, at 11:57 PM, brian wrote:
michael leigh: King of Hearts
   Three of Clubs
Allan Revich: Jack of Diamonds
Wojtek Dlugosz: Four of Diamonds
King of Clubs
Madawg: Queen of Hearts
Paul Arnaud Brandt: Four of Diamonds
David-Baptiste Chirot: Ace of Spades
Kathy Forer: Jack of Hearts
 Jack of Spades
brian: Two Jokers

Re: FLUXLIST: update and tatoos ....

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer
Jill of Hearts and spades here.
On Jun 25, 2004, at 5:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to put dibs on the Queen of Hearts
 My physical address is Madawg Painter of Dark/P.O.Box 916/Pacific 

Re: FLUXLIST: the Toy Box

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer
Zobo wasn't punk, at least I think it wasn't. It was earlier, Zappa and 
"their wild fusion of rock, blues and jazz originals" college band, 
"improvisational insanity."

I was as outside as an insider could get, or inside for an outsider. Or 
neither and both. I just liked the band.

On Jun 25, 2004, at 10:58 AM, badgergirl wrote:
We were non-super and totally not great.  In fact, we sucked.  We did, 
however, have a great deal of "presence."  Well, at least I did.

Re: FLUXLIST: NEW Address book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer
On Jun 25, 2004, at 2:23 PM, aliceklar wrote:
this weekend i will compile old addresses from old
address book that i have into a nice file. then i will
list it here. we'll take it from there. sound
If you come across my name, I live in Locust, not Lowst, as my 
handwriting has wstumarily led people to believe.


Re: FLUXLIST: Address book & new projects

2004-06-25 Thread Kathy Forer
I'm curious. And have re-leafs now and then.
Kathy Forer
505 Locust Point Road
Locust, NJ 07760
On Jun 25, 2004, at 10:08 AM, Wojtek Dlugosz wrote:
Ok! my misstake - there are only 3 to take now!

Re: FLUXLIST: the Toy Box

2004-06-24 Thread Kathy Forer
There was once this super-great, some say legendary band, we danced to 
it a lot, called the Zobo Funn Band. Their music still jump-starts me 
in my studio.

Bobo's Supermarket of Sound

Re: FLUXLIST: Gate Time

2004-06-23 Thread Kathy Forer
We wrought over ours all the time.

On Jun 23, 2004, at 5:07 AM, Roger Stevens wrote:
My gran had one. But it was over-wrought.

Re: FLUXLIST: Lord Russell's Pair of Pediatric Togs

2004-06-22 Thread Kathy Forer 

FLUXLIST: Fwd: 99 Rooms - Flash Adventure

2004-06-22 Thread Kathy Forer

This is a real treat. Have a nice visit!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael James Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Flash adventure which allows users to walk through a eerie virtual building and see the sights  
and hear the sounds of the various rooms of a dilapidated structure:

Re: FLUXLIST: a Happy solstice/soulsustenance day to all!

2004-06-22 Thread Kathy Forer
  A birthday is like home grown asparagus
  It only comes up once a year
  So you owe it to yourself to treat it right
  Happy Hollandaise

(Thank you to Crocus & her dear departed creator, Nancy Donahue)

Re: FLUXLIST: secret fluxus' pianoforte Drop

2004-06-21 Thread Kathy Forer
That was just perfect! I still hope the pianos are beyond repair, but 
now it makes sense.

On Jun 20, 2004, at 3:09 PM, zoe marsh wrote:
This is a bit from 'Not Fade Away' by Jim Dodge, one of my favourite 
writers. It's about two blokes, one of whom is a horn player, wrecking 
a car for insurance, and seemed to be somehow relevant - zoe

 I put the Merc in Neutral and cramped the wheels to the left. Big Red 
and I put our shoulders to it, a few good grunts at first, and then 
she was rolling on her own weight. When the front tires dropped over 
the edge, the back end flipped up, but rather than nosing straight 
down it dragged on the frame and tilted sideways slow enough for us to 
hear all the cans sluicing towards the drivers side, and then she 
cleared the edge and was gone. The earth suddenly seemed lighter. It 
was silent so long I figured we hadn't heard it hit, that the sound of 
the impact had been muffled by the surge and batter of the waves 
below, and I was just about to peer over the edge when it smashed on 
the rocks KAAALLLAAM.

Big Red stood there, rooted, eyes closed and head thrown back, swaying 
slightly from side to side. He was obviously lost in something, but, 
though I hated to interrupt, it didn't seem wise to hang around 
appreciating the sonic clarity of a new Mercury meeting ancient stone 
in the middle of a felony.

I touched his arm. 'Let's hit it.'
'You drive,' Big Red replied - a command, not a request.
Silent, eyes closed, Big Red didn't twitch from his reverie until we 
were coming back across the golden gate. I was half depressed with 
spoilt adrenaline, half pissed that he'd withdrawn when I felt like 
yammering, so when he finally opened his eyes and asked 'Did you hear 
it,' I was a little cross. 'Hear what? The waves? The wind? The 

'No man, the silence. The gravitational mass of that silence. And then 
that great, brief, twisted cry of metal.'

'That sound isn't high on my hit parade, Red. I like cars, trucks, 
four-bys, six-bys, eight-bys, and them great big motherfuckers that 
bend in the middle and go shooosh shooosh when you pump the 
brakes. It'd be like throwing your horn off the cliff.'

'Yes!' He grabbed my shoulder, 'Exactly!'
He was so pleased that it seemed cruel to admit my understanding was 
the accidental result of petulant exaggeration, if not outright 

Re: FLUXLIST: Apologies to Alan Bowman

2004-06-20 Thread Kathy Forer
On 6/20/04 2:06 PM, "secret fluxus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We did not intend the mildly irate reply that we
> posted by misreading the header on his short note as the header for Allan
> Revich's long note and harsh list of labels.

But is or isn't Allen Revich "one of you"? Has he not at one time signed his
own messages as "Secret Fluxus"?

Or was that some or another sort of mis/appropriation?

 >   "Dear women and four Beatles imitators,"

Re: FLUXLIST: Spirit, etc.

2004-06-20 Thread Kathy Forer
Okay Please excuse my just previous post, something wasn't adding up,
basically a long-term temp blind assumption based on lack of thorough
research or insight, -- but I oughtn't have subtracted it instead. Toronto
is not in the UK.

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