Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux library access violation

2006-10-29 Thread L505
> int testreturn(const char *thename, char *rcity, char *rstate)
> {
>  memcpy (rcity,"Boston",7);
>  memcpy (rstate,"Massachusetts",14);
> return strlen(thename);
> }

First thing to check is it declared CDECL or STDCALL in the C library?
I think the default C declaration mode is CDECL if it is not defined 

> I click OK and its fine. It returns everything correctly. That message
> box is a pain though. I tried:
> try
>   retint := testreturn(pchar(ganame), pchar(rlines[0]), pchar(rlines[1]));
> except
> //do something
> end;
> But the program just quits.

Whelp..exceptions are a false sense of security, and many elite programmers 
refuse to use them
because they are like GOTO statements (Chen, Spolsky, and others). It's even 
worse when you
cover things up like using
  //do something
instead of handling the exception.  Whereas if you skip exceptions all 
together, and just do
real checks with regular code, old school error codes - it might end up being 
more of a solid
program. However, this is no place for exception pros/cons flamewars ;-)

In general, for troubleshooting a problem in these beginning stages, I wouldn't 
even use
exceptions - they just complicate things until you find the error using other 
trial and error
code checks such as:
-  nil checks.. is something nil, why?
-  length checks.. is the pchar the right length before and after, or is it 
damaged somewhere?
-  sizeof checks..
-  declaration checks
-  operating system error checks such as getlasterror (in this case it don't 
help, but in
-  other trial and error through real code instead of exception code

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Makefiles vs Pascal Automation

2006-10-28 Thread L505
> check out the fpmake.pp and file scattered all over the source
> trees; and the sources in utils/fppkg do what you describe 'TInstaller'
> TBuildEngine etc.
> We are working on a 2-stage approach:
> fpmake:
>   compile/install/zip one or more packages (loosely defined as a group of 
> units)
> fppkg:
>   package manager like smart/yum/yast/rpm with download capacity.
> fpmake works already. fppkg is under construction.
> We'll base the 2.2 release on it, if all goes according to plan.
> Michael.

Ahh.. I thought maybe I was nuts for thinking up such a thing - and I needed 
verification that
developers think alike ;-)  It's too bad I spent so much time thinking about 
how to implement
a psuedo example it when it is already in the works.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Rename executable extension MAKE or FPC

2006-10-28 Thread L505
> Is there any way tell FPCMAKE to rename all PROGRAMS to have a different 
> extension?

I just had to study up on how fpcmake RULES worked by looking at other existing 
fpcmake files.. hmm fpcmake files seem to  resemble python - 8 space 
for execution instructions.

For win32

all: fpc_all
copy *$(EXEEXT) *.abc

And then remove all the exe files using rm or the dos equivilent command.

For unix.. something like

all: fpc_all
rename $(EXEEXT) .abc *

The docs should note that execution can be done like this. I was under the 
makefiles were config files, but really they are a scripting language with 
syntax. The docs mention tools available such as cp, upx, but no information on 
to execute or use the tools in the fpc makefile.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Makefiles vs Pascal Automation

2006-10-28 Thread L505

> > So basically my main point is that make files have become executable
> > INI files - something INI files really aren't intended to be - with
> > less power and clarity than a real pascal program.
> That's why FPC is switching to fpmake.pp files. And eventually/probably
> lazarus too.

Ohh.. I didn't hear about it yet. 
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Makefiles vs Pascal Automation

2006-10-28 Thread L505

In many cases makefiles take about just as long to create as 
shell scripts or pascal programs - they just offer a nice framework to 
automate compiling in an easy way - but in sort of a funny syntax. But 
makefiles kind of become ugly when they get big - and because they have a poor 
syntax compared to pascal programs - couldn't one just write a pascal program to 
automate the compilation process, instead of a makefile? (if a good framework 
was in place).
A reusable "automation" unit or framework would need to 
be created so that automating the compile process from within a pascal program 
was easy. 
After thinking about it, I determined that makefiles are 
actually PROGRAMS in disguise - not config files, as their syntax seems to lead 
us to believe. They are config files on steroids. Config files generally 
don't execute instructions.. config files are more geared toward storage of 
settings. But makefiles do execute instructions! Makefiles are programs, 
not settings files.
So if makefiles are actually mini-programs, why couldn't we 
simply write makefiles in pascal instead of writing makefiles in 
Psuedo Example.. let's consider I have to make four CGI 
programs in one shot. I want to rename EXE or ELF programs to CGI programs after 
the compilation is done. Compiling four programs using Make is possible, writing 
up a makefile.. but it could also be done this way:
program Maker;uses  CompileTools; //the framework 
that simulates MAKE 
  targets : array of [1..4] = ('index.pp', 
'main.pp', 'login.pp', 'logout.pp');begin  // compile several 
programs  Compile(targets);    if OStarget = linux 
then writeln('compiling 4 programs for 
linux..');  // 4 could actually be "CompileCount", if framework 
implemented such a thing
  if OStarget = windows then 
writeln('compiling 4 programs for windows..');  for i:= 1 to 4 
   RenameFile(CompiledEXE[i], CompiledEXEName[i] + 
'.cgi');  DeleteFiles('*.ppu', '*.a', '*.o');end;
At the command line:
  maker all
Instead of using make:
  make all
The framework in the maker program would handle "all", 
"clean", etc.
Instead of writing a new makefile each time we wanted to 
automated compilation, we would simple write a new pascal program which used the 
maker framework.
Why did I come across this idea? The same reason I sometimes 
build a pascal program instead of using a shell script! 
The same reason that HTML files would make poor executables! 
The same reason that config files are really not meant to be programs... but 
rather settings files. Similarly, a config file is really not a program - and 
makefiles are becoming INI files on steroids - programs!
If compiling the MAKER program each time is too much 
work, then maybe this would be a good use for PascalScript.
So basically my main point is that make files have become 
executable INI files - something INI files really aren't intended to be - with 
less power and clarity than a real pascal 
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Rename executable extension MAKE or FPC

2006-10-28 Thread L505

Hi all, it's been a long time.. but I have a 
Is there any way tell FPCMAKE to rename all PROGRAMS 
to have a different extension?
  On Windows:  
    someprog.exe -->
  On Linux/BSD 
    someprog -->
Or is there any predefined macros that I can use with the -o 
(output) option to tell fpc compiler to rename the current executable being 
compiled, for example
fpc test.pp -o$(targetexe).abc
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Fw: Ask about FPC

2006-08-28 Thread L505
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:12 PM
Subject: Ask about FPC


I want ask something

i use PSP 1.6.0-release, but i don't know where i can find the tutorial, i just 
documentation for function.
Can you tell me how to using variabel function(getcgivar,getcgivar_s), md5enc 
and POST / GET ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Comparing version numbers

2006-06-03 Thread L505
ject - then you finally get around to writing 
the project
and you find out that the project is a no-go. People don't want the project. 
Your software
idea was good for a few folks - but the product isn't needed on the market - 
there was
only 1-5 people who needed it per city. So you wasted all that time writing 
tests when you
could have wrote a quick demo program and see if people needed it at all.

In summary, "test-driven development" is not going to magically solve any 
problems like
they say it will in the books and on those web pages. Writing tests using 
common sense
will help you - but reading into the magical test-driven quack out  there will 
just slow
you down. Learning that you must SAVE and write your tests down is smart - but 
word for word some quackery like TDD is  going to make things worse for you.

Just my opinion. Beware of the TDD consultants.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] assigning ansistring with shortstring

2006-05-27 Thread L505

> On 27 May 2006, at 09:46, Arne Hanssen wrote:
> >>   setlength(last3, 3);
> >>   last3[1]:= filename[length(filename)-2];
> >>   last3[2]:= filename[length(filename)-1];
> >>   last3[3]:= filename[length(filename)];
> >
> > As already explained, you must tell 'last3' its length.  As you
> > already
> > are using a somewhat "lowlevel" approach, you could replace the state-
> > ment 'setlength(last3, 3);' with 'last3[0]:=chr(3);'.
> Note that the setlength will generate exactly the same code as the
> 'last3[0]:=chr(3);' statement, so it's better to keep the setlength
> (in case the string would ever become an ansistring, or just for
> readability)

I didn't think the compiler would let you access string[0] directly anyway, 
even with
range checking off - since that's a compiler thing - but I haven't checked for 
(using i:=0; string[i] could work but calling setlength is fine for me for this 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] assigning ansistring with shortstring

2006-05-26 Thread L505
> > var
> >   filename: string;
> >   last3: string[3];
> >   last4: string[4];
> >   
> this is not short strings
> use
> last3: shortstring[3];

In delphi 5 and FPC  in objfpc mode it doesn't accept that.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] assigning ansistring with shortstring

2006-05-26 Thread L505
> > I'm lacking some memory concept here. Below program doesn't work
> > unless setlengths
> > are called first on the shortstrings.
> >
> > program Project1;
> >
> > {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> >
> > var
> >   filename: string;
> >   last3: string[3];
> >   last4: string[4];
> > begin
> >   filename:= 'test';
> >   filename:= filename+ 'ing.pas';
> >   setlength(last3, 3);
> >   last3[1]:= filename[length(filename)-2];
> >   last3[2]:= filename[length(filename)-1];
> >   last3[3]:= filename[length(filename)];
> >   writeln('debug last3: ' + last3);
> The length bytes of those shortstrings aren't initialised if you
> don't do setlength(). It has nothing to do with memory allocation,
> but with initialisation.

Learn something new today - I unfortunately don't have a turbopascal background 
and in
this case it would really help - I guess I made the silly assumption that 
were ready to go without ever needed a setlength. Of course I had the nerve to 
turn off
range checking and try accessing outside of 255 bounds but it didn't work, as 
expected :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] assigning ansistring with shortstring

2006-05-26 Thread L505
I'm lacking some memory concept here. Below program doesn't work unless 
are called first on the shortstrings.

program Project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  filename: string;
  last3: string[3];
  last4: string[4];
  filename:= 'test';
  filename:= filename+ 'ing.pas';
  setlength(last3, 3);
  last3[1]:= filename[length(filename)-2];
  last3[2]:= filename[length(filename)-1];
  last3[3]:= filename[length(filename)];
  writeln('debug last3: ' + last3);
  setlength(last4, 4);
  last4[1]:= filename[length(filename)-3];
  last4[2]:= filename[length(filename)-2];
  last4[3]:= filename[length(filename)-1];
  last4[4]:= filename[length(filename)];
  writeln('debug last4: ' + last4);

I'd never have thought to use a setlength on a shortstring???

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] C callable library

2006-05-24 Thread L505

> Krishna wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Is FPC ready for writing libraries callable from C/C++ on Win32 and Linux?
> >
> Yes.

Just that C++ objects aren't compatible, since the implementation of object 
orientation is
slightly/majorly different between languages so you would have to use mainly 
code and simple symbols if interfacing with/from C++.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] rotating bits

2006-05-24 Thread L505
There is this page which might help some
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] const parameter writeable

2006-05-02 Thread L505
> > >
> > > But in this case I'm wondering why you want to give a pointer instead
> > > of the real type?
> >
> >
> > did you mean this ? :
> >
> >procedure ChangeRec1(const Rec: TSomeRec);
> >begin
> >  Rec.a:= 'string A';
> >end;
> Yes.

Well, this is a Precord. That doesn't work. That is why I was confused.

> > Because I can't pass a PSomeRec to that function, only a TSomeRec
> Where is the problem? If you allocated the memory by new() as in your
> example you could call
> ChangeRec1(RecPtr^);
> and the compile (hopefully) uses the pointer.

Yes, but you are repeating what Jonas says - if you would have told me this 
first, you
would have gotten the brownie points. But Jonas gets them. :-)

> But in this case you will get an compiler error because you can't
> change a constant value.
> It seemed that I didn't get the point from your original mail:
> Name the procedure CHANGERec1 and change a value but declare the
> parameter as constant.

I was asking why I could write to a const. But in fact I was not writing to the 
was actually writing to the const data it pointed to.  With SomeRec^ I cannot 
write to
const. Problem solved.

I was using sloppy Delphi style code without ^ since Delphi enforces this 
sloppy style of
coding, and now I know why not to use sloppy delphi style code. 

What I was confused about was why you recommended TSomeRec when we are dealing 

I also stated that I knew you can pass TSomeClass as a const, you can still 
access it's
properties even though it is a const.

 program project1;

 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}

 TSomeClass = class
   a: string;
   b: string;

   procedure ChangeClass(const SomeClass: TSomeClass);
 SomeClass.a:= 'string A';

   SomeClass: TSomeClass;
   someclass:= TSomeClass.create;

This is normal, because we are passing a pointer when dealing with a class - 
not passing
the class contents. Which is really what I should have thought about before 
asking the
question, because I have discovered you can write to a const class *contents* 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] const parameter writeable

2006-05-01 Thread L505

> > did you mean this ? :
> >
> >procedure ChangeRec1(const Rec: TSomeRec);
> >begin
> >  Rec.a:= 'string A';
> >end;
> >
> > Because I can't pass a PSomeRec to that function, only a TSomeRec
> Then pass a PSomeRec^ to it if you don't intend to change the pointer  
> anyway.

That works, I was getting sloppy with Delphi style code who doesn't always 
require the ^
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] const parameter writeable

2006-05-01 Thread L505

> > Only the pointer itself is the parameter and read-only. Where the pointer
> > points to is irrelevant.

I remember this from using classes where you can still access the class 
properties -
should have thought about that before posing the question :).

> But in this case I'm wondering why you want to give a pointer instead
> of the real type?

did you mean this ? :

   procedure ChangeRec1(const Rec: TSomeRec);
 Rec.a:= 'string A';

Because I can't pass a PSomeRec to that function, only a TSomeRec

Otherwise, I don't know what you mean..

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] const parameter writeable

2006-04-29 Thread L505

Are const parameters supposed to ensure read only access?
If so how come one can write to a typed pointer?

program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

PSomeRec = ^TSomeRec;
TSomeRec = record
  a: string;
  b: string;

  procedure ChangeRec1(const Rec: PSomeRec);
Rec^.a:= 'string A';

  RecPtr: PSomeRec;

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Recursive unit/include search path

2006-04-20 Thread L505
> -Fu/home/fpc/packages/base/*/units/$fpctarget
> Recursive is too error prone and therefor not usefull

thanx to all who replied, that's what I was looking for, not true recursive, 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Recursive unit/include search path

2006-04-19 Thread L505

Is there an existing recursive option like this for -Fu and -Fi?

Could be useful, but dangerous if directories contain different versions of the 
file in different places.

Still, in many projects I get sick of continually adding new directories to the 
path - and in many projects there are not more than one version of a source 
file kicking

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal]size/speed/compiler - Was:another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

>  3. speed - not a big deal. Hardware cheap enough.

> > If you ship programs, it's not you who decide whether hardware is
> > cheap.

I agree - some of my website visitors still use Win98, for example.. so can't 
say everyone
has a 2Ghz PC with windows XP on it. I don't like buying hardware every year.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal]size/speed/compiler - Was:another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> >  3. speed - not a big deal. Hardware cheap enough.
> Speed definitely does matter for some apps: application servers,
> database servers etc. So you can't generalize this.

This is my view too.. purely playing devils advocate there.. :-)

> >  4. size - shipping an interpreted file usually smaller than exe/elf
> Not if you count the interpreter. Granted, you must download that only once.
> This advantage can be had with compiled languages if you have a packages 
> system.
> >  5. uploading - uploading a 30K script file on a 56k modem is easier than 
> > uploading a
> > binary
> Not if you count the interpreter. Try installing Python, perl or PHP, plus
> all of the 'packages' you need.
> >
> > What advantage of compilation? There must be something.
> You know your code is syntactically correct. With interpreted, you don't.

I wonder why they haven't invented a pre-compiler that checks your script for 
you first..
well I think Zend IDE might do something like this.. but I've never tried Zend 
as I don't
do that much PHP programming lately.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] kol/compactutils: was - another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> It's always a trade off. Neither KOL nor FCL is better, they are simply
> designed different and comparsion is useless.

The intention is purely to be compact, and I didn't mean to compare or compete 
with FCL.

I was just mentioning that those who need a convenient compact StringList 
without the
bloat of 60-70K being hauled in compactutils is there for you.  Free for your 

p.s. There is err.pas for KOL exception handling. Adds a few kilobytes. Still 
comparable to FCL exception handling probably. But that's not the intention at 
all. The
intention is purely to be compact, not to compete with classes.pp.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal]size/speed/compiler - Was:another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505
Okay so we have to now consider these points:
 1. interpreted languages can take up less memory if engineered right (says 
 2. compilation and linking is a hassle - compared to shipping or uploading an 
 3. speed - not a big deal. Hardware cheap enough.
 4. size - shipping an interpreted file usually smaller than exe/elf
 5. uploading - uploading a 30K script file on a 56k modem is easier than 
uploading a 5MB

What advantage of compilation? There must be something.

I know Microsoft use to love compiling those EXE's because you couldn't see the 
code to the EXE's.
Is this the advantage of FPC? That we can hide our sources?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> L505 wrote:
> >
> > I think this is poor marketing for FPC: telling people that size/bloat is 
> > not an
> > issue.
> > Then what good is FPC for us? FPC is a compiled language! The whole point 
> > of a
> > compiled
> > language, is to have SOME advantage over an interpreted language. What is 
> > this
> > advantage,
> > if not size/memory/footprint? I don't see any advantages.
> The memory footprint of a good interpreter is lower than that one of a
> compiled program. Guess why a lot of programs in the 80s were written in
> interpreted basic :) Only the bad design of most interpreters cause big
> memory footprint.

There was also USCD pascal .. but people complained it was too slow?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505
> > Very nice compact stringlist in there to use...
> > Standard Classes stringlist adds about 60K-70K to your exe/elf while 
> > CompactUtils
> > PStrList only adds maybe 1-5KB.
> Please compare what is comparable:
> The Classes unit contains more than just the TStringlist and TList.
> It contains a whole lot of other classes as well: streams, collections,
> components, threads, and the whole streaming system. All things which
> are commonly used in Object Pascal programs.

KOL contains Streams, Threads, Stringlists,  TLists (actually PList) and almost 
single function implmented in the Classes unit. They are pretty comparable. 
doesn't contain threads yet because I didn't work on that area - just not 
enought time.).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> > On Wed, 19 Apr 2006,  ??? wrote:
> >
> > > I do neither use Lazarus, nor MSEide, but if executable size is really 
> > > important,
there is something called KOL (I didn't use it either). As I have read, it's 
compilable by FPC.
> > >
> > > Speaking of bigger applications, I don't see much difference between 6 or 
> > > 30 Mb
> >
> > Try downloading them over a 56k modem ;-)
> Try downloading a 6M one using a trained parrot (read: 300 baud). Where do
> you put the border of what is "normal"?

I ask, why are we promoting compiled languages then?
It sounds like interpretters would suit us better. Because
 1. hardware is so cheap
 2. size and memory are not all that important any more.

Since we are not in the DOS/640K memory days any more - tell me one advantage 
of a
compiled language, if size/footprint/etc are not important any longer? 
"With today's new hardware at low prices, who needs FPC or any other compiler?".

I think this is poor marketing for FPC: telling people that size/bloat is not 
an issue.
Then what good is FPC for us? FPC is a compiled language! The whole point of a 
language, is to have SOME advantage over an interpreted language. What is this 
if not size/memory/footprint? I don't see any advantages.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006,  ??? wrote:
> > I do neither use Lazarus, nor MSEide, but if executable size is really
> > important, there is something called KOL (I didn't use it either). As I have
> > read, it's currently compilable by FPC.

KOL GUI stuff is not cross platform. But I have made a project for us all which 
allows you to compile all the KOL non-GUI stuff on linux.

Very nice compact stringlist in there to use...
Standard Classes stringlist adds about 60K-70K to your exe/elf while 
PStrList only adds maybe 1-5KB.

But for those people who think classes are just so superiour to old Pascal 
and for those who only do pure object oriented programming (whatever the heck 
that is)
.. please ignore this project. This compactutils project is definitely not for 

> >
> > Speaking of bigger applications, I don't see much difference between 6 or 30
> Mb executables...
> Try downloading them over a 56k modem ;-)

And I personally don't like buying a new hard drive and CPU every year.. first
thing I do when looking for space on my hard drive is find all exes/elfs that
are bigger than 5MB, then I strip them. A few 30MB lazarus exes/elfs take up a
lot of space. Especially when you have to compile two executables. One for
linux, one for windows. That adds up to 60MB for each program, if you support
two OS's on one hard drive.

I buy a computer every 5 or so years, not every 6 months to support the latest
bloat. A $2000 computer each year could add up to a small downpayment on a
house. $2000 X 5 - $10,000 dollars. Not to mention laptop and LCD upgrades, and
motherboard failures. For those who say it is cheaper just to buy hardware -
then please tell me one advantage of using a compiled language. Speed and memory
are not important - because you can buy hardware. So give me one reason to use a
compiled language. No advantages. Source is more closed with binary files than
it is scripts.

(I'm playing devil's advocate. Personally, I like small compiled programs in
one package that I can choose to ship with or without sources. )
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Division by Zero - not raised exception

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> > If you can't find jobs
> > out there that use Pascal then you have to be really brave and start
> > your own business and start hiring people with Pascal skills.
> Yeah right. Sorry to bring that up again, but if I would do that I would
> never hire people that claim to have such specialized skills. What is

I didn't say pure pascal programmers with no other skills. most pascal
programmers know databases, Assembly, and C. They also usually know at least one
scripting language such as PHP.

> needed are people who can actually engineer software and that
> particular skill has nothing to do with language skills (of course, if
> all else fails, I'd rather hire a Pascal guy than a "There *are* other
> languages than C?"-guy, because the Pascal guy might grasp the concepts
> much easier).

I plan to hire/pay Pascal programmers at some point for future commercial
projects.  Who will I hire? Probably the folks that have worked with me on open
source projects before. If not hiring per hour - I mean contract jobs too. Or
people who I've found helpful on a mailing list. People even get jobs by
visiting wiki's.. a few people have gotten jobs off c2 wiki and others. It's all
about networking isn't it? Lots of linux guru's get hired off by microsoft
simply by starting up yet another linux distribution. (sorry to the fellow at
gentoo, who now does not work for microsoft).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-19 Thread L505

> L505 wrote:
> >> MSEgui has a distinct advantage over Lazarus. It compiles under Delphi.
> >> tried it. Fiddled with one or two lines in the code, but I got the IDE to
> >> compile and run and then built a small hello world app that also ran.
> >> impressive really.
> >
> > And the exe's/elf's it generates are reasonable in size.  Going to check it
> > today, again.
> Smaller than FPC ? That shouldn't differ too much, I think.

I mean smaller than lazarus generated ones.

BTW How does borland put the debug info into the exe without increasing the exe
size? Not to mention, there is no such thing as a smartlinking option in my
delphi compiler. They just assume you always need smartlinking - why would you
not need it. As for how their compiler/linker is so fast with smartlinking on
and debugging on... mystery.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] another fpc RAD: MSEide

2006-04-18 Thread L505

> MSEgui has a distinct advantage over Lazarus. It compiles under Delphi. Just
> tried it. Fiddled with one or two lines in the code, but I got the IDE to
> compile and run and then built a small hello world app that also ran. Pretty
> impressive really.

And the exe's/elf's it generates are reasonable in size.  Going to check it out
today, again.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC and Lazarus as a main RAD tool?

2006-04-18 Thread L505

> > Disadvantages of Delphi:
> > 2. It's closed source, if it's buggy you're lost.
> Main problems comes from RTL and VCL, not a compiler - it is
> stable, at least for D7. As D7 Pro+ comes with RTL and VCL sources, it is
> easy to fix and recompile both. And there is many excelent free and
> OpenSource third-party components available.

I would personally pay $50-$200 for a FPC compiler myself, if it came with
sources to RTL/VCL and didn't even include lazarus.
If it came with compiler sources too, that would be a bonus.
I would also buy FPC t-shirts to support the team.

Problem is then how do you split the money? Which person is pulling more weight
than the other and gets a better salary? This is the problem with business: it's
unfair and requires accountants, lawyers, etc.
Then get all sorts of emails on the mailing list from FPC-DEVEL team telling
about how their shareholders are more important than developers. So it's not
really greener grass on the other side.

> D7 IDE however is only problematic for non-English users (regarding saving
> it's own translations codes in .DFM when developing applications and using
> executables on different localized machines).
> > 6. Runs on machines with relatively low memory, compared to D7 (e.g.
> > 256MB for development, 64MB on target here)
> D7 run IDE under 128MB and work without resource problems with any project
> complexity or number of added components.
> > 7. Saves you a huge amount of licence costs.
> Buying Delphi Studio 7 Pro was good investion so far. As the future is
> unknown for now, serching alternative in FPC and Lazarus.
> > 8. Has a mailing lists with a lot of funny people to talk to.
> (As well taking banal insults...)
> Even not directly provided personal support, Borland have excellent suppors
> from newsgroups (Delphi users and TeamB people).

Sometimes - but I find they are also full of loonies who keep talking about
shareholders, and the latest stock price of Borland, and why it is wrong to use
any open source software (even though the VCL itself is open source, after you
pay for a copy of Delphi it is truly an open source variant (not GPL but still
opened up source code).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Division by Zero - not raised exception

2006-04-18 Thread L505

> If  FreePascal founders are registrated as a company, contract would have
> legitimity in the law, otherwise will not.

Incorporating into a registered company doesn't really help secure anything
down - for example Borland could cut off the Delphi product at any time (or sell
it) even though they are a "legal" company. Companies spend more time yapping
about their shareholders and what would be best for the shareholders instead of
what would be best for the developers (read the Borland news groups - everyone
always comes up with the excuse that "but what the developer wants isn't always
good for our shareholders". Even though developers are buying the software and
supporting the figurehead shareholders. Doesn't make sense to me.).
Or maybe you mean a foundation, like a non-profit organization? Obviously FPC is
not out for profit, but out to help the developer. So I can see a non-profit
organization working - but this would mean that FPC team would spend more time
on things like Accounting, Lawyers, etc. Look how free software foundation is
spending time hiring lawyers and etc. for their foundation.

Although I do agree that freepascal should not just be a hobby for all, and some
of us should start using it within their jobs to make it a better compiler. I'm
sure lots of people rely on GCC and PHP at their jobs every day - and this helps
make it better because it must be high quality at work, higher quality than just
hobby. I use FPC for some of my work (websites, misc tools), but not experienced
enough to be a development team member yet.  I'm guessing there are a few others
that use FPC in their real jobs. If you can't find jobs out there that use
Pascal then you have to be really brave and start your own business and start
hiring people with Pascal skills. Someone has to do the work. Or use FPC
internally in your home/small business yourself without worrying about the
current work available.

How to balance a clash of free vs open vs closed vs commercial? Some people
could care less about source code (customer at home who has never programmed in
his life, looking for a paint program on, let's say). So sell
software to those folks who don't need the sources. But keep some software open,
such as the compiler and RTL - because in this case developers do care about the
sources and fixes are easiler to apply with them.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpdoc document *.pas;*.inc

2006-04-07 Thread L505
> >
> > It would be nice if I could build it right into the fpdoc tool though, so
> > it's just one step.
> I'll have a look at it. It should be easy to do.

I was looking into dw_html and I'm not sure if my object orientation theory is
right but:

Would this be the way to go:
 -create a dw_htmlsnip file, or dw_htmlbody
 -inherit the HTMLWriter and make a HTMLSnippetWriter object, or HTMLBodyWriter,
overriding the THTMLWriter.CreateHTMLPage with your own procedure, that
basically skipped the footer, skipped the header, skipped the body tag, etc.

I see all the header tags are basically created in THTMLWriter.CreateHTMLPage

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpdoc document *.pas;*.inc

2006-04-07 Thread L505
> tidy --show-body-only yes test.html > test-body.html

That'll work in the mean time while I wait for responses and comments on the
snippet feature.

FastHTMLParser could also work, find the Body tag (OnTag event) and record all
text between body.

It would be nice if I could build it right into the fpdoc tool though, so it's
just one step.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpdoc features

2006-04-07 Thread L505

> > What command would be used to run FPCdoc on all files in a directory.
> > PSEUDO EXAMPLE: (crashes fpdoc)
> > fpdoc --package=Test --input=*.pas;*.inc;

> fpdoc --package=Test $(ls -1 *.pas *.inc | awk '{printf("input=%s ", $1)}')

AWK for the one liner.. I was going to build a program that sucked all the *.pas
file names out of a directory and made an fpdoc command out of it.. then launch
the command.

Other question about FPDOC: is there a way to skip the HTML head and footer so
the page is not a complete html document but just a snippet of html? If not,
would it be allowed for me to build this feature and send a patch or would I do
it privately? I'd like html snippets instead of an HTML page so I can build the
docs into a CGI program.
For example, skipping the html body, head, head closing, and body closing tags
at minimum.
Maybe a --snippet option.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpdoc document *.pas;*.inc

2006-04-07 Thread L505
What command would be used to run FPCdoc on all files in a directory.

PSEUDO EXAMPLE: (crashes fpdoc)

fpdoc --package=Test --input=*.pas;*.inc;

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] When are used units recompiled?

2006-04-05 Thread L505
> > Vote where? :)
> > The bug reporting system is very limited, once the bug is opened or closed
> > can't make any additional comments.
> I know, but sometimes developers who know the system inside-out get
> 'out-of-touch' with the users who are just starting to use it. So 'voting'
> is essentially "proving" somehow that this situation needs (some) attention.

Sure and that's what I meant: no way to add a comment to your bug once it was

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] When are used units recompiled?

2006-04-05 Thread L505
> Tom Verhoeff wrote:
> > Can someone explain to me under what circumstances FPC will (attempt to)
> > recompile a unit for which *.ppu and *.o are already available?
> > I couldn't find this in the documentation.
> Wrong target (OS) or incompatible compiler version, usually. Vote for:
> :-)
> Micha

Vote where? :)
The bug reporting system is very limited, once the bug is opened or closed you
can't make any additional comments.

p.s. anyone seen this?
Written in pascal/easy btw. Our friends at tdbengine our going to make tdbengine
accessible from FPC programs soon, not just from the EASY programming language.
I have been talking to them about it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 19, Issue 24

2006-03-16 Thread L505

> One of the things I think works best for lazarus is that it is written in the
> same language it uses - so every user is a potential contributor (unlike most
> programs and IDE's users typically CAN program) which is why I think it has
> such an amazing rate of expansion - we must be averaging about 5 or 6 patches
> on most days.

I always harp on this fact - for example perl is written in C, python is written
in C, php is written in C, but if you want to learn from the sources why
shouldn't it be python is written in python and php is written with a php
compiler. And we all know delphi ide kernel and compiler is written in lots of C
and some Delphi for the gui parts, but not all of them. Java is written in C.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re:

2006-03-16 Thread L505

- Original Message -
From: "Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FPC-Pascal users discussions" 
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Re:

> I'm not complaining, just saying that the source is sometimes hard to
> figure out for some people, like me (I must say I did not went in it
> that much).

> > The problem is not include files, the problem is that the code needs
> > better comments and better documentation.

You know what, I hated include files because I came from delphi. Now I've
learned to love them and yes we could make something for synedit that made the
include files go inline..

Also I think the lazarus developers should NOT be so afraid to implement more
source code comments into the code.. there is no harm in being a bit more
verbose.. I found a lot of stuff would be more easily understandable with a
simple hint about what the function does in there.

> No, include files have nothing to do with multiple GUI / OS support.

They do..
It allows you to use less IFDEF WIN32

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re:

2006-03-16 Thread L505
On 3/16/06, Alexandre Leclerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any way to simplify that and still be multi-platform very
> > easely? Indeed, that is very much hard to track down the units. (In
> > comparison, Delphi is cleaner, but it is not as multi-platform /
> > multi-GUI as laz is.)

> This kind of reorganization cannot be done without a detailed view of
> how LCL code works.

> Maybe we need a general map of how things are connected to each other
> on LCL, but this can take some time to build and very few people know
> LCL well enougth to create it.

I started making a diagram of what procedure inherited from what object and what
subroutine called what other subroutine. It's hard to keep it all in your head,
so might as well make a little map or diagram of the code.
It works, but hundreds of little maps need to be created for several functions.

Delphi source code is probably similar, but a few less layers since they are not
supporting multiple OS any more. The Delphi open tools API was always a
nightmare to work with, having to always tap into bizarre classes just to do
simple things, so we know they aren't perfect at implementing the simplest
possible solution.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re:

2006-03-15 Thread L505

> FPC is Ok but a few years ago I examined Lazarus
> codebase and I saw Lazarus is hacking Class parents
> on-the-fly for its normal operations so I immediately
> lost my interest.
> Is this changed recently?

What do you mean hacking class parents? What I noticed was tons and tons of
abstraction and tons and tons of layering. So much layering that when I try to
find a bug, I go into the code and start chasing hundreds of units looking for
the real piece of code where the bug exists, but since there are so many
snippets that inherit from other snippets and objects, you don't really know
where to begin.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal]

2006-03-15 Thread L505
Who gets the $22,000 they have raised so far, if their plan doesn't work out?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Free commander

2006-03-14 Thread L505
> Does anyone have a copy of it?

Found an old version

Started it up with
  fc.exe c: c:

Looks pretty nifty, no sources in this zip - I was going to convert it to
English and try compiling.

Is this open or closed source?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Free commander

2006-03-14 Thread L505
Does anyone have a copy of it?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] scope error? duplicate identifier property andparameter

2006-03-12 Thread L505

> I am getting an error compiling with fpc 2.1.1 under lazarus with duplicate
> that seems to be a scope error.  Under lazarus all you have to do is add
> any dataset and add an onposterror event handler.
> it doesn't like that "Action" is both a property of an object and a parameter
of a procedure in that object.
> Action is defined as a published property in form.
> then it is also defined as ...
> property Action: TBasicAction read GetAction write SetAction;
> published property Action;
> procedure MemDataset1EditError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;   var
Action: TDataAction);
> procedure MemDataset1PostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;  var
Action: TDataAction);

I think I've come across this before, it is in OBJFPC mode.  AFAIK the solution
is usually to use something like

  procedure MemDataset1EditError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;   var
AAction: TDataAction);
  procedure MemDataset1PostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;  var
AAction: TDataAction);

  procedure Something(AYourParam: string; ASomeOther: integer);

'A' prefix for temporary stuff that could conflic with more permanent stuff such
as properties.

You know, it is really clearer this way because who says you are not referencing
Action property? How do you know?
This way, you are sure. OBJFPC mode is more obvious/strict.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-09 Thread L505
I don't see what all the arguments are about the C language  being able to
rewrite writeln (printf, etc.) but in Pascal not. I don't see any limits with
what Pascal can do - you could rewrite writeln procedure and other low level
calls with several options - textrec tricks, or this array of const trick.

Let's put those Pascal myths to shame.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-09 Thread L505

> > Isn't this exactly what array of const is for? It allows you to use
> > anywhere from 1 to unlimited parameters.
> Yes. Still, it's only one argument. You can't just suddenly pass two 
> "array of const", can you?

Okay but why would you need that (humor me).

> Vin"Nitpicker"zent.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-09 Thread L505

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FPC-Pascal users discussions" 
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

> On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, L505 wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>> I have also read people stating things like this before:
> >>>
> >>> "you can use array of const but you can't make functions like writeln
> >>> because writeln accepts multiple types".
> >>
> >> Usually the statement is about different _numbers_ of arguments, not
> >> different types. Writing subroutine which accept different types for
> >> their arguments has never been a problem in Pascal.
> >
> > I was talking specifically about array of const, not Pascal in general. The
> > do not make it clear that array of const can accept different types in "one
> > call". We are talking purely about "array of const" here, not the Pascal
> > language in general. Of course I know the Pascal language can accept
> > types in one call.
> >
> >>
> >>> But in fact, with array of const, you can use multiple types.
> >>
> >> You can, just as you can use different types in record types.
> >> Still, the  actual argument type would be the type of the record or, as in
> >> your case "array of const" then. Don't confuse that.
> >
> > Well you are nitpicking my email :-). I'm not confused at all - the docs
> As the author of the docs, I feel compelled to protest:
> "This is a special case of the Open array construction, where it is
> allowed to pass any expression in an array to a function or procedure."
> The "any expression" is the keyword here...
> But, to make it more explicit, I have added
> "Each element of the array can have a different type."
> And have added some examples where the elements have different types.

Sorry Michael, my emails sound a bit harsh some times. I was just wondering if
this was actually supposed to be possible? I don't think I've ever seen anyone
use this trick before. It's kind of like Perl. Dangerous, weak typing. I wonder
how slow it is since it is a run time check :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-09 Thread L505

> > I have also read people stating things like this before:
> >
> > "you can use array of const but you can't make functions like writeln
> > because writeln accepts multiple types".
> Usually the statement is about different _numbers_ of arguments, not
> different types. Writing subroutine which accept different types for
> their arguments has never been a problem in Pascal.

I was talking specifically about array of const, not Pascal in general. The docs
do not make it clear that array of const can accept different types in "one
call". We are talking purely about "array of const" here, not the Pascal
language in general. Of course I know the Pascal language can accept multiple
types in one call.

> > But in fact, with array of const, you can use multiple types.
> You can, just as you can use different types in record types.
> Still, the  actual argument type would be the type of the record or, as in
> your case "array of const" then. Don't confuse that.

Well you are nitpicking my email :-). I'm not confused at all - the docs are.
All I was asking was why specifically in array of const's case, the docs did not
make it clear I could pass multiple types in the same call. If you look in the
examples in the docs page, all the examples show the programmer passing
arguments of the same type in one call.

They only make it clear that you can pass multiple types in separate calls, not
in the same call.

// passing multiple types, but in separate calls
test([TRUE, FALSE, TRUE]);
test(['string1', 'string2', 'string3']);

// passing MULTIPLE TYPES IN ONE CALL, not stated anywhere in docs
test([TRUE, 'string1', 342, -456, 1.653]);

> And you still can't just pass two arguments when the subroutine expects
> only one

Isn't this exactly what array of const is for? It allows you to use anywhere
from 1 to unlimited parameters.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-08 Thread L505

> >
> > In other words you can reinvent your own writeln style procedures and pass
> > parameters of *different types* simutaneously. I was under the impression
> > could only pass parameters of the same type through this [] square bracket
> > trickery.
> >
> See docs: []

I already RTFM actually :-)

My point was that the docs do not state that you can send multiple types within
one shot.

  test([1, 1.456, 'test', -64, 'some string]);

I have also read people stating things like this before:

"you can use array of const but you can't make functions like writeln because
writeln accepts multiple types".

But in fact, with array of const, you can use multiple types.

Note the difference between:

  test(['string1', 'string2', 'string3]);  // all the same types


  test([1, 1.456, 'test', -64, 'some string]); // different types

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Variable arguments, different types?

2006-03-08 Thread L505
Hi, This below seems to work.. I got the impression you couldn't do this.

program HelloWorld;

  I : Integer;

procedure test (args : array of const);

  For i:=0 to High(Args) do
case Args[i].vtype of
Writeln ('String value: ',args[i].vSTRING^);
Writeln ('Integer value: ',args[i].vINTEGER);


  test([1, 'test']); // variable types work

In other words you can reinvent your own writeln style procedures and pass
parameters of *different types* simutaneously. I was under the impression you
could only pass parameters of the same type through this [] square bracket

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GPL advertising - was Scripting in FPC

2006-02-10 Thread L505

> The GPL only requires that you keep the credits in the sources, not
> that you advertise other people's work or products inside your own
> program, even if your program somehow uses that functionality.
> Imagine otherwise the credits list required for programs like the
> GIMP or so if each used library would have to be mentioned along with
> a link to some home page. You'd spend more time on maintaining that
> list than on actually adding new functionality.

In all my source files I at least like to give a web address so people can find 
where to find more information, such as essays, articles etc. I've written 
about the
source. If my website just so happens to contain some commercial product on it 
that is too bad, I was just trying to leave my web site address in the source 
so people could find more info about the unit. In fact a web address is usually 
reliable than an email address since email addresses go dead or change and the 
must visit the site to get the new email address. It also tracks how many users 
actually using the unit and you can focus attention on the units that more 
people are
using. What I don't agree with is having to say "this software was made in
California" when in fact it was not. I think that was purely a local issue with 
and they then changed it later,  because their license was no longer created 
only by
users in California, but spread worldwide. Maybe they just didn't expect the 
to make it out of California and thought it would be a local license in the

I think in remobjects case all he was doing was pointing people to the website 
like how I point people to my website. There are articles on remobjects on how 
to use
the software, and useful info. No problem with giving web address according to 
instinct, but problem with giving it according to GPL. Hey look at me, we are 
all this time discussing whether it is "right" or not, this is the same problem 
wasting time deciding whether we should put the list of web addresses in or 
not. I
guess we are back at square one:
 * in gpl people waste time debating the license
 * in freebsd people waste time maintaining a list of URL's pointing to useful

I guess you choose which one is more a waste of time. Personally I think 
wasting time
discussing a license is in fact more waste of time than just programming and 
some URL's to the file. Spam me? Sure if it is related to the software. I love
targeted spam in source files.
As Michael says this is just a discussion though so don't take my comments too
negatively :-) It's all in good nature.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Scripting in FPC

2006-02-09 Thread L505
> > What does 'advertise' mean in this context ?
> 3. You must have a visible line in your programs aboutbox or
>documentation that it is made using RemObjects Pascal Script and
>where RemObjects Pascal Script can be found.
> i. e. You must put a link to RO homepage in your about box or your readme.
> Since i won't have an about box then the choice left is to put it in the
> readme, not a big deal since i do that sort of thing anyway, but is
> GPL-Incompatible nevertheless.

> > I don't see how this is incompatible, as I have no recollection of
> > a clause in the GPL that says that you should not credit parts of the 
> > system... ?
> >
> > But never mind, that's probably me being stubborn ;-)
> >
> > Michael.

Take a look at Stallman's page about FreeBSD license and how freebsd "advertises
Berkley and California unreasonably" or whatever. Personally I'm more of a 
style guy and I might even switch to FreeBSD over linux because of religion.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Computer Language Shootout - updated to Free Pascal2.0.2

2006-02-08 Thread L505
Some of the tests place sysutils in the uses clause but in fact it is not 
needed in
the uses clause for some programs to work. Removing it from the uses clause 
where not
needed would improve the memory footprint of the program, since sysutils hauls 
initialization for things like widestrings and etc.

i.e. this program here does not need sysutils at all, according to when I 
compile it:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Internal error 200312122

2006-02-05 Thread L505
> When I try to compile the MSEgui demo for arm (using fpc 2.0.2, MSEgui
> 0.7) I'm getting that error when compiling msegui.pas. Where should I
> look to solve this ?

Try to rebuild all units.
use the -Ba compiler option

I think I had this same issue when I tried MSEgui long ago, and it only 
occurred if I
did not request -Ba option.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there anything like PyChart for FPC?

2006-02-02 Thread L505

> > I can send you a project which does exactly this for the FPC testsuite.
> > The code is 100% FPC, no external libraries.
> >
> > Michael.
> Please yes! Send to me off list.
> Cheers
> Terry

I'd like to see too, post it somewhere public if possible. Hey, that's why we 
websites - share it with the world! :)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Build date stamp

2006-01-30 Thread L505

>See "$I or $INCLUDE : Include compiler info" in docs

Thanks much:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] OOT: Pascal (especially FPC) on Linux community

2006-01-30 Thread L505
> If you really want the job that would be great.  I was
> going to work on that myself but, I would have done it
> in PHP.  But, since you are willing to write the site
> using FPC, I would be willing to set up hosting (Unix)
> and a domain name. (or just a domain name if you
> already have hosting).

> Are you thinking about a community website?  (forums,
> showcase, calendar, etc)  Would you need a particular
> Database?  sqlite, mySql, postgres?

If the site got bigger, probably mysql. To start off, we can use a nice text 
format called SDS from psp project which relies on no external database, and is 
for starter sites who think they need a real database but not sure they want to
commit to one. It as full capabilities to export to SQL later if the site gets 
:) I guess they call this "scaling" and "backwards/forwards compatibility".

As for you going to do the development in PHP? Instead, I would force you to 
help me
in Pascal :)
And then I would go about changing your email signature to this:

Ronald Weidner
PHP/PSP Software developer for hire.

And mine to this:

Lars (L505)
PHP/PSP Software developer for hire.

Hit two birds with one stone:
 FPC gaming + FPC website development

instead of
 FPC gaming + PHP website development

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] OOT: Pascal (especially FPC) on Linux community

2006-01-30 Thread L505

> What can you do?

program the website in pascal

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] A simple "exception handling" question

2006-01-29 Thread L505

> > SmartLinking to be active? The Docs, imply NO, that this is the default; 
> > your
> above
> > implies Yes.
> >
> > Bob

Also, if your exe/elf is still not smaller after you find the .A files, try 
the -Ba option which rebuilds all units, incase your old .O files are sticking 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] A simple "exception handling" question

2006-01-29 Thread L505
> This brings up another nagging question I have had. If I set SpartLinking ON, 
> my
> executables are no smaller! Your reply here seems to suggest, that I do not 
> have
any of my
> units compiled with SmartLinking enabled. There are no ".A" files in my source
> To enable Smart Linking, do I need to recomplile the sources with some switch
> SmartLinking to be active? The Docs, imply NO, that this is the default; your 
> reply
> implies Yes.
> Bob

Sometimes with Lazarus you get *no* smartlinked units on Win32.

Which installation/ide are you using for FPC, just FP-IDE or commandline, or 

If you do need to recompile your units, use the OPT="-CX" with the "make" 
But you really shouldn't have to do this, unless you are using Lazarus win32 
and you
want to rebuild the default non-smartlinked shipment.

.A, .O, .ppu files and etc. will be in a special folder called "units", whereas 
source code is actually in several directories all over the place. The "units"
directory is more like a "build output" directory for storage of the 


This is where my .A files are for Winblows.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] A simple "exception handling" question

2006-01-29 Thread L505
> > First, thanks for the reply; I applied the patch, it applied without a 
> > problem,
> > the new StrUtils.pp source, all OK as per the patch. Recompiled 
> > strutils.ppu. The
> > still returns a zero on error.
> You are aware of the fact that the .o's belong to units too?
> Delphi .dcu = fpc .ppu + fpc .o !

And also, in addition to Marco's comment, are you aware that you must copy the 
to the correct folder after compiling them, i.e. not just compiling them and 
them in the actual Source directories. And if you have dual compilers installed 
your system of course, make sure you copy to the right folder and not the wrong 
And also, smartlinked units contain .A files in addition to .O and .PPU files

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Null characters in ansistring

2006-01-26 Thread L505
If there is a null character in the middle or somewhere inside an ansistring, 
does not affect it's length, correct? Unless casting with pchars in play.

Reason I ask is that I wonder if it is a good idea to strip all incoming null
characters for web/internet security reasons. If someone inserts a null 
character and
they get stripped, this is safer than keeping them there and offering some
compatibility in case some odd person chose to store null characters in his 
Probably that would only be used in rare cases such as a delimited file with 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] OOT: Pascal (especially FPC) on Linux community

2006-01-25 Thread L505
> Hi all...
> Reading Linux community media (mostly lists and forums), I've seen that Pascal
> language is still considered as non-serious and toyish programming language. 
> No
> wonder if Linux people hardly know about Pascal. Though they're already knew
> about it, the ignore it. Besides, Pascal they knew is the old primitive Pascal
> we know 20 years ago. They even can't distinguish Pascal (as the language) and
> Delphi (as [object] Pascal IDE)! Poor Pascal. :(
> Typical Linux people are always talking about C/C++, Python, and Java as the
> chosen powerfull and unbeatable programming language for any kind of needs! 
> No,
> I don't mean to start a language flame war here. But, I think we -Pascal 
> lovers
> and developers- should enter Linux community and promote Pascal, especially 
> our
> beloved FPC.
> Since UBUNTU now is the most Linux distro talked about these days, I think we
> should promote our FPC in their community as well. UBUNTU web forum
> ( may become a good start. :)
> Let's do it! :)

On my local Linux user group I mention Pascal and speak up about it once in a 
(not in a zealot way, just once in a while). Some of them thought that Pascal 
was the
same now as it was back when they took it in university, i.e. no Units, no
ansistrings, no ability to use include files, etc. etc.
But if you speak up about things and mention that your website is programmed in 
it or
that Total Commander program was built in Pascal, or that Macromedia used 
Pascal for
one of their software applications, etc. etc.
There are times when it is constructive to speak up rather than keep quiet. 
Bisma you
know this I was just posting this message to encourage others..
The fact is if you join a local linux group or a linux list that isn't even 
you will still have some sort of influence. A lot of people start programming 
on word of mouth (or try new languages based on word of mouth).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings DLL/DSO hack (memory manager)

2006-01-25 Thread L505

Sorry for the double posting, the emails took a long time to get through.

> It's exactly the same principle as using cmem, just that you are
> using another memory manager than the one of the standard C library.
> It has the same advantages (can return and accept ansistrings to/from
> FPC-compiled programs and libararies) and problems (must not return
> and accept ansistrings to/from programs not compiled with FPC). Well,
> another advantage is of course for OS'es where the interface to libc
> changes all the time (although I doubt the interface to malloc/free
> etc will change anytime soon).

And this case we use FPC mem manager rather than relying on our operating system
friend - just makes me feel better to be able to utilize FPC mem manager if I 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Ansistrings DLL/DSO hack (memory manager)

2006-01-25 Thread L505
> I will throw up
> a PasForum clone (code named Bubble2) using this tactic, and see what happens 
> with
> this
> sort of set up.

Here it is:(BUBBLE2)
Forgive the colors, I haven't played with the CSS file for more than 2 seconds 

And the old one which used NO memory manager at all:(BUBBLE1)

And the one that does not use a DLL/DSO so is not worth even discussing, is the
original PasForum so I won't mention the link to there.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Ansistrings DLL/DSO hack (memory manager)

2006-01-25 Thread L505
Trustmaster sends me a trick/hack (as shown below) to avoid using CMEM in a
dll/dso in order to get ansistrings working through a dll/dso.

Comments? Find anything that could possibly be wrong with this trick we pull 
i.e. the ability to use strings in a DLL/DSO without ever using Pchars, nor 

The trick/hack:

> Hi Lars,
> I've just read an article how to solve the memory management problem with FPC
> without using CMEM unit. It is done by exporting memory manager in the
> library and using it everywhere simply this way:
> // psplib.pp
> {$H+}
> library psplib;
> { ... }
> procedure GetMemMan (out MemMan : TMemoryManager); stdcall; export;
> begin
> GetMemoryManager (MemMan)
> end;
> { ... }
> exports
> { ... }
>   GetMemMan name 'GetSharedMemoryManager';
> { ... }
> end.
> // pspunit.pp
> {$H+}
> unit pspunit;
> interface
> { ... }
> implementation
> { ... }
> procedure GetMemMan (out MemMan : TMemoryManager); stdcall;  external 'psplib'
> name 'GetSharedMemoryManager';
> var MemMan : TMemoryManager;
> { ... }
> initialization
> GetMemMan(MemMan);
> SetMemoryManager (MemMan);
> { ... }
> end.
> // pspapp.pp
> {$H+}
> program pspapp;
> uses pspunit;
> { ... }
> begin
> { ... }
> end.

Lars' comments:

Seems to make a simple hello world project with strings in it work as a DLL/DSO 
now without requiring Cmem, but further testing will need to be done. I will 
throw up
a PasForum clone (code named Bubble2) using this tactic, and see what happens 
sort of set up.

When using no shared memory manager and using strings, PasForum (code named 
run but random access violations would occur every so often. I assume this is 
why the
PSP4UM ( has been running without issue for several while now,
because it does work,
sort of - but obviously not recommended.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-19 Thread L505
> Maybe it helps to trust in Delphi mode
> and makes porting to FP easier.

I've grown to like ObjFPC mode for understanding Pascal at a greater level but 
Delphi mode is a good idea with code coming from Delphi. Many of the objfpc mode
choices were made with Pascal philosophy in mind, whereas Delphi syntax is 
getting lazier for programmers, while making some code less clear but
lazier to type on the keyboard.  For example the whole lack of @procedure
confuses me in Delphi - I find the @ helps jump out and let me know it's a 
in the code and makes code easier to read anyway.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-19 Thread L505
> > Is it possible the Apple/Mac line feed could be causing your name
> > to be rammed into
> > the text below :-)
> No. Mac OS X uses the same line feed as every other *nix out there.

>From the FPC ReadLn sources I was under the impression that the Mac used #13 
>for line
feeds and unix used #10 for line feeds, but I've heard that sometimes certain 
systems used #13. I've always wanted to clarify this.. And then there is the 
end of
file delimiter which also came to mind.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-18 Thread L505
> > ... use the underscore, although a bit messy looking:
> >
> >   function SubstringData(const Offset, Count_: Integer): WideString; 
> > virtual;
> > ...
> Thanks. Matches to the habit of the guy, who has written
> the Delphi code, that I am working on. He usually begins
> each private class item name with an underscore. Meanwhile
> is habit seems appropriate to me. Now I will probably
> change my habit, concerning parameter names as well, by
> ending with >an underscore, as you proposed.

I dunno it is a religious thing, read the other messages too :)

I guess too many underscores in the code I find messy so I've fallen for the 'A'
prefix now. I use underscores only where there is really a need, and have found 
too many of them in code causes messiness and hard to read code. Either 
solution is
okay, but since there is lots of existing Pascal code out there that uses the A
prefix, it's probably best to use it. I'm not stubborn and am willing to change 
the better.

I do prefer underscores in very special special cases, such as when you have a 
similar function but it does something special in addition to the other 

Parse   (input: string);
Parse_SF(input: string);

SF stands for secure and fast implementation, whereas

ParseFastAndSecureImplementation() is way too long, and you cannot tell whether 
it is
 Parse Fast, the secure implementation or
 Parse the Fast, Secure, implementation  or
 Parse, and please do it securely and fast

 ParseFastAndSecureImplementation() looks extremely different than
 Parse() whereas
 Parse_SF looks extremely similar to
 Parse() so you know that Parse_SF() and Parse() are two similar functions, 
with one
just being special.

So the underscore helps suffix and separate function and keep the code logical
without being extremely verbose. This is the sacrifice I've made for making
underscores useful in some areas - some prefer to skip underscores altogether 
religious reasons, I prefer to include underscores in code when they have some
extreme advantage.

And the brackets? Yes I know it is a sin in Pascal to use Procedure() and only 
programmers do that, I was just using the brackets in this text so that the 
text was
easier to read, i.e. distinguish Pascal procedure from English text.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-18 Thread L505
Is it possible the Apple/Mac line feed could be causing your name to be rammed 
the text below :-)

No big deal, I just wondered from an academic perspective, whether the line 
feed on
the Mac would cause this issue on a PC, or whether it was for other reasons.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-18 Thread L505

>> Prefixing an 'A' seems to be an (un)official delphi naming convention

> Does this make it official?

> " The 'A' prefix is a convention to disambiguate when the parameter name
> is the same as a property or field name in the class. "

Looks good, I'm not a fan of underscores in significant quantities, and should 
be used in special cases. In this case, I find the 'A' prefix is a neater 
than the messy underscore hack.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] parameter names local, global, glocal

2006-01-18 Thread L505

> Conclusion: never call any parameter of any procedure or function exactly
> like any property of any class and its ancestors. So far I thought,
> parameter names of functions and procedures are always local, i.e. valid
> for this function or procedure block only. Is this a bug or feature of FPC
> vs. Delphi?

I've seen this before while doing ports from delphi to freepascal. What I did, 
to get it quickly working,  was use the underscore, although a bit messy 

  function SubstringData(const Offset, Count_: Integer): WideString; virtual;

  procedure ReplaceData(const Offset, Count_: Integer) ...


  function SubstringData(const Offset, _Count: Integer): WideString; virtual;

  procedure ReplaceData(const Offset, _Count: Integer) ...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] CMEM experiences in DLL

2006-01-14 Thread L505
In linux I get a segmentation fault at the very end of an executable program 
using cmem.pp in a DSO and executable combination. (simple hello world not even
calling the function - just importing it itself is the problem). If the imported
function is commented out,
there is no segmentation fault.

When using cmem in regular executable elf programs and not calling a library 
uses cmem, the cmem works without trouble.

On MS Windows using cmem does not seem to cause segmentation fault on simple 
world dll and exe combination program.

I tried fpc version 2.0.2 and 2.0.0 and 2.1.1 with all the same behavior. I 
I'll file a simple bug report since any function doesn't work (even when not 
ansistrings). Actually the program seems to run fine, i.e. the functions work 
and the
programs run through till the end, just at the very end of the program you get a
segmentation fault. Probably something to do with a variable being freed. I 
think it's the
  SetMemoryManager (OldMemoryManager);
function in cmem's finalization section, because I commented that line out and 
still gave segmentation fault.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] source file size ?

2006-01-05 Thread L505

> > are there any know limits on how big a source file can be for the FPC 
> > compiler ?
> interesting question... hmm did you try a  3GB file which calls 
> writeln('test')
> and over and over again?

> That's the stupid way of doing tests - the smart way would
> be waiting for an answer from the FPC team.

> > hmmm ... i'm sensing some sarcasm.

None intended, I was serious.. personally, I tried the test and what will limit 
is the memory on your pc. Thousands of writeln on my windows machine said "you 
out of virtual memory". So this will only be your problem, as far as I tested..

>i'm not usually one to post dumb questions to a list because i'm lazy
>or have nothing better to do.

It wasn't a dumb question - I'm a user too, I'm not a developer (yet).

>in any event ... i have no idea if putting 3GB's of "writeln"
>statements in a file is a good test.

It sort of is, at least I found out something new.. the virtual memory blew up 
on my
PC at 180704 lines of source code ... with writeln('test');

> in my case, the data would have to have structure.

That too, you could try something like a simple record over and over again. 
Your data
wouldn't be over and over again, but it would still tell you quickly if FPC can
handle 400MB of source code, 4GB, etc. A writeln('test') would still cause you 
place thousands of strings into the exe and etc.

My idea was to let the FPC team tell you more about it than doing a silly test 
this.. because I'm just a user and they know more. But I suppose it's not that 
because I learned something about virtual
memory when I tried it.

> Here are my prefered colors for your website (take it or leave it):
>   body bgcolor="#1E1E1E" text="#D7D7D7" link="#006699" alink="#006699"
> vlink="#006699"
> Gotta love dark backgrounds.
> hmmm website Sigs really do work because I went ahead and clicked on your 
> site.

hmmm ... i just don't know if i'm reading into the intent of your
comments very well.

I've experimented with dark backgrounds and found an "off black" to be nice on
websites. I've found white on black is nice especially when it's an "off black" 
an "off white". I was complimenting your site.. here I have written about this a
while back:

Only advantage with the old corporate black on white is that it is easier to 
send to
the printer.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] source file size ?

2006-01-04 Thread L505

> are there any know limits on how big a source file can be for the FPC 
> compiler ?

interesting question... hmm did you try a  3GB file which calls writeln('test') 
and over and over again? That's the stupid way of doing tests - the smart way 
be waiting for an answer from the FPC team.

Here are my prefered colors for your website (take it or leave it):

  body bgcolor="#1E1E1E" text="#D7D7D7" link="#006699" alink="#006699"

Gotta love dark backgrounds.

hmmm website Sigs really do work because I went ahead and clicked on your site.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-04 Thread L505
> i learned a few things from here:

I have seen Rudy's article too, and am reading the other website now, though.
I'm at the point where I feel 100 percent confident using Pchars at this point 
have started to write pages about pchars too. The mystery was why Trustmaster's
website has been working for 2-3 years now (or so) using ansistrings - defying 
the laws and warnings and hand wavings from people.

Also, I wrote this a while back and update it with new info too:

But it is overwhelming and mainly just notes for my own purposes, so some people
might find it too verbose to wade through.

With Cmem, and according to my current knowledge, Cmem should allow one to 
export strings from one Pascal program to another Pascal program (but only 
programs, or programs who have compatible reference counting - i.e. maybe 

Even if trustmaster's website does work fine with exporting strings without any 
it would be wiser to just use Cmem - as it doesn't really cost you anything, and
ensures things should work better than they are now, even if there are no 

When considering a C program or library will interface in to the DLL, of course
pchars will be needed - one cannot use ansistrings even with cmem. And I'm fine 
that - since confident with pchars.

I didn't know about cmem and glad Jonas mentioned it. I still have to test it 
though, to make sure things work in real life like they do in theory, when 
having two
pascal applications talk to each other via cmem using ansistrings.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> simple and small unit. Advantages over sharemem are with cmem you wouldn't 
> have to
> ship sharemem.dll with the application.

In fact, if someone has not already done it, the cmem.pp unit could be 
converted for
use with delphi too (cmem.pas), since no one enjoys shipping sharemem dll.

I wonder if anyone had the guts to standardize ansistrings so that every 
language had
access to a standard ansistring system, which was defined as a standard to 
Could work in a DLL too with a shared memory manager with multiple languages. Oh
well, those are the blues and woes of using multiple languages and multiple

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> If a Pascal program returns a reference counted type to a C library,
> then you get a memory leak, sharemem/cmem or not. If a C program
> passes a pchar to a function that expects an ansistring, you can get
> any sort of behaviour ranging from no problem to program crashes
> (which is logical, since the C program is passing a variable of a
> wrong type).
> You cannot declare a function as returning an "ansistring" in C,
> since C doesn't know the ansistring type. So you cannot properly use
> functions which accept or return values of that type from C programs.
> It's as simple as that. You simply have to declare your functions
> which you want to be callable from C with types that also exist in C
> (or which can be constructed to be 100% the same in C).
> Jonas

Thanks, and after looking into cmem.pp source code, I see why - it is simply 
a few simple functions from the operating system libraries. cmem is a very short
simple and small unit. Advantages over sharemem are with cmem you wouldn't have 
ship sharemem.dll with the application.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Executable size question

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> Helo everyone, I would like to ask why are exes generated by FPC so big?
> Simple writeln('Hi'); has about 28 KB. Old FPC 1.0.0 for example  created
> for the same code only 14 kb exe.
> What Should I do to reduce the file size (without compression)
> Pianoman

You can work on a custom System unit to get the size down - I was thinking of 
this for CGI applications to help uploading speeds, but I'm not sure yet 
whether it
is worth the efforts. My first priority is to take all the functions out of 
which don't rely on finalization, because sysutils hauls in 60K, and is a bigger
priority for size. Uploading a 60K CGI program is annoying for modem/lite speed 
users. Project is called CompactUtils and not completed yet.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> On 03 Jan 2006, at 18:29, L505 wrote:
> > I can post the psp 1.0 sources online if anyone is interested, but
> > probably it is
> > only me who is so curious ;-)
> A very easy way to solve all problems in FPC is to simply use the
> cmem unit in the dll(s) and in your main program. It should have the
> same effect as Delphi's sharemem unit.
> Jonas

Would that work with C programs that called a library? I think sharemem only 
for borland applications (i.e. pascal and C++ builder).

Just wondering if it would have an advantage over sharemem, in this case.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> L505 wrote:
> > Can it be something in FPC 1.0 compiler that allowed this to happen? I 
> > guess I'll
> > have to do more digging. I wish I could put an end to this and just use 
> > Pchars in
> > these DLL situations - but there's always some evidence of ansistrings 
> > working,
> > somewhere.
> There is an important difference between working and not-crashing. ;-)
> Micha

True, but who was that person who tried exporting a string recently and got an 
immediately? He reported it as a bug - Unless that was a specific compiler that
really did have a bug?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505

> On Mon, 2 Jan 2006, L505 wrote:
> > Trustmaster from PSP project tells me he's been using Ansistrings in DLL 
> > without
> > problems. The entire website is running a DLL with 
> > ansistrings
> > it, he says.
> >
> > He says he compiled it with FPC 1.0 a long time ago..
> >
> > So the psp.furtopia website has been using ansistrings in DLL for ages now.
> >
> > How can this be? How is it possible a website can run without any problems, 
> > using
> > ansistrings?
> >
> > i.e. exporting functions like this:
> >
> > function something(param: ansistring): ansistring;
> >
> >
> > Can it be pure luck that a website is running this long with ansistrings?
> It all depends on how the DLL is used.
> It's impossible to say something definite without this information.
> If it's used by a C program such as Apache or so, then it should not
> present a problem at all.
> Michael.

Its just a dll/so that a CGI is calling on - it's not an apache module or 

i.e. place a dll in a directory, and have a CGI program call on it..

I got a copy of the psp 1.0 sources and what he is doing is calling the 
from an SO/DLL from a cgi executable.. There are tons of functions like this 
another fpc program is calling from the SO/DLL:

function something(param: ansistring): ansistring;

It's just funny, because a website is the thing you'd think would be the first 
to crash down: a website is accessed by several people at different times in 
the day,
whereas a desktop is not. I visit his forum every day and have never once had a

I can post the psp 1.0 sources online if anyone is interested, but probably it 
only me who is so curious ;-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Ansistrings exported in DLL's - mystery

2006-01-03 Thread L505
Trustmaster from PSP project tells me he's been using Ansistrings in DLL without
problems. The entire website is running a DLL with ansistrings 
it, he says.

He says he compiled it with FPC 1.0 a long time ago..

So the psp.furtopia website has been using ansistrings in DLL for ages now.

How can this be? How is it possible a website can run without any problems, 

i.e. exporting functions like this:

function something(param: ansistring): ansistring;

Can it be pure luck that a website is running this long with ansistrings?

I guess I'll have to try and get a copy of some of the source code that is 
his DLL. I just find it hard to believe that the website has been up that long 
hasn't crashed with a memory management issue - the one Jonas and Marc and I 
about earlier - the EXE/DLL freeing memory it didn't allocate, during a 
count decrement.

Can it be something in FPC 1.0 compiler that allowed this to happen? I guess 
have to do more digging. I wish I could put an end to this and just use Pchars 
these DLL situations - but there's always some evidence of ansistrings working,


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] const pchar parameters?

2005-12-31 Thread L505
When using pchars, what happens when one does this:

function test(const input: pchar): integer;

Is this a pointer to a pchar? Or is it just a pchar?

i.e. below is bad:
function test(var input: pchar): integer;

So what about a const pchar paramater... Is it a read only pchar, or a read only
pointer to a pchar?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

2005-12-29 Thread L505

> If anyone is interested I can post the Quake 2 freepascal port up online.

>> i'm interested in looking at the code from an academic perspective.
>> please do post.
>> i could even help mirror it if need be.

Remember everyone, to read instructions.. if you don't, you will get an error 
"software refresh blah blah" because the Quake PAK file is missing (similar to 
a doom
WAD file).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiling library / Win32 DLL

2005-12-29 Thread L505

>i had started doing development using the FP console IDE.
>i then "discovered" Lazarus, and wanting to be able to use a GUI IDE,
>i downloaded and installed it.
>i then took the exact same code, compiled it, which produced a DLL for
>me, and when i tried to get my hosting application to load it, it
>complained, saying it wasn't a DLL.
>i then loaded the FP IDE, recompiled the same code, and it went back to 
>i posted to the list, asking questions about my problem, but no one
>seemed to know why i might be having the problem.

>someone even sent me a "dll loader" tool to test whether my DLL would
>load with their testing tool.

I had sent you that tool, and it was extremely simple but it has solved some 
I've had before.  I recalled having the same problem as you, once with lazarus..
lazarus didn't create a good DLL for me but for some reason my problem went away
after a while, and lazarus was producing OKAY dll's. I should have written down 
if anything I found out?? One of my issues was smart linking. The compiler did 
generate good DLL's when you had the smart linking on. But this was later 
repaired by
someone.. And again, it may not have to do with your issue. I am just guessing 
you had smartlinking on in lazarus, but not in the FP ide. Or maybe the FP Ide 
was a
different version of compiler than your compiler included with Lazarus in 

>the DLL _did_ load with the tool, but the application i was using
>still wouldn't deal with it, until i recompiled it with the FP console

Since the IDE has it's own compiled in compiler, maybe the compiler that was 
in was a different version than the one you were using with Laz? If you have 
try pointing lazarus to use the exact same version of compiler that the FP IDE 
using (in environment options).

>stuff that is really hard to explain in any detail in an e-mail ...
>but things like "enumerators" within the API suddenly stopped
>enumerating ... without error ... function calls that returned enums
>were returning the wrong enum value ... stuff like that.

>after alot of head scratching and poking and prodding ... i ended up
>cleaning up a bunch of "dot o" files from some of the units for the
>third party API wrappers that are implemented in pascal, and which
>were being compiled by FP.
>my problems went away.

I've had the FPC config file problem before, where FPC config file is 
referencing my
old FPC units in other directories. It will pick up old .PPU/.o/.a files 
if the FPC.CFG file has not updated the -FuC:\wherever\ to the new directories.
It's not actually in FPC config file problem as much as it is a user error 
(my fault, really, for not updating the FPC cfg file in all the directories - 
problem is when you have two or more compilers running on one system)

> some kind of weird issue between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 in the object files.

They are simply generated from the compiler with the PPU files, so if you use 
.o files with 2.0.2 ppu files this will definitely cause issues AFAIK, and I've 
this problem before when the FPC.CFG file is pointing to old directories, as 
far as I
can remember.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

2005-12-29 Thread L505

- Original Message -
From: "Jonas Maebe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FPC-Pascal users discussions" 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

> On 29 Dec 2005, at 04:27, L505 wrote:
> > Seems FPC always has graphics related issues for some reason when
> > compiling Delphi
> > code - I've not had problems with FPC/Delphi compatability when
> > working with text,
> > since I mainly work with text programs and not graphics.
> There's no inherent difference between "graphics" and "text" code. It
> simply means that there is a bug somewhere, either in the code
> generator or in the Windows-related units.
> Jonas

Right, I hope it is maybe something simple in the Windows related units which is
being called over and over again.. If anyone is interested I can post the Quake 
freepascal port up online. I'm working on other things at the moment so don't 
much time to peak at the moment..

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

2005-12-28 Thread L505

>I have Quake II.  That happens to be my favorite FPS.
>Anyway send me the source code and the EXE and I'll
>test it for you.

I figured out that the demo should in fact work.. Felipe was right.
The delphi port of Quake2 works just fine with the demo Quake files.

I'm compiling basically exactly the same source code on the two compilers side 
side and the FPC one loads the game, but doesn't let you play the game when 
nor does it play the video intro, or display graphics perfectly in the menu 
Seems FPC always has graphics related issues for some reason when compiling 
code - I've not had problems with FPC/Delphi compatability when working with 
since I mainly work with text programs and not graphics.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] sax.pp

2005-12-27 Thread L505

>second, for hoots and hollers, i subclassed/extended the SAXFilter
>class ... thinking that it looked like the descendent of everything
>else, thinking that it was itself the parser and handler, and tried to
>override some of the callback functions ... but when i call parse on
>it, i get an error about abstract methods.

If you forget the override keyword after a function declaration, you may get 
errors. You can't call an abstract function directly. I'm not sure if this has
anything to do with it, but maybe Java's class ancestor/inheritance system is a 
different causing you issues since you come from that background and have 
how to code classes that way.

Would need to see some sample code that is giving you the abstract error, 
though. I
just finished dealing with an "abstract error" and all I did was forget to 
place the
override keyword after the function declaration in the *derivative* class.

Just to add to the confusion: Tstrings is abstract.. so calling something like
TStrings.create isn't right but TStringList.create is okay.

  ObjectOrientation:= confusion

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

2005-12-18 Thread L505
Does anyone have a copy of Quake 2?

I got Quake to compile with freepascal, but I don't have the quake game files.

I need it, in order to test the exe! Otherwise, the exe is useless.

So if anyone has a copy of Quake 2, maybe you will you test the FreePascal 
Quake port
for me?

All that needs to be done is you copy the freepascal quake exe into your already
existing quake directory...

Possible ADD

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] New Pascal cross platform GUI library with IDE

2005-12-10 Thread L505

> I hate to bring this up since it isn't the most important issue in our lives 
> these
> days, but just for fun..
> Demo.exe I got a 604KB exe
> After UPX 187KB
> That was with the -CX and -XX options in the command line, along with
>  strip demo.exe
> Anyone get similar results?
> Pretty good size for a cross platform app, and I wonder if Martin has already
> on tweaking the libraries for smartlinking, or whether there has been no work 
> done
> there (i.e. room for optimization or is this already been optimized? )

In addition to my above comments, measuring size is actually different in this 
because we have to consider that the program above is a special program in that 
does not use native windows controls AFAIK? i.e. not using ComDlg32.dll and 
(whereas notepad and delphi apps do, so this hides some of the exe size in the 
with delphi programs and it isn't a fair comparison).

So a 600kb exe may actually mean that there is 600kb of true native controls in 
exe, whereas notepad/delphi applications store a lot of their native controls in
other dlls on the windows machine.

Martin, are components mostly custom windows API graphic screen calls?  My 
tools tell
me your programs do not rely on ComDlg32.dll and ComCtl32.dll (which is obvious
considering there are no windows-ish looking dialogs and controls in the 
Hey I'll look into the source too, to try find out, but it's also interesting to
discuss these issues in english too :)

i.e. in a delphi hello world Exe you immediately pull in comctl32.dll whereas 
in this
IDE you do NOT pull in comctl32.dll, so considerations need to be made.

One other thing I noticed is mpr.dll gets pulled in with demo.exe but in a 
hello world it does not. What code in demo.exe does rely on mpr.exe, is I 

Again, none of these issues are *really* important at this point in time. I'm 
just over-analyzing - but interesting none the less.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] New Pascal cross platform GUI library with IDE

2005-12-10 Thread L505
I hate to bring this up since it isn't the most important issue in our lives 
days, but just for fun..

Demo.exe I got a 604KB exe
After UPX 187KB

That was with the -CX and -XX options in the command line, along with 

 strip demo.exe

Anyone get similar results?

Pretty good size for a cross platform app, and I wonder if Martin has already 
on tweaking the libraries for smartlinking, or whether there has been no work 
there (i.e. room for optimization or is this already been optimized? )

Martin I may use this IDE in the PSP project - we are looking for an IDE to 
Pascal web projects, and currently lazarus is i candidate, and Syn too.. maybe 
IDE is another option!

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] New Pascal cross platform GUI library with IDE

2005-12-10 Thread L505

> My Pascal cross platform GUI library and IDE has reached 'near beta' state.
> I plan to release the IDE under GPL and the library under LGPL or similar.
> - Compiles on FPC 2.0.2 or FPC 2.0.3.
> - Tested on i386-linux SuSE 9.0,9.2,10.0 and i386-win32 98 and 2000.
> - Links to xlib and gdi32, no external widget library needed.
> - Internal character encoding is UCS2.
> - Uses anti aliased fonts on Linux (XFT).
> - All screen drawing is double buffered.
> - Has docking forms.
> - Has embedded forms (similar to TFrame).
> IDE:
> - Integrated debugging.
> - Source code highlighting.
> - Source code navigation with  support for include files.
> - Integrated visual form designer with source code update for components and
> events.
> - Flexible and practical build system with switchable macros.

Neat.. saves a lot of screen space with the fonts and menus you use.  I'll 
write a
page about it when I get a chance after playing with it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Remote FreePascal compile service, feedback requested

2005-12-06 Thread L505

> > Here is my first fpc DOS attack:
> >
> > type
> >   TMyClassA = class;
> >
> >   TMyClassA = class(TMyClassA)
> > procedure DoSomething; override;
> >   end;

Email Abuse Syndrome:

This makes me think we should start up something accepting emails as input to 
compiler interface.

Every time someone sends an email to the FPC list, the compiler compiles any 
snippets in the email. All bugs are tracked for us immediately. No need to copy 
paste any more.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] DOOM game for FPC

2005-12-06 Thread L505

> Such issues has usually nothing to do with good/bad code generation.

I meant bad code by the author/creator... not the compiler :)

Sometimes delphi has been known to clean up bad loops that people create, and 
them up..

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] DOOM game for FPC

2005-12-06 Thread L505

> >
> > Keyboard handling is not something which is cpu-bound in any way, so
> > I doubt that is caused by a code generation issue.
> >
> Only think I could think of is if maybe there are some non-standard loops 
> running
> waiting for the keyboard, that are sucking up CPU, it is weird ..

There are quite a bit of keyboard code snips...

"// Respond to keyboard input events,
//  intercept cheats. "

And there is also a unit called "unit i_input;" which does a lot of keyboard

Something like that might be checking too often or not often enough for keyboard
input - I won't be able to look into it for a while. Jimmy might find something 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] DOOM game for FPC

2005-12-06 Thread L505

> Keyboard handling is not something which is cpu-bound in any way, so
> I doubt that is caused by a code generation issue.

Only think I could think of is if maybe there are some non-standard loops 
waiting for the keyboard, that are sucking up CPU, it is weird ..

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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