How many FM users are there?

2007-05-09 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Diane,

Adobe should know how many licenses they have _sold_. How many are
_using_ FM is a different matter. I guess they are somewhat fewer. I
base that assumption on the fact that you can get used FM second hand
(including all paperwork). This leads me to assume that a (small?)
number of licenses are no longer in use.

Also, CDs get lost and Adobe probably do not want to replace a lost CD
even if you have all the information about the CD, the invoice etc. At
least, I don't know anyone who has tried to get a software company of
this size to send a replacement CD.

Example from my experience:
My IT department lost our copy of Adobe CS1 (which is 50-100% more
expensive here than in the US, thanks to the centuries old feudal
system these so-called "International businesses" commonly use -- they
sometimes seem not to have heard of the Internet!), but luckily it
showed up again nearly a year later.
They have lost a lot of other software CDs. Luckily most of those are
outdated anyway.

I guess not many are using illegal copies of FM. FM is simply not a
kind of software that you can use powerfully on your own without a lot
of learning and support. Which makes it awkward, to say the least, to
use an illegal copy.

Start a project to have FM users register as users (anonymous to
Adobe, of course, if there should be any people actually trying to use
an illegal copy!).

However, I guess that this would be a difficult task, and, many, as
with our company, are using it only temporarily, being replaced by
others etc; which would probably mean that we could only expect a
maximum of 1/4-1/2 of the actual users to register. I would guess even

So why not get the guys who write "Numbers" to come up with a
formula to calculate the users. It takes less than an hour on the

Seats here: 6. Users: 3 (for now).

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 5/9/07, Diane Gaskill  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know Adobe keeps all of their numbers a Big Secret, but I am creating a 
> comparison spreadsheet in my research on FM vs AT and I need to have a 
> general idea of how many FM seats have been installed.  FM has been in use 
> since the late 1980s and I would estimate at least 100K seats.  If anyone on 
> the list can provide an more accurate number, I'd really appreciate the 
> information.  Incidentally, PTC says they have 20K installed seats.
> Thanks,
> Diane
> ___

Character switching FM/Distiller

2007-05-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi all,

I am trying to use Zapf Dingbats (that has never failed me!) to
display and print a.o. the digit 2 in a ring. The FM shortcut is
CTRL-q - (dash) or ALT-0173.

The weird thing is that in both instances (using CTRL-q - (dash) and
ALT-0173) or by copy - pasting from the character map, the character
shows correctly in FM 7.2 but after distilling, the pdf shows the hand
holding pen turning left.
Both characters are using the dash, according to the character map,
with the difference that the hand is hard dash and the 2 circled is
the soft dash.

Any ideas? Will I need to use the circled numbers from Wingdings 1?

I have no problems with the circled "1".

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson,
Supervisor Publishing,
Air Atlanta Icelandic.

FW: Adobe CEO interview

2007-05-21 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On 5/18/07, Ann Zdunczyk  wrote:
> It is interesting that I have been hearing about paperless offices for years
> but have yet to see one.

On the news last night there was a story about one of the Baltic
states (Estonia or Latvia, IIRC) complaining that Russia was attacking
their computer systems (which, of course Russia denies!). This state
is probably the only one in the world (or at least the first one) that
went for the paperless office in their government offices.
The CEO of F-Prot ( commented that sadly it is very easy
to attack and force to a standstill such systems, and that [some of]
the former USSR nations were using this as a political weapon.

I am not going to elaborate about it here, but such attacks can be
very difficult to track, and more so as the attackers usually use
thousands of "sleepers" all over the world for these attacks. There
is, I understand, no solution to the problem in sight.

I do not see a paperless office in the near future. There would have
to be a major change in the Internet system for that to happen --
which might just as well end in doing away with the Internet as such.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
-- never pessimistic, even on a Monday.

> OK my two cents for a Friday.
> Have a GREAT weekend everyone.
> Z
> **
> Ann Zdunczyk
> President
> a2z Publishing, Inc.
> Language Layout & Translation Consulting
> Phone: (336)922-1271
> Fax:   (336)922-4980
> Cell:  (336)456-4493
> **

2007-05-21 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Bill, are you by any chance implying that will come
with a Sushi support. That would be nice. FM does such a nice thing of
wrapping upp a lots of things anyway! ;-)

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
-- here to lighten up your Monday morning.

On 5/17/07, Bill Swallow  wrote:
> > As an aside (and just to make Bernard blush, if that's possible), if you
> > ever get a chance to sit in on training or a presentation done by
> > Bernard, DO IT!!!  I have to say that he was my favorite presenter at
> > the conference (or maybe he just had the best and most interesting
> > material...)  You'll learn lots of great information and techniques from
> > him, and be entertained at the same time -- but be sure you've had lots
> > of caffeine so you can keep up.  :-)
> Yes, but if you have a chance to eat sushi with Bernard, make sure you
> are at the end where he is ordering from to prevent the draining of
> the entire ocean's population onto your table. ;-) I think we ate more
> sushi at our table (of about 10-12 people) than was eaten that entire
> day by all other patrons. ;-) I'm not complaining by any means. On
> another plus side, the Sapporos kept coming. ;-)
> --
> Bill Swallow
> HATT List Owner
> WWP-Users List Owner
> Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter
> STC Single-Sourcing SIG Manager
> avid homebrewer and proud beer snob
> "I see your OOO message and raise you a clue."
> ___

Character switching FM/Distiller

2007-05-21 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Penelope and Kenneth,

Thank you for your help. I regret to be late in replying. Usually
replies move the thread into the Inbox of my Gmail, but this time it
did not. I just started looking in my Sent Mail because of the thread
(header) "Confused about hexadecimal Codes", and then I saw a couple
of replies to my posting.

You are absolutely right. This is not a Distiller problem. I would
rather think this is has to do with the PS driver. The character
prints as intended on any non-postscript printer, but on a PostScript
printer and to PDF it prints incorrectly.

It would have set me on the right track if I had read it eariler. :-(
But the "Confused..." thread lead me to study the online manual:
"FrameMaker Character Sets" where I saw that there is no entry for the
circled roman 2, which must be rated as a bug. However, the sans-serif
circled 2 has an entry, as referred to in your reply.

I think Adobe should really make a separate revision/upgrade to this
part of FM for all versions 7.x at least, or if this is, as I am
starting to suspect, a PostScript driver fault, to revise the Adobe
PostScript driver, and have this solved in the (as
Bernard prefers to call the next version).

Thanks again and God bless,


On 5/16/07, Penelope Perkins  wrote:
> Bodvar,
> I can confirm this behavior on Win XP, FM 7.2, Acro 7.0. Do you recall
> the issue a number of years ago with Zapf Dingbats and Win2000/XP? To
> get the right characters to both display and print, you had to edit the
> PPD for the printer driver. I thought that might have something to do
> with your problematic circle-2, but I checked the PPD used by Distiller
> 7 and it doesn't even include the line that the fix told you to edit.
> Just out of curiosity, I tried this on a system with Win2000, FM 7.0,
> Acro 5.5, and got the same results, regardless of whether that PPD is
> edited, so it's not a new problem.
> Do you have to use the serif numbers? There are sans serif numbers in
> circles starting at ALT+0192; I tested to make sure ALT+0193 really
> produces a circle-2.
> BTW, you can see info about the aforementioned issue at
> at 97.JKaTavSAj4d.0@.ef4dc73
> Regards,
> Penelope
> =
> Penelope Perkins, Senior Technical Writer
> Synergex
> Sacramento, California
> pperkins at
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > at
> > [ at lists.frameusers
> .com] On Behalf Of Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:48 AM
> > To: framers at
> > Subject: Character switching FM/Distiller
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying to use Zapf Dingbats (that has never failed me!) to
> > display and print a.o. the digit 2 in a ring. The FM shortcut is
> > CTRL-q - (dash) or ALT-0173.
> >
> > The weird thing is that in both instances (using CTRL-q - (dash) and
> > ALT-0173) or by copy - pasting from the character map, the character
> > shows correctly in FM 7.2 but after distilling, the pdf shows the hand
> > holding pen turning left.
> > Both characters are using the dash, according to the character map,
> > with the difference that the hand is hard dash and the 2 circled is
> > the soft dash.
> >
> > Any ideas? Will I need to use the circled numbers from Wingdings 1?
> >
> > I have no problems with the circled "1".
> >
> > Bodvar Bjorgvinsson,
> > Supervisor Publishing,
> > Air Atlanta Icelandic.
> > ___
> >
> >

Character switching FM/Distiller

2007-05-21 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On 5/21/07, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
> For what it is worth, there is no such thing as an
> "Adobe PostScript Driver," at least for the current
> versions of Windows. The driver used for the Adobe PDF
> PostScript printer driver instance and for most printers
> supporting PostScript is in fact the PSCRIPT5 driver
> distributed and maintained by Microsoft as part of
> Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and
> Windows Vista. Although Adobe worked with Microsoft to
> originally develop that driver nearly eight years ago,
> Microsoft has had full responsibility for it ever since.

I stand corrected. :-)

> The problems with FrameMaker's poor character set support
> cannot be readily solved without full Unicode support.
> You will NOT see such support in any FrameMaker 7.x (or
> earlier) versions.
> - Dov

Not too good news for FM 7 owners/users, Dov. Hopefully FM 8 will have
the full Unicode support.

Thanks for the info.


FM crashes on print book to file (surprise! No?)

2007-05-31 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am starting to get annoyed with FrameMaker. (Sorry for a lengthy message).

On a few occasions I have plagued the list with my complaints about FM
(mainly 7.2) crashing on printing a book to ps. I have now spent half
the day trying to produce an online PDF with bookmarks. No problem
printing to ps without bookmarks, so we have that one in the clear.

It started by FM crashing on a certain file (chapter 3) on a specific
page, no matter whether I had the files open or not. Having them open
only added the extra work of removing the recovery files. Having
removed these three times, I went for the closed files printing.

Also I MIF-washed the files but go no better results.

I tested the "offending" file by itself and it printed to file with
bookmarks ok, but printing from the book, it always crashed FM at the
same page.

A couple of pages earlier, around the point where the pdf started to
lack contents seriously (yes, I managed to pdf the ps part, and I also
had a look at the ps in GSView which showed less content), there was a
OLEd Visio file. I found the pdf and eps-ed it and replaced the
graphics. Same result.

I found a Xref marker on the crashing page and deleted it, and now it
went a couple of pages further.

I removed FM 7.2 (plus patch), restarted the PC and installed all (FM
+ patches) again.
No change.

I started a new document, imported the formats and then the contents
and replaced the file. Now it went all the way down to one of the last
chapters, where it crashed again with the same messages. No Xref on
that page, only a table (and this file got a lot of tables).

Now I did as with chapter 3, started a new document, copied etc. and
started the printing again. And what now. Now I got as far as to the
same page in chapter 3 as in the first tries.

I am out of guesses. What can I do? And why cannot FM give any humanly
understandable hints?

For 8.0, why not add internal checkpoints that tells us what exactly
is causing the crashing? It should not be that difficult when the
print process hits an offending item to have the application point
that out. Is there a malfunction in the Xref marker, is the graphic
not kosher, etc.

Any help out there, please? I am going home now. Will check the mail
in the morning.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publishing
Air Atlanta Icelandic.

Hyphenation in Swedish FM 8

2007-10-02 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I believe there is no real support for Swedish, is it (I forget, as I
have not used FM8 since Beta testing)?

Did you try to set the language to "None" for the paragraph tags?
After that you can manually hyphenate.

I tried running Dashes Pro on rtf files and it worked except that
their support for Icelandic was not acceptable. You can try the
Swedish version, maybe that one is OK. Then import the rtf into FM8
(with all paragraph tags set to language "None"), and it should be OK.
Unless, of course, that FM8 should not recognize "a-umlaut" as a
regular character and mistake it for some kind of space or punctuation
as it does with "eth" and "thorn".

What Dashes Pro does is basically to insert soft hyphens everywhere
allowed. Not nice to have all the extra characters, but an OK
workaround -- if it plays by the rules of the language. There is a 30
day full trial on it.

Really funny that Adobe does not support more languages in FM which
originates with the UNIX environment where you have both aspell and
ispell to work from. Both have excellent support for most languages.
Both have been GPL (General Public License) for a long time, but maybe
Adobe thinks that is stooping too low? Also Adobe have much better
language support in InDesign, but then, Adobe and Adobe, are they
really the same company after all? Often it really does seem they are


On 10/1/07, Rolf Clausen  wrote:
> We have discovered that hyphenation in Swedish does not work in FrameMaker
> 8.0. Words are randomly hyphenated and all settings in Paragraph Designer,
> Advanced tab, like "Shortest prefix/suffix" are ignored.
> Any work-around or other settings to do?
> /Rolf
> --
> Rolf Clausen
> Mallverkstan AB E-mail: rolf at
> Sl?jdgatan 2Phone: +46 46 23 52 50
> SE-227 36 LUND  Fax: +46 46 23 52 51
> --
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Bad Autonumbers

2007-10-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am not quite sure I understand what you are trying to do. It seems
to me you are mixing methods. On one hand you are using an
autonumbering of a paragraph and on the other hand you want to control
it with a system variable for page numbering. That, to my knowledge,
cannot be done. This is one of the things we are missing in FM: the
ability to assign leading zeros to the numbering. If you add leading
zeros like text in the autonumbering or before a page number the
number of zeros will always be the same.

One workaround would be to assign different set of master pages to
each given number of leading zeros (as I think I recall there was a
discussion about earlier this year). Whether you would have to
manually assign these master pages or you could make a [fake?]
paragraph or element that you put on the page starting the next level
(from 0009 to 0010 -- using the ref page master page assignment
system), would depend on your set of files.

There might be a possible solution doing this automatically with FrameScript.


On 10/3/07, Randall C. Reed  wrote:
> Listers:
> Unstructured Frame 7.2 on XP V2002 SP2: I've got 400 files in the book.
> I cannot get a "work package number" autonumber to work properly in the
> files at the beginning of the book. "P:000" just returns "0001".
> I've gone into the document menu on both the book and individual files
> and set the "Page" numbering feature to "Continue."  Updated book
> numerous times. Re-imported formats. When I add a hard number to the
> autonumber in an individual file, it immediately responds with the
> correct value on the page, so apparently the tag and function are
> working properly.
> - What will fix these random "bad" autonumbers?
> - If I "hardwire" the bad autonumber (change it from "P:000" to
> "P:0008", for example) with the following  numbers pick up normally
> ("P:0009", etc., in this example)?
> This is crazy. It is just an autonumber. I've been using FM for 13 years
> and I know it is not suppose to be this hard to troubleshoot an
> autonumber problem. Except for digesting 400 files in the book, it
> should work like a champ, but it is not. What stupid thing am I doing
> wrong?
> TIA,
> Randall C. Reed
> Senior Technical Writer
> Force Protection Industries, Inc.
> This material contains confidential and proprietary information of Force 
> Protection, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Copying this material or disclosing 
> such information to others without the Company's prior consent is prohibited. 
> This material may also contain technical data relating to a "Defense Article" 
> within the meaning of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 
> Part 120). The transfer or disclosure of this information to any non-U.S. 
> person or company without any required export license approved by the United 
> States Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls may be 
> prohibited under federal law.
> Force Protection Industries, Inc.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

footnote problem

2007-10-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
My walnut is telling me that a footnote is a footnote and things that
do not fit within the majority of a page as allowed in FrameMaker must
be something else, like an end note or just as an "insert" (not in the
FM way) that is just shown indented and/or in smaller type in direct
continuation of the subject section/part/paragraph.

I understand the problem, although I have not had to deal with it
(other than when the footnote reference is too low on the page for the
footnote itself to fit). This problem has come up several times on the
list IIRC. I have no other solution than this and, then maybe to
cross-reference it.

Is this something that can be overridden by a FrameScript? I guess not.

Adobe should look into this along with some other quirks, like the
feathering problem when you have an anchored frame on a page, and/or
balanced columns.


On 10/18/07, Graeme R Forbes  wrote:
> Tina wrote:
> "If I take out
> the now disappeared long footnote (by deleting the footnote reference in the
> text), all the other footnotes go back where they belong"
> Are you sure about this? If there are lots of long notes in the doc
> it's very likely that FM has pushed some of them in their entirety
> onto the following page. FrameMaker can't split long notes across
> pages correctly. Useless behavior which, as Rick said, has been with
> us since FM 4 (FM 3 in my experience, and no doubt since FM 1 -- the
> footnote facility was programmed to do exactly what it does, by
> people who didn't understand how footnotes are supposed to behave).
> So you have to break them manually, using text boxes inside anchored
> frames for the part of the note that won't fit on the page with the
> reference number in the main text. Or else make them all endnotes by
> the ugly method described in the user manual, which I once automated
> in Applescript. But endnotes are so reader-hostile that it's worth
> slogging thro' the manual process.
> Graeme Forbes
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Importing PPT slideshows

2007-09-06 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
PP does not seem to behave well when it comes to printing. My solution
would be to print to file full width (Letter/A4 - sadly printing will
not (Office 2003) print landscape) and then crop top and bottom all
pages. After that FM should be able to import by ref.

Any other ideas would be interesting to hear.


On 9/4/07, Madeleine Reardon Dimond  wrote:
> I work for a courseware department that makes
> PowerPoint slideshows and then imports the slides to
> Framemaker as OLE links to make their printed books.
> This process makes huge, unstable files that take
> forever to update.
> When I asked why they didn't use Frame's Import by
> Reference feature, I was told that FrameMaker will
> import only the first slide of a show. So although the
> Chapter 3 PowerPoint slideshow may have 20 slides,
> only Slide 1 will import by reference.
> Being used to importing pdfs one page at a time, I
> can't help thinking there must be a way to do the same
> thing with PowerPoint shows. Does anybody know what it
> might be?
> Thanks,
> Madeleine Reardon Dimond
> Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all 
> the tools to get online.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Importing PPT slideshows

2007-09-06 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Of course I had to forget to mention distilling before cropping! So I
am in agreement with Steve. Except, don't you need to crop the pdfs?


On 9/6/07, Steve Cavanaugh  wrote:
> Unless the PP slides contain active elements, I would think printing the
> PP slides to PDF and importing those by reference would be considerably
> better.  Perhaps there is a reason not to do this, but it sure works
> great here.
> Steve Cavanaugh
> -Original Message-
> From: at
> [ at]
> On Behalf Of Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 9:33 AM
> To: Madeleine Reardon Dimond
> Cc: framers at
> Subject: Re: Importing PPT slideshows
> PP does not seem to behave well when it comes to printing. My solution
> would be to print to file full width (Letter/A4 - sadly printing will
> not (Office 2003) print landscape) and then crop top and bottom all
> pages. After that FM should be able to import by ref.
> Any other ideas would be interesting to hear.
> Bodvar
> On 9/4/07, Madeleine Reardon Dimond  wrote:
> > I work for a courseware department that makes PowerPoint slideshows
> > and then imports the slides to Framemaker as OLE links to make their
> > printed books.
> > This process makes huge, unstable files that take forever to update.
> >
> > When I asked why they didn't use Frame's Import by Reference feature,
> > I was told that FrameMaker will import only the first slide of a show.
> > So although the Chapter 3 PowerPoint slideshow may have 20 slides,
> > only Slide 1 will import by reference.
> >
> > Being used to importing pdfs one page at a time, I can't help thinking
> > there must be a way to do the same thing with PowerPoint shows. Does
> > anybody know what it might be?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Madeleine Reardon Dimond
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > __ Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small
> > Business gives you all the tools to get online.
> >
> > ___
> >
> >
> > You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> >
> > Send list messages to framers at
> >
> > To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> > framers-unsubscribe at
> > or visit
> >
> >
> > Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> > for more resources and info.
> >
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as scavanaugh at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Problems with PDF

2007-09-10 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This may be the fact for Frame 7.2/Distiller7 to.

I have on several occasions in the last year or so complained about
FrameMaker 7.2 crashing when distilling a book file (print book to
file and then distill). Recently I tried setting the Tagged PDF on,
and setting tags for only some three elements (structured), and now
the file distilled without any problems.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 9/10/07, Shlomo Perets  wrote:
> Tina,
> You wrote:
>  > I'm using Frame 8.
>  > I have a book (28 chapters) with a TOC. I'm creating a PDF
>  > using the File > Save As PDF command.
>  > ... If I put the TOC in the book, I get this message in
>  > the log file where the TOC starts:
>  > %%[  Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: Rect   ]%% ...
> One workaround for this FM8.0-specific bug is to turn Tagged PDF on; see
> for more details.
> Shlomo Perets
> MicroType, * ToolbarPlus Express for FrameMaker
> FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat
> TimeSavers/Assistants
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Feathering conflicts (shortcomings?)

2007-09-11 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am trying to feather a book. However, there is one problem.
The book is The New Testament, that I have posted about several times
this summer. I ended up setting it up structured, as I ran into too
many problems with the InDesign-to-Word files. All that went well,
and, of course, I decided to save the last things until last. :-)

I have told about my problems with balanced columns (some lines
vanishing below the bottom of the text frame). This still is a
problem. In some files I can just uncheck that feature, but not
everywhere, I think.

FrameMaker lacks in Drop cap letters. All chapters have to be set in a
similar way, so I had to set them into an Run-into-paragraph Anchored
frame. This was a rather time consuming work. Which seemingly also
kills any possibility of feathering. This is also documented almost
not to show (pg 303 in the User Guide). :-(

If I feather, the flow only feathers on pages with no chapter numbers!

I have found no way around the anchored frame.

Does anyone have a way around this problem?

I am suddenly in a tight schedule as I have to deliver the final pdf
tomorrow instead of next weekend.

Thanks beforehand for any help.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

Adobe Unveils Technical Communication Suite

2007-09-25 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Great news!

This seems to me to be the official stamp of Adobe finally
acknowledging FrameMaker for what it is first and foremost: the best
all-over technical publication workhorse.

IMHO it only remains for Adobe to realise that FM is also one of the
best tools for regular book layout, except for one factor: Foreign
language support is very little. Only a few languages are really
supported. So therefore the vast majority are using Quark and

But congratulations, Adobe; congratulatios Framedome.


On 9/25/07, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
> ( BW)(CA-ADOBE-SYSTEMS)(ADBE) Adobe Unveils Technical Communication
> Suite
> Integrated Toolkit for Technical Writers Includes Major Upgrade to
> RoboHelp
> Business Editors/Technology Writers
> SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 25, 2007--Adobe Systems
> Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced Adobe(R) Technical
> Communication Suite software, a first-of-a-kind, integrated solution
> for authoring, managing, and publishing technical information and
> training content across multiple formats and languages. Using the
> Adobe Technical Communication Suite, technical communicators and
> instructional designers can create powerful documentation, eLearning
> courses and user assistance programs containing both traditional text
> and graphics along with rich media, including Adobe Flash(R) Player
> compatible video and 3D.
> The suite includes Adobe RoboHelp(R) 7, a major upgrade to Adobe's
> help system and knowledge base authoring tool, as well as Adobe
> FrameMaker(R) 8, Adobe Captivate(R) 3 and Adobe Acrobat(R) 3D Version
> 8 software. Product and workflow integration and support for rich
> media formats -- including Adobe Flash Player compatible video, SWF,
> MP3 and AVI files as well as industry standards, such as Adobe
> Portable Document Format (PDF), XML and Darwin Information Typing
> Architecture (DITA) -- empower authors to deliver compelling
> information, save time and reduce discrepancies in content.
> "Adobe's leadership in the industry puts us in a unique position
> to deliver a completely new product, targeted squarely at technical
> communicators and instructional designers," said Naresh Gupta, senior
> vice president, Print and Classic Publishing at Adobe. "The Technical
> Communication Suite provides all the tools publishers need to take
> technical communication to the next level with dramatically improved
> workflows and rich features like video, animations, 3D and Unicode
> support."
> Inside the Technical Communication Suite
> Introduced today, RoboHelp 7 delivers major new features enabling
> technical communicators to author, manage, and publish engaging
> content for embedded help systems and standalone knowledge bases. For
> the first time, technical communicators can easily update their online
> help systems with information authored in FrameMaker 8, without the
> need to re-import files for each update. The new release also adds
> Unicode support for publishing in multiple languages.
> Automated wizards and topic templates allow users to incorporate
> standard and advanced help features, including table of contents,
> indexes, glossaries, graphics, sound, video, simulations and
> navigation. Authors can generate multiple tables of content and apply
> conditional tags, index items, folders, and tailor output for specific
> purposes and formats, such as HTML, Adobe PDF and FlashHelp(R).
> RoboHelp 7 also supports a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) allowing
> easy copy and paste editing across topics. Additional new features
> include an updated and customizable user interface, enhancements to
> the HTML editor, and improved navigation and search features. For more
> details please visit
> Launched in July 2007, FrameMaker 8 is a complete authoring and
> publishing tool that combines the simplicity of word processing with
> the power of XML. The new version adds support for 3D, DITA, XML and
> Unicode. With the integration of Adobe Captivate 3 technical authors
> can deliver high-impact information with quizzes, visual product
> demonstrations and simulations - all without the need for multimedia
> development skills. Acrobat 3D version 8 delivers a complete and more
> secure way to collaborate with extended teams on 3D designs via Adobe
> PDF documents. Technical communicators can easily manipulate and
> incorporate interactive 3D models without having to purchase CAD
> software.
> Pricing and Availability
> Adobe Technical Communication Suite will be available for
> Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(TM) and Windows(R) XP and is expected to
> ship by the end of October 2007 at an estimated price of US$1,599.
> Users can upgrade for an estimated price of US$999 if they have prior
> versions of Adobe Captivate, FrameMaker or RoboHelp. To learn more
> about the suite please visit
> RoboHelp 

Adobe Unveils Technical Communication Suite

2007-09-25 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Does not work either for me, but this one does:


On 9/25/07, Mark Southee  wrote:
> This one should work.
> Cheers
> Mark
> Mark Southee
> Documentation Manager
> SurfControl
> Direct: +44 01260 296139
> Fax: +44 01260 296201
> mark.southee at
>  SurfControl - Enterprise Threat Protection
> -Original Message-
> From: at
> [ at
> m] On Behalf Of Shmuel Wolfson
> Sent: 25 September 2007 15:56
> To: Framers
> Subject: Re: Adobe Unveils Technical Communication Suite
> Are you sure it's still available. I can't find this on Adobe's site,
> and the link below is no longer available.
> "To learn more
> about the suite please visit
> Regards,
> Shmuel Wolfson
> Dov Isaacs wrote:
> > ( BW)(CA-ADOBE-SYSTEMS)(ADBE) Adobe Unveils Technical Communication
> > Suite
> >
> > Integrated Toolkit for Technical Writers Includes Major Upgrade to
> > RoboHelp
> >
> > Business Editors/Technology Writers
> >
> > SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 25, 2007--Adobe Systems
> > Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced Adobe(R) Technical
> > Communication Suite software, a first-of-a-kind, integrated solution
> > for authoring, managing, and publishing technical information and
> > training content across multiple formats and languages. Using the
> > Adobe Technical Communication Suite, technical communicators and
> > instructional designers can create powerful documentation, eLearning
> > courses and user assistance programs containing both traditional text
> > and graphics along with rich media, including Adobe Flash(R) Player
> > compatible video and 3D.
> >
> > The suite includes Adobe RoboHelp(R) 7, a major upgrade to Adobe's
> > help system and knowledge base authoring tool, as well as Adobe
> > FrameMaker(R) 8, Adobe Captivate(R) 3 and Adobe Acrobat(R) 3D Version
> > 8 software. Product and workflow integration and support for rich
> > media formats -- including Adobe Flash Player compatible video, SWF,
> > MP3 and AVI files as well as industry standards, such as Adobe
> > Portable Document Format (PDF), XML and Darwin Information Typing
> > Architecture (DITA) -- empower authors to deliver compelling
> > information, save time and reduce discrepancies in content.
> >
> > "Adobe's leadership in the industry puts us in a unique position
> > to deliver a completely new product, targeted squarely at technical
> > communicators and instructional designers," said Naresh Gupta, senior
> > vice president, Print and Classic Publishing at Adobe. "The Technical
> > Communication Suite provides all the tools publishers need to take
> > technical communication to the next level with dramatically improved
> > workflows and rich features like video, animations, 3D and Unicode
> > support."
> >
> > Inside the Technical Communication Suite
> >
> > Introduced today, RoboHelp 7 delivers major new features enabling
> > technical communicators to author, manage, and publish engaging
> > content for embedded help systems and standalone knowledge bases. For
> > the first time, technical communicators can easily update their online
> > help systems with information authored in FrameMaker 8, without the
> > need to re-import files for each update. The new release also adds
> > Unicode support for publishing in multiple languages.
> >
> > Automated wizards and topic templates allow users to incorporate
> > standard and advanced help features, including table of contents,
> > indexes, glossaries, graphics, sound, video, simulations and
> > navigation. Authors can generate multiple tables of content and apply
> > conditional tags, index items, folders, and tailor output for specific
> > purposes and formats, such as HTML, Adobe PDF and FlashHelp(R).
> > RoboHelp 7 also supports a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) allowing
> > easy copy and paste editing across topics. Additional new features
> > include an updated and customizable user interface, enhancements to
> > the HTML editor, and improved navigation and search features. For more
> > details please visit
> >
> > Launched in July 2007, FrameMaker 8 is a complete authoring and
> > publishing tool that combines the simplicity of word processing with
> > the power of XML. The new version adds support for 3D, DITA, XML and
> > Unicode. With the integration of Adobe Captivate 3 technical authors
> > can deliver high-impact information with quizzes, visual product
> > demonstrations and simulations - all without the need for multimedia
> > development skills. Acrobat 3D version 8 delivers a complete and more
> > secure way to 

OT: Syntax highlighting for MIF in EditPad

2008-04-03 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

Does anyone on the list know where I could get a syntax highlighting
addition for Maker Interchange Format for the EditPad editor? Seems
not to come up on Googling, but some people on the list seem very
happy with EditPad.



"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

question about modification date variable

2008-04-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I know this is a late reply but I will try to help a bit.

Question: Will all pages show the same date (i.e. be updated at the
same time) or will the pages be revised as an entity in itself?

If the whole manual will show the same date, the easiest thing would
be to make a variable with the date (in regular text format, not using
the date system variable) and insert it into both the Revision Page
revision entry _and_ to the header or footer of the master page(s).

If you want to have different dates on any page(s), you would have to
skip the date in the footer and add a text frame into each of the
pages (not connected to the main flow). You will add the revision
dates as new variables and insert the variables into the text fields
and into the entry in the Revison Page.

This should not be much work for a 30 page manual.



On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Deirdre Reagan
> Hello all!
>  I am staring at my FM 8.0 document and realize it's time yet again to
>  call on my good friends on teh intertubes.
>  I have a document of probably 30 pages with a Record of Revisions page.
>  The date on every single page is a cross reference to the original
>  date variable on the Record of Revisions page.  Does that sound right
>  to you?
>  I'm asking because I'm wondering how to deal with revisions.  How do I
>  modify the date on the pages that have been revised?  Put a
>  modification date variable on the Record of Revisions page then
>  manually erase the cross-reference on each affected page and insert a
>  cross-reference to the Record of Revision modification date variable?
>  That seems like a lot of manual labor, and adding the cross reference
>  will actually take more time than just cutting and pasting the revised
>  date.  And the automation of the cross-reference is irrelevant because
>  once the date's in place, it never changes except to get replaced by a
>  new revision date, which I have to do manually (see above).  Am I
>  missing something?
>  I've checked both Help in FM and the varible section in the Adobe FM
>  User Guide, but I haven't found the answer.
>  Also, is there a good tutorial anywhere that can teach me all of this
>  stuff?  Or is it a matter of experience?
>  Thanks,
>  Deirdre
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Find/Change default

2008-04-23 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Is there a way to have FM Find/Change default to the current file
instead of book when a book and one or more book components are open?
I cannot find this mentioned in the maker.ini.

I find it very annoying when I accidentally hit the "Find " button to
look for something in an open book component when I also have the
corresponding book open, that it immediately starts scanning through
the whole book and there is no stopping it - not ESC, not CTRL-C, not
CTRL-D or anything usually used to kill a process.


"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

import only one

2008-04-25 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Milan,
One of the files that come with FrameScript is "ImportPgfFormats.fsl"
which I use very much. With that you can choose which one or more of
PgfFormats you want to import.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Milan Davidovic  
> I couldn't think of good terms for searching for this answer using
>  Google -- suggestions are welcome...
>  I'm in Frame 7.2 on Windows. When I want to import, say, one paragraph
>  format from another FrameMaker file into the one I'm working in, I go
>  File > Import > Formats and then select Paragraph Formats, importing
>  *all* the paragraph formats from that other file.
>  Is there a way (including scripts, plugins, etc.) of importing only
>  the one that I want?
>  --
>  Milan Davidovic
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.


2008-08-13 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
My workaround has been to make lines (.5pt) in Cyan and then delete
them when I have finished aligning to them.

A more dangerous approach would be to apply a special color tag to the
lines that you could then change to white or your background color.

I would add guides to the wishlist for next FM upgrade.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Michael Zaichenko
> Hello there,
> does anyone know of a utility that would put guides on my screen. To explain: 
> Frame doesn't have any guides and at times it's needed. Any advanced software 
> - Photoshop, Indesign, etc. has rules (or guides) which you can just drag 
> around and place wherever you need and align your objects accordingly. Not so 
> with Frame. So I thought maybe there is some on-screen guides utility that I 
> can use. I know, I know - grid lines, snapping, aligning, etc. are all to my 
> discretion. However i'm doing a specific graphic work and all i need is 
> guides.
> Ideas?
> Michael
> _
> Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Menu item "Fonts" lost in Format drop down menu

2008-08-14 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
FM 7.2 no longer shows the Font menu item in Format. I have checked
various files, and, oddly enough I found an almost complete duplicate
of FrameMaker 7.2 in C:\tmp. I don't remember having saved it there
and I don't think anyone would do such a thing in my absence.

I think the correct file for this must be the "menus.cfg" which holds
these lines about this item:


and then:
which is the first menu item showed in the drop-down list.

Can anyone shed a ligh on this? Is there anything missing


Thanks beforehand,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publishing
Air Atlanta Icelandic

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.


2008-08-15 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Me, I am interested! :-)


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Michael Zaichenko
> Hello all,
> just finished scripting GUIDES in FrameMaker. I.e. rules, just like you have 
> in InDesign or Illustrator. I know Frame was missing this option ever since 
> it appeared and it's been a situation for me ever since. Not anymore.
> If someone is interested, let me know. Some had it on their wishlist for next 
> release of FrameMaker...
> Michael
> _
> News, entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now!
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.


2008-08-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On this list attachements are stripped off the messages. You would
have to send it directly to someone on the list or "jing" a snapshot
of it (see and insert the link.

I think a sample is need for a compact answer.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Schreer, Carol x23174
> Hello out there in FM land,
> I have a question about removing a frame/column where a chapter TOC one
> was on the first page in a file.  Want to keep the header at the top of
> the page but have the body text expand across the page to the right
> side. The left margin is correct as is.  See the attached example.
> Thanks for any help!
> Carol
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Glenn Voyles
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:13 AM
> To: FrameUsers Users
> Hi Michael,
> I've never bothered with guides in Frame. I use the Object Properties
> and specify the top and left values.
> Glenn
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michael
> Zaichenko
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 01:51
> To: FrameUsers Users
> Hello there,
> does anyone know of a utility that would put guides on my screen. To
> explain: Frame doesn't have any guides and at times it's needed. Any
> advanced software - Photoshop, Indesign, etc. has rules (or guides)
> which you can just drag around and place wherever you need and align
> your objects accordingly. Not so with Frame. So I thought maybe there is
> some on-screen guides utility that I can use. I know, I know - grid
> lines, snapping, aligning, etc. are all to my discretion. However i'm
> doing a specific graphic work and all i need is guides.
> Ideas?
> Michael
> _
> Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger
> ce=wlmailtagline
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as glenn.voyles at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as carol.schreer at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.
> This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the 
> addressee and
> may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of 
> the
> message is not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the
> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication 
> in
> error, please notify us immediately by e-mail and delete the message and any
> attachments from your system.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

SOLVED: Re: Menu item "Fonts" lost in Format drop down menu

2008-08-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Sorry, all. I forgot that I had set Klaus M?ller's handy itl Script
"RemoveFontMenu" to autoinstall months ago at which time the font menu
was bugging me.

Silly me! :-(


On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> FM 7.2 no longer shows the Font menu item in Format. I have checked
> various files, and, oddly enough I found an almost complete duplicate
> of FrameMaker 7.2 in C:\tmp. I don't remember having saved it there
> and I don't think anyone would do such a thing in my absence.
> I think the correct file for this must be the "menus.cfg" which holds
> these lines about this item:
> >
>   >
>  >
> and then:
>   >
> which is the first menu item showed in the drop-down list.
> Can anyone shed a ligh on this? Is there anything missing
> OS: XP SP2.
> Thanks beforehand,
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Supervisor Publishing
> Air Atlanta Icelandic
> --
> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

SOLVED: Re: Menu item "Fonts" lost in Format drop down menu

2008-08-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:30 PM,   wrote:
> Ahhh, well, we all have had these little lapses in memory. At least it
> wasn't as bad as forgetting to plug-in the computer before you called the
> help desk. mea culpa.
> Scott
> At 1:11 PM + 8/19/08, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>> Sorry, all. I forgot that I had set Klaus M?ller's handy itl Script
>> "RemoveFontMenu" to autoinstall months ago at which time the font menu
>> was bugging me.
>> Silly me! :-(
>> Bodvar
>> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
>> wrote:
>>>  FM 7.2 no longer shows the Font menu item in Format. I have checked
>>>  various files, and, oddly enough I found an almost complete duplicate
>>>  of FrameMaker 7.2 in C:\tmp. I don't remember having saved it there
>>>  and I don't think anyone would do such a thing in my absence.
>>>  I think the correct file for this must be the "menus.cfg" which holds
>>>  these lines about this item:
>>>  >
>>>   >
>>>  >
>>>  and then:
>>>   >
>>>  which is the first menu item showed in the drop-down list.
>>>  Can anyone shed a ligh on this? Is there anything missing
>>>  OS: XP SP2.
>>>  Thanks beforehand,
>>>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>>>  Supervisor Publishing
>>>  Air Atlanta Icelandic
>>  >
>>>  --
>>>  "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
>>> ingenious."
>>  >  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

ANN: Job seeking

2008-12-02 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi fellow framers,

As so many other people in Iceland, and around the world for that
matter, my company is struggling and has made many layoffs recently.
Friday last I was one of the unlucky (or maybe lucky?) to be laid off,
but in my case, I have 6 months notice rights (which is good if the
company survives that long, which is not all that certain). So I will
be up for any odd jobs that can be worked on overseas. I have a couple
of times done overseas jobs from home, so that should not be a

I will, of course, be applying for a job locally, but there are almost
no companies in Iceland that are using FrameMaker, so my FM knowledge
might not be such an advance here.

I hope you will forgive me if you find me misusing the list, sending
this message, but I think it is at least useful for us all to see how
the job market is from time to time.
(Please don't send any condolences -- this is not the end of the world -- yet!)

Best regards,
Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

ANN: Job seeking

2008-12-02 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks for the kind words and reminder, Jeremy.



On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith  wrote:
-- snipped --
> Yes, the tech sector here has been hard hit too, with major layoffs
> at Sun and at numerous other tech companies.  It doesn't look as bad
> as the "dot-bomb" of 2000 yet, but we're nowhere near the bottom...
-- snipped --

> OTOH, you have something to offer the poor folks who don't use Frame
> that they don't even know they need.  ;-)  It's a chance to show them
> The Way.  
> We'd like to remind you, and anyone else here in a similar position,
> that Mif2Go is free for life to unemployed tech writers and underemployed
> consultants (you know who you are), as well as all academics (students,
> faculty, and staff).  We've had this policy for many years, and a few
> thousand people have taken us up on it.  We do not ask for any proof
> of status; we trust our customers, whether free or paid.  Just send
> an email to offer at, with subject "Mif2Go" (no quotes), with
> your name and email address, and we'll send you a password.  The only
> email you'll ever get from us as a result is announcements of upgrades,
> all of which are free to you.  And we'd like to thank our many paying
> customers, both individual and corporate, for making this possible!

-- snipped --
> I think it's entirely appropriate, considering the current world
> economic situation.
-- snipped --
> The end of one world may be the beginning of a better one.  The
> caterpillar passes on, to become a butterfly.  We shall see...  ;-)
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

PDF-ing FM files under SVN

2008-12-15 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I don't seem to find any list committed to working with FM under SVN
or TortoiseSVN, so I will try and put the problem up here.

I am testing SVN. My IT has set up a dedicated SVN server and also
they set up a local SVN Working Copy and I am starting a real test.

What I am wondering about is what would be the best procedure when
printing to file and PDF-ing. These, and some other files, IMO, don't
have any business being uploaded to the repository. Do you try to
print/save those files to a place outside the SVN library or just try
not to upload them by accident?

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

[Somewhat OT]: SVK question

2008-12-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Has anyone on the list used SVK ( ) (built on SVN). It seems
to overcome some limitations of SVN. Are there any downsides to it
other than Chinese English?

svk is a decentralized version control system built with the robust
Subversion filesystem. It supports repository mirroring, disconnected
operation, history-sensitive merging, and integrates with other
version control systems, as well as popular visual merge tools.

It seems to allow for multiple repositories that can work together to
some extent.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

PDF-ing FM files under SVN

2008-12-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I would like to say thanks to Fei Min Lorente and Scott for very
helpful answers.


2008/12/15  :
> We use TortiseSVN and FrameMaker.
> The only files sent to the repository are the source FM files, the graphic
> files, and the PDF file. All others, (*.backup, PS files, etc.) are not
> included.
> Scott
> At 12:27 PM + 12/15/08, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>> I don't seem to find any list committed to working with FM under SVN
>> or TortoiseSVN, so I will try and put the problem up here.
>> I am testing SVN. My IT has set up a dedicated SVN server and also
>> they set up a local SVN Working Copy and I am starting a real test.
>> What I am wondering about is what would be the best procedure when
>> printing to file and PDF-ing. These, and some other files, IMO, don't
>> have any business being uploaded to the repository. Do you try to
>> print/save those files to a place outside the SVN library or just try
>> not to upload them by accident?
>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

SVN creates a huge db

2008-12-23 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I was doing my first real testing on SVN (TortoiseSVN) yesterday. I
have been issued a meager 8GB space on a server (Windows 2003 Server)
shared with another kind of database.

I had cleaned up a set of my largest manual consisting of a several
hundred files after deletion of all files except the main fm and book
files and a few graphic files, all in all 250MB of files. These I
uploaded to a new repository and imported it into the database where
it seemed to add a lot of files fast, until, ending on the
'db\transactions\4-1.txn\rev', which apparently froze. After more than
half an hour, suddenly the size sprang from some 5GB to more than 7GB
and left me with the message: 'There is not enough space on the disk.'

I have googled and searched some of the SVN related users lists and
have not seen any explanation to this. This seems too bloated to be
normal IMHO.

Can anyone on the list help me or explain this to me?

Thanks beforehand,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson,
Supervisor Publishing,
Flight Ops,
Air Atlanta Icelandic.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

SVN creates a huge db

2008-12-24 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This seems to be a likely explanation. I tried it yesterday by adding
separately files and folders (took a while), and there was never a
problem with it, and I ended the day by extracting a working copy to
my desktop. :-)

I wish all list members a
Merry Christmas and fruitful and prosperous new year.
Thanks for the wonderful correspondence in the year 2008, which is
hurrying into history.
God bless you all.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson.

2008/12/23 Mike Feimster :
> Bodvar,
> It appears that the transactions folder is like a staging folder. I
> could see files it in while I was committing, but it was empty when the
> commit was finished.
> Just a swag, but you might want to create a repository on your local
> drive and see if you can add the manual to that repository. Those folder
> sizes seem big (my experience is that the files take up less disk space
> in the repository than on your hard drive) but the transaction folder
> might require a lot of space to work.
> Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
> Bjorgvinsson
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 5:11 AM
> To: Framers List
> Subject: SVN creates a huge db
> I was doing my first real testing on SVN (TortoiseSVN) yesterday. I have
> been issued a meager 8GB space on a server (Windows 2003 Server) shared
> with another kind of database.
> I had cleaned up a set of my largest manual consisting of a several
> hundred files after deletion of all files except the main fm and book
> files and a few graphic files, all in all 250MB of files. These I
> uploaded to a new repository and imported it into the database where it
> seemed to add a lot of files fast, until, ending on the
> 'db\transactions\4-1.txn\rev', which apparently froze. After more than
> half an hour, suddenly the size sprang from some 5GB to more than 7GB
> and left me with the message: 'There is not enough space on the disk.'
> I have googled and searched some of the SVN related users lists and have
> not seen any explanation to this. This seems too bloated to be normal
> Can anyone on the list help me or explain this to me?
> Thanks beforehand,
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson,
> Supervisor Publishing,
> Flight Ops,
> Air Atlanta Icelandic.

Are you creating PDFs for Linux?

2008-12-28 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Does not this depend very much on what you want to include in the
PDFs? Regular PDFs are no pain. I regularly pdf from various apps in
Linux, but nothing really fancy, as I have not seen the need there
yet. Most "foreign" PDFs have been no problem for me. Only a few times
I have had problems with opening pdf pages directly from websites, but
then I have had such problems on the Windoze too. In both situations
it has often to do with unstability of the "Temporary Internet
Folder(s)" or the browsers use of them.



2008/12/20 Jack DeLand :
> I would appreciate hearing from anyone who's successful in creating PDFs for 
> Linux.  We have a sporadic failure of jumps between PDFs. Any help 
> appreciated - deadline looming.
> Thanks
> --
> Jack DeLand :: Member, Information Architecture Institute :: Michigan :: +1 
> 248 252 2200 :: GMT -5
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Are you creating PDFs for Linux?

2008-12-28 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am afraid that I have not had such problems that I have had to check
the codes. There was, however, a discussion on this topic a few days
ago on the list. Someone had checked out some codes that seemed to
work here and not there, etc. (Windoze, Mac, UNIX and LInux).

Sorry not to be able to be of more help. You could e-mail me a couple
of files directly, if you want me to check them out for you. I am
getting rather curious about these problems. Mind the size limit of
G-mail attachments though, 5MB IIRC. And/or give me a fuller
description of the problem.


2008/12/28 Jack DeLand :
> Thank you, Bodvar.  Could you post an example of syntax that you know works
> under Linux?
> Best,
> Jack
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>> Does not this depend very much on what you want to include in the
>> PDFs? Regular PDFs are no pain. I regularly pdf from various apps in
>> Linux, but nothing really fancy, as I have not seen the need there
>> yet. Most "foreign" PDFs have been no problem for me. Only a few times
>> I have had problems with opening pdf pages directly from websites, but
>> then I have had such problems on the Windoze too. In both situations
>> it has often to do with unstability of the "Temporary Internet
>> Folder(s)" or the browsers use of them.
>> Regards,
>> Bodvar
>> 2008/12/20 Jack DeLand :
>>> I would appreciate hearing from anyone who's successful in creating PDFs
>>> for Linux.  We have a sporadic failure of jumps between PDFs. Any help
>>> appreciated - deadline looming.
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Jack DeLand :: Member, Information Architecture Institute :: Michigan ::
>>> +1 248 252 2200 :: GMT -5
>>> ___
>>> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>>> Send list messages to framers at
>>> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>>> framers-unsubscribe at
>>> or visit
>>> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
>>> for more resources and info.
> --
> Jack DeLand :: Member, Information Architecture Institute :: 734.629.7890 ::

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

pagination dilemma

2008-02-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This has only happened to me in connection with footnotes and columns
-- at least lately. Usually this happens when there is some sort of
conflicting instructions regarding the behavior of the paragraphs
resulting in the contents to "cross over" the bottom of the text frame
instead of breaking between pages or moving between pages. I think
more info from you about your layout would be needed to give any
reasonably relevant reply.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Sun, Feb 3, 2008 at 10:36 AM, David Kuhn  wrote:
> I had to adjust our template to add a line to the header (recently one
>  was also added to the footer), resulting in a two line header and a two
>  line footer.
>  The problem is that I need to keep the text area the same size without
>  stealing from the margins.
>  I had tested this on body text only and the same number of lines fits on
>  the page without a problem.
>  But I noticed than when you have other formatting, such as a lot of
>  code, the last line on the page practically sits on the line separating
>  the text from the footer.
>  Because I've only packaged one document this way, I went through and did
>  a manual adjustment by applying Keep with Next whenever the last text
>  line looks too close to the separation line.
>  Any ideas how to make the impossible possible?
>  Is there any way to set the minimum space that needs to exist between
>  the line and the footer?
>  Any other solutions?
>  David Kuhn
>  Technical Writer, PBG
>  +1.972.9.776.1956 (desk)
>  +1.972.54.307.8987 (mobile)
>  This message and the information contained herein is proprietary and 
> confidential and subject to the Amdocs policy statement,
>  you may review at
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Change bars that will not die and making RoboHelp for FrameMaker see

2008-02-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
You may have to check for conditional text. Revision bars are often
set in some conditions. You may have to change that directly or just
make the "offending" paragraph (object) unconditional.

Also change bars may be the result of an element set to display the
change bar, so if these documents are structured, you may have to look
into the EDD.

Further, there may be a character format set to use change bars.

Try first to Format > Document > Change Bars > "Clear All Change Bars
...". If the change bars then show when you open the file (test by
closing and reopening), some of the above may be the "offending"

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Thomas Scalise
> Esteemed colleagues,
>  Two questions, please.
>  1.  I've got a book that I inherited from a contractor colleague
>  that exhibits persistent change bars, even though I have repeatedly
>  turned them off. Edits immediately bring change bars. Can anyone help me
>  out on this? I'm defeated.
>  2.  Also, can anyone tell me where RoboHelp for FrameMaker stores
>  the path to FrameMaker. I recently re-installed RH4FM, after a long
>  interval, but the program can't find FrameMaker. I can't find an ini
>  file, or whatever, where I might manually point RH4FM in the right
>  direction. Adobe help is daunting to access and worthless if you finally
>  reach it. Forget communication with a real, live human being...ain't
>  gonna happen.
>  TIA for whatever advice and assistance you can give me.
>  Tom Scalise
>  Manager, Information Development
>  Cross Match Technologies, Inc
>  561-622-5416
>  thomas.scalise at
>  "I've been told one should have a goal. Mine is to live forever. So far,
>  so good."
>  This e-mail message from Cross Match Technologies, Inc. is intended only for 
> the individual or entity to which it is addressed.
>  This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential and 
> exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
>  If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any 
> dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly 
> prohibited.
>  If you received this e-mail by accident, please notify the sender 
> immediately and destroy this e-mail and all copies of it.
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Internal Error

2008-02-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
In large documents, bigger RAM can speed up the work but usually 1GB is ample.

Which version FM and in what instances does this happen?


On Wed, Feb 6, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:
> I occasionally have the dreaded "Internal Error" after a search in FM,
>  then FM closes. Would extra RAM help? I have 1 GB of RAM now.
>  --
>  Regards,
>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Internal Error

2008-02-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:
> I'm using FM Version 7.2b128. There are some Corel embedded graphics
>  which takes 5-10 seconds to display.

Corel? Not EPS or TIFF exported? I did not think that FM was able to
display original Corel format. But it is a known disadvantage with FM
how long it takes to display some graphic. That, however, has nothing
to do with the internal error per se.

>  When I'm scrolling 
> through the
>  document and I encounter one of them, I can't continue scrolling until
>  they are displayed. Perhaps this has something to do with the Internal
>  Error problem.
>  Would extra RAM help with this?

Extra ram would possibly help here, I cannot say for sure, though.

Your internal error messages, when do they appear? When scrolling
through the document or when printing? If it happens when you are
scrolling, that might indicate a bad image (the error would show
approximately in the same spot in the document).


>  Regards,
>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>  > In large documents, bigger RAM can speed up the work but usually 1GB is 
> ample.
>  >
>  > Which version FM and in what instances does this happen?
>  >
>  > Bodvar
>  >
>  > On Wed, Feb 6, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:
>  >
>  >> I occasionally have the dreaded "Internal Error" after a search in FM,
>  >>  then FM closes. Would extra RAM help? I have 1 GB of RAM now.
>  >>
>  >>  --
>  >>  Regards,
>  >>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>  ___
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >

Internal Error

2008-02-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I have not had much experience with error related to search, but I
remember that several have reported same way as you, and I think
someone had a solution.

I know OLE linking is supposedly not kosher in FM, but we do that all
the time with Visio drawings and I have not yet had a problem with


On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
>  I mean an embedded Corel file. As in Import Object, not Import File.
>  I used to get them when I would encounter Corel embedded graphics and
>  tried to continue scrolling without waiting for the graphic to appear.
>  Noe I just wait. Lately it happens occasionally when doing a search in
>  an entire book.
>  Regards,
>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>  > On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Shmuel Wolfson  wrote:
>  >
>  >> I'm using FM Version 7.2b128. There are some Corel embedded graphics
>  >>  which takes 5-10 seconds to display.
>  >>
>  >
>  > Corel? Not EPS or TIFF exported? I did not think that FM was able to
>  > display original Corel format. But it is a known disadvantage with FM
>  > how long it takes to display some graphic. That, however, has nothing
>  > to do with the internal error per se.
>  >
>  >
>  >>  When I'm 
> scrolling through the
>  >>  document and I encounter one of them, I can't continue scrolling until
>  >>  they are displayed. Perhaps this has something to do with the Internal
>  >>  Error problem.
>  >>
>  >>  Would extra RAM help with this?
>  >>
>  >
>  > Extra ram would possibly help here, I cannot say for sure, though.
>  >
>  > Your internal error messages, when do they appear? When scrolling
>  > through the document or when printing? If it happens when you are
>  > scrolling, that might indicate a bad image (the error would show
>  > approximately in the same spot in the document).
>  >
>  > Bodvar
>  >
>  >
>  >>  Regards,
>  >>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
>  >>  > In large documents, bigger RAM can speed up the work but usually 1GB 
> is ample.
>  >>  >
>  >>  > Which version FM and in what instances does this happen?
>  >>  >
>  >>  > Bodvar
>  >>  >
>  >>  > On Wed, Feb 6, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Shmuel Wolfson  
> wrote:
>  >>  >
>  >>  >> I occasionally have the dreaded "Internal Error" after a search in FM,
>  >>  >>  then FM closes. Would extra RAM help? I have 1 GB of RAM now.
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >>  --
>  >>  >>  Regards,
>  >>  >>  Shmuel Wolfson
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >>  ___
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >
>  >>  >
>  >>  >
>  >>  >
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

SOLVED -- Re: Smart Quotes pretty dumb in Gentium Basic, Minion Pro, andAuld Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and All

2008-02-12 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
You should expect some anomalies as their website warns:

Beta version
These fonts are intended only for preliminary testing, as they contain
bugs. Many aspects of the fonts, including glyph metrics, may change
before the final release.

But thanks for the mentioning the font. I got the above link from an
RGLUG list message today. Real nice fonts. I think I will download the

About the Minion Pro, I don't know if this is of any help but here is
a discussion on problems with diacritics on that font:


On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 10:58 PM, Hedley Finger
>  All:
>  At Tuesday, 12/02/2008, 04:38 AM;, you wrote:
>  >Your latest message must have been transmitted in MIME format. It
>  >came through silent. :)
>  Now that I've got everyone's attention ... somehow that paste didn't
>  happen and I sent off an empty message.  Sorry if it didn't satisfy
>  your humger for knowledge. [Boom, boom.]
>  >Smart Quotes is on but when I press ' or ", question marks (?) appear
>  >in Gentium Basic and Minion Pro fonts, not quotes.
>  >Apart from these [fonts, selected for testing because high quality],
>  >Smart Quotes does not work with any *.ps, *.ttf or
>  >*.otf font from any manufacturer.  Anybody else seen this?  What is the
>  >fix?
>  >You can still insert the single and double quotation marks from the
>  >Character Map on Windows, but what a pain!
>  Well, I discovered the fix is simple.  Choose Format > Document >
>  Text Options and CLEAR the Smart Quotes checkbox.  Yep, deselecting
>  this checkbox causes the appropriate opening and closing quotation
>  marks to be inserted when you press " or ".
>  Regards,
>  Hedley
>  --
>  Hedley Stewart Finger
>  28 Regent Street   Camberwell VIC 3124   Australia
>  Tel. +61 3 9809 1229   Mobile +61 412 461 558,
>  E-mail 
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM abruptly closes with no save

2008-02-15 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
FM 7.2 XP. When looking for a way to remove a ghost revision bar at
the end of a paragraph last in a section in Structured FM (5 or 6
levels closing), I went to Format > Document > Change Bars. When
clicking on that (with the elements highlighted), FM crashed without
saving of any sort, only showing an error message for a moment and
telling it must close.

My first experience in this direction for a long time.

I have not tried to regenerate this error.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Air Atlanta Icelandic.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM abruptly closes with no save

2008-02-15 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
In the MIFfed file I found the offending rascal. Between the closing
of the second last and the last Section level elements, where there
should have been nothing, I found:

   > # end of Font

It seemed impossible to get to it in FM itself. Deleting these lines
in the MIF cleared the change bar. So this (or something similar) is
what to look for in the MIF in such cases.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> FM 7.2 XP. When looking for a way to remove a ghost revision bar at
>  the end of a paragraph last in a section in Structured FM (5 or 6
>  levels closing), I went to Format > Document > Change Bars. When
>  clicking on that (with the elements highlighted), FM crashed without
>  saving of any sort, only showing an error message for a moment and
>  telling it must close.
>  My first experience in this direction for a long time.
>  I have not tried to regenerate this error.
>  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>  Air Atlanta Icelandic.

List of Effective Pages (LEP)

2008-02-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I can endorse that. LEP Tools have in some of my manuals made my life
much easier.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Air Atlanta Icelandic

On Feb 16, 2008 11:58 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith  wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:43:14 -0500, "Harold Winberg"
>  wrote:
> >I have been tasked to help make a List of Effective Pages (LEP) that
> >conforms to military standard MIL-STD-40051-2.
> >
> >The manual is about 6500 pages.
> >
> >I know how the LEP should look but wonder if anyone out there has any
> >great ideas about doing it.
> >
> >We have a manually drafted list which we can finish manually.
> >
> >This could be very tedious.
> >
> >Is there a method or plug in to help do this?
> >
> >Could we generate it??
> >
> >Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
> You need:
>  LEP Tools
>  LEP Tools is a special-purpose FrameMaker plug-in that helps generate
>  a List of Effective Pages for a set of FrameMaker documents. If you
>  create document sets that require a List of Effective Pages, this
>  plug-in may make that process much easier.
>  LEP Tools is $30 for a single-user license, $300 for a site license,
>  and is available for FrameMaker 6.x and 7.x on Windows and Macintosh.
> >From Silicon Prarie, <>.
> HTH!
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.


2008-02-22 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I talked to my IP Director and he advised me to google for info on
logoff scripts. I came up with this for Win XP:

If you go to start > run, type gpedit.msc
This should open the local group policy.
Under the User Configuration > Window Settings > Scripts(Logon/Logoff).
There are key/values for logon and logoff scripts. Doubleclick on
Logoff and then add, and browse to your script or batch file.
I think this should then run when you logoff.

Hope this helps.

Then I should only need the first three lines of the code Mike
supplied to delete the fntcache.dat at logoff forcing Windows to
create a fresh one at next boot.
The script would be saved to
C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Logoff\ folder

I am going to try this. I'' let you know if this is not working.


On Mon, Dec 3, 2007 at 5:34 PM, Mike Wickham  
> > By the way, Framers: it would be nice if I could use some script or ".bat"
>  > file to delete my font cache on Windows shutdown automatically. Any ideas
>  > for this?
>  Create a batch file containing the following lines:
>  @echo off
>  REM Delete fntcache.dat
>  del c:\windows\system32\fntcache.dat
>  REM  Restart Windows in two seconds
>  C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 02
>  Mike Wickham
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
>  To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Registering a new FrameMaker license

2008-02-27 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Ask the seller (if not already stated in the description) whether this
is an unused, sealed copy. By the rules of eBay, wrong information
will deem the seller to refund.

Do not ask for a serial number because the seller will probably know
that such information can (sometimes?) be used illegally on "pirate"
If it is a used copy, get his/her assertion that Adobe has been
advised of the selling and the former user has been de-registered off
the copy. Adobe cannot IMHO prevent anyone from selling his/her copy,
provided that the registration things are in order.

This info is based solely on my own experience with shopping on eBay
or otherwise on the Internet.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Daniel Emory
> I recall recent posts on this subject. Specifically
>  about buying an old version of frame from Ebay, and
>  then registering it with adobe so as to get the
>  upgrade price for the latest version. Apparently, part
>  of the problem is to be sure the copy is not already
>  registered to someone else. How can I be assured that
>  buying the product on Ebay is eligible for
>  registration in my name.
>  Also, I looked aroun on the Adobe website for the
>  subject of how to register Framemaker as the crucial
>  step in buying an upgrade.
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
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> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-11 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

THIS is the group to turn to in or before such woes! ;-)

You don't give much info about your problem with 7.1, but many of us
have had these internal errors. Usually thet are caused by some
setting not being the right one. So, what is the version of your
Acrobat/Distiller? And a little more detailed description of your
process before the crash. Are you experiencing this only when printing
a book to a file or when you try to save book as pdf or does this also
happen when you try to pdf individual files.

That sort of info will help the "team" of FrameUsers to find the solution.

Being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean (GMT) I am going home.

Have an error free weekend.


On Jan 11, 2008 12:28 AM, Emily Berk  wrote:
> Hi FrameUsers:
> I don't know why I thought this list was no more.  I'm glad that it is.  
> Please help me with my FrameMaker 7.1 (yes, I know it's old; I am too and 
> it's all the company I work for is willing to use and I need to be able to 
> generate this one little PDF sometime within the next decade).
> Following is my latest tale of woe.
> I always forget why I always get queasy before calling Adobe's tech support.
> But then, once again, once my interaction with Adobe is complete, the 
> nightmare has only just begun.
> Take today, for instance.  Well, it all started yesterday when I began to get 
> Internal Error crashes when I tried to generate a PDF, any PDF, on any Frame 
> file (not on Word docs) using FrameMaker 7.1.  Because I had a vague 
> recollection of what it was like to interact with Adobe support, I didn't try 
> that.  But I did try a LOT of other stuff.  For hours and hours.  All to no 
> avail.
> So, I decided to try to sleep on the problem, which wasn't a successful 
> strategy for me.  I've had a number of these Internal Error issues come up in 
> the past and they never, ever, never go away on their own.
> Since sleep did not come, I chose to begin my Adobe nightmare early.  Called 
> tech support and spoke with about 3 or 4 perfectly nice folks whose English 
> was very unclear.
> They would have to ask their questions, oh, six or seven times before I 
> realized that they were asking, for the seventh or eighth time, what my 
> customer number or serial number or product  was.
> Eventually, (I was on hold and/or being transferred and then asked redundant 
> questions about 45 minutes) I get to speak with someone about my problem.  He 
> doesn't speak very good English, but I am given to understand that he does 
> not DO FrameMaker support.
> So now I'm on hold again for another very long interval.
> And a guy picks up who DOES speak English.  And I explain my tale of woe -- 
> no change on my end in terms of the software for at least 2 years.  The doc 
> is one I've been working on since last October at least.
> I tell him the whole story and he lets me go on and on and then he tells me, 
> in his good English, that he doesn't know anything whatsoever about 
> FrameMaker.
> But assures me that the guy who next picks up with both know FrameMaker AND 
> be able to speak English.  So I'm on hold again for -- not all that long -- 
> maybe another 8 minutes, but time has been ticking away.
> Then a guy picks up and yes he does speak English and implies that he knows 
> everything one might want to know about FrameMaker.  But he knows nothing 
> about me.
> SO, I have to re-iterate EVERYTHING again.  Customer number, phone number, 
> address, hair color, eye color, preferred brand of beer, product serial 
> number, tale of woe.
> And then, after I'd re-iterated everything, he says, "FrameMaker 7.1 is no 
> longer supported.  You need to search the knowledgebase or buy FrameMaker 8."
> KNEW I WAS USING FRAMEMAKER 7.1.  Why did they just not hang up on me then?
> all those guys who didn't speak good English get paid to delay people like me 
> by the minute.)
> DATABASE FOR Internal Error: 7104, 6063074, 7693891, 0
> And, no, the company I'm working with is NOT going to upgrade to FrameMaker 8 
> just because Adobe did some hidden "upgrade" to 7.1 that made it psychotic.
> Do I sound frantic?  It's probably just stress.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> -- Emily
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at frameuse

The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-14 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

The one thing I cannot see that has been mentioned int this discussion
and was my main teaser is the setting in "Generate Acrobat Data".
Ticking the "Generate Tagged PDF" (and then emptying the box or
leaving only a few things to tag -- for leaner output) did the trick
for me.


On Jan 11, 2008 6:31 PM, Emily Berk  wrote:
> I tried, Gillian, but FrameMaker crashes in the middle of the print to ps so 
> there is no .ps file to distill.
> At 09:56 AM 1/11/2008 -0800, Flato, Gillian wrote:
> >Emily,
> >
> >Did you try printing to a .ps file and then opening Acrobat Distiller
> >and distilling the .ps file into a PDF?
> >
> >
> >-Gillian
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Emily Berk [mailto:emily at]
> >Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 9:46 AM
> >To: Flato, Gillian; framers at
> >Subject: RE: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe
> >support, sigh
> >
> >Gee, everyone is recommending breathing as a good first step.  Maybe we
> >ought to write a self-help book about all the benefits.
> >
> >Seriously, all the supportive responses have been very calming!
> ...
> Emily Berk
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix now available

2008-07-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Finally! -- if it works, that is (but no hurray here -- how many years
has this been taking?)

However, to you Yves, tanks for the information. You get the hurray from me. :-)


On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Yves Barbion  wrote:
> Hi Framers
> Good news for those of you who have experienced the following problems:
>   - Save as PDF leading to a crash.
>   - Text dropping out of PDF created from FrameMaker.
> The only workaround for this nasty problem was to delete fntcache.dat and
> restart Windows. This is no longer necessary (fingers crossed), because a
> Windows Hotfix is now available:
> Hurray, hurray!
> --
> Yves Barbion ? Managing Director Scripto ? Adobe-Certified FrameMaker
> Instructor
> ? skype: yves.barbion ? T: +32 494 12 01 89
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Words dropping out when a PDF is generated

2008-07-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This I have experienced (besides what is due to the FNTCACHE.DAT
problem) when Structured FrameMaker has gobbled up too much memory.
The only solution (until Micro$oft sometime in the next ten years
solves it with a brand new Hotfix ;-) ) is to quit FM and restart or
even to reboot.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 1:52 PM, John Posada  wrote:
> Hi, guys.
> Has anyone experienced the problem of when generating a PDF from a Frame
> book, of random words dropping out; not appearing in the PDF, but their
> space still reserved.
> >From what we can tell, it only happens on XP Pro OS and is more prone
> (though not always) in text inserted by reference.
> --
> John Posada
> Senior Technical Writer
> NYMetro STC President
> 'Half this game is ninety percent mental.'
> -- Danny Ozark, Philadelphia Phillies manager

Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix now available

2008-07-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Seems that this is only for Vista. That is the only option I get and
the file I received was a Vista installation file. I even opened it
using the "expand" function, but this showed only Windows 6.0 related
files (mum and cab).  Is there a way to get this working on XP SP2?

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Yves Barbion  wrote:
> Hi Framers
> Good news for those of you who have experienced the following problems:
>   - Save as PDF leading to a crash.
>   - Text dropping out of PDF created from FrameMaker.
> The only workaround for this nasty problem was to delete fntcache.dat and
> restart Windows. This is no longer necessary (fingers crossed), because a
> Windows Hotfix is now available:
> Hurray, hurray!
> --
> Yves Barbion ? Managing Director Scripto ? Adobe-Certified FrameMaker
> Instructor
> ? skype: yves.barbion ? T: +32 494 12 01 89
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix now available

2008-07-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks for the info, Art. The link was not quite that obvious. But the
odd thing is that all the XP versions seem to assume SP4. I am running
SP2 and only new installations in my company are SP3. None is SP4. I
hope it will not result in some disaster. ;-)


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Art Campbell  wrote:
> When I downloaded from the site, you had to specify your OS, I assume
> in order to get an OS-specific file. I think this is because it is an
> expidited "hot" fix that isn't available for general release yet. But
> I specified XP, and it gave me a file that installed fine.
> 348411_ENU_i386_zip.exe at 715 K
> Art
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> wrote:
>> Seems that this is only for Vista. That is the only option I get and
>> the file I received was a Vista installation file. I even opened it
>> using the "expand" function, but this showed only Windows 6.0 related
>> files (mum and cab).  Is there a way to get this working on XP SP2?
>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> --
> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>  No disclaimers apply.
>  DoD 358

Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix now available

2008-07-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This is a snippet of the list I got:
Select  Product Language  Platform  Release  File name   Version
Build  File size (bytes)  Modified date
Windows XP  English x86 sp4Fix227700  WxP   
731166 5/28/2008 4:45:28 AM
   Windows Server 2003  English x64 sp3Fix233056  win2003
3790  959273  5/28/2008 9:13:53 AM
   Windows Vista  All (Global) ia64 sp2   Fix233053
Vista   6000979687  5/28/2008 8:56:46 PM

Hopefully the Release refers to the number of the hotfix. ?


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Art Campbell  wrote:
> There's still something wrong with that picture, Bodvar. As far as I
> know, there is no SP4.
> SP3 is only a couple months old, and that was supposed to be the last SP for 
> XP.
> Could you be looking at Server 2003 or something else?
> Art
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the info, Art. The link was not quite that obvious. But the
>> odd thing is that all the XP versions seem to assume SP4. I am running
>> SP2 and only new installations in my company are SP3. None is SP4. I
>> hope it will not result in some disaster. ;-)
>> Bodvar
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Art Campbell  
>> wrote:
>>> When I downloaded from the site, you had to specify your OS, I assume
>>> in order to get an OS-specific file. I think this is because it is an
>>> expidited "hot" fix that isn't available for general release yet. But
>>> I specified XP, and it gave me a file that installed fine.
>>> 348411_ENU_i386_zip.exe at 715 K
>>> Art
>>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Seems that this is only for Vista. That is the only option I get and
>>>> the file I received was a Vista installation file. I even opened it
>>>> using the "expand" function, but this showed only Windows 6.0 related
>>>> files (mum and cab).  Is there a way to get this working on XP SP2?
>>>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>>> --
>>> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
>>> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>>>  No disclaimers apply.
>>>  DoD 358
> --
> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>  No disclaimers apply.
>  DoD 358

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix nowavailable

2008-07-09 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
No crashes here either (yet) and I made no other changes than
installing the hotfix.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 6:42 PM, John Sgammato  
> I uninstalled some other potential problems and now all is well - no
> more crashes today.
> -Original Message-
> From: Art Campbell [mailto:art.campbell at]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 8:05 AM
> To: John Sgammato; FrameUsers List
> Subject: Re: Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix
> nowavailable
> John,
> Have you tried uninstalling the fix yet, to compare? (No crashes here,
> yet, but I haven't put it on a production system yet.)
> Art
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:59 AM, John Sgammato 
> wrote:
>> I downloaded and installed the XP file.
>> Since then FM has crashed three times. I never had that problem
> before.
>> john
>> From: framers-bounces at on behalf of Art Campbell
>> Sent: Tue 7/8/2008 7:41 AM
>> To: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson; FrameUsers List
>> Subject: Re: Deleting fntcache.dat no longer necessary: Windows Hotfix
>> nowavailable
>> When I downloaded from the site, you had to specify your OS, I assume
>> in order to get an OS-specific file. I think this is because it is an
>> expidited "hot" fix that isn't available for general release yet. But
>> I specified XP, and it gave me a file that installed fine.
>> 348411_ENU_i386_zip.exe at 715 K
>> Art
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
> wrote:
>>> Seems that this is only for Vista. That is the only option I get and
>>> the file I received was a Vista installation file. I even opened it
>>> using the "expand" function, but this showed only Windows 6.0 related
>>> files (mum and cab).  Is there a way to get this working on XP SP2?
>>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>> --
>> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
>> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson  No disclaimers apply.
>>  DoD 358
>> ___
>> You are currently subscribed to Framers as jsgammato at
>> Send list messages to framers at
>> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>> framers-unsubscribe at
>> or visit
>> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
>> for more resources and info.
> --
> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson  No disclaimers apply.
>  DoD 358
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Condtion color and change bar not showing

2008-06-03 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I was updating a file (chapter) of a book yesterday (regular, not
structured). It had been set up with conditions (deleted, inserted),
the "deleted" condition hidden and everything else showing in B/W and
no change bars.

I deleted all older conditions "deleted". Now I wanted the new
revision to show the appropriate colors for "deleted" and "inserted"
and found the condition tags to show "inserted" as green and "deleted"
as red, both with the change bar set to show. However all attempts to
show color or change bar were unsuccessful. I made a new color tag and
changed the "inserted" condition tag to show the new color, but still
no luck. So my final attempt to solve the problem was to run a compare
on the new v/s the old file and get the fresh changes in full color in
the CMP file. But I still cannot guess what was wrong with the
original file I was working on. I tried to mif-wash the file and no
luck. I tried to mif it and search for something that would shed a
light, but I found nothing that I could really point a finger at. At
least it seemed to me that the conditions were not set in a set of
opening and closing tag, rather that a condition was set until it was
overridden by another condition tag.

Can anyone shed a light on this for me?


Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and when
printing to ps with bookmarks (and tagged or untagged) it always
crashes on the same spot, page 5 of Chapter 4. I can distill the ps
file and it looks fine all the way through chapter 3, but even on the
first page of chapter 4 a lot of text is missing (mainly body format).
There are no offending imported graphics. The first graphic of the
chapter is on page 6 (eps from Illustrator). However there is a lot of
graphics in chapter 3, mainly eps's, but also tifs.

I have MIF-washed Chapter 4, copied the contents of Chapter 4 into a
new file, but the result is always the same.

I am on a tight schedule with this.

Any suggestions?

Thanks beforehand,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Air Atlanta Icelandic

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks Art,

I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
file, so no problem there.
About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed
a book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed
one offending graphic.


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Art Campbell  wrote:
> OK,
> It sounds as if you have two problems, crashing and missing text.
> Have you applied the standard fix for missing text: deleting the
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting? And then distilling
> without opening any unnecessary applications?
> ***
> What version of Acrobat / Distiller are you using, and why are you
> doing a two-step process, printing a PS file and then distilling?
> Art
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> wrote:
>> This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and when
>> printing to ps with bookmarks (and tagged or untagged) it always
>> crashes on the same spot, page 5 of Chapter 4. I can distill the ps
>> file and it looks fine all the way through chapter 3, but even on the
>> first page of chapter 4 a lot of text is missing (mainly body format).
>> There are no offending imported graphics. The first graphic of the
>> chapter is on page 6 (eps from Illustrator). However there is a lot of
>> graphics in chapter 3, mainly eps's, but also tifs.
>> I have MIF-washed Chapter 4, copied the contents of Chapter 4 into a
>> new file, but the result is always the same.
>> I am on a tight schedule with this.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks beforehand,
>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>> Air Atlanta Icelandic
>> --
>> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
>>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
> --
> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>  No disclaimers apply.
>  DoD 358

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
No, I had not tried that yet.
One funny thing. When processing the files with all book components
open, I get recovery files of all files except Chapter 4.



On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Gagne, Bernard (Bolton)  
> Bodvar,
> Have you tried removing the EPS on page 6 of chapter 4 and seeing if it
> distills successfully?
> I have had issues such as you describe, right down to missing text, and
> it has always come down to a problematic EPS image.
> Berny Gagne
> Lead Writer
> Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
> Bolton, Ontario, Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
> Bjorgvinsson
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:31 AM
> To: Frame Users
> Subject: Re: FM Crash chapter 4 page 5
> Thanks Art,
> I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
> file, so no problem there.
> About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
> running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
> applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed a
> book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed one
> offending graphic.
> Bodvar
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Art Campbell 
> wrote:
>> OK,
>> It sounds as if you have two problems, crashing and missing text.
>> Have you applied the standard fix for missing text: deleting the
>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting? And then distilling
>> without opening any unnecessary applications?
>> ***
>> What version of Acrobat / Distiller are you using, and why are you
>> doing a two-step process, printing a PS file and then distilling?
>> Art
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
> wrote:
>>> This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and when
>>> printing to ps with bookmarks (and tagged or untagged) it always
>>> crashes on the same spot, page 5 of Chapter 4. I can distill the ps
>>> file and it looks fine all the way through chapter 3, but even on the
>>> first page of chapter 4 a lot of text is missing (mainly body
> format).
>>> There are no offending imported graphics. The first graphic of the
>>> chapter is on page 6 (eps from Illustrator). However there is a lot
>>> of graphics in chapter 3, mainly eps's, but also tifs.
>>> I have MIF-washed Chapter 4, copied the contents of Chapter 4 into a
>>> new file, but the result is always the same.
>>> I am on a tight schedule with this.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks beforehand,
>>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>>> Air Atlanta Icelandic
>>> --
>>> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
> ingenious."
>>>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
>> --
>> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
>> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson  No disclaimers apply.
>>  DoD 358
> --
> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
> ingenious."
>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I tried this now and same results.


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> No, I had not tried that yet.
> One funny thing. When processing the files with all book components
> open, I get recovery files of all files except Chapter 4.
> Thanks,
> Bodvar
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Gagne, Bernard (Bolton)  
> wrote:
>> Bodvar,
>> Have you tried removing the EPS on page 6 of chapter 4 and seeing if it
>> distills successfully?
>> I have had issues such as you describe, right down to missing text, and
>> it has always come down to a problematic EPS image.
>> Berny Gagne
>> Lead Writer
>> Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
>> Bolton, Ontario, Canada
>> -Original Message-
>> From: framers-bounces at
>> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
>> Bjorgvinsson
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:31 AM
>> To: Frame Users
>> Subject: Re: FM Crash chapter 4 page 5
>> Thanks Art,
>> I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
>> file, so no problem there.
>> About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
>> running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
>> applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed a
>> book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed one
>> offending graphic.
>> Bodvar
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Art Campbell 
>> wrote:
>>> OK,
>>> It sounds as if you have two problems, crashing and missing text.
>>> Have you applied the standard fix for missing text: deleting the
>>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting? And then distilling
>>> without opening any unnecessary applications?
>>> ***
>>> What version of Acrobat / Distiller are you using, and why are you
>>> doing a two-step process, printing a PS file and then distilling?
>>> Art
>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
>> wrote:
>>>> This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and when
>>>> printing to ps with bookmarks (and tagged or untagged) it always
>>>> crashes on the same spot, page 5 of Chapter 4. I can distill the ps
>>>> file and it looks fine all the way through chapter 3, but even on the
>>>> first page of chapter 4 a lot of text is missing (mainly body
>> format).
>>>> There are no offending imported graphics. The first graphic of the
>>>> chapter is on page 6 (eps from Illustrator). However there is a lot
>>>> of graphics in chapter 3, mainly eps's, but also tifs.
>>>> I have MIF-washed Chapter 4, copied the contents of Chapter 4 into a
>>>> new file, but the result is always the same.
>>>> I am on a tight schedule with this.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> Thanks beforehand,
>>>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>>>> Air Atlanta Icelandic
>>>> --
>>>> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
>> ingenious."
>>>>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
>>> --
>>> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
>>> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson  No disclaimers apply.
>>>  DoD 358
>> --
>> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
>> ingenious."
>>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
>> ___
>> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>> Send list messages to framers at
>> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>> framers-unsubscribe at
>> or visit 
>> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
>> for more resources and info.
> --
> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Art Campbell  wrote:
> Can you print Chapter 4 to PDF by itself?
> Art
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> wrote:
>> I tried this now and same results.
>> Bodvar
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>> wrote:
>>> No, I had not tried that yet.
>>> One funny thing. When processing the files with all book components
>>> open, I get recovery files of all files except Chapter 4.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bodvar
>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Gagne, Bernard (Bolton) >>> wrote:
>>>> Bodvar,
>>>> Have you tried removing the EPS on page 6 of chapter 4 and seeing if it
>>>> distills successfully?
>>>> I have had issues such as you describe, right down to missing text, and
>>>> it has always come down to a problematic EPS image.
>>>> Berny Gagne
>>>> Lead Writer
>>>> Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
>>>> Bolton, Ontario, Canada
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: framers-bounces at
>>>> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
>>>> Bjorgvinsson
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:31 AM
>>>> To: Frame Users
>>>> Subject: Re: FM Crash chapter 4 page 5
>>>> Thanks Art,
>>>> I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
>>>> file, so no problem there.
>>>> About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
>>>> running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
>>>> applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed a
>>>> book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed one
>>>> offending graphic.
>>>> Bodvar
>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Art Campbell 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> OK,
>>>>> It sounds as if you have two problems, crashing and missing text.
>>>>> Have you applied the standard fix for missing text: deleting the
>>>>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting? And then distilling
>>>>> without opening any unnecessary applications?
>>>>> ***
>>>>> What version of Acrobat / Distiller are you using, and why are you
>>>>> doing a two-step process, printing a PS file and then distilling?
>>>>> Art
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and when
>>>>>> printing to ps with bookmarks (and tagged or untagged) it always
>>>>>> crashes on the same spot, page 5 of Chapter 4. I can distill the ps
>>>>>> file and it looks fine all the way through chapter 3, but even on the
>>>>>> first page of chapter 4 a lot of text is missing (mainly body
>>>> format).
>>>>>> There are no offending imported graphics. The first graphic of the
>>>>>> chapter is on page 6 (eps from Illustrator). However there is a lot
>>>>>> of graphics in chapter 3, mainly eps's, but also tifs.
>>>>>> I have MIF-washed Chapter 4, copied the contents of Chapter 4 into a
>>>>>> new file, but the result is always the same.
>>>>>> I am on a tight schedule with this.
>>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>>> Thanks beforehand,
>>>>>> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>>>>>> Air Atlanta Icelandic
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
>>>> ingenious."
>>>>>>  -- Edsel Murphy, dec.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Art Campbell art.campbell at
>>>>>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
>>>>> and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson  No disclaimers apply.
>>>>>  DoD 358

Printing Error with FM

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Dov,

This is new to me, as it has been stressed on many occations that the
EPS should be saved as PS language level 3. Almost all my EPSs are.
Could this be the thing that is causing me all the trouble these days
(see message thread "FM Crash chapter 4 page 5")?



On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
> .EPS files are "Encapsulated PostScript" containing a low resolution
> TIFF header and PostScript text. In the case of EPS saved from
> Illustrator, certain "private data" is stored in comments in the
> PostScript text from which Illustrator can properly "reopen" and "edit"
> the EPS files saved from Illustrator.
> If you are having problems with EPS files saved from Adobe Illustrator,
> check and make sure you are saving them as PostScript language level 2
> as opposed to PostScript language level 3. That is most likely the cause
> of your problems!
>- Dov
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Lewis [mailto:ltc.writer at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:14 AM
>> I have been referencing .eps files into the FM file. The reason I had been
>> printing directly from the FrameMaker document was because it is easy for me
>> to proofread a hard copy (a whole another issue) as I work on a document.
>> From the excellent suggestions I've received, it looks like I should be
>> making a PDF and then print from that. However, it takes twice as long to
>> get a copy that I can proofread. Obviously, the finished document can be
>> printed from the PDF and that is what I always deliver to my clients.
>> Dov mentions the .AI format. I've always saved as .EPS because that is what
>> I was told to do several years ago. Most of my illustrations are line art
>> and some .BMP files that I added callouts or edited in Illustrator. Frankly,
>> I do not know the difference between .AI and .EPS. The online Help does not
>> give me enough information. So, what is the difference and what should I be
>> using in my FrameMaker documents?
>> Tim Lewis
>> Lewis Technical Communications, Inc.
>> ltc.writer at
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Dov Isaacs [mailto:isaacs at]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:52 AM
>> > To: Tim Lewis; framers at
>> > Subject: RE: Printing Error with FM
>> >
>> > What is not clear from your description is exactly WHAT you are
>> > referencing
>> > in your FrameMaker documents. If you are referencing a .AI file, you
>> > are in
>> > effect referencing a PDF 1.3 file; FrameMaker really knows nothing
>> > about
>> > the Illustrator document format but rather is able to convert the PDF
>> > inside
>> > a .AI file saved with the PDF compatibility option to EPS when
>> > importing;
>> > that's what really happens.
>> >
>> > Thus, what probably happened was the equivalent of placing an EPS file
>> > with
>> > PostScript 3 constructs into your FramMaker document. When you printed
>> > directly
>> > from FrameMaker, the PostScript 3 is what choked your printer. Of
>> > course,
>> > if you created PDF and printed from that (by the way, a much better
>> > solution
>> > in general than EVER printing directly from FrameMaker), as you
>> > found,
>> > Acrobat (or Reader) has the smarts to downgrade to PostScript language
>> > level 2
>> > constructs as necessary for your PostScript Level 2 device.
>> >
>> > Here are your alternatives:
>> >
>> > (1) Continue what you are doing and always print from Acrobat or
>> > Reader
>> > instead of FrameMaker (not a bad choice in the general case -- this is
>> > something I personally do with most all applications these days! I get
>> > to
>> > see on-screen what I will print and do some cursory pre-flight to avoid
>> > wasted printing).
>> >
>> > (2) Save your Illustrator documents as EPS language level 2 and
>> > import
>> > those into FrameMaker instead. This will pessimize things such as
>> > gradients,
>> > but otherwise you should be OK.
>> >
>> > (3) There is a maker.ini setting for controlling the conversion of
>> > PDF
>> > to EPS (I don't have a reference with me for the exact setting). Change
>> > that
>> > to indicate PostScript language level 2 instead of 3 (ironically, I
>> > thought
>> > that the default for that was 2, not 3!)
>> >
>> > (4) Go out and buy a new printer. If you are happy with the printer
>> > you
>> > currently have, this is the most ridiculous solution!
>> >
>> > Personally, I'd go with solution (1).
>> >
>> > - Dov
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources an

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I am utterly flabbergasted! This worked. Thanks.

In the early times of FM7.2 and/or Acrobat6 or 7 (IIRC), crashes were
bound to happen if the Generate Tagged PDF" was not set.
And now Dov tells us that another "must" has to be the other way
around. I am referring to the language level setting in EPS made from

This is a weird day.
I hope this will stick for some time. I would hate to wake up
tomorrow, finding out that the things that worked today will not or
that there is something else that I have been doing "right" for years
must be done the other way around. :-(

It is time for "my tea" as the Englishmen say, so I am going home now.

Thanks to everyone that helped -- or tried to.

One final word to Adobe: Please make effort to make FM stable in
handling all sorts of situation. I am really getting tired of the all
to frequent surprises.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Air Atlanta Icelandic

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Art Campbell  wrote:
> Try toggling the Generate Tagged PDF setting for the book
> Art
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
> wrote:
>> Yes
>> Bodvar
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Art Campbell  
>> wrote:
>>> Can you print Chapter 4 to PDF by itself?
>>> Art
>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>>> wrote:
>>>> I tried this now and same results.
>>>> Bodvar
>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> No, I had not tried that yet.
>>>>> One funny thing. When processing the files with all book components
>>>>> open, I get recovery files of all files except Chapter 4.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Bodvar
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Gagne, Bernard (Bolton) >>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Bodvar,
>>>>>> Have you tried removing the EPS on page 6 of chapter 4 and seeing if it
>>>>>> distills successfully?
>>>>>> I have had issues such as you describe, right down to missing text, and
>>>>>> it has always come down to a problematic EPS image.
>>>>>> Berny Gagne
>>>>>> Lead Writer
>>>>>> Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
>>>>>> Bolton, Ontario, Canada
>>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>>> From: framers-bounces at
>>>>>> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
>>>>>> Bjorgvinsson
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:31 AM
>>>>>> To: Frame Users
>>>>>> Subject: Re: FM Crash chapter 4 page 5
>>>>>> Thanks Art,
>>>>>> I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
>>>>>> file, so no problem there.
>>>>>> About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
>>>>>> running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
>>>>>> applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed a
>>>>>> book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed one
>>>>>> offending graphic.
>>>>>> Bodvar
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Art Campbell 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> OK,
>>>>>>> It sounds as if you have two problems, crashing and missing text.
>>>>>>> Have you applied the standard fix for missing text: deleting the
>>>>>>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting? And then distilling
>>>>>>> without opening any unnecessary applications?
>>>>>>> ***
>>>>>>> What version of Acrobat / Distiller are you using, and why are you
>>>>>>> doing a two-step process, printing a PS file and then distilling?
>>>>>>> Art
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson >>>>>>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is weird. I am working on a nonstructured FM (7.2) book and whe

Printing Error with FM

2008-06-05 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Sorry, and thanks for pointing that out, Dov. I did not read the thread through.
I am relieved. :-)


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
> Bodvar,
> You must read my response in CONTEXT to the thread. The OP wanted
> a solution to printing directly from FrameMaker to a PostScript
> language level 2 printer. In that case, EPS must be no more than
> language level 2. That being said, my original response recommended
> as the best solution to simply create PDF and print from Reader or
> Acrobat. With that solution PostScript language level 3 EPS is no
> longer a problem and should be what you import into FrameMaker
> documents.
>- Dov
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson [mailto:bodvar at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 11:16 AM
>> To: Dov Isaacs
>> Cc: Tim Lewis; framers at
>> Subject: Re: Printing Error with FM
>> Hi Dov,
>> This is new to me, as it has been stressed on many occations that the
>> EPS should be saved as PS language level 3. Almost all my EPSs are.
>> Could this be the thing that is causing me all the trouble these days
>> (see message thread "FM Crash chapter 4 page 5")?
>> Regards,
>> Bodvar
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
>> > .EPS files are "Encapsulated PostScript" containing a low resolution
>> > TIFF header and PostScript text. In the case of EPS saved from
>> > Illustrator, certain "private data" is stored in comments in the
>> > PostScript text from which Illustrator can properly "reopen" and "edit"
>> > the EPS files saved from Illustrator.
>> >
>> > If you are having problems with EPS files saved from Adobe Illustrator,
>> > check and make sure you are saving them as PostScript language level 2
>> > as opposed to PostScript language level 3. That is most likely the cause
>> > of your problems!
>> >
>> >- Dov

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-05 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
To day is another day. :-(

Now it crashes again and on the same exact spot. I finally tried to
remove Chapter 3 from the book. This way the book printed OK to ps.
Then I printed Chapter 3 separately (also with bookmarks) and inserted
that into the distilled pdf from the book, moved the bookmarks to the
right place and everything works fine apart from the links in the ToC
to Chapter 3 which think that there must be some different file to
look for. I can live with that in this case.

This leads me to think that Chapter 3 maybe takes up too much
resources or memory. It includes some 6 tifs and 15 eps graphics
(referenced) which are in fact mostly full pages from pdf documents.

Can anyone comment on how XP SP2 memory or resources deal with EPSs in FM?


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> Art,
> I am utterly flabbergasted! This worked. Thanks.
> In the early times of FM7.2 and/or Acrobat6 or 7 (IIRC), crashes were
> bound to happen if the Generate Tagged PDF" was not set.
> And now Dov tells us that another "must" has to be the other way
> around. I am referring to the language level setting in EPS made from
> AI.
> This is a weird day.
> I hope this will stick for some time. I would hate to wake up
> tomorrow, finding out that the things that worked today will not or
> that there is something else that I have been doing "right" for years
> must be done the other way around. :-(
> It is time for "my tea" as the Englishmen say, so I am going home now.
> Thanks to everyone that helped -- or tried to.
> One final word to Adobe: Please make effort to make FM stable in
> handling all sorts of situation. I am really getting tired of the all
> to frequent surprises.
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Air Atlanta Icelandic
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Art Campbell  
> wrote:
>> Try toggling the Generate Tagged PDF setting for the book
>> Art
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>> wrote:
>>> Yes
>>> Bodvar
>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Art Campbell  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Can you print Chapter 4 to PDF by itself?
>>>> Art
>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I tried this now and same results.
>>>>> Bodvar
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> No, I had not tried that yet.
>>>>>> One funny thing. When processing the files with all book components
>>>>>> open, I get recovery files of all files except Chapter 4.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Bodvar
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Gagne, Bernard (Bolton) >>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Bodvar,
>>>>>>> Have you tried removing the EPS on page 6 of chapter 4 and seeing if it
>>>>>>> distills successfully?
>>>>>>> I have had issues such as you describe, right down to missing text, and
>>>>>>> it has always come down to a problematic EPS image.
>>>>>>> Berny Gagne
>>>>>>> Lead Writer
>>>>>>> Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
>>>>>>> Bolton, Ontario, Canada
>>>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>>>> From: framers-bounces at
>>>>>>> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bodvar
>>>>>>> Bjorgvinsson
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:31 AM
>>>>>>> To: Frame Users
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: FM Crash chapter 4 page 5
>>>>>>> Thanks Art,
>>>>>>> I have a script that runs at shutdown that deletes the FNTCACHE.DAT
>>>>>>> file, so no problem there.
>>>>>>> About unnecessary apps, there is always a lot of processes that are
>>>>>>> running, but, yes, I have after reboot deleted all unnecessary
>>>>>>> applications before printing again to ps. And only Friday I processed a
>>>>>>> book 2,5 times larger without a glitch -- i.e. after I had changed one

FM Crash chapter 4 page 5

2008-06-06 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
All the pages were EPS'd from PDF according to the old "Gospel". ;-)
I will, when I get the time again, try the PDF approach, as so many
have suggested and I have successfully done in many other (more
recently prepared) manuals. At least I have not had any problems with
such pdfs to speak of.

Again, thanks to all that helped or tried to. This list is really something. :-)


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Fred Ridder  wrote:
> You say all those EPSs are pages from PDF documents. Have you tried
> importing them directly as PDF images? I'm thinking that perhaps the
> raster preview images that are required for the EPSs might be clogging
> your available memory. Importing PDFs directly eliminates the need for
> the "bulky" preview images because the PDF can be directly rendered
> on-screen.
> -FR
"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

How to include font size indicator on formatting toolbar

2008-06-06 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
You mean: View > Formatting Bar ?


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Duncan, Gary  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A colleague wants to know how to get the font size indicator to show on
> the Frame formatting toolbar. This shows on my tool bar but I cannot
> remember how I got it to show.
> Does anyone know how to make this show on the toolbar?
> Thank you...
> Gary
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
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> framers-unsubscribe at
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> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

question about open source DTP program

2008-06-12 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Can't say I have. I tried it on my Linux a couple of years ago while
still in its low 0. (which would mean Beta). It  was very slow and
rather buggy at that time. I have only heard of it since and the
reputation is getting better. This is one of the applications that I
would very much like to explore. And your link reminds me that I
should check it out soon. :-)

In the Open Source environment, the thing that comes closest to FM is
probably TeX/LaTeX, but it sadly lacks proper graphical front end.
There  are front ends available for it and special applications based
on it, but they seem to be limited to writing theses, mainly in the
mathematical area.

Thanks for the link.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Deborah Wible  wrote:
> Hi there.
> Does anyone who has experience with a free open source DTP program at
>>  care to comment on
> it?
> For example, is anyone at your company using it for brochures or
> collateral?
> One (old) review touted it as a replacement for InDesign or QuarkExpress
> I'm CERTAIN there is no open source DTP replacement that has the power
> and flexibility of FrameMaker (which I love), but correct me if I'm
> wrong! Thanks.
> --deb--
> ___


2008-06-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:45 PM, William Abernathy  wrote:
> Richard's solution is spot-on. For a long time, I deleted any extra spaces I 
> saw
> at the end of a paragraph,
> --William

Actually, there is one downside to this that I frequently come across,
but this has mainly to do with headings that go into a ToC or the
like. If you leave a space at the end of a heading also this space
will be imported to the ToC too, so that if you have a dotted tab
after the heading it will add space before the tab dotted line.

Also, and this appears mainly in narrow columns, trailing spaces
somtimes affect the line it appears in if the line is just on the
verge of splitting. I can see this by removing the space, then the
whole line rearranges itself on the screen (filling the not so empty
space to the right). I have not tested this thoroughly with printed
samples though.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Is there a way to paste text as default?

2008-03-06 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I did not even know of the "personal" maker.ini, but it is there sure
enough. HOWEVER, I would not recommend putting these things in there,
the reason being:
1. ~\Documents and Settings\ ~~~ da da da \maker.ini showed with
today's stamp, implying that it is regenerated each time you boot.
2. The "personal" maker.ini file only shows portions of the main file
and seems to handle locations of folders and such.
3. Everyone has recommended doing the changes on the main maker.ini.

QUESTION: Did you remember to restart (close and start again)
FrameMaker after doing the changes? The maker.ini changes will not
affect the already running FM, as this is only a file it reads at



On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:24 AM, Inbar, Paul  wrote:
> Hi Will,
>  I don't know how things are setup on your system, but on my system the
>  other maker.ini is located here:
>  C:\Documents and Settings\\Application
>  Data\Adobe\FrameMaker\7.2
>  Good luck,
>  Paul
>  -Original Message-
>  From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Whites
>  Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:05 AM
>  To: Reng, Dr. Winfried
>  Cc: framers at
>  Subject: Re: Is there a way to paste text as default?
>  Here's the mystery -
>  Running 7.2 on XP, sp2. I only have the one maker.ini (the one in the
>  Program Files folder). I did a search through the entire C drive for
>  the second one.  Nothing shows up. Of course, when I move the TEXT
>  option to the head of the list in the Program Files file, it doesn't
>  change how the paste function works.  Any hints where my other
>  maker.ini might be lurking??
>  will white
>  On Mar 5, 2008, at 4:14 AM, Reng, Dr. Winfried wrote:
>  > Hi Marta,
>  >
>  > In the maker.ini file change the order of formats
>  > for ClipboardFormatsPriorities, so that TEXT comes
>  > first. Newer FM versions have 2 maker.ini files,
>  > one in the Program Files folder and one in your
>  > personal folder.
>  >
>  > This change in the maker.ini file works only for text
>  > which you copied in another application. If you want
>  > to paste FM text, you should use additional utilities
>  > which strip the formatting info.
>  >
>  > Best regards
>  >
>  > Winfried
>  >
>  >> -Original Message-
>  >> From: framers-bounces at
>  >> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
>  >> Berman, Marta
>  >> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 9:57 AM
>  >> To: framers at
>  >> Subject: Is there a way to paste text as default?
>  >>
>  >>  Is there a way to set the default paste option in FrameMaker
>  >>  to Text  (so that I don't have to use Paste Special > Text) ?
>  >>
>  >> Thanks
>  >> Marta Berman
>  > ___
>  >
>  >
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>  >
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>  >
>  >
>  > Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
>  > for more resources and info.
>  +++
>  There's the right way and the wrong way.
>  Then there's my way - which is like the wrong way, but faster.
>  +++
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as paul.inbar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
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>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit
> om
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> for more resources and info.
>  -
>  Intel Israel (74) Limited
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"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because foo

Is there a way to paste text as default?

2008-03-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks Fred,

I stand corrected.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Fred Ridder  wrote:
>  In responding about the personal copy of maker.ini Bodvar wrote (in part):
>  > 1. ~\Documents and Settings\ ~~~ da da da \maker.ini showed with
>  > today's stamp, implying that it is regenerated each time you boot.
>  Not true. What happens is that the current session's preference items
>  get saved each time you exit FrameMaker so that they will be used as
>  the defaults the next time you start FrameMaker.
>  > 2. The "personal" maker.ini file only shows portions of the main file
>  > and seems to handle locations of folders and such.
>  The personal maker.ini can specify a personal override value for *any*
>  parameter that is controlled by the ini file. By default, it included
> things
>  like default directories, user dictionaires, user preference items like
>  automatic save, and default locations of dialog boxes--all the kinds
>  of things that any user is likely to set for their own personal preference.
>  The whole point is to allow different users of a shared computer to
>  set up their defaults the way they like them without interfering with
>  other users. When you start FramemMaker, the main maker.ini is read
>  first, then the current user's maker.ini. This means that all settings in
>  the main maker.ini are used except for the specific items that are
>  included in the personal maker.ini.
>  Fred Ridder
> Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.

OT: Adobe PS3 drivers

2008-05-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
We are in the process of updating our PostScript color printer. Only a
few seem to be offering true Adobe PS3 printers, but one of the agents
(with a brand that seems to offer either one of true Adobe PS3 or a
PS3 emulator) says that Adobe no longer provides drivers, only
licenses for third parties to make those, resulting in diminishing
offers of printers with the "Adobe PS3" logo.

Can anyone on the list confirm this or explain this? (Dov? Shlomo?)

Thank you,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Air Atlanta Icelandic

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Framemaker Class

2008-05-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Bright Path Solutions ( ) is based
in or around Raleigh, NC.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Deirdre Reagan  
> Just to be clear, I'm looking for names of companies.  I can travel to
>  Atlanta, Birmingham, and Washington DC. (and other places in the
>  Southeast)
>  On 5/7/08, Deirdre Reagan  wrote:
>  > So my company wants me to look into Framemaker Classes.  I am in
>  > Mobile, Alabama.
>  >
>  > Anyone have any opinions about where I should take classes?
>  >
>  > I learn much better in person than over the computer, so I would want
>  > to take a traditional class.
>  >
>  > Thanks!
>  >
>  > Deirdre
>  >
>  ___
>  You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
>  Send list messages to framers at
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>  framers-unsubscribe at
>  or visit 
>  Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Framemaker Books

2008-05-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Deirdre Reagan  
> Hi all:
>  I know this topic was just covered, and I've searched for it in the
>  archives, but I'd like also to get your opinions.
>  I've been told that Framemaker:  Classroom in a Book is an excellent
>  resource for learning FM.  But on Amazon, the reviews are very poor.

Very good for starting on your own. Helpful for preparing for
intensive courses, like BrightPath's Bootcamps and for others too, I'm

>  Framemaker 7:  The Complete Reference by O'Keefe has good reviews, but
>  it doesn't seem to be available anymore.

I highly recommend this book. Look for it at
It is not a "Complete Reference" as included in the first title, but
an excellent textbook.

>  Framemaker 6: Beyond the Basics by Jahred has outstanding reviews but
>  it also is no longer available.

Don't know it.



>  Any suggestions?
>  Deirdre
>  ___
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"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Framemaker Uses

2008-05-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
For my company: Operations Manuals of all sorts, some forms, even the
odd report. More and more are
On the side: New Testament, Psalms and Proverbia (all structured).

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Deirdre Reagan  
> Just out of curiosity, what kinds of documents are people producing in
>  Framemaker?
>  Our department produces aeronautial documents, such as Component
>  Maintenance Manuals, Aircraft Maintenance Manuals, Wiring Diagram
>  Manuals, and Illustrated Parts Catalogs.
>  Do people produce books and magazines with Framemaker?  Is Stephen
>  King writing his next masterpiece on Framemaker?  Does Anna Wintour
>  use Framemaker to kick the next issue of Vogue to the curb? Are there
>  websites that have been created in a Framemaker environment?
>  I'm curious to know how widely used this product is and for what 
> applications.
>  Thanks!
>  Deirdre
>  ___
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>  Send list messages to framers at
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> for more resources and info.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Book file too big

2008-05-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I often had this problem until I made sure (by automation) that the
dreaded FNTCACHE.DAT file was deleted every time I shut the computer
down. Since that I have not had this problem. So got to your
C:\WINDOWS\System32\, find the file, delete it and reboot. This is a
file that will be re-created on boot.
I recently wrote on the list a procedure to make Windows do this
automatically. It has worked fine so far.

Best regards,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 8:04 PM, HSC Italian  wrote:
>  Hi Rick,
>  That's good news that you don't think it's maxing out ... as I have 130 more 
> files to add to it :)
>  Here's the Distiller error:
>  %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: _objdef 
> A290821.1 ]%%
>  Stack:
>  /ANN
>  /Custom
>  /Subtype
>  [0 0 0]
>  /Border
>  [4689 2286 7299 2086]
>  /Rect
>  {A290821.1}
>  /_objdef
>  -dict-
>  %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
>  %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
>  Distill Time: 00 Hour(s) : 00 Minute(s) : 19.16 Second(s)
>   End of Job 
>  Thanks!
>  Heidi
>  > From: frameexpert at> To: twins398 at; framers at 
>> Subject: Re: Book file too big> Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 
> 15:54:22 -0400> > Hi Heidi,> > I doubt if it is maxed out. What is the text 
> of the error you get in the > Distiller error log?> > Rick Quatro> Carmen 
> Publishing> 585-659-8267>> > > Hello Framers,> > I have a 
> book that consist of close to 500 files. The total page count is > shy of 
> 900.> > The problem: I cannot print a .pdf. I've created mifs to correct the 
> issue > in a given file and it worked, but then a few files down it did it on 
> > another file. I mifed ALL the files, tried to print to PDF again and now it 
> > stopping on one particular page. I've mifed it, I've saved the content in a 
> > new file container, blah blah. It won't go budge!> > Is it possible this 
> book, with umpteen xrefs to other files in the book is > just maxed out?> > 
> Any insight is much appreciated!> > Heidi> 
> ___
>   __>
>  _
>  Make Windows Vista more reliable and secure with Windows Vista Service Pack 
> 1.
> ___
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"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

Adobe PS3 drivers

2008-05-08 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

Thank you. Yes, this answers my question. I will forward this to the
Canon printers/photocopiers agent.

Also thanks to Mike Wickham. It is a Xerox Phaser 7300DT we are replacing.
Ricoh/Nashuatec/Gestetner/Rex Rotary/Infotec and some of Lanier are
all the same thing, all owned by Ricoh Group, IIRC.

Best regards,


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Dov Isaacs  wrote:
> Bodvar,
>  You are NOT being given very accurate information from your so-called
>  agent.
>  First of all, Adobe has not provided its own PostScript driver since
>  Windows NT 4 and Windows'98 days. Since then (i.e., for Windows 2000,
>  Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows Vista, and Windows 2008 Server),
>  the driver distributed by Microsoft with Windows, the PSCRIPT5.DLL driver,
>  is the driver that was developed by a collaboration of Adobe with Microsoft
>  and now maintained by Microsoft. Virtually all Adobe's OEMs package up
>  this driver along with some added-value "plug-ins" along their products.
>  (Providers of CloneScript devices often do likewise, although many of them
>  distribute a fairly unreliable PostScript driver sourced from other
>  companies - a separate discussion.)
>  There are a good number of printers available with Adobe PostScript 3. They
>  are available from Xerox, OKI, Ricoh, Xant?, Dell, Fuji Xerox, and others.
>  Some high end printer vendors sell their print engines with EFI RIPs or
>  Spire RIPs that all use Adobe PostScript 3.
>  The availability of these printers has nothing to do with drivers. A fully
>  functional PostScript driver is delivered by Microsoft with every copy of
>  Windows.
>  (Note that the "Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer" available on
>  Adobe's website has not been updated since the days of Windows 2000. For
>  Windows 2000 and later, all it does is use the system's own PostScript driver
>  and associates it with a user designated PPD file, similar to how the 
> built-in
>  Windows "Add Printer Wizard" works. This installer is a 16-bit installer and
>  does not work properly with Windows Vista nor with any 64-bit Windows 
> version.)
>  Does that answer your question?!?
> - Dov
>  > -Original Message-
>  > From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>  > Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 8:33 AM
>  > To: Frame Users
>  > Subject: OT: Adobe PS3 drivers
>  >
>  > We are in the process of updating our PostScript color printer. Only a
>  > few seem to be offering true Adobe PS3 printers, but one of the agents
>  > (with a brand that seems to offer either one of true Adobe PS3 or a
>  > PS3 emulator) says that Adobe no longer provides drivers, only
>  > licenses for third parties to make those, resulting in diminishing
>  > offers of printers with the "Adobe PS3" logo.
>  >
>  > Can anyone on the list confirm this or explain this? (Dov? Shlomo?)
>  >
>  > Thank you,
>  >
>  > Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
>  > Air Atlanta Icelandic

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
 -- Edsel Murphy, dec.

[framescript-users] OT: File Permissions

2010-06-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Maybe you need to log in as admin and change the file ownership from there
if you don't have the rights with your regular login?


2010/6/15 Rick Quatro 

> Hello Framers,
> Excuse the off-topic post, but I need a little direction with copying files
> from a hard drive. I friend gave me a hard drive from his disabled
> computer.
> He wants his files from the Document and Settings folder. I put the hard
> drive in my computer and attempted to copy the Document and Settings folder
> to my hard drive. I am getting "Access Denied" messages. I can change the
> permissions for each individual folder, but there must be a way for me to
> copy all of the folders without messing with the permissions. Any advice
> would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing Inc.
> 585-659-8267
> rick at 
> *** Frame Automation blog at
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"Life is not only a game--it is also a dance on roses."
--Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

Printing to PS and distilling to PDF question

2010-03-09 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks, Dov. Very illuminating.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

2010/3/8 Dov Isaacs :
> A few comments about this issue:
> (1) ? ? The Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance used to create PDF
> explicitly by printing or implicitly by the FrameMaker "save as PDF"
> feature has a special option in its "driver plug-in" component labeled
> "Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts." This option is
> accessed as follows from the "Adobe PDF" printer:
> ? ? ? ?Adobe PDF=>Properties=>Advanced (tab)=>Printing Defaults=>
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Adobe PDF Settings (tab)
> as well as from:
> ? ? ? ?Adobe PDF=>Properties=>General (tab)=>Printing Preferences=>
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Adobe PDF Settings (tab)
> Both of these areas need to be set the same way although usually, setting
> via the Printing Defaults method sets the Printing Preferences (but don't
> count on it!).
> (2) ? ? The function of this option is (supposedly) very simple. If the
> option is enabled, the driver does not put any fonts into the PostScript
> stream to be distilled. Why is this important or useful? It turns out that
> the PostScript generated by the Windows PostScript driver, PSCRIPT5, and
> especially the inclusion of fonts in that PostScript stream, is optimized
> for consumption by a PostScript printer, not for creation of PDF. The
> driver includes incrementally downloaded font fragments which is not
> optimal for the Distiller and could cause problems later in a workflow
> when trying to merge PDF file fragments together. When this option is
> checked on, the driver puts no fonts in the PostScript; the Distiller
> itself finds the fonts and puts them into the PDF file in a more
> cohesive, organized manner.
> (3) ? ? There are situations, however, that cause problems The first of these
> situation is when fonts are passed through to the driver by what is known
> as the driver "PostScript escape mechanism." This is the means by which
> EPS (or by extension, PDF) placed in a FrameMaker document is passed through
> the driver to the final PostScript stream and many such EPS (or PDF) files
> have embedded fonts which are then encountered by the driver. In FrameMaker 9,
> if you don't use the RGB option for the "save as PDF" feature, FrameMaker's
> UNIX PostScript generator (the entity responsible for creating CMYK 
> PostScript)
> also embed fonts in the PostScript stream it in generating. In either case, if
> the driver senses these fonts being passed through when the "rely on system
> fonts only" option is enabled, it throws up (guess that's a good way of
> putting it) the error message requiring you to turn off that option.
> (4) ? ? The second problematic situation is that of applications that 
> privately
> install fonts. There are two examples of this. Microsoft Office application
> documents have the ability to carry embedded TrueType and OpenType (TrueType
> flavor only) fonts if and only if such fonts allow full embedability. When
> Office applications open such documents, they privately install those
> embedded fonts for your use while editing the document. Similarly, if you
> try to print a font sample for a font that isn't installed on your system
> (i.e., you double-click on a font icon and print from the font preview
> presented by Windows), the font preview function temporarily privately 
> installs
> the font. The nasty however is that, privately installed fonts are passed 
> through
> Windows GDI and the driver (resulting in their embedding in the PostScript 
> stream),
> but cannot be seen by the Distiller which is run in a separate system process
> and cannot access (or even know about) the privately installed fonts. In this
> situation, you don't know what's going on until you get either a Distiller 
> warning
> or error (depending upon you joboptions).
> (5) ? ? There is a known bug in the Acrobat updater that totally resets all 
> your
> printer settings for the "Adobe PDF" PostScript printer driver instance every
> time you update Acrobat. These days, in order to stay ahead of the hackers, 
> the
> Acrobat group at Adobe has been issuing updates on an almost monthly basis 
> which
> means that every time you update Acrobat, you had better follow that with 
> resetting
> all the "Adobe PDF" settings to your own preference. That includes the default
> joboptions used for the distillation process.
> Clear as mud?
> ? ? ? ?- Dov
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tammy Van Boening
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 6:07 AM
>> To: framers at

translating into Icelandic and Serbian?

2010-03-23 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am not quite sure I understand you correctly, but then just respond

You will not find anything approximating Icelandic. You can set the
quotes to German quotes. That is the Icelandic convention too.
I don't have FM9. I tried FM8 a couple of years ago, but it was too
limited, and I have since not had any reason to try FM9 out, so I
really don't have much comparison, but having full UTF-8 support, it
should do a fine thing.

Adobe has, however, not added support for Icelandic for this Latin-1
group language for FM. They have (some) Icelandic support in ID, but
spin us up with Eastern Europe languages which are not the least
related (except being Indo-European). So no spellchecking, no
automatic hyphenation and no Thesaurus.

There might be a way around this to save in XML and do the
spellchecking in some Linux/UNIX XML editor using i-spell or a-spell.
Hunspell  for Icelandic is in the pipes, hopefully ready some time
next year.

I would be happy to look into this with you if you like. I have been
using Structured FM7.2 for three different layouts of Icelandic New
Testament, Psalms and Proverbia for the Icelandic Gideons.

XML language settings are IS/is for Icelandic.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

2010/3/23 LW White :
> Using Frame9, DITA. A client translates into Icelandic and Serbian (among 
> many other languages) but these are the only two that do not have 
> corresponding Language values. What should be my approach--should I select 
> the "closest" available language (that being a gray area, I fear) or is there 
> some plug-in I should install? I installed support for all languages when I 
> installed Frame. What are folks translating into these languages currently 
> doing?
> Thanks,
> Leigh

translating into Icelandic and Serbian?

2010-03-24 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Leigh,

We're getting there! ;-)

You are right, there is nothing really that FM can do as to
hyphenation and spellchecking in Icelandic. But let's say the text has
already been spellchecked, and only the hypenating is remaining. I
tried a special multi-national hyphenation tool, which at that time
(2007) did more wrong than right, but it could be checked out again.
It just adds soft hyphens everywhere possible and then FM can (with
setting to No Language) do the rest.
Otherwise, the text would need to be hyphenated by hand. A possible
"solution" would be to mif the document(s) and send to a TeX editor
which probably could make use of aspell or ispell for the hypenations,
and then export back as mif. I am not sure whether the text would
include the soft hyphens correctly.

I have just revisited Scribus ( It is an XML based
DTP and should be able to import XML documents (I have not tested any
such features). It also has a built-in hyphenator for several
languages, including Icelandic.

If you think I could be of any help in this matter, I would be happy
to look into it.


"Life is not only a game--it is also a dance on roses."
--Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

2010/3/23 LW White :
> Hi Bodvar,
> I saw your name several times as I was researching this issue. I'm not sure
> I understand you correctly either, so let me explain myself more fully and
> perhaps that will clarify for both of us. I apologize in advance if I tell
> you what you already know. I am designing the EDD and templates for this
> group. The translator will be producing the non-English documents. I am
> setting the EDD up so that, based on the xml:lang attribute of the parent
> topic, the text in all of the child elements is associated with a certain
> language in Frame for the purposes of hyphenation, spell-checking, etc. Of
> the 30 languages this client translates to, only Icelandic and Serbian do
> not have corresponding elements that I can select for the EDD. This means,
> if I am correct, that while the text itself will not be affected (as long as
> the font and Unicode are correct), the hyphenation and a few other things
> might be off. My question, then, is what can I do (or can I do anything on
> my side) to help ensure these items are correct.
> It sounds as though at least for Icelandic, the answer is no. I cannot
> imagine why Adobe grouped Icelandic in with Eastern European languages. If
> they were going to group with anything, you would think it would be with
> other Scandanavian languages (though Icelandic is quite in a category by
> itself even then!) Serbian, at least, I can likely classify with Croat
> (political issues aside!)
> I think the translator can handle the spell-checking just as you describe.
> The hyphenation, on the other hand, is strictly a Frame matter. I need to
> have my client contact the agency and see what they have been doing in the
> past (they have been producing in all of the languages for some time with
> unstructured Frame 7.1).
> Thanks for your input and I will definitely keep you in mind as an Icelandic
> resource. I will also keep you posted on the eventual resolution of this
> issue.
> Best,
> Leigh
>> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 22:10:43 +
>> Subject: Re: translating into Icelandic and Serbian?
>> From: bodvar at
>> To: lwwhite5 at
>> CC: framers at
>> I am not quite sure I understand you correctly, but then just respond
>> accordingly.
>> You will not find anything approximating Icelandic. You can set the
>> quotes to German quotes. That is the Icelandic convention too.
>> I don't have FM9. I tried FM8 a couple of years ago, but it was too
>> limited, and I have since not had any reason to try FM9 out, so I
>> really don't have much comparison, but having full UTF-8 support, it
>> should do a fine thing.
>> Adobe has, however, not added support for Icelandic for this Latin-1
>> group language for FM. They have (some) Icelandic support in ID, but
>> spin us up with Eastern Europe languages which are not the least
>> related (except being Indo-European). So no spellchecking, no
>> automatic hyphenation and no Thesaurus.
>> There might be a way around this to save in XML and do the
>> spellchecking in some Linux/UNIX XML editor using i-spell or a-spell.
>> Hunspell for Icelandic is in the pipes, hopefully ready some time
>> next year.
>> I would be happy to look into this with you if you like. I have been
>> using Structured FM7.2 for three different layouts of Icelandic New
>> Testament, Psalms and Proverbia for the Icelandic Gideons.
>> XML la

Thought for the day

2010-05-26 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I like miss steaks. ;-)


2010/5/25 Flato, Gillian :
> Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl yore mistakes.
> Thank you,
> Gillian Flato
> Technical Writer (Software)
> nanometrics
> 1550 Buckeye Dr.
> Milpitas, CA. 95035
> *408.545.6316
> 7 ?408.232.5911
> * gflato at
> "Well Done is better than Well Said" - Benjamin Franklin
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to framers as bodvar at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

"Life is not only a game--it is also a dance on roses."
--Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

ANN: FM 6 and 7.2 on Ebay

2005-12-09 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Just to let you know, if anyone wants an additional copy, there are
two offers on Ebay just now for Windows (English):
Version 6.0 (starting bid US$ 49).

Version 7.2 (starting bid US$ 500).

Seem to be genuine packages, but you better check yourselves.
Both offer Int'l shipping (at extra cost).

If you want to respond to me, please do so off-list.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson


2005-12-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
The bleed should be no less that 2.5 - 3mm (a little bit depending on
how accurate the printshop/binding company is). 5mm should be more
than enough.

There are 25.4mm to the inch, so 1/8in is just over 3mm.

Best regards,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 12/15/05, Steve Rickaby  wrote:
> Dear Experts
> Is there any way of controlling crop bleeds in FrameMaker other than 
> deliberately oversizing graphics and overhanging them from page edges? And if 
> the answer is 'no', how big should the bleeds be?
> Or should I be ignoring bleeds in FrameMaker altogether and setting them up 
> using the pre-press options in Acrobat for the final PDF?
> Spot color, FrameMaker 7, probably offset litho (eventually)
> --
> Steve
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to lisa at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Fwd: Copying master page layouts and graphics

2005-12-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Sorry, sent this only to Lester. Trying again.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
Date: Dec 18, 2005 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: Copying master page layouts and graphics
To: "Lester C. Smalley" 

On 12/16/05, Lester C. Smalley  wrote:
> Stacie,

> But what is not happening is having the specific "first" page applied to
> the individual chapters. I don't think this is possible automatically
> without some sort of scripting tool (e.g. FrameScript under windows or
> AppleScript on a Mac) but it is very easy.

Well, actually it is. If you had set the rules in the reference pages
to apply master page "First" (or whatever name you may have given it)
to e. g. the Chapter Title paragraph tag, updating the book has an
option to "Apply master pages". With that option checked, and the
master pages and reference pages imported as previously described by
Lester and Art, the master page "First" will indeed be applied to each

You can also go to each chaper and go to Format > Page Layout > Apply
Master Pages (I think I have this right, writing this from Linux, I
don't have FrameMaker open), and it will work the same way, but only
on the current file. It is all in the Reference Page.

Actually, if you haven't yet done this with the first file, importing
formats including reference pages will do nothing for you but copy the
master page "First" to the other files (along with all other things
selected and in place), so you should really start by your first
chapter (or any otherwise ready chapter) and:

Format > Page Layout > Apply Master Pages. This will prompt you with a
message saying that no reference page exists for applying master
pages, but one will be made (if you go through with this). Do that.
Then go to the reference pages (View > Reference Pages) and you will
find this as the last reference page. Do the changes there according
to the "FrameMaker 7.0, The Complete Reference" (which is probably the
book you are mentioning as "Complete Reference") or the User Guide,
setting the Master Page First to the paragraph format tag that you are
using for the chapter title. Then, do the Format > Page Layout > Apply
master pages again, and you will find that the fist page has changed.

Then you can select all but the first chapter file in the book file
and import to these the formats again, but the only part that needs to
be checked now is Reference pages. This should do the trick.

Just check this out. Good luck.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

> You'll have to open each chapter individually, and use the Format > Page
> Layout > Master Page Usage dialog to set the first page of the file to
> use the custom "first" master page design.  This command does not appear
> if the book is the active window - you must be in a document file.
> On Friday, December 16, 2005 01:35 PM, Stacie Knas wrote:
> | I have a structured book with about 10 chapters.  I want the
> | first page of each chapter to use master page "first".  I
> | have created this master page in the first chapter, as well
> | as finessed that chapter's right- and left-hand pages.
> | Is there a way besides manually copying to apply these pages
> | to all pertinent chapters?
> |
> | The "Complete Reference" describes how to copy the mapping
> | information from master pages, but that doesn't help me.
> | I've tried, from the book level, highlighting the pertinent
> | chapters (with or without the desired master pages chapter)
> | and applying across the book, but even when I brave saying OK
> | to the warning message asking me if I'm sure I want to do
> | that, it doesn't seem to do anything.
> |

Numbering question on short books that are single files

2005-12-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
You could do this only if you are using different paragraph format
tags in the front matter than in the chapters (sections). You could
then use a specific counter for that set of tags using roman

However, splitting the file into individual chapter files is probably
the best thing.


Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 12/16/05, Robert Kern  wrote:
> All,
> I have a very short book (about 180 pages) that is multiple chapters but
> is currently a single Frame file.  I'd like to keep it as a single file,
> but am uncertain how to apply chapter-like chapter/figure/table
> numbering and page numbering if things are in a single file.
> How would I go from roman to arabic numbering as I leave the from matter
> and enter the first chapter?
> How would I increment the chapnum value at the start of each chapter?
> Probably the only good answer is to break the book un into separate
> files, but hoping there might be a slick use of markers as an easy work
> around.
> -bob
> Robert Kern
> President, TIPS Technical Publishing, Inc.
> 108 E. Main Street, Suite 4
> Carrboro, NC  27510
> bob at
> 919-933-2629 phone and fax

default fonts in Framemaker 6

2005-12-21 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Maybe you could try to change the following in the maker.ini file:
; Default used to map unknown fonts:
DefaultFamily=Times New Roman, Tms Rmn
... to something of your liking.

I have not tried this myself, so no guarantee.


On 12/21/05, patrick scully  wrote:
> Dear Framemaker users,
> Is it possible to change the default font
> (currently Times New Roman) that Framemaker uses
> for paragraph, character, table formats etc?
> I have looked in maker.ini, but its font defaults
> relate ONLY to what font substitutions are made
> where a user doesn't have a particular font.
> I don't EVER want to use Times New Roman or any
> other Truetype font in a document that I prepare
> for commercial printing. Distiller fails to
> produce press-quality PDF files if it finds any
> Truetype fonts. And it can be very difficult to
> find exactly where the Truetype font is lurking in a Framemaker document.
> The only workaround I can see currently is to
> delete everything from the paragraph, character
> and table catalogs, and start from scratch.
> Thanks
> Patrick Scully, Director
> R?dacteurs Ltd, 165 Howth Road, Dublin 3
> 00 353 1 8330444
> 00 353 87 2362563
> * Economic & Technology Reports * Policies & Procedures
> * User Documentation * Information Mapping Training
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to lisa at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Those old book numbering blues

2005-12-27 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Steve,

There is an excellent document on autonumbering at the
You will find it under the Website Subsections Downloads.

Happy rest of Christmas (in Iceland we have 13 days of Christmas!).
On how the feast of the rebirth of the Sun became Christsmas, see:

On 12/19/05, Steve Rickaby  wrote:
> At 9:17 am +1100 19/12/05, hedley.finger at wrote:
> >With this scheme, you don't need numbering flows, e.g.
> >  Chaps Whatever  Sects  Figs   Tables  Eqns   Steps
> >Substeps
> > Chapter\ <$chapnum>< >   < =0>  < =0>  < =0>   < =0>  < =0>  <
> >=0>
> >
> >See the section "Using counters in autonumber formats" in the "Text
> >formatting" chapter of the User Guide.
> Yup, I'm now well-educated on complex numbering formats. In fact, I used to 
> know all this from pre version 5 days (honest), but I'd archived the 
> knowledge since the advent of simpler schemes based on $chapnum and named 
> threads. I rarely use multi-level numbering.
> Thanks to your and Roger Shuttleworth's help, I am now well re-educated and 
> have numbering working exactly as I want. Roger was particularly patient with 
> me as I floundered my way through sorting the problems out, even to the point 
> of telling him firmly that it did not work when it did.
> This subject needs better explanation than it gets in the user guide. One 
> thing that is specifically counter-intuitive and needs to be spelled out very 
> firmly is that fact that separate numbering fields within a thread do not 
> necessarily map to separate level counters in a multi-level numbering scheme, 
> which is what one might intuitively expect.
> My thanks to all.
> --
> Steve

What happened to Document Reports?

2005-12-30 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I have been using FM 7.0 for more than three years, until I recently
installed FM 7.2 which I have been very happy with -- until now, that

In FM 7.0 you had an option of getting a report of your document(s)
(File > Utilities >Document Reports), like word and page count. In 7.2
this seems to have been deleted or hidden, at least I can find it

Can anyone shed a light here?

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publishing
Air Atlanta Icelandic

What happened to Book Info [Was: What happened to Document Reports?]

2005-12-30 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Sorry, it is the File > Utilities > Book Info that I am looking for.


On 12/30/05, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> I have been using FM 7.0 for more than three years, until I recently
> installed FM 7.2 which I have been very happy with -- until now, that
> is.
> In FM 7.0 you had an option of getting a report of your document(s)
> (File > Utilities >Document Reports), like word and page count. In 7.2
> this seems to have been deleted or hidden, at least I can find it
> nowhere.
> Can anyone shed a light here?
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Supervisor Publishing
> Air Atlanta Icelandic

FOUND: Re: What happened to Book Info [Was: What happened to Document Reports?]

2005-12-30 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Sorry again.

What I am refering to is a plugin;
I was so familiar with having it showing that I had totally forgotten
that it was a plugin.

Recommend this plug-in, BTW.


On 12/30/05, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> Sorry, it is the File > Utilities > Book Info that I am looking for.
> Bodvar
> On 12/30/05, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> > I have been using FM 7.0 for more than three years, until I recently
> > installed FM 7.2 which I have been very happy with -- until now, that
> > is.
> >
> > In FM 7.0 you had an option of getting a report of your document(s)
> > (File > Utilities >Document Reports), like word and page count. In 7.2
> > this seems to have been deleted or hidden, at least I can find it
> > nowhere.
> >
> > Can anyone shed a light here?
> >
> > Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> > Supervisor Publishing
> > Air Atlanta Icelandic
> >

Genetic Engineering Speculation Friday WAS; Thanks for Chautauqua (+ Gmail info)

2005-11-20 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
IMHO, InDesign is after the market held by QuarkExpress (and is doing
a good job of it, I think), but FrameMaker is after ... sorry, I don't
see the competition. Maybe that is one of the problems?

All in all, I still find InDesign to slow and heavy to work with such
jobs as I do in FrameMaker. But then, I haven't don a lot with ID.

Happy new working week!


On 11/18/05, Peter Gold  wrote:
> As long as the old thread turned so intensely to speculation...
> Based on absolutely NO INSIDE INFORMATION, my own guess is that
> sooner or later Adobe will marry some combination of InDesign and
> FrameMaker, to carry on the FrameMaker product line.
> My personal speculation is based on:
--- Tail cut high ---

Freeze Frame when selecting Object Properties

2005-11-22 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I have from time to time had a problem similar to this, although
rather worse, i.e. FM (7.0p578) crashed when selecting a graphic on a
ref page. I have not yet found out the reason for it, but in this case
it helped changing from structured to unstructured.

You might find the information you are looking for by saving as mif
and searching through the mif file in a text editor. You should be
able to find most, if not all, of the information you need in there.


On 11/21/05, John Sgammato  wrote:
> Thanks Herv & Stuart for their assistance.
> Alas! My needs go a little beyond knowing just the names of the files.
> In many cases the original screenshots have some specific settings that I
> need to capture for the illustration.
> I ended up going through the printed version of the most recent release to
> get most of that info, and generated the list of referenced graphics to
> accompany it. Then I went through the whole exercise without FrameMaker even
> open ? it was sub-optimal, but I was able to get it all done in good time.
> Now I still need to figure out how to work on a Frame doc Frame actually
> open?
> john
> Smilax & Celastrus, Ltd
> From:
> at
> [ at]
> On Behalf Of hpeairs at
>  Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 8:39 AM
>  To: framers at
>  Cc: John Sgammato
>  Subject: Re: Framers Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2
>  Hi John,
>  If you create a List of References, that will give you the file names of
> all your imported graphics, in order.  Maybe that would help?
>  In Frame 6 (I don't have 7), this is Special > List of > References...
>  In Set up dialog, select Imported Graphics.
>  Herv
>  L. tulipifera inc.
>  --
>  Message: 1
>  Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 11:28:25 -0500
>  From: "John Sgammato" 
>  Subject: Freeze Frame when selecting Object Properties
>  To: "Framers List" 
>  Message-ID:
> <8E0B2788ADE5A14195D29CF5C43E81A301F80D at mamail01.IMPRIVATA.COM>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>  When I select Object Properties on a referenced image on my home PC,
> FrameMaker freezes.
>  I am using FrameMaker 7.1.116, pretty plain vanilla version except it has
> IXGen. It is set to Structured, but I am not actually using any structure
> tools or methods.
>  This is the same book that I work on at my office in Lexington with no
> problems at all. That machine has Schlomo's timesavers on it, and it too has
> IXGen.
>  This has happened at home for about three weeks or four weeks. I don't know
> of any significant changes in that time.
>  I am trying to rebrand a finished book with all new screenshots. I have
> done this a hundred times and it is easy - look at the image to be replaced,
> get a new screenshot and save it as the same name, and continue. But to do
> it I need to know the name of the image I am replacing, and i do that by
> getting the Object Properties. I know there are other ways, but this way is
> very fast and efficientuntil now!
>  Any ideas?
>  --
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as bodvar at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to lisa at Visit
> for more resources and info.

updated EDD template

2005-11-22 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks, Lynne, you're a darling.

Your EDD template is really great! One of the best things you have
done here for my needs is adding the CommentElement and
CommentFormatChangeList elements, but I am making use of most of your


On 11/11/05, Lynne A. Price  wrote:
> I'm resending this message; it was originally titled "latest EDD template"
> and it bounced because of the word "test" in the subject...
> Jakob,
>The latest version of the EDD template is now available at
> (click on Tips and Free Tools, then EDD Template). It has
> context labels for Tags with each type of FrameMaker object. It also lets
> you "comment out" an Element by changing it to CommentElement or a
> FormatChangeList by changing it to "CommentFormatChangeList".
>  --Lynne
> Lynne A. Price
> Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
> Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development,
> and training
> lprice at
> voice/fax: (510) 583-1505 cell phone: (510) 421-2284
> --
> Archives:
> Website:
> Administration: listadmin at
> You are subscribed to framers as: bodvar at
> Send a blank email to leave-framers-244645E at to 
> unsubscribe.

Numbered list item picks up from preceding nested list item

2005-11-23 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Stacie,

This can be done in a number of ways.

I find it best with nested lists to start by deciding how deep you
will go. Let's say for three levels, set in the first level:

If level is: 1
  If context is: {first}
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: L:< =0>< =0>\t  *** hereby setting the
first counter to 1 and the 2nd and 3rd counter to 0***
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: L:< >< >\t  ***keeping the counters as empty***

If level is: 2
  Autonumber format: L:.< >\t ***no need to account for first
here as the counter was already set in the first level.***

If level is: 3
  Autonumber format:L:..\t

The level 2 and three can of course also be set with preceding counters empty.

Actually my numbering systems usually are a bit more complicated than
this plus I often use a kind of heading for the lists, so I can
connect it to the list by "Keep with next". This calls for a
duplication of setting the 1st level counter to 1 (or optionally first
level counter to 1 and following levels counters to 0).

I have an 18 month old part sample that looks like this:

Count ancestors named:  List
  If level is: 1
If context is: {after ListHead}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:.\t
Else, if context is: {first}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:.\t
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:.\t
  Else, if level is: 2
If context is: {after ListHead}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:..\t
Else, if context is: {first}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:..\t
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:..\t
  Else, if level is: 3
If context is: {after ListHead}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:...\t
Else, if context is: {first}
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:...\t
  Numbering properties
  Autonumber format: L:...\t
Numbering properties
Autonumber format: NO NUMBERING BEYOND LEVEL 3

I could have saved some typing and set the 2nd and 3rd counters --
like in the first example -- at first level, thus eliminating the need
for the {first} context in 2nd and 3rd levels.

The last Else is a warning only.

Have fun!


On 11/22/05, Stacie Knas  wrote:
> This is great!  I never noticed that "Empty Counter" entry before.  I
> followed your procedure, Lester, and it's perfecto!  Thank you so
> much.  What a great list.  Thank you all.
> --Stacie

Bleed tabs - automation?

2005-11-23 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
There is also a white paper called Atomatic Bleeding Thumb Tabs by
Bradley W. Anderson, Falcon Interactive. It comes with instructions on
how to make the template and it also has the FrameScript script for
automation. I have only used it to set up the template without the
automation (works like semiautomatic for me), as I don't have

I think it is the same as was on > Downloads >
White Papers, but the link seems broken now. Does anyone know where to
find it?

Best regards,


On 11/22/05, Steve Rickaby  wrote:
> Sarah O'Keefe and Sheila Loring's excellent FrameMaker 7 'complete reference' 
> book gives a method for setting up bleed tabs (thumbtabs) that requires 
> manual deletion of unnecessary tabs (i.e. all but the current chapter) in 
> production edit. Within structured FrameMaker, is there a way of automating 
> this?
> What is needed is a means of rendering objects visible/invisible depending on 
> their chapter number. Perhaps some way of making conditional tags sensitive 
> to their context in the book...?
> Another approach I've tried is to include a rotated B flow flush to the page 
> edge and insert the bleed tabs as conditionalised anchored frames. This 
> allows tabs to be turned on and off with conditions,  but I don't like these 
> objects being on body pages, and it doesn't get round the issue of making 
> them sensitive to chapter number.
> Failing that, I guess it could be done using the feature for mapping master 
> pages to paragraphs, but I cannot see it working out very elegantly, as one 
> would have to hack some sort of 'hidden' mapping between chapter number and 
> paragraph tags.
> Any ideas, anyone?
> --

Question about a trademark superscript

2006-04-04 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
HTH? Well this certainly has. I don't think I have ever seen this
documented (that you can microposition selected characters in a
regular text frame). This opens up a lot of options for me.

I am changing your name to Peter Goldmine. :-)

Thank you,


On 4/3/06, Peter Gold  wrote:
> Hi, Nancy:
> Apologies for being slightly "off." To micro-position a selected
> graphic object or text, the key combination is Alt+arrow
> (up/down/left/right), not Shift+arrow. At 100% zoom, this moves the
> selection one pixel in the arrow direction, which is about one point
> in the document. The combination Shift+Alt+arrow moves six pixels. On
> Macintosh, it's Option+arrow, or Option+Shift+arrow.
> At 200% zooom, the movement is also one pixel or six pixels, however,
> in the document it's 1/2 a point, or 3 points; at 50% zoom, it's 2
> points, or 12 points.
> Just try it with a selected character. No need to resort to creating
> a text line with the "A" text line tool, and inserting it as an
> inline anchored frame positioned at insertion point, however, that
> works, too, and it avoids MIF. You could copy the anchored frame to
> the clipboard, then find the TM character and replace it by pasting
> across a book, in one operation.
> Regards,
> Peter Gold
> KnowHow ProServices
> At 11:42 AM -0700 4/3/06, McCoy, Nancy wrote:
> >Thank you both Peter and Stuart. These are small 1-2 page documents so
> >Stuarts' method might very well be the most efficient, time-wise.
> >
> >However, Peter I'm intrigued by your suggestion of inserting the TM
> >either as a single character or a variable with a single character so
> >that in the final stage of editing I can reposition it. Are you
> >decribing using the Text tool to enter the TM text? Does it have to be
> >in an anchored frame? If this isn't accomplished with the text tool ,
> >how do you suggest entering a single character? Can I select a character
> >and position as you say? How does a character free itself from the line
> >in which it appears?
> >
> >Nancy
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Peter Gold [mailto:peter at]
> >Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 12:21 PM
> >To: Stuart Rogers; McCoy, Nancy
> >Cc: framers at
> >Subject: Re: Question about a trademark superscript
> >
> >
> >I believe this one of those situations in which you need to modify
> >the character format's properties in MIF, to set the baseline
> >position high enough to satisfy your requirement.
> >
> >Modifying the superscript setting in Text Options affects all
> >superscripts anywhere they appear in the file or book. If there are
> >no other superscripts in your document set, this could be acceptable.
> >
> >There was a recent thread, either on this list, or on the Adobe
> >FrameMaker User-to-User Forum, that discussed importing a MIF
> >fragment into a FM file. The problem is that it's not a standard way
> >to work, so all users need to be informed of how to use the technique.
> >
> >You may prefer to insert the TM either as a single character or a
> >variable a single character, rather than combined with the terms it's
> >attached to, so that at the final stage of editing, you can find each
> >instance to select it, then manually apply the "micropositioning"
> >technique usually done in graphics - Shift+arrow key to move the
> >selection up by one pixel at 100% zoom.
> >
> >NOTE: If you apply the manual microposition to a character, then save
> >the file as MIF, you'll have the settings needed to include in the
> >MIF fragment for importing, if you choose that method.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Peter Gold
> >KnowHow ProServices

Blank pages [WAS: Framers Digest, Vol 5, Issue 23]

2006-04-05 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I think the problem here is that with technical manuals you are
addressing people of different ethnic origins, languages etc. Many
foreigners can read the "English jargon" they have learned that
relates to their jobs and interests, but may have problem reading
regular text or "jargon" relating to other technical fields such as
publishing and printing.

I have had questions from several people: "What does pagination mean?"

"Intentionally Left Blank" serves the purpose of indicating in words
comprehensible to most that there is no contents missing on that page
-- that the page is not blank by accident, s.a. duplicate paper feed
etc. So if we want to change this the text must be replaced by some
other text easily understandable by foreigners that have only minor
general konwledge in English.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publishing, Flight Support
Air Atlanta Icelandic

On 3/24/06, Keith Smyth  wrote:
>RE: Paragraph tag with Frame below
>At my last contract (I am retired now), we put "This page added for
>pagination purposes" on the otherwise blank page, headers and footers
>included. Received compliments from the customers, as it made more sense to
>them that "This page intentionally left blank" and no reason given.
> ...and of course I forgot to include the link the first time = ugh!
> [1]
> The writer of this piece is close when they write 'Some theorise that it is a 
> *
> koan*, a statement devoid of meaning designed to bring the minds of those that
> read it to a higher state of being.' In fact, the point is that a completely 
> bl
> ank page is representative of the Ultimate Void, a state of Complete 
> Nothingnes
> s - and this scares those who have not yet reached the aforementioned higher 
> st
> ate of being. A completely blank page just looks *wrong*, it's deeply 
> unsettlin
> g.
> I have more than often been asked to add an 'intentionally left blank' logo, 
> be
> cause 'otherwise our readers will think it's a mistake'. The issue arises 
> regul
> arly with blank trailing pages of chapters of books where the chapter opener 
> fa
> lls on a right-hand page.
> So, folks, don't terrify your readers - at least add a page number, which can 
> r
> epresent the sound of one hand clapping in the Void ;-)
> If clients demand more, I suggest a legally-watertight non-contradictory 
> constr
> uction along the lines of:
> 'This page is intentional left void of meaningful content other than this 
> parag
> raph, which, for the avoidance of doubt, represents content that is intended 
> to
>  denote only the absence of content'.
> --
> Keith L. Smyth
> President
> Smyth Consulting
> -
> Many times I really wonder whether a God
> subtle enough to have invented Quantum
> Mechanics would really be interested in having
> people deliver rote prayers and swing incense
> pots in his direction.
> -
> Technical Documentation Consultant
> References
> ___

English Jargon - Intentionally Right Blank

2006-04-07 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Thanks for a good link. And, you are right (or are you left?) ;-)


On 4/6/06, John Smart  wrote:
> We spend a lot of time removing English jargon for airline safety.
> A big airline in Japan wrote - "we see the Intentionally Left Bank page
> but there
> is no Intentionally Right Blank page".  Bodvar Bjorgvinsson is correct,
> never assume
> foreigners can understand jargon.
> The English sign outside the Wal*Mart in Beijing today (April 2006)
> reads, "Flesh Juice", so
> never assume we can read foreign English.
> For Framers interested in an enlightened message about the benefits
> simplification
> go to  and play last movie 7/12/05.
> Remember on your next flight you are sitting on a few million pages of
> ASD-STE100
> Simplified Technical English, a lot prepared in structured XML FM.
> --
> John Smart and the MAXit Team
> Email: jsmart at
> SMART Communications, Inc.
> 909 Third Avenue,
> New York, NY 10022 USA
> Tel: +1(212) 486-1894  -5GMT
> VM:  +1(646) 495-3146 (24/7)
> Fax: +1(212) 826-9775

Move from Ventura to FrameMaker wise?

2006-04-11 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
On 4/11/06, John Wilcox  wrote:
> Ventura Publisher was a feature-rich product long before FM was bought from
> Frame by Adobe, but after several years on nondevelopment by Xerox (after
> purchasing VP from Ventura Software), the market share was easily taken over
> by FM. Corel bought VP and resumed development, but now there has been no
> release in the past 3.5 years. (You can still buy Corel Ventura 10, but you
> can't get a demo or eval copy.) So it looks like a repeat of the Xerox
> situation. I don't know anyone who still uses VP. Too bad; it used to be a
> great product.

... which pretty much sums up the huge downside with property
software. After you buy it you are at their mercy. :-(


ANN: Inexpensive copy on Ebay?

2006-04-15 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Current bid at the time of writing US$ 250. Three hours to close. The
chance to buy the extra copy you wanted?

I am following the auctions, direct sales and semi-auctions on Ebay,
and wanted to share this information.

Advise to newbies: Do not bid until the last minutes, except just to
check out how it works.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
(I have no personal interest in this. I am only conveying this
information, as I myself have made use of this on several accounts,
including buying FrameMaker copies.)

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   >