Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-31 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Jan 30, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Tom Lazar wrote:
FYI i have completed my two remaining reviews and have additionally  
reviewed #243 which was without a review.

as a status update:  i've completed all but one (247), but won't get  
around to do the last in time.  i'm simply too tired to keep going.   
sorry about that, i'll try to get it in asap.  probably only on  
monday, though.



zeidler it consulting - -
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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-31 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 1/31/09 2:18 PM, Tom Lazar wrote:
i've updated my local buildout and the the site works fine now, i do 
get some 404 for the images in the timeline 
(http://localhost:8080/newsite/history_compare_with_current.png) etc, 
no showstopper, obviously, but if you can fix that still today i can 
give your review an unconditional +1

I can't, as I stated in the readme I need some help with that due to my 
complete lack of graphic skills. I'll try to get Danny to do that.


Wichert AkkermanIt is simple to make things.  It is hard to make things simple.

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-31 Thread Tom Lazar

On 30.01.2009, at 21:56, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Tom Lazar wrote:

FYI i have completed my two remaining reviews and have additionally
reviewed #243 which was without a review.

I've fixed the problems you saw with #243.

i've updated my local buildout and the the site works fine now, i do  
get some 404 for the images in the timeline (http://localhost:8080/newsite/history_compare_with_current.png 
) etc, no showstopper, obviously, but if you can fix that still today  
i can give your review an unconditional +1

Might I request that review comments are emailed to the PLIP author?

meanwhile i've spoken to each on irc, next time i'll send mails.




Wichert Akkerman It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things  

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Tom Lazar wrote:
> FYI i have completed my two remaining reviews and have additionally  
> reviewed #243 which was without a review.

I've fixed the problems you saw with #243.

Might I request that review comments are emailed to the PLIP author? 


Wichert Akkerman It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-30 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 20:47, Tom Lazar  wrote:
> there are still outstanding reviews from raphael, witsch and mj (or have
> they perhaps not updated the pliptallies page[1]?) and IMO #243 would also
> warrant a UI review!

Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow to finish the RR enhancements
review; I've had a unexpected long day today and am exhausted.

Martijn Pieters

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-30 Thread Tom Lazar
FYI i have completed my two remaining reviews and have additionally  
reviewed #243 which was without a review.

there are still outstanding reviews from raphael, witsch and mj (or  
have they perhaps not updated the pliptallies page[1]?) and IMO #243  
would also warrant a UI review!

i have included all reviews inside the bundle with a REVIEW-NOTES.txt  
as per convention and have additionally posted my review as a comment  
at the plip page.

i have not mailed the authors or this list with each individual review.

that's all for now, gotta run!




On 29.01.2009, at 10:49, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

hi framework team,

we're quickly approaching the deadline for the first round of  
reviews.  most PLIPs have already seen at least one review, but in  
total we're still at only 11 out of 24 necessary bundle reviews.   
we're also still one UI review short.  so let's push a little harder  
and try to get those reviews done! :)

in related matters...

On Jan 19, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Jan 19, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Martijn Pieters wrote:

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

#237 "Minor i18n upgrades"
#243 	 "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history  

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

perhaps let's get going with what's assigned and wait for any of  
the three missing PLIPs to potentially be submitted before taking  
care of the remaining review, shall we?

i think it's time to assign those now, mostly so that nobody gets  
the impression they're already done or almost... ;)  with a total of  
12 PLIPs we get to review six each, so everybody needs to sign up  
for one more.  i just did so (for #237) and would like to ask you to  
fill in the remaining slots today.

also, raphael, i saw you sent some comments, but could you please  
update the overview page[*] as well, so we get a better, well,  
overview. :)



[*] according to

zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.7 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-29 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:49, Andreas Zeidler  wrote:
> i think it's time to assign those now, mostly so that nobody gets the
> impression they're already done or almost... ;)  with a total of 12 PLIPs we
> get to review six each, so everybody needs to sign up for one more.  i just
> did so (for #237) and would like to ask you to fill in the remaining slots
> today.

I've #232 to myself.

Martijn Pieters

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-29 Thread Andreas Zeidler

hi framework team,

we're quickly approaching the deadline for the first round of  
reviews.  most PLIPs have already seen at least one review, but in  
total we're still at only 11 out of 24 necessary bundle reviews.   
we're also still one UI review short.  so let's push a little harder  
and try to get those reviews done! :)

in related matters...

On Jan 19, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Jan 19, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Martijn Pieters wrote:

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

#237 "Minor i18n upgrades"
#243 	 "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history  

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

perhaps let's get going with what's assigned and wait for any of the  
three missing PLIPs to potentially be submitted before taking care  
of the remaining review, shall we?

i think it's time to assign those now, mostly so that nobody gets the  
impression they're already done or almost... ;)  with a total of 12  
PLIPs we get to review six each, so everybody needs to sign up for one  
more.  i just did so (for #237) and would like to ask you to fill in  
the remaining slots today.

also, raphael, i saw you sent some comments, but could you please  
update the overview page[*] as well, so we get a better, well,  
overview. :)



[*] according to

zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.7 released! --

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-27 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Jan 27, 2009, at 1:35 PM, Danny Bloemendaal wrote:

On 19 jan 2009, at 15:28, Tom Lazar wrote:

@danny: could you mark which tickets you will review for UI impact?
perhaps by making an X for those where you will and an explicit - for
those which don't have any.

Yes, I will. I'm already working on this. Keep you guys posted.

i've marked the PLIPs which don't need a UI review imo.  danny, could  
you please have a quick look at the ones that remain open?  that's  
mostly regarding 234 (you should know better what parts should be  
affected and therefore be able to tell if anything's missing), but  
also for 238 and 240 in terms of sensible placement of the configlets.



zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-27 Thread Danny Bloemendaal

On 19 jan 2009, at 15:28, Tom Lazar wrote:

thanks wichert for your reminder and andi and raphael for your quick

i've taken this thread as opportunity to summarize the plips and who
(so far) has taken on which review. i've included andi's and raphael's
and added mine.

since danny won't be able to do technical evaluations and since we
also want to formally make sure, that UI concerns aren't overlooked
i've added an extra column 'UI review'.

@danny: could you mark which tickets you will review for UI impact?
perhaps by making an X for those where you will and an explicit - for
those which don't have any.

Yes, I will. I'm already working on this. Keep you guys posted.


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Tom Lazar

On 19.01.2009, at 16:36, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Jan 19, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Martijn Pieters wrote:

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

#237 "Minor i18n upgrades"
#243 	 "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history  

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

perhaps let's get going with what's assigned and wait for any of the  
three missing PLIPs to potentially be submitted before taking care  
of the remaining review, shall we?

we shall!


zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.7 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Jan 19, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Martijn Pieters wrote:

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

 #237"Minor i18n upgrades"
 #243 	 "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history  

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

perhaps let's get going with what's assigned and wait for any of the  
three missing PLIPs to potentially be submitted before taking care of  
the remaining review, shall we?


zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.7 released! --

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 15:28, Tom Lazar  wrote:
> thanks wichert for your reminder and andi and raphael for your quick
> replies.

Indeed, thanks!


Great, Tom! I've added my name for:

  #197   "Add FeedParser as external requirement"
  #239   "Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper"
  #240   "Improve locking configurability"
  #241   "Clean up auto-sort: auto-order code"
  #247   "Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins"

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

  #237   "Minor i18n upgrades"
  #243   "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history viewlet"

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

Martijn Pieters

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Tom Lazar
thanks wichert for your reminder and andi and raphael for your quick  

i've taken this thread as opportunity to summarize the plips and who  
(so far) has taken on which review. i've included andi's and raphael's  
and added mine.

since danny won't be able to do technical evaluations and since we  
also want to formally make sure, that UI concerns aren't overlooked  
i've added an extra column 'UI review'.

@danny: could you mark which tickets you will review for UI impact?  
perhaps by making an X for those where you will and an explicit - for  
those which don't have any.

i've linked to each ticket, because that's where the discussion will  
take place, the wiki page is only(!) meant as a one-stop-summary place.

i'll try to update it with information as it comes in on the list, but  
please updated it yourself if you have anything that requires a  
change, thanks!

here's the link:

all the best,


On 19.01.2009, at 14:39, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Andreas Zeidler wrote:

  · #126: Link type should automatically redirect when accessed  

  · #234: Standardizing our use of INavigationRoot
  · #239: Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper
  · #240: Improve locking configurability
  · #247: Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins

Complementing this I'd like to go for

 #126: "Link type should automatically redirect when accessed  

 (because I did that one already - just not checked in yet)
 #237: "Minor i18n upgrades"
 #238: "Disable inline editing by default"
 #243: "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history viewlet"
 #246: "View for rendering events as an iCalendar file"


Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Raphael Ritz

Andreas Zeidler wrote:


   · #126: Link type should automatically redirect when accessed directly
   · #234: Standardizing our use of INavigationRoot
   · #239: Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper
   · #240: Improve locking configurability
   · #247: Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins

Complementing this I'd like to go for

  #126: "Link type should automatically redirect when accessed directly"
  (because I did that one already - just not checked in yet)
  #237: "Minor i18n upgrades"
  #238: "Disable inline editing by default"
  #243: "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history viewlet"
  #246: "View for rendering events as an iCalendar file"


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2009-01-19 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Nov 6, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 29, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Now on to the real work - the reviewing.

How do we distribute that across the team?

now that all PLIPs are submitted, i'd like to follow up on this once  

since we didn't talk about it or made any changes, i'd say the same  
"rules" still apply:  each PLIP should be reviewed in depth by at  
least two people.  however, now that external reviewers are allowed  
to be brought in, i think those two people doesn't necessarily have  
to be team members — imho one would be enough, but at least one  
would/should also be required.  as with 3.1 the other members will  
be required to vote —or explicitly abstain, which is to say everyone  
must give a statement in regards to every one of the PLIPs reviewed  
(on the respective PLIP pages! :)).

feedback/comments on this are still welcome... ;)

as for distributing the work, i'd suggest everyone voice their  
preferences and interests for reviewing PLIPs, and/or possibly  
finding external reviewers.

iirc (being offline atm) steve has already set up a wiki page in the  
plone trac listing the accepted PLIPs.  i'd suggest using this to  
track the reviews and there results.  so, in order to update that page  
can we please get a list from every team member asap?

we've got 13 accepted PLIPs, so there will need to be at least 26  
reviews.  therefore i think every team member should at least pick 5  
or 6, imho.

taking into account that only 11 review bundles have been submitted,  
the number of required reviews decreases to 22.  i reckon an initial  
list of 5 PLIPs per team member should get us close enough.  here's  

   · #126: Link type should automatically redirect when accessed  

   · #234: Standardizing our use of INavigationRoot
   · #239: Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper
   · #240: Improve locking configurability
   · #247: Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins

i've dropped #243 from my initial list, since i reckon this one might  
be more suitable to be reviewed by someone with more UI experience  
anyway (hint, hint! :)).



zeidler it consulting - -
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.7 released! --

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-11-06 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Oct 29, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Now on to the real work - the reviewing.

How do we distribute that across the team?

since we didn't talk about it or made any changes, i'd say the same  
"rules" still apply:  each PLIP should be reviewed in depth by at  
least two people.  however, now that external reviewers are allowed to  
be brought in, i think those two people doesn't necessarily have to be  
team members — imho one would be enough, but at least one would/should  
also be required.  as with 3.1 the other members will be required to  
vote — or explicitly abstain, which is to say everyone must give a  
statement in regards to every one of the PLIPs reviewed (on the  
respective PLIP pages! :)).

as for distributing the work, i'd suggest everyone voice their  
preferences and interests for reviewing PLIPs, and/or possibly finding  
external reviewers.  we've got 13 accepted PLIPs, so there will need  
to be at least 26 reviews.  therefore i think every team member should  
at least pick 5 or 6, imho.  i, for one, would be interested in  
reviewing the following:

· #126: Link type should automatically redirect when accessed  

· #234: Standardizing our use of INavigationRoot
· #239: Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper
· #240: Improve locking configurability
· #243: Replace workflow history viewlet with content history  

· #247: Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins



zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.6 released! --

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-29 Thread Raphael Ritz

Steve McMahon wrote:

Hi Raphael,

Hi Steve,

sorry for being late and once more a big thanks to you
for taking this on.
Here now my votes
(note to others: they are not (all) on; even logging
in timed out repeatedly for me - which is one of the reasons
I'm late)

Votes in parentheses are repetitions from previous statements
all others are new (didn't realize until now that we have 17 PLIPs)

126 : +1
187 : +1
197 : +1
228 : (-1/+1) - see comment on site
232 : (+1)
234 : (+1) - see comment on site
236 : -1
237 : (+1)
238 : (+1)
239 : +1
240 : +1
241 : +1
242 : -1
243 : +1
244 : -1 (seems to me we first have to figure out what we really want here)
246 : (+1)
247 : +1

I don't think this will change any decisions made
already but for completeness sake.

Now on to the real work - the reviewing.

How do we distribute that across the team?


If you'll also send me a quick list of your new votes, it will help me 
update the tallies.

Thanks, Steve

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Andreas Zeidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:

Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28
(UTC). These include some
unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to
the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but
i'd like to allow a little more time for tom and raphael
to vote.  and, speaking of it, does anybody know how to
contact raphael.  i'm not sure he's been reading his mail,

I just got back online ...

ok, great!  could you please add your votes to _all_ PLIP pages
asap? is a good
starting point for opening tabs... ;)


zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list


Steve McMahon
Reid-McMahon, LLC

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Tom Lazar wrote:
i've posted the votes and their motivations at the plips, but not on  
the list.

thanks tom!  and the PLIP pages are fine — they are the canonical  
source of information, at least for 3.x with x <= 3.


zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
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plone 3.1.6 released! --

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Oct 28, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These  
include some

unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but i'd like  
to allow a little more time for tom and raphael to vote.  and,  
speaking of it, does anybody know how to contact raphael.  i'm not  
sure he's been reading his mail,

I just got back online ...

ok, great!  could you please add your votes to _all_ PLIP pages asap? 
 is a good starting point for opening tabs... ;)


zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Lazar


here's the tally of my remaining plips:

126 +1
228 +1
236 -1
238 +1
239 +1
240 +1
241 +1
242 -1
243 +1
244 -1
247 +1

i've posted the votes and their motivations at the plips, but not on  
the list.



On 28.10.2008, at 11:21, Tom Lazar wrote:

yes, sorry for holding things up. i have seven plips to vote on and  
some office furniture to move, but i'm confident i'll get done  
within the next few hours while still making informed choices ;-)



p.s. @steve: i'll send you a tally of my missing votes, so you  
should be able to update the list quite easily then. and thanks for  
the list!

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These  
include some

unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but i'd like  
to allow a little more time for tom and raphael to vote.  and,  
speaking of it, does anybody know how to contact raphael.  i'm not  
sure he's been reading his mail, so i'd like to give him a heads up  
via phone.  if anybody's got a phone number, could you please send  
it to me (via private mail)?

What I would like to have is a list of
PLIPs, with for each plip the result (accept/recept) and if the  
is a reject a rationale for the rejection. We can then post that  
list to

plone-announce so everyone sees what has been decided and why.




zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Raphael Ritz

Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These 
include some

unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but i'd like to 
allow a little more time for tom and raphael to vote.  and, speaking 
of it, does anybody know how to contact raphael.  i'm not sure he's 
been reading his mail, 

I just got back online ...


so i'd like to give him a heads up via phone.  if anybody's got a 
phone number, could you please send it to me (via private mail)?

What I would like to have is a list of
PLIPs, with for each plip the result (accept/recept) and if the result
is a reject a rationale for the rejection. We can then post that list to
plone-announce so everyone sees what has been decided and why.




zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Tom Lazar
yes, sorry for holding things up. i have seven plips to vote on and  
some office furniture to move, but i'm confident i'll get done within  
the next few hours while still making informed choices ;-)



p.s. @steve: i'll send you a tally of my missing votes, so you should  
be able to update the list quite easily then. and thanks for the list!

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These  
include some

unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but i'd like to  
allow a little more time for tom and raphael to vote.  and, speaking  
of it, does anybody know how to contact raphael.  i'm not sure he's  
been reading his mail, so i'd like to give him a heads up via  
phone.  if anybody's got a phone number, could you please send it to  
me (via private mail)?

What I would like to have is a list of
PLIPs, with for each plip the result (accept/recept) and if the  
is a reject a rationale for the rejection. We can then post that  
list to

plone-announce so everyone sees what has been decided and why.




zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These  
include some

unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result?

i'd say not yet.  i'm aware the deadline has passed, but i'd like to  
allow a little more time for tom and raphael to vote.  and, speaking  
of it, does anybody know how to contact raphael.  i'm not sure he's  
been reading his mail, so i'd like to give him a heads up via phone.   
if anybody's got a phone number, could you please send it to me (via  
private mail)?

What I would like to have is a list of
PLIPs, with for each plip the result (accept/recept) and if the result
is a reject a rationale for the rejection. We can then post that  
list to

plone-announce so everyone sees what has been decided and why.




zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Oct 28, 2008, at 4:40 AM, Steve McMahon wrote:

Attached is the table with votes in PDF.

thank you.

 * The votes on this were qualified based on implementation.

just for the record, i think these can be turned into +1's after  
calvin's reply[*]



zeidler it consulting - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at -
plone 3.1.6 released! --

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] PLIP Tallies

2008-10-28 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Steve McMahon wrote:
> Here are my 3.3 PLIP tallies as of 5:45 2008-10-28 (UTC). These include some
> unambiguous votes pulled from e-mail messages to the FWT list.

Can this be turned into a result? What I would like to have is a list of
PLIPs, with for each plip the result (accept/recept) and if the result
is a reject a rationale for the rejection. We can then post that list to
plone-announce so everyone sees what has been decided and why.


Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

Framework-Team mailing list