[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #25554] warning "deprecated Carbon Component Manager for hosting Audio Units" on running freeciv-gtk2

2017-04-02 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #25554 (project freeciv):

As an aside, will the SDL 2 client provide another sound plugin?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #25554] warning "deprecated Carbon Component Manager for hosting Audio Units" on running freeciv-gtk2

2017-04-02 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #25554 (project freeciv):

I can verify that this doesn't come from Freeciv itself, i get the exact
same message when i start up ScummVM.  I *believe* it is coming from the SDL
audio library, or at least something that it touches.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21592] (civclient:29856): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

2016-05-30 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21592 (project freeciv):

I'm seeing this more often now with the 2.5.3 version.  Also different, there
are many line numbers being reported instead of just the one:

(freeciv-gtk2:2630): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
(freeciv-gtk2:25160): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
(freeciv-gtk2:58644): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
(freeciv-gtk2:61228): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

FWIW, this is using glib 2.22.4; we have not successfully been able to compile
newer versions within the 'fink' packaging system.  As such, i'm currently
unable to try the gtk3 client.

A web search for the text of the warning shows that many open source packages
have ran into this at various times.  The fixes vary, but seem to boil down to
increasing the size of the pool of XIDs or more aggressively pruning unused


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #7045] sandbox: airlifting develops with technology

2016-03-08 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, patch #7045 (project freeciv):

I love this idea!


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23987] Feature request: Mark enemies on the map

2015-12-23 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #23987 (project freeciv):

I don't remember how earlier versions handled it, but at least commercial Civ
IV made those dots on their minimap according to the color of the nation the
unit belonged to.  I don't think that'd work for us due to our much larger
pool of potential players in each game.  Perhaps a red/yellow/green outline
around the dot to mark warring/peaceful/allied units?  Or, a tooltip like aid
that could pop up the nation name [and unit type?].


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23987] Feature request: Mark enemies on the map

2015-12-22 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #23987 (project freeciv):



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23987] Feature request: Mark enemies on the map

2015-12-22 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #23987 (project freeciv):

The keyword here is *enemy* units.  The units layer is somewhat helpful in
showing units of other nations, but does not discriminate between the
diplomatic state of those nations.  Thus, it requires some fussing to see
which dots actually need to be worried about.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23719] no support for most keyboard shortcuts

2015-12-20 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #23719 (project freeciv):

So i see those stock items are deprecated in GTK3, but have apparently not
been superseded in GTK2?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23736] Unable to run Freeciv on OSX Yosemite

2015-08-14 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #23736 (project freeciv):

Yeah, that Lion version is only gonna work on Lion.  We should probably take
that down, or at least put a big warning on it.

To the original poster, we don't currently offer compiled binary for OSX.  For
now, the fix is to use a package manager to compile and install it for you. 
You have a choice of Fink MacPorts, or HomeBrew


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23719] no support for most keyboard shortcuts

2015-08-12 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #23719 (project freeciv):

@sds: We are using the X11 GUI, and thus need linuxish-type modifier keys. 
Opt-N will get you a new game, Opt-L to load, etc.  Note that if you are using
XQuartz you may need to set the preferences for Input - Option keys send
Alt_L and Alt-R.

About: the existing shortcuts are inconsistent.  I think you refer to the
fact that the opening screen responds to the Option/Alt key while the in-game
menus respond to Control key.  If so,  then i have to admit that the current
situation is not ideal, but the menus speak truth when they [for example]
Ctrl-S to save.  That's certainly not something we are going to be able to fix
in the near future.

@jtn: The Gnome Project's GTK-OSX toolchain theoretically should compile
Freeciv into a OSX-native 'Cocoa' bundle, with the key bindings modified
appropriately.   I say 'should' as i haven't tried it yet; i understand that
is how, for example, Gnucash and Gimp provide executables now. I will do this
at my earliest convenience, though i don't know when that will be since i'm in
the middle of divorce right now.

In other OSes, do the Meta keys actually change from Alt in the opening screen
to Ctrl in the main screen?  If not, how did we end up this way?  

As far as status, this WFM though i'm not sure if that's sufficient
justification to close the bug.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #5917] civ2civ3/experimental: forbid airlift for Big Land units?

2015-03-07 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, patch #5917 (project freeciv):

I'm not sure that airlift should be a barrier to moving *anything*.  There are
plenty of real-world examples of military cargo jets that can carry Main
Battle Tanks, and Boeing's Dreamlifter was designed to carry other aircraft.

Besides airlift, the *only* way to get units to another continent is the
Transport.  If Transport is the only way then that represents a hardship for
land-locked nations.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #5587] Labels for earth scenarios

2014-12-21 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, patch #5587 (project freeciv):

I think it was commercial Civ III that had scenarios in which the goal was to
occupy certain tiles - every turn a unit sat there it increased the score
[more units, more points].  Just an idea.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23039] … can't build Settlers yet.

2014-12-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #23039 (project freeciv):

That's clearer to me.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #23039] … can't build Settlers yet.

2014-12-07 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: … can't build Settlers yet.
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Sun 07 Dec 2014 07:45:17 PM PST
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.5.0-beta2
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



This is my first run with the new beta test, and it's also my first run with
the civ2civ3 ruleset.  *Something* isn't right here, but i'm not sure where
the problem is coming from.  Anyway, i set my city to build a Settler while it
was still size 1.  Thing is, the city is now size 2 but still won't finish the
Settler.  Is this a bug, or is civ2civ3 significantly different in this area? 
The in game help does say that a Settler can be built at size 2.


File Attachments:

Date: Sun 07 Dec 2014 07:45:17 PM PST  Name: freeciv-T0025-Y-2750-auto.sav.bz2
 Size: 34kB   By: doctorjlowe



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22994] There seems to be an inconsistency?

2014-11-26 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #22994 (project freeciv):

Expanding on what pepeto said, the relevant setting in the GUI is Game -
Options - Remote Server - Sociological - Turns the game ends.  The
default is 5000, but in my experience solo games are usually cut and dried
after 500.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18009] ec_turns 1 still doesn't print all messages

2014-11-19 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #18009 (project freeciv):

This is still ongoing with 2.4.3, BTW.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18227] Qt-client configure check test program compilation fails

2014-11-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #16, bug #18227 (project freeciv):

 The Qt client is only a stub in S2_4, so I wouldn't consider it very
important, unless it
 can screw up ordinary configure even if user doesn't ask for Qt client?

True, this does not prevent configuring or building other GUIs.

Any news on this?

Unfortunately not.  I think it will have to wait until we have a fix for bug
#18200.  I apologize for not getting back to this sooner.

 Is it MacOS-specific?

To the best of my knowledge this is only triggered by 'framework' style
libraries, which are only common in Mac.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22953] Server LAN advertisement IP

2014-11-13 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #22953 (project freeciv):

I guess i should put my Cisco training to work and look at this.  Offhand, i
wouldn't expect a typical residential LAN to even have a DNS.  It seems like
the advertisement should prefer IP over hostname.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22847] reset in server/commands.c

2014-10-28 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #22847 (project freeciv):

 Does some client allow you to configure this?

This is probably easier to control at the level of the text editor.  Certainly
TextWrangler, which i use, has preferences for three different kinds of line
endings, stripping trailing white space, etc.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] mac os 2.4.2 build

2014-08-27 Thread David Lowe
On 2014 Jul 31, at 12:23 PM, Jacob Nevins 
0jacobnk.fc...@chiark.greenend.org.uk wrote:

First off, let me apologize for not catching this thread sooner.  The 
freeciv project has been so busy that i have quite a few unread messages yet.  
It's a great problem to have!

 Ryan P.C. McQuen writes:
 i was wondering if packages would be built for the 2.4.x series and if i
 could help in some way. :)
 None of the current maintainers have Mac OS X, so we don't currently
 plan to release any new Mac OS X packages, I'm afraid.
 If you want to help, refreshing
 http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/Install-MacOSX with clear and up-to-date
 instructions for people seeking to run Freeciv on the Mac OS would be a
 very useful start! I've tweaked it slightly based on conversations with
 Mac users, but really I haven't got a clue about Macs.

Yeah, i'll take a look at that soonish.

 I guess that preparing .dmg style packages like we used to have (and
 being able to prepare new ones on demand when we make releases) would
 also be useful? (If they are still a thing on current versions of the
 Mac OS, and easier to use than MacPorts?)
 (The old ones we had seemed to depend on the version of the Mac OS
 running on the maintainer's machine at a minimum, though, which didn't
 seem ideal.)

Once Upon A Time i set out to attempt such an independent build.  It 
was impractical at the time for a few reasons:

1) Even to build a single client, there is a relatively large quantity of 
dependencies for Freeciv.  I kept missing things, and ended up relying upon a 
package management system to do the grunt work.

2) Those dependencies that offer binaries for Mac OS do so in the 'framework' 
format, which our build tools know nothing about.  I was able to modify the 
sdl.m4 script to detect the main SDL framework, but different linker flags are 
going to be needed to use it.  Thus, we're pretty much forced to compile 
*everything* from scratch.

3) The gnome/GTK stuff in particular is a PITA on Mac OS.

So, anyway, there's my list of excuses.  I will consider myself to have 
been given a 'round tuit' and attempt the stand-alone package again. In the 
meanwhile, Freeciv 2.4.2 is available through both Fink and MacPorts.  Neither 
is as simple as a double-click, but then neither is harder than install 
freeciv.  Note that i am a member of the Fink project, and am biased in that 

sent from Mountain Lion

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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22467] chatline.c:1461:10: error: use of undeclared identifier 'G_SOURCE_REMOVE'

2014-08-13 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: chatline.c:1461:10: error: use of undeclared
identifier 'G_SOURCE_REMOVE'
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Wed 13 Aug 2014 02:57:16 AM PDT
Category: bootstrap
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.5.0-beta1
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Mac OS
 Planned Release: 



I'm getting this error on OSX 10.8.5 with Xcode 5.0.2.  Am i missing some


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22467] chatline.c:1461:10: error: use of undeclared identifier 'G_SOURCE_REMOVE'

2014-08-13 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #22467 (project freeciv):

Thanks, pepeto.  This ticket can be closed.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #22050] Recursive transport problems

2014-05-19 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #22050 (project freeciv):

On question 3, i would agree that the volume taken up by a transported unit
shouldn't change if it has something else inside it.  This is not true for the
case of something being transported *outside*, but those cases are so few we
can probably ignore them.  Weight is another issue, but we might safely ignore
it.  Also, space taken up by a deployed unit is much more than needed when it
is packed for transport - but the multiplier would presumable vary between
different unit types.

Regarding unit sizes, that level of realism might be more than we need.  We
already have, for example, the Big Land category.  Then again, there are
already so many fudge factors in unit composition that the ruleset author
might end up picking random numbers out of the air.  For instance, depending
upon whom you talk to [and what era], an aircraft squadron might be made of 6
- 50 aircraft.  Now which is bigger, six bombers or 50 fighters?

By comparison, Civilization IV only made the distinction that the Caravel
could carry smaller units like Spies but not mainline units.  Otherwise all
units were considered equal.  Small Land, anyone?

RPGs i've played usually either separately list volume and weight for items or
give a single arbitrary 'size' figure which indicates all of: bulkiness,
volume,  weight.  This is probably what persia had in mind.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4693] Utility to determine if a unit is transported by another, directly or indirectly

2014-05-16 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, patch #4693 (project freeciv):

'within' might be semantically correct, but i prefer the shorter 'in'.  I
can't yet imagine how that could be misunderstood as anything else.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21810] Missing freeciv version on About window

2014-04-07 Thread David Lowe
On 2014 Mar 20, at 4:51 PM, Marko Lindqvist no-reply.invalid-addr...@gna.org 

 Unfortunately we currently have no MacOS packager.

What skill set is needed for this role, or what responsibilities are 

sent from Mountain Lion

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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21592] (civclient:29856): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

2014-02-25 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21592 (project freeciv):

I've been seeing this intermittently in solo games, but only after longer play
sessions.  Before the warning occurs, the client gets noticeably slower.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21585] If no cities, settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.

2014-02-21 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21585 (project freeciv):

So not a serious bug, but still not optimal behavior.  Would it be hard to set
up a conditional such that units refuse auto settler activity if there are no
cities?  Ideally there would be some sort of feedback, but that would take
more strings and such.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21275] [packhand.c::646] assertion 'citizens_count(pcity) == city_size_get(pcity)' failed.

2014-02-15 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #21275 (project freeciv):

I just saw this again, using standard-issue 2.4.2 and experimental ruleset.  I
am more certain now that capturing a city was the cause and will try to set up
a save game.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21275] [packhand.c::646] assertion 'citizens_count(pcity) == city_size_get(pcity)' failed.

2014-02-15 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #21275 (project freeciv):

Okeh, here's a savefile.  Take the South Vietnamese, and move the Riflemen at
(59,44) to Doolish.

I know this is somewhat off topic, but what about adding a timestamp to
assertion output?  It would simplify troubleshooting this kind of thing for
those of us who don't have a second monitor to look at the command line while

(file #20063)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: Packhand-646.sav.bz2   Size:57 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4392] Hidden resources which can be revealed by tech advances

2014-02-05 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #7, patch #4392 (project freeciv):

Sorry i'm late to this conversation.

 Civ III has it.

Indeed, that was probably the worst thing about it.  When you suddenly
discovered you couldn't build railroads due to missing iron and/or coal the
only solution was quitting - i tried many times and was never able to trade or
conquer my out of this problem.  Perhaps if new resources would sometimes be
'discovered' during play might ease the pain?  That could reasonably be
accompanied by an occasional known resource being removed due to depletion.

Yes, shared vision would become more complicated.

I'd go along with the notion that a new resource should be visible to all when
it becomes available.  Just because you don't know how to use Uranium doesn't
mean you haven't seen it; you'd still be able to trade it.

I'd also hate to have to re-scout all my territory to find out if  any of
those swamps have coal.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Do you want the application “freeciv-server” to accept incoming network connections?

2014-01-17 Thread David Lowe
On 2014 Jan 12, at 3:16 AM, Jacob Nevins 
0jacobnk.fc...@chiark.greenend.org.uk wrote:

 You might have hoped that with the move to 2.4, OS X's firewall would
 have become *less* fussy, since locally spawned servers should now only
 listen on the localhost interface http://gna.org/bugs/?18530. Perhaps
 it has unexpectedly become more fussy as a result of this change in
 Freeciv -- which behaviour does 2.3 on 10.8 have, if it's easy to test?

Sorry i didn't get back to you right away.  It turns out i still had a 
.deb file of 2.3.4, and i re-installed that.  The result: the security 
requester popped up when i loaded a saved game, but it didn't come back when i 
quit and restarted/reloaded.

sent from Mountain Lion

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Blank Reg: It's a book!
Paula: Well, what's that?
Blank Reg: It's a nonvolatile storage medium. It's very rare, you should have 
Paula: Stuff it!
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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Do you want the application “freeciv-server” to accept incoming network connections?

2014-01-17 Thread David Lowe
On 2014 Jan 12, at 3:16 AM, Jacob Nevins 
0jacobnk.fc...@chiark.greenend.org.uk wrote:

 You might have hoped that with the move to 2.4, OS X's firewall would
 have become *less* fussy, since locally spawned servers should now only
 listen on the localhost interface http://gna.org/bugs/?18530. Perhaps
 it has unexpectedly become more fussy as a result of this change in
 Freeciv -- which behaviour does 2.3 on 10.8 have, if it's easy to test?

As an addendum, here's some data to chew on - from netstat.  Summary: 
2.4 initializes an additional IPv6 socket compared to 2.3.  Is this expected 

With freeciv-2.3.4

Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address(state)
tcp6   0  0  localhost.freeciv  localhost.51436ESTABLISHED
tcp6   0  0  localhost.51436localhost.freeciv  ESTABLISHED
tcp4   0  0  *.freeciv  *.*LISTEN 
tcp6   0  0  *.freeciv  *.*LISTEN

With freeciv-2.4.0

Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address(state)
tcp6   0  0  localhost.5557 localhost.51623ESTABLISHED
tcp6   0  0  localhost.51623localhost.5557 ESTABLISHED
tcp6   0  0  localhost.5557 *.*LISTEN 
tcp4   0  0  localhost.5557 *.*LISTEN 
tcp6   0  0  localhost.5557 *.*LISTEN

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[Freeciv-Dev] Do you want the application “freeciv-server” to accept incoming network connections?

2014-01-09 Thread David Lowe
Well, i finally moved to OSX 10.8 about the time i built freeciv 2.4.  
Previously, the OS would ask once [after the first time the binary was run] 
whether to allow/deny the connection.  Whatever answer was chosen would be 
'remembered' until the binary was rebuilt.  The new version of OSX doesn't 
'remember' any more, and keeps asking.  Every.  Time.  What's particularly 
annoying about this is that it pops up every time i click on the Load Saved 
Game button.  Presumably this is triggered by freeciv initializing a socket or 
something.  My question is, can we avoid re-initializing it repeatedly for solo 

sent from Mountain Lion

Bond. James Bond.
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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21275] [packhand.c::646] assertion

2013-11-16 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21275 (project freeciv):

I've only been using standard issue tar balls on this machine, not checkouts. 
However, you are right in that this is the experimental ruleset.  I apologize
for not mentioning that earlier.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21275] [packhand.c::646] assertion

2013-11-15 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: [packhand.c::646] assertion
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Fri 15 Nov 2013 01:39:16 PM PST
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.4.0-RC2
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Mac OS
 Planned Release: 



I just started getting:

in handle_city_info() [packhand.c::646]: assertion 'citizens_count(pcity) ==
city_size_get(pcity)' failed.

Note that this just started showing up after a long period of peace.  I've a
hunch it's happening once per city i capture, but it will take some time to
isolate a test case.  Then i will finally upgrade to the final release version
and see if it still happens.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21275] [packhand.c::646] assertion

2013-11-15 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21275 (project freeciv):

I wish i could say.  I captured one more city before my spaceship arrived, and
i didn't get the assertion again.  The good thing for usability is that it
didn't disturb the play session; i wasn't aware of it until i had quit and saw
several of these messages sitting in Terminal.  The bad thing for debugging is
that i wasn't aware of it until it was too late to associate a cause.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21239] Optional rule: Penalty to attack due to ZoC

2013-10-30 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21239 (project freeciv):

So essentially what you are saying is that as soon as a unit comes against
multiple units, it will be at a disadvantage against all of them.  I have to
say i don't like that idea.  Any attacker should be able to still move
'forward' and attack in one direction without penalty.  Otherwise it is doomed
as soon as it becomes adjacent to that second unit.

You mentioned WW2, and it is in thinking about those battles that we have to
consider this idea.  Many of the great actions then were won by fast units
breaking through enemy lines, and EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE ENEMIES ON BOTH SIDES,
carrying the attack through to softer targets in the rear area.  Your idea
would make that practically impossible to simulate in game terms.

I consider this separate from the defender in impassible terrain.  I still
agree that those attacks should be disallowed, or limited to pure bombardment.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21239] Optional rule: Penalty to attack due to ZoC

2013-10-29 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21239 (project freeciv):

The first version is unworkable considering our units have no defined 'front'.
 If my Warriors are surrounded, which unit can i attack without penalty?

However, i like the version in comment #2.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21009] There's no way to cancel production change

2013-08-08 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21009 (project freeciv):

I would vote for expanding this wish.  One thing that all clients are lacking
is a cancel button.  I feel it made for a steeper learning curve when i first
started out, since there was no easy way to experiment without losing track of
what the city was doing originally.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20886] Fortresses can be used to take over territory within peaceful neighbour's city radius

2013-07-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #20886 (project freeciv):

 how do you prevent (without killing the builder) peaceful player from
building the base

Even allied countries do not *completely* trust the military units of others. 
This is typically handled with a SOFA [Status Of Forces Agreement] treaty,
that spells out what activities are allowed and specifies penalties for

 Then again, maybe building the fortress should be always allowed, but the
change is made to who owns the fortress in the end.

I think this is a better solution.


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[Freeciv-Dev] libcurl not in docs?

2013-05-03 Thread David Lowe

I just compiled the 2.4.0-beta2 in Ubuntu 12.04.  I was a little surprised to 
find that it now requires curl, i thought that was not going in until 2.5?  If 
this is intentional, i will prepare a patch to INSTALL, which doesn't mention 
libcurl at all.

Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #16164] Aircraft commit suicide if 'autoattack' is set

2013-04-02 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #16164 (project freeciv):

I would prefer them to not autoattack at all when on their last turn of fuel. 
This test should also catch units away from refuel point.  Wait, what does
this mean for Fighter-type units [fuel = 1]?  I don't use them, and didn't
think about them until i started looking more closely at a ruleset.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20664] fcintl.h:71: error

2013-03-28 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #20664 (project freeciv):

Yeah, it works.


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[Freeciv-Dev] fcintl.h:71: error

2013-03-27 Thread David Lowe
Alright, i'm not gonna file a bug yet, since the last time i did the bug
turned out to be an error on my part.

On my Debian_PPC system, i've been running TRUNK.  It's been going quite
well until today's checkout. r22607 gives me this:

 make[3]: Entering directory `/home/david/freeciv/trunk/utility'
   CC astring.lo
 In file included from astring.c:66:
 fcintl.h:71: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before 
 make[3]: *** [astring.lo] Error 1

One possibly relevant bit of information is that i configure with 
--disable-nls.  Is this a bug, or am i missing some dependency, or...

Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20664] fcintl.h:71: error

2013-03-27 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: fcintl.h:71: error
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Wed 27 Mar 2013 05:33:23 AM PDT
Category: bootstrap
Severity: 4 - Important
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: r22607
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: GNU/Linux
 Planned Release: 



 make[3]: Entering directory `/home/david/freeciv/trunk/utility'
   CC astring.lo
 In file included from astring.c:66:
 fcintl.h:71: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or
‘__attribute__’ before ‘is_capitalization_enabled’
 make[3]: *** [astring.lo] Error 1

One possibly relevant bit of information is that i configure with


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20664] fcintl.h:71: error

2013-03-27 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20664 (project freeciv):

I'm still pretty new in working with patches, and can't get it to apply:

 david@debianG5:~/freeciv/trunk$ patch -p1

It hangs here with no output and i don't get the cursor back until i do
CTRL-C.  Am i missing an argument?  [This is on Squeeze, if it's relevant].  I
ran the make command afterward just to be sure, and it still gives the same


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Client-side scripting (was: [bug #20489] Explorers shouldn't stop exploring)

2013-03-02 Thread David Lowe
On 2013 Mar 1, at 2:50 AM, Jacob Nevins wrote:


 David Lowe writes:
 That's an interesting idea, but i don't know who would have the time
 and talent to submit such a patch.  In order to be truly useful, it
 would have to enable the given unit to do almost anything the player
 could tell it to do - and prevent the script from having the unit do
 things the player couldn't tell it to do.  It seems like that would
 require lots of hooks to accomplish all that.
 Permissions won't be a problem -- we already don't trust the client, so
 a client-side script won't be able to do anything the player can't.
 But, yes, there is a fair amount of work required to define the actions
 for client-side scripting to affect the game world. They can't all be
 straight copies of the server methods (e.g. 'edit' module), because the
 client doesn't get instant feedback; e.g. on the server,
 edit.unit_move() returns whether the unit died; on the client, it will
 merely trigger the dispatch of a network packet requesting that the unit
 move, and in the natural implementation, when that returns to the script
 we won't know if the move was even allowed; if the script wants to know
 what happened to the unit it will have to watch for a signal triggered
 by news of the unit's fate from the server (and in any case can't know
 for sure that e.g. the unit's death was triggered by the script's
 action). So client-side scripts are going to have to be written in a
 much more open-loop style.

I'm not sure if permissions is the word i would have used, but a rogue 
script could conceivably issue an order that couldn't even be given through the 
GUI.  We may want to review our sanity-checking as part of this effort.

sent from Lion

Jayne: Ten percent of nothin' is ... let me do the math here ... nothin' into 
nothin' ... carry the nothin' ... 
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3759] Make freesounds the default soundset

2013-02-28 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, patch #3759 (project freeciv):

 We also have the option to just improve the stdsounds by taking usable parts
from freesounds.

I can't think of a single thing about stdsounds that would be any worse with
the proposed changes.  Your proposal sounds like a win-win.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20544] Sea units benefitting from City Walls

2013-02-20 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20544 (project freeciv):

I haven't actually surveyed layouts of real life cities for this, but it seems
reasonable that in many cases the wall might well be built right to the
water's edge.  So if a ship in a harbor gets attacked by infantry, it could
well be behind a wall.

Surely the routine that finds a city's defender takes BadCityDefender into
account [i'm not finding it right now]?  Perhaps BadCityDefender should modify
the Defense value and/or Hitpoints alongside the Attack value.  When a unit is
not in their natural element [a ship in dock or a plane on the ground] they
should be considered essentially defenseless and automatically eliminated,

Anyway, to me that was the lesson of Pearl Harbor.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20501] Help could be clearer about CanFortify defence bonus vs cities

2013-02-18 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #20501 (project freeciv):

 I haven't played with autoattack, but this sounds like a bug to me. Can you
raise a
 new ticket about this with some more detail?

Let me set up a reproducible test case.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3711] Caravan popups as part of unit focus queue?

2013-02-18 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, patch #3711 (project freeciv):

About obscuring the action, i wonder if it wouldn't be better if all other
unit movements pause until the popup has been dealt with.  But, i understand
that would come with its own problems.

About forgetting that a caravan is ready, i don't think that's such a big
problem.  The caravan gets its focus back next turn and essentially just loses
a turn.  The worst case scenario is if the player forgets sending the caravan
there and sends it out again.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20501] Help could be clearer about CanFortify defence bonus vs cities

2013-02-12 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #20501 (project freeciv):

One thing i've noticed in conjunction with server-side auto-attack: units that
have been given the 'Fortify' command can be reliably counted on to engage
approaching enemies.  Units that have been given the 'Sentry' command aren't
as courageous.  Thus, there is still a benefit to having the manual fortify

 Then there are Worker-type units, which gui shortcut 'f' makes to build
fortress instead of fortifying.

When i was new, this part was somewhat confusing that the same command does
two different things.  Besides, there have been times when i wished i could
have a worker just hunker down to the mountain for a turn or two.  However,
that is getting out of the scope of a 'docs' ticket.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20489] Explorers shouldn't stop exploring

2013-02-11 Thread David Lowe
On 2013 Feb 10, at 3:07 PM, Imhotep wrote:

 Instead of giving in to such requests, I would rather advocate an interface 
 for the client where everyone can put any unit or types of units under the 
 control of some client-side script.

That's an interesting idea, but i don't know who would have the time 
and talent to submit such a patch.  In order to be truly useful, it would have 
to enable the given unit to do almost anything the player could tell it to do - 
and prevent the script from having the unit do things the player couldn't tell 
it to do.  It seems like that would require lots of hooks to accomplish all 
that.  But yeah, it would be nice to assign some Engineers to full-time 
pollution cleanup duties.

In any case, your last post [and now mine] aren't attached to the 
tracker item and thus aren't being seen by everybody following that ticket.  In 
the future you may consider putting your replies back on the tracker.

sent from Lion

Max Headroom: Have you any idea how successful censorship is on TV? Don't know 
the answer? Hmm. Successful, isn't it?
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20489] Explorers shouldn't stop exploring

2013-02-11 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #20489 (project freeciv):

 With it automatically determining mode, it could end to new mode when I
wanted old one.

So instead of 'x', how about 'X' for the new mode?  I *think* that key
combination isn't in use yet...  


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20499] ruleset datafile appears incompatible

2013-02-11 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: ruleset datafile appears incompatible
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Mon 11 Feb 2013 01:16:52 PM PST
Category: rulesets
Severity: 5 - Blocker
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: r22326
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: GNU/Linux
 Planned Release: 



This is on Debian Squeeze PPC.   After 'svn up' and a fresh build, i attempted
to start a new game with the experimental ruleset.  The GUI immediately gave
me a stack of popup requests, including [in no particular order]:

Capability problem
supported options: +Freeciv-2.4-ruleset
datafile options: +Freeciv-ruleset-Devel-2012.Feb.28
usr/local/share/freeciv/experimental/nations.ruleset: ruleset datafile
appears incompatible:

Terminal output looks like this:

$ freeciv-gtk2
1: Invalid NULL default string for option default_tileset_name.
1: in option_str_set() [options.c::752]: assertion '((void *)0) != str'
1: Please report this message at http://gna.org/projects/freeciv/
0: No usable default tileset found, aborting!

The default ruleset works just fine.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20499] ruleset datafile appears incompatible

2013-02-11 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20499 (project freeciv):

Whoops, it appears i had forgotten to 'make install' and then ran the old
binary [2.4-beta1].  Sorry for the noise.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20489] Explorers shouldn't stop exploring

2013-02-10 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20489 (project freeciv):

Patrol requires far too much micromanagement to be useful.  The primary
issue is that the pathfinder keeps steering the unit onto any available
road/river/etc and the unit never gets close to areas that aren't adjacent to
such.  I second the original poster in that it would be better if we had a
mode that would 'pull' units towards tiles that currently aren't seen.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20365] Modpack Crash

2013-02-07 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #20365 (project freeciv):

Hmm, it seems i must have been running 2.3.2 when this happened.  I did
recently upgrade to 2.3.3 and it no longer happens.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Culture

2013-01-29 Thread David Lowe
On 2013 Jan 28, at 4:50 PM, Jacob Nevins wrote:

 I wonder if there should be a minimum city size for outward migration in
 some circumstances. Say, a city of size 2 is immune to international
 migration, so foreign cities aren't completely disbanded -- there's a
 core of people who'll never drift across the border.

I'm liking this idea.  And maybe size one cities being immune to 
national migration - that would be people proud of their hometown?

sent from Lion

Mrs. Formby: My god, they could lobotomize the network. Without television, 
this city would be ungovernable!
Freeciv-dev mailing list

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Culture

2013-01-28 Thread David Lowe
On 2013 Jan 27, at 5:38 PM, Marko Lindqvist wrote:

 This would weaken some of the existing concepts - sometimes
 happiness rules even seem like culture rules under different name.

I think this is fine, at least until something better comes along.

 Capturing cities with superior cultural influence
 is the obvious solution, which many other games have also implemented,
 but that wouldn't work well with our existing migration concept.

Personally i find migration of population units to be an interesting 
idea, but unsatisfactory in execution.  It tends to force 'large pox' to an 
extreme; before a city has been built up enough to attract foreigners it begins 
to cannibalize neighboring friendly cities.  By the time it can bring people 
across the border it faces a challenge in feeding so many mouths.  I can go 
ahead and build the Supermarket, but what then?  After the enemy city has 
disbanded it leaves a ruin on the border; founding a new city there is of 
course useless.  If i had annexed the enemy city instead it would help to push 
my border further out...

 People are already moving to better place. Again, culture could
 contribute to migration score, but it cannot replace it.
 But there's one very simple solution. Let's not make culture to give
 unrealistic bonuses to be used in a way to victory, but to be the
 victory condition itself. Let's simply add optional victory condition
 for cultural domination, and everyone has to build their culture at
 least to prevent others from winning.

I agree with that.

sent from Lion

Edison Carter: Security Systems has its tendrils into every element of our 
society - the government, our homes, the police, the courts - I'm not gonna 
spike this story just because it deals with dollar amounts beyond your 
comprehension! It's too important!
Murray: ...cerebral...
Theora Jones: Murray, we're trying to play this takeover as a threat to our 
average viewer. Nobody knows who's doing it. I mean, we all deal with SS every 
day - what if some really dangerous people got control of it?
Murray: Who do you think controls it now?
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17779] Still Counting Down Cease-fire With R.I.P. Opponent

2013-01-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #17779 (project freeciv):

 Existing war does not prevent you from switching to any government. It's
declaring new wars while in democracy that senate could block.

Well, i wasn't referring to an absolute prohibition but rather that i couldn't
support the additional burden of unhappiness.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20361] Pathfinding may prefer move+attack to simply attacking adjacent target

2013-01-14 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #20361 (project freeciv):

That's actually pretty good.  Any reasonable defender will certainly attempt
to negate the road using mines, caltrops, etc.  In general, we want the
attacker to remain in place after the assault.  The added movement point cost
from having to march beside the road will further limit fast units from
shooting and scooting.

Where this needs more consideration is the experimental ruleset.  If the
defender is on a tile that the attacker could not enter except via road, then
totally negating the road will make the defender unreachable.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20428] 'g_thread_init' is deprecated

2013-01-14 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20428 (project freeciv):

According to:
, the answer is 2.31.0.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20109] Compilation fails with stdinhand on OSX (‘rl_completion_suppress_append’ undeclared)

2013-01-03 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #20109 (project freeciv):

It's certainly working for me on 10.7.  I sent upgraded packaging information
to the fink project, where it should have been tested on 10.8, with no
negative feedback.  I will try 10.6 today...


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] FreeCiv - Looking for an iOS iPad Version

2013-01-02 Thread David Lowe
On 2013 Jan 1, at 3:22 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:

 Is there a FreeCiv port for iOS on the iPad? I see random postings on various 
 sites that makes me think that it has been done, but I can't find one 

There isn't one now, and i don't see one in the foreseeable future.  
iOS apps have to be compiled with Objective-C, and i'm guessing it would not be 
a trivial task to port our current code over to it.  Then there's the little 
matter that our main GUI [GTK], does not exist within iOS and might not ever.

sent from Lion

Max Headroom: I sense a prob-prob-prob-problem here! Why the long face? Hmm? 
Theora Jones: I think I lost my brother.
Max Headroom: Have you ch-ch-ch-checked your pockets?
Theora Jones: Max, it's not funny.
Max Headroom: Sorry.
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20365] Modpack Crash

2012-12-23 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #20365 (project freeciv):

gtk+2 2.18.9


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20365] Modpack Crash

2012-12-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #20365 (project freeciv):

2: Installing modpack freesounds.modpack from
Gdk:ERROR:gdkregion-generic.c:337:void miSetExtents(GdkRegion *): assertion
failed: (pExtents-y1  pExtents-y2)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x7fff87b0ace2 in __pthread_kill ()
(gdb) quit

If this doesn't help i will recompile with debugging turned on.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20365] Modpack Crash

2012-12-13 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: Modpack Crash
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Thu 13 Dec 2012 04:49:06 AM PST
Category: module installer
Severity: 4 - Important
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.3
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Mac OS
 Planned Release: 



[doctorjlowe@David-Lowes-MacBook-Pro:~]$ freeciv-modpack
2: Installing modpack freesounds.modpack from
freeciv-modpack(68337,0x7fff7eafa960) malloc: *** error for object
0x7f8558e06110: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20365] Modpack Crash

2012-12-13 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20365 (project freeciv):

Possibly relevant fact: i had forgotten i had installed freesound a long time
ago.  Presumably the error came about while trying to overwrite what was
already there?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20361] Pathfinding may prefer move+attack to simply attacking adjacent target

2012-12-10 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20361 (project freeciv):

I assume the relevant difference between the Musketeer and the Dragoon is that
the Musketeer only has one movement point, so the Dragoon could afford to move
before attacking.  The problem is, that the pathfinder is optimized to use
less movement points on the route and, as you surmised, will prefer the river.
 The question is why doesn't the pathfinder see not moving before the attack
as the optimum use of movement points? 


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] SDL 2.0

2012-11-27 Thread David Lowe
On 2012 Nov 26, at 4:57 PM, Marko Lindqvist wrote:

 Which route we should take this time? While gtk 2.0 - 3.0 migration
 by providing too completely separate clients has worked well, this SDL
 upgrade seems to affect code less, so I would go route of #ifdeffing
 between version used. From my point of view main drawback of that
 would be that one cannot build both versions concurrently as separate

Would we have a configure-time argument to force building against the 
SDL of our choice?  If so, then i see no problem.

sent from Lion

Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape.

Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20269] Unit with move rate 0 cannot be unloaded

2012-11-18 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #20269 (project freeciv):

 Would it be better or worse for the usability if Shift + T behavior
 on whether cargo can exist in current tile or not - all units would get
 activated, but those that can exist in transporter tile would also get
 automatically unloaded to that tile.

This is ideal: fully unload all units that can exist in the target hex.  Those
that can't, stay in the transport.  It is also exactly what i'm seeing now

One case worth considering is when there is a second transport in the same
hex.  Is it unrealistic/impractical to move, say, Freight from one ship to
another in the middle of the ocean?  Hmm, i seem to recall there was another
tracker item about this topic but i can't find it just now.

 Or should this work (as I suppose it currently somehow does) that you first
 Shift + T to activate cargo, and then U)nload them, or unload them using

 citydlg present units area.

That's certainly not the way it works for me now, and i don't remember it ever
having been that way.  After Shift + T the units are out [or at least awake]
and ready to go to work when it is their turn to be activated.  'Manually'
unloading them can be done without Shift + T - this is what i do when i wish
unload different units in different cities.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20269] Unit with move rate 0 cannot be unloaded

2012-10-28 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20269 (project freeciv):

I use Shift+T pretty regularly, and never had a problem with it.  In fact,
it could be said to work too well - for instance, it will offload a unit that
expended all its movement points that turn getting on the Transport.  Not that
i'm complaining, mind you.

Is there possibly an issue with the definition of the Bomber?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18228] Configure does not support Mac OS Framework-style SDL installation

2012-09-19 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #18228 (project freeciv):

Fortunately my father speaks M4, and he was able to add in the necessary
functionality.  He had to shuffle some original lines around before it even
made sense, though.  Therefore the attached patch will be larger than
indicated by the roughly 30 lines of new code.

Notes: 1) This has been tested to work on my Snow Leopard rig and also that it
doesn't break SDL detection on a Debian system.  However, i realize that is
far from exhaustive, so feedback is welcome.

2) This only provides for detection of the main SDL library, sdl_image will
have to be dealt with elsewhere.  That could be sdl-client.m4 or its
dependencies [namely, AC_CHECK_LIB  AC_CHECK_HEADER].  I suppose that should
be a separate tracker item?

3) After that is working we will probably still need to modify compiler flags
to correctly use the frameworks.

(file #16592)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: with_framework.patch   Size:13 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] Tentative 2.4.0-beta1 build failure

2012-08-23 Thread David Lowe
I'm seeing an error i haven't seen before when building the new 
version.  I'm calling this tentative as i need to download the latest version 
of Xcode and see if it is still a problem.  Anyway, it looks like tolua related:

 . . . 
   CCLD   libtolua.la
 Making all in bin
   CC tolua.o
   CC toluabind.o
 make[5]: *** No rule to make target `-lm', needed by `tolua'.  Stop.
 make[5]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
 gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../..  -I../../../../dependencies/lua-5.1/src 
 -I../../../../dependencies/tolua-5.1/include -I/sw/include 
 -DLOCALEDIR=\/sw/share/locale\ -DBINDIR=\/sw/bin\ 
   -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -g -O2 -I/sw/include -pthread 
 -fsigned-char -c toluabind.c
 gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../..  -I../../../../dependencies/lua-5.1/src 
 -I../../../../dependencies/tolua-5.1/include -I/sw/include 
 -DLOCALEDIR=\/sw/share/locale\ -DBINDIR=\/sw/bin\ 
   -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -g -O2 -I/sw/include -pthread 
 -fsigned-char -c tolua.c
 make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 ### execution of make failed, exit code 2

sent from Lion

Toga! Toga!
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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #2963] Use ferryboat system for trade

2012-08-10 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #12, patch #2963 (project freeciv):

 Can a unit be transported over land?

In Alien World ruleset, it certainly can.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Ancients modpack (was: [task #7606] Setup freeciv 2.4 files in modpack.freeciv.org)

2012-08-09 Thread David Lowe
On 2012 Aug 8, at 6:06 AM, Marko Lindqvist wrote:

 Maybe it's time to introduce some kind of stars system to

Wouldn't that open us up to charges of favoritism and/or poor taste?  
If it comes down to somebody's personal opinion, there are going to be users 
who feel differently.  I think we should simply certify mod packs as meeting an 
absolute standard.  Besides, if these are as easy to remove as they are to 
install then users can casually try out new mods.

sent from Lion

Who's on first!
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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20038] Transform to water

2012-08-09 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20038 (project freeciv):

I like Cazfi's idea, but let me throw in another possibility.  Perhaps make
the transformed tile conditional on whether it is adjacent to Lake/River or
Ocean.  If there is no water near then it should default to Lake.  But maybe
it is more expensive to check all  surrounding tiles, and there is probably
going to be an occasional corner case where both kinds of water are adjacent.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20024] Inaccurate Message When Space Component Can't Be Built

2012-08-04 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: Inaccurate Message When Space Component Can't Be
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Sat 04 Aug 2012 07:46:50 AM PDT
Category: None
Severity: 2 - Minor
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.2
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



In a city that is building Space Components [probably Modules and Structural
as well] sell the Factory.  Next turn the '... no longer available' message
gets output even though other cities are perfectly able to keep building Space
Components.  Presumably the server doesn't have an error message for 'Can't
build Space Components without a Factory'.

In the attached save game, take the Normans and end the turn: the affected
city is Tchidbouo.


File Attachments:

Date: Sat 04 Aug 2012 07:46:50 AM PDT  Name:
freeciv-T0435-Y02010-manual.sav.bz2  Size: 49kB   By: doctorjlowe



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18228] Configure does not support Mac OS Framework-style SDL installation

2012-08-03 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #18228 (project freeciv):

After *way* too long, i think i'm closing in on a possible fix.  First off:
gnu automake has no responsibility for AM_PATH_SDL, that actually comes from
libSDL project.  Sam Lantinga said he would take a patch to sdl.m4 but i'm
clueless as to how exactly to modify it to do what i want to try.  We might
end up patching something else instead, but i don't have enough background to
suggest where that might be.

Will somebody please explain to me how m4/sdl.m4 and sdl-client.m4 really
work?  There's not much useful comments to these.  Anyway, my pseudocode looks
like this:

IF exists /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions
 -I = /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/
-L = /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL
IF exists ~/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions
 -I = ~/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/
-L = ~/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL

It's entirely possible that a Mac might have frameworks in both places, in
which case the one in HOME should probably take priority.  I have seen a
framework coexisting with unixey dylibs, in which case we can give priority to
the dylib - this is already well covered by our existing processes.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3346] Ranklog: add player's score to log -- rank even if game ends for /endturn

2012-08-02 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #11, patch #3346 (project freeciv):

Oops, i hadn't considered that.  I guess things should stay as in comment #8.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3346] Ranklog: add player's score to log -- rank even if game ends for /endturn

2012-08-01 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #9, patch #3346 (project freeciv):

It's not new with behavior with this patch, but I wonder if dead players
should be losers in all cases. Now they are marked as losers in first pass,
but later passes have no aliveness check before the turn players to winners.

Right now, i can't think of an example of a dead player who might reasonably
have a higher score than the players who defeated it.  In that case, skipping
over dead players sounds like a good optimization.


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] [task #7606] Setup freeciv 2.4 files in modpack.freeciv.org

2012-07-31 Thread David Lowe
On 2012 Jul 31, at 2:38 PM, Marko Lindqvist wrote:

 I actually would like to hear opinions about Ancients ruleset's status. Should
 it be in default modpack list?

In my extremely personal opinion, i didn't enjoy it when i tried.  Most 
likely it came down to the tech tree being so very different from what i'm used 
to.  In any case, the wiki mentions that it has no maintainer AND it still 
needs play testing and balancing.

sent from Lion

Mal: Next time you want to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my 
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19926] WORDS_BIGENDIAN MacOS X universal binaries

2012-07-12 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #19926 (project freeciv):

While this is something that we might want to straighten out anyway, universal
binaries are probably not an issue anymore.  Our current Mac binaries only run
on OSX 10.7, and 10.7 doesn't support PPC processors.  The last version of OSX
that ran on PPC was 10.5, and Apple no longer releases security updates for
it.  Other than a few diehards, i suspect most PPC users to have reloaded with
Debian or similar.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3396] Boolean Check For Effects

2012-07-10 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: Boolean Check For Effects
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Tue 10 Jul 2012 09:26:59 AM PDT
Category: None
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 



In patch #3345, a wish was expressed that effects should be tested against
greater than zero as opposed to not equal zero.  'city_bool.patch' is a down
payment against such an effort.  If i finally have the format right i will do
the rest.


File Attachments:

Date: Tue 10 Jul 2012 09:26:59 AM PDT  Name: city_bool.patch  Size: 782B   By:



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18228] Configure does not support Mac OS Framework-style SDL installation

2012-07-02 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #18228 (project freeciv):

Um, which question still needs an answer?  Regrettably i no longer have older


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3015] Add citizens feature to built-in help

2012-06-30 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, patch #3015 (project freeciv):

I wonder if it wouldn't be helpful get away from using the word citizen
altogether since it seems to be tied to multiple concepts and has other
legal/emotional meanings in other contexts.  More descriptive if perhaps less
flavorful replacements could include city size and population unit.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19850] Move diplomat/spy veteran effects to ruleset

2012-06-25 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #19850 (project freeciv):

For the spy titles, Case Officer is fairly well established, but Spymaster
is probably preferable due to being shorter and less ambiguous.  Handler
could fit between Informant and Agent.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3024] Inclusion of Alien Worlds to freeciv svn

2012-06-25 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, patch #3024 (project freeciv):

Is there a solid reason why we should limit ourselves to just one more
ruleset?  Since this ticket is NOT about inclusion in tarball, i see no reason
to make a high barrier.  At this point i think we should welcome all new
rulesets that aren't broken or bloated.  So relax your modesty, as we are not
talking about leaving deserving rulesets out.

If we had a working forum, we could post a poll as to user's favorite
rulesets.  However, we don't.  At this point i could wish we had something
comparable to Debian's package popularity contest, but we don't have the
code and infrastructure to support it [not to mention dealing with inevitable
complaints of trampled privacy].


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17354] Client tries to load game in spawned server before requesting hack access

2012-06-19 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #17354 (project freeciv):

I'm chiming in now as i don't believe i saw it when it was new.

I used to have to wait a bit between selecting the save file and clicking
OK, but i no longer remember exactly what error i got if i didn't.  Further,
i can't currently make it go wrong; perhaps the fix was a newer/faster


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] [task #7599] Windows packages for 2.4.0-beta1 (placeholder)

2012-06-19 Thread David Lowe
On 2012 Jun 17, at 12:46 PM, Jacob Nevins wrote:

 So I guess we can either:
 * wait patiently for the official Gtk3 binaries; or
 * try to use the OpenSUSE binaries; or
 * ship the Gtk2 client

That actually seems like the most reasonable order: 1) wait [but not 
too patiently] for an official binary, 2) try the unofficial one, 3) fallback 
to the current one.

sent from Lion

Tracey: When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't crawl, when you 
can't do that ... 

Zoe:  ... you find someone to carry you.
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19818] Experimental ruleset: worker veteran system has problems

2012-06-17 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #19818 (project freeciv):

Personally, i prefer apprentice, journeyman, master over working man,
journeyman, foreman.

As far as Engineers go, it makes sense to apply a similar system to them once
Worker veteran system is stable.  I think we could use the same titles. 
Presumably the upgrade process will then automatically carry over the level?


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Re: [Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19711] no hex tiles

2012-05-10 Thread David Lowe
On 2012 May 5, at 10:29 PM, Sam Steingold wrote:

 Follow-up Comment #3, bug #19711 (project freeciv):
 client and server files are attached.
 note that these files are hand-edited and kept under mercurial, so I find it
 unfortunate that freeciv insists on rewriting the client config file,
 reordering options and reformatting wordlists.

Yeah, the config files meant to be writable by freeciv and not anybody 
else.  Since you know that freeciv is going to keep writing to those files, 
you'd probably be better off adding them to the ignore file.

 settings in the server file are ignored (e.g., all units are on the same tile
 despite set dispersion 3 even though I selected ruleset version sea and
 the console said
 sds: 'set dispersion 3'
 Console: 'dispersion' has been set to 3.)
 I am confused about the meaning of iso.
 I want the view window borders to be parallel to E/W/N/S and not diagonal. how
 do I ensure that I __never__ see the diagonal window?
 at this time, I see
 1. diagonal view window
 2. hex-shaped tiles
 3. from each tile I can go in 1 move to 8 different neighboring tiles (all 8
 num.pad. keys move to a different tile).

Isometric topology exists to do exactly what you want to do, namely 
have a view window whose edges are parallel to the edges of the main map.  You 
just have to make sure that the server and client match, i.e. a server using an 
isometric map works best with a client drawing an iso tileset.  Otherwise you 
will get confusion such as you see now with the eight neighboring tiles.  If 
you want isometric hexes then your server topology needs to be set to options 
12 - 15 and your client would use the isophex tileset, as that is the only 
standard issue tileset to match those map characteristics.  Check out these: 
http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/Server_options and 
http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_play_on_a_hexagonal_grid.3F .  FWIW, 
though, most players get used to the diagonal viewport, which is why there are 
so many more tilesets available for classic map drawing compared to isometric 

sent from Lion

Mal: Mercy is the mark of a great man. 
[stabs Atherton Wing]

Mal: Guess I'm just a good man.
[stabs Atherton Wing] 

Mal: Well, I'm all right.
Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18014] Units with move_type = Both have Airport as training facility

2012-04-10 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #18014 (project freeciv):

 We've spent years to get rid of hardcoded move types.

I humbly submit that if we are going to be rid of them, then let's be fully
rid of them.  What we've got now is just plain confusing.  Units.ruleset has
this: ; move_type = Where unit moves; Land, Sea or Both.; which implies
that 'Both' means 'Amphibian'.  The fact that flying units are also marked
with the same move_type doesn't seem to be obvious and has confused even our
help system.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19524] Improved controls

2012-03-08 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #19524 (project freeciv):

 Your comment has caused me more confusion than clearing things out. First of
all I must add that this is the gtk2-client.

And now i'm even more confused.  You say we're using the same client, but the
clicks are reversed on yours compared to mine... Are you left handed?

 Your argument is kind of like saying that if you click a button, you should
get a caret.

That is just insulting.  What i am saying is that the game is complicated
enough, and i don't wish for the controls to be any more complicated.  I'd
like the game to appeal to a wide variety of players; forcing the user to
focus on which element of the UI the cursor is over can only drive away
players who have to give half their attention to their children or something.

 The MM and the DM are two completely domains with orthogonal use.  (snip) 
RMB brings up an info in the Research Menu. So it would only be consistent if
it brought up an info on the map, too, as I suggested. 

If i understand correctly, you are arguing against consistency with the LMB,
and for consistency with the RMB [in 'orthogonal' domains].  The only
conclusion i can draw from this is that you don't change to viewpoint on the
main map except by clicking on the mini map, and that you wish for me to give
up a click that i use regularly because you don't use it.  In a perfect world,
you could reassign those clicks to suit yourself.  However since nobody's
stepped forward to write such an interface, we currently have to use the
controls as assigned by the developers.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19535] Right Click on City Map

2012-03-08 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: Right Click on City Map
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Thu 08 Mar 2012 03:26:35 PM PST
Category: client-gtk-2.0
Severity: 1 - Wish
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.99
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



Now that we have variable city radii, it happens that we can't see the whole
city in the city map.  If i want to reassign a worker to a resource in the
South-East part of a large city, i have to:

1) navigate to where the worker currently is and select them
2) move the cursor to the bottom scroll bar
3) shift the scroll bar over
4) move the cursor to side scroll bar
5) shift the scroll bar up
6) move the cursor to the resource
7) select it.

Ideally the right mouse button could work the same on the city map as it does
on other maps.  If it did, the process would look like this:

1) navigate to where the worker currently is and select them
2) move the cursor to the upper right
3) right click
4) possibly move the cursor a little more
5) select the resource.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19536] Middle Click on City Map

2012-03-08 Thread David Lowe

 Summary: Middle Click on City Map
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: doctorjlowe
Submitted on: Thu 08 Mar 2012 03:33:17 PM PST
Category: client-gtk-2.0
Severity: 1 - Wish
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.99
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



Clicking the middle mouse button currently does nothing.  I'd like if it
popped up the same information window that we get when middle clicking on the
main map.  Yes, the *exact* same information, including the presence of
foreign troops.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19524] Improved controls

2012-03-07 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #19524 (project freeciv):

I'm still using the GTK2 client rather than GTK3, but i wonder that the
controls are that different?  For me, right click (RMB) has always changed the
viewpoint [either Mini Map or Main Map] and left click (LMB) has always been
used for interaction [select a unit, change a worker, etc].  I'm not sure if
that got swapped in GTK3 or if you have a utility running on your laptop to
reverse those?  Gnome does have the Left-handed option...

In any case, my personal view is that ease of use is improved through
simplification: the user shouldn't have to think twice about what window they
are looking at before deciding if a certain click is going to deliver a nasty
surprise.  So in general:

* LMB should select things.  That has been standard usage since two button
mice were invented.  FWIW, if you are very precise you can select a unit with
a LMB click on the Mini Map.
* RMB moves the map, since that is a function that is needed often in FreeCiv.
 This functionality does not currently exist in a city map with when variable
city radii are in use, but it should.  There doesn't seem to be a consensus as
to what this button should do in non-map tabs or windows.  RMB in the research
tab brings up help about the technology under the cursor, selects a unit in
the overview tab of the city window, and does nothing in other places. 
Consistency is certainly lacking here. 
* MMB is ignored for the most part.  AFAIK it is only ever used in the Main
Map [where it gives information] and the Editor [where it brings up the
Property Editor window].  On my laptop MMB is emulated by Alt-LMB. This is the
Emulate three button mouse option of X11.

I concede your point about left dragging doing things depending upon whether
you have units selected or not, but you can in fact turn off the Keyboardless
goto.  In GTK2 this is found in Options - Local Client - Interface.  There
are some other relevant options in here as well, namely Select cities before
units and Clear unit orders on selection.  I don't have an opinion as to
selecting multiple units - i generally avoid having more than one unit in a
tile at a time, and thus force myself to move units individually.

Oh, and you can't actually select a foreign unit - this is treated the same as
clicking on an empty tile.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17702] Caravan Window Pops Up Too Soon

2012-03-07 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #17702 (project freeciv):

Never mind!  I just now noticed the Pop up caravan actions toggle that does
exactly what i want.  Shouldn't this be off by default, or do other people
actually like to have their view blocked by the pop up?


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[Freeciv-Dev] What's Up With Bombardment?

2012-02-29 Thread David Lowe
I've long desired to have bombs and artillery shells use indirect fire 
[bombardment] as a supplement to direct fire [assault].  Then i found that the 
source code contains many references to bombarding.  So what is the status of 
this?  Are the rules complete and all that is needed is the creation of a new 
ruleset, or is there still coding to be done??  When i do the ruleset should i 
make a separate Bombarder ruleset or work the changes into the Experimental 

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