Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Marcus Daniels
“I ask because it'd seem like a business wouldn't want to use something where 
they couldn't see the code (for instance).”

Because employers and employees are different people, and the individuals that 
would want to see the code details (and could interpret and act on them) tend 
to be employees (i.e. specialists in organization), it is common for those 
employees or their superiors to look at the issue in terms of risk reduction.   
 Risk can be reduced by buying/licensing a product with a support agreement or 
buying insurance of some sort.  There’s a way to pass the buck.   There are 
situations in which this is terrible behavior, like when lives could be a risk 
if a failure occurs.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen ep ropella

On 07/13/2015 07:39 PM, Russell Standish wrote:

What I see is that proprietry software is just the visible tip of the iceberg, 
but its largely open source underneath.

Me too.  I'd be interested to see some sort of analysis of software pathways, chains of 
software packages that were hit when a large sample of use cases were exercised.  I'd guess that 
pretty much any use case that involves the internet relies on open source somewhere in the chain.  
The only proprietary package I use on a regular basis is Quickbooks.  I don't think I need to see 
the chains invoked when I, say, download a tax table update or submit payroll for a direct deposit. 
 But I would like to see the chain invoked when I, say, Save to PDF.  I'd also like to 
know which tools they use to make their data files sharable across multiple clients.  I can imagine 
those chains are all proprietary and licensed ... but I have no idea.

On that same front, Gary's right about that last 20%.  But user-facing software 
has a much harder last 20% than what happens behind the scenes _because_ those 
occult tools are allowed to be very focused, tight, and single purpose, whereas 
user-facing tools have to handle, ameliorate, shunt, faciliate the myriad 
things a general intelligence can/will do.  User facing tools have to deal with 
morons and geniuses, whereas internal tools can get away with well-defined 

Another factor, I think is the old saw that we humans only want to pay for things we can 
see/touch ourselves.  This may be more true of Americans than elsewhere (based on how 
much we bitch about our relatively low taxes).  But I think it's fairly natural to object 
to, say, hidden fees at banks or for childless couples funding schools 
through property taxes.  So, it may not be so much that proprietary software pays to do 
that last 20% of work, so much as that nobody will pay for anything but the user-facing 

glen ep ropella -- 971-255-2847

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Owen Densmore
For many front end developers, jQuery/jQueryUI is what they mean when they
say I know JavaScript.

And with more apps (mobile) moving to web frameworks (React, say) 
Node.js/Linux for services, I'd say there's a healthy bunch of OpenWare out

Totally agree that the user-facing parts are all in-house.

   -- Owen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Roger Critchlow
I think the issue with that last 20% of user facing software is that it's
very expensive to run the marketing campaigns to persuade users that it's
really, really good when in fact it sucks, especially when your
competitors are working very hard at marketing their own brands of sucky
user interfaces.  Most software is very hard to use, you only get good at
it by investing your own time in learning the ins and outs of tons of stuff
that doesn't make much sense, and if you take some time off from using it
you will lose the hardest earned skills and find yourself making the same
noobie mistakes all over again as you rediscover how it works.  All the
fanbois are right, all the other fanbois are deluded to think their
preferred software is intrinsically better.

That said, it is quite amazing how much of the web is powered by open
source.  It would be instructive to have a browser plugin that checked for
open source javascript inclusions and showed a little scoreboard for each
web page visited.  Scroll down to the Examples section at
and look at who uses it to build websites, though the list is probably
sorely out of date..

-- rec --

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Marcus Daniels

 On that same front, Gary's right about that last 20%.  But user-facing
 software has a much harder last 20% than what happens behind the scenes
 _because_ those occult tools are allowed to be very focused, tight, and
 single purpose, whereas user-facing tools have to handle, ameliorate,
 shunt, faciliate the myriad things a general intelligence can/will do.
 User facing tools have to deal with morons and geniuses, whereas internal
 tools can get away with well-defined contracts.

 Although there is open source software for office and accounting, I can't
 imagine wanting to spend my free time on such a thing.It is just boring
 and depressing to think about.I don't think it has anything to do with
 it being hard.   Hard is New Horizons..   Meanwhile, as Gary points out,
 the commercial World of Boring circles the wagons around music streaming
 and participation in mobile app markets, banking, and other such things so
 that they can control prices.The software is coupled to the protocols
 and one would have to buy-in (with $$$) to see how the pieces fit together
 and make free alternatives.  What a hassle.


 FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
 Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Re: [FRIAM] [EXTERNAL] Re: speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen

On 07/14/2015 02:58 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking about 
just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each other 
naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
community’s sake.

⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] [EXTERNAL] Re: speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Marcus Daniels

“ BTW, the difference is that I've rarely actively looked for something new - 
it always seems to land in my lap.”

Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking about 
just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each other 
naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
community’s sake.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Gary Schiltz
Motivation is such a subjective thing. Like most people, I like to work on
things that are at least a little challenging intellectually,  but
sometimes, just seeing the end result and knowing that I did it is reward
enough to make the tedium bearable. A few years back, I did a bunch of very
tedious work that synchronized video of conference speakers with their
slide presentations NM INBRE. The idea was to create a Flash presentation
that showed the video of the speaker, but displayed static images (taken
from the PPT presentation) representing the auditorium's screen. This saved
a lot of bandwidth compared to streaming a composite video of both the
speaker and the actual screen, and in the 2006 timeframe, really was

So, I had “capture” video from tape from two sources (speaker and screen);
scrub through the two resulting videos, recording slide translation
timings; export and trim images for each slide; compress video into
appropriate formats; import images and video into Flash, and enter the
timings that I recorded; etc etc. All that multiplied by 10 or more
speakers, it took me over a month to complete. Kind of like mowing your
lawn with a pair of fingernail clippers. I automated as much as I could,
but given the number of tools that I had to deal with, I really didn’t have
time to automate very much. So, I just became a robot for a month or so.
But the end result was very nice for the time, and despite lack of
intellectual challenges, was one of my proudest accomplishments that I was
able to make myself stick to it. In fact, I even did the same robot work
again the next year. I’ve always been meaning to get to automating that
type of work...

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Marcus Daniels

 Interesting vs. boring is orthogonal.  So, there's interesting-hard and
 boring-hard.  I'll accept money for either type of work, though I much
 prefer interesting-hard ... obviously.

 How about engaging, imaginative, educational, or surprising work vs.
 detail work.   Doing detail work may be delayed gratification or it can no
 purpose other than to respond to extrinsic motivation.Remove the
 extrinsic motivation (money), and it is boring and depressing.

 Ok, if one is tasked with making an app to print checks, it could be
 educational to learn how to put widgets on a screen or to do page layout.
 What that discovery process is over, either another naïve person is needed
 or extrinsic motivation.


 FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
 Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
 to unsubscribe

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] [EXTERNAL] Re: speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Parks, Raymond

  I have always had a similiar experience, albeit on a different path.  Every 
computer program I've written, maintained, upgraded, or assessed has been 
intrinsically part of a real-world process.  The fun thing for me has been 
understanding the real-world business, mission, process, or system.  Over the 
course of roughly fourty years, I've learned about a huge variety of industry, 
military, and business activities.  Just in the last 10-15 years I've learned 
about pipelines, gas, awl bidness, 'lectric utilities, and railroads.  What's 
even more amazing to me is that things I learned 30 years ago keep coming back 
up - GPS is a neverending resource I keep calling back up for control systems, 
Smart Grid, mobile phones, radios, ships, and all kinds of other systems.

  BTW, the difference is that I've rarely actively looked for something new - 
it always seems to land in my lap.

  Sometimes, my hobbies have rolled over into my work.  About 15 years ago, I 
was gamemastering a group of folks in an apocalyptic cold war game called 
Twilight 2000 set in post WWIII Poland.  Part of the game is set in Oswiecim, 
long-known for it's chemical industry making insecticides and poison gas.  So I 
read up on poison gasses and branched into biowarfare to make the game as 
realistic as possible.  A few months later, I was asked to assess a bio-agent 
detection system.  Imagine the customer's surprise when I walked in talking 
their jargon from my reading for an RPG.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
SIPR: (send NIPR reminder)
JWICS: (send NIPR reminder)

On Jul 14, 2015, at 2:40 PM, glen wrote:

 Both of these comments touch on something that irritates me quite a bit.  
 Because I have a chip on my shoulder and enjoy confrontation, I regularly 
 apply for jobs even when I'm only a tiny bit interested in changing jobs.  
 (Plus, who knows?  Maybe someone will make a really good offer.)  In doing 
 so, I often apply for jobs for which I'm over qualified.  I don't get paid 
 much for what I _am_ qualified to do.  So, it wouldn't be much of a hit to 
 take a job for which I'm over qualified.  These jobs almost always have 
 something educational about them.  I regard the education as part of the 
 compensation.  I'm willing to take a lot less money in exchange for the 
 chance to learn-on-the-job.
 The interviewers never seem to understand that point.  When it comes down to 
 the practicals of offering me a job, they often get caught by my inadequate 
 answers to the question Why would you want to do these jobs, for this 
 salary?  Why give up what you have already?  I don't know ... YOLO?  It 
 happens so often, perhaps I should be less enthusiastic about whatever 
 projects I'm working on at any given time.  Maybe if I'm all grumpy about the 
 sh!t I have to do, I'd get less complaints about me being over qualified for 
 some other job ... which obviously I'm not.  My incompetence knows no bounds. 
  I've never had a boring job, from selling carpet water proofing 
 door-to-door, to sacking groceries, selling electronic parts at the 
 university store, flowcharting assembly code for obsolete avionics, etc.  
 There are always boring tasks to every job, but the jobs have never been 
 boring in their entirety.
 In any case, it seems to me like incentive is always weaker than motivation, 
 regardless of the dimensions involved.  But, then again, I'm a white male 
 from a middle-class household in the US.  So, surely that biases me.
 On 07/14/2015 01:05 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
 Motivation is such a subjective thing. Like most people, I like to work on
 things that are at least a little challenging intellectually,  but
 sometimes, just seeing the end result and knowing that I did it is reward
 enough to make the tedium bearable. A few years back, I did a bunch of very
 tedious work that synchronized video of conference speakers with their
 slide presentations NM INBRE. The idea was to create a Flash presentation
 that showed the video of the speaker, but displayed static images (taken
 from the PPT presentation) representing the auditorium's screen. This saved
 a lot of bandwidth compared to streaming a composite video of both the
 speaker and the actual screen, and in the 2006 timeframe, really was
 So, I had “capture” video from tape from two sources (speaker and screen);
 scrub through the two resulting videos, recording slide translation
 timings; export and trim images for each slide; compress video into
 appropriate formats; import images and video into Flash, and enter the
 timings that I recorded; etc etc. All that multiplied by 10 or more
 speakers, it took me over a month to complete. Kind of like mowing your
 lawn with a pair of fingernail clippers. I automated as much as I could,
 but given the number of tools that I had to deal with, I 

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen

Both of these comments touch on something that irritates me quite a bit.  Because I have 
a chip on my shoulder and enjoy confrontation, I regularly apply for jobs even when I'm 
only a tiny bit interested in changing jobs.  (Plus, who knows?  Maybe someone will make 
a really good offer.)  In doing so, I often apply for jobs for which I'm over 
qualified.  I don't get paid much for what I _am_ qualified to do.  So, it wouldn't 
be much of a hit to take a job for which I'm over qualified.  These jobs almost always 
have something educational about them.  I regard the education as part of the 
compensation.  I'm willing to take a lot less money in exchange for the chance to 

The interviewers never seem to understand that point.  When it comes down to the 
practicals of offering me a job, they often get caught by my inadequate answers to the 
question Why would you want to do these jobs, for this salary?  Why give up what 
you have already?  I don't know ... YOLO?  It happens so often, perhaps I should be 
less enthusiastic about whatever projects I'm working on at any given time.  Maybe if I'm 
all grumpy about the sh!t I have to do, I'd get less complaints about me being over 
qualified for some other job ... which obviously I'm not.  My incompetence knows no 
bounds.  I've never had a boring job, from selling carpet water proofing door-to-door, to 
sacking groceries, selling electronic parts at the university store, flowcharting 
assembly code for obsolete avionics, etc.  There are always boring tasks to every job, 
but the jobs have never been boring in their entirety.

In any case, it seems to me like incentive is always weaker than motivation, 
regardless of the dimensions involved.  But, then again, I'm a white male from 
a middle-class household in the US.  So, surely that biases me.

On 07/14/2015 01:05 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:

Motivation is such a subjective thing. Like most people, I like to work on
things that are at least a little challenging intellectually,  but
sometimes, just seeing the end result and knowing that I did it is reward
enough to make the tedium bearable. A few years back, I did a bunch of very
tedious work that synchronized video of conference speakers with their
slide presentations NM INBRE. The idea was to create a Flash presentation
that showed the video of the speaker, but displayed static images (taken
from the PPT presentation) representing the auditorium's screen. This saved
a lot of bandwidth compared to streaming a composite video of both the
speaker and the actual screen, and in the 2006 timeframe, really was

So, I had “capture” video from tape from two sources (speaker and screen);
scrub through the two resulting videos, recording slide translation
timings; export and trim images for each slide; compress video into
appropriate formats; import images and video into Flash, and enter the
timings that I recorded; etc etc. All that multiplied by 10 or more
speakers, it took me over a month to complete. Kind of like mowing your
lawn with a pair of fingernail clippers. I automated as much as I could,
but given the number of tools that I had to deal with, I really didn’t have
time to automate very much. So, I just became a robot for a month or so.
But the end result was very nice for the time, and despite lack of
intellectual challenges, was one of my proudest accomplishments that I was
able to make myself stick to it. In fact, I even did the same robot work
again the next year. I’ve always been meaning to get to automating that
type of work...

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Marcus Daniels

Interesting vs. boring is orthogonal.  So, there's interesting-hard and
boring-hard.  I'll accept money for either type of work, though I much
prefer interesting-hard ... obviously.

How about engaging, imaginative, educational, or surprising work vs.
detail work.   Doing detail work may be delayed gratification or it can no
purpose other than to respond to extrinsic motivation.Remove the
extrinsic motivation (money), and it is boring and depressing.

Ok, if one is tasked with making an app to print checks, it could be
educational to learn how to put widgets on a screen or to do page layout.
What that discovery process is over, either another naïve person is needed
or extrinsic motivation.


⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Marcus Daniels
Interesting vs. boring is orthogonal.  So, there's interesting-hard and 
boring-hard.  I'll accept money for either type of work, though I much prefer 
interesting-hard ... obviously.

How about engaging, imaginative, educational, or surprising work vs. detail 
work.   Doing detail work may be delayed gratification or it can no purpose 
other than to respond to extrinsic motivation.Remove the extrinsic 
motivation (money), and it is boring and depressing.  

Ok, if one is tasked with making an app to print checks, it could be 
educational to learn how to put widgets on a screen or to do page layout.  What 
that discovery process is over, either another naïve person is needed or 
extrinsic motivation.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Marcus Daniels
I was taking a broader swipe at how much of society and the economy is setup to 
pigeonhole people into being one thing.   Find a role, stick with it, don't 
shoot too high or too low.   Stability and identity, as an aim in itself.
The need for community is to create a platform for parting with conservative 
values to explore other values, values a community can just invent. 
Unfortunately, the people that seek out these communities can become burdens on 
the community's mission if they seek comfort in the group rather than add 
momentum to its purpose.No, I don't care about the people who know how to 
do things finding common ground with corporate drones.It's not about good 
and evil or safety and danger.It's about the purposeless and ordinary 
draining the will and attention of the unique and interesting.Universities, 
labs, DIY biology groups at least protect that to some extent but each have 
their pluses and minuses.

-Original Message-
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of glen
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 6:24 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

I'd (probably wrongly) interpreted Marcus' comment to mean something about 
keeping the corporate drones (who can't imagine doing work for anything other 
than incentive) away from people who have the knowledge to create weapons of 
mass destruction, particularly biological weapons ... hence, the article about 
DIYBio myths.  It was a little bit of agreement with a little bit of 
disagreement combined.

BTW-FWIW, since we're talking about motivation vs. incentive, I just saw this 
in my inbox:

   The Ethics of Whistleblowing with Edward Snowden

 John: A lot of people see you as a hero.  But others, intelligent ones too, 
 have called you a narcissistic traitor ... How do you see yourself at this 

 Snowden: I don't think about myself.  I don't think about how I'm going to be 
 perceived, because it's not about me.  It's about us.

This is the type of thing that makes me think Snowden is, at least, 
disingenuous, if not worse.  He's clearly not afflicted with any of the major 
psych disorders that prevent him from reflective thought.  Hence, he _does_ 
think about himself and how he'll be perceived.  If he'd just answer the damned 
question honestly ... like Hell yeah, I think about myself and how I'm 
perceived!  I think about how my fellow US citizens view me.  I think about 
how/whether they want to know the information I leaked, whether a jury of my 
peers would convict me if presented with the evidence ...  Etc.  If he'd 
answer that way, I might start to trust him.  Instead he answers with this 
pseudo-altrustic nonsense, public-relations/politician-speak.  Ugh.

On 07/14/2015 04:43 PM, Parks, Raymond wrote:
 So, I'm not getting the relevance of the DIYBio movement to Marcus' comment.  
 Are you suggesting that it is an example of community for community's sake?

 On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:15 PM, glen wrote:

 On 07/14/2015 02:58 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
 Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking 
 about just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each 
 other naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
 community’s sake.

⇔ glen

⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] [EXTERNAL] Re: speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Parks, Raymond

So, I'm not getting the relevance of the DIYBio movement to Marcus' comment.  
Are you suggesting that it is an example of community for community's sake? 

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
SIPR: (send NIPR reminder)

On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:15 PM, glen wrote:

 On 07/14/2015 02:58 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
 Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking about 
 just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each other 
 naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
 community’s sake.
 ⇔ glen
 FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
 Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
 to unsubscribe

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen

I'd (probably wrongly) interpreted Marcus' comment to mean something about 
keeping the corporate drones (who can't imagine doing work for anything other 
than incentive) away from people who have the knowledge to create weapons of 
mass destruction, particularly biological weapons ... hence, the article about 
DIYBio myths.  It was a little bit of agreement with a little bit of 
disagreement combined.

BTW-FWIW, since we're talking about motivation vs. incentive, I just saw this 
in my inbox:

  The Ethics of Whistleblowing with Edward Snowden

John: A lot of people see you as a hero.  But others, intelligent ones too, 
have called you a narcissistic traitor ... How do you see yourself at this 

Snowden: I don't think about myself.  I don't think about how I'm going to be 
perceived, because it's not about me.  It's about us.

This is the type of thing that makes me think Snowden is, at least, disingenuous, if not 
worse.  He's clearly not afflicted with any of the major psych disorders that prevent him 
from reflective thought.  Hence, he _does_ think about himself and how he'll be 
perceived.  If he'd just answer the damned question honestly ... like Hell yeah, I 
think about myself and how I'm perceived!  I think about how my fellow US citizens view 
me.  I think about how/whether they want to know the information I leaked, whether a jury 
of my peers would convict me if presented with the evidence ...  Etc.  If he'd 
answer that way, I might start to trust him.  Instead he answers with this 
pseudo-altrustic nonsense, public-relations/politician-speak.  Ugh.

On 07/14/2015 04:43 PM, Parks, Raymond wrote:

So, I'm not getting the relevance of the DIYBio movement to Marcus' comment.  
Are you suggesting that it is an example of community for community's sake?

On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:15 PM, glen wrote:

On 07/14/2015 02:58 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking about 
just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each other 
naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
community’s sake.

⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen

I'd (probably wrongly) interpreted Marcus' comment to mean something about 
keeping the corporate drones (who can't imagine doing work for anything other 
than incentive) away from people who have the knowledge to create weapons of 
mass destruction, particularly biological weapons ... hence, the article about 
DIYBio myths.  It was a little bit of agreement with a little bit of 
disagreement combined.

BTW-FWIW, since we're talking about motivation vs. incentive, I just saw this 
in my inbox:

  The Ethics of Whistleblowing with Edward Snowden

John: A lot of people see you as a hero.  But others, intelligent ones too, 
have called you a narcissistic traitor ... How do you see yourself at this 

Snowden: I don't think about myself.  I don't think about how I'm going to be 
perceived, because it's not about me.  It's about us.

This is the type of thing that makes me think Snowden is, at least, disingenuous, if not 
worse.  He's clearly not afflicted with any of the major psych disorders that prevent him 
from reflective thought.  Hence, he _does_ think about himself and how he'll be 
perceived.  If he'd just answer the damned question honestly ... like Hell yeah, I 
think about myself and how I'm perceived!  I think about how my fellow US citizens view 
me.  I think about how/whether they want to know the information I leaked, whether a jury 
of my peers would convict me if presented with the evidence ...  Etc.  If he'd 
answer that way, I might start to trust him.  Instead he answers with this 
pseudo-altrustic nonsense, public-relations/politician-speak.  Ugh.

On 07/14/2015 04:43 PM, Parks, Raymond wrote:

So, I'm not getting the relevance of the DIYBio movement to Marcus' comment.  
Are you suggesting that it is an example of community for community's sake?

On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:15 PM, glen wrote:

On 07/14/2015 02:58 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Sometimes I think circles such as yours and the people Glen is talking about 
just must be kept apart from one another, if they don’t avoid each other 
naturally.That’s about as close I get to advocating community for 
community’s sake.

⇔ glen

⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread glen

On 07/14/2015 10:24 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Although there is open source software for office and accounting, I can't 
imagine wanting to spend my free time on such a thing.It is just boring and 
depressing to think about.I don't think it has anything to do with it being 
hard.   Hard is New Horizons..

Well, you're a much better programmer than I am, even easy things are hard for 
me.  I tend to think of hard as synonymous with work.  Interesting vs. boring 
is orthogonal.  So, there's interesting-hard and boring-hard.  I'll accept 
money for either type of work, though I much prefer interesting-hard ... 
obviously.  Interestingly, there are also interesting-easy tasks; and whether 
one should pay others to do interesting-easy tasks is an interesting question. 
(Hah! 4 uses of the same term in the same sentence!  My gift to the 

Meanwhile, as Gary points out, the commercial World of Boring circles the 
wagons around music streaming and participation in mobile app markets, banking, 
and other such things so that they can control prices.The software is 
coupled to the protocols and one would have to buy-in (with $$$) to see how the 
pieces fit together and make free alternatives.  What a hassle.

Yeah, it blows my mind what people will pay for.  There's also this article:

Furthermore, of the world's eight largest smartphone makers, Apple captured 92% 
of operating profits in Q1, according to data compiled by Canaccord Genuity 
(via The Wall Street Journal).

I can't, for the life of me, imagine buying an Apple product except when some 
client/project demands it.  What are these people thinking? 8^)

⇔ glen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-14 Thread Marcus Daniels
On that same front, Gary's right about that last 20%.  But user-facing 
software has a much harder last 20% than what happens behind the scenes 
_because_ those occult tools are allowed to be very focused, tight, and single 
purpose, whereas user-facing tools have to handle, ameliorate, shunt, faciliate 
the myriad things a general intelligence can/will do.  User facing tools have 
to deal with morons and geniuses, whereas internal tools can get away with 
well-defined contracts.

Although there is open source software for office and accounting, I can't 
imagine wanting to spend my free time on such a thing.It is just boring and 
depressing to think about.I don't think it has anything to do with it being 
hard.   Hard is New Horizons..   Meanwhile, as Gary points out, the commercial 
World of Boring circles the wagons around music streaming and participation in 
mobile app markets, banking, and other such things so that they can control 
prices.The software is coupled to the protocols and one would have to 
buy-in (with $$$) to see how the pieces fit together and make free 
alternatives.  What a hassle.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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