Re: [fw-general] Memcache Approach

2010-12-10 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On 12/11/2010 03:41 AM, Daniel Latter wrote:

Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the following:

We have a ZF app where we use memcache to cache our model classes. The issue
I have
is that we cant store the db conn on the object so we have to make a static
call to grab a
db conn in everyone of our model class methods, which seems repetitive.

Just wondered if anyone had a better approach?


Abstract the grabbing database connection logic.
With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Personal home page - | Tech Chorus -

Web and IT services -

Re: [fw-general] best practice: getting a Zend_Mail instance on demand

2010-08-03 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

but I think there's the disadvantage that your Zend_Mail resource 
would get instantiated at bootstrap time whether you need it or not -- 
true? -- and not every controller/action in my app needs to send email.

Finally, I suppose you could set the email configuration data in its 
own separate config file.

Any thoughts?

I have my email settings in the database. I have extended Zend_Mail and 
added a method setup().

Class My_Mail extends Zend_Mail

   public function setup()
// get the info to setup the clss
// set it up

Client code:

$mail = new My_Mail();

With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Personal home page - | Tech Chorus -

Web and IT services -

Re: [fw-general] Validating numeric input

2010-05-31 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On 05/31/2010 04:58 PM, Aleksey Zapparov wrote:


To test if string is integer or float, you should use
Zend_Validate_Int (1). Alternatively
you can use Zend_Validate_Callback (2) with is_numeric (3) function,
so it will be
something like this:

$validator = new Zend_Validate_Callback('is_numeric');



Thanks for the quick response, Aleksey.

I tried configuring Zend_Validate_Callback with PHP function is_numeric().

Zend_Validate_Callback passes two arguments to is_numeric while the PHP 
function is_numeric() requires exactly one argument. Is there a way to 
configure Zend_Validate_Callback so that it sends only one argument, ie, 
$value to the callback function?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

[fw-general] Validating numeric input

2010-05-31 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I want to make sure the user has input numeric value in a text form 
field. The value can be an integer or float, but it has to be numeric.

I tried using Zend_Validate_Float and Zend_Validate_Digits, but they 
don't seem to suit my needs. For example, Zend_Validate_Float returns 
false for the input string '4'. Zend_Validate_Digits returns false for 
input 10.5.

Do we need Zend_Validate_Numeric? Or am I missing something here?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

Re: [fw-general] Use Zend_Queue for sending mails

2010-05-17 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On 05/14/2010 11:36 AM, Ralf Eggert wrote:


I want to use Zend_Queue to send bulk mails (newsletters). These
newsletters are individualized. I think I have two general options how
to handle this:

a) Create all Zend_Mail objects and send them serialized to the
Zend_Queue. When the queue is processed, I only need to send these
mails out.

b) Just send the parameters in the Zend_Queue (user id, newsletter
id). When the queue is processed I create the Zend_Mail objects
from these parameters and send them out.


If I were to use Zend_Queue, I'd recommend option b.

If you want to take a look at how we do it, visit 

We don't use Zend_Queue though. We store all the required information in 
message_queue table and process the queue via cron.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

Re: [fw-general] HOW TO USE Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract with application.ini

2010-03-11 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On 03/11/2010 07:24 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- rtskoo  wrote
(on Wednesday, 10 March 2010, 07:13 PM -0800):

I use zf 1.10 .
I have make a custom contronller plugin now ,which extends from
Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract. But where to put my custom contronller
plugin? I have added this in application.ini already :
resources.frontController.plugins.MyPlugin = "MyPlugin"
Thank you!

It needs to be somewhere it can be autoloaded -- either in your
include_path, or in a place where an autoloader can locate and load it.

If you're calling it simply "MyPlugin", put it in library/MyPlugin.php.
However, I'd advise adding at least a vendor prefix to it: Foo_MyPlugin
in library/Foo/MyPlugin.php.

Out of curiosity, aren't you supposed to put your plugins in 
application/plugins or application/modules/default/plugins?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

Re: [fw-general] Has anyone ported ZF project from Windows to Linux before?

2009-11-29 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Monday 30 November 2009 02:40 AM, Jigal sanders wrote:


my first problem is that it gets to my webroot but when I click on a 
link, it doesn't follow my controller and action. I rather get an error:

The requested URL /authentication/login was not found on this server.

the whole structure is exactly coppied to my project on ubuntu.

can it be something in my vhost config?

ServerAdmin <>

DocumentRoot /var/www/nrka/public/
ServerName nrka

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None

AllowOverride All.

Order allow,deny
allow from all

##ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
##AllowOverride None
##Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
##Order allow,deny
##Allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"

Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

AllowOverride All.

You have to allow the .htaccess files to override settings. Or just put 
up the rewrite rules in the  section of Apache configuration.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

Re: [fw-general] ZF - Where to begin?

2009-11-25 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

So, as an experienced PHP programmer but someone who's looking wanting to
get the whole picture on how to best start utilizing ZF, where does one
Like Daniel pointed Surviving The Deep End is a good book. The book is 
more a 'best practices' tutorial for the Zend Framework user. Being 
familiar with MVC components helps.

The best way is to start writing an application using the Zend 
Framework. If you wish to make contributions to an open source project 
written using Zend Framework, I have suggestions. :)

Many of us hang out on #zftalk on IRC channel.

Recently, I wrote a review of the book - Zend Framework 1.8 Web 
Application Development at 
. The review might help.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Tech stuff:

Re: [fw-general] Zend_View_Helper_Url not returning correct URL when Zend_Rest_Route is used

2009-10-06 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

There are two things going wrong: you need to specify the route, and,
specifically, the default route, when using the url() view helper.

 $url = $this->url(array(
 'module' =>'default',
 'controller' =>'user',
 'action' =>'login'
 ), 'default', true);


Thanks, Matthew.

I was assuming that the url view helper would default to 'default' route.

Is it possible to add this enhancement to the url view helper?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Zend_View_Helper_Url not returning correct URL when Zend_Rest_Route is used

2009-10-06 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


In my bootstrap I am adding the Zend_Rest_Route

protected function _initRestRoute()
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {

$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$restRoute = new Zend_Rest_Route($frontController, array(), 

$frontController->getRouter()->addRoute('rest', $restRoute);


After adding this route, the url view helper is not returning the 
correct URL. For instance, in the layout script(default module),

 $url = 

 echo $url;

The url returns the value '/user' instead of '/user/login'.

How can I correct this issue


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Rest_Controller - how to pass params in the URI for POST requests

2009-10-05 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

POST /webservice/lead


POST /webservice/lead/apikey/myapikey

In other words, apikey/myapikey does not do anything to identify the
resource so should not be part of your URI. If your clients must use
an API key, then you could have them send it as an HTTP Header.

Thanks for the quick response Bradley.

I liked the idea of using an HTTP header for API Key as soon as I read 
your reply. I implemented it in the application already. :)


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Zend_Rest_Controller - how to pass params in the URI for POST requests

2009-10-05 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


In my application, I have a module - 'webservice' to handle all REST 

In my front controller I check if the request has a valid API key in the 
request URI parameters. If a valid key is not found access is denied.

Example URI with API key :

My problem is, Zend_Rest_Route routes the request to putAction() if it 
finds anything after module/controller/ in the URI even though the 
method is POST.

Is it possible to route requests to postAction() and pass pass 
parameters in the URI?

Or, is there a better way of managing API key checks for REST requests?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] How to set either Zend_Form_Element_Text required?

2009-09-29 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Wednesday 30 September 2009 10:18 AM, Leon_L wrote:

Hi, I'm new to Zend Framework, I have a question is that if I have two
Zend_Form_Element_Text in a form, and I want make either of them to be
filled by the user.

For example, phone number and mobile number. People only need enter one of
them to continue.

How am I going to do this? Thanks

Write a custom validator and use the $context variable. The reference 
manual has an example custom validator.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] bootstrap application from CLI

2009-09-28 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Monday 28 September 2009 08:42 PM, Pádraic Brady wrote:
I'm actually curious about this myself - how are people 
differentiating their application.ini settings between a web 
environment and console environment? Another inherited settings 
section? A separate config file?

I had to move lot of config from application.ini to the bootstrap class. 
I didn't like the idea of having another APPLICATION_ENV value - 
'production_cli'. This calls for additional checks in the resource 
methods. For example I had to write

if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli' and APPLICATION_ENV == 'production') {

at be beginning of one of the resource methods.

To remove such checks, I have to move almost everything from 
application.ini to the bootstrap class. :/


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] bootstrap application from CLI

2009-09-28 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

The problem is, Zend_Application instantiates the front controller 
which in turn registers the FlashMessenger action helper. This throws the

Zend_Session exception.

Sorted it out.

In my application.ini config file, I had defined a layout resource. This 
was bootrapping the view resource which in turn was bootstrapping the 
front controller resource.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] bootstrap application from CLI

2009-09-28 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Monday 28 September 2009 05:58 PM, keith Pope wrote:

2009/9/28 Sudheer Satyanarayana:


I am trying to boostrap the application from CLI.

$application = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
$application->bootstrap(array('autoload', 'config', 'database'));

The problem is, Zend_Application instantiates the front controller which in
turn registers the FlashMessenger action helper. This throws the
Zend_Session exception.

Unit test enabling the session solves the problem.

//require_once 'Zend/Session.php';
Zend_Session::$_unitTestEnabled = true;

However, it is a quick hack solution. This CLI script runs in the production
environment. Therefore, I don't want the session to be unit test enabled.

To overcome the problem, I tried to override the method
_initFrontController(). It doesn't seem to be the correct method name.

Is it possible to disable the front controller? If not, how do I instruct
the front controller to not register the FlashMessenger action helper?

Your code does look correct, are you doing



No, I am not calling run();

If so you dont want that as it starts the dispatch...

If not this could be a bug, by doing boostrap('resource') etc Z_App
should only execute those resources!



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] bootstrap application from CLI

2009-09-28 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I am trying to boostrap the application from CLI.

$application = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
$application->bootstrap(array('autoload', 'config', 'database'));

The problem is, Zend_Application instantiates the front controller which 
in turn registers the FlashMessenger action helper. This throws the

Zend_Session exception.

Unit test enabling the session solves the problem.

//require_once 'Zend/Session.php';
Zend_Session::$_unitTestEnabled = true;

However, it is a quick hack solution. This CLI script runs in the 
production environment. Therefore, I don't want the session to be unit 
test enabled.

To overcome the problem, I tried to override the method 
_initFrontController(). It doesn't seem to be the correct method name.

Is it possible to disable the front controller? If not, how do I 
instruct the front controller to not register the FlashMessenger action 


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Object oriented programming with Zend

2009-09-26 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Saturday 26 September 2009 06:57 PM, PHPScriptor wrote:

Hello there,

I worked for different companies and saw different ways of programming
Now everybody is talking about OO programming. But my question is: why?

Let me give you an example one of the ways I saw it done:

a class member

Class Member {
protected $_id;
protected $_name;
portected $_street;

public function setId($id) {
$this->_id = $id;
public function getId() {
return $this->_id;
public function save() {
$member = array('name' =>  $this->getId(), 'street', 

When a form is posted it did:
$member = new Member();

Also when you get data from the db it will be inserted in the object, and
get from the object when you need to show it (eg in the view).

Another way (I did it) before:

Just in the controller after eg posting a form:
$data = $this->_getAllParams();

Like you see, my way is a lot shorter :-).

I think you are confusing what the code snippet is trying to demonstrate.

Well, if you use Zend_Form you could do something like
$data = $form->getValues();

All the form fields would be filtered and validated as well. Even more 
better than your snippet? Think SQL injection.

But comments I get is: it's not
really OO. They are true with that comment, but why should you make all
those object, all those set en gets, ... Why isn't it better to work with
With the Zend framework IMHO you don't need to configurate all those
objects. Ok, in some systems it's better. But let's talk about
administration application, where you only have forms to input or edit,
delete and view lots of data.

What 's your meaning, why is it better to use them? ...

It is next to impossible to write all the benefits of using OOP in this 
email. You should read books about OOP to learn more about it.

The sample you snippet posted appears to demonstrate how to encapsulate 
database access in your models.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] How to bootstrap application in testing environment

2009-09-22 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Again, this is a wild stab in the dark, but I have:

Zend_Session::$_unitTestEnabled = true;

in my TestHelper.php (run at the start of testing), which magically 
fixes a lot of sessions related test problems.

That fixed the problem. Thanks.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] How to bootstrap application in testing environment

2009-09-19 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Friday 18 September 2009 07:09 PM, Sudheer Satyanarayana wrote:


I followed the tutorial at ( ) 
to setup testing environment for my ZF enabled application. Everything 
went fine with regards to the tutorial.

But the tutorial recommends including a test class that extends 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase in the test bootstrap. I think it 
is a bit awkward for your ModelTest and LibraryTest classes to extend 
a class that in turn extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase.

Is there a way to bootstrap your testing environment without extending 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase? I want to reuse the 
application's Bootstrap.php in all my environments - development, 
testing and production.

I tried to bootstrap the application in my test like below:
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV,APPLICATION_PATH . 


But I get PHP session warnings because the user running tests is 
unable to write to /var/some/path/apache/is/able/to/write/to. 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase mysteriously circumvents this.

Example code snippet is highly appreciated.



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Split controller actions into multiple classes

2009-09-18 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Friday 18 September 2009 07:10 PM, Ryan Chan wrote:


I have a controller that contains too many line of codes, which made
the controller too large.

So I want to split each action into eactly one class files.

Is it recommended? If not, what are the recommended way to make the
controller "thin"?

Consider splitting your code into multiple controllers and perhaps 
modules. Do you have model classes by the way?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] How to bootstrap application in testing environment

2009-09-18 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I followed the tutorial at ( ) 
to setup testing environment for my ZF enabled application. Everything 
went fine with regards to the tutorial.

But the tutorial recommends including a test class that extends 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase in the test bootstrap. I think it 
is a bit awkward for your ModelTest and LibraryTest classes to extend a 
class that in turn extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase.

Is there a way to bootstrap your testing environment without extending 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase? I want to reuse the application's 
Bootstrap.php in all my environments - development, testing and production.

I tried to bootstrap the application in my test like below:
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV,APPLICATION_PATH . 


But I get PHP session warnings because the user running tests is unable 
to write to /var/some/path/apache/is/able/to/write/to. 
Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase mysteriously circumvents this.

Example code snippet is highly appreciated.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Clarification needed about "Zend" and its products

2009-09-12 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Saturday 12 September 2009 08:25 PM, ataulkarim wrote:

I must admit in the beginning i'm somewhat new to Frameworks, but for reasons
to move to enterprise development and faster project execution im prone to
get into the Frameworks Arena. Now, i have to make a choice between certain
frameworks - Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter etc. I've
invested quite a bit of time for each one's pros n cons, but i could not
find an article or tutorial that gives me a complete insight into the world
of "Frameworks".

I've decided to approach the Zend Community to clarify me some of the things
that are going on in my head. I hope many would like to participate here so
that each new beginner can get an idea what options he has. Now, with all
the backing that Zend has in terms of Technology Partners, people with
PHP-Core knowledge, i decided to learn Zend framework, although alot of
friends told me to choose CakePHP.

Zend has:

1. Zend Framework 1.9.2 (Free)
2. Zend Server Community Edition (Free)
3. Zend Server (Buy)
There is no compulsion to use other Zend products with Zend Framework. 
Zend Framework can be used on any PHP 5 installation.

I've seen MVC tutorials of the framework (although old ones), but find the
concept appealing. Zend server Community Edition provides with an user
interface to work with, great. The only thing that confuses me is the aspect


Zend framework and Zend Community Edition come with the Zend Optimzer(to my
understanding does not do opcode caching) and the Zend Server provides with
opcode caching. I've read alot of APC caching possibilities and capabilites
which to some people is faster then Zend Optimzer. Andi Gutmans commented
somewhere that Zend Server has opcode caching capabilities and performance
tests should be done with zend server.

Now, here are my questions:

1. If i install Zend Server Community Edition can i still make certain
manual changes i would be able to do with Zend Framework?
You don't have to use Zend Server in order to use Zend Framework. But if 
you wish, you can.

2. Are opcode caching capabilites present in Zend Framework / Zend Server CE
- other than Optimizer? (if not ->  Can i use zend framework to manually
overcome this deficit?)

3. If the only Opcode caching is possible with Zend Server(which i would
have to buy)- is there a possibility to integrate APC with Zend Framework?

Yes, you can use APC or any other op code caching component of your 
choice. Just treat Zend Framework as any other PHP library.

4. Why does Zend has a
Screenacst Tutorial  about "Getting Started with Zend Framework" with 1.0.3.
Ok i know Zend is a 'Company' and would concentrate more on the buy side of
products, but essence of PHP is i guess Open Source(free) and any help
regarding that would be appreciated even if its in the getting started video
- 1.8 would also be OK :-) .

There are good tutorials on ZF. for 
example. The blogosphere offers some good tutorials. There is also the The domain name might mislead. It is not an 
official Zend website).

I hope i get some clarification for these questions which might also benefit



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Usage of ZFW / PHP in yuor country

2009-09-12 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

On Saturday 12 September 2009 04:12 PM, howard chen wrote:


I am from Taiwan.

In Taiwan, PHP is still not a main stream commerical programming
language for web, people still prefer .NET or Java for web site
development. (Althought most taiwan people prefer PHP opensource app
such as wordpress, phpbb etc)

Talking about PHP itself, most people still perfer programming with
raw PHP - inline php codes with HTML. (not to mention ZFW)

Is it the same in your contry?

I heard that PHP is more popuar and well accepted in some western
countries, even in the enterprise market, is it true?

Is it a wild guess about PHP usage in your country? Are you quoting a 
trusted source? If so what it is it? Or you have you conducted a survey 

And what has it got to do with Zend Framework?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Unable to translate strings retrieved from DB

2009-08-19 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Thomas Weidner wrote:
Simply make a var_dump() of $string, and $manualString and compare 
them to see where the differences are.
A missing whitespace, additional point or any other different char 
could be the problem.

You hit the nail on the head, Thomas. Thank you very much.

I thought I was not overlooking this. The string in the DB had four 
linefeed characters and the source string in the translation file didn't. 


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Unable to translate strings retrieved from DB

2009-08-19 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I am trying to set up a translation layer to an existing application.

Here is my sample PHP script:
$translate = new Zend_Translate('gettext', APPLICATION_PATH . 
'/languages/en/', 'en');


mysql_connect($MySQL_Host, $MySQL_User, $MySQL_Passw);

$result = mysql_query("select news from mdirekt_news where id = 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);

//Print the string as is
$string = $row->news;
echo "As is: ". $string;

//Print the translated string. Does not translate at all. Prints the 
source string as is

echo " Zend_Translate translated: ";
echo $translate->_($string);

//Copy the string manually to a variable and print the translated 
string. Works well.

echo "Manually copied string translated: ";
$manualString = "unterstützt Ihre Messekommunikation durch die 
Verbreitung im Vorfeld der Messe - weil Sie aktiven Einfluss auf die 
Besuchsplanung des Messebesuchers ausüben";

echo $translate->_($manualString);


The script does not translate the string retrieved from the database. I 
think it is a character encoding issue. But I do not know how to fix.

In an attempt to fix the issue I changed the collation to 
utf8_general_ci on the column, table and the database. But the output 
remains same.

What could be the problem? How can I perform proper translation?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Re: [fw-mvc] - Where to put common DB calls

2009-08-11 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Vibhor Singh wrote:



Can someone plz  tell me whether there is any  provision in ZF where  
I can put my common DB related functionalities, something like how 
action helpers is to controllers?

All suggestions are welcome.


Can you elaborate? The answer depends on the type of functions you are 
talking about.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Matthew's pastebin app

2009-08-10 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Christoph Dorn wrote:


Are you planning to update your pastebin app to incorporate all the 
latest 1.9 features?


I would love to hear yes from Matthew!


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Put each action in a separate PHP file?

2009-08-08 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Ryan Chan wrote:


As a ZFW learner, I tried the quick start:

My problem is when the controller contains many action - it make the
file too large to edit.

So I want to split each action into a separate PHP file, is it possible?



Hi Ryan,

If you find your controller too large consider the following:
1. Segregating your  application into multiple modules each having their 
own controllers
2. In the controller action receive the request, call the appropriate 
methods of your models and then assign variables to the view. This 
approach makes your controllers thin.

IMO, it becomes very difficult to manage the code if every controller 
actions include files.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework 1.9.0 Released!

2009-07-31 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana
 700 issues have been resolved or closed since
the release of 1.8.0!

Any project the size of Zend Framework will inevitably run into issues
where backwards compatibility breaks occur. While we strive to keep
these to a minimum, we still needed to introduce several changes and
updates in this version. They include the following:

 * Zend_Http_Client
   A change was made in Zend_Http_Client to correct ZF-5744 (Multiple
   file uploads using the same $formname in setFileUpload). Instead of
   returning an associative array of element name => upload information
   pairs, it now returns an array of arrays, with the element name as
   part of the upload information. This allows multiple file uploads
   using the same element name. 

 * Zend_Config_Xml
   One deciding factor for many when choosing which Zend_Config format
   to use for their application config had to do with support for
   constants. Our application recommendations include defining two
   constants, APPLICATION_ENV and APPLICATION_PATH, and many developers
   have found it useful that in INI and PHP configurations, these
   constants are expanded during parsing. Zend_Config_Xml now supports
   this via an XML namespace as follows:";>

   On the PHP side, nothing changes. 

 * Zend_Translate_Adapter_Ini
   Prior to PHP 5.3, parse_ini_file() and parse_ini_string() handled
   non-ASCII characters in INI option values without an issue. However,
   starting in PHP 5.3, such options will now be silently dropped in the
   array returned. If you are upgrading to PHP 5.3 and using
   Zend_Translate_Adapter_Ini, this could cause potential issues for
   you. If you use UTF-8 or Latin-1 characters in your INI option keys
   (which are the message IDs for translation), you should either modify
   these to use only ASCII characters, or choose a different translation

 * Zend_Service_Amazon
   Zend_Service_Amazon has been updated to comply with the latest Amazon
   ECommerce APIs -- which, as of 15 August 2009, will require an API
   key for authentication. As a result, if you now use
   Zend_Service_Amazon, you will need to pass your API key to the
   Zend_Service_Amazon constructor:

 $amazon = new Zend_Service_Amazon($appId, $countryCode, $apiKey);

   Otherwise, usage of this component remains the same. 

A detailed list of all features and bug fixes in this release may be
found at:

Please join me in a hearty round of congratulations and acknowledgment
of all contributors who helped make this release possible through code
contributions, feedback, testing, documentation, translations, and issue
reports! Without you, the community, Zend Framework would not be where
it is today!


Congrats to Zend, the contributors and everyone in the community.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Unable to autoload module's models

2009-07-27 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Have you got
resources.modules = ""
in your application.ini (or equivalent)? This causes the modules
resource to be instantiated, which is responsible for calling the
bootstrappers for all modules.


Thanks. I was missing this.

After I added
resources.modules = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
in application.ini, autoload is working fine.

I notice that  you have a default module inside your modules
directory. when Zend_Tool creates
a new project the default modules controllers, models, views are
located in

Yes, this is the recommended directory structure - default module in the
"application" directory (ie. not under the modules directory)


I actually followed the directory structure specified in the manual: - 
scroll down to 12.11.2. Specifying Module Controller Directories. The 
example demonstrating the addModuleDirectory() has default directory in 


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Unable to autoload module's models

2009-07-27 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

iamjim wrote:

Here is what works for me in my module (Auth), to autoload files in the
module subdirectories
form, service, and models.

class Auth_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
protected function _initAuthAutoload()
$autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
'namespace' => 'Auth_',
'basePath'   => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/auth',
'resourceTypes' => array (
'form' => array(
'path'   => 'forms',
'namespace'  => 'Form',
'model' => array(
'path'   => 'models',
'namespace'  => 'Model',
'service' => array(
'path'   => 'service',
'namespace'  => 'Service',
return $autoloader;

Thanks for the response. I now have this in the 

class Job_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
   protected function _initAuthAutoload()
   $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
   'namespace' => 'Job_',
   'basePath'   => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/job',
   'resourceTypes' => array (
   'form' => array(
   'path'   => 'forms',
   'namespace'  => 'Form',
   'model' => array(
   'path'   => 'models',
   'namespace'  => 'Model',
   'service' => array(
   'path'   => 'service',
   'namespace'  => 'Service',
   return $autoloader;


But still autoload does not work. The class Job_Bootstrap in the above 
file is never instantiated.

I get the error:
Fatal error: Class 'Job_Model_Index' not found
My directory structure is 


I notice that  you have a default module inside your modules directory. 
when Zend_Tool creates

a new project the default modules controllers, models, views are located in
the application directory.
Hope this is helpful.




With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Unable to autoload module's models

2009-07-25 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I have the following directory structure
---  Account.php (with class Model_Account)
Bootstrap.php( with class Job_Bootstrap extends 

 Index.php (with class Job_Model_Index)

I am unable to setup aotoload for Job_Model_Index.

These are the contents of the application/Bootstrap.php
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initAutoload()
   $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
   'namespace' => '',
   'basePath'  => dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/default'
   return $autoloader;

And below is the content of application/modules/job/Bootstrap.php

class Job_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap

   public function __construct($application)
  // echo "Bootstrap loaded!"; exit(1);

   public function _initAutoload()
  $autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
  'namespace' => '',
  'basePath'  => dirname(__FILE__)
  return $autoloader;


The Job_Bootstrap is not instantiated at all.

I read the manual and few threads here, but could not figure out a 
solution. Can somebody suggest what is wrong with my code?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] ZF1.8.4 and Dojo filteringselect

2009-07-25 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Holon35 wrote:

Since V1.8.4 off ZF all my dojo dialog are down.

With ZF1.8.3
/1001sportifsv2/public/general/default/index/listecommunautesrechvideo is
called automatically and the value corresponding to 10 is selected.

With 1.8.4 nothing is selected and 'populate' dont work at all.

I'm very desapointed and I cant find solution.


Look at and vote on it.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Problem about running the quick start sample.

2009-06-22 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Niu Kun wrote:

Dear all,
I'm new to Zend Framework.
First of all, I followed the quick start sample. But I change the 
database to mysql.

And I change the pdo configuration.
But when I browse to http://localhost/guestbook, I always get a 404 
So I downloaded the sample code from the zend framework website and 
changed nothing.

But, this time, I got the same 404 error.
Would anyone here please point me out?
Have you enabled mod_rewrite? Is your host allowed to override the 
rewrite rules?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Get request from view

2009-06-16 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

umpirsky wrote:


Is there some easy way to get request parameters from view script (object)?
I like smarty $, is there sth like $view->getParam() in zend

You can get the request parameters from the request object.

This might help to grab the request object:


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Reusing a partial across modules

2009-05-20 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

keith Pope wrote:

2009/5/20 Sudheer Satyanarayana :

Hello all,

I am trying to reuse a partial in all my modules.

I have the partial placed at modules/default/views/scripts/search.phtml

In the view script modules/admin/views/scripts/branch/index.phtml I have the
following code:

paginationControl($this->paginator, 'Sliding',
'search.phtml', array('default')); ?>

As per the documentation at
I am passing the module name in the additional parameters in the fourth
argument. But the partial from the default module is not called at all. I
get an exception with the message - string 'script 'search.phtml' not found
in path (.../application/modules/admin/views/scripts/).

Where did I go wrong?

You need to add the script path to the view, what I usually do is have
/application/views/scripts and use this as the global directory for
shared view elements. You can add the path during bootstrap.


Thanks for the quick reply.

But, isn't it a performance overhead? Lazy loading the script would be 
great.  I read, it is possible according to the documentation. 
- Example 60.6. Rendering Partials in Other Modules

Did I completely misunderstand the concept?

To debug the issue, I copied the search.phtml file to admin/view/scripts and
everything works properly. But having a copy of this script in every module
is unmaintainable.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Reusing a partial across modules

2009-05-20 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Hello all,

I am trying to reuse a partial in all my modules.

I have the partial placed at modules/default/views/scripts/search.phtml

In the view script modules/admin/views/scripts/branch/index.phtml I have 
the following code:

paginationControl($this->paginator, 'Sliding', 
'search.phtml', array('default')); ?>

As per the documentation at 
I am passing the module name in the additional parameters in the fourth 
argument. But the partial from the default module is not called at all. 
I get an exception with the message - string 'script 'search.phtml' not 
found in path (.../application/modules/admin/views/scripts/).

Where did I go wrong?

To debug the issue, I copied the search.phtml file to admin/view/scripts 
and everything works properly. But having a copy of this script in every 
module is unmaintainable.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] howto find a method

2009-05-18 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Mike Wright wrote:

Hi all,

Is there any glossary or index that allows finding a method and/or its 
associated class?

Sure would make life easier, especially for those not already immersed 
in the framework :D

Is that what you are looking for?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Four oh four issue

2009-05-14 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

I have posted this to the issue queue.

Vote for it -


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Four oh four issue

2009-05-13 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana


I have set up the the error controller with error_handler to act as 404 
handler as per the instructions in the online reference manual. The 404 
handler works but for one situation. If there is a ':' in the URI I 
don't get the exxception of type 
Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER or 
Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION. Instead I get 
a Zend_View_Exception.

For example, I have the index controller and the index action in the 
default module. The page loads properly, when index/index/index is 
requested. However, when index: is requested, the Zend_View_Exception is 
thrown. The message in the exception is

'script 'index:/index.phtml' not found in path (../application/views/scripts/)'

Shouldn't I be getting an exception of type 

ZF 1.8.0. There are no custom routes defined.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Refresh meta tag with Zend_Http_Client

2009-05-07 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Hi list,

Is Zend_Http_Client capable of refreshing meta tag? If so, how do I 
achieve it?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Survey: Development environment for PHP/ZFW

2009-05-02 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

howard chen wrote:

Please feel free to answer:

1. What OS you are using during development? Windows? Mac? Linux?

Linux. Currently Fedora 10.

2. Do you edit source code on localhost or remote? i.e. is your
testing environment reside on localhost or remote?


3. What tool or IDE you are using? Ultraedit? Apanta? Eclipse PDT?


4. Which versioning system your are using? svn? git?

svn and git

5. Do you use PHPUnit or other testing tools?



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] how to know which controller and action is being called

2009-04-27 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Vadim Gabriel wrote:


That will not give him the ability to access the request object in his 
view script. Unless he would like to get the front controllers 
instance directly inside the view script file.

True. I have never encountered a situation where I had to access the 
request object in the view script.


If you describe us what exactly you are trying to do, we will be able to 
provide proper directions. My previous reply was for your information 
purpose only.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] how to know which controller and action is being called

2009-04-26 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

prado wrote:

BTW Vince

How can i use this below straight from the view without putting in a
variable from the controller?


Access the request object. And then you can read the controller name:

This link might help -


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db_Table How best to associate an object with a db table?

2009-04-26 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

J DeBord wrote:
This may be partially a general oop question, but I hope someone can 
give me some advice.

If you want to build a User object, what is the best way to store it's 
attributes? Would a user object extend a Zend_Db_Table? Would you code 
a User class and have it interact with a UserTable extends 
Zend_Db_Table class? Can anyone provide a general example of code 
please? Or any advice? Books to read, sites to visit, etc...

Personally, I prefer not to extend Zend_Db_Table for models.

Matthew has written about it previously. 
You should follow Matthew's blog for tutorials, news and insight about 
Zend Framework. There's also a free book available on ZF -


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework team reorganization

2009-04-14 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:


The Zend Framework team has undergone some internal reorganization
recently which will have some bearing on the project.

First, the team now reports to Zeev Suraski, Zend's CTO. Please welcome
him to the lists!

Wow. Welcome Zeev.

Additionally, Wil Sinclair is ending his tenure as the Zend Framework
team leader. During his time as project lead, Zend Framework has made
tremendous progress in becoming the de-facto standard for PHP
development, with several significant achievements:

  * The 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 releases, as well as the recent 1.8 preview
  * Helped support and build partnerships with the Dojo Foundation,
Adobe, and others
  * Introduction of agile methodologies to the ZF team
  * Usage of social networking media as an additional support vector

I'd like to thank Wil for his contributions to the Zend Framework


Thanks for all the greet work, Wil. Best of luck.

Finally, I am pleased to announce my own promotion to the position of
Project Lead. I have worked with Andi and Zeev in recent weeks to define
how I will approach this role, and have emphasized during that time the
need to address and respond to community concerns. 


Congrats Matthew. You deserve it!

Following the 1.8 release, the team will be focussing on items such as
whiddling down the bug backlog, improving documentation, and writing
tutorials. Additionally, we will be outlining and scoping upcoming
releases in order to publish a public roadmap for the project. Part of
this effort will include some work to make the proposal process easier
and more transparent. The hope is that having published milestones will
help focus user contributions, both in terms of new features and
stabilizing the framework.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you, and welcome
your feedback!



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework Dojo Form Example with everything working?

2009-03-25 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Garey Smiley wrote:

Sudheer Satyanarayana wrote:

Garey Smiley wrote:

I can't seem to find a fully working Zend_Dojo_Form example that actually
works and includes bootstrap, controller and view that work with the
Zend_Dojo_Form class.

I've tried many of them from the web, but all of them seem to be missing
certain vital information to actually make them work.

Have you tried the following?

With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:,

Yep. I got:

Fatal error: 
	Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' with message
'Invalid controller specified (index)' 
The error message indicates, you haven't set the right controller 
directory or there is no index controller. You will be able to get 
Zend_Dojo_Form to work only after the 'invalid controller' issue is fixed.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework Dojo Form Example with everything working?

2009-03-24 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Garey Smiley wrote:

I can't seem to find a fully working Zend_Dojo_Form example that actually
works and includes bootstrap, controller and view that work with the example
Zend_Dojo_Form class.

I've tried many of them from the web, but all of them seem to be missing
certain vital information to actually make them work.

Have you tried the following?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] security/Zend Session

2009-03-09 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

411161 wrote:

If I have some code that checks to see if a user is logged in and I want to
do this for every page where is the best place to do this?

I use modules and just want to do it for a particular module, does that
change things?

Front controller plugin.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Zend Db how to update rows like "price=price+formValue['price'] "

2009-03-09 Thread Sudheer Satyanarayana

Mantasgl wrote:


I have a form in which I write a price and i want that prices of my products
could be increased by that form value.

A simple query would look like "UPDATE product SET price = price +

This works in phpmyadmin.

So how could I write such a query with zend db?

$db->update('product', $columnValuesArray);

$result = $db->query("UPDATE product SET price = price 

Where $db is your Zend_Db adapter.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Action Helper To Send Files?

2008-11-20 Thread Sudheer

Hi All,

I have few questions:

1. Would it make sense to write a PDF file sender Action Helper for ZF? 
I was wondering whether we could add this feature to contextSwitch 
Action Helper.
2. Or would it make more sense to write a generic file sender Action 
Helper with various adapters - PDF, CSV, Text, etc? 
3. Does something like this exist already?

The Action Helper would perform the following:
1. Disable layout
2. Disable view
3. Set appropriate headers
4. Send the file


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

Re: [fw-general] Custom validator is not run when the element value is not set

2008-11-19 Thread Sudheer

Sudheer wrote:


I have written a custom validator to make either first name or last 
name field in my form mandatory. But not both. I have added the custom 
validator to the lastName element. The validator won't run unless the 
element value is set. I want it to run even though no value is 
supplied to the element. Is it possible?
Never mind. Just re-read the manual and solved the issue by using 



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] Custom validator is not run when the element value is not set

2008-11-19 Thread Sudheer


I have written a custom validator to make either first name or last name 
field in my form mandatory. But not both. I have added the custom 
validator to the lastName element. The validator won't run unless the 
element value is set. I want it to run even though no value is supplied 
to the element. Is it possible?

Here's the relevant part of the form:
 $form = new Zend_Form;
 $firstName = $form->createElement('text', 'firstName')
Zend_Validate_StringLength(0, 100))

   ->setLabel('First Name');

   $middleName = $form->createElement('text', 'middleName')
Zend_Validate_StringLength(0, 100))

   ->setLabel('Middle Name');

   $lastName = $form->createElement('text', 'lastName')
Zend_Validate_StringLength(0, 100))

   ->setLabel('Last Name')
   ->addValidator(new BV_Validate_PersonName);

Here's the code in BV_Validate_PersonName

class BV_Validate_PersonName extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
   const MSG = 'failed';

   protected $_messageTemplates = array(
   self::MSG => 'Either first name or last name must be supplied',

   public function isValid($value, $context = null)
   if (is_array($context)) {
   if ( (strlen($context['firstName']) > 1) or 
(strlen($context['lastName']) > 1)) {

   return true;
   return false;



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, 

[fw-general] How to add a table row - Zend_Form decorator

2008-10-16 Thread Sudheer


I have the set the following decorators to render the form in a table. 
This is actually a subform, if it matters.

   array('decorator' => array('th' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => 
array('tag' => 'th')),
   array('decorator' => array('tr' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => 
array('tag' => 'tr')),
   array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'table', 



   array('decorator' => array('td' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => 
array('tag' => 'td')),

   array('Label', array('tag' => 'td')),
   array('decorator' => array('tr' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => 
array('tag' => 'tr')),


I want to know how to add a table row with headings using decorators.

Example output needed:

I want this row to appear on top of other rows in the table.

array('decorator' => array('th' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' 
=> 'th')),
array('decorator' => array('tr' => 'HtmlTag'), 'options' => array('tag' 
=> 'tr')),


creates a row and adds one cell. But I don't know how to add content to 
that cell.

Any help is appreciated.


Sudheer. S
Business:, Community:, 

Re: [fw-general] Unable to programatically create filteringSelect

2008-10-08 Thread Sudheer

Nico Edtinger wrote:

Sudheer wrote:

var counter = 0;
function moreWidgets() {
var stateSelect = new Array();
list = stateSelect[counter];
var filteringSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
{ id: stateSelect[counter], name: "productId[" + counter + "]", 
searchAttr: "productName"

}, "list");
newStore = new{url: 
'/product/jsonlist'}); = newStore;

When the function moreWidgets() is called, it is unable to create 
the filteringSelect widget. If I comment out the lines that create 
and append filteringSelect, the function works well. It also 
creates the other price and quantity elements when the 
filteringSelect lines are commented. But the script halts when the 
filteringSelect lines are uncommented.

I get the message
"root is null
si = root.selectedIndex; file /js/dojo...mboBox.js (line 1051)" in 
firebug console.

I would have asked the question in the dojo forums. But anyway ... 
here is a guess. 
Thanks for the response. Few kind folks helped me on #dojo for couple of 
hours. Unfortunately. we were unable to resolve the issue. I have an 
example HTML page where the same moreWidgets() function works well. I 
only get this issue when trying to integrate into the application that 
uses Zend Framework.
Line 1051 in ComboBox.js is 
dijit.form._ComboBoxDataStore.fetchSelectedItem(). That's the store, 
which uses a select node instead of a normal store. So I think you 
should first create the store and give that as a param to the 
constructor of dijit.form.FilteringSelect.
Few folks on #dojo also suspected this to be cause. But it is not. Like 
I said above, I have a clean working example which generates input 
element with filteringSelect widget before the store is created.

BTW in firebug you can normally check which line of your code causes 
the error, with the backtrace and the function parameters in the 
trace. Or you set breakpoint, add watches and step through the code to 
see what goes wrong.

In the firebug console I get "TypeError: root is undefined" error when I 
execute the following JavaScript line

var product = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect();

However, I can execute the same line in the firebug console when the 
working example page is loaded. It returns an object and does not show 
any error.

I suspect, the issue lies somewhere in ZF and Dojo integration. Of 
course, I could be wrong. You can reproduce this behaviour by doing the 
following steps:

1. Create a Zend_Form object with couple of sample elements.
2. Use dojo() view helper to specify path and stylesheet themes to use
3. Write a JavaScript function that creates an element with 
filteringSelect widget and include it in your view/layout.

4. Call the JavaScript function that you wrote in step 3.

One more fact I have observed is, this is happening with only the 
filteringSelect dijit.


Sudheer Satyanarayana
Binary Vibes Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Postal Address: #506, 10th B Main Road, I Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560 011
URL : 
Phone: +91 80 41558451 * Mobile: +91 99005 07499 
Community :

Re: [fw-general] Unable to programatically create filteringSelect

2008-10-08 Thread Sudheer


Tried several ways to fix the issue. None of them worked so far.

Can anybody give me a clue?

Hi all,

I have a custom js script in which I am trying to create an input 
element with filteringSelect widget when clicked on a button. I have 
tested the script with just an HTML file and it works great. However, 
I'm lost when trying to integrate the same functionality to the 
application which uses Zend_Dojo.  In this  particular  page,  there 
are other input elements with filteringSelect widget created by 
Zend_Form_Dojo that also work well.

Here is my view script:

//what follows below is another form to test the functionality




I have the following snippet in the layout script


The custom js script - /js/custom/purchase.js ollows:
custom js 

var counter = 0;
   function moreWidgets() {
   var stateSelect = new Array();
   list = stateSelect[counter];
   var filteringSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
 {   id: stateSelect[counter],  name: 
"productId[" + counter + "]",  searchAttr: "productName"

 }, "list");
 newStore = new{url: 
'/product/jsonlist'}); = newStore;
 //Create quantity and append it to the form 
   var quantity = document.createElement("input");

   quantity.setAttribute("type", "text");
   quantity.setAttribute("name", "quantity[" + counter + "]");
   quantity.setAttribute("width", "50px");
   quantity.setAttribute("size", "5");

   //Create price and append it to the formvar 
price = document.createElement("input");

   price.setAttribute("type", "text");
   price.setAttribute("name", "price[" + counter + "]");
   price.setAttribute("width", "50px");
   price.setAttribute("size", "5");

   var lineBreak = document.createElement("br");

   //Set total
//   dojo.byId("totalProducts").value = counter;
  dojo.addOnLoad(function() { moreWidgets()})

custom js 

When the function moreWidgets() is called, it is unable to create the 
filteringSelect widget. If I comment out the lines that create and 
append filteringSelect, the function works well. It also creates the 
other price and quantity elements when the filteringSelect lines are 
commented. But the script halts when the filteringSelect lines are 

I get the message
"root is null
si = root.selectedIndex;file  /js/dojo...mboBox.js (line 1051)" 
in firebug console.

How do I get the script to create new element with filteringSelect 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

[fw-general] Unable to programatically create filteringSelect

Sudheer wrote:

I sent this message to fw-mvc. I think the spam filter ate it up. I am 
sending the same message to gw-general. Still looking for a solution to 
the below mentioned problem.

Hi all,

I have a custom js script in which I am trying to create an input 
element with filteringSelect widget when clicked on a button. I have 
tested the script with just an HTML file and it works great. However, 
I'm lost when trying to integrate the same functionality to the 
application which uses Zend_Dojo.  In this  particular  page,  there 
are other input elements with filteringSelect widget created by 
Zend_Form_Dojo that also work well.

Here is my view script:

//what follows below is another form to test the functionality




I have the following snippet in the layout script


The custom js script - /js/custom/purchase.js ollows:
custom js 

var counter = 0;
   function moreWidgets() {
   var stateSelect = new Array();
   list = stateSelect[counter];
   var filteringSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
 {   id: stateSelect[counter],  name: 
"productId[" + counter + "]",  searchAttr: "productName"

 }, "list");
 newStore = new{url: 
'/product/jsonlist'}); = newStore;
 //Create quantity and append it to the form 
   var quantity = document.createElement("input");

   quantity.setAttribute("type", "text");
   quantity.setAttribute("name", "quantity[" + counter + "]");
   quantity.setAttribute("width", "50px");
   quantity.setAttribute("size", "5");

   //Create price and append it to the formvar 
price = document.createElement("input");

   price.setAttribute("type", "text");
   price.setAttribute("name", "price[" + counter + "]");
   price.setAttribute("width", "50px");
   price.setAttribute("size", "5");

   var lineBreak = document.createElement("br");

   //Set total
//   dojo.byId("totalProducts").value = counter;
  dojo.addOnLoad(function() { moreWidgets()})

custom js 

When the function moreWidgets() is called, it is unable to create the 
filteringSelect widget. If I comment out the lines that create and 
append filteringSelect, the function works well. It also creates the 
other price and quantity elements when the filteringSelect lines are 
commented. But the script halts when the filteringSelect lines are 

I get the message
"root is null
si = root.selectedIndex;file  /js/dojo...mboBox.js (line 1051)" in 
firebug console.

How do I get the script to create new element with filteringSelect 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

[fw-general] How to dynamically create filteringSelect


I have a page in my application to create invoices. All the form 
elements are created by Zend_Form and few use Dojo widgets. For a handy 
"product" select list, I am using filteringSelect widget generated by 

[snippet of code to show how I am creating the form element]
$productId = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect('productName);
$productId->setLabel('Product Name')
->setAttrib("searchAttr", "name");

This creates one input element with filteringSelect widget. I am fine 
till this point.

There is a "more products" button on the page. When the user clicks on 
the button, another input element with filteringSelect widget should 
appear. This input element will also use JSON from the same URL and 
expects the user to select another product. The "more products" button 
should keep on generating more input elements with filteringSelect 
widget when clicked.

How would you create the input fields with filteringSelect widgets 
dynamically in this situation? I presume, the store names have to be 
unique. Can you suggest the steps and the flow required to achieve this 
objective? Code snippets would be much appreciated.


Sudheer Satyanarayana
Binary Vibes Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Postal Address: #506, 10th B Main Road, I Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560 011
URL : 
Phone: +91 80 41558451 * Mobile: +91 99005 07499 
Community :

Re: [fw-general] Table problem

José de Menezes Soares Neto wrote:


I have three tables:


page2tag just have page_id and tag_id relationship...

how to build a query looking inside page, but merging the three tables?



Use joins. Zend_Db_Table_Select has methods to conveniently join tables.

You could try something like:

|$select = $db->select()
||>from( array('p' => 'page'),
array('fieldname) )
 'on condition')

   'on condition');|



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Community, 

Re: [fw-general] Use Zend without MVC

Alomon wrote:


I will probably have to make a little PHP application and use a Framework,
but I really do not think I will use MVC, as the application is for a local
use and will be made up of only 4 pages. in fact, I do not personnaly think
a Framework is useful, but my boss does :D

Anyway, I did not manage to find any tutorial on how tu use Zend without
MVC. It is the first time I will use a Framework, and it is not really easy,
so I really want to begin with a tutorial, or a simple application.

Could someone give me a link showing how to use Zend without MVC?

Thank you in advance.
I think you can use the Zend Framework reference manual minus MVC 
components and those that integrate with it.



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Community, 

Re: [fw-general] Using the Dojo shipped with ZF 1.6.0 - Important Note

Fortunately, there is a solution: a better rewrite rule. The one
presented below has been circulating around in a variety of places, and
was in fact the reason I never saw the reported issues myself. Instead
of relying on the file extension to determine whether or not to rewrite,
it relies on file presence:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

Thanks for the update. I was thinking there was some issue with all the 
dojo builds I tried so far.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] Inter-page messaging - How do I display information in my layout?

stav wrote:

Ok, so the Flash Messages are working if I do a _redirect(), but I can't seem
to display them if I do not redirect and, instead, only _forward().  Then
the messages are not displayed until the next request.  I can get around
this, but I am curious as to why they do not show up even if I put the
getMessages() in the postDispatch():

  public function postDispatch()
$this->view->flash_messages = $this->_flashMessenger->getMessages();

See what happens when you do

$this->view->flash_messages = $this->_flashMessenger->getCurrentMessages();



Shouldn't this capture the new messages in the editAction()? 


Sudheer Satyanarayana
Binary Vibes Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Postal Address: #506, 10th B Main Road, I Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560 011
URL : 
Phone: +91 80 41558451 * Mobile: +91 99005 07499 
Community :

Re: [fw-general] Question about Zend_Dojo

Actually, if you're using SVN already for ZF, we *do* use svn:externals
to pull in dojo -- you can see it in the exernals/dojo/ directory of the
standard library.

Right. I am using the same source
( and it has the same "node
not found" issue.
Also does not work either.
As mentioned, the dojo build system seems to add some code to the files
that makes it work.

Odd, as I've tested all the dijits against the externals previously.

As I said, I'll continue to look into it. As it is, you can actually
create your own builds using either the Dojo shipped with 1.6.0 or via
externals. I'll post more information on how to do this soon.

I had similar issues with svn:externals which I added in my 
SVN(not the one used in externals). DateTextBox was not working due a 
file missing in the cldr direcctory. So far, Zend_Dojo works well with 
the code locally added(downloaded from 


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] How to access response object's insert method in action helper

First, I'm hoping this is just a snippet of one of your action helper's
class methods, 'cause otherwise this won't work.

That hint helped a lot. I had just dumped the code in the Action Helper 
script without using any classes or methods. Don't laugh.

Second, when in your action helper, use:


to get the response. 


As for the issues you show below, they don't make sense, unless you're
trying to execute the above code outside the MVC environment -- for
instance, just to test the code out. I can't personally reproduce the
issue currently, which makes me think it's contextual.


I am bit concerned about the above comment. I do have the MVC environment.

Just to be sure, I am posting the code in my controller, action, layout, 
view and action helper. Please advise whether the approach makes sense.

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

public function indexAction()

   $this->view->pageTitle = "Zend Layout Example";

   $this->view->bodyTitle = 'Hello World!';
   $this->view->bodyCopy = "Lorem ipsum dolor etc.";



class BV_Controller_Action_Helper_Foo extends 
Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract {

  function init() {
  $response = $this->getResponse();
  $this->view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView();
  Zend_Layout::startMvc(array('layoutPath' => 


  $response->insert('main', $this->view->render('menu/main.phtml'));





bodyTitle ;?>
bodyCopy ;?>


render('menu/navigation.phtml'); ?>
   layout()->content ?>
   layout()->sidebar; ?>

With the above code, I am trying to aggregate the various content items 
like sidebar, menu and navigation in the action helper. I want to be 
able to override them in the  controller  actions.

I never thought you would go to the extent of trying to reproduce the 
issue. Thank you so much. :)

Your action helper blog post on Zend devzone was also very useful.



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

[fw-general] How to access response object's insert method in action helper


I followed the Zend_Layout example at

There was no problem in setting up the layout at all.

Instantiating the response object and accessing its insert method in the 
init() function of every controller is repetitious. Therefore, I try to 
push the code in the init() function of the controller to an action helper.

I have an action helper foo. Below is the code in foo.php


   $response->insert('main', $view->render('menu/main.phtml'));

When I view the page, I get an error
*Fatal error*: Call to a member function insert() on a non-object in 
*../BV/Controller/Action/Helper/Foo.php* on line *7

*Line 7 in Foo.php is $response->insert('sidebar', 

The error message indicates that I can't access the insert method of 
response object. Am I allowed to access the insert method of the 
response object in the action helper? If so, how?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] url not found

mom_maj wrote:
i am sorry that is my user controller : 

class  UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action 

public function indexAction()


just that and i made his view

What do you have in the view script? Remember to remove the closing ?> 
tag in your controller. Also post the contents of your .htaccess. Have 
you enabled mod_rewrite on your Apache webserver? Have you set 
AllowOverride to All for your Document_Root?

You may also have to post the code in your bootstrap.

With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] url not found

mom_maj wrote:

Hi list
start to use zendframework yesterday , when i use index controller every
thing is ok  but when i create another controller  and use it gave me that
error :

Not Found

The requested URL /test_zendframework/public/user was not found on this
Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 SVN/1.4.4 PHP/5.2.3-1ubuntu6.4 Server at
localhost Port 80

Can you post your UserController.php code? Have you set up the view 
script for UserController?


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] How to integrate a Dojo date picker to Zend_Form?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Sudheer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Sunday, 10 August 2008, 10:26 PM +0530):
Has anybody written a tutor on how to integrate a Dojo date picker to  

I followed the online Zend_Dojo_Form manual, but could not understand it  
enough to have a working date picker. Searching on the Internet for few  
hours wasn't useful either.

I would like to see an example usage of a nice JavaScript date picker  
with Zend_Form, preferably with Dojo. In summary I would like to see the  
code that

1. Instructs the application to use a dojo CDN
2. Adds necessary js files to the HTML document
3. Creates the form element with drop down calendar date picker

// in your application code:
$element = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_DateTextBox('datepicker');
$view->element = $element;

// In your view script:
$this->dojo()->useCdn() // uses AOL CDN by default


There was one small mistake in the above line. Maybe a typo.


This is just for the archive's sake so that somebody reading it can know 
the correct path.

Thanks again for your help. :)

echo $this->element;

// In your layout script:

dojo() ?>

layout()->content ?>

and that's all there is to it.


Re: [fw-general] How to integrate a Dojo date picker to Zend_Form?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Sudheer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Sunday, 10 August 2008, 10:26 PM +0530):
Has anybody written a tutor on how to integrate a Dojo date picker to  

I followed the online Zend_Dojo_Form manual, but could not understand it  
enough to have a working date picker. Searching on the Internet for few  
hours wasn't useful either.

I would like to see an example usage of a nice JavaScript date picker  
with Zend_Form, preferably with Dojo. In summary I would like to see the  
code that

1. Instructs the application to use a dojo CDN
2. Adds necessary js files to the HTML document
3. Creates the form element with drop down calendar date picker

// in your application code:
$element = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_DateTextBox('datepicker');
$view->element = $element;

// In your view script:
$this->dojo()->useCdn() // uses AOL CDN by default

echo $this->element;

// In your layout script:

dojo() ?>

layout()->content ?>

and that's all there is to it.


Thank you very much, Matthew. I can now build on this.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

[fw-general] How to integrate a Dojo date picker to Zend_Form?


Has anybody written a tutor on how to integrate a Dojo date picker to 

I followed the online Zend_Dojo_Form manual, but could not understand it 
enough to have a working date picker. Searching on the Internet for few 
hours wasn't useful either.

I would like to see an example usage of a nice JavaScript date picker 
with Zend_Form, preferably with Dojo. In summary I would like to see the 
code that

1. Instructs the application to use a dojo CDN
2. Adds necessary js files to the HTML document
3. Creates the form element with drop down calendar date picker


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

[fw-general] Zend_Form Array notation


I have come across a situation where I have to create form elements 
based on information stored in the database. For each value I want to 
create a checkbox form field element.

Without Zend_Form I would do something like this:



   foreach ($result as $row) {
   $role = $row['name'];
   echo $role;
   echo "name=\"row[$role]\" value=\"set\" /> ";



How can I achieve the objective using Zend_Form? Specifically, I would 
like to know how to build form elements whose names are represented by 
arrays. I have read the subform section of the manual. But I'm unable to 
understand how to implement it in this situation. I would greatly 
appreciate if somebody can show an example.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

[fw-general] How to access current url in custom view helper?


I am trying to construct an HTML anchor link in my custom view helper. 
How can I know the current URL in the view helper? I tried to create a 
frontController instance and access the getBaseUrl method. I did not 
return anything.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] How are you using Zend_Pdf?

Willie Alberty wrote:
Kevin and I are about ready to introduce the comprehensive Zend_Pdf 
updates I described last week for community review and early testing. 
I am working on shoring up the documentation now and could use some 

  In what ways are you are currently using Zend_Pdf?

Hi Willy,

I currently am not using Zend_Pdf. But I will be very soon. I am 
developing a CRM product using Zend Framework. I would like to use 
Zend_Pdf to generate quotes, invoices and reports. All these PDF 
documents generated by the application will be based on templates. 
Typical components of the PDF quote document would be

* Company logo and slogan
* Company address and contact details
* Customer shipping and billing addresses
* Table with serial number, products, quantity, amount and tax. The 
table will have subtotal and total on the last two rows. The columns on 
the last two rows are merged to remove empty cells.

* Promotional information containing images and text with links to web pages
* Quote and invoice status message displayed as big background image 
with dull colours

It will be awesome if  Zend_Pdf provides methods to build charts/graphs 
in the PDF document. These features help build PDF reports.

I can even send you a sample PDF document, if you would like to see it.

With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] Re: Zend_Form Array notation

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Sudheer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Sunday, 03 August 2008, 03:44 PM +0530):

Sudheer wrote:

I did not receive a copy of this message from the list. I suspect a  
problem with my e-mail client. Apologies if you received this message  

I have advanced a bit.

I have encountered a problem with my new code.

You can see the code and output here ->

When I create checkbox form elements in the subform, it generates hidden  
fields. If I replace them with text fields, I get correct output and the  
hidden form fields vanish.

HTML does not submit unfilled checkboxes in a form payload. As a result,
forms with checkboxes either do not validate, or no value is returned
for the checkbox elements. The hidden fields are present to ensure a
value is _always_ passed for the checkbox, correcting this issue.

What you're seeing is the intended behavior of Zend_Form.

I was expecting the form to not return the unfilled checkboxes. Thus, I 
was worried with the hidden fields. :)

I never expected this is the intended behaviour of Zend_Form. Although, 
this feature does not assist me in this situation, it sure is a good 
idea to have unfilled checkboxes return.

Thank you very much.


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] Re: Zend_Form Array notation

Sudheer wrote:
I did not receive a copy of this message from the list. I suspect a 
problem with my e-mail client. Apologies if you received this message 

I have advanced a bit.

I have encountered a problem with my new code.

You can see the code and output here ->

When I create checkbox form elements in the subform, it generates hidden 
fields. If I replace them with text fields, I get correct output and the 
hidden form fields vanish.

I think the problem is with the following line of code:

$role{$roleId} = $roleform->createElement('checkbox', $roleId)

Can somebody tell me why this is happening? What am I doing wrong?



With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

[fw-general] Re: Zend_Form Array notation

Sudheer wrote:


I have come across a situation where I have to create form elements 
based on information stored in the database. For each value I want to 
create a checkbox form field element.

Without Zend_Form I would do something like this:



   foreach ($result as $row) {
   $role = $row['name'];
   echo $role;
   echo "name=\"row[$role]\" value=\"set\" /> ";

   ?>type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />   


How can I achieve the objective using Zend_Form? Specifically, I would 
like to know how to build form elements whose names are represented by 
arrays. I have read the subform section of the manual. But I'm unable 
to understand how to implement it in this situation. I would greatly 
appreciate if somebody can show an example.

I did not receive a copy of this message from the list. I suspect a 
problem with my e-mail client. Apologies if you received this message 

Re: [fw-general] LinkedIn Group

Karl Katzke wrote:

Here's a direct link, I think...

I just joined. :)


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S

Re: [fw-general] How to destroy a session

Sudheer wrote:

xing93111 wrote:


I create a default session namespace using:

$s = new Zend_Session_Namespace();

How do I destroy it?


|Looks like the answer is





Re: [fw-general] How to destroy a session

xing93111 wrote:


I create a default session namespace using:

$s = new Zend_Session_Namespace();

How do I destroy it?


|Looks like the answer is



Re: [fw-general] Question about pagination

Csányi András wrote:

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 11:41:18AM +0200, Csányi András wrote:

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 10:28:37PM -0700, thurting wrote:

I've set up my model to handle pagination and had a question about how I
should handle bad input.  Suppose my url is constructed as
controller/action/key/value and I am passing the user param 'page' to my


I was finding in the documentation in a last 2 hours! I remember this
function but I dont know where is it and how work is it - I need some
examples or something. Please somebody tell me where is it in the
documentation :)

Thank you!


I have find it. :)


Could you post the link?


[fw-general] Solved | Re: [fw-general] Help to implement a join query in Zend_Db

I was able to solve this with Juzzy's help on #zftalk. Apparently there 
was a column name clash in the query.


Jim Scherer wrote:
I don't have the answer you seek, but maybe this can help get you on 

way. If you:


Thanks for your reply.

echo $select->__toString();


That sure helps. I can at least see what query is being generated.

You will see:

SELECT `s`.`sid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`status`, `r`.`rid`, `r`.`rdate`, 
`c`.`name` FROM `student` AS `s` INNER JOIN `registration` AS `r` ON 
s.sid =
r.sid INNER JOIN `student_course_interests` AS `sc` ON s.sid = sc.sid 

JOIN `course` AS `c` ON c.cid = sc.cid

the SQL that is being generated for you. You can place this after any
$select statement to see step by step generated code.  You also have the
option of passing your select statement like this:

$select = $db->query('select s.sid,, r.rid, r.rdate,, 
from student as s, registration as r, student_course_interests as sc, 
course as c where s.sid=r.sid and s.sid=sc.sid and c.cid=sc.cid');

$result = $select->fetchAll();

I had tried this before. It changes the positions of the columns and 
the some columns are missing in the result.

I hope a Zend_DB expert will chime. :)
That's the best I can offer for now. Others surely know a lot more 
then I.



Re: [fw-general] Help to implement a join query in Zend_Db

Jim Scherer wrote:

I don't have the answer you seek, but maybe this can help get you on your
way. If you:


Thanks for your reply.

echo $select->__toString();


That sure helps. I can at least see what query is being generated.

You will see:

SELECT `s`.`sid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`status`, `r`.`rid`, `r`.`rdate`, `sc`.*,
`c`.`name` FROM `student` AS `s` INNER JOIN `registration` AS `r` ON s.sid =
r.sid INNER JOIN `student_course_interests` AS `sc` ON s.sid = sc.sid INNER
JOIN `course` AS `c` ON c.cid = sc.cid

the SQL that is being generated for you. You can place this after any
$select statement to see step by step generated code.  You also have the
option of passing your select statement like this:

$select = $db->query('select s.sid,, r.rid, r.rdate,, s.status
from student as 
s, registration as r, student_course_interests as sc, course as c where 
s.sid=r.sid and s.sid=sc.sid and c.cid=sc.cid');

$result = $select->fetchAll();

I had tried this before. It changes the positions of the columns and the 
some columns are missing in the result.

I hope a Zend_DB expert will chime. :)
That's the best I can offer for now. Others surely know a lot more then I. 



[fw-general] Help to implement a join query in Zend_Db

Hello experts,

I am trying to implement a MySQL query with Zend_DB. The query is:

select s.sid,, r.rid, r.rdate,, s.status from student as 
s, registration as r, student_course_interests as sc, course as c where 
s.sid=r.sid and s.sid=sc.sid and c.cid=sc.cid

When I execute this query in the MySQL client, I get the desired result. 
I tried various types of queries with ZF. I don't understand why Zend_DB 
changes the column positions. The below query doesn't seem to select at all.


$select = $db->select();
$select->from(array('s' => 'student'),
$select->join(array('r' => 'registration'),
 's.sid = r.sid',
$select->join(array('sc' => 'student_course_interests'),
 's.sid = sc.sid');
$select->join(array('c' => 'course'),
 'c.cid = sc.cid',
$result = $db->fetchAll($select);


How can I fix this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
