[fw-general] [apc-error] Cannot redeclare class

2008-10-03 Thread Todd Wolaver
I've just updated my Zend Framework library on my test server to the  
latest SVN head and now I'm getting an APC error:

[apc-error] Cannot redeclare class zend_dojo

I've traced back the error and it starts with Revision 11629 which  
addressed ZF-4458 (Analyse bottlenecks in Zend_Loader and  
Zend_Loader_PluginLoader and attempt to fix).  Thing is... on my  
development server I don't have any problems, even with the latest  

Dev server (no apc errors):
PHP Version 5.2.3
APC Version 3.0.14

Test server (with apc error above):
CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
PHP Version 5.2.6
APC Version 3.0.19

My test server is setup/configured as my final production server will  
be. Any ideas on how to fix this error?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

[fw-general] Depreciated fetchAll()/fetchRow() functionality

2008-07-21 Thread Todd Wolaver
With all the talk of a Zend_Deprecation and the evolution of the  
framework in general, I have a question about Zend_DB and fetchAll()/ 

The documentation states that the depreciated usage (of not using a  
Zend_Db_Table_Select object) of fetchRow() and fetchAll() will  
continue to work.

I do like the simplicity (and already have many functions using this)  
of being able to write a quick select like:

$rows = $table->fetchAll('bug_status = "NEW"', 'bug_id ASC', 10, 0);

Will we eventually lose this ability and have to migrate to the  
updated usage of a Zend_Db_Table_Select like:
$rows = $table->fetchAll($table->select()->where('bug_status = ?',  

 ->order('bug_id ASC')
 ->limit(10, 0));

This option has its place and use it when needed, but I still continue  
to use the simpler method for quick selects.

So what I'm wondering... should I stop using the simple fetchAll() and  
fetchRow() methods in favor of using them with the select object?


Re: [fw-general] Dojo library Layout

2008-07-18 Thread Todd Wolaver
public/js would be a js folder under your server's document root (html  
in your case).

You can in reality put the dojo source anywhere under the document  
root (pulbic folder) and set the location in the dojo view helper.



On Jul 18, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Christian Sanchez wrote:

2008/7/18 Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
-- Christian Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Friday, 18 July 2008, 10:12 AM -0500):
> I was wondering if there is a best practice for the layout  
considering the
> usage of the recent Zend_Dojo... I know it must be under the html  
folder, but

> how do you recommend it should be implemented?
> >application
> >html
> >images
> >scripts
> >js
> >dojo
> >styles
> >library
> Or maybe?
> >application
> >html
> >images
> >scripts
> >dojo
> >styles
> >library
> Any suggestions?

Dojo is javascript, so it should be under public/js/

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   | http://framework.zend.com/

Just to make things clear, you say it should be:


Christian Sánchez A.

Re: [fw-general] Dojo library Layout

2008-07-18 Thread Todd Wolaver
I currently use a layout similar to your second option and I keep my  
Dojo modules in their own directory outside of the dojo source.

- application
- bootstrap
- htdocs
 - images
 - scripts
- dojo
  - dijit
  - dojo
  - dojox
  - util
- mydojo
- library
- tmp

On Jul 18, 2008, at 10:12 AM, Christian Sanchez wrote:

I was wondering if there is a best practice for the layout  
considering the usage of the recent Zend_Dojo... I know it must be  
under the html folder, but how do you recommend it should be  


Or maybe?


Any suggestions?
Christian Sánchez A.

Re: [fw-general] Recent Component Promotions

2008-07-17 Thread Todd Wolaver

I have another question regarding the dojo view helper...

Is there a way to disable the dojoType="dijit.form.Form" from being  
added to the  attributes on a standard Zend_Form() when using  

In bootstrap:
$view->addHelperPath('Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/', 'Zend_Dojo_View_Helper');

In controller:
$form = new Zend_From();

method="post" id="" dojoType="dijit.form.Form">

Is this standard behavior or do I have something mixed up somewhere?

It isn't a big deal but I'd like to disable it for now as my reset  
buttons in my standard forms seem to be disabled in a dojoType =  


On Jul 17, 2008, at 12:04 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Thursday, 17 July 2008, 11:17 AM -0500):

I've been playing with the Dojo view helper and Zend_Dojo_Form it all
looks great and easy to implement.

I did find a minor issue in the view helper related to adding module
paths.  The generated code doesn't include the path for the module

Valid Dojo syntax would be:
dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");

Veiw helper outputs:

I've updated the _renderExtras method in
Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container to get it working for now.  I  
add a bug to the issue tracker if you like but I didn't see a  

for Zend_Dojo in there yet.

I've added a category for this now; please enter the issue, and, if
possible, attach the patch.

As a side note on Zend_Dojo_Form, I'm having a hard time figuring out
how to get the checkboxes in MultiCheckbox to render as a Dijit
checkbox, any suggestions?

Hmm... I may need to add a MultiCheckBox dijit element. Place a  

request in the tracker for this; I can see this being useful.

On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

Greetings, all --

I've promoted the following components from standard/incubator/ to
standard/trunk/ in preparation for the 1.6.0 release:

* Zend_Dom_Query: use CSS selectors to query (X)HTML/XML documents
* Zend_Dojo: ZF/Dojo integration layer
* Zend_Json_Server: JSON-RPC implementation
* Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable: Store session data in a database
* Zend_Test_PHPUnit: testing infrastructure for MVC applications
* Zend_Text_Figlet: create Figlets with ZF

If you haven't tried these new components out yet, please do. If you
haven't due to lack of documentation, documentation is available in
documentation/manual/en/module_specs/ tree in human-readable  

with full PHP examples and use cases.

A hearty thank you to all contributors and testers involved with
these components a reality!

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   | http://framework.zend.com/

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   | http://framework.zend.com/

Re: [fw-general] Recent Component Promotions

2008-07-17 Thread Todd Wolaver

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for all the hard and long work on the Dojo implementation!

I've been playing with the Dojo view helper and Zend_Dojo_Form it all  
looks great and easy to implement.

I did find a minor issue in the view helper related to adding module  
paths.  The generated code doesn't include the path for the module  

Valid Dojo syntax would be:
dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");

Veiw helper outputs:

I've updated the _renderExtras method in  
Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container to get it working for now.  I can  
add a bug to the issue tracker if you like but I didn't see a category  
for Zend_Dojo in there yet.

As a side note on Zend_Dojo_Form, I'm having a hard time figuring out  
how to get the checkboxes in MultiCheckbox to render as a Dijit  
checkbox, any suggestions?

Thanks again for a great component.

On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

Greetings, all --

I've promoted the following components from standard/incubator/ to
standard/trunk/ in preparation for the 1.6.0 release:

 * Zend_Dom_Query: use CSS selectors to query (X)HTML/XML documents
 * Zend_Dojo: ZF/Dojo integration layer
 * Zend_Json_Server: JSON-RPC implementation
 * Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable: Store session data in a database
 * Zend_Test_PHPUnit: testing infrastructure for MVC applications
 * Zend_Text_Figlet: create Figlets with ZF

If you haven't tried these new components out yet, please do. If you
haven't due to lack of documentation, documentation is available in  

documentation/manual/en/module_specs/ tree in human-readable DocBook,
with full PHP examples and use cases.

A hearty thank you to all contributors and testers involved with  

these components a reality!

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   | http://framework.zend.com/

[fw-general] Extending Zend_Auth

2008-06-26 Thread Todd Wolaver

I'm not sure as to the best way to go about this...

I'm building an application that will authenticate different types of  
users (ie system admins and customers) and they are maintained in  
different database tables.  I'd like to have each type to use a  
different storage namespace.

What I've done in the past is to extend Zend_Auth and override the  
getInstance() method. I've also added helper methods such as getUser()  
to return a Zend_Table_Row object of the authenticated user.



return self::$_instance;

public function getUser()
$id = $this->getIdentity()->client_admin_id;
$table = new ClientAdmins();
return $table->find($id)->current();

This has worked up until I tested my code on PHP v.5.2.6 and I get:
Fatal error: Call to private Zend_Auth::__construct() from context  
'My_Auth_Client' in /var/www/vhosts/dev.dzcrs.com/library/My/Auth/ 
Client.php on line 9

Which after looking at the Zend_Auth code, makes sense (and I'm not  
quite sure why it works on my 5.2.3 server).

My question is how to best accomplish this.  I can extend Zend_Auth  
and override getInstance to automatically set the storage by using  
parent::getInstance() but then I lose any helper methods I create  
since I'm returning a Zend_Auth instance rather than a My_Auth_Client  

Thoughts? Am I going about this totally backwards?


Re: [fw-general] Multiple Auth Logins

2007-10-11 Thread Todd Wolaver

Mike, thanks for the reply.

I've come up with something that works for my situation, but it  
involves extending the Zend_Auth singleton class (which I know  
probably isn't the best way to do things).

I do want to use Zend_Auth since I'm looking for the storage, which  
was the oversight in my original logic. I was using the same  
namespace in both classes, so of course each instance of the two  
separate classes would return that it had an identity since it was  
looking to the same session (one of those "oh, duh" moments).

The two types of users will be logging in at separate pages (actually  
one is logging in via a 3rd party site that sends back a token).   
I'll be able to tell the admins by using $myAuthAdmin->getIdentity()  
and other users by $myAuthOtheruser->getIdentity();

This is what I ended up doing. I don't know if is the best way, but  
it works:

class My_Auth_Otheruser extends Zend_Auth
protected static $_instance = null;

public static function getInstance()
if (null === self::$_instance) {
self::$_instance = new self();
	self::$_instance->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session 


return self::$_instance;

On Oct 11, 2007, at 9:15 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:

On 10/11/07, Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have implemented Zend_Auth for admin users to login and I'm
checking authentication and ACLs in a preDispatch plugin.

Now I need to authenticate a different type of user which has nothing
to do with the admins and uses a totally different storage engine and
auth adapter.

I'm trying to figure out how to keep these users separate and I can't
seem to figure it out.

At this point I'm thinking I need a new class which extends
Zend_Auth, but Zend_Auth being a singleton I'll always get back an
instance of Zend_Auth.

Hi Todd,

Note that you can use Zend_Auth_Adapters directly without using the
Zend_Auth class at all. Zend_Auth just provides a single point from
which you can retrieve information about an authentication.

Even if I extend the class as below,  "hasIdentity()" will return
true if the admin has logged in under Zend_Auth:

I don't really understand this. Regardless of how Zend_Auth works, by
what mechanism will you determine if the user really is an admin or

Note that you can of course overload hasIdentity / getIdenity and give
them intelligence about your different authentication mechanisms.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to implement several
different authentication schemes? Do I need to extend Zend_Auth for
the admin and the other users and not use Zend_Auth directly?

From your description I really don't understand what the problem

really is but here are a few ideas that may or may not be pertinent.

Create a third adapter that negotiates which authentication method
should be used.

Extend Zend_Auth and add a getUser method that returns a bonified
My_User object that may be queried (e.g. $user->isAdmin()).


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO

[fw-general] Multiple Auth Logins

2007-10-11 Thread Todd Wolaver


I have implemented Zend_Auth for admin users to login and I'm  
checking authentication and ACLs in a preDispatch plugin.

Now I need to authenticate a different type of user which has nothing  
to do with the admins and uses a totally different storage engine and  
auth adapter.

I'm trying to figure out how to keep these users separate and I can't  
seem to figure it out.

At this point I'm thinking I need a new class which extends  
Zend_Auth, but Zend_Auth being a singleton I'll always get back an  
instance of Zend_Auth.
Even if I extend the class as below,  "hasIdentity()" will return  
true if the admin has logged in under Zend_Auth:

class My_Auth_Otheruser extends Zend_Auth
protected static $_instance = null;
protected $_storage = null;

public static function getInstance()
if (null === self::$_instance) {
self::$_instance = new self();

return self::$_instance;

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to implement several  
different authentication schemes? Do I need to extend Zend_Auth for  
the admin and the other users and not use Zend_Auth directly?


[fw-general] Zend_DB findManyToManyRowset issue in latest snapshot (after commit 6251)

2007-09-12 Thread Todd Wolaver


I just checked out the latest code from Trunk and now I'm getting  
errors within my application related to Zend_DB and  
findManyToManyRowset.  I've tried the samples in the documentation,  
The sample code works.  However... with a slight change in column  
names it hoses the references.

The error:
Notice: Undefined index:  product_id in /srv/sites/athweb-prt03/ 
library/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php on line 839

When calling findManyToManyRowset the name of the column in the  
lookup table now has to be the same as the column name in the  
intersection table.  You used to be able to specify any column names  
here, however commit #6251 changed this.  All of my tables have a  
column of "id" as the primary key.  Intersection columns are named  
'tablename_id'. Is there any way to keep this functionality or do I  
need to go back and change all my column names?

If I change the "id" column in both the products and bugs table to  
'product_id' and 'bug_id' and make the corresponding changes in the  
referenceMap, findManyToManyRowset works.


The db structure that fails is:
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,  <--- this would  
need to be bug_id to work

  `bug_description` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `bug_status` varchar(20) default NULL,

CREATE TABLE `bugs_products` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, <-- this would  
need to be product_id to work

  `bug_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE `products` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  `product_name` varchar(100) default NULL,

The referenceMap is:
protected $_referenceMap= array(
'Bug' => array(
'columns'   => array('bug_id'),
'refTableClass' => 'Bugs',
'refColumns'=> array('id')  <--- this would need  
to be bug_id to work

'Product' => array(
'columns'   => array('product_id'),
'refTableClass' => 'Products',
'refColumns'=> array('id')  <--- this would need  
to be product_id to work


Re: [fw-general] Zend_View_Helper_FormCheckbox

2007-07-05 Thread Todd Wolaver
I agree that this behavior seems odd... especially when the default  
options are preset to 1 & 0.

It seems like you need to implement a hack to accomplish the basic  

1) you can (as Nathan mentioned) do a check yourself to see if the  
checkbox should be checked and only pass the $value if it should be  
checked. But this defeats the purpose of "If $value matches the  
"checked" value, the box will be checked for you." when "the first  
value is the "checked" value".


2) you can set $value to a fixed value (1 in my case) and alter the  
first option to your variable data value. But then why set any  
default options in the first place.

The documented use case makes it seam that if you set the value to  
"no" you will still get a checkbox that has a value of yes (since  
"yes" is the default checked value) if checked, but that is not the  
formCheckbox('opt_in', 'yes', null, array('yes',  
'no')) ?>

I know there were some exceptions made to alter the api during the  
release candidate phases, but I don't understand this one.

And yes, one tends to feel strongly about things when it directly  
affects them.  I've got a lot of forms that will need to be hacked to  
get them to function now.  I just want to understand why I'm doing  
what I'm doing. I'd also like to see this made clear in the  


On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:38 PM, Nathan Wright wrote:

I ran into the same thing just recently.

A simple workaround for the old behaviour: Only pass the value  
argument if the checkbox is meant to be ticked. You could create  
another view helper which proxies formCheckbox() and handles that  

The behaviour seems very bizarre so I'm interested to hear the  
reasoning behind it.


On 5-Jul-07, at 3:27 PM, Todd Wolaver wrote:

Maybe I'm missing something here, but there was a change to the  
FormCheckbox helper from RC3 to v 1.0 and I'm not sure as to the  
usage now.

When I specify:
$isPublished = 0;
$this->formCheckbox('content[published]', $isPublished);

In RC3 I'd get a form field like:

In v 1.0 I get:
In RC3 I'd get a form field like:

The problem being, if I check the checkbox using the v1.0 code,  
and I get back a value of 0.  I know this was changed for a reason  
but shouldn't the checkbox contain a value of 1 (the default  
checked value)?


[fw-general] Zend_View_Helper_FormCheckbox

2007-07-05 Thread Todd Wolaver
Maybe I'm missing something here, but there was a change to the  
FormCheckbox helper from RC3 to v 1.0 and I'm not sure as to the  
usage now.

When I specify:
$isPublished = 0;
$this->formCheckbox('content[published]', $isPublished);

In RC3 I'd get a form field like:

In v 1.0 I get:
In RC3 I'd get a form field like:

The problem being, if I check the checkbox using the v1.0 code, and I  
get back a value of 0.  I know this was changed for a reason but  
shouldn't the checkbox contain a value of 1 (the default checked value)?


Re: [fw-general] Custom Error Pages

2007-05-17 Thread Todd Wolaver
I should have looked a little harder, but I didn't see the changes  
that were added today:


Answered my question.


On May 17, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Todd Wolaver wrote:

I am currently displaying custom error pages by checking for  
exceptions in the dispatchLoopShutdown(), which works fine with 9.3.

After checking out the current trunk (4837) it seems that  
dispatchLoopShutdown() not run before I get a fatal error.

Is this a bug or a planed & expected result which I should refactor  
into my code?

public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
$response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();

if ($response->isException()) {
... send to error page ...

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Cannot  
find page' in /var/www/html/application/modules/default/controllers/ 
IndexController.php:25 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/library/Zend/ 
Controller/Action.php(438): IndexController->norouteAction() #1 / 
Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('norouteAction') #2 /var/www/html/ 
(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object 
(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)) #3 /var/www/html/htdocs/index.php 
(66): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch() #4 {main} thrown in /var/ 
IndexController.php on line 25


Todd Wolaver

1505 Park PL., Apt 20
College Station, TX 77840

Phone: 979-739-3256

AIM: miribota

[fw-general] Custom Error Pages

2007-05-17 Thread Todd Wolaver
I am currently displaying custom error pages by checking for  
exceptions in the dispatchLoopShutdown(), which works fine with 9.3.

After checking out the current trunk (4837) it seems that  
dispatchLoopShutdown() not run before I get a fatal error.

Is this a bug or a planed & expected result which I should refactor  
into my code?

public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
$response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();

if ($response->isException()) {
... send to error page ...

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Cannot find  
page' in /var/www/html/application/modules/default/controllers/ 
IndexController.php:25 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/library/Zend/ 
Controller/Action.php(438): IndexController->norouteAction() #1 /var/ 
Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('norouteAction') #2 /var/www/html/ 
(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object 
(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)) #3 /var/www/html/htdocs/index.php 
(66): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch() #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/ 
html/application/modules/default/controllers/IndexController.php on  
line 25


Todd Wolaver

1505 Park PL., Apt 20
College Station, TX 77840

Phone: 979-739-3256

AIM: miribota

Re: [fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-07 Thread Todd Wolaver


Thanks for your feedback on this,

Your solution put into an Action Helper has turned out to be what  
seems to be a nice clean way to protect actions from direct access.

To check I just run the following in the init() function of the  

public function init()


Thanks again.

On May 5, 2007, at 1:29 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Maurice Fonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Saturday, 05 May 2007, 08:03 PM +0200):

You are right. That's what you get for thinking out loud, you can be
wrong, I don't quote Socrates for nothing ;). You can't use  

of the object (controller instance) that does the forwarding to keep
track of the forwarding process. In one of your controllers, try the
following (also try adding test_request/abc to your url):

public function indexAction() {
   $this->_test = 'test';
   $this->getFrontController()->setParam('test_front', true);
   //in front controller
   $this->getRequest()->setParam('test_request', true);
   //in request parameters

public function forwardAction() {
   //$this->_test isn't defined (NULL)

Setting a parameter in the front controller may be a good way to  
for forwards, but it does mean you have to include an additional  
line of


Not necessarily. I've been thinking on this, and what I think is  

is a routeShutdown() plugin, and then a check in the controller's
preDispatch() method.

As for the routeShutdown() plugin, the reason I suggest this is that
routing happens exactly once during the request cycle, so after the
routing has happened we know exactly what the original request was.  
can then use a routeShutdown() plugin to register that request with  

front controller:

class OriginalRequestPlugin extends  

public function routeShutdown 
(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)

('origRequest', clone $request);


Then, in your controllers that have actions that should only be run
during via _forward(), do some checks in the preDispatch() method:

class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action
// Actions which should only be called via _forward()
public $forwardOnly = array('commit', 'revert');

public function preDispatch()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$action  = $request->getActionName();
if (in_array($action, $this->forwardOnly)) {
$origRequest = $this->getInvokeArg('origRequest');
if ($origRequest->getActionName() == $action) {
throw new Exception($action . ' action may only  
be called via _forward()');


The above could actually be placed in an Action Helper as well, so  

it doesn't need to be written for every controller needing the
functionality or require a Zend_Controller_Action subclass.

You don't have to use the request params, whicht may collide with
params your application actually uses. I'm not sure whether this  
is the
intended use of the setParam method of the front controller. The  

you set in it will be passed to __construct of the action controller.

If you put the forwardAction in another controller (even module) you
should still get the same results, if you modify the forward.


Todd Wolaver wrote:

I agree that there should be a standard way to check for forwards or
what actions have already been called. Possibly keeping track of  

in the Front controller?

As far as the forward, even it were not marked final (just for my  

Wouldn't  setting a parameter when calling _forward() only live  

the current action's lifetime and not persist to the action being
forwarded to.


On May 5, 2007, at 11:17 AM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

Indeed, that makes perfect sense. Enforcing compatibility between
modules does sound kind of important ;).

Still, having to add aditional parameters to the request, or  

whether the action name is in the path info feels like a bit of a
hack to me.  Furthermore, if I have an index action, the word  

may not even be in the path info (because it's the default
controller/action), so checking for it wouldn't always tell you
whether it was called

Re: [fw-general] Invoke Arg in Plugin

2007-05-07 Thread Todd Wolaver
Yes, I've just run into this myself and I ended up using the  

$this->_config  = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam 


On May 7, 2007, at 2:10 PM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

Because the front controller follows a singleton pattern, can't you  
just use $controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); and  
retrieve parameters from $controller then (with getParam())?


Ian Warner wrote:


Can I get at Parameters I have set within the front controller  
within a plugin?

ie in bootstrap

  ->setParam('config', $config)
  ->setParam('db', $db)
  ->setParam('site_name', $site_name)
  ->setParam('translate', $translate)
  ->setParam('view', $view)
  ->registerPlugin(new Zend_Plugin_Auth())
  ->registerPlugin(new Zend_Plugin_Translation());

what i want to do in a plugin is:

$this->_config= $this->getInvokeArg('config');

is this possible?



Maurice Fonk


Scio me nihil scire

Re: [fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-05 Thread Todd Wolaver
I agree that there should be a standard way to check for forwards or  
what actions have already been called. Possibly keeping track of this  
in the Front controller?

As far as the forward, even it were not marked final (just for my own  
Wouldn't  setting a parameter when calling _forward() only live  
within the current action's lifetime and not persist to the action  
being forwarded to.


On May 5, 2007, at 11:17 AM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

Indeed, that makes perfect sense. Enforcing compatibility between  
modules does sound kind of important ;).

Still, having to add aditional parameters to the request, or  
checking whether the action name is in the path info feels like a  
bit of a hack to me.  Furthermore, if I have an index action, the  
word 'index' may not even be in the path info (because it's the  
default controller/action), so checking for it wouldn't always tell  
you whether it was called directly. On the other hand, you probably  
wouldn't have an index action that shouldn't be callable directly.

It would be nice if there was a standard way to check for forwards,  
and enforce some actions to be callable only that way.


Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Maurice Fonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Saturday, 05 May 2007, 03:57 PM +0200):

Interesting. I wonder why the method is marked final? It seems to  
me like extending it might come in useful, because in your case  
you have to perform additional steps (adding validComponent to  
the params) as well.

It was originally marked final because PHP doesn't enforce that
subclasses use the same parameter signature (not following it will  

an E_STRICT, but it's still allowed), and the only way to enforce
consistency in how it works was to mark it final.

The primary reason I feel it should remain final is due to the  
modular functionality introduced in the 0.8.0 - 0.9.0 releases. When
developers start sharing application modules, there has to be some  
functionality that will continue to work between them. _forward()  
is one

of those.

The point is that this method, and a handful of others in the action
controller, have functionality that should likely not change between
implementations so that applications

Todd Wolaver wrote:

Sorry about that last post... premature sending
The _forward() method is marked final in Zend_Controller_Action  
so I can't add an attribute by extending the class.

This is what I've ended up doing, where validComponent is added  
to the params passed to the _forward() method.

   public function indexAction()
   if($this-> _getParam('validComponent') !== true) throw  
new Exception('Can not find page.');

 edit processing 

   Ath_Component::addContent($this-> _getParam('divId'),  
$this-> parse());



On May 4, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

I'm just thinking out loud here, but couldn't you add an  
attribute to your controller base class, say _beenForwarded =  
false; , then add a method:

protected function _forward(...) {
  $this-> _beenForwarded = true;

This way you can easily check whether there the request has  
been forwarded or not. Is this too short-sighted?


Todd Wolaver wrote:

Thanks Matthew,

Unfortunately this will be a fairly large site with content  
managers managing the content & URLs.  In addition there could  
be several _forwards() from a single "page" and the  
opportunity to have a action/controller name somewhere in the  
path is too great.

At this point I'm probably going to add a parameter to the  
user defined parameters that are passed to the action, then  
check for the parameter in the action.  Not my ideal solution,  
but I can't find anything better.

Thanks again,

On May 4, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote

(on Friday, 04 May 2007, 03:21 PM -0500):

I have actions that are only intended to be called from a  

I'd like to put a security check at the head of the action  
to check  and see if the action is being called by a _forward 
() or by URL.  If  it is being called by URL I'll display an  
appropriate error.

I can think of ways to protect these actions by using  
routes,  mod_rewrite, passing params and other hacks... but  
would like to have  everything contained inside the action  
and not rely on other methods.

Is there any way to tell if an action is being called from a  

Check to see if the action name is in the request path:

   if (strstr($this-> _request-> getPathInfo(), $this->  
_request-> getActionName())) {
   // action name is in the path info -- probably called  


Not entirely fool-proof, but it could work.

Maurice Fonk


Scio me nihil scire

Re: [fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-05 Thread Todd Wolaver

Sorry about that last post... premature sending

The _forward() method is marked final in Zend_Controller_Action so I  
can't add an attribute by extending the class.

This is what I've ended up doing, where validComponent is added to  
the params passed to the _forward() method.

public function indexAction()
if($this->_getParam('validComponent') !== true) throw new  
Exception('Can not find page.');

 edit processing 

Ath_Component::addContent($this->_getParam('divId'), $this- 



On May 4, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

I'm just thinking out loud here, but couldn't you add an attribute  
to your controller base class, say _beenForwarded = false; , then  
add a method:

protected function _forward(...) {
   $this->_beenForwarded = true;

This way you can easily check whether there the request has been  
forwarded or not. Is this too short-sighted?


Todd Wolaver wrote:

Thanks Matthew,

Unfortunately this will be a fairly large site with content  
managers managing the content & URLs.  In addition there could be  
several _forwards() from a single "page" and the opportunity to  
have a action/controller name somewhere in the path is too great.

At this point I'm probably going to add a parameter to the user  
defined parameters that are passed to the action, then check for  
the parameter in the action.  Not my ideal solution, but I can't  
find anything better.

Thanks again,

On May 4, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote
(on Friday, 04 May 2007, 03:21 PM -0500):
I have actions that are only intended to be called from a  

I'd like to put a security check at the head of the action to  
check  and see if the action is being called by a _forward() or  
by URL.  If  it is being called by URL I'll display an  
appropriate error.

I can think of ways to protect these actions by using routes,   
mod_rewrite, passing params and other hacks... but would like to  
have  everything contained inside the action and not rely on  
other methods.

Is there any way to tell if an action is being called from a  

Check to see if the action name is in the request path:

if (strstr($this->_request->getPathInfo(), $this->_request- 
>getActionName())) {
// action name is in the path info -- probably called  


Not entirely fool-proof, but it could work.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

Maurice Fonk


Scio me nihil scire

Re: [fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-05 Thread Todd Wolaver

The _forward() method is marked final in Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
if($this->_getParam('validComponent') !== true) throw new  
Exception('Can not find page.');

 edit processing 

Ath_Component::addContent($this->_getParam('divId'), $this- 

Todd Wolaver

1505 Park PL., Apt 20
College Station, TX 77840

Phone: 979-739-3256

AIM: miribota

On May 4, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Maurice Fonk wrote:

I'm just thinking out loud here, but couldn't you add an attribute  
to your controller base class, say _beenForwarded = false; , then  
add a method:

protected function _forward(...) {
   $this->_beenForwarded = true;

This way you can easily check whether there the request has been  
forwarded or not. Is this too short-sighted?


Todd Wolaver wrote:

Thanks Matthew,

Unfortunately this will be a fairly large site with content  
managers managing the content & URLs.  In addition there could be  
several _forwards() from a single "page" and the opportunity to  
have a action/controller name somewhere in the path is too great.

At this point I'm probably going to add a parameter to the user  
defined parameters that are passed to the action, then check for  
the parameter in the action.  Not my ideal solution, but I can't  
find anything better.

Thanks again,

On May 4, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote
(on Friday, 04 May 2007, 03:21 PM -0500):
I have actions that are only intended to be called from a  

I'd like to put a security check at the head of the action to  
check  and see if the action is being called by a _forward() or  
by URL.  If  it is being called by URL I'll display an  
appropriate error.

I can think of ways to protect these actions by using routes,   
mod_rewrite, passing params and other hacks... but would like to  
have  everything contained inside the action and not rely on  
other methods.

Is there any way to tell if an action is being called from a  

Check to see if the action name is in the request path:

if (strstr($this->_request->getPathInfo(), $this->_request- 
>getActionName())) {
// action name is in the path info -- probably called  


Not entirely fool-proof, but it could work.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

Maurice Fonk


Scio me nihil scire

Re: [fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-04 Thread Todd Wolaver

Thanks Matthew,

Unfortunately this will be a fairly large site with content managers  
managing the content & URLs.  In addition there could be several  
_forwards() from a single "page" and the opportunity to have a action/ 
controller name somewhere in the path is too great.

At this point I'm probably going to add a parameter to the user  
defined parameters that are passed to the action, then check for the  
parameter in the action.  Not my ideal solution, but I can't find  
anything better.

Thanks again,

On May 4, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Todd Wolaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Friday, 04 May 2007, 03:21 PM -0500):

I have actions that are only intended to be called from a _forward().

I'd like to put a security check at the head of the action to check
and see if the action is being called by a _forward() or by URL.  If
it is being called by URL I'll display an appropriate error.

I can think of ways to protect these actions by using routes,
mod_rewrite, passing params and other hacks... but would like to have
everything contained inside the action and not rely on other methods.

Is there any way to tell if an action is being called from a  

Check to see if the action name is in the request path:

if (strstr($this->_request->getPathInfo(), $this->_request- 
>getActionName())) {

// action name is in the path info -- probably called directly

Not entirely fool-proof, but it could work.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

[fw-general] _forward() Question

2007-05-04 Thread Todd Wolaver


I have actions that are only intended to be called from a _forward().

I'd like to put a security check at the head of the action to check  
and see if the action is being called by a _forward() or by URL.  If  
it is being called by URL I'll display an appropriate error.

I can think of ways to protect these actions by using routes,  
mod_rewrite, passing params and other hacks... but would like to have  
everything contained inside the action and not rely on other methods.

Is there any way to tell if an action is being called from a _forward()?


[fw-general] PDO, MSSQL and FreeTDS

2006-12-12 Thread Todd Wolaver


I'm using FreeTDS under Linux to access  MSSQL databases, which won'  
t work with the framework since the PDO driver is dblib not mssql.

$db = Zend_Db::factory('pdo_mssql', $params);

will return:
"The mssql driver is not currently installed"

This is set in the Mssql.php PDO adapter (Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql):
43:protected $_pdoType = 'mssql';

If this is changed to dblib then it works. What would be the best way  
of implementing the dblib driver without changing the core code of  
the framework?

Todd Wolaver