Re: Dead Wallstreet

2003-09-10 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 9/10/03 10:02 AM, "Michelle Klein-Hass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 10 September 2003 12:48 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have an old Wallstreet that I
>> tricked out a while ago, 466 Newertech processor, 512 RAM memory, and it's
>> run like a beast without much hassle.  Recently my 12G hardrive that I had
>> dropped in when I upgraded my Pismo started to make some clicking sounds
>> then made the clicking sound of death while I was doing a clean install of
>> OS9.  I pulled out the dead drive and I grabbed an unintialized 40G hard
>> drive and using the usual static precautions dropped it into the Wallstreet
>> hoping to initialize the drive and install the OS.  Well, now all I get
>> when I hit the power button is a buzzing sound.  When I reset the PMU with
>> shift+fn+control+power all is silence, then when I release the keys the
>> green power light goes on for a second, the screen flickers, and it dies
>> again.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much in
>> advance,
>> Ben
> Welcome to the Sleep Of Death. Basically the new hard drive has a more
> powerful magnet than the hard drives that shipped with every G3 Series
> PowerBook, and the magnetic switch that is supposed to signal to the Mac that
> the lid is closed gets tripped.

I had placed a shield made of electrician's tape over the hard drive before
I started up the computer.  I have experienced the sleep of death before and
this is definitely different.  I think your idea about having to reset the
magnetic switch is a good one, I'll look for another magnet and see it if
works.  But, I did break down the machine and disconnect the AC power and
pull the battery. That should have done it if it was an electrical switch.
If it's a small mechanical switch that should not have worked. I did not
disconnect the PRAM battery but I can give that one a shot also.
> If you go to xlr8yourmac and look up Toshiba and IBM hard drives for
> Wallstreet you can get links to the modding info you need to fix this
> problem. Basically you are going to need to use a non-conductive piece of
> metal as a shield for the side of the new hard drive where the magnet lives,
> and you might have to reset the magnetic switch with another magnet.
> Your Wallstreet isn't's just SLEEPING.
I sure hope so! It may not be dead yet, but it's looking like a pretty deep
> Good luck,
> -.\\<-H-

Thanks Michelle!

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Re: I/O door (Lombard)

2003-06-22 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/22/03 7:17 AM, "Herbert Goodfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The I/O door on my Lombard has detached from its springs so that it
> is loose and does not completely close. Apple instructs that it can
> be re-seated by pulling outward at the center of the door and then
> releasing. This is not working for me.
> Is there any other way to re-attach the door to the springs without
> disassembling the entire machine?
> Herb Goodfriend

If you're talking about the door that covers all the ports for the modem,
USB, and fire wire, not I can't think of any way to reseat the assembly
without opening up the machine.  If you're talking about the little trap
door for the battery/CD/hard drive port you can try this.  Remove whatever
device you have in the bay.  Make sure you have plenty of ambient light.
Then use a small round 1 inch telescoping mirror that you can pick up at
most hardware stores.  Plumbers, mechanics, and electricians use them to
look into walls, behind appliances, etc. You can use that mirror to get a
look at the back side of the expansion bay door. They're cheap and ought to
save you some time disassembling your machine.  Plus, they come in pretty
handy around the house. If you're talking about the door on the back of the
machine in the area of the hinges, I can't think of a way to get back there
without disassembling the machine.


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Wallstreet OX 10.2.6 Wireless Won't Connect to Internet

2003-06-22 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
To the list:

I have sure you have had this question before so please forgive me.

I am trying to resurrect an old Wallstreet and it¹s almost ³alive.² I am
running OS X 10.2.6 on a Wallstreet with a Newer 466 processor upgrade with
512 of RAM with a Lucent Orinoco Gold Card.  My ISP provider is Comcast.  I
am using a Linksys Router which connects to the cable modem.  I have an
regular Airport base station connected to the router for my wireless net.
My wife¹s G4 is connected directly through the router and accesses the
internet just fine.  My main laptop is a Pismo with an running OS X 10.2.6
which connects to the internet just fine.  Or at least did until I had a
head crash on the hard drive, but that¹s another story.  I have tried
several drivers for the Wallstreet without success. I can connect to the
internet with the above setup without any difficulty in OS 9.2.2 with
Airport with a great signal using either iCab or Explorer.  I installed
IOExpert¹s wireless driver and much to my delight it worked.  Much to my
despair it only worked for a couple of minutes.  I had previously
uninstalled drivers from SourceForge and MacWireless. The SourceForge driver
had a simmilar problem to the one listed below.  The MacWireless Driver
wouldn't work at all. I uninstalled both the SourceForge and MacWireless
drivers.I checked for their files and they¹re all gone.  Here is some
information that you may find relevant.  The IOExperts drivers have
installed without a difficulty.  When I go to System Preferences and check
the information for the driver, the card recognizes the network, with a
great signal strength.  I cannot connect to the internet via the WiFi card
but can connect using the built in ethernet port without problems.  I have
checked the network preferences and the Wallstreet is getting a dynamic IP
address wirelessly.  I have removed the router and tried to connect
wirelessly directly to the base station which again works fine in OS 9 but
not in OS X.  I have reset the cable modem without success.  I have repaired
the permissions on the disk using Apple¹s disk utility repeatedly until
their is nothing to repair and again I cannot get it to connect to the
internet in Jaguar.  In both Camino and Explorer the computer cannot find
the site.  I have used the Network utility to ping.  Again, it works great
from my wife¹s computer with is hard wired to the router by an ethernet
cable but absolutely will not ping anything wirelessly from the wallstreet.
I cannot ping anything on the internet nor can I ping my wife¹s computer
wirelessly.  If there is some easy fix for all of this please let me know.
It¹s particularly frustrating since I¹m getting a strong signal and it
managed to connect wirelessly for about ten minutes.  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.


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Re: M/S Drops IE for Mac????

2003-06-16 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
I have not used IE 5 for consistently except at work for the past six months
and haven't missed it at all.  I've been using Camino (formerly Chimera) for
the past six months and am wildly pleased.  iCab works extremely well on
9.x. By the way, in regards to the evil empire there was an outstanding
article in Salon about a intellectual property lawsuit from a company
claiming that they owned the copy right to the Unix.  They were demanding
licensing fees from everyone to which everyone laughed except for one
company...yes you guessed it.  Microsoft paid them a ten million dollar
licensing fee and supported their claim.

"The strategy is not entirely illogical, and SCO's efforts have met with
some initial success. In mid-May, Microsoft, which considers Linux its main
software rival, made headlines when it decided to purchase a Unix license
from SCO. The sum Microsoft paid for the license was not disclosed but is
thought to be around $10 million -- pocket change for Microsoft. Microsoft
says it purchased the license "to ensure [intellectual property] compliance
across Microsoft solutions," but many Linux advocates and industry observers
view the move as an obvious flanking attack on its open-source competitor.
The company denied any unseemly ulterior motives. "Our agreement with SCO is
independent of any other industry action and solely designed for the benefit
of our customers and our products," a spokesman said in an e-mail."

You can find the article on Salon.  I'm not sure if they require a
subscription.  I lean pretty far to the right politically (boo, hiss..), and
Salon leans pretty far to the left, but I read it religiously because it's
just so well written. And the articles are s good.   So, if you want
to give them the twenty bucks for a subscription it's really  money well
spent. And no, my mother doesn't work there  :>

I also realize that I am now going off on a tangent regarding politics, the
evil empire which really has nothing to do with G3 powerbooks so I'm going
to stop now.  And if the web list nanny wants to stop this string right now
I won't be offended.

Here's the link.



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Re: Airport, Softbase and OSX

2003-06-14 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/14/03 1:11 AM, "John Beringer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben (and all knowledgeable others out there),
> I'd love to try a software based solution in a tiny wifi network( my wife
> and I scenario) but have had a heck of a time finding any good, detailed
> info about this on the net.
> Ideally, I like to share our DSL connection that is wired to my destop G4
> (10.2)  wirelessly with her bronze power book running 9.2 using the wavelan
> card I recently bought. I think I need a airport card and I'm guessing that
> it could be one of the old (not extreme ) ones. But I'm not sure...
> All told, I have no real grasp of networking anyway - it makes me feel like
> someone threw me back into 2nd grade and I'm failing ! - but this setup
> would be great for us.
> Any useful pointers or links would be much appreciated.
> JB
> On 6/12/03 4:49 AM, "Robert Benjamin Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On 6/11/03 2:02 PM, "Tony Coult" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I currently have an OS9 iMac configured as a software Airport basestation
>>> for networking to an OS9 Pismo. (Cable internet connection from Blueyonder
>>> in the UK). If I upgrade to X will this still work, or will I have to buy a
>>> "real" Airport?
>>> Thanks for any hints TONY
>> I was in a similar situation and I had no trouble setting up OS X and
>> Airport.  I am running three computers off the same base station: my wife's
>> dual G4, my pismo, and a wallstreet.  The G4 and pismo are in OS X, the
>> Wallstreet is in OS 9.  All of them run without a problem.  If you have a
>> problem, just post to the list, I'm sure everyone can talk you through it.
>> Ben 

I'll try to get a post out soon with the Airport configuration I have.  It
may take a couple of days, as my the hard drive on the Pismo crapped out.
Not good at all!  I usually back up every week, but missed last week.  $500
to recover lost data on a drive.  Neither OS X or OS 9 install or Norton
Utilities would recognize the disk.  So, I ended up downloading Disk Warrior
onto my wife's Dual G4, setting up my Pismo in a firewire target mode, and
after about an hour, managed to get everything back.  Big deep breath of
relief.  By the way, Disk Warrior gets two thumbs up!


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Re: Has anyone replaced the sound-out plug for a Pismo (Itripped& broke mine)

2003-06-13 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/12/03 9:56 AM, "Jeremy Derr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 07:07 AM, Robert Benjamin Johnston wrote:
>> There are quite a few good take apart sites on the web.  The sound
>> board is
>> the last piece to come out, but you can do it.  You will need a torx
>> screwdriver.  If you have never dissected your powerbook before, it
>> may be a
>> little daunting, just make sure you keep track of all the little
>> screws,
>> they all start to look alike.  I recommend punch of plastic baggies,
>> throw
>> the screws into the bags with the part they were attached to. If there
>> are
>> attached to the case then draw your own little diagram.
> most techs use plastic bins - you can get them at Office Max, Office
> Depot, etc etc, and at most computer stores that also sell tools -
> MicroCenter, Fry's, etc. effectively, they're just like ice-cube trays,
> but with more compartments and a top.
> if it's a take apart that's particularly daunting (any iBook) or that I
> haven't done in a while, I'll put scraps of paper in the slot with the
> screws... but generally, i fill each slot with the screws that were
> required to take out a specific part even if some of the screws are
> different. all the screws from the logic board, or the modem, or .. you
> get the picture.
> lots of techs also use paper cups in mostly the same way, but they
> stack the paper cups as they go.
That's brilliant!  No, I mean really brilliant.  I love the paper cup idea.
I really really really like this list.


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Re: OSX slowdowns on Pismo

2003-06-12 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/12/03 6:16 AM, "Tim Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 7:57 am +0100, Mark Benson wrote:
>> My iBook 300 started doing this a long while back with 10.1.4. I
>> reinstalled everything on it and it cured it. I think if certain things
>> get damaged, corrupted, deleted or some such it causes OS X to go into
>> an infinite loop that gets worse the longer it's on for. I've certainly
>> seen it on a Linux machine.
> Um, how does an infinite loop get worse? :-)
> TimH

Okay, I know this is a really geeky thing to say and feel free to just
backhand bitch slap me, but I recall a math savant friend of mine trying to
explain the me once that some types of infinity are greater than other type
of infinity (something about whole numbers, integers, and fractions.)  I
don't recall much more than that as it only started to make sense after more
than a couple of hours in the bar we were drinking at.  :-)


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Re: Has anyone replaced the sound-out plug for a Pismo (Itripped& broke mine)

2003-06-12 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/11/03 9:21 PM, "w miro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone replaced the sound-out plug (port) for a Pismo?  I cracked
> mine tripping over a speaker cable- I can only get one channel of
> stereo now.  Is there a specific part number, or is it the kind of
> thing I can pick up a replacement part for at Radio Shack?  I remember
> reading about this problem somewhere, but couldn't find it in the
> archives.

Hey join the club, my sound and power board went on the fritz and I picked
up a replacement on ebay for about $60.00.  Just do a search for "pismo
sound board" and you'll get a couple of auctions.

The plug is plastic molding.  Having successfully replaced my old sound
board with a working one, after an hour I was putting it back together in
the wee hours of the morning and made the fatal error of using the plug to
lever the board into place.  DOH!   Do not do this.  It will crack
and you will only get one stereo channel. I am now bidding on another sound
board on ebay.  

If the sound input plug dies, you can work around with a griffin mike using
the USB port.  I am unaware of a similar work around for the sound out plug.

> Also, is this the kind of surgery I can do myself (I've changed HD's
> and RAM in the Pismo) or is this a certified tech kind of deal?  Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.

In regards to removing the plastic plug from the sound board and replacing
only the plastic plug I am having a hard time imagining that.  The plastic
plug is soldered onto the board, and the tolerances are miniscule.  Unless
you have some specialized tools and a lot of technical skill and the part, I
can't imagine taking the plastic plug off and leaving the board intact.
IMHO, and having just replaced the board, I think if would be extremely
difficult for anyone other than a tech with a lot of specialized tools doing
that. On the other hand,  Swapping out the sound power board is well within
the capabilities of anyone who can change the RAM and Hard drive, though you
have to be patient, have a gentle touch, and be meticulous.

There are quite a few good take apart sites on the web.  The sound board is
the last piece to come out, but you can do it.  You will need a torx
screwdriver.  If you have never dissected your powerbook before, it may be a
little daunting, just make sure you keep track of all the little screws,
they all start to look alike.  I recommend punch of plastic baggies, throw
the screws into the bags with the part they were attached to. If there are
attached to the case then draw your own little diagram.


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Re: Airport, Softbase and OSX

2003-06-12 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/11/03 2:02 PM, "Tony Coult" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I currently have an OS9 iMac configured as a software Airport basestation
> for networking to an OS9 Pismo. (Cable internet connection from Blueyonder
> in the UK). If I upgrade to X will this still work, or will I have to buy a
> "real" Airport?
> Thanks for any hints TONY

I was in a similar situation and I had no trouble setting up OS X and
Airport.  I am running three computers off the same base station: my wife's
dual G4, my pismo, and a wallstreet.  The G4 and pismo are in OS X, the
Wallstreet is in OS 9.  All of them run without a problem.  If you have a
problem, just post to the list, I'm sure everyone can talk you through it.


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Re: Apple Authorized Reseller/Apple Specialist Question

2003-06-09 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/7/03 11:41 PM, "Peter Graening" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I'm sorry for the cross-posting but figuring the diverse amount of
> experience on the two lists I'm sending this to I should get some more
> accurate information.
> I was going to purchase a laptop direct from Apple, but I'm sick and tired
> of putting up with their antics, so now, I'm forgetting about an education
> discount and just going with a reseller.
> Problem is, I can't seem to figure out how these guys' contracts with Apple
> work.  They state you can't place an order for new equipment over the
> Internet with them unless you are a previous customer.  So, I can't order
> over the Internet, which doesn't bother me one bit, but that makes me wonder
> - a phone order will go fine, right, if I am understanding their wording
> correctly?
> Thanks,
> Peter
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I frequently am, just ask my wife.  But Small
Dog sponsors this list.  If you find any value in this list, then you may
want to consider that and give a little more weight to Small Dog.  If you go
out of your way to save a few bucks and constantly purchase from the least
expensive reseller, then you will eventually end up with the least expensive
reseller and all that implies...rock bottom prices with razor thin margins,
uneducated support staff, or no support staff. I know this may sound sort of
preachy but sometimes it pays to spend a little bit more with someone who
shares similar beliefs and values.  And keep in mind that my wife will tell
you I'm the cheapest person she knows...


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Re: Pricing Advice

2003-06-06 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/5/03 7:20 AM, "Jon Glass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> on 6/4/03 7:29 PM, Robert Benjamin Johnston at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
>> I'd also consider saving the web page from that site to my personal hard
>> drive.  There was a similar page up on a German site for a while, once they
>> got enough hits, they took it off and now charge you $9.95 to download the
>> take apart plans. I can't post the link for that site because I think they
>> also offer technical manuals.
> Is the the web site?
> <>

Yes it is!  Thanks Jon, I appreciate it.  And I got to say I really like
this mailing list.  The time I spend reading it is more than made up for by
the time I save looking for answers on the Net.


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Re: Pricing Advice

2003-06-05 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/4/03 8:47 AM, "Tim Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 4, 2003 at 7:11 am -0500, Robert Benjamin Johnston wrote:
>> Finally that sound board needs to come out.  If your brother is going to
>> whack on that Pismo he's going to need some tools from Radio Shack or
>> wherever.  He will also need to look at this link.
> Ben, that's a seriously useful site - thanks!
> TimH
I'd also consider saving the web page from that site to my personal hard
drive.  There was a similar page up on a German site for a while, once they
got enough hits, they took it off and now charge you $9.95 to download the
take apart plans. I can't post the link for that site because I think they
also offer technical manuals.

Take care,

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Re: Pricing Advice

2003-06-04 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 6/3/03 7:14 PM, "Peter Graening" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I'm planning on selling my Pismo, as I have a 1Ghz 15" on hold at the Apple
> Store.  I'm obviously going to use the proceeds from this sale to reach the
> goal for the TiBook.  Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone could give me an
> idea of a fair price... The specs are like this:
> Pismo 400MHz
> 512MB RAM
> 40GB 5400rpm IBM Travelstar 40GNX HD (bought for $149, only a month old)
> DVD module
> Zip 100 drive module
> 4 zip disks
> Original box, original CDs
> BTi AC adapter
> There are a few problems, like... For example, it has no port cover in the
> rear, and there is a small scratch in the polarizer.  And the sound has been
> on the fritz.  Can you guess why I'm trying to get a new notebook?
> I have a 2.5" 20GB external FireWire hard drive that might also go with it,
> and also possibly a 5.25" FireWire enclosure, plus the cables.
> First off, this might go to my brother for whatever amount ends up being
> what I need to cover the rest of the amount needed to get the TiBook.  (I
> have $1800 spread over a monthly payroll deduction, but that obviously isn't
> enough.)
> What's the advice?  Give it to my brother, or be a filthy capitalist and try
> to sell it to the highest bidder?  My feeling is I could get at least $500,
> maybe more, but I could be optimistic.
> Thanks,
> Peter

I know you've already given it to your brother, but just for future
reference if you'd like the current market rate on just about anything,
including a Pismo-- go to eBay-->My eBay-->Search-->Advanced Search-->
Completed Items Only.  This will give you the final price on all items that
were sold on eBay matching that description.  So, you don't have to sort
through auctions that are not completed.  This is pretty helpful if you are
trying to figure out what something is worth, whether you are selling it ,
submitting an insurance claim, getting tax information, etc., etc.

Finally that sound board needs to come out.  If your brother is going to
whack on that Pismo he's going to need some tools from Radio Shack or
wherever.  He will also need to look at this link.

Any is he really has too much time to kill, check out the stuff at

Hope he enjoys his new computer,

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Re: Newbie

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/28/03 2:51 PM, "Ian Moffatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Robert wrote:
> A reasonable solution would be
>> to try to install Jaguar on the Wallstreet he's thinking of buying. If it
>> works without a hitch, then get it. If he runs into kernel panics, etc.,
>> then don't get it.
> Then Kyle wrote:
>> That is far from reasonable. I would never let a person install an OS (or
>> attempt it) on a machine I was selling with the option for them to back out
>> of the sale.
> No! That's a great idea. Danny is a good mate so I don't see a problem there.
> And at the same time if the software (audio stuff) Danny's son wants to use on
> the iMac has problems then we both forget the idea.
> Thank you Robert
> Ian
> --

Thanks, I hope that helps. Just make sure to back everything up before you
try installing anything.


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Re: Pismo sleep problems

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/28/03 4:16 PM, "Jeff Hubatka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Pismo 500, 512MB, 20GB running 9.2. It wouldn't go to sleep at all
> even though the Energy Saver CP told it to after 10 minutes, and if I chose
> that from the Special menu, it said I was missing a software component.
> So I did a clean re-install of 9.2.1 last night, and then I tested it from the
> Special menu. Everything went fine, it went to sleep and woke up. So I left it
> on and it slept overnight - this morning only the screen woke up, and clicking
> the mouse didn't do anything. I had to force a restart to actually do
> anything. 
> Any suggestions on what to do to get the sleep corrected? I know the
> Wallstreets had a sleep problem with the larger hard drives, but that was with
> the lid shut. This is actually my wife's desktop machine, so it stays open all
> the time.
> ---
> webmail

You can try running a disk utility and see if cleaning up your disk helps.
You may try resetting the power board (Shift+Function+Control+Power) by
holding down all four buttons at restart.  The only problem I've had with my
Pismo has been the Power/Sound board, which still gets a little buggy but
responds to resetting it fairly well.  One of the few problems the Pismo has
consistently had is the Power/Sound board.  One the whole they're very well
built machines.


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Re: G3 Series PB (wallstreet) 233 power supply needed

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/28/03 5:01 PM, "Jack Countryman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I passed the Wallstreet PowerBook G3 series 233 (bottom of that line model)
> along to a co-worker when I was given a new iBook.  She had been doing fine
> with it, but called today and reports it gave her a message yesterday about
> battery being low...then shut down.  Today it would not start...even plugged
> in.  Someone where she was apparently put a meter on the power supply output
> and could not read any current.  So...the power supply may be dead.  (This
> is one of the replacement 'flying saucer' types that Apple sent out two
> years ago to replace the small rectangular one.)
> We don't have any of those power supplies around.  I do have a one or two
> Apple model M3037 45 watt power supplies here that have a different plug on
> the end from some other model powerbook (2400? 5300?).  Any chance I could
> splice the end from the G3 power supply to the cord on this other one and
> get it to work?  How to tell which wire is plus and which minus on the dead
> G3 unit?
> Or does anyone have the correct one (I don't know a model # off hand) cheap?
> Thanks in advance.

The power supply from the from the Pismo to the Kanga should work.  They are
running about $35-$45 on eBay these days.


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Re: Newbie

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/28/03 4:40 PM, "Christopher Hack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think the secret is a completely clean install, completely blank hard
> drive. 
>> Hey, I agree with you.  I'm just giving my personal experience and
>> referencing what I've found on the boards.  A reasonable solution would be
>> to try to install Jaguar on the Wallstreet he's thinking of buying.  If it
>> works without a hitch, then get it.  If he runs into kernel panics, etc.,
>> then don't get it.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the Wallstreet under
>> OS 9.  I am jealous of those people that are getting Jaguar to run on their
>> Wallstreets without a problem.
Honestly, I did a clean install.  I overwrote the drive with zeros before
installing OS X.  Still had problems.  The memory is top of line.  I'm
guessing it had something to do with the Newertech processor upgrade.  Don't
get me wrong, the Wallstreet is a old fearsome beast and I still use it a
lot.  The screen is killer!  The keyboard it great.  I just had a lot of
problems upgrading mine.  I know of other people that upgraded their
Wallstreet without a hitch!


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Re: airport card

2003-05-29 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/28/03 4:25 PM, "Ted Burford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will the Apple PCMCIA Airport card work in the 1998 Wallstreet
> Powerbook?
> Ted
No, the Apple Airport card is installed internally, and attaches to an
internal antenna which the Wallstreet does not have.  You can use an Orinoco
wireless card with the antenna attached to the card.  Under OS 9 the
Wallstreet will read it as an Airport Card without any other driver.  Bonus.
If you want to run OS X you'll need to go to Sourceforge for the drivers.


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Re: Newbie

2003-05-27 Thread Robert Benjamin Johnston
On 5/27/03 4:53 PM, "Christopher Hack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Re: Newbie
> Can't understand all the fuss about running OSX on a WallStreet. I have a
> WallStreet with an upgraded hardrive (80gb Travelstar) - no magnetic sleep
> problems. I bough 512mb ram cheaply on Ebay - again no problems. I also run
> OSX, and it is absolutely fine. So my advice would be to go ahead and do it!
> Best
> Chris

Hey, I agree with you.  I'm just giving my personal experience and
referencing what I've found on the boards.  A reasonable solution would be
to try to install Jaguar on the Wallstreet he's thinking of buying.  If it
works without a hitch, then get it.  If he runs into kernel panics, etc.,
then don't get it.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the Wallstreet under
OS 9.  I am jealous of those people that are getting Jaguar to run on their
Wallstreets without a problem.


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