Re: [Gambas-user] gambas web, when run ide get confusing respect documentation

2017-03-15 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 16/3/17 a las 0:03, PICCORO McKAY Lenz escribió:
> 2017-03-15 18:22 GMT-04:00 Jesus Guardon <>:
>> That tool already exists. It is inside your own browser!! I you use
>> Firefox or a webkit based browser as Chromium, you have lots of tools
>> inside the "Developer tools" menu that helps to debug your web project
>> whatever server language is it programmed in.
> thanks for that, but this only show the communication between client and
> server, some specific vars declared inside my project of course never will
> get show it!
That's for what it is intended, right? Well, then let's put some
breakpoints in your code and you'll see those values, or do it the old
way, just print it.
> @jguardon its obviously u dont see it the ci-profiler...

I'm not very interested in php frameworks. They add unnecessary
"features" only to bloat your application and reduces the overall
> the web-developer tools of the chrome/webkit browsers are usefully for most
> client side and response related data, and eye-candy purposes..

Eye-candy? Well, I like to see data going in and out of my browser,
supposedly the same data your $_POST variables hold inside.
> some other aspect specific of the own application like filters does not
> show obviously..
> LIKE WICHT QUERYS WAS MADE IN SERVER! that its never show in the webkit
> developer tool...
> and as i said, that required novice users read lot of documentation and in
> ci, this are not necesary for novices..

Well, it is not strictly necessary to agree on this. Cheers!

Jesus Guardon

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] gambas web, when run ide get confusing respect documentation

2017-03-15 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi, dudes

El 15/3/17 a las 20:47, PICCORO McKAY Lenz escribió:
> the profiler addon in screeshot show a tool that gets all the vars passed
> to respond, the vars passed to request, the complete POST data, the
> complete GET data , if any the complete URI on a web aplication..

That tool already exists. It is inside your own browser!! I you use
Firefox or a webkit based browser as Chromium, you have lots of tools
inside the "Developer tools" menu that helps to debug your web project
whatever server language is it programmed in.

Search the web for tutorials on how to get the best of your browser.



> on gambas, THIS ARE IMPORTANT: search and debug that things are very hard,
> downgrading very the time develop of a web application...
> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
> 2017-03-15 15:38 GMT-04:00 Benoît Minisini :
>> Le 15/03/2017 à 20:13, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
>> No idea what that tiny screenshot with russian inside is supposed to do.
>> --
>> Benoît Minisini

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Re: [Gambas-user] whats new since rev. 8088

2017-02-25 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 25/2/17 a las 20:17, Benoît Minisini escribió:
> Moreover, the Sourceforge svn commit mails are still broken, they
> apparently haven't fixed them for weeks. Sourceforge is more and more a 
> problem!
Perhaps it's time to switch to GitHub...  ;-)


Jesus G.

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[Gambas-user] Missing images on the Wiki

2016-07-19 Thread Jesus Guardon

Just FYI, in the ODBC page there are several broken links to images.
I've been testing other paths to the pics, but I don't know even if they
are still in the HD:

Any chance to get it fixed?

(Beware of cached content)


Jesús Guardon

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] About Gambas Farm

2016-06-26 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi, Benoît et all

El 26/6/16 a las 12:40, Benoît Minisini escribió:
> Le 25/06/2016 20:59, Jesus Guardon a écrit :
>> the Farm interface
>> should be enhanced in terms of usability, such as implementing a score
>> system and a comments system. 
> I agree for the comment system. But I disagree for the notation system 
> which I found actually useless and removed.
Good to know you like a comment system.

>> [...]supervision of the published material, looking for a
>> minimum of quality. [...]
> As this cannot be done automatically, maybe a special "quality" tag 
> could be added? Or a quality score? Or quality flags? It will tell 
> people that the program follows the quality rules.
Yes, please. Perhaps a combination of some of them, explained further down.

>> [...]only a selected
>> set of them should be published after a proper quality filter. If bad
>> code is published massively, it will affect the gambas reputation in the
>> near future.
> I'm against filtering, except malwares. I think quality tag (or notes) + 
> number of downloads should be enough for people to detect bad code.

I'm with you, except that if nothing is done in a timely manner, the
Farm will become a nightmare. We need to prevent abusing, i.e.
converting the public Farm in a private repository for someone and
maintain the quality level to a minimum, as said before. I think the
following aspects should be evaluated and shown somewhat next to the
program name:

* Naming conventions has been used
* Object names and comments are in English
* Good style of writing and organization of project
* Usefulness of code or application
* Usability and graphic design name a few, but still waiting for the feedback from list members.

Perhaps a combination of tags that adds in for a number representing a
scale or level of quality...

> The farm server and farm clients need enhancements for sure. It's a 
> matter of time, mainly for the farm client. If somebody can help for 
> enhancing it, he is welcome : the source code is in the IDE!

That's the main reason we use free software, of course, we will try to
help the best we can.


Jesus (on behalf of

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] CDocumentation.ImplementAndNeed.1138

2016-06-26 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi, Lewis

As this is a threaded list, please, don't hijack the previous thread by
hitting 'Reply' while still reading a thread. That's the case with my
thread 'About Gambas Farm' because your post appear as a reply to it,
but having changed the title.

If you want to create a new thread, please, use the 'New post' or
whatever says your mail client.

Hope your understanding, and for sure, no aggro intended.

Best regards,


El 26/6/16 a las 7:01, Lewis Balentine escribió:
> I am testing Linux Mint 18 Beta.
> It comes with Gambas version of 3.8.4
> I tried to run my KWPVR program project (which I admit is somewhat dated).
> I got a strange error in the IDE: "CDocumentation.ImplementAndNeed.1138"
> At this point I am only trying to determine if this is a Mint 18 or 
> Gambas error.

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
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Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] About Gambas Farm

2016-06-25 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi all

Recently at the Spanish Forum, we have had a vibrant
debate about the gambas Farm and its features. On behalf of our
Community, I'd like to forward some of the questions that deserve some
discussion, in our opinion.

Questions like "What's the actual purpose of the farm?", "Should we
expect future changes on the farm?", "Are we making a proper use of the
farm?", etc. are arising out of different points of view.

In addition to these questions, some of us think that the Farm interface
should be enhanced in terms of usability, such as implementing a score
system and a comments system. I know it already has a
download/installation counter, but it may or may not be relevant enough
for the author. Also, a short comment from the users or other
developers, may help to the main dev to debug his application.

One of the most strongly discussed aspects is the convenience of a
management or supervision of the published material, looking for a
minimum of quality. It should serve as an example of some feature, it
should be written using the recommended rules, variable names in
english, have relevant english comments and good style, not to mention
correct indentation.

While some of us think that the Farm should be open to whatever type of
script, snippet or whole applications, others think that only a selected
set of them should be published after a proper quality filter. If bad
code is published massively, it will affect the gambas reputation in the
near future. We think about Gambas Farm as a showcase of good
programming practices and as a teaching tool, therefore it should be
enforced a minimum quality level.

What do you guys think about all these questions? We would like to open
a friendly debate about it.

Best regards,


Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Round matematical does not work as xpected

2016-05-20 Thread Jesus Guardon
Oh, don't hurry...



El 20/5/16 a las 3:54, PICCORO McKAY Lenz escribió:
> ok ok grr i must use the lasted event the 3.4.2 version..  i'll be back...
> 2016-05-19 10:12 GMT-04:30, Tobias Boege :
>> On Thu, 19 May 2016, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
>>> using Round as noted in wiki, does not works as spected
>>> if i round Round 2.536 must get 2.54 but only got 2.53 if i specify '2
>>> (for
>>> 2 decimals)
>>> why or better, how can i made that i want! (2.536 goest to 2.54)
>>> i must work with decimals part only by myselft (i thnk about it)
>> Can't reproduce:
>>   $ gbx3 -e 'Round(2.536, -2)'
>>   2.54
>> Regards,
>> Tobi
>> --
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>> ___
>> Gambas-user mailing list

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Sharing libraries across projects

2016-01-27 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 26/1/16 a las 23:46, Christof Thalhofer escribió:

> So your proposal, Benoît, is the more generic one and better. Especially
> with the future possibility to invent namespaces in mind.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer

Uhh!, namespaces. Good point, Chris. That way, we could avoid possible
collisions in common symbols and encapsulate yet more our groups of classes.



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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Hi all

2015-12-30 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 27/12/15 a las 23:51, David Cole escribió:
> Hello,
> New to list, and thought I'd say hi, so-- 'Hi".  Just found GAMBAS, what
> a cool piece of software!  Now to learn about it!  

Hi, David

Another radio-amateur here, this is EA7DFH.

I can assure you will be glad to know Gambas and what incredible things
you can do with it in a little time. Feel free to ask in the list
whatever you want.

73 de Jesus


Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Test list delivery, sorry

2015-11-25 Thread Jesus Guardon
Testing list delivery, sorry.


Jesús Guardon

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] New soft at the farm

2015-11-25 Thread Jesus Guardon

El 19/11/15 a las 23:30, Fabien Bodard escribió:
> 2015-11-19 22:58 GMT+01:00 Moviga Technologies <>:
>> Looks cool, but my i7 processor can't handle the load :)
> too slow for me too

Weird enough, my i7 running Kubuntu 14.04 inside a VirtualBox (Running
Yosemite OSX as host) runs flawlessly. It is true that CPU raises near
70% inside the -limited to 2 cores- guest, so if it was running natively
with 4 cores (8 threads), we couldn't figure out what the reason for
slowness would be.

My two cents

Jesus Guardon

Go from Idea to Many App Stores Faster with Intel(R) XDK
Give your users amazing mobile app experiences with Intel(R) XDK.
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] New soft at the farm

2015-11-23 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 19/11/15 a las 23:30, Fabien Bodard escribió:
> 2015-11-19 22:58 GMT+01:00 Moviga Technologies <>:
>> Looks cool, but my i7 processor can't handle the load :)
> too slow for me too

Weird enough, my i7 running Kubuntu 14.04 inside a VirtualBox (Running
Yosemite OSX as host) runs flawlessly. It is true that CPU raises near
70% inside the -limited to 2 cores- guest, so if it was running natively
with 4 cores (8 threads), we couldn't figure out what the reason for
slowness would be.

My two cents

Jesus Guardon

Go from Idea to Many App Stores Faster with Intel(R) XDK
Give your users amazing mobile app experiences with Intel(R) XDK.
Use one codebase in this all-in-one HTML5 development environment.
Design, debug & build mobile apps & 2D/3D high-impact games for multiple OSs.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] How to set the icon property of a form from a file in the project

2013-12-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
 I wonder if this is a fault with Precise which uses a Global menu bar. 
 Anybody know?

As it has been said before, this is the way Unity desktop works. If you want to 
see your icon in the form caption, you need to switch to another desktop 
manager or tweak Unity (which I don't know if it is possible at all).


Jesus Guardon
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] How to bring forward Gambas server pages? (gbw3 related files who to expose in http)

2013-08-19 Thread Jesus Guardon
El 19/08/13 20:28, Benoît Minisini escribió:
 - When I have time (after my holidays in two weeks?) I will write an 
 example project of how to make a web site with Gambas. Surely some 
 sort of little wiki or blog. Regards, 

Ye! We are waiting desperately for it ;-)


Jesus Guardon

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AppDynamics. Performance Central is your source for news, insights, 
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Install Gambas 3

2009-12-20 Thread Jesus Guardon
craf escribió:
 I installed the version 2.18.0  Gambas, through compilation. Now, I try
 Gambas3, but will remain installed in another location. 
 To install Gambas on my computer I always do: 
 sudo. / configure-C 
 sudo make 
 sudo make install. 
 I read the installation page that you use - prefix, but no where to
 include it.

Gambas2 and Gambas3 are independent, they both can coexist without problems.

To install gambas you might not use sudo, but only for 'make install'

./configure -C
sudo make install

Hope this helps.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] SHELL not working (GB_DIR)[solved]

2009-12-19 Thread Jesus Guardon
Doriano Blengino escribió:
 Jesus Guardon ha scritto:
 Hi again

 Continuing my testings on GB_DIR, I'm running into a new problem: SHELL
 command has no effect at all. All sentences using SHELL are not
 executed. As you can guess, running my project executable the normal way
 (not using GB_DIR) it is running right. Could this be a bug?
 Not at all. No error message is displayed, simply SHELL command seems to
 be ignored by the interpreter.
 As for launch my program I'm using a shell script (you can see it in the
 previous posts), I'm not able to run gdb against myprogram.gambas, or
 myprogram (without .sh extension).
 In a previous mail you wrote:
 I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin
 je...@jesus:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
 export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
 export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
 exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas

 (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
 my system).
 Your export PATH command imposes a path which excludes standard unix 
 paths - you will never find system utilities like pidof(1), and neither 
 the shell itself. You should write:
 export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin:$PATH
 to add your personal path the the standard ones. Or, if you are a 
 security paranoid, you could use:
 export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
 This way you don't trust the existing path. This second form excludes 
 /sbin and /usr/sbin; you should add them if you need system 
 administration commands like route, fdisk, reboot, addgroup and many others.

Ye! This solved the issue. I might figured it out, I didn't know of
exclusion on exports.

Many thanks, Doriano (and Benoît, for such a great feature!)



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] SHELL not working (GB_DIR)

2009-12-18 Thread Jesus Guardon
Jesus Guardon escribió:
 Benoît Minisini escribió:
 Hi all

 I am experimenting with the GB_DIR environment variable, and I've made a
 deb package with my program to install it in /opt. The current dir
 structure is as follows:

 je...@jesus:~$ tree /opt
 `-- dfhlog

 |-- dfhlog.gambas

 `-- gambas2

 |-- bin
 |   |-- gbr2 - gbx2
 |   `-- gbx2

 `-- lib
 `-- gambas2

 |-- gb.component
 |-- gb.corba.component
 |-- ... etc


 I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin

 je...@jesus:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
 export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
 export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
 exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas

 (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
 my system).
 Thanks Benoît
 Surprisingly, after a recompile, it works as expected! May be I was
 using an old executable file (dfhlog.gambas). Sorry for my mistake 8-(

Hi again

Continuing my testings on GB_DIR, I'm running into a new problem: SHELL
command has no effect at all. All sentences using SHELL are not
executed. As you can guess, running my project executable the normal way
(not using GB_DIR) it is running right. Could this be a bug?

Thanks in advance.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Custom error class

2009-12-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi all

Perhaps this is an stupid question, but I'm confused at this point:

I'm trying to implement a custom error message window with information
about an error raised within a CATCH clause, using the Error class from
Gambas. Here is the code I'm not able to get it working:

_The error form 'FError'_

PRIVATE $error AS String

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
txtError.Text = $error

PUBLIC SUB showError(myError AS Error)
$error = [Error]\n  myError.Text
$error = \n[Where]\n  myError.Where
$error = \n[Backtrace]\n  myError.Backtrace

PUBLIC SUB btnOk_Click()
IF chkReport THEN
' TODO report error to a remote db

_Calling in a sub after CATCH_



First of all, it is not possible to write Error keyword between the
two parenthesis, being formatted into ERROR, syntactically wrong.

If I enclose the 'Error' keyword between curly brackets, as in
FErrors.showError({Error}) , no syntax error is raised, but a Gambas
error saying Type mismatch: wanted Error, got Class instead.

What am I doing wrong, or is it possible to use this class the way I'm

Help appreciated!



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Weird Overflow error (GB_DIR)

2009-12-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi all

I am experimenting with the GB_DIR environment variable, and I've made a
deb package with my program to install it in /opt. The current dir
structure is as follows:

je...@jesus:~$ tree /opt
`-- dfhlog
|-- dfhlog.gambas
`-- gambas2
|-- bin
|   |-- gbr2 - gbx2
|   `-- gbx2
`-- lib
`-- gambas2
|-- gb.component
|-- gb.corba.component
|-- ... etc

I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin

je...@jesus:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas

(In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
my system).

When I execute 'dfhlog' from the console the main form is shown, but I
got the error:

je...@jesus:~$ dfhlog
global.?.0: #7: Overflow

(Also a message box is displayed with the error)

However my application runs fine when using the standard paths as always.

Am I missing something? Which is Overflow error related to?



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Weird Overflow error (GB_DIR)

2009-12-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
Benoît Minisini escribió:
 Hi all

 I am experimenting with the GB_DIR environment variable, and I've made a
 deb package with my program to install it in /opt. The current dir
 structure is as follows:

 je...@jesus:~$ tree /opt
 `-- dfhlog

 |-- dfhlog.gambas

 `-- gambas2

 |-- bin
 |   |-- gbr2 - gbx2
 |   `-- gbx2

 `-- lib
 `-- gambas2

 |-- gb.component
 |-- gb.corba.component
 |-- ... etc


 I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin

 je...@jesus:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
 export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
 export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
 exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas

 (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
 my system).

 When I execute 'dfhlog' from the console the main form is shown, but I
 got the error:

 je...@jesus:~$ dfhlog
 global.?.0: #7: Overflow

 (Also a message box is displayed with the error)

 However my application runs fine when using the standard paths as always.

 Am I missing something? Which is Overflow error related to?



 Can you compile the gambas project (dfhlog.gambas) with debugging information 
 included? Then maybe you will have the line number where the overflow error 

Thanks Benoît

Surprisingly, after a recompile, it works as expected! May be I was
using an old executable file (dfhlog.gambas). Sorry for my mistake 8-(



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Custom error class

2009-12-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
Benoît Minisini escribió:
 Hi all

 Perhaps this is an stupid question, but I'm confused at this point:

 I'm trying to implement a custom error message window with information
 about an error raised within a CATCH clause, using the Error class from
 Gambas. Here is the code I'm not able to get it working:

 _The error form 'FError'_

 PRIVATE $error AS String

 PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
 txtError.Text = $error

 PUBLIC SUB showError(myError AS Error)
 $error = [Error]\n  myError.Text
 $error = \n[Where]\n  myError.Where
 $error = \n[Backtrace]\n  myError.Backtrace

 PUBLIC SUB btnOk_Click()
 IF chkReport THEN
 ' TODO report error to a remote db

 _Calling in a sub after CATCH_



 First of all, it is not possible to write Error keyword between the
 two parenthesis, being formatted into ERROR, syntactically wrong.

 If I enclose the 'Error' keyword between curly brackets, as in
 FErrors.showError({Error}) , no syntax error is raised, but a Gambas
 error saying Type mismatch: wanted Error, got Class instead.

 What am I doing wrong, or is it possible to use this class the way I'm

 Help appreciated!



 At the moment Error is a static class, you cannot instanciate it, and using 
 as a datatype is uselss. So don't use an argument, use the Error class 
 The caveats of this design is that should save or use the Error class 
 as soon as possible, otherwise another error or a function call may reset it.

M, I though so... I was trying to encapsulate it in a single
function, but I must reconsider this in other way.

Thanks anyway!



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community
Take advantage of Verizon's best-in-class app development support
A streamlined, 14 day to market process makes app distribution fast and easy
Join now and get one step closer to millions of Verizon customers 
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Run Gambas on a USB key

2009-11-02 Thread Jesus Guardon
Benoît Minisini escribió:

 You must:
 0) Run ldd on the *.so files of all gambas components used by your 
 to make a list of needed shared libraries. Don't forget to run ldd on the 
 1) Put all detected shared libraries in a folder. Let's name it /my/ld/dir
 2) Copy a gambas installation directory in another folder. Let's name it 
 3) Create a script like that:
 export GB_DIR=/my/gambas/dir
 exec /my/application.gambas
 This is just the principle. To make that cleanly, you must detect the current 
 directory in your script, and build /my/ld/dir and /my/gambas/dir absolute 
 paths from path relative to the current directory. You should check that the 
 running system has the good architecture too.
 If somebody succeeds in doing that, please tell. A good guy would be able to 
 even create a wizard for the IDE that would do the job automatically. I don't 
 have the time for that at the moment!

Many thanks, Benoît

I will give a try when I have time, and I will post the results.



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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Karmic sqlite problem.

2009-10-31 Thread Jesus Guardon
R. Stormo escribió:
 After installing ubuntu karmic I'm not able to start my program anymore. It
 uses sqlite. 
 With default package from repo, 2.13 , I manage to open database manager . I
 can see the tables but when I press one of the tables it do hang.
 So I tried to download latest, 2.17. I'm not able to access database manager
 at all. I have installed all the lib's that are explaned on readthis site.
 This is what the output says after I hit the first screen ask to insert
 password/security key.
 (gambas2-database-manager.gambas:2187): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
 g_object_get_data: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
 Please advise.
 Regards R. Stormo
 My Gambas Community

Same here:

(gambas2-database-manager.gambas:13749): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_get_data: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

DistributionRelease=Ubuntu 9.10

TotalRam=509368 kB (VirtualBox)

Gambas1=Not Installed
Gambas3=Not Installed


Jesus Guardon

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] I made a mistake again

2009-09-18 Thread Jesus Guardon
Benoît Minisini escribió:
 By adding a clear internal html cache feature to the wiki, I made a mistake 
 again, and erased all images stored in the wiki. :-(
 Hopefully, I have saved the database, but it was a few weeks ago, so all 
 images inserted in the wiki after 26 Jul 2009 are lost!
 I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I hope that there are not too many 
 lost images...

I think there is something broken furthermore...

I've got this error when trying to access several translated pages of 
the wiki:

Unexpected error while displaying this page.

Result is not available

Always the same line error.


Jesus Guardon

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Form_Resize

2009-09-13 Thread Jesus Guardon
Charlie Reinl escribió:

 so let's talk about saved Debug-Watch-Windows, you make it bigger, to
 see more and after that you leave the session.
 When you restart new the Debug-Watch-Windows starts big, and can't be
 shrunk smaller anymore.
Are you saving the size and position in Settings?

If so, prevent the Form.H, and Form.W to be saved and you will be able 
to restart your form in the original size.


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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Check if a program is already started

2009-09-13 Thread Jesus Guardon
Jussi Lahtinen escribió:

 You don't need variable running, you can just do Return False or
 Return True.
 Also try is unneeded.

You are right!
And for the subject of the thread, next time I will read carefully.



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what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Check if a program is already started

2009-09-12 Thread Jesus Guardon
Just another way:

PUBLIC FUNCTION pidOf(program AS String) AS Boolean
 'checks if a program is running
 DIM gotpid AS String = 
 DIM running AS Boolean = FALSE
 TRY SHELL pidof   program TO gotpid
 IF gotpid THEN
 running = TRUE
 running = FALSE
 RETURN running


IF pidOf(yourProgram) THEN whatever...

At least it works for me



Jussi Lahtinen escribió:
 Not very elegant, but works:
 Dim sOutput As String
 Exec [pgrep, -f, -l, NameOfYourProgram.gambas] Wait To sOutput
 If Split(Trim$(sOutput), gb.NewLine).Count  1 Then
 'Allready running

Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Executable files

2009-06-02 Thread Jesus Guardon
Doriano Blengino escribió:
 richard terry ha scritto:
 On Tue, 2 Jun 2009 12:39:13 pm Keith Clark wrote:
 I have made my first Executable file via the Project menu item and it
 created a file.gambas file.

 I sent that to another computer, but it won't execute.  Do I need to
 install gambas on every machine that I want to run gambas created
 executables on?




 Well, yes and no. To run a gambas executable you only need the gambas 
 runtime - basically /usr/bin/gbr2 , and support files in /usr/lib and 
 /usr/share. On a Debian system the package is named gambas2-runtime; 
 you should also install every component used by the application: they 
 are named gambas2-gb-xxx; for example, gambas2-gb-gtk and so on.
 If you want to install the minimum required to run your application, do 
 so. If you also install gambas2-dev, you also have the compiler; if you 
 install gambas2-doc, you add the documentation (32 Mb); if you install 
 gambas2-ide you also have the IDE. If you install the gambas2 package, 
 you get everything. So a shortcut culd be to select gambas2 for 
 install, and then unselect the docs, the compiler and the IDE.
 This in a Debian system - don't know about other OSes, or when installed 
 from sources.
Hi all

In addition to the comments above, I will explain the way I do.

You can create distributable packages for several distributions from 
Project - Create - Package Installer  (Not, sure I'm using Spanish 

 From the 'wizard', fill in the fields you need, next step write your 
changelog, choose which packages you want to make for a distro, select 
the sections you want your menus will placed on, and magically you will 
get the installable packages into the selected directory ready for 
distribute them.

These packages will resolve dependencies automatically, the only 
downside is if you are using or compiling your project with the last 
stable version of Gambas(and its components) and your end users have an
old version within their repositories. It may (or will do, for sure) 
that your application doesn't work or fails at one point.

Personally, I'm creating the Debian packages myself, including all 
needed -and recent- Gambas' components inside the .deb package. This 
way, users don't need to install nothing about Gambas manually.
You can find lots of info about creating deb packages on the Internet.

Of course, my method is not perfect. I have been created the same 
directory structure like Gambas does, but only copied the needed 
components/libraries. What about if the user want to install another 
Gambas application which resolves old dependencies from repos?
Likely, my latest versions of Gambas components/libraries will be 
overwritten, and if so, my application will stop running or will 
malfunction. Another drawback but less important, is the size of your 
package, that will grow depending on used/needed components.

Hope this helps!



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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Executable files

2009-06-02 Thread Jesus Guardon
Benoît Minisini escribió:
 You must put the libraries inside their own directories, and run your project 
 by setting the the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before (use a shell 
 script for that), so that Linux takes your libraries and not the ones 
 eventually installed by a system Gambas package.

I was reading about this, and experts doesn't recommend playing with 
this variable. My own tests on a virtual machine weren't successful.

Anyway, I would be grateful to whoever can help me with this matter.



OpenSolaris 2009.06 is a cutting edge operating system for enterprises 
looking to deploy the next generation of Solaris that includes the latest 
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Disable controls by Tag

2009-05-29 Thread Jesus Guardon
Ron_1st escribió:
 On Thursday 28 May 2009, Jorge Carrión wrote:
 ¿Perhaps trying sonething like this?

 PUBLIC SUB btnQuick_Click() 'toggle button

   DIM hCtl AS Control

   IF btnQuick.Value = TRUE THEN
   FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
   TRY hCtl.Enabled = (hCtl.Tag  exclude)

 it Is not very elegant but it works, I guess.

 I'n happy it works now at Jesus Guardon's box.
 The TRY is also a nice way. You can try it to get more
 speed in the loop and it gives a more nice text layout.
 Against that way is you forget why you use the trick
 and now it is good help to know a method to prevent
 the error.
 Any way if you start using the TRY method add a remark 
 why it is used.
 Best regards,
I agree with Ron_1st. I don't like to use TRY if there's not a good 
reason to. Anyway, Jorge's code looks pretty and short. Here is another 
approach without 'TRY':

 FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
 IF hCtl IS TextBox OR hCtl IS ComboBox THEN 'etc
 IF hCtl.Tag = exclude THEN
 IF btnQuick.Value = TRUE THEN
 hCtl.Enabled = FALSE
 hCtl.Enabled = TRUE

But it could be slower because it checks button state in each loop.



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is a gathering of tech-side developers  brand creativity professionals. Meet
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Group, R/GA,  Big Spaceship. 
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Disable controls by Tag (Solved)

2009-05-28 Thread Jesus Guardon
Ron_1st escribió:
 On Thursday 28 May 2009, Jesus Guardon wrote:
 Hi all

 It seems a basic question, but I'm unable to get it to work.
 I need to enable/disable a group of mixed controls in the Main Form, but 
 instead of doing individually, I'd prefer to do so by iterating.

 Following is the code I'm using and it gives an error Wanted string, 
 date or integer, got function instead

 What I'm doing wrong?

 PUBLIC SUB btnQuick_Click() 'toggle button

  DIM hCtl AS Control

  IF btnQuick.Value = TRUE THEN
  FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
  IF hCtl.Tag = exclude THEN hCtl.Enabled = FALSE
  'DEBUG hCtl.Tag
  FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
  IF hCtl.Tag = exclude THEN hCtl.Enabled = TRUE




 Not every control will have a .Tag property could be one of the problems.
 Same can be for the .Enabled property
 Also using Tag for other purpose could do something bad.
 Best would be to print the object type and .ID property for the control under 
 to see wich control has the problem.
 Controls written in gambas could be suspected I think.
 Basicly spoken the method used does not look strange to me
 and I did long time ago something like this the same way.
 I found also a problem and had the exclude a few object by type
 checking. As far I remember I was also using the .Tag property.
 Best regards,
Thanks, Ron_1st

As you stated, checking the type of the controls is needed. Now, it 
works as expected.

PUBLIC SUB btnQuick_Click() 'toggle button

 DIM hCtl AS Control

 IF btnQuick.Value = TRUE THEN
 FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
 IF hCtl IS TextBox OR hCtl IS ComboBox OR hCtl IS CheckBox 
OR hCtl IS ValueBox OR hCtl IS Button THEN
 IF hCtl.Tag = exclude THEN hCtl.Enabled = FALSE 

 'PRINT hCtl.Name, hCtl.Tag
 FOR EACH hCtl IN FMain.Controls
 IF hCtl IS TextBox OR hCtl IS ComboBox OR hCtl IS CheckBox 
OR hCtl IS ValueBox OR hCtl IS Button THEN
 IF hCtl.Tag = exclude THEN hCtl.Enabled = TRUE 



Best regards

Register Now for Creativity and Technology (CaT), June 3rd, NYC. CaT 
is a gathering of tech-side developers  brand creativity professionals. Meet
the minds behind Google Creative Lab, Visual Complexity, Processing,  
iPhoneDevCamp as they present alongside digital heavyweights like Barbarian 
Group, R/GA,  Big Spaceship. 
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] kdesu vs gksu

2009-05-20 Thread Jesus Guardon
Thanks for your offer, still very interested to look at your own 
example. I think may be hard to happen on the universal solution.

Thanks in advance


Steven James Drinnan escribió:
 For me I would use neither, it would rely on those packages being
 available. In Fedora it uses its own graphical system - sorry can tell
 you the name its linked directly to the authentication system. As such
 those packages are nowhere to be seen.
 Instead let your package do the checking using shell. 
 There some examples around. If you need I can give you one that you can
 add in to the sample given by Jose J. Rodriguez.
 On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 22:00 +0200, Jesus Guardon wrote:
 Thanks, Jose

 This is a good approach, too. But also not perfect, ;-) ... A friend of 
 mine tells that in his Debian testing (KDE), no kdesu is available. 
 Instead it have 'kdesudo', so in this case your code (and David's too) 
 might fail. We must check for this, too.

 Another issue is that I want to start, is a daemon process and a bit 
 later, another process that connects to this daemon. So, to clarify:

 1st) I start a daemon with shell gksu -u root 'some process'

 2nd) Meanwhile (we type the passwd), the other process has started, but 
 no host to connect to, because this process has started before the 1st 
 one, which is the host. So my client process fails misserably.

 I'm not be able to use WAIT in the first shell statement, because a 
 daemon never stops running, so I need to insert a 'WAIT n' in between, 
 not very elegant...

 Sorry for the brick

 Best regards


 Jose J. Rodriguez escribió:
 On 5/18/09, Jesus Guardon wrote:
 Yes, I know it may be a little off-topic, but the question is:

  I need to launch a process with root privileges from SHELL command in
  Gambas. Users of my application can have Gnome or KDE, so I don't know
  which command I must issue to get it to work.

  Is there a way to choose between either gksu o kdesu commands at runtime?
  I've figured it out if it could be something like:

   SHELL gksu | kdesu -u root 'some_command'


  SHELL gksu -u root 'some_command' | kdesu -u root 'some_command'

 Here's what I do in the vl-hot-config utility:

 ' Gambas module file

 DIM MyProc AS Process
 DIM Ret AS String

 IF System.User.Id  0 THEN
EXEC [which, kdesu] TO Ret
IF InStr(Ret, kdesu) THEN
   EXEC [kdesu, Application.Path / vl-hot-config.gambas]
   EXEC [which, gksu] TO Ret
   IF InStr(Ret, gksu) THEN
  EXEC [gksu, Application.Path / vl-hot-config.gambas]
  PRINT No kdesu or gksu available (vl-hot-config needs to run
 as root)...





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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] kdesu vs gksu

2009-05-19 Thread Jesus Guardon
Thanks, Jose

This is a good approach, too. But also not perfect, ;-) ... A friend of 
mine tells that in his Debian testing (KDE), no kdesu is available. 
Instead it have 'kdesudo', so in this case your code (and David's too) 
might fail. We must check for this, too.

Another issue is that I want to start, is a daemon process and a bit 
later, another process that connects to this daemon. So, to clarify:

1st) I start a daemon with shell gksu -u root 'some process'

2nd) Meanwhile (we type the passwd), the other process has started, but 
no host to connect to, because this process has started before the 1st 
one, which is the host. So my client process fails misserably.

I'm not be able to use WAIT in the first shell statement, because a 
daemon never stops running, so I need to insert a 'WAIT n' in between, 
not very elegant...

Sorry for the brick

Best regards


Jose J. Rodriguez escribió:
 On 5/18/09, Jesus Guardon wrote:
 Yes, I know it may be a little off-topic, but the question is:

  I need to launch a process with root privileges from SHELL command in
  Gambas. Users of my application can have Gnome or KDE, so I don't know
  which command I must issue to get it to work.

  Is there a way to choose between either gksu o kdesu commands at runtime?
  I've figured it out if it could be something like:

   SHELL gksu | kdesu -u root 'some_command'


  SHELL gksu -u root 'some_command' | kdesu -u root 'some_command'

 Here's what I do in the vl-hot-config utility:
 ' Gambas module file
 DIM MyProc AS Process
 DIM Ret AS String
 IF System.User.Id  0 THEN
EXEC [which, kdesu] TO Ret
IF InStr(Ret, kdesu) THEN
   EXEC [kdesu, Application.Path / vl-hot-config.gambas]
   EXEC [which, gksu] TO Ret
   IF InStr(Ret, gksu) THEN
  EXEC [gksu, Application.Path / vl-hot-config.gambas]
  PRINT No kdesu or gksu available (vl-hot-config needs to run
 as root)...
 Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
 Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables 
 unlimited royalty-free distribution of the report engine 
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 Gambas-user mailing list

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables 
unlimited royalty-free distribution of the report engine 
for externally facing server and web deployment.
Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] kdesu vs gksu

2009-05-18 Thread Jesus Guardon
Yes, I know it may be a little off-topic, but the question is:

I need to launch a process with root privileges from SHELL command in 
Gambas. Users of my application can have Gnome or KDE, so I don't know 
which command I must issue to get it to work.

Is there a way to choose between either gksu o kdesu commands at runtime?
I've figured it out if it could be something like:

  SHELL gksu | kdesu -u root 'some_command'


SHELL gksu -u root 'some_command' | kdesu -u root 'some_command'



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for externally facing server and web deployment.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] kdesu vs gksu

2009-05-18 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hey, thanks for your quick reply, David

I'm going to test it now. I didn't know of these constants before.
Just in case they match, because I've found in OpenSuSe 11.1 with KDE 4 
that it is the opposite, it comes with gksu (at least in my testing VM).

Also, we may use which gksu to know if it is installed, otherwise we 
can assume kdesu is. Hmmm...

Thanks a lot!



David Villalobos Cambronero escribió:
   If Application.Env[KDE_FULL_SESSION] Then
 Shell kdesu   Command
   Else If Application.Env[GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID] Then 
 Shell gksu   Command
 - Original Message 
 From: Jesus Guardon
 To: mailing list for gambas users
 Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:20:29 PM
 Subject: [Gambas-user] kdesu vs gksu
 Yes, I know it may be a little off-topic, but the question is:
 I need to launch a process with root privileges from SHELL command in 
 Gambas. Users of my application can have Gnome or KDE, so I don't know 
 which command I must issue to get it to work.
 Is there a way to choose between either gksu o kdesu commands at runtime?
 I've figured it out if it could be something like:
   SHELL gksu | kdesu -u root 'some_command'
 SHELL gksu -u root 'some_command' | kdesu -u root 'some_command'
 Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
 Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables 
 unlimited royalty-free distribution of the report engine 
 for externally facing server and web deployment.
 Gambas-user mailing list
 Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
 Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables 
 unlimited royalty-free distribution of the report engine 
 for externally facing server and web deployment.
 Gambas-user mailing list

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables 
unlimited royalty-free distribution of the report engine 
for externally facing server and web deployment.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Hello all :D Can anybody tell me how i can make a...

2009-05-07 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi Vlahonick

You must use keycode in the keypress event to allow only selected ascii 
codes to be entered in your textbox:

PUBLIC SUB TextBox2_KeyPress()
 CASE 48 TO 49 'for 1 and 0
'following cases are for allowing delete, tab, etc
 CASE Key.BackSpace
 CASE Key.Delete
 CASE Key.Tab

Hope this helps


vlahonick vlahonick escribió:
 Hello all :D
 Can anybody tell me how i can make a value to calculate something only if the 
 user put specific numbers?
 Dim S As String
 Dim i, y, N, d As Integer
 S = TextBox1.Text
 y = Len(S)
 N = 0
 For i = 1 To y
 d = Val(Mid(S, i, 1))
 N += d * (2 ^ (y - i))
 TextBox2.Text = N
 now i want the whole string to be calculated only if d gets the values of 
 0 or 1 and if the user puts anything else to have a msgbox that says 
 So the theme is that i want to allow the user to put in the textbox1 only  0 
 or 1.
 The problem is that if i use textbox1.text  0 then etc. , the user
 is allowed to put only one time the 0 so in this case that he puts 00 will
 give him the same error for puting for example the latter a.
 So i want to allow the user to put in the TextBox1 only 0 or 1 but as many 
 times as he wants :D
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Gambas server pages

2009-04-25 Thread Jesus Guardon
I'm trying to get server pages to work, but I can't.

My scripts doesn't work because gbw2 is not found in my system.
Executing the script in console gives:

je...@jesus:~$ ./test.gbs
/usr/bin/env: gbw2: No existe el fichero ó directorio

Using Ubuntu 8.10 - Gambas2 2.12 (Compiled without errors)

Any help is welcome.


Steven James Drinnan escribió:
 I think I solved it. But some please tell me if I can do this better.
 After some more playing I decided to open up the copied files in gedit
 as a root user. When I changed the file and resaved it the program
 worked as expected. 
 Looks like a problem with Apache and cgi scripting and file ownership.
 Why the example worked OK I do not know.

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royalty#45;free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] databrowser toolbar - delete

2009-04-16 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi Nando

I don't know exactly if this behavior could be changed, but, why don't 
you use a tableview or gridview instead? I think it may be not so 
difficult to implement the same functionality in a custom toolbar.



nando escribió:
 is there a way when i press the del button in the toolbar not to delete
 the register in the database but modify the register to set it as
 Thank you
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 Gambas-user mailing list

Stay on top of everything new and different, both inside and 
around Java (TM) technology - register by April 22, and save
$200 on the JavaOne (SM) conference, June 2-5, 2009, San Francisco.
300 plus technical and hands-on sessions. Register today. 
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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Panning a picturebox inside a scrollview with mouse

2009-04-06 Thread Jesus Guardon

Many thanks Steven for your input

I have solved this issue using a drawingarea object instead a 
picturebox. I've stated than it is much less cpu consuming, because the 
image --a big world map-- I want to show, needs to be updated 
periodically by other shell command that modifies it with texts and 
lines, and must be loaded everytime. After a bit of thinking, I prefer 
don't update the map itself, and draw over it, instead. Here is what 
I've done so far; you can use the mouse to pan the image around.

#See attached project#

In the meantime I will take a look to your example, I'm sure it will be 
very helpfull.

Thanks again



Steven James Drinnan escribió:
Hi here is an example. 

In this example, you can embed the ocphotoview into a form. It is from a
project that I am working on, so . Some of the code comes from the web
camera example.

There are some use full functions there as well.

To load a picture right click. You can select. By file or Web camera or
even from a scanner.

Once loaded you can move the picture around by left clicking.

You can easily modify the code by checking which button is pressed (but
then you will loose the menu feature.)

I hope it helps. Its a bit overloaded for what you need but it will
hopefully get you pointed in the right direction. 

If you need any help please ask.

Steven Drinnan
On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 18:00 +0200, Jesus Guardon wrote:

I need some help about this issue, because I'm unable to get it working.
What I want to do is panning a picturebox inside a scrollview when I
click RMB and move the mouse around. BTW, something usual in a lot of
graphical apps.

Can anyone help me, please?

Attached is the basic project in Gambas2, but without the picture (size 
too big to be accepted by the list)



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[Gambas-user] Panning a picturebox inside a scrollview with mouse

2009-04-05 Thread Jesus Guardon

I need some help about this issue, because I'm unable to get it working.
What I want to do is panning a picturebox inside a scrollview when I
click RMB and move the mouse around. BTW, something usual in a lot of
graphical apps.

Can anyone help me, please?

Attached is the basic project in Gambas2, but without the picture (size 
too big to be accepted by the list)



Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Print gridview content

2009-04-04 Thread Jesus Guardon
I've changed the question, so it will be more understandable:

How can I export the gridview content to a printable format preserving 
its structure, colors, etc?

Thanks in advance


Jesus Guardon escribió:
 Hi all
 Is there a quick method to print out as plain formatted text the content 
 of a populated gridview?
 I've been thinking about iterate across all rows and cells, but I wonder 
 if may have other ways to do that.
 Gambas-user mailing list

Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Slow Gridview creation

2009-03-27 Thread Jesus Guardon
Still nothing... Data event seems to be not fired.

Please, check the modified example:

This includes the sqlite3 database and is too big to attach in the 
e-mail.( ~600 Kb)

What I'm doing wrong?

Regards and thanks for your patience


Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Slow Gridview creation

2009-03-27 Thread Jesus Guardon

Fabien Bodard escribió:

simply the handle name is not good... you have named your gridview
gv and not GridView1... it's an usual copypaste error ;-)

Ha ha... it's my mistake. Finally I get it working, really really fast 
method. A lot of thanks for your help, I was mind-closed for a while!

Here is the final class:

Thanks again


Description: application/java-vm
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] analyzing version numbers in gambas

2009-03-25 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi all

This is the way I did it:

First, I've setup an asynchronous httpclient.

PUBLIC SUB _getVer_Finished()
 DIM myVersion, verUpdate AS Integer
 DIM sMyVer AS String = 1  Replace(Application.Version, ., )

 ver = 1  Replace(ver, ., )

 myVersion = CInt(sMyVer)

 IF ver THEN verUpdate = CInt(ver)

 IF verUpdate  myVersion THEN
 IF Message.Question((There is a new version of 
yourProgram.\nDo you want to visit the download page?), (Yes), No) 



M0E.lnx escribió:
 I need a way to logically analize version numbers in gambas.
 For instance, I have a list of available versions of the same program, let's 
 say the list is
 These are of course in no particular order. A human knows that out of all of 
 these, version 1.35 would be the greater value. 
 How can I make gambas analyze this?

Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] gridview count how many are selected

2009-03-15 Thread Jesus Guardon
I ask the same question, but with *gridview* (mode=multiple).
I'm able to select rows by code but, is there a way to retrieve the 
selected rows?



Joshua Higgins escribió:
 I'm using a columnview with the property Mode set to Multiple. What code do
 I need to let me count how many are currently selected. I tried
 ColumnView1.Current.Count but that always prints 0.

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Help using gb.pcre

2009-03-10 Thread Jesus Guardon
Hi David

This is what I did:

PUBLIC FUNCTION chkEmail(sEmail AS String) AS Boolean

  DIM bMail AS Boolean
  DIM regx as Regexp

  IF sEmail THEN

regx =
NEW Regexp(sEmail,(?i)\b[a-z0-9._%\...@[a-z0-9._%\-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b)

   IF regx.Text THEN
  'DEBUG regx.Text
   bMail = TRUE
   bMail = FALSE




I your text matches, it will return true.

Sorry for ugly indentation due to plain text formatting email.


David Villalobos Cambronero escribió:
 Hi, I need to match some regular expresions, I think I can use Gambas to do 
 it, in the documentation says somethig like this:
 But how can I use it, any idea? 
 Any help need thanks.
 Gambas-user mailing list

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial.
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Pointer[] error in Ubuntu 8.04

2009-03-09 Thread Jesus Guardon
Sorry if I was unclear.

I have released an Ubuntu package of my own application in my 
development machine running Ubuntu 8.10 and Gambas 2.9. No problems at 
all, so far on this configuration.

Later, I've installed such .deb package into a *clean* Ubuntu 8.04, 
which complains about pointer[] class. All dependencies are satisfied 
correctly, but when I call this method, my program crashes with the 
explained message. Note this PC has not Gambas2 IDE installed nor any 
component, previously to install my own package.
Also this behavior is the same with all users who has 8.04 (3 different 
users at least has reported to me this error).
Hope this clarify my question (sorry for my messy English, lol)



Benoît Minisini escribió:
 Hi all

 Since I'm testing my application in several distributions, I've noticed
 a bug? with pointer class in Ubuntu 8.04 only.

 This is related to embedder, so it's better to show my code based on the
 example provided by Gambas. Note that the example doesn't work, too.

 PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

DIM sTitle AS String
DIM aHandle AS NEW Pointer[]
DIM iHandle AS Integer

 sTitle = DX Map 'this is a xplanet window
 ME.Title = sTitle
WHILE aHandle.Count  1

  aHandle = Desktop.find(Trim(sTitle))

  WAIT 0.1
iHandle = aHandle[0]
TRY Embedder1.Embed(iHandle)
FMain.Controls[btnMap].Enabled = FALSE



 The error shown is:

 [2] Cannot load class 'Pointer[]':
 Unable to load class file.

 I've attached a capture of it.
 Using Gambas 2.9, and deployed Ubuntu .deb package.

 Any hints?

 Best regards

 You are not very clear: on which system do you get the error. Which version 
 Gambas is installed on this system?

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
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Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Pointer[] error in Ubuntu 8.04

2009-03-07 Thread Jesus Guardon

Hi all

Since I'm testing my application in several distributions, I've noticed 
a bug? with pointer class in Ubuntu 8.04 only.

This is related to embedder, so it's better to show my code based on the 
example provided by Gambas. Note that the example doesn't work, too.

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

  DIM sTitle AS String
  DIM aHandle AS NEW Pointer[]
  DIM iHandle AS Integer

   sTitle = DX Map 'this is a xplanet window
   ME.Title = sTitle
  WHILE aHandle.Count  1

aHandle = Desktop.find(Trim(sTitle))

WAIT 0.1
  iHandle = aHandle[0]
  TRY Embedder1.Embed(iHandle)
  FMain.Controls[btnMap].Enabled = FALSE



The error shown is:

[2] Cannot load class 'Pointer[]':
Unable to load class file.

I've attached a capture of it.
Using Gambas 2.9, and deployed Ubuntu .deb package.

Any hints?

Best regards


inline: pointer_error.png--
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Missing gambas2-gb-settings in OpenSuse

2009-03-01 Thread Jesus Guardon
Thanks, Benoît

I think he's Guillermo Ballester Valor, so I will contact him.


Jesús Guardón

Benoît Minisini escribió:

 I'm trying to test my application (which uses gb.settings) into a
 virtualized OpenSuse.

 All dependencies are found, except gambas2-gb-settings. I've browsed
 repositories manually and also had no luck.

 Even if I install the whole Gambas IDE into OpenSuSe, debugging the
 application or making an executable runs fine, but creating a RPM
 package and trying to install it, gives the same error.

 Am I missing something, or is there a reason for so?



 No reason. You should contact the person who made the package, and tell him 
 that one package is missing.

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Change translations at runtime

2009-02-26 Thread Jesus Guardon
Thanks Benoît and M0E, it works.

But as you said, I must reload the main form after this command. No 
problem anyway, because at the moment I'm using it only for debugging 


Jesús Guardón

Benoît Minisini escribió:

 First, you must set the System.Language property, which reload the 
 file. But it does not change the text in already opened windows. So you must 
 do that by hand.

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Missing gambas2-gb-settings in OpenSuse

2009-02-26 Thread Jesus Guardon

I'm trying to test my application (which uses gb.settings) into a 
virtualized OpenSuse.

All dependencies are found, except gambas2-gb-settings. I've browsed 
repositories manually and also had no luck.

Even if I install the whole Gambas IDE into OpenSuSe, debugging the 
application or making an executable runs fine, but creating a RPM 
package and trying to install it, gives the same error.

Am I missing something, or is there a reason for so?



Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] Change translations at runtime

2009-02-25 Thread Jesus Guardon

I know that this issue has been addressed earlier in the list, but has 
not been answered yet.
I have a translated project in English, Spanish, Catalan, etc. Thanks to 
an Stefano Palmeri's reply on Jun 06, 2007, I can see the program 
running in a different language on the console by typing export 
LANG=xx_XX and then run my application. This works fine, but is it 
possible to do so from within the running program? Ie, allow the user to 
switch between languages at runtime?

Thanks in advance


Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] ListView item coloring

2009-01-10 Thread Jesus Guardon

Happy New Year 2009

Quick question: Is there any way to coloring each individual item in a
listview? No such property in this class, but I wonder if it should be
implemented in an inherited control. If so, I have no clues where to begin.
Something like this:

listview.Add(key as String, text as String, [color as Color, Picture as
Picture, after as String])as Object...

defaulting color to Black if not specified.

My listview is adding items from a telnet socket, line by line, and
depending on its contents, they should be colored properly. At the same
time, it needs to limit the number of items to, let say 200, so I check to
delete the first item on every update. Double clicking on an item, returns
its text to perform other routines.

I've managed this with a  gridview, but when there are a lot of rows, it
turns very slow and flickering (because adding and removing rows
dynamically), so would be nice -and pretty fast- to have this feature in a
In the other hand, I think textedit and editor have not functionalities to
return a whole line text, or accesing an specific line index (at least
textedit) and using editor would be a waste of resources.

Any help is appreciated.

Jesus Guardon

Gambas 2.9 - Ubuntu 8.10 - AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2Gb RAM

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Coordinate system in Gambas Graphics

2008-12-15 Thread Jesus Guardon

Or are you starting with those distorted maps where Greenland is the size 
of the United States on a flat map? 

Yes, I'm using UTM Maps, because they are regularly spaced. I am not an
expert in Map Projections, but it works for me.


Jesus Guardon 

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Gambas-user mailing list

Re: [Gambas-user] Coordinate system in Gambas Graphics

2008-12-15 Thread Jesus Guardon

Are you sure meridians go from -90 to 90? Ore are they parallels?
So, correct me if I am wrong, Parallels go from south to north, and 
Meridians from east to west (or vice-versa).

Oooops, yes, of course it was my mistake!. May be English isn't my native
language... LOL

Now I think I've got it. So this afternoon I'll try to do a working example.

As usual, many thanks for your help, your little program helped a lot.


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