Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Cara Quinn
Seriously? I mean really?! ;)

While I personally may not agree with the way this is going down so far, it's 
statements like these which really amaze me!

Regardless of what you, I or anyone else think of how someone chooses to run 
their company (or what's left of it) it's their business. They owe you nothing, 
they owe me nothing, they owe this community nothing!

Sure, it would be really nice if Justin chose to allow a site like Audyssey to 
host the BSC games legally after the business dissolves, but to act as if he 
owes any of us an apology is quite a lot to ask, don't you think?

This is why I keep harping on what we expect of developers? I mean come on! 

Again, I ask, why would anyone want to involve themselves in a community of 
people who in essence treat them like indentured servants?… Would you want to 
be treated this way? Wouldn't you want a group of people to show you 
understanding even if they didn't agree with you? I think you would…

We want sighted people to cut us some slack and be understanding if they don't 
understand our needs, so why in the world aren't we showing this kind of 
behavior to our own?…

This just can't be that difficult to see and understand…

We're all intelligent, aware people here. Why not show that aspect of 
ourselves. YOu'd be surprised how it can turn situations and people around… :)

-Just my thoughts…

Thanks for your note and have a totally awesome night / day (whenever ya get 


Cara :)
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On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:48 PM, michael barnes wrote:

The only way that Bavisoft and Justin could get back in our good graces is to 
make the next few games free and really good.
Two show their apology by making their old titles freeware, and to get on the 
list so we could talk with them.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread michael barnes

Well, I have seen some pretty good free games.

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming dice

2013-04-23 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Dark, thanks for your note!

Well, with the way this technology is going, just wait a few minutes and I'll 
bet it will be in your price range! ;)

Have a wonderful day and talk with you soon!…


Cara :)
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On Apr 22, 2013, at 2:51 AM, dark wrote:

Hi kara.

I'm afraid that that amount of money, close to 800 pounds is not exactly what 
I'd consider cheap, albeit that I know that in the access community that sort 
of money is usual (look at the price of braille displays).

ultimately it's something I can see being a good idea if a person happened to 
have access to such a machine, but not something I can imagine a private 
individual owning unless they had a lot more money than I do.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Stephen

Yes I think thats taking things just a tad too far.
At 03:51 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:
Good quality games for free?  I really doubt it, nor would I demand 
it or expect it.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: michael barnes
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

The only way that Bavisoft and Justin could get back in our good 
graces is to make the next few games free and really good.
Two show their apology by making their old titles freeware, and to 
get on the list so we could talk with them.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Stephen
and dumping on your customers like james north did is a very very 
good way to lose friends.  He hated it when I kept finding show 
stoppers, that's geek speak for bugs that crash the software.

At 02:34 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:
I aggree with you there tom, I suspect that he was on verge of 
burnout and quit before he flamed himself tooblivian  oblivian.

bavisoft had nill communication with anyone and were sloppy.
Esp and james north.
well he was fine with espsoftworks never should have sold it because 
he was really making it good.

it was after he switched to  alchemy that things went south for him.
Ofcause he probably burned out but no one really thought about 
burning your match or your candle like we do now and well simply put he smoked.

The way he went was not good but he probably was burning long before that.
Ofcause until the industry gets some real gamers from the sighted 
world interested and maybe more companies, devs, funds, etc progress 
will be slow.
We have progressed to one phase rapid groth, but it wouldn't 
supprise me if we stayed where we are for a time till we spurted up again.

At 04:16 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Well, not quite. Remember Justin was pretty good about sales and
support for the early part of his career with BSC Games and However,once he took on more responsibilities at
home and work his support and development began to drop off and
understandably so. However, unlike Bavisoft he explained exactly why
he hasn't been as involved in developing games and why he hasn't been
getting back to people as he should which I think goes to show he is
not a dishonest person. I may not agree with the way he is handling
this business with closing, but I don't think he is greedy, dishonest,
or a crooked person. In fact, allowing people to buy his key generator
before he closes at least gives people some chance to get his games
and software before the site is gone for good.

With Bavisoft let's face it. They never respond to email, there site
has gone down a few times without explanation, people have had
problems receiving their orders, and when you ask why
Bavisoft doesn't respond. They have proven themselves to be totally
irresponsible as a company and has made no effort to redeem themselves
what so ever. I understand if they have had issues with work and
family, but some explanation should have been in order so we would at
least understand why Bavisoft has fallen off the face of the Earth.
Instead we get nothing.

Point being is if Justin were ever to come back, which I don't think
he will, but if he did I think there would be several people who would
trust him because of the years of service and support he gave up until
now.. Surely that counts for something in the eyes of this community.
Comparing Justin to Bavisoft isn't really fair in his case.


On 4/22/13, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 Pecisely my view. It would be like Bavisoft sddenly popping back up and
 releasing Chillingham 2 after basically falling off the face of 
the eart and

 ignoring Emails and lost orders. I don't bet anyone would buy from them

 But thou must!

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Dallas O'Brien
Hi Tom, Its not only that, but the simple fact is, hardware based
registration, is something I've only seen in this community! nowhere
else, have I seen game dev's, nor even just app dev's, screwing their
users over, by forcing them to buy a new version, simply for use on
another machine. that's just sad, really.

I to, understand why its being done, but its limiting the audio games
industry, even more then it is by being the audio gaming industry! LOL

I mean, think about it. as limiting, and hard nosed as the apple world
is, do you see them saying, nope, if you have two iPhone's and an
iPad, you'll have to buy the app for each one? ... no. they let you
buy it once, and then you can use it for ever more, on any device you
get. well, within the 10 device limit, or what ever it is. and I mean,
come on. who's going to have 5 iPhone's and 5 iPad's. ahaha. except
somebody who's rich, in which case they can afford to have a separate
account for each, and buy it for each anyway's. ehehe

so yeah. I'm very hesitant to buy games that are limited to my current
laptop. as I simply won't have this for ever. and I hope not, to. its
only a netbook. LOL. so when I upgrade to a full notebook again, I'd
have to buy new keys for that machine! no thanks.


On 23/04/2013, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Charles,

 Well, I don't hold anything against Justin personally, but after this
 incident I will not buy from any audio game developer who uses a
 hardware based key system. While I know the reasons for tighter
 security, the desire to cut down on piracy, but that does not justify
 selling someone a game with no way to license it after the developer
 is gone. If Justin had stuck to a name and key system there would be
 no need for Justin to sell his key generator and much less all the
 controversy about him going out of business because a customer could
 just stick his/her name and key into the registration box and be
 assured it will work for years to come. As long as you don't lose your
 reg info a user name and registration key is the most practical way to
 insure a piece of software can still be used by a customer if a
 developer is no longer able to offer support for the product. So I'm
 definitely apposed to hardware specific keys now at least as far as
 small shareware companies goes.

 Its one thing if you have a huge corporation like Microsoft and
 another thing when it is a one or two man operation.  With Microsoft
 if you need a new key for say Windows 8 they might charge you an arm
 and a leg for it but you can pretty sure the company won't pack up and
 close their doors tomorrow. With a one or two man operation as we have
 seen many times they are usually here today and gone tomorrow. Alchemy
 Game Studios, BSC Games, DanZ Games, etc are cases in point of how
 temporary one or two man operations can be. So buying a product using
 a hardware key system is a very questionable prospect in our market.


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Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

2013-04-23 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Dark,

Sorry, I thought that when the game says Press the number for a difficulty factor 
from 0 hardest to 9 easiest that it would be understood that 9 easiest meant 
easiest for you to win.




As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716 ( PI )
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Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

2013-04-23 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Lisa,

Another strategy is an x pattern.  That is go from upper left (a1) to lower 
right (i9) and then from upper right (a9) to lower left (i1)  Then maybe 
straight down the center, and then straight across the center.  Remember that 
the smallest ship is 2 spaces, so you don't need to cover every space.  Like 
above you did a1 and a5, so now do a3.

I think that I more often than not beat the computer on difficulty level 9, but 
definitely not as often on level 0.




Red ship crashes into blue ship - sailors marooned.
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Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread shaun everiss

well it depends on the dev.
and gma will just give you codes.

At 09:09 PM 4/23/2013, you wrote:

Hi Tom, Its not only that, but the simple fact is, hardware based
registration, is something I've only seen in this community! nowhere
else, have I seen game dev's, nor even just app dev's, screwing their
users over, by forcing them to buy a new version, simply for use on
another machine. that's just sad, really.

I to, understand why its being done, but its limiting the audio games
industry, even more then it is by being the audio gaming industry! LOL

I mean, think about it. as limiting, and hard nosed as the apple world
is, do you see them saying, nope, if you have two iPhone's and an
iPad, you'll have to buy the app for each one? ... no. they let you
buy it once, and then you can use it for ever more, on any device you
get. well, within the 10 device limit, or what ever it is. and I mean,
come on. who's going to have 5 iPhone's and 5 iPad's. ahaha. except
somebody who's rich, in which case they can afford to have a separate
account for each, and buy it for each anyway's. ehehe

so yeah. I'm very hesitant to buy games that are limited to my current
laptop. as I simply won't have this for ever. and I hope not, to. its
only a netbook. LOL. so when I upgrade to a full notebook again, I'd
have to buy new keys for that machine! no thanks.


On 23/04/2013, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Charles,

 Well, I don't hold anything against Justin personally, but after this
 incident I will not buy from any audio game developer who uses a
 hardware based key system. While I know the reasons for tighter
 security, the desire to cut down on piracy, but that does not justify
 selling someone a game with no way to license it after the developer
 is gone. If Justin had stuck to a name and key system there would be
 no need for Justin to sell his key generator and much less all the
 controversy about him going out of business because a customer could
 just stick his/her name and key into the registration box and be
 assured it will work for years to come. As long as you don't lose your
 reg info a user name and registration key is the most practical way to
 insure a piece of software can still be used by a customer if a
 developer is no longer able to offer support for the product. So I'm
 definitely apposed to hardware specific keys now at least as far as
 small shareware companies goes.

 Its one thing if you have a huge corporation like Microsoft and
 another thing when it is a one or two man operation.  With Microsoft
 if you need a new key for say Windows 8 they might charge you an arm
 and a leg for it but you can pretty sure the company won't pack up and
 close their doors tomorrow. With a one or two man operation as we have
 seen many times they are usually here today and gone tomorrow. Alchemy
 Game Studios, BSC Games, DanZ Games, etc are cases in point of how
 temporary one or two man operations can be. So buying a product using
 a hardware key system is a very questionable prospect in our market.


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Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

2013-04-23 Thread Lisa Hayes

Thanks JIm will give this a go.
Lisa Hayes

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: Lisa Hayes
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

Hi Lisa,

Another strategy is an x pattern.  That is go from upper left (a1) to 
lower right (i9) and then from upper right (a9) to lower left (i1)  Then 
maybe straight down the center, and then straight across the center. 
Remember that the smallest ship is 2 spaces, so you don't need to cover 
every space.  Like above you did a1 and a5, so now do a3.

I think that I more often than not beat the computer on difficulty level 
9, but definitely not as often on level 0.




Red ship crashes into blue ship - sailors marooned.
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[Audyssey] Hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi tom.

I agree in principle, the hardware keygen system hurts the legitimate 
customers, and ultimately doesn't stop the pirates, just makes piracy 

That being said, i do usually have confidence that if a games company closes 
it's doors and packs up, they will offer something to posterity. This is why 
even though I bought tarzan junior back in 2006, I still have the game 
despite it being abandonware, since Philip insured that the game was 
playable even when he was no longer able to generate keys.
Same goes for DanZ, self destruct and terraformers, and the last is really 
surprising given the many people involved in the project (check the 

This is one reason i am so displeased at justin's decision. the fact that he 
is abandoning his games is sad enough, but that he is offering nothing to 
gamers further down the line who miss his closing down sale, heck, i 
wouldn't have minded if he sold the distribution of the keygen to audeasy or as you suggested yourself.

it is not about the sounds and music, or ability to mod the games, it is 
simply about preserving the work that someone has done.

While I wouldn't reffuse to buy a game such as any updates from Gma or blind 
adrenaline with hardware keygens, I do hope if ever either of them goes out 
of business, they will make the right decision.
Ditto with vip gameszone, indeed since we haven't heard any news of further 
developement from them (I know they were working on a business and stocks 
simulation), this might even become current.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

I do agree on that score, and were justin to come back and start 
developement i would give him the reasonable bennifit of the doubt, heck, 
I've always found bsc very good with key replacements and the like in the 
past, and if we! were to miss out on any future work he does, we'd! be the 
ones shooting ourselves in the foot to use charles' phrase.

that being said, even if you like someone's work, you can dislike some of 
their actions, which is my current feeling regarding Justin, and I do 
confess this might cause me to scrutanize any prices of future games and any 
security systems he includes very carefully if he were! to develope in the 

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

2013-04-23 Thread dark
I personally tend to prefer to go in a diagonal search pattern myself at the 
beginning of the game, starting with b2, then c3, d4 etc, just so that I can 
more clearly gather which space I've covered in the grid, though as gabriel 
said once a ship is discovered, that does change.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi Michael.

i disagree about making free games. charging for a game is not! a put down, 
since developers do need to perchice their sounds and music. What a company 
like bavisoft would need would be good customer service, talking to their 
customers, and obviously to have a good game to sell free or not.

ditto with justin. As I said, i wouldn't reffuse to buy any games, such a 
decision would be silly, but I will say I would likely not be as generous in 
considdering how much money I wanted to spend on a future recalling justin's 
motivation over this business, ditto with bavisoft.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

2013-04-23 Thread Darren Duff
No more then you do. Just keep checking every now and then. 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of michael
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 1:25 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

I remember about two weeks ago that the announcement about The Nightjar was
coming to America.
Well my question is, Does anyone know what time today it will be release in
the U.S. app store?

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[Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi Dallas.

such limits are not actually just on audio games. Avg antivirus and pc 
tuneup programs limit you to two machines, and supernova limits you to three 
(though with supernova you get an extra license each month).

the issue however, is that as Tom said, neither AVg nor Dolphin are likely 
to go out of business soon, thus meaning replacement keys are always 
obtainable, indeed I've had so many different licenses for supernova over 
the years on five or six different machines I can't count, particularly with 
all the version upgrades or even be in a position where if I really needed a 
new key I couldn't get one.

Most graphical indi developers I've seen use name generated key systems, or 
even just sell you a download of a straight installer, (I've not bought many 
graphical indi games but I do have a couple, which i've installed on a 
couple of machines).

One thing I do find odd, is that the security for software is so different 
from the security of buying other content across the internet.

for example, there are I imagine not a few people on hear who know the 
internet audio drama series Leviathan chronicles, (and if not, check it out 
it' is great!).

As people will know, while the main series is free, various audio extras are 
available to buy, such as special edition episodes and directors cut 
versions of the main series. When however you buy these, you simply get a 
download link with an expiration on it. You download the episodes, then the 
link won't work anymore, however that is it! no passwords, no codes nada! 
just download and play.

yes, this makes them infinitely piratable if a person chose, but equally the 
producers are banking on people's honesty, partiuclarly since they offer so 
much for free and are very  much an indi audio company.

while some audio companies have proprietory software, encripted files etc, 
Leviathan, and a few others recognize this does no good, - after all, 
pretty much anything! that plays can be coppied with a digital reccorder, 
(one reason why apple's itunes system is rather doomed).

Yet, why can indi audio producers have this level of trust in their 
customers, when if anything their work is easier! to pirate, while software 
developers do not?

that people will pirate things is inevitable, and I'm pretty sure if I 
searched around there are pirated copies of Leviathan floating about, but 
that didn't make the producers attempt some draconian system of control, so 
what is so different with indi developed software?

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] JIm's battleship.

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi Jim.

it's a while since I played your battleship game, and it's possible that was 
a previous version, but when i first played I do remember being stuck 
because the game didn't say which was easiest or hardest, it just said a 
difficulty 0 to 9, which was a little uncertain, particularly because on 
various rp dice and systems not to mention the number row of the keyboard, 
zero comes after nine.

It's possible though you cleared up the wording in a later version, or that 
I was just being dim :d.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread ryan

Know one ever has to make there games free.
It's there choice and who knows, they may resurrect them or parts of 
them some day.

I agree with Charles
On 4/23/2013 1:51 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:
Good quality games for free?  I really doubt it, nor would I demand it 
or expect it.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: michael barnes
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

The only way that Bavisoft and Justin could get back in our good 
graces is to make the next few games free and really good.
Two show their apology by making their old titles freeware, and to 
get on the list so we could talk with them.

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[Audyssey] treasuremania1

2013-04-23 Thread Lisa Hayes
HI all was wondering i am playing and loving treasuremania1 and wonder if 
someone can remind me how to use the terbos nd how to access the manual lightt 
tech interactive put this game out. Thanks. 
Lisa Hayes
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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Draconis

Several points I want to make here.

Hardware locking of software, or effectively the same, is common in other areas 
as well. SNES cartridges didn't work in Nintendo 64's, 64's cartridges didn't 
work in GameCube, etc. If your console died, you either needed to get another 
console that worked with the games you owned, or not play them. I realize it 
isn't a direct comparison, but it's a similar situation.

It's the huge rate of piracy in this industry that makes it necessary to do 
this. We resisted locking our games down for ten years, but that hasn't worked 
all that well, because many folks in the VI community…not all by any means but 
a significant number…justify it by saying they are on a fixed income, etc. 
Somehow, that makes it okay to steal games. Sad, but true.

Your iTunes comment is baffling, though. iTunes is the #1 digital music seller 
by a huge margin, does not sell music with DRM, and uses a variant of an open 
format. iTunes tracks can be played on a wide variety of players, not just 
Apple produced ones. In fact, MP3 is a far more encumbered format in terms of 
licensing. You just don't think of it as so, because it has become so 

It was the record labels, not APple, that insisted on the DRM, and as soon as 
it became possible, Apple used its power in the industry to ditch it, as it was 
far more trouble than it was worth.

TV and movie content still is DRM encumbered, but that's true no matter where 
you get it from, and neither Apple or anyone else at this point has the power 
to challenge HOllywood to change the status quo.

As for as Justin's decision goes…I think he's got every right to retain his 
intellectual copyright, and, as a developer, I'm frankly appalled at the 
sentiments toward Justin and his decisions. He worked hard on those games. Why 
should he give them away?

I guess I'll know what to expect if I ever retire. It's these kinds of 
attitudes that push debs away from interacting with the community. It's why I 
rarely do.

On Apr 23, 2013, at 6:57 AM, dark wrote:

 Hi Dallas.
 such limits are not actually just on audio games. Avg antivirus and pc tuneup 
 programs limit you to two machines, and supernova limits you to three (though 
 with supernova you get an extra license each month).
 the issue however, is that as Tom said, neither AVg nor Dolphin are likely to 
 go out of business soon, thus meaning replacement keys are always obtainable, 
 indeed I've had so many different licenses for supernova over the years on 
 five or six different machines I can't count, particularly with all the 
 version upgrades or even be in a position where if I really needed a new key 
 I couldn't get one.
 Most graphical indi developers I've seen use name generated key systems, or 
 even just sell you a download of a straight installer, (I've not bought many 
 graphical indi games but I do have a couple, which i've installed on a couple 
 of machines).
 One thing I do find odd, is that the security for software is so different 
 from the security of buying other content across the internet.
 for example, there are I imagine not a few people on hear who know the 
 internet audio drama series Leviathan chronicles, (and if not, check it out 
 it' is great!).
 As people will know, while the main series is free, various audio extras are 
 available to buy, such as special edition episodes and directors cut versions 
 of the main series. When however you buy these, you simply get a download 
 link with an expiration on it. You download the episodes, then the link won't 
 work anymore, however that is it! no passwords, no codes nada! just download 
 and play.
 yes, this makes them infinitely piratable if a person chose, but equally the 
 producers are banking on people's honesty, partiuclarly since they offer so 
 much for free and are very  much an indi audio company.
 while some audio companies have proprietory software, encripted files etc, 
 Leviathan, and a few others recognize this does no good, - after all, 
 pretty much anything! that plays can be coppied with a digital reccorder, 
 (one reason why apple's itunes system is rather doomed).
 Yet, why can indi audio producers have this level of trust in their 
 customers, when if anything their work is easier! to pirate, while software 
 developers do not?
 that people will pirate things is inevitable, and I'm pretty sure if I 
 searched around there are pirated copies of Leviathan floating about, but 
 that didn't make the producers attempt some draconian system of control, so 
 what is so different with indi developed software?
 Beware the Grue!

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[Audyssey] News from Draconis Entertainment

2013-04-23 Thread Draconis
Greetings gamers,

We have a few notes to pass along.

The new Draconis Entertainment website has arrived at! We’ve 
dramatically simplified the interface, making it much easier to use. We have 
all new product pages for Mac and Windows, new scoreboards, and a Help Desk and 
Knowledge Base.

If you want to keep up with developments at Draconis, you can subscribe to our 
RSS feed or follow us on Twitter.

Like any big website overhaul, there may be glitches in the system. If you run 
into any problems, please let us know.

Part of this overhaul included some changes to how our scoreboards function. 
Please let s know if there are any compatibility problems you discover with our 
older titles. The boards will now automatically reset on the 1st of every 
month. Some of you expressed disappointment that we didn't have plans to 
support scoreboards in the future. Well, this is your chance, gamers. If you 
want us to support scoreboards for future titles, use these older ones and show 
us that it is something that truly matters to you. If there's enough interest, 
we will look into building new scoreboard functionality into the next-fen 
Draconis game engine.

The launch of ChangeReaction 2.X for Windows is right around the corner, so 
stay tuned!

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Dice

2013-04-23 Thread Dakotah Rickard
Just to sort of close this particular thread maybe and merge it with
the other, I'm considering the pros and cons of obtaining a 3d scanner
printer as opposed to having molds cast.
It's a tough call.

Dakotah Rickard

On 4/22/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Decota.

 Well it's probably going to be a case of seeing what the thing costs, then
 letting us know how much and then seeing whether enough people would be
 interested at the price as you said.

 I'm not saying we should get the things for free, or even at the same price

 as people pay for their printed dice produced by games supply companies,
 however equally the fact that there is an alternative method of accessing
 gaming dice is a contributing factor.

 how all this works out however is not something we can really assess until
 you know the probable production costs plus any prophit margin, which is
 after all fair enough given your putting in the work (albeit perhaps not at

 the massive markup that most access companies get), which is indeed why i
 started quoting figures.

 Perhaps this is something you could check out and let us know?

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming dice

2013-04-23 Thread Dakotah Rickard
Right now, the problem with consumer grade 3d printers is size. I
could get a setup for ... I think about $2500 to $3500 U.S. That would
include a 3d scanner. I could then take and modify another set of
generic dice with a 3d modeling program.
The trouble I see is two-fold.
The printers are going to have trouble making small shapes like that
without discontinuities. I'm going to do a lot of research on this,
call in some help and favors in the tech field, and get back to you
guys when I know more.
It's even possible, given a few connections, that I could rent time at
a pro-grade 3d printer.

Dakotah Rickard

On 4/23/13, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Dark, thanks for your note!

 Well, with the way this technology is going, just wait a few minutes and
 I'll bet it will be in your price range! ;)

 Have a wonderful day and talk with you soon!…


 Cara :)
 View my Online Portfolio at:

 Follow me on Twitter!

 On Apr 22, 2013, at 2:51 AM, dark wrote:

 Hi kara.

 I'm afraid that that amount of money, close to 800 pounds is not exactly
 what I'd consider cheap, albeit that I know that in the access community
 that sort of money is usual (look at the price of braille displays).

 ultimately it's something I can see being a good idea if a person happened
 to have access to such a machine, but not something I can imagine a private
 individual owning unless they had a lot more money than I do.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] treasuremania1

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi lisa.

the manual can be found in the program group on the menue as normal, or by 
going into the program folder and finding the readme text file. If I 
remember rightly, to use a turbo you use ctrl with up and down arrow when 
using your hook, though it has been a while since I played the game so i 
could be wrong on this.


All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa Hayes

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] treasuremania1

HI all was wondering i am playing and loving treasuremania1 and wonder if 
someone can remind me how to use the terbos nd how to access the manual 
lightt tech interactive put this game out. Thanks.

Lisa Hayes
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[Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett
Hello all


I have some questions that I was hoping someone can answer
for me. They are a bit on and a bit off topic questions. See I'm trying to
make a sound pack for some games I have in mind, but first I need sound


First it was like 2 or 3 years ago that a friend showed me a game on the psp
I think it was called beat mixer. I was hoping that someone knew of a game
or soft wear that is compatible with my screen reader so I can make sound
tracks and save them to a sound file.


The next question is. I was looking for a soft wear that I can edit video
and sound files to make sound clips with.


And also a friend of mine sent me a link on a braille smart phone that I
thought that the blind gaming community would like to read.




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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An AnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark


Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't use it 
without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed I would indeed 
be interested to know, since it is the chief reason I do not buy or use 
itunes since I want the freedom to listen to any music or books I buy in any 
compatible device,  indeed since I've painstakingly sat and created a 
configuration file for winamp which runs exactly with my desktop speakers, 
obviously i'd prefer to use that.

As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one of 
copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and selling his 
games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to support him, however 
the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will not be around anymore, in any 
way shape or form plane and simple.

This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies got fairly 
quickly, which is why game collections for more modern consoles not to 
mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox live etc still exist, and 
are the place you can still get all your old games, yes you have to pay for 
them, but that is not the issue, (as I said, I'm the first to agree that 
developers should sell their games). The same might be true of taped music 
going to cd, or video casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to pay for 
the new hardware format, but the thing is still available.

It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and effectively 
saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next month can't have them 
which is the issue here, not his right to sell them or anything else. if 
another developer were selling them, that would also be fine, but again that 
is not the case.

As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have noticed people 
have a huge downer on the games playing community in general because of a 
number of pirates. yes, there are people who believe that they are entitled 
to steal a dev's work because they are blind, or the like, but please don't 
tar everyone with the same brush since there are also plenty of people who 
do! indeed wish to support game developement as wel.

I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over emphasize 
and sterriotype the community generally, and believe the worst of everyone's 
motives because of some less pleasant individuals.

for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has nothing to 
do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I might feel exactly the 
same if a developer of graphical indi games, or indeed an audio drama 
company behaved in the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] News from Draconis Entertainment

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Great news.

Glad developement is still progressing and I look forward to trying the new 
version of change reaction.

all the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Draconis

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:19 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] News from Draconis Entertainment

Greetings gamers,

We have a few notes to pass along.

The new Draconis Entertainment website has arrived at! We’ve 
dramatically simplified the interface, making it much easier to use. We have 
all new product pages for Mac and Windows, new scoreboards, and a Help Desk 
and Knowledge Base.

If you want to keep up with developments at Draconis, you can subscribe to 
our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter.

Like any big website overhaul, there may be glitches in the system. If you 
run into any problems, please let us know.

Part of this overhaul included some changes to how our scoreboards function. 
Please let s know if there are any compatibility problems you discover with 
our older titles. The boards will now automatically reset on the 1st of 
every month. Some of you expressed disappointment that we didn't have plans 
to support scoreboards in the future. Well, this is your chance, gamers. If 
you want us to support scoreboards for future titles, use these older ones 
and show us that it is something that truly matters to you. If there's 
enough interest, we will look into building new scoreboard functionality 
into the next-fen Draconis game engine.

The launch of ChangeReaction 2.X for Windows is right around the corner, so 
stay tuned!

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An AnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Karl Belanger
You haven't needed the iTunes program for a number of years now. I know for a 
fact that iTunes files can be played in Windows Media Player, edited in 
Goldwave, and I almost completely sure they'll play in Winamp. Keep in mind 
though that this is for music and podcasts only, movies and tv shows still have 
DRM attached to them as they would anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:45, dark wrote:

 Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't use it 
 without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed I would indeed 
 be interested to know, since it is the chief reason I do not buy or use 
 itunes since I want the freedom to listen to any music or books I buy in any 
 compatible device,  indeed since I've painstakingly sat and created a 
 configuration file for winamp which runs exactly with my desktop speakers, 
 obviously i'd prefer to use that.
 As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one of 
 copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and selling his 
 games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to support him, however 
 the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will not be around anymore, in any 
 way shape or form plane and simple.
 This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies got fairly 
 quickly, which is why game collections for more modern consoles not to 
 mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox live etc still exist, and are 
 the place you can still get all your old games, yes you have to pay for them, 
 but that is not the issue, (as I said, I'm the first to agree that developers 
 should sell their games). The same might be true of taped music going to cd, 
 or video casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to pay for the new 
 hardware format, but the thing is still available.
 It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and effectively 
 saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next month can't have them 
 which is the issue here, not his right to sell them or anything else. if 
 another developer were selling them, that would also be fine, but again that 
 is not the case.
 As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have noticed people 
 have a huge downer on the games playing community in general because of a 
 number of pirates. yes, there are people who believe that they are entitled 
 to steal a dev's work because they are blind, or the like, but please don't 
 tar everyone with the same brush since there are also plenty of people who 
 do! indeed wish to support game developement as wel.
 I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over emphasize and 
 sterriotype the community generally, and believe the worst of everyone's 
 motives because of some less pleasant individuals.
 for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has nothing to 
 do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I might feel exactly the 
 same if a developer of graphical indi games, or indeed an audio drama company 
 behaved in the same way.
 Beware the grue!
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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An AnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Draconis
Hi Dark,

That hasn't been the case with iTunes tracks in over six years. You can do 
whatever you want with them. Anything that plays MP4/AAC format can play them, 
and they can be easily converted to any other format you want, including 
directly in iTunes. It must've been a very, very long time since you looked 
into this. *grin*

I was very, very clear in my original email that it was many, but by no means 
all, in the community who feel it is okay to steal. I am very aware of that 
fact, or I wouldn't continue doing what I'm doing.

Personally, I think it makes sense for Justin to retain his rights in the event 
he changes his mind and wants to develop games again. I do not believe this is 
selfish of him, and, regardless of whether you agree with his choices, I think 
it is awful to start slighting his character just because he hasn't done what 
you wanted him to. I've seen him called greedy, self-centered, and needing 
to get into the community's good graces, and it is disgraceful. You can 
disagree with the man's choices without resorting to personal attacks.

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:45 AM, dark wrote:

 Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't use it 
 without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed I would indeed 
 be interested to know, since it is the chief reason I do not buy or use 
 itunes since I want the freedom to listen to any music or books I buy in any 
 compatible device,  indeed since I've painstakingly sat and created a 
 configuration file for winamp which runs exactly with my desktop speakers, 
 obviously i'd prefer to use that.
 As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one of 
 copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and selling his 
 games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to support him, however 
 the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will not be around anymore, in any 
 way shape or form plane and simple.
 This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies got fairly 
 quickly, which is why game collections for more modern consoles not to 
 mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox live etc still exist, and are 
 the place you can still get all your old games, yes you have to pay for them, 
 but that is not the issue, (as I said, I'm the first to agree that developers 
 should sell their games). The same might be true of taped music going to cd, 
 or video casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to pay for the new 
 hardware format, but the thing is still available.
 It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and effectively 
 saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next month can't have them 
 which is the issue here, not his right to sell them or anything else. if 
 another developer were selling them, that would also be fine, but again that 
 is not the case.
 As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have noticed people 
 have a huge downer on the games playing community in general because of a 
 number of pirates. yes, there are people who believe that they are entitled 
 to steal a dev's work because they are blind, or the like, but please don't 
 tar everyone with the same brush since there are also plenty of people who 
 do! indeed wish to support game developement as wel.
 I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over emphasize and 
 sterriotype the community generally, and believe the worst of everyone's 
 motives because of some less pleasant individuals.
 for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has nothing to 
 do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I might feel exactly the 
 same if a developer of graphical indi games, or indeed an audio drama company 
 behaved in the same way.
 Beware the grue!
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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Feir
What a fascinating can of worms Justin's decision has opened for us.
Like many of you, I personally dislike when companies whose software
has run its commercial cycle remove it from the world rather than make
it freely available. It does leave a bad taste in the mouth. However,
I too have experienced how quick Justin was at replacing lost keys.
Same with GMA Games who also use keys tighed to the computer the game
is installed on. The only point at which hardware generated keys
really become a major issue is when situations like what's happening
now occur and developers no longer make replacements available. I
can't help but resent that. I don't have $75 to spare. Nor should I
need to spend that to keep playing Pipe2 and Troopanum2, the two games
that most appealed to me and that I legally purchased. I'm not about
to rule out buying games which use hardware keys to secure them.
However, this incident will definitely come to mind and make me think
twice much as what happened when James North pulled the plug gives me
pause regarding pre-ordering a game which has yet to be finished.

While it's perfectly fare to keep in mind what's happened here if
Justin ever decided to develop future games, it isn't fare to
dishonour his wishes and spread keys and such around. That's crossing
an important line of trust. We don't know what conditions are attached
to the licenses of components used in his games. For instance, there
may be conditions related to the sounds or voice acting he used which
prohibit him from giving away the games. It could be any number of
things. It's unreasonable to expect developers to support their games
forever. However, I also very much wish they didn't have this idea
that they could basically cut off one's ownership of a fairly
purchased game.

On 4/23/13, ryan wrote:
 Know one ever has to make there games free.
 It's there choice and who knows, they may resurrect them or parts of
 them some day.
 I agree with Charles
 On 4/23/2013 1:51 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Good quality games for free?  I really doubt it, nor would I demand it
 or expect it.

 Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
 - Original Message - From: michael barnes
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

 The only way that Bavisoft and Justin could get back in our good
 graces is to make the next few games free and really good.
 Two show their apology by making their old titles freeware, and to
 get on the list so we could talk with them.

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Michael Feir
Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: AnAnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson

Yeah. I play ITunes files In WinAmp a lot.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Karl Belanger

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:51 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: 
AnAnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

You haven't needed the iTunes program for a number of years now. I know for 
a fact that iTunes files can be played in Windows Media Player, edited in 
Goldwave, and I almost completely sure they'll play in Winamp. Keep in mind 
though that this is for music and podcasts only, movies and tv shows still 
have DRM attached to them as they would anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:45, dark wrote:


Last I checked if you downloaded a track in itunes, you couldn't use it 
without the itunes program at the least, if this has changed I would 
indeed be interested to know, since it is the chief reason I do not buy or 
use itunes since I want the freedom to listen to any music or books I buy 
in any compatible device,  indeed since I've painstakingly sat and 
created a configuration file for winamp which runs exactly with my desktop 
speakers, obviously i'd prefer to use that.

As regards the comments about the community, the issue is not one of 
copywrite or anything like that. if justin were still around and selling 
his games, even if not updated I'd be the first person to support him, 
however the issue is one of legacy. Justins games will not be around 
anymore, in any way shape or form plane and simple.

This is something which sega, nintendo and mainstream companies got fairly 
quickly, which is why game collections for more modern consoles not to 
mention services like Wii virtual console, xbox live etc still exist, and 
are the place you can still get all your old games, yes you have to pay 
for them, but that is not the issue, (as I said, I'm the first to agree 
that developers should sell their games). The same might be true of taped 
music going to cd, or video casettes going to dvd. Yess, you might have to 
pay for the new hardware format, but the thing is still available.

It is justin's unwillingness to make his games available and effectively 
saying anyone who doesn't buy from me in the next month can't have them 
which is the issue here, not his right to sell them or anything else. if 
another developer were selling them, that would also be fine, but again 
that is not the case.

As to the community, well there are scumbags anywhere. I have noticed 
people have a huge downer on the games playing community in general 
because of a number of pirates. yes, there are people who believe that 
they are entitled to steal a dev's work because they are blind, or the 
like, but please don't tar everyone with the same brush since there are 
also plenty of people who do! indeed wish to support game developement as 

I have I'm afraid noticed a tendenccy among some people to over emphasize 
and sterriotype the community generally, and believe the worst of 
everyone's motives because of some less pleasant individuals.

for example, as I have explained myself my issue with justin has nothing 
to do with entitlement, being blind or anything else. I might feel exactly 
the same if a developer of graphical indi games, or indeed an audio drama 
company behaved in the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: AnAnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Hi Karl.

Fair enough, this was obviously something I missed, and is something I'll 
considder when i start investigating Itunes, thanks for letting me know.

all the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: AnAnnouncementRegarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread dark

Ah, good to know regarding itunes.

As to justin's choices and motivations, I've explained my reasons for 
believing as I do, and do bare in mind I don't go throwing around words like 
self centered on a whim.

Actually, it is not for myself or justin doing what I want that is the 
issue. For myself, I will likely buy the pack before the time runs out, and 
will run it on any future compatible machines I own, end of story, it is for 
the wider view that I am concerned and it is in this respect that I question 
justin's motivations for this action.

Still, as Tom said, Justin obviously does not care what people think about 
these actions otherwise I'm pretty sure tom's earlier message would've 
changed his mind, so debating his motives isn't going to help anyone and 
thus we might as well close this part of the discussion.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Interesting article about game accessibility from Microsoft

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett
Hello there

Thank you very much for sharing that. It was a great read and it
opened my eyes no pun intended that when I start to make games that it's
more then blindness that I need to keep in mind, and how much I give windows
a hard time that there the ones that wrote the article and that I maybe
should lighten up a little. Well maybe not l o l jk.


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Charles Rivard
The point is that you should not demand that games be free.  That is a 
selfish and childish demand.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: michael barnes

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

Well, I have seen some pretty good free games.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
If I think a game's worth paying for I'll pay for it. And if I don't have 
the money right at first I'll save up and pay for it later.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Charles Rivard

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:03 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

The point is that you should not demand that games be free.  That is a
selfish and childish demand.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: michael barnes

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

Well, I have seen some pretty good free games.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett

Thank you for telling us that info. That realy does stink, but I
know that the other developers will do great like they have been, and there
are still up coming developers to that can learn from this, and make there
owne mark in the gaming world.


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Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread john
You can generally just google sound editing software. I 
personally use soundforge, but I have heard good reviews of 
goldwave, wavepad and audacity. As far as sounds go, just google 
download free sounds.

- Original Message -
From: James Bartlett
Date sent: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:28:46 -0400
Subject: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

Hello all

   I have some questions that I was hoping someone 
can answer
for me. They are a bit on and a bit off topic questions. See I'm 
trying to
make a sound pack for some games I have in mind, but first I need 


First it was like 2 or 3 years ago that a friend showed me a game 
on the psp
I think it was called beat mixer. I was hoping that someone knew 
of a game
or soft wear that is compatible with my screen reader so I can 
make sound

tracks and save them to a sound file.

The next question is. I was looking for a soft wear that I can 
edit video

and sound files to make sound clips with.

And also a friend of mine sent me a link on a braille smart phone 
that I

thought that the blind gaming community would like to read.



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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett
hI there

Very well put, but people will do that anyway no matter the price.
The only thing that stinks is that I don't get all that much a month and all
my money gos to rent and my wife olny works a parttime job right now, and we
have 2 kids to wary about to. So I don't think that I'll be abel to get the
money up in time. Witch means that I'll never get the opotunity to play any
of those games or lots of other people ether.


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Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett


   I'll look in to those, and do just that.

Thank you for your help.

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[Audyssey] yet another BSC message

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hmm, can anyone guess which topic will claim the number 1 position when 
Jim sends out the Gamers report for April 2013? I won't be making any 
bets for sure.

Anyway, for whatever it's worth, I just placed my order for the BSC 
titles, ahem, code generator. I wouldn't want to give the impression I'm 
buying games I don't want. grin.

Anyway, the process was super-easy, the site was friendly as always, and 
although I'm saddened to see it go away, I totally understand Justin's 
reasons for this. I've been in a similar situation as he is in now.

Anyway, the code generator seems rather easy to use. I'll have to 
install one of the titles I don't have and test it out to make sure 
things work as advertised, but I don't have any doubts.

Take care all.

Raul A. Gallegos
Last night I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of 
a gram. I was like, 0mg! - Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

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Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

2013-04-23 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Darren.
Have you gotten the game yet from the U.S. app store?

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, I don't think he's in it for the profits. But one will believe what 
one thinks is right of course. No matter how much this horse is beat to 
death, no one will come to a complete agreement for that is the nature 
of man. Oh, and to be politically correct, of woman too.

Raul A. Gallegos
I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed..Bazinga! aahaa 
- Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/22/2013 6:51 PM, Bryan Peterson wrote:

I suppose it's a good thing he's closing up shop then. Because it's been
my observation that a strict policy like that is a sure fire way to
encourage piracy. It does mean that I won't be able to install BSC games
on a new computer if and when I get one. Definitely disappointing. And
given the fact that most of us are on fixed incomes I didn't expect
Justin to bring in many purchases. This could hurt his profits eve more.

But thou must!
-Original Message- From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:23 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

Hello everyone,

I just finished speaking to Justin, and I thought I owe it to you to
tell you were we stand regarding the BSC games.

First, there is the issue of licensing. I asked him if he would allow to purchase the key generator for $75 and issue new keys
to people as needed. Unfortunately, he will not allow us to issue new
keys, and he has said in effect that if people want new keys for
Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, whatever that they should purchase the key
generator he is selling right now for $75. No exceptions are being
made for the licensing of his games.

Second, there is the issue of licensing the sounds and music for the
games. Justin will not sell those to a third-party developer, nor
allow anyone access to the *.bsc pack files containing the sounds. So
recreating the games with the original sounds and music is pretty much
not possible.

Finally, Justin wants to retain his intellectual copyrights for
Troopanum, Hunter, Pipe, Deekout, Crazy Darts, etc so redistributing
his games or rewriting them is not legal under copyright law. I just
thought you should know where we all stand in terms of these games.

In summary while I know some of you may feel angry, upset, and perhaps
disappointed at this news do remember we still have many other great
developers like Draconis, GMA, Jim Kitchen, Blind Adrenaline, to name
a few. Hopefully they will continue to write great games, and if we
want more games remember there are a number of tools like the BGT
toolkit and the Dragon Flame Engine out there to help create new and
interesting games. We could even create games as good as if not better
than those we are losing with these tools. So try and be positive
rather than look at this as a negative experience.

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Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

2013-04-23 Thread Darren Duff
No. give it 2 more days. 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of michael
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The Nightjar question.

Hey, Darren.
Have you gotten the game yet from the U.S. app store?

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread michael barnes

Yes, I agree that a developer does not have to make his or her game free.
All I was saying was with the way some of these developers do it would 
be nice of them to give out a free game or two to show that they want 
purchasers for their products.
Myself If a game has a good storyline to it, and has great sounds then 
I would buy it.

That is why I bought Phil Valasak games and David Greenwood games.
I know that when I do business with people like those two guys, I know 
that I always got great support!
However if Justin or/and Bavisoft was to come back with a new game and 
the game sounded pretty good I would buy it.

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, if you are referring to BSC games and free games, they did in fact 
have a couple of free games out there. So, I fail to see the point of 
your message.

Raul A. Gallegos
Last night I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of 
a gram. I was like, 0mg! - Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 1:37 PM, michael barnes wrote:

Yes, I agree that a developer does not have to make his or her game free.
All I was saying was with the way some of these developers do it would
be nice of them to give out a free game or two to show that they want
purchasers for their products.
Myself If a game has a good storyline to it, and has great sounds then I
would buy it.
That is why I bought Phil Valasak games and David Greenwood games.
I know that when I do business with people like those two guys, I know
that I always got great support!
However if Justin or/and Bavisoft was to come back with a new game and
the game sounded pretty good I would buy it.

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Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread Allan Thompson
I recommend Gold wave, but to be fair it is the only one I have used so I am 
biased. It is pretty easy though to do some of the cooler things.

Below is a list of sites that I use for making tactical battles map pack sounds.

Most have free sounds.

The Recordist:
Sound Dogs:
Hollywood edge:
affordable sounds for everyone:
Star trek dimensions multimedia library:
The post production starwars/startrek/guns and more:
Voices and vocals:
Free sounds _not the greatest):
Sound snap:
blastwave fx:
Some free royalty music sites are below.
You will need a bit torrent program like bit comet.
game mp3s:
No soap radio:

The truth will set you free
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
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[Audyssey] bsc games question

2013-04-23 Thread Liz Wade
Hi:  I just made the purchase too and have never used a key generator before
that I know of lol.  Is it a rather small file as when I downloaded it it
seemed to take well less than a second.  Also I have a game and the day by
day pro software presently.  Will I have to reinstall them so they stay
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Re: [Audyssey] bsc games question

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
It is a small file from what I hear. As I understand it you just run it and 
it brings up a list of all the available BSC products. You just select the 
one you want to register, tab over to the Product ID field and paste the 
product ID of the program you want into the box and then hit Generate. It'll 
copy your unlock code to the clipboard and you just paste it into the 
program to register it. I don't have it myself but I was curious how it 
worked and someone who'd already bought it explained the process to me.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Liz Wade

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 1:02 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] bsc games question

Hi:  I just made the purchase too and have never used a key generator before
that I know of lol.  Is it a rather small file as when I downloaded it it
seemed to take well less than a second.  Also I have a game and the day by
day pro software presently.  Will I have to reinstall them so they stay
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[Audyssey] super deekout setup?

2013-04-23 Thread Clement Chou
Does anyone still have this game? I wanted to play it a while ago... but since 
my computer crashed I haven't been able to find it again, as I never backed up 
the setup file. Is it still floating around somewhere?
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[Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread enes

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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[Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael and all,

To be honest it is comments like yours that makes good honest working
developers think twice about developing products and services for the
blind. Saying that Justin or anyone else should develop a few  good
games for free is beyond unrealistic. Its obvious you have no
understanding of what is involved in running a small business let
alone developing games and other software for a minority market like
the blind. So here is a few things to consider the next time you open
your mouth asking for a free handout.

Sounds and music, especially high quality sounds and music, are really
really expensive. On average a basic collection of royalty free sounds
from Sound Ideas on CD will cost anywhere from $400 to $600 and can
cost into the thousands for an extensive collection. Royalty free
music equally costs hundreds and even thousands for a large library.
If a developer gives his games away where do you expect all that money
to come from?

Since developers in this community use the internet for selling
products and services they need to purchase a domain which costs about
$15 per year, at least a gig of drive space which can cost around $500
per year, and of course pay bandwidth costs which costs another $6 to
$10 per month depending on how much bandwidth is needed for that
month. So figure on paying about $500 to $600 on just keeping the
internet presents on the web to host all these great products. So I
ask if a developer is giving his games away where is he going to get
that money?

Now, I personally do my own web pages, but do you know if I were
developing a web site for a company I would charge on average $10 per
web page. That's pretty standard for web developers, and if I had to
hire someone to do it for me 30 pages for $10 each is roughly $300
just to build the site. That's in addition to the $500  or so I am
spending per year just to rent the server space and bandwidth costs

Here is another expense you probably haven't considered and that is
the cost of software and tools. I know you and others have suggested
that we port our games to Mac OS and iOS. Fine that is going to cost
me at least $1200 for a Macbook running Mac OS 10.7 or whatever the
latest release is, and perhaps $500 for an Apple iPad for testing. Oh,
round figures we are looking at just over $1700 in hardware and
software for me to port my games to iOS and MacOS considering I don't
have the hardware and software to do it to begin with.

Even if I don't port my games to Mac and iOS I may choose to purchase
Windows 8 for $150 and upgrade to Visual Studio 2012 Pro for about
$600 in order to make sure my games use the latest compilers,
libraries, and tools for Windows 8. That of course costs money as

If that is not enough to flip your lid how about the time I spend each
day or each week on writing said games. Is my time and effort expected
to be given away for free? Do you think so little of our audio game
developers that they are to be considered little more than slaves? Do
you think if someone asked you to put a few hundred hours into a game
project you would do it for free?

Sorry, if I sound a little harsh here, but I think it is high time
that someone speak up and set this community straight on a few basic
facts of life which it seems some people haven't considered or thought
too much about. A few days ago Cara asked the question if the
community would support our developers, make it worth our time to
continue developing products for this community, and the costs listed
above is a prime reason why. Developing high quality games costs lots
of money. Far more money than the average blind American collects from
SSI checks each month. A game developer will spend many hours
developing and testing the software and that time and effort shouldn't
be considered free either. So its not unreasonable for a person to
charge a fee of $25 to $30 from each customer to pay for decent
sounds, music, to pay for web space, or anything he or she needs as
well as a bit extra for taking the time to do it in the first place.
Remember we owe you absolutely nothing at all. We do it because we
like writing games, but we also want some financial compensation for
the time and money spent on creating them. If you are not willing to
financially support the audio game developers you have, insist on them
releasing free games, then they won't be around very long. There are
other markets out there for a blind developer to sell products to.

For example, if I wrote a day by day planner similar to the one from and sold it to the general public I probably would
make more off that one product then any audio game just because I'd be
selling it to college students, small businesses, and average house
holds. The point being if I were interested in making money I could do
it by simply investing my time and my efforts into products for the
general public and not waste the time or effort on audio games. I
consider writing these games 

[Audyssey] top speed three

2013-04-23 Thread Curt Taubert
My girl friend has this game on her windows xp and, is having problems 
with her track that I helped her make but, it is not showing up with in 
the game.  She has it saved under c:\program 
She also has her wave file in the same location.  I even had her drop 
box me a copy of her trk file to make sure it was right.  And, it looks 
like mine and, mine works fine.

Curt Taubert
skype: curt_taubert
twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

Sure. Just go to Daniel Zingaro's site
and download the setup. That's where he put them when he put up his
new site last year.


On 4/23/13, Clement Chou wrote:
 Does anyone still have this game? I wanted to play it a while ago... but
 since my computer crashed I haven't been able to find it again, as I never
 backed up the setup file. Is it still floating around somewhere?
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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

2013-04-23 Thread Eleni
Hi. I have the setup, and I can put it to dropbox and send it, if I have the
permission, of course.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:25 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

Does anyone still have this game? I wanted to play it a while ago... but
since my computer crashed I haven't been able to find it again, as I never
backed up the setup file. Is it still floating around somewhere?
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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

2013-04-23 Thread Clement Chou
Thanks Tom. I must've missed that bit of news last year... I've been so busy 
a lot of audio game news has just gone right under my radar. lol
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] super deekout setup?

Hi Clement,

Sure. Just go to Daniel Zingaro's site
and download the setup. That's where he put them when he put up his
new site last year.


On 4/23/13, Clement Chou wrote:

Does anyone still have this game? I wanted to play it a while ago... but
since my computer crashed I haven't been able to find it again, as I 

backed up the setup file. Is it still floating around somewhere?
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Taboada

Hi Thomas,
I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what 
you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not 
created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't been 
able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so I 
don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.


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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Feir
Lets be clear about things here folks. I think there's danger of a
mix-up here. A developer who creates free games is being generous.
We're not entitled to them. They're gifts to the community. The real
issue currently under scrutiny is whether it's fare of developers to
simply remove their games from the market and make it impossible to
obtain legal copies. I think it's clearly lawful for Justin to do what
he's doing. They're his intellectual property and as long as he meets
any obligations owed his current customers, I can't fault him. I
personally don't feel that I, a legitimate owner of his products,
should have to pay for keys needed after he closes his business.
However, that's a moral obligation that I feel is not being met rather
than a legal one. The only way he would fail to meet legal obligations
was if he promised in his software licences that he'd provide such
keys forever. I haven't read the full license but very much doubt it
would say this.

The selection of games blind people have access to is still incredibly
small when compared to what sighted people have. For this reason, I
hope that developers will leave their creations freely obtainable once
they've become commercially unviable. This adds to the library of
example games which people may try which will wet their appetites for
new games from currently active developers It also increases the
freely available examples of accessible games which interested sighted
people can try without having to purchase anything.

On 4/23/13, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
 Hi, if you are referring to BSC games and free games, they did in fact
 have a couple of free games out there. So, I fail to see the point of
 your message.

 Raul A. Gallegos
 Last night I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of
 a gram. I was like, 0mg! - Sheldon Cooper
 Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

 On 4/23/2013 1:37 PM, michael barnes wrote:
 Yes, I agree that a developer does not have to make his or her game free.
 All I was saying was with the way some of these developers do it would
 be nice of them to give out a free game or two to show that they want
 purchasers for their products.
 Myself If a game has a good storyline to it, and has great sounds then I
 would buy it.
 That is why I bought Phil Valasak games and David Greenwood games.
 I know that when I do business with people like those two guys, I know
 that I always got great support!
 However if Justin or/and Bavisoft was to come back with a new game and
 the game sounded pretty good I would buy it.

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Michael Feir
Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] More on hardware keys was: Re: An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark and all,

not only that, but studies show that the hardware ID key systems
haven't done anything to prevent or slow down piracy. Microsoft found
this out the hard way in 2007 when they released Windows Vista with a
new hardware key system, and within two weeks or so there were cracks
all over the web that simply went around Microsoft's brand spanking
new key system. Point being the only people Microsoft punished were
the honest paying customers like myself who paid for Windows Vista
about a week or so after it came out. It didn't slow down or stop the
software pirates. So what good did it do switching to a hardware key

The reason hardware keys don't work is because it often fails to
address the  underlying reasons for piracy in the first place. There
are a number of reasons why people pirate software and they can be
addressed if a developer recognizes why his/her software is being

One, is the issue of cost. I think we all understand the fact that do
to exchange rates and so forth that what may be reasonable to one
customer is an absurd amount of money to another. For a  Canadian,
American, or British customer $30 USD is probably pretty reasonable
amount of money. However, I know that there are countries where that
is hundreds perhaps thousands in their currency do to exchange rates.
Therefore the only way they can hope to get the game is to steel it,
or if the developer will offer a special deal to purchase the game at
a lower price. Bottom line, if someone can't afford it they won't buy

Then, there is the issue of availability. Do to trade embargos  and
other things like that a developer can't sell software to other
countries even though he or she may personally like to. There are
countries such as Iran that the United States government has placed
trade embargos on and it would be unlawful for a U.S. company to sell
products and services to an Iranian person. Plus services like Paypal
won't accept payments from countries under a trade embargo so a
customer in such a situation really has little choice but to pirate
the software weather they want to or not.

Finally, there is the person who has the money but refuses to pay for
the software but would rather pirate it instead. This is sadly more
common than we would like, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Someone who is going to steel software is going to do it no matter

The point I want to make here is that all too often software
developers look at piracy as losing money. That they count every act
of piracy as a financial loss. The reality is that in a lot of cases
it isn't a financial loss because either the person didn't have the
money, they live in a country under a trade embargo, or are a
dishonest git to begin with the developer wasn't going to be able to
sell the software to him/her anyway. Its no great loss because honest
customers and those who can pay will pay. The only thing a security
system needs to do is keep an honest customer honest and there are
proven methods to do that without resorting to draconian hardware key
systems etc.


On 4/23/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Dallas.

 such limits are not actually just on audio games. Avg antivirus and pc
 tuneup programs limit you to two machines, and supernova limits you to three

 (though with supernova you get an extra license each month).

 the issue however, is that as Tom said, neither AVg nor Dolphin are likely
 to go out of business soon, thus meaning replacement keys are always
 obtainable, indeed I've had so many different licenses for supernova over
 the years on five or six different machines I can't count, particularly with

 all the version upgrades or even be in a position where if I really needed a

 new key I couldn't get one.

 Most graphical indi developers I've seen use name generated key systems, or

 even just sell you a download of a straight installer, (I've not bought many

 graphical indi games but I do have a couple, which i've installed on a
 couple of machines).

 One thing I do find odd, is that the security for software is so different
 from the security of buying other content across the internet.

 for example, there are I imagine not a few people on hear who know the
 internet audio drama series Leviathan chronicles, (and if not, check it out

 it' is great!).

 As people will know, while the main series is free, various audio extras are

 available to buy, such as special edition episodes and directors cut
 versions of the main series. When however you buy these, you simply get a
 download link with an expiration on it. You download the episodes, then the

 link won't work anymore, however that is it! no passwords, no codes nada!
 just download and play.

 yes, this makes them infinitely piratable if a person chose, but equally the

 producers are banking on people's honesty, partiuclarly since they offer so

 much for free and are very  much an indi audio company.

 while some audio companies have 

Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread James Bartlett

Hello Allan

   Thank you so much that is a lot of links it will take me days to go 
through tham all smiles, and I all ready have utorrent.

p. s.
The truth has already set me free. I love how you put that on every post you 


From: Allan Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 3:14 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

I recommend Gold wave, but to be fair it is the only one I have used so I 
am biased. It is pretty easy though to do some of the cooler things.

Below is a list of sites that I use for making tactical battles map pack 

Most have free sounds.

The Recordist:

Sound Dogs:

Hollywood edge:

affordable sounds for everyone:

Star trek dimensions multimedia library:

The post production starwars/startrek/guns and more:

Voices and vocals:

Free sounds _not the greatest):

Sound snap:


blastwave fx:

Some free royalty music sites are below.
You will need a bit torrent program like bit comet.
game mp3s:


No soap radio:

The truth will set you free
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
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[Audyssey] Moderator Close Topics

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi all,

OK, over the last two or three days I think we all have said all there
is to be said about Justin closing and in some cases
I feel some of the comments were crossing the line. Weather you agree
or disagree with what Justin is doing, weather you think he is being
selfish or not for retaining his intellectual rights, etc the fact is
Justin has made his decision and we have to live with it. Since I feel
this discussion has gone on long enough I here by ask that any and all
threads pertaining to closing be closed and let's
return to discussion of games and so on. There is no more need to beat
the proverbial dead horse to death.


Thomas Ward
Owner-Moderator of the Audyssey Mailing List

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


On 4/23/13, Michael Taboada wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what
 you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not
 created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't been

 able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so I
 don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
Quite frankly this entitlement view is why I don't have much respect for 
many blind folks in general, and it's not ust to do with games. I get so mad 
when I hear people talk about ow they won't participate in an activity 
unless there's a discount because of blindness. THese are often the same 
people who'll threaten to sue a store employee if they refuse to help them 
shop regardless of the reasons for that refusal.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 3:07 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About 

Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


On 4/23/13, Michael Taboada wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what
you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not
created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't 

able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so I
don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Clement Chou
Definitely agree with all the points. But at the same time, I don't think 
it's just blind customers either. Sighted gamers or computer users are 
liable to pirate anything they think is to expensive because they are on 
fixed incomes or because they don't think something is worth the value that 
they have to pay.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About 

Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


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Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

2013-04-23 Thread Allan Thompson
No problem , Brother.
I do my best. I am certainly not perfect, but I try to help anyone if I can.

When I started making TB maps, I had absolutely no idea where to get sounds 
from and how to edit them, and this list helped, so it is a little pay back to 
the list I guess as well, grin.

Email me offlist if you need anything or want to talk.

The truth will set you free
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
  - Original Message - 
  From: James Bartlett 
  To: Gamers Discussion list 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a bit on and a bit off topic questions

  Hello Allan

  Thank you so much that is a lot of links it will take me days to go 
  through tham all smiles, and I all ready have utorrent.

  p. s.
  The truth has already set me free. I love how you put that on every post you 


  From: Allan Tho
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

That is a valid point, but at the same time the issue here is that
audio game developers are attempting to sell to a specialized market
and piracy hurts them more than it does a company like Microsoft,
Activision, EA Games, whatever. There are all kinds of costs in
producing an audio game that insures that the game developer should
make something for his time and effort and if he doesn't that game
developer may end up spending more to make the game than he or she
gets back in sales. That's why piracy is especially bad, and why the
entitlement attitude that blind people should get something for
nothing is ultimately self-defeating.

There are a number of blind gamers that want audio game developers to
create games like those for the mainstream market, but at the same
time they don't want to pay for it. If they pirate a game or expect it
should be given to them for free then the developer isn't going to
develop games for them. So they can thank themselves for blowing it
for everyone.


On 4/23/13, Clement Chou wrote:
 Definitely agree with all the points. But at the same time, I don't think
 it's just blind customers either. Sighted gamers or computer users are
 liable to pirate anything they think is to expensive because they are on
 fixed incomes or because they don't think something is worth the value that

 they have to pay.

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Christina
Not to mention Aprone's games.  I know he's put in a lot of work on those.

The great amount of negativity regarding the BSC games and dice project
nearly made me unsub from the list so I appreciate your messages on the

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:07 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC

Hi Michael,

Yes, exactly. Plus I think something people often overlook is a free
game should be considered a gift not an obligation. When Philip
Bennefall created Kryngal Crash he could have charged $10 for that
game and I would have gladly paid for it,but he gave that game away
for free. I equally think the Grate Toy Robbery from L-Works is
another game worth a small fee like $10 but Liam gave that game away
for free. Some people though are under the mistaken impression just
because Jim Kitchen gives away his games for free or Liam gives away a
free handout like Great Toy Robbery that they should get games out of
some sense of obligation etc. Its this entitlement attitude that some
people have that really angers me.

I remember a case in point a few months back. I was on a list where
someone was giving away copies of some commercial audio games. When I
called the list moderators and the person on it they gave me the
excuse that well some blind people are on fixed incomes like SSI. They
do not have a lot of money so its OK if someone buys it and gives the
games away for free. So I am given to understand due to this
entitlement attitude people have if a person doesn't have much money
the developer is obligated to give their games away for free, and if
they don't they are morally in the right to just pirate it. Its no
wonder certain developers don't have much respect or trust for their
blind customers.


On 4/23/13, Michael Taboada wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 I totally agree here. As a hobbiest game developer I know exactly what
 you're talking about. And that is one of the prime reasons I have not
 created any audio games lately, that being the money aspect. I haven't

 able to work as much as I would like during my college classes, etc, so I
 don't have the finances coming in for all the sounds and music.

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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put 
the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very 
quickly. So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone 
else just now. ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right. 
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. - 
Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] An Announcement Regarding BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread BlindLee55
there is two programs that juston had on his site and i have them both one  
is talking clock and the other one is day by day both are great programs.
your friend  lee  

In a message dated 4/23/2013 2:38:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yes, I  agree that a developer does not have to make his or her game free.
All I  was saying was with the way some of these developers do it would 
be nice  of them to give out a free game or two to show that they want 
purchasers  for their products.
Myself If a game has a good storyline to it, and has  great sounds then 
I would buy it.
That is why I bought Phil Valasak  games and David Greenwood games.
I know that when I do business with people  like those two guys, I know 
that I always got great support!
However if  Justin or/and Bavisoft was to come back with a new game and 
the game  sounded pretty good I would buy it.

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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread loriduncan
Awww, I was so looking forward to listening to Rawl play pipe2 insane.  I 
actually love all of the recordings, but some of the pipe ones have me in 
fits, like the one where he keeps losing, sorry Raul, no offence, but it 
made me smile.  From Lori.

-Original Message- 
From: Raul A. Gallegos

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:29 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put
the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very
quickly. So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone
else just now. ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. -
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, none taken. I'll have them up just as soon as I can. I'm looking at 
getting unlimited bandwidth for right now.

Take care.

Raul A. Gallegos
You've cat to be kitten me right meow. - Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 4:37 PM, loriduncan wrote:

Awww, I was so looking forward to listening to Rawl play pipe2 insane.
I actually love all of the recordings, but some of the pipe ones have me
in fits, like the one where he keeps losing, sorry Raul, no offence, but
it made me smile.  From Lori.

-Original Message- From: Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:29 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put
the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very
quickly. So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone
else just now. ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. -
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread loriduncan
Hi Raul, could you maybe explain bandwith to me, is it because your 
connection is dile-up that it keeps timing out?  Wouldn't it work better if 
you put the files on dropbox?  Just wanted to know :).  from Lori.

-Original Message- 
From: Raul A. Gallegos

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:39 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, none taken. I'll have them up just as soon as I can. I'm looking at
getting unlimited bandwidth for right now.

Take care.

Raul A. Gallegos
You've cat to be kitten me right meow. - Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 4:37 PM, loriduncan wrote:

Awww, I was so looking forward to listening to Rawl play pipe2 insane.
I actually love all of the recordings, but some of the pipe ones have me
in fits, like the one where he keeps losing, sorry Raul, no offence, but
it made me smile.  From Lori.

-Original Message- From: Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:29 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put
the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very
quickly. So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone
else just now. ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. -
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

2013-04-23 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
Hi, no, the bandwidth is the limits of the web hosting company I use for 
my domain. I haven't used dialup in well over 7 years, and even then it 
was because the wireless in the hotel I was staying at was so slow that 
I could have gotten out and pushed for faster results. In any case, 
dropbox would probably be faster, but I haven't shared those links with 
folks because I put them up on my server space instead. Send me a 
private email or skype chat and tell me what you want and I'll see what 
I can do.

Raul A. Gallegos
Last night I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of 
a gram. I was like, 0mg! - Sheldon Cooper

Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 4:53 PM, loriduncan wrote:

Hi Raul, could you maybe explain bandwith to me, is it because your
connection is dile-up that it keeps timing out?  Wouldn't it work better
if you put the files on dropbox?  Just wanted to know :).  from Lori.

-Original Message- From: Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:39 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, none taken. I'll have them up just as soon as I can. I'm looking at
getting unlimited bandwidth for right now.

Take care.

Raul A. Gallegos
You've cat to be kitten me right meow. - Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 4:37 PM, loriduncan wrote:

Awww, I was so looking forward to listening to Rawl play pipe2 insane.
I actually love all of the recordings, but some of the pipe ones have me
in fits, like the one where he keeps losing, sorry Raul, no offence, but
it made me smile.  From Lori.

-Original Message- From: Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:29 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] raul's recordings down again

Hi, it's on purpose. That server is on limited bandwidth and since I put
the games back up over the weekend, it chewed through my bandwidth very
quickly. So, they are there, and available, but not for you or anyone
else just now. ?When my bandwidth resets I'll make them available again.

Raul A. Gallegos
Tip to lose weight: First turn your head to the left, then to the right.
Repeat this exercise every time you are offered something to eat. -
Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

On 4/23/2013 2:35 PM, enes wrote:

seems that raul's recordings are down
I get an ftp error when trying to visit

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread michael barnes

Well, Thomas.
Jim Kitchen has some real good free audio games.
I don't mean to say that all should give us free games.
I should have cleared that up.
However yes I agree that we all need better attitudes about this whole thing.
I apologize for any miss understanding.

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[Audyssey] Audiogames with trains.

2013-04-23 Thread Eleni
Hi. I'd like to know if there are any games concerning trains. There used to
be a train simulation game in the past which I would really appreciate if
someone could remind me of its name, or maybe give me its link, if it can be
played in Windows 7 64. Of course, any other accessible game suggestions are
really welcome, since I'm a fan of trains. Thanks in advance.


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Re: [Audyssey] top speed three

2013-04-23 Thread Desiree Oudinot
Does she have a lot of other tracks installed as well? there's a limit
on how many you can have. I believe it's 50. I never liked that limit.
I always felt that it could have been raised to at least a hundred.
there are a lot of great cars and tracks that I've wanted to try, but
never have because of the fact that the game can't recognize all the
ones that are installed.

On 4/23/13, Curt Taubert wrote:
 My girl friend has this game on her windows xp and, is having problems
 with her track that I helped her make but, it is not showing up with in
 the game.  She has it saved under c:\program
 She also has her wave file in the same location.  I even had her drop
 box me a copy of her trk file to make sure it was right.  And, it looks
 like mine and, mine works fine.

 Curt Taubert
 skype: curt_taubert
 twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

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Re: [Audyssey] Audiogames with trains.

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Eleni,

As far as I know there was only one audio game project dealing with
trains, but it was poorly written in AutoIt and I don't think the
project is available any more for download. I can't exactly remember
the name of the game, but I'm sure if someone has it they can Dropbox
it to you.


On 4/23/13, Eleni wrote:
 Hi. I'd like to know if there are any games concerning trains. There used
 be a train simulation game in the past which I would really appreciate if
 someone could remind me of its name, or maybe give me its link, if it can
 played in Windows 7 64. Of course, any other accessible game suggestions
 really welcome, since I'm a fan of trains. Thanks in advance.


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Re: [Audyssey] Audiogames with trains.

2013-04-23 Thread Eleni
Thank you very much for your answer Thomas. I had that on my xp laptop.
Unfortunately, I've lost many setup files and other stuff. That game had
very nice sounds, but my laptop died during the days I was trying to
discover how that game was played. Anyway. Let's hope someone has the setup.
Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:03 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Audiogames with trains.

Hi Eleni,

As far as I know there was only one audio game project dealing with trains,
but it was poorly written in AutoIt and I don't think the project is
available any more for download. I can't exactly remember the name of the
game, but I'm sure if someone has it they can Dropbox it to you.


On 4/23/13, Eleni wrote:
 Hi. I'd like to know if there are any games concerning trains. There 
 used to be a train simulation game in the past which I would really 
 appreciate if someone could remind me of its name, or maybe give me 
 its link, if it can be played in Windows 7 64. Of course, any other 
 accessible game suggestions are really welcome, since I'm a fan of 
 trains. Thanks in advance.


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 list, send E-mail to
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Re: [Audyssey] Audiogames with trains.

2013-04-23 Thread Alfredo's Laptop computer

Hi there,
If I remember aright, the game is called Spoor Sim? I have it installed, 
but I do not have the set-up file. If I did I could send it over right now.

Best wishes,

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Re: [Audyssey] top speed three

2013-04-23 Thread Curt Taubert
She only has one. She just got the game today and, I was teaching her 
some stuff about the game.

Curt Taubert
skype: curt_taubert
twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

On 4/23/2013 6:00 PM, Desiree Oudinot wrote:

Does she have a lot of other tracks installed as well? there's a limit
on how many you can have. I believe it's 50. I never liked that limit.
I always felt that it could have been raised to at least a hundred.
there are a lot of great cars and tracks that I've wanted to try, but
never have because of the fact that the game can't recognize all the
ones that are installed.

On 4/23/13, Curt Taubert wrote:

My girl friend has this game on her windows xp and, is having problems
with her track that I helped her make but, it is not showing up with in
the game.  She has it saved under c:\program
She also has her wave file in the same location.  I even had her drop
box me a copy of her trk file to make sure it was right.  And, it looks
like mine and, mine works fine.

Curt Taubert
skype: curt_taubert
twitter: curt78Curt Taubert

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Thomas,

You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able to 
make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not much money 
to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any money for any of my 
games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I got any money for my games 
it would then lower my food stamps, raise my rent, maybe kick me off of my 
medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not to mention just all of the hassle 
of reporting it all the time.  And if somehow I released a game that really 
sold good and I made a whole bunch of money in one quarter, I might even get 
kicked off of disability income.  And that was not easy to get back on to after 
the last time that I had a job and went off of it.

Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Charles Rivard
It's a real shame when you cannot afford to try to better yourself. 
Although the government claims to want you to get a job and work, you find 
that you are worse off if you do, thanks to the elimination of necessary 
benefits such as health care, food stamps and so on.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 

Hi Thomas,

You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able 
to make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not 
much money to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any 
money for any of my games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I 
got any money for my games it would then lower my food stamps, raise my 
rent, maybe kick me off of my medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not 
to mention just all of the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if 
somehow I released a game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch 
of money in one quarter, I might even get kicked off of disability income. 
And that was not easy to get back on to after the last time that I had a 
job and went off of it.

Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
And there's always a chance that you could then get into trouble for using 
Homer Simpson sounds in your games. And as someone who recently had to pawn 
all his Simpsons DVD's due to his x's frightening financial irresponsibility 
and wasn't able to pay to recover them, these games are the only thing that 
prevents me from going into complete Simpsons withdrawal.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Jim Kitchen

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:15 PM
To: Thomas Ward
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 

Hi Thomas,

You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able to 
make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not much 
money to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any money for 
any of my games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I got any money 
for my games it would then lower my food stamps, raise my rent, maybe kick 
me off of my medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not to mention just all 
of the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if somehow I released a 
game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch of money in one quarter, 
I might even get kicked off of disability income.  And that was not easy to 
get back on to after the last time that I had a job and went off of it.

Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

2013-04-23 Thread Ryan Strunk
I agree with 95% of your post below. Developing games isn't a walk in the
park, financial or otherwise. But there is one comment you made that I want
to underscore.
Developing high quality games costs lots of money. Far more money than the
average blind American collects from SSI checks each month.
Absolutely true, which is a great incentive for blind people to get jobs.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSC Games

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Ryan Strunk
I don't want to get too far afield, but a store refusing to help you shop is
in direct violation of the ADA. I'm not saying that a lawsuit is the best or
even a good option, but I can understand their anger.
As for games, the sighted public has just as much of an entitlement complex.
We just don't see it because we're not in the thick of it. Try logging onto
any torrent site, though, and see what you find there. I guarantee you'll be
amazed--or maybe you won't.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Bryan
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About

Quite frankly this entitlement view is why I don't have much respect for
many blind folks in general, and it's not ust to do with games. I get so mad
when I hear people talk about ow they won't participate in an activity
unless there's a discount because of blindness. THese are often the same
people who'll threaten to sue a store employee if they refuse to help them
shop regardless of the reasons for that refusal.

But thou must!

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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement AboutBSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Bryan Peterson
I'm in the same boat. I know that even if I could manage to get a job I 
would lose my benefits right away, not in the reasonable time frame they 
advertise when they try to get you to apply. And Joke Rehab as I like to 
call it is remarkably blasé about it.

But thou must!
-Original Message- 
From: Charles Rivard

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:27 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement 

It's a real shame when you cannot afford to try to better yourself.
Although the government claims to want you to get a job and work, you find
that you are worse off if you do, thanks to the elimination of necessary
benefits such as health care, food stamps and so on.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement

Hi Thomas,

You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able 
to make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not 
much money to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any 
money for any of my games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I 
got any money for my games it would then lower my food stamps, raise my 
rent, maybe kick me off of my medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not 
to mention just all of the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if 
somehow I released a game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch 
of money in one quarter, I might even get kicked off of disability income. 
And that was not easy to get back on to after the last time that I had a 
job and went off of it.

Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Giving Away Free Games was Announcement About BSCGames

2013-04-23 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Oh, I hear you there. That's definitely one of the hassles with
developing games for the blind. Even those of us who do make and sell
games there isn't a lot of money to make off of it. If the person
happens to be living on public assistance such as food stamps, SSI,
etc anything he or she makes ends up having to be reported to the
government for tax purposes and the government turns around and slices
off a good chunk of his/her disability benefits to make up for the
money made on said game. I could go on and on about how many blind
people who have tried to get part time jobs etc and slowly work their
way off of public assistance only to end up in worse shape than
before. So its not really worth selling games unless a person has some
other means of supporting themselves besides audio games that's for


On 4/23/13, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 You know I love writing games.  Maybe it would have been nice to be able to
 make some money at it.  But even early on I heard that there was not much
 money to make.  But one major reason that I have never taken any money for
 any of my games is because I can not afford to.  You know if I got any money
 for my games it would then lower my food stamps, raise my rent, maybe kick
 me off of my medical insurance and stuff like that.  Not to mention just all
 of the hassle of reporting it all the time.  And if somehow I released a
 game that really sold good and I made a whole bunch of money in one quarter,
 I might even get kicked off of disability income.  And that was not easy to
 get back on to after the last time that I had a job and went off of it.

 Oh yeah, and I think that a hobby is more fun than a job.



 There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] treasuremania1

2013-04-23 Thread Lisa Hayes

Thanks Dark and beware the grew, grin love that tag.
Lisa Hayes

- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] treasuremania1

Hi lisa.

the manual can be found in the program group on the menue as normal, or by 
going into the program folder and finding the readme text file. If I 
remember rightly, to use a turbo you use ctrl with up and down arrow when 
using your hook, though it has been a while since I played the game so i 
could be wrong on this.


All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa Hayes

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] treasuremania1

HI all was wondering i am playing and loving treasuremania1 and wonder if 
someone can remind me how to use the terbos nd how to access the manual 
lightt tech interactive put this game out. Thanks.

Lisa Hayes
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