Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-23 Thread Cara Quinn
   This brings up a point that seems again and again, to be missed.   
People are always talking about the 'quote - unquote' blind gaming  
'industry.'  There is no 'industry.'  These efforts of devs, even as  
strong as they are, and they definitely are, are just not united and  
wide-spread enough for really anyone to call this an 'industry.'

   This means that as Thomas has said, he's got no one paying him for  
his time or efforts as he puts the time in day after day after day, to  
make progress toward a finished game or even an alpha.  Are people  
really getting this?…

   Imagine yourselves getting up every day, and doing something that  
you consider work, and actually honestly getting nothing at all back  
for it at the end of that day to carry you through to do it all again  
the very next one.

   yes, there may be rumors of money at the end, whenever that  
happens, which are coming from a population which are not known for  
their deep pockets, or furthermore, their attitudes of actually  
knowing what something is really worth in the world, as they often  
feel they deserve something for nothing, just because, *sniff* they're  
disabled, and life is hard.  Well guess what, life *IS* hard, and it's  
also hard for others, other than yourselves. Please don't lose sight  
of that.

   Would you honestly want to continue like that for very long?  Now  
add to that; instead of these people  thanking you for your time at  
the very least, they start in on you that now, in addition to your  
efforts and all your time spent every day, that you're now not doing  
it right, or fast enough, or whatever.

   Don't you think this can ware somebody down?…  this would ware on  

   this is just simply not kind nor fair treatment of an individual.   
Surely you all can see that?…

   Anyway, thanks much for taking time to read this and I do hope we  
can all get this figured out and at least treat eachother with kindness.

Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!…


Cara  :)

On Mar 22, 2008, at 5:27 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Charles,
 Yeah, your side of things is the easy part. You can afford to wait
 another year or two while I rewrite the side-scroller from scratch. My
 part is the hard part, because I have to spend one or two years of my
 life rewriting the thing all of it work, and people wonder my attitude
 as a bit hostile.
 While I am working on the game taking time away from friends, family,
 hobbies all of you are watching TV, reading books, going to work,
 playing ball with your kids, and life goes on while the guy making  
 game is slaving away for no pay or free time. Now, when it comes to
 making games I don't expect a lot of pay, but i do expect to enjoy my
 work. If I don't enjoy the game I am creating I usually don't make it.

 Charles Rivard wrote:
 I'm still willing to wait for Raceway and other games.  The time  
 factor is
 not the complaint.  Anyone who has been reading would know that.

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles and all,
The poll was taken for that exact purpose. To find out what people 
wanted. However, polling and following through are two different things.
Imagine yourself as me for a second. You take this poll finding out what 
gamers want. Ok, the poll comes up side-scroller which you were hoping 
wouldn't win. It did anyway. Well, you think you can live with it.
So you sit down in front of your PC starting to rewrite the game engine 
from scratch. You know there were copyright issues and bugs in the old 
Montezuma's Revenge so you know no matter what you are stuck with 
another year two finishing a game that was suppose to be almost done. 
You are stuck rewriting a game from scratch that you already wrote and 
failed to complete through no fault of your own. Following me so far?
Now, one of the prevailing arguments for a side-scroller is it will take 
less time to complete. Not true. I need to rewrite major portions of 
that engine, and it might be better for the game in the long run to 
simply start over fresh because I know far more about the game and its 
problems now than I did when I started. So no matter if I do a 3D or 2D 
version I am in it for the long hall which means 1 or two years of work 
to get back to where we are now.
Now, let us look at financial compinsation. I started said game in 
March 2006 and made aproximitly #1500 on developing it. The next two 
years I spend on working on this game will earn me nothing unless I can 
attract new buyers. So there is no financial motive in it for me.
Let us look at the unnoticed human side of things. I have worked on the 
game since March 2006 so as of now I have put two years into this 
abortion of a game with little attention put into my own games, 
projects, or desires. To say the least about the needs of my friends, 
family, business, or other hobbies. I am sick to death of the game and 
just want it out of my life no ifs, ands, and butts about it.
Now, if you look at working on a game for no more pay and a lack of 
desire to create this type of game what do you call it? I call it 
slavery. I call it mental and cruel abuse of a game developer who has 
done nothing butt work hard to give you all a game I couldn't release do 
to some bleeping copyright holder that said take the game down. I 
frankly don't want anything more to do with Montezuma's Revenge, 
Montezuma's Return, etc. There is absolutely nothing in it for me except 
hard work and two more years or so of my life spent on this waist of time.
After I complete this side-scroller you all moaned and complained about 
if you don't like the final product I'll simply give you a couple of 
quarters and tell you to call someone who gives a frick.

Charles Rivard wrote:
 All I, for one, expect is what has been promised.  I anticipate anything you 
 offer in the future.  Your openness and honesty are appreciated.  The taking 
 of a poll as to whether to make the side scrolling or the 3D game indicated 
 to me that you were willing to produce what the majority of the community 
 wanted, which is a good thing.  What was the poll's purpose if it was not to 
 help decide which way you should go?  I might have been under the wrong 
 impression.  Thanks.


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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,
Yeah, your side of things is the easy part. You can afford to wait 
another year or two while I rewrite the side-scroller from scratch. My 
part is the hard part, because I have to spend one or two years of my 
life rewriting the thing all of it work, and people wonder my attitude 
as a bit hostile.
While I am working on the game taking time away from friends, family, 
hobbies all of you are watching TV, reading books, going to work, 
playing ball with your kids, and life goes on while the guy making that 
game is slaving away for no pay or free time. Now, when it comes to 
making games I don't expect a lot of pay, but i do expect to enjoy my 
work. If I don't enjoy the game I am creating I usually don't make it.

Charles Rivard wrote:
 I'm still willing to wait for Raceway and other games.  The time factor is 
 not the complaint.  Anyone who has been reading would know that.

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread shaun everiss
Ok, some of us like myself are lazy, um semi gits but I think we do ok, don't 
punish those that really are wanting this.
At the same time I aggree with the other side.
Tom you said that you wanted to do the side scroler and then the fps which 
everyone seemed happy with.
I guess there are a few that just want sidescrolers.
I really don't care for those.
I also don't think that poles can be really acruate.
ie, when there is an election there are 3 or 4 different online and tv poles 
and they have different values.
At 02:27 p.m. 22/03/2008, you wrote:
don't do this to us. Come on, those are selfish basterds, most of us are 
not! majority wins here? come on man! Please don't leave us!
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello Thomas,
 Man I don't know what to say. I seriously hope you reconsider. I'd hate to
 see you go due to this ungrateful and selfish community. not the entire
 community mind you, but many people sure are. truth is we need more devs
 like you who aren't afraid of change and it would really suck to lose you.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:54 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread will lomas
hi tom, so why not then ust do the 3d fps game
you are clearly unahppyw ith this decision so beating yourself up and  
complaining about it tom, won't get it coded
i'd just go and do the fps and move on

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread Cory
nice job! btw keep me poasted on beta stuff! I really wanna help. Ask che 
how helpfull I was. We were up till 4 in the mornin just testin stuff.



- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hi Charles and all,
 The poll was taken for that exact purpose. To find out what people
 wanted. However, polling and following through are two different things.
 Imagine yourself as me for a second. You take this poll finding out what
 gamers want. Ok, the poll comes up side-scroller which you were hoping
 wouldn't win. It did anyway. Well, you think you can live with it.
 So you sit down in front of your PC starting to rewrite the game engine
 from scratch. You know there were copyright issues and bugs in the old
 Montezuma's Revenge so you know no matter what you are stuck with
 another year two finishing a game that was suppose to be almost done.
 You are stuck rewriting a game from scratch that you already wrote and
 failed to complete through no fault of your own. Following me so far?
 Now, one of the prevailing arguments for a side-scroller is it will take
 less time to complete. Not true. I need to rewrite major portions of
 that engine, and it might be better for the game in the long run to
 simply start over fresh because I know far more about the game and its
 problems now than I did when I started. So no matter if I do a 3D or 2D
 version I am in it for the long hall which means 1 or two years of work
 to get back to where we are now.
 Now, let us look at financial compinsation. I started said game in
 March 2006 and made aproximitly #1500 on developing it. The next two
 years I spend on working on this game will earn me nothing unless I can
 attract new buyers. So there is no financial motive in it for me.
 Let us look at the unnoticed human side of things. I have worked on the
 game since March 2006 so as of now I have put two years into this
 abortion of a game with little attention put into my own games,
 projects, or desires. To say the least about the needs of my friends,
 family, business, or other hobbies. I am sick to death of the game and
 just want it out of my life no ifs, ands, and butts about it.
 Now, if you look at working on a game for no more pay and a lack of
 desire to create this type of game what do you call it? I call it
 slavery. I call it mental and cruel abuse of a game developer who has
 done nothing butt work hard to give you all a game I couldn't release do
 to some bleeping copyright holder that said take the game down. I
 frankly don't want anything more to do with Montezuma's Revenge,
 Montezuma's Return, etc. There is absolutely nothing in it for me except
 hard work and two more years or so of my life spent on this waist of time.
 After I complete this side-scroller you all moaned and complained about
 if you don't like the final product I'll simply give you a couple of
 quarters and tell you to call someone who gives a frick.

 Charles Rivard wrote:
 All I, for one, expect is what has been promised.  I anticipate anything 
 offer in the future.  Your openness and honesty are appreciated.  The 
 of a poll as to whether to make the side scrolling or the 3D game 
 to me that you were willing to produce what the majority of the community
 wanted, which is a good thing.  What was the poll's purpose if it was not 
 help decide which way you should go?  I might have been under the wrong
 impression.  Thanks.

 Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread Cory
ok, just know, what ever you do make, I'll buy so add me to msn: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] when ya got stuff 
ready to sell. Also there's so many of us who want you as an active member 
of this list and comunity!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hi Cory,
 I probably won't leave the list, but it is likely I will be a less
 active member on list. I am still interested in making games, but I am
 probably not going to release everything I make to the general public.
 Remember that Star Wars FPS game based on Genesis 3D technology, the
 same technology that was going to be copied into MOTA Beta 2, well the
 list can forget about ever seeing it. Not only is distributing it a
 legal liability to me I'm afraid there are some who would not see or
 appreciate how much effort I put into games like that. A few bad apples
 have spoiled the entire basket for me.

 Gamers mailing list __
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 This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread Bryan Peterson
There's the trust of the community to consider. I personally agree with you 
Will, but if Thomas wants to have any chance of saving his reputation he's 
got to be shown to give people what they paid for.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
From: will lomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 hi tom, so why not then ust do the 3d fps game
 you are clearly unahppyw ith this decision so beating yourself up and
 complaining about it tom, won't get it coded
 i'd just go and do the fps and move on

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-22 Thread shaun everiss
And keep the news updates coming, probably not every week, but month?
or maybe just when big things come up.
At 01:41 p.m. 23/03/2008, you wrote:
ok, just know, what ever you do make, I'll buy so add me to msn: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] when ya got stuff 
ready to sell. Also there's so many of us who want you as an active member 
of this list and comunity!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hi Cory,
 I probably won't leave the list, but it is likely I will be a less
 active member on list. I am still interested in making games, but I am
 probably not going to release everything I make to the general public.
 Remember that Star Wars FPS game based on Genesis 3D technology, the
 same technology that was going to be copied into MOTA Beta 2, well the
 list can forget about ever seeing it. Not only is distributing it a
 legal liability to me I'm afraid there are some who would not see or
 appreciate how much effort I put into games like that. A few bad apples
 have spoiled the entire basket for me.

 Gamers mailing list __
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 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 __ NOD32 2967 (20080321) Information __

 This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread will lomas
hi forget what michael want and sarah they ust moaning wankers i'm  
sorry. you do what youw ant thomas, he and others have six levels they  
just unsatisfied tossers who dont deserve to buy any games from you in  
the future
Most of us today have supported your 3d efforts so please ingore those  
dickheads, you ahve a dream, an aspiration, a goal, why sacrifice that  
cause of some moaning spoilt star star stars
i'm sorry thomas but don't let them beat you they jsut twats who can't  
create their own games, like to see them try hurry up micheal, i want  
a beta of your side scroller out then in six months, put your money  
where you damn shoot off mouth is

On 21 Mar 2008, at 21:54, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game,  
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out  
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will  
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the  
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will  
 put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a  
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high  
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things  
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users,  
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been  
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as  
 it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do.  
 If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but  
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the  
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their  
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress  
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of  
 the list,
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Liam Erven
Thomas.  I was wondering when you'd realize that this is how the community 
isn't it disgusting?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 4:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Cory
you guys that wanted that side scroller, take it and shove it up your ass!

Cory Kadlik
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 __ NOD32 2966 (20080321) Information __

 This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread will lomas
not all of us though liam mate, only let's see, first finguer,  
charles, second, michael, h?

On 21 Mar 2008, at 21:23, Liam Erven wrote:

 Thomas.  I was wondering when you'd realize that this is how the  
 isn't it disgusting?

 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 4:54 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my  
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no  
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the  
 game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and  
 out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will  
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the  
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will  
 put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a  
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high  
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things  
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I  
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end  
 users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been  
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be  
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as  
 it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do.  
 If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but  
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why  
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I  
 want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the  
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of  
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their  
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two  
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the  
 stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of  
 the list,
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread constantine (on laptop)
My god, that is stupid.

Do whatever you like, but for those of you who did. You suck. Go get lives. 
Get out of this list. Go away. This is is fucking stupid, because Tom really 
tried hard and put out a lot of poles to see what users thought. People are 
bitching at him and yelling at him. Its really quite sad. I'm sorry to hear 
this, tom, because I really liked your ideas and ideals, not to mention the 
fact that you tried so hard to make new and interesting games. I'm sorry, 
but wow. People should just die.

Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 2512 mb DDR ram( 
hopefully!), Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 you guys that wanted that side scroller, take it and shove it up your ass!

 Cory Kadlik
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:54 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 __ NOD32 2966 (20080321) Information __

 This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Greg
Hello all,
I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you people
to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining him
is absolutely selfish. 
I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas took
on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then to
have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of date
and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you that
make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought to
be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to produce
very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us to

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

Hello gamers,
In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but to
do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's original
plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. I
will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just get
the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
more no less.
As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs I
am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
the things to do pile down the road.
Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign off. I
am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. I
even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have never
been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is a
lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes at
a price.
Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and use
to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about my
thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered. 
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used at
my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to make a
FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to force
me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid customers I
am between the rock and the hard place. 
Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy making
accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the side-scroller,
but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
want to call it.
Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James North
became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did. 
All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I want,
regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter. 
Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their own
and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every whim.
If I ever create a game for this community after these two games are
completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and grief
you put me through.

Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave the list,
send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread constantine (on laptop)
Yeah. You've pretty much closed the doors on what could have been a great 
developper. He was really into this and was really helpful to people. He put 
a lot of ideas out there, votes up for what people wanted, etc. And your 
wanting him to put games out there like 1, 2, 3? Wow. I could have waited 
another year for raceway as long as he got it done. I just can't express my 
feelings well enough on this list.

Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 2512 mb DDR ram( 
hopefully!), Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
- Original Message - 
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello all,
 I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you people
 to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining 
 is absolutely selfish.
 I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas took
 on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
 figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then to
 have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of 
 and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you that
 make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought to
 be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to produce
 very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
 instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
 support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us to

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Thomas Ward
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
 create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but to
 do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
 side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's 
 plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. I
 will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just 
 the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
 James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
 more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs I
 am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
 the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign off. 
 am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
 issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. I
 even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have never
 been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is a
 lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
 complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes 
 a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and 
 to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about my
 thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
 plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used 
 my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to make 
 FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to force
 me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
 wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid customers 
 am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy 
 accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the 
 but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
 want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James 
 became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I 
 regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their own
 and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every whim.
 If I ever create a game for this community after

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Yohandy
Hello Thomas,
Man I don't know what to say. I seriously hope you reconsider. I'd hate to 
see you go due to this ungrateful and selfish community. not the entire 
community mind you, but many people sure are. truth is we need more devs 
like you who aren't afraid of change and it would really suck to lose you.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread ian mcnamara
now listen to me all of you ungratefull bastirds out their. thomas is one of 
the best game developers out their i do not want to loose him form the 
community and nore do most other people. i am not looking foward to the side 
scrowler because i was looking foward to the free d game.

i am thinking of leaving this community my self in support for thomas. if we 
loose him as a devoloper then we are loosing one of the best and honnist 
ones out their.

he should just fuck the lot of you and create the game that he wants. if 
this polehad not have been done then you would not have gave a dam about the 
free d game. it is the better option and you all know it you are just 
griping because you are just thinking about your sad soft selfish selves 
well if thomas leaves the community i would not blame him but then again i 
am thinking of doing the same if he does in support for him.

just be grateful for the games you get and i know you would all play it if 
it came out the reason you are griping is because you wern't getting what 
you wanted. he had a good idear and the trueth is you all like the idear you 
are just moning selfish people and if the griping does not immproove and we 
loose thomas i may be some one who goes.

i am in complete support for thomas he is one of the nicest developers out 
their and i wish i was on his staff and i hope to god you guys do not put 
him off. he had so many good games in the pipe line like raceway and now it 
looks like we could loose all theese good games that thomas had plans for.

take care that is all i have to say.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 9:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Yohandy
Well greg, the problem here is people think they'll die cause they paid 30 
bucks and never got the game they asked for. obviously I'm sure these same 
people have never donated a dollar to any cause. so if we paid for a game 
that is now abandonware, should we get angry and beat up the developer then? 
what most people don't realize is that these devs wouldn't charge us a penny 
if they were rich. the sad truth is they aren't, and we aren't so much 
paying for the game, but for their hard work and dedication.

- Original Message - 
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello all,
 I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you people
 to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining 
 is absolutely selfish.
 I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas took
 on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
 figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then to
 have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of 
 and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you that
 make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought to
 be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to produce
 very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
 instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
 support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us to

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Thomas Ward
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
 create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but to
 do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
 side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's 
 plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. I
 will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just 
 the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
 James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
 more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs I
 am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
 the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign off. 
 am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
 issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. I
 even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have never
 been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is a
 lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
 complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes 
 a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and 
 to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about my
 thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
 plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used 
 my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to make 
 FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to force
 me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
 wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid customers 
 am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy 
 accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the 
 but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
 want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James 
 became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I 
 regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their own
 and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every whim.
 If I ever create a game for this community after these two games are
 completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and grief
 you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Ryan Smith
I've only been here for about a year, maybe actually into RSG for
about 5 or so months, and, yeah, this community is disgusting. I
frequently think about leaving. We got black hats, spammers, crackers,
and general, excuse my language, morons, who constantly look and cause
havoc. People want this, and oh, this sound is bad! I used to base
everything on the sole opinion of this community. Now, I take some
feedback, but other than that, sorry... We just have to live with ths
black hats and spammers, and trouble makers. I mean people just expect
more! I mean people could have waited months and months before Raceway
is done. Instead they want it next week! I do try to produce quality
gamesthere's not much more I can do. This is what I usually say to
Could you do better? Would you like to type code? And, uh, it's due tomorrow. 
I have counted several events, in 2008 alone, that honestly make me
sick. I've also learned to keep my mouth shut about plans. When you
announce a new game, people want it next week.  It just doesn't work
that way.unless your creating GSV Smile.
-Ryan Smith

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Willem
They'll more likely die from 30 bucks of mc Donalds lol.
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Well greg, the problem here is people think they'll die cause they paid 30
 bucks and never got the game they asked for. obviously I'm sure these same
 people have never donated a dollar to any cause. so if we paid for a game
 that is now abandonware, should we get angry and beat up the developer 
 what most people don't realize is that these devs wouldn't charge us a 
 if they were rich. the sad truth is they aren't, and we aren't so much
 paying for the game, but for their hard work and dedication.

 - Original Message - 
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello all,
 I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you 
 to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining
 is absolutely selfish.
 I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas 
 on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
 figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then 
 have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of
 and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you 
 make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought 
 be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to 
 very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
 instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
 support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us 

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Thomas Ward
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
 create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but 
 do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
 side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's
 plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. 
 will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just
 the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
 James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
 more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs 
 am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
 the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign 
 am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
 issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. 
 even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have 
 been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is 
 lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
 complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes
 a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about 
 thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
 plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used
 my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to 
 FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to 
 me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
 wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid 
 am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
 want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their 
 and must soully

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Cory
don't do this to us. Come on, those are selfish basterds, most of us are 
not! majority wins here? come on man! Please don't leave us!
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello Thomas,
 Man I don't know what to say. I seriously hope you reconsider. I'd hate to
 see you go due to this ungrateful and selfish community. not the entire
 community mind you, but many people sure are. truth is we need more devs
 like you who aren't afraid of change and it would really suck to lose you.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:54 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Ryan Smith
I just finished reading the emails. (I'll try not to double post from now on)
I couldn't agree with you more Tom. Give me, I want this, I want it
now, faster you.  Do you think Nintendo has all this feedback from
it's users, people? I was very close to leaving this community, and am
still considering leaving, after Shoot Da Me is completed to people's
standards, as well as Typing Suite is finished. Just so people know,
in the last week, 16 emails of complaints on why Dream City is not
finished. I was going to mark it as spam, and would block
the user. I replied, telling them it will take time. But
unfortunately, people didn't read that it's not coming out soon, that
I've been focusing on SDM and an unannounced project? I used to dread
checking my rsgames email. Now, if you have a problem or question
worth answering, I'll respond, other then that, nothing. Not to point
fingers, but in the ACE Fire issues, people were saying that they
have the courage to say this is terrible. First of all, it's not
terrible, it's actually fun. It's about having the respect to keep
your mouth closed. Well, that's all I have to say. Just out of
curiosity, why now Tom? I've been thinking this for weeks, but decided
it's a good time to open up. I've heard that you have to be tough, and
ignore people's unintelligent responses. I'm afraid that's true.
-Ryan Smith I

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Liam,
I've seen the attitude for a long time, but chose to ignore it. I can no 
longer ignore or over look it. Yes, it is disgusting, and appalling that 
I seam to have no say so in my own game I am creating.

Liam Erven wrote:
 Thomas.  I was wondering when you'd realize that this is how the community 
 isn't it disgusting?

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Charles Rivard
huh??  Could you run this by us again, corrected so that it is readable?

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: will lomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 hi forget what michael want and sarah they ust moaning wankers i'm
 sorry. you do what youw ant thomas, he and others have six levels they
 just unsatisfied tossers who dont deserve to buy any games from you in
 the future
 Most of us today have supported your 3d efforts so please ingore those
 dickheads, you ahve a dream, an aspiration, a goal, why sacrifice that
 cause of some moaning spoilt star star stars
 i'm sorry thomas but don't let them beat you they jsut twats who can't
 create their own games, like to see them try hurry up micheal, i want
 a beta of your side scroller out then in six months, put your money
 where you damn shoot off mouth is

 On 21 Mar 2008, at 21:54, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game,
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will
 put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users,
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as
 it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do.
 If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of
 the list,
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread will lomas
and why don't you just fuck your wishes up your ass

On 22 Mar 2008, at 00:43, Charles Rivard wrote:

 huh??  Could you run this by us again, corrected so that it is  

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message -
 From: will lomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 hi forget what michael want and sarah they ust moaning wankers i'm
 sorry. you do what youw ant thomas, he and others have six levels  
 just unsatisfied tossers who dont deserve to buy any games from you  
 the future
 Most of us today have supported your 3d efforts so please ingore  
 dickheads, you ahve a dream, an aspiration, a goal, why sacrifice  
 cause of some moaning spoilt star star stars
 i'm sorry thomas but don't let them beat you they jsut twats who  
 create their own games, like to see them try hurry up micheal, i want
 a beta of your side scroller out then in six months, put your money
 where you damn shoot off mouth is

 On 21 Mar 2008, at 21:54, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my  
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no  
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game,
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will
 put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I  
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I  
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users,
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very  
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet  
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be  
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as
 it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do.
 If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority  
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why  
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he  
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I  
 want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of  
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two  
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Don Voyles
Hi Tom!

I am sorry to hear the grief  that you have been put through.  I am not
a programmer but I would like to be one  some day. I have had some criticism
on the lone wolf missions I have done but that is nothing to the kind of
work and knowledge required to do what you have done. I am interested in the
engine you have designed in making games and would like to have your phone
numbaer to talk to you about your engine and what I may need to know to
design games. I will put my email address below even though I know it is in
the lisst record.

PS  The Lord is still on the throne and prayer changes things.
Blessings and Regards!

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
  From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
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 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cory,
I probably won't leave the list, but it is likely I will be a less 
active member on list. I am still interested in making games, but I am 
probably not going to release everything I make to the general public.
Remember that Star Wars FPS game based on Genesis 3D technology, the 
same technology that was going to be copied into MOTA Beta 2, well the 
list can forget about ever seeing it. Not only is distributing it a 
legal liability to me I'm afraid there are some who would not see or 
appreciate how much effort I put into games like that. A few bad apples 
have spoiled the entire basket for me.

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Charles Rivard
I, for one, have always been patient when it comes to receiving games, and I 
still will be.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 I've only been here for about a year, maybe actually into RSG for
 about 5 or so months, and, yeah, this community is disgusting. I
 frequently think about leaving. We got black hats, spammers, crackers,
 and general, excuse my language, morons, who constantly look and cause
 havoc. People want this, and oh, this sound is bad! I used to base
 everything on the sole opinion of this community. Now, I take some
 feedback, but other than that, sorry... We just have to live with ths
 black hats and spammers, and trouble makers. I mean people just expect
 more! I mean people could have waited months and months before Raceway
 is done. Instead they want it next week! I do try to produce quality
 gamesthere's not much more I can do. This is what I usually say to
 Could you do better? Would you like to type code? And, uh, it's due 
 I have counted several events, in 2008 alone, that honestly make me
 sick. I've also learned to keep my mouth shut about plans. When you
 announce a new game, people want it next week.  It just doesn't work
 that way.unless your creating GSV Smile.
 -Ryan Smith

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Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Charles Rivard
I'm still willing to wait for Raceway and other games.  The time factor is 
not the complaint.  Anyone who has been reading would know that.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Yeah. You've pretty much closed the doors on what could have been a great
 developper. He was really into this and was really helpful to people. He 
 a lot of ideas out there, votes up for what people wanted, etc. And your
 wanting him to put games out there like 1, 2, 3? Wow. I could have waited
 another year for raceway as long as he got it done. I just can't express 
 feelings well enough on this list.

 Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

 contact details:

 skype: the_conman283

 system details:
 Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
 AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 2512 mb DDR ram(
 hopefully!), Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
 - Original Message - 
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello all,
 I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you 
 to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining
 is absolutely selfish.
 I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas 
 on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
 figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then 
 have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of
 and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you 
 make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought 
 be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to 
 very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
 instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
 support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us 

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Thomas Ward
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
 create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but 
 do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
 side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's
 plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. 
 will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just
 the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
 James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
 more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs 
 am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
 the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign 
 am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
 issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. 
 even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have 
 been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is 
 lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
 complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes
 a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about 
 thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
 plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used
 my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to 
 FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to 
 me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
 wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid 
 am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
 want to call it.
 Being the victem

Re: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

2008-03-21 Thread Charles Rivard
All I, for one, expect is what has been promised.  I anticipate anything you 
offer in the future.  Your openness and honesty are appreciated.  The taking 
of a poll as to whether to make the side scrolling or the 3D game indicated 
to me that you were willing to produce what the majority of the community 
wanted, which is a good thing.  What was the poll's purpose if it was not to 
help decide which way you should go?  I might have been under the wrong 
impression.  Thanks.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

 Hello gamers,
 In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision
 to create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice
 but to do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to
 have a side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James
 North's original plans and put out some kind of game along the
 Montezuma's Revenge lines. I will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and
 do whatever it takes to just get the fricking game completed and out of
 my life.  Since you want the game James North was creating you will get
 it just as James had planned it. No more no less.
 As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs
 I am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it
 in the things to do pile down the road.
 Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign
 off. I am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss
 and an issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality
 games. I even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that
 have never been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get
 in return is a lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time
 forward I will complete your games you got from James North as
 advertised, but it comes at a price.
 Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and
 use to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open
 about my thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered.
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about
 my plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively
 used at my descression. I see now running polls like the one about
 weather to make a FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is
 being used to force me to do something I really do not want to do. If it
 was the poll alone i wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of
 those were paid customers I am between the rock and the hard place.
 Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
 demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy
 making accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the
 side-scroller, but the next few months are going to be purgatory,
 slavery, whatever you want to call it.
 Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James
 North became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did.
 All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I
 want, regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter.
 Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their
 own and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every
 whim. If I ever create a game for this community after these two games
 are completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and
 grief you put me through.

 Gamers mailing list __
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 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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