g_b A drag queen novel in paperback

2008-03-21 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
The second gay novel in my Tinseltown Trilogy has come out in 
paperback.  Check the blurb out to see if it's your Hollywood drag 
queen cup of tea, in general fiction, at http://stonegarden.net/ 

Stone Garden Publishing now has a flat fee for all international 


g_b Re: Hugs and Kisses

2007-11-07 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
What a DELIGHTFUL set of pictures !

g_b a new excerpt from my gay novel in ebook

2007-09-03 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
It's at my blogspot that I just updated just now, yay!, and that's at:


It looks so nice there - with a picture to help set the scene.

The whole gay novel (and a blurb and another very gay excerpt) is at:


(click on the book cover to make things happen)

Yay for gay novels in ebook!!!


g_b Re: It happens in US also

2007-08-30 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Don't try it in an airport toilet (even if you aren't a Republican 
Senator). Those places are well monitored.  How could the Senator be 
so stupid. He deserved being caught - being so anti-gay in his 
legislation!!!  Good riddance to the jerk.  

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, azhagi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 New item in Times of india dated August 29, 2007
 'Gay US Senator trips in Toilet'
 Millions of people have just learnt that tapping the right foot 
twice while sitting in a public loo is an universal signal among gays 
soliciting sex after a US Senator was arrested and charged for 
misdemeanor for that lewd conduct
 Senator Larry Craig, a conservative Republican from Idaho, was in 
public restroom at Minneapolls-St Paul International Airport on June 
11 when he began his foot tapping antics.Unfortunately for him, the 
stall next to him was occupied by a plain clothes cop involved in a 
sting operation to track illicit sexual activities in public toilets.
 The arresting officer alleged that Craig had first lingered outside 
the stall. then entered the stall next door. The 62 year old Senator 
tapped his right foot which the officer said he recognised 'as a 
signal used by persons whishing to engage in lewd conduct The report 
alleges Craig then touched the officer's foot with his foot and then 
senator proceeded to swipe his hand under the stall divider several 
times At that point the officer said he put his police 
identification down by the floor so Craig could see it and informed 
the senator that he was under arrest. Craig subsequntly pled guilty 
to misdemeanour didisorderly conduct charge in municipal court on 
August 8 and paid a $500 fine while a 10 day jail snetence was 
 MY Comments
 Gays soliciting sex in public loo is an universal Phenomena

Re: g_b can i be infected with HIV if suck penis and drink the semen

2007-07-24 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Yes, it is possible.  Stomach acid will probably kill the virus but 
what if you have a slight cut in your mouth or throat? 

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, deep mehra [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 i would like to know the answer to this question too
 Blore Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  i am a bottom gay can i 
be infected with HIV if suck penis and drink the semen
 lgbtindiagroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Can I get HIV from 
anal sex? 
 Yes. In fact, unprotected (without a condom) anal sex (intercourse) 
 is considered to be very risky behavior. It is possible for either 
 sex partner to become infected with HIV during anal sex. HIV can be 
 found in the blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, or vaginal fluid of a 
 person infected with the virus. In general, the person receiving 
 semen is at greater risk of getting HIV because the lining of the 
 rectum is thin and may allow the virus to enter the body during 
 sex. However, a person who inserts his penis into an infected 
 also is at risk because HIV can enter through the urethra (the 
 opening at the tip of the penis) or through small cuts, abrasions, 
 open sores on the penis.
 Not having (abstaining from) sex is the most effective way to avoid 
 HIV. If people choose to have anal sex, they should use a latex 
 condom. Most of the time, condoms work well. However, condoms are 
 more likely to break during anal sex than during vaginal sex. Thus, 
 even with a condom, anal sex can be risky. A person should use 
 generous amounts of water-based lubricant in addition to the condom 
 to reduce the chances of the condom breaking.
 Anal sex is stimulation of the anus during sexual activity. It can 
 done in several different ways: manually, orally or by anal 
 Anal sex can be the primary form of sexual activity or it can 
 accompany other types of stimulation. For instance, couples 
 include manual stimulation of the anus (either lightly rubbing the 
 rim or inserting a finger into the anus) during vaginal 
 Others use the tongue in a similar fashion for oral stimulation.
 Anal intercourse is the insertion of a man's penis into his 
 rectum. Although anal sex is often thought of as a strictly 
 homosexual activity, many heterosexual couples enjoy it too.
 Anal penetration can be pleasurable, but it can also be a source of 
 physical discomfort. The muscle on the outside of the rectum, 
 the anal sphincter, ordinarily tightens if stimulated, which means 
 that attempts at insertion of the penis, or even a finger, may be 
 uncomfortable even if done slowly and gently. If penetration into 
 anus is forced, injury is possible. It is helpful to use a 
 liberally and to relax and gradually dilate the sphincter by gentle 
 manual stimulation before attempting penetration.
 Some people clear the rectum with a small disposable enema before 
 anal intercourse. Because the rectum contains infection causing 
 bacteria, anything (fingers, objects, penis) that has had contact 
 with the anus should not subsequently be in contact with the vagina 
 or mouth until it has been thoroughly washed.
 Strong Negative Attitudes
 Some people have strong negative attitudes toward anal sex, whether 
 it takes place between homosexual or heterosexual couples. They may 
 think of it as being unclean, unnatural, perverted, disgusting, or 
 simply unappealing. It is sometimes regarded as the ultimate in 
 depravity and has regularly been condemned by religious and secular 
 Historically, religious objections originate from the fact that a 
 woman cannot possibly get pregnant through anal sex, as some 
 religions only approved of sexual intercourse for the purpose of 
 Anal sex is subject to legal restrictions in some states, even 
 between married couples. In general these statutes refer to anal 
 acts as crimes against nature, going back to the view that 
 heterosexual intercourse, with its reproductive potential, is the 
 only natural, healthy, non-sinful way of having sexual relations. 
 These laws are strongly biased toward the prosecution of 
 because penetrative anal sex is far more common among gay men than 
 is among heterosexual couples.
 A Legitimate Form of Sexual Expression
 Despite religious and legal prohibitions to anal sex, many people, 
 regardless of their sexual orientation, regard it as a legitimate 
 form of sexual expression and as one of the fulfilling ways in 
 people can express their desire and affection for each other. It is 
 up to each couple to decide what is acceptable and enjoyable for 
 them. If a couple's attitudes or values make anal sex unacceptable, 
 or if they do not enjoy it, they should feel no pressure to engage 
 It is important to note that HIV, the virus causing 

g_b my very gay drag queen ebook novel is out.

2007-07-15 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
It's about time.  I wrote the first draft in 1984 (so it takes place 
then - ha ha).  What year is it now?  It's funny how if you live long 
enough you can accidentally write historical fiction!  Ah!

Hidden River by Peter Joseph Swanson


It's so gay, so cool, and so 1984!

When you go to the publisher, click on the book cover and it will take 
you to an excerpt.

g_b Re: London Gay Pride Parade

2007-07-02 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Thank you for that moving account.  I read about it in the news - in 
regards to that it wasn't cancelled due to the new terror threats.  I 
bet religious extremists would have loved to blow that one up.  Well 
TOO BAD religious extremists!  We AIN'T going away ... NO MATTER WHAT!

(where are we going to go?)


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The London Gay Parade.
 I moved to London last Thursday to pursue my further education and I
 am already loving this place. I was lucky that the very next 
 after I reached was the Gay Pride Parade day. I had heard a lot 
 the parade so I headed straight to the Baker street to have fun.
 When I reached the parade was just starting and I was at the rear 
 so I walked fast to close to the Trafalgar Square and found a nice
 spot to see the parade. The whole experience was overwhelming! I had
 never seen so many gay men and women together. There were thousands 
 men and women having a great time being themselves. 
 There were men dresses in drag, skimpy red undies, traditional Asian
 clothes and many more. Every one was smiling and having a great 
 What actually surprised me was the participation of various public
 authorities. There were buses of gay men and lesbian working for the
 Mayor of London, London Police, Royal Navy, Royal Air force, 
 health system, fire brigade etc. There were companies like Braclays
 with all the men dressed in skirts with makeup. Many organisation 
 Naaz, Older gay and Lesbians association, gay doctors and dentists
 association also had nice colourful buses and banners. 
 There were men and women in all sizes and shapes, young, juicy, 
 old, frail, wheel chaired, handicap, fat,  kinky, sexy, 
 There were hundreds of spectators standing by the foot path and
 cheering everyone and so were by passers with mixed reactions. Many 
 them were enjoying the whole bang while only a few looked a bit
 agitated. The parade happens in the centre of the London for which 
 the main roads are completely closed. It terminated in the famous
 Trafalgar Square where there was a music concert organised. All the
 organisations who participated had stalls in the Square giving away
 the brochures and information leaflets. It was amazing to see that 
 whole of the square was turned in to a gay village where everyone 
 having party.
 I wept at the end, I was feeling so sorry that we in India can never
 be so out and free. Back home I cant even introduce by boy friend to
 anyone, he has to be a close friend only. I wish one day we shall 
 be free to express our self in our home land. 
 Unfortunately I had not carried my camera otherwise I would have 
 you some pics. 

g_b a silly drag queen joke

2007-06-30 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
A fabulous drag queen went into the Bank of Canada one day, carrying 
a bag of money. She insisted that she must speak with the president 
of the bank to open a savings account because, It's a lot of money! 
After much hemming and hawing, the bank staff finally ushered her 
into the president's office.

The bank president then asked her how much she would like to deposit. 
She replied, $165,000! and dumped the cash out of her bag onto his 
desk. The president was of course curious as to how she came by all 
this cash, so he asked her, Madam, I'm surprised you're carrying so 
much cash around. Where did you get this money? The drag queen 
replied, I make bets. The president then asked, Bets? What kind of 
bets? The drag queen said, Well, for example, I'll bet you $25,000 
that your balls are square. The president laughs, That's a stupid 
bet. You can never win that kind of bet! The drag queen 
challenged, So, would you like to take my bet? The president 
agrees, Sure, I'll bet $25,000 that my balls aren't square! The 
drag queen then said, Okay, but since there is a lot of money 
involved, may I bring my lawyer with me tomorrow at 10am as a 
Sure! replied the confident president.

That night, the president got very nervous about the bet and spent a 
long time in front of a mirror checking his balls, turning from side 
to side, again and again. He thoroughly checked them out until he was 
sure that there was absolutely no way his balls were square and that 
he would win the bet. The next morning, at precisely 10am, the drag 
queen appeared with her lawyer at the president's office.

She introduced the lawyer to the president and repeated the 
bet $25,000 says the president's balls are square! The president 
agreed with the bet again and the drag queen asked him to drop his 
pants so they could all see. The president complied. The drag queen 
peered closely at his balls and then asked if she could feel 
them. Well, Okay, said the president, $25,000 is a lot of money, 
so I guess you should be absolutely sure.  She felt them very 
carefully rolling them again and again through her fingers, and they 
felt very round.

Just then, he noticed that the lawyer was quietly banging his head 
against the wall. The president asked the drag queen, What the 
hell's the matter with your lawyer? She replied, Nothing, except I 
bet him $100,000 that at 10am today I'd have The Bank of Canada's 
president's balls in my hand.

She pulled off her wig and laughed.

g_b a silly gay joke - ha ha ha

2007-06-18 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
A gay couple had been partnered for 25 years and was celebrating the 
60th birthday of one of them. During the party, a fairy appeared and 
said that because they had been such a loving couple all those years, 
she would give them one wish each.

The one who was giving the party said, We've blown all our money on 
parties and fine dining and decorating this house, I've never gotten to 
see the world. I wish we could travel all over the world. 

The fairy waved her wand and POOF! He had the tickets in his hand.

Next, it was the birthday boy's turn. He paused for a moment, and then 
with a sly grin said, Well, I'd like a boyfriend 30 years younger than 

The fairy waved her wand and POOF! He was 90. 

g_b Re: New poll for gay_bombay

2007-06-18 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
If you can be born again then the rest is just details details 

If I come back gay I hope the world has changed, by then, A LOT!!!

If I come back straight I hope I'm not a jerk.

It would be nice to have some money, for a change.  Gay or straight, 
life is a lot easier when you have money!  ha ha ~

(but wanting money doesn't sound very spiritual does it, now.  Oh 


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Enter your vote today!  A new poll has been created for the 
 gay_bombay group:
 Would you like to be born a gay again in your next birth? 
   o Yes 
   o No 
 To vote, please visit the following web page:
 Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are 
 not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups 
 web site listed above.

g_b Re: viraf's blog

2007-06-07 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
How sad that he died.  Thank you for this link so his memory can live 
on for a while longer!

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, lgbtindiagroup 

 courtesy gb
 Re: Viraf 
 I forgot to write in my first post on Viraf that this is the link to
 his blog which gives a good idea of his personality and interests:
 I wonder what the protocol for noting the death of a blogger is? 
 I doubt anyone knows Viraf's password I don't think the blog could 
 altered to note the blogger's death, and since its a free site it 
 sit around as long as blogspot is in existence. Perhaps we could use
 the last comments section as a place to write a few words about 
 The Talking Closets blog has a good entry on Viraf:

g_b Hell

2007-06-04 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson

The following is an actual question given on a University of 
chemistry mid term.

The answer by one student was so profound that the professor shared 
with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now 
the pleasure of enjoying it as well :

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic 
(absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law 
cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some 

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So 
need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the 
rate at 
which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a 
gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As 
how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different 
that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their 
religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these 
religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, 
we can 
project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they 
we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. 
we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's 
states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay 
same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are 

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls 
enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase 
all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls 
Hell,then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes 

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman 
that, It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you, and 
into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number 
must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has 
frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has 
over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is 
extinct. .leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a 
divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting Oh 


g_b Re: Gay Inmates to Get Conjugal Visits in California

2007-06-04 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
This one sounds funny on the surface because so many people think 
that gay people have daily orgies in prison and wouldn't need that.

But on a serious note, it shows that being gay isn't just sex.  Gay 
people have relationships and partners like anybody else.

It certainly is one step closer to gay marriage in the U.S.

I bet the right wing got really made about that one - ha ha. 

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, asfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   June 3, 2007
 Gay Inmates to Get Conjugal Visits in California 
   SAN FRANCISCO, June 1 — Gay and lesbian prisoners in California 
will be allowed overnight visits with their partners under a new 
prison policy, believed to be the first time a state has allowed same-
sex conjugal stays. 

   The policy comes more than two years after a 2003 California law 
provided equal rights for registered domestic partners in California, 
including those of the same sex and non-married heterosexuals. Gay 
and civil rights groups had threatened to sue to permit the conjugal 
visits in prisons, which they say have been slow to enact changes 
promised by the law. 

   It's a little troubling that a state agency had to be threatened 
with legal action to obey state law, said Geoff Kors, the executive 
director of Equality California, a gay rights organization. There 
was no justifiable excuse for not complying.

   Terry Thornton, a spokeswoman for the state Department of 
Corrections and Rehabilitation, said the slow pace of change was due, 
in part, to considerations of whether allowing the visits would 
expose gay inmates to danger inside the prison, where they are 
sometimes singled out for attack. We had to thoroughly evaluate all 
the security concerns, Ms. Thornton said. 

   The policy change was spurred by a letter warning of legal action 
from the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Vernon Foeller, 
40, a gay man who had been serving a 20-month sentence for attempted 
burglary at the state prison in Vacaville, Calif. Alex Cleghorn, an 
AC.L.U. lawyer, said that Mr. Foeller was eligible for a conjugal 
visit except that the prison system didn't recognize his partner as 
a family member.

   They have pages and pages of regulations that must be met to 
permit these visits, Mr. Cleghorn said, and Vernon met all of these 

   Mr. Foeller was released in April.

   Overnight visits, which can be up to 72 hours long, have been 
allowed in California since the 1970s, Ms. Thornton said, and are 
conducted in units inside prison grounds, often trailers. While 
suggestive of sexual activity, the visits sometimes include several 
family members, including children. 

   It's not exclusive to conjugal activities, Ms. Thornton said. 

   Gay and lesbian inmates were not allowed visits from their 
partners because only spouses were recognized as immediate family.

   Several categories of inmate are not allowed the visits, 
including those on death row, sex offenders, those serving sentences 
of life without parole, and those who have been violent with minors 
or family members. Prisoners also must have been on good behavior, 
with no violations. 

   The new policy will allow only those currently registered as 
domestic partners to ask for the visits, and affirms that no 
prisoners will be allowed overnight visits with other prisoners, 
regardless of status. 

   Only a handful of states — including New York — allow conjugal 
visits, which some prison officials say can help reduce the stress of 
prison life and maintain prisoners' connections to their families. 
Critics, however, have cited a variety of reasons to oppose the 
visits, including the potential for spreading sexually transmitted 
diseases and the additional cost of maintaining separate conjugal 
prison quarters. 

   Shannon Minter, the legal director for the National Center for 
Lesbian Rights in San Francisco, called the policy change a great 
leap forward but said gay and lesbian inmates were often still the 
target of discrimination and violence.

   There are certain social arenas that have been insulated from 
social changes going on in broader society, and jails and prisons is 
one of those areas, Mr. Minter said. 

   California has a ban on same-sex marriage, although that law has 
been the subject of legal battles. The California Supreme Court is 
currently reviewing the law's constitutionality as part of a suit 
brought by the City of San Francisco and a group of gay and lesbian 

   The policy change must be approved by the state's Office of 
Administrative Law before taking effect, most likely later this year. 


 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s 
user panel and lay it on us.

g_b more homos

2007-05-26 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
No, I did not write this - I usually COMMIT the crime of homophones 
(I call them catch fools).  If you have the time to read it, it's 
pretty funny (IF you're a word nerd like me): 

Zirconia and LC: A Twisted Homophonic Fairy/Ferry Tail/Tale
by Joanne Huspek 

Once [upon/up on] a [time/thyme], [in/inn] a land far, far 
[away/aweigh,] lived a people [inn/in] a big orange [base/bass.] It 
was [island/aisle land] like [in/inn] nature. [Let us/Lettuce] say, 
it wasn't Northern Ireland, [butt/but] it was pretty close. The cat 
lovers didn't like the dog lovers, and [no/know] [won/one] liked 
frogs [ore/or] hamsters. Skirmishes [a rose/arose]. Terrorists 
[blew/blue] up every other Otto/auto on the street. Mothers cried and 
fathers were [scent/cent/sent] [too/to/two] war. The children were 
stuck [inn/in] the center of this conflict.

[In/Inn] fluttered a butterfly. She was somewhat glittery [butt/but] 
lacked substance and tangibility. Her name was Zirconia. She did 
possess a bitching [butt/but,] though, and showed it off [too/two/to] 
anyone [hoo/who] [wood/would] look. [No/Know] [one/won] liked 
[to/two/too] see [close/clothes] ups of [buts/butts], [so/sew] her 
arrival was [not/knot] well received.

Zirconia had a hard [time/thyme] making friends, [hairier/harrier] 
than most of the dog/cat/frog/hamster lovers. Could it [be/bee] that 
she thought she was [too/to/two] good [for/four/fore] the other 
residents of the land? [To/Two/Too] pretty? [Two/To/Too] smart? Many 
[times/thymes], words [wood/would] spew [forth/fourth] from her mouth 
[which/witch] were hurtful. She did [knot/not] [know/no] she was 
being this [weigh/way]; she was unschooled [inn/in] proper 
interpersonal skills.

A lab-coated technician (LC) decided [he/hee] [would/wood] like 
[two/too/to] befriend the glittery gal. She was just [too/to/two] 
pretty [to/two/too] pass up. [He/Hee] said, [I/Eye] have 
[access/excess] [to/two/too] this top secret project. [It's/Its] a 
[new/knew] software [witch/which] can manufacture people. [You/Ewe] 
[do/due] [not/knot] [need/kneed] [to/too/two] try [too/to/two] make 
friends [hear/here] [inn/in] the orange [island/aisle land] anymore. 
[I/Eye] will make lots of friends [for/four] [you/ewe]!

Zirconia was [so/sew] ecstatic, she started [two/too/to] dance and 
glow. LC couldn't believe his good luck! [So/sew] [he/hee] shared 
[more/moor] of the secrets [he/hee] had invented [inn/in] the 
lab. [I/Eye] also have another cool program! [hee/he] 
[balled/bawled]. [I/Eye] can also throw the evil flag on 
[your/you're] enemies without [you're/your] being [around/a round]!

[What/watt] a cool idea! [To/Two/Too] this, Zirconia flicked her 
[hair/heir] back and batted her [blew/blue] [eyes/Is]. [I/Eye] am 
[so/sew] happy, [Eye/I] will give [ewe/you] a kiss!

As she kissed him, LC began [two/too/to] melt [into/in to] the 
[walk/wok]. [Hey/Hay!] [What's/Watts] up? she [wailed/whaled.]

[Too/Two/To] bad she did [knot/not] [know/no]. A kiss is the only 
thing that could fell a LC.

Moral: [Before/Be for] you kiss someone [in/inn] a lab coat, [due/do] 
the [write/right] thing and fly [away/aweigh], little butterfly.

g_b Re: No God or Know God? - and, why god doesn't want to meet peter

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Anybody here would rather give God a bear hug?  Am I the only one who 
has complaints?  ha ha

Peter (my nose is more fragile than his)

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, edwardxderwent 

 --- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Peter Joseph Swanson
 peterswansonmpls@ wrote:
 Peter (who wants to meet God so I can punch Him in the nose!)
 haha!! peter - god doesn't want to meet you. he's been punched on 
 nose before and certainly doesn't want to be punched again, hence he
 avoids u.

g_b Re: Great Shots.....

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
What stunning beauty! I felt a warm glow. Thank you for transforming 
me to such beauty from my computer chair (and it's cold and rainy 
outside, here, in Minnesota, yuck!!!)!  

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, ~~SHWETA~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   Sunrise view from Kayaloram Lake Resort,Alleppey. Photo  : Binoy 
C. Pollail, Alleppey.
   This reflection shot was taken from the backwaters of Allapuzha. 
Photo  : Ilayaraja V, Chennai-37

   A misty evening in Munnar. Photo  : Sujith, U.A.E.

   Snap from Fujairah. Photo  : Jayan Arackal, Abu Dhabi.
   Morning Walk. Photo  : Jyothiraj.N , Kollam
   Wild Elephant Family in Munnar. Photo  : Antony Kolanchery, Dubai

   Alleppey town canal Kerala. Photo  : Shabeer a b m, Alappuzha

   Swimming gracefully. Photo  : Priya Mathew, UK

   Alps Mountains. Photo  : Lijo C Jacob, Nigeria
   Grizzly Bears. Photo  : Sudhi, Canada

   Cute ducks swimming. Photo  : Krishna Kumar Potty
   Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to 
download CHAT? Here's a solution! 


  Download prohibited? No problem! CHAT from any browser, without 

g_b Re: No God or Know God?

2007-05-21 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
That is all that keeps things moving 

Oh.  I thought that was MONEY.  Ha-ha.  Just joking. An INTERESTING 

Peter (who wants to meet God so I can punch Him in the nose!)

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Love is Life [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 * No God or Know God?*
 **An atheist professor of philosophy* speaks to his class on the 
 Science has with God, The Almighty.
 He asks one of his new students to stand and.
 Prof: *So you believe in God*?
 Student: *Absolutely, sir*.
 Prof: Is God good?
 Student: Sure.
 Prof: Is God all-powerful?
 Student: Yes.
 Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to 
heal him.
 Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God 
didn't. How is
 this God good then? Hmm? (Student is silent.)
 Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fellow. 
Is God
 Student: Yes.
 Prof:* Is Satan good* ?
 Student: No.
 Prof: Where does Satan come from?
 Student: From...God.. .
 Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
 Student: Yes.
 Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. 
 Student: Yes.
 Prof: So who created evil?
 (*Student does not answer.* )
 Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these 
 things exist in the world, don't they?
 Student: Yes, sir.
 Prof: So, who created them?
 (* Student has no answer*.)
 Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and 
observe the
 world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
 Student: No, sir.
 Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
 Student: No, sir.
 Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? 
Have you
 ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
 Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
 Prof: *Yet you still believe in Him* ?
 Student: Yes.
 Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, 
science says
 your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
 Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
 Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.
 Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
 Prof: Yes.
 Student: And is there such a thing as cold?
 Prof: Yes.
 Student: No sir. There isn't.
 (*The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events 
 Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, 
 heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have 
 called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat,
 But we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as 
cold. Cold
 is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot 
 Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the 
absence of
 (*There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre* .)
 Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as 
 Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
 Student: You're wrong again, sir. *Darkness is the absence of 
 You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing 
lightBut if
 you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called 
 isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't.
 If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
 Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
 Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
 Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
 Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue 
there is
 life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are 
viewing the
 concept of God as something finite, something we can measure.
 Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and
 magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either 
 To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact 
 death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the 
opposite of
 life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach 
 students that they evolved from a monkey?
 Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, 
yes, of
 course, I do.
 Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
 (The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize 
where the
 argument is going.)
 Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at 
work and
 cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are 
you not
 teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
 (*The class is in uproar* .)
 Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the 
 (The class breaks out into laughter.)
 Student: Is there anyone here who has ever 

Re: g_b Hi Mark !! am always thinking of suicide

2007-05-13 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
That made we weep a bit.  THANK YOU for posting it.  It didn't have 
any answers ... but it had hope!, and that's all you usually get in 
life. HOPE.  Bless you.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Carmen Baez [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hello to  all:

   I am a straight female from a puerto rican family.  Mark, I am 
going to tell you about my brother who is gay.  As you may or may not 
know the latino culture is full of machismo, and very very catholic.  
My brother is one of 7 sons my father has, and six daughters.  My 
father expected his all of his children to grow up and have families, 
hard working , honest , family men, what he deemed to be the natural 
order of things.  Everyone thought there was something wrong with my 
brother mentally, they never ever suspected or contemplated that he 
was homosexual.  They thought he was and treated him as though he was 
mentally impaired .  My brother did not act feminine or anything like 
that I dont even think he knew he was gay for a long time.  It was 
just unheard of in our culture. Well to get to the point , I think 
you under estimate your family, because as my brother became a man 
and became aware of who he was he met a gentlemen and began a secret 
relationship and it was as if a
  flower where flourishing, my brother was no longer acting like the 
person who was mentally impaired, he became the kind of man my father 
wanted him to be.  My brother started a home with this man, (they 
have no children )  but they are happy.  And although my brother 
never actually came out to our family everyone is just happy that he 
is happy, and I personally heard my father say in a private moment to 
my mother, i dont agree with my sons lifestyle but i am glad he is 
happy, he is a good son, a good brother and a good man  my father 
only wished he would have children.  My father was proud of my 
brother till the day he died.  My brother and his companion of 16 
years where at my dads funeral together.  So dont under estimate 
those who love you. and never ever think you have the right to take 
the life that god and your parents gave to you.
 asfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Joy,
   It may be difficult, but not impossible, to say no to marriage.
   There are hundreds of us who are still in the closet yet still 
   I am 67  yo and still unmarried. When my mother was insisting I 
   married (my father had died while I was still studying) I would 
just  say
   I didn't want to get married and give no reason for saying so. Of 
   she died disappointed but I think it was all for the better.
 You have only relatives to contend with.  Which would make things 
   Also, your staying abroad makes it easier.

   I am sure that if you have patience and wait you may meet someone 
   your liking.

   As for contemplating suicide, FORGET IT.  Immerse yourself in 
your work.
   Go out and meet friends.  Or  take the help of a counselor. 
Suicide is not the 
   answer.  Be brave and face the world.  You won't be the first and 
you won't be the last!!

   Wishing you all the best,

 joy bs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Mark,
   Your ideas are so nice, i am 34 yo, and fighting against 
marriege. I am working in DXB and came back to India for a short 
veccation. But i feel i didn't want this veccation and feel to go 
back to work. 
   I have no parents, i am still alone, all my sisters got married 
and living separate. Now my relatieves and friends are trying for my 
marriege.  Its make my life so misarable. I dont want to marry, but 
everyone telling me , how you will live alone, who will take care of 
you. How can you live alone here? I Know out culture is so 
difficult.  And i am tired of telling no...
   I was trying for a life partner ( gay) for the last 10 years. I 
couldnt find any gays.  And i always feel that the gays are not 
trustable,and dependable.  They will go when they meet another 
atractive one.
   Really i am so confused about my life. I dont know what to do? I 
am always thinking about suicide .  Otherwise what to do?
   You can see my profile in gaydar page...
   Thank you
 Mark Gory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

g_b Re: None of Us could Do It

2007-05-09 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
How funny.  ! My next door neighbor is 89 years old and I don't 
know how many times she has knocked on my door to ask me to open a 
jar for her (and wine bottles!).  HA ha


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, naughty confessions 

 As part of his yearly physical exam, the doctor requested a sperm 
 from his 85-year-old male patient. The doctor gave the man a jar and
 said, take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.
 The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office 
 gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous 
 The Doctor asked what happened. The man explained: Well, doc, it's
 like this. First I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I 
 with my left hand, but still nothing. Then I asked my wife for 
help. She
 tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She 
 with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, 
 nothing. We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried 
 First with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried 
squeezing' it
 between her knees, but still nothing.
 The doctor was shocked! You asked your neighbour? The old man
 replied, Yep. None of us could get the jar open

 Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
  Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

g_b Re: Gay Advertising Goes Mainstream

2007-05-08 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I've noticed that for at least ten years now Minnesota's gay pride 
parade has gotten more and more corporate.  Lots of advertisers and 
liberal politicians are out hustling for votes and sales.  Why not? 
We vote.  We shop.  The next one I'll be out handing out adorable 
little fliers about my novels.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, lgbtindiagroup 

 Gay Advertising Goes Mainstream
 Out Now Consulting
 (WebWire) 5/6/2007 4:24:15 AM
 Media and entertainment industry bible, Variety magazine, says
 advertising targeting the gay and lesbian market is no longer 
 In the US, and elsewhere, marketing goods and services to gays and
 lesbians is now thoroughly mainstream.
 Los Angeles, US (OUT NOW) May 6, 2007 --
 In an article entitled 'Same-sex ads swim into mainstream - Industry
 embraces buying power of gay market' leading US entertainment and
 media magazine, Variety, says the media and advertising industries
 are being shaken up by the emergence of a strong gay consumer 
 Advertising agencies have found themselves scrambling to keep up 
 demands of client brands that recognize the need to place their
 marketing where lucrative customers are. For an increasing number of
 brands that means developing new initiatives to target the lesbian
 and gay consumer market.
 According to Ian Johnson, CEO of Out Now Consulting, a global
 specialist gay marketing agency quoted in the Variety magazine
 article, the advertising industry has a lot to learn about gay
 customers if they want their marketing efforts to succeed.
 For years advertising agencies have thought just including a few
 well known gay media outlets within a mainstream media buy was all
 they needed to do to target gay customers, says Johnson.
 Often the advertising imagery used is neither appropriate nor
 segment-specific, and the gay consumer responds negatively. Much gay
 marketing is seen by the gay consumer audience as junk mail with
 nothing to say to them as a gay person seeing that advertising.
 Effective gay marketing requires a lot more.
 Recognizing that the marketing process itself is little different in
 marketing to any audience, Johnson contends many advertising 
 mistake the process being the same to imply that the marketing
 communications content can be too.
 Go to any major gay website or magazine and it will take you less
 than a minute to pick out numerous examples of advertising with
 almost nothing of targeted relevance to say to gay customers, says
 Johnson. Gay people generally ignore advertising that they already
 see elsewhere in the mainstream.
 The industry needs far greater insight into how gay consumers
 perceive their own lives as people, says Johnson. Mainstream media
 buyers can identify gay media options, but there seems to be 
 little insight about attitudes, opinions and relevant lifestyle
 factors reflected in most of the advertising that actually makes it
 into these gay media spaces.
 The greatest consumer response is achieved by advertising that
 speaks directly to them as gay individuals.
 In the Variety article Johnson says: Most members of the market
 share a common bond by virtue of their 'otherness,' which creates
 significant marketing opportunities. The challenge is to create good
 gay marketing that works by recognition of both the commonality that
 exists between gay consumers, while at the same time acknowledging
 the vast diversity that also exists amongst the group.
 Out Now Consulting is nominated for a 2007 `Images in Advertising'
 award - for their recent gay advertising campaign for Lufthansa - at
 next month's Commercial Closet Awards on June 11 in New York City.
 Notes to editors:
 The original Variety article is at
 Gay Market News has more information on this story:
 The gay market comprises 6% of the total consumer market. Source: UK
 government, Whitehall, December 2005.
 The US gay market value exceeds $600 billion annually. Source: Human
 Rights Campaign www.hrc.org
 The UK gay market value exceeds £70 billion pounds annually. Source:
 Out Now Diva and GT Gay Market Report, 2006.

g_b Re: When you are looking for a guy!

2007-05-06 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I never met the important people in my life because I was planning it 
or looking. Life just happened.  It was always a surprise.  The 
people I pursued never reciprocated.  The people I did have 
relationships with were just people I came across from happenstance - 
usually meeting an unexpected friend of a friend, or a chance meeting 
in a shop. 

I think the only thing you need to work on is your personality (and 
good health and hygiene, of course - health is sexy) and people just 
wander by.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, suhail khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Are you seriously looking for a guy? If the answer is yes, means 
you are seriously looking for a guy then there are few things you 
need to keep in mind. However, if you feel the need to have someone 
in your life only when you are in a sad mood, and when you are happy 
you dont care, then it means that you are not seriously looking for a 
guy, you are seriously looking for a guy only when you feel almost 
the same need of having someone in your life both when you are happy 
and when you are sad.
 There are few things which should be kept in mind when you are 
seriously looking for a guy.
 Let us suppose that you had few past relationships which didnt 
materialize for one reason or the other, and you still feel for some 
of your Exs quite a bit, though you know that their coming back or 
you two getting together is not possible. At that point it is quite 
important that you start forgetting them, I know it is not easy but I 
think it is very important for you to have a clear-cut mindset about 
your Exs. By forgetting I dont mean no contacts I mean you should 
forget about them entering your life in one way or the other, though 
in reality you know its impossible.  By Exs I mean either those with 
whom it didnt work out when you both tried together or someone who 
went to someone else.
 So now when you are looking for someone to enter your life, and you 
have found someone (new guy) with whom you are in the process of 
knowing each other better and you like him, you should keep few 
things in mind:
 You have to completely forget your Exs, while you are conversing or 
chatting with the new guy. Many a times it happens that, when you are 
chatting with the new guy and you are quite prompt in responding, all 
of a sudden one of your Exs also comes online and now you are no more 
prompt in responding to the new guy, because someone for whom once 
you had a heart is now online, this according to me is wrong, because 
in that way your Ex is always going to be in between you and the new 
guy, which means its not a healthy relationship between you and the 
new guy, because the new guy would definitely feel that whenever his 
Ex comes online his replies become very direct and short.
 By forgetting your Ex I dont mean that you stop talking to him and 
dont have any contacts with him, what I mean to say is that your 
replies should continue to be detailed to the new guy and short and 
direct to the Ex, you can chat in detail with your Ex once you and 
the new guy are done.
 Because when you are looking for someone whom you want to enter 
your life, and you are still not able to figure out who is more 
important, the new guy or your Ex and other good gay friends if you 
are not able to draw a line on contacts with your Exs and good gay 
friends, and if they are very very nice compared to the new guy, then 
I wish that the new guy may never enter your life because he is not 
getting anything in return.
 Because then it means that you dont understand the importance of a 
relationship. I know that your friends are very nice and your Ex is 
also a nice person, but if they are more nice than me, and if they 
are getting more time of yours than me, then I would say lets not 
continue any further, and remember that I left you not because I dont 
like you but because I think you still need time to understand what 
you want out of life and who is important to what extent.
  Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers


2007-05-02 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
What a shame there isn't more freedom of expression all over the 
world.  I hope the scandal helps make people more aware of this kind 
of persecution.  Film is very powerful.  I hope the right people make 
a big stink about it and keep it in the press!


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Mark Gory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good afternoon all,
 I am a Pastor of a Christian Church, I am the Associate Minister at 
the Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship, United Church of 
Christ. The United Church of Christ Doctrine is that God created all 
and every thing, he gave all differences to enjoy, straight, gay, bi-
sexual all are his children, I would love to see the film and I am 
sadden to hear a Christian College would still be in the dark ages 
and condem them selves because by condeming Gay people condems God 
and they have no right to do that. God bless you all and if there is 
anyway I can view this film I would love to here is my information
 Rev. Mark W. Gory
 4024 Gelber Place, Unit # 1
 Los Angeles, California USA
 Phone: 213-399-4463
 - Original Message 
 From: Moderator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 10:07:53 AM
 01 May 2007 
 http://www.gcn. ie/content/ templates/ newsupdate. aspx?articleid= 
  A Christian college in India has expelled five students for making 
a five-minute short film that explores gay themes and features 
partial male nudity.
 The short film, titled 'Secret Minds', outraged the authorities of 
St Joseph's College of Communications at Changanassery in the 
district of Kottayam in the Indian state of Kerala.
 We teach modern technology and so we are generally open to new 
ideas. But this film was outrageously indecent, a senior teacher at 
the college told New India Press.
 The College authorities decided on the drastic course of action 
after watching the short film twice and after finding the students¢ 
reasons for making the film 'unconvincing' .
 They said that the students had misused the campus and the hostel 
premises for the shoot and took strong exception to the 'nude act' of 
the performers.
 The film, acted by four BA (multimedia) students and directed by an 
MA (film and TV) student of the college, was made for a competition 
in an inter-college short film festival.
 One of the students said that in making the film they had 
functioned well within the limits of the creative freedom granted to 
them by the very nature of the course. He said that the actors had 
appeared 'partially nude' as it was required by the script.
 He argued that the film was not intended for public viewing. The 
film was targeted at the festival crowd. At festivals, only 
creativity matters and issues of morality are swept aside, he said.
 The move comes just weeks after three Indian states banned sex 
education in schools.
 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/gay_ bombay
 http://groups. google.com/ group/Gaybombay
 Website: www.gaybombay. in
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

g_b Iranian gays can't prove they are subject to torture. ???

2007-04-29 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I just read this on the web.  You don't have to read the whole thing 
to get the idea, but I found it interesting - the politics of gay 
politics - what a nightmare!!!  


A 35-year-old gay Iranian is on a hunger strike in a U.K. jail to
protest a deportation order that will send him back to Iran. Saeed
Faraji was arrested by British immigration police on April 20, and is
currently being held in Oakington Detention Center in Cambridge.

The Home Office refused his asylum request on the grounds that he 
not prove that homosexuals are subjected to torture, inhumane or
degrading treatment in Iran.

Faraji told his story in a sworn statement to the Home Office's
Immigration Appeal Authority, a copy of which was provided to /Gay 

Faraji is the youngest of five children from a Tehran family of
practicing Muslims, and was trained at a technical school in elevator
repair. I knew that I was different from a young age, Faraji said,
and at around 14 I found myself attracted to people of the same sex. 
had no attraction for women.

From childhood, I had a very close friend called Ali Rahaei, Faraji
explained. We were inseparable. Our relationship developed from being
friends to being partners.

After completing his military service, Faraji resumed his relationship
with Ali, but, he said, our relationship was always practiced behind
closed doors away from prying eyes [because] homosexuality is not
allowed at any level in Iran.

I spent my working time helping my father in his carpet business,
Faraji said, and Ali worked for the Ministry of Agriculture. We tried
to continue to see each other as often as we could.

Faraji said that Ali and I were happily sharing our love for each
other, albeit in secret, until one day when the couple was in my
bedroom watching an X-rated video that Ali had secretly obtained. 
this time we were watching this video on the computer, Ali performed
oral sex on me -- but we did not realize that my cousin had seen us. 
was shocked and confused at what he had seen and left the room

A few days later, Faraji related, it became clear his cousin had
informed on him to his family. He and Ali were again having sex in his
bedroom when the door burst open, and my father, Ali's father, and
three police came in. Ali and I were scared for our lives, and without
even finding my shoes I got my trousers on and ran as fast as I could,
jumping from the balcony window. Fearing for my life, I left Ali -- I
felt terrible [doing so], but I had to get out. While I was running 
I heard gun shots being fired by the police, and I ran even faster.

Faraji made his way to the house of a friend who knew of his
relationship with Ali. He told me that I couldn't stay in his house 
long -- Iran was not a safe place for me and the only option I was 
with was to flee the country, Faraji said.

His friend helped him find a passer who smuggled him out of the
country and arranged his voyage; after a long and arduous journey, he
eventually arrived in the U.K. on December 11, 1999. Faraji applied 
asylum as a sexual refugee the same day, but even though Faraji has 
a life for himself in the U.K. in the intervening years, it is only 
that the authorities have decided to deport him.

Since I have been in the U.K. I have experienced freedom to express 
views and feelings without fearing for my life, Faraji told 
officials. I cannot return to Iran, a country that treats me as a 
kind of human being. Everyone has the right to be treated with decency
regardless of their sexual orientation. I also fear revenge attacks 
my family, he said.

Friends of Faraji contacted the Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO
http://www.irqo.net/), the new name adopted by the Persian Gay and
Lesbian Organization, or PGLO), which is supporting Faraji's asylum 

Prime Minister Tony Blair's government has an abysmal record on 
asylum to gay refugees, especially from Muslim countries, and the Home
Office's claims that homosexuals are not persecuted in Iran for their
sexual orientation are laughable. For example, the government of the
Netherlands last year adopted a new asylum policy for Iranian gays, 
are now considered a special category of persecuted people who no
longer have to prove they are individually at risk in order to be
granted refugee status.

This reporter has written numerous interviews with gay Iranian victims
of torture over the last two and a half years.

As Mani, an underground gay activist inside Iran, told /Gay City News/
last summer, You who live serenely and comfortably on the other side 
Iran's frontiers, be aware that those who think and feel and love like
you do in Iran are executed for the crime of homosexuality, are
assassinated, kidnapped, and barred from working in offices. You have
festivals, and they prisons. You select Mr. Gay of the Year, but they
don't even enjoy the right 

g_b true story? I doubt, but funny

2007-04-29 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I read this and the person posting claimed it to be true.  Hhhmmm.  I 
don't know   It's funny regardless.

the post: 

My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who
seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and 
us that Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be 
landing the
big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your 
up, that would be super.

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather
Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. Perhaps you didn't hear 
over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, 
the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground.

She calmly turned her head and said, In my country, I am called a
Princess and I take orders from no one.

To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a 
Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank 
Tray-up, Bitch.!!

g_b The Anglican Church and Gays

2007-04-21 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I thought this was VERy interesting.  You don't have to read it all 
to get the idea.

Gay love, the Bishop and the Bible bashers
Wednesday 18 April, 2007 13:25

This week, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams ruffled the
stuffy feathers of conservatives when he agreed to meet with liberal
Episcopalian bishops later this year.

There will be more right-wing harrumphing following an address to
theology students in Toronto in which Williams effectively snatched 
the textual crutch of the anti-gay Bible bashers.

He said conservative Christians who cite the Bible to condemn
homosexuality are misreading a key passage written by Saint Paul 
2,000 years ago. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans is the firebrand
favourite for justifying everything from barring gays as priests to
drowning them in boiling oil.

Many current ways of reading miss the actual direction of the 
Williams said on Monday, according to a text of his speech posted on 
Anglican Church of Canada's Web site.

Paul is making a primary point not about homosexuality but about the
delusions of the supposedly law-abiding.

In Romans 1 v 27 that Williams referred to in Monday's lecture, Saint
Paul said people who neglected the word of God fell into sin.

Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves
the due penalty for their perversion, Paul wrote.

Williams said these lines were for the majority of modern readers the
most important single text in Scripture on the subject of
homosexuality. Following that passage, Paul warns readers not to
condemn those who ignore God's word.

At whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself,
wrote Paul.

Williams pointed out that due to the fact that Paul was making the
comment as part of a wider issue, neither the gays nor their 
should overstate its importance.

It is not helpful for a 'liberal' or revisionist case, since the 
point of Paul's rhetorical gambit is that everyone in his imagined
readership agrees in thinking the same sex relations of the culture
around them to be as obviously immoral as idol-worship or disobedience
to parents. It is not very helpful to the conservative either, though,
because Paul insists on shifting the focus away from the objects of
moral disapprobation in chapter 1 to the reading / hearing subject who
has at this point been happily identifying with Paul's castigation of
someone else ... Paul is making a primary point not about 
but about the delusions of the supposedly law- abiding. 

Coincidentally, Williams' warning to both sides of the debate comes 
as a
number of liberal churches launch a billboard campaign in Indianapolis
which challenge the fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible.

The Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, Faith In America and
Metropolitan Community Churches have combined forces to produce the
controversial boards which directs viewers to a website which explains
the thinking behind such statements as, `Jesus said some are born gay-
Matthew 19:10-12'.

Pastor Jeff Miner of Jesus Metropolitan Community Church said: Right
now, most people think this is a debate between people who love the
Bible – conservative Christians – and people who want to throw out the
Bible – godless homosexuals. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our Church welcomes hundreds of devout gay Christians who love the 
deeply. Our goal is to rescue the Bible from misinterpretations driven
by cultural prejudice, so its true message of grace, hope, and peace 
come through.

Obviously, the debate will continue to rage with no peaceful end in
sight. Many observers view the arguments as ultimately quite pointless
as it's impossible to escape from the fact that the rows are inspired 
a 2,000 year old document, written in very hazy language which has 
translated and re-interpreted by many people with differing agendas. 
many, finding concrete meaning in the Bible is like the blind man, in 
dark room, looking for a black cat, that isn't there.

g_b Re: Girls' Night Out

2007-04-19 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
You always have the best crazy silly jokes.  I always read them.  I 
thought I'd finally say thanks!


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, naughty confessions 

 Girls' Night Out
 Two women friends had gone out for a Girls 
Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. 
Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both 
needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them 
suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. 
 The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her 
panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was 
wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but 
was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on 
a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they 
made their way home.
 The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and 
said, These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came 
home last night without her panties. That's nothing, said the 
other. Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks 
of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, We'll 
never forget you!' 

 Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
  Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

g_b Gays killed in Iraq (sexual cleansing)

2007-04-17 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Yikes!  As if it wasn't bad enough.  But I wasn't surprised - I 
thought gays were killed all the time in Muslim countries anyway. 
Here's just a part of the article: 

Reuters Foundation AlertNet

IRAQ: Sexual cleansing - Gov't denies gays are targets of killings

BAGHDAD, 16 April 2007 (IRIN) - BAGHDAD, 16 April 2007 (IRIN) - The
Iraqi lesbian and gay community and NGOs dealing with gay issues have
called for urgent action to protect gays and lesbians in the country.
The groups say that the number of victims of sexual cleansing is
growing on a daily basis. In the past three months, more than 30 gays
have been executed in Baghdad. The bodies have been found tortured,
mutilated - sometimes with signs of rape, said Mustafa Salim, 
for the Rainbow for Life Organisation (RLO), a Baghdad-based gay 
NGO. Notes were found near some of the bodies with messages saying 
this is going to be the fate for any Muslim who denies the Islamic
religion, Salim added. RLO was set up in 2005, and Salim claims that
since then they have recorded more than 230 cases of abuses against 
and lesbians, including more than 64 deaths - with the last three 
being the most bloody. The gay community continues to be subjected to
systematic terror by Shia militias, especially the Mahdy Army 
by the religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr. The government of Iraq is
refusing to offer protection (I cut it here)

Peter Joseph Swanson

g_b Vatican criticised

2007-04-13 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Vatican's gay attitude criticised by French contender

Despite his criticism of the church, M Sarkozy has made clear his own
opposition to gay rights.

A politician who is on course to become the next President of France 
spoken out against the anti-gay rhetoric of the Roman Catholic church.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the UMP candidate for the Presidency, has maintained 
consistent lead over his main rival, the Socialist Segolene Royal.

The first round of elections are held on 22nd April.

Speaking to La Liberation newspaper, Sarkozy, who was until last month
the French Interior Minister, said the church's position on gays was

I was born heterosexual. I have never questioned myself about the
choice of my sexuality. That is why the church's position, which
consists of saying Homosexuality is a sin, is shocking, he told the

One doesn't choose one's identity. One has the identity that one 

M Sarkozy also shared his opinions on the nature of sexuality:

Not everything depends on nurture, but that part could be nature. In
what proportion? I am not a scientist.

For example, when I was a child I was shocked because people 
to me, when a child was homosexual: His mother was wrong, she slept
with him.

When a child was anorexic, people said: The father was absent.

When a child was autistic, people said: Oh! The parents got 
that caused a shock. Since then we know that autism is genetic. I 
that sexuality also is an identity.

Despite his criticism of the Roman Catholic church, M Sarkozy has made
clear his own opposition to gay rights.

In a February TV debate he said he is opposed to any form of gay 

He has promised new adoption rights for gay couples and improved
financial arrangements.

Polling carried out in June 2006 suggests that the French population
might support his Socialist opponent's policies on gay rights.

The 53-year-old Royal would become France's first woman president if

Proposition 87 of her manifesto demands equal rights for same-sex
couples, paving the way for future anti-discrimination legislation.

A 2006 Ipsos survey shows that 62% of French voters support gay
marriage, while 37% were opposed.

When asked whether same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt 
the survey found more people to be in opposition (55%) than in support

The French will go to the polls to elect their next President on 22nd
April. Around 11 candidates are expected to run alongside Royal and 

(I stole this from another gay political site.  I don't know where 
it originated)  Peter Joseph Swanson

g_b a gay TV show in China!

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
gay.com http://www.gay.com/news/

China to get first gay TV show

published Tuesday, April 3, 2007
A Chinese Web site Thursday will launch what its producer describes as
the country's first show to focus on gay issues and the first with an
openly gay host.

The weekly hourlong Internet TV show Tongxing Xianglian, 
or Connecting
Homosexuals, will debut Thursday on www.phoenixtv.com, producer Gang
Gang said in a phone interview with the Associated Press.

The Web site is run by the same media company that runs the Phoenix
satellite TV station. Gang said clips from the online show will be 
on the broadcaster.

Gang said that while gay people have appeared on Chinese TV shows, 
will be the first show to focus on gay issues and the first with an
openly gay host, AIDS activist Didier Zheng.

He said he hopes the Beijing-based show will improve public
understanding of Chinese gays.

There are many people in China's gay community, but people don't 
have a
deep enough understanding about this community. This community faces a
lot of trouble and difficulties. They face a lot of pressure, Gang 

Gay people were strongly persecuted after China's 1949 communist
revolution, condemned as products of decadent Western and feudal
societies. Official attitudes gradually have changed since the late
1980s, and in 2001, the China Psychiatric Association stopped listing
homosexuality as a mental illness.

The new show will explore homosexuality from legal, parental, and
sociological perspectives, dealing with issues like same-sex marriage,
Gang said. The program will also feature a friend-matching portion.

It remains to be seen if the new show will face censorship. Though the
communist government promotes Internet use, it has also set up an
extensive surveillance and filtering system to prevent Chinese from
accessing material considered obscene or politically subversive.

The show's host, Zheng, 27, is a France-educated activist at the Chi
Heng Foundation, which works with AIDS orphans and promotes AIDS

I hope to convey my love in caring for gays, my hope for them to get
better recognition in society, said Zheng, a Chinese citizen who
pursued graduate studies in psychology at the Sorbonne.

Gang said he believes gays in China face less discrimination than in 
West, where criticism of gays stems from Christian beliefs. The
pressure comes more from the Chinese problem of saving face, he said.
(Min Lee, AP)

/ Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed./

(ooops - Peter)

Re: g_b All colored EYE people

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
It's not the color of the eyes that make a person, but anyone can 
change their color nowadays with contacts.   


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Aditya Bondyopadhyay 

 So, Black is not a colour eh..!! So what about all of them 
colors put
 together..?? HAve you ever seen anyone with White Eyes..?? Belove 
me it can
 be scary!!!
 On 07 Apr 2007 02:57:50 -0700, wab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi people,
  I go crazy over colored eyes (anything beside black)... if you 
  one, do get in touch with me and rest will be hisstory.
  27yrs, 6ft with a scorpion instinct.
 Aditya Bondyopadhyay

Re: g_b question on relationship , love and sex

2007-03-31 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I bet lots of people out there have relationships without sex, but I 
think for most it's because the sex part of it faded.  Most those are 
heterosexual marriages that stay together for the kids, and society.  
There's a lot to a relationship besides sex.  There's a saying that 
goes:  If a couple puts a penny in a jar for every time they have 
sex the first year, then during all their following years if they 
take a penny out for every time they have sex the jar will never go 
empty.  I don't think that's true, but it's funny and telling 


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, RAK SHAS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 Given the premise 
 that I am into a relationship 
 I wont fuck with others on the side as that would be cheating and 
will demean the scantity of a relationship.
 Given the premise that the sex between me and my partner is 'awful' 
and there is no 'sexual attraction'...
 1.  I still wont sleep out of the relationship just to get sexual 
 2.  Will be faithful to him as long as in a relationship.
 3.  Talk to my partner and better understand his take on the 
situation and asking him to put in his efforts and shall definately 
put in efforts myself  and if need be tone down my sexual desires and 
meet someway half the road wherein both of us are satisfied.
 4.  Will see why I love him apart from sex and enhance upon that 
aspect of love leading to more moments full of love and not lust.
 5.  Will focus on the other and major side of any relationship that 
is companionship. Afterall if we are in a relationship and are 
planning to grow old together, sex shall not be the criteria when we 
turn 70! 
 Having said that even if after sincere efforts on both parts if the 
relationship is still not moving ahead and both of us are being 
 1.  Then will have a talk with him and decide to separate while 
remaining good friends still caring and sharing whatever we can 
leading independant lives and will support and be there for him 
without expecting the same from him. 
 2.  Shall be very clear that I cant be with him after we separate 
and shall have our own lives and if we are lucky enuf to find another 
partner for ourselves we shall not let our past interfere with the 
 This separation will be mutual and will not be just because I am 
not sexually satisfied.
 A relationship is much more than sex to me, it is the day to day 
lives that we share, it is the joys and sorrows we share, it is the 
company of each other we enjoy, it is the feeling of someone being 
there for you, it is much larger than just sex.
 Sex too is important in sustaining a relationship, but it is not a 
criteria to make or break a relationship.
 All this comes from my personal experience!
 - Original Message 
 From: lgbtindiagroup [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:50:10 PM
 Subject: g_b question on relationship , love and sex
 1) You are into a relationship with a guy but the sex is aweful. 
 is just no sexual attraction. would you continue your 
relationship. . 
 or love him and fuck with others on the side or be faithful to 
 him or would you break the relationship?
 It's here! Your new message!  
 Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar.

g_b I just got my first review for my first novel (and it ain't shabby!)

2007-03-30 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Peter Swanson's Hollywood Sinners is a loopy Wizard of Oz where
assorted down-at-heel characters, all of them of questionable virtue,
cross paths in 1930's Hollywood -- specifically and tellingly, in 1939
when The Wizard of Oz was filmed. Farm girl Karin Panotchitch is
journeying to Oz -- or rather, Hollywood -- to become a big star, but
instead of munchkins to lead her down the yellow brick road, she meets
sinners with delusions of grandeur who make up Hollywood's underbelly.
Swanson's writing is off-the-wall and irreverent, speckled with period
slang, and characters with names like Mama Gravy, reminiscent of
Ronald Firbank (The Flower Beneath the Foot) whose work, although
dubbed a specialized taste (and often published at his own expense),
has gained recognition and its own cult following. The first in a
Tinseltown trilogy, Hollywood Sinners shows a deranged sense of humor
and love of Old Hollywood, portraying a city with more sinners than
saints, by far. But the angels are there, too, in the form of nuns
who are shaping eyebrows as much as saving souls. - d. nowak

g_b Clocks (a joke)

2007-03-23 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
A U.S. Republican died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the
Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He
asked, What are all those clocks?

St. Peter answered,
Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time
you lie, the hands on your clock move.

Oh, said the republican.
Whose clock is that?

That's Mother Teresa's, replied St. Peter. The hands have never
moved, indicating that she never told a lie.

Incredible,  said the republican.
And whose clock is that one?

St. Peter responded, That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have
moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire

Where's George W Bush's clock?
asked the republican.

George's clock is in Jesus' office...
He's using it as a ceiling fan!

Re: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)

2007-03-22 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
Everybody is racist.  We all judge with our eyes, and we all have our 
own cultural things that we favor.  It's natural to be that way 
but natural doesn't mean it's right, just and fair.  I think we can 
overcome racism a lot by just trying to understand why we have those 
fears and attractions that we have.  Then we can laugh at ourselves 
about it first.  Laughing at yourself about things is a good first 
step in growing.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, veno anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Karwan,
   There still are some of us white guys who think darker men are da 
bomb. Their features and color are loved and admired. Sounds like 
reverse racism but I only look at personals for Asians South and East 
and Latinos, your're among the handsomest men around.
 karwan khursheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You are absolutely right! Here in Duabi, its the same 
like britain.

   I am from delhi working in Dubai for last two years. The first 
question they will ask you is whats your nationality?

   When you will say I am Indian. they will say sorry I am not into 
asian. sometimes no reply.
   I noticed  it many times. Condition of Indian gays specially who 
are dark skin is very bad. They are most of the time neglected.

   Sometimes I taught them a lesson. The same guy who didnt chat 
with me knowing me Indian, chatted with me knowing that I am 
European. I made my id as 27-Eurpopean in mirc and I got the reply of 
that guy.  He gave me his msn is and we chatted. He gave me his no 
without seeing me but i refused him saying sorry you are not my type.

   Most of the Arabs guy here are looking for Arbs. Few european 
like Indian.

   But I feel race is not the main issue.

   The main issue is how you look and how your stats is...


   - Original Message 
 From: walnut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:59:15 PM
 Subject: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)
   Comment: Racism still an issue in the gay 
 I've encountered more cold shoulders and thanks, no thanks on Old 
Compton Street than Dating Direct or Gaydar.
 Click Here 
   8th March 2007 13:37
 Since coming to London last year, student Balaji Ravichandran has 
been impressed with the freedom that gay men enjoy here. As an 
Indian, though, Balaji has noticed that white gay men's attitudes to 
a guy like him can at times leave something to be desired. 
 Sorry, not my type. This is probably the most frequented reply 
I've received on Gaydar - or DismayDar, as I choose to call it. 
 Personally, I have nothing against the cruising website always busy 
with people (gay, straight, or otherwise) craving for sex. 
 It is, in many ways, much better than the hypocrisy of people 
claiming to want longer relationships and not bothering to call again 
or return your messages. 
 Indeed, having been in Britain only for a year now, I've rather 
enjoyed my frequent flings, thanks to the occasional few who don't 
mind my skin colour, or those who do not have Caucasians only in 
the Looking for column of their profiles. 
 Yet, having used it for almost a year, along with a host of other 
dating websites, and having been a part of the gay scene (an 
unfortunate epithet) in London for an equal amount of time, I can't 
help thinking that there is subtle, yet very palpable racism within 
the community.
 When I mention this to many of my gay friends in the UK, they 
refuse to believe it. They point out that there are a significant 
number of interracial relationships within the gay community. I 
wholly agree. 
 What's more, most of the men I've been with were white. In fact, I 
once admitted that if one wanted to see real and overt racism, one 
must go to the Berlin gay scene—how would you feel if people in their 
hundreds refuse to acknowledge you even exist? 
 That's exactly how it felt - for me, anyway.
 But to say that Britain is highly tolerant and that it is not as 
bad as some other European nations is not to say that a person with 
coloured skin is treated in exactly the same manner as a white would. 
 Far from it. If you don't believe me, log on to any gay dating 
website and read the profiles of a few white people at random. 
 You are more likely to see the following epithets than any 
discernible description of themselves or their prospective partners 
(sexual or otherwise)— Sorry, not into Asians; Sorry, coloured 
skin just doesn't work for me; Whites only, no offence. 
 An oxymoron, if there ever was one.
 Could this be something related to the realms of online dating 
alone? Not exactly. 
 I've encountered more cold shoulders and thanks, no thanks on Old 
Compton Street than Dating Direct or Gaydar. Admittedly, this may not 


2007-03-14 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
I used to always think that people would just know I'm gay because 
I'm so nelly. Some straight people still didn't seem to notice, 
especially women who have wanted me to date them (to my utter 
surprise and horror! ha ha).  But I think a gay man is usually pretty 
good at spotting another gay man without anything special on him.  
Usually the second he opens his mouth, the cat is out of the bag.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Roger F [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the point is not to identify bottom/top/versitile it's more 
to identify being gay.  Have you never been out in a non-gay specific 
place such as a store saw someone you found attractive, but should 
you approach or not?  Should you decide to approach and he turns out 
to be hetero, he may just turn you down, or beat the crap out of 
you.  My understanding with wrist bands is that you don't have to 
wonder, if the person you see has a wrist band to identify gay the 
only thing you risk is being turned down.

   Let's face it straight people don't have to worry, if a guy walks 
up to a girl to talk does he need to worry about hetero/homo, the 
answer is NO, if she turns out to be a lesbian she is not exactly 
going to start calling names or hitting the guy.  Do you get the 
point or am I just rambling on?

 Ramesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with Cooper.  Why must we wear our sexuality on our 
sleeve (or wrist?).  Do heterosexual men wear some sort of 
identification to let the girls know they're straight (hate the 
term)?  It's time the gay world stopped being so paranoid about being 
able to get the right catch.  There's nothing wrong with bumbling our 
way through relationships the same as the rest of the world does.  
 manu nehru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Cooper,
   I think he was just suggesting that wrist bands or some such 
thing be worn for gays to easily identify each other and thus avoid 
running into the wrong guys.
 doc cop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   yesterday someone was inquiring about coloured wrist bands to 
show there sexual preferances
   Why should one where his sexuality on his hand???

   hetrosexuals have a wide range of sexual preferances
   do they wear it on their hands
   they find a freind and see if that person can b a mate too
   and tehn explore the sexual compatibility and normally make the 
best out of it

   hence why should gays make the sex preferance their identity or 
the priority in finding a freind

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