Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 My colleagues use eagle.  I review their gerbers with gerbv. They
 envy my hierachical schematics and scripting fu,
 Funny. I got the impression, the scripting abilities of eagle are one 
 of the few things eagle really excels at. 

I've heard so, yes, one of our engineers does eagle scripting once in a
while.  But he had to learn how to script eagle.  I did not learn any
new language, I script in sed, awk, python, gnumeric.  Both are good


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Broken TO92 footprint

2011-05-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Vanessa Ezekowitz writes:

 The TO92 footprint included with PCB does not work with the schematic
 importer therein.  Try to reference it and the importer complains
 about missing pins, because it uses numbered pins instead of the B-C-E
 lettering used in gschem's transistor symbols.  

The TO92 package has well define pin numbers.  The mapping from
transistor pins to footprint pins should happen in the schematic.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Broken TO92 footprint

2011-05-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 The TO92 package has well define pin numbers.  The mapping from
 transistor pins to footprint pins should happen in the schematic.

 Worse, the mapping from EBC to 123 is *different* for different
 transistors using the TO-92 case.

 Compare 2N3904  - E-B-C
 2SC2631 - E-C-B

The package pin numbers are well defined: 1-2-3.  The Symbol on the
schematic should tell which (numeric) package pin conects to which
transitor contact.  There are also FETs in that package.

I'd still use slotting for this in generic symbols.  I've made a quick
generic NPN symbol that demonstrates how I think generic symbols may

gschem GUI may need an additional feature in the attibute editor: When
editing an attribute NAME, it shall offer a dropdown menu of choices
given in the attibute NAMEs (or some other less ambiguous mangling of

v 20110115 2
P 600 1000 600 800 1 0 0
T 500 850 5 6 1 1 0 0 1
T 700 850 5 6 0 0 0 0 1
T 400 850 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
T 700 950 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
P 600 200 600 0 1 0 1
T 500 50 5 6 1 1 0 0 1
T 700 50 5 6 0 0 0 0 1
T 400 50 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
T 700 150 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
V 500 501 316 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
T 900 700 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
L 600 200 400 400 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
L 600 800 400 600 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
L 400 700 400 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
P 0 500 184 500 1 0 0
T 100 550 5 6 1 1 0 0 1
T 200 550 5 6 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 550 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
T 200 650 5 6 0 1 0 0 1
L 400 500 184 500 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
L 600 200 564 272 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
L 600 200 528 236 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
L 528 236 564 272 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
T 900 500 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 1300 500 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 1500 8 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 1300 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 0 1100 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 700 1100 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 700 1300 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 1400 1300 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 1400 1100 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 1400 1500 8 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 900 300 8 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 0 1700 8 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 1900 8 10 0 0 0 0 1


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Judging the
 code by lack of comments without knowledge of the language is too.

 I referred to the lack of documentation, rather than lack of comments.
 The particular case I had in mind, is the interaction of gnetlist's 
 C front-end with the scheme back-ends. There seems to be no documentation 
 whatsoever, what data structure the front-end should use to communicate 
 with the back-end.

Ok, yes, that is a valid point...  the lack of documented APIs.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Why is there so much discussion here about the needs of potential new
 users, instead of the needs of current, loving, existing users?  Let's
 make the tools perfect for us (that includes discoverability and
 documentation improvements), and not cater for not-yet-users.

 In my case, this is essentially the same. If students find geda more
 difficult and less attractive than eagle, I have a hard time to convince 
 them to use the right tool.

Why do you have this notion of _right tool_?  Let them use what they
want.  My colleagues use eagle.  I review their gerbers with gerbv. They
envy my hierachical schematics and scripting fu, but still, they are
happy.  All I say is: look if you want help from me with these things,
use gEAD, else, do it yourself.

 In the end, the development caters the needs of whoever is doing the

 and whose contributions get accepted. There is a heap of 45 patches for 
 pcb and 20 patches for geda rotting on launchpad. 

just what I said see below ...

 That brings me to another point: I somehow feel a barrier of entry for
 contributing code to gEDA/PCB, more than with other projects.  This is a
 combination of a lot of little details which have been discussed before.

 It starts with a developer mailing list that is closed to mortal users but 
 discusses issues which affect said users. The wiki only features edit buttons
 on application. 

That are two of those little details, major ones.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Geoff Swan writes:

   are the next to unusable default library of geda
  As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there is no
  narrow, common use case for gEDA. 

It can be fixed, ...

 Actually I think gEDA is not too bad for components/symbols really. What the
 default library lacks, gedsymbols often has. With a little bit more
 promotion of gedasymbols I think people wouldn't have such an issue.

The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic

I do use some symbols from the defaul library, generic resistors,
capacitors, transistors, switches, but nothing else. Basically only the
very generic drawings.

The first thing a new user shall (have to) learn is making symbols, and
(for a pcb workflow) footprints, or (for a simulation workflow) models,
because, as John said, it cannot be done right for everybody, so we
shall not try, and if it were possible, nobody wants to to the work


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 So, is it really that bad?

In the end, when you really need to look something up, giyf, it is all
there.  But terribly disorganised.  For most things that may need
looking up I am completely unaware that they even exist.

As I said eleswhere, the first thing I tend to read is some kind of
reference manual.  Those things are typically not very verbose and give
me a complete overview what the program, API, language, library can do
for me.  I could not point to such documents for gaf or PCB.

I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found. I found
it several times in the past after some googling, and after I read it, I
still have no idea what the possibilities are on the pcb actions command
line, because it appears to be incomplete both in coverage of the
actions as well as the parameters for the actions.

This is not a complaint, since I get along with what I know.  I may just
miss out on a lot of nice features that I do not know about.

What I did find early (and enjoyed a lot) was the file formats


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher (Karl Hammar) writes:

 I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found.

 You can find it in the git repo. as pcb/doc/pcb.pdf,
 but you have to build it first.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Russell Shaw wrote:

 I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
 it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
 I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new language by 
 almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier. 

Learning a programming language by examples is hazardous.  Judging the
code by lack of comments without knowledge of the language is too.

Comments that help those who do not know the language to understand the
code belong in tutorials, but not production code.  Well written code
should be understandable, with full knowlegde of the semantics of the
language, but not necessarily without that knowledge.  

I do think that most code needs comments, but mostly exactly not the
comments that are present in the code.

I once learned TeX by reading the source of LaTeX2.09 (before reading
the TeXbook).  Nowadays I start with the language reference manual, skip
the tutorial, and _then_ jump into example code.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Colin D Bennett writes:

 First, let's be clear that popularity is no indication of usefulness or
 goodness of something.

 But, if a product is less widely-chosen, perhaps there is something
 that can be done to improve the learning curve for new users... 

Why is there so much discussion here about the needs of potential new
users, instead of the needs of current, loving, existing users?  Let's
make the tools perfect for us (that includes discoverability and
documentation improvements), and not cater for not-yet-users.  When we
love the tools, they will eventually also leran how to love them.  See: 

 e.g., I was frustrated with gEDA when I first started using it, and
 thought KiCAD looked easy to use and cool.  But I found that I didn't
 like the feel of KiCAD (Wxwidgets was probably part of the
 problem...), and eventually figured out the tricks needed to make the
 gEDA system work.  Now I love gEDA and am really comfortable with


 but I must say that it's difficult to learn.  Perhaps a comprehensive
 tutorial/manual that explains the usual PCB workflow would help.  I
 know there are lots of ways to use gEDA, but for new users, a basic
 and sensible standard workflow could be identified.

Yes.  Well, the results may be essentially the same, but still, the
emphasis must be the needs of those how already use the tools, else the
delepoment may run into dead ends.

In the end, the development caters the needs of whoever is doing the
development, and that is how it must be.  Those of us (like me) who just
argue their needs on this list, but do not write code, can just hope to
steer the development a little bit towards their needs.

That brings me to another point: I somehow feel a barrier of entry for
contributing code to gEDA/PCB, more than with other projects.  This is a
combination of a lot of little details which have been discussed before.
Maybe there is change in the right direction now, but I do not see any.

If it were easier, some new users may already have written a tutorial
based on their learning experience, or make the existing tutorials
easier to find.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: BUG: gaf hierarchy problems with old backup files

2011-05-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher

I have a collection of similar projects, each of which refer to a common
set of hierarchical sub-schematics, which were located in the directory
of the first project.  I needed to prepare a tarball for one of the
other projects, so I cleaned up the mess, and moved the symbols and
schematics of the common sub-circuits into the ../lib directory.  I
added lines to gafrc like this:

(component-library ../lib)
(component-library .)
(source-library ../lib)
(source-library .))

Everthing worked fine for the project that I had to tar up.  Then I
tried to open the project where the common subcircuits were previously
stored, and there I could not descend into the sub-schematic with H-d.
Worse, gsch2pcb did not find the source= schematics either and deleted
all the included components from the layout.

It took a while to figure out what was different between the project
where everything worked, and there it did not work: 

There where backup~ and #autosave# files left in the direcory for the
.sch file that were moved.  After removing the backup~ and #autosave#
files of the moved files everything works as expected.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: physics Re: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 Because when the theory is all epicycles and no physics, there's no
 foundation upon which to stand.

Epicycles are no less physics than Keplers Laws.  They described the
observed ephemerides of planets just fine (for the time).  Kepler
replaced them by ellipses because he found the math turns out easier
that way, but there is no more physics in there than in Ptolemaeus math.
It is often the case that the wrong choice of reference frame makes the
math more complicated, but not necessarily wrong.  Currently we believe
that Einstein got the math right, at least as precise as we can measure.
Does that make the GRT more physics than Kelpers laws or epicycles?

You are right, though, epicycles are no good foundation to go any
further, neither is general relativity.  Kepler may fit just fine,
simple Euklidian geometry in a plane.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: An idea: rework design support...

2011-05-14 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 FWIW, I'd love to see PCB's enforce one layer per layer of the
 board, tagging objects if necessary to implement similar functionality
 to what we currently use layers and layer groups for.

One layer per physical layer would imply that element pins (pads) are
tagged shapes in this single layer too?

And negative shapes as well?  So each object (shape) on the layer needs
a stacking order tag (implying sublayers), or shall each negative shape
take precedence over positive shapes?

 Mechanical drawing overlays could still sensibly be called layers,
 even if they are quite distinct from the physical representation of the
 PCB board.

I do not have a problem with the idea of single layer per physical
layer, as long as the end result is no more than a separation of the
plane in two subsets, all layers can be manipulated othogonally in the
same way (at least with a text editor), and there are not too many
assumtions about the semantics of the resulting layers.  The tags on the
objects that define the layers have several distinct purposes:

 - how does this object affect the plane (positive, negative, positive
   with clearance, stacking order, ...)

 - where did this object come from (routing, element pin, ...)

 - how may this object be modified (locked, grouped, ...)

 - verification (design rules, ...)

 - connectivity (vias, antenna, ...)

 - ...

 - user attributes

Some of these tags exist today, some are requested features, some depend
on what gets picked up from the long discussion we had a few months


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb: Track routing strategies and tips

2011-05-11 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Colin D Bennett writes:

 As a rather inexperienced PCB designer, I find that I have to throw
 away two or three layouts until I get one that is usable--and still
 not entirely satisfactory.  I always end up with such a mess of traces
 that I know I need better organization and a method to the madness.
 But I am a newb with little knowledge so I fall back on trial-and-error.

 Does anyone have any tips on how to plan a layout for easy and clean
 track routing?  In particular for 2-layer boards.

My schematics usually look almost like the layout.  The pins of the
symbols are placed like on the package.  People on this list argue that
the schematic should document the function, not the physical
implementation, but in my circuit the function is all inside the FPGA
and the processor, while the details of the layout in low noise mixed
signal or high-speed applications are very important, so I use the
schematic entry as a first opportunity to preview the place and route.

 One strategy that I have seen and recently tried is to use the top
 layer for all horizontal trace runs and the bottom layer for all
 vertical trace runs, or vice-versa.

This is a good for (slow) digital designs.  These typically benefit from
good functional schematics for review and documentation, so my physical
style of schematics is not appropriate.  OTOH, when it needs to fit on
two layers, and the logic is not too complicated, a little physical
planing on the schematic level may help later with the placement and
save a few backannotation cycles for swapped pins and slots.

 Do you ever use the pcb autorouter or do you always route by hand?

I never tried an autorouter.  But for that kind of Manhattan routing I
probably would try.

 Do you ever study other people's PCB designs to learn from them?  I
 think you could find both good and bad examples: things to emulate and
 things to avoid yourself.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-10 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Bob Paddock writes:

 On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 2:18 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 If somebody requires GTK sources - let download them directly from I used GTK etc. libs unmodified.

 Unfortunately, the GPL does not allow this.  If we're shipping GTK
 dlls, we must offer the GTK sources ourselves.

 Why are individuals who are trying to help the project being held to a
 higher standard that the projects own download page? 's download link does not contain GTK sources,
 sources of compilers or sources for the Windows operating system.

Neither did I find any libgtk executables, that would require to provide
corresponding sources.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Out and In symbols in gschem getting net names to come out in PCB

2011-05-03 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Colin D Bennett wrote:

 +1000 for a patch to make I/O pin symbols visually clean without
 requiring maintaining duplicate attributes as at present.

 While I am all in favor to get rid of the :1, this is how I currently 
 deal with net names:

 * For nets that jump inside a sheet I attach an attribute to a short
 net line stub. I copy/paste this stub to where ever the net should go.

 * For nets that enter the sheet from a higher level of hierarchy, I use 
 in.sym and out.sym and set the refdes to the desired net name (without a 
 :1 appendix).

dito, plus:

* For power/ground nets I create a symbol with a label and hidden net=

* For small projects I use the generic power symbol and live with the
  ugly :1 at the end of the netname, when the standard Vcc, Vdd, Vee, Vss,
  and GND symbols are not sufficient.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Can i use geda for electric indoor installation?

2011-04-30 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Jonas Stein writes:

 i want to make a scheme like this:

 Is geda the right tool for it?

Yes, I'd think so.  You will need to make a library of symbols.  Or is
there such a library for gschem already?

 Has anyone experience with that? Do you have some screenshots of
 nice schemes of house electric indoor installation?
 Additional information like wiretype or wire ID would be nice to have
 next to the line of the wire.

Sure, you can attach attributes to wires.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to identify a refdes' owner in gSchem

2011-04-29 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Mark Rages writes:

 On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Rob Butts wrote:
   Having never looked at a schematic this way I wouldn't know what to
   look for but from this excerpt can you tell if this is just a stray
   refdes that doesn't belong?  It is the only U9 found.

 Right, looks like stray text.   You can delete the line.

 How it got there is more interesting.  If you can reproduce it, please
 file a bug on the gschem bug tracker.

Typically, by selecting a refdes and hitting 'c'.  No bug required.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Attribute Net (without pin assignment) - for Power and Port Symbols

2011-04-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Gabriel Paubert writes:

 A french or german keyboard will be different (I'm french,
 but I can't stand the layout of french keyboards).

I'm using us keyboards exclusively, in Germany.  I type a lot more
[]{}\| than äöüß.

I do not think that easy of typing should drive this decision too much.
When we need to type hierachy seprators a lot, then there is a problem
with the UI that needs fixing.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Attribute Net (without pin assignment) - for Power and Port Symbols

2011-04-12 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 22:35 +0200, Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:25:19PM +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
  What about the cases where this is a mistake? The net= attribute was
  supposed to refer to some implicit power pin - not the device's one
  symbolic pin, but the user forgot the suffix.
 The special case applies only to symbols with a single pin, so no such
 error is possible here.

 What about symbols with one pin, and multiple net= attributes providing
 hidden pins.

A non-graphical netlist format could be a gschem schematic file with a
generic symbol without any pins, with just a list of attributes.

Instead of special case, we could call it a default.  If a net=
attribute does not provide a pinnumber, it defaults to 1.  
Doesn't make is any better, but maybe feel better :-)

This default is actually a natural and useful default.  I'd welcome it.
Whenever I forgot to put a pinnumber on a net= attribute, this default
would have fixed the schematic, not hide an error.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: default pcb stackup change?

2011-04-11 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 19:42 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 I'm pondering a minor change in pcb's defaults to give us a more
 useful default stackup.  How's this?
   LAYERNAME (1, top),
   LAYERNAME (2, ground),
   LAYERNAME (3, signal2),
   LAYERNAME (4, signal3),
   LAYERNAME (5, power),
   LAYERNAME (6, bottom),
   LAYERNAME (7, outline),
   LAYERNAME (8, spare),

 I'm very keen to see this change.

 The PCB+GL renderer (for example), needs layers (actually layer group
 numbers) in the correct physical order to be able to figure out how to
 render 3D views. Our current default stack is totally useless for that.

I'd very much like to not have any exporters/renderers requiring the
layers to be in physical order, since I tend to move the final order
around a lot.  My layer order is defined in the README that goes to the
board house, and little text numbers in the layers.

A layer attribute that tells Ben-mode and PCB+GL how to render the stack
may be the way to go.  

Is it really the layer order, or the group order that PCB+GL or Ben-mode


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: RFC using SVG with semantic markup as an EDA format

2011-04-11 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 13:05 +0100, Andrew Seddon wrote:

 1. Be translated to common EDA formats with relatively simple algorithms
 2. Display nicely on standard SVG viewers
 3. Be easily to manipulate by tools working natively in the format
 (this is probably implicit in 1 though)
 Keen to hear why this idea sucks!

 It doesn't.

 Some challenges to be met though.

 If you make schematics == SVG files, you need to ensure that opening and
 saving from an SVG editor (e.g. Inkscape) won't break the data within.

 Gschem currently uses special primitives to mark connectivity - nets,
 pins, buses etc.. I'm not quite clear how that can be mapped to SVG in a
 way which doesn't loose that information when edited outside of the EDA

Does SVG/Inkscape support layers? It sure does. I recently looked at an
svg export from gerbv, and I found it pretty useless.  I found one
object inside, and when I ungrouped that object I found all the little
pieces, but not grouped into layers.  And no transparency.

A schematic could require nets and pins to be in special layers.  When
Inkscape messes with the file, as long as the layers are preseved the
connectivity should survive.  All non-schematic layers are graphics.

So it should be easy to map the semantics of gschem to an svg subset,
allow gschem to export to such a format.  On open/import, the schematic
is extracted from those layers/groups that have a meaning, all the rest
is preserved as graphics, maybe with limited edit sorrut, like move and

If this shall become the primary format, I'd first insist on really good
native scripting support, since external schematics scripting on svg is
no fun.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Split ground planes and zero ohm jumpers

2011-04-09 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 Why not a description for what it is, instead of fending off some 
 program. Like square,use=xx, where xx could be fuse, antenna,

 For starters, flags are one-bit values.

 Also, if you allow the user to put in a wide range of values, then the
 routines in pcb need to understand what those wide range of values
 *means* so they can do the right thing.

Exactly.  The attributes and flags shall have meaning to the program,
without overloading them with higher-level semantics.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power users us normal users, a conflict?

2011-04-08 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Rubén Gómez Antolí writes:

 Hi again:

 El 08/04/11 01:30, Peter Clifton escribió:
 On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 16:00 -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:

 You are right but, what about the users?

 I *am* a user.

 I'm too.

Both of you now pushed some users aside somehow, one calling the GUI
users _consumers_, the other calling CLI users _power users_.

I do not see a conflict between GUI and make, the first ist a good way
to make features of the second discoverable.  John wants to make sure
that the make-power is not compromised for the sake of the integrated
GUI.  But that should not discourage development in that area.

 gEDA is software that caters to the needs of users. But
 it's not for passive *consumers* of software. There are plenty of
 other tools for them. I sincerely hope that gEDA's power and
 productivity are never abridged to make it more palatable to

 John, I'm not attack the powerful of gEDA, I'm really agree with the
 multiple pieces of powerful software that compounds it, and I love too
 the posibilty of use makefiles, but...

 I tell you a short history: I have a friend, he is really good in
 electronics and yes, he uses other comercial apps (and he's testing
 Qucs). I try to come him with us, but, stop, if I tell him to need to
 learn Bash, Makefiles, Gnuplot and other esotheric languages... ¡oh,
 wait! He only wants to do some electronics work.

He cannot be really good, when we stays in the GUI forever. At least not
efficiently.  An expert in any field needs to use learn the tools of his
trade, or hire personel that does.

None of the languages you quoted are esotheric.  Users of commercial
tools learn more esotheric scripting languages to achieve what open
tools can partly achieve with these non-esotheric tools.  These
non-esotheric tools are useful for all kinds of productivity boost
besides eda.

 Who is wrong? Possibly anyone, then, what about do a easy curve of
 learning? Why we have to lost a potentially users which should
 contribute in some way to gEDA? For a leak of a good interface* to do
 in a easy way the work? I say no. Try to tell him about doing some
 makefiles and, definitively all lost, we and they.

gEDA and especially PCB suffer a lot from lack of discoverability.
There a powerful features in PCB that are inaccessible from the GUI, and
those features that are accessible do not provide hints how to access
them from scripts.  And AFAIK there is still no complete list of all
actions available.

I do not believe that a GUI frontend to gaf, pcb, spice is the way to
go.  That prevents dicoverability.  My productivity with proprietary
tools always got a boost as soon as I learned how to call the components
individually.  This was not always easy to discover.

gschem modes, like emacs modes may be a good way forward.  If you target
simulation, provide a menu that highlights spice attributes, and spice
components, with descriptive names.  Just make sure you can switch to
different modes on the same schematic, to use what is left of
multi-target capabilities in gschem.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Split ground planes and zero ohm jumpers

2011-04-07 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Griessen writes:

 On 04/06/2011 05:16 PM, Russell Dill wrote:
 The use case I'm talking about, you have two nets, say GND and AGND1
 which are two planes that are connected at a single point. Connecting
 a component on the AGND1 side is different that connecting a component
 on the GND side.

 Yes, Levente's way of handling that after the fact is practical and
 what I like to do, since then you keep all your DRC's working against
 error, and have one more step to do after DRC complete.  Perhaps that
 method could be scripted with a makefile?  Can commands from a script
 make a layer invisible and not part of DRCs?  If so, then the starpoint
 connecting copper could be on a special layer for that purpose alone,
 and merged in by using visibility or not.

PCB layer groups may be used here.  Put the short on an extra layer, in
an extra group.  At checkout time, you can assign the extra layer to the
group representing the copper layer that needs shorting.  This is
probably a single char in the PCB file header, and can be done with a
simple sed script.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Split ground planes and zero ohm jumpers

2011-04-07 Thread Stephan Boettcher
rickman writes:

 I have to say I am philosophically opposed to any feature that allows
 a design to pass DRC when the layout differs from the schematic.  

Just to get the terminology right:

DRC has no business to care about the schematics at all.  There shall be
a tool to check if the layout implements the schematics netlist, but
that is a different issue.

PCB implements this distiction properly.  DRC checks consider coper
structures as layed out when evaluating the rules, without regard to the

The Rat's-nest (O-key) ignores DRC rules when checking connectivity.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Split ground planes and zero ohm jumpers

2011-04-07 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Griessen writes:

 On 04/07/2011 04:52 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 PCB layer groups may be used here.  Put the short on an extra layer, in
 an extra group.  At checkout time, you can assign the extra layer to the
 group representing the copper layer that needs shorting.  This is
 probably a single char in the PCB file header, and can be done with a
 simple sed script.

 I like that idea -- at least until someone figures how to have a starpoint
 symbol and footprint that keeps DRC checking of separate ground planes while
 still having a short there for fabbing purposes.

 I'm thinking of two scripts external to pcb, for use with make.  While editing
 a pcb board, I would run DRC and effectively have a non conductive piece
 of trace between separately named ground planes.  When I run make faboutput,
 one script is run to change the non conductive piece
 of trace to copper on a layer, then output RS274-X, the run the other script
 to change the piece of copper on a layer to a non conductive piece
 of trace.

 We don't have the concept of non-conductive built into pcb now though,
 so some kind of ignore for DRC purposes might do.

 There's still a problem with that method though... It won't check for
 proper clearances of the starpoint blob of copper to other copper if it
 is handled by an ignore for DRC purposes attribute.

As soon as we have the option to define arbitary layer types, we also
need to be able to define arbitrary DRC rules.  The star-point may be a
footprint with a structure on some non-conductive shorts layer, which
will need to be accompanied by a set of design rules in the technology
specs.  The fact that the non-conductive shorts layer is implemented
in conductive copper by merging the layer with the bottom copper is
irrelevant, since for netlist purposes it is non-conductive, just like a
resistor layer.  Part of the design-rule check is to be perfomed
manually, you'll always need to check your footprints in your library.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: zview/ngscope

2011-04-06 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Specifically, the suite misses a way for fast turnaround of schematic
 modification, simulation and display.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint/symbol generating scripts + question

2011-04-06 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Richard Rasker writes:

 One last question: the project I'm working on has several schematic
 pages, with several nets spanning multiple pages. For me, this is the
 first project of this size, and I wondered about one thing: Are  there
 special symbols to indicate nets connected to other schematic pages?
 In the reference design on which this project is based (probably made in
 OrCAD), those nets have double arrows, but I can't find anything similar
 in gschem. So now I have quite a few nets ending in little red squares,
 giving the impression that they're open-ended.
 The actual connection is there, of course, so it's more of a cosmetic
 issue, but I have the feeling that this is not how it's supposed to

You could draw a bus, and connect the nets to a bus.  The bus could be
labeled with the sheet the nets connect to.  All this is just cosmetics,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: US Distributor for Balloon Board

2011-04-02 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Dave McGuire writes:

 On 3/27/11 6:05 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 I am designing a lot of boards with an LPC2141 ARM7, Altera 3c25, USB
 client, RS232, SPI, uSD.  No ram, no Linux, just the builtin flash and
 RAM of the ARM and FPGA, and 1MByte SPI flash. The frontend is fitted
 with a variable number of ADCs of various types.

 It is optimized for precision analog measurements.  The FPGA and the ARM
 live on differnt ground planes, with LVDS-IO between, to isolate the
 noisy digital world (computer) from the frontend.  This board is
 sandwiched between a power regulator board and a preamplifier board.
 The inputs to the preamps are usially quoted in pA or fC, that is just a
 few electrons.

 I don't think this is what you asked for, but, if that comes close to
 what you need, and are ready to do your board yourself, I will share my
 design to work from.  Most work is in the software/firmware.

   That sounds like a very powerful platform for general metrology
 applications.  I'd love to get my hands on one of those boards.  If
 you decide to publish the info or sell any boards, please let me know!

Well, I design a new board for every problem, because each problem
requires it's special frontend, like

 ==  18 * AD7276, 3 MSPS, 12bit, each with a shaper AD8005
 ==  2 * AD9251, 4 channels, 80MSPS, 14 bit, with AD8138 preamps.
 ==  9 * AD7690, 9 channels, 400 kSPS, 18 bit, with AD8131 preamps.
 ==  1 * AD9649, and LVDS IO, to test variuos ASICS.
 ==  0 * ADC, but an SRAM, to test/emulate interfaces with downstream systems.

The backend, ARM, FPGA is always the same, as is the ARM firmware, and a
good part of the FPGA code.

So, no boards, but I may put the design online when I find the time to
package it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: US Distributor for Balloon Board

2011-03-27 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Patrick Doyle writes:

 Hi Folks,
 I'm looking for a US distributor for a Balloon Board
 ( or it's equivalent -- perhaps one of
 you may have designed and sell your own equivalent.  Basically, I'm
 looking for a standalone board with a processor (with it's associated
 flash  SDRAM) and an FPGA.  I'm not terribly picky about the FPGA --
 any reasonable Xilinx or Altera device should suffice.

 Does anybody on this list have any recommendations?

What do you want to do?  

I am designing a lot of boards with an LPC2141 ARM7, Altera 3c25, USB
client, RS232, SPI, uSD.  No ram, no Linux, just the builtin flash and
RAM of the ARM and FPGA, and 1MByte SPI flash. The frontend is fitted
with a variable number of ADCs of various types.

It is optimized for precision analog measurements.  The FPGA and the ARM
live on differnt ground planes, with LVDS-IO between, to isolate the
noisy digital world (computer) from the frontend.  This board is
sandwiched between a power regulator board and a preamplifier board.
The inputs to the preamps are usially quoted in pA or fC, that is just a
few electrons.

I don't think this is what you asked for, but, if that comes close to
what you need, and are ready to do your board yourself, I will share my
design to work from.  Most work is in the software/firmware.

 I would prefer to buy from a gEDA supporter, and it will be
 logistically easier if I can purchase from someplace in the US.

I cannot help with that.

 Thanks for any pointers.


 geda-user mailing list

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB question

2011-03-22 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Rob Butts writes:

 Yes, that's what I meant.  I should have thought about it better before I
 asked.  So if I say in the project file 'output-name new-name'  It will
 know to check the new-name.pcb file to see what components are missing and
 will give me a knew file with the layout data to load into the layout

 Not trying to be wise but is classifying a question properly critical here?

It helps, to understand the answer :-)

I do recommend a vcs (subversion, git) for pcb projects.  No need to
rename layout files, then.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problems with a TDSON8 footprint

2011-03-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Rob Butts writes:

 I am using an Infineon power mosfet in a voltage converter.  I'm attaching
 the datasheet.  Pins 5 thru 8 get tied together and the actual footprint has
 a big pad that ties them together.  I'm attaching the footprint that I made
 also.  I'm having trouble with PCB making the big pad orange when I optimize
 rats.  The big pad lays across each pad for each pin.

Your symbol has 5 or 8 pins?  The one big pad has what pin number?

I'd do a footprint/symbol with 8 pins, connect them on the schematic,
and draw poly across the connected pins on the layout.  I don't know if
the poly clearance can be reduced to zero, of if you need to draw
thermals to the poly, or a fat line, depending what you need.

 How can I do this?  Suggestions?  Or, since only the big pad that lays
 across the pads for each pin turns orange, should I just ignore this?


 geda-user mailing list

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 Hi all,

 I appreciate the discussion.

So do I.  It started out a bit of a mess, because we were talking about
different things, but in the end I think there was not left much
disagreement about fundamental issues.

 There we nearly no objections to my layer concept, just to the

 I have updated the page (
 and I hope it not reflects the 'opinion of majority'.

I will now have a look at that.  But what do you call majority?  The
most vocal people here, like John and myself did not offer to do any
coding, yet.  In the end, those that code (DJ, you ?) decide.

I appreciate that you asked for out opinion!

 So again. Coments are welcome, the discussion was a bit fast so I may
 have missed something important again.

I think it is worth to read the whole thing once again. I will send
myself a digest message of the whole thread so that it is easier to
read, and I may try to identify the core arguments.

 Thank you all for participating,

Thank you!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Stephan Boettcher writes:

 Now consider a differential pair.  It's a line but you *don't* move
 the *line* endpoints, you move the *pair* control points.

 That is a hard one.  You could define a composit of type morphable The
 endpoints of shapes inside such a composite become pointable/selectable,
 and a plugin can register callbacks to be called when such an endpoint
 is manipulated.  The plugin would check to see if a diffpair attribute
 is set, and decline the callback if not, so that the magic_poly plugin
 has a chance.

The morphable composits can also support lines with soldermask opening
and paste.  Maybe we call the wires.  These composits allow to
manipulate endpoints of contained objects, where a plugin makes sure
that the stack of features representing the wires move together.

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 09:00:04PM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 Martin Kupec writes:
  That is a bit complicated. I need a clean definition of layer types, so
  one can pick the right layer when needed. But some attributes in
  addition to layer type are possible.
 I do not understand that argument.

 Ok. We probably don't understand each other, so I will just state my fears.

 I would like to know about each drawing layer where it belongs to.

 If layers types would be defined by attributes, someone would be able to
 declare one layer both as conductive and as silk for example. That could
 cause me a nighmares. That is why I insist on 'typed' layers, not
 'tagged' layer.

Hmm.  I think that is the old trap of overloading.  When you say that a
layer type defines what you can do with it, then this one type attribute
becomes messily overloaded.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Mar 19, 2011, at 4:57 AM, Markus Hitter wrote:

 BTW., there were electronic circuitries before PCBs were invented and
 the future of electronics manufacturing is most likely something
 three-dimensional, arbitrarily shaped.

 Yes. I'm now working with two groups that are fabricating parts with
 3-D printers. I've been wondering when the technology will reach the
 point where the printing could include conductors, with components
 placed during the build-up, and then buried.

 But I suppose describing this is beyond what we can conceptualize here
 at this time. Planes are difficult enough.

As long as this 3D structure is built mainy manhattan style, with
horizontal conductive layers and vias, all conductive layers become
component layers, an element must define keepout zones on those layers
that it's housing penetrates.  It's pads are on layers that correspond
to the z-positions of it's pins.  Before you start making your footprint
library you need to decide on the thickness and distance between the
conductive layers.  The kind of tool we were discussion here could do
that very nicely.  A GUI plugin needs to be written, that allows to move
the 3delements up and down in the layer stack. Maybe even rotate off
plane, but that is initially best done by hand as a separate

One more argument to implement holes as shapes on a hole layers.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 The 'countryard' layer should be exactly the keepout layer.

 They're two different purposes, though.  The courtyard is for physical
 placement restrictions, the keepout is for copper routing

The file format need not know about these distictions.  Both are
graphical layers, with different attributes.  The one has attributes to
tell DRC to flag overlapping components, the other has attributes to
tell some autorouter not to put copper there, and attributes to tell DRC
to check for intruding copper.  Future plugins need more layers to tell
about different constraints.

Ideally, any layer type is fully defined via attributes.  The most
common attribute may be net:conductive for normal copper layers, so
that the HIDs know that the layer contributes to the implementation of
the netlist.  Copper layers need a second attribute gbr:layer=inner5
to tell the (gerber) exporter where to put it.  A third attribute
defines the DRC rules that apply drc:rules=default, plus per layer
override drc:minwidth=6mil.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 07:18:52PM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 The file format need not know about these distictions.  Both are
 graphical layers, with different attributes.  The one has attributes to
 tell DRC to flag overlapping components, the other has attributes to
 tell some autorouter not to put copper there, and attributes to tell DRC
 to check for intruding copper.  Future plugins need more layers to tell
 about different constraints.
 Ideally, any layer type is fully defined via attributes.  The most
 common attribute may be net:conductive for normal copper layers, so
 that the HIDs know that the layer contributes to the implementation of
 the netlist.  Copper layers need a second attribute gbr:layer=inner5
 to tell the (gerber) exporter where to put it.  A third attribute
 defines the DRC rules that apply drc:rules=default, plus per layer
 override drc:minwidth=6mil.

 That is a bit complicated. I need a clean definition of layer types, so
 one can pick the right layer when needed. But some attributes in
 addition to layer type are possible.

I do not understand that argument.

 Each element has a clearance attribute, so definition of extra space
 around pads should be easy. But we can add 'keepout' layer in addition.

 Even when we would have more layer, it should be simplier to implement
 them than some arbitrary flags.

 Defining DRC rules per layer is a bit different story and I hope it will
 not be too closely related to changing of layer concept, as I don't want
 to touch DRC.

   Martin Kupec

 geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 Why single out via and footprint when they are merely members of
 an open-ended list of possible composite objects?

 Because a tool that doesn't deal with real-world concepts in a
 user-friendly way is unusable.

Yes.  The real world concepts must exist, in a higher level.  In the
attributes.  The HIDs must implement them in a user-friendly way.  At
the lowest level, there shall be abstractions. 

The GUI must present footprints, vias, and hierachical sublayouts, both
in copy on write and in truly hierachical fashion.  But at the core,
they work all just the same. Then there will be no more question if some
feature is supported in elements or not, or how convoluted a via may be.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 01:44:35PM -0600, John Doty wrote:
  Trying to model things that aren't layers as if they were layers is
  one common mistake in this kind of tool. Equally common is leaving out
  layers: the insulating layers in a PCB are just as important as the
  copper, and have their own properties (shape, thickness, material,
  etc.). They're a critical part of the layer stack.
  The description language needs to be able to express feature p in
  layer x is aligned with feature q in layer y in order to build up
  composites. This is the geometrically sensible way to describe the
  result of drilling through several layers. But the geometric
  description language should not be tied to any particular fabrication
  This is all too physikal for my taste.
 I assert that if you do it any other way, you wind up with the
 following catastrophe: the code for every layer type needs to
 incorporate a specific definition of its interaction with the code
 for every other layer type. A total collapse of factoring, poisoning
 flexibility and maintainability. But if layers correspond to actual
 geometric layers, this can be avoided, I believe.

What I like with PCB is that there is very little interaction.  Only
when special actions are called, the interactions are invoked.  E.g.,
when I hit the O key, the connectivity is evaluated.  For that I only
need to know which layers are conductive and what vias connect which

 Actually what I am trying to do, is to have concept so layers don't
 interract with layers of different type. The composits are a bit
 problem, because I would need to consider more layers when performing any
 action, but I think that it can still be interaction with object on the
 same layer.

I do not understand what problems you see with composits.  A layer
consists of the union of all shapes on any level of the composits
hierarchy.  Composits may be referenced at multiple positions, so those
shapes appear multiple times.  When a shape is modified in a composit,
it may affect all copies simultaniously, or the composit will be
duplicated (copy on write), depneding on an attribute or explicit user

 So, i.e., If we would have 'hole' layer. I would have check, that holes
 on hole layer are not intersecting. And also check the intersection of
 attached shapes on each layer. But all what can happen is that some
 layer will yell that something bad happend and I should cancel my

Where do you want to attach holes. To layers, like John proposes?  To
shapes on a layer?  Or as independent entities, like they are now?  


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 01:52:24PM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Mar 18, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Martin Kupec wrote:
  Generaly you are proposing that there should be a special type of
  footpring called 'via' and it should receive extra care.
 Why single out via and footprint when they are merely members of
 an open-ended list of possible composite objects?

 We need to single out 'via' so someone who want's simple board can find
 'via' tool as everywhere. And under word 'footprint' I mean any other
 composite object.

That is up to the HID to find the composits with attribute
type=via, and present them in a via toll selector.

And to maintein an in memory list of composits of type=element and akt
on those when the users asks for elements.

  I am ok with that, I just need to figure out how to handle mapping from
  footprint layers to layout layers. I don't want concept of 'top',
  'inner', 'bottom' layer at all...that is too naive for me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Steven Michalske writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Martin Kupec wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 10:36:24AM -0600, John Doty wrote:

 On Mar 16, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

  Ok. So via should be a circle element on hole typed layer.
  No.  A Via is a composit, consisting of a circle on the hole layer, and
  various circles on copper layers, and circles on mask layes, and

 The layer concept should be physical, not a metaphysical abstraction. 
 Objects in a layer may contain holes, but a hole layer is nonsensical, a 
 toxic conceptual shortcut. An outline layer is similarly bad: the 
 insulating layers may all have the same shape sometimes, but not always.

 The outline layer will be part of 'physical' layer. So if you have 2
 'physical' layers with different shape, it will play nicely.

 What I am prosposing is 2 level concept. There will be 'physical'
 layers, so you can add properties to them. And than there will be
 'drawing' surfaces. And 'outline' is just drawing suface telling the
 'physical' layer it's edges.

 But I am not convinced that we need special 'hole' typed layer. Maybe we
 can things like 'holes' which are not part of any specific layer just
 float in space. I thing that it would work.

 Trying to model things that aren't layers as if they were layers is one 
 common mistake in this kind of tool. Equally common is leaving out layers: 
 the insulating layers in a PCB are just as important as the copper, and 
 have their own properties (shape, thickness, material, etc.). They're a 
 critical part of the layer stack.

 The problem I see with the insulating layers is that there is nothing on
 them...So you don't need them as 'drawing' layers. But I agree that
 there should be a way how to add some attributes to them.

 Embedded resistor and capacitors are in holes in the separating layers.

 Some separating layers are more like a solder mask and sprayed down
 rather than FR4 and prepreg.

 Just because standard FR4 Fabs don't usually use any drawings on that
 layer, should not preclude it.

 Now the exporter may barf if it finds something it can't cope with,
 like a line drawn on a separator layer.

If you have a foundry that does such things, probably you send them a
gerber layer and tell them that those are the embedded resistors between
copper 2 and 3.  And that other layer are those between copper 5 and 6.

No special exporter required.  But you must keep the drawing layers a
bit more abstract, else you confuse the tools that have invalid

The embedded resitors will be elements in a process specific library.
Not top/inner/bottom layers, that get mapped to the layer present in the
layout, but footprints with explicit layers.  Including a shape on the
resistive layer, and pads on the adjacent copper layers.

The pcb layout tool will not need to know anything about those embedded
devices.  They just emerge and work.  All you need is layers that are
not marked conductive.

And if those strange embedded deviced become common, somebody needs to
add some DRC rules, which at that time are just a few boolean ops on some
layers in a config file.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 09:00:04PM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 Martin Kupec writes:
  On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 07:18:52PM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
  The file format need not know about these distictions.  Both are
  graphical layers, with different attributes.  The one has attributes to
  tell DRC to flag overlapping components, the other has attributes to
  tell some autorouter not to put copper there, and attributes to tell DRC
  to check for intruding copper.  Future plugins need more layers to tell
  about different constraints.
  Ideally, any layer type is fully defined via attributes.  The most
  common attribute may be net:conductive for normal copper layers, so
  that the HIDs know that the layer contributes to the implementation of
  the netlist.  Copper layers need a second attribute gbr:layer=inner5
  to tell the (gerber) exporter where to put it.  A third attribute
  defines the DRC rules that apply drc:rules=default, plus per layer
  override drc:minwidth=6mil.
  That is a bit complicated. I need a clean definition of layer types, so
  one can pick the right layer when needed. But some attributes in
  addition to layer type are possible.
 I do not understand that argument.

 Ok. We probably don't understand each other, so I will just state my fears.

 I would like to know about each drawing layer where it belongs to.

 So when I am performing DRC check, I will know, that it is conductive
 layer and I should consider it. I can take care of special DRC rules for
 some conductive layers later.

So we do need layer specific DRC rules.  Silk layers get the silk rules
attached.  Copper layers get copper rules attached.

 If layers types would be defined by attributes, someone would be able to
 declare one layer both as conductive and as silk for example. That could
 cause me a nighmares. 

Well, that would be a DRC violation :-) The DRC tool shall not suffer
from nightmares if it finds positives.

 That is why I insist on 'typed' layers, not 'tagged' layer.

As long as the user can define arbitrary types, the type becomes an
attribute.  If the user cannot define new types, then there shall be
only very few very abstract types, connected to basic properies, e.g.,
conductive, hole/via, other.

 That example is probably silly, but someone would probably come up with
 something more realistic, but still giving me nightmares.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Jared Casper writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Martin Kupec wrote:
 If layers types would be defined by attributes, someone would be able to
 declare one layer both as conductive and as silk for example. That could
 cause me a nighmares. That is why I insist on 'typed' layers, not
 'tagged' layer.

 That example is probably silly, but someone would probably come up with
 something more realistic, but still giving me nightmares.

 But what if I want a silk layer to just be a copy of a copper layer?
 That may be just as silly, but I'm sure someone could come up with a
 use for it.  Why would such a layer cause nightmares?  When the code
 is worried about connectivity etc., it sees this layer is tagged as
 conductive and includes it in whatever its doing, ignoring the fact
 that it is also silk.  When the code is putting out the silkscreen, it
 notices this layer is tagged as silk and puts it out, ignoring that it
 is also a conductive layer.

You can always tell the board house to use copper minus soldermask as



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 Inflexible wired-in behavior

 ... is MANDATORY if you're going to produce a tool that's usable.

 That's the difference between a pcb editor and, say, inkscape.

 Inkscape gives you complete flexibility, and it's absolutely useless
 as a pcb layout tool.

 You seem to be totally blind to the theory that you can have
 inflexible wired-in behavior *and* options for flexibility through
 alternate mechanisms.  We need both - they are not mutually exclusive.
 We need a tool that's easy to learn and use *and* has options for
 power user.  Your maniacal lobbying for factoring and abstraction
 would leave us with a tool that nobody would *want* to use.

We are talking about different thinks, I guess.  The tool shall be very
focussed on traces, elements, vias.  But the engine at the bottom shall
be flexible.  The user shall see this flexibility deep down in the
advanded options section of the via editor, where he will be told to go
when he asks for square via holes in this mailing list.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 But at the core, they work all just the same.

 The core includes the autorouters, optimizers, DRC, exporters,
 reports, and even simple editing - we have a hide vias button.  How
 does that work if you no longer have vias as an inherent type?

Hide all composites with attribute type=via.  The GUI probably
maintains an extra list of those, as well as a list of elements, for

The autorouter is told to route on all enable conductive layers, and
choose from a set of selected vias to go between those layers.

Exporters can only export what they know about.  All layers can be
turned into gerbers.  More complicated exports may need a technology
description, like an advanced concept of the current layer groups. An
exporter shall define a set of attibutes it expects to find on layers
and objects to do its special deeds, and those attribute shall not be
overloaded attributes that the core tool needs.

 PCB has a lot of tools that know a lot about how PCBs are designed.
 These tools are essential to making PCB a viable layout editor.  The
 input we need at this stage is from people who design a lot of PCBs,
 so we know what kinds of abstractions make sense to expose and what
 kinds need to be hidden behind other data structures.

At the bottom, a layout is a set of layers with attributes, containing
shapes, maybe with attributes.

The semantics of those attributes is what encapsulates the builtin
knowledge how to make PCBs, and the tool must fully exploit that
knowledge when presenting a layout to the user.

When we morph the current pcb towards such an abstract layer concept,
the user shall not see the difference unless she activates the new
features that become available with these concepts.

 Maybe to the rendering engines they all work the same, but saying
 they all work the same *in general* just isn't applicable here.
 They don't.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 That is up to the HID to find the composits with attribute
 type=via, and present them in a via toll selector.

 I disagree with this.

 The HID is the Human Interaction Device - how the information is
 presented to the user.  GUI, printer, etc.

 The HID is the wrong place to be assigning *meaning* to the data.
 That is still in the core.  The fact that some composites are vias
 is something intrinsic to the pcb design, independent of what color
 you make it on the screen, and independend of how vias are implemented
 at the lowest internal levels.

Physical meaning is here is a hole in the board, here is a copper
circle on layer 1. Those meanings appear in elements, vias, whatever.
That a hole with concentric pads is a via has no meaning except for how
those came to be.  DRC does not care about vias.  It cares about hole
diameters and copper annulus. Connectivity also does not care about
vias.  Only the human in front of the screen cares about vias.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 We are talking about different thinks, I guess.


 The tool shall be very focussed on traces, elements, vias.

 To be this kind of focused, it needs to have some understanding of
 what a via is.  You wouldn't want to invoke the via editor on a trace,
 but you wouldn't want the move option on a trace to not be able to
 move either the endpoints or the whole trace.  Regardless of how the
 underlying data is stored, the tools need to organize the data in a
 way that helps them serve the user, and be aware of various levels of
 semantics that need to be applied to what would otherwise be
 meaningless groups of composites.

 For example:

 User level - a via is a connection between layers that I can add,
 remove, edit, and move around.

 Tool level - a via is an anonymous (i.e. not part of an element) hole
 between layers electrically connecting copper pads on each layer.

 Data layer - a via is a collection of N shapes on M conducting layers,
 with a collection of one or more shapes penetrating the insulators
 between those layers.

Except, I see no need to specify any insulating layers here.  The data
does not care.  It's the exporter that may care.  If, for some
technology, the data does care, there will be a very special layer of
type other to make it care.

 I feel that the data layer is easiest to implement, but it seems to be
 what we're arguing about the most.  

Yes.  because ...

 I say we should ignore that problem for now, until we have a better
 understanding of what we want at the other two layers.  The tool layer
 is going to be the hardest to design, 

... I think the tool we have is pretty good already. Very good.  Thanks!

 because that's where we blend flexibility with ease of use.  Picking
 the right tool-level design will give us both flexibility and ease of
 use (use includes both the user and the plugin writer).

Please do not expect that users write plugins.  The tool is already too
good as it is to make is worth the effort to learn how to do that.

It's good to know that is is possible when a real need arises, but that
will not be often the case.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 05:11:01PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  But if I am doing that (just to extend this silly example too far), I
  would want the DRC checker to ensure that it obeys both the rules for
  copper _and_ for silk.
 Hmmm... DRC is already fab-specific anyway.  Maybe DRC should be on
 the other side of the CAM job?  I.e. make DRC an exporter, so it gets
 the layer mappings you want, and can apply rules based on the *mapped*
 layers, not the *design* layers?
 That also lets us code the DRC rules in the CAM job file, so different
 jobs check different rule sets.

 I am sorry, but I don't think this is a good idea.
 The DRC should work on the hierarchy. While the exporters will receive
 somewhat 'flattened' stackup.

Absolutely not. The DRC shall check the final flat result.  And yes, the
DRC should be a separate tool examining the CAM output.

OTOH, some DRC functionality inside the layout tool is at least nice to
have, if not required, for doing life checks when editing.  These will
probably never reach the coverage that a final checkout DRC should
provide.  But that is a problem to write such a tool in the first place.

 And I want represent the resulting layer mapping somewhat in the
 stackup, so the exporters will receive how are the layer ordered.
 This should brink some code from the exporters to the core = less code.

This kind of information shall be in the layer attributes.  Ben-mode
image export will need to know that.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher

DJ Delorie writes:

 I don't want to end up with the current state that some 'specialy
 named' layers receive special treatment.

From a practical standpoint, I think it makes sense to have a fast way
 to scan for layers of some high-level type, as well as further typing
 them by name.

I do not agree with the term high level here.  I agree that there may be
layers of different types, that require special treatment.  These are
low-level types, like conductive for layers that electrically connect
things, or holes for connections between layers, and other for
anything else.  What kind of high-performance processing is needed in
addition to that?  Well, when you figure out that there is something
else, it's a good justification to add anothe type.

At the storage data level they are still all layers with attributes.
When loading the layout, they are collected into separate lists, or get
a binary attribute attached, by enumerating known values of the
attribute pcb:type=

 My original design had an enumerated type for each drawing layer, that
 was one of (for example) copper, silk, soldermask, paste, outline,
 other with flags for normal, inverted and an assignment to a
 physical layer (1..N).

 That way, when you're doing something compute-intensive like
 connectivity checks for auto-enforce drc clearance you aren't doing
 a bazillion string compares.

 Actions that are performed less often, like mapping a footprint to an
 element, can use a more open-ended string-attribute with more complex


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 ... I think the tool we have is pretty good already. Very good.  Thanks!

 The tool we have already is nearly impossible to maintain, though.

 Please do not expect that users write plugins.  The tool is already too
 good as it is to make is worth the effort to learn how to do that.

 I expect the plugin mechanism to be the way to write *all* the core
 bits, though. 

The more important it is, that what is below the plugin mechanism is as
general as necessary, and since that is difficult to judge up front: as
general as possible, without compromising the final goals.

I'd propose a very basic, very general storage data representation.
Just layers, shapes, and arbitray levels of composites, the layout
implicitly being the top level composit. Everything with arbitrary

On top of that is a memory representation, that introduces the concepts
of elements, vias, surface-layers (layer sets: copper, mask, silk,
courtyard, keepout), connectivity,   

It provides basic operations on these concepts.  The implementation of
these concepts builds on the objects of the storage data layers.  It
must not be an error if a via has two holes, a polygon shaped hole or
silk in it.  DRC may flag such things, but it must not be an error.
The attributes that this memory representation and it methods understand
shall be in namespace pcb: and unknown attributes in that namespace
shall emit warnings.

The plugins define their own attributes.  Attributes shall not be
overloaded.  If a plugin operates on attributes of the memory
representation, it shall do that via methods of that representation, if

Higher level parts of the concepts element, via, surface layer
may be implemented in plugins.

I cannot keep up, there are 15 new messages in my inbox, lets see what
what new arguments come up :-)

I cannot make up my mind if I should continue to argue for hole layers,
or if holes shall be shapes with hole attribute on layers.

 The fact that the *user* can write them *also* is a side-effect :-)

 geda-user mailing list

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 Hide all composites with attribute type=via.  The GUI probably
 maintains an extra list of those, as well as a list of elements, for

 Why the GUI?  Why can't the core maintain that list, since a lot of
 things will need it?  I care a lot about performance.

Sorry, yes, that's what I meant.  But it's not in the disk file.

 Exporters can only export what they know about.  All layers can be
 turned into gerbers.

 Except gerbers have special cases for thermals and pads, for example.
 If you use the special cases, other CAM tools empower their users to
 do more things (like auto-generate paste stencils when you forget the
 paste mask, which does NOT work with pcb's gerbers).  But for the
 exporters to offer these special cases, they need to know more about
 the data they're given than just draw circle here.

So there need to be attributes on shapes.

 At the bottom, a layout is a set of layers with attributes,
 containing shapes, maybe with attributes.

 and containing other layers as sub-layouts.  I have never disagreed
 with this!

Oh.  My understanding of composites is different.  I assume a composite
contains shapes that go on a global set of layers.

 What I disagree with is using this at the bottom information to
 re-produce the semantic information inherent in a pcb layout.  I see
 no reason why there can't be a semantic heierarchy to the data, so at
 a high level we have a collection of all vias that's a child of
 this layout, so that the tools can find them easier and deal with
 them as a group.

Well, yes, it can, except that a via is not sufficiently special to
justify the distiction.  What would we have in a composite, the layout
being the top-level composite?

  Composits that are not Vias or Elements
  Shapes outside of composits that are not Lines

How the layers fit in here depends if they are global or local to a
composit.  I did not think about non-global layers yet.

The set of global layers is the union of layers referenced in the
hierachy of composits.  When an how to map generic element layers to
layout layers is another good question.  And how to treat conflicting
attributes of layers.  I'd flag those as errors.  Or define for each
attribute lookup if the precedence goes from outside to inside, or from
inside to outside starting at some shape.

Global layers can be mapped at load time.  Local layers inside composits
must be mapped a runtime, don't they?

 The semantics of those attributes is what encapsulates the builtin
 knowledge how to make PCBs, and the tool must fully exploit that
 knowledge when presenting a layout to the user.

 Forcing tools to fully exploit data at too low a level makes it very
 difficult to create such tools in the first place.  The move tool
 needs to know the difference between an element, a via, and a trace,
 so it can function properly.  We need to consider these types of
 issues when designing the internal data structures, or it will be so
 difficult to write the software that it just won't get done.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 As someone proposed, it is possible to have different hole size on
 different layers. So I think the best would be to have special 'hole'
 object on each layer. And that object will always be in composite
 container, and all of them will be forcebly aligned to the same center.

 What I suggested before is that each composite itself have outline
 type layers, which contains any holes, cutouts, or physical outline
 shapes that need to be applied to all of the layers therein.

composit instance overlap with other composits and shapes.

I do not like the concept of composit outlines.  Does each layer have
its outline?  How does it do partial vias?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Mar 18, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Except, I see no need to specify any insulating layers here.

 I see no need is exactly the kind of thinking that produces an
 inflexible, limited tool. I see *every* need to base the description
 on geometry, so that the tool's limits are defined by necessity and
 not by the limited imagination of any particular group of developers.

Nothing prevents that you define insulator layers, and include shapes on
these layers in your vias and elements.  But for simple layout work its
not needed.  I did not miss them, yet.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

  I expect the plugin mechanism to be the way to write *all* the core
  bits, though. 
 The more important it is, that what is below the plugin mechanism is as
 general as necessary, and since that is difficult to judge up front: as
 general as possible, without compromising the final goals.

 As general as neccessary, but not as general as *possible*.

But we cannot know what is necessary.

 On top of that is a memory representation, that introduces the concepts
 of elements, vias, surface-layers (layer sets: copper, mask, silk,
 courtyard, keepout), connectivity,   

 This is the part I wish we were discussing.

As John said, bottom up works better in the long term :-)

 It provides basic operations on these concepts.  The implementation of
 these concepts builds on the objects of the storage data layers.  It
 must not be an error if a via has two holes, a polygon shaped hole or
 silk in it.  DRC may flag such things, but it must not be an error.

 There must be *some* limits, however, or the tools cannot be written.
 Defining a hole in a silk layer is nonsensical, if you wish to
 support it, we cannot define what the tools would do with it.

Why not?  The tool can move it arount and not much else, like with all
objects on a sliklayer.

But that's why I argue for hole layers. A hole is a shape on a hole
layer.  The layers attributes define what needs to be drilled.
Actually, they only define to which layers they electrically conduct.
That is all the tools needs to know until checkout.  DRC checks if all
shapes are circles, unless the shape has a DRC overide attribute.

There would be one hole layer for each drill pattern, i.e., one, unless
there are partial vias.  John's insulating layers will be mentioned in
the attributes, so they get drilled too.

A via with variable hole size for different layers must be built as a
composit with multiple holes on as many hole layers. Inefficient but
appropriate for such an obscure case.

 The attributes that this memory representation and it methods
 understand shall be in namespace pcb: and unknown attributes in
 that namespace shall emit warnings.

 You assume that attributes are the way to organize groups of things.

So that everything is just shapes on layers. Very simple, very powerful.

 Higher level parts of the concepts element, via, surface layer
 may be implemented in plugins.

 How does a move tool plugin interact with an element plugin, then?

The memory core representation provides methods to move, rotate, mirror
shapes and composits.  (Element composits may have an attribute that
forbids mirroring.)  To bring an element to the other side od the board
is method of the Element plugin, relying on attributes of the relevant
layers how they map to the other side.

I don't think that the concept of vias and elements shall be fully
implemented in plugins, for efficiency, and since most other plugings
may need refer to these concepts.  At least some callback hooks need to
be specific to elements or vias, that a plugin can register. So that a
plugin can intercept composite methods (e.g., move) for elements or


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 I do not like the concept of composit outlines.  Does each layer
 have its outline?  How does it do partial vias?

 In the case of flex cables, each layer *does* have its own outline.
 The tool needs to know that vias go only across layers that actually
 exist at that spot.

I am the one who did flex cables with pcb, with six copper layes, three
different outlines, four surface layers.  It is going to fly to Mars
later this year.

To support such a beast in PCB you need multiple pairs of surface
layers.  Elements with pads on explicit layers is what fills this role,
so that the pads of the flex edge connectors get connected to their
(inner) copper layers.

The outlines are just any graphical layers that can be exported without
vias and pins.  But the boardhouse had no problems ignoring the holes in
the outline layers.

Still, I do not see a need for outline layers anywhere, except as an
attribute on a graphical layer that tells an exporter where to stop


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

  Except gerbers have special cases for thermals and pads, for example.
 So there need to be attributes on shapes.

 No, the exporters really need to have access to the whole collection
 of shapes that means pin so they can do pin-specific things.  If the
 exporter doesn't need that high-level access, then the default action
 breaks it down into shapes and exports them individually.

 The gerber exporter needs to be given a whole pin because it has a
 command that means put pin here, with this aperture and thermal
 settings.  If you wait until the core descends to circle, arc,
 line, it's too late to look at the attributes and figure out what's
 happening.  CAM tools know about this, and can adjust thermals and
 pins as needed, but in PCB's case they can't do it because we break
 pins down into raw shapes.

I do not understand this.  The gerber exporter exports each layer
separately, no?  On some layer it finds a circle with a thermal
attribute surounded by a polygon.  What else does in need?

  and containing other layers as sub-layouts.  I have never disagreed
  with this!
 Oh.  My understanding of composites is different.  I assume a composite
 contains shapes that go on a global set of layers.

 This is part of the communication problem we're having, yes ;-)

 Consider these:

 * A footprint is a global resource, but an instance of a footprint (an
   element) must be mapped to the physical layout.  When do you manage
   the footprint as an element (indivisible) and when do you access its
   parts (changing pad size)?

Is the footprint still part of the layout?  Wouldn't it's genereic
layers (top,inner,bottom) be mapped to the layout layers
(oben,innen1,innen2,unten) when imported?

 * A sub-circuit that's replicated N times on a board.

composites instances are objects inside other composites, next to
shapes.  You can do most operations to composites, that you do to shapes
(move, rotate, mirror, delete, ...).  Vias and elements are special in
the memory representation, as there are methods, or callback hooks that
allow access to some internals without explicitly decending into the
composit.  It should be possible to flag any composit as Element or vise
versa, to turn on and off this special access.  If you exlicitly decend
into an element, you can move its pins and pads.  But pads size, text
positions e.t.c. are still directly accessible for elements.  Maybe it
is not even necessary to have any special treatment and treat all
composites the same.

 * A flex cable that has 4 layers at each end, but only 2 layers in the
   middle.  The extra layers on the end are on opposite sides of the

You want to describe the rigid ends as outlines of a composite?  That
attaches high-level semantics to a low level concept in an inapropriate

Here you need outline layers with attributes that tell the autorouters
not to cross the lines on certain layers.

 * buried vias are limited to certain pairs of layers because of the
 way the fab is assembling the board.

A DRC problem.  With hole layers, the GUI tool to add/manipulate these
hole layers can provide a view on the layer stack that represents the
stacking and drilling order, just like you once proposed as an
underlying data structure.  The tool would refuse to configure holes
layers that cannot be drilled, unless you say please.

 * 400 instances of a standard via, but the user needs to modify the
   pad stack on just one of them, and only for one layer.

Vias may be COW by default, like they are now.  But you can decend in
non-copy mode into the composite, so they all change.  That composit is
also the master copy in the Via menu, so that future vias of that type
are affected by the edit.  When you edit the via definition in the Via
menu, you may need to answer a question if you want all existing
instances to change, of only new vias.

 These are all examples of a need for both a semantic and data
 heirarchy, where parts of your design are grouped together and treated
 as a single object, sometimes replicated, sometimes customized.  What
 we call them is not important.

 Well, yes, it can, except that a via is not sufficiently special to
 justify the distiction.  What would we have in a composite, the layout
 being the top-level composite?
   Composits that are not Vias or Elements
   Shapes outside of composits that are not Lines

 Consider: you can move a via, but for lines, you can move either the
 line or its endpoints.  For a polygon you can move its corners.  Ah,
 but a via can include polygons and lines - but when it's a via, you
 *don't* move their endpoints and corners, unless you specifically edit
 the via.  A pin is just like a via, except you *don't* move it - you
 move the element it's in.

shapes (lines and polys) in the current composite can be editied as
before, moved, endpoints moved, size, pcb:endcap attributes changed ...

Some internals of composites may be 

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 Still, I do not see a need for outline layers anywhere, except as an
 attribute on a graphical layer that tells an exporter where to stop

 Hmmm... so you think PCB should let the user place an element in a
 physically impossible location, because it doesn't care about the

currently it does, and I need that functionality.  When I import a new
batch of components from gsch2pcb, they get disperses in a big area
outside the outline, because inside there is half the layout already

In the end, it's a DRC problem, so yes, the DRC may look for a layer
with an outline attributes.  That layer shall have a separate attribute
for the placement wizard plugin, although the message is almost the


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 02:42:26AM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 IMHO, .. holes are circles draw on just another layer.  People were
 asking for slots.  If they find a vendor to do them, they may just draw
 lines on that layer as well.  Else, DRC shall flag non-circles.
 Each such hole layer shall have a spec (attribute) to which (copper)
 layers they electrically connect.  There will be at least one such layer
 for each type of blind, burried, and through via.
 The GUI will happily stack vias according to the selected routing style
 into a composites and paste them on the layout, so for simple cases
 nothing changes from how we work now.

 Ok. So via should be a circle element on hole typed layer.

No.  A Via is a composit, consisting of a circle on the hole layer, and
various circles on copper layers, and circles on mask layes, and

A library (routing style) Via would have top, inner, (outer?), bottom
copper layers, which would be mapped to physical copper layers of the
layout according to some mapping, exactly as for footprints.

In addition, some projects would have their own sets of Vias in a
library, where those circles are expressed explicitly for the physical
hole/coper layers of that board, for burried and blind vias, or special
annular ring config on certain inner layers. That library shall be
linked to some Via GUI to efficiently choose from.

 That object will have some description to which layers of type cooper it
 belongs to. 

The hole _layer_ should have that description.  The default connects to
all copper.  Blind and burried vias require extra hole type layers, one
for each set of drill stacks.  This information is needed for
connectivity checks mostly.  Some DRC check may verify if the drilling
of the stacks is feasible.

I think this is simpler and more flexible that DJs proposal: to
hierachically group (copper) layers into drill stacks.  That would be a
John D violation, since it originates from a narrow view on how PCBs are
manufactured.  It in no problem to reflect such a narrow view in a DRC
rule, but it is a mistake to cast it into the core data structure.  A
HID may present the layers in such an arangement to the user. Said HID
may then proceed to add the required hole layers and Via types
automatically, after the user pushed the copper layers around as
required for the project.

 And how would you describe the cooper around via on each layer?
 Someone wanted different cooper size/shape on different layers.

   Martin Kupec


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Mar 16, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Ok. So via should be a circle element on hole typed layer.
 No.  A Via is a composit, consisting of a circle on the hole layer, and
 various circles on copper layers, and circles on mask layes, and

 The layer concept should be physical, not a metaphysical
 abstraction. Objects in a layer may contain holes, but a hole layer
 is nonsensical, a toxic conceptual shortcut. An outline layer is
 similarly bad: the insulating layers may all have the same shape
 sometimes, but not always.

So, a via needs a separate hole in each copper and insulating layer?  And
each layer needs its own discription of it's shape?

 Trying to model things that aren't layers as if they were layers is
 one common mistake in this kind of tool. Equally common is leaving out
 layers: the insulating layers in a PCB are just as important as the
 copper, and have their own properties (shape, thickness, material,
 etc.). They're a critical part of the layer stack.

 The description language needs to be able to express feature p in
 layer x is aligned with feature q in layer y in order to build up
 composites. This is the geometrically sensible way to describe the
 result of drilling through several layers. But the geometric
 description language should not be tied to any particular fabrication

This is all too physikal for my taste.

Why are you so attached to the concept of drilling?  For the design of a
layout, all that matters is that there are conductive connections
between layers. 

For me, a layer is something that the designer puts shapes on.  Shapes
with atributes, if required.  The semantics of these shapes on a given
layer shall all be the same.  Some of these are required for netlisting,
some are steering the physical checkout.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 DJ Delorie wrote:

 However, I don't think we should start off with lines have paste.
 They don't.

 My current project happens to be a use case for lines with paste:
 I need to transport lots of current on limited space. And it needs 
 to be very resistant to vibration (this is supposed to survive a 
 rocket launch) So ordinary green wires soldered are considered
 a risk of failure. What we intend to do, is solder copper wires 
 full length on the board. This calls for tracks with exposed 
 copper and corresponding apertures in paste layer. Paste will 
 allow for better control of the amount of solder than with a 
 simple syringe dispenser. 

 Currently tracks cannot be uncovered, let alone induce paste apertures. 
 As a work-around I plan to convert the current path into pads just before 
 the layout is exported to gerber. (Maybe, I should write a script...)
 This is of course a kludge. 

 Upshot: Please try not to constrain possible attributes and properties 
 of objects. There may be use cases even for seemingly weird combinations
 just around the corner. 

I don't think that paste shall be attributes of lines. Lines and paste
live at the same level.  If you need to connect them, you'd need to go
one level up, like elements are one or two levels up from lines and
paste, or vias are one level up.

To implement this level (lines+paste) you will not need support from the
file format, it's in the GUI.  You may add attributes to lines and paste
objects that effect the GUI to edit them together.

IMHO, the file format shall loose all special support for levels
(elemets, vias), just an arbitray hierachy of grouping, with attributes
that tell the GUI how to present those to the user for editing.

 (Do I sound like John Doty now? :-) 

All will be well :-)

 Allowing a GUI way to enable/disable layers anywhere in the heirarchy
 would be cool; you could disable just the assembly objects in your
 generic silk layer.



Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: subcircuit definition and channelised design

2011-03-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz writes:

 Dnia 2011-03-15 o godzinie 21:03 Bert Timmerman napisał(a):
 # gEDA - GNU Electronic Design Automation
 # geda_sch2sym.bsh
 # Copyright (C) 2007  Andrew Tan
 Says it all.

 It is also waiting for review here:

 In order to run geda_sch2sym.bsh, users must make sure the
 hierarchy-traversal is disabled in the system-gnetlistrc file
 (usually located in the /usr/share/gEDA folder).

There should be some way to disable hierarchy-traversal from the
commandline, is there? 

Or at least a local gafrc, but even that would push it out of reach for


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: subcircuit definition and channelised design

2011-03-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Mar 15, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 There should be some way to disable hierarchy-traversal from the
 commandline, is there? 
 Or at least a local gafrc, but even that would push it out of reach for

 You have to put a little bit of Scheme in some gnetlistrc someplace to
 control it from command line, but it can be done:

I had a peek at the man page:

   -c string
   Pass  the  specified  string  to  the  guile interpreter.  This
   allows you to execute arbitrary guile scripts from the  command
   line.   Be  sure  to  surround the string with either single or
   double quotes to satisfy your shell.   The  string  is  execute
   before  any  init  or  netlist backend scheme code is loaded or

How about:   gnetlist -c '(hierarchy-traversal   disabled)'

 John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

 geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-03-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 03:55:58PM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Mar 15, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Martin Kupec wrote:
  There will be a struct called via.
  It will contain a hole and pointers to attached object on
  all affected layers.
 No. A via is only one kind of composite object. The list of kinds
 of composite objects that might appear on a board is unbounded. There
 isn't even a single kind of via in real life. Having an ad hoc
 implementation of each such object is impractical and confusing.
 Well-designed software would avoid implementing such things as
 special kludges, but would have a general facility for describing
 them. Then, users could contribute to libraries of such descriptions,
 so we would not be so dependent on developers to spoon feed us every
 detail. Footprints are a particular case of this, but other kinds of
 composite objects (subcircuits, antennas, delay lines, buried vias,
 fuses, current sense resistors, printed inductors and capacitors,
 ...) could also be in the library if the software properly
 distinguished between primitive elements and composite objects.

 Ok. You got the point. I don't see how to do it right now, but I will
 think of it.

 We need at least hole element. And say which layers it goes through.
 But the rest can by just footprint. The problem I see is that the
 number of layers affected differs, so the footprint has to accomodate

IMHO, as holes are circles draw on just another layer.  People were
asking for slots.  If they find a vendor to do them, they may just draw
lines on that layer as well.  Else, DRC shall flag non-circles.

Each such hole layer shall have a spec (attribute) to which (copper)
layers they electrically connect.  There will be at least one such layer
for each type of blind, burried, and through via.

The GUI will happily stack vias according to the selected routing style
into a composites and paste them on the layout, so for simple cases
nothing changes from how we work now.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Vintage uP

2011-03-03 Thread Stephan Boettcher


Thanks a lot!


Ethan Swint writes:


 Here's what I've got in the Motorola family:
 MC68010L8 - 1 unit
 SC87876L8 - 1 unit
 MC68000P8 - 2 units
 MC68000P10 - 2 units

 These are all 64-pin devices; I'm not sure about the SC87876.  It
 looks like shipping is reasonable - USD$13.25 for a DVD-sized box.


 On 02/13/2011 05:57 PM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Ethan  writes:

 I recently ran across a cache of 'vintage' microprocessors - a
 Motorola MC68010L8 and other MC68K chips, Dallas Semi Speed it uP, AMD
 8088, etc.  The are all in new condition, most in ESD foam.  Any of
 these of interest to the list?
 Well, if you could ship to Europe in an unsusicious package to avoid
 customs excessive duties, I'd be interested in an MC68010L8 and maybe
 other MC68K chips (what are those? UART? FPU?)  I could pay via paypal.

 Cheers, Stephan


 geda-user mailing list

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-85660
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb commands to automatically select, cut, rotate, and paste elements

2011-02-23 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Mark Rages writes:

 You would be wise to avoid PCB for anything non-rectangular.  It is
 exceedingly painful.

I do recommend pcb for anything non-rectangular.  The arcs can be nicely
done in gnumeric, python, awk, whatever.  With a gui this will be

For example the outline of the board on the attached picture (which will
launch into space later this year to land on Mars)

Description: Adobe PDF document


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: polygon regression in pcb+gl

2011-02-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 10:36 +0100, Karl Hammar wrote:
 Peter Clifton:
  generate, and setup .ssh/config with these lines:
  Port 5022
  RSAAuthentication yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/keys/
 Don't you know that protocol version 1 i vulnerable for a
 man-in-the-middle attack?

 No, I didn't know that.

 Does it require a different type of key to be generated and used, or
 just removing that option to become secure again?

id_rsa is a version 2 key.

The RSAAuthentication may be used for version 1 only, but that does not
mean specifying it makes ssh to use version 1.

Do ssh -v to see which version is used.  Most default
sshd installations do not permit protocol version 1.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: polygon regression in pcb+gl

2011-02-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher (Karl Hammar) writes:


 Do ssh -v to see which version is used.  Most default
 sshd installations do not permit protocol version 1.

 Can't test that:

 $ ssh -v
 OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
 debug1: Applying options for *
 debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
 debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused
 ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

 /Karl Hammar

Peter could, you'd need to spec the port number :-)

(stephan)blaulicht:~$ ssh -v -p 5022
OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/blaulicht/stephan/.ssh/config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [] port 5022.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: identity file /home/blaulicht/stephan/.ssh/id_rsa type 1
debug1: Checking blacklist file /usr/share/ssh/blacklist.RSA-2048
debug1: Checking blacklist file /etc/ssh/blacklist.RSA-2048
debug1: identity file /home/blaulicht/stephan/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
debug1: identity file /home/blaulicht/stephan/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
debug1: identity file /home/blaulicht/stephan/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_5.1p1 
debug1: match: OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: server-client aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
debug1: kex: client-server aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(102410248192) sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY
debug1: checking without port identifier
The authenticity of host '[]:5022 ([]:5022)' can't be 
RSA key fingerprint is d7:07:7f:96:51:11:ab:43:57:0d:fe:92:45:72:e8:93.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
Host key verification failed.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Breaking up power planes

2011-02-20 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Russell Dill writes:

 On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 Russell Dill wrote:

 I'm just wondering what everyones preferred method of breaking up
 power/ground planes is.

 My preferred method is to break the planes as little as possible :-)
 IMHO, a continuous copper plane is the best you can get for shielding
 purposes. If large amounts current need to be canalized, I prefer to
 guide them in fat tracks rather than polygons. With tracks it is easier
 to ensure a minimum diameter.

 My design has several different power and IO rails, and so it requires
 split power planes.I realize its possible to do with the polygon
 editor, it just seems like it'd be much easier with the line drawing

You want to split a polygon into different nets?  Does that work?  Even
if you invoke the special magic to not loose isolated parts of the
polygon, will the connectivity check treat them as separate copper and
assign them to different nets?

I've drawn separate polys for each power/gnd net on my boards. 

Let's see, ok, it does work.  I'd still be uncomfortable with such a

Description: Binary data


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-02-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Feb 15, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 DJ Delorie writes:
 The two words mean two different things in the English language.
 sorry, I wasn't clear on these distinctions.

 DJ has a very narrow and negative viewpoint on factoring.

In the end, I do not care how you call what is being done, as long as
the results are more like Unix, and less like Multics :-)


 Refactoring means changing nonfunctional attributes of the software
 (i.e. rearranging code to be more maintainable).

 Way, way too narrow. Refactoring can dramatically increase the power at the 
 users' fingertips. Consider a favorite Brian Kernighan example. Take the 
 Multics command:


 In Unix, refactor it into:

 who | wc -l

 Now, you've given the user much more power with fewer commands. For example,

 ls | wc -l

 counts files, something I recall there was no command for in Multics. 

 The large suite of inflexible, specialized commands in Multics collapsed into 
 a much smaller set of commands that were specialized in one sense (what 
 abstraction was served) but generalized in another (what end was served) in 
 Unix. This put a lot more power in users' hands: many things that would have 
 required a page of tricky PL/I code in Multics became simple shell one-liners 
 in Unix. It was much easier to master and remember the smaller, but more 
 powerful, set of Unix commands.

  If we're talking
 about changing functionality (as we were in this case), we need to use
 a different word.

 Functionality emerges naturally from good factoring. Without good factoring, 
 functionality requires a large number of complex features that are 
 difficult to remember and often don't play well with each other.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-02-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:17:27AM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 And think about vias as well.  Those need a major refactoring as well,
 to support custom via stacks, blind and burried vias.  
 IMHO, vias should be layers as well, with attributes that tell to which
 conductive layers they connect. 
 So maybe it is a good idea to keep vias in mind when redoing they way
 layers are handled.

 I was at the idea, that a via will be assigned set of physical layers
 and it will show in each cooper layer belonging to that physical

 That should be relativly simple to achieve. And by default it will be
 assigned all the physical layers. Pressing shift or ctrl will make it
 ask what layers you want it to belong. Plus there need to be the
 possibility to change default temporary in order to aid making a lot of
 blind/burried vias at once.

With different annular rings, and clearance on each layer, and
non-circular shapes, ...

A via editor HID shall at least provide means to modify annular and
clearance independently for top, inner, bottom, soldermask top,
soldermask bottom logical layers.  The file formal shall allow to spec
this for each physical layer as well.  When we are at that point, a via
is a stack of structures on various layers.  The hole itself may then be
just a circle on another layer of type via.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-02-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Martin Kupec writes:

 On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 09:45:40AM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
  I am not shure if it is possible to have non-circular drill holes in
  gerber files. We can have the pad around the hole be of any shape,
  but the hole itself probably needs to be circular.
 We can have any shape hole we want, if we export it as a gerber file
 instead of an excellon file.  However, that doesn't mean the fab will
 manufacture it.

 I will stick with the current manufactors abbilities...

Hmmm.  We had requests to express plated slots in this group.  If
somebody defines an extra via layer for slots, and draws polygons or
traces on it, the exporter should recognise that and produce a gerber
instead of a drill file.  The rest is negotiation with the vendor.

PCB will be able to check the connectivity by the via connectivity

I'd love to draw square polygons (or better traces without rounded caps)
on a via layer and export to gds2 instead or gerber.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-02-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
DJ Delorie writes:

 The two words mean two different things in the English language.

sorry, I wasn't clear on these distinctions.  

 Refactoring means changing nonfunctional attributes of the software
 (i.e. rearranging code to be more maintainable).  If we're talking
 about changing functionality (as we were in this case), we need to use
 a different word.

 An example of refactoring, in PCB's case, would be changing the
 underlying language from the C/C++ hybrid mess we have now to a clean
 C++ object-oriented structure, without changing the code's
 functionality at all.

 An example of redesigning, in PCB's case, would be changing the way
 the user manages the layer stack and what kinds of layers the user can


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Vintage uP

2011-02-13 Thread Stephan Boettcher


Ethan Swint writes:

 I recently ran across a cache of 'vintage' microprocessors - a
 Motorola MC68010L8 and other MC68K chips, Dallas Semi Speed it uP, AMD
 8088, etc.  The are all in new condition, most in ESD foam.  Any of
 these of interest to the list?

Well, if you could ship to Europe in an unsusicious package to avoid
customs excessive duties, I'd be interested in an MC68010L8 and maybe
other MC68K chips (what are those? UART? FPU?)  I could pay via paypal.

Cheers, Stephan



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: transition of pcb internal units to metric (SI, mm)

2011-02-08 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 I doubt PCB will ever be a suitable tool for chip design.

Why?  It should not make that a priority.  But the hierachical features
outlined elsewhere, layer types, a sufficiently generic via mechanism,
its not too far from making it possible to do chip design.

Hierachy, blind and burried vias, all these PCB features are on the
list.  Just steer the development just a little bit to make it general
enough in the core/file formats.  The GUI may be 100% PCB by default and
hide the generality from the user.

Chip design will then need another pile of code to interpret the
drawing in terms a silocon technology, at least a gds2 exporter.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB bug: only names, draw a line, undo: segfault

2011-01-30 Thread Stephan Boettcher

PCB version 20100929
Compiled on Nov  8 2010 at 05:46:11
Debian sid.

- Settings-Only Names
- draw a line
- hit 'u' for undo.

- segfault.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnetlist (bug?) subcircuit symbol without pinnumbers

2011-01-30 Thread Stephan Boettcher


a few comments/questions on this weekends gnetlist experince:

gnetlist via gsch2pcb complains a lot, and adds a pin U?-? on every net
that connects to a specific symbol for a subcircuit (with source=
attibute). The error messages are not helpful.

It took a while to figure out that gnetlist is unhappy about not finding
pinnumber= attibutes on the pins of that symbol.

Why does a subcircuit need pin numbers? The connectivity is establisched
via pinlabel= (although pinnumber= would be more intuitive, at least
until we get rid of all the attribute overloading, and since pinnumber=
seems to be required for unknown reasons).

Why does gnetlist not tell which entity it is complaining about in its
error messages?

$ gnetlist --version
gnetlist: unrecognized option '--version'

... oh, that is unhelpful as well, no cut'n paste from the gschem about
box either. Let's see, 

$ dpkg -s geda | grep ^Version
Version: 1:1.6.1-4

Debian sid.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB bug: only names, draw a line, undo: segfault

2011-01-30 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Stefan Salewski writes:

 On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 14:48 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 PCB version 20100929
 Compiled on Nov  8 2010 at 05:46:11
 Debian sid.
 - Settings-Only Names
 - draw a line
 - hit 'u' for undo.
 - segfault.

 Works fine for Gentoo AMD64, tested empty board and tut1.pcb.

 PCB version 20100929 (GTK)

Ok, I tried again, empty board, and yes, the segfault does not happen
when a line draw is completed (with the middle mouse button).

It only happens when I hit u (undo) after drawing a track segment, but
did not terminate the draw (with middle mouse button).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB bug: only names, draw a line, undo: segfault

2011-01-30 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 15:22 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 It only happens when I hit u (undo) after drawing a track segment, but
 did not terminate the draw (with middle mouse button).

 That matches the same set of steps where I can trigger the valgrind

 As an added data-point, I was able to reproduce with Only names
 switched off when I started line-drawing, but switched it on mid-way,
 before I hit undo.

 A cursory glance didn't suggest what might be wrong yet.. please file a
 bug at:

That site shows a white page with a [continue] button, and then I click
on it, it says 'Invalid OpenID transaction'.  And when I turn on
Javascript, it does nothing more helpfu either.  And anyway, I do not
have an account with launchpad, and I don't think I'd want one. Sorry.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: directly connecting two nets?

2011-01-26 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Peter Clifton writes:

 On Mon, 2011-01-24 at 07:48 -0800, Ouabache Designworks wrote:
 The special symbols is supposed to fuse netnames as issued on the
not labels on the schematic.
If you are also fusing the copper on the board then I would kind of
like to see that when I am viewing the schematic.
You want to give the user a choice. If I pull up a component view then
I want to see the signal names from the original designer. If I am
traversing a hierarchy and open an instance view then I want to see the
signal names that match the names in the parent instance.
John Eaton

 For a loop antenna, for example, the solution needs to be in PCB.. allow
 footprints / functional groups which implement RF components by
 placing copper on some layer.

 For me, this raises a very interesting design question:

 How do I go from abstract inductor / transmission line / (capacitance
 even?) representations on a schematic, to correctly DRC'd board layout?

This will probably require an additional tool.  The tool needs to
extract the properties of the wiring from the layout via some techology
file that describes the properties of the board materials (layer stack,

The schematic will have attributes on nets that spec what to check for.
IMHO, net segments should be explicitly marked with the short-symbol
that was discussed.  A gnetlist backend will provide a netlist to the
verification tool that includes the attributes and net segments.  The
PCB gnetlist backend merges the net segments.  How to split out the net
segments during extraction is probably not easy.

 The inductor will end up as a shaped piece of copper tracking, and at
 this point, you realise that net is a very DC term!

The inductor could be a subschematic with shorted pins via two short
symbols, with a net in between that asks for an inductance check of
some sort.

 We would need to have some way to demarcate the start and end of the
 inductor in PCB, or to draw it on a layer, or with an attribute which
 causes the copper making up the component to be disjoint from either
 net connecting to that section. That piece of board layout becomes a
 component, not an interconnect between components.

The DRC could be told to treat certain layers in a group as component

 One might imagine a similar method being useful to join two
 hierarchically shorted nets together... have a link component which
 joins AGND and DGND, which is implemented by copper drawn on the board
 between those two power planes.

 This would then allow preservation of important DRC checks such as
 making sure the correct plane / return path is used for signals.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: directly connecting two nets?

2011-01-24 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty writes:

 On Jan 24, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

 Steven Michalske wrote:
 We would also need a way to force the chosen name of the net to choose
 when merging nets.  e.g.  When you merge a net named power with a net
 named 3v3_power, who wins?
 If a two pin symbol mediates the fusion, this would be determined 
 by the connections to the symbol. The symbol would comprise a win-pin 
 and a loose-pin. The winner would be the net that is connected to the 

 Works for the simplest case:

 net1 net2

 The combined net would be net1.

 But a little more complicated:

 net1 net2  net3

 Is this net1 or net3?

At some point the user looses for his own stupitity.  I'd just require a
well defined topology, and tell the user if the resolution is not unique,
then he has to accept arbitrary results, based on the random order of
evaluation of the shorts.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: directly connecting two nets?

2011-01-24 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Ouabache Designworks writes:

 The special symbols is supposed to fuse netnames as issued on the netlist,
 not labels on the schematic.


 If you are also fusing the copper on the board then I would kind of like to
 see that when I am viewing the schematic.

PCB requires all connecting copper to be the same net(name). gnetlist
needs to resolve merged nets to a single net.  That happens now for
hierarchy, except when a subcircuit shorts two higher-level nets.  This
could probably be fixed, with a warning and some arbitrary choice how
the net is named.

 You want to give the user a choice. If I pull up a component view then I
 want to see the signal names from the original designer. If I am traversing
 a hierarchy and open an instance view then I want to see the signal names
 that match the names in the parent instance.

There is no instance view in gschem.

 John Eaton

NB, when resolving hierarchy, gnetlist keeps the netname of the outer
level.  Sometimes I'd wish it would keep the subcircuit netname.  This
would also resolve the case when a subcircuit shorts two outer nets.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber outlines

2011-01-24 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Rob Butts writes:

 I'm trying to provide Dorkbot PDX with gerbers for a two-layer circuit
 board.  They require an outline gerber so I followed the
 by naming the active layer which for me was the component layer 'outline'.

No.  You need to add an extra outline layer, which is empty except for
the board outline, which needs to be drawn as a closed seqence of lines
(and/or arc?).

 I then exported the gerber file and the outline gerber still shows nothing.
 The help link above makes it sound like PCB will generate the outline
 automatically to the 'outline' layer absolute edge.

No such automatism.

 Do I have to draw these lines in or does PCB do this and what should I see
 when viewing the outline gerber layer?

Yes, you need to draw them.

The fab gerber includes an outline trace, which is the 'absolute edge'
of your design when there is nor outline layer.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gerber outlines

2011-01-24 Thread Stephan Boettcher

 ... you can either rename a layer ...

 ... you can either rename an unused empty layer ...

 ... that exclusively contains the objects in the outline layer. 

 ... in particular, no vias and pins.

 ... the width of the lines does not matter. The fab will cut the board
 at the center of the lines.

Is this universally true?  

At least our milling machine mills the outline on the outer edge of the
lines.  The guy who runs the machine says, he cannot easily tell the
programm to mill along a center line.

I prefer to keep the line width within tolerances to both sides, so if
the fab ignores my README specifying the centerline, it is no big deal.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Visual cue of zero length pin endpoint

2011-01-23 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Andrzej writes:

 On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

 libgeda was recently patched to allow zero length pins. Please point me
 at where the documentation says this is invalid, and I'll file a bug
 about getting that changed.

 You cannot have a zero length pen (the tools will throw them away).

 The typo in this sentence technically makes it invalid. ;-) Same
 requirement exists also for other data types.

 You are correct there, those driving the zero-length pins change should
 consider whether this is a problem or not, and if so - what do do about

 It makes sense to extend the spec to cover zero-length pins (IMHO
 other shapes should stay non-zero sized) but it would be better if the
 spec explicitly said when and for what purposes pin directionality can
 be used. In the current version there is no mention of it but since
 pins are guaranteed to have a direction, it's not unreasonable to use
 this property for all sorts of things.

I just made a symbol with 624 zero length pins.  Please keep them :-)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: directly connecting two nets?

2011-01-23 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Colin D Bennett writes:

 Sometimes I would like to directly connect two nets.  There are a
 number of different specific cases in which I would like to do this for
 simplicity in the schematic.  For instance, I might have an input port
 component (e.g., input-1.sym) on a connector pin with net VLCD, and
 then somewhere else in the schematic want to show that VLCD is
 connected to +3.3V.

 However, after some investigation as to why I wasn't getting the right
 rats in 'pcb' after a gsch2pcb import, I realized that connecting two
 nets in gschem (using a power symbol and/or an I/O port symbol
 connected with a net line) does not create that connection in the
 netlist!  I think the gnetlist drc did emit a warning due to this, but
 I did not understand the cause...

 Is there any correct way to show two nets are directly connected in a
 schematic?  e.g., connecting two I/O ports or two power symbols

Hmm, yes.

You need to invent some 2-pin symbol with some special attributes, and
teach the pcb gnetlist backend(s) to interpret those attributes as a
net-unification bridge.  There should also be a convention how that net
should be named in the output.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Collaborative Development of Boards

2011-01-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Markus Hitter writes:

 Am 18.01.2011 um 01:56 schrieb John Griessen:

 I thought about this some more after sleeping last night, and what
 is probably asking for is a position range sensitive diff or auto-

 When people make changes in PCB that can be merged, it means they are
 working in different places, zones, quadrants...  IOW if you could
 say easily *where* you were working was different and not overlapping
 another's work, an auto-merge would work -- if it only over-rode
 traces and footprints in the limited zone of the change made...

 That reminds me on an idea discussed here a few weeks ago: drop the
 current footprint logic and replace it with full fledged circuit
 layouts. You'd edit the sub-layout in it's own file and insert that
 into the total layout as a non-editable, but movable block.

 One possible drawback for both ideas: you can't route tracks through
 the foreign area/sub-layout, even if there's enough room after
 assembling the zones.

Why do you need that limitation?


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-880-3968
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Collaborative Development of Boards

2011-01-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Markus Hitter writes:

 Am 19.01.2011 um 22:27 schrieb Stephan Boettcher:

 Markus Hitter writes:

 Am 18.01.2011 um 01:56 schrieb John Griessen:

 I thought about this some more after sleeping last night, and what
 is probably asking for is a position range sensitive diff or auto-

 When people make changes in PCB that can be merged, it means they
 working in different places, zones, quadrants...  IOW if you could
 say easily *where* you were working was different and not
 another's work, an auto-merge would work -- if it only over-rode
 traces and footprints in the limited zone of the change made...

 That reminds me on an idea discussed here a few weeks ago: drop the
 current footprint logic and replace it with full fledged circuit
 layouts. You'd edit the sub-layout in it's own file and insert that
 into the total layout as a non-editable, but movable block.

 One possible drawback for both ideas: you can't route tracks through
 the foreign area/sub-layout, even if there's enough room after
 assembling the zones.

 Why do you need that limitation?

 Without that limitation, a zone is no longer a zone and conflicts can
 happen. Doesn't apply for tracks drawn to the main layout, of course.

 Also doesn't apply to sub-layouts of undefined size, but then the idea
 of sectoring a board for different contributors becomes a bit

Why?  If everybody sticks to a sublayout, at least the VCS merges will
not conflict.  If the drawn copper conflicts, that's what needs to be
cleaned up after the merge.  For efficient collaboration there should
be some aggrement about who draws where, but technically there should
not be any limits how sublayouts overlap.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 16:05 +0900, John Doty wrote:

 Note that there's a bit of terminology confusion. gschem actually
 manipulates segments of nets (other tools sometimes call these
 wires), while net in EE theory is usually a topological whole,
 where the connection is assumed to be structureless.

 wires is a useful distinction here, although it sounds like it implies
 something physical. I'll try to call them net segments from now on.

 Sometimes a gnetlist backend might wish to request the connectivity of a
 net (the topological whole). IMO libgeda should be able to provide that.
 (A library or convenience function if you will).

It does not happen very often, but in this point my opinion disagrees
with John's, I think.  The whole point of libgeda and gnetlist is to
express connectivity between pins.  Machine-interpreting meaning into
the details of the individual net segments is a confusing concept, that
should not be encouraged by the tools.  If such things need to be
expressed, I'd introduce a new type of symbol, and teach the gnetlist
backend that needs those semantics to treat both/all connections to that
symbol as the same net, but with different attributes.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple attributes

2011-01-17 Thread Stephan Boettcher

al davis writes:

 How about prefixing simulation attributes with a dot.

No, please,  use a proper namespace prefix, like 

  spice- verilog- sim-
  spice: verilog: sim:

Backend namespaces, use namespaces, with fallbacks into legacy and
global namespaces.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Collaborative Development of Boards

2011-01-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Markus Hitter writes:

 Being more a mechanics and software guy, I'm astonished how things in
 the electronics world apparently work. Perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit.

 Is it even possible to do something in collaboration? I'd appreciate
 any answer.

In our lab we recently had very nice results partitioning the work
across multiple boards.  The mechanics engineer did a fine housing, a
PhD-student made the front-end board with eagle, I made the main board
with gEDA/PCB, and our electronics engineer does the power board, using
eagle.  There was FPGA and ARM7 firmware to do as well.  Lot's of
opportunities to devide work and to collaborate.  You have to agree on
the interfaces for sure.  But collaborating on a single layout is pretty


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Sun, 2011-01-16 at 11:44 -0600, John Griessen wrote:
 On 01/16/2011 11:32 AM, John Griessen wrote:
  So I don't see how that was a stopper, even without Bill's specific Altium 
 I meant Bob's

 I'm lost.. who is Bob?

You do not use a thread view in your mail reader, do you?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Collaborative Development of Boards

2011-01-16 Thread Stephan Boettcher writes:

 If you edit one object, that won't ever move other objects around by 
 side effect. VCS systems I know depend on this feature. I think PCB 
 already provides this feature, keeping order of objects, 

Not really. When you edit a line, it somehow gets thrown into an
entirely different slot in the list.  Like if there is a vector of
allocated slots, some marked unused, and when something is changed, it
is thrown into the first unused slot.  Probably some feature of some
glib(?) container class?  It's not too bad for vcs diffs, but could be a
little better.  Not worth the trouble to fix this, I guess.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 21:14 -0500, al davis wrote:
 Reading a file is easy.  The hard part about the geda format, 
 where use of libgeda may be advantageous, is establishing 

 A mix of libgeda, with gnetlist wading in and flattening things (perhaps
 unhelpfully). I want to see all connectivity code move into libgeda, and
 flattening be optional.

   I don't know where that is done, or if it is done 
 in a form that would be useful here, or whether there exists the 
 code to go the other way (generate a schematic given a netlist 
 and rendering info) which is equally needed.

 Not done. Would be nice though - but I'd rate it of similar complexity
 to a board auto-router. (Not as rigidly constrained topologically, but
 to do well would require a decent auto-place, and a decent auto-router -
 even if the rules are different to that used with a PCB).

Why would anybody want such a schematic?

I see two semi-graphical ways to express a netlist in gschem format.

1. Each element uses the same generic symbol, with the proper attributes
attached, and net= attributes for connectivity.  Placed on some grid in
arbitrary order, optionally so that the attribute lists do not overlap
when viewed graphically.

2. When symbols are available for the elements, those can be placed on
some grid, and each pin gets a little net stub with netname= for

Last millenium, some cadence netlister move such schematics from
synthesized Verilog netlist, but I do not remember why they were needed
in the flow, certainly not for human inspection.  

A mixture between 1. and 2., in case there is some way to feed an
element to symbol map into the process, falling back to 1. for elements
without symbols.  But that use case is 

What are the use-cases?

Mix gschem schematics with synthesis output into gnetlist for ASIC or
simulation targets?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Rant about Make Inv Text Vis

2011-01-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Peter Clifton writes:

 On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 07:54 +, Peter TB Brett wrote:
 - Original message -
  What is the point of the command Make Inv Text Vis in gschem, other than 
  aggravating me.
 Good question. I'm not aware of a use-case for it either.  At the very
 least, it should be undo-able.  Please file a bug report.

 Lets kill it with fire.

Yes, please!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Rant about Make Inv Text Vis

2011-01-15 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Vanessa Ezekowitz writes:

 On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 16:25:39 +
 Peter Clifton wrote:

 On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 09:10 -0600, John Griessen wrote:
  On 01/15/2011 06:59 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
   Yes, please!
 Consider it napalmed.

 Napalmed ain't enough - I want that option *nuked* (from orbit yet).   :-)

The worst part is the keyboard shortcut e v, just the reverse of the
frequently used v e.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB antenna pattern

2011-01-14 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kovacs Levente writes:

 I am designing a zigbee interface, and I am using an inverted F antenna
 out of PCB pattern. The problem is that the terminals of the antenna
 pattern are shorted (well not on 2.4GHz), so I don't have any clue what
 to put to the schematic. So far, I simply grounded the antenna pin of
 the transceiver, but it can lead to misunderstanding. The other option
 is to have a two-pin symbol, but the pattern will cause short circuit
 when running the DRC.

 Any suggestion?

I'd put the antenna, or at least the short, on a separate layer, in the
same group as the normal copper layer.  For verification, you can
temporarily move the antenna layer to it's own group.  Just remember to
do the checkout with the correct group assignment.  If you get an extra
gerber layer for the short, then you know you made a mistake.


Stephan Böttcher FAX: +49-431-880-3968
Extraterrestrische PhysikTel: +49-431-880-2508
Leibnizstr. 11, 24118 Kiel, Germany

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Bugs, warts and feature requests (5)

2011-01-12 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz writes:

 I would say the existing attribute/backend/semantics interaction
 matrix is complex enough
 to require full analysis of the implications of yet another attribute
 being added...

The matrix is so complex because it is not orthogonal.  The solution is:
more attributes and less overloading, not the reverse.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple attributes

2011-01-05 Thread Stephan Boettcher

Matthew Wilkins writes:

 There _is_ a meaning to the order if a netlister expects only one
 attribute, but the symbol has several of the same name.  In that case,
 the netlister could find either the first attribute of that name or
 the last, depending on how the netlister was written.

This should either case an error or a prominent warning.

 About overloading:

 Sometimes it's desirable to overload attributes; for example I might
 want to simulate a circuit through a spice netlister, then generate a
 BOM of the parts in the simulation.  Having the BOM netlister use the
 same value attributes as the simulation helps prevent errors in
 keeping the two flows in sync.

 To give the user the choice of overloading the symbols or not, each
 netlister could first look for a netlister-specific attribute, and if
 that doesn't exist then use a generic attribute.  i.e first look for
 spice-sdb-value, and if that doesn't exist then use the generic

And that is the way forward for the problematic overloading we have
right now, e.g., the pinseq attribute:

The spice netlist shall learn to use a (spice-)port-order attribute, or
however that shall be named, and fall back to pinseq, with an
obsolescence warning.

  pin-seq  (obsolete)

I like your idea.  

What is the spice term for pins?


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