Re: Incubator structure

2013-04-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Upayavira,

-Original Message-
From: Upayavira
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)


What I was trying to do with this particular thread is to identify the
problems the incubator has before deciding on solutions. If we can get a
common agreement on that, specific solutions will be much easier for us
all to accept.

No problem.

I've articulated those for a while now, they were the original parts of
my proposal [1]. See the headings there that being with:

* Podlings are themselves distinct communities
* Podlings are more and more able to pick up on the basic principles of
Incubator documentation; its legal oversight and its processes
* Mentors encourage their podlings to operate autonomously

These are a combination of observations (based on problems), and problems
themselves, which have led to divergence in many of the core Incubator

The way I see it, many of the things that led me to write [1] still exist.
And, many of the small steps that we took to unhinge some of the problems
that were documented in [1] and the thread referenced in [1], such as
experiment (to allow PPMC members VOTEs to matter more on releases), and
such as steps that we've taken to reduce the requirement for 3 +1s from
IPMC members to VOTE in a new PPMC member. Those are related to self
governance, and the recognition that podlings themselves should not have
to be so as dependent on folks from the IPMC, because it's a wild west.


So, my question to you is are you able/willing to articulate the
problems do you see the incubator as having, that need to be solved?
That is, without (yet) suggesting how it should be fixed?

Yes, I've articulated them for a while now. :)

What I appreciated from Niall, and anyone that reads my proposal, are
specific comments, backed with data, about the proposal itself. Sure
it has a plan of action (as any good proposal should), but it has
problems, and observations, that lead to that plan of action, too.

I'd be very curious to hear how you see it.

Thank you for kindly considering my opinion Upayavira. I respect
and appreciate yours as well.



Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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[ANNOUNCE] Henry Saputra as new Incubator PMC member

2013-04-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi All,

Please join me in welcoming Henry Saputra to the Incubator PMC.

Henry, welcome! Please feel free to share a bit about yourself.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] David Nalley joins the Incubator PMC

2013-04-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Welcome David!


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: Noah Slater
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 10:34 AM
Cc: David Nalley
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] David Nalley joins the Incubator PMC

Dear community,

I am pleased to announce that David Nalley joins the Incubator PMC.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to David!

On behalf of the Incubator PMC,


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Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-04-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
A simple question for you all.

If the current amount of podlings (38):

[terra:~/tmp/podlings-content] mattmann% cat podlings.xml | grep current |
wc -l
[terra:~/tmp/podlings-content] mattmann%

Graduated over the next 3 months (~13 a month), or even the next 6 months
(which is
~6 near the current rate +/- a few), would the Board members suddenly
cease to function?

And then in that time, if we gain 1-2 new projects a month (probably
greater than
the average the past few years), would the Board again cease to function?

My proposal is to dissolve the self questioning, TL;DR, binding VOTEs and
west that is the Incubator PMC. The rest of the situation stays the same.
Keep the 
stinkin' documentation at, and folks can
to work/crank on it there if they desire. Why is a (meta)/umbrella
committee needed for this?

And stop identifying the Board as the folks who shoulder the load. The
(incoming and graduated) shoulder the load -- the Board only acts rarely,
when provoked. We also have committees for Legal and otherwise that can be
here as I have stated.

BTW, note the first step you all seem to agree on is also the first step
in my proposal,
that Greg and I proposed over a year ago.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: Benson Margulies
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)

Ant is reflecting a real dilemma here. At Apache, we try to be
egalitarian, and we try to work by consensus. The natural conclusion
is that the many people needed to vote on releases are also part of
the decision-making body for policy that controls those releases. The
dilemma is that consensus doesn't always scale so well. Neither does
supervision: when everyone is responsible, no one is responsible.

There are several directions to go to on this. Chris M's proposal
dissolves the IPMC into many, small, egalitarian communities, and
leaves overarching policy for the board and comdev, where it lives for
all the other projects. Ross' proposal sacrifices some egalitarianism
to achieve better scaling of both decision-making and supervision.

Ross' other proposal :-), to move documentation (and thus some/much of
the locus of policy decision) making to comdev, reduces the load of
decision-making that the IPMC has to find consensus on, and thus
proposes to reduce the stress.

I sense that Chris M finds my writing on his proposal frustrating. To
try to do a better job of explaining myself: Chris proposes that this
committee recommend its own demise to the board, to be replaced, in
large part, by the board itself. Every board member who has been heard
from so far has been less than enthusiastic. It's one thing for this
community to self-govern, but self-destruction strikes me as outside
of the mandate. It just strikes me as sideways to seek consensus
inside a community that the community is incapable of reliable
reaching consensus, amongst other things. If I believed that the IPMC
was unfixably nonfunctional in supervision or decision-making, I
wouldn't be seeking a consensus. I'd be reporting my view to the
board, making a recommendation, and asking for direction. That's how I
see my duty as an officer. In other words, if there's something
functional to be the chair of, my job is to be the chair of it. If
there's nothing functional to be the chair of, it's my job to say so,
recognizing that the board might just disagree.

Now that we've cleared up some other matters, I'll try to help us all
discover if we have a consensus on one of these proposals.

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Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-04-01 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Niall,

First off, thanks for reading my proposal!

Specific comments below:

-Original Message-

From: Niall Pemberton
Date: Monday, April 1, 2013 7:00 AM
To: general-incubator
Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:30 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Ross,

 -Original Message-
 From: Ross Gardler
 Date: Sunday, March 31, 2013 5:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
 majority vote vs consensus)

 On 31 March 2013 17:08, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
  Why is it so hard to see that the board is already watching those 22
  nascent projects in the same manner they watch the 137 TLPs?
 Because they are not watching with the same manner. They are
delegating a
 huge range of tasks such as IP oversight and mentoring to the IPMC.

 Yep this is the sticking point where we disagree -- b/c I disagree with
 2 tasks are not a huge range. Also my table of responsibilities in the
 proposal [1]
 I believe clearly specifies where any responsibility is shifted and not
 one of
 them is the Board.

There are two responsibilities you list that shift to the board - 1) spots
problems with mentoring 2) fixes problems with mentoring.

I agree, spots problems with mentoring could potentially fall on the
if the incoming new project and its 3 ASF members don't spot the problem
beforehand. Just like it falls to the the board related to all projects if
there are issues (mentoring, the Apache Way or otherwise).

Before I add that to my proposal, I would ask you to consider some of my
recent emails related to mentoring issues with podlings, and ask that if
you think that the IPMC is currently doing a great of spotting problems
with mentoring.

If you, if you can please cite examples that would be great. I have counter
examples (Mesos, for one) wherein which emails requesting help have gone
unanswered, but if you have others in support of that, I'd appreciate

Also in your proposal oversight of releases is discarded and therefore I
would add spots problems with releases is also therefore ultimately the
boards responsibility.

My philosophy is that there can remain a small set of mentors, e.g., these
shepherds if you will that ought to volunteer for projects as they come
into the ASF and be part of their initial PMC. The initial Champion role
should also be an ASF member, until the incoming project is ready to elect
its own chair (should happen in  1 year).

These same people are likely going to be the same people who are great at
checking releases now (sebb, Marvin, others). There doesn't need to be an
IPMC for them to do that.

Jukka  now Benson have IMO been successful in focusing podlings on what
they need to do to graduate and pushing them through the process - rather
than staying for years in the incubator. So I would add this to the list
what the board would need to pick up.

Well sorry, I don't think it's Jukka and Benson. I've never been a
once, neither has Chris Douglas, neither has a bunch of people that have
successfully brought podlings through the Incubator as of late.

Jukka and Benson aren't necessarily the only reasons that things shaped up
around here though I wholly appreciate their efforts.

Lastly I would also say that shifting voting on new projects from a public
to private list is not an improvement and would exclude those proposing
from answering any objections or concerns.

Yes, I am +1 for that. In my proposal, I've gone and updated it to shift
that responsibility to voting on general@incubator (which as I mention
in my proposal will remain).

One note I'd add -- in my proposal, responsibility is not directly shifted
onto the board, until it's shown that the incoming project's committee
is unable to handle it:

(see shifted responsibility:
The project's PMC. And if not, the project's VP. And if not that, the
or the membership. Just like the current way it works for existing TLPs.




Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-03-31 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

-Original Message-
From: Benson Margulies
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)


Chris M observes, if I may parody, that it's 'just like' the
discredited umbrella projects, and proposes to fix this by making
podlings even more like the standard model -- each one a TLP
supervised by The Board.

That's one part of it.


I think that any alternative has to specifically address the alternate
legal structure. Who votes on releases? Who votes on karma? I
personally don't have a problem with a plan in which the incubator
isn't really a PMC at the end of the day. One way to combine Ross and
Chris is to say, 'well, the Board could decide that it can't watch 22
nascent projects, so it's delegated that to a committee.

Why is it so hard to see that the board is already watching those 22
nascent projects in the same manner they watch the 137 TLPs? And if they
are not then I call b. to the s. -- we ask the podlings to start operating
like TLPs on day 1 -- we ask the mentors to do the same -- and to teach
the PPMC that. Yet, the board isn't watching them in the same way?

Ross says the Board pays less attention to these (by implication) than
say the 137 TLPs at present. Ross is one Director. Good for him.
I know other directors (Greg IIRC at least) didn't want the Incubator
specific podling reports to go away (and to only have the summary
at the top of the Incubator report). That's at least one other Director
(there were probably more since there was consensus on the podling
specific reports not going away when it was discussed) that IMHO watches
the podlings the same way as the TLPs are watched.

And, why is it so hard to see that the Board may watch, but in the
end, it's on the specific committees ('podling' as we currently call
them or 'PPMC' or otherwise [TLP]) to manage their stuff? The Board
is the bazooka, the elephant gun, remember? That's why we're still
here discussing ad nauseum this topic a year later -- because to bazooka
the Incubator would be some monuments event, similar to the bazooka, of
PRC, etc. -- something that's discussed at ApacheCon over beer about the
'old ways' and 'can you believe when that happened, wow??!'. In the end,
it's not a monuments event. As Upayavira said, life went on in PRC, in
the sub committees; Apache went on.

What I've done is suggest [in the Apache vein], what is IMO, a logical,
incremental (and even potentially reversible) next step. Upayavira's
latest email on this was right -- he sees that the Incubator is broken,
and perhaps it needs to be split into smaller, separate committees. Ross
is right too -- maybe something else needs to be elected in the form of a
committee (his shepherds) to watch the incoming projects. My point is
-- great -- I can't see the forrest through the trees on the answer to
question yet. What i can see, and what I think even Upayavira and Ross
with -- and you too Benson -- is that there is a grave problem here and it
needs' a fixin'. My deconstruction proposal does that.

I've suggested a logical next step to fixing it -- don't let the wacko
committee try and fix itself. That's like asking an insane asylum to
form a committee for how it will itself. Besides the insanity, they are
naturally in a conflict of interest state. Instead, I'm proposing, rubble
the asylum, transition delegation and authority if only temporarily until
some next step proposal can be agreed upon and discussed without the



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Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-03-31 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Ross,

-Original Message-
From: Ross Gardler
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2013 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Incubator structure (was Re: Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)

On 31 March 2013 17:08, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Why is it so hard to see that the board is already watching those 22
 nascent projects in the same manner they watch the 137 TLPs?

Because they are not watching with the same manner. They are delegating a
huge range of tasks such as IP oversight and mentoring to the IPMC.

Yep this is the sticking point where we disagree -- b/c I disagree with
2 tasks are not a huge range. Also my table of responsibilities in the
proposal [1]
I believe clearly specifies where any responsibility is shifted and not
one of
them is the Board. So I've enumerated at least the concerns of myself and
many others about 
a range of tasks, and addressed them (for well over a year). I've heard
zero feedback 
from you about what's wrong with my table, and what I've missed, what
could be improved 
and have heard nothing but it's wrong (paraphrased) or it doesn't cover
all the tasks
that of course will get dropped on the Board? I've done the work to
my thoughts. You don't get to then just keep telling me it's wrong without
what precisely is wrong about it.

 Ross says the Board pays less attention to these (by implication) than
 say the 137 TLPs at present. Ross is one Director. Good for him.

I, personally, pay as much attention to the PPMCs as I do to TLPs. I'm
active in the IPMC and thus have more visibility. That doesn't mean they
should be expected to by me or by anyone else.

Actually it should be expected -- there is a reason that people like Jim
mentored AOO -- people like Sam joined in, and so did Greg with AOO and
Bloodhound (all 3 are directors). There is a reason that Bertrand has been
very active in the Incubator with Flex and other recent projects. Same as
Rich with Allura -- Roy helps a lot too with clarifications when needed.
I've seen more than a handful of emails from Brett Porter too, so he's
definitely around.
So, sorry Directors too pay just as much attention to PPMCs and to the
Incubator based on their
own individual Incubator and Director hats, and based on their reporting.

 I know other directors (Greg IIRC at least) didn't want the Incubator
 specific podling reports to go away (and to only have the summary
 at the top of the Incubator report).

I don't think any of the Directors want them to go away. But board reports
are not what the IPMC is about. That is the reporting process within the
foundation and provides the level of oversight into the PPMCs that the
board requires. But the IPMC does *much* more than submit a monthly board
report with a verbatim copy of the podlings individual reports.

 What i can see, and what I think even Upayavira and Ross
 with -- and you too Benson -- is that there is a grave problem here and
 needs' a fixin'. My deconstruction proposal does that.

No, I do not agree there is a grave problem. I have denied that
The IPMC has problems, but in the main it works extremely well.

Fine you don't think it's grave. I don't care how it's classified
'purple', 'pink', 'yellow', whatever). There is a problem is what I
should have said.

Look, I hear you that, it's probably possible that folks can come up with
even yet another layer beyond the Shepherds, etc., and that that can goad
people into thinking stuff is fixed around here. Jukka's work was great,
I applaud him for it, but as I said at the time, to me we're just adding
and more layers to the onion, instead of stripping it down to its roots and

Also it's possible that if you guys continue to add layers, and suggest
for organizing those that are active around here, I may just go back to my
way of getting podlings through the Incubator, graduated, and taught in
the ASF

But it's also possible that the existence of this super/meta committee and
super awesome badges that many of the folks here are just too blind to
give them up
will wain on individuals.

The first of these two roles is, for the most part, where the IPMC can
sometimes reach stagnation and can become extremely confusing to podlings
(getting multiple answers for one question for example). Maybe it is time
to move this to ComDev and take that area of conflict away from the IPMC.
This would leave the IPMC to focus on providing the oversight that Jukka's
new processes have started to heal and Benson is now fine-tuning.

I suggested this in my proposal -- and also creating
which is home to all the documentation/processes, etc. This is step #1
in my proposal BTW (moving to ComDev).


Re: [VOTE] recommend Apache DeltaSpike for graduating out of the incubator

2013-03-30 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding) from me.

Good luck!


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: Mark Struberg
Mark Struberg
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:54 AM
Subject: [VOTE] recommend Apache DeltaSpike for graduating out of the


The Apache DeltaSpike podling is a project which contains common CDI
Extensions which are portable among many different Java EE containers and
even run on standalone CDI containers.

We are now incubating since December 2011 and believe we are ready for
graduation. We've shipped 3 releases and already see wide adoption in the
We've already done an internal VOTE on the proposal which passed with a
big majority [1].

The voices who raised concerns were mainly afraid of DeltaSpike not being
'finished' yet. But graduation doesn't mean that the product is final and
switches to maintenance, but that it is vital and there is an active
community around it. And this is certainly the case as shown by the 21
votes we got the last days.

Our status file [2] got updated recently and I consider the podling
namesearch task as completed [3].

Thus I'd like to ask the IPMC to VOTE on recommending the attached
graduation proposal to the board.

[+1] yes, go forward

[+0] meh, don't care
[-1] nope, because there's a blocker ${blocker_reason}

The VOTE is open for 72h

txs and LieGrue,



Proposed Board Resolution Report
X. Establish the Apache DeltaSpike Project

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to creating a set
of portable CDI (JSR-299) Extensions
for distribution at no charge to the public.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the Apache DeltaSpike Project,
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache DeltaSpike Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source
software related to creating a set of portable CDI Extensions;
and be it further

RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache DeltaSpike be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache DeltaSpike Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache DeltaSpike Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache DeltaSpike Project:

Gerhard Petracek gpetracek at
Mark Struberg struberg at
Pete Muir pmuir at
Jason Porter at
Shane Bryzak sbryzak at
Rudy de Busscher rdebusscher at
Christian Kaltepoth christian at
Arne Limburg arne.limburg at
Charles Moulliard cmoulliard at
Cody Lerum cody.lerum at
Romain Mannu-Buccau rmannibucau at
Matthew Jason Benson mbenson at
Jim Jagielski jim at
David Blevins dblevins at
Ken Finnigan ken at
John D. Ament johndament at

be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DeltaSpike, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the initial Apache DeltaSpike PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache DeltaSpike Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache DeltaSpike Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator DeltaSpike podling; and be it further

Incubator Deconstruction (was Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-03-29 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
[Note subject line change for Benson]

Hi Ross,

-Original Message-
From: Ross Gardler
Date: Friday, March 29, 2013 3:09 AM
To: general
Subject: Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

We clearly differ with our view if how much is delegated from board to
IPMC. The amount of work the board does on x podlings weach month is less
than the work they do on x TLPs.

Yeah I guess this is the crux.

I respect your opinion, but honestly feel strongly for my own too :)
No worries, such is life.

That is without the IPMC addressing issues
that come up every now and again. We can go into detail if it becomes

Well yeah that's the point. I've gone into details, ad nauseum. They are
literally extrapolated on my proposal and in numerous email threads too.
I've done the work to document them.

There are problems of efficiency, that is what I believe is the problem.
But as I said we need to agree to differ at this time.

Without knowing the specifics, saying that we differ I don't think is
Constructive at least on my end. IOW, I don't think it's anything that a
bar camp, with some
good IPA wouldn't solve ^_^

Where I differ from you is that not when  each podling had 3 active and
engaged mentors, all would be good in those cases. That is rarely the case

Ross, if it's rarely the case, I wouldn't be here helping 6 podlings at
the moment in the Incubator (and those podlings wouldn't have all come to
asking me directly to help mentor). I'm talking about 14 podlings over
the last few years. Here you go I'll enumerate:




Therefore your proposal means either a reduction in the number of
accepted projects (problem: how do we know which to accept),
 a reduction in
the quality of TLPs (problem: reduction in perceived quality of all ASF
brands), or a bigger oversight role for the board (problem: will the board
accept this?)

The above is anecdotal -- the board has scaled from 90 projects a few
years ago to 
137 currently over that time. Based on that, I don't think any of the 3
suggestions will happen.


For me the first option is the only outcome that can be considered. If
is a desired change (it is not for me) then your proposal is great. For
though the change I want is a more efficient IPMC and this is why we need
to agree to differ at least until more of the IPMC have a stomach for
radical change.


Sent from a mobile device, please excuse mistakes and brevity
On 29 Mar 2013 01:49, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hey Ross,

 -Original Message-

 From: Ross Gardler
 Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

 I do not agree there is no IPMC oversight. The IPMC performs many
 each month which would fall to the board if the IPMC were disbanded.
 is why the IPMC submits a board report.

 What specific actions would fall to the board in my proposal [1]
outside of
 what the board already does for PMCs? I count a total of 0 in the right
 column of my table.

 Being specific myself:

 1. Directors review the IPMC report, and are charged (at least the
 shepherd for the Incubator is; but so are other board members) with
 the podlings present in the Incubator report. There was discussion
 removing specific podling reports, and only leaving the summary -- this
 was nixed.
 Directors are still charged with reviewing podling individual reports,
 same as
 they are with actual project reports. Thus, if you say there are no more
 as I do in my proposal, please define, specifically, where the extra

 2. We always wax at the ASF about there being extremely little
 Oh, there's a problem? The board can't fix that -- it's a bazooka! Fix
 PMC! OK, so with that said, what's the problem then by saying, no more
 there are simply PMCs? New projects come in to the ASF via steps 3-5 in
 proposal --
 through discussion on general@incubator that includes discussions of
 merit, community, etc,
 guided by the existing Incubator documentation. When a VOTE is ready,
 board VOTEs
 on the incoming project(s). This is true today. Incubator podlings are
 *not officially
 endorsed projects of the ASF* until they are turned into TLPs by board
 Again, so what's changed?

 What's even more hilarious and illustrative of the guise towards
 is that there have been discussions within this very same thread that
 instead of
 telling the board

Re: Incubator Deconstruction (was Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus)

2013-03-29 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hahah, we all need sleep?

What?!! :)

Take care duder, we'll spent some cycles doing other emails while
we let this sit.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: Ross Gardler
Date: Friday, March 29, 2013 10:11 AM
To: general
Subject: Re: Incubator Deconstruction (was Vote on personal matters:
majority vote vs consensus)


The fundamental issue is that I don't agree the IPMC needs deconstructing.
I believe it finds it difficult to come to a decision when unusual
circumstance arises, but most of the time it does fine.

I don't accept that using yourself as an example of how we can find
sufficient mentors for all new entries is evidence that your proposal will
scale and thus address the concerns I have expressed. You are not a
mentor, most of us need sleep.

I don't believe this topic needs debating as I don't believe the
process is broken.  Your proposal doesn't actually solve the core problems
of whether policy says this or that or whether best practice is this or
that - which ultimately is the only thing the IPMC gets bogged down in.
Your proposal simply moves all the hard parts to the membership and thus
the board. Moving problems does not solve them.


Sent from a mobile device, please excuse mistakes and brevity
On 29 Mar 2013 16:51, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 [Note subject line change for Benson]

 Hi Ross,

 -Original Message-
 From: Ross Gardler
 Date: Friday, March 29, 2013 3:09 AM
 To: general
 Subject: Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

 We clearly differ with our view if how much is delegated from board to
 IPMC. The amount of work the board does on x podlings weach month is
 than the work they do on x TLPs.

 Yeah I guess this is the crux.

 I respect your opinion, but honestly feel strongly for my own too :)
 No worries, such is life.

 That is without the IPMC addressing issues
 that come up every now and again. We can go into detail if it becomes

 Well yeah that's the point. I've gone into details, ad nauseum. They are
 literally extrapolated on my proposal and in numerous email threads too.
 I've done the work to document them.

 There are problems of efficiency, that is what I believe is the
 But as I said we need to agree to differ at this time.

 Without knowing the specifics, saying that we differ I don't think is
 Constructive at least on my end. IOW, I don't think it's anything that a
 bar camp, with some
 good IPA wouldn't solve ^_^

 Where I differ from you is that not when  each podling had 3 active and
 engaged mentors, all would be good in those cases. That is rarely the

 Ross, if it's rarely the case, I wouldn't be here helping 6 podlings at
 the moment in the Incubator (and those podlings wouldn't have all come
 asking me directly to help mentor). I'm talking about 14 podlings over
 the last few years. Here you go I'll enumerate:




 Therefore your proposal means either a reduction in the number of
 accepted projects (problem: how do we know which to accept),
  a reduction in
 the quality of TLPs (problem: reduction in perceived quality of all ASF
 brands), or a bigger oversight role for the board (problem: will the
 accept this?)

 The above is anecdotal -- the board has scaled from 90 projects a few
 years ago to
 137 currently over that time. Based on that, I don't think any of the 3
 suggestions will happen.


 For me the first option is the only outcome that can be considered. If
 is a desired change (it is not for me) then your proposal is great. For
 though the change I want is a more efficient IPMC and this is why we
 to agree to differ at least until more of the IPMC have a stomach for
 radical change.
 Sent from a mobile device, please excuse mistakes and brevity
 On 29 Mar 2013 01:49, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
  Hey Ross,
  -Original Message-
  From: Ross Gardler
  Reply-To: general

Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

2013-03-28 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Ross,

 I disagree. Chris' proposal removes the IPMC thus making the board
 responsible for everything that committee does today. Yes it replaces
 with an oversight body, but how does that scale?

 Please let me respectfully disagree with your interpretation of my
 deconstruction proposal [1]. In fact, it does not make the board legally
 in any different way than the board is currently responsible for its
 plethora of
 TLPs -- IOW, it doesn't change a thing. It basically suggests that
 incoming projects
 can simply fast track to (t)LPs from the get go, so long as they have
= 3
 ASF members
 present to help execute and manage the Incubator process which still
 exists in
 my proposed deconstruction.

My point is that all the oversight currently provided by the IPMC would
have to be provided by the board. We already know that having three
does not guarantee adequate support for podlings.

I guess I would ask what oversight? There is no global IPMC oversight.
Ever since Joe's experiment, and even before, the podlings that get through
the Incubator (and I've taken quite a few now, and recently, so I think I
can speak from a position of experience here within the last few years),
are the ones that have active mentors and *distributed*, not *centralized*

IOW, I'm not seeing any IPMC oversight at the moment. I'm seeing good
located in each podling, distributed, that get podlings through. Those that
stall well they need help. Usually the help is debated endlessly, and not
or simply solved with more active/better mentors.

So, that's my whole point. You either agree with me that there is no IPMC
oversight at the moment (for years now), and that really podlings are TLPs
(well the ones that graduate within a fixed set of time as Sam was trying
to measure
before, or simply point out that is) or you still believe that there is
within the IPMC. I personally don't. That's why I wrote the proposal. And
I think
that's at least evident to me and more than a few others that that's the
problem here 
and that's why I don't think the Incubator should exist anymore in its
current form
and should be deconstructed :)

Thanks for your comments and conversation and for listening.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

2013-03-28 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Dave,

-Original Message-
From: Dave Fisher
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

On Mar 28, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hey Ross,
 I disagree. Chris' proposal removes the IPMC thus making the board
 responsible for everything that committee does today. Yes it replaces
 with an oversight body, but how does that scale?
 Please let me respectfully disagree with your interpretation of my
 deconstruction proposal [1]. In fact, it does not make the board
 in any different way than the board is currently responsible for its
 plethora of
 TLPs -- IOW, it doesn't change a thing. It basically suggests that
 incoming projects
 can simply fast track to (t)LPs from the get go, so long as they have
 = 3
 ASF members
 present to help execute and manage the Incubator process which still
 exists in
 my proposed deconstruction.
 My point is that all the oversight currently provided by the IPMC would
 have to be provided by the board. We already know that having three
 does not guarantee adequate support for podlings.
 I guess I would ask what oversight? There is no global IPMC oversight.
 Ever since Joe's experiment, and even before, the podlings that get
 the Incubator (and I've taken quite a few now, and recently, so I think
 can speak from a position of experience here within the last few years),
 are the ones that have active mentors and *distributed*, not
 IOW, I'm not seeing any IPMC oversight at the moment. I'm seeing good
 located in each podling, distributed, that get podlings through. Those
 stall well they need help. Usually the help is debated endlessly, and
 or simply solved with more active/better mentors.

My experience as a shepherd shows that you can in fact recognize podling
issues and eventually get them to the point where graduation of one kind
or another happens. Two examples:

EasyAnt graduating to Apache Ant.

Etch finally graduated with a small, but sufficient PMC.

I wasn't stating that you can't do this :)

In fact, you are precisely the example of what I'm talking about when I
'good' mentors. You actively volunteered for a new system created by
to care about other podlings and sign off on their reports, and monitor
Awesome sauce. Great job.

OTOH, I've *never* volunteered to be a shepherd, b/c honestly I think it's
an additional name/responsibility that's fairly meaningless. I've been
off on other podling reports that I see for years. As have other mentors,
Joe S
used to do that -- Ant and Alex and others have done that too. Even before
was a name, 'shepherd' for this.

 So, that's my whole point. You either agree with me that there is no
 oversight at the moment (for years now), and that really podlings are
 (well the ones that graduate within a fixed set of time as Sam was
 to measure
 before, or simply point out that is) or you still believe that there is
 within the IPMC.

I don't think it is an either / or. The current amount of oversight for
any podling is a function of mentors, current IPMC dynamics, and real
life influences.

The shepherds serve a purpose as more of a divining rod into that
dynamic, many solutions are possible, and the podling needs to be pushed
into making choices.

Sure, I agree with that.

And rather than generically stating there are choices, and we have many to
choose amongst,
I've actually written my thoughts down about a choice, a series of
observations, a proposed
solution and deconstruction of the Incubator.



 I personally don't. That's why I wrote the proposal. And
 I think
 that's at least evident to me and more than a few others that that's the
 problem here 
 and that's why I don't think the Incubator should exist anymore in its
 current form
 and should be deconstructed :)
 Thanks for your comments and conversation and for listening.
 Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
 Senior Computer Scientist
 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
 Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
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Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

2013-03-28 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Ross,

-Original Message-

From: Ross Gardler
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Vote on personal matters: majority vote vs consensus

I do not agree there is no IPMC oversight. The IPMC performs many actions
each month which would fall to the board if the IPMC were disbanded. That
is why the IPMC submits a board report.

What specific actions would fall to the board in my proposal [1] outside of
what the board already does for PMCs? I count a total of 0 in the right
column of my table.

Being specific myself:

1. Directors review the IPMC report, and are charged (at least the Director
shepherd for the Incubator is; but so are other board members) with
the podlings present in the Incubator report. There was discussion before
removing specific podling reports, and only leaving the summary -- this
was nixed.
Directors are still charged with reviewing podling individual reports,
same as
they are with actual project reports. Thus, if you say there are no more
as I do in my proposal, please define, specifically, where the extra work

2. We always wax at the ASF about there being extremely little centralized
Oh, there's a problem? The board can't fix that -- it's a bazooka! Fix it
PMC! OK, so with that said, what's the problem then by saying, no more
there are simply PMCs? New projects come in to the ASF via steps 3-5 in my
proposal -- 
through discussion on general@incubator that includes discussions of
merit, community, etc,
guided by the existing Incubator documentation. When a VOTE is ready, the
board VOTEs
on the incoming project(s). This is true today. Incubator podlings are
*not officially 
endorsed projects of the ASF* until they are turned into TLPs by board
Again, so what's changed?

What's even more hilarious and illustrative of the guise towards
is that there have been discussions within this very same thread that
instead of 
telling the board there are problems with the Incubator, that we should
fix them ourselves
here. Hehe. Kind of a reflexive but powerful look in the mirror about the
to move *away* from centralization.

Thus, I ask, why do we have a *centralized* (fake Board) IPMC if the goal
of the ASF
is for the PMCs to be self governing? The Apache way is intimated
through tribal
knowledge of its members. Activeness of a member (and 3 of them on a PMC)
is something
that the board is aware of, so these things will get caught at project
creation, and/or 
through personnel additions incrementally.

That being said, I think we ought to let this drop for now. Benson has
stated he wants to address the specific problem that brought all this up
again. For now lets agree to differ.

No problem -- I think we're closer than it seems, but yes, I'm fine with
dropping it.




On 28 March 2013 16:19, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hey Ross,

  I disagree. Chris' proposal removes the IPMC thus making the board
  responsible for everything that committee does today. Yes it
  with an oversight body, but how does that scale?
  Please let me respectfully disagree with your interpretation of my
  deconstruction proposal [1]. In fact, it does not make the board
  in any different way than the board is currently responsible for its
  plethora of
  TLPs -- IOW, it doesn't change a thing. It basically suggests that
  incoming projects
  can simply fast track to (t)LPs from the get go, so long as they have
 = 3
  ASF members
  present to help execute and manage the Incubator process which
  exists in
  my proposed deconstruction.
 My point is that all the oversight currently provided by the IPMC would
 have to be provided by the board. We already know that having three
 does not guarantee adequate support for podlings.

 I guess I would ask what oversight? There is no global IPMC oversight.
 Ever since Joe's experiment, and even before, the podlings that get
 the Incubator (and I've taken quite a few now, and recently, so I think
 can speak from a position of experience here within the last few years),
 are the ones that have active mentors and *distributed*, not

 IOW, I'm not seeing any IPMC oversight at the moment. I'm seeing good
 located in each podling, distributed, that get podlings through. Those
 stall well they need help. Usually the help is debated endlessly, and
 or simply solved with more active/better mentors.

 So, that's my whole point. You either agree with me that there is no
 oversight at the moment (for years now), and that really podlings

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Onami as TLD

2013-03-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding).

Good luck!


On 3/26/13 12:04 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

Hi all,

Apache Onami entered incubation before more than 3 months. Since then
the community has proven to be pretty active and healthy.

A few releases were made and the status page has been completed:

Three new committers were added in the past weeks.

SVNSearch shows, there is clearly one guy who is outstanding in his
motivation, but others do commit as well:

Mailinglist Archives show the Community is discussing in public:

The community consists of new Apache-people and some more
experienced Apache-people. I do not see any problem regarding
developing the Apache-way.

A [DISCUSS] thread on general@ showed no concerns.

Simone Tripodi has been elected as the new Chair:

A resolution has been created and voted on:

The community vote for becoming a TLD was successful too:

We now kindly ask the IPMC to review our findings and vote on the
Onami graduation.

[ ] +1, yes propose the graduation of Apache Onami to the board
[ ] -1, no, don't let Apache Onami graduate, because...



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Re: Request for edit karma for incubator pages in

2013-03-13 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Fixed, you just surround the username with spaces with '[[' and with ']]'.


On 3/13/13 4:41 PM, David Crossley wrote:

Henry Saputra wrote:
 I would like to ask for karma to edit proposal for incubator project. In
 My wiki user name is Henry

Done. However i am not sure how to deal with spaces in usernames.


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Re: [VOTE] Accept MRQL into the Incubator

2013-03-09 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 from me (binding).

Good luck!


On 3/6/13 9:04 AM, Leonidas Fegaras wrote:

Dear ASF members,
I would like to call for a VOTE for acceptance of MRQL into the
The vote will close on Monday March 11, 2013.

[ ] +1 Accept MRQL into the Apache incubator
[ ] +0 Don't care.
[ ] -1 Don't accept MRQL into the incubator because...

Full proposal is pasted below and the corresponding wiki is

Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding,
but all are welcome to express their thoughts.
Leonidas Fegaras

= Abstract =

MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop and Hama.

= Proposal =

MRQL (pronounced ''miracle'') is a query processing and optimization
system for large-scale, distributed data analysis. MRQL (the MapReduce
Query Language) is an SQL-like query language for large-scale data
analysis on a cluster of computers. The MRQL query processing system
can evaluate MRQL queries in two modes: in MapReduce mode on top of
Apache Hadoop or in Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) mode on top of
Apache Hama. The MRQL query language is powerful enough to express
most common data analysis tasks over many forms of raw ''in-situ''
data, such as XML and JSON documents, binary files, and CSV
documents. MRQL is more powerful than other current high-level
MapReduce languages, such as Hive and PigLatin, since it can operate
on more complex data and supports more powerful query constructs, thus
eliminating the need for using explicit MapReduce code. With MRQL,
users will be able to express complex data analysis tasks, such as
PageRank, k-means clustering, matrix factorization, etc, using
SQL-like queries exclusively, while the MRQL query processing system
will be able to compile these queries to efficient Java code.

= Background =

The initial code was developed at the University of Texas of Arlington
(UTA) by a research team, led by Leonidas Fegaras. The software was
first released in May 2011. The original goal of this project was to
build a query processing system that translates SQL-like data analysis
queries to efficient workflows of MapReduce jobs. A design goal was to
use HDFS as the physical storage layer, without any indexing, data
partitioning, or data normalization, and to use Hadoop (without
extensions) as the run-time engine. The motivation behind this work
was to build a platform to test new ideas on query processing and
optimization techniques applicable to the MapReduce framework.

A year ago, MRQL was extended to run on Hama. The motivation for this
extension was that Hadoop MapReduce jobs were required to read their
input and write their output on HDFS. This simplifies reliability and
fault tolerance but it imposes a high overhead to complex MapReduce
workflows and graph algorithms, such as PageRank, which require
repetitive jobs. In addition, Hadoop does not preserve data in memory
across consecutive MapReduce jobs. This restriction requires to read
data at every step, even when the data is constant. BSP, on the other
hand, does not suffer from this restriction, and, under certain
circumstances, allows complex repetitive algorithms to run entirely in
the collective memory of a cluster. Thus, the goal was to be able to
run the same MRQL queries in both modes, MapReduce and BSP, without
modifying the queries: If there are enough resources available, and
low latency and speed are more important than resilience, queries may
run in BSP mode; otherwise, the same queries may run in MapReduce
mode. BSP evaluation was found to be a good choice when fault
tolerance is not critical, data (both input and intermediate) can fit
in the cluster memory, and data processing requires complex/repetitive

The research results of this ongoing work have already been published
in conferences (WebDB'11, EDBT'12, and DataCloud'12) and the authors
have already received positive feedback from researchers in academia
and industry who were attending these conferences.

= Rationale =

* MRQL will be the first general-purpose, SQL-like query language for
data analysis based on BSP.
Currently, many programmers prefer to code their MapReduce
applications in a higher-level query language, rather than an
algorithmic language. For instance, Pig is used for 60% of Yahoo
MapReduce jobs, while Hive is used for 90% of Facebook MapReduce
jobs. This, we believe, will also be the trend for BSP applications,
because, even though, in principle, the BSP model is very simple to
understand, it is hard to develop, optimize, and maintain non-trivial
BSP applications coded in a general-purpose programming
language. Currently, there is no widely acceptable declarative BSP
query language, although there are a few special-purpose BSP systems
for graph analysis, such as Google Pregel and Apache Giraph, for
machine learning, such as BSML, and for scientific data analysis.

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Bloodhound from Incubator

2013-03-09 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 from me (binding). Great job and good luck!


On 3/9/13 4:31 PM, Gary Martin wrote:


Following the community graduation vote result announcement on the
bloodhound-dev@i.a.o mailing list [1] and the conclusion of the podling
name search [2], I would like to invite Apache Incubator to vote on
recommending Apache Bloodhound for graduation.

Please vote:
[ ] +1 Graduate Apache Bloodhound podling from Apache Incubator
[ ] +0 Indifferent to the graduation status of Apache Bloodhound podling
[ ] -1 Reject graduation of Apache Bloodhound podling from Apache
Incubator because ...

The vote will run for at least 72 hours. The proposed graduation
resolution is below.



X. Establish the Apache Bloodhound Project

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
the public, related to a software development collaboration
tool, including issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the Apache Bloodhound Project,
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache Bloodhound Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to a software development collaboration tool, including
issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache Bloodhound be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Bloodhound Project, and to have primary responsibility
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Bloodhound Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Bloodhound Project:

* Mat Booth
* Matevž Bradač
* John Chambers
* Branko Čibej
* Joachim Dreimann
* Andrej Golcov
* Peter Koželj
* Gary Martin
* Gavin McDonald
* Ryan Ollos
* Mark Poole
* Greg Stein
* Hyrum K. Wright
* Jure Žitnik

be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Bloodhound, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Bloodhound PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Bloodhound Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache Bloodhound Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator Bloodhound podling; and be it further

RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Bloodhound podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.

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Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating (RC4)

2013-03-07 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
[Dropping general@incubator.a.o]

Great job, Ben and Mesos community!

I see that Mesos 0.10 has synced to the mirrors:

Great news!

Got any ideas about the [ANNOUNCE] email? Is there a template?

See this example from the Apache OODT community:

We should also plan on updating the website.

Great work!


P.S. Saw that 0.11 RC is up now too! Great, but was wondering if there was
a discussion of doing it and what should be included, etc., that you can
point me to?

On 3/6/13 11:42 AM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

The vote to release mesos-0.10.0-incubating has passed with 3 IPMC binding
+1s and 3 non-binding +1s:

IPMC binding votes:

Chris Mattmann
Paul Ramirez
Andrew Hart


Vinod Kone
Ben Mahler
Ben Hindman

Thank you!

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Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating (RC4)

2013-03-07 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Sorry for the spam all.

Long day.


On 3/7/13 9:34 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

[Dropping general@incubator.a.o]

Great job, Ben and Mesos community!

I see that Mesos 0.10 has synced to the mirrors:

Great news!

Got any ideas about the [ANNOUNCE] email? Is there a template?

See this example from the Apache OODT community:

We should also plan on updating the website.

Great work!


P.S. Saw that 0.11 RC is up now too! Great, but was wondering if there was
a discussion of doing it and what should be included, etc., that you can
point me to?

On 3/6/13 11:42 AM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

The vote to release mesos-0.10.0-incubating has passed with 3 IPMC
+1s and 3 non-binding +1s:

IPMC binding votes:

Chris Mattmann
Paul Ramirez
Andrew Hart


Vinod Kone
Ben Mahler
Ben Hindman

Thank you!

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Curator into the Incubator

2013-03-05 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 binding.


On 3/5/13 10:21 AM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:

Discussion has settled down so I am calling a VOTE for acceptance of
Curator into the Apache Incubator.

The vote will close at on Friday, March 8, 2013.

[ ] +1 Accept Curator into the Apache incubator
[ ] +0 Don't care.
[ ] -1 Don't accept Curator into the incubator because...

Full proposal is pasted below and the corresponding wiki is

Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to
express their thoughts.


Jordan Zimmerman

=== PROPOSAL ===

Curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework


Curator is a set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much
easier. While ZooKeeper comes bundled with a Java client, using the
client is non-trivial and error prone.


Curator is a set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much
easier. While ZooKeeper comes bundled with a Java client, using the
client is non-trivial and error prone. It consists of three components
that build on each other. Curator Client is a replacement for the bundled
ZooKeeper class that takes care of some low-level housekeeping and
provides some useful utilities. Curator Framework is a high-level API
that greatly simplifies using ZooKeeper. It adds many features that build
on ZooKeeper and handles the complexity of managing connections to the
ZooKeeper cluster and retrying operations. Curator Recipes consists of
implementations of some of the common ZooKeeper recipes. Additionally,
Curator Test is included which includes utilities to help with unit
testing ZooKeeper-based applications.


Curator was initially developed by Netflix to make writing
ZooKeeper-based applications easier and more reliable. Curator was
open-sourced by Netflix on GitHub as an Apache 2.0 licensed project in
July 2011. During this time Curator has been formally released many times
and has gained widespread adoption.


New users of ZooKeeper are surprised to learn that a significant amount
of connection management must be done manually. For example, when the
ZooKeeper client connects to the ensemble it must negotiate a new
session, etc. This takes some time. If you use a ZooKeeper client API
before the connection process has completed, ZooKeeper will throw an
exception. These types of exceptions are referred to as recoverable
errors. Curator automatically handles connection management, greatly
simplifying client code. Instead of directly using the ZooKeeper APIs you
use Curator APIs that internally check for connection completion and wrap
each ZooKeeper API in a retry loop. Curator uses a retry mechanism to
handle recoverable errors and automatically retry operations. The method
of retry is customizable. Curator comes bundled with several
implementations (ExponentialBackoffRetry, etc.) or custom implementations
can be written.

The ZooKeeper documentation describes many possible uses for ZooKeeper
calling each a recipe. While the distribution comes bundled with a few
implementations of these recipes, most ZooKeeper users will need to
manually implement one or more of the recipes. Implementing a ZooKeeper
recipe is not trivial. Besides the connection handling issues, there are
numerous edge cases that are not well documented that must be considered.
For example, many recipes require that an ephemeral-sequential node be
created. New users of ZooKeeper will not know that there is an edge case
in ephemeral-sequential node creation that requires you to put a special
marker in the node¹s name so that you can search for the created node
if an I/O failure occurs. This is but one of many edge cases that are not
well documented but are handled by Curator.

Current Status


Curator was initially developed by Jordan Zimmerman in 2011 at Netflix.
Developers external to Netflix provided feedback, suggested features and
fixes and implemented extensions of Curator. Netflix's engineering team
has since maintained the project and has been dedicated towards its
improvement. Contributors to Curator include developers from multiple
organizations around the world. Curator will be a meritocracy as it
enters the Incubator and beyond.


Curator is currently used by a number of organizations all over the
world. Curator has an active and growing user and developer community
with active participation in the mailing list and at its
GitHub home:

Since open sourcing the project, there have been fifteen individuals from
various organizations who have contributed code.

Core Developers

The core developers for Curator are:

   € Jordan Zimmerman
   € Jay Zarfoss
Jordan has contributed towards Apache ZooKeeper and both Jordan and Jay
are familiar with Apache principles and philosophy for community driven
software development.

Re: [VOTE] Graduate cTAKES from Incubator

2013-03-05 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 binding.

Great job great community great project.


On 3/5/13 12:54 PM, Chen, Pei wrote:

This is to open a VOTE to graduate Apache cTAKES podling from the Apache
Apache cTAKES entered the Incubator in June of 2012.
We have made significant progress with the project since moving over to
We currently have over 18 committers listed on our status page at [1]
including over 10 which accepted after the podling was formed.  A VOTE
was also held on the ctakes-dev group with 12 +1 results for graduation
During incubation, cTAKES has :
* Produced 1 Release
* Added over 10 new Committer/PPMC members and shows constant community
* Cleared IP on code
* Developed Roadmap(s) for the next major and minor releases in a
community process and started working on that [2]
* Established Apache cTAKES is a suitable name [3]
* The community of Apache cTAKES is active, healthy, and growing and has
demonstrated the ability to self-govern using accepted Apache practices.
Please cast your votes:
[ ] +1 Graduate Apache cTAKES podling from Apache Incubator
[ ] +0 Indifferent to the graduation status of Apache cTAKES podling
[ ] -1 Reject graduation of Apache cTAKES podling from Apache Incubator
because ...
We'll run the vote for at least 72 hours.
X. Establish the Apache cTAKES Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
the public, related to the processing of natural language text from the
electronic medical record.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the Apache cTAKES Project, be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache cTAKES Project be and hereby is responsible
for the creation and maintenance of software related to the processing of
natural language text from the electronic medical record; and be it
RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache cTAKES be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache cTAKES
Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects
within the scope of responsibility of the Apache cTAKES Project; and be it
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache cTAKES Project:
Andy McMurry
Britt Fitch
Chen Lin
Chris Mattmann
Ding Cheng Li
Dmitriy Dligach
Grant Ingersoll
Guergana K. Savova
Hongfang Liu
James J Masanz
Jörn Kottmann
Kim Ebert Matt Coarr
Karthik Sarma
Pei J Chen
Scott Russell Halgrim
Sean Finan
Sean Patrick Murphy
Siddhartha Jonnalagadda
Stephen Wu
Steven Bethard
Sunghwan Sohn
Tim Miller
Troy C. Bleeker
Vinod C Kaggal
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pei J Chen be appointed
to the office of Vice President, Apache cTAKES, to serve in accordance
with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache cTAKES PMC be and hereby is tasked
with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
development and increased participation in the Apache cTAKES Project;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache cTAKES Project be and hereby is tasked with
the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator cTAKES podling;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
cTAKES podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are
hereafter discharged.
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Re: Would you please give me a write access to ?

2013-03-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Thanks Daniel, I made it a link using '[[' and ']]'.



On 2/27/13 3:40 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

I think you need to edit ContributorsGroup to make the [[username a link]]

Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote on Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 23:06:44 +:
 Hi there Joe,
 I went ahead and granted karma.
 Please let me know if it works. It might not since there are spaces in
 your wiki username,
 so if it doesn't work let me know.
 On 2/27/13 3:04 PM, H. Joe Lee wrote:
   I'd like to work on an incubation proposal through wiki.
   Would you please give me a write access?
   My wiki user name is H. Joe Lee.
 HDF: Software that Powers Science
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Re: [VOTE] Accept Tajo into the Apache Incubator

2013-03-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding) from me.


On 2/28/13 10:11 AM, Hyunsik Choi wrote:

Hi Folks,

I'd like to call a VOTE for acceptance of Tajo into the Apache incubator.
The vote will close on Mar 7 at 6:00 PM (PST).

[] +1 Accept Tajo into the Apache incubator
[] +0 Don't care.
[] -1 Don't accept Tajo into the incubator because...

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom on this email, and the corresponding
wiki is

Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to
express their thoughts.


PS: From the initial discussion, the main changes are that I've added 4
committers. Also, I've revised some description of Known Risks because the
initial committers have been diverse.

Tajo Proposal

= Abstract =

Tajo is a distributed data warehouse system for Hadoop.

= Proposal =

Tajo is a relational and distributed data warehouse system for Hadoop.
is designed for low-latency and scalable ad-hoc queries, online
and ETL on large-data sets by leveraging advanced database techniques. It
supports SQL standards. Tajo is inspired by Dryad, MapReduce, Dremel,
Scope, and parallel databases. Tajo uses HDFS as a primary storage layer,
and it has its own query engine which allows direct control of distributed
execution and data flow. As a result, Tajo has a variety of query
evaluation strategies and more optimization opportunities. In addition,
Tajo will have a native columnar execution and and its optimizer. Tajo
be an alternative choice to Hive/Pig on the top of MapReduce.

= Background =

Big data analysis has gained much attention in the industrial. Open source
communities have proposed scalable and distributed solutions for ad-hoc
queries on big data. However, there is still room for improvement. Markets
need more faster and efficient solutions. Recently, some alternatives
(e.g., Cloudera's Impala and Amazon Redshift) have come out.

= Rationale =

There are a variety of open source distributed execution engines (e.g.,
hive, and pig) running on the top of MapReduce. They are limited by MR
framework. They cannot directly control distributed execution and data
flow, and they just use MR framework. So, they have limited query
evaluation strategies and optimization opportunities. It is hard for them
to be optimized for a certain type of data processing.

= Initial Goals =

The initial goal is to write more documents to describe Tajo's internal.
will be helpful to recruit more committers and to build a solid community.
Then, we will make milestones for short/long term plans.

= Current Status =

Tajo is in the alpha stage. Users can execute usual SQL queries (e.g.,
selection, projection, group-by, join, union and sort) except for nested
queries. Tajo provides various row/column storage formats, such as CSV,
RowFile (a row-store file we have implemented), RCFile, and Trevni, and it
also has a rudimentary ETL feature to transform one data format to another
data format. In addition, Tajo provides hash and range repartitions. By
using both repartition methods, Tajo processes aggregation, join, and sort
queries over a number of cluster nodes. To evaluate the performance, we
have carried out benchmark test using TPC-H 1TB on 32 cluster nodes.

== Meritocracy ==

We will discuss the milestone and the future plan in an open forum. We
to encourage an environment that supports a meritocracy. The contributors
will have different privileges according to their contributions.

== Community ==

Big data analysis has gained attention from open source communities,
industrial and academic areas. Some projects related to Hadoop already
very large and active communities. We expect that Tajo also will establish
an active community. Since Tajo already works for some features and is in
the alpha stage, it will attract a large community soon.

== Core Developers ==

Core developers are a diverse group of developers, many of which are very
experienced in open source and the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.

 * Eli Reisman ereisman AT apache DOT org

 * Henry Saputra hsaputra AT apache DOT org

 * Hyunsik Choi hyunsik AT apache DOT org

 * Jae Hwa Jung jhjung AT gruter DOT com

 * Jihoon Son ghoonson AT gmail DOT com

 * Jin Ho Kim jhkim AT gruter DOT com

 * Roshan Sumbaly rsumbaly AT gmail DOT com

 * Sangwook Kim swkim AT inervit DOT com

 * Yi A Liu yi DOT a DOT liu AT intel DOT com

== Alignment ==

Tajo employs Apache Hadoop Yarn as a resource management platform for
clusters. It uses HDFS as a primary storage layer. It already supports
Hadoop-related data formats (RCFile, Trevni) and will support ORC file. In
addition, we have a plan to integrate Tajo with other products of Hadoop
ecosystem. Tajo's modules are well organized, and these modules can also
used for other projects.

= Known Risks =

== Orphaned Products ==

Most of codes have been developed by only two core 

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating (RC4)

2013-03-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)

We just need 1 more IPMC +1 here. Anyone willing to contribute a review of
Mesos 0.10.0-incubating RC4?


On 3/4/13 9:57 AM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

Yes, my vote is a +1.

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Ben, just FYI on this, is your VOTE +1?

 The current tally I have is:


 Chris Mattmann*

 * - IPMC

 We need probably a couple VOTEs from the Mesos community here (PPMC
 can you poke Vinod, as well as anyone else that has time to build and
 and review the RC?

 IPMC folks -- a review and a couple more binding VOTEs would really help
 Mesos here. Can folks try it out and VOTE?

 Thank you.

 Chris Vote Wrangler Mattmann

 On 2/7/13 10:32 PM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

 Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Mesos
 (incubating) version 0.10.0. This will be the second incubator release
 Mesos in Apache.

 Changes since last release candidate:
   * Updated to work better on OS X 10.8.
   * Added missing license (the only blocker on the previous candidate).

 The candidate for Mesos 0.10.0-incubating release is available at:
 The tag to be voted on:
 The MD5 checksum of the tarball can be found at:
 The signature of the tarball can be found at:
 Mesos' KEYS file, containing the PGP keys used to sign the release:
 Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Mesos
 The vote is open until Monday, February 11th at 5:00 pm (PST) and
 a majority of at least 3 +1 IPMC votes are cast.
 [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating
 [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
 To learn more about Apache Mesos, please see

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Re: Ripple, Streams, Onami, HDT need to fix your metadata

2013-03-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi David,

I'll fix HDT's.


On 3/4/13 11:15 PM, David Crossley wrote:

Ripple, Streams, Onami, Hadoop Development Tools ...

Those projects would have received the email reminder about reporting.

You need to care for your podling metadata in the
content/podlings.xml file to take yourself off the monthly schedule
and onto quarterly. (Unless you do want to keep doing monthly.)

See column C and the help notes below the table:

This file
and are generated from
that content/podlings.xml file and are used to automate the reminders
and other stuff.


David Crossley wrote:
 Dave Fisher wrote:
  Hey Folks,
  Etch has graduated and is now a TLP, correct?
  It's board reports should now go directly to board@ from the PMC
 As explained in the Incubator graduation docs,
 the Etch project needs to finalise their graduation steps.
  Begin forwarded message:
   From: Marvin
   Date: March 4, 2013 4:18:48 AM PST
   Subject: Incubator PMC/Board report for Mar 2013 ([ppmc])
   delivered-to: mailing list
   delivered-to: moderator for
   Dear podling,
   This email was sent by an automated system on behalf of the Apache
Incubator PMC.
   It is an initial reminder to give you plenty of time to prepare
your quarterly
   board report.
   The board meeting is scheduled for Wed, 20 March 2013, 10:30:00:00
PST. The report 
   for your podling will form a part of the Incubator PMC report. The
Incubator PMC 
   requires your report to be submitted 2 weeks before the board
meeting, to allow
   sufficient time for review and submission (Wed, Mar 6th).
   Please submit your report with sufficient time to allow the
incubator PMC, and
   subsequently board members to review and digest. Again, the very
latest you 
   should submit your report is 2 weeks prior to the board meeting.
   The Apache Incubator PMC
   Submitting your Report
   Your report should contain the following:
   * Your project name
   * A brief description of your project, which assumes no knowledge
of the project
 or necessarily of its field
   * A list of the three most important issues to address in the move
   * Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to
be aware of
   * How has the community developed since the last report
   * How has the project developed since the last report.
   This should be appended to the Incubator Wiki page at:
   Note: This manually populated. You may need to wait a little before
this page is
created from a template.
   Mentors should review reports for their project(s) and sign them
off on the 
   Incubator wiki page. Signing off reports shows that you are
following the 
   project - projects that are not signed may raise alarms for the
Incubator PMC.
   Incubator PMC
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Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-03-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Jordan,

Yep, thank you. I will be suggesting at graduation time barring any
epiphanies all around that you guys go the TLP route.

Good luck.


On 3/1/13 6:29 AM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:


I added a line to the Alignment section. Let me know if it's OK.


On Feb 26, 2013, at 1:23 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 I would appreciate at some level a note in your proposal regarding at
 least the concern by
 one member of the IPMC that Curator should grow into its own TLP rather
 than be a part of ZK
 should it be accepted.

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Provisionr into the Apache Incubator

2013-03-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 from me (binding).



On 3/2/13 3:35 PM, Andrei Savu wrote:

Hi Guys,

I'd like to call a VOTE for acceptance of Provisionr into the Apache

The vote will close on March 8.

[] +1 Accept Provisionr into the Apache incubator
[] +0 Don't care.
[] -1 Don't accept Provisionr into the incubator because...

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom on this email, and the corresponding
wiki is

Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to
express their thoughts.

Andrei Savu

Provisionr Proposal

== Abstract ==

Provisionr is an effort to develop a service that can be used to create
manage pools of virtual machines on multiple clouds. Our focus is on
semi-automated workflows and cloud portability.

== Proposal ==

Provisionr solves the problem of cloud portability by hiding completely
APIs and only focusing on building a cluster that matches the same set of
assumptions on all clouds, assumptions like: running a specific operating
system (e.g. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), having the same set of pre-installed
packages and binaries, sane dns settings (forward  reverse ip resolution
as needed for Hadoop), ntp settings, networking settings, firewall, ssh
admin access, vpn access etc.

As a secondary goal Provisionr should also provide primitives for building
automatic or semi-automatic workflows for configuring services, workflows
that assume that all the machines share a common set of characteristics as
described above.

== Background ==

Creating clusters on cloud infrastructure is non-trivial because careful
orchestration is required. To make it easy to deploy services we need to
start from a foundation that matches a common set of assumptions on
multiple providers.

== Rationale ==

This project started as a re-write of the core of Apache Whirr but has a
different target being more focused on semi-automated workflows and cloud

== Initial Goals ==

 * Build a community
 * Provide an excellent user experience for semi-automatic workflows (e.g.
using Rundeck)
 * Implement a REST service and a Web Console
 * Add support for more providers

== Current Status ==

Provisionr had four releases on [[|GitHub]] and it's used
to deploy Hadoop clusters on-demand at Axemblr and infrastructure for
testing / QA.

=== Meritocracy ===

We plan to invest in supporting a meritocracy. We will discuss the
requirements in an open forum. Several companies have already expressed
interest in this project, and we intend to invite additional developers to
participate. We will encourage and monitor community participation so that
privileges can be extended to those that contribute.

=== Community ===

The community interested in cloud service infrastructure is currently
spread across many smaller projects, and one of the main goals of this
project is to build a vibrant community to share best practices and build
common infrastructure.

=== Core developers ===

Core developers are very experienced in the Apache ecosystem. To achieve
more diversity of developers, we will be eager to recruit developers from
diverse companies.

 * Andrei Savu - asavu at apache dot org  (Apache Whirr PMC)
 * Ioan Eugen Stan - ieugen at apache dot org (Apache James PMC)
 * Alex Ciminian -  alex.ciminian at gmail dot org

=== Alignment ===

Provisionr complements Apache Whirr and later on it should provide a
foundation for more advanced functionalities.

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned products ===

The contributors have significant open source experience and the project
being used as part of a commercial product, so the risk of being orphaned
is relatively low. We plan to mitigate this risk by recruiting additional

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

Most of the initial committers have experience working on open source
projects. Andrei Savu and Ioan Eugen Stan have experience as committers
PMC members on other Apache projects.

=== Homogenous Developers ===

We are committed to recruiting additional committers from other companies
based on their contributions to the project.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

It is expected that Provisionr development will occur on both salaried
and on volunteer time, after hours. The majority of initial committers are
paid by their employer to contribute to this project. However, they are
passionate about the project, and we are confident that the project will
continue even if no salaried developers contribute to the project. We are
committed to recruiting additional committers including non-salaried

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===

Provisionr is closely integrated with CloudStack, Karaf, CXF, BigTop in a
numerous ways. We look forward to collaborating with those communities, as
well as other Apache communities (like Apache Helix).

=== A 

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating (RC4)

2013-03-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Ben, just FYI on this, is your VOTE +1?

The current tally I have is:


Chris Mattmann*

* - IPMC

We need probably a couple VOTEs from the Mesos community here (PPMC
can you poke Vinod, as well as anyone else that has time to build and test
and review the RC?

IPMC folks -- a review and a couple more binding VOTEs would really help
Mesos here. Can folks try it out and VOTE?

Thank you.

Chris Vote Wrangler Mattmann

On 2/7/13 10:32 PM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Mesos
(incubating) version 0.10.0. This will be the second incubator release for
Mesos in Apache.

Changes since last release candidate:
  * Updated to work better on OS X 10.8.
  * Added missing license (the only blocker on the previous candidate).

The candidate for Mesos 0.10.0-incubating release is available at:

The tag to be voted on:

The MD5 checksum of the tarball can be found at:

The signature of the tarball can be found at:

Mesos' KEYS file, containing the PGP keys used to sign the release:

Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating!

The vote is open until Monday, February 11th at 5:00 pm (PST) and passes
a majority of at least 3 +1 IPMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

To learn more about Apache Mesos, please see

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Re: [PROPOSAL] MRQL for the Apache Incubator

2013-03-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Sounds awesome guys look forward to the VOTE.


On 3/2/13 7:12 AM, Leonidas Fegaras wrote:

Dear ASF members,

We would like to propose a new project to the incubator, called MRQL.
Edward J. Yoon has volunteered to be the champion for this project.
The proposal draft is available at:

We are very excited about having this opportunity to work with ASF to
create an incubator project. We are looking forward to your feedback
and suggestions.
Best regards
Leonidas Fegaras

= Abstract =

MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop and Hama.

= Proposal =

MRQL (pronounced ''miracle'') is a query processing and optimization
system for large-scale, distributed data analysis. MRQL (the MapReduce
Query Language) is an SQL-like query language for large-scale data
analysis on a cluster of computers. The MRQL query processing system
can evaluate MRQL queries in two modes: in MapReduce mode on top of
Apache Hadoop or in Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) mode on top of
Apache Hama. The MRQL query language is powerful enough to express
most common data analysis tasks over many forms of raw ''in-situ''
data, such as XML and JSON documents, binary files, and CSV
documents. MRQL is more powerful than other current high-level
MapReduce languages, such as Hive and PigLatin, since it can operate
on more complex data and supports more powerful query constructs, thus
eliminating the need for using explicit MapReduce code. With MRQL,
users will be able to express complex data analysis tasks, such as
PageRank, k-means clustering, matrix factorization, etc, using
SQL-like queries exclusively, while the MRQL query processing system
will be able to compile these queries to efficient Java code.

= Background =

The initial code was developed at the University of Texas of Arlington
(UTA) by a research team, led by Leonidas Fegaras. The software was
first released in May 2011. The original goal of this project was to
build a query processing system that translates SQL-like data analysis
queries to efficient workflows of MapReduce jobs. A design goal was to
use HDFS as the physical storage layer, without any indexing, data
partitioning, or data normalization, and to use Hadoop (without
extensions) as the run-time engine. The motivation behind this work
was to built a platform to test new ideas on query processing and
optimization techniques applicable to the MapReduce framework.

A year ago, MRQL was extended to run on Hama. The motivation for this
extension was that Hadoop MapReduce jobs were required to read their
input and write their output on HDFS. This simplifies reliability and
fault tolerance but it imposes a high overhead to complex MapReduce
workflows and graph algorithms, such as PageRank, which require
repetitive jobs. In addition, Hadoop does not preserve data in memory
across consecutive MapReduce jobs. This restriction requires to read
data at every step, even when the data is constant. BSP, on the other
hand, does not suffer from this restriction, and, under certain
circumstances, allows complex repetitive algorithms to run entirely in
the collective memory of a cluster. Thus, the goal was to be able to
run the same MRQL queries in both modes, MapReduce and BSP, without
modifying the queries: If there are enough resources available, and
low latency and speed are more important than resilience, queries may
run in BSP mode; otherwise, the same queries may run in MapReduce
mode. BSP evaluation was found to be a good choice when fault
tolerance is not critical, data (both input and intermediate) can fit
in the cluster memory, and data processing requires complex/repetitive

The research results of this ongoing work have already been published
in conferences (WebDB'11, EDBT'12, and DataCloud'12) and the authors
have already received positive feedback from researchers in academia
and industry who were attending these conferences.

= Rationale =

* MRQL will be the first general-purpose, SQL-like query language for
data analysis based on BSP.
Currently, many programmers prefer to code their MapReduce
applications in a higher-level query language, rather than an
algorithmic language. For instance, Pig is used for 60% of Yahoo
MapReduce jobs, while Hive is used for 90% of Facebook MapReduce
jobs. This, we believe, will also be the trend for BSP applications,
because, even though, in principle, the BSP model is very simple to
understand, it is hard to develop, optimize, and maintain non-trivial
BSP applications coded in a general-purpose programming
language. Currently, there is no widely acceptable declarative BSP
query language, although there are a few special-purpose BSP systems
for graph analysis, such as Google Pregel and Apache Giraph, for
machine learning, such as BSML, and for scientific data analysis.

* MRQL can capture many complex data analysis 

Re: No more existing-TLP graduations (was: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator)

2013-03-01 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Niall, and Greg,

Just to echo Greg, +1, yes would have preferred it to have happened in the
community then.

Also, agree with Greg -- exceptions can be permitted from time to time,
but I don't think
graduation into existing TLP should be an accepted norm.


On 3/1/13 8:55 PM, Greg Stein wrote:

On Mar 1, 2013 8:33 PM, Niall Pemberton

 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Greg Stein wrote:
  I concur with Chris, and want to strengthen/meta the point. The
  should not be used for projects which are intended to become part of
  existing TLP. The Incubator *creates* Apache-style communities. But...
  For these, we don't want a separate/new community. They are supposed
  *part of* the existing TLP. Thus, they have no business here. They
  start within the target TLP.

 The incubation of WebWork into Struts is an example where there was an
 existing project outside the ASF with an existing bunch of developers
 that were not ASF committers. The point of going through the incubator
 was for the communities to merge. I guess at the time we could have
 just given comitt access to all WebWork devs - but most of us on the
 Struts project didn't know them. Is that what you're proposing should
 happen in this scenario?


The Incubator doesn't have staff. It really doesn't make sense to put a
community in their hands. Either a community self-builds, or it should
become part of an existing community.

For the WebWorks case, I would rather have seen them get a branch in
Struts. Over time, the features would get integrated from the branch to
trunk, and the committers would get expanded commit access.

I understand a project may arrive, thinking to become a TLP, but later
change their desired exit. But I think it would be best to call that an
exception. Instead, we let target communities directly teach the incomers
about operating within their (our ASF-style) community.


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Re: No more existing-TLP graduations (was: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator)

2013-02-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Dave,

On 2/27/13 9:44 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:


Thanks for the examples.

Each case differs. I can agree that we do not want to encourage new
podlings to come in with Plan A to be graduating into an existing TLP,
but I don't think we should exclude a future case should it be strong
enough to convince the IPMC.

TL;DR here -- your point above is the one that I am trying to
make/echo/make strong (minus the excluding part for me
which I'll get to in a sec).

Point: we do not want to encourage new podlings to come in with Plan A to
be graduating into an existing TLP

That's my entire point, and I think Greg's +1, and Bertrand's +1, etc.
Anyone can moan and groan to go even
further than that. I've been around the Foundation long enough to know
that may take time/effort, etc. YMMV.
That said, if another future situation comes up I don't think at least in
my current POV that I would be
convinced that that's ever good and that's based on my experience first
hand being in many situations recently
that involved this (Lucene, Hadoop, Nutch, Tika, etc.)

The rest of the scenarios are dealt with at a time that there is an actual
concrete example by the parties involved that
need to be. Until then, we are making conjecture.

The outcome I'd like to see is to echo and promote what I've labeled
Point: above. Seems I'm not alone. We'll see
what happens and you're welcome to your opinion, as I am to mine.


 That's the whole point of the sponsoring PMC portion of the Incubator
 proposal, from the beginning, to declare
 the intent to graduate into a existing TLP - otherwise that section
 wouldn't be needed and the answer would always
 be Incubator PMC. For the record, since the whole umbrella project
 most of the sponsoring (I can name perhaps 1-5)
 incoming Incubator podlings are all Incubator PMC sponsored, for intent
 graduate to TLP.
 On the graduating into existing TLP end, I don't think that makes sense
 apparently at least 2 other people don't either judging by +1s and
 I would like to fix that. But, I don't think I've ever seen #1 where
 haven't already declared that their intent from the beginning.
 (2) Receiving PMC votes to accept IP - if not cleared then it accepts
 that responsibility.
 If PMCs can accept the type of podling sized IP contribution then I
 think that the Incubator is a pointless committee.
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Re: Would you please give me a write access to ?

2013-02-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi there Joe,

I went ahead and granted karma.

Please let me know if it works. It might not since there are spaces in
your wiki username,
so if it doesn't work let me know.


On 2/27/13 3:04 PM, H. Joe Lee wrote:


  I'd like to work on an incubation proposal through wiki.
  Would you please give me a write access?

  My wiki user name is H. Joe Lee.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

Sorry I have to ask the question here. If the mentors consist of PMC
members on ZK
(at least Pat and Mahadev), what's the problem with creating a branch in
ZK and just
having the code be there and getting the Curator proposed committers as
committers in
ZK ville, and hopefully PMC members soon thereafter.

I have to agree with Greg here. Seems like Incubation is something that
might not be
needed. If the end result of this after N months is that Curator
graduates into another
set of flipping bylaw updates, and more legislation that makes these
people unofficial 
PMC members on ZK, then I'm double triple -1 with 50 piles of coal on top.
Yes, I'm 
still remembering the HCatalog/Hive thing here - I still don't get that.

Either: (a) define Curator to be its own separate project/community, with
a goal of TLP; 
or (b) nix Incubation and just make these guys part of ZK, on a branch


On 2/26/13 9:40 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 If you think that the right destination for curator is as part of ZK,
 then it would be good to see substantive participation of the ZK PMC
 in the incubation. The goal should be to 'graduate' by having the
 curator community be granted karma at ZK and the code folded in. This
 would require, I think, the ZK community to supply at least one
 mentor, and to have a plan in advance for the eventual votes based on
 success in the incubator.

 Hi Benson. What you're suggesting matches my current thinking.

 The three Curator mentors are as follows: Mahadev and I (champion) are
 both PMC members on ZK, Enis Söztutar is active on HBase and
 interested in using Curator for that project (which already uses ZK

OK, that's lovely.


 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Henry Saputra wrote:
 Ah no, I was not suggesting about Curator to become subproject of ZK.
 just afraid that if Curator is going as incubator it will end up as
sub of
 ZK as merging process.

 Like Greg has mentioned in another reply, I would prefer Curator to be
 merged as a higher level ZK client. Surely project like HBase and
 that relying on ZK would appreciate simpler client to ZK.



 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Patrick Hunt

 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Henry Saputra
  So isnt this similar to HCatalog which relying on Hive metadata
  that ends up as sub project of Apache Hive?

 I was against having Curator as a sub when it came up on the original
 discussion thread, I still am.


  On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Greg Stein
  My concern is that we're looking at two new committers, rather
  a Curator community. Following normal Incubator work, Curator
  build a community for itself. But then we'd have a community
  *distinct* from that of Zookeeper. And it really looks like this
  should be part of Zookeeper itself -- a more capable and
  So I question the incubation of this. Why do we want to build a
  new/separate project? Why isn't this just part of Zookeeper right
  the start?
  I would suggest that this work is placed on a branch within
  That Jordan and Jay become committers on that branch (not
  Zookeeper trunk). Over time, the branch can be folded into trunk,
  along with all the various tests, doc, and other artifacts that I
  in the GitHub repository. And hopefully that Jordan and Jay become
  regular committers (and PMC members!) of the Zookeeper project
  The current Zookeeper client can remain for backwards compat, and
  Curator work can become the next-gen client.
  Honestly, in my opnion, incubating this project seems like it
  create a distinct community, and really doesn't seem like it would
  serve the Zookeeper community.
  All that said, I am not familiar with the Zookeeper or Curator
  communities. But from this read, I don't think Incubation is the
  approach. I would rather push for a more direct incorporation of
  Curator directly into Zookeeper. (use the short-form IP
clearance) ...
  so, unless somebody can help me understand the communities and
  situation better, I'm -1 (binding) on this incubation. I'd rather
  combined, rather than distinct, communities from the start.
  On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:
   I would like to propose that Curator to be an Apache Incubator
   The proposal can be found here:
   I have included the contents of the proposal below.
   Jordan Zimmerman
   = Curator - ZooKeeper client 

Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Jordan,

On 2/26/13 11:48 AM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:

My viewpoint: I can see benefit to Curator both as a TLP and as part of
ZK. One of my hopes of this process is to get an idea of what the
community wants. Curator has been doing well outside of Apache. But, it's
become clear to me that limited devs - single company is a hinderance
to wider adoption and growth of Curator. It's because of this that I
thought the Incubator would be the perfect place for Curator at this
point. From the FAQ:

* The Incubator, among other things, is where the due-diligence of
making sure the licence is correct
* The Incubator is also the place where projects can familiarize
themselves with how the ASF works under the guidance of Incubator PMC

Also, my reading of the Incubator docs shows that graduation does not
necessarily mean TLP. I was hoping that, via Incubation, Curator's future
could be explored and defined. If that means a Curator TLP, that's great.
If it means something else, that's great too.

Quoting Incubator docs written by one or two or a small handful of people
in a committee with 100+ members:

Isn't exactly quoting scripture or anything. :) I've been on the committee
for a while and at the ASF since 2005, and thus have seen things that have
or haven't made their way into those docs, that I know to be true. It's
really volunteer driven. Yes, I know, we'd like it to be doctrine but in
an org like this it isn't.

That being said, I get what you guys are trying to do and I support
Incubation. I don't support Graduation-existing TLP.
The Incubator is not a home for projects that end up in an existing TLP in
my mind (and in several other people's that have been hanging around here
for a while).

So, if your goal is to eventually get into ZK, I just don't think the
Incubator is the right way. It sounds like you guys are a distinct project
anyways, so I would recommend going that way.

My 2c.



On Feb 26, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Guys,
 Sorry I have to ask the question here. If the mentors consist of PMC
 members on ZK
 (at least Pat and Mahadev), what's the problem with creating a branch in
 ZK and just
 having the code be there and getting the Curator proposed committers as
 committers in
 ZK ville, and hopefully PMC members soon thereafter.
 I have to agree with Greg here. Seems like Incubation is something that
 might not be
 needed. If the end result of this after N months is that Curator
 graduates into another
 set of flipping bylaw updates, and more legislation that makes these
 people unofficial
 PMC members on ZK, then I'm double triple -1 with 50 piles of coal on
 Yes, I'm 
 still remembering the HCatalog/Hive thing here - I still don't get that.
 Either: (a) define Curator to be its own separate project/community,
 a goal of TLP; 
 or (b) nix Incubation and just make these guys part of ZK, on a branch
 On 2/26/13 9:40 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Patrick Hunt
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 If you think that the right destination for curator is as part of ZK,
 then it would be good to see substantive participation of the ZK PMC
 in the incubation. The goal should be to 'graduate' by having the
 curator community be granted karma at ZK and the code folded in. This
 would require, I think, the ZK community to supply at least one
 mentor, and to have a plan in advance for the eventual votes based on
 success in the incubator.
 Hi Benson. What you're suggesting matches my current thinking.
 The three Curator mentors are as follows: Mahadev and I (champion) are
 both PMC members on ZK, Enis Söztutar is active on HBase and
 interested in using Curator for that project (which already uses ZK
 OK, that's lovely.
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Henry Saputra wrote:
 Ah no, I was not suggesting about Curator to become subproject of
 just afraid that if Curator is going as incubator it will end up as
 sub of
 ZK as merging process.
 Like Greg has mentioned in another reply, I would prefer Curator to
 merged as a higher level ZK client. Surely project like HBase and
 that relying on ZK would appreciate simpler client to ZK.
 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Patrick Hunt
 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Henry Saputra
 So isnt this similar to HCatalog which relying on Hive metadata
 that ends up as sub project of Apache Hive?
 I was against having Curator as a sub when it came up on the
 discussion thread, I still am.
 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:10 PM

Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Luciano,

On 2/26/13 12:03 PM, Luciano Resende wrote:

+1, We don't need to discuss exit criteria before entering incubation.

Actually we do and I can. Else I'm pretty useless on the IPMC.

I just went through an experience where my objection/VOTE didn't really
mean anything in a situation that I didn't think was correct (see
HCatalog/Hive). I will be darned sure to discuss exit criteria now as I
wish I would have paid attention and done so then, would have saved hassle
all around.

And if the Zookeeper PMC wants to adopt Curator as part of the
Zookeeper project (see distinction from sub-project language, which is
what the Board does not favor),
they can work with the community and
do it 

Define working with the community.

My definition of that doesn't include entering the Incubator.

My definition of that means, Pat or someone else on the ZK PMC starts
getting Curator patches and/or committing them and Jordan or Jay become
Committers/PMC members on ZK because of those contributions (and have
their ICLAs on file, etc.)

Having said that, the exit criteria should really be an
option instead of being dictated.

I'm questioning graduation to an existing TLP (and not as a new one) as
a valid exit criteria of the Incubator. I don't think it makes sense.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Jordan,

Thanks. To be clear, I'll be in support of your guys' acceptance into the
Apache Incubator.

I would appreciate at some level a note in your proposal regarding at
least the concern by
one member of the IPMC that Curator should grow into its own TLP rather
than be a part of ZK
should it be accepted.

I'm just trying to share experience here which suggests to me you guys
shouldn't try and graduate
into a part of the ZK PMC if you go the Incubation route. By the #s, most
That go through the Incubator end up as TLPs. I think it's just the way to

Take care and good luck.


On 2/26/13 1:17 PM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:

 Quoting Incubator docs written by one or two or a small handful of
 in a committee with 100+ members:
I'm new to this, so I apologize in advance for oddities in etiquette ;)

 So, if your goal is to eventually get into ZK, I just don't think the
 Incubator is the right way. It sounds like you guys are a distinct
 anyways, so I would recommend going that way.

I honestly don't know what the best ending spot for Curator is. I was
hoping Incubator would sort that out. Of course, I want to defer to the
experience of long-time Apache members, though.

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Re: No more existing-TLP graduations (was: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator)

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

On 2/26/13 2:17 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Greg Stein wrote:
 ...I'd like to suggest two changes:

 1) Incubation is for new TLPs only. Turn off the graduate-into-TLP

 2) Move the short form IP clearance to Legal Affairs, to clarify that
 we're only talking IP, rather than other concerns

 +1 to both, assuming Legal Affairs accepts 2)

Guys, this was my point a few weeks ago, and the question I posed to
the board. Did the board discuss it at the meeting, or is that part of
the board meeting happening here?

And it was my point during the whole HCatalog thing too. And Greg's when
it was
discussed during the board meeting. So yes, I think that's what we're

I think that there are several hairs worth splitting here.

1. Merging into a TLP is a possible outcome for a podling, even when
the initial intention is to graduate independently. Even if we
eliminate this as a starting intention, we should clarify how we
expect this to happen. My prior email suggested a very low-overhead
view of such events.

It's my intention that that *should not be a possible outcome for a
And just because we never said it explicitly (or maybe we did), that
mean it was universally accepted either. You can gauge this by pure
numbers of
how many podlings have went this route (comparatively few).

2. If an existing TLP wants to incorporate an existing non-Apache
community, the incubator _might_ might serve a useful role. Or, not.
I'm also perfectly happy to tell that TLP to make a branch and grant
some commit access and vote status as appropriate as things proceed,
which is how I'd restate your views.

Right, not sure the views need restating. I think they've been stated
fairly clearly
so far.

3. We do have a group of people with some minimal, observed,
willingness to pay some attention to IP clearance. Legal affairs,
well, is more of a talking-shop. So I'd expect Sam to want some
helpers before he'd accept this.

How about we start letting people talk for themselves? I sense an
inclination at least
in this email to not do that :)



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Re: No more existing-TLP graduations (was: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator)

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

On 2/26/13 2:58 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:


I think that there are several hairs worth splitting here.

1. Merging into a TLP is a possible outcome for a podling, even when
the initial intention is to graduate independently. Even if we
eliminate this as a starting intention, we should clarify how we
expect this to happen. My prior email suggested a very low-overhead
view of such events.

 It's my intention that that *should not be a possible outcome for a
 And just because we never said it explicitly (or maybe we did), that
 mean it was universally accepted either. You can gauge this by pure
 numbers of
 how many podlings have went this route (comparatively few).

Chris, I am now confused. If a podling bogs down, and then finds that
there is a congenial home for the code in an existing project, what's
your desire? My suggestion that the existing project just adopt them
with no formal graduation? Something else?

If a podling bogs down, and then finds there is a congenial home in an
existing project, I would have the following questions:

To the TLP and to the Incubator community:

0. What does bogged down mean? Needs specific definition.
1. Did the podling propose to assimilate into TLP?
  a. If so, why did it have to bog down before getting TLP interested?
  b. If not, then why show up as a TLP when the podling bogged down and
 then assimilate? I would hope it's not for skirting IP issues, or
 something else like that? Also, to borrow from Sam Ruby, I prefer
 not to speak in hypotheticals, but to speak from actual examples, so
 can you point to a situation when this has happened either recently or
 at all? (I'll use a specific one below)

To the TLP

1. Do you care about the size of the podling? If it's a fairly substantial
I would wonder how the TLP could assimilate the codebase, and would
worry about putting
that type of burden on the PMCs. We don't ask our PMCS to take on code
clearing, and IP.
And to be honest, if we are asking our PMCs to do that, why do we have the
meta committee
of the Incubator again?

To the podling

1. Why choose the TLP now? I would imagine if a podling got bogged down
then the act of choosing a TLP to accept it would have been premeditated
and not out of the blue.

So, yes, with those questions above, I still don't think that
Incubator-existing TLP is a valid exit.

Let's take HCatalog as an example. I don't support that for many of the
reasons previously stated.
I see that not as them getting bogged down, but simply that's what they
had planned from the beginning.
However, what I questioned (and still question to this day) was the
means of executing that plans. They didn't
intersect (or union) the PMC of Hive and the PPMC of HCatalog. They
induced bylaws to deal with it in Hive,
and then went their separate way into Hive.

Greg and the board discussed this on the last board call. I don't think
that this specific example is a good
one to set -- I was on the board call for the first 30 mins, but I missed
this part of the discussion. So,
I'm not going to speak for those on the board call RE: this subject. My
personal opinion is that that specific
example should *not* be allowed to happen anymore and that the
Hive/HCatalog integration should also be watched to
make sure those PMCs are unioned (or intersected) very soon.

Let's take Curator as an example now. Put simply if the intention of
Curator is to form a *new* TLP, I'm +1 on its
entry into the Incubator. If there is some contingent that thinks Curator
can become part of the ZK project as a
product or some other form of the community, then I am -1 on Incubation
for Curator. 


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Re: No more existing-TLP graduations (was: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator)

2013-02-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Dave,

On 2/26/13 4:18 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:

 This is exactly the scenario I have in mind. Most of the times,
 projects aim for being very successful and have their own healthy
 community, but that is not always the outcome, and exiting Incubator
 as an adopted project should be still be a possibility.

I don't think we should exclude incubating projects from being
incorporated into other projects. It may be preferred to the attic or
github should a community fail to thrive. The incubator does not need to
be TLP or fail.

Perhaps the assimilation of an incubating podling to another PMC should
not be called graduation. Maybe it should be handled piece by piece.

(1) PPMC votes to approach a PMC with Mentor / IPMC approval like for a

Please name me a specific example scenario in which #1 has happened at the
ASF without pre stated intent to join that TLP.

I would be very surprised to see it happen b/c it would imply graduation
into an existing TLP wasn't premeditated.
That's the whole point of the sponsoring PMC portion of the Incubator
proposal, from the beginning, to declare
the intent to graduate into a existing TLP - otherwise that section
wouldn't be needed and the answer would always
be Incubator PMC. For the record, since the whole umbrella project thing,
most of the sponsoring (I can name perhaps 1-5)
incoming Incubator podlings are all Incubator PMC sponsored, for intent to
graduate to TLP.

On the graduating into existing TLP end, I don't think that makes sense -
apparently at least 2 other people don't either judging by +1s and words.
I would like to fix that. But, I don't think I've ever seen #1 where they
haven't already declared that their intent from the beginning.

(2) Receiving PMC votes to accept IP - if not cleared then it accepts
that responsibility.

If PMCs can accept the type of podling sized IP contribution then I
think that the Incubator is a pointless committee.


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Re: Wiki privs

2013-02-20 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I took care of granting this karma, after Gav provided it to me via an IRC


On 2/19/13 7:04 PM, Arun C Murthy wrote:

Help, please?

I got one of my other mentors to put up the wiki, but would be nice to
get write access as well.


On Feb 18, 2013, at 3:05 PM, Arun C Murthy wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 Can someone pls grant me privs so that I can put up a new Incubator
proposal on the wiki ( ? My
wiki username is 'Arun C Murthy'.

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Tez into Incubator

2013-02-20 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding)



On 2/19/13 8:26 PM, Arun C Murthy wrote:

Hi Folks,

Thanks for participating in the discussion. I'd like to call a VOTE for
acceptance of Apache Tez into the Incubator. I'll let the vote run till
into this weekend (Sun 2/24 6pm PST).

[ ]  +1 Accept Apache Tez into the Incubator
[ ]  +0 Don't care.
[ ]  -1 Don't accept Apache Tez into the Incubator because...

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom of this email, and the
corresponding wiki is

Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to
express their thoughts.

Here's my +1 (binding).


PS: From the initial discussion, the only changes are that I've added one
new mentor and 2 new committers. All the new additions come from the
non-major employer while we continue to strive to further diversify
during the incubation. Thanks.

= Tez =

== Abstract ==
Tez is an effort to develop a generic application framework which can be
to process arbitrarily complex data-processing tasks and also a re-usable
of data-processing primitives which can be used by other projects.

== Proposal ==
Tez is a proposal to develop a generic application which can be used to
process complex data-processing task DAGs and runs natively on Apache
YARN. YARN is a generic resource-management system on which currently
applications like MapReduce already exist. MapReduce is a specific, and
constrained, DAG - which is not optimal for several frameworks like
Apache Hive
and Apache Pig. Furthermore, we propose to develop a re-usable set of
libraries of data-processing primitives such as sorting, merging,
data-shuffling, intermediate data management etc. which are necessary for
which we envision can be used directly by other projects.

== Background ==
Apache Hadoop MapReduce has emerged as the assembly-language on which
frameworks like Apache Pig and Apache Hive have been built. However, it
been well accepted that MapReduce produces very constrained task DAGs for
job which results in Apache Pig and Apache Hive requiring multiple
jobs for several queries. By providing a more expressive DAG of tasks for
job, Tez attempts to provide significantly enhanced data-processing
capabilities for projects like Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Cascading etc.

== Rationale ==
There is an important gap that Tez fulfills in the Apache Hadoop
ecosystem of
allowing for more expressive task DAGs for data-processing applications
as Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Cascading etc.

With emergence of Apache Hadoop YARN, there is a strong need for a
common DAG application which can then be shared by Apache Pig, Apache
Cascading etc.

== Initial Goals ==
The initial goals for this project are to specify the detailed
and architecture, and then develop the initial implementation including
DAG ApplicationMaster to run natively inside Apache Hadoop YARN.

== Current Status ==
Significant work has been completed to identify the initial requirements
define the overall system architecture. There is a patch available in the
internal Hortonworks git repository which can act as the initial seed.

=== Meritocracy ===
We plan to invest in supporting a meritocracy. We will discuss the
in an open forum. Several companies have already expressed interest in
project, and we intend to invite additional developers to participate.
We will encourage and monitor community participation so that privileges
can be 
extended to those that contribute.

=== Community ===
The need for a generic DAG application for data processing in the open
source is 
tremendous, so there is a potential for a very large community. We believe
that Tez's extensible architecture will further encourage community
Also, related Apache projects (eg, Pig, Hive) have very large and active
communities, and we expect that over time Tez will also attract a large

=== Core Developers ===
The developers on the initial committers list include people very
in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem:

 * Alan Gates gates at apache dot org
 * Arun C Murthy acmurthy at apache dot org
 * Ashutosh Chauhan hashutosh at apache dot org
 * Bikas Saha bikas at apache dot org
 * Chris Douglas cdouglas at apache dot org
 * Daryn Sharp daryn at apache dot org
 * Devaraj Das ddas at apache dot org
 * Gopal Vijayaraghavan gopal at hortonworks dot com
 * Gunther Hagleitner ghagleitner at hortonworks dot com
 * Hitesh Shah hitesh at apache dot org
 * Jason Lowe jlowe at apache dot org
 * Jean Xu jeanxu at facebook dot com
 * Jitendra Pandey jitendra at apache dot org
 * Julien Le Dem julien at apache dot org
 * Kevin Wilfong kevinwilfong at apache dot org
 * Mike Liddell mike dot lidell at microsoft dot com
 * Namit Jain namit at apache dot org
 * Nathan Roberts nroberts at yahoo dash inc dot com
 * Owen O'Malley omalley at apache dot 

Re: First draft of slides for ApacheCon

2013-02-16 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

Looking really good!

You may consider adding a flow chart/diagram showing the Incubator process
but other than that, I don't have any suggestions.



On 2/16/13 10:54 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

I've made my first pass at the slides for the talk I'm giving on the
incubator in Portland.

If anyone is really allergic to Google Docs, I can export it and put
it somewhere otherwise accessible.

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the Incubator

2013-02-15 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 binding.


Sent from my iPad

On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Devaraj Das wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 Thanks for participating in the discussion. I'd like to call a VOTE
 for acceptance of Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the
 Incubator. The vote will close on Feb 22 at 6:00 p.m.
 [ ]  +1 Accept Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the Incubator
 [ ]  +0 Don't care.
 [ ]  -1 Don't accept Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the
 Incubator because...
 Full proposal is pasted at the bottom of this email, and the
 corresponding wiki is Only
 VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding.
 Here's my +1 (binding).
 Knox Gateway Proposal
 Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of secure access
 for Apache Hadoop clusters.
 The Knox Gateway (“Gateway” or “Knox”) is a system that provides a
 single point of authentication and access for Apache Hadoop services
 in a cluster. The goal is to simplify Hadoop security for both users
 (i.e. who access the cluster data and execute jobs) and operators
 (i.e. who control access and manage the cluster). The Gateway runs as
 a server (or cluster of servers) that serve one or more Hadoop
 Provide perimeter security to make Hadoop security setup easier
 Support authentication and token verification security scenarios
 Deliver users a single cluster end-point that aggregates capabilities
 for data and jobs
 Enable integration with enterprise and cloud identity management environments
 An Apache Hadoop cluster is presented to consumers as a loose
 collection of independent services. This makes it difficult for users
 to interact with Hadoop since each service maintains it’s own method
 of access and security. As well, for operators, configuration and
 administration of a secure Hadoop cluster is a complex and many Hadoop
 clusters are insecure as a result.
 The goal of the project is to provide coverage for all existing Hadoop
 ecosystem projects. In addition, the project will be extensible to
 allow for new and/or proprietary Hadoop components without requiring
 changes to the gateway source code. The gateway is expected to run in
 a DMZ environment where it will provide controlled access to these
 Hadoop services. In this way Hadoop clusters can be protected by a
 firewall and only limited access provided through the firewall for the
 gateway. The authentication components of the gateway will be modular
 and extensible such that it can be integrated with existing security
 Organizations that are struggling with Hadoop cluster security result
 in a) running Hadoop without security or b) slowing adoption of
 Hadoop. The Gateway aims to provide perimeter security that integrates
 more easily into existing organizations’ security infrastructure.
 Doing so will simplify security for these organizations and benefit
 all Hadoop stakeholders (i.e. users and operators). Additionally,
 making a dedicated perimeter security project part of the Apache
 Hadoop ecosystem will prevent fragmentation in this area and further
 increase the value of Hadoop as a data platform.
 Current Status
 Prototype available, developed by the list of initial committers.
 We desire to build a diverse developer community around Gateway
 following the Apache Way. We want to make the project open source and
 will encourage contributors from multiple organizations following the
 Apache meritocracy model.
 We hope to extend the user and developer base in the future and build
 a solid open source community around Gateway. Apache Hadoop has a
 large ecosystem of open source projects, each with a strong community
 of contributors. All project communities in this ecosystem have an
 opportunity to participate in the advancement of the Gateway project
 because ultimately, Gateway will enable the security capabilities of
 their project to be more enterprise friendly.
 Core Developers
 Gateway is currently being developed by several engineers from
 Hortonworks - Kevin Minder, Larry McCay, John Speidel, Tom Beerbower
 and Sumit Mohanty. All the engineers have deep expertise in
 middleware, security  identity systems and are quite familiar with
 the Hadoop ecosystem.
 The ASF is a natural host for Gateway given that it is already the
 home of Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBase, Oozie and other emerging big data
 software projects. Gateway is designed to solve the security
 challenges familiar to the Hadoop ecosystem family of projects.
 Known Risks
 Orphaned products  Reliance on Salaried Developers
 The core developers plan to work full time on the project. We believe
 that this project will be of general interest to many Hadoop users and
 will attract a diverse set of contributors. We intend to demonstrate
 this by having contributors 

Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Alan,

Great point -- thanks for highlighting the concern, and yes, Benson, I'd
like the Incubator PMC to request this clarification from the board. BTW,
not frustrated with you guys at all and wish you the best. Just trying to
help (even if it didn't seem like it) based on my existing experience with
several of Apache's largest umbrella projects :/


On 2/14/13 8:31 AM, Alan Gates wrote:

I'd like second and extend Benson's point about clarifying how these
things should work.  In addition to clarifying what it means to graduate
into a subproject now that that is frowned upon, clarifying how these
votes work would help.  I think Chris felt that we ignored his vote and
pushed ahead.  From my reading of the docs it was supposed to be a
majority vote and thus to view the -1s as a veto would be to improperly
ignore the 5 +1s.  If the rules were clear in advance for the next group
that faces this situation it will help to avoid these misunderstandings
and frustrations.


On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:29 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

 I'm not so much opinionated as confused here, perhaps because I have a
 very linear view of governance.
 I like to know how a vote fits into a governance structure or process,
 and I've felt for some time that this case (podling goes to existing
 TLP) is not well-explained by our structure.
 Back in the days when subprojects were normal and valid, the incubator
 had a role on behalf of' an existing TLP in supervising IP and
 community behavior. Graduation meant: OK, umbrella, we certify that
 these people can behave like a project and have clean IP. And,
 perhaps, the board actually established subprojects? It's all before
 my time.
 Now that subprojects are no longer in the picture, I don't even know
 why the IPMC should ever incubate a podling *if the plan, from the
 start, is to be part of some existing TLP.* So I have assumed that
 HCatalog started out with the intention to grow into an entire TLP,
 and came up with the Hive plan as a fallback.
 To try to make this long story shorter, I think that we should make a
 proposal to the board with a schema for handling this case that makes
 sense in current conditions. I'm happy for it to be your schema, which
 amounts, as I see it, to the board having a supervisory moment when
 this happens, with an IPMC vote providing the same sort of strong
 recommendation one way or the other that it does for establishing a
 On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 Hi Benson,
 I saw your later email(s) and Incubator board report. It's fine and I
 think the message of my objection comes across.
 So thanks for that.
 One thing I wanted to comment on:
 On 2/13/13 4:10 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 The obvious compromise is to ask them to report the vote result as it
 happened, it seems to me, -1's and all. But where do you think that
 they are reporting anything? There's nothing happening here at the
 board level. There's no board resolution needed for a Hive committer
 to type 'svn cp' on the hcatalog tree,
 Not by my counts. There's a *community* resolution and a
recommendation to
 be made by the IPMC, nonetheless.
 Otherwise, the IPMC is pretty useless IMO, and more importantly, so is
 Why bother even incubating HCatalog? Hive could have simply svn cp'ed
 whatever code came in, or whatever code the podling arrived at, and
 Incubation would have stopped then. But we both know that's not the
way it
 works. Even if a podling graduates to an existing TLP, go check out the
 past resolutions. You'll note there's a section in there that
 the responsibility of the IPMC for the podling. So, yes, the IPMC *is*
 involved. And yes, the IPMC vote matters.
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Re: [VOTE] Accept Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the Incubator

2013-02-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
s/Apache Open Climate Workbench/Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway/ :)

May want to resend the [VOTE] thread.

On 2/14/13 5:26 PM, Devaraj Das wrote:

Hi Folks,

Thanks for participating in the discussion. I'd like to call a VOTE
for acceptance of Apache Knox Hadoop Gateway Project into the
Incubator. The vote will close on Feb 21 at 6:00 p.m.

[ ]  +1 Accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator
[ ]  +0 Don't care.
[ ]  -1 Don't accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom of this email, and the
corresponding wiki is Only
VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding.

Here's my +1 (binding).


p.s. In the last day, Tom White has been added as a mentor, and
Venkatesh Seetharam has been added in the list of initial committers.

Knox Gateway Proposal


Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of secure access
for Apache Hadoop clusters.


The Knox Gateway (³Gateway² or ³Knox²) is a system that provides a
single point of authentication and access for Apache Hadoop services
in a cluster. The goal is to simplify Hadoop security for both users
(i.e. who access the cluster data and execute jobs) and operators
(i.e. who control access and manage the cluster). The Gateway runs as
a server (or cluster of servers) that serve one or more Hadoop

Provide perimeter security to make Hadoop security setup easier
Support authentication and token verification security scenarios
Deliver users a single cluster end-point that aggregates capabilities
for data and jobs
Enable integration with enterprise and cloud identity management


An Apache Hadoop cluster is presented to consumers as a loose
collection of independent services. This makes it difficult for users
to interact with Hadoop since each service maintains it¹s own method
of access and security. As well, for operators, configuration and
administration of a secure Hadoop cluster is a complex and many Hadoop
clusters are insecure as a result.

The goal of the project is to provide coverage for all existing Hadoop
ecosystem projects. In addition, the project will be extensible to
allow for new and/or proprietary Hadoop components without requiring
changes to the gateway source code. The gateway is expected to run in
a DMZ environment where it will provide controlled access to these
Hadoop services. In this way Hadoop clusters can be protected by a
firewall and only limited access provided through the firewall for the
gateway. The authentication components of the gateway will be modular
and extensible such that it can be integrated with existing security


Organizations that are struggling with Hadoop cluster security result
in a) running Hadoop without security or b) slowing adoption of
Hadoop. The Gateway aims to provide perimeter security that integrates
more easily into existing organizations¹ security infrastructure.
Doing so will simplify security for these organizations and benefit
all Hadoop stakeholders (i.e. users and operators). Additionally,
making a dedicated perimeter security project part of the Apache
Hadoop ecosystem will prevent fragmentation in this area and further
increase the value of Hadoop as a data platform.

Current Status

Prototype available, developed by the list of initial committers.


We desire to build a diverse developer community around Gateway
following the Apache Way. We want to make the project open source and
will encourage contributors from multiple organizations following the
Apache meritocracy model.


We hope to extend the user and developer base in the future and build
a solid open source community around Gateway. Apache Hadoop has a
large ecosystem of open source projects, each with a strong community
of contributors. All project communities in this ecosystem have an
opportunity to participate in the advancement of the Gateway project
because ultimately, Gateway will enable the security capabilities of
their project to be more enterprise friendly.

Core Developers

Gateway is currently being developed by several engineers from
Hortonworks - Kevin Minder, Larry McCay, John Speidel, Tom Beerbower
and Sumit Mohanty. All the engineers have deep expertise in
middleware, security  identity systems and are quite familiar with
the Hadoop ecosystem.


The ASF is a natural host for Gateway given that it is already the
home of Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBase, Oozie and other emerging big data
software projects. Gateway is designed to solve the security
challenges familiar to the Hadoop ecosystem family of projects.

Known Risks

Orphaned products  Reliance on Salaried Developers

The core developers plan to work full time on the project. We believe
that this project will be of general interest to many Hadoop users and
will attract a diverse set of contributors. We intend to 

Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC7 release

2013-02-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

+1 from me.

SIGS pass:

[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-rc7] mattmann%
Verifying Signature for file apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
gpg: Signature made Wed Feb  6 14:06:28 2013 PST using RSA key ID D218BB0A
gpg: Good signature from Pei Chen (CODE SIGNING KEY2)
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
Primary key fingerprint: FECC 654C 4AC3 5DEC 0027  2792 F97C 492F D218 BB0A
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-rc7] mattmann%


[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-rc7] mattmann%
md5sum: stat '*.bz2': No such file or directory
md5sum: stat '*.zip': No such file or directory
apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz: OK
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-rc7] mattmann%



On 2/11/13 9:03 AM, Chen, Pei wrote:


This is a call for a vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache
cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating. This will be our first release.
Thanks for all of your comments from the previous candidate.  Based on
the feedback and discussions, we removed the binary models from the
source and binary distributions in this release candidate.

The vote for this RC on ctakes-dev@ is not concluded yet but earlier ones
were and this is nearly simultaneous:

For more detailed information on the changes/release notes, please visit:;

The release was made using the cTAKES release process documented here:

The candidate is available at:
e-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz /.zip

The binary is:
e-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz /.zip

The tag to be voted on:

The MD5 checksum of the tarball can be found at:
e-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz.md5 /.zip.md5

The signature of the tarball can be found at:
e-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz.asc /.zip.asc

Apache cTAKES' KEYS file, containing the PGP keys used to sign the

Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache cTAKES
3.0.0-incubating. The vote is open for at least the next 72 hours.
Only votes from Incubator PMC are binding, but folks are welcome to check
the release candidate and voice their approval or disapproval. The vote
passes if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...
P.S. Here is my +1.

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[RESULT] [VOTE] Accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator

2013-02-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Everyone,

This VOTE has passed with the following tallies:


Chris Mattmann*
Andrew Hart*
Daniel Gruno
Paul Ramirez*
Gary Martin
Ross Gardler*
Ted Dunning*
Alexei Fedotov
Dave Fisher*
Suresh Marru*
Tommaso Teofili*
Andrea Pescetti
Chris Douglas*
Emmanuel Lécharny*
Tsengdar Lee

* - indicates IPMC

I'll get started creating the infrastructure tickets, and thanks to
everyone for VOTE'ing!


On 2/5/13 8:18 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

Hi Folks,

OK, now that discussion has settled down, I'd like to call a VOTE for
acceptance of Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator.
I'll leave the VOTE open the rest of the week and close it out next
Monday, February 11th early am PT.

[ ]  +1 Accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator
[ ]  +0 Don't care.
[ ]  -1 Don't accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom of this email. Only VOTEs from
Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to express their

Thank you!


P.S. Here's my +1 (binding)

= Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and globally. =
=== Abstract ===
The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation of
climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that

Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for analysis
and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data. The
toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate Model
Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components for
the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that decimates
remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate model
output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
(lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude (lat)
and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent of
underlying store. value carries with it units, related to interpretation
and height allows for different values for different atmospheric vertical
levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache Hadoop
and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that the
user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same form,
and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output and
remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an analyzed
comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by plugging
in to the NCAR NCL library for producing static plots (histograms, time
series, etc.)

We also have performed a great deal of work in packaging RCMES to make the
system easy to deploy. We have working Virtual Machines (VMWare VMX and
Virtual Box OVA compatible formats) and we also have an installer built on
Python Buildout ( called Easy RCMET for dynamically
constructing the RCMET toolkit.

RCMES is currently supporting a number of recognized climate projects of
(inter-)national significance. In particular, RCMES is supporting the
[[|U.S. National Climate
Assessment (NCA) activities]] on behalf of NASA's contribution to the NCA;
is working with the [[|North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)]]; and is also working with
the International [[|Coordinated
Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)]].

=== Proposal ===
We propose to transition the RCMES software community, which includes
developers of the RCMET and RCMED software, along with users of RCMES in
the CORDEX project across a variety of academic institutions, scientists

Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Thanks for the clarification, Roy.


P.S. Almost want them to change to lazy consensus, bc you laying smack
down is full of win.

On 2/14/13 11:38 AM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

It is a majority decision.  In theory, the PMC could decide to
create special bylaws that would change that to a lazy consensus
decision, but then I would have to lay the smack down about why
it is that the US government sucks because supermajorities are
designed to deny proper governance.

In the absence of specific rules (like our lazy consensus rule
on code change voting), you can assume that lazy majority decisions
are the way that decisions are made at Apache (like releases).


On Feb 14, 2013, at 9:58 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hey Alan,
 Great point -- thanks for highlighting the concern, and yes, Benson, I'd
 like the Incubator PMC to request this clarification from the board.
 not frustrated with you guys at all and wish you the best. Just trying
 help (even if it didn't seem like it) based on my existing experience
 several of Apache's largest umbrella projects :/
 On 2/14/13 8:31 AM, Alan Gates wrote:
 I'd like second and extend Benson's point about clarifying how these
 things should work.  In addition to clarifying what it means to
 into a subproject now that that is frowned upon, clarifying how these
 votes work would help.  I think Chris felt that we ignored his vote and
 pushed ahead.  From my reading of the docs it was supposed to be a
 majority vote and thus to view the -1s as a veto would be to improperly
 ignore the 5 +1s.  If the rules were clear in advance for the next
 that faces this situation it will help to avoid these misunderstandings
 and frustrations.
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:29 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 I'm not so much opinionated as confused here, perhaps because I have a
 very linear view of governance.
 I like to know how a vote fits into a governance structure or process,
 and I've felt for some time that this case (podling goes to existing
 TLP) is not well-explained by our structure.
 Back in the days when subprojects were normal and valid, the incubator
 had a role on behalf of' an existing TLP in supervising IP and
 community behavior. Graduation meant: OK, umbrella, we certify that
 these people can behave like a project and have clean IP. And,
 perhaps, the board actually established subprojects? It's all before
 my time.
 Now that subprojects are no longer in the picture, I don't even know
 why the IPMC should ever incubate a podling *if the plan, from the
 start, is to be part of some existing TLP.* So I have assumed that
 HCatalog started out with the intention to grow into an entire TLP,
 and came up with the Hive plan as a fallback.
 To try to make this long story shorter, I think that we should make a
 proposal to the board with a schema for handling this case that makes
 sense in current conditions. I'm happy for it to be your schema, which
 amounts, as I see it, to the board having a supervisory moment when
 this happens, with an IPMC vote providing the same sort of strong
 recommendation one way or the other that it does for establishing a
 On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 Hi Benson,
 I saw your later email(s) and Incubator board report. It's fine and I
 think the message of my objection comes across.
 So thanks for that.
 One thing I wanted to comment on:
 On 2/13/13 4:10 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 The obvious compromise is to ask them to report the vote result as
 happened, it seems to me, -1's and all. But where do you think that
 they are reporting anything? There's nothing happening here at the
 board level. There's no board resolution needed for a Hive committer
 to type 'svn cp' on the hcatalog tree,
 Not by my counts. There's a *community* resolution and a
 recommendation to
 be made by the IPMC, nonetheless.
 Otherwise, the IPMC is pretty useless IMO, and more importantly, so
 Why bother even incubating HCatalog? Hive could have simply svn cp'ed
 whatever code came in, or whatever code the podling arrived at, and
 Incubation would have stopped then. But we both know that's not the
 way it
 works. Even if a podling graduates to an existing TLP, go check out
 past resolutions. You'll note there's a section in there that
 the responsibility of the IPMC for the podling. So, yes, the IPMC
 involved. And yes, the IPMC vote matters.
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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-13 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

I saw your later email(s) and Incubator board report. It's fine and I
think the message of my objection comes across.
So thanks for that.

One thing I wanted to comment on:

On 2/13/13 4:10 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:


The obvious compromise is to ask them to report the vote result as it
happened, it seems to me, -1's and all. But where do you think that
they are reporting anything? There's nothing happening here at the
board level. There's no board resolution needed for a Hive committer
to type 'svn cp' on the hcatalog tree,

Not by my counts. There's a *community* resolution and a recommendation to
be made by the IPMC, nonetheless.
Otherwise, the IPMC is pretty useless IMO, and more importantly, so is the

Why bother even incubating HCatalog? Hive could have simply svn cp'ed
whatever code came in, or whatever code the podling arrived at, and
Incubation would have stopped then. But we both know that's not the way it
works. Even if a podling graduates to an existing TLP, go check out the
past resolutions. You'll note there's a section in there that discharges
the responsibility of the IPMC for the podling. So, yes, the IPMC *is*
involved. And yes, the IPMC vote matters.


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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-12 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Classifying this as a procedural vote gives the easy out of majority rule.

It is the IPMC's recommendation to the board that the board then evaluates
to become a TLP or not. Based on Benson's later email he is shucking all
of that to the board. Benson, I would hope you consider -1s to be VETO in
this case, or at the very least, noting that in your report should you
still bull ahead and recommend it. BTW for everyone's benefit, go look up
the # of times that people -1 graduations. It's VERY rare, so I hope this
an indication that there is something seriously up here. I have nothing
against Hive or HCatalog -- I simply am trying to intimate this will be
trouble down the road.

In the end, yes, it's the board, but it's on the recommendation of the
IPMC. It would be pretty lame if  the IPMC made the recommendation to
create HCatalog as a part of Hive per the requested method and they didn't
mention the 2 objections (mine which I strongly consider a VETO) and Chris
D.'s -0. 


On 2/12/13 5:14 PM, Alan Gates wrote:

So I'm not clear what the next step is here.  The 72 hours have passed,
we have 5 +1 votes, 2 -1 votes, and a -0.

Based on this page this
appears to be a procedural vote so it just requires a majority.

Are we done or is it traditional to allow more time for the vote when the
issue is contentious?


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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-11 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Alan,

On 2/11/13 10:20 AM, Alan Gates wrote:

On Feb 8, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Alan,
 Thanks for the pointer.
 I'm -1 on this graduation for the following reasons:
 1. It looks eerily similar to the creation of umbrella projects. I would
 expect the ASF board to not be happy with the graduation of a podling as
 effectively a sub project of an established TLP, with the sub project
 status maintained through a rather lengthy set of bylaws that after
 to read through for about 5 mins I decided to stop. TL;DR

Our goal is not to repeat the umbrella project situation that happened
with Hadoop.  The goal is to give the Hive community time to get to know
the HCatalog committers and time for the HCatalog community to learn
about Hive beyond the metadata portions they have been working with.

IMO, the above statement conflicts with the below statement:

Because we believe it makes sense, from both a community and code
perspective, that these projects are together.  HCatalog opens up Hive's
metadata for use by other tools on Hadoop and for external systems.  It
doesn't make sense to any of us that this is separated from Hive with a
different PMC, different release cycle, etc.


If it makes sense from a community and code perspective to bring the
projects together, there shouldn't be a need for time from the Hive
community to get to know HCatalog (or vice versa). Either they know the
code and/or are willing to take on its stewardship (which kind of
necessitates knowing the code), or they don't.

 To avoid the umbrella project status the by laws specifically prohibit
creating new committers with access only to HCatalog.  Also, it has been
agreed that each HCatalog committer will be provided with a mentor from
the Hive community to help him/her learn the rest of Hive, with the goal
of becoming a committer on Hive within six months.  The submodule state
is transitionary, not an end point.

Why introduce a transitionary state then? If in 6 months Hive and HCatalog
are ready to merge, you can just as easily create a board resolution to
merge the 2 projects at the time, the Incubator - TLP and TLP status is
not an end state.

However, I'm against setting a precedent for umbrella project creation,
which I believe this to be.

 2. If the two communities can't be merged by simply merging the PPMC
 the PMC, then why not simply graduate HCatalog as its own TLP?

Because we believe it makes sense, from both a community and code
perspective, that these projects are together.  HCatalog opens up Hive's
metadata for use by other tools on Hadoop and for external systems.  It
doesn't make sense to any of us that this is separated from Hive with a
different PMC, different release cycle, etc.

It's been separated while in Incubation, so nothing is changing if it
becomes a TLP, it's business as usual. And if in 6 months, the Hive PMC is
ready to accept the HCatalog PMC (and vice versa), then deal with it then
as 2 TLPs becoming 1 TLP.

But I'm not going to VOTE positively for a graduation that requires bylaws
to draw these artificial lines which already exist at the ASF and have
been around for quite a while longer than any of us have at the


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Re: January Report - missing mentor signings

2013-02-11 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Jakob,

No worries and appreciate it.


On 2/11/13 11:25 AM, Jakob Homan wrote:

Sorry I've not yet been as active in my recent mentorship as I needed to
be.  It's likely that I'll have more time shortly.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I think this may be pretty clear guidance that Mesos needs some

 I'm happy to help here, and I believe Suresh Marru also offered.

 I'm going to go ahead and subscribe to the mesos email lists and see
 I can do.


 On 2/6/13 9:17 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

 Hi all,
 looking at this report:
 a lot of podlings do not have all mentors signed their report.
 In the case of Mesos the report looks good, but there is only one
 Mentor listed and he did not sign it.
 As I understood it the rule should be every mentor should sign the
 report. With that he shows he is still there.
 What do we do with now? I think it would be nice to ask the Mentors
 who did not sign if they are still available and were just short of
 time or if they have gone.
 Maybe this file can be parsed, if the template creation script would
 output the apache id together with the mentors name or so.
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Re: Administrative access to Mesos builds on Apache Jenkins

2013-02-10 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Vinod,

[changing this to mesos-dev@ since there is nothing private about this


You need someone to run: hudson-jobadmin --add=Apache
username with PMC chair karma.

I have that karma and have run it for you.

Let me know if that fixes it.


On 2/6/13 2:38 PM, Vinod Kone wrote:


I'm a new committer to the Apache Mesos project.

I was wondering what is the process to get admin access to our project's
on Apache Jenkins server.

NOTE: I already have login access (username: vinodkone) to Jenkins, but
cannot see the configure link for our projects.


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Re: Administrative access to Mesos builds on Apache Jenkins

2013-02-10 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
[Changing to mesos-dev@ since nothing private about this thread, and since
public discussion is encouraged at Apache (and a good metric).]

Hi Vinod,

The folks to ask here would ASF infra, and the best bet would be to file
an issue here:

Requesting a Review Board account.

Question: why would you ever need to mark someone else's Review Board as
submitted? We operate here at Apache as individuals so not sure I get this.


On 2/8/13 3:09 PM, Vinod Kone wrote:

Just realized I need the same type of access for Apache Reviewboard too,
that I can mark other people's reviews as submitted.



On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Vinod Kone wrote:


 I'm a new committer to the Apache Mesos project.

 I was wondering what is the process to get admin access to our project's
 on Apache Jenkins server.

 NOTE: I already have login access (username: vinodkone) to Jenkins, but
 cannot see the configure link for our projects.


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Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating (RC4)

2013-02-10 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
[CC to mesos-dev@incubator]

Hi Ben,

+1 (binding) from me:

SIGS check out:

[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating] mattmann%
Verifying Signature for file mesos-0.10.0-incubating.tar.gz.asc
gpg: Signature made Thu Feb  7 22:22:30 2013 PST using RSA key ID F6FB762C
gpg: Good signature from Benjamin Hindman
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
Primary key fingerprint: 4BF2 061E 7300 3185 CA06  E30F F99D 6AD0 F6FB 762C
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating] mattmann%

CHECKSUMS check out (please consider including a sha1 checksum too in
addition to the MD5 -- not a requirement or blocker just a preference):

Primary key fingerprint: 4BF2 061E 7300 3185 CA06  E30F F99D 6AD0 F6FB 762C
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating] mattmann%
md5sum: stat '*.bz2': No such file or directory
md5sum: stat '*.zip': No such file or directory
mesos-0.10.0-incubating.tar.gz: OK
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating] mattmann%

I went ahead and tried to build it and started with ./configure on my Mac
OS X 10.6.8:

checking whether or not we can build with JNI... cc1plus: warnings being
treated as errors
conftest.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
conftest.cpp:7: warning: 'JNI_CreateJavaVM' is deprecated (declared at
conftest.cpp:7: warning: 'JNI_CreateJavaVM' is deprecated (declared at
cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
conftest.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
conftest.cpp:7: warning: 'JNI_CreateJavaVM' is deprecated (declared at
conftest.cpp:7: warning: 'JNI_CreateJavaVM' is deprecated (declared at
configure: error: failed to build with JNI
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating/mesos-0.10.0] mattmann%

Running ./configure --disable-java got me past the config step, and then I
ran make:

writing build/bdist.macosx-10.6-universal/egg/EGG-INFO/native_libs.txt
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
creating dist
creating 'dist/mesos-0.10.0-py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg' and adding
'build/bdist.macosx-10.6-universal/egg' to it
removing 'build/bdist.macosx-10.6-universal/egg' (and everything under it)
Making all in ec2
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in hadoop
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating/mesos-0.10.0] mattmann%

Worked great! Tried running make test but got:

[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating/mesos-0.10.0] mattmann%
make test
make: *** No rule to make target `test'.  Stop.
[chipotle:~/tmp/apache-mesos-0.10.0-incubating/mesos-0.10.0] mattmann%

But that's fine since everything else looks great. Awesome!


On 2/7/13 10:32 PM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:

Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Mesos
(incubating) version 0.10.0. This will be the second incubator release for
Mesos in Apache.

Changes since last release candidate:
  * Updated to work better on OS X 10.8.
  * Added missing license (the only blocker on the previous candidate).

The candidate for Mesos 0.10.0-incubating release is available at:

The tag to be voted on:

The MD5 checksum of the tarball can be found at:

The signature of the tarball can be found at:

Mesos' KEYS file, containing the PGP keys used to sign the release:

Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating!

The vote is open until Monday, February 11th at 5:00 pm (PST) and passes
a majority of at least 3 +1 IPMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Mesos 0.10.0-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

To learn more about Apache Mesos, please see

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[DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-08 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Dear Alan,

Just a quick question: does this mean that the Hive PMC += (Apache
HCatalog Incubating PPMC)?



On 2/8/13 11:38 AM, Alan Gates wrote:

Apache HCatalog entered incubation in March of 2011.  In the process it
has added five new committers and two new PPMC members and made 3
successful releases.

The Hive PMC has voted to accept HCatalog as a part of Hive.  The vote
thread for this is at

The HCatalog PPMC has voted to accept this invitation.  The vote thread
for that is at:

additional votes for this can be found at:


(these are threads I forwarded to dev@hive and general@incubator as an
FYI but people got confused and voted on the wrong thread).

We have already received +1s from the following IPMC members on the
previous threads:

Arun Murthy
Owen O'Malley
Alex Karasulu
Jakob Homan
Alan Gates

Please cast your vote.  The vote will remain open until 12 PST Feb 11.

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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] HCatalog to Graduate and become part of Apache Hive

2013-02-08 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Alan,

Thanks for the pointer.

I'm -1 on this graduation for the following reasons:

1. It looks eerily similar to the creation of umbrella projects. I would
expect the ASF board to not be happy with the graduation of a podling as
effectively a sub project of an established TLP, with the sub project
status maintained through a rather lengthy set of bylaws that after trying
to read through for about 5 mins I decided to stop. TL;DR

2. If the two communities can't be merged by simply merging the PPMC into
the PMC, then why not simply graduate HCatalog as its own TLP?

3. I get a little nervous every time I see bylaws used to draw artificial
lines and to create new roles that don't exist at Apache. sub module
committer? How is this comparable across projects? It's not really.
Projects don't have to be strictly comparable, but realize that you report
to the Board with common criteria, and so thus at some level projects are

I'd like to understand the answers to my above questions and I'd urge
other PMC members to take a look at this. It seems to be a recipe for
later issues, based on past experience with Hadoop, Lucene, and other
umbrellas that were dismantled.


On 2/8/13 4:33 PM, Alan Gates wrote:

No.  See the thread of the Hive vote at for a
discussion of how the teams will be merged.


On Feb 8, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Dear Alan,
 Just a quick question: does this mean that the Hive PMC += (Apache
 HCatalog Incubating PPMC)?
 On 2/8/13 11:38 AM, Alan Gates wrote:
 Apache HCatalog entered incubation in March of 2011.  In the process it
 has added five new committers and two new PPMC members and made 3
 successful releases.
 The Hive PMC has voted to accept HCatalog as a part of Hive.  The vote
 thread for this is at
 The HCatalog PPMC has voted to accept this invitation.  The vote thread
 for that is at:
 additional votes for this can be found at:
 (these are threads I forwarded to dev@hive and general@incubator as an
 FYI but people got confused and voted on the wrong thread).
 We have already received +1s from the following IPMC members on the
 previous threads:
 Arun Murthy
 Owen O'Malley
 Alex Karasulu
 Jakob Homan
 Alan Gates
 Please cast your vote.  The vote will remain open until 12 PST Feb 11.
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Re: January Report - missing mentor signings

2013-02-07 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

I think this may be pretty clear guidance that Mesos needs some mentorship

I'm happy to help here, and I believe Suresh Marru also offered.

I'm going to go ahead and subscribe to the mesos email lists and see what
I can do.


On 2/6/13 9:17 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

Hi all,

looking at this report:

a lot of podlings do not have all mentors signed their report.
In the case of Mesos the report looks good, but there is only one
Mentor listed and he did not sign it.

As I understood it the rule should be every mentor should sign the
report. With that he shows he is still there.

What do we do with now? I think it would be nice to ask the Mentors
who did not sign if they are still available and were just short of
time or if they have gone.

Maybe this file can be parsed, if the template creation script would
output the apache id together with the mentors name or so.



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[VOTE] Accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator

2013-02-05 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Folks,

OK, now that discussion has settled down, I'd like to call a VOTE for
acceptance of Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator.
I'll leave the VOTE open the rest of the week and close it out next
Monday, February 11th early am PT.

[ ]  +1 Accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator
[ ]  +0 Don't care.
[ ]  -1 Don't accept Apache Open Climate Workbench into the Incubator

Full proposal is pasted at the bottom of this email. Only VOTEs from
Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to express their

Thank you!


P.S. Here's my +1 (binding)

= Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and globally. =
=== Abstract ===
The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation of
climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that

Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for analysis
and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data. The
toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate Model
Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components for
the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that decimates
remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate model
output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
(lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude (lat)
and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent of
underlying store. value carries with it units, related to interpretation
and height allows for different values for different atmospheric vertical
levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache Hadoop
and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that the
user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same form,
and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output and
remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an analyzed
comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by plugging
in to the NCAR NCL library for producing static plots (histograms, time
series, etc.)

We also have performed a great deal of work in packaging RCMES to make the
system easy to deploy. We have working Virtual Machines (VMWare VMX and
Virtual Box OVA compatible formats) and we also have an installer built on
Python Buildout ( called Easy RCMET for dynamically
constructing the RCMET toolkit.

RCMES is currently supporting a number of recognized climate projects of
(inter-)national significance. In particular, RCMES is supporting the
[[|U.S. National Climate
Assessment (NCA) activities]] on behalf of NASA's contribution to the NCA;
is working with the [[|North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)]]; and is also working with
the International [[|Coordinated
Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)]].

=== Proposal ===
We propose to transition the RCMES software community, which includes
developers of the RCMET and RCMED software, along with users of RCMES in
the CORDEX project across a variety of academic institutions, scientists
helping to improve the RCMES metrics, and visualizations, and regridding
algorithms, packagers making RCMES easier to install, and scientists
helping to lead some of these international projects that are already
using RCMES. 

We have been working on the RCMES project since 2009 funded initially by
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) project out at NASA, and
then branching out into other sources of support and sustainability (NASA;
NSF, etc. -- see the

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Crunch Podling from the Incubator

2013-02-04 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 good luck guys. (binding)


On 2/4/13 11:41 AM, Josh Wills wrote:

This is a call to graduate the Apache Crunch podling from Apache

Apache Crunch entered the Incubator in May of 2012. We have made
significant progress with the project since moving over to Apache. We have
ten committers listed on our status page at [1] including three accepted
after the podling was formed, and we have verified that Apache Crunch is a
suitable name. [2]

We completed two releases (Apache Crunch 0.3.0-incubating and Apache
0.4.0-incubating) and are currently preparing for a third.

The community of Apache Crunch is active, healthy, and growing and has
demonstrated the ability to self-govern using accepted Apache practices.

The Apache Crunch community voted overwhelmingly to graduate [3],
collecting three binding votes from our mentors and IPMC members Arun
Murthy, Tom White, and Patrick Hunt. You can view the discussion at [4]

Our charter is below and on our wiki. [6]

Please cast your votes:

[ ] +1 Graduate Apache Crunch from Apache Incubator
[ ] +0 Indifferent to graduation status of Apache Crunch
[ ] -1 Reject graduation of Apache Crunch from Apache Incubator because...

We'll run the vote for at least 72 hours (closing at the earliest at 8PM
GMT on February 7th.)


X. Establish the Apache Crunch Project

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish
a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance
of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public,
related to the development of Java libraries for writing, testing, and
running MapReduce pipelines.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
(PMC), to be known as the Apache Crunch Project, be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache Crunch Project be and hereby is responsible
for the creation and maintenance of software related to development of
Java libraries for writing, testing, and running MapReduce pipelines; and
be it further

RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache Crunch be and
hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Crunch Project, and
have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the
of responsibility of the Apache Crunch Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Crunch

* Brock Noland
* Christian Tzolov
* Gabriel Reid
* Josh Wills
* Kiyan Ahmadizadeh
* Matthias Friedrich
* Rahul Sharma
* Robert Chu
* Tom White
* Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Josh Wills be appointed to
office of Vice President, Apache Crunch, to serve in accordance with and
subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Crunch PMC be and hereby is tasked
with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
and increased participation in the Apache Crunch Project; and be it

RESOLVED, that the Apache Crunch Project be and hereby is tasked with
the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Crunch podling;
and be it further

RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
Incubator Crunch podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are
hereafter discharged.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-02-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi All,

Thanks for the community feedback so far.

Since conversation is stabilizing, I am going to call for an official VOTE
starting on Monday early AM PT. I'll let it run through the whole week,
closing it around Friday EOD PT, and then we can go from there depending
on the outcome.

Thank you and have a great weekend.


On 1/26/13 11:48 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

Hi Everyone!

I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the Incubator
wiki here:

The project is a distributed, scalable approach for the rapid comparison
of remote sensing data (e.g., from NASA) with that of climate model output
generated by major US and international activities including the US
National Climate Assessment, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling
Experiment (CORDEX), the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment
Program (NARCCAP) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Much of the software to be donated and evolved here at Apache as a
community includes core dependencies to several Apache projects (OODT,
Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika), and to several key toolkits in the Python
software community including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, NCAR NCL, etc.

We welcome your feedback over the next week or so for discussion and look
forward to it!

Chris Mattmann
Proposed Mentor and Champion

---proposal text

= Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and globally. =
=== Abstract ===
The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation of
climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that

Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for analysis
and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data. The
toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate Model
Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components for
the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that decimates
remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate model
output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
(lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude (lat)
and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent of
underlying store. value carries with it units, related to interpretation
and height allows for different values for different atmospheric vertical
levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache Hadoop
and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that the
user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same form,
and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output and
remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an analyzed
comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by plugging
in to the NCAR NCL library for producing static plots (histograms, time
series, etc.)

We also have performed a great deal of work in packaging RCMES to make the
system easy to deploy. We have working Virtual Machines (VMWare VMX and
Virtual Box OVA compatible formats) and we also have an installer built on
Python Buildout ( called Easy RCMET for dynamically
constructing the RCMET toolkit.

RCMES is currently supporting a number of recognized climate projects of
(inter-)national significance. In particular, RCMES is supporting the
[[|U.S. National Climate
Assessment (NCA) activities]] on behalf of NASA's contribution to the NCA;
is working with the [[|North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-02-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Dear Nick,

Please add yourself to the proposal on the wiki as a mentor and/or PPMC
member and committer in the proposal table. I will call a VOTE next week
on Monday so if you can do it before then, thanks. Otherwise I'll do it
but I don't know your affiliation.


On 1/27/13 10:34 PM, Nick Kew wrote:

On 26 Jan 2013, at 19:48, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Everyone!
 I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
 Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the Incubator
 wiki here:

Sounds quite exciting!  I'd like to come on board, though whether as an
active participant or passively will depend on time and circumstance.

Some years back I spent a lot of timeeffort on the somewhat-related
task of developing systems, firstly to produce, archive and distribute
some of the datasets (mostly the Global AVHRR 1Km series in the '90s)
and secondly to develop tools to visualise different datasets alongside
and superimposed on each other.

I see your proposal has a slightly different focus (and obviously benefits
from a new generation of infrastructure in which a terabyte is no longer
a mindblowing amount of data to manage), but I hope my background
might still serve to kick-start an involvement!

Nick Kew

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Re: Mentor commitment check?

2013-01-30 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Benson,

Here's one from me -- Apache Climate Toolkit -- am on board and here.


On 1/30/13 12:51 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

Since we have some new proposals in flight, I was wondering about
finding some polite way to ask proposed champions and mentors about
their level of time commitment. Obviously, no one can see the future,
but it might be good to make sure that, at least to start with, the
people who are signing up are, in fact, prepared to keep up.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-01-28 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Dear Nick,

On 1/27/13 10:34 PM, Nick Kew wrote:

On 26 Jan 2013, at 19:48, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Everyone!
 I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
 Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the Incubator
 wiki here:

Sounds quite exciting!  I'd like to come on board, though whether as an
active participant or passively will depend on time and circumstance.

You are welcome to join and we'd be happy to have you as a mentor, a PPMC
member, or a
committer. Your wisdom will be great.

Some years back I spent a lot of timeeffort on the somewhat-related
task of developing systems, firstly to produce, archive and distribute
some of the datasets (mostly the Global AVHRR 1Km series in the '90s)
and secondly to develop tools to visualise different datasets alongside
and superimposed on each other.

Awesome, so you were dealing with remote sensing stuff there, cool.

I see your proposal has a slightly different focus (and obviously benefits
from a new generation of infrastructure in which a terabyte is no longer
a mindblowing amount of data to manage), but I hope my background
might still serve to kick-start an involvement!

Yep that would be awesome welcome aboard!


Nick Kew

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-01-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Suresh,

Thanks a ton man and great to hear!

To your comment below:

On 1/27/13 5:56 AM, Suresh Marru wrote:

Hi Chris,

Great proposal, I am personally looking forward to see more of these
federal government and international collaboration efforts adopt open
community process. Impressive to see this project is pulling together
initial developers from government and universities of US, South Africa,
UK, Germany and India (I will hope all of them will be able to get their
CLA's cleared). You are really scraping the black ice on bureaucratic
highways and preventing at least some reinventing wheels with valuable
tax payers money in multiple countries.

Will this system evaluate and be inclusive of the community earth system
modeling community?

Yep this proposal includes some of those that are directly involved in
that community including Tsengdar Lee, as well as members of the Earth
System Grid Federation. We will definitely be inclusive and are happy to
have involvement.




On Jan 26, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hi Everyone!
 I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
 Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the Incubator
 wiki here:
 The project is a distributed, scalable approach for the rapid comparison
 of remote sensing data (e.g., from NASA) with that of climate model
 generated by major US and international activities including the US
 National Climate Assessment, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling
 Experiment (CORDEX), the North American Regional Climate Change
 Program (NARCCAP) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
 Much of the software to be donated and evolved here at Apache as a
 community includes core dependencies to several Apache projects (OODT,
 Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika), and to several key toolkits in the Python
 software community including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, NCAR NCL, etc.
 We welcome your feedback over the next week or so for discussion and
 forward to it!
 Chris Mattmann
 Proposed Mentor and Champion
 ---proposal text
 = Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of remote
 sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and globally.
 === Abstract ===
 The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
 existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation of
 climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that
 Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for analysis
 and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data. The
 toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate Model
 Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components
 the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
 sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
 Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that decimates
 remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
 OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
 traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate
 output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
 (lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude (lat)
 and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
 fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent of
 underlying store. value carries with it units, related to interpretation
 and height allows for different values for different atmospheric
 levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache Hadoop
 and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
 relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
 Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
 connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
 space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that
 user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same form,
 and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
 grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
 regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
 including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
 Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output
 remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
 Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error
 Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an
 comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by plugging
 in to the NCAR NCL library

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-01-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Suresh,

We would be honored to have you on board. Thank you and I'm looking
forward to your help and guidance!


P.S. Add yourself to the wiki, no problem!

On 1/27/13 4:36 PM, Suresh Marru wrote:

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Hey Suresh,
 Thanks a ton man and great to hear!
 To your comment below:
 On 1/27/13 5:56 AM, Suresh Marru wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Great proposal, I am personally looking forward to see more of these
 federal government and international collaboration efforts adopt open
 community process. Impressive to see this project is pulling together
 initial developers from government and universities of US, South
 UK, Germany and India (I will hope all of them will be able to get
 CLA's cleared). You are really scraping the black ice on bureaucratic
 highways and preventing at least some reinventing wheels with valuable
 tax payers money in multiple countries.
 Will this system evaluate and be inclusive of the community earth
 modeling community?
 Yep this proposal includes some of those that are directly involved in
 that community including Tsengdar Lee, as well as members of the Earth
 System Grid Federation. We will definitely be inclusive and are happy to
 have involvement.

Sounds very good. I am unable to resist my itch, so will like to jump on
the band wagon as a committer. Please let me know if I can add myself to
the proposal wiki.


 On Jan 26, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 Hi Everyone!
 I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
 Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the
 wiki here:
 The project is a distributed, scalable approach for the rapid
 of remote sensing data (e.g., from NASA) with that of climate model
 generated by major US and international activities including the US
 National Climate Assessment, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling
 Experiment (CORDEX), the North American Regional Climate Change
 Program (NARCCAP) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
 Much of the software to be donated and evolved here at Apache as a
 community includes core dependencies to several Apache projects (OODT,
 Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika), and to several key toolkits in the Python
 software community including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, NCAR NCL, etc.
 We welcome your feedback over the next week or so for discussion and
 forward to it!
 Chris Mattmann
 Proposed Mentor and Champion
 ---proposal text
 = Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of
 sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and
 === Abstract ===
 The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
 existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation
 climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that
 Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for
 and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data.
 toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate
 Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components
 the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
 sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
 Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that
 remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
 OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
 traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate
 output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
 (lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude
 and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
 fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent
 underlying store. value carries with it units, related to
 and height allows for different values for different atmospheric
 levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache
 and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
 relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
 Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
 connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
 space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that
 user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same
 and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
 grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing

[DISCUSS] Apache Open Climate Workbench

2013-01-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Everyone!

I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the Incubator
wiki here:

The project is a distributed, scalable approach for the rapid comparison
of remote sensing data (e.g., from NASA) with that of climate model output
generated by major US and international activities including the US
National Climate Assessment, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling
Experiment (CORDEX), the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment
Program (NARCCAP) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Much of the software to be donated and evolved here at Apache as a
community includes core dependencies to several Apache projects (OODT,
Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika), and to several key toolkits in the Python
software community including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, NCAR NCL, etc.

We welcome your feedback over the next week or so for discussion and look
forward to it!

Chris Mattmann
Proposed Mentor and Champion

---proposal text

= Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of remote
sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and globally. =
=== Abstract ===
The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation of
climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that

Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for analysis
and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data. The
toolkit is called the [[|Regional Climate Model
Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components for
the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for Regional Climate
Model Evaluation Database) is a scalable cloud database that decimates
remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate model
output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
(lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude (lat)
and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent of
underlying store. value carries with it units, related to interpretation
and height allows for different values for different atmospheric vertical
levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache Hadoop
and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit) provides facilities for
connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that the
user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same form,
and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output and
remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an analyzed
comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by plugging
in to the NCAR NCL library for producing static plots (histograms, time
series, etc.)

We also have performed a great deal of work in packaging RCMES to make the
system easy to deploy. We have working Virtual Machines (VMWare VMX and
Virtual Box OVA compatible formats) and we also have an installer built on
Python Buildout ( called Easy RCMET for dynamically
constructing the RCMET toolkit.

RCMES is currently supporting a number of recognized climate projects of
(inter-)national significance. In particular, RCMES is supporting the
[[|U.S. National Climate
Assessment (NCA) activities]] on behalf of NASA's contribution to the NCA;
is working with the [[|North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)]]; and is also working with
the International [[|Coordinated
Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)]].

=== Proposal ===
We propose to transition the RCMES software community, which includes
developers of the RCMET and RCMED software, along with users of RCMES in
the CORDEX project across a variety of academic institutions, scientists
helping to improve the RCMES 

Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

2013-01-25 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

On 1/24/13 7:23 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

It's unfortunate to have this conversation in parallel here and on

Also, this thread is a combo of the discussion of ordinary
jars-of-classes (where I'd forgotten the policy) and the much more
tangled question of models, which is what the JIRA is wrestling with.

To answer Ted, I think that Roy might write something like:

It's not the mission of the ASF to create complete,
end-user-friendly, software products. It's our mission to create open
source code. If someone else wants to build up an end-user-friendly
aggregation of ASF code and models from bombs of whatever, that's
great, and we encourage them.

What about Apache OpenOffice?

I don't think the above statement is correct or true at all. Apache
doesn't care about end user friendly, complete, or whatever words like
that. Apache is about building open source software communities. If they
are eating the dog food, be it filet mignon, or tuna-based, they are
eating the dog food and the Apache I know is happy to have their community


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Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

2013-01-25 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

On 1/25/13 10:29 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

 Sorry, that's really what I meant: to think about that file as to
whether it
 can do any harm and how to determine its safety.  I haven't looked at
 file, but it sounds like you know it can do harm.

Depends on what you mean by 'harm'. A model could exhibit hostile
behavior, intentionally giving wrong or biased answers for certain
inputs. Some people would call that 'harm'. Others would focus on
malware, in which case having the model be a big file of numbers that
gets turned into a big array would indeed be defined as harmless.

So, this is all conjecture. I don't think either of us are qualified
Benson to comment or even remotely suggest the harmful nature, validity,
etc., of a medical model, or set of them developed by institutions who
have accepted the risk (well beyond the ASF's willing accepted risk, etc.,
for *software*) of leveraging the model for scientific study and
prediction. Those institutions go as high up as the National Institutes of
Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, etc., etc.

Here's what it boils down to -- I get Roy's point, but does everyone else
get Roy's point? Roy isn't going to *sanction* wearing big ASF hat the
inclusion of things that the ASF isn't willing to accept risk on. The good
news? The ASF is NOT a top down organization it's a bottom up one with
minimal centralized oversight. That being said there's a subtle hint Roy's
text on record that describes what *individuals* as part of a PMC (who are
the ones that *release* the software) are, and are not able to do, and
what risk they are and are not able to (implied) take on, and perform,
within their community. This isn't the ASF coming top down with a policy
(good luck every getting one) -- but it's something that has happened in
the past with respect to binary convenience bits that even people like
Roy say can go on the server.

So, why don't we let this sit for a bit, and cTAKES community (and
mentors, please speak up) if we are still wanting to proceed down this
path, then let's do so, and I think we're going to be OK.

See post from Jukka Zitting and I on cTAKES lists:


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Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

2013-01-25 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Benson,

I agree with Joe - not sure that your job as Incubator VP is to drop any

The org is fine -- the ticket is opened as you said and no bits (binary or
source) have been shipped anywhere yet. Still discussing and talking. My
fear though is that the discussing and talking are endless and there is
not a top down solution here as I stated before.

So I simply suggested to the community to proceed with the option below in
your statement that gives you and others fewer qualms.

No padded cells for you!


On 1/25/13 12:55 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

Chris et al,

I'm suffering from a mild crisis of responsibility here. I'm the VP of
the incubator. cTakes is planning to ship a release containing
something that, according to some lights, is inadmissible. If that
'something' is in *the (source) release*, I have serious qualms. If
it's merely in a the convenience binaries, I have fewer. We have a
ticket open at LEGAL, and no response except postings of opinion.

So, am I supposed to drop a hammer here, required to drop a hammer
here, or am I having an acute Alexander Haig moment by even
considering dropping a hammer here?

I know that a number of board members read this list, so perhaps one
or more will tell me which padded cell I should retire to.


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Re: Incubator voting status page

2013-01-24 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Great job, Brane!

On 1/24/13 3:50 AM, Joachim Dreimann

Good work Brane. Just one feature suggestion: Could you display the
relative time (ie '3 days ago') in the table, and the absolute time in
That would make it much easier to read I reckon.


On 24 January 2013 04:05, Branko Čibej wrote:

 A while ago I proposed we should have a status page showing current
 pending votes.

 To this end I've begun writing a simple script that parses the
 general@incubator Atom feed from Markmail and creates a static web page
 with information gleaned from there (it keeps longer-term data in a
 SQLite database).

 The script is here:

 and the current results are here:

 That page (should) get updated every 4 hours. It will also list closed
 votes up to 30 days old.

 There are currently no links to the actual vote threads. Also I'm having
 a bit of trouble with the feed from mod_mbox, as it's quite short-term
 and doesn't seem to be at all complete; that's why I switched to using
 the current month's worth of data from Markmail.

 Eventually I'd like to integrate this into the incubator pages, and add
 logic to the scripts so they'd yell at general@incubator if votes are

 -- Brane

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Joe Dreimann
UX Designer | WANdisco
*Transform your software development department. Register for a free SVN
HealthCheck *

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Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

2013-01-24 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 this sounds great to me, too.


On 1/24/13 3:08 PM, Chris Douglas wrote:

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Masanz, James J.
 One goal is to have a binary that contains all resources, which can be
used to install cTAKES on a system that does not have an internet
 For now we can focus on a first Apache release that doesn't meet that
goal, while pursuing the question with legal.
 If legal says we can't do have that kind of binary here, then in the
future we can consider if we will host such a binary on a different site.

+1 This sounds like a good plan. -C

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Chris Douglas
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

 On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:47 AM, Jörn Kottmann
  No, the OpenNLP did not have any discussion about it with legal. We
  just came to the conclusion that its not worth spending time on these
  issues, when we can instead produce our own training data which is
  compatible with the Apache license.

 Understood. Are the compatible training data synthetic? Would you
 recommend a similar course here?

 James, is there a reason the models need to be distributed through
 Your time is your own, but going through legal could delay your
release. -

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Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release

2013-01-21 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

On 1/21/13 11:48 AM, Matt Franklin wrote:

On Monday, January 21, 2013, Masanz, James J. wrote:

 Sorry, I didn't mean for you to have to look through the email archives,
 Here is a direct link to the VOTE RESULT  for RC4.

Thanks, though I saw this result.  I was looking for the RC5 email

 Pei called the VOTE for RC5 simultaneously to general@ and ctakes-dev

I see.  I was assuming this was following the normal process:

Maybe we need a convention for noting that the vote is concurrent with the
PPMC vote.

Please, no more conventions or processes. :)

This is pretty common, and has happened in the past. Besides procedural
things, and getting you pointers to email threads, etc., what do you think
of the release, Matt? Thank you for your review as well.


 James Masanz

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:general-return-39328-Masanz.James javascript:;= javascript:;]
  On Behalf Of Matt Franklin
  Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:38 PM
  To: javascript:;
  Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release
  On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Masanz, James J. wrote:
   The result of the VOTE for 3.0.0-incubating on the dev list is at
  I looked through the archives and didn't see a RESULT e-mail that
  summarizes the PPMC vote result.  This e-mail is important, as it
  everyone in your community, and the IPMC, that the voting period is
  and what the final tally is, without having to dig through the thread.
  is possible I missed the e-mail, but that is why we in the IPMC ask
for a
  direct link to the result e-mail.
   The source artifact can be found in
  We vote on the source release.  That is the artifact that needs to be
  linked from the VOTE e-mail.
   I'll look at the jars and the root NOTICE file.
   Thanks for your review!
   -- James Masanz
   -Original Message-
   On Behalf Of Matt Franklin
   Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 7:42 AM
   Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating RC5 release
   I have some issues with this release as it currently stands:
   * Where is the result of the VOTE thread on the dev list?
   * Where is the source artifact?  The artifact linked in the vote
   thread appears to be your convenience binary release.
   * There are compiled jars in the source tree.  These need to be
   externalized in some fashion.
   * There are LICENSE  NOTICE files in individual project
   that contain entries that don't appear in the root NOTICE file.  If
   you intend on releasing the subcomponents individually, this makes
   some sense; but I think that the entries should be merged into the
   root NOTICE file
   On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Coarr, Matt
Hi, we just need one more Incubator PMC vote for cTAKES version
From: Chen, Pei
Subject: Collecting IPMC votes
This is a call for a vote on releasing the following candidate as
Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating.
This will be our first release.
A vote is also held on the developer mailing list:
For more detailed information on the changes/release notes,

  t/a pache -ctakes-3.0.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz.asc
Apache cTAKES' KEYS file, containing the PGP keys used to sign
Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-
The vote is open
for at least the next 72 hours.
Only votes from Incubator PMC are binding, but folks are welcome
check the release candidate and voice their approval or
The vote passes if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.
[ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache cTAKES 3.0.0-incubating [ ]
-1 Do not release the packages because...

Re: [DISCUSS] Expressing priorities about release reviews

2013-01-12 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I agree with you on this Joe. A lot of times my metric is more
responsiveness and participation than in legal/language intricacies. More
power to folks who are good at that, it's just not me.


On 1/12/13 9:07 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

One of my long time pet peeves with how we
PMC members participate in vetting releases
is our penchant for focusing too much on the
policies surrounding license and notice info.
I really think our exclusive focus on things
that really don't pose any organizational risk
to either the org nor the project participants
serves us well in our other, often unexpressed
but far more relevant, goals about encouraging
committers to participate in active review of
their project's commit activity.

Just think about this for a second, what's more
likely for people to start suing us over, some
bug in the NOTICE file or an undetected backdoor
in one of our programs?  I am personally far more
concerned about the current state of the actual
review going on in our podlings than I am about
NOTICE minutia.

Maybe we should compile some list of which committers
are actually subscribed to their project's commit lists?
It's crude but it may be useful data to look at to
a first order.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Expressing priorities about release reviews

2013-01-12 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Totally agree, Joe.


On 1/12/13 9:37 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

The thing is, as far as risk management
goes, the vetting we do on general@incubator
is largely ceremonial.  The real responsible
review work is done by people who are reviewing
commit activity, and it is a shame we don't
do a better job of empowering these conscientious
reviewers with a binding vote on a release.

 From: Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
To:; Joe
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Expressing priorities about release reviews
I agree with you on this Joe. A lot of times my metric is more
responsiveness and participation than in legal/language intricacies. More
power to folks who are good at that, it's just not me.


On 1/12/13 9:07 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

One of my long time pet peeves with how we
PMC members participate in vetting releases
is our penchant for focusing too much on the
policies surrounding license and notice info.
I really think our exclusive focus on things
that really don't pose any organizational risk
to either the org nor the project participants
serves us well in our other, often unexpressed
but far more relevant, goals about encouraging
committers to participate in active review of
their project's commit activity.

Just think about this for a second, what's more
likely for people to start suing us over, some
bug in the NOTICE file or an undetected backdoor
in one of our programs?  I am personally far more
concerned about the current state of the actual
review going on in our podlings than I am about
NOTICE minutia.

Maybe we should compile some list of which committers
are actually subscribed to their project's commit lists?
It's crude but it may be useful data to look at to
a first order.

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Re: PPMC versus commiter

2012-12-19 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I have always recommended PPMC==C on all of my podlings, and was taught
about that flat organizational structure when I started to see the light
at Apache.

2 Tweets that I truly believe in:

Making someone a C without PPMC gives them the power to evolve the code,
but not to help make decisions about how can maintain it, or when to
release it. Something about that, I just don't find right.


On 12/19/12 4:43 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

A recent vote thread on the private list led Christian Grobmeier to
wonder why a podling was simultaneously proposing someone for PPMC and
committer status.

A few bits of background:

1. TLP's vary in their behavior in this regard. Some maintain a
committer!=PMC distinction, and some do not.

2. Historically, podlings have *not* maintained this distinction, but
have waited for graduation to sort  out the initial PMC members.

3. Legally/organizationally, since PPMC members don't have binding
votes, there's not much practical effect of making a distinction. At
the end of the day, only Incubator PMC members have binding votes.

4. Christian pointed out that the Open Office podling found the
process of sorting out the PMC/committer distinction to be painful.

With all respect, I don't see the OO podling as typical. It's sheer
size put it in a different category, and I for one do not feel
inclined to tell podlings to start keeping PPMC and committer distinct
on the basis of that history.

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Re: PPMC versus commiter

2012-12-19 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I was that other mentor...*smile*

But the awesome part is that I respect Marvin's opinion, as well as the
opinion of others that believe (P)PMC != C.

Just not on the projects I will work on :)


On 12/19/12 5:33 AM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:43 AM, Benson Margulies

 1. TLP's vary in their behavior in this regard. Some maintain a
 committer!=PMC distinction, and some do not.

 With all respect, I don't see the OO podling as typical. It's sheer
 size put it in a different category, and I for one do not feel
 inclined to tell podlings to start keeping PPMC and committer distinct
 on the basis of that history.

Both ideologies have passionate adherents.  While Lucy was in the
we had a long debate about this topic with myself as the strongest
for one position and one of our Mentors as the strongest advocate for the
other.  (Lucy uses a Committer/PMC Member split now as a TLP, just as we
while in the Incubator.)

The status quo seems to be that podlings tend to inherit their Mentors'
beliefs.  That may please no one, but I cringe at the thought of trying to
resolve this one way or another.  Consensus would mean one side losing
a long, bloody battle.

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: PPMC versus commiter

2012-12-19 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
On 12/19/12 8:40 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 ...Making someone a C without PPMC gives them the power to evolve the
 but not to help make decisions about how can maintain it, or when to
 release it. Something about that, I just don't find right

As I said, in general I agree, but as a temporary situation that might
allow a project to elect someone as a committer early, while taking a
bit more time before granting them PMC power.

I wasn't replying directly to you, Bertrand, I was replying in general.

That said, and I don't want to take this down a long never ending thread,
why separate the power? That seems like an artificial line to me and
quite honestly I wouldn't work on a project where you trust me to
develop/evolve the code, but don't trust me to release it or judge/elect
new folks to help maintain it.

If you want to elect someone early, elect them as both, early :)


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Re: PPMC versus commiter

2012-12-19 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Is it a fight to state an opinion, when one has already been stated,
Marvin? C'mon now.
Fair's fair, you already got yours out so I have every right to get mine

To your point of we shouldn't legislate this across all podlings/projects,
+1 to that.

To your point of ending this useless thread, +1 to that.


On 12/19/12 8:38 AM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 I have always recommended PPMC==C on all of my podlings, and was taught
 about that flat organizational structure when I started to see the light
 at Apache.

Argh, do we really have to have this knock-down drag-out fight again?

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: Hadoop Development Tools

2012-12-05 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

The website and minimal project status is evolving -- sorry, we're trying
to get the project bootstrapped since we just had a mentor change and are
trying to find some mentoring resources here to push forward.

Roman's been doing great, and Adam has really been doing great being the
doer here.


On 12/5/12 8:35 AM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Benson Margulies
 Roman, there's still no web page even for minimal project status for
 Hadoop Development Tools. It would be nice for that to come up (as
 well as a december report).

I'm working with the podding on this.


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Re: Advice on inviting Apache insight to NSF SI2 meeting?

2012-12-03 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

Same goes for Apache OODT -- I think it will be a good tie in.


On Dec 3, 2012, at 8:25 AM, Suresh Marru wrote:

 Hi Jim,
 Its great to hear you will be able me make it. I am sure NSF will greatly 
 appreciate your perspectives. We will be happy to provide a case study from 
 On Dec 3, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 I am certainly close, if they think I'd be a suitable person.
 On Dec 1, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:
 Anyone able to help the NSF out at a meeting in DC in Jan?
 See below for more info.
 On a personal note I've noticed an increased, and genuine, interest in how 
 to improve the impact of publicly funded research outputs from the NSF in 
 the last couple of years. We are even seeing important components turning 
 up in the Incubator. I hope we can send someone able to help them 
 understand how we do things around here. It's your (US) tax dollars going 
 into this work.
 I'd normally do this myself but I have a clash on these dates.
 Let me know privately if you are interested and I'll help you/them figure 
 out who the best fit is.
 Sent from my tablet
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: James Howison
 Date: Nov 30, 2012 9:31 PM
 Subject: Advice on inviting Apache insight to NSF SI2 meeting?
 To: Ross Gardler
 Hi Ross,
 I'm organizing a panel at an upcoming meeting for the PIs of all the 
 projects funded by the SI2 funding program at the NSF (SI2, or SI^2, is the 
 main Scientific Software funding program at the moment).
 The panel is going to focus on Software Impact, and I'd like to have 
 someone who can inject an understanding of the importance of community, 
 including Incubator considerations such as non-salaried developers etc.  
 We're also considering adopting the DOAP way of describing the projects and 
 their infrastructure as a way of helping projects and the program overall 
 catalogue their activities.
 The meeting is in DC in January Jan 17 and half-day 18th.  Does anyone from 
 Apache come to mind (including yourself) that would be relevant either with 
 experience in Incubation, or from the DOAP/catalogue.  Do you think your 
 experience with SIMAL would be relevant here, might you be interested?
 Best regards,
 James Howison
 James Howison
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Re: [VOTE] Accept Marmotta into the incubator

2012-11-29 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding).


On Nov 29, 2012, at 3:28 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

 Hi there,
 Following the discussion thread, here is the formal vote on the Marmotta 
 Please cast your votes on whether to accept the Apache Marmotta proposal:
 [ ] +1 Accept Marmotta into the Apache Incubator
 [ ] +0 Indifferent to the acceptance of Marmotta
 [ ] -1 Do not accept the Marmotta proposal because ...
 The vote will be open until at least 23:59 Sunday 2nd December UTC
 (which is three full days from midnight tonight)
 == Abstract
 Marmotta is a Linked Data platform for industry-strength installations.
 == Proposal
 The goal of Apache Marmotta is to provide an open implementation of a Linked 
 Data Platform that can be used, extended, and deployed easily by 
 organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on 
 Linked Data.
 The phrase Linked Data is used here idiosyncratically to refer to a data 
 integration paradigm across the Web. The term was coined by Tim Berners-Lee 
 in 2006, and it is based on four very simple principles which basically 
 describe recommended best practices for exposing, sharing, and connecting 
 pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and 
 the RDF technology stack. Therefore Linked Data is about using the Web to 
 connect related data that wasn't previously linked, or using the Web to lower 
 the barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods.
 Marmotta will follow the core recommendations of the W3C on RDF, SPARQL and 
 Linked Data publishing, particularly the emerging Linked Data Platform (LDP) 
 recommendation. It will also offer extensions for frequently needed 
 additional functionalities like Linked Data Querying, WebID, WebACL, 
 Reasoning, and Versioning. Marmotta aims to cover both, Linked Open Data, as 
 well as Enterprise Linked Data scenarios, providing facilities to deal with 
 different data sources and requirements (small data/big data, open 
 access/restricted access, etc).
 == Background
 The Semantic Web isn't just about putting data on the web. It is about making 
 links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. Moreover, the 
 Web has quickly evolved to a Read-Write paradigm, and Linked Data 
 technologies too. And Marmotta will address this challenge and offer a common 
 infrastructure for organizations working in this area.
 Marmotta comes as a continuation of the work in the Linked Media Framework 
 (aka LMF) project. LMF is an easy-to-setup server application that bundles 
 central Semantic Web technologies to offer some advanced services. The Linked 
 Media Framework consists of LMF Core which provides a Read-Write Linked Data 
 server, plus some modules that complement the server with other added added 
 capabilities, such as, SPARQL 1.1, LDPath, LDCache, Reasoning, Versioning, 
 etc. Besides, LMF also provides a Client Library, currently available in 
 Java, PHP, and Javascript, as a convenient API abstraction around the LMF web 
 services. Currently LMF integrates with other relevant tools (Apache Stanbol, 
 Google Refine or Drupal) to cover a wider range of use cases and needs.
 == Rationale
 Linked Data technologies are now at a turning point from mostly research 
 projects to industrial applications, and a lot of standardisation is 
 currently in progress. Industrial applications require a reliable and 
 scalable infrastructure that follows and helps defining a standard way of 
 publishing and consuming Linked Data on the Web. The proposers have a strong 
 background in building such applications and have invested considerable 
 effort in the last years to building up an initial version of such a platform 
 (the “Linked Media Framework” or “LMF”). Starting from this solid base, we 
 strongly believe that Apache is the right environment to open the development 
 of this project to a wider scope.
 Marmotta has the potential of being a reference implementation and Apache 
 provides a better environment for a collaborative development effort. With 
 its well-established governance model based on meritocracy and handling 
 IP/legal issues, people from different organizations can more easily 
 contribute to the project. This will help unify the efforts of people 
 implementing the Linked Data Platform specification and other Semantic Web 
 standards. In addition, it would considerably help organizations in adopting 
 Linked Data technologies and would provide a solid base for further research 
 activities in the community.
 == Initial Goals
 * Foster the use of Semantic Web Technologies in industry
 * Provide an open source and community-driven implementation of a Linked Data 
 Platform and related Semantic Web standards, LDP 1.0 Draft and SPARQL 1.1 
 * Move the existing LMF source from the current Google Code page to 

Re: Mentor needed for Hadoop Development Tools

2012-11-27 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 great to hear that you are on board, Suresh.


On Nov 27, 2012, at 6:08 PM, Adam Berry wrote:

 Fantastic, thanks for the offer.
 Could you add your information to the proposal wiki, or go ahead and send it 
 to me and I'll add it.
 On Nov 27, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Suresh Marru wrote:
 Hi Adam,
 I am in general interested on the distributed application debugging. I can 
 see some overlap with Airavata project as well. I think I can help out and 
 volunteer to mentor the project.
 On Nov 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Adam Berry wrote:
 Hi IPMC members,
 we find ourselves in need of an additional mentor for this project, which 
 we are currently in the process of on boarding.
 You can see the proposal on the wiki at
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Re: [VOTE] Retire Chukwa from incubation

2012-11-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Yeah my sentiments here are of caution -- seems like we need to root out
what is going on here based on the community reaction.


On Nov 26, 2012, at 2:59 AM, ant elder wrote:

 In the vote on their dev list there wasn't unanimous support for retiring
 the project, that should be sorted out first before forcibly retiring them
 and while there are still people who want to give it a go to try to make it
 On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Alan Cabrera wrote:
 The Chukwa community has voted to retire the project.
 Following the retirement guide [1], I now call the Incubator PMC to vote
 on confirming this decision.
  [ ] +1 Retire the Chukwa project
  [ ] -1 Do not retire the project, because ...

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Re: What constitute a successful project?

2012-11-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 to Jukka's suggestion here. The world isn't going to end if we give them
another month, and beyond that, it will give someone besides Eric the 
to help cruft the plan (hopefully 2 people besides Eric, since that would mean
3 active peeps in the community).

If that plan can't be achieved in a month, I'm +1 to retire. 


On Nov 26, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Alan Cabrera wrote:
 Even by the PPMC's comments they obliquely acknowledge that there's not much
 activity and expressed an interested in simply keeping it around with the 
 that something would happen; there were no concrete ideas or plans on how to
 grow the community because, by their own admission, no one has the time to
 work much on the project.
 That lack of concrete plans is a good place to start. Anyone from the
 community who opposes retirement should take it up on themselves to
 provide such a concrete plan for example in time for next month's
 report. Just like the caster of a technical veto should come up with
 an alternative implementation. :-)
 As an example of how this can play out, see the way we asked Kitty to
 provide such a plan [1] when some members of the community opposed the
 idea of retirement. In Kitty nobody stood up to the task, so a few
 months later the final decision to retire the project was a pretty
 easy one to make.
 Another example with a different outcome is JSPWiki that had a similar
 discussion at the beginning of the year, and actually a few members of
 the community did start working through all the issues and have now
 produced their first Apache release and seem to be on a path towards
 graduation even though the project is still far below its past
 Jukka Zitting
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Re: What constitute a successful project?

2012-11-26 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Alan, +1 from me.


On Nov 26, 2012, at 10:32 PM, Alan Cabrera wrote:

 If we decide to give the podling another chance I would prefer to give it 
 another six months rather than just one month.  I don't think that a lot can 
 reasonably be accomplished in one month.   I would also like to see some 
 milestones set in those six months.  If the milestones are met or not met 
 then the decision at the end of six months will be less contentious.
 On Nov 26, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 +1 to Jukka's suggestion here. The world isn't going to end if we give them
 another month, and beyond that, it will give someone besides Eric the 
 to help cruft the plan (hopefully 2 people besides Eric, since that would 
 3 active peeps in the community).
 If that plan can't be achieved in a month, I'm +1 to retire. 
 On Nov 26, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Alan Cabrera wrote:
 Even by the PPMC's comments they obliquely acknowledge that there's not 
 activity and expressed an interested in simply keeping it around with the 
 that something would happen; there were no concrete ideas or plans on how 
 grow the community because, by their own admission, no one has the time to
 work much on the project.
 That lack of concrete plans is a good place to start. Anyone from the
 community who opposes retirement should take it up on themselves to
 provide such a concrete plan for example in time for next month's
 report. Just like the caster of a technical veto should come up with
 an alternative implementation. :-)
 As an example of how this can play out, see the way we asked Kitty to
 provide such a plan [1] when some members of the community opposed the
 idea of retirement. In Kitty nobody stood up to the task, so a few
 months later the final decision to retire the project was a pretty
 easy one to make.
 Another example with a different outcome is JSPWiki that had a similar
 discussion at the beginning of the year, and actually a few members of
 the community did start working through all the issues and have now
 produced their first Apache release and seem to be on a path towards
 graduation even though the project is still far below its past
 Jukka Zitting
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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Flex podling from Apache Incubator

2012-11-22 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding). Great job, and good luck!


On Nov 21, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

 This is a call for vote to graduate the Apache Flex podling from Apache
 Apache Flex entered the Incubator in December of 2011. We have made
 significant progress with the project since moving over to Apache. We have
 34 committers listed on our status page at [1] including 6 accepted after
 the podling was formed. Another 5 committers were recently approved after we
 started the vote to graduate and are not yet listed on the status page.
 We completed two releases (Apache Flex 4.8.0-incubating and Apache Flex SDK
 Installer 1.0.9-incubating).
 The community of Apache Flex is active, healthy and growing and has
 demonstrated the ability to self-govern using accepted Apache practices.
 The Apache Flex community voted overwhelmingly to graduate [2]. You can view
 the discussion at [3].
 We have prepared and reviewed our charter. You can view it at [4].
 Please cast your votes:
 [ ] +1 Graduate Apache Flex podling from Apache Incubator
 [ ] +0 Indifferent to the graduation status of Apache Flex podling
 [ ] -1 Reject graduation of Apache Flex podling from Apache Incubator
 because ...
 This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe Systems, Inc.
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Re: Sub-projects - when are they acceptable? (was Re: [VOTE] Graduate Nuvem as a sub-project under Apache Tuscany)

2012-11-20 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Fromt he peanut gallery of someone who has participated in a number of 
over the years (Nutch, Tika, Solr, Hadoop, etc.): I don't think they have a big 
place at the
ASF. The word project implies community. Sub communities == umbrella 
projects == 
pain, and suffering.

OTOH, sub-products, or the ability for a PMC to release multiple products, 
like e.g., 
like Lucene does now (Lucene-Java is a product; Solr is a product; PyLucene is 
a product),
that works b/c the sets of individuals that make up those interested in the sub 
products are 
not separate communities, they just release different portions of the software 
that they scratch 
their itch on.

My 2c.


On Nov 20, 2012, at 3:28 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

 On 20 November 2012 11:18, Benson Margulies wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Luciano Resende 
 ...Nuvem has a great synergy with Apache Tuscany, and after
 discussion between the two projects, we are seeking IPMC approval to allow
 graduation of Apache Nuvem as a sub-project under Apache Tuscany
 Can you clarify what this means? Do all members of the Nuvem PPMC
 become Tuscany PMC members?
 Bertrand, this is a great opportunity to clarify the board's attitude
 toward 'subprojects'. Ever since the campaign to dismantle umbrellas,
 I've been confused about what structures the board would find
 I don't speak for the board, but my opinion is that if a sub-project
 is OK as long as it is actively managed by the same PMC as the parent
 Where I start to get worried is when a sub-project takes on a life of
 its own and significant portions of the parent PMC are not interested
 in the sub-project and thus fail to provide appropriate oversight. The
 more sub-projects there are in a project the more likely this is to
 I'm interested to hear if this is also the opinion of others and thus
 I've changed the subject. In terms of Nuvem I'm interested in the
 answer to Bertrands question.
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Re: [PROPOSAL] Apache Linda

2012-11-16 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Guys,

This sounds really interesting looking forward to hanging around and see what 
comes of it!


On Nov 16, 2012, at 9:14 AM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:

 Dear all,
 we would like to propose a new project called Apache Linda as a Linked Data 
 Platform implementation to the incubator. Andy Seaborne was so kind as to 
 volunteer as a champion for the project. The proposal is available at
 The goal of Apache Linda is to provide an open implementation of a Linked 
 Data Platform that can be used, extended, and deployed easily by 
 organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on 
 Linked Data. Linda will follow the core recommendations of the W3C on RDF, 
 SPARQL and Linked Data publishing, particularly the emerging Linked Data 
 Platform (LDP) recommendation. It will also offer extensions for frequently 
 needed additional functionalities like Linked Data Querying, WebID, WebACL, 
 Reasoning, and Versioning. Linda aims to cover both, Linked Open Data, as 
 well as Enterprise Linked Data scenarios, providing facilities to deal with 
 different data sources and requirements (small data/big data, open 
 access/restricted access, etc).
 We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions on how to improve the 
 proposal and idea!
 Sergio, Thomas, Jakob and Sebastian
 | Dr. Sebastian Schaffert
 | Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
 | Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group  +43 662 2288 423
 | Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
 | A-5020 Salzburg

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Re: [VOTE][PROPOSAL] Hadoop Development Tools

2012-11-06 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 binding.


On Nov 7, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Adam Berry wrote:

 This proposal has been open for discussion for a a few weeks, so now 
 submitting for a vote for this project to be accepted into the incubator.
 Adam Berry
 = HDT (Hadoop Development Tools) =
 == Abstract ==
 Tools to support developing applications that use Apache Hadoop from within 
 == Proposal ==
 Hadoop Development Tools are a set of extensions to Eclipse providing support 
 for creating, launching and debugging distributed applications, as well as 
 interacting with HDFS filesystems. This work will build on the existing Map 
 Reduce Tools present in the Apache Hadoop project.
 == Background ==
 Map Reduce Tools have existed as part of contrib for Apache Hadoop. 
 Unfortunately they are source tied to a single version of Hadoop, and 
 development has stalled, with little movement past the Hadoop 0.20 line.
 == Rationale ==
 Support for newer versions of Hadoop from within Eclipse is regularly raised 
 on the Hadoop mailing lists, so there is a clear need to drive these tools 
 forward. Development tools generally are worked on separate from the target 
 tools/platform, separating the tools out will allow for supporting multiple 
 versions, so a developer could work with a heterogeneous environment. 
 == Initial Goals ==
 * Give the tools project a home of its own.
 * Port current MapReduce tools feature set to all current release lines of 
 Hadoop in a single Eclipse install.
 * Documentation and tutorials for all features.
 * Publish Eclipse update site, and join Eclipse marketplace listing.
 * Establish release cycle that combines support for Hadoop and Eclipse 
 release cycles.
 * Look to build support for YARN, MRUnit and possibly other Hadoop-related 
 == Current Status ==
 The source for the current MapReduceTools lives in the contrib section of the 
 Hadoop source. In its current implementation it is tied to the version of 
 Hadoop against which it is compiled. The layout and API that it was developed 
 with means that it can only be used with the 0.20 or 1.0 Hadoop releases, the 
 new layout and YARN api introduced with the 0.23 and 2.0 lines are not 
 === Meritocracy ===
 Several people and companies have already expressed an interest in 
 contributing to this project, and we hope to attract additional interest 
 during the proposal discussion. We plan to invest and support a meritocracy 
 that attracts, invites, and supports newcomers to build a vibrant and  
 diverse community. 
 === Community ===
 The target community is developers who are working developing Map/Reduce 
 applications against Hadoop. Given the success of Hadoop the target group is 
 likely to be quite large. Separation from the Hadoop community would make it 
 easier to support multiple versions of hadoop, as well as merging the release 
 cycles of Hadoop and Eclipse to provide predictable iteration and improvement 
 in the toolset. 
 === Core Developers ===
 The initial list of developers includes people experienced with Hadoop and 
 developing against the Eclipse platform.
 * Adam Berry (amberry at yahoo-inc dot com)
 * Jeffrey Zemerick (jeffrrey at mtnfog dot com)
 * Evert Lammerts (Evert dot Lammerts at sara dot nl)
 * Simone Gianni (simoneg at apache dot org)
 === Alignment ===
 Hadoop Development Tools aligns with both Hadoop and Eclipse. Hadoop as the 
 platform for the development target, and Eclipse as the IDE platform used as 
 the base for the tools.
 == Known Risks ==
 === Orphaned Products ===
 === Inexperience with Open Source ===
 The committers have experience with Apache and Eclipse open source 
 === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
 Hadoop Development Tools will be developed with a mix of salaried and 
 volunteer time.
 === Relationships with Other Apache Projects ===
 Hadoop Development Tools is closely related to Apache Hadoop.
 === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
 Given the success of Hadoop and associated projects, Apache is the natural 
 place for the Hadoop Development Tools. Chris Mattman suggested the Apache 
 Incubator as appropriate on the Hadoop general mailing list following the 
 success that MRUnit had taking the path from Hadoop contrib to an Apache top 
 level project.
 == Documentation ==
 Documentation for the current tools can be found at 
 == Initial Source ==
 ==  Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
 The source, and any suggested initial patches, are already hosted either in 
 Apache’s Subversion or JIRA.
 ==  External Dependencies ==
 Eclipse Platform
 Eclipse Java Development Tools
 ==  Cryptography ==
 Hadoop Development Tools likely does not fall into this area.
 ==  Required Resources ==
 === Mailing 

[ANNOUNCE] Welcome Roman Shaposhnik to the Apache Incubator PMC

2012-10-19 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hey Folks,

The Apache Incubator PMC has VOTEd to add Roman Shaposhnik to our ranks.

Welcome, Roman! Feel free to say a bit about yourself.


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Re: [DISCUSS] [PROPOSAL] Hadoop Development Tools

2012-10-18 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 to giving it a chance at Apache. I'm not sure what Extras buys this effort 
and I for one
am not really interested in helping it there but am sincerely willing to try 
while it's at the ASF.


On Oct 18, 2012, at 12:57 PM, Chris Douglas wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Jakob Homan wrote:
 This seems like it might be more at home at apache-extras.
 That may ultimately be its fate, but building a community around these
 tools is worthy of an attempt. This also shares many goals with
 MRUnit. Collaboration or even merging with that community could also
 make sense. The code is dead in its current home; letting someone run
 with it here to see where it leads seems reasonable.
 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Adam Berry wrote:
 I will update the proposal later on to include that, and additionally some 
 idea of how we could support streaming from within the IDE.
 Seems out of scope. The goal of the project, as I gathered from the
 proposal, is to produce tools and plugins that complement development
 of (and on) Hadoop. There's no need to specify which features the
 community intends to build at this stage. -C
 Great comments though folks, keep 'em coming!
 On Oct 18, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Simone Gianni wrote:
 I think it's a good idea, I used the old stuff at the time and it is
 something that is missing.
 2012/10/18 Steve Loughran
 it may be good to have a proposal that is broader than just eclipse; gives
 you flexibility in future even if the initial target is the eclipse 
 Certainly Hadoop Development Tools is pretty broad
 Steve you are right, but I'm afraid that given how the Eclipse framework
 requires tight coupling with Eclipse stuff (SWT, workbench system etc..)
 it's not easy to develop something that can easily be reused on different
 However, it could be possible to distribute a stand alone RCP application
 for those not using Eclipse, and eventually try to implement a generic
 Hadoop-UI bridge, as far as possible agnostic of specific Eclipse classes
 and interfaces, that could eventually be reused for other IDEs.
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Re: ${podling}

2012-10-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I would be +1 for simply ${podling}, per:


On Oct 12, 2012, at 12:31 AM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

 Do people mind if web sites (and maybe mailing lists) of new podlings
 live at domains of the form ${podling}
 This is in relation to infra work on streamlining TLP migrations.  (Case
 in point: CMS TLP migrations.)  This thread is about the
 externally-visible names, not about implementation details.
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Re: ${podling}

2012-10-14 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
I would be +1 for simply ${podling}, per:


On Oct 12, 2012, at 12:31 AM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

 Do people mind if web sites (and maybe mailing lists) of new podlings
 live at domains of the form ${podling}
 This is in relation to infra work on streamlining TLP migrations.  (Case
 in point: CMS TLP migrations.)  This thread is about the
 externally-visible names, not about implementation details.
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Re: [VOTE] Recommend to the Board to establish the Apache OpenOffice Project

2012-10-10 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
+1 (binding). Good luck Open Office'ers! :)


On Oct 10, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

 Seeing no objections to my last message, and keeping into account that this 
 list had been regularly informed about the steps Apache OpenOffice was taking 
 towards graduation, I'm hereby asking the IPMC to recommend the following 
 resolution to the Board. Aim of the resolution is to establish the Apache 
 OpenOffice Project as a Top Level Project.
 Please cast your vote:
 [ ] +1, recommend the resolution to the Board
 [ ] +0, abstain/don't care
 [ ] -1, do not recommend the resolution to the Board, because...
 This vote will be open for 72 hours from now; only votes from the Incubator 
 PMC are binding.
 Resolution text:
 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the 
 Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a 
 Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of 
 open-source software related to the OpenOffice personal productivity 
 applications, for distribution at no charge to the public.
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to 
 be known as the Apache OpenOffice Project, be and hereby is established 
 pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenOffice Project be and hereby is responsible for 
 the creation and maintenance of software related to the OpenOffice personal 
 productivity applications; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, OpenOffice be and hereby is 
 created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the 
 Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache OpenOffice Project, and to have 
 primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of 
 responsibility of the Apache OpenOffice Project; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are 
 appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache OpenOffice Project:
* Andre Fischer (af)
* Andrea Pescetti (pescetti)
* Andrew Rist (arist)
* Ariel Constenla-Haile (arielch)
* Armin Le Grand (alg)
* Dave Fisher (wave)
* Donald Harbison (dpharbison)
* Drew Jensen (atjensen)
* Ian Lynch (ingotian)
* Jürgen Schmidt (jsc)
* Kay Schenk (kschenk)
* Kazunari Hirano (khirano)
* Louis Suarez-Potts (louis)
* Marcus Lange (marcus)
* Oliver-Rainer Wittmann (orw)
* Pedro Giffuni (pfg)
* Peter Junge (pj)
* Raphael Bircher (rbircher)
* Regina Henschel (regina)
* RGB.ES (rgb-es)
* Roberto Galoppini (galoppini)
* Yang Shih-Ching (imacat)
* Yong Lin Ma (mayongl)
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrea Pescetti be appointed to 
 the office of Vice President, OpenOffice, to serve in accordance with and 
 subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the 
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, 
 or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache OpenOffice Project be and hereby is tasked 
 with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development 
 and increased participation in the OpenOffice Project; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenOffice Project be and hereby is tasked with the 
 migration and rationalization of the Apache podling; and be it 
 RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are 
 hereafter discharged.
 Best regards,
  Andrea Pescetti - Apache OpenOffice PPMC.
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Re: New challenges (Was: NOMINATIONS for Incubator PMC Chair)

2012-10-05 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Benson,

Thank you for the kind nomination. I'm not sure I have the time or energy for
these duties anymore, plus my goal would still be to retire the Incubator :)
and I think the folks around here actually want to see it continue on.

If it does continue you, and you're at the helm, I am confident, as I was
with Jukka, that I'll be able to work within its system to shepherd in projects
from time to time.



On Oct 3, 2012, at 3:40 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

 I nominate Chris Mattmann. He's been a positive presence in the
 incubator for years. It seems to me that the IPMC char has to both
 guide the work of the group and also channel the Foundation's policies
 and the board's wants and needs, and he is well-position to do all
 these things.
 On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Dan Haywood wrote:
 On 3 October 2012 07:47, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 Let's fix this: I nominate Benson Margulies as Incubator PMC chair.
 Benson's been actively involved in the Incubator for quite a while,
 has mentored several projects, and (despite longish emails sometimes
 IIRC ;-) has shown great ability to work in a non-confrontational way
 and help things go forward. I think he'd make a great Incubator PMC
 +1 on that.  Benson has been mentoring the podling I work on (Isis), and
 I've appreciated his no-nonsense guidance and support.
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Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Graduate Bigtop podling from Apache Incubator

2012-09-15 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Roman,

Great job on this, again. For completeness:

On Sep 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

 Suresh Marru

Is an IPMC member, per [1].

Thanks and again good luck!



Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Bigtop podling from Apache Incubator

2012-09-12 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Super +1. Great work! (binding - especially on the great work part!) :)


On Sep 12, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

 This is a call for vote to graduate Bigtop podling from Apache Incubator
 The Apache Bigtop project entered incubator in June of 2011. Since then we
 have grown the community in users and contributors, and we've made
 significant improvements to the project. Following the Apache guidelines we
 have made four releases, we are preparing a 5th major and 6th maintenance
 releases, and we've added two new committers. The current set of committers
 and PPMC members are from different organizations and have demonstrated
 interest in growing the community further. We have learned the basis to manage
 the different aspects of an Apache project. The community of Bigtop is active,
 healthy and growing and has demonstrated the ability to self-govern using
 accepted Apache practices. Bigtop community has voted to proceed with
 graduation [1] and the result can be found at [2].
 Please cast your votes:
 [  ] +1 Graduate Bigtop podling from Apache Incubator
 [  ] +0 Indifferent to the graduation status of Bigtop podling
 [  ] -1 Reject graduation of Bigtop podling from Apache Incubator
 This vote will remain open for at least 72 hours from now (till 15 Sep
 2012, NOON PST). Please find the proposed board resolution below.
 Roman Shaposhnik
 X. Establish the Apache Bigtop Project
   WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
   interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
   Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
   Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
   open-source software related to a system for integration,
   packaging, deployment and validation of a big data management
   software distribution based on Apache Hadoop
   for distribution at no charge to the public.
   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
   Committee (PMC), to be known as the Apache Bigtop Project,
   be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
   Foundation; and be it further
   RESOLVED, that the Apache Bigtop Project be and hereby is
   responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
   related to a system for
   open-source software related to a system for integration,
   packaging, deployment and validation of a big data management
   software distribution based on Apache Hadoop; and be it further
   RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop be
   and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
   serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
   of the Apache Bigtop Project, and to have primary responsibility
   for management of the projects within the scope of
   responsibility of the Apache Bigtop Project; and be it further
   RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
   hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
   Apache Bigtop Project:
* Alan
* Patrick Hunt
* Steve
* Tom White
* Alejandro
* Andrew Bayer
* Konstantin
* Stephen Chu
* Bruno Mahé
* Peter Linnell
* James
* Patrick Taylor Ramsey
* Roman Shaposhnik
* Michael Stack
* Andrei Savu
* Edward J.
* Andre Arcilla
* Eli Collins
* Travis Crawford
* John
* Owen O'Malley
   be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Bigtop,
   to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
   Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
   death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
   or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
   RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Bigtop PMC be and hereby is
   tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
   encourage open development and increased participation in the
   Apache Bigtop Project; and be it further
   RESOLVED, that the Apache 

Re: [VOTE] Graduate the Apache SIS podling from the Apache Incubator

2012-09-10 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Thanks Jukka, I will take your modification into account before pasting into 
the board agenda.



On Sep 10, 2012, at 12:46 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:

 On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 4:42 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 Please see the resolution below and VOTE on it for the graduation of the 
 SIS podling from the Apache Incubator. I'll leave the VOTE open for at least 
 72 hours.
  [x] +1 Graduate the Apache SIS podling from the Apache Incubator per
 resolution below.
  WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
  interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
  purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
  the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for
  distribution at no charge to the public, related to the acquisition, 
  representation, and dissemination of spatial data,
 The placing of the for distribution at no charge to the public part
 is a bit unusual, but I can see why having it at the end of the
 sentence might be a bit confusing.
 Jukka Zitting
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Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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[VOTE] Graduate the Apache SIS podling from the Apache Incubator

2012-09-07 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Folks,

We are calling the official Incubator VOTE on the graduation of the Apache 
SIS podling from the Apache Incubator:

Community DISCUSS thread here:
Community VOTE thread here:
Community VOTE result thread here (including 5 IPMC +1s):

Please see the resolution below and VOTE on it for the graduation of the Apache
SIS podling from the Apache Incubator. I'll leave the VOTE open for at least 72 

[ ] +1 Graduate the Apache SIS podling from the Apache Incubator per resolution 
[ ] +0 Don't care.
[ ] -1  Don't graduate the Apache SIS podling from the Apache Incubator per 
resolution below because...



X. Establish the Apache SIS Project

  WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
  interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
  purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
  the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for
  distribution at no charge to the public, related to the acquisition, 
  representation, and dissemination of spatial data,

  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
  Committee (PMC), to be known as the Apache SIS Project,
  be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
  Foundation; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Apache SIS Project be and hereby is
  responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
  related to the acquisition, processing, representation, and
  dissemination of spatial data and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache SIS be
  and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
  serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
  of the Apache SIS Project, and to have primary responsibility
  for management of the projects within the scope of
  responsibility of the Apache SIS Project; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
  hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
  Apache  SIS Project:

   Andrew Hart
   Martin Desruisseaux
   Gregory D.
   Ian Holsman
   Joe Schaefer
   Kevan Lee Miller
   Chris Mattmann
   Nga Thien Chung
   Patrick O'Leary
   Peter Karich
   Paul Michael Ramirez
   Sean William McCleese

  be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache SIS to
  serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
  Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
  death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
  or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Apache SIS Project be and hereby
  is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
  Incubator SIS podling; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
  Incubator SIS podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
  Project are hereafter discharged.

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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