Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-15 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait Santiago Gala :
 FYI: Some time ago, I was forbidden to download a java package because
 my ISP did not have reverse DNS address mapping properly setup, even
 though I'm in Spain, not a free world enemy, AFAIK. The message I got
 was something like we could not assess your origin country
 satisfactorily, consult technical support. So, Sun is/was using
 technical mappings between IP block ownership and country to enforce
 such provisions. I don't know the current status.

 I had to ssh to a machine that was granted the permission, download from
 there, and then put it in my machine from there. I was not breaking any
 law, since I'm allowed to download it.

 In a sense, they do the following: if the machine used to download the
 code is in an allowed country, it is not considered export, so they
 allow it, and transfer the export responsibility further down the chain.
(sorry for this late answer)
I know they use such kind of filtering based on your domain name. It also 
means just using a private indirection, as you did, or public redirect 
service as bypass it easily.
So we can say that Sun attempts to fulfill this clause, but not that they 
actually comply to. We could also have a banner saying if you're a evil guy 
(as defined by US state department), please do not click here with the same 
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-15 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Guillaume Rousse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I know they use such kind of filtering based on your domain 
 name. It also 
 means just using a private indirection, as you did, or public 
 service as bypass it easily.
 So we can say that Sun attempts to fulfill this clause, but 
 not that they 
 actually comply to. We could also have a banner saying if 
 you're a evil guy 
 (as defined by US state department), please do not click 
 here with the same 

That did not prevent a French tribunal to stupidely force Yahoo to do such
filtering on french ips so that people could not see Nazi related items in
auctions even though this is absolutely impossible to comply with this (what
about aol users ? and others from company with a host located out of france
?, etc...)

Yahoo was supposed to be fine $91,000 per day of violation. Not sure what is
the status of this crap though but even if this is on, it would be piece of
cake to bypass it.

There was even an audition of Vinton Cerf which states the following in the

It has been proposed that users identify where they are at the request of
the web server, such as the one(s) serving - or There
are several potential problems with this approach. For one thing, users can
choose to lie about their locations. For another, every user of the web site
would have to be asked to identify his or her location since the web server
would have no way to determine a priori whether the user is French or is
using the Internet from a French location. Some users consider such
questions to be an invasion of privacy. While I am not completely acquainted
with privacy provisions in the Europe Union, it might be considered a
violation of the rights of privacy of European users, including French users
to request this in formation. Of course if this information is required
solely because of the French Court Order, one might wonder on what grounds
all other users all over the world are required to comply. 

Another complaint about the idea of asking user for their location in that
this might have to be done repeatedly by each web site that the user
accesses - yahoo cannot force every web site to make this request. When a
user first contacts the server(s) at - or, one might
imagine that the question of geographic location might be asked and then a
piece of data called a cookie might be stored one the user's computer disk.
Repeated visits to Yahoo sites might then refer to this cookie for user
location information. The problem with this idea is that cookies are
considered by many to be an invasion of privacy also, as a result many users
either configure browsers to reject storage of cookies on their disk drives
or they clear them away after each session on the Internet - thus forcing
the query about geographical location each time the user encounters a
Yahoo-controlled web site. Again, Yahoo would have no way to force a web
site net under its control to either ask the location question or to request
a copy of the cookie 

containing the location. Indeed, it would open up a vulnerability for each
user if arbitrary web sites were told how to retrieve the cookie placed
there by the Yahoo sites. 

It has been suggested that the filtering need only apply to users accessing
the Internet from French Territories or by users who are French citizens. It
is not clear whether the jurisdiction of the French Court extends to actions
taken by French citizens who are not in French territory at the time of
their access to Internet. 

For these and many other reasons, it does not appear to be very feasible to
rely on discovering the geographic location of users for purposes of
imposing filtering of the kind described in the Court Order. 

report here:


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-15 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, GOMEZ Henri wrote:
  Ok, I didn't know that - and I bet many other people are in the same
  If anyone can confirm this with a professional, then I think it should
  be displayed pretty clearly on a visible page, and we should find
  alternative open standards to use.
  jpackage need this kind of information to determine what could be
  freely present in its rpm distribution and what should be dropped.

 Yes, and it's important to find out which packages are indeed based
 on open standards and remove the others imediately.

 Not only because it's required by the licence, but because packaging
 them might get people to use them, and that's bad.
That what we initially attempted to do , provide only free software, but we 
had to quickly adopt a less strict policy in order to have something to 

 If a package is based on an open standard and a clean room
 implementation exists and is comparable with the reference and
 has better license - I think the choice should be clear too.
Sure, but that choice depends of developpers, not of packagers...

And the current question is: what to do when no alternative exists ?

From current discussion, it seems everyone agrees main problem comes from BCL 
itself, and not additional software-specific clauses. There are actually two 
1) the bundled as part of your software clause
2) the US export laws compliance clause

My personal understanding of the BCL allows me to consider distributing 
javamail in its own package ad part of a whole distribution project comply 
with 1). And the technical issue of 2) make me thinks it is pointless anyway.

Now if someone can demonstrate me i'm wrong in either of those points, i'd be 
happy to revert to our old practice of distributing spec files only, and let 
final users build their own packages themselves.
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG key

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Re: Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-15 Thread acoliver

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:05:41  0100 Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Correct me if I'm wrong but if you break US law while in France without
breaking any French laws and no US laws covered by extradition treaties, I
don't think you care unless you enter the US physically (and have ticked off
someone enough to notice).  I also don't think a license can bind you to
follow US law.  Moot point for me, but maybe not for others.

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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Donald

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:
   They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons.
   But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.
  The directly from the spec is where the problem lies. It uses suns IP
  and thus must the TCK. We don't and thus we are in violation of the
  license and thus Apache and every user is open to being sued if sun
  chooses to do so.

 This is getting intersting...

Thats one way of describing it ;)

 To be honest, I allways believed that Jaxp, and all are 'open standards'.
 ( i.e. they allow clean room implementation )

Nope ;(

 Again, we need a lawyer here - but if this is the case I think we
 should do something. There are plenty of open standards ( too many even

 :-), and if a spec is not open, it shouldn't be used -

 but an alternative (  or a new open standard ).

 I hear many java APIs are cloned to .net, and that a lot of .net is
 'open standard' - I'm pretty sure it has a lot of APIs that could do
 the same thing as the non-open ones, and we can clone them in java. An
 open API/standard should be used whenever possible.

Its sad when you start thinking microsofts platform is more open :/

I think this may be an avenue depending on how the revision of the JCP goes. 
If it doesn't go well and someone with enough political correctness was 
willing to go for it I think it would be a very good way to progress. 

It would first be a matter of establishing relationships with other big 
players in Java world that have clout and are sympathetic to our situation. 

ie If we could set up a decent process and work with other standards 
organizations (ECMA, IEEE, W3C), have a relatively formal participation 
contract (and thus *safe* from eyes of corporate/IP lawyers) and finally make 
allies of organisations like IBM, Apple and whoever else then it would be 
viable for many things. We could even join up with existing opensource 
organizations to cross-pollinate ideas. Apache + GNU + Eclipse + Netbeans + 
JBoss would make an impressive opensource shard. IBM + Apple + others would 
make a fairly convincing commercial shard. Join em together and we have a new 
Java standards body.

It still would be difficult to do anything with respect to the real core as 
Sun controls the source to a large degree. However for many of the other 
components/add-ons then it would be quite viable to do this. Especially if 
tools like JDiff+XDoclet could auotmate most API testing and functional 
testing could be done with JUnit or some other custom framework.

It is not so much a technical problem but a marketing one. Given the right 
environment I think it could happen - best to wait and see how JCP reorg 
turns out though.



An intellectual is someone who has been educated 
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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-14 Thread Pete Chown

Peter Donald wrote:

 ie If we could set up a decent process and work with other standards
 organizations (ECMA, IEEE, W3C), have a relatively formal
 participation contract (and thus *safe* from eyes of corporate/IP
 lawyers) and finally make allies of organisations like IBM, Apple
 and whoever else then it would be viable for many things.

This would be good.  Open source software has a strong position in the
web marketplace.  It should be possible to use that position to gain
influence in standards processes.  The IETF is an open body that sets
network standards; why can't there be a similar body that standardises

I do feel, however, that the appropriate model is the IETF, not the
W3C.  The W3C charges a fee for participation, which discriminates
against open source efforts.  It is better than JCP, but if we are
designing our own standards body why settle for second best?

The IETF has worked through the intellectual property problems.  So
for example when you attend a working group meeting you receive a
piece of paper saying that you can't do a Rambus...  The IETF will
allow patented algorithms under certain circumstances.  Of course we
are free to decide not to.  The IETF is a good model, IMHO, but we
don't have to create an exact copy.

 It still would be difficult to do anything with respect to the real
 core as Sun controls the source to a large degree.

Well, gcj is one free implementation of much of the core.  At the same
time, it would probably be unhelpful to come up with a revision of the
core J2SE standard.  It makes sense to concentrate on areas where
standards are in more of a state of flux.


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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-14 Thread Steve Downey

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:07 PM
 To: Jakarta General List
 Subject: Re: License issue (the come back)
snip /
 Please, not another standard body !!!
 Could someone check the definition of 'standard' ? 
 Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely 
 or employed, especially because of its excellence
 It is not something with the word 'standard' in the title, nor
 does it require a 'standard body' to give it this status.
 Apache httpd is a standard. Log4j is a standard. At lest 1/2 
 of the stuff
 that comes out of JCP is not standard ( by this definition ), even
 if it has the word standard in title and a standard body to
 put a stamp on it.
 We are talking about APIs - and my opinion is a good API 
 requires a lot of feedback and iterations - that's not 
 what the 'public review' can even be close to providing.
 No expert or expert group can substitute that, regardless
 of how good he is. 

You chose a definition that suits your argument. In the industry, the
definition is usually more like:
That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of
quantity, extent, value, or quality; esp., the original specimen weight or
measure sanctioned by government, as the standard pound, gallon, or yard.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, C 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. 

Apache httpd isn't a standard in that sense. It implements a standard, the
HTTP standard, RFC2616, and others. Log4J isn't a standard, it's a product.
It's in wide use, but it isn't even universally used within Jakarta.
Commons-logging is closer to a standard than Log4J. [Note, I use log4j in my
applications. It *is* the standard that has been set within my company. That
provides for interop between components that we develop.]

Tomcat, on the other hand, is a standard. As a Reference Implementation of
the Servlet and JSP specifications, it is authoritative when the
specification is silent or ambiguous. If a web app functions correctly on
Tomcat, and does not on, for example, WebSphere, then, unless Tomcat is
demonstrably not implementing the spec, WebSphere is broken. RI doesn't mean
sample code, or proof of concept, both of which are valuable, it means this
is part of the definition.

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-14 Thread costinm

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Steve Downey wrote:

 You chose a definition that suits your argument. In the industry, the
 definition is usually more like:

I just used google.

 That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of
 quantity, extent, value, or quality; esp., the original specimen weight or
 measure sanctioned by government, as the standard pound, gallon, or yard.
 Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, C 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. 

But you need to look up 'authoritiy' first.

Your definition is wrong from start: it's Kg, Meter, Celsius degree !
That's the _standard_, sanctioned by international organizations and 
most governments :-)

 Apache httpd isn't a standard in that sense. It implements a standard, the
 HTTP standard, RFC2616, and others. Log4J isn't a standard, it's a product.

Again, that depends on the definition of the standard and the definition
of authority. 

What's the standard for networks - OSI or TCP/IP ? By your 
definition, OSI ( since ISO is a government sanctioned organization -
at least at that time IETF wasn't a big authority in comparation ).

There are few doznes organizations that self-claim the 'authority'
to create standards, and except for ISO and probably ECMA(?) I don't think  
too many are governement backed.

The authority of W3C or IETF comes from the wide acceptance of 
( some of ) their specifications. In this sense, JCP has the
same authority with for example Microsoft standards.  

 It's in wide use, but it isn't even universally used within Jakarta.
 Commons-logging is closer to a standard than Log4J. [Note, I use log4j in my
 applications. It *is* the standard that has been set within my company. That
 provides for interop between components that we develop.]

Exaclty my point. Each company and project can decide what authority
they recognize and the quality of the various (alternative) 
specifications. And it's perfectly reasonable to expect many
organizations to not recognize non-open specifications as standards,
regardless of the authority that propose it ( be it MSFT or JCP ).

( by non-open I mean specs with licences that prevent clean room
implementation, of course that would also require a dictionary search )

 Tomcat, on the other hand, is a standard. As a Reference Implementation of
 the Servlet and JSP specifications, it is authoritative when the

I don't think tomcat is a standard, but parts of it may become, if other
servers adopt it ( like webapps/ directory ).

I think Ant is a standard - at least by my definition - even if it 
doesn't claim that.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait Jon Scott Stevens :
 on 3/12/02 7:05 AM, Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So we did, and here is the result

 You didn't find licenses for a lot of software that has licenses...instead
 of saying 'no license' which implies that it does not have a license, you
 should have stated ('could not find a license')...

 I went through the website and in about 30 seconds found the
 licenses for the first 3 'no license' items can do the rest of
 the work...
As stated in my original mail :
no license means in current package only

Real problem is not to have exhaustive list, but to discuss the correct 
behaviour to adopt regarding a given license combination.
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG key

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread dirkx

 - I looked at the license and the words
 Ex: You have chosen to download Java(TM) Message
 Service (JMS) API
  -- Javadoc 1.0.2b
  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  Binary Code License Agreement

Two things - the mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] is more geared towards
this and filled with people who actually enjoy these things.

Secondly - the license you see in the above case is *NOT* the license the
ASF needs to be able ot distribute.

What you see is the license under which you, the end user, gets the code.
This is not nessesarily the same as the license needed by an entity such
as the ASF to re-distrubute code.

In the open source world, e.g. with an ASF license, it happens to be that
those two are identical - but in the general case, and sepcifically in the
case of SUN, that is not so. For this reason we actually have several
contracts negotiated out of band with SUN to this effect.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
  The BCL states that you cannot make a distribution of the .jar file
  outside of your product. In other words, if you want to distribute the
  single .jar file, you can't do that.
  (i) distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as
  part of your Programs
Well, the very reason that we package this proprietary stuff is precisely 
that they are needed by other packages (otherwise we wouldn't provide them). 
So even if included in separate files, they are actually distributed as 
dependencies of other softwares. If our program is our complete set of 
packages, we could consider them as bundled inside.

 BTW, the clause 'complete and unmodified' is very interesting - does it
 refers to the jar or the whole binary package ( most people refer to the
 whole downloaded package as 'software', and the jar is a piece of it ).
 If so, tomcat and most other packages that include it are breaking
 the licences, since they repackage and include only the jar.
 'Software' is previously defined as 'accompanying software
 and documentation and any error corrections provided by Sun (collectively
Right, and providing them in full packages with documentation, license and 
other original files, as we do, is more respectful in this regard.
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG key

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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait GOMEZ Henri :
 We have setup [EMAIL PROTECTED] for that reason (this is
 also commonly
 discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and

 both list are not available to basic commiters ?
But the first one is:
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG key

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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Peter Donald

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW, the clause 'complete and unmodified' is very interesting - does it
 refers to the jar or the whole binary package ( most people refer to the
 whole downloaded package as 'software', and the jar is a piece of it ).
 If so, tomcat and most other packages that include it are breaking
 the licences, since they repackage and include only the jar.
 'Software' is previously defined as 'accompanying software
 and documentation and any error corrections provided by Sun (collectively

yep ;)

 Even more fun is the restriction on creating 'java., javax., or sun.'
 packages. Does it mean that you're not allowed to include open source
 ( and clean room ) implementations of javax. pacakges if you include
 one of those licences ?


 The only possible conclusion is that software shouldn't be redistributed
 without a lawyer checking and aproving every included license, and
 we need a list of licenses that are acceptable for inclusion on
 packages we distribute ( from jakarta, xml, etc ), verified by a lawyer.

Correct - but even packages that presumably have IBM (and sun?) people 
working on them have questionable legalities. Take xerces (or crimson), at 
one stage they included the jaxp source code and even if it doesn't anymore 
it surely links against it.

However I can't see how this is even vaguely legal - due to the licensing 
issues brought up recently wrt the JCP process. It uses the products of the 
JCP and I am not aware of any different licensing policy for the jaxp stuff. 
Nor am I aware of any publically avaiable TCK for the JAXP library which 
means that apaches xml parser is in violation of the license for JAXP spec. I 
could be wrong but thats how I understand it and as such even major projects 
at Apache are not legal. Fun eh?

I presume there is some form of implied consent/licensing or somethin gthat 
may hold up if it ever went to court but even then I really dislike the fact 
that we have to rely on the good will of a company not to sue apache or even 
worse to sue Apaches users ;(

Then again IANAL and could be completely wrong? Anyone want to explain why I 
am wrong? :)



You know what a dumbshit the 'average man' on the street is? Well, by
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I presume there is some form of implied consent/licensing or 
 somethin gthat 
 may hold up if it ever went to court but even then I really 
 dislike the fact 
 that we have to rely on the good will of a company not to sue 
 apache or even 
 worse to sue Apaches users ;(
 Then again IANAL and could be completely wrong? Anyone want 
 to explain why I am wrong? :)

I believe this is somewhat the same mess about GPL and dynamic linking.

No one is able to figure what it means and from what I understand from Eric
Raymond post this is somewhat 'oh wait, I'm saying this but this is subject
to change anytime and anyway this can be overruled by a legal decision some
day depending on how they interpret it. For now I say this but eh, good


All this 'smoke' is I believe absolutely intentional to reserve room for
future legal actions in case an entity becomes a little bit 'annoying'.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread costinm

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:

 Correct - but even packages that presumably have IBM (and sun?) people 
 working on them have questionable legalities. Take xerces (or crimson), at 
 one stage they included the jaxp source code and even if it doesn't anymore 
 it surely links against it.

They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons. 
But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.

AFAIK the people who wrote the code were not in the expert group
when they wrote it. It's a bit strange, since trax was incorporated
in jaxp1.1, but the code existed on apache even before was 
part of the spec.

 Nor am I aware of any publically avaiable TCK for the JAXP library which 
 means that apaches xml parser is in violation of the license for JAXP spec. I 
 could be wrong but thats how I understand it and as such even major projects 
 at Apache are not legal. Fun eh?

Probably it only mean it can't have a logo with 'jaxp' on it.

We also use a clean room implementation of JMX in tomcat, same thing
probably applies there. 

AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer :-), clean
room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly 
legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or 
'compatible' ) should be ok. 


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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Fernandez Martinez, Alejandro

Hi Costin,

Does not the DMCA expressly prohibit reverse-engineering? Or is it just
legaleze, not applicable in the real world?

Un saludo,


 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el: miƩrcoles 13 de marzo de 2002 17:04
 Para: Jakarta General List
 Asunto: Re: License issue (the come back)


 AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer 
 :-), clean
 room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly 
 legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
 code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or 
 'compatible' ) should be ok. 
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread costinm

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Fernandez Martinez, Alejandro wrote:

 Does not the DMCA expressly prohibit reverse-engineering? Or is it just
 legaleze, not applicable in the real world?

Implementing a published API/specification have nothing to do with 
reverse-engineering and I don't think it is prohibited.

What seems to be prohibited by the words in the licence is distributing
a BCL jar togheter with a clean-room implementation of another spec
( which require implementing javax./java. classes ).


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Jon Scott Stevens

on 3/13/02 9:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Implementing a published API/specification have nothing to do with
 reverse-engineering and I don't think it is prohibited.

Nope. It isn't. I re-implemented a BEA specification (dbKona) based on their
publicly available javadoc's.


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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Fernandez Martinez, Alejandro

That's good news. Thanks a lot,


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Jon Scott Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el: miƩrcoles 13 de marzo de 2002 18:52
 Asunto: Re: License issue (the come back)
 on 3/13/02 9:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Implementing a published API/specification have nothing to do with
  reverse-engineering and I don't think it is prohibited.
 Nope. It isn't. I re-implemented a BEA specification (dbKona) 
 based on their
 publicly available javadoc's.
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Steve Downey

From, the latest J2EE

Sun hereby grants you a fully-paid, non-exclusive, non-transferable,
worldwide, limited license (without the
right to sublicense), under Sun's intellectual property rights that are
essential to practice the Specification, to
internally practice the Specification solely for the purpose of creating a
clean room implementation of the
Specification that: (i) includes a complete implementation of the current
version of the Specification, without
subsetting or supersetting; (ii) implements all of the interfaces and
functionality of the Specification, as
defined by Sun, without subsetting or supersetting; (iii) includes a
complete implementation of any optional
components (as defined by Sun in the Specification) which you choose to
implement, without subsetting or
supersetting; (iv) implements all of the interfaces and functionality of
such optional components, without
subsetting or supersetting; (v) does not add any additional packages,
classes or interfaces to the java.* or
javax.* packages or subpackages (or other packages defined by Sun); (vi)
satisfies all testing requirements
available from Sun relating to the most recently published version of the
Specification six (6) months prior to
any release of the clean room implementation or upgrade thereto; (vii) does
not derive from any Sun source
code or binary code materials; and (viii) does not include any Sun source
code or binary code materials with-out
an appropriate and separate license from Sun.The Specification contains the
proprietary information of
Sun and may only be used in accordance with the license terms set forth
herein. This license will terminate
immediately without notice from Sun if you fail to comply with any provision
of this license. Upon termina-tion
or expiration, you must cease use of or destroy the Specification.

OTOH, this, from the JMX spec:

This document and the technology it describes are protected by copyright and
distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying,
distribution, and decompilation. No part of this document may be reproduced
in any form by any means without prior written authorization of
Sun and its licensors, if any. Third-party software, including font
technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.

So it looks like clean room uncertified products that implement JMX are OK.
They are not for J2EE. According to these licenses, in any case.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:04 AM
 To: Jakarta General List
 Subject: Re: License issue (the come back)
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:
  Correct - but even packages that presumably have IBM (and 
 sun?) people 
  working on them have questionable legalities. Take xerces 
 (or crimson), at 
  one stage they included the jaxp source code and even if it 
 doesn't anymore 
  it surely links against it.
 They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons. 
 But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.
 AFAIK the people who wrote the code were not in the expert group
 when they wrote it. It's a bit strange, since trax was incorporated
 in jaxp1.1, but the code existed on apache even before was 
 part of the spec.
  Nor am I aware of any publically avaiable TCK for the JAXP 
 library which 
  means that apaches xml parser is in violation of the 
 license for JAXP spec. I 
  could be wrong but thats how I understand it and as such 
 even major projects 
  at Apache are not legal. Fun eh?
 Probably it only mean it can't have a logo with 'jaxp' on it.
 We also use a clean room implementation of JMX in tomcat, same thing
 probably applies there. 
 AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer 
 :-), clean
 room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly 
 legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
 code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or 
 'compatible' ) should be ok. 
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread costinm

So when someone is publishing a book he can attach a licence and restrict 
the way the information in the book is used ? 

We're not talking about copyrights here - this is not about redistributing 
the spec - but about what you can do with what you learn by reading a 
book ( or how you can listen a song, talk about it etc ).

I remember reading somewhere about some fair use of published 
information and books, but didn't know that this can be restricted.
I should start reading the prefaces of the books, maybe they'll
start including a licence and 'if you disagree with the terms, you
must burn the book imediately'. 


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Steve Downey wrote:

 From, the latest J2EE
 Sun hereby grants you a fully-paid, non-exclusive, non-transferable,
 worldwide, limited license (without the
 right to sublicense), under Sun's intellectual property rights that are
 essential to practice the Specification, to
 internally practice the Specification solely for the purpose of creating a
 clean room implementation of the
 Specification that: (i) includes a complete implementation of the current
 version of the Specification, without
 subsetting or supersetting; (ii) implements all of the interfaces and
 functionality of the Specification, as
 defined by Sun, without subsetting or supersetting; (iii) includes a
 complete implementation of any optional
 components (as defined by Sun in the Specification) which you choose to
 implement, without subsetting or
 supersetting; (iv) implements all of the interfaces and functionality of
 such optional components, without
 subsetting or supersetting; (v) does not add any additional packages,
 classes or interfaces to the java.* or
 javax.* packages or subpackages (or other packages defined by Sun); (vi)
 satisfies all testing requirements
 available from Sun relating to the most recently published version of the
 Specification six (6) months prior to
 any release of the clean room implementation or upgrade thereto; (vii) does
 not derive from any Sun source
 code or binary code materials; and (viii) does not include any Sun source
 code or binary code materials with-out
 an appropriate and separate license from Sun.The Specification contains the
 proprietary information of
 Sun and may only be used in accordance with the license terms set forth
 herein. This license will terminate
 immediately without notice from Sun if you fail to comply with any provision
 of this license. Upon termina-tion
 or expiration, you must cease use of or destroy the Specification.
 OTOH, this, from the JMX spec:
 This document and the technology it describes are protected by copyright and
 distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying,
 distribution, and decompilation. No part of this document may be reproduced
 in any form by any means without prior written authorization of
 Sun and its licensors, if any. Third-party software, including font
 technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.
 So it looks like clean room uncertified products that implement JMX are OK.
 They are not for J2EE. According to these licenses, in any case.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:04 AM
  To: Jakarta General List
  Subject: Re: License issue (the come back)
  On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:
   Correct - but even packages that presumably have IBM (and 
  sun?) people 
   working on them have questionable legalities. Take xerces 
  (or crimson), at 
   one stage they included the jaxp source code and even if it 
  doesn't anymore 
   it surely links against it.
  They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons. 
  But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.
  AFAIK the people who wrote the code were not in the expert group
  when they wrote it. It's a bit strange, since trax was incorporated
  in jaxp1.1, but the code existed on apache even before was 
  part of the spec.
   Nor am I aware of any publically avaiable TCK for the JAXP 
  library which 
   means that apaches xml parser is in violation of the 
  license for JAXP spec. I 
   could be wrong but thats how I understand it and as such 
  even major projects 
   at Apache are not legal. Fun eh?
  Probably it only mean it can't have a logo with 'jaxp' on it.
  We also use a clean room implementation of JMX in tomcat, same thing
  probably applies there. 
  AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer 
  :-), clean
  room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly 
  legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
  code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or 
  'compatible' ) should be ok. 
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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread dirkx

 Does not the DMCA expressly prohibit reverse-engineering? Or is it just
 legaleze, not applicable in the real world?

The DMCA is about circumventing copy right protecting devices or

Implementing a library based on a public description of an API; where this
description is obtained under a license which allows for such
implementations is a different story.

Though in this specific case - you propably may be allowed to implement it
from the API - mixing own implementation with other essential components
you have not written - i.e. packaging for distribution may be harder - as
you may not be able to add any javax classes or any third party jar with
it. Also note that there is still some complexity with regard to the above
license you get with the description - as a description -without- a
license may mean you can implement but not re-distribute those parts you
learned from the description and (c) right issues on the actual
description as carried into your implementation.


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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread dirkx

 I remember reading somewhere about some fair use of published
 information and books, but didn't know that this can be restricted.
 I should start reading the prefaces of the books, maybe they'll
 start including a licence and 'if you disagree with the terms, you
 must burn the book imediately'.

.. you should return this information inmediately and will be reimbursed.

Commercial in confidence.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Peter Donald

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 03:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:
  Correct - but even packages that presumably have IBM (and sun?) people
  working on them have questionable legalities. Take xerces (or crimson),
  at one stage they included the jaxp source code and even if it doesn't
  anymore it surely links against it.

 They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons.
 But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.

The directly from the spec is where the problem lies. It uses suns IP and 
thus must the TCK. We don't and thus we are in violation of the license and 
thus Apache and every user is open to being sued if sun chooses to do so.

  Nor am I aware of any publically avaiable TCK for the JAXP library which
  means that apaches xml parser is in violation of the license for JAXP
  spec. I could be wrong but thats how I understand it and as such even
  major projects at Apache are not legal. Fun eh?

 Probably it only mean it can't have a logo with 'jaxp' on it.

nope - if you use the IP then it needs to pass TCK - to do otherwise is not 
legal. Unless we have another license agreement concerning jaxp with Sun that 
is unpublished (as alluded to before) then we are not legal. It may be thrown 
out in court but it is still expensive to fight it.

 We also use a clean room implementation of JMX in tomcat, same thing
 probably applies there.

JMX has always been under a different license and I didn't think you had a 
clean room impl you just had some MBeans.

 AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer :-), clean
 room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly
 legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
 code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or
 'compatible' ) should be ok.

Wrong - at least as I understand the licensing issue. To implement the 
spec(s) in many cases you must pass the TCK. It can cost a fair chunk of $ to 
run against the TCK which pretty much excludes all opensource projects from 
ever legally implementing different specs (ie the XML ones we do at apache).



The only way to discover the limits of the possible 
is to go beyond them into the impossible. 
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread cmanolache

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Peter Donald wrote:

  They still include the jaxp source code, in xml-commons.
  But it's a clean-room implementation, made directly from the spec.
 The directly from the spec is where the problem lies. It uses suns IP and 
 thus must the TCK. We don't and thus we are in violation of the license and 
 thus Apache and every user is open to being sued if sun chooses to do so.

This is getting intersting...

To be honest, I allways believed that Jaxp, and all are 'open standards'.
( i.e. they allow clean room implementation )

Again, we need a lawyer here - but if this is the case I think we 
should do something. There are plenty of open standards ( too many even 
:-), and if a spec is not open, it shouldn't be used - 
but an alternative (  or a new open standard ).

I hear many java APIs are cloned to .net, and that a lot of .net is
'open standard' - I'm pretty sure it has a lot of APIs that could do
the same thing as the non-open ones, and we can clone them in java. An 
open API/standard should be used whenever possible.

 nope - if you use the IP then it needs to pass TCK - to do otherwise is not 
 legal. Unless we have another license agreement concerning jaxp with Sun that 
 is unpublished (as alluded to before) then we are not legal. It may be thrown 
 out in court but it is still expensive to fight it.

That's why we need the list of software/licenses that we can use and 
redistribute, and what's not on the list shouldn't be used.
Especially software that implements non-open standards. 

  We also use a clean room implementation of JMX in tomcat, same thing
  probably applies there.
 JMX has always been under a different license and I didn't think you had a 
 clean room impl you just had some MBeans.

We use openjmx ( now called mx4j ), that's a clean-room impl of the spec

  AFAIK ( and again don't take my word for it, call your lawyer :-), clean
  room implementations based on a published spec are perfectly
  legal. Probably the name/logo is protected, but saying that your
  code implements/is based on jaxp/jmx/etc ( but is not 'certified' or
  'compatible' ) should be ok.
 Wrong - at least as I understand the licensing issue. To implement the 
 spec(s) in many cases you must pass the TCK. It can cost a fair chunk of $ to 
 run against the TCK which pretty much excludes all opensource projects from 
 ever legally implementing different specs (ie the XML ones we do at apache).

Ok, I didn't know that - and I bet many other people are in the same 

If anyone can confirm this with a professional, then I think it should
be displayed pretty clearly on a visible page, and we should find 
alternative open standards to use. 


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License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread Guillaume Rousse


They have been already *several* discussions about Sun proprietary APIs 
licenses, and more precisely about exact redistribution conditions. Current 
consensus in ASF, AFAIK, is that redistribution of crypto API (as jsse) is 
strictly forbidden, and redistribution of non-crypto APIS is not permitted 
with source code.

We (jpackage project, contacted sun legal 
department to have an official response on this topic. We exposed our own 
practices, that is to provide a non-free section for all normal APIs with 
standard packages, and a non-distributable section for all crypto APIs and 
JDKs, with empty packages. The only response we had was: read the license 
carefully :-) (kind of RTFM, actually) 

So we did, and here is the result
jaasBCL + LDS
jaf BCL
javahelpBCL + LDR
javamailBCL + LDS
jaxpBCL + LDS
jdbc-stdext no license
jimiBCL + LDS
jms no license
jndino license
jta no license
jtopen  no package
jts BCL + LD
netbeans-java-extbinno license
resolverno license

javacc  ?
jsseBCL + LD
sun-jsdk1.3 BCL + LDS + LDR
sun-jsdk1.4 BCL + LDS + LDR
blackdown-jsdk1.3   BCL + LDS + LDR
ibm-jsdk1.3 ?

BCL means standard Binary Code License, which is the basic Sun Binary Code 
License for all software. Most java software add extra clauses, especially 
concerning redistribution, which are refered here as LDS  (License to 
distribute software), LRD (License to distribute  redistributables) and LD 
(License to distribute). Full citations of those clauses are included at the 
end of the message.
no license means in current package only, and ? means uncertainity.

My own interpretation follows:
1) There is nothing in any of those license making click-through procedure 
2) There is no point having jsse and jts in different section are they are 
subject to exactly the same conditions
3) The US export laws enforcement clause is part of BCL, which apply to *all* 
packages, not only to crypto packages.
4) LDR refers to a a distributable section in README file, that was not 
found either in javahelp nor in JDKs

The last point is the only real problem IMHO. Basically, it forbids to  
export software in free world ennemy countries TM. I don't know if making 
somone from such a country able to download software from a website could be 
considered software exportation, but considering the technical impossibility 
to prevent it, i doubt Sun itself could claims to fulfill it.

Apart this problem, i still don't see what prevent distribution of all 
packages having at least one of those additional distribution clause (LD or 
LDS), as long as original license is preserved. LDR with a non-existent 
distributable section is not acceptable here.
However, IANAL, and as I know ASF people have already stepped onto this 
problem, i would like your opinion here.

Thanks for your help.

2. License to Distribute Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, including, but not limited to Section 3 (Java (TM)
Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a
non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute
the Software in binary code form only, provided that (i) you distribute the
Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of, and for the
sole purpose of  running, your Java applets or applications (Programs),
(ii) the Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Software,
(iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any
component(s) of the Software, (iv) you do not remove or alter any
proprietary legends or notices contained in the Software, (v) you only
distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's
interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, and (vi)
you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any
damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including
attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by
any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any
and all Programs and/or Software.

1. License to Distribute. Sun grants you a non-exclusive,
non-transferable, royalty-free, limited license to (a) use
the binary form of the Software for the sole purpose of
designing, developing and testing your JavaTM applets and
applications intended to run on a compatible Java
environment (the Programs), provided that the Programs
add significant and primary functionality to the Software,
and (b) reproduce and distribute the binary form of the
Software through multiple tiers of distribution provided
that you: (i) distribute the Software complete and
unmodified; (ii) do not distribute additional software
intended to 

RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread Danny Angus

 The last point is the only real problem IMHO. Basically, it forbids to
 export software in free world ennemy countries TM. I don't know
 if making
 somone from such a country able to download software from a
 website could be
 considered software exportation, but considering the technical
 to prevent it, i doubt Sun itself could claims to fulfill it.

On the other hand it would be hard to prove that you exported it yourself to
a banned country, and didn't provide it to a user in the continental US who
then sent it abroad.
It certainly seems unworkable in principle, and as a foreigner I wonder what
the US lawmakers would consider to be adequate protection against
downloading by evil foreigners.
You can pretty much bet the farm that terrorists won't let licence
conditions stop their plans.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread Jon Scott Stevens

on 3/12/02 7:05 AM, Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So we did, and here is the result

You didn't find licenses for a lot of software that has licenses...instead
of saying 'no license' which implies that it does not have a license, you
should have stated ('could not find a license')...

I went through the website and in about 30 seconds found the
licenses for the first 3 'no license' items can do the rest of
the work...

 jaasBCL + LDS
 javahelpBCL + LDR
 javamail BCL + LDS
 jaxpBCL + LDS
 jdbc-stdext no license


 jimiBCL + LDS
 jmsno license


 jndino license


 jtano license
 jtopenno package
 jtsBCL + LD
 netbeans-java-extbinno license
 resolverno license
 jsseBCL + LD
 sun-jsdk1.3 BCL + LDS + LDR
 sun-jsdk1.4BCL + LDS + LDR
 blackdown-jsdk1.3 BCL + LDS + LDR

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread GOMEZ Henri

I went through the website and in about 30 
seconds found the
licenses for the first 3 'no license' items can do 
the rest of
the work...

Could you help us in such works since :

- you were damn't fast on such hard task
- you have many friends at Sun which could help you 

Don't forget that Guillaume and I are french and we may 
have sometimes problems in understanding all the subtilities
of all the Sun licenses in english only.

We'll be more than happy to have a french version of them.

Nota that many others companies like IBM provide license 
in several languages to help their users / customers...

BTW, Guillaume and I want to know if we could or couldn't
make the Sun jars available via jpackage project next
to others free jars, with the final goal to have a ready
to use Java distribution which will be a great benefits
for all the Java community, both developpers and users.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread cmanolache

 The BCL states that you cannot make a distribution of the .jar file outside
 of your product. In other words, if you want to distribute the single .jar
 file, you can't do that.
 (i) distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as
 part of your Programs

What about a dummy program - say Linux java installer - with minimal 
code ?
If this is not acceptable, you can probably just redistribute ant or 
tomcat4, which make use of almost all those packages. Ant is the best 
vehicle, and very usefull to have it installed anyway. 

BTW, the clause 'complete and unmodified' is very interesting - does it
refers to the jar or the whole binary package ( most people refer to the
whole downloaded package as 'software', and the jar is a piece of it ).  
If so, tomcat and most other packages that include it are breaking
the licences, since they repackage and include only the jar.
'Software' is previously defined as 'accompanying software 
and documentation and any error corrections provided by Sun (collectively 

Even more fun is the restriction on creating 'java., javax., or sun.' 
packages. Does it mean that you're not allowed to include open source
( and clean room ) implementations of javax. pacakges if you include
one of those licences ? 

The only possible conclusion is that software shouldn't be redistributed
without a lawyer checking and aproving every included license, and 
we need a list of licenses that are acceptable for inclusion on 
packages we distribute ( from jakarta, xml, etc ), verified by a lawyer.


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread Jon Scott Stevens

on 3/12/02 4:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only possible conclusion is that software shouldn't be redistributed
 without a lawyer checking and aproving every included license, and
 we need a list of licenses that are acceptable for inclusion on
 packages we distribute ( from jakarta, xml, etc ), verified by a lawyer.


We have setup [EMAIL PROTECTED] for that reason (this is also commonly
discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and have setup pages
like this one to help us track things...


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread costinm

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:

The problem is that the list should be reversed - i.e. what licences
are _allowed_ and verified by a lawyer. 

And we have 2 issues - what jars are allowed in CVS, and what jars 
are allowed in the binary software we distribute. 


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Re: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread Jon Scott Stevens

on 3/12/02 5:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is that the list should be reversed - i.e. what licences
 are _allowed_ and verified by a lawyer.
 And we have 2 issues - what jars are allowed in CVS, and what jars
 are allowed in the binary software we distribute.

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread GOMEZ Henri

It has nothing to do with language barriers or who I know.

- I went to each product on Sun's website.


- I clicked the 'Download' link on the left side navigation.


- I clicked the 'continue' button on the page.
Ex: Download the version 1.0.2b Source, API 
Documentation and Jar
 (the jar file has been added)


- I looked at the license and the words
Ex: You have chosen to download Java(TM) Message 
Service (JMS) API
 -- Javadoc 1.0.2b
 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 Binary Code License Agreement

And then you have to understand what is exactly BCL.
I'm not a lawyer, english is not my primary language sorry,
so 2 reasons to be more than carefull

 BTW, Guillaume and I want to know if we could or couldn't
 make the Sun jars available via jpackage project next
 to others free jars, with the final goal to have a ready
 to use Java distribution which will be a great benefits
 for all the Java community, both developpers and users.

The BCL states that you cannot make a distribution of the .jar 
file outside
of your product. In other words, if you want to distribute the 
single .jar
file, you can't do that.

Ok, so you confirm us that the Sun jars couldn't be used outside
a real program and as such couldn't be part of a RPM distribution ?
But what happen if that distribution use these jars (ie javamail)
for REAL program (like Tomcat 4.x) ?

(i) distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only 
bundled as
part of your Programs

'Part of my program', could we see a distribution as a set of 
programs depending on BCL jars for both build, install and
runtime ?

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-12 Thread GOMEZ Henri

We have setup [EMAIL PROTECTED] for that reason (this is 
also commonly
discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and 

both list are not available to basic commiters ?

have setup pages
like this one to help us track things...

Yes, but how could I find this page from homepage ?

BTW, you could add to jaf exclusion :

jaas, javahelp, javamail, jdbc-stdext, jimi, jms, jta, jts

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