Re: [gentoo-user] how do you avoid petty upgrades?

2005-04-03 Thread Dion Sole
Robert Persson wrote:
 It is my understanding - and please tell me if I'm wrong - that the r 
 suffixes on the ends of ebuild versions represent fixes to the ebuild, rather 
 than to the package itself.  If that is so, would that mean that 
 category/thing-x.y.z-r2 won't contain anything important (such as security 
 fixes) that isn't already in version x.y.z-r1?
 In that case, is there a way to avoid these petty upgrades when I emerge -u 

Not always.
The -rX builds represent Gentoo-specific updates, ie something like a
new patch, that sorta thing. This can include security fixes, if they
are released as a patch rather than as an actual update to the upstream
package, which would result in a version bump for the ebuild.

As to blocking all *-r bumps, I don't think you can.
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Re: [gentoo-user] E-build for Java

2005-03-30 Thread Dion Sole
There won't be. The java packages are:

So you want to choose one of those. You should only need the JRE for
running limewire.

BTW, if you're curious how I got those, emerge eix, and take a look at it.

Shawn Singh wrote:
 I would like to install Java so that I can run limewire, but when
 trying to emerge java...I get messages telling me: Calculating
 emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy java.
 Suggestions, anyone.
 Thank you,
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Poll? What applications do you want to see?

2005-03-30 Thread Dion Sole
Can you stop sending the same message over and over again?

Andreas Lööw wrote:
 And I apologize if I list any packages already in there, I have'nt
 bothered to check the list of what's already there.
 \ Andreas
 On 30 mar 2005, at 22.53, Spider wrote:
 Okay, I'm working on the Chinstrap [1] repository for 2005.0 packages,
 and I've been mulling over the current set of packages that I'm

 To get a bit more scope:
   The builds cater to people who want to do fast, somewhat default
 installations.  Ie, the same people who use stage3+GRP cd in order to
 get started / install their systems.

 The current set covers things that are on the official GRP cd set, the
 base system and more applications,  currently staying at around 800Mb.

 And to further this,  I'm not after the 100% complete binary
 distribution,  but to see a good basic and complete coverage of packages
 for faster installs / updates.

 So, What packages do you want to see / would you use?



 begin  .signature
 Tortured users / Laughing in pain
 See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Frozen Bubble and Sound Problem

2005-03-30 Thread Dion Sole
Check that bug, it also applies to your problem.
To fix the issue, open that file, (/usr/games/bin/frozen-bubble), and
change the $$sound to just $sound.

Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:
 Hi there,
I have emerged games-arcade/frozen-bubble-1.0.0-r4 and everytime I
 try to run it with sound I get this:
 [SDL Init] [Graphics...] [Levels] Ready.
 [Sound Init]
 Not a SCALAR reference at ./frozen-bubble line 169.
 And it crashes.
 Anyone has seen this before? If so, how did you deal with it?
 Thanks in advance,
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] glibc update error

2005-03-28 Thread Dion Sole
This should be fixed now..
Sync and try again

pat wrote:
 I've decided to update whole system by 'emerge world' and glibc update
 throws an error:
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[1]: Leaving directory
  * Installing man pages and docs...
  /usr/lib/portage/bin/ line 1857: 25178 Segmentation fault   
 env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D}/$(get_libdir) ${x} /dev/null
  !!! ERROR: sys-libs/glibc- failed.
  !!! Function src_install, Line 1009, Exitcode 139
  !!! simple run test (ls) failed
  !!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status
 Could someone help ???
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Still bitten by grub kernel line confusion

2005-03-28 Thread Dion Sole
/boot/grub? The config should be /boot/grub/menu.lst
Change it to this:

default 0
timeout 5

root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r1 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linux
ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda5 video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
initrd /initrd-2.6.9-gentoo-r1

Also, it looks like you're using Genkernel from that kernel line, but
you say you've configured the kernel yourself.
If you have done it yourself, use this menu.lst instead:

default 0
timeout 5

root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r1 root=/dev/hda5
video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
initrd /initrd-2.6.9-gentoo-r1

Harry Putnam wrote:
 I've been ignoring this bum configuration I have in grub.conf to get
 other things done on a newish install. But now need to get it right.
 My reading of the install docs indicates I have the right stuff in
 there.  But on boot I get the grub command line.
 All I really have to do is load a kernel and say boot:
   kernel /kerneltab
 To get booted, but I get no frame buffer and have the default huge
 type size.
 Boot is a separate partition /dev/hda1
 cat /boot/grub:
 boot /dev/hda
 default 0
 timeout 05
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel (hd0,0)/kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r1 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linux 
 ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda5 video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 initrd (hd0,0)/initrd-2.6.9-gentoo-r1
 I used the gentoo-2.6.9-gentoo-r4 kernel which is supposed to default
 to vesa-tng on
 I have these in .config:
 I just went with the defaults throughout.
 Can anyone see what is wrong.. why I don't get a framebuffer and
 smooth boot.
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] New features in 2005.0?

2005-03-27 Thread Dion Sole
The stageballs no longer have the problem with /var/db.
If you know what that means, you'll know why it's important.

Eugene Rosenzweig wrote:
 Great to hear about the new release coming out.
 As I have a few Gentoo machines which run fine so mainly I am interested
 in is whats new/changed in this release to get a feel for the progress
 of Gentoo. I had a look around the site for a Readme or Changelog but
 there doesn't seem to be much. The only thing I found was the blurb on
 the store's page
 *2005.0 summary for Linux geeks:* Gentoo Linux 2005.0 now defaults to
 using kernel 2.6, and uses udev by default. Firefox 1.0.1 is included.
 It's got 2.6 and udev. Apart from obviously newer package versions on
 the CDs which we get to know about when we sync are there any other
 changes and additions worth a separate mention?
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Mouse issue

2005-03-27 Thread Dion Sole
Add the number of buttons, and mhich buttons you want mapped to
mwheelup/down in the section:

Option Buttons 7
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Tim Brown wrote:
 I have a logitech MX500 usb mouse and i'm having a difficult time
 getting it to work properly, need a little help.
 left and right mouse buttons work ok but the scroll wheel and other
 buttons do not work.
 This is the Core Pointers Input Device Section of my xorg.conf file
 Section InputDevice
 # Identifier and driver
 Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolAuto
 Option Device  /dev/usbmouse
 # Mouse-speed setting for PS/2 mouse.
 #Option Resolution256
 # When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
 # the following line.
 #Option Protocol  Xqueue
 # Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
 # almost every case these lines should be omitted.
 #Option BaudRate  9600
 #Option SampleRate150
 # Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button Microsoft mice
 # Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)
 #Option Emulate3Buttons
 #Option Emulate3Timeout50
 # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
 #Option ChordMiddle
 What do I need to change or add here?
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Where could i found the standard of SQL

2005-03-27 Thread Dion Sole
AFAIK, you have to pay for those two standards -_-

Wang Penghui wrote:
 Hi lists:
   I am looking for the standard of SQL now. Both SQL92 and SQL99. I have
 STFW for one hour, unfortunitally have no result yet.
   Could anyone have any ideas? Or could pick me up.
 Thanks very much.
 Wang penghui

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Re: [gentoo-user] ftp server

2005-03-27 Thread Dion Sole
Vsftpd I would say. It's easy to configure, and has the best security.

timothy johnson wrote:
 What ftp server would someone recommend to install with gentoo. just
 something simple to give my users the ability to upload/download to
 there home accounts
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Re: [gentoo-user] gnu time command

2005-03-07 Thread Dion Sole
You're probably using the bash-built-in time command.
emerge sys-process/time will get you the actual GNU time program.

Niall Moran wrote:

 Im trying to write some scripts to record some times for creating
 graphs. Im trying to use the time command and have it output to a
 file. In the man page it gives details of how one can use the -o and
 -a switches to output to and append to a file. However the utility
 does not seem to recognise these switches. It does mention that these
 are GNU options but I thought the version I had was the GNU version.
 Any help is greatly appreciated.



 Below is the output I get when trying

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ time -a -o log ls
 -bash: -a: command not found

 sys 0m0.001s

 Below is the relevent section of the man page for time

-o FILE, --output=FILE
   Do not send the results to stderr, but overwrite the
 specified file.

-a, --append
   (Used together with -o.) Do not overwrite but append.
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Re: [gentoo-user] encrypted email

2005-03-05 Thread Dion Sole
One would hope though, that being on Linux, he wouldn't be using Outlook :P

Ow Mun Heng wrote:
 On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 03:26 +0100, Holly Bostick wrote:

Nick Smith wrote:

is there a way to send encrypted email? so that if the person on
the revieving end of the email doesnt have the key they cant
view the email?

In any case, what you need is GNUPG (gpg); most, if not all email
clients I am familiar with have some facility to encrypt and decrypt
mails using it as a backend.

 Not if you're using outlook.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -e broken?

2005-03-04 Thread Dion Sole
First question, have you actually done emerge -u portage yet?
Julien Cayzac wrote:
When issuing emerge -e world, the following is emerged:

 some packages (1)

[ebuild  N] sys-apps/portage-whatever.version
*** Please update portage to the above version before proceeding.
Failure to do so may result in failed or improper merges.
A simple 'emerge -u portage' is sufficient.

 some packages (2)

So that since this behaviour has been introduced, emerge -e will never
remerge the packages listed after portage (some packages (2)).
How can I remerge my system, yet taking care of dependencies??
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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT?] memtest results: need new ram?

2005-03-04 Thread Dion Sole
An acceptable number of errors is about 1 error per pass. 2 is pushing it.
Ryan Sims wrote:
My computer has had some bizzare symptoms for quite some time now, and
I finally ran memtest86 from the livecd, and was wondering if anyone
could help me understand what the diagnosis is.
There were definately errors that popped up; say a page and a half of
them.  (and here's the stupid question part) does this mean I need to
drop $60 on a new PC3200 stick?  Is there an acceptable level of
I've been assuming that the random crashes (usually only happens in
Windows, but *sometimes* Gentoo will develop some tics) were heat
problems or buggy software; but now I'm not so sure.
Any help would be appreciated.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How emerge keeps track of what files need to be copied?

2005-03-03 Thread Dion Sole
It also will not delete a directory if it isn't empty.
The rest is spot-on though.
John Myers wrote:
NB: I am not an ebuild writer, but I have played with them on occasion, and I 
have read the docs.
That said, 
Here's how it works:
The ebuild unpacks the source into ${WORKDIR} 

The ebuild compiles the source in ${WORKDIR}.
Portage creates ${DESTDIR} (/var/tmp/portage/foo-x.y.z/image)
The ebuild installs the compiled package, not into /, but ${DESTDIR} 
(i.e. /usr/bin/foo would actually be installed into ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/foo).

Portage then copies the contents of ${DESTDIR} into /, recording the file 
path, timestamps and an md5sum of each file as it goes.

emerge -C just takes this list, and deletes every file in the list where
(1) the timestamps match
(2) the md5sum matches
(3) the file is not CONFIG_PROTECTed
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] firefox 1.0.1 reload page problem

2005-03-02 Thread Dion Sole
/. are the geek mecca. You cant seriously expect them to bother with
such trivialities as standards :P

Incidentally, you can disable the behavious you mention, although the
strange thing is that by default it is disabled. IE firefox waits for a
period of time before starting to render the page. This might explain
why I havnt noticed this problem.
On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 09:44 -0500, Willie Wong wrote:
 Well known problem with firefox/gecko and /.
 IIRC it happens because the gecko engine starts rendering the content
 before receiving all of the data, which is not a particularly bad
 thing, because on most websites it means you will get to see the
 webpage a little earlier especially if your net connection is slow. 
 Unfortunately, with the way /. is written, while perfectly valid html,
 when the browser starts rendering too early, sometimes space are
 allocated wrong on the display agent (has something to do with the
 fact that the space for the side panels are allocated dynamically or
 something... anyway the important part is that the width for the side
 panels is not hard coded) and pushes content that comes in AFTER the
 rendering started to other places: i.e. to one of the black background
 areas around the border.
 Now if only slashcode is build using some sane CSS...
 On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 07:17:39AM -0700, Joseph wrote:
  After upgrade to Firefox 1.0.1 when I try to reload slashdot page ./ I
  usually need to hit reload button twice.  The first time it display
  empty page (just the frame) after second click it display the page
  Did anybody experience this strange behavior?
  -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Creation of ebuild

2005-03-02 Thread Dion Sole
Use the has_version function to check.
Syntax is has_version category/package-version and it returns 0 if the
particular version is installed.
So to check for db, 
has_version =sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p2 would return 0 if that version is

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 04:07 +0100, pepone pepone wrote:
 Hello I creating a new ebuild for Ice (Internet Comunication Engine)
 this is my first ebuild and i want know how i my ebuild can
 detect the version of a  program that is installed in the system
 the problem is that i order to suscefuly compile my package i need to
 export LDFLAGS  and IFLAGS acording to the db version that is instaled
 in the system
 thanks in adavantage
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Re: [gentoo-user] Firefox's startup file

2005-03-01 Thread Dion Sole
The default has been ~/.mozilla/firefox for some time now.

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 12:43 +0100, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
 Hello all,
 Just updated my firefox to 1.0.1; before that my startup file was 
 ~/.firefox, and after the update it uses ~/.mozilla, which was my 0.8 or 
 0.9 startup file.
 Anyone knows where to specify that (no firefox in /etc)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Pre-fetching packages when using emerge

2005-03-01 Thread Dion Sole
-f will only fetch the packages that are required by your USE flags. Say
you have -X in your USE, this might mean that the optional package for
X support wont get downloaded. 
--fetch-all-uri however, will download ALL packages, even if they
wouldnt actually be used with your current USE.

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 18:17 -0500, A. Khattri wrote:
 From the man page for emerge:
--fetchonly (-f)
Instead of doing any package building, just  perform fetches  for  all
packages (the main package as well as all dependencies).
--fetch-all-uri (-f)
Instead  of  doing  any  package building, just perform fetches for all
packages (the main package as well as all dependencies),  grabbing  all
potential files.
 So what is the difference?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Pre-fetching packages when using emerge

2005-03-01 Thread Dion Sole
Yeah it could :P
I wouldnt really use the man page for emerge anyway though, as the
actual emerge help is updated far more often.
emerge --help will be the most current documentation for emerge's

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 19:15 -0500, A. Khattri wrote:
 On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Dion Sole wrote:
  -f will only fetch the packages that are required by your USE flags. Say
  you have -X in your USE, this might mean that the optional package for
  X support wont get downloaded.
  --fetch-all-uri however, will download ALL packages, even if they
  wouldnt actually be used with your current USE.
 Ah... this is the ...all potential files. bit - the man page could be
 more clearly written I guess.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] problem with

2005-02-28 Thread Dion Sole
Yep, known problem.
Remove the hardened and pie USE flags from your system, then
recompile gcc. Then try compiling Xorg again.

On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 23:50 +0100, pat wrote:
 I'm trying to setup my Xorg, but all time I have met this error:
 Duplicate symbol __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx in
 Also defined in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
 Could someone help me ???
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] broken gcc with ~x86

2005-02-27 Thread Dion Sole
try binutils-config --x86 and then try again.

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 11:31 +0100, Henrik Andersson wrote:
 I had an idea about running my box with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86.
 And then I did it.
 Now my gcc seems broken.
 while trying to emerge gcc
   Source unpacked.
   * CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe
   * CXXFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe
   * Configuring gcc ...
 QA Notice: USE Flag 'altivec' not in IUSE for sys-devel/gcc-
   * running gcc-compiler-configure
   * The f95 language is not supported by this release of gcc
   * configuring for GCC_LANG: c,c++,f77
   * PREFIX:  /usr
   * BINPATH: /usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3-20050110
   * LIBPATH: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110
   * DATAPATH:/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3-20050110
   * Configuring GCC with: --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs 
 --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --disable-altivec --enable-nls 
 --without-included-gettext --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu 
   --with-system-zlib  --disable-checking 
--disable-werror --disable-libunwind-exceptions 
 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-multilib 
 --disable-libgcj --enable-languages=c,c++,f77
 creating cache ./config.cache
 checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
 checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
 checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
 checking for a BSD compatible install... /bin/install -c
 *** This configuration is not supported in the following subdirectories:
   target-libffi target-boehm-gc target-zlib target-libjava zlib 
 fastjar target-libobjc
  (Any other directories should still work fine.)
 gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `as': No such file or directory
 *** The command 'gcc -o conftest -march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe 
 conftest.c' failed.
 *** You must set the environment variable CC to a working compiler.
 zim henrik # echo $CC
 zim henrik #
 zim henrik # emerge --info
 Portage 2.0.51-r15 (default-linux/x86/2004.3, gcc-3.3.5, 
 glibc-, 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 i686)
 System uname: 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 i686 AMD Athlon(tm)
 Gentoo Base System version 1.6.9
 Python:  dev-lang/python-2.3.5 [2.3.5 (#1, Feb 27 2005, 
 distcc 2.18.3 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632) 
 dev-lang/python: 2.3.5
 sys-devel/autoconf:  2.59-r6, 2.13
 sys-devel/automake:  1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.5, 1.4_p6, 1.6.3, 1.9.4
 sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.10-r5
 CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
 CONFIG_PROTECT=/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env 
 /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config 
 /usr/lib/X11/xkb /usr/lib/mozilla/defaults/pref /usr/share/config 
 CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK=/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d
 CXXFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
 FEATURES=autoaddcvs autoconfig ccache distlocks sandbox sfperms
 USE=x86 3dnow X acl alsa apm avi bash-completion berkdb bitmap-fonts 
 cdr crypt cups curl dvd dvdr emacs emboss encode esd f77 fam flac 
 font-server foomaticdb fortran gdbm ggi gif gnome gphoto2 gpm gstreamer 
 gtk gtk2 imagemagick imlib ipv6 java jpeg libg++ libwww mad mikmod mmx 
 motif mozilla mpeg nas ncurses nls nptl nptlonly oggvorbis opengl oss 
 pam pcre pdflib perl png python quicktime readline samba sdl slang spell 
 sse ssl svga tcpd tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts usb xml xml2 
 xmms xv zlib
 zim henrik #
 what to do?
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] unable to su anymore

2005-02-27 Thread Dion Sole
Come on, every list needs it's own debianite to liven things up :P

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 19:58 -0500, Bill Davidson wrote:
 On 18:58 Sun 27 Feb , A. Khattri wrote:
  On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Christoph Eckert wrote:
   Somewhere you have to enable which users may do a su.
  You dont say.
   But please don't ask me where I've set it ages ago ;-) .
  So why bother posting?
 Was that really necessary? I don't see how flaming someone for participating
 is going to help anything. The next time you want to send a mean spirited
 reply, I wish you would send it to yourself. This list doesn't need a bully.
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Hard Hang when mounting extended Partition

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Sounds like a bug/quirk in gnome. You shouldnt be able to try and mount
a extended partition.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 23:55 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
 Hi All,
   I'm not sure if this is a quirk or something else.
 I have a couple of mounts at/mnt
 say.. one of my removable disks has an extended partition namely
 p1 p2  p5 
 If I were to click on sda2 (under Gnome's My computer) it would hang the
 whole system. 
 (note that /dev/sda2 is actually the container for the extended
 partition )
8 0   78150744 sda
8 15116671 sda1
8 2  1 sda2
8 5   10241406 sda5
 Anyone can offer an clues??
 Ow Mun Heng
 Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 
 98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
 Neuromancer 15:26:01 up 12 min, 3 
 users, load average: 1.26, 1.25, 
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Install gentoo using livecd that boots from usb storage ?

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
If you already have something like Knoppix, you can install off that
just fine. If youre planning to use the USB storage, you could possibly
do a dd from the cd ISO straight to the harddrive. However, Im not sure
if this would work or not.
On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 17:30 +0200, Maxim Vexler wrote:
 Is there a livecd that can be booted from a usb storage (128 mb) device ?
 we have an box with only windows on it  the plan is to install gentoo.
 but... for this we need to boot it (as the handbook says) from a
 livecd, the trouble is that there is no cd-writer to burn the cd.
 so... the best alternative so far is using the usb as a livecd boot device.
 the question is how ?
 thank you.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Need installation help: can't access tty

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Have a read of the thread here, it describes the problem youre having:

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 06:55 -0800, Michael Sullivan wrote:
 I've spent the past couple of days installing Gentoo
 on my server box.  I've gotten to the end of the
 handbook and rebooted the system.  It boots up part
 way and then gives me a message:
 Busybox v1.00-pr7 (2005.02.26-01:25+) Built-in
 shell (ash)
 Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands
 /bin/sh:  can't access tty:  job control turned off
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 It has some other lines below those that I can send if
 necessary.  I've never seen this error before.  It
 gives me a / prompt and I can run ls but the listing
 does not show what I should be seeing in the root
 directory.  Did I do something wrong, and if so, how
 do I fix it?
 Do you Yahoo!? 
 Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 
 -- mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Where is patch-1.5.6.vvv.nntp-gentoo-r3.bz2

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
There doesnt appear to be a bz2 version anywhere, so this is probably a
bug in the ebuild.

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 00:50 +0800, Yuan MEI wrote:
 mutt-1.5.6-r5 needs this file,
 but no mirror site has this file, as `emerge' complains,
 Where is it??

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Best way to update world

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
emerge -u world only looks at all packages within your world profile,
and their immediate dependencies. If any of those packages have a
different version that matches your keywords, and that version is later
than the one you currently have, it will update to that version. 
-D does the same, but it also looks at the deeper dependencies of the
world profile, all the way down to glibc and so on.
Neither of these two options are concerned with changes to your USE
flags, only with changes to keyword-matching packages. 
Thats where --newuse comes in, it also includes any package that has had
one of it's USE flags changed since it was compiled, whether or not it
has an updated version or not.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 10:07 +, Julien Cayzac wrote:
 I've been using gentoo for 2 years now.
 I update world on a daily basis, by issuing the following command:
 # emerge -u(p)D --newuse world I found out that emerge -u(p) world didn't manage to update
 certain packages when the USE flags had been changed or a
 dependencie's use flags had.
 Is it the best way to update, and if not, what is the best?
 (also, if it is, why doesn't emerge -u world take care of doing the same? 
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Compiling Java, Effective?

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Do you mean a package that is written in java, or a package like a sdk
that is written in another language and is used to compile java?
CFLAGS wont apply to anything compiled with javac.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 14:47 +0630, Ducky Z. wrote:
 We have set compiler flags to compile the packages. But when emerge
 grabs java source codes and compile (for example eclipse sdk), will it
 have the any optimizations?
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Is this typical?

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Shouldnt be. Most option names are case-insensitive, so I dont think
changing it from DPMS to dpms would have any effect. It works here with
Option DPMS, so it may be something else having an effect at the same

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 16:22 +, George Roberts wrote:
 The other day I set out to find a way to turn my monitor off, for when
 I get distracted while away from my computer.
 I followed the instructions at
 But this was not successful  :-( .  The monitor stays on.
 After google searching and coming up with the same information as in
 the Howto, I was about to give it up as a no go.  Then I noticed in
 the article that in the xorg.conf portion the commands are:
 File: /etc/X11/XF86Config 
 Section Monitor
  Option DPMS
 Section ServerLayout
  Option OffTime 20
 But the command to turn off the monitor in the testing portion is
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms force off,  (which does work).
 I decided to change the command in xorg.conf from Option DPMS  to
 Option dpms, success the monitor now turns off  :-) .  My question
 is: is this typical?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] qt-3.3.4-r2 fails to compile

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Simple explanation: The compiler cant find your Gl extension header
file, which it needs to compile qt.
How to fix this? First off, what glx implementation are you using? The
xorg or nvidia one? Secondly, are you using the latest opengl-update,
and have you set which implementation you want to use.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 16:05 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 before i submit a bug, does anyone have a simple explanation :
   g++ -c -pipe -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe 
 -I/z/tmp/portage/qt-3.3.4-r2/work/qt-x11-free-3.3.4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -\
   I/usr/include/freetype2 -I3rdparty/opentype -I../include 
 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.moc/release-shared\
   -mt/ -o .obj/release-shared-mt/qglcolormap.o opengl/qglcolormap.cpp
   In file included from opengl/qgl.h:79,
from opengl/qgl.cpp:38:
   /usr/X11R6/include/GL/gl.h:2469:22: GL/glext.h: No such file or directory
 opengl/qgl_x11.cpp -o .moc/release-shared\
   g++ -c -pipe -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe 
 -I/z/tmp/portage/qt-3.3.4-r2/work/qt-x11-free-3.3.4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -\
   I/usr/include/freetype2 -I3rdparty/opentype -I../include 
 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.moc/release-shared\
   -mt/ -o .obj/release-shared-mt/qsqlquery.o sql/qsqlquery.cpp
   make[1]: *** [.obj/release-shared-mt/qgl.o] Error 1
   make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
   make[1]: Leaving directory 
   make: *** [sub-src] Error 2
   !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.3.4-r2 failed.
   !!! Function src_compile, Line 139, Exitcode 2
   !!! (no error message)
   !!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How do I get more text consoles?

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Well Im not sure about how to enable more consoles. I know its possible
as I remember someone talking about it, but not how to do it.
With regards to the X launching console being unusable, what you can do
is redirect all output to /dev/null by appending /dev/null 21 onto
the end of your startx command, or whatever you use.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 17:08 -0500, Walter Dnes wrote:
   Non-negotiable item 1) My eyes aren't what they used to be, and I find
 80x48 on a 19-inch CRT in bright cyan text on black to be much easier on
 the eyes than GUIs.
   Non-negotiable item 2) I have certain items that I prefer to handle in
 separate sessions.
   I read news and email on text-consoles, but I have them set up to
 launch a Firefox tab when I hit {SHIFT-U}.  Then I can hit {ALT-F7},
 view a webpage referenced in a post, and then hop back to where I was.
 The problem with having an X session open is that the console that
 opened it is bombarded with all sorts of crap messages about style-file
 not found, font not found etc.  This renders the console from which X
 was launched unusable for anything else.
   So I'm down to 5 usable consoles in the region between {CTRL-ALT-F1}
 and {CTRL-ALT-F6}, and sometimes that isn't enough.  At first, I thought
 that screen would be the answer.  However, its colour support sucks,
 especially if you're trying to use colour-coded syntax in vim.  And I
 find that even if I can get a session set up properly, when I flip
 away, and then flip back, it does *NOT* restore properly.
   I've looked through make menuconfig and manually paged through
 /usr/src/linux/.config, and there's nothing obvious to me about changing
 the number of available text consoles.  I'd like to have {CTRL-ALT-F1}
 through {CTRL-ALT-F10} available for text consoles, which would still
 leave #11 for X, and #12 for the very few times that I ever launch two
 simultaneous X sessions.
   I'm asking here, because I want to do this in a Gentoo-legal manner
 that doesn't get clobbered the next time I build a new kernel or

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Two emerge-related questions

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
You're rather lucky. Files named in that manner are config files, that
are in a config protected directory. Because of this, portage doesn't
overwrite the existing config, rather it leaves it the same and stores
the new config as the file you mention. etc-update or dispatch-conf are
the tools you should use to check all these files and see which need
updating and which don't.

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 18:41 -0500, Walter Dnes wrote:
   2) After a while I've found the messages (at the end of the emerge
 session) about config files, useless and rather annoying.  I now execute
 rm `find /etc -iname '._cfg_*'`
 whenever such a message shows up.  No problems... yet.  Is it a good
 idea, or have I just been lucky?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] mplayer build fails

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
Re-emerge or emerge giflib

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 19:41 -0500, Ed Jabbour wrote:
 USE=3dnow divx4linux directfb fbdev live mmx nas network nvidia rtc sse 
 emerge mplayer:
 demux_gif.c:21:21: gif_lib.h: No such file or directory
 demux_gif.c: In function `demux_gif_fill_buffer':
 demux_gif.c:43: error: `GifFileType' undeclared (first use in this function)
 demux_gif.c:43: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 demux_gif.c:43: error: for each function it appears in.)
 demux_gif.c:43: error: `gif' undeclared (first use in this function)
 demux_gif.c:43: error: parse error before ')' token
 demux_gif.c:45: error: `GifRecordType' undeclared (first use in this 
 demux_gif.c:45: error: parse error before type
 demux_gif.c:48: error: `ColorMapObject' undeclared (first use in this 
 demux_gif.c:48: error: `effective_map' undeclared (first use in this 
 demux_gif.c:51: error: `type' undeclared (first use in this function)
 demux_gif.c:51: error: `IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE' undeclared (first use in this 
 And on and on.  Any advice as to what all that means greatly appreciated.  
 -- mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] can`t emerge docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.14

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
That looks like a very old (2002) bug,

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 03:01 +0300, Makurin Roman wrote:
 Hi all! I`ve got problem. I can`t emerge docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.14. 
 I atach emerge log... Does any one know how to solve this ?
 Thanks :-)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Compiling Java, Effective?

2005-02-26 Thread Dion Sole
How does gcj work?
Im assuming if its not portable, it doesnt compile class files, and
actually compiles native OS code?

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 03:11 +, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 07:20:12 +0630, Ducky Z. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks a lot.
  So that we cannot optimize java applications.
 Well, there are ways to do so, javac itself has a optimization flag,
 and if you don't mind losing the partability, you may even try
 compiling java codes with gcj.
 There are ways, depends on how far you want to persue, performance wise.
 -- Joe

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Firefox and Acroread

2005-01-29 Thread Dion Sole
Grant wrote:
I have the latest firefox and acroread, but when I open a PDF in
firefox, nothing is displayed.  Does anyone know what might be wrong?
   Just guessing here: Does Firefox 'know' about Acrobat? Maybe you have
to monkey with the Firefox configuration settings to associate type
application/x-pdf (or whatever) with acroread.
   -Mike Melanson

Actually I think firefox figured that out.  When I go to Edit -
Preferences - Downloads - Plug-Ins PDF is in there with a check
next to it.  It was definitely not there before emerging acroread.
- Grant
-- mailing list

type about:plugins into the URL bar, and scroll down to the acrobat heading. 
Check here to make sure that the correct MIME types are associated with that plugin.

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] /var/tmp/portage ?

2005-01-27 Thread Dion Sole
Matthew Cline wrote:
If 'ccache' is one of the values in your FEATURES variable, then
deleting /var/tmp/ccache (or its contents) will wipe out the benefits of
using ccache.  ccache can use a lot of space in /var/tmp/ccache (the amount
is configurable with the CCACHE_SIZE but seems to default to about 2G) so if
you are running short of disk space you could disable it.

I thought that ccache used ~/.ccache by default to store the cache.
What is contained in /var/tmp/ccache?
-- mailing list

CCACHE_DIR defaults to $HOME/.ccache.
I thought portage stored it's ccache data in /var/tmp/portage/.ccache, as 
/var/tmp/portage is the portage user's home dir.
Someone whos actually on gentoo atm confirm or deny?

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] /var/tmp/portage ?

2005-01-26 Thread Dion Sole
Rick van Hattem wrote:
Chris Boot wrote:
On 25 Jan 2005, at 18:09, Dave Nebinger wrote:
Feel free to whack at will (assuming there's no emerge actively 

/var/tmp/portage is where portage builds packages; once their built and
installed the contents are not needed.
Don't whack the /var/tmp/portage directory itself, just the contents.

No, you can whack the whole directory. Probably even the whole 
contents of /var/tmp if you're careful.

-Original Message-
From: raptor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] /var/tmp/portage ?
I see that my /var/tmp/portage is about 500 MB, can I erase its 
or there
is something that is important there ?


Indeed, as long as your not compiling (since it will be using /var/tmp/ 
then) you can remove the entire directory (/var/tmp) contents, perhaps 
even the entire directory but I'm not sure if it automatically recreates 
Doing rm -rf /var/tmp/* won't give any problems (I did it all the time 
on my laptop, not anymore since my partition is bigger now ;))

Any of the subdirs of /var/tmp can have their contents, but not the directories 
themselves deleted, and /tmp  can have it's contents deleted, although you 
shouldnt do it while things are running that may be using files within those 
dirs, apache, portage etc
Any program that relies on something in one of the /*tmp dirs staying around for 
any indefinite amount of time is broken badly :)

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Making sure device entries are created (Udev?)

2005-01-26 Thread Dion Sole
Manuel McLure wrote:
Maarten wrote:
The most important one is: how does one make sure the /dev/ entries 
survive a reboot (and/or are created when the physical USB connection 
is made) ?
Should hot- or coldplug handle this (and if so, why doesn't it?)
Other USB inserts do get handled as anticipated; for instance 
inserting a USB mass storage device triggers loading of sd_mod 
perfectly fine... 

hotplug/coldplug should take care of this. If it isn't, it means that 
either it isn't running correctly, or that the USB IDs for your device 
aren't in the database.

The other question is about that pl2303 module, how does the kernel 
know it is needed ?

If hotplug/coldplug are working correctly, when the device is plugged in 
the kernel will start the hotplug scripts and send the USB ID along. The 
usb.agent script will look up the ID in the database and determine what 
modules handle it and load the module if necessary.

You may have to add some lines to the usb.usermap file if the 
usb.distmap file doesn't have entries for your device.

And if coldplug, which you should be using over hotplug for bootup detection, 
doesnt work, just add the required modules to your 2.6 module autoload file.
That way, it will be detected by udev correctly and the device nodes will be 
created, assuming that udev has an entry to tell it about your hardware.

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Secret bugs?

2005-01-24 Thread Dion Sole
Octavio Ruiz (Ta^3) wrote:
Renat Golubchyk, who happens to be smarter than you, thinks:
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 04:23:08 -0500 Phil Sexton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 03:58, Xavier-Francois Roblot wrote:
Hi, the last unstable version of evolution 2.0.3-r1 was released to
fix bug #79183 according to the ChangeLog. Since I am a curious guy,
I wanted to have a look at what this bug is. But when I search for
it on, I get: 

You are not authorized to access bug #79183.
Well, I didn't know some bugs are so bad that the have to be kept
secret :o)
Have you registered?  If not, try registering yourself here:
I am registered and I can't access the bug either.

Me too
You are not authorized to access bug #79183.
From Social contract:
We will not hide problems
We will keep our bug report database open for public view at all times;
reports that users file online will immediately become visible to others.
Exceptions are made when we receive security-related or developer relations
information with the request not to publicize before a certain deadline.
We have an exception here.. :-S
Mozilla have the same policy with regards to security-related bugs, if they're 
considered serious enough, so its not a gentoo only thing.

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