Re: [gentoo-user] reiserfs undelete ?

2003-11-25 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Andrew Gaffney wrote:

Matthew Baxa wrote:

On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 17:11, Oliver Lange wrote:

Phil Sexton wrote:

Someone with more technical backround (less lazyness ;-P) would 
you with a more exaustive answer, but in short you cannot undelete 
in a ReiserFS partition because of its very internal structure.

Does this count?
Oh boy, that's a clear minus point for reiserfs..

Um, all the Unix filesystems (ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS, UFS) have
no undelete stuff.

There was a program I used to use with ext2 before ext3 was big. I 
can't remember what it was called. You would add a 'LD_PRELINK' 
environment variable pointing at its dynamic lib that would override 
the unlink() function and move files into a protected environment. You 
could then run the associated utility to recover them. Also, it came 
with an *actual* ext2  undelete program that worked pretty well.

I believe you're referring to libtrash, . Not for me, but interesting idea.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo internal structure

2003-11-20 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 23:37:08 +0200 Wayne Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| You can take an approach similar to debian simply put 
| them in a non-free folder in portage, possibly put a banner on
| the ebuild informing the user tha it's non-free ???

Hmm, maybe we should implement a keyword in the ebuild that tells people
under what licence a package is distributed. That way, it would be easy
for the user to check and avoid non-Free-as-in-Stallman software if they
were that way inclined.
I propose that we call this keyword 'LICENSE' (US spelling seems to be
policy...), add it to every ebuild and make repoman check that it's
Oh, wait...


If only the world were that simple. But in reality developers never, 
ever anticipate user's needs that way :-/
I mean, if they did there would be an ACCEPT_LICENSE setting scheduled 
to be implemented in make.conf to do exactly what this guy wants. But 
no...that would be too easy...
*heavy sigh*
Ah well. We can always dream, eh?

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Re: [gentoo-user] after kernel upgrade get / mount error

2003-09-30 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Basically an initrd is a completely different filesystem. This step in the
boot process is trying to turn the filesystem from this:
/ = / on initrd
into this:
/ = / on root volume
/initrd = / on initrd

by doing mount /dev/whatever /new_root.
then pivot_root /new_root /initrd
It's like a chroot, but not quite.
So your problem is that it can't remount / on the initrd to /initrd,
probably because you haven't created the mount point. So it fails by not
remounting the initrdin short, it unmounts it.
So yes, it's not a problem, and yes, you can ignore it, and no, it has
nothing to do with reiserfs. Read linux/Documentation/initrd.txt for more

- Original Message - 
From: Joshua Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 12:42 AM
Subject: RE: [gentoo-user] after kernel upgrade get / mount error

 --- Corey Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Make sure that ReiserFs support is compiled into the kernel
  monolithically, instead of being included as a module.
  e.g. you should have:
  File systems ---
  * Reiserfs support
  instead of:
  File systems ---
  M Reiserfs support
  also make sure that you have the correct options compiled in/excluded
per the docs at under Code listing

 Ok so I have it compiled into the kernel from what I can see.
 grep -I REI .config

 So I take it that the bootup messages that are posted below can safely be

  ReiserFS version 3.6.25
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: VFS: Mounted root (reiserfs filesystem)
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: Trying to move old root to /initrd ...
failed  this message
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: Unmounting old root
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: Trying to free ramdisk memory ... okay
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 112k freed
 Sep 29 17:57:18 deadmeat kernel: Adding Swap: 506036k swap-space
(priority -1)


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Re: [gentoo-user] alsa-driver

2003-09-24 Thread Heschi Kreinick
If Alsa is truly 'part of the kernel' then my question was, and still
 where is the source code in the kernel tree?

Out of morbid curiousity--
What's wrong with the drivers in linux-2.6.0-test*/sound?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Heschi Kreinick
 Have I missed something again?

 Is there really no option or flag or feature or something to set in
 /etc/make.conf so that emerge will remove the /usr/portage/distfiles/*
 were downloaded for the installation?

Yes. You've missed

Honestly, people...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] cpuinfo documentation

2003-09-22 Thread Heschi Kreinick
 - The cpuinfo is incompletely described at , but
 even the author of this Perl module admits that he doesn't know anything
 about 'wp', which is the cpuinfo entity that I'm currently trying to

Following the wp bit through arch/i386/kernel/setup.c, then
arch/i386/mm/init.c, then googling, it looks like wp is write protect. Take
a look at and you'll
probably get the gist of it.
Fun research project. HAND.

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Re: [gentoo-user] /mnt/cdrom problems

2003-08-28 Thread Heschi Kreinick
I try not to add junk posts to the mailing list, but...
I salute you, sir!

 I don't know if this will hel,p but here in South Florida, we have 
 these tiny sugar ants. They will eat nearly anything. Cleaning up the 
 yard after my 2 dogs isn't a problem as long as we have ants. If you 
 have them in your neck of the woods you might try slopping a trail of 
 Hershey's Syrup from the floor up to the CD-ROM drive. Once the ants 
 eat up all of the chocalate, they'll probably go for the toast. One 
 black jelly bean smashed down to about 1/8 high and stuck with some 
 spit to the cd tray should coax them inside.This will probably take 2 
 to 3 weeks, unless you have particularly large and hungry ants. Mmmm, I 
 COULD be wrong here but I hope this helps. The other alternative is to 
 break down and shell out 30 or 40 dollars for a new CD-ROM drive
 Regards, Ernie
 100% Microsoft and Intel free
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] qpkg -q - am I interpreting it correctly?

2003-08-28 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Unfortunately, kdebase is a glob of a lot of closely-related packages. It's
a kludge, but about a year ago (wild guess) the maintainer discussed
splitting kde into a bunch of different packages and the eventual decision
was to leave it globbed.

So...try ldd `which rosegarden` to display the libraries RoseGarden links
to. Then you can qpkg -f the libraries. BTW; I think that qpkg only traces
one level of dependencies...kdelibs was probably an indirect dep. emerge -ep
rosegarden might give you some insight. Or not. Dunno.

 I don't suppose you know how to go any further in terms of determining
 portion of kdemultimedia Rosegarden is actually using do you? None of the
 options in the man page seem to suggest this tool can go that far.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Booting kernel on pld pentium

2003-08-28 Thread Heschi Kreinick
This is exactly what happens when you forget to compile in console should double-check that.

 i installed gentoo on my old pentium computer to function as a gateway.
 there is a problem when i am booting the kernel. After some moments it
 booting. The last output is: Freeing unued kernel memory 124k freed. And
 after that it stops and doesnt go on.
 What can I do? Why is that?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge mask issue: I checked emerge info

2003-08-27 Thread Heschi Kreinick
The people telling you that ACCEPT_KEYWORDS should be just ~x86 are wrong.
Had they bothered to look on their own systems they'd see that they have
both also (assuming they run unstable). If you had only ~x86, you wouldn't
be able to install stable packages. Settings in make.conf are cumulative to
settings in make.globals and the make.profile files.
Oh, and wrt your original question, it's hardmasked in package.mask just
like people have been telling you. If you emerge the ebuild manually it'll
at least try to install, but you should probably find out why it was
hardmasked first.

 but . .  but
 from my
 make.conf i have

 # '~ppc', '~sparc' are the unstable KEYWORDS for their respective

 # Portage Directories
 # ===

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Re: [gentoo-user] Automatic perl packages, emerged from CPAN?

2003-08-27 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Take a look at've never used it myself, but it seems to be
kinda what you're looking for. Not much information on usage; seems to be Category::Module
but I'm not positive. Try searching the forums.

 I've been wondering about this, is there some way for me to build the
 various perl modules using emerge, but getting them directly from CPAN?
 I'm thinking about something analagous to Debian's dh-make-perl command,
 where you can manage your perl modules with the debian package management
 system, but you also have the flexibility of CPAN.

 Perhaps something like: 'emerge --cpan Module::Name'?

 Just a suggestion, thanks for reading!
 Adam, half Gentoo half Debian user (the server will be on Gentoo RSN)

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Re: [gentoo-user] auto Emerge world

2003-08-23 Thread Heschi Kreinick
 I've been following this thread and it occurs to me that doing an auto
 emerge world might be better handled if there was some way to --pretend
 this a print a log of what would be updated.  It could even be a
 menu-driven process allowing you to choose what to update.  Does this
 sound feasible?  As I said, I am not a programmer so this might be
 totally useless thinking.  Just trying to be helpful.
Take a look at bemerge and femerge.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Re: [gentoo-user] how to trigger ._cfg* to be installed?]

2003-08-21 Thread Heschi Kreinick
I'm no developer, but try emerge --noconfmem :-/
- Original Message - 
From: Lloyd D Budd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 12:46 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [gentoo-user] how to trigger ._cfg* to be installed?]

 Hi, before I further boffo my system, any devel that is online know the


 -Forwarded Message-
 From: Lloyd D Budd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] how to trigger ._cfg* to be installed?
 Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:03:50 -0400

 On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 10:25, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
  Lloyd D Budd wrote:
   On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 10:10, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
  Lloyd D Budd wrote:
  I did an 'emerge -e world' in the hopes that I would have all of the
  change files.  This did not occur.  Any one know how to accomplish
  Are you trying to overwrite all your config files with the defaults?
If so:
   Nope, just re-inspect the changes.
  Like someone else already said, I think your only option is to
  re-emerge. *cringe*
 Which I did with 'emerge -e world' :-(

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Re: [gentoo-user] grub messed up XP partition

2003-08-17 Thread Heschi Kreinick
I'm assuming that Disk error is coming from Grub, since I don't remember
seeing that from Windows' boot loader. I guess it could be your motherboard.
Knowing which would be a big help.

I've done what you did before, and I was able to fix it with a combination
of fixboot and fixmbr (despite its name, it seems to do partition boot
records as well in Rescue mode. fdisk /mbr probably couldn't hurt either.
You said you reinstalled Windows? Wow. Drastic. That *should* have fixed
*everything* :-p

Since it doesn't seem to have, either I'm missing something, I misunderstood
what you said, or you broke something completely different.

In any rate, if you're sure that the problem is that the Windows partition
boot record is clobbered, you can make a backup pretty easily. I was going
to write out the commands to do all this stuff but then I was googling and I
found this page, ,
which, heh, seems pretty well targeted to you :-p
The only problem is that this is designed to restore a 9x windows, not XP.
XP doesn't have any equivalent command to sys, I don't think, so you'll need
to copy a good bootsector, like this:
dd if=/dev/hda1 of=boot.bin bs=512 count=1
then get it to your Linux install on the broken machine, and do:
dd if=boot.bin of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1
I've never personally done this myself, but there ought not to be any
important information in that area anyway (now that you've clobbered it) but
you still might want make a back up. Which I shouldn't need to explain.

If that doesn't do it for you, you might have broken something else.
Alternatively, if you don't have a functioning Windows machine, I think I
can muster up the 512 bytes of bandwidth to email you a good boot sector off
one of my machines. Just ask me off-list.

 In a moment of lessened attention, I executed 'setup (hd0,0)' in grub,
 rather than the 'setup (hd0)' that I intended to use. The problem now is
 that I can't boot XP that's installed on the (hd0,0) partition. It says
 Disk error\nPress any key to retry.
 I have tried the XP fixboot utility to rewrite the bootsector on that
 drive, but to no avail. Is there a way I can undo the changes that grub
 made to this partition?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage: Updating all installed packages

2003-08-14 Thread Heschi Kreinick
You're acting like this is a big deal. Unless I'm missing something, it's
really not.
I don't know how much people know about how Portage calculates its dep tree,
so I'll start from scratch. When you emerge a package, two important (for
our purposes) things happen. 1) a directory in /var/db/pkg is created
containing the current state of a number of Portage variables, including the
USE variables, and the ebuild. 2) If the emerge was done without -u
and --oneshot the package is added to /var/cache/edb/world. How are
dependancy packages handled? As if they had --oneshot. They are not added to
world. (NB: I'm ignoring the system profile)
At this point, emerge -puD world updates all packages, because they are all
in the dependancy graph--that is, every package is installed for a reason.
Either it was manually emerged, or it is a dependancy or of one that was.
What happens when you unmerge this package? Portage uses the /var/db/pkg
ebuild and CONTENTS file to un-install the package. Any dependencies that
you have are *left alone*. This is a much commented-on problem when
removing, for example, kde. Now you have packages on your system that you
don't need, and aren't in the depgraph.
So when you do emerge -puD world they will not be found, because emerge -puD
world is really emerge -puD `cat /var/cache/edb/world`. (again, ignoring the
system profile) But why should they be? Unless you've lied to portage
(removed something from the world file) or there's a portage bug (it removed
it for you when it shouldn't have) nobody really uses any of these--why
update them?
But, you ask, how do I get rid of them? That's what dep-clean is for. It's
in gentoolkit. Run it. I clean my systems out like this: emerge -C
`dep-clean -U -C|grep /` , but you should check which packages you're about
to destroy first. Then run revdep-rebuild, because sometimes there have been
dependency changes without revision bumps (which is, IMO, a bug). Once you
do this, if you still see a deviation, THEN you have a bug. If not, as
usual, I think this is a documentation bug, not a portage bug. Would you
really prefer that Portage waste its time and yours on packages nobody uses?

So, now to address your bug entry.
The problem of course with executing [2] using qpkg is that all packages
get added to the world file so portage needs to handle this differently.
emerge -uD --oneshot `qpkg -I -nc`

Deps file - Another will be a 'deps' file in the same location and this
will contain all packages pulled in as a result of a manually installed
package. This 'dependencies' file will also contain all system packages
which form part of the initial base system.
I'm not sure what you mean by this--this is either the difference between
world+system and qpkg -I -nc (i.e., dep-clean -U) , or the
/var/db/pkg/category/package/{,R,P}DEPEND files. Either way, unless I've
misunderstood, it's already available in one way or another.

Finally, there are plenty of things in Gentoo that de facto require a tool
to do them right. There's ufed, mirrorselect, and etc-update. I don't see
why qpkg shouldn't be part of that list if you really, really want to update
all these packages.

 Please read it and provide feedback either on the bug or on this list.

 Basically, the issue at hand is the difference between [1] and [2] and how
 portage should handle this difference.

 [1] emerge -Duvp world
 [2] emerge -Duvp `qpkg -I -nc`

 Look forward to receiving feedback.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage: Updating all installed packages

2003-08-14 Thread Heschi Kreinick

 Your initial discussion did not relate to my bug at all.
Yes, it did. It explained, in fact, exactly why this happens. It may have
been too verbose or basic for you, but again, I have no idea how much you
know about how Portage works, and you don't seem to have read it at all.
It's possible that I was wrong (it always is) but if I am I would appreciate
you telling me so.

  But, you ask, how do I get rid of them? That's what dep-clean is for.
 I did not ask this.
It's a rhetorical technique. You don't need to take it literally.

 Of course not.  I'm suggesting adding a switch to portage which gives
 you the option to use it or not use it.
I was attempting to explain why, by default, Portage doesn't try to update
these packages.

  So, now to address your bug entry.
  /var/db/pkg/category/package/{,R,P}DEPEND files. Either way, unless I've
  misunderstood, it's already available in one way or another.

 There is no method available currently in portage to achieve the same
 effect as [2] in the bug.
I gave you one in the line you snipped. Again, if it doesn't work, I'd like
it if you told me why instead of ignoring me. And you haven't at all
explained what this extra deps file is intended to do. Why can't I just do
find in /var/db/pkg to get this information?

  Finally, there are plenty of things in Gentoo that de facto require a
  to do them right. There's ufed, mirrorselect, and etc-update. I don't
  why qpkg shouldn't be part of that list if you really, really want to
  all these packages.

 Well, the reason is simple.  This is, the way I see it, base
 functionality.  It is extending --deep to include the full map of
 packages.  And this is why it requires due attention from the parent
No, it is forcing Portage to include packages that have *no reason* to be on
your system. I would prefer it got rid of them altogether, rather than
updating them. But that's hard.

 Thanks for feedback.
I would appreciate it if you went back and reread what I wrote, because I
thought I addressed the problem fairly completely.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage: Updating all installed packages

2003-08-14 Thread Heschi Kreinick
In fact some of them are in the world file so I have
 no clue why dep-clean thinks they need cleaning, but it's also strange
 that some I emerged manually are not in world.

If you're not completely up to date, old versions of packages that you need
will show up as unneeded (after all, they aren't...the latest versions are,
you just don't have them installed).
 A handful of unstable packages I emerged after moving the ebuild to
 PORTAGE_OVERLAY_DIR and changing ~x86 to x86.  These show up in world,
 but are on the list from dep-clean -U.
Dep-clean probably doesn't take into account package specific ~x86 settings.
But if you manually marked them stable, I'm not sure why it would want to
get rid of them, unless they're old versions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: etc-update and fstab...

2003-08-03 Thread Heschi Kreinick
  How do I recognize trivial changes? Only upt to 3 lines affected?
  Then there are no trivial changes;-)

 There aren't any trivial changes! If a 1-line change can bring your
 machine down, then EVERY single line must be chacked with the greatest
 of care.

Spoken like someone who recently installed gentoo, and never had to look at
a bunch of files where the only thing that had changed was the CVS header.
I'm quite pleased with the automerging support.

  Quite often I get confused which side is old (left?) and new,

 My problem too!

Then use a different diff command. You can change it in etc-update.conf. I
don't have any suggestions but there have to be more out there.
To the person who said -5 is useless, I disagree that. Every time I do an
upgrade of XFree there's a buch of X config files modified that I don't care
about. I merge the files I've modified, then -5 the rest of them.
To the person (people) who think /etc/fstab never changes, older versions of
baselayout required tmpfs mounted at /mnt/.init.d/ . New versions (maybe not
in stable yet) don't. How do you suggest those changes get pointed out to
the user?

You're complaining that the automated tools don't do what you want them
to--and now people are suggesting that fstab get run through *sed*?? Sounds
like a recipe for disaster to me. If you don't like etc-update, edit the
files manually. If you have a concrete suggestion for improving etc-update,
feel free to say something. Etc-update is by no means perfect, but I don't
see an obvious way to improve it. You might try the menu-based mode, which
has been in development for quite some time. That will, at least, fix the
too many files to fit on the screen problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: etc-update and fstab...

2003-08-03 Thread Heschi Kreinick
 I agree completely that fstab needs at times, like recently, to be
 updated. However, for all the smart tools around here, I think it
 amazingly dense that etc-update -5 will replace a working partition
 number like /dev/hda6 with something like /dev/boot! It certainly should
 be able to find out which partitions I'm using for which purpose:

 /dev/hda6 /boot ext3   noauto,noatime 1 1

 It requires me to remember which partition is which. Possibly fine for
 programmers and hardware techs, but not so nice for users.

This is the core of the problem. You're asking for specialized treatment for
fstab. It might be doable. OK, so that goes in, and the next question is,
what about rc.conf, and modules.d/alsa, and, and, and...
Someone else pointed out that there is no standard format to config files in
Unix. That's why this question is not easily, maybe at all, solvable. Maybe
with some sort of plugin architecture, where each package supplies its own
config updater for etc-update to run. But inevitably those updaters are
going to have bugs. So people will have to check their configs after they're
updated, and really, how much more time does it take to merge them by hand
than just checking whether the merge was done correctly?

  that the automated tools don't do what you want them
  to--and now people are suggesting that fstab get run through *sed*??

 I don't know 'sed' and didn't suggest anything about it, even though I
 know you're just making an example.
Sorry, this was my poor attempt to address half a dozen posts without
responding to each of them--it wasn't really directed at you.

 I do think that some sort of editor that would show the changes side by
 side would be an improvement, but I don't know what tools would do that
This is exactly what merge interactively does. I think it's option 3 once
you've selected a file to update. Someone else posted a more detailed

I think the real problem that this has pointed out is that people expect
etc-update to update config files for you. It doesn't. It doesn't even
Used to be that Portage just printed something like: There are config files
to be updated! use find -name .__cfg* to find them. Well, people weren't
too happy with that. Surprise. So someone wrote etc-update, which basically
did the find for you and gave you a couple options on how to handle the new
one--delete the update, blindly accept the changes, or merge them with a
diff command. But etc-update was in gentoolkit, and newbies never found it.
And then they posted annoying messages to lists and groups about how stupid
having to find config files manually was. So etc-update was moved into the
portage package, and the help message was updated to mention it instead.

So that brings us to today, where we have messages (these are the most
recent in a long series of how -5 clobbered my system) about how stupid
etc-update is. Well, yeah. It's not supposed to be smart. You're supposed to
be. But OTOH, I'd say that it's sort of a documentation bug that this isn't
explained very clearly anywhere, and I guess auto-merge is not obviously
synonymous with DESTROY YOUR CONFIG FILES!! BAHAHAHAHAH!!'. Maybe someone
should write a config file manual for the user docs section. But there's not
anything wrong with etc-update, just with people's understanding of how it
should be used.

Hope that clears things up.

(PS: Mark: I may write angry-sounding emails, but generally that's just my
style. If I'm really frustrated I don't write anything at all. No hard
feelings on my side--I wrote because I thought your points, and other
people's, were worth addressing.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] etc-update and fstab...

2003-08-02 Thread Heschi Kreinick
 forget the space between noauto, noatime and all will be well, do this
 every line.
  none/dev/sh tmpfs   defaults0 0
Also, this should be /dev/shm, not /dev/sh, I believe. Not sure if this will
be a problem, but things could get wierd if you don't fix it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo-sources

2003-08-02 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Does anyone know when the gento-sources 2.4.21 will come out?
When it's ready. In the meantime you can use pfeifer-sources, which is the
development branch for gentoo-sources.

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Re: [gentoo-user] No usb mouse support, after 12 re-compiles. Missing modules? USB support proper also fails...

2003-07-24 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Did you mount /boot before you copied the kernel? It's hard to debug this
because you haven't given us much information. What do you mean, all show
up in dmesg? The exact output would be useful.
What do you mean, the modules are not available? There's no reason that
modules should not be found, unless you're running a different version of
the kernel than you installed the modules for. What does uname -a give you?
Is it the right compile time? What kernel source are you using now?


Anubis still can't get usb mouse support working
Anubis It seems like I get a different system with each new install
using the same configs
Anubis wtf?
Anubis if I compile as modular, all the modules are not availible
Anubis if I compile proper, like when it worked before, I get nothing as
Anubis When I ask for help, I get ignored mostly. What am I to do?
Anubis I could put the ps2 adapter on but why?
Anubis I had this very same mouse on this very same system working with
gentoo and this gaming-sources
Anubis now I get nada
Anubis very frustrating
Anubis no consistency
Anubis uhci.c,usb.c hid-core.c
Anubis all show up in dmesg

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Re: [gentoo-user] alsa-driver 0.9.5 - any ebuild yet?

2003-07-15 Thread Heschi Kreinick
  I think a ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~86 emerge -p alsa-driver would do the

On my test machine at work the proposed command:

 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~86 emerge -p alsa-driver

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] alsa-driver 0.9.5 - any ebuild yet?

2003-07-15 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Probably make.conf is the only place that really even mentions them. But
basically, in an ebuild is a list of KEYWORDS. Currently I believe the only
use of KEYWORDS is to define what architectures (sparc, x86, ppc, ...) a
package works on. In your make.profile, make.defaults sets ACCEPT_KEYWORDS
to x86, because you're almost certainly using default-x86-1.4. You're using
default-x86-1.4 because that's what your stage tarball came with; you used
to have to set the link manually but that was back in the 1.0 days.
Anyway, for every arch keyword there's a corresponding ~arch keyword, which
indicates that the package is works-for-me stable (me being the developer)
and ready for testing by general users.
Portage ties all of this together by comparing your ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to the
ebuild's KEYWORDS, and if there aren't any shared, it considers the package
masked. So an ebuild is first put into the portage tree with KEYWORDS=~x86
and only people with ~x86 see it unmasked; later, the ebuild is marked
stable with KEYWORDS=x86. Note that like many other variables in
make.{globals,defaults,conf}, ACCEPT_KEYWORDS is cumulative, so even if you
set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 in make.conf, you still have x86 too.

Or maybe you're asking why it's x86, in which case: 8086, 286, 386, 486, 586
(pentium), 686 (pentium 2+)...x86...get it?

 What document explains the use of these key words? I really need to go
 read it and understand.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Can't boot after install L 02, and no GRUB either!

2003-07-09 Thread Heschi Kreinick
For future reference, one of the options in the advanced menu of fdisk is to
renumber partitions in disk order. But I had them out of order on my laptop
for ages and no problem. Shouldn't really matter to anything that doesn't
suck. :-p
What hardware are you running (ide card, motherboard, drive)? Also, for
precision's sake, what does `fdisk -l /dev/hda` give you?
Given what you've said it sounds like there's something unusual about your
setup. You seem to have done everything right, but that's hardly unusual for
wierd stuff like this.
You might want to try attacking it from the floppy first--boot from the
liveCD, back up your .config, copy /proc/.config over, and use that kernel
to boot off the floppy. If that doesn't work, something's *really* wierd.
Hmm. Maybe the disk has a bad sector in the first track?
Good'll need it, I think. At some point you're probably going to
want to go to the LILO or GRUB lists.




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Re: [gentoo-user] hostname with dynamic IP?

2003-07-06 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Take a look at the -H flag for dhcpcd, maybe -D too. Add them to dhcpcd_eth0
in /etc/conf.d/net.

 At booting, I see the message you need to set /etc/hostname
 to a valid hostname. How can I do that? The install manual (chap. 19)
 seems to address people with a fixed IP. Am I wrong? I have cable modem
 connection with dynamic IP. With RH8, the command hostname shows me the
 real hostname (i.e. the hostname from the point of view of the ISP, if I
 understood correctly); I know I can use that name to receive e-mail (I did
 it for testing purposes). In gentoo, the same command only outputs
 localhost; I suppose some script could get the name at boot time and cat
 it to /etc/hostname. The same question relating  /etc/dnsdomainname...

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Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with scp

2003-06-28 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Someone gave you what I think is the right answer but I don't believe you
ever responded, so I'll reiterate.
I saw this line in your example login:
Good day to avoid cops.  Crawl to work.
which looks to me like you have `fortune` in your .bashrc or .bash_profile.
scp will not work if commands you have in either generate output for
non-interactive shells. Apparently you can test for $- containing i, but
that's just ripped off a Google search, so...

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Re: [gentoo-user] Problems installing Gentoo on Toshiba TE2100 Laptop

2003-06-27 Thread Heschi Kreinick
There was some bug with the spinner from something or other never going
away. I gather you're new to unix in general--cdimage root# is the prompt;
it's done, but whatever made that spinner won't give up. One message from a
month back says you should try `killall hwsetup`. Anyway, even if that
doesn't work, if you can deal with the silly thing filling up your screen
all the time while you do the install, you're OK.
- Original Message - 
From: Jamie Dobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 6:12 AM
Subject: [gentoo-user] Problems installing Gentoo on Toshiba TE2100 Laptop

 The install starts off well but sits at the 'CDIMAGE' bar for over 15
 minutes before I give up hope and reboot the laptop.
 Is it worth me waiting longer or is there some trick to getting Gentoo
 1.4rc4 to install on a laptop reliably?
 I should note that the install find the laptops NIC fine and assigns an
 IP from the DHCP server, it finds the USB bus  but just never makes it
 past the 'cdimage root #' bar that makes it all the way across the
 screen and just sits there appears to be doing things (the 'spinner' at
 the end of the bar goes round and round) but nothing else ever happens.

 ...or am I just too impatient? I want to have Linux on this laptop but
 don't want ot have to go back to Mandrake after running Gentoo on my
 dekstop PC and seeing just how fast it is!

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Re: [gentoo-user] Still Failing Library

2003-06-23 Thread Heschi Kreinick
This is a problem with the ABI break between 2.95 and 3.x. You're going to
have to compile with 2.95. You should be able to emerge sys-devel/gcc-2.95.2
and use gcc-config to switch. I assume that all this lib stuff is you
munging the proprietary stuff. The include path probably comes from their
system, not yours, (since that's a linker message, it's possible it's
pulling that error out of the object file, I suppose) but it's hard to
impossible to tell since we can't even see any of the code. If you need help
with an NDA'd library, you should talk to people you can talk to under the

 Alright, this is still not working. I've played with the -lstdc++ but it
 didn't help (and it was already there anyhoo). Now it looks to me like
 it was compiled with gcc 2.95.2. Would that make a difference? Then in
 the line:

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Re: [gentoo-user] Why keeping old kernel sources?

2003-06-23 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Works better if you use the right names. emerge -C gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r3
or whatever.
- Original Message - 
From: Frank Hellmuth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Why keeping old kernel sources?

 On Monday 23 June 2003 15:14, MAL wrote:
  Frank Hellmuth wrote:
   Is it safe to do a
   #emerge -C linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r3 linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r4
  They aren't cleaned, as often previous sources are needed still, such as
  when you want to compile a module for a previous version.
  Even when you run the above command, the directories will remain in
  /usr/src, because when you compiled your kernel, you generate additional
  files that weren't installed by the emerge.  So _after_ unmerging, you
  can rm -rf /usr/src/linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r{3,4}

 Thanks for the information, now that I've tried it, I found that there are
 ebuilds for r3 and r4 in the portage tree anymore. So is there any way to
 unmerge them using portage-tools? Or do I just have to remove the

 Hmmm --- esp. for something important like the kernel sources
 it leaves a bad taste: install via emerge, uninstall via adding ebuilds
manually to
 PORTDIR_OVERLAY or removing directories...


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Re: [gentoo-user] Why keeping old kernel sources?

2003-06-23 Thread Heschi Kreinick
It's out of the portage tree, but for many reasons, which you can probably
guess a few of, it's a good idea to keep around information about the
package, and your system, as they were when you installed it. If you look in
/var/db/pkg, you'll see that every package you saves a whole bunch of
information--including the ebuild.
 ChangeLog  gentoo-sources-2.4.19-r10.ebuild  Manifest
 files  gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r5.ebuild

 So I thought it's missing ebuild.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Date for Final Release?

2003-06-20 Thread Heschi Kreinick

 I think the single largest problem here with Gentoo and release management
 is that it has NEVER been said what exactly is going to be in a release
 what exactly needs to be done to have a release.  Version 1.4 includes
 Does that answer apply to RC[1,2,3,4,*]?  If not, then the definition is

 So ... anybody have an idea when we can have some bullet points to
 what is going to be in 1.4 and what is left to get it to 1.4?

Is a month and a half ago soon enough for you?

PS: Norberto, isn't 1 incoherent thread a little slim to justify blocking
me? :-p

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Re: [gentoo-user] [gentoo-dev] broken portage ;P and yes .. it's my fault .. sortoff

2003-06-17 Thread Heschi Kreinick
What file system are you using? I'm guessing XFS? From the install guide:
XFS is a filesystem with metadata journaling that is fully supported under
Gentoo Linux's xfs-sources kernel. It comes with a robust feature-set and is
optimized for scalability. We only recommend using this filesystem on Linux
systems with high-end SCSI and/or fibre channel storage and a
uninterruptible power supply. Because XFS aggressively caches in-transit
data in RAM, improperly designed programs (those that don't take proper
precautions when writing files to disk, and there are quite a few of them)
can lose a good deal of data if the system goes down unexpectedly.

IIRC there was a long discussion about this a while back when
stopped using XFS. I think the problem was that any file that is being
lengthened when you crash gets destroyed. If you were doing emerges at the
same time that would have a tendency to trash portage, or maybe the portage
Your error appears similar to the one other people on the list are
getting...but I think that's only costmetic. You might want to try reading
/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/files/README.RESCUE. And if trying the nvidia
drivers is screwing your machine this badly, maybe you should *stop*.
 IS there some way to fix this ?

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Re: [gentoo-user] pkg's safe for removing ?

2003-06-06 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Any new revision (-r1,-r2...) will almost certainly use the old source
tarball. Of course Portage will happily redownload any file it needs, but
here's a more-or-less bulletproof way to clean out your distfiles:

mv /usr/portage/distfiles /tmp
mkdir /usr/portage/distfiles
FETCHCOMMAND='mv /tmp/distfiles/${FILE} ${DISTDIR}' emerge -fe world
rm -rf /tmp/distfiles

This should be about as perfect as you're likely to see. Unfortunately it
does take a while to run. If you have leaf packages that aren't in your
world file I guess you could add qpkg -I -nc|xargs.

 This comes up every few weeks.  What am I missing here?

  I've never found anything except the kernel sources an the xfree
 sources that are ever referenced again.  99% of the packages are
 discrete installs rather than a base packages with patches.  I regularly
 wipe/usr/portage/distfiles and /var/tmp/portage without any dire
 consequences.  I almost never see anything reloaded that I wiped
 out.  Since I have cable that's not a problem, but how often does one
 update the kernel or xfree sources anyway?

 It would seem that the developers should put a proper rationale for what
 to do in the gentoo documentation, and then we could close this out

 Collins Richey - Denver Area
 gentoo stable - ext3

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Re: [gentoo-user] Create a new grub only partition? Looking for ideas.

2003-06-03 Thread Heschi Kreinick
You won't be able to chroot from tomsrtbt. When I needed to do a
floppy-based install, I had to make my own 2.4.20 kernel and rebuild the
disk image, which isn't terribly hard, but requires a functional installed
for other alternatives.
- Original Message - 
From: Mark Knecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: [gentoo-user] Create a new grub only partition? Looking for

   MOST IMPORTANT! Can you explain just a bit about why I'm
  chroot-ing when I
   do this? I don't understand chroot at all. If it's not too much
  typing, give
   me a few commands to sort of start the flow.
  Tom's is a very thin Linux (one floppy, after all!). By chrooting
  to your own root disk, you're putting yourself into your installed
  Gentoo environment - albeit running Tom's kernel instead of the one you
  built. Let's say your root disk is /dev/hda3 and you're /boot disk is
  /dev/hda4. I think that Tom's provides a /mnt directory... so do this:
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt
mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/boot
  (and any other things you need to mount). Then:
chroot /mnt
  and you'll be in the environment you built - with all the
  commands (like grub) that
  aren't in Tom's environment. From there, you can start repairs.

 Thanks Nathan. Sounds cool.

 Have Tomsrtbt downloaded. Trying to figure out how to make the floppy on
 Win XP Pro machine. Looks like I need to go find a DOS machine.

 Thanks for your help,

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Re: [gentoo-user] Create a new grub only partition? Looking for ideas.

2003-06-03 Thread Heschi Kreinick
Guess I should have reread the thread--I assumed you were going for tomsrtbt
for a reason. Yeah, the liveCD will work fine for what you want. I'm on my
way out right now, so I can't go into too much detail, but my suggestion
would be to create a GRUB boot floppy (instructions on this are available but that's for making
a netboot image; ignore the part about tulip and just do listing 2.4). Make
your best guesses for a grub.conf, write it to the floppy, then boot off it.
One of the nice things about GRUB is you can edit its config on the fly (use
the e key), so if you didn't get your config file right you can play around
with it. (It doesn't actually save to the disk, though..) Once you have a
working grub.conf that can boot all your OS's, you should be able to just
choose a GRUB root partition, write it to the MBR, and go. In the meantime,
you aren't messing with your HD, and so you won't be breaking anything.

  Why not use a Gentoo LiveCD and boot from it.  It's got
  everything you need to run a system.
Is the LiveCD the same things as the Stage123 install CD?

I suggested this possibility earlier but one responder said it wasn't
 built to do that. I booted from the Stage 123 install CD last night to
 around with this idea. My thought was I installed grub from that CD in the
 first place. It must have enough on it to make this work, if I could find
 the right set of command to give it.

Maybe we could come up with a document about how to use one of these
 to repair a system? I'd be up for helping on that.


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