Re: [gentoo-user] SCSI tape drive doesn't work

2005-03-29 Thread Peter Eis
Patrick Marquetecken wrote:


In my former thread i have ask what device my SCSI tapedrive could have
and i got a lot of answers, but none of the devices people on this list
have are present on my machine: Linux rivendell 2.6.9-gentoo-r6 #13 Sat
Mar 26 15:10:25 CET 2005 i686 Pentium III (Coppermine) GenuineIntel
GNU/Linux. The kernel knows my SCSI devices:
rivendell root # cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST336706LW   Rev: 0108
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 03
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP   Model: C1537A   Rev: L708
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

I have the impression that my system does not know that target4 is a
tape-drive. Any advice would be very helpful

One of our customers had a similar problem with one of his servers.
There the tape was connected to the on board SCSI adapter.
We added a PCI SCSI adapter and used this card for the tape.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Editing files with Xemacs

2005-02-24 Thread Peter Eis
Hareesh Nagarajan wrote:
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 08:24:50 +0100, Jean Magnan de Bornier 

I'm using emacs, maybe it is different with xemacs
I have this in my .emacs
(require 'tex-site)

I have that too. My problem is that the 'tex' file isn't identified by
XEmacs as a 'tex' file by default. It need to get into tex mode

add this to your init.el:
(setq auto-mode-alist
   '(\\.tex$ . tex-mode))
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT ghostscript

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Eis
Antoine wrote:
Does anyone know why converting a standard a4 pdf to tiffg4 with 
postscript would give me tiffs of about a1 size?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ gs -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=wow.tif 
-sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=a4 general.pdf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ tiffdump wow.tif
Magic: 0x4949 little-endian Version: 0x2a
Directory 0: offset 8 (0x8) next 1740 (0x6cc)
SubFileType (254) LONG (4) 12
ImageWidth (256) LONG (4) 11728
ImageLength (257) LONG (4) 12292
BitsPerSample (258) SHORT (3) 11
Compression (259) SHORT (3) 14
Most annoying! I get reasonable values if I set the DPI to 72 (normal 
size) but I need 300. I guess I need to do some kind of resampling - 
or do I?
to create a tiff mith 300 DPI you could use
gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -g2480x3508 -r300 -dTextAlphaBits=4 
-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=wow.tif a4job.pdf

# tiffinfo wow.tif:
 Image Width: 2480 Image Length: 3508
 Resolution: 300, 300 pixels/inch
The width and length tell you how many pixel the image contains.
Now if you calculate
2480 dots / 8.267717 inch = 299,96 dots/inch
3508 dots / 11.692913 inch = 300,01 dots/inch
So if you print the image on a A4 page the resolution is 300 DPI.
AFAIK there is no way to tell a TIFF that it has a specific page size. 
But most imaging programs like gimp for example will also calculate the 
resulting print size based on the resolution and the pixel dimensions.

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Re: [gentoo-user] syslog-ng logrotate question

2005-01-16 Thread Peter Eis
Covington, Chris wrote:
On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 12:21 -0600, Ben Maas wrote:

Covington, Chris wrote:

Hi all,
How can I make sure that my weekly logrotation occurs on Sunday

You'll need to change your crontab.
First though, I assume this means you don't want you logs to be rotated 
dailty as is the default when you emerge logrotate.  The dafault is that 
the /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.cron script is run daily, which rotates 
your logs.

but the logrotate.cron cron job occurs /etc/cron.daily.  On my Red Hat
systems, this 'weekly' rotation always occurs Sunday morning (for
instance, with /var/log/maillog) and the logrotate cron job still runs
in /etc/cron.daily.  On my Gentoo system I have syslog-ng.conf setup
like the example on and
I also have /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.cron but my maillog didn't rotate
this morning (I'm using Postfix as the MTA).
My /var/lib/logrotate.status on the Gentoo system looks like this:
grendel log # cat /var/lib/logrotate.status
logrotate state -- version 2
/var/log/messages 2005-1-16
/var/log/wtmp 2005-1-16
For some reason /var/log/maillog isn't in there,
although /var/log/maillog exists.

You may modify the file /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng.
Just extend the messages entry:
/var/log/messages /var/log/maillog {
   /etc/init.d/syslog-ng reload  /dev/null 21 || true
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] /var/log/messages permission problem

2005-01-15 Thread Peter Eis
Jans H. Xie wrote:
   I use syslog-ng on my Gentoo box. It works well except one
problem: Every time I reboot I found the /var/log/messgaes file's
permission was set to 0600. Since I want all users in root group can
read it, I have to chmod g+r /var/log/messages again and again. So how
can I make its permission default 0600?

Don't know how to change is default permission, but you could add the 
'chmod' command to /etc/conf.d/local.start

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] portage doens't work after latest emerge

2004-02-07 Thread Peter Eis


my portage system just died after I installed it some 2 hours ago.

I get the following meggage when typing emerge or etc-update:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/bin/emerge, line 14, in ?
   import portage
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 6111, in ?
   settings.regenerate() # XXX: Regenerate use after we get a vartree -- GLOBAL
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 1384, in regenerate
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 1122, in autouse
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 3301, in dep_check
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 3044, in dep_zapdeps
 File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 3030, in dep_zapdeps
   elif myportapi.match(x):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'match'
Any idea what went wrong?

If you also upgraded python you will need to run python-updater.
Check your portage log of python-2.3.3:
* If you have just upgraded from python-2.2.x you will need to run:
* /usr/sbin/python-updater
* This will automatically rebuild all the python dependent modules
* to run with python-2.3.

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Re: [gentoo-user] centrino kernel compile question

2004-02-02 Thread Peter Eis
Lloyd H. Meinholz wrote:

I should have specified in the body of my post. I mean the centrino
(pentium m) cpu. I didn't think it had been out for that long...

On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 08:52, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:

Lloyd H. Meinholz wrote:

Which processor type am I supposed to select when building a kernel
(vanilla 2.4.24)? I assumed pentium4, but read somewhere it was supposed
to be pentium3. Thanks,

I'd recomment pentium3 settings.
I did an gentoo installation on an acer notebook some time ago and 
searched the web for the correct settings. I can't find the page anymore 
but I read that some features of pentium4 are missing in centrino CPU's 
and that the base architecture is pentium3.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Looking for ...

2004-01-14 Thread Peter Eis
Chris Johnson wrote:

Newbie to gentoo here.  Trying to install on a system which RH8 has 
loading the a320raid.o and scsi_mod.o modules.  This is an Adaptec x9320 
hostraid controller.  The bad news is that, AFAIK, the gentoo CD1
basic install kernel does not have these driver modules.  Makes it
really tough to install gentoo.  At least I can find them.  

The kernel 2.6 seems to have a driver for your Adaptec.
Check the kernel doc in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/scsi/aic79xx.txt
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Re: [gentoo-user] ser-vey

2004-01-10 Thread Peter Eis
Ben Munat wrote:

So, a) what are some of the most important things to consider when 
setting up a gentoo web server? and b) here's a list of what I'm 
thinking I'll need (off the top of my head); anything missing? 
Anything you'd disagree with?

I'd recommend shorewall for configuring a iptables firewall on your server


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Re: [gentoo-user] su: Permission denied!

2004-01-09 Thread Peter Eis
Roger wrote:


I am learning how to admin my gentoo box. Now I have a problem with
'su'. It is working some hours ago. But after I type 'etc-update',I
quit, because I was a little confused. After that, when I type 'su',
System reply 
su: Permission denied!

what's wrong?

you must be in the 'wheel' group!
edit the file /etc/group.
Look for a line similar like 'wheel::10:root' and add your account name: 

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Re: [gentoo-user] Archives?

2004-01-05 Thread Peter Eis
Fred Labrosse wrote:

Fred Labrosse writes:
 Collins writes:
   Please search in the archives this was discussed in the past few days. 
   The recommendation was to create your own runlevel and select what you
   want via a parameter passed at boot time (lilo or grub conf).
 I guessed that.  Would you remember what the syntax was?  I'll look in the

Here's a good one.  I can't find the archives of the mailing list?  They
are not mentioned on the mailing lists page and I can't find them
anywhere.  Help please ;-).

I guess that's what you want



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Re: [gentoo-user] Updating Gentoo

2004-01-04 Thread Peter Eis
Thomas Degris wrote:


I would like to update the portage tree and the target world every day 
automatically. So, I have put my script updategentoo in 
/etc/cron.daily and modify the line
0  3 * * * rootrm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily
0  * * * * rootrm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily
change it to
0 0 * * * rootrm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily

because I would like to update my system every 24h and not every 3h am 
of  every day.  My problem is it seems that my updategentoo script is 
run every hours or something like that. Did I miss something in the 
crontab configuration ?


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Re: [gentoo-user] cd busy

2004-01-01 Thread Peter Eis
Goran Kavrecic wrote:

It happens from time to time, that I mount the CD, use it, close all
related  programs and when trying to unmoun tit returns that the device
is busy.
try 'lsof' to find out which program has files open on the cd.


The latest was a CD when I openned an html file with mozzila.

Regards  Happy New Year,
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Re: [gentoo-user] cd busy

2004-01-01 Thread Peter Eis
Goran Kavrecic wrote:


'lsof | grep /mnt' returns:
fam 801 goran   37r   DIR   22,0 2048  411422720
But I suppose I need this one. Don't I?

Well, from the man page it sounds to me like 'fam' is some kind of 
monitor program to check for file changes. Probably it has been startet 
by mozilla when you where visiting the cd.
I think it should be save to kill the process which locks the cd.
Anyhow it would be nice if someone could jump in to enlighten us in the 
behaviour of fam (in the standard settings fam should release the file 
after 5 sec. if no client is using it, so there must be some program 
which still has a connection open)?



Na 1072970710, 2004-01-01 ob 16:25, je Peter Eis napisal(a):

Goran Kavrecic wrote:


It happens from time to time, that I mount the CD, use it, close all
related  programs and when trying to unmoun tit returns that the device
is busy.

try 'lsof' to find out which program has files open on the cd.



The latest was a CD when I openned an html file with mozzila.

Regards  Happy New Year,
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Re: [gentoo-user] Howto backup w2k with streamer in Gentoo machine?

2003-12-15 Thread Peter Eis
Timo Boettcher wrote:


 I have two machines here, one workstation that has Windows 2000 Pro
 installed, and one server that runs Gentoo and has a Streamer. How
 can I backup the W2K workstation with the streamer in the linux

Have a look at arkeia
For 1 server and up to 2 clients it's free

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Re: [gentoo-user] Managing Distributed Gentoo Boxes

2003-12-09 Thread Peter Eis
Here is a posting concerning the same subject

 Original Message 
Subject: 	[gentoo-user] How to admin a multiple Gentoo Installation (and 
keep your sanity)
Date: 	Sat, 15 Mar 2003 16:55:09 +0100
From: 	Andrea Barisani [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi to all!

After having migrated from RedHat Linux to Gentoo on my network (35 hosts + 4
servers, approx 300 users) I would like to share and discuss my experiences
in handling multiple Gentoo systems installations. This is nothing special
for all the sysadmin out there, however I hope to stimulate discussion and
hear how you manage such installations.
- Scenario

35 client hosts used by our students handled by a central server, three
different architectures: k6 (400 Mhz), p1 (200 Mhz), p4 (1,7 Ghz).
- Primary objectives

1) have a centralized control of all clients installation and administration
2) find a proper way to optimize the installation on slow machines (p1 and k6)
3) give the users always the (almost) latest versions of all packages
Of course Gentoo was the answer :) and since it performs so well on our servers
we have decided to test it and eventually migrate all clients. (with Gentoo
performance on slow hardware has _really_ improved)
- Description

The system is composed by the 35 hosts and a central server that compiles and
propagates all packages to the clients, this is done by having 3 different
installations (one for each arch) in three different directories on the
server, packages are built with the '-b' option and then copied and installed
with 'emerge -k' on the clients. Packages and configurations propagation is
all done via rsync.
Let's see some details:

On the central server we got:


untar stage1 and bootstrap and compile the desired installation in each
directory with the proper arch-dependent optimizations. Since the server 
is a Gentoo installation I've used a single /usr/portage:

mount -o bind /usr/portage /dist/k6/usr/portage
mount -o bind /usr/portage /dist/p1/usr/portage
mount -o bind /usr/portage /dist/p4/usr/portage
Put any global modified/added file in /dist/adm/GLOBAL/, for example:

...and so on

Put any arch-dependent modified/added file in /dist/adm/ARCH/, for example:

...and so on

Put any host-dependent modified/added file in /dist/adm/LOCAL/, for example:

...and so on

Then put all clients hostnames divided by arch in k6.list, p4.list, p1.list
and put every hostname in all.list.
Now you can sync each configuration with the following scripts. 
The first argument is the arch (es. ./rsync-adm k6). These are not
the real scripts, only the core part is shown, I've omitted arguments
verification and some debugging 'echo' :).

/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --progress /dist/adm/GLOBAL/ /dist/$1/
/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --progress /dist/adm/ARCH/$1/ /dist/$1/
for i in `cat /dist/$1.list` ; do
/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --progress -e ssh /dist/adm/GLOBAL/ [EMAIL 
for i in `cat /dist/$1.list` ; do
	/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --progress -e ssh /dist/adm/ARCH/$1/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ ; 
	/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --delete --progress -e ssh /dist/$1/packages/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/packages/ ;
	# my PKGDIR is /packages 

for i in `cat /dist/$1.list` ; do
/usr/bin/rsync -vrlptgoD --progress -e ssh /dist/adm/LOCAL/$i/ [EMAIL 
Now on the clients you can mount via NFS in read-only /usr/portage.
However the subdir /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src must be writable, a way to
manage this is creating /tmp/portage and use /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src
as a mounting point:
mkdir /tmp/cvs-src ; chown root.portage /tmp/cvs-src ; chmod 4770 /tmp/cvs-src
mount -o bind /tmp/cvs-src /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src
Now packages update and installation can be done like the following:

# emerge sync
# chroot /dist/p4
# emerge -b -u --deep world
# emerge distcc
# exit
# for i in `cat /dist/p4.list` ; do ssh $i 'emerge -k -u --deep world' ; done
# for i in `cat /dist/p4.list` ; do ssh $i 'emerge -k distcc' ; done
- Caveats

openoffice-bin must be installed on the clients, it doesn't work with -b and
-k, I don't know why however I'll investigate, same problem with mplayer.
- Notes

The first idea was maintaining only /dist/arch installations and directly
rsync that tree on the clients, however on slow hardware this is really slow
and the exceptions (/var, /etc/mtab..etc) are too difficult to manage.
Hope that someone might find this useful, I'll be happy to hear your comments.

Bye :)


INFIS Network Administrator  Security Officer .*. 
Department of Physics   - University 

Re: [gentoo-user] CUPS (print to file)

2003-12-02 Thread Peter Eis
Epifanov Alexander wrote:


Is it possible to have a printer in CUPS,
And all documents, sended to this printer, save in file (for example postscript).

net-print/cups-pdf - creates PDF files



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Re: [gentoo-user] CUPS (print to file)

2003-12-02 Thread Peter Eis
Peter Eis wrote:

Epifanov Alexander wrote:


Is it possible to have a printer in CUPS,
And all documents, sended to this printer, save in file (for example 

net-print/cups-pdf - creates PDF files
you could also create your own cups-backend to capture the spoolfile and 
the hand it over to some script (see attachment)



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Description: application/gzip-compressed
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Re: [gentoo-user] Xsession

2003-11-19 Thread Peter Eis
Ted Ozolins wrote:

When I mess up I realy do a great job of it. Somehow I've managed to 
blank the contents of Xsession. I could really use a copy. Anyone?

Description: application/gzip-compressed
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Re: [gentoo-user] openvpn configuration (the gentoo way)

2003-11-16 Thread Peter Eis
You could try using openvpn with shorewall.
According to the manual there the setup should be quite simple
Of course you have to configure shorewall, too ;-)

Redeeman wrote:

i have wondered about setting vpn up too, and the documentation from
openvpn's site is too complicated for me :)
On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 11:38, Lincoln A. Baxter wrote:

Does anyone have a working openvpn setup that was built using
the init.d/openvpn start script that the gentoo ebuild creates?  

This script appears to walk directories in /etc/openvpn using local.conf
in each directory. Presumably each directory represents are remote
system to which a tunnel has been created.
If you have a working configuration using the gentoo ebuild created
structure, would you be willing to share the config files?

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Re: [gentoo-user] Adobe SVG

2003-11-10 Thread Peter Eis
Azhdeen wrote:

On Monday 10 November 2003 10:35, dave willis wrote:

anyone know if there is an Adobe SVG viewer for linux?


I know Adobe themselves make one, but i haven't tried it in a long time.

i know you didn't try emerge -s svg :

*  net-www/adobesvg
 Latest version available: 3.0
 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
 Size of downloaded files: 3,551 kB
 Description: Scalable Vector Graphics plugin
AFAIK the Adobe plugin doesn't work with mozilla since version 1.0 :-(

Mozilla SVG Project is working on it's own solution


*  gnome-base/librsvg
 Latest version available: 2.4.0
 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
 Size of downloaded files: 228 kB
 Description: rendering svg library
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Re: [gentoo-user] permissions

2003-10-20 Thread Peter Eis
maybe you have some process still running which has a file open in that dir.
try 'lsof' to check if that is the case and then kill that process
Ryan wrote:


i have no idea why tried everything cant get it deleted

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 08:03:05 -0400
Barry Marler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

rm -rf dir_name as root doesn't work?

On 12:47 Mon 20 Oct , Ryan wrote:

morning all

i finished installing my box on friday and started to emerge windowmaker before i went home .

now this morning i have a dir with these permissions 

drwxrwxrwx	2 root	root  

but when i try delete the dir i get permission denied ,any ideas as to how i can delete this dir, as windowmaker wont emerge till its gone.

thanks ryan

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Barry Marler
Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory
University of Georgia
Room 229, Center for Applied Genetic Technologies
111 Riverbend Rd.
Athens, GA 30602
706.583.0164 [office]
706.583.0160 [fax]
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Re: [gentoo-user] Firewall choice question

2003-10-05 Thread Peter Eis
Pat Kerwan wrote:

On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 10:03:49AM +0200, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:


1 - I was thinking of using a firewall on cd (creating myself) with
gentoo and iptables. If it is going to be used in a company (if properly
configured) would the result be the same as a checkpoint firewall ?

Don't know to much about checkpoint but besides the advanced features 
like HA/clustering the result should be the same.
If you don't insist in using gentoo you could also use gibraltar 
( which is a debian based firewall on cd.
Generally for configuring the iptables rules I recommend using shorewall (there is an ebuild for it).


2- How do i save the logfiles of that firewall config, on the internal
HD? and read them true ssh ?

To save the log files to the HD, I'm pretty sure all you'd need to do
is create a filesystem on the hard drive, and set up /etc/fstab so it
will be mounted at /var.
- PK


Insufficient facts always invite danger.
-- Spock, Space Seed, stardate 3141.9
PGP Key:
Fingerprint = 2792 057F C445 9486 F932 3AEA D3A3 1B0C 1059 273B
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Registered Linux User #44550

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Re: [gentoo-user] How early in the install can I use ssh?

2003-09-29 Thread Peter Eis
Ian Truelsen wrote:

If I start from stage-1, how soon in the install process can I log into
the system via ssh? Is that available via the LiveCD?
Yes. After boot you just have to configure the network, set the root 
password and then to '/etc/init.d/ssh start'


Would I have to
wait for the end of Stage 2 or 3 to access via ssh?

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Re: [gentoo-user] how to measure my network traffic?

2003-09-26 Thread Peter Eis
gabor wrote:


i've just got connected to tghe internet using a cable modem, 
and i'd like to know how much do i down/upload.

so ideally i want something that will run in the background and create a logfile,
and i can ask him how much was the upstream/downstream traffic for the last x days.
i found mrtg, but isn't there anything simpler?

Try vnstat -
It's fairly simple to use and creates nice reports.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Mail - News

2003-09-10 Thread Peter Eis
Sebastian Bergmann wrote:


 I have a working fetchmail - procmail - postfix - Maildir toolchain
 in place and now want to take this setup a step further by delivering
 mailinglist messages to local (inn) newsgroups.
 Is there a HOW-TO for this task somewhere?

I don't know if there is a howto somwhere but AFAIK Courier could do the 
job for you.
It supports the maildir format and you can set it up to provide public 
read only mail folders.
So you could stay with your current mail client to read the postings and 
to reply to them.


 Also, when replying to a newsgroup posting the reply should be send via
 mail to the corresponding mailinglist, not the local newsgroup.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel panic with detection of IRQ-Router

2003-09-09 Thread Peter Eis
Frank Reich wrote:


For a friend of mine I ask you for help on a Gentoo-install on an old
computer. I already tried in alt.os.linux.gentoo, but the answer(s) 
didn't help.

The problem is this:

Hardware: Pentium 120 with Intel FX chipset
Distribution: Gentoo 1.4
The Gentoo-boot-CD boots successful. When checking for PCI-bus the
correct chipset is detected and the PIIX-driver is loaded.
But when building the kernel (PIIX-chipset-driver compiled into kernel)
the (very same) chipset-detection ends in a kernel panic!
As the kernel from the boot cd is working you could try to use exactly 
the same kernel configuration for your system (at least for a start).
As far as I remember this configuration is stored in /proc. Just look at 
the message on the screen after the system finished the boot process. It 
tell's you where you'll find the config file.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo grub question?

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Eis
Joshua Banks wrote:

So my question is that I've configured the kernel using genkernel and 
have configured Grub and grub.conf like so:


I'm not a grub expert so please let know if this is correct please.

grub utility
grub root (hd0,0)
grub setup (hd0)
grub quit
default 0
timeout 30
title=My Gentoo Linux (compiled by genkernel)
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-KV root=/dev/hda3
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-KV
If you've got a boot partition you must not have /boot in the path to 
the kernel/initrd
My gentoo specific part of grub.conf looks like this:

title Gentoo Linux
   root (hd0,0)
   kernel /kernel-2.4.20-gentoo-r5 root=/dev/hda7
   initrd /initrd-2.4.20-gentoo-r5
This is my question. Does the above look configured correctly and are 
the grub.conf (kernel and initrd lines) suppose to look like this:

kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-/boot/kernel-2.4.20-gentoo-r5 
root=/dev/hda3 vga=795

initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-/boot/initrd-2.4.20-gentoo-r5

How are these lines suppose to look very specifically from:

kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel- from this point here...on

Oh ya..

The install guide says:

Using framebuffer

People who have selected framebuffer in their kernel should add 
vga=xxx to their bootloader configuration file.

How do I know if this has been selected. Where do I look? Remember I'm 
a noob so please put the kids gloves on.. I'm not stupid just a new to 
linux somewhat.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo grub question?

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Eis
Joshua Banks wrote:

Thanks for the reply Peter,

I'm follow the directions off there Install x86 doc. I trust you, don't get me wrong but that
would be pretty messed up I would think.

I'm not a grub expert either so maybe you should wait for other advices 
before messing things up.
But as long as you don't mess up your partitions you should always be 
able to boot again from the install cd, mount the linux partitions and 
fix wrong setting in grub (I had to do this several times before 
everything worked well).

Here's there example: (Is my grub different because I used genkernel to compile the 
kernel, I
Now, create the grub.conf file (nano -w /boot/grub/grub.conf) and add the following to it: 

Code listing 23.4: grub.conf for GRUB

default 0
timeout 30
# If you compiled your own kernel, use something like this:
title=My example Gentoo Linux
root (hd0,0) 
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/bzImage root=/dev/hda3 

# If you're using genkernel, use something like this instead:
title=My example Gentoo Linux (genkernel)
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-KV root=/dev/hda3
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-KV
# Below needed only for people who dual-boot
title=Windows XP
root (hd0,5) 
chainloader (hd0,5)+1

Warning: Substitute KV with the kernel version you have installed. 

Does this make sense Peter? Is there install guide messed up?

It just depends on you disk layout. If you do have a boot partition (as 
recommended in the install docs) then you must not have the /boot in the 
path to the kernel as there is no such dir on this partition (someone 
please correct me if I'm wrong)
If you installed everything on one partition only then the example 
config is ok.
I would put two entries for gentoo in the grub.conf:

title=My example Gentoo Linux (genkernel with /boot) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-KV root=/dev/hda3
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-KV

title=My example Gentoo Linux (genkernel without /boot) 
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/kernel-KV root=/dev/hda3
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd-KV

# Below needed only for people who dual-boot
title=Windows XP
root (hd0,5) 
chainloader (hd0,5)+1

Of course you still need to change 'KV' with the correct values for your 
kernel (something like 2.4.20-gentoo-r5) and to check if the partition 
number for the XP entry is ok.


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Re: [gentoo-user] 25: Installation Complete???????'s

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Eis

Joshua Banks wrote:

Thanks again Peter. I will give a shot. But before I do just another question if you 
could be so
From the install guide 25Installation Complete

[quote]Warning: etc-update can provide you with a list of configuration files that 
have newer
versions at your disposal. Verify that none of the configuration files have a big 
impact (such as
/etc/fstab, /etc/make.conf, /etc/rc.conf, ...). Merge the files that don't have such a 
big impact,
remove the updates of the others or view the diff and manually update the 
configuration file.
Must have missed this part in the docs ;-)
Anyway I had no troubles with etc-update when I installed gentoo 1.4 on 
my notebook. But to be sure you should at least check /etc/fstab if it 
matches your partition layout.
make.conf  should be ok but you should check it also according to the 
docs to make sure that you won't have troubles installing ebuilds later. 
I'm also new to gentoo so I don't know if etc-update gives you warnings 
if it changes some of the config files.

I don't understand the above what so ever  :o 
Can anyone tell me what I actually need to do here in noobian terms :)

[quote]Code listing 26.1: Rebooting the System

# etc-update
# exit 
(This exits the chrooted shell; you can also type ^D)
# cd / 
# umount /mnt/gentoo/boot
# umount /mnt/gentoo/proc
# umount /mnt/gentoo
# reboot
(Don't forget to remove the bootable CD)[/quote]

That parts pretty straight forward  :wink: 

There shouldn't be any problems with this part :-)

[quote]Note: After rebooting, it is a good idea to run the update-modules command to 
create the
/etc/modules.conf file. Instead of modifying this file directly, you should generally 
make changes
to the files in /etc/modules.d. [/quote]
Uh.. Huh... huhhh... Again this is greek to me. I'm not sure what I need to do exactly.

In modules.d and modules.autoload.d you'll find files describing which 
modules to load (and the alias names for them).
You should get
In my case I had only to add the NIC in order to get it loaded during boot.

Maybe it would be a good idea the send a new post to this list to get 
the attention of the real pro's

Thanks,  :oops:  

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Re: [gentoo-user] 25: Installation Complete???????'s

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Eis
Jason Stubbs wrote:

On Friday 05 September 2003 21:31, Joshua Banks wrote:

# umount /mnt/gentoo
unmount: /mnt/gentoo: device is busy. So I wait for 10 minutes. Come back
and get the same thing, over and over.

Perhaps you had something still mounted under /mnt/gentoo? If you had of typed 
mount at the prompt it would have shown you all your mounts. The only 
possibility is if you were in fact cd'd into /mnt/gentoo. There's no daemons, 
etc. running during install so the only possibilities are something your 
doing at the time or a mount. Perhaps your in the directory on another 

Try running the following command:
lsof |grep /mnt/gentoo| grep -v grep
This should show you, which processes are still unsing /mnt/gentoo


The other strange thing is I cannot eject the dam CD. The eject button
doesn't frigging respond now. Why is the cd all of the sudden not

When Linux mounts a CD-ROM it locks the door on the cdrom. The only way to 
open it is to umount it first. The eject command will umount and then eject 
the cdrom if it's not in use.


# reboot
(Don't forget to remove the bootable CD)

It means to eject and remove the CD between the time that the installation CD 
reboots and the time that your computer starts booting from your 


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Re: [gentoo-user] iptables help

2003-08-29 Thread Peter Eis
Why hazzle with iptables?
I'd rather recommend using shorewall (emerge shorewall). It's much 
easier to configure and has as lot features you'll probably want.


Andrew Gaffney wrote:

I'm trying to create a firewall using iptables. I want it to drop 
incoming packets except to ports 22, 25, and 80 unless the source 
address is 192.168.254.x. I'm asking before I do this because I'm 
accessing the computer remotely right now and I don't want to cut 
myself off from it. I'm thinking something like:

iptables -A INPUT -s -p all -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p all -j DROP

iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -p all -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Would either of these get me the desired results?

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Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo and laptops (good one)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter Eis
Chris I wrote:

On 2003.08.09 09:47, Peter Eis wrote:

Chris I wrote:

My usb mouse does this when I plug it in. No idea why yet, but I 
dont see how your solution would have any effect.

Check for the correct mouse protocoll. Try IMPS/2 if it's a wheel 
mouse or just PS/2 if it's still not working.
Did you create a 2nd entry for the external mouse?

I've tried Explorerps/2, imps/2, but I have not tried regular ps/2 
(i'd rather shoot myself in the foot than live without a scroll wheel :)

If the protocol was wrong it wouldnt work at all, but it seems to work 
after I click each button (including both ways on the scroll wheel). 
The symptoms are the same for both explorerps/2 and imps/2.
Thats weired ;-)
I had the same sproblem on my old notebook but there the problem 
continued until I added a 2nd core pointer in the XF86config file (one 
for the touchpad which had no scoll wheel and one for the mouse). So you 
could try this as well.


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Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo and laptops (good one)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter Eis
Mike Bellemare wrote:

im using imps/2...and i have no idea either why opening the file solve the problem but 
it does...another thing
i've notice is that if my wheel start going crazy, if i kill X, my keypad stops 
working and bang, im good for a
hard reboot with the power button :(
as for the second entry for the mouse, do you mean in /dev?
if yes, no i didnt...(im gonna try)

No, I mean a second entry in the XF86Config like:
Section ServerLayout
   InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
   InputDeviceMouse1 SendCoreEvents
   Option  SendCoreEvents true
End Section

Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Mouse0
   Driver  mouse
   Option  Device/dev/mouse1
   Option  Protocol  PS/2
   Option  Emulate3Buttons   yes
   Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5
Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Mouse1
   Driver  mouse
   Option  Device /dev/mouse
   Option  Protocol IMPS/2
   Option  Emulate3Buttons no
   Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5
After I added this stuff the touchpad and the mouse worked fine. I think 
the problem was that the touchpad had no wheel and such was not doing 
well with the IMPS/2 protokoll.
You could also try to deactivate the touchpad for testing and check if 
the problem goes away.


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Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo and laptops (good one)

2003-08-10 Thread Peter Eis
Chris I wrote:

On 2003.08.08 21:32, Mike Bellemare wrote:

each time i boot my laptop, ive got to open /etc/X11/XF86Config as
root and close it.
if i fail to do that, my mice (the touchpad and the ps/2 mouse) keep
going on the lower left corner and doing like a right-button mouse
click...anyone knows a way to solve this?

My usb mouse does this when I plug it in. No idea why yet, but I dont 
see how your solution would have any effect.

Check for the correct mouse protocoll. Try IMPS/2 if it's a wheel mouse 
or just PS/2 if it's still not working.
Did you create a 2nd entry for the external mouse?


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Re: [gentoo-user] splash.xpm.gz

2003-03-19 Thread Peter Eis
Patrick Marquetecken wrote:


Does anyone know whats the best way to edit the splash.xpm.gz image, i dit not found any information about it. 
Changing it into gimp give's me something ugly.



Here is something:
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Re: [gentoo-user] freezing problems

2003-03-02 Thread Peter Eis
Hi Jorge,

can you do a remote login on your system with ssh?
I had a similar problem on a RedHat-System once: The system froze after 
some minutes but I could still do a remote login. I had to remove sound 
support to get rid of the problem :-(


Jorge Almeida wrote:

Hello all,

My gentoo box now freezes systematically after 15m up or so. By freezing I 
mean no mouse nor keyboard reaction, no alt+ctrl+del, no virtual consoles. 
Only a hard reboot moves it. I hear a few beeps when this happens, 
suggesting some hardware problem, but the cpu was idle (not compiling nor 
anything like that, and top showed nothing special). This happens only 
with gentoo, not when I boot Redhat. The problem started after I installed 
a new disk (which has nothing to do with gentoo), but if the power source 
is not able to cope, then why only with gentoo?
Well, just  in case something like this has already happened to some other 
unlucky person ...

PIV 1500MHz (not overclocked)
512M RAM 
ASUS P4T-F motherboard

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Re: [gentoo-user] freezing problems

2003-03-02 Thread Peter Eis

Jorge Almeida wrote:

On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Peter Eis wrote:


Hi Jorge,

can you do a remote login on your system with ssh?
I had a similar problem on a RedHat-System once: The system froze after 
some minutes but I could still do a remote login. I had to remove sound 
support to get rid of the problem :-(


Jorge Almeida wrote:


Hello all,

My gentoo box now freezes systematically after 15m up or so. By freezing I 
mean no mouse nor keyboard reaction, no alt+ctrl+del, no virtual consoles. 
Only a hard reboot moves it. I hear a few beeps when this happens, 
suggesting some hardware problem, but the cpu was idle (not compiling nor 
anything like that, and top showed nothing special). This happens only 
with gentoo, not when I boot Redhat. The problem started after I installed 
a new disk (which has nothing to do with gentoo), but if the power source 
is not able to cope, then why only with gentoo?
Well, just  in case something like this has already happened to some other 
unlucky person ...

PIV 1500MHz (not overclocked)
512M RAM 
ASUS P4T-F motherboard


Well, I can't do remote login, but I suppose I could mount the gentoo 
partition from the Redhat part and remove whatever after chroot'ing, but I 
wouldn't like to 
lose sound support (although I don't use it that much). But now that you 
mention it, I installed redhat8 on the new disk and had some trouble with 
sound configuration (strange vibrating noise from the subwoofer); it was 
atfer rebooting, with soundconfig. I have a Ensoniq sound card.
Could it it be that a solved problem with sound configuring in RH let a 
permanent sequel in gentoo?
The box has a 300w power source and two disks (40G+80G), a DVD drive, a 
RWCD drive, a floppy drive and a 250M iomega zip drive; no scsi devices. 
But all this stuff was idle except the disks ...
Maybe I should remerge some sound related ports...?
-- Jorge Almeida

Sounds really strange. I don't think the problem on your system is 
related with the sound system or the power supply and I never heard of 
problems caused by booting different perating systems.
Maybe the problem is really just caused by the 2nd hd.
Is the new disk mounted by gentoo?
If yes, does the problem dissapear if you don't mount the new drive (or 
temporary remove it)?
Could be that gentoo uses different access mode to the drive than 
RedHat. Did you compare the boot logs?


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