[gentoo-user] Re: gentoo-2.6.20 vs iptables

2007-03-27 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Roy Wright wrote:
 This is just a FYI, after upgrading my kernel to 2.6.20, my firewall
 was broken.  I was using firestarter but had the same problem
 trying to use guarddog.  Traced it down to missing the iptables
 state module.  There could have been other modules missing,
 but I just enabled building them all and that solved my problem.
 So when you upgrade your kernel, you may want to check:
 Networking options
   Network packet filtering framwork
 Core Netfilter Configuration
 and build as modules all the Netfilter Xtable support modules
Yeah I fell for that one too...

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xorg-x11-7.2 and portage

2007-01-26 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Matthew R. Lee wrote:
 I've just been doing my regular emerge -pvu world and the system wants to 
 update xorg-x11 to 7.2, fine.  To do this I needed to add some packages to 
 the packages.keywords file, again fine.
 My problem is I had to go through the cycle emerge -pvu world add a package 
 package.keywords 11 times, to deal with the 11 masked packages that 
 xorg-x11-7.2 required.
 So the question is, is there anyway to get emerge to list all the masked 
 dependencies required all at once?  (i.e. when I run emerge -pvu world the 
 first time). I've looked at the man page but didn't see an obvious solution.

It is a mini-repeat of what one had to do to get 7.0 installed.
There were a lot more masked packages to add at that time. I still have
a script I wrote for that purpose, it adds any encountered unstable
ebuilds to the /etc/portage/portage.keywords file and masked ebuilds to 
/etc/portage/portage.unmask file:




if [ -z $* ]; then
  echo Need package name to emerge

until emerge --deep --nocolor --verbose --pretend $* /tmp/autokw$$; do
  if egrep All ebuilds that could satisfy \.*\ have been masked. 
/tmp/autokw$$; then
#echo error from portage looking at output
EBUILD=`grep ^-  /tmp/autokw$$ | head -n 1 |\
  sed -e 's/^- \(.*\)-[0-9].*$/\1/'`
if [ $EBUILD == $LASTADD -o -z $EBUILD ]; then
  echo oops same as last time or null: [$EBUILD]
  if [ ! -z $UNMASK ]; then
echo already tried to unmask package
rm /tmp/autokw$$
  echo trying to add to unmask
  if grep All ebuilds that could satisfy /tmp/autokw$$; then
EBUILD=`grep All ebuilds that  /tmp/autokw$$ | head -n 1 |\
  sed -e 's/.*\([^]*\).*$/\1/'`
echo $EBUILD  /etc/portage/package.unmask
  echo adding [$EBUILD] to keywords file
  echo -e $EBUILD\t~x86 /etc/portage/package.keywords;
echo could not parse output
cat /tmp/autokw$$
[ -e /tmp/autokw$$ ]  rm /tmp/autokw$$


It's just a hack but it has worked for me a couple of days ago for 7.2 ebuild. 
On that note, I have also found the etcportclean script useful (just google for 
it). It scans your /etc/portage files and tells you if you have any redundant 
entries there. The script might be broken a little from memory but it has 
worked quite well for me over a long time.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] (EE) AIGLX error

2006-11-07 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Turi Tropea wrote:
 hi people

 i have this in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log

 (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed
 (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol:

 (i have the USE aiglx in my make.conf)

 how i can resolve this Error?

 thanks and have a nice day

I have the same error here. I googled for it and found some info that
the way to avoid this is to turn off AIGLX:

Section ServerFlags
OptionAIGLX off

The link I am looking at now
(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1697767) also suggests:

Section Extensions
OptionComposite 0

to disable composite extension...

Well, I put those info my xorg and nothing happened at all... Unless
there is some really basic error I missed, it just doesnt work for me...
You are welcome to try these.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Lightwheight Gentoo System

2006-10-12 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Karl Huysmans wrote:
 Hi All,

 A friend asked me to install some operating system on an old Dell
 laptop he got for free.

 The laptop has a pentium 2 400 MHz, 6 GB HD and 256 MB RAM, and will
 be used by his young children.

 I have tried to install Edubuntu on it, looks nice, has a lot of very
 usefull stuff for kids, but it really runs too slow on this machine.

 So I was thinking Gentoo, optimized for PII, I guess -Os would be a
 good option for this little machine. Any thoughts anyone?

 What about the desktop? I guess Gnome or KDE is not really the best
 choice. But what else could I use? Of course, it's for kids, so I have
 to be able to make it look nice :-) What would be a good window
 manager? File manager? Other applications that help to keep it lean an

 Anyone with any experience building such a system under Gentoo?

 Thank you


I run gentoo on a p2 laptop, using fluxbox for wm. Its slow but mostly
usable although I mostly use it as a chat client so it rarely gets to
run anything other than xchat and gaim and a few xterm windows and
synergy (synergy2 project on sourceforge) for seamless access from my
main machine. Fluxbox and the rest in its family (blackbox and openbox)
are alright looking but I guess they do look a bit dated in comparison
to the latest offerings. You might want to try fvwm-crystal, never used
it myself but saw an article on it the other day, it is supposed to be
relatively lightweight and nice looking. In general be prepared for LONG
emerges though, compiling anything of size takes a long time. I use
distcc to speed that up a bit.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] amd64, gcc-4.1.1 kde-3.5

2006-06-02 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
 Hi list,
 I'm trying to compile KDE 3.5 with gcc-4.1.1 on my amd64 computer.
 KDE_multimedia can't link with the following error :

 /usr/kde/3.5/lib64/libkhtml.so: undefined reference to
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[3]: *** [juk] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory

  Did one of you experimented the same problem ? Any cue ? Thanks for the help 

This week's Gentoo newsletter addresses this issue, look here:


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel 2.6 and OpenGL

2006-05-07 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
marcin wrote:

 I've been comparing lately performance OpenGL apps against different
 kernels 2.6.x and 2.4. Overall performance is comparable but a scheduler
 of kernel 2.6 is very annoying (to say at least).

 Simple test:

 Kernel 2.6

 glxgears gives 1320 fps but if I simultaneously execute (for
 example) nbench
 which takes a lot of cpu then fps drop to 5!!! with nice nbench fps
 drop to 20

 Kernel 2.4

 glxgears gives 1340 fps but for nbench fps drop to 120 and
 for nice nbench drop to 220 fps.

 I've been testing against

 * Preemption Model: No Forced and also  Voluntary Kernel
 * 2.6.16-ck9 is quite good at least scheduler don't starve but a drop
 of fps is the same.
 * 2.6.15.x
 * 2.4.32

 Graphics driver: nvidia (GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x) NV18

 Can anyone tell me how to increase priority for OpenGL?

 Thanks, Marcin
Is it any better if you are more agressive with nice? Like 'nice nbench'
and 'nice -n -10 glxgears' or even more?

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] remote boot

2006-04-06 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Hiren Dave wrote:
 Hi All,
 Does any one know how to boot diskless client from linux server? Also
 how to create boot image in linux!
Here is a howto:

Never tried it myself with a full-blown gentoo distro running diskless
but I do have machine booting GeexBox from my server using all the same
setup (DHCP and tftp servers and a LAN card that can boot from network)
and it works fine.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Return from the dead... almost

2006-03-15 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Peter Kelly wrote:

Hello to all.

After an exciting week of a failed hard drive (/usr, /home, /var) killing
the IDE port on the motherboard, I've finally got my gentoo box running
again.  Thank gawd for backups (/home, /var, /etc and all data).

I finished the 'emerge -e world', but have a couple issues.
First, when issuing the 'su' command, I enter the password and then get

configuration error - unknown item 'FAILLOG_ENAB' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'LASTLOG_ENAB' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'MOTD_FILE' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'FTMP_FILE' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'ENV_ROOTPATH' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'PASS_MIN_LEN' (notify administrator)
configuration error - unknown item 'CHFN_AUTH' (notify administrator)
root ~ $

As you can see, I still get the root shell, but I'd like to get rid of the
errors.  I know these 'items' are all in /etc/login.defs, but I don't know
how to get pam-login to play nice.  I've seen other questions answered with
changes to baselayout and/or bash, so I re-emerged both of these.  No

Secondly, I've got a cron that updates nightly and mails me the results. 
One of the lines is 

diff-eix /var/cache/eix.old | Mail -s New packages on $(hostname) root

The part I can't figure out is the 'Mail' command.  Even after emerging
world, I have no 'Mail' on my system.  In fact, I have no 'mail' either.
What I have in my world file is

root ~ $ grep -i mail /var/lib/portage/world

I can get mail from the roadrunner stmp server without any problem, but have
an issue with local mail.  This worked for months, so I know I'm just
forgetting something I did a long time ago.  Any idea what I need to
emerge, or where the solution may lie?

Thanks.  And backup tonight!

I know its a basic one but you say you re-emerged baselayout and bash 
but did you re-emerge pam-login? Maybe pam and shadow also? Maybe shadow 
was emerged without USE=pam? The funny thing is, my setup is ok and I 
have none of these values in my /etc/login.defs which belongs to 
pam-login package.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on Mac Mini Intel

2006-03-04 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Christoph Eckert wrote:

Hi all,

I'm interested in buying an Intel Mac Mini.


* Will Gentoo run on it?


Sooner or later I am sure it will :)
* If so: Which installer is the right one (sorry I'm not that familiar 
with processor hardware)?


there are no ready-made yet I dont think

* Can it dual boot with the installed Mac OS?


Thanks  best regards


These guys have been working on running linux on new Macs:
They started off by running gentoo, as this pic shows:
They got a HOWTO going:
They have a livecd but it is a Ubuntu one:
So they have kernel patches, they can boot and they got a dual-boot 
guide. Thats enough to install gentoo on your x86 mac I think. With a 
bit of hacking. I am sure sooner or later there will be a ready-made 
installer CD for it too.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Java / Apache Tomcat choices vs FreeBSD

2006-02-15 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Eugene Rosenzweig wrote:

Michael Vince wrote:

Hi all,
I just installed Gentoo on my laptop after having FreeBSD as my 
desktop for a long time.
I felt Gentoo would be my best shot at using and enjoying a Linux 
distribution for my desktop, as Gentoo promises a lot of freedom and 
All up its pretty darn good but I have to say I am a bit disappointed 
with the Tomcat/Apache/Java choices Gentoo portage has to offer.

The main reason I am interested in Gentoo Linux was the fact I can 
use a Java supplied from Sun as an alternative to some of the FreeBSD 
native Java compiled via ports with Tomcat.  I have servers running 
under Apache2.0.55 and Apache2.2.0 with Tomcat 5.5.x

My main problems are there is not a full set of choices of  Apache 
that being just 1.3.x or Apache 2.0.x and no Apache 2.2.x.
Apache 2.2.x has some great new features like a built in AJP module 
for linking Tomcat and Apache together with out needing the external 
mod_ajp module.
Secondly there is only Tomcat 5.0.x in portage, in FreeBSD there is 
Tomcat3,Tomcat4,Tomcat41, Tomcat5 and Tomcat55
I do have to admit I think I will be happy with even just 1 Java in 
Linux since I know it comes from Sun for Linux which I expecting 
should be of a good quality. Believe it or not but doing a 'cd 
/usr/ports/java/; ls | grep -c  jdk  in FreeBSD returns a count of 
15 Java choices, admittedly half of then being the Linux ones for use 
via the Linux kernel emulation.

I installed Gentoo on my laptop with a bit of excitement and was 
going to start doing some benchmarks and testing with Apache 2.2 and 
Tomcat 5.5 just to find I will have to start manually building it all 
and manually installing it all my self.

My question is does any one have any idea of when Apache projects 
such as Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2.2 will be in portage?


with a little searching:
Apache 2.2 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114232#c9
Tomcat 5.5 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75224#c26

I was reminded of this thread today when I saw that Apache 2.2 ebuild is 
out, hardmasked:


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Java / Apache Tomcat choices vs FreeBSD

2006-02-13 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Michael Vince wrote:

Hi all,
I just installed Gentoo on my laptop after having FreeBSD as my 
desktop for a long time.
I felt Gentoo would be my best shot at using and enjoying a Linux 
distribution for my desktop, as Gentoo promises a lot of freedom and 
All up its pretty darn good but I have to say I am a bit disappointed 
with the Tomcat/Apache/Java choices Gentoo portage has to offer.

The main reason I am interested in Gentoo Linux was the fact I can use 
a Java supplied from Sun as an alternative to some of the FreeBSD 
native Java compiled via ports with Tomcat.  I have servers running 
under Apache2.0.55 and Apache2.2.0 with Tomcat 5.5.x

My main problems are there is not a full set of choices of  Apache 
that being just 1.3.x or Apache 2.0.x and no Apache 2.2.x.
Apache 2.2.x has some great new features like a built in AJP module 
for linking Tomcat and Apache together with out needing the external 
mod_ajp module.
Secondly there is only Tomcat 5.0.x in portage, in FreeBSD there is 
Tomcat3,Tomcat4,Tomcat41, Tomcat5 and Tomcat55
I do have to admit I think I will be happy with even just 1 Java in 
Linux since I know it comes from Sun for Linux which I expecting 
should be of a good quality. Believe it or not but doing a 'cd 
/usr/ports/java/; ls | grep -c  jdk  in FreeBSD returns a count of 15 
Java choices, admittedly half of then being the Linux ones for use via 
the Linux kernel emulation.

I installed Gentoo on my laptop with a bit of excitement and was going 
to start doing some benchmarks and testing with Apache 2.2 and Tomcat 
5.5 just to find I will have to start manually building it all and 
manually installing it all my self.

My question is does any one have any idea of when Apache projects such 
as Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2.2 will be in portage?


with a little searching:
Apache 2.2 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114232#c9
Tomcat 5.5 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75224#c26

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Packages list

2006-01-19 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Felipe Ribeiro wrote:

Where do I find the list with all installed packages?



this will list all installed packages:
equery list


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Bizarre etc/cfg-update problem

2006-01-07 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Holly Bostick wrote:

Hey ho, all--

(I think that) Ever since I downgraded Xorg from 6.8.99 back to 6.8.2-r6
a couple of days ago, I've had reports from both etc-update and
cfg-update that there are 30 files needing to be updated (etc-update
reports them as being in /usr/lib/X11/xkb sometimes, but not always).

The problem is, these files do not exist, or rather are not found when I
then run the relevant utility:

* Regenerating GNU info directory index...
* Processed 326 info files.
* IMPORTANT: 3 config files in /etc need updating.
* IMPORTANT: 30 config files in /usr/lib/X11/xkb need updating.
* Type emerge --help config to learn how to update config files.

za 01/07/06 13:58

za 01/07/06 14:07
motub - etc-update
Scanning Configuration files...
Automerging trivial changes in: filesystems
Automerging trivial changes in: net.example
The following is the list of files which need updating, each
configuration file is followed by a list of possible replacement files.
1) /etc/conf.d/rc
Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number.
 (don't use -3 or -5 if you're unsure what to do)
 (-1 to exit) (-3 to auto merge all remaining files)
  (-5 to auto-merge AND not use 'mv -i'):

As you see, only three files (the files adjusted by the emerge -uaDtv
world which this report completed) appear.

The same thing happens with cfg-update:

za 01/07/06 14:11
motub - emerge -pv easytag

cfg-update 1.8.0 : Building checksum index... canceled!
  30 config file updates found...
  Please run cfg-update -u to update your config files!

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild U ] media-sound/easytag-1.99.11 [1.99.10] +aac* +flac +mp3
+nls +vorbis 0 kB

Total size of downloads: 0 kB

za 01/07/06 14:12
motub - cfg-update -u

All files have been updated, done...

za 01/07/06 14:12
motub - emerge -pv easytag

cfg-update 1.8.0 : Building checksum index... canceled!
  30 config file updates found...
  Please run cfg-update -u to update your config files!

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild U ] media-sound/easytag-1.99.11 [1.99.10] +aac* +flac +mp3
+nls +vorbis 0 kB

Total size of downloads: 0 kB

The thing is, I cannot find the relevant files in the first place (which
may itself be the problem):

za 01/07/06 14:12
motub - la /usr/lib/X11/xkb
totaal 968
drwxr-xr-x  10 root root   1120 jan  3 13:58 .
drwxr-xr-x   9 root root776 jan  3 14:06 ..
-r--r--r--   1 root root   7448 jan  3 13:57 ._cfg_README.config
-r--r--r--   1 root root  23337 jan  3 13:57 ._cfg_README.enhancing
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 179416 jan  3 13:57 ._cfg_xkbcomp
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root568 jan  3 13:58 compat
-r--r--r--   1 root root689 jan  3 13:57 compat.dir
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 23 jan  3 13:58 compiled -
drwxr-xr-x   5 root root584 apr 28  2005 geometry
-r--r--r--   1 root root   1965 jan  3 13:57 geometry.dir
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root544 jan  3 13:58 keycodes
-r--r--r--   1 root root   2283 jan  3 13:57 keycodes.dir
drwxr-xr-x   5 root root296 apr 28  2005 keymap
-r--r--r--   1 root root   8576 jan  3 13:57 keymap.dir
-r--r--r--   1 root root689 jun  3  2005 ._new-cfg_compat.dir
-r--r--r--   1 root root   7372 nov 14 18:10 ._new-cfg_README.config
-r--r--r--   1 root root  23258 nov 14 18:10 ._new-cfg_README.enhancing
-r--r--r--   1 root root  27683 jun  3  2005 ._new-cfg_symbols.dir
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 179480 nov 14 18:10 ._new-cfg_xkbcomp
-r--r--r--   1 root root729 jun  3  2005 ._old-cfg_compat.dir
-r--r--r--   1 root root   7448 nov 14 18:10 ._old-cfg_README.config
-r--r--r--   1 root root  23337 nov 14 18:10 ._old-cfg_README.enhancing
-r--r--r--   1 root root  31182 jun  3  2005 ._old-cfg_symbols.dir
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 179480 nov 14 18:10 ._old-cfg_xkbcomp
-r--r--r--   1 root root983 jan  3 13:57 README
-r--r--r--   1 root root   7372 nov 14 17:10 README.config
-r--r--r--   1 root root  23258 nov 14 17:10 README.enhancing
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root512 jan  3 13:58 rules
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root144 apr 28  2005 semantics
drwxr-xr-x  12 root root   4264 jan  3 13:58 symbols
-r--r--r--   1 root root  27683 jan  3 13:57 symbols.dir
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root296 apr 28  2005 types
-r--r--r--   1 root root463 jan  3 13:57 types.dir
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 179480 nov 14 17:10 xkbcomp

I don't see 30 relevant files to be updated, so I don't even know what

Re: [gentoo-user] ebuild for dev-java/sun-j2sdk?

2005-12-24 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Mike Markowski wrote:

Apparently not, though I would have thought so as well:

  # emerge -p sun-jdk

  These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

  Calculating dependencies ...done!
  [ebuild   Rf  ] dev-java/sun-jdk-

This is a strange one.  Things were emerging uneventfully until last 
night (previous 'emerge' was probably around last weekend, give or 
take a little).

Anyway, it's Christmas Eve with more pressing things to tend to.  This 
will get sorted out in the days that come.  Merry Christmas everyone!!


Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:

Doesn't sun-jdk satisfies this dependency?

2005/12/24, Mike Markowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I just accidentally zapped all my incoming gentoo-user emails, so
apologies if this is a duplicate question...  After a successful 

sync I tried an emerge -uD world but get:

  These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

  Calculating world dependencies |
  emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy dev-java/sun-j2sdk.
  (dependency required by sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p2-r1 [ebuild])

I thought sun-j2sdk had been removed from portage a while back.  Any
pointers on where I can start looking for the problem here?  I'll start
digging but thought I'd post a note in case someone else has already
encountered and solved this.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

I had a look at /usr/portage/sys-libs/db/db-4.2.52_p2-r1.ebuild and in 
there the dependencies are:

DEPEND=tcltk? ( =dev-lang/tcl-8.4 )
   java? ( virtual/jdk )
RDEPEND=tcltk? ( dev-lang/tcl )
   java? ( virtual/jre )

I then located the /var/cache/edb/virtuals and in there I got:
virtual/jre dev-java/blackdown-jdk
virtual/jdk dev-java/blackdown-jdk

I have gotten rid of blackdown recently and I have sun-jdk and 
sun-jre-bin installed. They provide the virtual/jdk and virtual/jre.

I have sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p2-r1 installed but with -java. I tried 
'USE=java emerge -vp db' and it did recognize that I have java installed 
already. I tried 'USE=java emerge -evp db' to see which java it would 
install and amongst the packages was sun-jdk- which is how I got 
my masking set up.

Maybe if you re-emerge db your problem will disappear? Could it be in 
your virtuals file? Can it be your profile? Mine is:

$ ls -ld /etc/make.profile
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 46 Aug 11 01:38 /etc/make.profile - 

I dont fully understand how virtuals work but maybe any of this is can 
be of help.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] bad interpreter

2005-12-11 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

cucu ionut cristian wrote:

tryng to install various aplications that wore not in portage found the
folowing error: bad interpreter: Permission denied
As I remeber i got this error tring to install luminocity and now e17
modules; concrete: trying moon from e17 tar xfvz and then ./autogen.sh
gives me: bash: ./autogen.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permision denied
i'm doing sh ./autogen.sh and then 
sh ./autogen.sh

Running aclocal...
Running autoheader...
Running autoconf...
Running libtoolize...
Running automake...
./autogen.sh: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
Again same thing doing it as root so what to do?

I've had a similar error when trying to run scripts with DOS line 
endings. Open ./configure in vi and see if it says [dos] on the status 
line and if it does type :set fileformat=unix and save. Probably not 
this though, the error I get from this is:

: bad interpreter: No such file or directory


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] specific version of package in /etc/portage/package.keywords

2005-09-30 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Erwin Lang wrote:

hi everybody!

I don't like to upgrade to ruby version 1.8.3 so i added the following line(s) 
(not all at the same time) to /etc/portage/package.keywords:



=dev-lang/ruby-1.8.2-r2 x86

dev-lang/ruby-1.8.2-r2 x86

but none of these entries kept `emerge -uva world' from upgrading ruby. what 
I've done wrong?

thanks in advance!


I think you should add
to /etc/portage/package.mask
which would mask anything above that version.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gcc seg faults very often

2005-08-23 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:

After running memtest, several errors have occurred. Does that mean I
have to buy new memory?

2005/8/22, Volker Armin Hemmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Monday 22 August 2005 21:29, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:

Hi Richard,

   First of all, thanks for replying. I'll test the swap partition
with the command you sent. But how do I test the memory? Is there any
way to do it? I think I configured CMOS to do a memory check during
start up.


please install memtest86 or memtest86+ and let it run for some others.

gcc segfaults are a very good sign of memory problems - and please the
bios-'check' is not a 'check' - never was!

The bios counts the available memory - this is not a check but accounting.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

You can check memory settings in the BIOS, most BIOSes nowadays have 
options to change memory timings so you can set more relaxed ones and 
see if the errors disappear. Also you can try good oldfashioned 
re-seating of the memory modules, take them out and insert them again.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] from 2005.0 to 2005.1

2005-08-10 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Holly Bostick wrote:

Allan Spagnol Comar schreef:

it is necessary to make any changes to get the packages from version
2005.1 while using 2005.0.

I read somewhere that we should change the symlink /etc/make.profile
to the new 2005.1 profile and resync, I dided and after sync there
where no updates for my system. Is this right ?


Probably, assuming that you normally keep your packages up to date.

Profiles mean nothing-- insofar as portage doesn't divide packages
based on profile. In other words, it's not as if baselayout 1.11.13 is
only available to the 2005.1 profile, while the 2005.0 profile can only
have 1.9.4-r6 or something. Portage does sometimes disable or enable
certain USE flags based on profile, but this is unlikely to be a big
issue unless you're changing to a completely different profile (i.e.,
from default x86 to selinux or something). And in any case, the profile
is regularly incrementally updated, most likely to reflect critical
updates (ever notice that Performing Global Updates that Portage
sometimes delays your emerge with?).

The profile is really only an issue on initial install. After that, it's
fairly irrelevant to daily life (until Portage flatly says to upgrade it
as the old profiles are unsupported-- most likely meaning that they will
not be updated to reflect things we know now that we didn't know when
we designed the old profile). But otherwise, I'm sure there's still a
couple of people around here with the 1.4 profile, and definitely some
with a 2004 profile-- because the profile name is not particularly
important once Gentoo is actually up and running.

So it's not that you got bad advice, but I would say that we *should*
change the profile symlink is probably too strong a term, as far as
advice goes. If you really, really have to change the profile, Portage
will tell you to do so; otherwise it's just cosmetic.

As far as I know :-) .


Just to add, /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2005.1/packages vs 
/usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2005.0/packages it is not that 
different anyway. Not that's that any indication of anything.

I wish there were Release Notes supplied with the announcement of the 
new release to satisfy curiosity of what is new/different in this release.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] wpc54g card as AP -- works?

2005-08-04 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Fernando Meira wrote:


I wanted to provide wireless connection to the internet for other 
laptops at home.
To do this, one laptop is connected via eth0 and wlan0 should work as 
AP to all others.
I have been following the 
and trying to find solution in forums... but I can't get it working.

The wireless card is working with ndiswrapper.
When I try to set it to Master, I get this:
# iwconfig wlan0 mode Master
Error for wireless request Set Mode (8B06) :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.

Does this means that the card is unable to perform the task I want, or 
what am I doing wrong?
Is there any other HOWTO with better instructions? Or anyone that can 
provide me a step-by-step configuration?

Thanks in advance.

The way I understand it, the ability to work in AP mode is determined by 
the drivers which must implement the SoftAP protocols (master mode). So, 
you need to know which chipset and which drivers you are using for your 
card (a lot of manufacturers, including Linksys, change their wireless 
chipsets often, without changing the product model). Then you can find 
out if the drivers support the master mode.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild questions...

2005-06-29 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Paul Varner wrote:

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 08:32 -0400, Dave Nebinger wrote:

So revdep-rebuild is currently running on the box but I'm wondering how
often the revdep-rebuild needs to be run...

Any suggestions from you folks out there in gentoo land?

I'm thinking about building a cron script to run early in the morning and,
if a recent emerge has taken place, run revdep-rebuild automatically.  Does
this sound like a good idea or not?


I run it automatically every morning with --pretend so that I can see
what it thinks needs to be rebuilt. The script I use on my gentoo boxes
is available at http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/portage.cron

That script should give you a good starting point for developing
something that meets your needs. It does have a few problems that I
haven't fixed yet. The major one being that if the emerge command is
unable to determine packages due to packages being masked, it isn't
shown in the email message.


Does revdep-rebuild rebuild the same version of the packages that are
currently installed or will it do a package update from the portage tree?

Under normal operation, it will try to rebuild the same package that is
installed.  If you use the --package-names option, it will rebuild with
the latest version that is available.


I've just tried running revdep-rebuild after the warning that comes with 
latest e2fstools. I had some broken dependencies but I have found that 
revdep-rebuild would not fix all of them so you'd be running it 
needlessly. It is definitely a tool to run with -p and then examine its 
output first and try the files it complains about with ldd to see whats 
missing. For example, I was getting broken deps with respect to some 
alsa lib and I that was on my server with no sound. This didn't break 
anything though. I installed alsa just to make it go away. Another one 
is opera browser which comes up with broken dep on libXm.so.1 in 
operamotifwrapper-1. Opera has openmotif dependency but openmotif doesnt 
provide that lib, it provides libXm.so.3. So, you really have to 
double-check the revdep-rebuild output.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Best way to build a Minimal Gentoo

2005-06-17 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Ow Mun Heng wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 21:23 -0700, Zac Medico wrote:

Ow Mun Heng wrote:

I'm talking about something stripped down. Perhaps not to a size of 8MB
but something less than 100MB would be good.

How does one do that? 

This will be a box which will not have portage included once everything
is up.

Most likely will be building with uclibc and the uclibc stage1.

Any other pointers? And how does one substitute bash(and others) with
busybox can it be defined up front so it portage doesn't pull in the
dependencies etc?


Have you seen this howto?


It recommends for you to chroot into a stage3 and then use the ROOT evironment 
variable to make portage install into an empty filesystem.

Well, it I haven't I most certainly will this weekend then.

Anyone Else has experience with using GNAP? Gentoo Network Appliance


Also, did you know about the gentoo-embedded mailing list?


Again.. something I didn't know.. Thanks. I do know about the
gentoo-embedded irc channel but no one ever talks in there and there's
no activity whatsover there at all.


Thanks again.


Are you aiming for a general purpose system or an 'appliance'? I don't 
have any experience with embedded stuff but if you want it as a desktop 
machine there are a few things you could do.
One thing that comes to mind is to mount portage data dirs over the 
network. I got a few gentoo machines and they all share 
/usr/portage/distfiles over nfs and the performance is ok. I dont see a 
reason why all of /usr/portage cannot be mounted over network Once you 
set up your machine how you want it, maybe you can move the /var/db to 
another machine and mount that over the network for infrequent updates. 
I would think without these two the actual portage itself wouldn't be 
very large.
Also I had an idea that you might get away with not having a compiler on 
the machine. I never used distcc but I keep hearing of people using it. 
I had a look at its dependencies and it doesnt depend directly on gcc so 
maybe it is possible to, once its installed, to do all compilation 
remotely? You would still need binutils to do the linking I guess.
All these changes are not as radical as just removing these parts of 
Gentoo altogether and they would make a machine dependent on another 
machine (fileserver and compilation server) but they would leave the 
machine easily upgradeable. Just depends on what you want to do.
There are also couple of settings in the kernel setup under 'Configure 
standard kernel features (for small systems)' which can make kernel size 
smaller but I think those might be for really small embedded systems.
Another thing you could try which I haven't heard of is pick the 
CFLAGS=-Os' for size rather than performance. Not sure if there are any 
other flags which reduce code size. Seems to make a difference though: 
http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/csibe/s-i686-linux.php .
And there is always USE=-* when doing the stage1 install to disable 
all features by default.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] kernel compile using gcc 3.4.3

2005-05-14 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
I have a machine configured to use gcc 3.4.3 and thats fine but today I 
was wondering if it is possible to do away with gcc 3.3.5. I think it is 
still used when kernel is recompiled. Now I could swear recently I read 
something in a post about overriding gcc version used to compile the 
kernel and maybe it had to do with some make.conf flag. I spent some 
time googling, searching gentoo forums (cannot seem to search for 
version numbers there) and gentoo wiki but I havent turned up much. 
Surely my searching skills have gone bad, I cannot imagine being the 
first to ask this question. What I am asking is:
0. Is there a HOWTO that I have blatantly missed?
1. Does the kernel compile with gcc and is it stable?
2. Is there a gentoo way to override compiler version used for the 
kernel compilation. If not but it is perfectly ok to compile the kernel 
with gcc 3.4 how does one get the kernel compile system to use 
particular gcc version?
3. Are there other packages that override the default gcc, maybe like ?

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel compile using gcc 3.4.3

2005-05-14 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Rumen Yotov wrote:
Eugene Rosenzweig wrote:

I have a machine configured to use gcc 3.4.3 and thats fine but today
I was wondering if it is possible to do away with gcc 3.3.5. I think
it is still used when kernel is recompiled. Now I could swear recently
I read something in a post about overriding gcc version used to
compile the kernel and maybe it had to do with some make.conf flag. I
spent some time googling, searching gentoo forums (cannot seem to
search for version numbers there) and gentoo wiki but I havent turned
up much. Surely my searching skills have gone bad, I cannot imagine
being the first to ask this question. What I am asking is:
0. Is there a HOWTO that I have blatantly missed?
1. Does the kernel compile with gcc and is it stable?
2. Is there a gentoo way to override compiler version used for the
kernel compilation. If not but it is perfectly ok to compile the
kernel with gcc 3.4 how does one get the kernel compile system to use
particular gcc version?
3. Are there other packages that override the default gcc, maybe
like ?

GCC is slotted so you can have both 3.3.5  3.4.3 (i have them too).
See gcc-config package which is a dependency of GCC-any-version.
Just run 'gcc-config -l' in order to list/see all available versions,
gcc-config -c' outputs the active one (gcc-config --help). To change
the active gcc use: gcc-config 1|2|3|..6| ..9 depending on how many gcc
versions/sub-vers. are there.
Didn't had any problems with both, IIRC there are some new
CFLAGS in gcc-3.4.X  (mtune ?) which could be put in 'make.conf' but
overly there're no problems with any of them.
For about half an year 3.4.x is stable for me (kernel too).
HTH. Rumen

Thanks, I made a mistake. I do have gcc 3.4.3 set as default and it is 
being used to compile the kernel. When I checked which compiler was 
being used during the kernel compile I ssh'ed into a gcc 3.3.5 machine 
to test it so I thought it was switching back to 3.3.5... Tragic really. :)

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Masked GCC question.

2005-05-10 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
A. R. wrote:
I am currently using GCC 3.3.5-20050130, but I would like to give 
GCC a try, it is currently masked by keyword ~x86.
Is it enough to add gcc to the /etc/portage/package.keywords file 
and then emerge it?

Is there a Gentoo-related guide to this somewhere?
Thanks in advance.
I think it is enough to add gcc to /etc/portage/package.keywords and 
emerge it. It will co-exist with your current version of gcc and you 
will be able to switch between them with gcc-config. At the end of the 
emerge it might or might not automatically switch to the new version, I 
do not know. I have one machine which has been fully compiled with gcc 
3.4 series and I haven't had any problems (although I do not use it all 
that much). It's been out for quite a while since 3.4 series has been 
out and my guess would be it is stable for most things.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo + T40?

2005-05-02 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
Cliff Rowley wrote:
Greetings fellow Gentoo users :)
I wonder if anyone could be of assistance.  I am desperately trying to 
get Gentoo playing nicely with my IBM ThinkPad T40, but I am having a 
/serious/ problem that could easily render my laptop inoperable if I 
continue to use it.

Basically my CPU fan doesn't appear to be spinning up correctly under 
Gentoo (but works as expected under WinXP - dual boot setup), and I 
caught my CPU at 68 degrees yesterday!  Fortunately I noticed before 
it was too late, and used the Pentium M speedstep feature to reduce my 
CPU to 500Mhz, dropping the temperature back down to a comfortable 44 

I really don't know what to do.  I've tried every approach I've 
encountered, but nothing seems to be able to keep my CPU temperature 
down without knocking 2/3 off my CPU speed (which is obviously not 

Is there anyone with any words of wisdom on this topic?
Many thanks in advance :)
Quick google shows these people seem to be working on the fan control: 

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] stage1 install

2005-04-14 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig
John J. Foster wrote:
Good afternoon,
I feel that it is time to move to Gentoo. After a few years of RH,
Fedora and Suse, I want better and more precise control over my system.
My problem, maybe, is that I only have a 28.8 modem connection to the
net. But, I want to start installation from stage1 in order to be able
to build _everything_ from scratch. At work I have access to a high
speed connection and could easily download sources from there.
My browsing through the Gentoo 2005.0 Handbook _seems_ to say this is
not possible. Is that true? If so, I would gladly buy the CD's (and help
to support Gentoo) if that would work.
My last option, which I don't really want to do, is to bring my machine
to work and do all from there. But I can't drink beer at the same
All help and guidance appreciated,

We had a chat about that recently: 

Building from stage1 is an interesting exercise although I wonder if the 
difference between a tailored stage1 install and a stage3 install would 
be very drastic (speed-wise, size-wise or user experience-wise). I 
always did it from stage1 so I don't have any experience of other installs.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list